
Being Mixed Race In America Is Not A Thing 

Ione Butler
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This one thing about race really surprised me in America.
#thereishope #blm #alllivesmatter #stopracism #unityindiversity #thoughtoftheday



15 сен 2024




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@ladydiaspora807 3 года назад
People need to be allowed to claim both parents
@enterthebruce91 3 года назад
Whether or not one 'allows' them to claim both parents is irrelevant. They are the product of both parents and people who get angry at or annoyed with mixed race people for identifying as who they fully are are the ones with the problem. It seems like the mixed race identity is thankfully slowly becoming more accepted in the U.S, particularly as the mixed race population continues to grow there. Keep in mind that Biracial people were considered as such before the ODR was introduced (because it's common sense), in addition to the fact that other countries around the world don't really have a 'one-drop rule' problem because it was never implemented in these other countries. Hopefully common sense will prevail in the end for the U.S as well, at least in terms of racial classification. Nice one, stay safe.
@aviyahchaverim9388 Год назад
Adults need no permission to self identify as mixed. If it's not on the form, write it in. That's what I do
@mamamiya-et4uz Месяц назад
They can claim to be white
@ladydiaspora807 Месяц назад
@@enterthebruce91 I'm using"allowed" loosely. People can claim what they want
@ladydiaspora807 Месяц назад
@aviyahchaverim9388 i didn't say ask permission, im using the ter "allowed" loosely. Claim what you are
@leahp3992 4 года назад
I grew up in USA and had the same problem. I have one parent white and one parent black. I am mixed race and I refuse to be put into a box.
@reinal7896 3 года назад
@Lorenzo Vasconcelos I don’t understand comments like yours. Part of fighting racism is IDENTIFYING as mixed, when you are mixed. Instead of putting yourself into either box. Racism is the entire reason biracial children are forced into being “black” in the first place. Of course you should be proud ! But I’m not going to follow the one drop rule. I do not think “black genes” are inferior or “cancel out” my whiteness. Therefore, I am equally both and proud !
@karansena 3 года назад
Iam mixed it leads to identity problem
@carminenights5768 3 года назад
Mixed people dont have identity problems,its a forced social construct.
@carminenights5768 3 года назад
Biracial people are promoted as a compromise in commercialism alot today.Being mixed myself I know who they are selling it to and it ain't me.
@enterthebruce91 3 года назад
@@carminenights5768 Yes. As long as ignorant fools choose to abide by an outdated racial social construct called 'the one drop rule', which was introduced to help maintain standards of racial purity amongst whites and also because some whites did not want their mixed race offspring to inherit anything from their estate then yes. The 'one drop rule' is unique to the United States because of the racially divided history (particularly the Jim Crow era and in the Southern U.S). Other countries like the UK has a distinct 'mixed' racial category, as do other European countries and people of mixed race in South Africa are referred to as Coloured, and in the Caribbean Mixed race people are considered as such. Thankfully more people in America seem to be rejecting this outdated ideology, especially as the mixed race population continues to grow in the U.S.A. As I said Biracial people were considered as Biracial before the ODR was introduced, and it was only introduced for political reasons in the early 20th Century, about 100 years ago. The same goes for a person of any mixed racial decent; whether they be Black/White, Asian/White, Black/Asian, Black/Native American etc etc. Be proud of who you are 💯
@caramellavida3987 3 года назад
Mixed people are mixed - regardless of what Americans' opinions are. It's horrebndous that people think they have the right to decide for us how we identify and what we are. (And that guy in the office was being racist.)
@kingnate9534 3 года назад
what about people like Malcom x and Barack Obama’s daughters? Aren’t they black? Since they are mostly and predominantly that?
@joe_lubinda 2 года назад
@@kingnate9534 there's people who are 75% white, do you force them to be black too?
@kingnate9534 2 года назад
@@joe_lubinda i don't see them as black at all, and I wasn't forcing the m to be anything. I see them as white.
@MissElaine121 Год назад
You are what you look like on the outside in this country
@OfficiallyXgotcha34 Год назад
Everyone is mixed to a degree. Black is a spectrum
@Britta_no_filter 3 года назад
As a mixed race woman in the USA, this video really resonated with me. Thanks for posting it!
@PsychicMedium4747 2 года назад
Sick and tired of people not recognizing us as being mixed race. We are mixed period.
@geminigirl3800 2 месяца назад
Me too.
@sladewilson377 20 часов назад
It’s why I don’t believe those bogus figures for blacks and whites 😂😂
@bobabubbletea7141 4 года назад
I'm only a person of color when it's convenient for that person. So strange.
@thisguy7571 3 года назад
So true
@zalaegerszeg9527 3 года назад
I’m mixed race (Asian and European), and people either label me as just “Asian”, or just “White/European”. It’s so odd.
@MikoMusik 2 года назад
Story of my life! Biracial and proud! 🤦‍♀️😫#blackandasian
@osceolatheartist1306 3 года назад
Shout out to the biracial fam aka the golden race
@arlinaaruto9870 3 года назад
I Love That My Mom Was A Trinidad Black Woman And My Dad Was White I Am Human!!!!
@lyacosta929 3 года назад
I agree, not matter skin, you are human✨ i am White Skin, my mom is white, my dad, and i have indigenous acenstry in my family, and my grandfather is light brown maybe a have african acenstry and i proud to be human and have diferents races in me, but i am white, and yeah, i AM like my history✨💙
@RETROGEMS 3 года назад
I'm of mixed race myself, mother is African-American & part Caucasian, dad was White of Italian-American descent. I grew up in the South over 25 years ago and saw a LOT of stuff go down with both White and Black people, although most of my bad experiences were with Whites. Since I was a kid, I've been interested in learning about other people of mixed heritage and their experiences. I've learned a lot reading through Black American history (because of U.S. race relations, that's where much of our history is). And I've come to the conclusion that America has been set up as a binary black/white landscape because it benefits white supremacy the most. Not acknowledging that there are entirely different peoples throughout the land who don't 'neatly' fit into the either or binary, effectively makes a lot of completely valid and legitimate narratives disappear from the public view and makes it easier to stereotype, generalize, and therefore discriminate against *everyone* of Black heritage. The only thing I can say to any other biracial/multiracial person who may be struggling with where to socially and culturally belong is to (if you so choose and desire) make your OWN space. Carve out your own belonging and do not allow *anyone* to tell you crap about yourself and how to navigate your life!
@Will_Moffett 3 года назад
But do we really want to expand racial categorization while people seem open to the idea, which happens to be the truth, that race is a social construct? My view is mixed people should be the first people to stand up and proclaim they have no race. Personally, I'm done with it. It's mental baggage. Mixed people are the clearest proof against the concept of race. I mean, how significant can a trait be if it can disappear in 2-3 generations. I mean, it would probably take hundreds or thousands of years to, by breeding, significantly change one bone in the human foot. The transitory nature of race should be more faithfully reflected in its social conception.
@RETROGEMS 3 года назад
@@Will_Moffett It's an interesting perspective and you're not really wrong about race being more or less a social construct, but I'm first and foremost a pragmatist. When people of mixed race often grow up being targeted & abused because of their blended lineage, at the same time, not having a stronger space of support while other communities do indeed have that kinship and support and resources to draw from based on that (like White people, Black people, Asian people, etc.) , the belief that race is a social construct, while it indeed may be true, simply becomes irrelevant to that mixed-race person's daily existence. You may say that we don't have a 'race', but I don't really view that as the point. The point is that everyone has some form of community and benefits socially, culturally, psychologically and economically from it. I feel maybe the better word for "race" is actually community. If others benefit from support and community, then of course, there is no issue if mixed-race people enjoy the same in some type of way, shape or form, even if it's something as simple as mutual support. Because of the divided nature of the society we live in, being of two or more lineages, especially when we're talking 'black' and 'white', affects so many things in that biracial person's life, such as social interactions, personal relationships, and even economics. Race affects all of these outcomes and elements--because while a construct, it is a construct that everyone lives closely by. I've read of many personal accounts from other mixed folks where they not only suffered in White communities because of their race but at the hands of their own family members and all of this was compounded by them not not being able to find and support each other of similar experiences/ethnic backgrounds, because of being such a statistically smaller group of people compared to others. This has lead to a rough road in life for many regarding their identity and self-esteem. Thankfully, I haven't had certain difficult issues like that to deal with but I do see the need for recognition of what we go through, support for each other, alongside pride in our African-American heritage because it is so often stigmatized in society. We can say that race is a social construct day in, day out, but race in general will still be used as a tool for the benefit and privilege of some and to the detriment and exclusion of others. I get what you're saying though. The race issue in America is complex and can be disorienting, and it can especially be so when it comes to smaller groups of people such as those of mixed heritage, whose experiences fall firmly in the middle of this constructed divide.
@colossus112785 Год назад
Hey I just seen ur page I see ur a horror fan too
@bellacortez 3 года назад
In the US we have many mixed race ethnic groups from Lumbee, Hispanics/Latinos/Creoles,melungeon...etc However the only mixed race people acknowledged is Hispanic/Latino. non spanish speaking race mixed peoples are not acknowldged in the Americas.
@thisguy7571 3 года назад
I'm a Louisiana creole
@Knockaswagga 3 года назад
But being mixed in the black community and getting treated differently because of being mixed is real
@0n_Cloud_9 8 дней назад
My mom is a black woman from Cuba and my dad is Arabic and black.
@taradixon2687 3 года назад
True, people make it very complicated when it doesn't have to be
@ojs5988 3 года назад
The outrage on TikTok over South Africans who identify as "coloured" (usually mixed race). The problem is Americans tend to think the whole world should embody their views and only their history is significant.
@whiteknob7944 19 дней назад
Thanks for literally nothing.
@thoumotherdearest9041 3 года назад
My mom was mixed race between Irish American and Hispanic, and my dad is an immigrant from Nigeria. I ended up being fairly dark skinned and the only way you could tell is from my hair which is very loose curls, and my lips which are from my grandmas side (Irish-American) so they are pretty small for a black person. But other than that I’m not about to chew you out if you call me black, because I’m proud of my heritage, but that also includes Hispanic and Irish-American.
@katielcify 3 года назад
I wish all of this were talked about more, and I'm going to talk about it more now. thank you!
@cautiousgalaxy4613 3 года назад
I remember I was at the doctor, most of them have a other option on the ethnicity part. This one didn't I asked the woman and she said your white. I told her I was mixed and she said no your not and made me put the white down. Like I'm not one or the other I'm both.
@woodywoods4288 3 года назад
There are some forms where you can fill out two races but most “important” paperwork documents don’t allow filling out two or all that apply. I’m all for allowing mixed race people to identify as exactly that. Especially since I sometimes get rejected by my two races sometimes. I’d much rather identify as mixed than just white or black. Nothing against identifying as just black or white though.
@maserati925 3 года назад
I’m biracial in America, people are aware that I’m mixed lol what else would I appear 🤓
@AwolProductionsENT 3 года назад
I swear its like being mixed doesn't exist because we're underrepresented.
@Thinkingisfree2012 Год назад
@icewynd2398 3 года назад
Thanks for posting this! I'm also mixed race and constantly struggle with these ignorant ideas.
@simontatum7808 2 года назад
Mixed race people subscribe to youtubers Golden Goddess(profile of a mixed woman) and Exoticals United. They talk about our issues and experiences.
@chrisstroud60 3 года назад
On my child's birth certificate it says biracial. I still have to check white or black when filing her on my taxes or at the doctor's office and sometimes I see the word other as an option. It's so strange to me. It's like white black or hispanic are the important ones and other is just other. It's just how I feel. I want my child to see herself as mixed race and I don't want her to feel confused or worried how other people see her as if who she is wasn't relevant.
@thisguy7571 3 года назад
I'm pleasantly surprised your childs birth certificate says biracial. That's awesome!
@KentPetersonmoney 2 года назад
even worse when there's an options that says black not Hispanic but none that says black and Hispanic.
@gallagher6904 3 года назад
That man was a racist. This lady is clearly mixed race and can tick that box.
@WESTCOAST-dh3zu 4 года назад
I'm multiracial. I dare a black person to say that I am black. In California many black people know that I am not fully black, especially black men. They walk up to me and say I'm waiting for you to say you're mixed with some asian or somethin. Also, there's a lot of mixed race people on the West Coast. It depends on where you live in the United States. On the East Coast and some parts of the South, mixed people are labeled as black. It's good to know that black people are gradually letting go of the one drop rule because that is so annoying. It's important to know there's a distinction between blacks and mixed race people!
@parkerisles7256 3 года назад
I'm on the east coast and my state is technically part of the south, but mixed people (including myself) still identify as mixed. Maybe in the deep south or New England this is a thing. Also, most black Americans have a mixed heritage but if they don't have a living/close relative that's of a different race, they probably will only identify as black.
@kingnate9534 3 года назад
what about people like Malcom x and Barack Obama’s daughters? Aren’t they black?
@boostmeup 3 года назад
why do you DARE a black person, we did not make the rule fool. Blame the white people you love for that. We dont want your asses in our race any more than you dont want to be in it. How do you think we feel? that we are expected to accept people that dont reflect the union of a black man and Black woman.
@kingnate9534 3 года назад
@@boostmeup what about people like Malcom x and Barack Obama’s daughters? Aren’t they black?
@boostmeup 3 года назад
@@kingnate9534 they are largely black yes, and they will be considered black by society. The are not biracial though, i am talking the product of entirely two different not ones with black in both parents.
@thejeremiah1266 3 года назад
I’m a 16 year old biracial person, im writing a book on the struggles of being a biracial person in america today ! if you guys could reach out to me to complete a survey & share personal testimonies!
@mjb48219 2 года назад
It’s called the one drop rule. And you can identify as whatever you want (well may not on a form) but people may have opinions. Most black people in the US recognize mixed race on some level even if they may complain about people wanting to identify as mixed race. It’s a vary nuanced situation as being black is seen as negative.
@sladewilson377 19 часов назад
Everyone has to be black or white in America
@mercedezz 3 года назад
This made me feel better, thank you 🙏🏽
@tfh5575 2 года назад
i’m mixed and i hate when someone asks me what race i consider myself…i am mixed there’s no debate hun like it’s an objective fact lol
@JonDoeNeace 3 месяца назад
Native. Because that's what our culture says. Also White, because it's what my appearance and phenotype is more similar to. Our culture taught that you only inherit from your mother's lineage through her female ancestry, if it's passed to you and you're not female you keep it but you can't pass it. Matrilineal heritage is Native American. Yes, they had descendants with many males of other races which are present in my blood but there's an unbroken female Native line that ends with me , as a male. Our culture teaches that a full Native American woman + man of another race = full Native. So if it only comes through female ancestors in the Matrilineal line. That's who I am. The last one. The male lineages they've converged with have been entirely European or European/West African. Which is most of my blood. But not my matrilineal line. You see? Of course, claiming to be non-European or entirely of Native origin would be disingenuous. Even though that's how it's measured culturally. That's why I'm not half or partial anything, I'm North Native American, I'm also White, not half one or the other or partially one or the other, just both of those things.
@JonDoeNeace 3 месяца назад
I'm technically mixed but I don't think of it as mixed I think of it as multi. I'm White for objective reasons that aren't applicable to being Native. (Physical appearance and European admixture within {and without} ancestors of tribal affiliation.) I'm Native for objective reasons that aren't applicable to being White.(Native Matrilineal heritage, ancestry to former Tribal Affiliation.) I feel like I'm two different separate things as opposed to being a mixed person. Maybe that's only me.
@mulattovanguard Год назад
Mixed race people aren't going anywhere. Are numbers are growing. Black people in America are losing social/political/cultural influence so they are holding on for dear life to us. They are making a last ditch effort to one drop rule all of us back to the communitah.
@sladewilson377 19 часов назад
For sure, Multiracials, Hispanics and Asians are the future of America. The country is going to look like Colombia or Venezuela in the future. It’s why I can never believe that you people are only 10% of the population. Your figures are grossly undercounted because many of you identify as black unfortunately.
@sladewilson377 19 часов назад
For sure, Multiracials, Hispanics and Asians are the future of America. The country is going to look like Colombia or Venezuela in the future. It’s why I can never believe that you people are only 10% of the population. Your figures are grossly undercounted because many of you identify as black unfortunately.
@lildinosaur8856 2 года назад
The funny thing is now you can identify as multiple genders now ... BUT NOT MULTIRACIAL .... 😢
@Not-Ap Год назад
Because power and politics in America are built around race. If anyone can be white or whatever they want legally then that would transform forever how America functions. This is something the mass of multiple european/latino/middle eastern ethnicties currently called "whites" will not tolerate. People barely even take gender or racial self identifications seriously. When someone commits a crime all the PC stuff goes out the window in most cases.
@aviyahchaverim9388 Год назад
I am a multiracial American women who does not allow anyone to tell me who I am. I am mixed and I self identify as mixed.
@Rainbowmelon Месяц назад
❤ I dealt with this my whole life!!! American mixed born and raised.
@moniquebarber1474 3 года назад
I am also mixed race. The fact that you got this from a black man is probably because he's jealous.
@PsychicMedium4747 2 года назад
Spot on
@EMNstar 3 года назад
It's true... I've been told so many times to choose one of the two, that mixed race is only for black and white mixed people. And also not for people who are 'white passible'. Middle eastern isn't even itself a box to check (you have to put white/caucasian for middle eastern and north african) so definitely not mixed middle eastern and white.
@kingnate9534 3 года назад
what about people like Malcom x and Barack Obama’s daughters? Aren’t they black?
@2KellyJoy 3 года назад
@@kingnate9534 I would say yes. Their mom probably has a high percent of African ancestry and dad is half. But personally in most cases I usually consider people with two predominantly African parents as Black. My sons are black and white. I taught them to say they are mixed
@Kandhaqprotector 12 часов назад
@justice7550 4 года назад
Ma'am, "It's One Drop Rule". Exactly, It's ridiculous that Biracials can't identify as exactly what we are, Biracial but we have men walking around as women🤣
@alfiex6667 4 года назад
Thats not really true they are women nothing like a man
@justice7550 4 года назад
@@alfiex6667 What?
@WoahhTeamJacob 3 года назад
Let’s not be transphobic now...
@mssan2016 3 года назад
l see no pies with this statement!
@lyacosta929 3 года назад
@latoriarichardson6754 2 года назад
It is odd that you can't identify as what you are but what society wants you to be.
@Angell_Lee 4 года назад
End of the day, you are GORGEOUS. We know the truth
@sir.willthur5428 3 года назад
That she is 😍😍😍
@gazzatree1 2 года назад
so true, I’m a father of 2 grown up mixed race daughters, and I would always put mixed race for them, though as said in the uk how forms do ask , being mixed you should be able to be proud of both your parents heritage, not tagged as one
@tigerlily976 4 года назад
No in America we can check more than one or a multiracial box
@Mixedgirl-pu6yh 3 года назад
@girlchica2958 3 года назад
@laughatanything sammi fr. I check more than 1 box.. just that black man was trippin🤣🤣🤣🤣🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
@girlchica2958 3 года назад
@@Mixedgirl-pu6yh It literally tells you to check your race/races So you check 1 or multiple if you want to.
@jadonmesfun6479 3 года назад
The point is that if ur biracial white and black in America everyone in society will see and identify you as black. No one will call a biracial black and white like Drake, J.cole, Obama, etc. white guys 😂😂.
@Mixedgirl-pu6yh 3 года назад
@@jadonmesfun6479 Exactly which is stupid.
@be8140 3 года назад
The one drop rule is obviously outdated. That being said being biracial, and by biracial i mean mixed with black, in America isnt about people acknowledging your none black side. If you look black in America you will be discriminated against, because these people dont care if youre mixed, you look black, youre black, youre getting treated just as badly as the rest. Its sad and despicable, and its the reason most black Americans go along with it. Its about claiming you as one of us, protecting you, and standing up for you because we are one people and we have to look out for each other because no one else will. Its people saying we know your struggles, we know your pain, and hurt. We're with you, we understand you, we love you, you are one of us. We will fight to end this abuse together. And black people usually know when youre mixed, its most other ethnicities that cannot differentiate, which is my while point. Its not about you dismissing your white parent, its about you sharing the experiences of your black one. I say this as a black woman in America, i can only speak from my own experiences, all of my mixed cousins claim black, all of my full black, light skinned cousins feel insulted when called or ask if theyre mixed. They love their skin and hair, but to them being called white (or being mixed with white) is insulting because of the on going history here. Southern Louisiana is filled with racist white people and at the end of the day being biracial or looking biracial doesnt lessen their black experience. I see a lot of people saying "black people dont own mixed people" its not about that, its about these racist experiences we ALL share, all over the world. Especially in America where its shameless, consider these things before dismissing and judging the black American community.
@kendrickbanks87 3 года назад
When I say I’m mixed I mean multiethnic. Race is a social construct, so it’s dependent on the society you’re in. America has a racial dynamic of whiteness down to blackness. It’s mess up and made up (like the one drop rule), but it’s how the society functions. It’s clearer to think on terms of ethnicity not race though, because that’s innate. If a person is mixed with black and white race that doesn’t tell you anything about their ethnicity, and in America their race is determined by their skin, hair texture, and facial features... not by their parents. So that’s dude who said your not white was just functioning according to the rules of society (which is racist). Just some anthropological thoughts to ponder.
@kingnate9534 3 года назад
what about people like Malcom x and Barack Obama’s daughters? Aren’t they black?
@kendrickbanks87 3 года назад
@@kingnate9534 Yeah. They’re black. So is Barack Obama, although, ethnically mixed people are a mix of different backgrounds, racial, they are categorized (at least by society) according to how they appear. Of course people are free to identify how they choose (assuming it’s honestly connected to ethnicity). It’s clearly a convoluted subject... that’s because of a history of hostility and shame associated with these things.
@thomasward00 2 года назад
Race is biological, there are many differences between the races.
@kendrickbanks87 2 года назад
@@thomasward00 that's untrue. The distinctions are phenotypic not biological. You can't tell someone's race by looking at their DNA. You're free to disagree, of course. Some light research is helpful on the subject, but I think it matters because "race" as a construct has been used to stratify power in society. It's not inherently evil, but people with too much power tend to be.
@thomasward00 2 года назад
@@kendrickbanks87 Of course you can tell by someone's DNA which Race they belong, just as with Sex... How do you think Ancestry DNA works? Race is more than skin deep, no better or worse, just different.
@rumrunner8019 4 года назад
I'm mixed race and was born in America and I completely, 100% disagree with this video. First, I always had the option of clicking "other" on a box and over the last decade every single form I've seen had the option to click multiple boxes. Everyone treats me as a non-"one of them" and black people have made it clear from day one that I am not really black.
@Jacobontopfr 4 года назад
Because mixed is it's own race, you are not black, you are.moxed! BE PROUD EMBRACE IT!!
@WeShareTheSameAffliction 3 года назад
That's the point of the video. Black people are correct to not view you as black-you're not! You're mixed race, which is different from black.
@rumrunner8019 3 года назад
@@WeShareTheSameAffliction This video tries to say that Americans don't see mixed race as non-black. That isn't the case. That's the point I was making
@rumrunner8019 3 года назад
@Jose Vivar Of course they are...by stupid people. Most understand that they are mixed, not white and not black
@Lola-rn2jj 3 года назад
@Isiss Reign there is a name for it but it's since been deemed offensive so...
@biracialawareness.7956 4 года назад
(Mixed Race) mean, 2 different race made a baby. Which mean the 'BLACK' race and another race made a baby in this case, what it mean is that the 'BLACK' race is a race of it's own and not a mixture.
@loorye1 3 года назад
they isnt a Black / Mixed or Caucasian race but One Human Race ... this upsets me all the time
@trinity5740 3 года назад
Yes but half-brazilians, half-indians, for example are accepted as white (at least from what I see). People with one drop of black are never white in this society, no matter if they have black hair or red hair. So "mixed race" is basically just a box for half-blacks.
@loorye1 3 года назад
@@trinity5740 what do you mean with half brazilians? Native brazilians are indios, and the rest are white descent, black descent and asian descent ( japanese) that why we brazilians are actually for the majority mixed people some off course are lighter then others. You still have pure caucasians and pure African in some areas, but brazilians are mostly mixed from Human Race.
@Ashley-1917 3 года назад
You again...
@karansena 3 года назад
Iam from india dravidian , aryan speaking race , arabic genes etc make me. Identity issue yes. Feeling of not belonging anywhere always felt iam in the middle. Plus india has more caste , state and languag you speak.
@lyacosta929 3 года назад
This is terribleee. because of América, in Brasil Now, if you have a Brown skin, mixed skin, you are Black, when people show Black girls in TV, comercials or magazines show mixed girls with white traits, yes mixed and Black people need RESPECT but this is so confusing
@kingnate9534 3 года назад
what about people like Malcom x and Barack Obama’s daughters? Aren’t they black? Since they are mostly and predominantly that?
@gratefuldead3750 Год назад
A new trend in brazil?
@queenfan599 3 года назад
I’m mixed with black and russian, and the questions I get asked are so annoying
@Xotiw 3 года назад
I love how you say that the guys isn’t racist because is black so if it was a white man this would have been considered as racist even tho its his opinion like the black man ??
@lovelymix8056 2 года назад
Exactly!!! They act like black people can't be racist to mixed people.
@garimabisht459 2 года назад
My mother's uncle(Indian) has been living in USA since 1968, he married a Colombian woman, they became parents of 3 girls. Now two of those girls married white male and have kids, grand kids. One is still unmarried, she is a doctor in USA. When I think of him and his kids, grandkids, it is all mixed up here and there.
@PapikinsAB 3 года назад
That guy who took your application has an extremely narrow view of the world, unfortunately. I am biracial (white mother, black father), and I have simply lived my life as an individual person and viewed others by their merits and character and not by their color. I've read other comments elsewhere as well stating that mixed race people have identity problems, to which I say, I don't; I identify as myself.
@ChrisJones-kx1jj 3 года назад
My son is Biracial (White and Asian or Mongolian American.) When he Visited Mongolia as a child, people asked his mother if he was Russian.( I'm american with mostly British and some other European ancestry and rumor of a trace of native american blood). Here in the U.S. (Eastern Idaho), kids use to ask my son if he was Chinese (His mother was from Mongolia). He identifies as (Biracial) both White and Asian. When he can he marks the other or mixed race box, or if available more the one box to represent who he is. However, he says he never felt racial discrimination growing up. Just some simple sincere curiosity about where he may be from.
@mulattovanguard Год назад
The one drop rule was made into effect with the 1924 Racial integrity act which was a state wide policy in Virginia which became a national policy when the United States Census removed our racial classification of Mulatto on the 1930s US census.
@leticiaflowers2335 3 года назад
I check both boxes and no one has ever told me I could not.
@superamanda 3 года назад
That’s census not immigration and naturalization . Two different things.
@thisguy7571 3 года назад
I've been told I could not when getting a background check by a black woman at Louisiana State trooper headquarters.
@johngiscombe 2 года назад
Beautiful and well said.
@colossus112785 Год назад
She's right here in America noone says that they are mixed just "black" and when Obama became president I never heard noone say that he's mixed they just called him black
@gratefuldead3750 Год назад
Because he had to, because black americans would have become angry and wouldnt vote for him.
@JonDoeNeace 3 месяца назад
You have to understand there are many historical examples of genetically mixed or divergent population groups coming together on the basis of common culture, language, and ethnicity. Ottoman Turkiye, despite it's flaws, is s grand example of this. The average Turkish person is not genetically more than like 30% Turkic/East Asian. Most is Greek admixture and admixture from other local groups in Anatolia. But the tongue is the same one that their full blood East Asian Turkic ancestry had before settling in Europe. You see? Being Turkish is still Turkic even if their DNA is less than 20% Asian. The Irish relationship to pre-colonial Anglo Saxon & Norman settlers are equally a good example. These Anglo/Norman medieval people married into the local cultures and spoke their tongues and adopted their ways. Most Irish clan lineages in certain regions have medieval Anglo Saxon and Norman settler admixture from before modern English colonization of the Ireland. These people had a different relationship to the Irish and were accepted by them and had their descendants, they essentially "became Irish." Much like how the 85% of Turkish ancestry that comes from Arabs & Greeks & other non-East Asians "became Turk." Make sense? There are Diné clans which are Spaniard and Mestizo. And not in the way you think. The Mexican clan is descendant of Mixed race Native/Spanish Mexicans who had descendants by full North American Natives. The Spaniard clan is the descendant of old stock Spanish Europeans who had descendants by fully Native North Americans. In both cases, the Spaniards and the Mestizos of Spanish ancestry, their descendants by Native North American are considered full blood Native North American by the tribe. The Spaniards & Mestizos who married into Native North American tribes and had their descendants and spoke their language were called full blood Native. Because they were adopted. Much like how the Seminole anf the Choctaw had adopted Tribal members of West African origin. There's a lot of examples like that. Language and mixing with that specific community is what defines it. So many groups of people have admixture. It doesn't define them , their tongue does. Talk to the Turks, who are more biologically Greek than Asian but have an Asian tongue. So are not Greek at all, but are Turks. You see?
@richardwalker6180 3 года назад
At first glance this videos theme sounded somewhat off....being a multiracial person white asian and latino....I have face true racism from all ends. Hatred from white people asian people and latino people. We are judged even more harshly then most because we don't fit into that box. Its painful at times but for myself iam mixed race and that who my parents are. They fell in love and I was a product of their love...so for that im thankful in the end thats all that matters.
@db2184 2 года назад
The problem is people with black and white parents are not black, or white and "mixed" is not a proper identity either. When you mix blue and yellow you get green. We don't call green "mixed" and we certainly don't call it blue or yellow.
@showmeyourdaleel6568 2 года назад
I am white and my wife is black. My kids should not have to pick one side or the other. People like Umar Johnson keep the one drop myth alive.
@gratefuldead3750 Год назад
As far as i know nazi laws have been punished a crime in 1945, and nuremberg laws were based on american racial laws. Hitler was fascinated with american racism, and racial categories. It seems that americans and the nazis share the same ideas.
@amalficoast6357 2 года назад
you see how conditioned and indoctrinated americans are? Imagine this permeates through every area of life here. So imagine how much time it'll take for the U.S to catch up with the U.K on race relations.
@proudlycanadian3023 Год назад
Another reason to be deeply in love with PIXIE ASMR, CHICAGO, ILLNOIS AND AMERICA!
@mariehill2590 3 года назад
As a person who is also mixed race, the argument that people will only see you as black is frustrating. Unless you are literally black passing, then it's just not the truth. For me, It's always been up in the air on what people will guess I am. I literally went a whole semester with a classmate thinking I was Hispanic. Also, being raised only on the white side of my family, I've never been raised with black culture, so to take away my ability to label myself as mixed really erases a lot of my lived experience and things I've had to face as a mixed person living in an all white family.
@peachysparkles 2 года назад
I so agree with this! I'm so mixed race that I literally have NO IDEA what my ethnicity is AT ALL. My ancestors come from super mixed countries for centuries back so my family's bloodlines have been mixed for ever. I can't even begin to tell you what my dominant ethnic strains are...and as far as I was researching modern day science can't figure this out either. It can tell you what nations your ancestors are from but not what ethnicities they had. And when my ancestors come from mixed places a DNA test tells me literally nothing. So I have no idea and will never know I guess. It's a little disappointing bc part of me is curious to know but the other part of me feels glad too, bc I think as you were saying, in America race is too big an issue. So I'd rather remain unidentifiable here.
@IDM011 3 года назад
It’s like yeah this is true because I try to identify as both and usually end up As one or the other. This is so enlightening.
@parkerisles7256 3 года назад
I'm genuinely confused about where you were living in the US because since the early 2000s, me and my parents have been filling out all the check marks my siblings and I fall under without a problem.
@superamanda 3 года назад
The census and forms you fill out at doctors offices and at school or not the same as when you get your green card and when you go to immigration. It’s very binary there. We actually did have a classification for mixed at one point in this country at immigration and then it was destroyed in the 1920s.
@katielee89 3 года назад
For your story the guy was 100% wrong. When I did my kids birth certificate applications and on all their forms where it is asked I always check both and in the other section I put biracial. All mixed people regardless what they are mixed with are allowed to claim their own identity. No one has the right to tell you what you are.
@matthewalfred1432 Месяц назад
As a mixed man, I can fully say she’s dead wrong.lol…I’m half black half Indian from Toronto Canada……black people think I’m not black enough, and Indians see me as a black man…I don’t fit in either race. Being mixed gives you perspective that full breds will never be able to understand.
@CrocJustice 3 года назад
Believe what you are referring to is the "one drop rule" in usa majority of people have this mindset! Either one or the other! Been dealing with these knuckleheads most of my life! Not just caucasian persuasion buy Black, Asian, go down the list! It can be draining trying to educate these numbskulls and not worth the aggravation!
@fitnikki434 3 года назад
Umm ok so as a mixed race American woman I would like to share a few things: #1 Being mixed IS a thing in America butttt savagely society thinks it has the right to dictate who is mixed and who isn’t. So for instance, if I saw you out, and probably most other Americans, I would not think you are mixed because you have dominant black features... it certainly doesn’t make you any less mixed nor does it give anyone the right to categorize you or tell you how to identify but in America you have to have some strong Caucasian features to be considered mixed... i.e. fair skin, blue or green eyes, or a very fine texture of hair... I am close to your complexion with dark eyes too but have a completely “European texture” of hair from my father and also his nose... no one ever thinks I’m black they think I’m Spanish or Mixed... #2 I don’t know where you got that form but within the last 10 years everything I’ve had to fill out has options to check more than one box or multiracial... you just met a rude black guy that’s all lol and he doesn’t speak for America
@prettyshayla1494 3 года назад
A lot of mixed race women are accepted in the black community and it annoys tf outta me smh
@OneSvT 3 года назад
Who gives af
@mascara1777 3 года назад
I'm sorry you have those racist views. I hope you can work through them. I'm a proud biracial person and God made me that way. I don't need your approval but I will send you prayers.
@OneSvT 3 года назад
@@mascara1777 people can't just live life without having insecurities I guess
@prettyshayla1494 3 года назад
@@OneSvT a mixed race women can never make me insecure 🤣🤣🤣😂
@catg436 3 года назад
Racism against mixed race people at its finest 😬
@superdoopercooper1962 2 года назад
Yup. One drop rule. They aren’t really asking my ethnicity they are asking why am I brown and it fucking bothers the shit out of me.
@superamanda 3 года назад
Oh my god!! Good for you!! ❤️❤️❤️
@arlinaaruto9870 3 года назад
I Am Human
@trinity5740 3 года назад
Unpopular self-definition in america 😂
@gabriellalaplace 3 года назад
Some lady did that to me too. My father's father was white, his mother was black and I think minutely or a quarter french, and east indian. My mom's mom is half black and 1/4 east indian and a quarter white. Her father was either full black or black and 1/4 portuguese I'm not sure. Anyway, my mom' mom is originally from Jamaica, her mother had 12 children (so thats a lot of mixed people). There skin color is mostly dark, and a few brown as in the crayon colour/color. (some have died) My father has 7 siblings (so that's a lot of mixed people) Most of my first cousins are mixed. Black and white and some with also indian, and also some with also chinese. Also a few in laws are from different ethnicities (I mean different countries). I never listened to what the immigration office did. My genes in recent history compared to genetic history are from St. Kitts, Nevis, Montserrat, Maybe Anguilla , St. Barthelemy (when it had a like 2100 white people living on it, [extremely closely related people] and Jamaica. My mother in my opinion is dark enough to be dark skinned, but darker black people might think differently. Anyway, my father is near my complexion, and my sister and brother; we also have a half brother from my father (who is also mixed). My sister did 23andme and got 66 percent sub saharan africa, 2 and something percent south asian and the rest white and I think 0.2 percent something else. I guess I would get similar results on a genetics test then. I think it said she was 30 percent Nigerian. Anyway, so some of the info I was told about our genes is wrong then. (What I explained from the beginning).
@Will_Moffett 3 года назад
Just because it's not accommodated on every form you fill out doesn't mean it's not a thing. It's definitely a thing. If you are treated differently by both White and Black people based on their recognition of your racially blended phenotype then it's a thing. When categories are homogenized for convenience biracial people are always counted as Black, but the day-to-day reality is that it's a thing.
@kepriworks 2 года назад
It's interesting out of all the years that has past us by it seems like being biracial is more of a sensitive issue today than yesterday.
@gratefuldead3750 Год назад
Identity politics
@emilydowepa-c8975 3 года назад
Thank you for making this video.
@spike2227 2 месяца назад
It's still Unnatural and Immoral
@firstname-to4ov 3 года назад
Mixed races do exist im one of them lol
@kingnate9534 3 года назад
what about people like Malcom x and Barack Obama’s daughters? Aren’t they black?
@firstname-to4ov 3 года назад
@@kingnate9534 Barack Obama is half white bro they're mixed too
@emilyquito5528 Год назад
Im half white and half Ecuadorian. Im mostly identified as a privilege white girl. But that is not the case. I was born here in the united states but i had to live in Ecuador for 3 and a half years because my husband was born there.
@deellaboe437 10 месяцев назад
I always check other and keep it moving. Even my black grandfather does because he says there's no proof he's fully African either. I feel like the other is the mixed check box.
@mzcyberbat 3 года назад
I saw a few vids about Brighton and they use the word biracial. They were angry that the actors weren't "black enough" in it. Like they were gatekeeping skin colour.
@kayson7469 2 года назад
🧐Well, I'm 48% central & south Asian, 45% Sub-Saharan African and 4.5% European so it's safe to say, I'm pretty much mixed🤔 thanks to 23&me
@joe_lubinda 2 года назад
In some African countries like mine (Zambia) you're coloured and not black. The term is colonial but it's what mixed race people are called. There's no indigenous term for mixed race people in some African countries. Afro Americans are just insecure, they get triggered when some Africans don't call themselves "black" as if black is an African word.😂
@gratefuldead3750 Год назад
Not white? I mean its logical that mixed people in africa are not considered black, but they are at also not considerd white, but mixed race, which is the only rational perception.
@JackDSquat 2 года назад
Race is a man -made construct why does it matter? Ethnicity and cultural heritage are the only things people should identify with
It is not how you identify...it is what people see...
@cecileprigge8349 3 года назад
Is it a problem to being mixed race in America?
@mrdunnepoetryreallifetvuk1934 3 года назад
My alcoholic mother attempted to drown me as a baby, my dad & stepmother abused me, disowned my mixed race daughter at birth, had me jailed & my material banned for five years courtesy of Crown court. All of my belongings were then stolen by my family of toxic Narcs & my daughter’s silence bought in exchange for disowning her dad. My Jehovah’s Witness aunt was also found to be abusing her young son & is still a Witness to this very day whereas I’ve been shunned & have had absolutely every single belonging stripped or stolen from me including my whole entire music collection. All except my dog, my one & only true friend. This world is a wicked place! 😥
@gnom98 3 года назад
I’m pretty mixed:🇺🇸🇮🇪🇫🇮🇵🇱🇷🇺🇺🇦🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Still white tho.
@ktoth29 4 года назад
"Mixed race is not a thing" only within the black community, or at least those parts that are obsessed with racial politics and group identity.
@tonyg.6148 4 года назад
Apparently among the white community as well sense a lot of them see mixed people as black and them having nothing to do with them were more excepting but most of us know that bi -racial is just that
@ktoth29 4 года назад
@@tonyg.6148 When I meet a Biracial person I usually think they are Puerto Rican.
@Zhongligeoarchon 4 года назад
I don’t want to sound racist, especially because I am half black and I love that part of me, but a lot of black people that I have met tend to reject that side of me soley because I was born to two different colored parents.
@mafurSD 3 года назад
@@tonyg.6148 False. White people know the difference between mixed/biracials and black people. If you have parents of 2 different races, you are biracial. If you are more than 2 races you are mixed. Black is having 2 black parents, having visibly black features.
@mafurSD 3 года назад
@London Riley Yes it does. Black is monoracial, meaning one race. Being mixed with something else makes you more than 1 race, the opposite of what monoracial is. Black people don't have white/non black mother's. Black people are not half white/non Black.
@AlexisAW 2 года назад
I always tick white and hispanic for myself. For my daughter I always tick black, white & hispanic and nobody has ever told me that I can’t do that.
@PurpleRegina 5 месяцев назад
Hispanic is not a race
@JRis44 4 года назад
I love these other genuine perspectives. I really need to travel more. UK im coming for you someday too! Smart woman too. Really enjoyed the video. Feel like you strategically placed this melody in the background to make it even more likable lol.
@wokefromhome7389 4 года назад
Weather you are Black passing or white passing culture still has a huge Distinction on race. everyone leaves this out. Yes Phenotype is like 80 of how we classify race but the rest is going to be cultural and ethnic identity. No one says native Americans and Mexicans are all part of one race just like you would not say a Palestinian and Japanese person were part of the same race. But all white people are lumped together and especially all black people are lumped together.
@superamanda 3 года назад
Maybe in the US but definitely not in Europe.
@kingnate9534 3 года назад
@@superamanda what about people like Malcom x and Barack Obama’s daughters? Aren’t they black? Since they are mostly and predominantly that?
@superamanda 3 года назад
@@kingnate9534 I'm not those people with those lived experiences. The UK and EU has stratification in class not race. I think in 2021 it's safe to say that people obsessed with how others identify need to start worrying about their own " phenotypes".
@USA50_ 2 года назад
Say "American". We are just as mixed as Mexicana or Canadians ☺️❤️🗽⚖️🦬🦅🇺🇲
@drdread9896 2 года назад
This is America
@petterp4679 2 года назад
Why do you even need to define your race for a residence permit? Have these people not heard of colour photography? With a photo you capture both skin, hair, lip and eye colour, beauty spots, prominent cheek bones, lip size, shoulder width, ear shape... Whichever one you think is most important doesn't need to go on a separate form
@justbeingjazzyspodcastclip1044 3 года назад
Prettiest lady ever
@DjinnGang 3 года назад
What are u talkin bout?? Im American and mixed.....melungeon to be exact and “mixed” does exist on applications here.....so what are talkin about??
@jacobdavis6056 3 года назад
When I was in high school I got in trouble because for some form or another I put white and black (black father white mother) and when told I was wrong and to either pick one or pick the either option and I refused because to me I’m not an “other”
@kohekade2961 3 года назад
Thank you so much!, I thought this video was denying the word was a real term, but realised quickly you are making a point about it's meaning :). Ben Bailey Smith (Doc Brown) has some really beautiful discussions with Ricky Gervais over this on (Ricky Gervais is deadly sirius). You'll love it!. Jealous of the beautiful skin tone!, I am a vanilla coloured kiwi who speaks Te Reo Maori 😂
@amihan3215 Год назад
What about people who are part Asian or have Asian, what are we supposed to say, cause most things is about Black and White
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