
Ben Solo was a Mistake 

The First Okiro
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29 сен 2024




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@TheFirstOkiro 9 месяцев назад
Merry Christmas, everyone! Ben Solo imo just never was going to work for this story. Maybe if the sequels were meant to be a different story, sure. But From a nonsensical romance with Rey, Luke being dragged through the mud to make him seem more like a victim, and sidelining Finn as the male lead, just made the sequels more disjointed than they needed to be. Ben Solo was a mistake The romance with him and Rey made little to no sense And forgetting that foil dynamic between Finn and Kylo was a disservice to both characters
@srstriker6420 9 месяцев назад
Oh absolutely because they shouldn’t have killed off Snoke is one thing and I always under the impression that Ben Solo is bipolar but he seemed to accepting the dark side of the force willingly and he is kind of person who always think he’s a victim and is absolutely delusional
@TheAncientSith 9 месяцев назад
Imo Kylo was and still is no better than Rey as a character. His character failed just as badly as everyone else did. And I heavily disagree with the claim that Kylo “carried the sequels” cus I feel as no character carried them at all. If anything did carry them it was the money. Every time he has the mask off he cries and throws embarrassing tantrums like a toddler. No disrespect to any of the actors but yeah Ben Solo was indeed a mistake. The real son of Han and Leia will always be Jacen Solo aka Darth Caedus. Honestly Kylo got owned in every fight on screen and never won any since he struggled against Snoke’s Guards and The Knights Of Ren and only survived both encounters cus Rey saved him.
@TheAncientSith 9 месяцев назад
@FUKAOKEVERSE Sorry if I’m not fully answering your question but I’m not really sure if you know the whole backstory of Jacen but he turned to the dark side due to being mentally broken and as a dark way to save his family. Ben turned to the dark side cus he was a huge fanboy of his grandfather and his legacy. In fact are we just gonna ignore that he’s a ripoff of the characters Darth Vader, Darth Caedus, and Darth Revan? Disney copied Revan’s outfit, Disney copied Jacen’s original character, and they copied Vader’s helmet which is how they made this character. Taking ideas from the old EU!Plus Jaina Solo makes way more sense of a character than Rey tbh. Caedus and Jaina oneshot their knockoff versions in every way.
@windghost2 9 месяцев назад
Merry Christmas (I know I'm a few hours late in saying this) I hope you had a wonderful time with your family!
@windghost2 9 месяцев назад
@StupidMarioBros1Fan 9 месяцев назад
The more I learn about the Sequel Trilogy, the more I wish that Rian Johnson had been moved to one of the Spinoff Movies when he made it very clear that he wanted to tell his own story. The guy is not a bad writer and he is a pretty good director but so much of what The Last Jedi did was either "let's ignore what happened before" "let's ignore that there's another movie after this one" or "let's completely change what the plan is for this plotline because I want to" Almost every problem in TLJ is a problem because it's connected to the overarching story. If you made all the characters OCs then so many problems are just gone because there's no precedent on how they'd act or any connection to an overarching story. Luke being a grumpy old man is only an issue because it's Luke Skywalker. Finn being stuck in a side story is only an issue because Finn was the main lead in TFA. Kylo going back & forth about being evil is only an issue because TFA made it clear that he leaped into The Dark Side. Hesitating at killing Leia is the only thing that made sense as it would've been one last pull to The Light Side but otherwise he should've been irredeemable & Rey shouldn't have ever tried to redeem him...for multiple reasons from TFA. Again, "let's ignore what happened before" It's just incredible how so many of the Trilogy's issues stem directly from TLJ whether it's from the movie itself, it's the cause of an issue in the next movie or it retroactively creates an issue in the previous movie. It's like someone time traveled to commit the perfect sabotage by simply changing the middle movie. "We don't need to go back & change every movie, we just edit this one movie and it'll automatically make the other two worse!"
@GODCONVOYPRIME 9 месяцев назад
And yet people defend it with a rabid passion.
@zachanikwano 9 месяцев назад
Honestly for real. I mean it’s entirely Disney’s fault for not having a lead coordinator who was telling one continuous story like the MCU, but I bet you if RJ had been given his own spin-off trilogy with his own original characters/setting to play with the amount of angry fans would have been reduced 98%. Plus the main flagship trilogy of movies would not be a forgotten mess.
@Lucrei. 9 месяцев назад
He's an absolute shithead troll and he's very much aware he is. He never should have never been chosen to handle part two of a trilogy. JJ... whilst not great... at least has his heart in the right place.
@lulukomadori9651 9 месяцев назад
Yeah, ep 9 may be the worst but Ryan 100% torpedoes the sequel chances with his "subvert expectations"
@zackwalker1721 8 месяцев назад
After episode 7 I didn't know exactly how Luke's story would play out in Episode 8, but it was wholly predictable that Luke would be a character who wished to stay sulking on an island, rather than get involved in everything that was going on. Why? Well, he'd want to stay there for the same reason that he went there in the first place. Did I know SPECIFICALLY that he'd toss the lightsaber over his shoulder after being handed it? No, but the basic spirit of what was being conveyed in that moment was predictable. Luke feeling responsible for what had gone wrong, and wanting to get away from it is not something that was established in 8. It was established in 7, and in that moment nobody really minded. Not saying that YOU SPECIFICALLY are necessarily such a person, but a lot of the real issue with Luke in Episode 8 is that he didn't have a scene where we can all hero worship him (such as the Luke scene we got in Mandalorian) Many got mad that he wasn't in a fight scene, and now try to justify their disappointment as something more mature than that.
@Astro_Mickey 9 месяцев назад
Kylo and Rey should been cousins, had climax in a duel in episode 9, deciding which paths the Skywalker family would take: the light side or dark side
@adriantheabstract 9 месяцев назад
That makes so much more sense.
@BanishedSilentShadow3318 9 месяцев назад
Honestly does sound better. Its kinda metaphorical where Rey embodies Anakin's light side meanwhile Kylo embodies Vader's dark side. Both which fight to decide the skywalker future
@srstriker6420 9 месяцев назад
Yeah exactly and Snoke should have been Darth Plagueis
@Astro_Mickey 9 месяцев назад
@@BanishedSilentShadow3318 a second “Dual of the Fates” basically. Have their dual juxtapose with the final Battle of Coruscant between the New Republic and First Order. Man, it would have been epic and respecting what came before.
@BanishedSilentShadow3318 9 месяцев назад
@@Astro_Mickey yeah probably would've been better sequel trilogy then what we got. Shame tbh.
@ShadowRoadX 9 месяцев назад
I was flat out horrified that so many women came crawling out of the woodwork to profess that the concept of Reylo appealed to them and should be canon after TFA released. I dunno if it was a byproduct of the extremes of shipping culture in fan-fic circles or modern media in general, but that push was WAY louder in my side of the internet even before TLJ and the idea of redeeming him back into Ben Solo. A ton of women just going rabid for a guy who had at that point had only interacted with her to torture her, kill her mentor figure, and try to kill her and her friend in the span of two days. I still cannot get over how profoundly fucked up that all was.
@geminigrrl66 9 месяцев назад
Because they love the idea of the enemies to lovers trope. Which, when done well, and between equals can be good and satisfying. Something like the neighbor whose dog constantly poops on the other's lawn or a baking competition is great for that. Kylo Ren was a genocidal abusing space nazi who should never have gotten the girl or a redemption arc, but Reylo shippers don't want to examine their unconscious bias in regards to Finn. Not to mention their racist hate campaign against John Boyega. I've read some Reylo fic and each one goes out of its way to make Finn the antagonist and/or the impediment to TWU WUV.
@orboakin8074 9 месяцев назад
Terminal online western women for ya
@geminigrrl66 9 месяцев назад
@@orboakin8074 dude, don't even start with that bullshit, because males can be just as fucked up with their life-sized waifu pillows and tentacle hentai. Either have something constructive to add or leave the conversation to adults.
@stephthebard9037 8 месяцев назад
Great video! It's always nice to hear other folks who disliked TLJ for the same reasons I do. TFA set up a very different story and it will always be a tragedy for the cast and characters that those storyline were abandoned. Ben Solo can thrive in fanfiction.
@joh2434 9 месяцев назад
0:43 If I was the type to place bets I could safely put a lot of money on there being Rule 34 of that 😱
@windghost2 9 месяцев назад
Another banger video that states absolute *FACTS* everything you said surrounding Ben Solo being incorporated into the story is something that I've been thinking about for years and I agree that it was a terrible choice. He should've stayed the course TFA set for him and was pushing him towards, and while that movie does have problems, at least it actually respected him, Rey and Finn as characters as well as having a foil relationship with Finn and Kylo. Goodness, every time I think of the trilogy I just weep because of the massive potential between Finn and Kylo as foils, Finn being a Jedi alongside Rey and Rey having an actual character arc that isn't repeated or butchered for propping up Kylo or someone else in every movie. Sorry I'm just rambling, I'll just say I agree and leave it at that. Such a waste Kylo was.😔
@kalebdiaz1671 9 месяцев назад
I don’t know I still don’t like the idea of the skywalker bloodline ending with evil
@TheFirstOkiro 9 месяцев назад
Well, they should’ve given Luke a kid The alternative was even worse when Han and Leia had their kid killed by Jedi killer (the prototype Kylo) after falling to the dark side.
@kalebdiaz1671 9 месяцев назад
@@TheFirstOkiro sure then that’s me fine but I’m working with the story we have and looking at kylos ending from it and I just don’t like the idea of Kylo dying unredeemed from that
@geminigrrl66 9 месяцев назад
​@@kalebdiaz1671not every villain needs or should have a redemption arc. Sometimes it's better to let the big bad BE the big bad, because when they finally get their comeuppance, it's cathartic to the audience. Kylo Ren killed his father (as well as being a homicidal genocidal abuser) and he should have never come back from that. Moreover, he looked at his grandfather Vader's helmet and declared he was going to finish what he started. He should have been allowed to do that.
@kalebdiaz1671 9 месяцев назад
@@geminigrrl66 I’m not saying every villain should be redeemed, I just don’t want the skywalker bloodline to end like that
@geminigrrl66 9 месяцев назад
@@kalebdiaz1671 if Luke had been able to train Rey and Finn, the bloodline would have continued. Found family can be closer than genetic family.
@samueltv9428 9 месяцев назад
I respect your opinion be i really disagree.
@sugdolomar 9 месяцев назад
@devileyedelvis3739 9 месяцев назад
Yep completely with you on this , Finn being sidelined for this nonsense was so absurd. The perfect template was there. Stormtrooper to light side Jedi. Rey being orphan to struggling with the dark would have been great. Poe running the Han role and being with Finn on the quest to recover Rey on her Grey Jedi revenge rampage. That’s it’s, that’s really easy to hammer out a trilogy.
@skywalkerjohn8965 6 месяцев назад
Finn is a great concept. Villain, who turns good and saves the day? Nah. A soldier who is forced to kill innocent people drops their weapon and join the good? Yes.
@PalpamemesYT 9 месяцев назад
Rey: finds finn, a good man who treats her well, cares for her, and is willing to sacrifice himself for her. SW fans: “what if she falls in love with the guy who assaulted her, kidnapped her, emotionally abused her, and tried to murder her on multiple occasions?”
@jowoman7799 9 месяцев назад
Not to mention, try and kill her friends and the people she cares about.
@srstriker6420 9 месяцев назад
Yeah like is the audience stupid or are they that stupid
@The.Crawling.Chaos. 9 месяцев назад
Please! No kink shaming, Palpy! 😛
@brewmaster2912 9 месяцев назад
@@The.Crawling.Chaos.kink shaming is his kink
@medalgear654 9 месяцев назад
SW fans? You mean ST fans. Nobody asked for this
@noachlive 9 месяцев назад
Great video! Reminded me how much I absolutely *love* when Twitter users gaslight me into thinking a relationship between Rey’s kidnapper and torturer and Rey was 100% planned from the very start
@monicaaboites5053 9 месяцев назад
All the defenders of TLJ are unable to understand the great damage that Rian Johnsson made to J J Abrmas. He literally destroyed all the characters, he put Finn as a supporting character, he provoked that Rey suffered stockolm syndrome and he dennying the chance to make Kylo Ren a memorable villain. Why people still defending this man? Because of him this trilogy didn't work as JJ Abrams wished wanted to be.
@yonaguy6978 9 месяцев назад
That feels more satisfying to me, Finn being the main character and a witness to the tragedy of the Skywalker family. Maybe every Skywalker including rey was supposed to die in the end to give off a fare well to the saga
@Miller09095 9 месяцев назад
The idea of Kylo going on an inverse of the hero's journey sounds so much better than what we got.
@huntingtonbankstadiumsecur3550 8 месяцев назад
If Ben Solo had survived the battle of Exegol then how would the resistance had reacted to him coming back?
@windghost2 8 месяцев назад
@@huntingtonbankstadiumsecur3550 He would've been killed or locked up for the rest of his life like he should've.
@windghost2 8 месяцев назад
Him growing from his loss to Rey into a fully realized Skywalker sith lord would've been awesome.
@Rihcterwilker 9 месяцев назад
I watched Andor recently. I can easily say he's my favourite SW character. He's a living, breathing, human, that has flaws, motivations. Kylo was a tool, a Vader impostor, that changed the purpose of his utility along the way. All i can think is: i'm scared for Andor season 2, afraid that any interference from higher ups may ruin what i consider the last piece of SW that i'm still able to love.
@MrZackavelli 9 месяцев назад
Just a Jacen Solo knockoff
@QuicksilverSG 9 месяцев назад
Utterly wasted characters in the Star Wars sequel trilogy: Finn Snoke Luke Hux Rose Phasma Knights of Ren
@medalgear654 9 месяцев назад
Rose isn'y wasted, she was DOA
@QuicksilverSG 9 месяцев назад
@@medalgear654 - OK, if not Rose, then Poe.
@Raleyg 9 месяцев назад
Congratulations Okiro! You know what this means? Now you get to start working on the Kingdom Hearts video you've been teasing for over a year. The schedule never ends
@JohnArceane 9 месяцев назад
Finally, a video essay on the sequels that doesn't tread the exact same ground I've heard a dozen times. Great work, you deserve a spot on Star Wars RU-vid with folks like Eckhart's Ladder and Thor Skywalker!
@SuperLegendOf364 9 месяцев назад
Force Awakens got so much right, how could they fumble the sequels sooo hard?
@The.Crawling.Chaos. 9 месяцев назад
Without using hindsight too much I keep coming back to the fact that Bob Eiger rushed the trilogy. He flat out admitted doing so and apologized for it.
@windghost2 9 месяцев назад
@@The.Crawling.Chaos. I will always despise him for doing that since TFA should've gotten more development time before coming out in theaters. I would've been *absolutely* fine with with seeing it in 2016 if I could've seen Finn and Rey being set up as force sensitive together, Kylo Ren's backstory and what happened to Luke's Jedi Order, what happened to Anakin's lightsaber after ESB and how Maz found it. Along with Finn clearly being shown to be more capable with a lightsaber (He had a longer fight in the novelization) and Maz and Leia passing the saber on to Finn to save Rey and stop StarKiller Base, there's so much that should've happened and not have been rushed, and Iger is responsible for all of it. Even with him back, it doesn't change what's going on now with the strikes and him making more money through 2026.
@The.Crawling.Chaos. 9 месяцев назад
@@windghost2 Yeah. I think they should have waited with making the trilogy until they felt they had a solid story and not only that but considered carefully if that story required 3 movies to be told in a satisfying way. Because we already had 6 very popular Star Wars movies with an ending that good enough. So if they really wanted to continue that story really should have something good nailed down before they started. But they were greedy.
@windghost2 9 месяцев назад
@@The.Crawling.Chaos. Should've been planned and at least given more time to make the first entry to the new movies. If only Iger wasn't greedy in the first place and he gave JJ and Kathleen more time to get TFA done.
@davidpax 9 месяцев назад
Kylo was such a mess. Regarding Rey he switched back an forth over and over again. Kill her - save her - hate her - love her - etc. And yes, Rian was stupid killing the most dangerous villain in part 2 of a trilogy. A very selfish choice.
@ramblinnernd5905 9 месяцев назад
Snoke and Phasma deserved better. Hell the whole cast deserved better.
@roberthesser6402 9 месяцев назад
I feel like The Last Jedi's inability to commit to a decision on Kylo essentially forced what happened to him in TROS. TLJ keeps flirting back and forth between whether it wants to make him truly evil or not, and seems to end on a note that suggests Kylo still can't quite be evil. And to be clear, there were signs of this in the first film too. Kylo's scar is positioned over the exact spot Han last touches him, and he's defeated by Rey because the act of killing his father broke his power. So if Kylo Ren was to be redeemed, it needed to happen in TLJ. Instead they just stayed wishy washy about it. What killed it though was Rey being revealed to be nobody. Rey having no connection to anyone or anything causes a lot of headaches, but one of the big ones is that it now left the legacy of the Skywalker name in the hands of a man who was originally intended to be an insane psychopath. Abrams knew he couldn't have the Skywalker legacy end in madness and failure so he had to redeem Kylo Ren in the eleventh hour (much like a lot of the decisions in that movie being last minute clean ups of TLJ's messes). For my part I tend to prefer the version of the story where Rey has a different relationship with the Jedi than just being a Skywalker. I never quite liked the idea that she was a Skywalker because it comes too close to Luke's journey in the OT, and then begs the question as to who her mother would be. Maybe she's an Obi-Wan, or hell maybe she's a Palpatine; or maybe she's an ex Jedi traumatized by what happened at the temple as a child. Either way, Rey falls to the Darkside in episode 8 while Kylo turns away from the Darkside in episode 8. He doesn't redeem himself though, and he doesn't save Rey. Only Finn can give Rey what she needs, as Kylo is still unstable and still trying to work on himself, which is what his story in episode 9 ought to be about, in my version.
@KafuKemeh 9 месяцев назад
It was bad idea for kylo to lose against Rey if he was set up to the trilogy big bad
@srstriker6420 9 месяцев назад
@@KafuKemeh yeah which they never should have killed off Snoke too early
@FHT1883 9 месяцев назад
the asinine statement of Ren "feeling pulled towards the light" betrays a fundamental non-understanding of how the Force works (ironic, considering the movie's use of that very line)
@windghost2 5 месяцев назад
@@FHT1883 I actually like that line because it comes *after* an awakening in the force, which was Finn making his decision to leave the First Order and have a life of his own.
@QuickPoker 9 месяцев назад
Great work here. Well thought out. It sucks so much we never got a properly planned sequel trilogy 😢
@ramblinnernd5905 9 месяцев назад
Just starting the vid. Pegged, The Bluisers, Pumped Up Kicks on the Jedi Temple This is gold! XD
@jaieregilmore971 9 месяцев назад
The movies doesn’t explain why Kylo worship Vader at all because if any grandchildren of Anakin skywalker knows his story then they know how it ended and the dark side isn’t worth it. But then I realize the movies ignore the prequels so hard and relies on prequels haters honestly Kylo felt like Vader fanboy self insert.
@ArcTrooperRod-269 9 месяцев назад
HELMUT ZEMO(the one from the comics) IS BASICALLY BEN SWOLO MADE RIGHT *-He has a similar costume to his Father but Unique, unlike Kylo ren's who look like a bootleg Vader* *-He fullfills the Legacy of his predecesor CORRECTLY(Heindrich was Cap's Nemesis during WW2 & Helmut was during the Modern Age)* -He was a fearsome & respectrd leader Of the Thunderbots & Masters of Evil -The dude is Just as Charsimatic as his Dad(unlike Swolo who has less memes than Anakin) -The Dude is an undefetable Menace & Live up to the mantle of the 13° Baron Zemo
@srstriker6420 9 месяцев назад
Speaking of he should have been in the early MCU movies like Thanos and Loki
@ArcTrooperRod-269 9 месяцев назад
@@srstriker6420 I love Daniel Brühl, But man, MCU Zemo is such a Terrible adaptation of the character
@srstriker6420 9 месяцев назад
@@ArcTrooperRod-269 well I have mixed feelings about that because like in the MCU villain problem part 5 they should have add his ties to Hydra
@DalekOfChaos666 9 месяцев назад
The vibe I got with Rian is he still intended for Kylo Ren to go down the path of the big bad. It was the studio who chose for the result we got because they saw how big the Reylo fandom got, but wanted to appease all sides, hence the stupid result we got. A part of me feels like the entire trilogy was building up Kylo Ren as the villain. If it were his destiny to abandon the dark side and The First Order, he would have either joined Rey or left in exile and eventually return and join Rey to end the war together. But that didn’t happen. Trust me I wanted that to happen, I wanted Rey to convince Ben to stop the fleet, take her hand and come home and while Rey flies the Falcon, Ben goes to Luke and Leia to make amends. Then Luke and Ben together would stop The First Order on Crait. But here’s why I think TLJ was setting up Kylo Ren as the villain. In TFA, Kylo Ren killed Han Solo, but did not yet fully embrace the dark side. The deed split his spirit to the bone, which made him unbalanced and conflicted. He was so conflicted that in TLJ, he was unable to pull the trigger to kill his mother. At this point, he still felt a call to the light. Also, in ROTJ, Palpatine said to Luke, “Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey toward the dark side will be complete”. While Luke resisted temptation, Kylo Ren did not. When faced with the opportunity to kill Snoke, he didn’t hesitate. I see him turning the lightsaber to strike true. And now, foolish child. He ignites it, and kills his true enemy! At this moment, his journey towards the Dark Side is complete. Then, after the fight against the Praetorian Guards, Kylo Ren was given a chance by Rey to be redeemed. However, he went straight for the throne. He went straight for power. Even during the Battle Of Crait, knowing very well that Leia was probably in the base, Kylo still gave the command to take no prisoners. He was now willing to kill his mother and even ordered that the Falcon be shot out of the sky with both Rey and Chewie on board. He killed Han and Snoke. He was willing to kill Leia, and he indirectly caused Luke’s death. From this point of view, Kylo Ren has fully cemented himself in the dark side and it was a shame we could not continue this path and a shame they just HAD TO bring back Palpatine. To me Kylo Ren is what Vader could’ve been had he reached his full potential. A Vader who was never wounded on Mustafar, a Vader who killed a close family member and his master. He is the villain they were looking for, but no they had to course correct. And honestly my ideal ending for Kylo Ren would've been this. Rey finds an ancient Jedi artifact that can empower her friends to become the new Jedi that rises. The Skywalkers. Finn, Poe, Rose and Jannah rises as the new Jedi and in the climax they face Supreme Leader Ren and the Knights Of Ren on Fortress Vader on Mustafar. Kylo Ren refuses to let the light in and gives into the dark side fully. But Rey won’t kill him, not after promising Leia. So Rey would disarm Ben, destroy his lightsaber and sever Ben’s connection to the force. So he cannot harm anyone ever again. The war is over. Epilogue. The First Order would be put on trial. Kylo Ren, Hux and Phasma(ideally she lives and faces punishment) would be put on a Nuremberg styled trial as they are tried as War Criminals. Just the thought of the FO leadership facing a Space Nuremberg tribunal is too fun to think about. Just imagine Ren, Phasma & Hux backstabbing and shit-talking each other in jail. Then we see the people who are the victims of their atrocities. Finn and the various Stormtroopers who were forced as children to kill for them. Eila and Kel from SW Resistance tells everyone exactly what Kylo did to their home planet of Tehar. Kazuda Xiono and the rest of the Hosnian Prime survivors will voice heartbreak and outrage for what Hux did, while Hux reminds everyone “I am not alone to blame, Supreme Leader Ren was there as I voiced the plan to Snoke, he did not object and stood by and watched from a distance and did nothing he is just as guilty.” Both Poe and Finn will come forth as witnesses to the massacre of Tuanul. Rey will then come to Finn and stand as witness to the murder of Han Solo. Rose will voice what the First Order did to her home and how Hux confirmed it when she was aboard the Supremacy. R2-D2 will come forth showing the footage of the Jedi massacre. Rey and Poe will come forth and say they were victims of torture by his use of the force and Rey then say “I gave him the chance to turn his back on the FO and save the Resistance twice, to save his mother and he still chose to let everyone die and he almost succeeded on Crait. and still gave the order to wage war until the very last man” Literally everything is stacked against them and finally, Kylo, Phasma and Hux will get their say. Phasma will be unapologetic for her actions. “I grew up on a hellhole. Each day clawing my way to stay alive. I killed my own family. Went from clan to clan. Then one day The First Order came. I saw my opportunity and I chose them. I saw power, strength, order and unity. And I did what I had to do to get to where I am today. I do not regret what I’ve done in the name of The FIrst Order or rescuing children and forging them into an army the likes of which this galaxy has never seen.” Phasma then looks at Finn and her former Stormtroopers. “Only you chose disobedience and cowardice instead of greatness. I don’t regret it. That’s the difference between us. I know what I am, and I embrace it. I’m proud of it. I fought for everything that I have, every bit of what I am.” Hux will go on a Nazi like rant, saying the New Republic was a lawless and corrupt state that usurped it’s rightful government and it deserved to die! He shows absolutely no remorse whatsoever, only pride. “WE COULD HAVE DESTROYED THE LOATHSOME RESISTANCE, IF ONLY OUR SUPREME LEADER DID NOT LET HIS PATHETIC EMOTIONS CLOUD HIS JUDGEMENT!” Hux will say “LONG LIVE THE FIRST ORDER!” and does his salute and expects his former men to do the same, only the former Stormtroopers doesn’t do anything but look down in shame. Kylo Ren will show just as little care or empathy for his actions. Basically he will say the galaxy fell without Imperial rule. Without the example of Darth Vader. He will dare claim “I became a stronger Vader, one not held back by sentiment or compassion. I killed the past and became better for it. I was abandoned by everyone, but came back to burn everything down. I do not apologize for ANYTHING I DID! I AM PROUD OF IT. I AM THE SUPREME LEADER AND MASTER OF THE KNIGHTS OF REN, WHERE WOULD YOU BE WITHOUT ME OR THE FIRST ORDER? A CORRUPT GOVERNMENT THAT ALLOWED SLAVERY AND A LAWLESS GALAXY? WE BROUGHT ORDER BACK TO THE GALAXY! I UNITED YOU AGAINST ME AND YOU BECAME STRONGER FOR IT! YOU ALL NEEDED ME! WHERE WOULD ANY OF YOU BE WITHOUT ME? Do what you will, I know what we did was right.” WIth that, The First Order Triumvirate is sentenced for life in prison. Phasma still looking as the sole survivor. Hux uttering threats. In one final moment, Kylo Ren would be taunting Leia and Rey. Goading them all to sentence them all to be killed by a firing squad. Leia turns away with Poe wrapping an arm around her, Finn & Rey supporting her. She's with her family, she's going to be okay Kylo Ren ending the trilogy as a disgraced and jailed war criminal seems to be the only realistic solution the more I think about it. Leia doesn’t lose her son but he faces consequences for his crimes. He absolutely must face the consequences of his actions and spend the rest of his life imprisoned for crimes against the galaxy and the Republic. Kylo Ren does not get to have a happy ending. He stood by as Hosnian Prime was wiped out, he killed Han, Luke and wanted to kill Leia, Finn and Rey and countless other atrocities. He chose his path and he has to live with the consequences of his actions. But ultimately I recognize Carrie Fisher’s death radically affected the plot of Ep IX for better or for worse.
@ceezyjeffezy2213 9 месяцев назад
I think villain is the wrong word. It felt like Rian was setting up to move the First Order to something else. That he falsely believed people would willingly come to his side like he wanted Rey to do.
@PrettyboyAshtun 15 дней назад
i agree 100% but kylo was the only thing about the sequel trilogy that i somewhat liked but that wasted his character hell they wasted the whole damn trilogy
@taste_is_sweet 9 месяцев назад
Best forensic lament on the complete trashing of Finn I've encountered. You made me hate what TLJ and TRoS did to him even more than the first time around, which is saying a lot. Awesome work.
@OmnicidalClown1992 9 месяцев назад
Ben Solo/Kylo Ren may've been a mistake, but least he was arguably one of the better new characters in the Sequel Trilogy. Which is not saying much, seeing how most of the Newcomers, who are either bland, wasted, or a combination of both.
@danamania150 7 месяцев назад
From the start I really wanted Finn to be the MC. I remember sitting in the theater being like 😒 when Rey grabbed the lightsaber in the forest. Just imagine an ex-Stormtrooper going up against his former boss, both of them at the height of their powers. Dude cmon! Finn saving Rey from Kylo would’ve been a great moment too
@BanishedSilentShadow3318 9 месяцев назад
The sequel trilogy was pretty much a mess on consistency, if they stayed with kylo being vader 2.0 with no redeem arc in mind, then it would've been best to keep it that way meanwhile Rey likely being the daughter of Luke (if they went with that.) It would've explained better as to how she was connected with the force. So we basically have this skywalker family dynamic where Rey embodies Anakin's light side, Kylo would've embodied Vader's dark side. It would've been a similar situation with the ones in the clone wars where we had the daughter and the son fight. While i thought the force awakens was ok but where the story went forward after with the last jedi pretty much screwed everything over.
@officermurdoch4120 8 месяцев назад
If you want a Jedi to become evil and stay evil forever stick on Count Dooku alias Darth Tyranus. Leave Ben Solo alone.
@godkingsosa6811 9 месяцев назад
i find it funny how people just don't understand the sequel trilogy. so many other "quote on quote" RU-vid critics love it. i just find all these subjective takes interesting cuz a lot of people are blind to what was going on on screen and only care about what people say off screen in interviews and article's to push some agenda. the story was literally of reverse anakin and padma were she could save the skywalker this time around. the similarities between them is to on the nose.🤣 all the sighs for Ben solos to return is their. kylo rens story got changed before the fist movie was filmed. they wonted a Byronic hero instead which made the romance work, like im sorry but not all romantic relationships start off "quote on quote healthy" some start off rocky some start off fast some slow. rey was shooting finn down ever chance she got like how did yall see a romantic relationship their in the first movie cuz i saw them as friends the whole time. but at the end of the day people like what they like and hate what they hate so keep up the........ never mind u get my point im a defender of the sequels cuz i like them but if u wont to shit on it go ahead i cant stop you champ.
@thattroy 9 месяцев назад
Excellent video, man! Really good analysis without the usual haters-gotta-hate commentary - just smart and well considered. Really well done.
@sagittariusa7662 9 месяцев назад
Why not make Fynn the main character? "Because we wanted a woman lead." Okay, why not have a romance betwen Fynn and Rey? No. For all that is Zhor'i, I cannot call a female Zhor'i Rey, Rascha'al. At least that is an actual name. Rey just sounds like an attempt to make a woman sound like a man. In which case, why not just have a man. You have bloody Fynn. "We want a strong female character and we don't accept Zhor'i because human narcissism must prevail." *Rolls eyes* Does anyone who would watch Star Wars want to see this? "Yeah!" Anyone who could spend billions of dollars to guarantee your success? "Uh... We are trying to make a difference." Why don't you run for office, instead? "We are not good at meeting expectations." They why are you working here? "Uh... I dunno..." *facepalm*
@rhaenatargaryen8061 7 месяцев назад
Im simply obsessed with the first 50 seconds of this video
@theseer656 9 месяцев назад
They should not have de canonized the EU and had it be Jacen Solo, he could have been played by Cillian Murphy, wouldn't that have been incredible? Although I doubt Rey would have had a prayer against Darth Cauedus 😅😅😅
@jaieregilmore971 9 месяцев назад
Rey would get wrecked so hard it wouldn’t be called a fight and those stupid Reylo shippers Caedus is already married and have a daughter.
@Mallard942 9 месяцев назад
Finn definitely got done dirty, and so did Boyega. I know a huge part of the poor reception to him is thst no-one really bought the idea that he was picked because he was best for the role, but rather for representation like Rose. It's Hollywood's fault that minorities are nowadays getting an extra skeptical side-eye in movies.
@geminigrrl66 9 месяцев назад
Newsflash, Black actors have ALWAYS looked upon negatively, especially when they're not playing stereotyped characters. This isn't new. People just look for more excuses to not give Black actors a chance to branch out.
@wickdaline8668 9 месяцев назад
Why did Rey have to be the prettiest in the back half of TLJ and the entirety of TROS wearing her jedi garbs yet still get the worst of the fandom on the writing side of things or whatnot?
@AudStarWarsFive 9 месяцев назад
You all lost and will continue to lose lol take those loses
@Allen2142 9 месяцев назад
Man this trilogy was a mess. How sad
@brewmaster2912 9 месяцев назад
So when’s your Last Jedi Rewrite coming out?
@wintersoldier164 9 месяцев назад
I think kylo should have stayed in the dark side. It would have been cool to see how from rageful apprentice he became a powerful emperor
@misshelloareyouthere 9 месяцев назад
If you LOVE AShoka, you can love Ben Solo , Reva etc.I heard half of Star War fans didn’t like Ashoka at first but with improve writing , now everybody Ashoka lover.
@yticalz 4 месяца назад
imo, ben solo was the best new character in the sequel trilogy but they ruined his potential. killing off the *actual* last skywalker.
@danamania150 7 месяцев назад
I’m still traumatized by the fact that we didn’t get to see Supreme Leader Kylo Ren in all his evil glory. Just imagine if he was the big bad of episode 9. That’s what TLJ set up, redemption or not!
@DoneRandomLee 9 месяцев назад
I agree with a bunch of your points. They absolutely ruined what was built in the first movie. The idea that kylo was basically someone obsessed with this idea he had in mind for his grandfather but it not being what he imagined parallel's luke, but while luke used it for good and trying to save his father kylo would instead use it to become what he wishes his grandfather was. He was awkward and not full of confidence which caused him to lash out and go more extreme, that he had to kill his dad because if not he may end up weak like anakin, if he didn't backstab snoke and do horrible things he would end up weak. Kylo was suppose to be terrifying because he is desperate to fulfill his fantasy of how things are, to write the known history to say that his grandfather vader was all powerful but was destroyed by his son luke but now kylo is even more powerful than either of them by destroying luke (or doing some other major attrocities). For him to go from a larper to "he finally has power and is starting all his fascist fantasies". Rey in tfa was a fun character who had the right amount of break the rules energy and being shown to do whatever it takes to survive. Making it a actual threat that she may go dark side, not destroy entire planets level but still be fighting the heroes and needing finn to basically be a voice of reason that she made a bad choice. Now personally I wanted rey to be han solo's daughter for another mother because he was the drunk divorced dad, can see him getting someone pregnant and running away again ashamed of it and he doesn't even need to know that rey is his daughter but the scenes already hinted he was surprised by rey so imagining him thinking "...no there's no way that's her she was on this other planet." Something else it'd also parallel with the original trilogy because luke's dad wasn't killed like he thought and that it was vader this whole time but there was a chance to save him, but with this idea for rey she unknowningly spent time with her father but only now realizes it when he's gone. Plus then kylo may have a better chance of getting her to at least give his side a chance for being her half brother and saying how horrible their father was. The idea of finn going from a nobody on the villain side end up becoming a major hero and a jedi is so much better than just showing some little kids using the force at the end of the movie. Because we would see someone discover their self worth and that they are able to do amazing things that leads to the downfall of kylo ren. Now my one disagreement is how luke was shown on the island made sense. For the movies he was a whiney farm boy that had unimaginable scenarios thrust upon him, and he was always a rebel to his benefit. Yoda and obi wan constantly tell luke to not try to save his friends and that vader is just a monster now so there's no point into doing anything but immedatly slashing for the throat. But Luke went against all of that and it ended up working and the galaxy was saved yay. But then look at the aftermath, there is a ton of corruption and crime his sister struggles with to maintain a new government, despite being a hero many don't trust him because they remember vader's reign of terror so they associate lightsabers with vader or the failures of jedi in the past, and then luke tries to teach new jedi and he fails horribly. Not just that he didn't help them to be good jedi but he got so afraid his nephew was going end up becoming evil that he almost killed him while he slept. That everything that happened to luke lead to him almost murdering a teenager who's his nephew because of worries that he may end up using the force for evil. So I can totally imagine that after all of that luke basically cut himself off from the force and went back to being a farmer because he probably imagines his life would be simplier and happier if he never joined obi wan. So personally i like luke's set up but i hated the movie's execution. This could have been a time that kylo continued to cut off anything from his old self with slaying his old master who backstabbed him first and to kylo getting revenge for his grandfather. Plus that would limit rey's options for mentor figures which could lead to her deciding to go with kylo for a bit. And personally either at the end of this second movie or the begining of the third movie have kylo get angry at snoke for snoke talking down to him and kylo murders him saying he doesn't "need a old sith APRENTICE who cowardly hid to survive to command me." which would be a surprise, gurantee he's the villain focus and again parallel's han solo's frozen in carbinyte bit that was origianlly going to be him dying to show anything could happen but they toned it down. With snoke's death being a gut punch to show he isn't just the emperor again and that there's no doubt kylo is a sith lord now it makes it clear he's the threat that needs two powerful jedi to stop. Finn and rey together
@bradleykalinoski99427 8 месяцев назад
One of the only aspects of episode 8 i liked was kylo and before the last film i genuinely liked his character and was interested in where his story would go. The idea of a character who wanted to reject the jedi and sith but holds the power of the dark side was probably one if the most interesting stat wars villians yet. But they just did Vader's arc again and fucked it. Instead of making his arc total tragedy and a lesson of unchecked ambition they just said eh whatever.
@srstriker6420 9 месяцев назад
Yeah because I always felt like he was just a bipolar twit, the kind of person who blames other people for his own misfortune and screw up and he never apologised for any of his actions, I was more interested in Snoke who should have been Darth Plagueis
@ramblinnernd5905 9 месяцев назад
A damn shame Rian went the route he did. Do you think 8 should’ve been done by J.J.? Or someone else entirely?
@BatmanNoir 3 месяца назад
Kylo ren and the knights of ren are so cool but disney killed any potential they had
@orboakin8074 9 месяцев назад
One thing that the disney sequel trilogy has done is make me appreciate Lucas era Star Wars and the EU more. I have been a fan of the franchise since childhood in Nigeria and after the disappointment that was the disney trilogy, i decided to buy the EU novels and the Clone Wars series. I will content myself with those. Better world building, characterization and better writing.
@theotherjared9824 9 месяцев назад
They make the classic blunder of hinting at a better story. Luke Skywalker tries to rebuild the jedi empire, only to make the same mistakes which led to him indirectly reviving the sith, and goes into hiding out of shame. We would then find him broken and desheveled yet come to his senses and make an ultimate sacrifice to start the domino effect that finally leads to balance in the force. The writers probably wanted that, but only had the time to show a quarter of that, so it feels incomplete and hollow.
@GODCONVOYPRIME 9 месяцев назад
Jedi empire wtf dude?
@ChironBroderick 9 месяцев назад
"it is LUKE skywalker." 😂😂 glad to have one of your videos today, big bro. Happy holidays.
@RubyGalaxyYT 9 месяцев назад
Really good break down, well done.
@TorridPrime217 9 месяцев назад
Who was Rey's mother supposed to be?
@srstriker6420 9 месяцев назад
Mara Jade
@TorridPrime217 9 месяцев назад
@@srstriker6420 And audiences who had never read the cancelled expanded universe material were supposed to know who she was?
@jowoman7799 9 месяцев назад
I do think Ben being redeemed is the better option. Mainly because Han would've died for nothing. I can't see Kylo being satisfied and not haunted by what he did to his father. The moment Han touched Ben's face, Ben realized what he did. The mask of Kylo Ren cracked a bit.
@jaieregilmore971 9 месяцев назад
It still meant nothing because Kylo is already dead.
@FHT1883 9 месяцев назад
I hate Ren less than Caedus because they didn't ruin an excellent existing character. still there is not a single good character in the sequels, I will forever stand by that. Finn had potential but, as Okiro knows best, it wasn't realized.
@FHT1883 9 месяцев назад
I meant to write "because UNLIKE IN JACEN'S CASE, they didn't ruin an excellent existing character"
@jaieregilmore971 9 месяцев назад
@@FHT1883Yeah plus difference between him and Kylo is he trying to avoid being like Vader but if he had continue on his path he would become something worse.
@medalgear654 9 месяцев назад
Rey was never a good character; as soon as she met Finn, she became so overpowered and over-skilled that it took work to take the character seriously. Only Finn had the most potential and was fucekd into being comedy relief. Kylo Ren messed up the moment he was introduced; as soon as Poe started making fun of him, it basically told us that he was not to be taken seriously, too.
@mohamedaljassmy 9 месяцев назад
This is off topic but you lost credibility with me when when u said that MCU spider-man was bad and now u wish u could get a MCU spider-man appreance
@qwertyzxaszc6323 9 месяцев назад
What happened to Ren or Star Wars? Fandom. or "Fandom". Whenever I get a Star Wars video in my link I know. it's going to be an opinionated a$$ wearing either their politics on their sleeve or just their dumb opinions further contaminating the pool. Well now the cess pool of Star Wars "fandom"
@Obi-WanCanBlowMe 9 месяцев назад
No shit Sherlock, all of disney SW was a mistake
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