
Benedictus - Karl Jenkins 

Giovanni Galotta
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Progetto dedicato a Karl Jenkins - Roma - Basilica Papale di San Paolo Fuori le Mura - Chrystal Symphony Orchestra diretta da Giovanni Galotta - Cori partecipanti: Gruppo Vocale Cristallo Roma (Dr. Piero Melfa e Ida Piccolantonio), Liberi Cantores Aprilia (LT) (Dr. Rita Nuti) - Ensemble Notevolmente Roma (Dr. Marco Schunnach) - Corale Centonote Roma (Rino Andolfi) - Corale "G. Savani" Carpi (MO) (Dr. Giampaolo Violi), Coro di Voci Bianche "Cantintondo" Aprilia (LT) (Dr. Rita Nuti), Coro di Voci Bianche ArCoroBaleno Piranesi Roma (Dr. Rino Andolfi) - Soprano: Maria Ausilia D'Antona - Soprano Monica Di Maria - Mezzosoprano: Chiara Chialli - Direzione artistica: Giovanni Galotta.
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2 окт 2024




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@keshavprasad2262 4 года назад
In these troubled times of Covid-19 pandemic that has brought so much pain and suffering, to millions I listen to Benedictus repeatedly. It is soothing, heavenly and uplifting - thanks to Karl Jenkins.
@dalerider3124 4 года назад
So do I and I bought a score that I play on the organ at the Church where I am Organist/Minister of Music. I like playing it very hushed until mid-way when that sudden fortissimo "event" happens. Either way, the people are utterly quiet throughout.
@tracygoode3037 5 лет назад
This is my favorite piece of music. It brings me so much peace and tranquility.
@Talboy-d7g Год назад
Karl given his master piece classic music Just takes one for the 21 century master piece Wishing the world 🌍.in peace Enjoy your peace life Enjoy this beautiful classic music 🎶 For ever Talit......
@stevebirmingham9650 3 года назад
This is one of the very best pieces of music ever written, it just proves what man can create a pure work of art and a joy to listen too
@billlawton1186 3 года назад
Suggest listening to the Mozart “Ave Verum Corpus”. It’s a tough decision!
@ilonkastille2993 3 года назад
The capacity and inspiration which man has is a a gift from our Lord . The sounds are from Heaven which we can hear in this physical world.
@17thMustang 3 года назад
@@ilonkastille2993 Then there are the sounds of children and those crying in pain from terminal cancer. You can't have one without the other. As for the music It was mankind who created the instruments, it was a member of mankind who created this music, it was members of mankind who performed it, it was members of mankind who brought about the technology to bring it to you. And its mankind who are striving to stop those suffering. I know your trying to be gracious in your appreciation, but it is at the cost of the amazing abilities of mankind. The darkness of humanity brought about the holocaust, influenced by religion but your lord apparently did nothing to stop it. No, it was the sacrifice and bravery of others in mankind that stopped it.
@ilonkastille2993 3 года назад
@@17thMustang this physical world Is only temporary and we all have to die some day. It is terrible to see children die , you are totally right and every parent will be in pain till the end of their lives. Illness and death are part of the physical world and we know we cannot live forever. If we believe in the Divine then we know that our lives do not end here. As for what you are saying about "mankind created the instruments, they wrote (created) the music , they performed it and man brought about the technology so that we can hear it all over the world. We all know that, but you forget who created mankind with all his capacities. A man and a woman cannot create their own child, a new human being. Mankind can not do anything without being born with the capacities that are part of what he is. He is also created to RECEIVE the INSPIRATION needed to create BEAUTY . The Catholic curriculum standard, educating to Truth, Beauty and Goodness is: Catholic intellectual inquiry is to use the lenses of Truth, Goodness and Beauty to evaluate a subject under consideration. These 3 elements are understood as being among the transcendals. They are the timeless and universal attributes of BEING. They are the properties of all beings. They REFLECT the divine origin of all things and the unity of all truth and reality in God.These 3 transcendals are intertwined. The wars and the darkness and the terrible things that are "created" by man , exist because of the ABSENCE of the Divine. The divine is always there but those who create the misery and the horrors have blocked the presence and reality of the divine.
@andreawiedemann7665 2 года назад
@@17thMustang because of the Lord gives everybody the freedom to choose the way of love, forgiveness and life. Life is there to learn and to grow in personsality and character everybody in his/her own speed and way. God doesn"t do good or bad. It is the way mankind is acting. Don't blame him for giving us the freedom to choose, which way to go. Because many of us find this way the ability to be good and to develop. Everybody has to die one day anyway - so "carpe diem" use your time carefully to learn and become a happy, consent person, who has the power to raise up others by music , art or any other kind of ability even just a friendly word. God will not save the World for us, we have to do it ourselves. But if you get in motion, God will grant you any kind of help you need, to make the world a better place.
@billlawton1186 3 года назад
Sir Karl’s glorious composition in an eternal setting.
@joerocky5819 6 лет назад
One of the most wonderful masterpieces ever by the great genius Karl Jenkins. The angels start 2 cry when they hear this beauty that is god given.This music is capable 2 enlight even the evil and bring it back...
@pleiadecca 8 лет назад
Seven and a half minutes of peace, beauty and hope, in a world flowing over with hatred, ignorance and despair. Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel. Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini.
@Stalled-wm3qd 8 лет назад
The wicked will do wickedly but they shall NOT escape. They will be judged as and when God sees fit! Praise God!
@rafikbaladi6555 5 лет назад
So true, my friend, it is humbling and grounding. Their is something right about listening to such yearning in the melody (Let alone Jenkins fingers) and tearing for a while as opposed to loathing violence.
@peterstclair2610 4 года назад
I totaly agree with you!!
@liadipardi2194 4 года назад
@giovannigalotta6121 9 лет назад
Questo brano di Karl Jenkins, che qui dirigo, mi trasmette sempre una profonda emozione ...
@adelaidesignori966 9 лет назад
Credo che Jenkins, con questo brano, abbia messo in musica il canto della mia anima. Complimenti per la direzione particolarmente struggente. Un privilegio averti tra i miei amici, benvenuto
@pmc3484 7 лет назад
unbeschreiblich berührend!
@C27P24 4 года назад
Por favor queria a letra dessa canção, uma excelente canção. Parabéns pela condução.
@perdonilla 2 года назад
Esta canción me ha emocionado enormemente. No la conocía, pero me alegro por tener la oportunidad de disfrutarla. Me ha llegado a lo más profundo de mi ser.
@janettedalbeith9523 Год назад
Beautiful music
@Talboy-d7g Год назад
KARL, given his 21 century master piece classic music Karl finally done it Just take one Work of art Beautiful classic music Wishing the world 🌎 a to listen to this master piece Have a beautiful life Talit........ check the space version Beautiful universe with this master piece
@jerryrobertson4422 2 года назад
It's nice to see and listen to a professional performance of the Benedictus instead of the pseudo-star cellist and the woke dirigent with her preferred unisex choir. Who needs that.......? Thank you Direttore Giovanni Galotta for a beautiful and professional musical performance!
@stevebirmingham9650 6 лет назад
This peice of music makes a grown man cry so emotional words just dont do this justice thank you Karl Jenkins stunning just stunning a true work of art
@MultiMattman68 4 года назад
The video of Adimeus with the huge birds flying made this grown man cry like a baby,very emotional. It reminds me of souls flying on the wings of Angel's to their heavenly home
@janettedalbeith9523 4 года назад
Yes beautiful.
@johnanderson3700 2 года назад
This piece gives voice to the silence of our tears even when they are mute and there are no sounds; this sound emerges from the heart; indeed the soul, and perhaps even the heart of God
@JelMain 5 месяцев назад
The original setting, Guillaume Dufay's Cantus Firmus (ie Folk) mass L'Homme Armé, was written in the 1430s as support for the Papacy of Eugenius IV, who tried to unite the warring west in support of the Varna Crusade. Standing alongside Jan van Eyck's Mystic Lamb and Fountain of Life, they formed a quadrivium foundation for Jan van Ruusbroec's Spiritual Tabernacle, which has become a major inspiration for Gerardus Groot's Windesheim. The work itself is the seminal consolidation of the doctrine of the Eucharist, and Windesheim shaped it into the Devotio Moderna, as espoused by it's major graduates, Luther and Erasmus. I came on this researching the thinking behind the Order at the heart of the Eucharistic Renewal movement of the second half of the 19th Century, under Anna de Meeus, who attributed the vocation to her first chapel in Brussels, established by Eugenius as the physical heart of the doctrine. The ideation came into the hands of the Chief Theologian, Jean Gerson, for pre-publication approval, on the death of Ruusbroec, and he spotted an excellent argument to end the Papal Schism, one of the driving forces of the Hundred Years War. He referred it to his mentor, Pierre d'Ailly, but their motive was overtaken by current events, the Ottoman threat to Wallachia. The Voivode, Vlad Dracula (I kid you not) was releasing his PTSD on the locals, the Saxon residents of the lands surrounding the mouth of the Danube, modern Bulgaria and Romania, and they complained to the top of the feudal tree, the Holy Roman Emperor. He needed more support than he had to hand, which meant the strop between the Plantagenets and Valois we now call the Hundred Years War had to end, so the Papacy had to be freed from Valois control, and resume its historical supremacy, which Ruusbroec had so conveniently provided the case for. As a result, the Holy Roman Emperor convened the Papal Council under d'Ailly's chairmanship at Constance in 1414, and he made it clear from the start who was boss, having Jan Hus burned at the stake for jumping the gun. The French made it clear they weren't having it, and were promptly removed from the board in similarly brutal fashion, courtesy of the Holy Roman Empire's Burgundian vassals and their English allies, who pull the entire French fighting force, all four armies, into a trap known as Agincourt. Most surrendered and were executed, including half a dozen of d'Ailly's kin: but the Cardinal was delighted, he says so in a letter of congratulations to Henry. Green light all the way until the Italians stick their oar in. If this is a reset, then reset it all the way, the consolidation pope has to be old-school, drawn from the Roman famiglias. So d'Ailly picks the most decrepit of thew Papabili, Martin V, and it all goes wrong. The Papal nuns took one look at him, recognised lactose intolerance, and switched him to goats milk. The old boy perked up and lived to a very inconvenient old age, having fun following his own agenda and not that desired by the Establishment. d'Ailly didn't long outlive his success, but Windesheim was running. A Venetian graduate was the next Pope, and hit the ground running, with his Coronation Anthem written by Dufay, Ecclesie Militate, Church Take Arms! The Armed Man soon followed. Although d'Ailly wasn't around, another of the Compiegne branch was, Jeanne, who'd picked up the surname d'Arc along the way, and her story you know. It was the last thing the HRE needed, the call to arms went disregarded, nobody was going gallivanting into the East and the HRE went alone, with predictable consequences: Lombard Finance discredits Eugenius and takes the Papacy instead of war munitions income. One detail: both van Eyck and Dufay were on d'Ailly's staff at Constance. The major works on this are Professor Bernard Guenee's biography of d'Ailly in Beyond Church and State and Professor Craig Wright's thinking in The Maze and the Warrior. My work has been critically checked by Professor Charles Burnett, Professor Wright, and Till Holger Borchert, and I'm indebted to Professor Laura Smoller. The work was commissioned by the Belgian Supreme Court. I should also mention my in-laws have contacts in Sir Karl's village (Huw's funeral next week) and my wife and I were from the team which won the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize for our work in Peacemaking, including completing the Mahatma's unfinished business.
@michaelcox5208 8 лет назад
Mick. oh what a dream of production complete relaxation for the mind and well-being thank you karl
@blueucloud5431 8 лет назад
you beautiful man
@idfazekas1199 3 года назад
Hunting, uplifting, inspiring,hope giving !!!
@jerryrobertson4422 2 года назад
Haunting too!
@Talboy-d7g Год назад
A composer. Comes one of every century KARL has given his MASTER Piece... Beautiful ❤ My mother taught me everything except how to live with Out HER... Thank you for giving me this master piece classic. Talit xx
@antoniovelez2385 11 месяцев назад
Muy placentero, genial.
@richardmorris3027 2 года назад
There are some among us who are driven to ensure one note follows sweetly after another. Carl Jenkins is such a man and his Benedictus is a sublime example.
@antonio14660 8 лет назад
Esimio Maestro Galotta, sono senza parole, un vero gioiello qs video....sei quasi ai miei livelli. Saluti da Roby Fakkinetty
@garyeaton7271 Год назад
It's a shame so many young people do not listen to this beautiful music. When I say to them, they can not feel the magic
@shin-i-chikozima 3 года назад
This performance is soothing , calming , fascinating and moving From Tokyo of the Land of the Rising Sun 🇲🇰
@Elizabeth-iw3wd 2 года назад
Stunningly beautiful in every way 👏👏💕💕💕🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
@ianrobinson8974 4 года назад
St Paul's outside the walls is a cathedral which was built in the 4th Century...they certainly had taste and skills in those far off years. Long time NO see! The music is from the 20th Century, Karl Jenkins has a matching, although different taste and skills. Blessings to all from the Land of Oz (15/2/2020).
@RichardASK 4 года назад
Truly beautiful composition by Karl Jenkins, in a stunningly beautiful setting BUT is it just me, or were quite a few of the instruments out of tune? The 2 Cellos version, musically is far superior. I have heard a number of versions of this, but sadly this was not the best. Sorry folks, but that's my opinion for right or wrong.
@giovannigalotta6121 4 года назад
Richard ... This concert was performed having done only one orchestral rehearsal. So the result, given the premises, is excellent for me
@noone.1711 Месяц назад
I thought that too n honestly the performance was really bad
@williammillena3397 Год назад
Oh this piece is just so quiet and soothing, especially at 5:20 when it goes quieter. So good.
@darrenleelayton6052 6 месяцев назад
😂😂got me totally!
@31adrian31 4 года назад
Those drums scared the crap out of me for some reason. 😳
@danielbeck2414 4 года назад
It woke me up, that's for sure.
@moragbrown6550 4 года назад
I had ear phones in 🥁🥁BOOM
@Bilbi111 4 года назад
glad I scrolled through comments during listening, so I read this and reduced the volume of my headphones!
@judithbate9424 4 года назад
I went this played at my funeral.That great Hosanna makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck stand up and brings tears to my eyes.
@marinoguerra7949 7 лет назад
Emozionante profondo celestiale
@tomattime 7 лет назад
Beyond Beautiful
@SuzanaMantovaniCerqueira 2 года назад
It is so beautiful
@MBolRod 5 лет назад
Sonho em ver um dia. Tomara que essa cultura resista até lá.
@annberlin5811 2 года назад
Dang this is beautiful
@delmydepalacios6104 3 года назад
En el Nombre del Padre del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo amén 🙏 Alabada sea su grandeza y Misericordia. Gracias Señor porque eres bueno y por esta bella mañana que nos haces escuchar de tu gracia ... Bendito seas, Gracias Señor 🙏
@pedrincalentino6063 2 года назад
Por los siglos de los siglos AMEN
@catherineoote8135 Год назад
Magnificent 🎉🎉 listening from Kenya 🇰🇪🇰🇪 very uplifting. Thank you for this wonderful soothing piece 🎉🎉
@andreaghita8274 Год назад
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. Hosanna in excelsis. Blessed who comes in name of Lord. Hosanna in highest. Osana! Binecuvântat este Cel ce vine întru numele Domnului.
@harleyjules5129 9 лет назад
I like the version by 2cellos.
@staelensjozef1 9 лет назад
Harley Jules indeed , the version off 2 cellos are 1 of the best
@johnlinford2572 8 лет назад
+Harley Jules hi Harley I agree with you the 2 cello's version is great not taking any think away from this version love them both it's the build up that get's to me music at it's best
@rogerblackwood8815 7 лет назад
The 2 Cellos have worked a great passage in where the original builds to a crescendo with timpani's, but they have an amazing sound production which makes them sound perhaps a little better than pure acoustic instruments? Personally this one moves me the most. The Karl Jenkins Birthday performance is also very good, allowing for the Singer coming from a talent show!
@tvnsi8556 6 лет назад
They are more inspired
@catherinetodd 6 лет назад
Me, too. That's how I ended up coming here! For Karl, the original composer. Tears of heaven, tears of joy,
@sinistershenanigans965 5 лет назад
There is a god. This song knows my soul. 🌟
@TheVaughan5 3 года назад
What a perfects setting - the magnificent St. Paul Outside the Walls, Rome.
@workonitm8 4 года назад
Beautiful !
@benveenhof388 4 года назад
Ik ben in de bevoorrechte positie dat ik deze mis volgend jaar op 30 April mag zingen. Groet BV
@norman7179 7 лет назад
This is beautiful. I also love the version by Hayley Westenra, who's voice is very complimentary to the orchestra.
@MsMaya8888 Год назад
To the God of our Galaxy. all my love
@teresabatollasianga8383 Год назад
@TheMusicPinkLover91 Год назад
For those of you like me who are trying to learn and listen to the choir part for practice, it starts at 3:44
@cesaraugusto7182 5 лет назад
Palavras são poucas para expressar a beleza dessa obra de arte! :)
@patriciaoreilly8907 2 года назад
Spine tingling beautiful. Emotionally Magical . Thank you 😊 💓
@Talboy-d7g Год назад
Yes Composer are like Jigsaw puzzles Just looking for one piece to complete his MASTER piece... Once in a century lwe get a master piece classic music 🎵🎶 Karl should be given a Nobel peace prize 🏆 Thank you Talit.
@mysticmouse7261 2 года назад
Blessed is he who composes in the name of the Lord. The trumpet timpani Hosanas threaten to open up the Heavens.
@robertoscaglioni7598 2 года назад
Mi scusi carissima Gabriella, non vorrei importunare, ma ho pensato che potrebbe gradire questo concerto sublime, essendo il canto parte della Sua vita. Questo video è stato registrato nella Basilica di San Paolo fuori le mura )
@rogerblackwood8815 9 лет назад
Why do most people attempt to cover this at a faster and more aggresive pace than it should be? Let the peice breathe like a fine wine.
@iby914 7 лет назад
Or whiskey for that matter.
@Hrmesing 6 лет назад
Agreed .. this piece as interpreted by 2Cellos draws out the emotion of the piece .. poignant and moving. This is not very dimensional ... but is the conductors interpretation.
@trackdusty 6 лет назад
Or a good compost.
@alistairmuir5521 6 лет назад
Bands "cover" songs written by other bands. Orchestras/choirs perform music written by a composer. There's no "covering" going on here.
@hannahkopf7578 6 лет назад
Cause if it‘s faster it‘s easier for the choir...
@caleb1016 6 лет назад
Then there’s that man who coughs
@DJWRailroad 7 лет назад
Beautiful rendering in an equally befitting and astonishing setting, at the 194 year-old Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls, Rome. Awe-inspiring. The only thing that could be more breathtaking would have been to actually be there.
@geraldomiguelfabiofabio9897 4 года назад
@joerocky5819 6 лет назад
This music is GODS WILL! Karl Jenkins is a holy man
@123clanger 5 лет назад
Joe Rocky this is unbalanced, with a lack of depth and in parts out of tune, muddled and then booming with the drums and clamour,,
@Elizabeth-iw3wd 2 года назад
@@123clanger 👎 The conductor says they only had 1 rehearsal. I loved this along with 99% of the comments 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
@Anglophile2012 Год назад
Sublime Heavenly
@marcofabela7579 5 дней назад
SIMPLEMENTE EXQUISITO Desde Mexico 28 de octubre 2024
@sarahjoseph290 4 года назад
I love this song by Sir Karl Jenkins. I'm glad I get to walk down the aisle with it on September, 26th, 2020 for me and my husband Jesse Remenda's wedding. See you in Calgary, Alberta, Canada 🇨🇦Sir Karl Jenkins as well as you my Cousin inlaw Giovanni Gallota.😀
@drelezar7745 3 года назад
Personally came from cor glananthway and glad I did
@pmajudge 6 лет назад
@paulomiguel6484 5 лет назад
It is important to keep in mind such pieces bare only value to the human species, no one else cares about or shares the same values of beauty .
@uzmazaidi2887 5 лет назад
Paulo Miguel Not true! Even animals know the beauty and live in it more than we do.
@Talboy-d7g Год назад
True Composer ai like Jigsaw puzzles Just one more piece to complete his master piece classic Unfortunately come once every century Like all classic music That my piece Talit
@cleideferreira7393 3 года назад
@superjfbm 4 года назад
....they were called on very short notice
@pmajudge 6 лет назад
@SEAWEEDER1 4 года назад
2.22 extra note ??
@trishreid9832 3 года назад
Pure joy
@angeleskennedy1677 5 лет назад
Brings me to tears every time I hear it!
@GustavoElias78 8 лет назад
Beautiful. A masterpiece!
@gracebennion2000 7 лет назад
Totally agree Gustavo!!
@philippe27400 Год назад
so far from soft machine ....but so nice too
@36CRAZYFOX 7 лет назад
@robertoiafanti5342 6 лет назад
A 6.42 Errore di passaggio strings low......Puo succedere!!!!.....
@dominiquearends2666 2 года назад
Where can I get the sheet music for this piece been looking for it for windband but could only get the 4 part harmony. Can someone please be kind. Very very beautiful
@colmsomers9063 7 лет назад
The strings are out of tune. Pity. It's a beautiful piece.
@bobcowell9 7 лет назад
Not just the strings!
@AntPDC 6 лет назад
+theDraco Nope, the strings are slightly flat.
@Texbun2 6 лет назад
No wonder it did not sound quite right!
@michaelmahoney7114 6 лет назад
Just so at peace with this music.
@anninostoppa7213 7 лет назад
Bellissima interpretazione, anche senza il violoncello in prima tutti gli effetti sono stati efficaci. Molto bello mi è piaciuto moltissimo. Grazie
@mollieyaxley8215 6 лет назад
Shoot the violinist.
@avibank 7 лет назад
Flat AF
@thegrapevine4897 5 лет назад
Word of warning do not listen with headphones in!
@davidd5448 9 месяцев назад
So crass, flash photography throughout the performance.
@dianakelemen554 3 года назад
@1slowstar 3 года назад
A little disappointing intonation of concertmaster...Isn't it?
@isabelclark2728 Месяц назад
@AshGTE 7 месяцев назад
5:20 hello!
@evertvandijk100 8 лет назад
Geweldig mooi
@carmenurrutia7387 6 лет назад
gran coro,pero hay que despertar al director
@timlawhorn7820 5 лет назад
Timeless ...
@gingerbreadchristmas8462 4 года назад
QUI VA DI WINNERS 🐯🐝🕷🐙🐋🐖🐕🐓🦡🐾🌵🌞🌨🌬🥑🧀🍳
@batoulsiblani1655 8 лет назад
@mariecoughlan1188 4 года назад
@gingerbreadchristmas8462 4 года назад
@carniels790 5 лет назад
Indonesia 🇮🇩 11.08am 20 sep 2019
@trinh1807 8 лет назад
@corlisscrabtree3647 6 месяцев назад
Thank you 🙏
@tommi200561 7 лет назад
i was drifting away thoroughly enjoying this version - till about 5.19 - & those drums boomed in my ears, it took a few minutes to climb down from the ceiling, & then i had to check my boxers - put it this way - i am glad i was wearing brown ones!
@millimausa 7 лет назад
ryan777 I tried to sleep listening to this a few times...I failed. Hosanna in excelsis.
@cateaudesfans777 7 лет назад
Hahaha you made me laugh, I had the same experience at 5.19..
@woismith5899 7 лет назад
Class. :)
@fastasfox 6 лет назад
You Sir made me laugh.
@ggonz2800 6 лет назад
@williamknight5061 6 лет назад
I feel this has been rushed
@tonythrowaway3327 4 года назад
peace, beauty and hope, in a world flowing over with hatred, ignorance and despair. Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel. Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. peace, beauty and hope, in a world flowing over with hatred, ignorance and despair. Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel. Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini.
@wooskru 3 года назад
It seems that the camera man is the enemy, in this movie...haha
@13577727 6 лет назад
Pure beauty
@revgilmcallister8283 5 лет назад
I love this piece - it is magnificent BUT the solo violin is off pitch, the choir not good on entrances and stretching to stay on pitch, the bombastic interlude is far too much - simply this is not a good performance. There are many better.
@alberttenfoot 4 года назад
One of the best performances of this piece is by the cellist Stjepen Hauser, with the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra. Both he and the orchestra treat the work with the sensitivity it deserves; the voices of the choir are angelic and the conductor, Elizabeth Fuchs is inspirational. Point your browser to ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-eGbHnJCDMyE.html and be prepared for an emotional experience.
@antonellagoffredo2256 6 лет назад
@simonedgbaston 7 лет назад
@mauman 4 года назад
the instruments were too loud during the choir part
@jslasher1 3 года назад
Why complain? Simply enjoy the sheer beauty of this heartfelt work.
@candynichols5644 7 лет назад
@mfwanfy 5 лет назад
The worst version I' he heard!
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Copying Beethoven/cut HD - the best part of the movie
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A Mass for Peace, Berlin 2018
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Benedictus   -   Karl Jenkins
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Karl Jenkins' Birthday Concert , Benedictus, Rhydian