
Beruga's Lab / Genius's Playground (Terranigma Orchestral Cover) (天地創造) 

Roman Heuser
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These colder and darker days deserve being welcomed by a track that's a bit more on the darker side as well ;). And here's one that instantly came to my mind when thinking of how to combine some elements of my recent original song "Equilibrium" with the fun of covering tracks from "Terranigma". "Beruga's Lab" or "Genius's Playground" mixes both an atmospheric choir arrangement with some electronic beats and therefore was a perfect challenge to cover. It has been requested by many of you, too, of course ;).
So, please enjoy my latest Terranigma cover "Beruga's Lab"!
The outstanding soundtrack of Terranigma was originally composed by Miyoko Kobayashi (Takaoka) and Masanori Hikichi.
NEW: I just created a PayPal-Donate link after receiving numerous request for this. Thank you so much for your will to support my little musical project, I really appreciate it! Here's the direct link if you'd like to donate: www.paypal.com...
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Artwork by Michal Kváč: www.artstation...
My recent album "A New Dawn" is available here:
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17 сен 2024




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@Gnamut 3 года назад
Do you know what I like the most about this cover? The way you captured the unsettling atmosphere of all things surrounding Beruga. In Terranigma, human genius is extremely valuable to make progress possible. In his journey, Ark uncompromisingly helps all the geniuses and bright minds he finds in his way, with hope of them using their creations for the greater good. The game stablishes pretty often the importance of progress and science to overcome superstition and the darkness brought by ignorance and fear. And yet, the moment he stepst into Beruga's lab, Ark is forced to face a cruel mockery of everything he's been supporting up to this point. Beruga, being probably the greatest of all mankind geniuses, is more interested in seeking his own selfish agenda than providing mankind with a true healthy service. His lab and his flying ship are both temples for his pride, his ego, and his megalomania. Beruga thinks of himself as foolproof, the only one who truly understands the course of things and how they must be done. Suddenly, science and progress are serving as tools for the same darkness and ignorance Ark was trying to fight back. That moment in the game when he realizes what was his true quest all along is one of the most soulcrushing moments in the entire game. Once again, congratulations for yet another magnificent piece :D
@the-noise-principle 3 года назад
I remember playing this as a child, whose mother provided some partial translation to Swedish. I guess I missed Beruga being the bad guy at first, but arriving at "Mosque" and seeing the creepy white-robed guys floating around, and then witnessing Berugas evil power-point presentation, I started getting this eerie feeling... I remember it to this day. And then you get to the lab. The cold, dark and sterile environment is like nothing you seen earlier in the game. A vision of things to come, or a frozen relic of the past? And the music, just goosebumps. Throughout the level I had this feeling I was doing something very wrong.. But hey, gotta press on! It's brilliant. And worryingly enough, could very well be thought of as a warning, seeing where technology is currently heading. This cover does captures a lot of the feelings I felt back then.
@PostTraumaticChessDisorder 2 года назад
Can we all appreciate the amazing write up? I played this game as a 10 year old and I had no idea what any of the topics meant. Slowly but surely everything starts falling into place.
@javiervasquez625 2 года назад
*"The game stablishes pretty often pretty often the importance of progress and science to overcome superstition and the darkness brought by ignorance and fear".* ¿You do realize that Beruga's main benefactor in Terranigna was such a "superstitious" being who most brilliant scientists today would consider a myth not worth their attention in their pursuit for betterment of the Human race? Beruga was a mad genius who's very foundations for his mindset came from his allegiance to a supernatural Deity who was the very personification of Entropy and Death in the planet. The fact that his very scientific aspirations and goals hinged on a biological weapon *created* by said deity makes your point on superstition and the "darkness brought by ignorance and fear" moot given said Deity's very intention to spread darkness and fear across the remnants of the Human race.
@Gnamut 2 года назад
@@javiervasquez625 Have you *even* bothered to read my full comment? Because that's exactly my point at the end of it. I didn't certainly mention the whole Beruga's workshipping to this dark god, but it doesn't contradict my point about the character's megalomania, if any it only reinforces it. Also, how does my point come as moot, considering that mankind's progress as a medium to enlightment is basically the core point of the entirety of Terranigma's adventure? We can argue that the game's plot is naive, but that's how the story is build. Is a tale of hope, but also of warning when people deviate from the path of enlightment. Beruga's workshipping of Dark Gaia is depicted as the wrong way science and progress is meant to be focused, because his goal are ultimately selfish and self-indulgent at best, and terribly misguided at worst. Again, that's precisely how I described Ark's encounter with Beruga, so I fail to see how my point of view is moot. Next time, I'd appreciate you take your time to read a full comment before counter-arguing. English is not my mother language, so I apologize for any possible grammar bloopers, but my point stands still.
@javiervasquez625 2 года назад
@@Gnamut You're forgetting that in the *context* of Terranigna there is NO SUCH THING as "superstition" considering all the supernatural and outright demonic ocurrences which happen all over the game's world ranging from ghosts, demons, walking skeletons, talking animales, mermaids, human beings being reincarnated into animals and the very premise of the game dealing with Jesus figure literally embarking on what can only be described as a *religious* journey to uphold a cosmic Order preordained by a supernatural being who clearly cares about upholding such a fantasy world ABOVE the scrutiny of "secularly rational Science". This whole tale of Hope you beautifully remarked hinges on the idea of GOD(not abstract Nature) and the *supernatural* having an active direct effect on the Natural world which Beruga is trying to reforge in his own image and thus this one point in your comment in regards to "superstition" is completley, objectively, factually wrong. I do agree with everything else in your comment so don't take it personal as i very much enjoyed reading your exposition on the fallibility of the Human mind to avoid misusing the Scientific process for self indulgent and selfish interest. It is okay you expressed yourself clearly and i very much understood what your arguments are. I still know you made a mistake dismissing the supernatural element to Jesus's(Ark) journey to restablish balance in a world lead astray by Mankind's Ego and Self-serving nature (Beruga).
@ProfDrVeritas 3 года назад
Ich hab den Chor schon im Original geliebt, aber hier... Als ob sein Labor heimgesucht wird von den Seelen der gesamten Menschheit die er geopfert hat auf dem Altar seiner Ideale.
@RayaRoentgen Год назад
Und mal wieder hier gelandet. Ich könnte deine Cover jeden Tag hören.
@Veit1991 3 года назад
Deine Covers treiben mir immer wieder die Tränen in die Augen. Beruga's Lab war eines meiner Lieblingslevel und Beruga selbst einer meiner Lieblingsschurken. Danke!
@caromell_ 3 года назад
Es war echt schade das ein Superhirn und Universalgenie wie Beruga so einen "kläglichen" sehr brutalen Tod bekommen hat. Auch fand ich es schade das er so schnell gestorben ist und man nicht noch ne längere Story mit ihm hat. Als ich die Szene das erstemal gesehen hab als kind da war ich erstaunt wie gut man solche Todesfälle schon auf dem SNES machen konnte. Seitdem bin ich ein RiesenFan des Snes. (hab die todesursache nicht genannt für die leuts die kein spoiler wollen ;) )
@acobacoaco 3 года назад
@@caromell_ Ich fand seinen Tod damals äußert passend. So ironisch...
@gaypaladin 5 месяцев назад
@@caromell_ es steht in dem Spielberater... dem Schicksal ihm nicht selbst zu wünschen... die Propeller seines Schiffes werden ihm zum Verhängnis....
@ericmagalhaes618 3 года назад
Only an evil genius could have made this arrangement.
@shishi82 3 года назад
You mean Roman ist Beruga and feed us with his dark Soundtrack to make the Apocalypse more comfortable?
@naraksama3903 3 года назад
Du machst so schöne Orchestreals. Ich bin so froh, dich gefunden zu haben.
@berserkercookie2645 3 года назад
Ich dachte der soundtrack von Terranigma ist einer der besten im ganzen Gaming Bereich. Dann hat mir Dennsen86 gezeigt das es MSU und das hier gibt....... Das deutsche Wörterbuch hat kein Wort mit dem ich beschreiben kann wie sehr ich Gänsehaut bekomme wenn ich das hier höre und wie sehr mich das geistig beeinflusst. Das ist als ob du deine Kindheit episch im Kopf hast aber sie nie wirklich nacherleben kannst weil dein Kindlicher Geist natürlich vieles übertreibt. Aber meine Fresse das ist so unfassbar geil das kann ich nicht in Worte fassen. Stellt euch vor ihr erlebt als Kind eines der besten JRPG das je gemacht wurde und der Soundtrack kann locker mit dem heutigen Zeug mithalten. Dann kommt Heuser um die Ecke und zeigt dir das es noch 10 Level höher geht..... Vielen Dank dafür. Abo auf Lebenszeit ist dir sicher :)
@sumpex1994 3 года назад
Ja, halb 12, 31.Oktober und epischer Chor. Grusel-faktor erfüllt. 👍 Diese nacht wird nicht geschlafen Wirklich wieder einmal phänomenal!
@yurisatoru1143 3 года назад
Juchu, ein neues Terranigma-Cover!
@macrozone 3 года назад
underrated track on the game. The pumping beat is nice
@thatmink42 3 года назад
OMG i screamed - this really made my day :DD
@artemgilz4727 3 года назад
I wouldn't be mad if you keep up with the Terranigma arrangements and release a complete album afterwards. Good job once again.
@shorletgreid 3 года назад
i finished the game recently and loved their songs... but your version gives it such an amazing feeling that ahhh you are amazing, like :D
@Sinclairelim 3 года назад
This genuinely gave me chills. Unsettling, overwhelming, sinister and exillerating. This is exactly how Beruga should feel like. Amazing work.
@Yuckpulver 3 года назад
Wow, ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass man noch soviel treibende Energie aus diesem Stück rausholen kann. Höre es gerade auf Kopfhörer. Besonders die Kombination von den Synthis mit dem Camina Burana Götterchor geht richtig ins Blut. Gefällt mir außerordentlich gut. 10/10 Raketenstiefel
@perchetuvali243 11 месяцев назад
Man, if this game ever, ever, EVER got a remake, your music needs to be in it.
@Khalderan 2 года назад
Es ist echt Wahnsinn, was du aus den Terranigma-Soundtracks gezaubert hast. Aber dieser Track hat mich echt richtig umgehauen. Der Witz ist eigentlich, dass ich diesen Track im Orginal nicht mal unbedingt mochte. Aber die Art und Weise, wie du ihn arrangiert hast und die Atmosphäre, die diese ganze Stimmung des Spiels an der Stelle gekonnt einfängt, hebt den Track auf ein ganz anderes Level und macht ihn zu einem echten Sahnestück deiner Terranigma-Covertracks!
@thomaswateren3967 Год назад
Finaly! FINALY!!! A Terranigma orchestra! Damn! Now only the remake with this music in it and I got my childhood back!
@Fiddlestickz1 3 года назад
Just found your channel recently and itsso nostalgic to hear all those good SNES soundtracks remastered i grew up with those games in the 90s. Maybe in the future you could try some of the Secret of Evermore tracks or Illusion of Time too. Great work!
@jud6ment 3 года назад
Oh this is a awesome cover! I like the second half a lot! If you continue to do more from Terranigma, I think Heroes Last Day would be a good one to do. However, I am happy with anything you decided to upload. Thanks for sharing bro!
@QuackerJack09 Год назад
Das ist so grandios umgesetzt! Vereint perfekte alle Elemente der Szenerie: Mechanik, Wissenschaft und Technik genauso das Epische, Erhabene und "Göttliche" und durch den Chor wird auch - wie ich finde - super der Wahnsinn hinter allem deutlich. Klasse! :)
@samueldiaz-pintomontoro4774 3 года назад
This cover gave me goosebumps. So perfect.
@TheMeq 3 года назад
This bops! Great work Roman ♥
@syphabelnades8445 3 года назад
Thank you so much for uploading covers of all these songs - Terranigma is my favourite game ever and I just love that you're uploading all these wonderful mixes. I think this one is an absolute masterpiece, it gave me goosebumps - I love the mix of electronic instruments and the choir, which is so much more noticeable in the mix as I think it perfectly fits the lab that seems to be very futuristic compared to the rest of the world in Terranigma, but also how the locals praise Beruga and pretty much see him as a god (that village always creeped me out and still does...). Excellent mix, and thank you so much!
@fragmentsofharmony 3 года назад
Bestes Videospiel, bester OST, beste Covers 😉👍
@yawdyhenso4357 3 года назад
Dark Gaia Bossfight and the Epilog song will be a true test but I guess you will not disapoint. Great work, on every terranigma ost you made.
@Vicobop 3 года назад
Fuck me if this isn't the ultimate cover for such a track. Part of why I love it is it's so close to the original in structure and notes and doubles down on the emotional gravity. The bass is fabulous! It's so good!
@carstenwiese8614 3 года назад
Vor 20 Jahren gespielt. Alles normal. Mit der Musik von Dir: Hosenschiss pur!!!!111!11111 Holy crap!
@FlowRyan887 3 года назад
Du triffst den Geist der Musik wunderbar. Deine Lieder spiegeln meine Erinnerungen wider und schmücken sie mit noch mehr Pepp aus. Danke für deine Arbeit. Ich möchte keine Wünsche äußern, dennoch hoffe ich, dass du dir irgendwann das Lied der Quatros vornimmst
@MrsLittletall 3 года назад
Wow, einfach nur wow! Dieses Cover war großartig, mehr als das! Es hat Beruga und sein Labor so gut eingefangen während man immer noch die Originalmelodie erkennen konnte. Besonders der ominöse Chor im Hintergrund war fantastisch.
@PianoSquarda Год назад
If Berugas Lab Originial song is 100% you gave this song like 999%. This is absolutely amazing - one of the best cover´s ive ever heard at all.
@00yiggdrasill00 3 года назад
Didn't see this get uploaded. Honestly this was the one i wasnt sure you could do with how different its feel is from the rest. You've completely outdone any limits i thought you would have.
@d.v.5491 3 года назад
Absolute Perfektion! Was soll ich da noch sagen??? Diese Version ist mega!
@Haydskempster 3 года назад
One of my favourite locations, story moments and music tracks in the game and you have nailed it. It's haunting!
@charliessmile 3 года назад
wie immer, einfach nur toll :) ich hab diese Stage gehasst und bin da früher beim ersten Durchlauf lange hängen geblieben, daher hat sich der Song wohl so sehr bei mir eingebrannt :D
@CleopatradiNekomata 3 года назад
The way you improved this Song Is spectacular!
@Emdarion 3 года назад
totally was waiting for this! Thank you!! This is one my favs in Terranigma!
@jvanb1751 3 года назад
Amazing man, really different from the other ones so far, and epic in a electric-style way it feels :)
@markuspeters797 3 года назад
Finally! Ich hab lang darauf gewartet. Deine Arrangements sind ein musikalischer Hochgenuss! Ich warte gespannt auf das Arrangement des Final Battle OST. Mit "Light and Darkness" mein Favorit! Herr Heuser, meinen Respekt für die Arrangements
@frankcooke1692 3 года назад
I think it's criminal that these guys didn't get more work. It's the best soundtrack I've ever heard, but their imdb pages at least are pretty bare. Maybe they did a lot of japanese language stuff that isn't listed?
@SomeoneSmol 3 года назад
Beste Cover überhaupt auf ganz RU-vid
@Metro4466 3 года назад
Thank you so much Roman, this sounds so creepy & atmospheric!
@janinedeter3420 3 года назад
Ultrageil... Bist mein Held!
@dennisbuchardt1987 2 года назад
Sonnenuntergang genießen... 11.09.2022 LEGENDÄR....
@DireStraitsAU 3 года назад
This couldnt be more on point!
@Papazz0te86 3 года назад
I've been waiting for another Terranigma's song and I only can say thank you... As always it was perfect
@drtanto7239 3 года назад
omg! bitte mach weiter! ich liebe es so sehr! terranigma👍👍
@ElCascoAlado 3 года назад
My god,i just imagine an remake with this track as the official ost of the lab,and it was wonderful.
@suyhxid1205 3 года назад
Another amazing pieces! Love it! ♡ thank you so much for sharing again!
@ChronoDensetsu 3 года назад
Awesome track Roman, great treat before going to bed.
@spaceDumps 3 года назад
Ah! C'est delicieux!
@Kuitehkui 3 года назад
What perfect timing to bring out this cover! Happy Halloween Roman, and thanks again for the wonderful stuff!
@caromell_ 3 года назад
grossartige arbeit wie immer :) auch perfektes timing ein weiteres meisterwerk. einfach nur awesome.
@HerzogZosa 3 года назад
Großartig gemacht! Richtig passend zur Jahreszeit. schade dass ich es nicht vor Halloween gesehen hab :I Ich freue mich schon auf das nächste! *streut nur gaaanz zufällig ein, dass Quadros eines der besten Lieder im spiel ist-husthust*
@heavy_elite 3 года назад
DAMN SON - When I remember the OG Title and compair it with THIS one, I get FUCKING GOOSBUMPS, dude... DAMN FUCKING EPIC :D
@rook5104 3 года назад
Splendid as ever!
@r.p.5140 3 года назад
This is so epic, great cover!
@bambooclaw 3 года назад
ich habe den Dungeon immer gehasst XD Aber dein Cover ist wie immer super!
@free6754 3 года назад
Dude was geht bei dir ab danke fürs uploaden, werds jetzt Mal mit deinem Soundtrack spielen glaub ich
@TheLegendJet 2 года назад
Daaaaamn, this is amazing, I keep on finding stuff you've uploaded so long ago and it's all so damn good :O
@Cortys. 3 года назад
Gänsehaut pur! Hast super Arbeit geleistet. Freue mich schon auf die nächsten Meisterstücke.
@akularz-shati2047 3 года назад
This is the Wh40k version of this song. Even darker than the original. I LOVE it!
@Expa0 2 года назад
Amazing arrangement that keeps the feel of the original. Truly great job.
@kabuto1857 3 года назад
Uhhh~~~ Du hast es tatsächlich getan :D DARAUF habe ich gewartet!!! Und es ist sooo toll
@awinesnob 3 года назад
Absolutely brilliant! I especially like the bass drum, it's nice and clicky!
@darksuns7384 3 года назад
Nice for Halloween
@Cyphrel 3 года назад
Fantastic! :D
@fandred2352 3 года назад
Optimales Timing für die Musik :D
@skiesofmu 3 года назад
Thank you for these uploads! I'm really looking forward to hear your cover of the Ending Credits: in my opinion is the most beautiful track of the game.
@Fircasice 2 года назад
One of my favorite tracks in the game and this cover of it is so good I can't even believe this is real. Perfectly captures the atmosphere of the original, at the same time giving it this new orchestral touch. If Terranigma ever got a remake, this would deserve to be in it. Thank you so much for this!
@andreg3128 3 года назад
Hi, Roman Heuser! This cover is nice!
@comalab2387 3 года назад
Das nenn' ich doch mal Premium-Content. Gute Arbeit!
@marcelk.4371 3 года назад
LoL und gestern habe ich gerade ein Kommentar geschrieben das wir auf Stuff warten :D ❤ Wieder einmal Spitzenklasse!
@streetfighterx1571 3 года назад
@Bigdoomtrain 3 года назад
So ein genialer Remix müsste weit mehr Views & Likes erhalten. Bitte mehr davon, wäre sehr gespannt auf ein Dark Gaia Cover von Dir.
@StevenAmendt 3 года назад
Scheiße ist das geil! :) Wenn dein Soundtrack fertig ist, brauchen wir einen MSU-1 Patch für das SNES Game
@StooRoxxAss 3 года назад
Dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen! :)
@denizdemir7357 3 года назад
Falls es einen Remake von Terranigma geben sollte, solltest du dich unbedingt als Komponist für das Spiel melden! ALL deine Tracks zu diesem Spiel sind ein Meisterwerk!
@ignasilausin8557 3 года назад
Hi Roman!! I love all your work, but your revisited version of Terranigma OST is absolutely amazing. Since I discovered it there is no week I don't revisit the whole playlist (sometimes more than once). I just contributed a little to support your project. Please, keep up with this amazing work!! Just one question: you're saving The Final Battle theme for last, right?
@IronCandyNotes 3 года назад
Cube farming just became more epic. :P
@kalaschopin2539 3 года назад
a new tracks from terrangima ; yes. So you have decided mixe an atmospheric choir. Very good choice. The tracks is better and more terrific. Well seen from Hallloween.
@Thirteen13551355 3 года назад
Was missing good quality remixes of this one!
@nikolausklinger489 3 года назад
Da hab ich stundenlang raufgelevelt
@dosenplok140 2 года назад
Unglaublich gut.
@resoution 2 года назад
최고다.. 이걸 이렇게 만드네 ;; 뭐라 표현할 수 없을정도.. 미쳤음
@RedMonkeyification 16 дней назад
großartig ❤
@Zwerg11880 3 года назад
@MichaTheLight Год назад
@kamerondonaldson5976 2 года назад
i have no idea who you are but i thank you for arousing me... -beruga
@chuteriuselva5278 2 года назад
That is your best one!
@InjusticeHater 3 года назад
Sehr geil, vielen Dank mal wieder. :c)
@Klikoderat 3 года назад
Very epic and very omnious. Good interpretation of the original! I wonder if the original composer ever heard your versions?
@dzachiel4206 3 года назад
Einfach nur hammer!
@faelrtr2 3 года назад
wonderful work, a suggestion is to make the theme of Fyda
@shishi82 3 года назад
Become a FAN of Beruga!
@MichaTheLight 11 месяцев назад
No. An servant devoty. Hail to transhumanism! Covid... I mean Asmodeo will clear the path
@M0V0P 3 года назад
Besteht die Chance das diese Terranigma Cover auch auf Deezer landen? Würde es einfacher machen sie bei der Arbeit zu hören.
@RomanHeuser 3 года назад
Yep, ich bin dran ;)!
@mrj0hnwick795 2 года назад
is this the Musik of Terranigma Remake???? this would be sooooooo nice Love From Germany
@frankcooke1692 Год назад
That cello sound is amazing. Can I ask what VSTs are used? I like the choir too
@ERMediaOfficial 3 года назад
The choir in the first half is a bit too loud in my opinion as it drowns out the main melody. It works better in the second half, but I suppose that's just personal taste. Also: Obligatory Underground Dungeon/Dead Tree Request :p
@RomanHeuser 3 года назад
Danke für dein Feedback :)! Underground ist definitiv auf der Liste!
@rauldiamantinourban9231 Год назад
The warrior of light kills the Antichrist in the middle of the 7 years of the endtime ... planet hell! It's not over yet!
@machiavelli7775 3 года назад
i wish you would make a remake of spellforce title musik and skyrim