
Best movie sabre duel 

Jesús Yepes Adán
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2 окт 2024




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@Shadow_Cell 3 года назад
My favorite saber duel in film, where Polish Freddy Mercury is defeated by Polish Charles Bronson.
@billy-the-butcher 3 года назад
This comment is so underrated, it deserves 1k
@mazadancoseben4818 3 года назад
They love it
@ivandovranic5834 3 года назад
@RawDoggin_78 3 года назад
@@chinopisces only god is allah.
@Irminskainen 3 года назад
Funny thing that the actual Charles Bronson was also of a Polish origin
@robg.5563 2 года назад
4:23 "Kończ waść, wstydu oszczędź" - "End it sire, spare [me] the shame" is a legendary quote.
@wujek7616 2 года назад
Mówisz masz
@robg.5563 2 года назад
Definitywnie nie.
@papammmm1299 2 года назад
@@robg.5563 Oj faktycznie mój błąd. Muszę złożyć zażalenie do nauczyciela który 2 lata temu mówił mi co innego.
@theProClaimer 2 года назад
No, he said: "o kurwa"
@felixmiles4909 2 года назад
@@theProClaimer Sam jestes' kurwa, prostaku.
@kolega4ever 4 года назад
This is propably the most dangerous sword fighting scene ever made. Those actors are a real actors who have been taught how to fence with polish sabre. The entire fight is staged choreography, but made in full contact with blunt (but still real steel) sabres with no other safety precautions. In other sword fights choreography you can see wide swings aimed at the weapon or below or above the opponent for the sake of safety - If something goes wrong the blade won't hit the other actor. Even the less powerful hit to the head may be really harmful or even fatal with blunt weapon - imagine having your head hit with thin metal bar, because that's what dull blade is. Actually recording this scene almost ended with an accident, because actor playing Wołodyjowski barely managed to block unintentionally powerful strike aimed to his head. Unfortunately that moment isn't captured on the scene because, as the actor mention in the interview, he was so shocked he interrupted fight and needed to take a break for quite a long time resulting in the entire scene being retaken.
@BogeyMusicProject 4 года назад
Weź napisz po polskiemu :D
@WarriorOfMithril 4 года назад
@@BogeyMusicProject Polecam nauczyć się angielskiego nie ze złudnego poczucia wyższosci ale zwyczajnie iż teraz jest wszędzie, a bedzię go tylko więcej i poprostu się przydaje :). Jeśli nie to google tłumacz . W skrócie... napisał że jest to prawdopobodnie najbardziej niebezpieczna scena walki jaką kiedykolwiek nakręcono/zrobiono. Aktorzy serio uczyli się fechtunku/walki na szable/miecze ale na tępym orężu lecz prawdziwym, więc obrażenia od niechcianego trafienia mogłyby niemniej dotkliwe. Pisał jeszcze ze w innych scenach walki ( w innych reżyseriach/filmach) mozna zobaczyc szerokie "coś" nie wiem co to swings wycelowane w bron albo poniżej czy powyżej przeciwnika dla bezpieczeństwa, wtedy w razie wypadku przy pracy miecz nie dotyka przeciwnikia/aktora. Na końcu dodał że Wołodyjowski (Łomnicki) w tej scenie na planie zdjęciowym ledwo zdołał obronić się przed nieumyślnym mocnym ciosem Kmicica (Olbrychskiego) co mocno go roztroiło emocjonalnie i zszokowało że zakłócił idealna scene walki czy jakos tak więc przerwano zdjęcia żeby sobie odpoczęli, na dość długo więc musieli powtarzać całą sekwencje walki :) Dodam że polscy aktorzy tamtego i wcześniejszego okresu w szkole filmowej (nie wiem dokładnie jakiej specjalizacji) naprawde uczyli się jazdy konnej, fechtunku zanim dostali jakiekolwiek role w historycznych lub średniowiecznych filmach itp. :)
@WarriorOfMithril 3 года назад
@ratdancer77 Dziękuje :)
@WarriorOfMithril 3 года назад
@ratdancer77 A to słyszałem :D ! Ponoc do tego celu wybodwali specjalnie duża suszarnie żęby na następny dzien zdjęciowy mieć suche ciuchy itp.
@WarriorOfMithril 3 года назад
@ratdancer77 Brzmi jak "wiola" ale nie miałoby to sensu
@TheMrWillje 3 года назад
I love how the fighting style of the younger guy goes from energetic and flashy at the start to sluggish, desperate slashes at the end
@ST0AT 3 года назад
Life lesson: don't get cocky
@itsthisguyagain1002 3 года назад
Kmicic is young cokcy soldier who is overconfident. His men started a bar fight and were all killed. Kmicic took his remaining men and burned the village then realizing what he had done he kidnapped his fiancee. Men from neighbourhood formed posse and tracked Kmicic down. The posse is lead by colonel Wołodyjowski. Wołodyjowski is seasoned warrior veteran of many wars.
@ishashka 3 года назад
@John Doe Vo-wo-dee-yov-skee would be a decent approximation (not perfect, but close enough)
@jamestheeggplant5446 2 года назад
Show boating is always the mistake of younger athletes
@pm5511 2 года назад
that's because he is less experienced, and emotions lead him
@decode.666 3 года назад
That moment when you realize after 6 years that Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone has a reference to this exact duel.
@JuggyBohab 3 года назад
which is a great nod since both are polish
@Averageenjoyer-br1zm 3 года назад
Do you mean that opportunity to fight Olgerd for some murderer's life?
@decode.666 3 года назад
@@Averageenjoyer-br1zm Exactly :)
@benjaminrose5558 3 года назад
“A Witcher will be buried, the skies weep” is said during the Iris’s Worst Fear fight, which is a word for word quote from this scene translated (save swapping “colonel” for Witcher)
@decode.666 3 года назад
@@benjaminrose5558 "Wiedźmina będą chować, to i niebo płacze." Awesome! Olgioerd also says "Waść machasz jak cepem" when you're fighting him in front of the burning mansion.
@mareczek00713 3 года назад
W - Wołodyjowski K - Kmicic W: "I take everybody's present as a witness that I have challenged Sir Kmicic, Orszan Banneret, to a saber duel, swearing to him that should he fell me he'll be allowed to walk free with no impediments from you sirs - swear it" I swear, to Lord Almighty (nobles repeat) and the Holy Cross (repear) Amen (repeat). NOW, COME HERE, COME OUT ALREADY SIR" K: "I trusted you sirs, which one is Sir Wołodyjowski" W: "It's me" K: "Huh, you don't seem to be a giant... Where do we stand" W: "Here" K: "Agreed. I pity you, SIr, since I heard you're a soldier of great fame, thus I ask you one last time - let it go: W: "Stand!: K: "You wanted this..." W: Maybe you'd wish to wait until it stops drizzling" K: "I don't care" W: "Pity to die in such a rain" K: "A colonel shall be buried so heaven is crying. Now stand" 2:52 - W: "You're swinging it like a mattock" 3:21 W: "Pick it up... Pick it up" 4:24 - "Sir, finish it, spare me the shame" Kmicic servant asks nobility to let him attend to his master while they say simply "You can't" W: "He's alive, he didn't fall uncontrollably (most likely Wołodyjowski means his hands set up as if Kmicic attempted to soften the fall on his face). Local nobility attempts to kill Kmicic: W: "Begone, now he's mine, not yours, we need no slaughter, it's a knightly habit to not finish off wounded. Patch him up".
@RelativelyBest 2 года назад
All kinds of honorable. :)
@leiflohne3096 2 года назад
Thank you
@cichy-mw8qw 2 года назад
Actually he said "flail" not "mattock". Just to inform/correct. 🙂
@mareczek00713 2 года назад
@@cichy-mw8qw I know, the thing is "flail" in english might refer to both a weapon and a farming tool while "mattock" lacks that problem and the point was to put an accent on mockery instead of insinuating he says Kmicic is a good soldier but a bad duelist. Not to mention nowadays many people whose families escaped from Eastern Borderlands due to Bandera being a Hitler copycat used "mattock" both referring to a mattock and a darming flail (I live in an area many Eastern Borderlands refugees settled in, not to mention my mother's parents both came from there) - it's a jargon thing.
@cichy-mw8qw 2 года назад
@@mareczek00713 Ok. Now I understand where this translation came from. It is just that I focused on the performed activity. You swing the flail when you use it but mattock not so much. Using mattock is more like hitting than swinging. I also like to translate and I understand the difficulties of coping with faithful translation vs one that makes sense. In such circumstances it is good to concider making an adnotation. :)
@piotrczajkowski5050 3 года назад
-Maybe you wanna wait until it stops drizzling? - I don't care! -It's a pity to die in such rain! -There will be a colonel's funeral, so heaven's crying.
@maciejiks3823 3 года назад
@postpunk6947 3 года назад
@@maciejiks3823 są tu też ludzie niepolskojęzyczni, więc niech wiedzą o czym tu mowa.
@ar9127 2 года назад
@@postpunk6947 Nie było deszczu, kto majstersztyk czytał wie ze , wczas rano było .......
@jerzygondol1480 2 года назад
@@ar9127 Był deszcz i u Sienkiewicza, przecież to cytat z "Potopu". Wołodyjowski jeszcze odpowiedział "srogi smok z waści" czego nie ma w filmie.
@ar9127 2 года назад
@@jerzygondol1480 "... Ale pan Wołodyjowski nie śpieszył się i nie wydobywając jeszcze szabli, obejrzał się naokoło po niebie. Świtało już. Na wschodzie pierwsza złota i błękitna wstążka rozciągnęła się świetlistem pasmem, na podwórzu jednak dość było jeszcze ciemno, zwłaszcza zaś przed domem mrok panował zupełny.  - Dobrze się dzień zaczyna - rzekł pan Wołodyjowski - ale słońce nieprędko jeszcze wejdzie. Może waść życzysz, żeby nam poświecili?  - Wszystko mi jedno.  - Mości panowie! - zawołał pan Wołodyjowski, zwracając się do szlachty - a skoczyćno po wiechetki i po łuczywo, będzie nam jaśniej w tym orszańskim tańcu.  Szlachta, której żartobliwy ton młodego pułkownika dziwnie dodawał otuchy, kopnęła się raźnie ku kuchni; niektórzy poczęli zbierać podeptane wczasie bitwy pochodnie i po niejakim czasie blisko pięćdziesiąt czerwonych płomieni zamigotało w bladym mroku porannym. Pan Wołodyjowski ukazał je szablą Kmicicowi.  - Patrz waść, istny kondukt!  A Kmicic odparł odrazu:  - Pułkownika chowają, to i pompa być musi!  - Srogi smok z waści!...  Tymczasem szlachta zatoczyła w milczeniu krąg naokół rycerzy; wszyscy podnieśli zapalone drzazgi w górę, za nimi umieścili się inni, ciekawi i niespokojni; w środku przeciwnicy mierzyli się oczyma. Cisza uczyniła się okrutna, jeno węgielki spalone obsuwały się z szelestem na ziemię. Pan Wołodyjowski wesół był, jak szczygieł w pogodny ranek... "
@raetekusu1 3 года назад
A master of his craft, against a young upstart overconfident in his youth. The colonel is only moving when necessary, and only applying as much force is necessary, and he's only flourishing or showing off when he's deliberately trying to get the young man to realize he fucked up. I love the shot that shows their feet and you can see the colonel is only slightly adjusting while the young man is moving every which way. And despite all of this, despite it being a "gritty" or "dirty" fight scene, it is still gorgeously shot and done. If ever there was a sequence that embodied why practicality beats showmanship, it is this one.
@tinheart2853 3 года назад
Fun fact, both actors were trained in saber dueling (old school actors) and the scene is to literally show how Wolodyjowski is just infinitely better and can toy with his opponnent as much as he wants
@MrTom3ek 3 года назад
or when he puts his arm in pocket :D
@gautamspeax 3 года назад
I wouldn't say Kmicic was "a young upstart". He was also a master, all his life spent with the sabre in hand. It's that story of Wolodyjowski. He was the grandmaster of grandmasters. Real story says a Turkish army turned away from the battle when they learned Wołodyjowski is going to be on the battlefield, despite being 4 times more numerous.
@Gwyllgi 3 года назад
@@gautamspeax sounds like the type of fiction the winners like to write
@gautamspeax 3 года назад
@@Gwyllgi It's actually a fact. I know it may be unbelievable, but you should consider Polish hussars and sword masters equal legends to elite Spartans, to elite samurai, they were almost mythical. And the story about Wojodyjowski is not a fairy tale, the records come from the Turkish scribes who noted this fact.
@Bolo-Vik 3 года назад
Geralt vs Olgierd.
@PR_nick 3 года назад
@berserkr6499 3 года назад
Olgierd był wzorowany na kmicicu.
@groovie444 3 года назад
3:20 I like how the guy tells to pick up even before he threw the other guy's sabre away. He knows what he is doing, cool detail.
@xela4183 2 года назад
Wołodyjowski was just playing with Kmicic and knew he would successfully pull it off. He didn't actually want to kill him, as he respected the guy deep down, just show him his place. Thus him allowing Kmicic to pick up the sabre.
@siwaszkotka 2 года назад
nice you noticed, me too :)
@alichinogaming6089 2 года назад
"Pierwszy szczęk ozwał się echem w sercach wszystkich patrzących; pan Wołodyjowski przyciął jakby z niechcenia, pan Kmicic odbił i przyciął z kolei, pan Wołodyjowski znów odbił. Suchy szczęk stawał się coraz szybszy. Wszyscy dech wstrzymali. Kmicic atakował z furią, pan Wołodyjowski zaś lewą rękę w tył założył i stał spokojnie, niedbale czyniąc ruchy bardzo małe, prawie nieznaczne; zdawało się, że chciał siebie tylko osłonić, a zarazem oszczędzić przeciwnika - czasem cofnął się o mały krok w tył, czasem postąpił naprzód - widocznie badał biegłość Kmicica. Tamten rozgrzewał się, ten był chłodny jak mistrz probujący ucznia i coraz spokojniejszy; wreszcie, ku wielkiemu zdumieniu szlachty, przemówił: - Pogawędzimy - rzekł - nie będzie nam się czas dłużył... Aha! to to orszańska metoda?... widać, tam sami musicie groch młócić, bo waćpan machasz jak cepem... Okrutnie się zmachasz. Zaliś to naprawdę w Orszańskiem najlepszy?... Ten cios jeno u pachołków trybunalskich w modzie... Ten kurlandzki... dobrze się nim od psów odpędzać. Uważaj waćpan na koniec szabli... Nie wyginaj tak dłoni, bo patrz, co się stanie... Podnieś!... Ostatnie słowo wymówił pan Wołodyjowski dobitnie, jednocześnie zatoczył półkole, dłoń i szablę pociągnął ku sobie i nim patrzący zrozumieli, co znaczy: "podnieś!" - już szabla Kmicica, jak wywleczona igła z nitki, furknęła nad głową pana Wołodyjowskiego i upadła mu za plecami; on zaś rzekł: - To się nazywa : wyłuskiwać szablę."
@dariusjavidan5609 2 года назад
Thanks, i read the trilogy a dozen times when i was in my teens. Still my favourite book series of all time. I might read it again soon.
@dariusjavidan5609 2 года назад
Wolodyjowski’s trash talk makes Connor McGregor looks like a total n00b
@FILIPBG100 2 года назад
@@dariusjavidan5609 Never have I thought I'd see a comparison between Connor McGregor and a book character from "With Fire and Sword" - two totally distant and different from each other things. But I'm glad that there's still fans of Sienkiewicz to be found around the Internet : )
@blekfut5763 Год назад
"The first clash raised an echo in the heart of every onlooker. Volodyovski struck as if unwillingly; Kmita warded and struck in his turn; Volodyovski warded. The dry clash grew more rapid. All held breath. Kmita attacked with fury. Volodyovski put his left hand behind his back and stood quietly, making very careless, slight, almost imperceptible movements; it seemed that he wished merely to defend himself, and at the same time spare his opponent. Sometimes he pushed a short step backward, again he advanced; apparently he was studying the skill of Kmita. Kmita was growing heated; Volodyovski was cool as a master testing his pupil, and all the time calmer and calmer. At last, to the great surprise of the nobles, he said,-- "Now let us talk; it will not last long. Ah, ha! is that the Orsha method? 'Tis clear that you must have threshed peas there, for you strike like a man with a flail. Terrible blows! Are they really the best in Orsha? That thrust is in fashion only among tribunal police. This is from Courland, good to chase dogs with. Look to the end of your sabre! Don't bend your hand so, for see what will happen! Raise your sabre!" Volodyovski pronounced the last words with emphasis; at the same time he described a half-circle, drew the hand and sabre toward him, and before the spectators understood what "raise" meant, Kmita's sabre, like a needle pulled from a thread, flew above Volodyovski's head and fell behind his shoulders; then he said,-- "That is called shelling a sabre." - this is very poor translation, made over100 years ago by Jeremiah Curtin.
@legion999 Год назад
What a trash talker
@SuperMarketgarden 3 года назад
My favorite scene, and it’s one of my favorite scenes of martial arts ever, is when Wolodjowski presents his point aggressively because Kmicic is rushing wildly to attack - it’s a standard move in swordplay to make an aggressive opponent back off - and Kmicic tries and fails twice to beat his sword away because Wolodjowski simply moves his sword under Kmicic’s each time, so then Kmicic does the “smart” thing and tries to hit Wolodjowski’s sword close to the handle so he CAN’T disengage, and gets his stupid grin on his face, and then he tries it and Wolodjowski just moves his sword completely away so that Kmicic goes off balance. You can tell he knew EXACTLY what Kmicic was about to try. What a beautiful scene of experience and mastery and skill!
@PR_nick 3 года назад
He was an "artist" of martial art.
@GosieKin 2 года назад
@@PR_nick There was a tale Col. Wołodyjowski once or twice jokingly shared with his friends that the Mother Nature denied him the looks, charm AND the height (he was known to be short) so he decided that he needs to make up for it somehow if he was to be in any way respected by his peers. So, he decided to train so hard (and learn from the best) he will one day become a master swordsman... And he did!
@piotrmalewski8178 2 года назад
In the book this moment is described in terms as if Kmicic was insane.
@AW-uv3cb Год назад
@@GosieKin Wołodyjowski is my favourite of the three main heroes in the trilogy 🙂
@Gwynbleiddsanity 3 года назад
So this is how Olgierd von Everec learned his moves
@wampirek8199 3 года назад
And dialogues XD
@mareczek00713 3 года назад
Partially - this is from before HEMA became prevalent and communists punished keeping fencing traditions as burgeuoise frivolities even with death leading to much of polish style fencing being lost, thus this duel is heavily inspired by european saber fencing treatises, while in Witcher 3 much of polish cross-cutting style was researched by multiple HEMA practicioners (most notably Sieniawski family) allowing to make Olgierd's moves way closer to what Henryk Sienkiewicz, writer of Deluge this movie is an adaptation of, envisioned in his book.
@Gwynbleiddsanity 3 года назад
@@mareczek00713 thank you for this information
@soroganath2069 3 года назад
@@mareczek00713 Polish piszemy z wielkiej litery. :)
@mareczek00713 3 года назад
@@soroganath2069 Polish piszemy z wielkiej litery gdy mowa o ludziach a ja użyłem tego słowa jako przymiotnika, nie gadaj głupot.
@athenassigil5820 2 года назад
I'm a Canadian of Anglo heritage and I must confess I've always loved Polish history. I'd also add that I've read The Trilogy and own all these films...And Love Them. Every time I see this scene I get goosebumps! Such a cool szabla duel and honestly, the most realistic sword fight scene in cinematic history. Cheers!
@fekalistagrzybowory7619 2 года назад
Greetings from Poland
@sharifhesso530 2 года назад
What’s the name of the trilogy? :)
@athenassigil5820 2 года назад
@@sharifhesso530 The Trilogy....here's a link. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trilogy
@dfghfghj5897 2 года назад
I recommend a film about Polish history based on authentic facts ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE--5bOTH7tq54.html The Polish name of the Mistrz 2020 Not for children, squeezes tears
@mrwojciechmakuch 2 года назад
@voluntasspes6606 3 года назад
"They'll be burying a colonel, so the sky is weeping"
@Otto-1943 2 года назад
Do sceny pojedynku Wołodyjowskiego z Kmicicem odtwórcy głównych ról przygotowywali się dwa miesiące, ponieważ Łomnicki był słabszym szermierzem aniżeli Olbrychski, tymczasem w filmie miał okazywać wyższość nad filmowym Kmicicem
@leszy2218 3 года назад
Wołodyjowski nawet Bohunowi wpierdolił,Kmicic nie miał szans
@AnonikAnonikos 3 года назад
Nie klnij Pan.
@niuniobunio 3 года назад
@@AnonikAnonikos Gdybym był nauczycielem " polskiego ", to gdyby mi na lekcji jakiś " ancymon " powiedział, że " Wołodyjowski nawet Bohunowi wpierdolił "; to bym się zastanawiał, co z takim uczniem zrobić ? Z jednej strony może i przeklnął, ale z drugiej strony dobrze, że wie o tym fakcie z literatury. Jak miałem 12 lat ( lata 90' ) i chciałem być skinheadem, to gdy na lekcji " niemieckiego " powiedziałem " sieg heil ", to pani zapytała mnie: " a co to znaczy ? ". Na co ja z dumą ( że wiem ) odpowiedziałem: " zwyciężyć w chwale ". Pani od " niemieckiego " była zmieszana, bo z jednej strony powiedziałem coś bardzo obrzydliwego - no, ale z drugiej wiedziałem co to znaczy -:)
@zepter00 2 года назад
@@niuniobunio Byłeś głupi. Wyglada na to, ze przynajmniej częściowo wyrosles z tego.
@zebmccain1976 2 года назад
Najlepsza "solówka" w historii kina.
@537monster 2 года назад
My favorite thing about this fight has to be the final blow. It’s not overly flashy or anything, and if you weren’t looking, honestly you probably missed it. Just a quick thump to the head, and boom, it’s over. No weird swishing noises or slicing sound effect. Just a modest *thump*, which in all reality, is probably exactly what getting whacked in the head with a sword sounds like.
@piotrmalewski8178 2 года назад
In the book it's also explained that Wołodyjowski hit him lightly because he didn't want to kill him. Formally Kmicic was a criminal, and he had whole nobility in the region wanting to kill him, but he was also known as a skilled and fearless soldier and Wołodyjowski was desperate to recruit good warriors, so he decided to spare Kmicic and offer him a chance to rehabilitate himself if he helps to fight the Swedes.
@piotrmalewski8178 2 года назад
@Joey Boy Yes. The film and the book are called 'Potop' - 'The Deluge' which is a Polish name for VIth Polish-Swedish war, or the Second Northern war, and it's known in Polish history as 'Deluge', because the attack came from the sea and caused destruction on biblical scale. As a matter of fact the only war that caused destruction in Poland on similar scale was World War II. Both conflicts have similar ration of casualties to total population, between 15 to 20% and share similar methods of systematic theft and deliberate destruction. If you visit Stockholm, the lions in front the royal castle, as well as the historical floors inside it have actually been stolen from Polish-Lithuanian Republic during the war.
@KrissowskiM Год назад
I used to train HEMA with Polish sabre. In reality the slight move with a slight touch of the tool, minimal movement is the best as it’s difficult to detect and lethal.
@TakNaMarginesie Год назад
Last words of Kmicic was "Kończ waść... Wstydu oszczędź!" - "Finish, sir... End the shame!" showing that he knew that Wołodyjowski was playing with him all time. In Polish those words are often wrongly used as "Stop ashaming yourself". Wołodyjowski was a master swordman and Kmicic was just a bandit, good for his job, but enough to fight with Wołodyjowski. His first words to him was altought: "I'm pity of you, because I've heard about as a great soldier. Please, forgive me." And Wołodyjowski just said "Stand!" In book Wołodyjowski makes a whole oratory schoolbook of Kmicic lacks of training and when he took a sabre from his hand he says "And it is called 'to hull the sabre'". Sienkiewicz liked dialogues over the action.
@myherocamus8847 Год назад
This is really the best saber duel that I've ever seen. It inspired me to watch the entire 5 hour plus epic. I highly recommend it.
@MrWinotu Год назад
This is the story written by Henryk Sienkiewicz. One of Polish writers who was awarded with the Noble in 1905 (Literature). It tells the story of the conquest of Polish territory by Swedish Army. 1655-1660 This with the 2nd World War was the most destructive event in Polish history. Sweeds were going through Polish territory south very deep and destroying, looting burning everything that stood on their way.
@oskarkej7606 3 года назад
he is so good at sword fighting that he knows that Kmicic didn't die because he fell forward not backwards.
@althesmith 3 года назад
He didn't want to kill Kmicic because he was a valuable warrior for Poland.
@ali1278 3 года назад
wait what, so if you fall forwards you dont die ? how is that linked ?
@Jarl3169 3 года назад
@@ali1278 sorta like superstition although a lot of time if you died in battle you fell backwards anyway unless you were running forward of course
@oskarkej7606 3 года назад
@@ali1278 You see he says so after the duel :)
@wanttosayadrem2551 3 года назад
@@ali1278 The strength, power of hitting. Wołodyjowski did hurt him but not used full energy - the he would fall beckwards
@pkilan7851 3 года назад
I read the whole book (3 big parts) in high school. In the movie they did not show everything otherwise it should be 6hours long. Movie is still great I can watch it time and time again and I never get bored with it
@pkilan7851 3 года назад
@@cameronbeall8854 the Polish title is Potop by writer Henryk Sienkiewicz. I do not know if the book was translated to English. It has three big parts.
@arkadiuszwojno5210 3 года назад
@@pkilan7851 THE DELUGE..
@Kylu12488 2 года назад
Like "With Fire and Sword". But there are also some differences. In the book the duel was not in the rain and Mr Wołodyjowski was joking more. But I think Hoffman couldn't do it better.
@anchorthesun3438 2 года назад
Name of book?
@wampirek8199 2 года назад
@@anchorthesun3438 This is a book series called the Trilogy by Henryk Sienkiewicz, first you read „With Fire and Sword”, then „The Deluge” (which the duel scene is from) and „Fire in the Steppe”. But be prepared, every part is long as fuck as it was written in episodes
@this_silent_observer 2 года назад
Colonel Wołodyjowski: All of you are here to witness that I challenged Mister Kmicic, an Ensign of Orsza, to a duel and promised that shall I become defeated, he walks free without any interference on your part. Swear it! "I swear on the Heavenly Father and The Holy Cross, Amen!" (The men repeat.) (to Kmicic) Well! Come out, Mister! Kmicic: I put my trust in you, Gentlemen. Which one of you is Wołodyjowski? Wołodyjowski: That's me. Kmicic: You're certainly not a giant, Sir. Where shall we duel? Wołodyjowski: Here. Kmicic: Alright. I grieve for you because I heard you're a magnificent warrior and for the last time I ask you to let me be. Wołodyjowski: Square up! Kmicic: As you wish. Wołodyjowski: Perhaps you want to wait untill it stops raining, Sir? Kmicic: It is of no consequence to me. Wołodyjowski: It would be unfortunate to die in such a downpour. Kmicic: The Heavens are weaping because a colonel shall have to be buried. Square up! Wołodyjowski: You're swinging it around like it's a flail. Pick it up! Pick it up... Kmicic: End it, Sir... Spare me the humiliation. Wołodyjowski: He's alive! Didn't fall on his back. The men: Finish him off! Wołodyjowski: He is mine now, not yours. I don't want any bloodbaths here. "Spare the wounded" - that is a worrior's code. Now patch him up! For anyone wondering, Kmicic kidnapped a noble maiden that was betrothed to him but refused to marry him due to his abysmal behavior. When the colonel and his men came, he barricaded them in that house you see in the background and threatened to blow the place up with a barrel of gunpowder (I guess?) so the colonel suggested to settle it like, you know, real men do. I tried to do it justice. Don't come for me fellow Poles XD
@AW-uv3cb Год назад
This is a really nice translation :-) As a fellow Pole and a translator of literature, I think you did an admirable job! Some very minor adjustments to style or grammar could be made, but nothing that an editor couldn't take care of. Most importantly, you've captured the meaning and the spirit of the scene 🙂
@obersturmbannfuhrer3959 3 года назад
Jak byłem na studiach, i spotykaliśmy się z kumplami na picie, oglądaliśmy to jak pojebani... To było 3 lata temu...
@normalguy7860 2 года назад
Żałosnym zachlanym dekadentem jesteś. Hańba ci trucicielu narodu polskiego, jesteś obrzydliwy. Napisałbym ci coś więcej ale niestety ten portalik od razu wykasuje mi komentarz bo prawda mu nie w smak.
@ZwiekszoneRyzyko Год назад
Jak byłem na studiach 25 lat temu to robiliśmy dokładnie to samo. Niektóre rzeczy się mało zmieniają.
@deus_v00lt38 Год назад
Zazdroszczę wam, mam to aktualnie jako lekturę i podczas gdy ja się mega jaram tym uniwersum to reszta klasy uważa to za nudny sh1t... Barbaroi
@hawkinatorgamer9725 3 года назад
The moment he sent my sword flying out of my hand, and spared me. That would have been the moment I apologized for whatever it was and said thank you for sparing me.
@keeganowens8949 2 года назад
Kmicic didn't really have a choice, he was supposed to die, and, I think, he maybe even wanted to die himself.
@playstationarusu 2 года назад
What he said when he did that was go pick it up, so I don't he was sparing his opponent
@krystiankol6538 3 года назад
Waść machasz jak cepem 😂 MEGA EXTRA FILM KOCHAM POTOP ♥️
@TheGrenadier97 2 года назад
The second piece of Sienkiewicz's "Trilogy". Absolutely worth the reading.
@JayPiJay Год назад
1:55 szabla którą bierze Kmicic ma rękojeść otwartą, ale walczy szablą z rękojeścią zamkniętą
@Zitoune1954 Год назад
American actors are paid millions and are incapable of training properly for a role lol. Hollywood 😂 This is real cinema.
@SkarmoryThePG 2 года назад
I love the difference in fighting styles - flashy and zippy versus controlled and precise
@s1amp812 2 года назад
More looks like controlled and precise fighting against untrained: "End it, spare the embarrassment" 4:24
@_vlpin 3 года назад
Najlepsza scena w polskiej kinematografii
@wojtekwosztyl615 Год назад
Najlepsza scena walki na broń białą, podziwiana na całym świecie
@gastertwosoul7763 3 года назад
Skallagrim sent me.
@Lunatyk2521 3 года назад
yup, he recognised a real masterpiece in this duel, Im glad he shared it with his viewers
@maciejguzek3442 3 года назад
2:47 a man understands Death is near
@bopo2459 3 года назад
He didin't die here.
@bopo2459 3 года назад
@@Chaplain_Asmodai In the movie he didin't die here. Wolodyjowski said "We are not going to finish him" and "Bandage him" in the movie he still lived. I am a native Pole in case u didin't know.
@bopo2459 3 года назад
@@Chaplain_Asmodai But he didin't die here.
@bopo2459 3 года назад
@@Chaplain_Asmodai He was pretty confident that he is going to win, then he felt Wolodyjowski skills.
@bopo2459 3 года назад
@ratdancer77 Yes
@londonarbuckle8601 Год назад
This whole movie is available on RU-vid. I recommend giving it a watch!
@KalmanBorbely 3 года назад
Michał Wołodyjowski: Może chcesz waść zaczekać, aż siąpić przestanie. Żal umierać w taki deszcz. Andrzej Kmicic: Pułkownika będą chować, to i niebo płacze.
@rafap4383 Год назад
Thrash talking in XVII century
@MagisterV224 2 года назад
In the story, Wolodyjowski is a legendary warrior akin to Obi-Wan Kenobi , while Kmicic is a disgraced noble. After the fight he takes Kmicic in as his mentor.
@youtubecommenter2527 Год назад
Protege. Not mentor.
@bartoszmajchrzak2225 2 года назад
0:04 Wołodyjowski: "All of you present here I hereby take as witnesses - that I challenge to a duel Kmicic - lord of Olsza by sabers, and I promised him, that if he'll take me down - he will go free without harm of you. Swear. I swear on the highest god and the holy cross. Amen" Crowd: swearing due to Wołodyjowski. Wołodyjowski "Well! Get out! Get out Mr!" 0:51 Kmicic "I trusted you gentlemen. Which one of you is Mr. Wołodyjowski?" 1:01 Wołodyjowski "It's me." 1:04 Kmicic "Mr. don't look like a giant. Where we're fighting?" 1:09 Wołodyjowski "Here." 1:19 Kmicic "I pity you Mr, because I heard about you being a famous soldier, that's why I'm asking last time: give up the fight." 1:33 Wołodyjowski "Stand." 1:36 Kmicic "You wanted it yourself." 1:44 Wołodyjowski "Maybe you Mr want to wait till it stops raining?" 1:47 Kmicic "No difference to me." 1:50 Wołodyjowski "A pity to die in such rain." 1:55 Kmicic "They will bury a colonel - then even sky is crying. Prepare yourself Mr." 2:51 Wołodyjowski "You Mr. wave like with a flail." (by the way one of most famous quotes in polish movies, very memical in polish) 3:21 Wołodyjowski "Pick it up." 4:24 Kmicic "End Mr. Put an end to shame spare." (even more memical - all Poles know this quote and use it in a common talk) 4:44 some noble "Let me go, let me go!" 4:48 other noble "Shame!" 4:50 Wołodyjowski "He's alive, he didn't fall on the back." 4:53 Wołodyjowski "Moment, moment! We don't need a bloodshet here!. Noble custom! Do not finish injured! Bandage (heal) him.
@swetoniuszkorda5737 Год назад
@jamahariya Год назад
I would change "Mr." To "Sir".
@bartoszmajchrzak2225 Год назад
@@jamahariya I wouldn't. They were talking like equal to equal. It was formal, but calling someone else "sir" is like calling someone better than you. In english nobles call themselves per title or Mr. That's it.
@jamahariya Год назад
@@bartoszmajchrzak2225 Not necessarily. Sir is a term of respect. "Pan" means Sir.
@MachinimaGothic Год назад
Trzeba przyznać że za komuny wiedzieli jak robić kino. Mam takie wrażenie że Polska kinematografia zdechła gdzie na przełomie tysiąclecia.
@darktravel9318 11 месяцев назад
Tak, robi się obecnie dużo więcej złych niż dobrych filmów ale ostatnie nasze filmy które zostały nominowane do Oscara (jak i tegoroczni Chłopi) dają nadzieję że jeszcze da się zrobić w Polsce dobry film, może polska kinematografia już nie będzie tak świetna ale jeszcze nie zdechła
@RegisTraiter 2 года назад
Wołodyjowski, throughout the whole duel, basically: "Look at what I'm doing. YOU'RE LETTING ME DO IT."
@haraldisdead 2 года назад
I like how the final blow was an unceremonious flick to an unguarded part
@chrissre7935 Год назад
Movie with great quotes, great tradition of Polish Swordmanship, and especially great honor men respected due to themselfs and the enemy.
@wojtekwosztyl615 Год назад
A very long time ago, we were as like as Wołodyjowski. Support us, then we can show You how brave we can be...
@dimitri_tsm 3 года назад
Now we can recreate this scene in Hellish Quart!
@rzezwicki1980 2 года назад
,,,Waść machasz jak cepem,,,Tym jednym zdaniem upokorzył Kmicica i zrównał z chłopem pańszczyźnianym. To wstyd i hańba żeby szlachcic nie potrafił z finezją i piękna techniką operować szablą w tamtych czasach.Szabla w Polsce to była potęga i najwyższy kunszt .Polacy kochali zabawy i techniki fechtunku .Często trenowali i w pojedynkach z kimkolwiek na świecie 1na 1 nikt nie miał w szabli szans.Szabla była symbolem statusu społecznego i od dziecka ćwiczono jej opanowanie .Oficer Polski w jakiejkolwiek armii czy Napoleona czy Cara w szabli nie miał sobie równych i dlatego tak byli cenieni za kunszt wojenny i odwagę .Walczyli od Haiti , USA ,Europa po Mandżurię i kto wie gdzie jeszcze .Polska szabla jest najbardziej rozwiniętą i doskonałą bronią białą w historìi w mojej i nie tylko mojej opinii.
@lokian3972 Год назад
Trochę za dużo patriotyzmu - na szable to nie ma wuja na Ukraińca - zresztą oni do tej pory kultywują tradycję walki szablą a u nas to tylko ozdoba oficerów - wpisz sobie na początek "Kazachka" (same laski coś pięknego) a potem proponuje "Ойся ты ойся" to pokazy współczesnych Ukraińców
@davidparnell2943 3 года назад
Slavic filmmakers are so fucking insane I love it so much
@mateuszrobsonowski7190 3 года назад
Well The big plus of being a communist country at that time was that if the government wanted to do a great movie you would get unlimited budget and army at your disposal For example soviet 1967 "War and Peace" Costed over 700 milion dollars And 120k soldiers participated in shooting battle scenes
@sylwia1410 3 года назад
@@mateuszrobsonowski7190 And the big minus was that movies like With Fire and Sword couldn't be made at all. ;)
@acatiilg 3 года назад
@@mateuszrobsonowski7190 they did not get unlimited budget unfortunately- cameraman Mr Wojcik explained that in his book.
@pitur5492 2 года назад
Polish in this case, not slavic, don't generalize please. It would be the same if one say germanic film makers for American or Australian or British.
@pistofalszywipatrioci 2 года назад
Epoka dobrego kina w Polsce skończyła się wraz z PRL. I taka prawda.
@tomottt8140 4 года назад
2:43 - ten młynek jest niesamowity.
@tomottt8140 4 года назад
@@gerwant1309 Yes! This guy is just amazing. Watch this from ~1:40: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-BRgKzmOK0T4.html Regards.
@BelegaerTheGreat 4 года назад
Niesamowicie bezużyteczny
@BelegaerTheGreat 4 года назад
@@gerwant1309 a to jest złoto!
@BelegaerTheGreat 4 года назад
@ratdancer77 no żeby wkurwić przeciwnika to ma sens, ale Kmicic mógł(by) to wykorzystać
@tomottt8140 3 года назад
@ratdancer77 Tak, to "zgoda", którą jakiś współczesny dźwiękowiec mógłby doprowadzić do ładu.
@fifthpint4571 3 года назад
No! No! Knightly custom! Must not finish him off as he’s down! Poland rocks, to this day
@vitcher3507 Год назад
a ja bym poczekał aż siąpić przestanie...
@karolinakuc4783 Год назад
If someone wants more fight scenes of that quality I recommend movie "Zrodzeni do szabli"
@krzysztofmiedzinski4966 2 года назад
Kawalerski obyczaj...rannego nie odbijać!!!
@mrfantasy255 3 года назад
-Chcesz waść zaczekać jak siąpić przestanie. -Mnie wszystko jedno. -Ładne cięcie Wiedźminie, pokonałeś mnie. - Jesteś nieśmiertelny?
@elfcmhq-plpszczelarzwaw6936 3 года назад
1:55 wyraźnie widać szablę którą trzyma Kmicic, z otwartym jelcem, wygiętym ku głowni a w czasie pojedynku, walczy już szablą z jelcem zamkniętym.
@dawidjozwiak9502 2 года назад
Hehe faktycznie, tyle razy to oglądałem a dopiero Ty to zauważyłeś
@Hyymiee 2 года назад
@MichalBreslau 2 года назад
Ta szabla z otwartym jelcem była prywatną szablą Olbrychskiego, zabytkiem z epoki. Pewnie nie chciał jej niszczyć w pojedynku. Druga sprawa to bezpieczeństwo palców.
@CJ4S147 2 года назад
Im glad im not the only one who noticed
@tomaszn.827 2 года назад
Nie ten jeden raz. Chodzi z karabelą, walczy czarną
@cheeseandonions9558 Год назад
This has become my favorite sword duel in movies... I love the duelists duels scenes too, but this has another feeling
@Wojciech_Zielinski Год назад
Try also movie "Zrodzeni do szabli"
@Reserveflaash Год назад
Zero efektów specjalnych i to jesy piękne
@ruty_bolzga424 2 года назад
This movie's called "Potop" or "The Deluge" btw
@spacewolf182 2 года назад
Michal is a badass. I made an Elden Ring character based off of him.
@Enter_Yedn 2 года назад
Hey I wonder how many of you are from Poland, and how many from other countries... if you are, please write it down (and where are you come from) ;D
@Enter_Yedn 2 года назад
@Polonus 🔰 You think I don't see it?
@Wally_8 Год назад
the force is strong with this one
@frodobaggins3974 3 года назад
I'd love to see col Wolodyjowski fighting Geralt of Rivia. That would be a fair duel.
@PiotrPilinko 3 года назад
Actually, the duel between Geralt and Olgierd von Everec (in Hearts of Stone) was based on this particular movie duel.
@jirivesely5876 3 года назад
Well, actually in the film With Fire and Sword (1999), colonel Wolodyjowski was played by Marigold (Zbigniew Zamachowski)
@garyoak317 3 года назад
@@PiotrPilinko Yep! The reference was what caused me to look up this video again
@piotrmalewski8178 2 года назад
It wouldn't be fair towards Wołodyjowski, since he was a historical hero.
@koper7187 2 года назад
Raiden vs Jetstream Sam
@davideooo8951 2 года назад
@redrickschuhart3836 2 года назад
"Would you wait, sir, for the dribble to subside?" "Makes no difference to me."
@BrekekeReal Год назад
Nah, the best saber duel was in Indiana Jones, though one side had a gun 😂
@gunsnbombs1552 3 года назад
freddy Mercury really did know how to defend himself
@obiektslask4143 3 года назад
@veritasaequitas2386 3 года назад
ha ha great one
@malicant123 3 года назад
The book is well worth a read.
@entropy7705 Год назад
Fun fact, in fencing usually you don't avoid using both hands unless you're practicing a scenario where you lost a hand in a fight or you're training your other arm's strength exclusively. In Saber fencing, more often you will have your hand on your hip to stand clear of slashing strikes but will move if the situation calls for it. By putting his hand behind his back, he's essentially insulting his opponent's skill by insisting he doesn't need two hands to beat him. (Your offhand is often used to assist your parries by adding extra space to push a sword away from you)
@chlepek6944 Год назад
Well, that's exactly what it's about. One of those guys is experienced fencer and has massive advantage over the other. His main goal in this duel was to discredit the younger guy and teach him a lesson
@melisanda7 3 года назад
to Sixpackfish below: you are very offensive. it's disgusting. I guess you have many problems. And I won't read your answer. Anyway, I think you should apologise
@willforest5302 2 года назад
i think 2:47 is when the younger man realised that he was outclassed, in that situation i would hope i'd have the wisdom to yield, if it where an option.
@medureczek Год назад
4:15 let's take a second to appreciate those hand swapping shots
@matthaeusdecuiavia8637 2 года назад
2:47 It was this moment that he knew he f&*%$d up.
@godfather3002 3 года назад
Would you wait sir, for the dribble to subside? Makes no difference to me.... Justly said! Stand and fight!
@garyoak317 3 года назад
YES!!! I knew I had heard this before and came to check the video for how they said it. The Witcher did a great job referencing another masterpiece.
@piotrmalewski8178 2 года назад
@@garyoak317 The actual dialogue was: -Would you wait sir, for the dribble to subside? -Makes no difference to me.... -It's a pity to die in such rain. -There will be colonel's funeral, so heaven cries!
@paprykus 3 года назад
But Kmicic had high ground...
@sg40011 Год назад
great. really great.
@mtnman8783 2 года назад
Probably my favorite sword fighting scene of all time
@tadeszal-abdullah1476 2 года назад
Dla tych co czytali potop- Sienkiewicz statsznie spieniczyl finałową walkę Kmicica z Bogusławem, jak przeczytałem ten fragment go aż rzuciłem ksiazka o ścianę
@piotrd.4850 Год назад
@tadeszal-abdullah1476 Год назад
@@piotrd.4850 ok spojler- finalowa walka kmicic vs bogus wynosilo 2 krotkie zdania. Boguslaw to jednej z najlepszysz antagonistow, jest jak On z atomowek niby zniwiescialy gej, ale jednoczesnie tak potezny ze pokonuje kazdego. Samego kmicica dwa razy prawie nie doprowadzil do smierci. I po tym wszystkim masz moment finalowej walki, spodziewasz sie opisów tak szczegółowych jak przy obronie czestochochowy a ty dostajesa takie coś- wzioł zamachał mieczem i go pokonał. Czułem sie jak gdyby mi s8enkiewicz zza grobu walnął w morde
@mrsejd3446 2 года назад
Wołodyjowski should be added as saber-class servant in Fate GO. Would be cool to have one from Poland.
@Bartek2750 Год назад
Fate is gay i dont want characters from my nation be in it
@mrsejd3446 Год назад
@@Bartek2750 Fate is gay, i want characters from my nation be in it
@Bartek2750 Год назад
@@mrsejd3446 you must be gay
@mrsejd3446 Год назад
@@Bartek2750 nah, last time i checked guys didn't gave me boner
@Telemaniakus 2 года назад
4:51 gdzie kurwa!!!
@dirks6550 2 года назад
Surprised that someone did not really get hurt during the filming of that fight.
@KOles0KOles Год назад
It almost was an accident. Actor who plays Kmicic accidentally swing too strong that Wołodyjowski actor luckyly blocked it but interrupted scene and needed a break. If he wouldn't block it Kmicic actor could probably kill him by accident
@hansenbee123 3 года назад
Skallagrim sent me here.
@karolkowalski4249 3 года назад
@temukaxd2037 3 года назад
@rfmspawnkiller603 3 года назад
@walangchahangyelingden8252 3 года назад
@jantesar946 3 года назад
@gabrielkiki7470 Год назад
Łomnicki ❤️🇵🇱❤️🔥💯
@BlueMeridian 3 года назад
End it now, spare me the shame!
@koxu87 Год назад
Już wiem czym inspirowali się twórcy ostatniego kota w butach
@Oliwier1954 10 месяцев назад
@Stanleyeek 3 года назад
Kto z Polski ogląda?
@grzegorzkowalczyk5417 3 года назад
@cheeseandonions9558 Год назад
Good scene, but the quality is pukable... like 240p
@szymon5187 3 года назад
Kończ waść wstydu oszczędź
@Jaime_Protein_Cannister Год назад
Swordsmithing and fencing is still very much a nieche traditional thing to do in Poland. I've personally practice H E M A with blunt weapons and have had many minor injuries related to blunt force trauma. I remamber one day a friend of mine got a brand new zweiihander , we practices as if he was wielding a shortsword, then I got hit with the full force in my ankle , a big gash right across the whole foot. No joke , altho not very deep fortunately. If you train long enuf with blunt swords , you begin appriciating gloves , chainmail and anything padded. IF you got hit in the hand at the speed and force they are fencing (which often is the case), that's easily 3 broken fingers.
@MeTezzer 2 года назад
Who else is here because of Skallagrim lol?
@hrabiaszubienica9841 2 года назад
Geralt vs Olgierd
@angelofsarcasm4924 3 года назад
What's the saying, Be wary of an old man in a profession where young men die.
@MyPrideFlag 3 года назад
Actually colonel was young in the books, in his 30's. The first part of trilogy filmed was actually the last one (political reasons), "mr. Wołodyjowski" where he was 50 years old. "The Deluge" was filmed 10 years later. So mr. Wołodyjowski was supposed to be 30 while he was played by a 60 years old actor.
@Aelinnai 2 года назад
@@MyPrideFlag Łomnicki - the actor playing the colonel for those who don't know - was born in 1927. This movie came out in 1974, so it was probably shot during 1973. Which makes the actor 46 during shooting. Not in his thirties, true, but nowhere near 60 either.
@jimbelaco4 Год назад
The gap in skill is real. Michael buries this guy so hard archeologists will find him in 10,000 years, but then spares him.
@pustul3 4 года назад
Szable Kmicic zmienił w trakcie
@szablotukpolski5201 3 года назад
Potop to bobry film a najstarszy traktat o fechtunku szablą polską znajdziecie tu : ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-S8SauT2DfuY.html
@some_other_time6239 3 года назад
Co nająć bobry do machania mieczami? :D
@sychoo96 2 года назад
and here i was thinking the duel between jack sparrow and will turner was epic
@dingus_doofus 3 года назад
He went from cocky but skillful bravado to outright Hollywood faliling. :D
@the_Ikar Год назад
One of the reasons why being polish is an honor I'm thankful for
@wojtekwosztyl615 9 месяцев назад
The masterpiece of Polish sabre scene. Enjoy :)
@ZVO1945 3 года назад
Potop fajny film.
@fekalistagrzybowory7619 2 года назад
Fajny nick
@kixigvak 3 года назад
Don't fight the guy who shows up wearing a badger hat
@silentfox139 3 года назад
I noticed an editing mistake. The saber he started the duel is is not the same sword
@artymowski Год назад
What is the name of this movie?
@pancytryna9378 Год назад
The Deluge Potop in Polish, it's adaptation of novel by Henryk Sienkiewicz, 2nd part of his trylogy
@IudiciumInfernalum 2 года назад
You swing that like a _flail_ , sir! Sick burn.
@Mhjor Год назад
this is easily the best Movie duel of all time.
@cheeseandonions9558 Год назад
duelists have also some good duels... and Rob Roy... and Harikare the cemetery duel
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