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@1bennybgood 7 лет назад
whether you believe it or not he is coming
@herbbearingseed 7 лет назад
Weather you like it or not he will come AFTER the tribulation. matthew twenty four :29-31
@jesussaves1875 7 лет назад
He will come to earth after the tribulation to be sure! But He will come before that too (He will come as a thief - when no one is expecting Him) and we will meet Him in the clouds before the tribulation. We will be transformed in the twinkling of an eye and we will be celebrating at the marriage supper in heaven- our bridegroom has prepared a place for us. (We are spared from God's wrath) The tibulation is God's wrath poured out on the world in the form of earthquakes, roaring seas, volcanic erruptions, and solar flares, pestilance, meteor showers, famines and disease, the sprirt of lawlessness will rule the nations and He said He has shortened the days lest there be no flesh left on this earth - the tribulation will be horrifying beyond your wildest dreams!!! Best trim your lamp, coz you might be the 50% of the bride (apostate christians) that gets left behind!!!!
@herbbearingseed 7 лет назад
Nataleigh Jansin van Rensburg You verseless opinionating LIAR! Read Revelation sixteen :15 AFTER the tribulation and even post wrath! THEN Jesus finally says Behold, I am coming as a thief. ******* And took WHO all away? The wicked. Noah was spared and remained and replenished the earth and was obedient to God's warning, unlike you pre-tribbers.
@jesussaves1875 7 лет назад
herbbearingseed - if you wanna go through the tribulation - i won't stand in your way. But you should read all the scriptures regarding the rapture before you call me a liar and before make up your mind. And you obvously do not have an attitude of love. You seem to be one of those militant people who have no grace or mercy. How can you even think you are right when millions know you are wrong.
@jesussaves1875 7 лет назад
+Domine Pantherae: I have no fear of dying for my faith... I do it willingly!! The vials are Gods wrath poured out on the world. We are specifically told that we will be saved from His wrath. See Romans 5 [Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him] The rapture has a two fold purpose, the Christians and the Holy Spirit will be taken out of the way. [For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.] 2 Thessalonians 2. When the Holy Spirit is out of the way, not only will God's wrath be unleashed on this earth, but also the devils from the bottomless pit. The bible tells us plainly that at the second coming we all come back as an army. If you think our world is evil now... just wait. It will happen in our life time. I have blessed hope in His salvation. Sorry for you who will probably have to go throught the tribulation for lack of faith. [The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining:And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?] Joel 2 [And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints] Jude There will be a ressurection at the second coming yes! But that ressurection in for the Jews that get saved (and anyone else willing to listen to the 2 wittnesses. If we were only raptured at the second coming (when my Lord comes to earth) what would be the point of the rapture at all??? He will already be here, no point in going back to heaven just to come down again.
@davidvictor52 2 года назад
The Lord has kept me alive for over 69 years and many times I should have checked out. He has blessed me and forgiven me more times than I can count. Millions upon millions of breaths and heartbeats have kept me alive and I thank him for every one. Anytime the 777 Express comes along, I am more than ready. Home soon, Dear Jesus, I pray. This world is not our home.
@morelions4014 Год назад
It's only because of God that we are alive. He keeps our heart beating, and our body breathing. He is bigger than all this world and all our problems.god is in full control. He knows everything past present and future. Our Lord and saviour will one day destroy all evil for good. God can not be mocked, can't be outsmarted, noone can get past his eyes and ears. God is by our side always. We must love each other, forgive everyone, no matter what. God forgives all he loves us all we should try and be like him and only him. God should be our idol. Worship God and only God. God the Father, son and holy spirit. God bless everyone.
@MzOldsoul 8 лет назад
This kind of stuff is all I been watching lately for some reason. Jesus is coming soon folks, I hope I'm ready!!!!
@xenolegends7675 7 лет назад
MsOldSoul keep watching out
@lesliep816 7 лет назад
MsOldSoul This video made me cry and reflect on how many will be left behind. I don't want to be one of those that will be left behind. I hope I'm ready to leave with you lord when the time comes.
@marieangetermilus5895 7 лет назад
MsOldSoul Exactly for some reason watching these God vids / movies lately for some reason 😮😕😕😕😕😕😕😕 I watch Faulk600 search it up on RU-vid I 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD🔝= (GOD SO MUCH)
@7andreasm 7 лет назад
@MsOldSoul and @lesliep816 Don't hope you are ready, be ready! Make sure you are ready with no doubt in your heart! Romans 10:9-10 says, "If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved" (NLT). God Bless!
@MzOldsoul 7 лет назад
Andrea Mulero Deep and thanks girl you right about that
@ayden12v57 7 лет назад
Even as a Christian we all don't deserve to go to heaven. We deserve to go to hell. But through the mercy of God he will let us believers go in but not all
@Chryslerdealership 7 лет назад
Why dont all believers go to heaven?
@raviganesh4388 7 лет назад
Christina Dimidenko If we continue our sins even after baptism, we can't go to heaven.
@Chryslerdealership 7 лет назад
Oh I see
@Chryslerdealership 7 лет назад
Yeah because some people believe OSAS-complete lie
@Chryslerdealership 7 лет назад
Because Jesus came to FREE US FROM SIN, so what was the point of Him coming if it would be ok for us to continue to live in sin? Sin literally seperates us from God!
@liviloo87 6 лет назад
I'm so ready. All I can think about is the rapture. My children are ready as well. Praise Jesus's name!!
@empressdawes 7 лет назад
no one knows the day or the hour ..so be ready!
@matthartley8493 7 лет назад
CHARLENE Empress Dawes If you do not go to Heaven by way of the grave before Jesus returns, and the Lord comes as soon as you think, you will endure Great Tribulation. The Bible does not say Jesus will take us to Heaven before the bad stuff happens.
@TheDrummerman1951 7 лет назад
You are so right Thank you for saying that.
@Renrens-LionessofJudah 7 лет назад
CHARLENE Empress Dawes no one knows the day or hour but he told us what will happen before his coming like the Antichrist, the persecution of the saints, the mark of the beast, the drinking and given into marriage. There has to also be a purging away of the true gospel. Another thing- like in the days of Noah, those TAKEN were the ones in the flood. They were killed. Christ prayed to the Father that they are not taken from this world but are protected. For some reason the verses that equiates to the resurrection of the dead and the changing of the flesh/body that will be changed in the twinkling of an eye has been somehow changed to mean rapture. WHY??
@vanessanicole516 5 лет назад
Empress Dawes not even the angels in heaven knows the time and day the lord comes
@cheesecake2646 5 лет назад
Amen so it is
@tvland2007 7 лет назад
He's coming so soon my brothers and sisters! Soon and very soon, we are going to be with the king!
@nenalynch2501 7 лет назад
the oreillyfactor
@matthartley8493 7 лет назад
Anthony Spearman If you do not go to Heaven by way of the grave before Jesus returns, and the Lord comes as soon as you think, you will endure Great Tribulation. The Bible does not say Jesus will take us to Heaven before the bad stuff happens.
@DeborahLong7777 7 лет назад
Matt Hartley there are many scripture proving you wrong Tribulation is for Israel and the rebellious We are not called to wrath Rev 3:10+11 What kind of God would put His bride and beat her up , put her im combat boots and get her gown bloody??? Some scripture are spoken in here , and if you have chosen Jesus as Lord and Savior, and your time is up before the rapture, then the absent from the body is to be present with the Lord A win win situation Eternity is a long time to be wrong . I pray you HAVE chosen Jesus and your looking up as the scripture tells us in Luke 21 and Matthew 24 that when these things begin to happen , Look up ,as your redemption draws near !! The signs are here ,we are in the season God bless you
@matthartley8493 7 лет назад
Debbe Long Yes in deed. "What kind of God would put His bride and beat her up, put her in combat boots and get her gown bloody???" I ask you. What kind of God would allow His children to go through 400 years of slavery? What kind of God would send His Son from Glory to die a gruesome and painful death for a bunch of sinners? What kind of God would allow ten of His most beloved friends on this earth die a martyr's death? Indeed, what kind of God would allow a countless number of those who love Him to be imprisoned, raped, tortured, and brutally murdered for Him, in His name? Even after He endured the cross for them? Let me ask you. What makes you better than them, seeing that God is no respecter of persons? Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand. Daniel:12:10 And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God. Zechariah:13:9 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Revelation:12:11 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: 1 Peter:2:21 What kind of God would allow this? A God who loves you enough to die for you. A God who wants you to love Him enough to die for Him. And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. Revelation:14:13
@DeborahLong7777 7 лет назад
Matt Hartley Rev 4:1 Come up Hither !! Jesus is His name Maranatha!!
@wangtie9602 8 лет назад
@herbbearingseed 7 лет назад
Ready or not the tribulation happens first!
@wangtie9602 7 лет назад
@wangtie9602 7 лет назад
@wangtie9602 7 лет назад
@herbbearingseed 7 лет назад
wang tie I think you need some bible reading time before you spout false info on the internet! Yes Jesus comes like a thief, but did you know WHEN Jesus stated that? After the tribulation and even after the vials of God's wrath. Rev sixtten :15 Behold, I come as a thief. ******* 33 no, you are not showing any proof for this thought process. You are giving opinion instead of scriptures. It is true that we need to be willing to die for jesus. This part is true, but the 33 thingy, not so much.
@janie46 5 лет назад
THIS IS SO GOOD. I'm in high school and I am trying to tell people about Jesus but most of them don't want to listen. I pray that the Lord will take care of them!
@anilpaul2236 3 года назад
God loves you little one ❗
@AdebanjoTaiwo-fv4vd Год назад
@irishlady1625 Год назад
That's great...God Bless you.🙏🙏
@michelethomas6689 11 месяцев назад
Keep up the good work!
@souzanemayes5670 11 месяцев назад
Please pray for my 24 yr old daughter, Rachel's Salvation
@pearlbuabeng860 7 лет назад
Lord Jesus forgive us our sins and remember us when You come back. Amen
@precioussss1862 3 года назад
@stevecharleston8545 3 года назад
@alexv1107 3 года назад
Y'all keep saying Yahweh is coming but where tf is he???
@relaxingmindfoodandmma5108 3 года назад
I am a former atheist and I became Christian in 10 - 12 years. I dare any atheist including Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Craus because Chritopher Hitchens died already, debate with me about creation of planetary system and evolution and prove that I was right when I was atheist and prove me wrong now as I am a Christian. I have videos in my channel. I don't believe ANYTHING without DEEP INVESTIGATION.
@smp562 3 года назад
@myninja616 7 лет назад
this ain't a game. call on Jesus turn from your evil ways n b saved
@zeltzintlachinolli2806 7 лет назад
So we must turn from human nature? Literally impossible
@c.b.169 5 лет назад
Nothing is impossible with Christ. He defeated death, so He can defeat your sin.
@bstein9500 3 года назад
@@c.b.169 He has defeated sin. By grace you are saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God. Not of works so no one can boast. Eph 2:8-9 Check out Romans 10:2-4 and Isaiah 64:6
@heartalemania8223 3 года назад
@claudiavelarde5567 7 лет назад
im ten years old people Who dont Belive in crist i daré you to buy yourself a bible and read the book revelation
@alissalissa6761 7 лет назад
Claudia Velarde Amen !
@putjesusfirst9814 7 лет назад
Claudia Velarde Amen!!!
@matthartley8493 7 лет назад
Claudia Velarde As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: 1 Peter:2:2 No, you need to read the Gospels. You need to read about salvation. You need to read about spiritual warfare. You need to read about becoming a disciple. DO NOT GO JUMPING INTO PROPHECY IF YOU HAVE NOT STUDIED THE SINCERE MILK OF THE WORD!
@Honestman400 7 лет назад
+Claudia Velarde - I have a number of bibles, all of which I have read. Don't let Revelation frighten you, it is all fiction.
@matthartley8493 7 лет назад
Honestman400 Your user name is funny. You must be a pretty smart man to have read so many bibles. Especially if you read them all the way through. You must love fiction.
@Blueskies_23 8 лет назад
I won't lie...I cried throughout this film. that happens when I watch rapture vids. Jesus is coming sooner than later. I pray that your house is in order. confess your sins daily, pray always cause you do NOT even understand the horror and sadness to come. Be watchful for the Lord Jesus. think about Jesus Christ every second.
@Honestman400 7 лет назад
+Ash Kroft - Don't worry, Jesus is not coming back. Even his disciples believed that he was going to return in their lifetimes, because, according to the bible, Jesus himself told them he would. That only shows that even Jesus had no idea of what was going on., probably that was because he didn't know. confirming that he was not the son of any god, he was merely a charismatic preacher with messianic delusions, one of many such preachers around at that time in Palestine, all of whom suffered the same fate.
@monicodelarosa6274 7 лет назад
@Honestman400 7 лет назад
+Monica De la rosa - ??
@Honestman400 7 лет назад
Lewiss100 - What tested and verifiable evidence do you have to support that wild assumption?
@matthartley8493 7 лет назад
Honestman400 My God is real! Real in my soul! My God is real for He has washed and made me whole! His love for me is like pure gold! My God is real for I can feel Him in my soul! Amen! And He defeated you devil at calvary.
@rhenachase6987 7 лет назад
God stepped off his throne. Came to earth in the flesh. Died on the cross and rose again. Who so ever believes shall be saved. All is possible with our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Repent
@andrij13 7 лет назад
Rhena Chase whoever is chosen will believe
God stepped off his throne eh? I always say, "Shit Or Get Off The Pot!"
@relaxingmindfoodandmma5108 3 года назад
I am a former atheist and I became Christian in 10 - 12 years. I dare any atheist including Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Craus because Chritopher Hitchens died already, debate with me about creation of planetary system and evolution and prove that I was right when I was atheist and prove me wrong now as I am a Christian. I have videos in my channel. I don't believe ANYTHING without DEEP INVESTIGATION.
Great! Thinking of my son who is not following The Lord! Please pray for him, everyone!!! His name is Redd. I love him dearly and want him to see him in Heaven, some day, with me, his sister, grandmother and other family members who've given their lives to Christ Jesus(Yeshua).
@leana.b9481 7 лет назад
I will pray with you for your son.
+Leana. B Thank you so much! I am very moved right now. Thank you.
@MyDivineSaviourJesus 7 лет назад
Christine Simmons I have said a prayer. May God bless you, in Jesus' Holy And Resurrected Name On High, by The Power of The Most Blessed And Most Glorious Holy Spirit, according to God's Will and Holy Word, I so pray. Amen.
@vincentneale2620 7 лет назад
I prayer that my Son will be saved too together with yours
+Raiden Cassidy Dearest Raiden, thank you much for your prayers to God the Father, God the Son, and God The Holy Spirit! It means a lot to me. My heart was filled with hope when I read your message last night. I rested a little better knowing that you and others are praying for his salvation. I know that our Father in Heaven is pleased with you and other, of His Children, doing His will by praying and asking Him, Jesus Christ and precious Holy Spirit to save my son. I am truly grateful and although we may never meet here on earth, I am certain we will see each other in our Father's House in Heaven, someday! I love you in Christ, my sister and all the Saints of God! Be blessed.
@geofillingame2335 8 лет назад
I cannot quit looking to the skies and i keep trying to witness to all about Jesus it annoys my wife i told her i feel his presense! i loved this video i cried also!
@cathygoodall8589 7 лет назад
Geo F pray for your wife to if she doesnt no christ to find him and if she does know christ to renew her faith she should love thay u want to witness and win souls for jesus pray for her and i will as well😊 be not discouraged and witness ur heart out shout to the rooftops
@sainttredder9762 7 лет назад
The Bible say that a Man must love his wife as Christ love the Church. Probably your husband skills or how you treat her is not good or need working on or is not Christlike so she don't want you to preach to her. Am just saying! Treat your wife good all the time even when she is miserable and nagging and let she sees Christ in you then you probably could convince her about Jesus.
@sainttredder9762 7 лет назад
Andy LH Yes the Christians are going lunatic over Jesus Christ because He is that amazing and good.🙌😀🙏.
@mariancooper697 7 лет назад
Andy LH If you refuse the gift of eternal life,it's on you and you alone.There will be no one to blame it all on.Your heart must be turned toward GOD and His love for you.Jesus Christ died for you.This is real.Not a fairytale. You must turn from your sin and seek forgiveness.You must forgive those who have hurt you in your past.God's love is bigger than the hatred you are feeling.The blood of Jesus can wash you white as snow and heal your body, mind, and spirit.Jesus' blood speaks for you.Call upon Him,while you still can.You can never say that Noone told you...it's all on you.
@sainttredder9762 7 лет назад
Andy LH why are you doing the devil's work? what is it in for you mr antiChrist? You gonna love the devil who hate you? You think he need you or you doing him a favour?. You can't tell me nothing about the lover and Saviour of my soul Lord Jesus Christ so get lost. I did not ask you anything nor is your opinion valued.
@In-Christ-I-trust 8 лет назад
John 3:16 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. JESUS CHRIST IS THE TRUTH THE LIGHT & LIFE PLEASE REPENT MAY GOD BLESS & FORGIVE US ALL.
@darsmail02 7 лет назад
Be ready this IS about to happen. Call upon Jesus and ask forgiveness of everything you did and ask him to save you. This world is NEVER going to be the same once God takes his people home. Those left behind will have to die for Jesus or Satan...no other choice! You will be at your destination ETERNALLY! WHERE WILL YOU BE?
@kelseywright8087 7 лет назад
@ElliutN 7 лет назад
GODS GIFTS Only one rapture son not 2. Only 1 time Christ returns for his peolple, but before that we all have to go through tribulatuon to have our faith in God truly tested. See the tribulation is brought by the anit christ not by God. Many people teach that this is the wrath of God but its not. The wrath of God comes after the tribulation period when Jesus finally returns and destroys the anti christ and cast him into the lake of fire. Remember the story of Job where God permitted the devil to torture Job because God knew Job would not leave God or stop believing in God. Go read that story. Its what the tribulation period is. The bible says in Revelations that he will give the anti christ authority of the nations for 3.5 years...doesnt this sound similar to the story of Job? 2 Tessalonians 2: 1-4 specifically says Jesus wont return until 1st the fallaing away and the anti christ be revealed ( man of sin, son of perdition ).
@ElliutN 7 лет назад
Madame Poovie I accept your apology. When the time comes you will remember those comments you made to me and to many others. Where do you get that the catholic church is in charge of anything? Have YOU not read the bible which says that scripture was inspired by God for men? Firsth through the prophets and later the apostles? The word of God is for all men to find thier way to salvation only offered through Jesus Christ.
@ElliutN 7 лет назад
Madame Poovie Hey if thats what you believe then power to you but the bible tells me this regarding his people. Those that follow his commandments. "Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord , when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, declares the Lord . For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord : I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Jeremiah 31:31‭-‬33 ESV Also in Hebrews: "This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws on their hearts, and write them on their minds," Hebrews 10:16 ESV I dont see any catholic church mentioned there anywhere. All is related to Jews and Israel.....first to the Jews then the gentiles.... For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Romans 1:16 ESV
@ElliutN 7 лет назад
Madame Poovie To that comment I would say this: According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilled master builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it. Let each one take care how he builds upon it. For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw- each one's work will become manifest, for the Day will disclose it, because it will be revealed by fire, and the fire will test what sort of work each one has done. If the work that anyone has built on the foundation survives, he will receive a reward. If anyone's work is burned up, he will suffer loss, though he himself will be saved, but only as through fire. 1 Corinthians 3:10‭-‬15 ESV Let he who believes in Christ be. Everyone is always pointing fingures. Just follow the word of God and be good with life. You as well as any other Jesus prophesing believer will be held accountable and put through fire to be faith tested.
@Omegadon1000 7 лет назад
Christians, we are here to take a stand for God in the end of this age, not to run away in fear of the antichrist but to take a stand for God against him. And then the real Christ will appear unto us, and then we will all be changed into our spiritual bodies. There is nothing to fear, the antichrist cannot hurt us with his lies.
@relaxingmindfoodandmma5108 3 года назад
I am a former atheist and I became Christian in 10 - 12 years. I dare any atheist including Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Craus because Chritopher Hitchens died already, debate with me about creation of planetary system and evolution and prove that I was right when I was atheist and prove me wrong now as I am a Christian. I have videos in my channel. I don't believe ANYTHING without DEEP INVESTIGATION.
@ashleyclifton2048 3 года назад
Amen. Im ready for our Lord JESUS Christ. He's coming sooner than what we think
@arontekle1126 7 лет назад
Jesus is the only way the truth and the Life
@relaxingmindfoodandmma5108 3 года назад
I am a former atheist and I became Christian in 10 - 12 years. I dare any atheist including Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Craus because Chritopher Hitchens died already, debate with me about creation of planetary system and evolution and prove that I was right when I was atheist and prove me wrong now as I am a Christian. I have videos in my channel. I don't believe ANYTHING without DEEP INVESTIGATION.
@russjosey2012 8 лет назад
Wow. You made this old man cry. Very moving. God bless you young people. Maranatha.
@venetianskies 7 лет назад
Russ Josey amen
@raphaelventer3546 3 года назад
Maranatha maranatha maranatha MARANATHA MARANATHA!!!!!
@raphaelventer3546 3 года назад
Jesus, you are Lord and God! We praise you!!!!!
@theodorebear6714 3 года назад
That's pathetic. Why don't you help someone instead of crying over fairy tales. Stand up for abused children instead of abusing them.
@russjosey2012 3 года назад
@@theodorebear6714 , you pathetic sock puppet. I promise I am as tough and mean as I am loving and tender hearted. You are real tough on your keyboard Teddy. You need to get on your knees and turn to God through his Son Jesus before time runs out. Barring you doing that, get off of the Christian channels and leave me and my brothers and sisters alone.
@paulmayta6792 8 лет назад
If we believe He's coming we should be steadfast immoveable abounding in the work of the Lord . reach the Lost people with the Gospel.
@juanjosetenaruiz3260 7 лет назад
What a thrilling movie, really looks biblical. ¡but watch out this film is based on novels! As "left Behind" and "the Agony of the Great Planet Earth" and other 10 titles, of Tim Haye. THEY ARE NOT THE BIBLE, ARE NOVELS. Fiction novels. Beware of our brethren faith, that our faith is more precious than gold. The Rapture will not be secret, everyone will see Jesus Christ accompanied by clouds and fire with incandescent and terrible glow of glory that will envelop the world and the Galaxy. Then Christians will be carried in the arms of Angels wrapped in light and fire. All sinners will die instantaneously, as in the deluge. Thousands of millions of Muslims, Hindus, and sinners will die. The glorious radiance will instantly destroy sinners around the world and envelop the world; Thus said the Lord in Matt.24:32-39; Luk.17:23-24; Mal. 4:1; II Pet. 3:7-13. According to the Bible, the Great Tribulation began in the year 1997; The world (all us) is into the great tribulation for 20 years. The Great tribulation is not so devastating, There will be a disappointment between Christianity. The Lord Jesus must appear Any day of these although no one knows day or hour. In this year 2017 is near the end of the Great Tribulation and the rapture is near to happen. (Mat. 24:29) Immediately after the tribulation of those days. Aleluya.
@loreneknight9755 4 года назад
Friday weekend...ty, I couldn't figure it out. I just listened to him 2 days ago. Wow. It's happening. Are we ready? That is the hope. SHALOM ❤️❣️🙏💕
@relaxingmindfoodandmma5108 3 года назад
I am a former atheist and I became Christian in 10 - 12 years. I dare any atheist including Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Craus because Chritopher Hitchens died already, debate with me about creation of planetary system and evolution and prove that I was right when I was atheist and prove me wrong now as I am a Christian. I have videos in my channel. I don't believe ANYTHING without DEEP INVESTIGATION.
@og_krispyyt9865 7 лет назад
I hope I'm going cause I've been changing lately becoming Christian God please take me home amen
@lynnsouth5174 7 лет назад
Ramone Shuren ask God for assurance , I admire and pray for you.
@cathygoodall8589 7 лет назад
Ramone Shuren if you habe confessed your sins unto jesus christ and asked him to save you have faith you are saved and a child of God and will make it to heaven!😊
@zeltzintlachinolli2806 7 лет назад
Ramone Shuren it's gonna take your entire lifetime, also believing that Jesus Christ is your Lord and saviour and that he died for your sins.
@WalkingAlone90 5 лет назад
The bible gave us the tools to know we are saved to love God with all your heart mind and soul keep his commands love your enemy be humble and meek take care of the poor sick elderly widowed these are all traits of Gods children
@relaxingmindfoodandmma5108 3 года назад
I am a former atheist and I became Christian in 10 - 12 years. I dare any atheist including Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Craus because Chritopher Hitchens died already, debate with me about creation of planetary system and evolution and prove that I was right when I was atheist and prove me wrong now as I am a Christian. I have videos in my channel. I don't believe ANYTHING without DEEP INVESTIGATION.
@j.b.5420 6 лет назад
🙌🙌🏽 “I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken & the other left. Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken & the other left.” Luke 17:34-35🎉🌟
@relaxingmindfoodandmma5108 3 года назад
I am a former atheist and I became Christian in 10 - 12 years. I dare any atheist including Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Craus because Chritopher Hitchens died already, debate with me about creation of planetary system and evolution and prove that I was right when I was atheist and prove me wrong now as I am a Christian. I have videos in my channel. I don't believe ANYTHING without DEEP INVESTIGATION.
@GhostBearCommander 2 года назад
@@relaxingmindfoodandmma5108 May I ask your Testimony?
@babygirldina4970 2 года назад
What if it’s 2 Christians ?
@apolloking412 3 года назад
Yes! He's coming sooner than we think. Be ready my brother's and sister's, we're going to see the 👑
@bobbodem4230 8 лет назад
Sadly, there ever so many in our present cultural who deny Jesus and all that Jesus calls us to do with the life He has granted us. The Harpotso (rapture) is real. As with the fig tree as a sign, the signs are all around us for those final days. Pray, spend time with God's Word, forgive, putting ourselves aside and putting others first is, now, our job and our calling. Be the light in this dark world, be the salt that seasons in your surroundings and relationship. And, love unconditionally! Time is passing quickly.
@cathygoodall8589 7 лет назад
Jesus loves YOU! i love that you said be the salt one of my favorite pastors adrian rogers said this that too many of us lost are flavor and are of no good we need to take our flavor back and relize meak and weak re not the same amen
@relaxingmindfoodandmma5108 3 года назад
I am a former atheist and I became Christian in 10 - 12 years. I dare any atheist including Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Craus because Chritopher Hitchens died already, debate with me about creation of planetary system and evolution and prove that I was right when I was atheist and prove me wrong now as I am a Christian. I have videos in my channel. I don't believe ANYTHING without DEEP INVESTIGATION.
@vanessaford7406 2 года назад
Praise God for this rapture video..It is getting very close..It is now 2022 and things are getting worse. God has been warning us for a very long time...Amen...We need to seek God first...1/16/2022
@lindagonzales4559 4 года назад
Here we are 4/5/2020 and the world is suffering from a pandemic from the Coronavirus. Not to mention the Locusts, Earthquakes, War. I believe JESUS will be here anytime but God is giving everyone a chance to get on their knees to repent, just like in the days of Noah there’s still time to get on the ark.🙏🏻
@lynnehummel6326 7 лет назад
This is very anointed! I felt the power of God more than anything I've ever seen on the rapture. "At such an hour as you think not." Any minute!
@savanaweatherly9207 7 лет назад
if you are ready or not he is still coming
@saraklassen8500 8 лет назад
all i want to listen to is rapture things im waiting
@Lordina0 8 лет назад
We must also be thinking about the people who still aren't Saved and try to Save Souls so we should be waiting on The Rapture but also be Saving Lost Souls. God Bless You!
@lydianieves9801 8 лет назад
+orangeclawhammer777. I do but no 1 listens
@michelebonder2034 8 лет назад
@georgerichards4353 8 лет назад
The rapture is not for the Church, the rapture is for the Jews. The Church will die in tribulation.
@cereluna2333 8 лет назад
The Rapture is for the ones who have Jesus..Yahshua...in their hearts and have asked for forgiveness of their sins and have accepted the FREE gift of salvation. Jesus is the ONLY way to be in the Rapture....There will be people who are Jew, Catholic, protestant, etc....That doesn't matter....it's all about Yahshua and personal relationship a person has with Him. ALL can come to Him now but that door is closing FAST! It's given freely by the only one who is worthy to give it! ACCEPT it now before it's too late!!
@warriorsforjesus2308 5 лет назад
I believe with all my heart 🙌 soul that Jesus is coming back 🙌 every eye will see him on that day 🙌
@Starmanw422007 8 лет назад
I agree this is the very best Rapture video! I wonder what we all will be doing when the Rapture Happens? People say that you can't be sinning, making mistakes or failing. Or that you need to be ready. But how can you be ready for the Rapture? if You not believe or accept Jesus Christ as your Personal Lord & Savior? Truly, Everyone that as accepted Jesus Christ, will be taken. It doesn't matter what we are doing here on Earth. We could be sinning, we could be fighting, or driving to work or school or even church! You could be flying a plane or riding a train or boat. Or you could be in the International space station! The Lord will come when you *least expect him too* Luke 12:40! You could be sleeping, you could be taking a shower or doing housework or yardwork. you could walking or swimming or on vacation. You could be cussing somebody, killing somebody or even stealing. But if you are a born again Christian, no matter what you are doing in this life when the Rapture Happens, that is the way you are going go! You could be playing Golf, You could playing football, you could be play hockey, or at the olympics, doing any sport. Or just plain doing nothing at all! You could be reading your bible, or cooking, hiking etc. When that trumpet sounds, that is the way you are going to go! And btw, Jesus doesn't have to come at the Rapture or his 2nd coming to find out what your doing. Because he already knows what your doing today! Including me, as I type this message! Jesus is watching all of us from the Heavens! So as the video said, are you are ready?
@toddarcand3414 7 лет назад
Steven Whitehouse that's because the pre-tribulation Rapture is a lie
@malikasilla1475 7 лет назад
Steven Whitehouse If you are found being sinning, you won't be taken.
@Starmanw422007 7 лет назад
Honestly, as anyone in this topic stop sinning since their conversation +Malika Silla? I can tell you that from Day 1 of my conversion I have sinned many times, made many mistakes, and failed countless times. I have indeed suffered many times. Suffered lost of loved ones etc. Yet the Lord has never ever taken my Salvation away from! NOR WILL HE EVER! SALVATION IS A GIFT MALIKE SILLA! AND NOT A REWARD! IT IS A FREE GIFT! again, has anyone not sinned since they got converted? FOR ALL HAVE SINNED AND COME SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD! Romans 6:23! And if you are trying to keep the law and fail at one point you are guilty of all James 2:10. We CAN NEVER BE TOTALLY SIN FREE UNTIL THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH! As long as we remain in our NATURAL BODIES. We will still have the urge to sin because of the NATURAL MAN THAT STILL DWELLS WITH US! When we become born again. You now have 2 beings. The Flesh Man And The Spirit Man. I invite you to read Romans 7:14-25. Paul describes a war that is raging inside each of us. The death of Jesus Christ on that cross 1984 yrs ago or 33 A.D. WAS SUFFICIENT ENOUGH TO PAY FOR ALL SINS, BOTH PRESENT, PAST & FUTURE! If you deny that Christ's payment for sin does not cover future sins. THEN YOU ARE NOT FULLY TRUSTING THE LORD AS YOUR PERSONAL LORD & SAVIOR! YOU ARE MOST CERTAINLY TRUSTING YOUR WORKS! For By GRACE have ye been saved through FAITH! And that not of yourselves, it is the GIFT OF GOD! NOT OF WORKS, lest any man should boast Ephesians 2:8-9! If Salvation were of works, then Paul the Apostle would have more to boast about then you all! Because he labored more abundantly then any of you! Abraham would have more to boast about to if it were of works. Following Jesus Christ is about Discipleship and not Salvation. SALVATION IS A FREE GIFT FROM GOD ALMIGHTY! NO AMOUNT OF 'GOOD WORKS' CAN GET US SAVED! They are as "Filthy Rags" Isaiah 64:6! There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus! Romans 8:1. Jesus will not cast us out of heaven either John 6:37; nor will he leave or forsake when we suffer Joshua 1:5,9; Hebrews 13:5. Jesus is the ONLY WAY INTO HEAVEN! John 14:6-8! And we can only have access to the Father by believing in ONLY JESUS Acts 16:30-31; Romans 10:9-10. And we can have full assurance that we have Eternal Life 1 John 5:13! There are at least 101 chapters & verses that state that you can not lose your salvation for any reason. Otherwise God made a huge mistake by sending His only begotten Son to die on that cross 1984 yrs ago or 33 A.D. I mean, what was the purpose of Jesus shedding his blood to redeem us if we indeed could save ourself? Just in case you don't believe. Here is the link to the 101 chapters & verse that state you can not lose your Salvation. And Salvation is not by works. gochristianhelps.com/tracts/stl/notworks.htm
@toddarcand3414 7 лет назад
Steven Whitehouse the Bible does not say present past and future my friend. If it did there would be no need for us to have an advocate Jesus Christ. Bible is also clear that if you willfully sin there remains no more sacrifice you still need repentance even after you've repented the first time. I will not say that I will never sin but to say you cannot stop sinning is saying that God is not strong enough to defeat the powers of Satan and his temptation in your life. However Jesus said With God all things are possible. We are supposed to be new creatures my friend and know if you are in willful sin at his coming you will not enter the gates this is exactly what he said when he talked about the manservant who thought his Lord delayed so we went out and became drunk and beat his manservant and was appointed with the unbeliever. One saved always saved is a false Doctrine my friend and will lead to destruction just like the pre-tribulation rapture. God bless
@Starmanw422007 7 лет назад
Truly, who has stopped sinning? since their conversion? If you say you have then you are lieing to yourself and sinning at this very moment by claiming you have no sin lol. Every one has sinned since their conversion. You can not live a *sin less life* yes we are to sin less, but we will never be free of the power of sin until we leave our *Natural Bodies* as long as we live in our natural bodies we will have the urge to sin, make mistakes and fail! AND DON'T BE SAYING THAT I AM NOT SAVED BECAUSE I SUFFER, FAIL, MAKE MISTAKES AN SIN DAILY! WE CAN NOT SAVE OURSELVES! No one except for JESUS CHRIST as ever lived a PERFECT LIFE! There is none good, not one Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3:10,13! As I said, if you are trying to keep the law and fail at one point. Then you are guilty of all James 2:10! NO ONE HAS BEEN EVER JUSTIFIED BY THE LAW BEFORE GOD ALMIGHTY ALL HAVE FAILED! The LAW can not touch a dead person! SINCE I ACCEPTED JESUS CHRIST 31 YRS AGO (SUNDAY, AUGUST 31ST, 1986) I have been HEAVEN BOUND! and for the next 31 yrs give or take or when the Rapture Happens I will still be HEAVEN BOUND! When you become born again. YOU CAN BECOME UNBORN! You CAN'T BECOME UNSEALED! YOU CAN'T BE PLUCKED OUT THE FATHER'S HAND! There is nothing that can separate me or a believer from God's love according to Romans 8:31-39! If God took away our salvation, THEN HE WOULD NOT BE GOD! Here's my analog I wrote about Salvation. And I strongly believe this very much. So don't be trying to change my beliefs about Once Saved, Always Saved! I will always & forever believe that Eternal Life exists! Just like God Exists! Steven's Analog: If God Took Away Salvation From Every Believer! I can't serve a God who promises Eternal Life then takes it away. Because if God took away salvation from every believer. From the time of Christ until Present or when we die or the Rapture happens. There would be 0 population in Heaven today. Except for God, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit and the Angels! Those who have died in Christ will have No Hope of rising from the dead or going to their heavenly home. We who are alive and remain will have No Hope going to Heaven either! God would be pretty lonely in Heaven if he took away our salvaiton from every believer. From the time of Christ until Death or The Rapture which ever comes first. I do serve a God who promises Eternal Life to whosoever would simply believe that what Jesus did on that cross 2,000 yrs ago was enough to Pay For All Your Sins! It doesn't mean that we can't sin again. It just means that when we do. We can have confident that our sins are forgiven and paid for! That's all sins both present, past & future sins are paid for and forgiven! I can confidently say that I am forgiven, I am redeemed! I am going to Heaven when I die. Why am I so confident about this. Read 1st John 5:13 and you'll find my answer to your question!!! Praise Ye The Lord!!!
@sanabria04 7 лет назад
I Love Jesus
@relaxingmindfoodandmma5108 3 года назад
I am a former atheist and I became Christian in 10 - 12 years. I dare any atheist including Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Craus because Chritopher Hitchens died already, debate with me about creation of planetary system and evolution and prove that I was right when I was atheist and prove me wrong now as I am a Christian. I have videos in my channel. I don't believe ANYTHING without DEEP INVESTIGATION.
Dearest brother in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior, thank you for the reminder of what our God has promised. Thank you for the entire Psalm 145 as it causes my heart to bless Him and remind me of His loving kindness to us! He is a good good Father and His love does endure forever!! Thanks again to you and all the faithful in Christ who are praying on my son's behalf! I love the body of Christ....my sisters and brothers in Jesus (Yeshua) Christ. Blessings.
@JustTrying2MakeitToJesus 8 лет назад
wow, this made me cry at the end so bad.. tears poured down my face.. I was going to Keri that to myself but I want you to know, I want you to know that this moved me in such a way that I will share this to my kids, my kids friends my church & my family.. Jesus is coming back & I pray we are all ready! I don't want ANYONE to get left behind! its been on my mind for months now, I've seen a few rapture videos that are great.. really great! but this got me because its kids- teens & this worldly world we live in you have it probably the hardest! peer pressure Facebook Instagram dating- its a nightmare to think my kids / you kids / or any kids for that matter may be left behind- adults hurt but a child Left is so un natural - thank you for this video .. you all did SO great ! God Bless you all & may peace be with you always
@JustTrying2MakeitToJesus 8 лет назад
+Marquisha Jerry Bless you as well & thank you (:
@markd2tmo047 7 лет назад
@davidchosen2568 7 лет назад
Tribulation will start soon....then Jesus will return
@christinepence9711 7 лет назад
david chosen u are correct my friend
@christinepence9711 7 лет назад
david chosen all of us are going to go through it weither we want to or not
@LTD-7 7 лет назад
DON'T BE LEFT BEHIND!!! are you ready?
@raphaelventer3546 3 года назад
Everybody who is ready at the same moment the rapture occurs will go with Jesus. Everyone who is not, will be left. It will be sad for them!!! BE READY!!!!!!!
@MamaBour 7 лет назад
I'm asking for prayer...for my son. He knows the truth yet seems to be back sliding away from God. Please pray brothers and sisters in Christ, that he would hear God calling him like a Shephard calls for his lost sheep. That my son would be attracted to knowing more of God's Word like a moth is attracted to the flame. Please in Jesus Mighty Name, change his heart Father, break ALL the walls that have been formed inside his heart and replace them with pink flesh again. Fill his heart with your love and light. If it's your will Father please let it be done...it's in Jesus Name I pray, AMEN!
@MamaBour 7 лет назад
Kay Banuelos thank you, God bless and keep you safe from the snares of the enemy!
@lanecrescent4161 7 лет назад
MamaB911 Maybe he's growing a brain and realizes​there is no invisible Sky Wizard floating around on a cloud judging everyone.
@MamaBour 7 лет назад
Lane Crescent you are in a for a BIG surprise when you find that you were wrong about it all... I pray for you that you find the truth after all, you are here... or are you just a troll doing Satan's work?
@kayransdell4293 7 лет назад
I pray all the time for my Grandson Tyler that he will change his life,he is doing Satan's works not God's,But in my heart I know God won't let me down,he will show him what he's all about,we only need to be patient and it's hard but believe me God is so Awesome that he will save all my Family before it's to late.Praying for you and your son.God Bless.
@pamelaevans7333 8 лет назад
Find Him 🙏🏼Follow Him🙏🏼Share His Message🙏🏼 Thank You Jesus 🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️
-Judgment Of Babylon- And I Will Not Accept Anyone's Mediation: "The Name Of Our Savior Is "YEHOVA SAPAVOVT." "HE Is The HOLY ONE Of IsraeL:” ~ Isaiah 47:3-4
@andrewdelafuente7315 Год назад
@beep2362 7 лет назад
Jesus will be coming soon! Be ready!!
@relaxingmindfoodandmma5108 3 года назад
I am a former atheist and I became Christian in 10 - 12 years. I dare any atheist including Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Craus because Chritopher Hitchens died already, debate with me about creation of planetary system and evolution and prove that I was right when I was atheist and prove me wrong now as I am a Christian. I have videos in my channel. I don't believe ANYTHING without DEEP INVESTIGATION.
@radhakrishnank6282 3 года назад
Jesus please forgive my sin and whole family members sin and take us when you appear in the mid air
@FridayWeekend 7 лет назад
06:59 I recognize the voice of the mom's favorite pastor on the radio.... David Wilkerson
@relaxingmindfoodandmma5108 3 года назад
I am a former atheist and I became Christian in 10 - 12 years. I dare any atheist including Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Craus because Chritopher Hitchens died already, debate with me about creation of planetary system and evolution and prove that I was right when I was atheist and prove me wrong now as I am a Christian. I have videos in my channel. I don't believe ANYTHING without DEEP INVESTIGATION.
@fredricktroy1933 7 лет назад
I remember when I was deep in sin, nothing worked and I found Jesus! HE was the one I looked for unconsciously. HE turned my life around and Psalm 139 is my favorite chapter cos he says HE knows me from when I sit to when I stand. REPENT! Jesus is coming soon.
@gerdgrubel902 7 лет назад
My testimony/dream: I woke up from sleep at night and suddenly knew that it has begun. i went outside and watched the sky, as i recognized people in white robes levitating into a giant, dark cloud. And i thought to myself: "Well, you didn´t make it...but good for those who made it" I wasn´t angry that God didn´t choose me since i knew, i was not worth it. So i truly just felt happy for the saved ones. And just in the moment of me thinking "...but good for them" i started levitating towards the sky and the giant cloud, being so grateful and happy and shouted out loud "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!" May the graces of the Lord be with all GOD´s People.
@ms.fortune2957 7 лет назад
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH....This is the GOD GIVEN TRUTH! Unfortunately, this is exactly how it's going to happen! The ones who don't get it NOW are the ones who will get it when it's too late! That boy caring for his sick father was left because he DOUBTED GOD! Look at all those who were in church every week and LOOK at how many were left behind? Very Sad but TRUE! Smh It's so IMPORTANT to stay focused on doing what GOD has instructed us to do! PLEASE ACCEPT JESUS AS YOUR LORD & SAVIOR and THE SON OF GOD!
@michaelbryan6029 7 лет назад
I'm ready now are you?live holly and have his testify in your heart that he die on the cross and has been raised from the dead then you will be saved.
@earlysda 7 лет назад
to Sharron: Jesus has told us at his coming, all eyes will see him. This idea of a secret rapture was dreamed up by Catholic theologians to trick God's people.
@francescody4347 6 лет назад
Share z$ ron C pool l q2111 Referred ii
@HolyCrapAA 6 лет назад
Jesus is a never was. If the bibel was followef you be in chains, real chains. Read the bibel from front to end and free yourself from the evil words of man. There is nothing godlike about the so called holy books and when you set your mind free it is easy to see it. If there is a god he would like you to use the brain he gave you, right? So use it and you will see. Nothing moral about slavery, genecide, murder, bloodsacrafice and so on and all these things are plenty of in the bibel and the other holy books.
@michellesmith2566 6 лет назад
HolyCrapAA JESUS CHRIST is real!! And all the slavery, genocide, Murder that's all man made man decided to mdke a choice to do that God doesn't orchestrate that
@lydianieves9801 8 лет назад
@tlims1974a 7 лет назад
Kids, that was an awesome and POWERFUL message!!! May God continue His work through you all! God bless! 🙏✝️🙏
@lovegamecoffee9837 5 лет назад
We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus and what He did for us. Everyone be ready and keep ready. Our Savior will return in the clouds. May we not be caught off guard.
@BubbasndRayEarl 11 месяцев назад
Same here brother. Almost seventy. Twenty three years in the military, rodeo, I should have been dead many times over yet...here I stand. God blessed me with a wonderful family, health and while I'm not rich, I live comfortably. I'm very grateful to God for all of my blessings.
@milkdudslover7577 Год назад
I’m here 7 years later and boy is the rapture soon. All the prophecies are coming true right before our eyes! The Euphrates is drying up, and Joe the 7 year action (tribulation). It’s crazy!!!! JESUS IS COMING SOON YHWH
@candacecassidy2085 7 лет назад
Since I was raised by the hand of God & the Bible. I still go to church still.
@relaxingmindfoodandmma5108 3 года назад
I am a former atheist and I became Christian in 10 - 12 years. I dare any atheist including Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Craus because Chritopher Hitchens died already, debate with me about creation of planetary system and evolution and prove that I was right when I was atheist and prove me wrong now as I am a Christian. I have videos in my channel. I don't believe ANYTHING without DEEP INVESTIGATION.
@MaryMaryMarketing 7 лет назад
Come quickly Lord Jesus! I am ready! Praying for the unsaved to find the truth!
@relaxingmindfoodandmma5108 3 года назад
I am a former atheist and I became Christian in 10 - 12 years. I dare any atheist including Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Craus because Chritopher Hitchens died already, debate with me about creation of planetary system and evolution and prove that I was right when I was atheist and prove me wrong now as I am a Christian. I have videos in my channel. I don't believe ANYTHING without DEEP INVESTIGATION.
@rosemarynjeri8958 3 года назад
This is what is happening, we are compromising alot..it the end coming and we are ignoring thinking things will get better, but they are becoming worse, see the infirmities and pestilence, famine, floods, war, covid-19.Oh Lord deliver us, our families, not to miss heaven I pray..🙏
@juliedavis990 3 года назад
I was baptized when I was, I believe , 10 yrs old. I love the Lord and I don't go to a church or pray like I should. I have been watching these rapture videos, I try to be a good Christian. Please Lord, here me pray , I know I have done wrong ,please forgive me. Amen 🙏
@kimberlyb9168 7 лет назад
My bday is Sept 23rd can't say what may take place but God teaches us that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess so we all will know God in do time So get close now before it's too late.
@jessicabasey5185 7 лет назад
As innocent as a child you must be to enter the kingdom. Thankyou Jesus... Forgive us our sins please
@sherri7673 7 лет назад
Scary if you are not ready! I'm ready for our Saviours return. Thanks for the upload! Jesus is returning soon. We don't know the day or hour but we can know the season.
@evangelineverasammy526 7 лет назад
so moving and touching , I enjoyed this film wish all our friends and family could be saved! 😀😀😀💚💚💚💋💋💋
@cathygoodall8589 7 лет назад
Evangeline Verasammy its so sad some have very hardend hearts and wont accwpt Jesus in their heart
@relaxingmindfoodandmma5108 3 года назад
I am a former atheist and I became Christian in 10 - 12 years. I dare any atheist including Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Craus because Chritopher Hitchens died already, debate with me about creation of planetary system and evolution and prove that I was right when I was atheist and prove me wrong now as I am a Christian. I have videos in my channel. I don't believe ANYTHING without DEEP INVESTIGATION.
@sleenar 7 месяцев назад
7 years later yet this comes across my fyp. Jesus will be here soon brothers and sisters! Repent and believe in Jesus Christ! NOT ONLY SHOULD WE BELIEVE BUT SPREAD GODS WORD TO EVERYONE. PEOPLE OF GOD, MAKE HEAVEN CROWDED!!!!!!
@blissfulangel1192 2 года назад
Sin is so dangerous and it need to be gone, The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ died to save us. Was buried and rose from the grave three days later for it is impossible for death to hold him. Please believe on the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and repent of your sins (turn away from them). And give the Lord your life, Jesus Christ is Lord. And has saved us, he has given all a chance of redemption. Pick the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth
@angelamalini6852 7 лет назад
We have to be ready , we do not know the time , but we know it is imminent, so we have to be ever ready, because He is Coming ! It is Time , Stay watch ! Be alert !
@jesusofnazareth7970 7 лет назад
Even though i feel guilty and sad and i ask Jesus for many things i know he will take me!
@DeborahLong7777 8 лет назад
@fridahgacheri352 7 лет назад
is true my brethren. ....there's heaven and hell it's your choice the one u want
@DeborahLong7777 7 лет назад
Fridah Gacheri there is only 1 choice for me I am distraught others are choosing not 😯
@isaiahcatano6667 6 лет назад
I choose to be in Heaven
@relaxingmindfoodandmma5108 3 года назад
I am a former atheist and I became Christian in 10 - 12 years. I dare any atheist including Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Craus because Chritopher Hitchens died already, debate with me about creation of planetary system and evolution and prove that I was right when I was atheist and prove me wrong now as I am a Christian. I have videos in my channel. I don't believe ANYTHING without DEEP INVESTIGATION.
@DeborahLong7777 3 года назад
@@relaxingmindfoodandmma5108 Praise the Lord!!! No such thing as an atheist anyway, denying the existence of something!!! Good for you I will check out your channel, been here awhile as well, God is love! Just share Jesus!!! He has this!!! Blessings ❤🕊
@terryglenweaver 7 лет назад
I have met Jesus face to face and I would not venture to guess when the rapture occurs beyond what the Scriptures reveal. I am one of the two witnesses foretold in Revelation Ch 11 and still my words are old wisdom... Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Unfortunately churches are not teaching this.
@ginacarrasco5047 6 лет назад
It's amazing how a little book like the Holy Bible can hold so many truths and predictions that have come to pass....Jesus is coming for his church like it or not HE IS! God Save Us All!!
@shillahnavarro3363 7 лет назад
I can't stop watching this... it feels real.. Our King JESUS is coming.. the music in this video is rilly good. anyone tell me d names of the artist plus d title of this song plz.. God bless u.
@telessiajones7041 7 лет назад
Always be ready. I can't wait for Jesus to come back, but i hope he waits a little longer because there are too many people who are not saved.
@theresahoffman6717 7 лет назад
God Bless all that watch this video ... May u repent of your sins the only way is threw Jesus Chrit..looking forward to the Lord see u in the rapture...
@pgpeachess 7 лет назад
thanks and God bless you and your family also!
@johnday291 11 месяцев назад
Jesus is God and He is coming back soon Amen. That will wake a lot of people up. Jesus Only Believe in Jesus Only.
@hyacinth5475 7 лет назад
I don't watch stuff like this normally but I realize that you need to sometimes because it shows you that anytime soon, Jesus Christ is coming and you need to be prepared. Recently, I backslide but watching this video gave me courage to change and go back to GOD
@32czarnecki 7 лет назад
that is wonderful that you came back to God friend! pls however understand that the antichrist will rule all nations before our rapture and the great falling away from faith.. prepare your faith to be strong during the tribulation and be prepared for the war against the church the antichrist brings.
@gailgreen1595 Год назад
We must be ready for the Lord 🙏🙏🙏🙏🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️
@barbaracoopercooper159 7 лет назад
this is a good video, but I truly believe that if we want our children saved, as parents we need to let our children see us worship in the house of God, we must lead by example,
@rodbrickmaker4711 7 лет назад
Barbara Cooper Cooper indoctrination through fear is child abuse
@cathygoodall8589 7 лет назад
Mark Broderick whats fearful about going to church praising God with song and hearing a message to help us grow?
@cliffordparksjr.3308 7 лет назад
Barbara Cooper Cooper How about them see you live it at Home! not put on a show at Church. your performance at church is what they hate. it's, are you real at home and outside of church that matters. they know hypocrites when they see one. you have to be a Christian 24/7 not a couple hours a week.
@toned2173 7 лет назад
Amen I believe the same thing
@anilpaul2236 3 года назад
Please pray for me and my country (India).
@BlackDaddy 7 лет назад
Jesus said we don't have to be afraid so I pray you trust in that. Be humble and accept His Love.
@justanormalday7251 6 лет назад
Jesus is fraud
@mariowilliams4704 Год назад
I remember I had a dream of the rapture as a young boy. It was so beautiful it felt so real. I was in some kind of field, and all of the sudden I started to rise up like a balloon the field was getting smaller and smaller and something inside of be said, "This is the rapture". Then I woke up and I looked around and I was kinda upset because I thought it was real. The dream was so beautiful and peaceful.
@Sara-rr1lu 7 лет назад
I never understood Jesus...prayed to God. Until I had an experience that changed my life. Jesus came to me, literally sweats me out of my body like my soul was being pushed forward from a perfectly wide awake state. He revealed my HEART to me in the form of a disorganized bookshelf. I just KNEW what it symbolized and I was overtaken with conviction in His presence. I couldn't stand my heart being before Him. He then told me that He WAS coming and SOON. It was all thought based and instant knowing. He then told me that I needed to prepare my heart for His return. I never truly knew Jesus until that very moment. My heart had been set on fire to seek His truth for the first time. In that heartfelt desire to know the truth, He revealed soo much to me! I didn't ever realize how real and present He truly was in our lives--if only we truly desired to seek and grow closer to Him. I was then swept back into my body just as quickly as I was taken out. I was literally in SHOCk!!! I couldn't believe what had just happened to me. I closed my eyes to pray, and before me I SAW the Lord, NO words. He stood there with something in His hands. He lifted His hands and released a dove into the air. Then bam. Gone. I had no clue what that meant at the time. We can't just be present with Him on Sundays...we need to whole-heartedly SEEK Him as if it were the last chance. The more you seek Him, the more you will naturally desire to grow even closer to Him as He reveals His truths in ways you NEVER could SEE before. He truly takes the shackles off your eyes!! It's not just a bunch of words in a book brothers and sisters. It is alive in every way possible...if you doubt, just start reading the word and asking Him from your heart to bring understanding. HE WILL!!
@sonny323 8 лет назад
great video. i loved it. we all gotta be ready & have a relationship with jesus. i just hope & pray that no one gets left behind. or myself
@Stratcatblue 7 лет назад
Great video! Very real to life, yet thought provoking. Speaking of rapture, today is a very important day relating to Bible prophecy. 70 nations are meeting to discuss how to divide the land of Israel, and Jerusalem. Keep your eyes on Israel. we have to wonder if the anti-christ, whoever he is it's going to be in attendance at that meeting.
@VioletMidnightProductions 7 лет назад
Seriously awesome video and seriously grateful we are being raptured SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The signs are all around us...the birth pangs of the earth are getting stronger, more frequent and more is happening...Come get us Jesus soon!
@veganwizard1827 6 лет назад
Wow. This is amazing. I will hate to see the terror in unsaved people when he comes and they realize. It's too late. But I have accepted him. I love him and I'm a proud believer I've been saved for 4 years,since I was 9,I'm 13 now and try to get people to understand that Jesus is not a joke.
@winstonpaul3398 6 лет назад
A person can memorize a verse or more but ... IF YOUR HEART is not there ... You will NOT go It is ALL about your heart Praise the lord Amen
@yeshel-meayin 7 лет назад
be ready and repentance with a soft Heart not a frickle heart do not harden please come a bow your head.
@daniellawilliam5778 7 лет назад
Yes he is coming soon..
@justanormalday7251 6 лет назад
He is not coming
@ExtremePacifist 8 лет назад
Maranatha Jesus. May today be That Day.
@garybrown585 Год назад
Praying for us all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ ❤️🙏🙏🙏💞 my Savior 💗💕 1 Corinthians 15
@vanessaevers435 7 лет назад
It's a blessing to see people showing others the truth about what will really happen in the end times. I pray for those who aren't saved, that they will come to know who Jesus Christ really is. May we be the generation that glorifies His name!
@authortoriv5299 7 лет назад
that ending made me shed tears, it just became so real and personal
@enemyfox938 6 лет назад
AUTHOR TORI V his son has to stay for the tribulations
HIS not jesus lord god mod!… HIS ELOHIM YEHOVA SAPAVOVT: Praise YAH, YEHOVA, HalleluYAH; Y E H O V A (HIS) N A M E: I Have Been "YEHOVA" Your CreatoR Ever Since The Land Of Egypt; You Know No CreatoR But ME, And No SavioR Exists Besides ME. ~ Hosea 13:4 There Is No One Who Calls YOUR NAME; To Wake Up And Find Strength In YOU. ~ Isaiah 64:7 -Judgment Of Babylon- And I Will Not Accept Anyone's Mediation: "The Name Of Our Savior Is "YEHOVA SAPAVOVT." "HE Is The HOLY ONE Of IsraeL:” ~ Isaiah 47:3-4
@kizitolukangandawula7659 8 лет назад
We are already in tribulation and it getting worse and worse. Just look at the world events and they will tell you the story. I think it is time to stand firm in the Lord Jesus Christ. Let prayer, fasting and reading God's word be part of you daily. Also consider repenting and turning to God's word, obeying it. Jesus said that those who love him are those who obey his commandments. This is how you will get yourself ready. For instance, Luke 21:36 King James Version (KJV) 36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Don't think of rapture all the time and be afraid, but rather do what the master requires of you, be pure and perfect in his sight so that when he comes, he may take you with him.
@twistedyogert 8 лет назад
So in essence, the clock is ticking, and we can't see the dial, all we know is that someday, the alarm will go off.
@kalebriconrad1657 7 лет назад
when he's ready its time to go to our home AMEN
@relaxingmindfoodandmma5108 3 года назад
I am a former atheist and I became Christian in 10 - 12 years. I dare any atheist including Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Craus because Chritopher Hitchens died already, debate with me about creation of planetary system and evolution and prove that I was right when I was atheist and prove me wrong now as I am a Christian. I have videos in my channel. I don't believe ANYTHING without DEEP INVESTIGATION.
@ChrisS310 3 года назад
Awesome video young brothers and sisters. I love that y'all used David Wilkerson audio clips, he was a true man of God.
@omi-madeown9028 7 лет назад
I'm a born again Christian; a follower; and a believer of Jesus Christ our one and only good Lord. I'm not perfect, but Jesus is; Jesus shares with me his Divine exchange. He took my sins. He took my burdens. He gave me righteous since I don't have it. I am rich cos he took poverty out of me. I am found cos he went and look for me. I now can see cos he opens my eyes. etc. To all my brothers and sisters I plea to you let's all fight the good fight and end up with our good Lord. When we fail try and get up and run again. Let's not give up the good fight remember; if we win this fight?. :THE REWARDS" are all in heaven. Always make sure every seconds, minutes, hours of our lives. Always make sure we are in good terms with our dear Lord. Whenever we feel unworthy before him always admit confess and repent. Jesus died on the cross cos he loves us unconditionally he doesn't want anyone to be perished but have everlasting life. He really do love us always and still no matter who we are. Let's all be ready for the great day of our good Lord. God loves us all. We deserve to love him back and be with him. The Holy Bible said many are called but few chose. 😢. I'm telling you this I don't wana miss out on the rapture. Last tribulations are none compare to the beginning the Holy Bible recalled. I bless you all in the name of our good Lord. To God be the Glory forever and ever Amen. Love u in Jesus Christ our Lords name.
@RapturedforYeshua 7 лет назад
This is excellent. Great work!
@relaxingmindfoodandmma5108 3 года назад
I am a former atheist and I became Christian in 10 - 12 years. I dare any atheist including Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Craus because Chritopher Hitchens died already, debate with me about creation of planetary system and evolution and prove that I was right when I was atheist and prove me wrong now as I am a Christian. I have videos in my channel. I don't believe ANYTHING without DEEP INVESTIGATION.
@jasonbush259 7 лет назад
yes the Messiah is coming and he is coming to make war on all the nations that have used and abused his chosen people and on those of whom who have not excepted him and repented. All praises to The Most High God that he did not forget about the 12 lost tribes scattered throughout the four corners of the earth!!!
@davidchosen 7 лет назад
Please read this till the End faithfully to understand about second coming of Jesus After hearing all that, you might wonder, “So what does the Bible actually say about the Rapture and all this end of the world stuff?” Or maybe you’re knowledgeable on this already. But for those who are curious, here is a quick rundown, based on the Bible, on what we know with a degree of certainty regarding the end time and the Rapture. The first thing we can know for sure is that we don’t know the specific date of Jesus’ return, at least not yet. Jesus said clearly in Matthew 24:36, “No one knows the day or [the] hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.”2 I think we have to take that statement at face value: No one now knows the exact timing of Jesus’ return. However, the Bible does say that there is going to be an event from which we can date when Jesus is coming back. That event is the breaking of the enigmatically named Holy Covenant by the banning of what is called “the sacrifice and the offering”3 and the setting up of what the Bible calls the Abomination of Desolation.4 We know a bit about the Covenant from the book of Daniel. We know that the person we popularly call the Antichrist is very involved in the signing of the Covenant, and then he breaks it 1,260 days before Jesus’s return. When that “breaking” happens - and it seems it is a public event, since it involves the banning of public religious ceremonies - then we can, with a large measure of certainty, circle the date 1,260 days from that event on our calendar. I have written in previous books and articles5 that 1,260-day period crops up again and again in the Bible, and all those references have to do with the final period of this epoch of world history, the climactic period known as the Great Tribulation. Sometimes the number is rendered in “sevens,” other times in months, and yet other times cryptically as “times.” One thing to note is that in John’s day a year was 360 days long and a month 30 days. So 1,260 days equals 3½ years or 42 months. Let’s first look at some verses in the book of Revelation, authored by the apostle John. You may remember, John had been exiled to the island of Patmos, and during that time he saw a long vision about the future. In the vision, an angel tells John “They [apparently an invading army] will trample the holy city for 42 months.”6 The angel then says, “I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.”7 In the next chapter, Revelation 12, we read about a beautiful woman who is being chased by a dragon. This woman is symbolic of believers and the dragon is the Devil. Revelation 12:6 says, “The woman fled into the desert to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.”8 Then verse 14 says, “But she was given two wings like those of a great eagle so she could fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness. There she would be cared for and protected from the dragon for a time, times, and half a time.”9 In Revelation 13:5 we hear more about the Antichrist, who is referred to as “the beast.” “Then the beast was allowed to speak great blasphemies against God. And he was given authority to do whatever he wanted for forty-two months.”10 The book of Daniel also talks about the Antichrist’s three-and-a-half-year reign of terror. Daniel 7:25 says, “He will defy the Most High and oppress the holy people of the Most High. He will try to change their sacred festivals and laws, and they will be placed under his control for a time, times, and half a time.”11 And again he writes that the Antichrist “will make a treaty with the people for a period of one set of seven [years], but after half this time, he will put an end to the sacrifices and offerings. And as a climax to all of his terrible deeds, he will set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration, until the fate decreed for this defiler is finally poured out on him.”12 So, clearly it is not until after this three-and-a-half-year period that Jesus comes back, as Jesus Himself stated clearly in Matthew 24. In this chapter, Jesus answers the disciples’ question of “what will be the sign of Your coming and the end of the world?”13 Jesus refers to the writings in the book of Daniel: “The day is coming when you will see what Daniel the prophet spoke about - the sacrilegious object that causes desecration standing in the Holy Place.”14 He explains that after this “abomination” is set up - which we know from the book of Daniel happens after the breaking of the Covenant - there would follow a period of anguish, especially for the followers of God. He then says, “Immediately after the anguish of those days, the sun will be darkened, the moon will give no light, the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. Then at last, the sign that the Son of Man is coming will appear in the heavens, and there will be deep mourning among all the peoples of the earth. And they will see the Son of Man coming [in] the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with the mighty blast of a trumpet, and they will gather his chosen ones from all over the world - from the farthest ends of the earth and heaven.”15 Jesus was making it clear to His disciples - and us - that His return, and the Rapture, would not happen until after this 1,260-day period of Tribulation takes place. Notice He also made it clear that the Rapture would be a very visible and widely noticed thing - “all the peoples of the earth” will see it. Paul taught us more about it in the First Epistle to the Thessalonians, where he wrote: “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.”16 So let’s recap all this: 1) No one now knows the exact day or hour that Jesus will return. 2) However, it seems we will know at some time in the future, as it happens 1,260 days after the Covenant is broken. 3) That 1,260-day period is a time when the Antichrist will be in power, and it will not be a fun time for the world. This time is often referred to as “the Great Tribulation.” 4) And the good news is that immediately after this, Jesus returns and all the world will see His return, and all believers will be raptured - both those who have already died and those who are living. So we do have some time to go before the Rapture occurs. We don’t know exactly how much time we have, so the wisest thing to do is take to heart Jesus’ counsel at the end of Matthew 24 where He says: “A faithful, sensible servant is one whom the master can give the responsibility of managing his other household servants and feeding them. If the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job, there will be a reward.”17 In other words, the best thing we can do now is to do our best to love God and others, as these, Jesus said, are the great commandments. So let’s not worry about the end of the world. In fact, Jesus said to not even worry about tomorrow!18 There’s so much living and loving to do here and now - and a life well lived is the best preparation for whatever will come tomorrow. Enjoy yourself and help others enjoy life too. Footnotes: 1 Revelation 9:3-10. 2 New Living Translation. 3 Daniel 9:27 ESV. 4 Matthew 24:15 NKJV. 5 The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist and The Future Foretold 6 Revelation 11:2 NLT. 7 Revelation 11:3 NIV. 8 New International Version. 9 New Living Translation. 10 New Living Translation. 11 New Living Translation. 12 Daniel 9:27 NLT. 13 Matthew 24:3 NKJV. 14 Matthew 24:15 NLT. 15 Matthew 24:29-31 NLT. 16 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 NIV. 17 Matthew 24:45-46 NLT. 18 Matthew 6:34
@jimyost2585 7 лет назад
The following is my testimony about two dreams I had about Sid Roth in 2008, plus a word from the Lord about him in the summer of 2015. I apologize for making this so long but I didn't know of any other way to do it. First, a bit of background about myself: I accepted Jesus as my savior on April 28, 1970 at around 7:30 in the morning, then I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit about a half hour later. I was 23 years old then (I'm 70 years old now). I got saved in a little Pentecostal Church in San Clemente California during what was then referred to as "The Jesus Movement" outpouring of the Holy Spirit which was happening in California at that time (which also happened at Asbury Seminary that year plus several other places). Not long after I got saved the Lord started leading me into fellowships with people who either had prophetic gifting or who were interested in prophetic ministry, so in the ensuing years along the way I became somewhat familiar with genuine New Testament prophetic ministry. In July of 1991 I moved to a mountainous rural area of North Alabama where there was no TV reception. By the time Satellite TV became available (which was about five or six years later) I had learned how to live without TV and movies, and I was aware of how much better off I was without them. So I haven't had TV in my house for 26 years. One night in April of 2008 I had two dreams about Sid Roth, but because I didn't have TV I didn't know who he was. In the first dream he was in what looked like a confrontation with an angel. They were fighting over what looked like some sort of metal electrical grid that was suspended in mid-air about five or six feet above the floor. The room was a very large room, at least as large as a typical high school gymnasium, with a stage at the far end of the room. It looked like it may have been a big basement room as the walls, ceiling, and floor were made of concrete, and there were square concrete support pillars here and there in the room. The ceiling looked to have been at least 20' high (flat ceiling), and as I recall there were no windows. There were no other people there besides Sid Roth and the angel. The grid looked to have been about 3' X 3' X 1' and with four rows of openings that looked to have been about 8" square. The grid was made out of a somewhat shiny metal like aluminum or stainless steel (it was very high-tech looking). The metal between the openings was about an inch thick. The grid was suspended in mid-air with nothing to support it (i.e. no strings, ropes, or wires holding it up). The front of it was covered with what looked like a sheer silk looking fabric that was tightly stretched over the face of the openings on the front of grid. The fabric was a very light greenish gray color. It was so thin that I could slightly see through it. The angel looked to have been close to nine feet tall and was wearing warrior's armor. He had on a black full-faced helmet (so I couldn't see his face), a black breastplate, a black girdle, black boots and shin guards, black forearm guards, black gloves, and he was wearing a long cape with vertical black and purple stripes that were about 12" wide, and he had a very large sword in his hand. The purple stripes of the cape were very vivid, so much so that they looked more beautiful than any such thing in the real world. He was quite majestic looking to say the least. With his sword he kept stabbing at the openings in the grid and making holes in the sheer fabric, and every time he made a cut in the fabric over one of the openings in the grid Sid Roth would wave his hand over it and the cut in the fabric would be repaired as if nothing had gone through it. In my field of vision the angel was standing to the left of the grid and Sid Roth was standing to the right of it. Every time the angel stabbed through the sheer fabric there was an electrical zapping sound. Then as I said, as soon as he stabbed it and made a cut in the fabric Sid Roth would wave his hand over the grid and the cut in the fabric would disappear so that the fabric would be restored like new. While I was watching him do this I had the thought that he was some kind of magician or wizard. So the angel kept stabbing the grid and each time he did Sid Roth kept waving his hand over it and mending the cuts in the fabric. They went back and forth like that for several minutes. Sid Roth was wearing a light grayish beige suit that looked to have been two or three sizes too big for him. Even though he didn't look dirty I could tell there was something wrong about him. In a way he kind of looked like a street bum. So while I was looking at him doing his hand waving I heard an audible voice say "Sid Roth," and the dream ended, and I woke up. So I was lying there in the dark trying to think if I knew who Sid Roth was, and all I could think of was that maybe he was a rock star (rock and roll music star). Like I said, I hadn't had TV for a long time (seventeen years at that time) so I didn't know who he was. I thought about getting up and turning on my laptop and Googling his name but I was so tired I laid back down and went back to sleep. Then as soon as I went back to sleep I had another dream about him. In the second dream he was standing on a very large stage preaching to a very large audience. As he was preaching he kept pacing back and forth on the stage and waving his hands over the crowd. He was wearing the same light grayish beige suit that looked like it was two or three sizes too big for him (it made him look almost comical). I noticed that he did a lot of hand waving and I had the thought it gave him power of mind control over the crowd. I watched him doing this for what seemed like two or three minutes. Then while I was watching him I heard a voice say "Sid Roth." Then the dream ended and I woke up. When I woke up the second time my curiosity was really going so I got up out of bed and got online and Goggled his name, and I was somewhat surprised to find out who he was and what he was about. At that time (2008) he was a big cohort of Todd Bentley who was soon thereafter exposed as being a false prophet. In the years since then I've seen Sid Roth on TV a few times while visiting friends who were watching one of his programs, and every time I saw him I remembered those two dreams and how they taught me to discern what he is and what he's about. Plus I've looked at him on RU-vid several times lately, and each time I had a bad feeling about him (kind of an inner cringe sort of feeling, like a feeling of revulsion). Then one day in June of 2015 (about seven years later) I was out in my front yard picking up sticks and branches that had been blown out of trees by a violent storm a couple of nights before, and while I was picking up an armload of sticks, out of the blue the Lord spoke to me and said: "Sid Roth is pretty much the equivalent of a 21st century Simon Magus." Hearing that kind of blew my mind because the Lord hadn't spoken to me like that in quite awhile, plus because I hadn't really thought about Sid Roth in years. I didn't know for sure who Simon Magus was, so I went in the house and got online and Googled his name and I was somewhat surprised to find out about who he was and what he was about. Basically he was a sorcerer who had the power of mind control over the whole city of Samaria during the time of the New Testament Apostles. At that time Samaria was one of the biggest cities in the middle-east region. In the Christian Bible, chapter 8 of The Book of Acts says this about him: But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city , used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one: To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying "This man is the great power of God." And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries. (Acts 8:9-11, King James Version). As the story continues, Simon Magus saw the Apostles (Peter and John) doing miracles by the anointing of the Holy Spirit and he offered them money to give him that anointing, and Peter rebuked him saying: "Thy money perish with thee, because thou has thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money. Thou hast neither part or lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God. Repent therefore of this why wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee. For I perceive thou are in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity." (Acts 8:18-23, King James Version). When he heard that he sort of half-heartedly repented (because he was a faker) (verse 24). He was all about self and money. So, in view of all that I've written here, I'd say it's reasonable to conclude that the Lord doesn't have a very high opinion of Sid Roth. I hope that whoever happens to read this will take heed to it and start discerning where Sid Roth is at spiritually. RU-vid is awash with false prophets and false teachers these days, but I think Sid Roth is one of the worst ones as he exploits the goodness in the innocent people who come on his show, for his own self-aggrandizement. One thing many Christians fail to realize is that (generally speaking) the false teachers and false prophets are often very popular (some of them with huge followings) whereas the genuine teachers and prophets of the Lord tend to be ignored and/or unheard-of (you certainly won't find any of them posting videos on RU-vid).
@savedbygracethroughfaith139 5 лет назад
I cry every time after I watch videos like this because I struggle with sin. I don’t want to do the sin and feel extremely sorry after committing one. But I know that the day the Rapture happens, I will be in a perfect body with no sin to commit ever again.
@CHIEFSWIFE1998 6 лет назад
Lord make us ready to see you Have Mercy Lord ✝️💕✝️
-Judgment Of Babylon- And I Will Not Accept Anyone's Mediation: "The Name Of Our Savior Is "YEHOVA SAPAVOVT." "HE Is The HOLY ONE Of IsraeL:” ~ Isaiah 47:3-4
@AttackWithStyle 7 лет назад
Really good , whoever made this , well done ,,, top marks
@izpinkie8904 7 лет назад
When the trumpet sounds, is it really going to be that instant, you know the teleportation
@dennisbetterthanyou4089 7 лет назад
lordofthegamers43 well have to wait and find out ;)
@JH-zd3tk 7 лет назад
lordofthegamers43 in a blink of an eye
@teranlewis420 7 лет назад
FilmersWay In Like a thief in the night. Don't know when he's coming
@calandzeph4087 7 лет назад
no it won't be. if you actually read the bible about the return of Christ, the "rapture" doesn't even exist. The "one who is taken from the working field in the twinkling of an eye" is actually cast into hell. so unless all the people who vanished went to hell, you'd want to be left in the working field. Doctorine like this happens because people don't actually read their bibles
@mfitz19 7 лет назад
since you actually read the Bible, then you know it wasn't written in english, you should look up the word harpazo, which is in the Bible. please, Biblically support your opinion on the person taken from the field to hell, cause your really the only person i've come across or heard in 38 years who holds that opinion.
@choenzom8186 11 месяцев назад
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ....are 100%sure if your are to die today you will go to heaven.......if not then .... believe and confess that Jesus is God..he died on the cross for our sins and rose again the third day ...that through his blood our sins are cleanse and forgiven...and he has opened the gates of heaven for us...through jesus we are saved......i pray that every soul reading this may get saved in jesus name...hurry up people Jesus is coming soon.
@scotthughes7273 Год назад
I know some say the wrath of God is Hell but the wrath of God stands for God venting his anger As it is written Psalm:69:24 GOD AND his wrath pour out thine indignation upon them, and let thy wrathful anger take hold of them
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