
The Truth About Pontius Pilate's Involvement | Parable Full Episode 

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Was Pontius Pilate weak? Did he allow Jesus to be crucified at the demand of others? Or did he have his own motives for allowing Jesus's fate? This documentary takes a closer look at the life of the governor of Judaea who ordered the death of Jesus Christ. Later recalled to Rome for his harsh treatment of the Jews, join these historians as they investigate the man behind Christ's crucifixion.
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#Parable #PontiusPilate #ReligiousHistoryDocumentary



31 мар 2022




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@toadpossum6668 2 года назад
Bible doesn't say that Pilate was a weak or oppressive leader. He attempted to free Jesus because he had no evidence of crimes worthy of crucifixion. But the Hebrew elite were threatening to riot unless Jesus was crucified. That's why he washed his hands.
@kam0406 2 года назад
Yes. You are correct. He was under pressure to do his job. He did not want to kill this man. He simply had no choice, lest the brutal Roman's turned on him. He needed to keep his job and so had no choice but to do it.
@maka4eli968 2 года назад
Sounds pretty weak to me
@dentonhahn2907 2 года назад
@@maka4eli968 why dose it sound weak?
@maka4eli968 2 года назад
If he really stood by his conviction, the risk of a riot would matter not. You stand strong in the face of evil and fight for what’s right. I’m not saying I would have done any better but if one truly believes in something they’ll stay true to that. Hence my belief that he was weak
@florentinagrigore9877 2 года назад
he had to do what he had to do
@keelhe893 2 года назад
Reading the biblical account never made me think Pilate was weak and scared. I always felt Pilate was indifferent and callous. He didn’t care about what bothered the Ancient Jews. He didn’t want to kill Jesus because he didn’t care about why the corrupt Sanhedrin was upset. Interesting that this documentary depicted the biblical account as Pilate being weak and docile
@thedrinkinggamemaker9749 Год назад
Honestly, what was he supposed to do?
@dentonhahn2907 2 года назад
Something not mentioned is the gospel writers didn't blame the Romans or the Jews. ..."this Jesus who you crucified is the Christ" Peter goes on to say had you know you would not have killed him. The fact is Jesus said to Pontius Pilate "you have no power over me unless it were given you from above" he had told his followers " I lay down my life and no one takes it from me" he told them that more than one occasion. Pilates wife has told Pilate "have nothing to do with this just man for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him." Jesus said he had power to lay down his life and to take it up again... only God has the power of life...this is why the Jews wanted to kill him" he made himself to be God" blasphemy they say. But for Pilate when the say "If you let this man go you are not Cesar friend"...well now he had no choice...and he didn't anyway the choice was all Jesus Christ choice...I give my life for the sheep.... If I be lifted up I will draw all men into me. ... because I live you shall live also!...so Pilate done exactly what he was to do..and so did the Jewish people at that time...to hate either of them is to hate Gods plan. These folks clearly don't know the scripture.
@fasted8468 2 года назад
It's quite confusing, is this documentary series based on a biblical understanding? Is "parable documentaries" even Christian, or is it a Jewish puppet, even going so far as to correct the Bible where it diverts from their views? Something about this feels quite evil, corrupting and perverted. I wonder what their position is on Palestine, on free speech, on wars for Israel against Muslims who love Jesus as a prophet? Something about all this points to corrupt people running it
@jgmrichter 2 года назад
Why can't we see who the scholars being interviewed are?
@gordonhuskin7337 2 года назад
because they're most likely hebrew
@maghalie1612 2 года назад
Thank you very much. It's the best documentary about Pilate I've seen and listened too!
@christianporter3638 2 года назад
I’m no Bible historian (just a faithful Christian), but weren’t the AUTHORS who wrote the Jews wanted Jesus crucified, JEWS themselves. Matthew (yup), Mark (sure was), Luke (certainly), and John (check). So the anti semite issues came AFTER the completion of the Gospel not before
@IRonMan-kw2jp 2 года назад
You certainly aren't a biblical scholar. Luke was (certainly) Greek.
@henryfrancis9533 2 года назад
@@IRonMan-kw2jp And you obviously have no idea what's your talking about.🤣
@IRonMan-kw2jp 2 года назад
@@henryfrancis9533 Luke was Greek and everyone who knows anything about NT scholarship knows that. He was a doctor and Paul's traveling companion, very well educated, having command of science and literature. He is said to have had some fluency with the spoken language of Aramaic, but wrote eloquently in Koine Greek. You, on the other hand, probably only speak one language and are apparently barely literate therein.
@IRonMan-kw2jp 2 года назад
@@henryfrancis9533 my issue with people like Mr. Porter is a matter of correction in love. As for the likes of you, the Bible has a name for someone who lacks the capacity and humility for correction and yet insists on speaking. Nabal
@thomastheseer6117 2 года назад
The Roman elites had only one rule "whatever brings the most wealth" They had no central religion because they adopted whatever religion the population they conquered had. They did this because it kept those people economically viable. If the people were not economically viable they simply destroyed the population and setup their own culture in it's place, commonly Hellenistic. (It's the reason catholicism has a heirarchy) IOW as long as you kept making money for them to syphon off then they didn't give a crap what you believed. Pilot was pro-jew because they were already a prosperous population which is what prompted the Romans to invade their lands in the first place. The ONLY reason pilot even got involved with Jesus was because the Jews were disrupting his money flow and making him look bad to the ceaser who just put him in charge. Judea wasn't even a main Roman interest. It was just a branch of their franchise of lands they syphoned wealth off of. But Judea was a hassle to manage and pilot was just trying to get a promotion. The entire drama was literally between Jesus and the Jews. The Romans couldn't have cared less. These documentarians got the narrative all wrong because pilot didn't care about creating a dialogue or unification of religious beliefs. For pilot it was literally just business. It was pilot's wife who was actually the religious one. It's the reason she begged him not to get involved because she was spiritually more astute to supernatural things and could tell that whatever was happening involved the gods themselves. When Constantine put the Bible together almost 300 years later, it was specifically formulated to put the roman empire in a neutral position because Constantine saw the rise of the new religion populated with devout followers willing to die for their beliefs. The Roman empire was floundering and Constantine saw the opportunity to rebolster the empire through the up and coming religion Christianity. Like I said the Romans throughout their entire history adopted whatever religion that helped them maintain their wealth and Christianity was a golden opportunity, but Christianity didn't have a central belief system. Thus the Roman empire created catholicism. The Roman empire forcefully gathered up any and all scripts, scrolls and letters to then put together the Roman empire's own narrative of Christianity that put the roman empire and the emperor in the seat of "holy" and unquestioned. As far as who were the actual authors of the four gospels, biblical "scholars" as they like to call themselves are literally just guessing. They all have their own ideas and have spent centuries finding clues that fit their own narratives, but the fact of reality is no one knows who exactly wrote the four gospels. BUT we do have absolute historical data that the Bible itself was put together by the Roman emperor and the elites.
@Adad-ki5dh 2 года назад
At least in this documentary Jesus is depicted as an oriental Jew, a middle easterner not the scandinavian blue eyed blonde contraption of Rome. And of course I take the gravest possible exception to the pastor who said Jesus was saying he had become the temple and was not opposed to commercialization, for heaven sake he was a Jewish man, tenured in Jewish law, he was opposed to Rome and it's values not Judaism.
@seanmclellan5723 2 года назад
Check out the gospel of Judas !!
@Adad-ki5dh 2 года назад
What is the supposed content of this gospel Mr mcLellan.
@lloydmunga4961 2 года назад
Jesus is from the bloodline of Shem . Caucasians come from the line of Shem . So there is a good chance that he may have had light skin.
@Adad-ki5dh 2 года назад
For goodness sake Jews stemmed from Canan, they were a people from the levant, a considerable amount of their history wether from biblical or archaeological sources denotes them as semites, so are most of the adjacent powers that surrounds them Egypt, Assyria, Babylon. They were a cohesive entity that inter married and their inter subjective interaction produced a common identity, they shared racial and cultural characteristics with other semites how can such a people be Caucasian ? It was mostly after the destruction of the second temple, the migration of Jews in to western and eastern Europe that a white Caucasian "Ashkenazi" sub grouping emerged. Feel free to believe that a first century Jewish man in Palestine was Caucasian white Good luck.
@GoogleUserOne 2 года назад
The whole thing is a made up story based on a shred of reality like the Trojan War.
@fasted8468 2 года назад
"The only physical evidence of the existence of Pilate is this rock." (Criticises in explicit detail every decision he makes for 10 years) Ummmm...
@chericandream 2 года назад
Happy NewYear -- Enjoy the sAbbAth's Gifts!!! Praise and ShoutOut to the Most High Ab YahuAh for teaching His own to know Him: ...Count one(s) days, know the seasons, His appointed times, and sAbbAth's, ...Morning by morning womb, baby!!! The Most High Ab YahuAh's Time Clock IN Earth: ...Three Heavenlie's Witness -- Given IN Creation Week. Sun/Morning womb= Beginning of a whole 24 hour day IN a 7 day week. Moon= Beginning sliver of light IN renewing of a whole monthly cycle. Stars/ Illuminaries= Beginning of the New Year found IN the Constellation (ram) and Spring Season; ...'The ABIB' GreenEar IN counting of days and for sAbbAth's Righteous Appointments with His Own. The Spring ‘ABIB’; GreenEar - New Years IN Counting of Days - Common Era (2022ad) ‘PassOver’ Month! (Psalm 90:12-14) Teach us to 'number' (count) our days, ...And let us bring the heart to wisdom. 13 Return, O Most High Ab YahuAh Sovereign! How long? And be sorry for Your servants. 14 Satisfy us IN the (morning) with Your kindness, And let us sing for joy all our days! (I just want everyone to know I am not promoting the zodiac equinox or the common era; Gregorian calendar beLIEf in this teaching)!!! The beginning of the New Year’s ‘ABIB’ count IS found after the new Spring/Season begins which IS sometime in-between the 19th and 21st of common era; month of March (spring equinox= Tekufah) yearly: …and IS found through Astronomy (heaven's witnesses); During the Ram= ‘Lamb’ Constellation (Aries; respectively). IN ‘Counting’ the Monthly Moedim and His Seven Yearly Appointed Times: …Find the first (New Moon/Month) after the said (spring/season - equinox= Tekufah), ...the (morning) after the ‘hidden’ moon begins your ‘first’ day IN the ‘ABIB' 1st/common era; April 2nd for this year’s PassOver month, ...and begins the ‘counting’ of days for all the Most High Ab YahuAh’s sAbbAth’s appointments with His own, that “Hear Ye Him!” This 'Spring Season' PassOver Month of 'the ABIB': ...Evening of ABIB 14th/common era; April 15, (2022)= PassOver dinner. ...Then (morning) ABIB 15th/common era; April 16 unTO the (morning) ABIB 16th/common era; April 17; First full day of UnLeavened bread week, High Sabbath appointment. (morning by morning) Seven Day Count: ...Then (morning) ABIB 21st/common era; April 22, the 7th and last day of UnLeavened bread week, unTO the (morning) ABIB 22/common era; April 23; High Sabbath appointment. (morning by morning) It is a believer's duty to seek for all HIStorical Scriptural Truths and not just believe what someone posts as truth. Discernment IN prayer, seeking, testing, perceiving, and open to receiving ‘wisdom and understanding’ through sWORD Spirit and Truth withIN one! Praise and thanks to the Most High Ab YahuAh, and all esteem to His Son YahuSha Messiah, our King, High Priest, and Intercessor unto Life, Love, Logic, and Loyalty everlasting, for believers that "Hear Ye Him only!
@MiriamMonroe 9 месяцев назад
33:00 have you even read the public records and letters of P. Pilate? I guess NOT.
@anthonylamb6207 2 года назад
You talk of 30 ce yet this took place in 33 ce.
@NMMD1531 2 года назад
Great Video. You did not mention the fact that Pilate was likely appointed under Sejanus and that any attempt to free someone claiming to be King over Tiberius would have struck terror into the heart of Pilate. There was a purge after Sejanus was found out to be conspiring to overthrow Tiberius before the Crucifixion. Pilate would have been well aware of how Tiberius would have interpreted his actions. I see a common bias that is continually repeated and confuses the Gospel story. Jesus did preach against the Romans. In our age we forget that the Herodians were trained in Rome and were culturally Roman. The Temple priests were thoroughly Hellenized. John the Baptist was the son of a high priest and chose the wilderness over Jerusalem. Roman murals are found in Jerusalem 1 st century homes. There were daily sacrifices to Caesar in the Jewish Temple. Caligula wanted to erect a statue of himself for worship in the Jewish Temple. The high priests were appointed under Rome and were one of the first targets of the Great Jewish Revolt. The Gospels are very culturally accurate in showing the cultural divide with common Galilean Judaism and the Herodian Roman Judaism.
@k.avilla8061 Год назад
One of the female historians described Palestine as the 'Middle-East', but it was actually the ' Near-east', surely ?
@Lee-Darin 2 года назад
Pilate was known to back down in certain situations. Backing down with the Roman Standards with carvings of Caesar, gilded shields in Herod's palace etc. Pilate was in hot water with Caesar especially concerning his friendship with Lucius Aelius Sejanus especially after Sejanus was executed for plotting against Caesar. With the affair with the Standards, Pilate bluffed, the Jews called him on his bluff, and Pilate backed down.
@kevinsheridan5405 2 года назад
The lack of a biblical knowledge of this documentary is appalling. For one the Bible never says that pilot was a weakling
@IapetusStag 2 года назад
Sadly, this documentary veered into the fringe interpretation later when it decided to take the Gospel account of the private meeting between Pilate of Jesus and the Passover exchange of Barabbas at face value. I mean, if it was a private meeting between the two, who could have recorded it, and we don't have any evidence of such a Passover exchange by yours truly Pilate. Anyways. The Jesus actor here appears to be Jehovah's Witness' version as well, interestingly enough.
@marco_evertus 2 года назад
I definitely agree with you XiYe, the actor looks super weird. not a fan.
@chericandream 2 года назад
And the Most High Ab YahuAh Saw Every Thing That He Had Made, and, Behold, It Was Very Good!!! Now let’s take a good look at the beginning of the 7th day (sabbath observance); according to the Rabbi’s Judaism Religious System: …And then come evening, …and then come (morning), Wait-- What??? …were the sixth day. (What IS this doing here?) Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them: … And on the 7th day morning (womb) ended His work which He had made; …And He rested on the 7th day from all His work which He had made. And the Most High blessed the 7th day, and sanctified it: …Because that IN it He had rested from all His work which the Most High Ab YahuAh created and made. Praise and ShoutOut to the Most High Ab YahuAh for teaching His own to know Him: ...Count one(s) days, know the seasons, His appointed times, and sAbbAth's, ...Morning by morning womb, baby!!!
@gaiusjulius_caesar2059 2 года назад
Quite Right ! The Emperors long understood that some Galilean Jew going by the name Jesus would emerge as the harbinger of the Empires destruction... The sources are absolute on this... Have you lost your mind man ? Only by the intervention of the Jewish Authority does our Savior come to the attention of Rome ! Such a contrivance...
@larrymacdonald4241 2 года назад
Pilate did not kill Jesus, his own people condemned and sentenced him... Pilate washed his hands of it... because he had not broken any Roman laws...I'm surprised you dont know the story and have said he's the one who killed christ...
@christopherparridgen5622 2 года назад
It probably has, but it shouldn't cause racial injustice to the jewish people. Fact is someone had to crucify Jesus or we wouldn't have salvation. And it was already prophesied of his coming and his mission on earth. Fact is people had to play their part in this story one way or another. If God says something you better believe its gonna happen.All though I wouldn't want to be the ones responsible for crucifing the only begotten.But Its why he came.
@carriedoyne7362 2 года назад
If it wasn't Pilate it would've been whomever was gov of Judea. Pilate was a strong leader, and Christians need to understand that Jesus had to die to save the world no matter what and nothing was going to change that. The need to blame Rome and/or Jews is pointless.
@pinchevulpes 2 года назад
Guy who plays pilate looks more like Caesar
@andrewwills8516 2 года назад
He was Cesar's rep in that area .
@michaelahern6821 2 года назад
Pilate despised the Jews and cursed his luck for ending up there...
@naturalmax8474 Год назад
remember,claudia was a follower as well as servants of his house,plus the BS from the sanhedrin.....i think he saw and took his oppourtunity
@johnwauters8576 2 года назад
I love all children it don't matter where you are
@dentonhahn2907 2 года назад
Without trusting in Jesus you can't be a child of God.
pontius pilate didnt kill jesus, the tribe did
@thomaswilson4418 2 года назад
Pilate honoured the peoples wishes as did Jesus 🙏
@cutypie878 2 года назад
It's all politics ,Pontius Pilate is appointed by the people.
@thegoldenlamp7536 2 года назад
I am calling for the Colorado River U.S. to turn to a blood-like by Aug. 19, 2022. And it will not go away except by the Word of the LORD! This is as a sign of notice, for if God did not perform signs and wonders and miracles, no one would listen nor consider me. Therefore God must testify to me enough so that my testimony may be considered; and that I then can return that testimony back to Him. I am the Golden Lamp of God and I will soon rest between "The Two." My work is at hand. Come and see and hear for yourself!
@pamelaadam9207 2 года назад
Really ! Sheesh.
@kevinsheridan5405 2 года назад
Not only that this idea that the Christians hated Jews just isn’t true the opposite is true. The fact is Jesus is a Jew all of his followers were Jews the struggle in the early church was not against Judaism but rather acceptance of Judaism to the detriment to Gentiles . They struggled with circumcision for example. The documentarians in this video probably don’t own Bibles it doesn’t seem. They know nothing of scripture
@tarynbaker7657 9 месяцев назад
I don't believe that Pilate saw Jesus as a threat to Rome & Pilate says in the Gospel of John that he found no fault in Jesus, that Jesus was innocent. this video makes no mention of that. Pilate was simply part of God's plan.
@thegamer9575 2 года назад
This is all god owndoing because if god created humans are perfect,then all these misfortune will not happen and peace prevail until today.
@ahmedawan1306 2 года назад
This video is an attempt to put the onus of the crucifixion of Prophet Jesus on a roman governor. He may have a part to play, but the real cause for this brutality rests on people who staged and actually took part in this heinous crime, primarily jews of that time. Although, they were unable to kill him, as he was raised to heaven alive by the Almighty Allah till his second coming near the end of times. Prophet Muhammad, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, David, Solomon, Aron, are all prophets who had the same teachings and are equally respectable and to be followed provided you are sure you are following exactly what they taught. These all messengers and came with the same message.
@AviViljoen 2 года назад
Wrong: 1. They *were* able to kill Him, and did. 2. He - Jesus Christ, God the Son - ascended to heaven by Himself and with no-one's assistance. 3. Allah had nothing to do with Jesus' crucifixion, and even less with His resurrection. 4. The idea that "Muhammad , Abraham, Moses, Jesus, David, Solomon, Aron, are all prophets who had the same teachings" is preposterous, and 5. they are most certainly not equally respectable. 6. Neither Abraham, Solomon, or Aaron were prophets. 7. Even the most superficial and cursory study will reveal to you that the teaching and prophecies of the Hebrew prophets are completely contrary to those of Mohammed, and neither is Mohammed mentioned anywhere in Scripture.
@michaelpike1704 2 года назад
I'm not so sure ,God is invisible .
@wellingtonsboots4074 2 года назад
@johnwauters8576 2 года назад
I went to hell and came back do you not see
@danclark1364 2 года назад
your people adding to the BIBLE will be judged for it.. sorry i do not agree to listen to distortions of the bible with what people are saying is truth
@TSWest 2 года назад
Amen brother
@johnwauters8576 2 года назад
Russia fights for me
@johnwauters8576 2 года назад
I am a king I'm higher than the president
@shroomgrizzley464 2 года назад
... Reality check. The rulers return-2024.
@solonaskypros3263 2 года назад
crucifixion is a horrible torture but Romans stabbed the person on cross because they wanted to see him die. eastern romans did something worst they blinded people and let them live .
@larrymacdonald4241 2 года назад
Wrong... stabbing him was an act of Mercy and he had to die before the sun went down... Jesus, was nailed to a tree and was nailed right side up... Crucifixion was normally done upside down... because you die within an hour or so... but to add insult to injury, they put Jesus right side up to make him suffer more...
@timmansfield3935 2 года назад
Stop believing the children stories and study Barbara Thiering for a truthful Christian belief system
@ready1fire1aim1 2 года назад
Yahwism; the Monolotrous beliefs of desert Pagans in the existence of many gods, but with the consistent worship of only one deity. During an era of religious syncretism, it became accepted among the Israelite people to consider the Canaanite god El as the same as Yahweh. This is arguably the beginning of the end for Yahwism and the very beginnings of Judaism. Indeed, as this idea became prevalent in the Jewish people's religion, El soon was thought to have always been the same deity as Yahweh, as evidenced by Exodus 6:2-3. The worship of Yahweh alone began at the earliest with prophet Elijah in the 9th century BCE, and at the latest with prophet Hosea in the 8th; even then it remained the concern of a small party before gaining ascendancy in the exilic and early post-exilic period. The early supporters of this faction are widely regarded as being monolatrists rather than true monotheists, since instead of believing that Yahweh was the only god in existence, they believed that he was the only god the people of Israel should worship, a noticeable departure from the traditional beliefs of the Israelites. It was during the national crisis of the Babylonian Exile that the followers of Yahweh went a step further and finally denied that the other deities aside from Yahweh even existed, thus marking the transition from monolatrism to true monotheism, and from Yahwism to Judaism. Certain scholars date the start of widespread monotheism to the 8th century BCE, and view it as a response to Neo-Assyrian aggression. Worship of Baal and Yahweh coexisted in the early period of Israel's history, but they were considered irreconcilable after the 9th century BCE, following the efforts of King Ahab and his queen Jezebel to elevate Baal to the status of national god, although the cult of Baal did continue for some time.
@jaytrace1006 2 года назад
Hating Jews because of Jesus’ death is stupid. None of the folks involved were alive 100 years later. God loved those Jewish people. God loved Pilate and the Romans. God loved Judas.
@JukeBoxDestroyer 2 года назад
wrong, 1 Thessalonians 2:15 "The Jews who killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets and have persecuted us severely, they are displeasing to God, they are enemies of the whole human race" - by Saint Paul the Apostle
@franciscocerezo5282 2 года назад
No Jew wrote what are call the gospels; they are anonymous and the names are tradition not authors, written in greek not in Hebrew - don´t make sense. to many christians making comments but not a single jew participant, so audience could have other point of view about the content.
@twoangels3405 2 года назад
Call your sheikh and tell them,that the gospel was written in Greek so now he knows that lord Jesus Christ came for all nations. The gospels were written 5 to ten years after his death and the cress were memorize three months after death . Acts was written 18 years after death by paul. There no way around that my friend . Lord Jesus Christ was buried a tomb in a garden was found empty three days later. Pilot made sure he had Jewish guards watch the tomb washing his hands again. There is no doubt that Jesus rose from death three days later..
@gordonhuskin7337 2 года назад
Imagine caring what a jew has to say about Jesus. Read what they say about him in the Talmud
@elizabethtyler4530 2 года назад
God put what he wanted to put in these men's hearts so that Jesus is purpose here on Earth will be fulfilled
@andrewwills8516 2 года назад
Rome was all about division
@mdubz101 2 года назад
Wow total garbage. Tell a story explaining how one side is clearly to blame, then say it’s the opposite.. even documentaries are gaslighting, yikes 😳
@gordonhuskin7337 2 года назад
100 percent this was made a by a jew
@carywest9256 2 года назад
Yeshua was only half Hebrew,and that was on his mother's side!
@samiconde1425 2 года назад
How did you come to believe this of Yeshua? May I please know your sources/references. I am intrigued.
@AviViljoen 2 года назад
@@samiconde1425 Okay, I'll take the bait. I assume Cary West is implying that Jesus' father is God Himself.
@gerdiealbers7788 2 года назад
Should we remember Pontius Pilate....?? Why ?? He should be existing in shame for what he decided to do to Chist...!!
@JukeBoxDestroyer 2 года назад
and what of the Jews who murdered Christ? "let his blood be upon us and on our children"
@anhdang1502 2 года назад
He was pressured that’s why he washed his hands dude
@johnwauters8576 2 года назад
In the military form he would be my little brother
@manfredrichthofen2494 2 года назад
Pontius Pilate was part of the fulfillment of the propechies about the Coming and death of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament.. He could not undo what was prophecied.. same as Judas Iscariot and the rest of the Biblical figures in the New Testament.
@solonaskypros3263 2 года назад
he killed a fictional character so i forgive him
@nathanjohnwade2289 2 года назад
Was Julius Caesar fictional was Augustus fictional was Ramesees fictional was Tutankhamen fictional the answer is that all of them are historical just cause you don't believe in the bible doesn't mean that he's fictional
@solonaskypros3263 2 года назад
@@nathanjohnwade2289 the people you mentioned can be historically confirmed but theres no evidence about a mangod named jesus
@pinchevulpes 2 года назад
Do you often open your mouth without thinking
@nathanjohnwade2289 2 года назад
@@pinchevulpes Truth hurts.
@solonaskypros3263 2 года назад
@@pinchevulpes no
@tbateman9902 2 года назад
Lol ...it's hard to kill someone that never existed
@dentonhahn2907 2 года назад
Only all the evidence is he lived and lives.
@tbateman9902 2 года назад
@@dentonhahn2907 there is ABSOLUTELY ZERO evidence he ever existed
@dentonhahn2907 2 года назад
@@tbateman9902 really? So what do you do with history?
@tbateman9902 2 года назад
@dentonhahn2907 2 года назад
@@tbateman9902 you are quite wrong, the bible gives accurate eyewitness accounts but there is much evidence outside of the bible. Josephus, tacitus, Pliny the younger, many rabbinical teaching, clearly tell of Jesus. He I very well verified in history.
@fisterklister 2 года назад
Jesus told us to hate our parents, hate our spouses and children, and even hate our lives and then follow him.
@dentonhahn2907 2 года назад
He said our love for him (God) should be greater than our love of any other person or things.
@gezzarandom Год назад
Jesus said hate your parents? Wasn’t one of the Ten Commandments honour thy father and thy mother?
@fisterklister Год назад
@@gezzarandom he said it anyway
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