
Bill Gates on How Business Leaders Can Fight Climate Change | HBR IdeaCast | Podcast 

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@Iwillownyouandbehappy Год назад
You are the carbon they want to reduce.
@emmanuelmatuco6248 Год назад
Dear HBR and to Mr. Bill Gates. My sincerest apologies, I haven't read your book, but I am well acquainted with this pressing issue of climate change and its adverse impact on me in particular and on humanity in general. For most of my childhood and adult life, in my beloved Mindanao Island (Philippines) typhoons were extremely rare, if not non-existent. Thus the agricultural economy in those periods of relative calm was fairly stable. Through that stable economy, my uncles and aunts were able to send my cousins to decent schools. But now, typhoons are a regular occurrence. One in particular, category 5 super typhoon Bopha (Pablo), wiped out communities on my father's hometown, and brought indescribable suffering to my people for a long period of time. Now nobody is safe. Indeed our climate changed and it kills. It kills dreams, it kills hope, it kills children indiscriminately. It kills the future. Before, I thought, it was just illegal drugs and crimes and wars that is killing our children and our hopes. Now even our climate is killing our children too. So yes let us exchange ideas about climate change. Let us bring this killer of hopes to the forefront of our lives. Mr. Bill Gates, you have ideas in your book about solutions to climate change adverse effects. Can you expound some more of it here? What can we, the ordinary people do to help you, your companions and like-minded souls blocked effectively the misery climate change ushers? What we do to bring back once again the hopes and happiness it tries to deny us? Do let's converse about it here in HBR youtube. After all, if we're all gonna suffer and our beloved grandchildren possibly die as climate changes adversely for the worse in the future, then humanity have hit rock bottom already. So what have we to lose by exchanging solutions? What can we all do together, even if time is running out on us, to change winter into spring? Emmanuel Matuco
@chiquita683 Год назад
The devil walks among us
@ands1894 Год назад
If only the audio quality was better. 😐
@emmanuelmatuco6248 8 месяцев назад
2023 December 30 - Special Comment3c of 3- HBR The Explainer RU-vid- How Apple is Organized- Leadership at Scale. (Disclaimer: The comments are mine alone. They are not the official position endorsed by or approved by any of the organizations I am part of. I take full responsibility for it). Dear Professors Gregory Hayes, Bill Gates, and HBR, and Google. The rationale for the concrete proposals. Reportedly about 7,000 children are dead and still counting. Total civilian casualties reportedly is now in the 20,000 genocide mark on one side, and 1,200 kidnap and dead on the other side. But the assumption that victory here is a zero-sum game within a year does not hold water. Please see previous comment below. If the zero-sum game is not the real game at play, then what is the real game? (Meanwhile, hostages are still not released, and 7,000 children are dead and still counting….) Why the need for an economic masterplan for Gaza and/or the Westbank? Assuming, a rebuilding ensues, and funding flows, we need to know where it’s going and what it looks like once that rebuilding is satisfactorily accomplished. From the masterplan, the metrics follows. Unfortunately, I have not seen a clear economic masterplan presented and implemented for Gaza and the Westbank since 1948. Why the need for a special cryptocurrency? It is traceable. It provides accountability. For both donors and recipients. It discourages “creative accounting”. Ensures funds goes directly to the accomplishment of the economic masterplan. It may help deter terrorism, because if the crypto aid will be used to buys arms, the UN agency refund the supplier. The crypto is worthless outside the conflict area or region. The crypto immediately becomes zero in value. (Meanwhile, hostages are still not released, and 7,000 children are dead and still counting….) What is the mechanism of the special cryptocurrency? Donors send fiat money through the UN agency. The UN agency issues a receipt. The UN agency then “escrows the fiat money donation” in a bank. Both Israel and Palestine and the world can have access to those escrow fund records. Then the UN agency converts that fiat money into the special cryto. Releases this “crypto aid” to the recipients (either/or both sides) for their use. The crypto only has value if it’s used in accordance to buy things according to the eco-dev masterplan. Supplier issues an SOA (Statement of Account) to the UN agency of the crypto. Fiat money is released in exchange for the crypto bill. Direct donation of fiat money or arms by donor countries to the recipient is forbidden. Once the economic masterplan is completed, and peace and prosperity is firmly established, the UN agency, the crypto money, is dissolved. But history records of the transactions are published worldwide. (Meanwhile, hostages are still not released, and 7,000 children are dead and still counting….) Why centralized the donations for Israel and Palestine? Transparency. War inflicts suffering and misery on civilians. War is evil. Even more evil, is to make the perpetuation of war as a stratagem to gain more personal wealth, or in furtherance of one’s agenda (political, geopolitical, or otherwise). In both donors and recipients. How can the UN help? The UN agency will regularly publish records re the traceability and accountability of donations. It tells how much was actually donated versus reported, and how much was actually received versus reported to the public. It helps clean up the images of donors and recipients, especially their leaders, against wrong suspicions. Why the need for a tech-moat around Gaza and the Westbank and smart-guns, and the confiscation of stupid guns of all calibers? If your two beloved sons are trying to kill each other in front of you, shouldn’t you put yourself in between them? Shouldn’t you dissuade or disarm them? Or tuck in a safe place, out of their reach, those objects that can kill? True, they could still hurt each other with their bare bodies but the chance of both surviving is higher. And with bare bodies, the chances of them not fatally harming their mother, yourself, or their sisters are lower. Yes? Why confine to such moon-shot broad strokes only? Sincere apologies, hostages are still not released, and 7,000 children are dead and still counting. And so far at the end of those intellectual interviews, debates, there’s no unanimous resolve shouted, insistent and repeated over and over, to “please stop the killing NOW!”. In its absence, is it wrong to assume, (forgive my impoliteness) that these “righteous media” events, are just entertainment, delays ceasefire, but does not stop the killing? If a zero-sum game is not the real game, then I pray it’s not a sophisticated “victimhood or beggars” stratagem at play. 7,000 children are dead and dying. Hostages are still not released. Barbra once sang a sad song, titled “Send in the Clowns”. Don't you love farce? My fault, I fear I thought that you'd want what I want Sorry, my dear But where are the clowns? There ought to be clowns Quick, send in the clowns You may not believe the strict laws of karma, but if this wickedness exist, I hope that perpetrators of this wickedness and their children, will not suffer the same fate of those that died or dying, in the misery or the horrifying manner they died and/or suffer, in lifetime after lifetime. Understand, I would be remiss of the religious vows I made, if I fail to strongly remonstrate against evil. “Foolish men forget the promises they made, when the crucial moment comes- NIchiren Daishonin”. Failing my vows, I too will suffer the same fate. In lifetime after lifetime. My family, my grandchildren may not even be spared. Atjatashatru’s boils, or the gruesome end of Hei no Saemon and his entire clan will be the least of my concern. Forgive me for being impolite. I’m just very sad. The four evil life-conditions of Hell, Hunger, Animality, Anger are still winning. I pray the new year 2024 will be kinder to all humankind. Especially our children, our future.
@MS-st1zb Год назад
I hate lizards
@emmanuelmatuco6248 Год назад
2023 July 23 Comment - HBR youtube channel- The Art of Persuasion Hasn't Changed in 2,000 Years (Good afternoon Professor Gates. With your kind indulgence, allow me to comment again. This is an intermission, a segue, before the push to the doctrine of the 10 worlds. The previous post was 2023 July 17 in HBR’s youtube channel- What is Web3?) Words are powerful. At one of its apexes, poetry, words can move hearts to move mountains. Add a melody to it, and words can galvanize a horde, just as national anthems do. Give it a pen and it can create worlds; it can create a past, capture the present in all its gore and glory; and create a scintillating future. Truly words are very powerful. If we go back to poetry and its technical evolution (apologies, its just my “just me” perspective), there are three major schools of poetry. The Japanese Haiku and branches; the European sonnet and its variations; the free verse school of the America’s (most notably for me, Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman), and the free verse of China (most notably for me, the rustic airiness of the works of the Tang Dynasty poet, Tao Qian). Free verse Chinese style straddles several schools. It’s writing (calligraphy) reaches out to the Korean and Japanese schools, while in its smoothly flowing style is reflected also in the American school. Sonnet, is a very disciplined approach regarding its syllables, quatrains, rhyme, etc. Haiku, in a way, is a sonnet taken to an extreme minimalist, bare bones form (17 syllables, and 5x7x5). Why? Probably, in order to powerfully convey and emphasize an image instead of emphasizing its sound (e.g. Basho’s frog leaping into the pond). On the other hand, one could flip the perspective and say, the European sonnet is actually a haiku with a melody. Whatever, words, melodious words, can move hearts that moves mountains. But there’s another evolutionary path of poetry and poets. One that moves not just mountains, but probably major world systems. Coders are poets as well. Their codes, done well, are also poems. But rather than syllables and rhymes, their codes are freed and defined by their syntax. And just as literary poetry’s words create worlds so does a coder’s codes. We are endowed with the creative spirit and that spirit is driving us to “create”. To be a “creator”. Every fiber of our being is driven towards that goal- to create. To create what? To create life. To create value. But enough for now. Let us relax before the push. Please allow me to share a recent work of mine. It is an attempt to combine all the schools of poetry, story, essay, into one. (Please see the intermezzo poem posted above, as the continuation of this comment) Respectfully yours.... Emmanuel Matuco
@emmanuelmatuco6248 4 месяца назад
2024 April 25- Final answer to the Next Season Post- Why that smile? (Summary- Psychological Profile of the Daimyo Yabushige) All his life Yabushige dreamt of "walking" in that stratified plane, only the likes of a Toranaga or a Nobunaga can attain. "What does it take to get there? How do people belonging in that plane think?" Try as he might, their "entirety" remained inscrutable to him. Always at a distance beyond one's intellectual grasp. Like there is a solid thick steel door forever closed to him. Though all these years. To Yabushige, that meant he will always be the lesser man. Always a vassal. Never an equal. Still Yabushige risked everything, like it was a lifelong dream. And now, on that edge of life and death, when the agonizing pain dealt by the knife's edge was about to reach its zenith, the solid iron door of that inscrutable plane opened up for him. He can now fully see, the entirety of a Toranaga, and all the other great ones. What they truly are and how to be like them. Yabushige, the once lesser man, through that newfound understanding can see the totality of what was about to unfold in the future. But most important of all, at last, he, Yabushige, is now their equal. Jubilation inside shoved away the pain of the knife. Yabushige smiled at Toranaga. As an equal. Toranaga smiled back respectfully acknowledging Yabushige’s achievement. To honor what his equal, his ally, his enemy, his friend’s feat of finally achieving the impossible, he saw to it the katana blow that cut-off Yabushige’s head was perfect. (emmanuel.matuco@linkedin.com)
@emmanuelmatuco6248 9 месяцев назад
2023 November 25- Comment Part5E3a- Anger3a- HBR RU-vid channel: The Explainer- How Apple is Organized for Innovation- The Functional Organization. (Disclaimer: Tracer: Previous comments re the Ten (10) Worlds- Hell, Hunger, Animality- is in HBR-The Explainer: How to Build Your Emotional Agility. This comment is about the life-state of Anger. The comments are my personal commentaries. They’re not the official position approved by the organizations that I am part of). Objective: In this series of comments we will do our best to provide answers to the questions: What is the life-condition of Anger? Why does Anger straddle between the four evil paths (Hell, Hunger, Animality) and the three good paths- (Anger, Humanity, Joy)? In the Age of AI why does the Doctrine of the 10 Worlds and Ichinen Sanzen matter? Question: What is the World of Anger or the Life-condition of Anger? Anger (Japanese= shura), derives from the Sanskrit term, “asura”. As researched, the term Ashura, in Ancient Indian mythology, initially refers to deities that were originally considered as benevolent. Over time, the term evolved, referring eventually to contentious demons who ceaselessly fight with the gods. An Ashura’s sense of self assumes gigantic proportions: “An Ashura stands 84,000 yojana in height, and the waters of the four oceans come no higher than his knees (source: Nichikan Shonin, Sanju hidden Sho, The Threefold Secret Teaching). That image, especially about 84,000 yojanas, and where the “four oceans come no higher than his knees” projects towering sense of superiority. 84,000 yojana, (1 yojana = 4-9 miles) or 756,000 miles is greater than the equatorial circumference of the earth (approximately 24,900 miles). No wonder, ancient Indian Mythology describes ashuras as contentious deities battling the gods. Deities so ambitious they think they are gods. My understanding, is that rather than relying on mere text to convey the teachings, Buddhist texts tend to liberally and creatively use very vivid visual imagery to capture and explain principles and complex concepts concisely and economically. Perhaps, the lack of paper at that time, the preference for memorization, where imagery is a vital component, explains this approach. Going back to our topic of the life-condition of Anger, Nichiren Daishonin used the word “perversity” to characterized it. A perverse mind is a mind that is fawning and crooked. Why? They have a life-tendency to compare themselves with others. They considered themselves superior (remember the 84,000 yojana image) and therefore are consumed by arrogance and contempt towards the person they feel is inferior. On the other hand, if they found themselves inferior, they tend to fawn and flatter the one who is superior. It’s a pretense. Deep inside, they are envious of and resent that superior person, though they try their best now to show it. Thus, the word “perverse”. For a more nuance explanation, please visit (www.sgi-usa.org/2022/08/11/the-ten-worlds/). At the core of this state of life of Anger is arrogance. An attachment to an illusion of superiority (waters of the four oceans combined cannot even reach its knees). That oneself is not just noble but nobler. Not just humble but humbler. And they direct all their energies to sustain this false image of superiority, while meticulously hiding their arrogance and their contempt for others whom they deemed inferior. If necessary, resorting to fawning and/or flattery. But at their core, they are arrogant, contemptuous, envious, and resentful. A perverse heart. The Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai of Ancient Tang Dynasty China, in his book titled Maka Shikan (Great Concentration and Insight) describes the world of Anger: “Since those in the world of Anger desire in every instance to be superior to every one else, and cannot bear to be inferior to anyone, they belittle and despise others and exalt themselves, like a hawk flying high looking down on the world. At the same time, outwardly, they seek to display the virtues of benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom and fidelity. While manifesting a mind of minor good, they follow the path of Anger. (Gosho Zenshu, p430) They suffer from the fear of being exposed for what they really are. Therefore, persons in the World of Anger will enormous will and power to hide their true selves from others. This fear of “exposure” was aptly captured by a passage, written by Nichiren Daishonin, in the Gosho, Letter From Sado: “An arrogant man will be overcome with fear, when he meets a strong enemy, just like the haughty Ashura who shrank and hid himself in a Lotus flower blossoming in Munetchi Lake when reproached by Taishaku (Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol1, p35). This fear of exposure also spawns an intense desire to appear to be good. But there is really no real desire to be truly good. Their “goodness” is just a pretense. This feeling of superiority also explains why they (a) resist learning from others. Such notion is beneath them (b) or doing an honest self-reflection for the purpose of self-improvement. One’s refusal to have an honest self-reflection stems from a towering feeling of self-importance. And one’s refusal to learn from others, stems from arrogance. These two, self-importance and arrogance, elevates the person in the World of Anger to a “plane of happiness”. But they know this “happiness” is fragile. An illusion. Once exposed, the illusion of happiness disintegrates. And that is when the flames of Anger flares out to destroy. Thus wars occur. I have a theory. When one’s actions runs contrary to one’s fundamental self - Buddhahood; or are not in harmony with one’s fundamental self, real suffering ensues. Perhaps it is not immediately felt, but it eats you, consumes you, and destroys you eventually. That is what reportedly happened to Devadatta. Devadatta was envious of Sakyamuni. If envy is a perverse form of praise, Devadatta felt it excruciatingly. Envy stems from a lack of self-confidence. A disbelief that one can still grow further. Or the disbelief that another can continuously grow, while one’s growth seem to flatline. This lack of sef-confidence led to resentment. He resented his cousin for the continuously growing respect, love and support the people, and the community of fellow monks accord Sakyamuni. Devadatta, in his desire to make others see him as better than his cousin Sakyamuni, reportedly practiced more severe austerities. But people cannot be deceived forever. That is why he lost. He started his campaign to win others from a platform of Anger. From a platform of envy, of resentment, of refusing to self-reflect for self-improvement. From a platform of arrogance. People saw through his façade. Devadatta’s true feelings were exposed. It became his downfall. (To be continued in the next comment posted above this)
@emmanuelmatuco6248 3 месяца назад
2024 May 20 - HBR- The Explainer RU-vid- The Truth About Blockchain. Disclaimer: The comments are mine alone. I take full responsibility). Comment C (Final Comment)- The Worlds of the Two Vehicles- Learning (7th) and Realization (8th) What is the ETL (extract, load, transform) during Siddhartha’s time re the data gathered? When you read the sutras you begin to appreciate their conciseness and brevity. An image conjured by a word, a sentence, a paragraph, a parable, a story, can carry a multitude of concepts. Whether a word, or a parable, each one functions like a heavily loaded vehicle. ETL all rolled into one. For example, imagine the nano sail of the spacecraft in the last episode of the Netflix series titled “The 3 body problem”. Very compact. It fits in a small container positioned at the nose of the spacecraft. But once unfurled, a gigantic nanofiber sail blossoms way bigger than the spacecraft. So strong it can withstand several nuclear explosions. And uses the energy of those explosions to fly further and faster than the speed of sound and light. Now imagine, a word, a paragraph is packaged that way. Very compact. Very brief. Imagery oriented. Very powerful concepts. It can break the supposedly unbreakable caste system founded on the 6 Worlds (Hell, Hunger, Animality, Anger, Humanity, Heaven). It can even “free” persons trapped, ensnared in the Worlds of Learning and Realization. It can change one’s life-condition from Hell to Buddhahood. This “compactness”, this “vehicle” approach of a word, or a sentence, is the ETL of the words and parables of the sutras. “And the most difficult to believe, and the most difficult to understand”- Lotus Sutra. And this sharing is all about what I learned from the Lotus Sutra, through my mentor in life- Sensei Daisaku Ikeda. I digress. Let us go back. Another instance, the more apt title of the Four Gates Story, should have been the Four Phases Story because it “visibly” talks about the four phases of life, e.g. birth, maturity, decline, death. But why use the word “gate” instead of “phase”? A gate represents an entrance to a world that can be connected or not connected to the other “gates” or “phases”. By changing the word “phase” to “gate”, at least two principles were combined- the Principle of Temporary Existence, and Non-Substantiality carried by the Four Gates Story. And a promise of more “hidden principles” if one contemplates further what is “visible” and recombines them. Very beguiling, isn’t it? This is the world of the Two vehicles. Do you see a cage or a prison? I see only the gates of knowledge wide-open. Do you still remember that movie (and/or movie series) titled “Stargate”. (Lead actor are, to name some, Kurt Russel, James Spader). There is this advanced tech circular stargate whose doors are represented by a shimmering penetrable wall of light. As one steps into this shimmering wall of light and disappears, one realizes it functions like a wormhole and space-travel vehicle, connecting Earth to other similar gates spread over all the known or unknown sections of the universe. The promise of adventure. A hint of adventure, yes? But no hint of a cage or prison. Again, very beguiling, yes? Now re-imagine it again. Many gates. Transform the “gates” into “objects” representing a principle. All these objects (principles) are tied one at a time to each other by an invisible string (insight). Object A (principle) is connected by a string to Object B (another principle). Object B tied to Object C. (C not connected to A) C-D. So forth and so on. Now half of these connected objects (say A-B) are visible. The other half (C-D, etc) are invisible because they are still submerged in murky waters of thought. As you pull Object A, out comes B. As you pull B, out comes C. Etc. Ideas, thoughts, function this way. Even ideas, non-material, are governed by principles such as Dependent Origination and Non-substantiality. On the surface, one reads the events Siddhartha saw in each of the Four Gates. Those are the “visible” objects. The invisible ones, are the principles I’ve mentioned above. Are you not then fascinated, beguiled by what other “hidden and world-changing principles” are still submerged beyond that shimmering stargate? How about the question: “Shouldn’t there be only one black hole, since there is only one big bang? Or is it the other way around?” It’s beguiling. What else could have driven the best minds of our race to construct the Hadron Collider? Without one knowing it, one is transported, caged in an ivory tower. And in a worst case scenario, in this ivory tower, self-righteousness blooms. The nuclear bomb. Hiroshima. Nagasaki. Wars. It seems, Charybdis and Scylla are not exactly what Homer described. They are so beguiling, those two sirens. And so dangerous. No wonder, a person of the Two Vehicles, beguiled, is strongly pulled towards the mindset of “me or me first”. And eventually forgets developing into the higher level of a “for others” person. All in the comfort of this gilded, beguiling prison called the Two Vehicles. How did Siddhartha “escaped” from this beguiling prison? I think, he saw something in each of those “phenomena” in the Four Gates story, that needs validation. What he saw gave him the courage and the confidence that it can be done. And to ensure he will not deviate from the path he saw, with the glimpse of the Law that could free all humankind from suffering eternally, he made a vow. The vow, served as the reference and his filter. (We will talk more of this vow in the topics covering Bodhisattva and Buddhahood. For now, let’s complete the Two Vehicles today.) Going back, how to permanently end humanity’s suffering. The palace walls were constricting in Siddhartha’s search for the answer. So he sought it outside. And reportedly studied with two of the foremost of the six non-Buddhist teachers. The topmost ascetics running the topmost schools. But regardless of what they taught, or what he arrived at while studying under them, it always cannot complete the “answer” whose outline, I assume, Siddhartha saw in the Four Gates story. The “what” and “how” of the “why”. What he learned under these great schools cannot give “closure”. So he carved his own path. And found the Way to harness the One True Vehicle, the Great Pure Law to serve humanity. What is truly remarkable, is he achieved it, as an ordinary human being. It paved the way for all ordinary human beings to attain what he attained. Buddhahood. Suffering could be permanently ended. Regardless of race, color, gender, creed or faith. We all.. are… perfectly endowed. There are a lot more I wish to share about the Two Vehicles. It’s like walking back down memory lane. An unfathomable, irresistible, beguiling stargate. But isn’t that the reason why it is called a gilded intellectual prison? (see you on the next comment. About the World of the Bodhisattva and Buddhahood).
@JeanJuliusVernal Год назад
Climate change stands as one of the most pressing issues of our time. It calls for global solutions and a concerted effort from the international community. Bill Gates has offered valuable thoughts and insights on this matter, contributing greatly to the ongoing discourse.
@thingsofmarketing Год назад
@MS-st1zb Год назад
China is not giving any effort, matter of fact they are going against the grain and opening multiple coal firing plants.
@emmanuelmatuco6248 Год назад
2023 September 10- Comment Part5D- Animality- HBR youtube channel: The Explainer- How to Build Your Emotional Agility (Tracer: Previous comments Part5A- Hell and Part5B & C- Hunger is in HBR-The Explainer: How to Build Your Emotional Agility. Please note, the succeeding comment are my personal commentaries of what I’ve learned. Not the official position approved by the organization that I am part of) Personal commentary starts: Animality - A Life Condition Let me start this discussion with a modern haiku I wrote and submitted for my poetry skillshare class. rabbit steps on a gray shadow …froze! Too late. diving hawk snatched him up. The life condition of animality, with all due respect to all animal lovers, refers to a state of life innate in all life, plants, fishes, animals, man, etc. In “The True Object of Worship”, Nichiren Daishonin characterized this life-state as: “foolishness is the world of Animality (cf, MW-1,p52). Another: “It is the nature of beasts to threaten the weak and fear the strong” (MW-1,p34). We can all see this at play, primal, in the African savanna. Rabbits eaten by hawks. Hyenas eaten by lions and vice-versa. Every predator and prey is caught up in their immediate circumstances. An urgent and instinctive need for food and survival. The most feared, the biggest, is the Elephant. It can stamp a hungry lion into a pulp. Yet amazingly, this most dangerous of animals is a herbivore. It doesn’t eat lions. Can you imagine, if this giant, this elephant, is a carnivore? Why it evolved that way beats me. Probably nature’s check and balance. Sustainability. So ultimate power isn’t about size. Man, also an animal, is physically fragile. Physically powerless against rhinos, hippos, lions, elephants. Yet all these fearsome animals fear man the most. Why? Fragile and small though, man has the god-like capability to create atomic bombs. Destroy all of them. End all life on Earth. If all animals can do social media, like express their thoughts in linkedin, youtube or HBR, all of them would say - “collectively, man is stupid”. To these animals, we are gods. We were given God-like powers. Yet, with all those powers, we seemed to be hell-bent in destroying our “mother earth”. The big elephant evolved to eat plants. They even use their powers to bring down trees so other smaller animals could hide in the fallen branches and escape from predators. These powerful Elephants helped achieve balance. In their actions, they are human-like. Man, some, in the life-state of stupidity, which is also another name for Animality, seemed to evolve to the contrary. Instead of promoting harmony with Earth, it seemed to evolve towards Earth’s destruction. Greed caused financial crashes. It devastated habitats. Stupidity caused a pandemic. And possibly future ones. For what purpose do we manufacture and store them bio-weapons? Accidents will happen. Did we create bio-weapons to battle “elephants”? Or was it to destroy “ourselves”? Going back, caught up in one’s immediate circumstances (Animality), the compass as to what is right or wrong is broken. Inside it, the moral foundations of collective survival and harmony seemed to be inoperable. “I need to flee now; I need to fight and eat now; let tomorrow take care of tomorrow”. It’s like a blazing fire is suddenly razing the African savannah, and every animal for himself. The sense of connectivity to each other or interdependency is gone. The inherent dignity of the person or the nation-in-front-of us is lost in the inferno of the immediate circumstance. World wars occur. Ultimately the “animals” survival gameplan is: “threaten the weak, and fear the strong”, just as the Daishonin described the world he’s in. A person, a nation, forgot they have the “power” to step back, to transcend immediate circumstances, to think and act morally for humanistic goals. It’s a power born out of wisdom, not instinct. We, as the other animals looked up to is Humankind. God-like. They’re saying “Why become us? With your god-like powers, or wisdom, you can rise up from the life-condition of animality. Looked at our suffering”. In his “Letter from Sado”, Nichiren Daishonin said: “Fish want to survive; they deplore their ponds shallowness and dig holes to hide in, yet tricked by bait, they take the hook. Birds in a tree fear that they are too low and perch in the top branches, yet bewitched by bait, they too are caught in snares” (MW-1,p34). Imprisoned in their “immediate circumstances”, the “foolishness” of Animality, they fell. Could “the bait of immediate circumstances” also lead to a great nation or civilization’s collapse? What if the “bait” of greatness takes advantage of a leader’s gullibility? What about debauchery? History’s got records. I’m sure, ChatGPT can secure an example from history. Probably that may explain why there are no records from past civilizations, even greater than the present. Probably. I’ve concluded, those life-conditions, of Hell, Hunger, Animality, if allowed to be dominant in a leader, will only make matters worse. Is there a way out? Sensei Daisaku Ikeda guided me with these words: “People only become human if they are educated as human beings. It is not birth that makes us such. Only when one is raised as a human being, does one become human. That is why education is so important.” Constructive, collaborative, compassionate dialogue is a must. “Hell’s” prisoners can be released from incessant suffering through the deep compassion of a person. Sakyamuni sent the ray of light of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to Devadatta who have fallen into Hell. “Hunger’s” powers can be harnessed for good. A hunger to help others. Surely then, a compassionate education, institutions, great Professors from all walks of life, can choose to become “good men and women”, Bodhisattvas of the Earth, and help others find their way out of suffering too. I was mentored out of Hell, Hunger and Animality by Mrs. Fukue Daguman. By Sensei Daisaku Ikeda. By this Buddha called “Soka Gakkai”. Let me close this discussion with the second haiku, in classical 5x7x5 form. Candlelight flickers palms joined, intensely silent -child prays for a toy (See you in the discussion of the world of Anger (the root of Wars) on the next comment. This is a commentary. You are my secret sharer, ala Joseph Conrad, and I am thinking/writing out loud. Emmanuel Matuco@ linkedin.)
@emmanuelmatuco6248 5 месяцев назад
2024 April 12 - HBR- The Explainer RU-vid- What it takes to be a Great Leader (Disclaimer: The comments are mine alone. They are not the official position endorsed by or approved by any of the organizations I am part of. I take full responsibility). Comment 6A- 6th World of the 10 Worlds Doctrine- Heaven Finally we’ve reached heaven (6th World)! A personal milestone. Please allow me to celebrate it with a very joyous song capturing the trailblazing spirit of the West! The song sung by Seals and Crofts titled- John Wayne! (from the Album: One on One) Do I feel that I'll prove a match to this world? Does Gene Kelly sing in the rain? Yes I have a mind with a mind of its own, a soul like the soul of John Wayne Wagons ho, move 'em out. 'Til the end of the trail, our love will never fail. Wagons ho! (ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-fVEPbFvxdPw.html) We’re now deep into the 10 worlds doctrine and inside the “Higher Worlds” group namely (5th-Humanity, 6th-Heaven, 7th-Learning, 8th-Realization). Fundamentally, the nature of the lower worlds (1st-4th) were about winning against the external world to attain happiness. And it led to a struggle to dehumanize others and the environment in order to justify abusing and or destroying them. The external world is a source of suffering. And if one feels helpless or losses in this struggle against that external world, then the only option is to escape this world and hopes that in death one can find happiness or respite from suffering (1st -World of Hell). On the contrary, the beings dwelling on the states of life called the higher worlds hold a different perspective. It is still a struggle to attain happiness, but this struggle is characterized by winning over oneself, rather than winning against the external world. Happiness is within. The external world are full of triggers of the happiness within. The external world is an “enabler” to the beings dwelling in the worlds of Humanity, Heaven, Learning, and Realization. (Before we go further, the 10 Worlds doctrine are not mine. They are already in the sutras, especially in the Lotus Sutra and books written at least hundreds of years before me. Many notable persons have also expounded them better and I highly recommend you seek them too. Any originality on my part is solely confined on distilling all that I’ve learned about the doctrine for 40 years and arranging them into commentaries. I do not claim that the commentaries are definitive nor exhaustive of the doctrine. They are just that, commentaries. Of course, the poems are my own, unless otherwise indicated. l Let us continue our exploration of the 6th World- the World of Heaven. If the 5th World (Humanity) is about calmness, then “Joy is the world of Heaven (6th World)”- Nichiren Daishonin (Major Writings Vol1, p52). Joy emerges when a desire is fulfilled. The world of Heaven is characterized by having one’s desires fulfilled, especially material desires. It is because of this characteristic that many aspired to attain this state of life categorized as “Heaven”. Reportedly, in the ancient world of India, reaching this world is very difficult that it seems it is only attained by a select few. Those whose accumulated good deeds are counted in kalpas, lifetimes and ages are said to emerged in this state of life - the world of Heaven in their present lifetime as a reward for past deeds. Moreover, it was believed that breaking through the first five (5) worlds to reach Heaven, is so difficult, it seems one is destined to wallow in the lower worlds like it is a fixed path. Thus, those in the lower worlds seemingly tend to stay in those lower worlds almost endlessly. Probably, such a belief is one of the basis behind the emergence of ancient India’s caste system. Perhaps of shogunate Japan as well. Perhaps. Reportedly, people are differentiated based on the life-conditions they’ve emerged into. Chandala (lowest caste) or Brahmin (the highest station). The latter reportedly having more societal privileges. Whether this is correct or not, I assume the doctrine of the six (6) worlds already existed and prevailing in Ancient India prior to Siddhartha’s royal birth as a prince. Back to the topic of the 6th world- Heaven, logically, a prince is born into a world where material desires are easily fulfilled. One grows up and is made aware of this karmic privilege. But the story goes that prince Siddhartha left that life of abundance. Left that much coveted “seat in Heaven”. Why? Why would a person in such a lofty station, decide to abandon a lofty state of secular life that so many others can only dream of? Would I? Would you? It is hard to imagine, a billionaire, doing that. Much more a wealthy prince. But prince Siddhartha did. Why? What fundamental shortcoming does a “life in Heaven” got that no resources at a king’s command can’t fix? Of course we’ve read the story of him going out of the palace gates four times. Each time, seeing a “novelty”. The birth of a child, an old person’s struggles, a very sickly person’s pains, and last, death. But to everyone these are regular and ordinary events. The lot of human beings. Are those novelty sights enough to abandon one’s seat in “heaven”? If, as a very wealthy man, the questions that assaults your intellect are so difficult to answer, why not hire more brilliant tutors? Surely with a princely wealth one can afford them. If the suffering you’ve seen is so utterly unacceptable, why not start a hospital, a school of doctors, or put up a charity foundation? There are a whole lot of solutions available to a wealthy man. More so to a royal. Surely there is no need for total abandonment of one’s “seat in heaven”. But the prince, Siddhartha, did. What was so pressing and urgent that total abandonment is the only solution? What could one possibly gain on a solitary quest, whose outcome is so uncertain? Siddhartha did just that and with only his hope and prayers to lean on. “Prayer was not born of religion, rather religion was born of prayer” my mentor in life Sensei Daisaku Ikeda wrote (Conversations on the Lotus Sutra, From Today Onward, 59, Vol16 page12). What do you think were the feelings of Siddhartha, when he took his first steps out of the palace on his solitary quest? I can only wonder. Anyhow, we’ve reached this milestone, the topic of the 6th world- Heaven. We are on a quest too. And... we are together. I am sure, the Lord Sakyamuni, wouldn’t mind us singing a tune of Seals and Crofts - This Day Belongs To Me, to accompany us on our quest. This is the door I have waited so long to open This is the day when I'm given my room to breathe One chance in a lifetime, and my name is on the key I say this day belongs to me. I believe it If the stars are in my corner I'll have love and laughter This day belongs to me. (youtube link: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-qPysm6bD7N0.html)
@measlideth6324 Год назад
I love Bill Gates.
@MS-st1zb Год назад
I love my family and friends. I do not love strangers that are lizards.
@emmanuelmatuco6248 9 месяцев назад
2023 November 17- Comment Part5E1- Anger- HBR youtube channel: The Explainer- How Apple is Organized for Innovation- The Functional Organization. (Tracer: Previous comments re the Ten (10) Worlds- Hell, Hunger, Animality- is in HBR-The Explainer: How to Build Your Emotional Agility. This comment is about the life-state of Anger. Please note, the succeeding comments are my personal commentaries of what I’ve learned. Not the official position approved by the organization that I am part of) Personal commentary starts. The sharing of the Life Condition of “Anger” can probably be at least in 3 Parts (E1-E2-E3). This is the first part. E1. Context. Bird’s Eyeview: In this Part5E1, we will witness “Anger”. If Einstein is fond of “thought experiments”, let’s do a variation of it. To explain my understanding of the nature of “Anger” please allow me to use a “story experiment”. We are observers of this life-condition as it awakened and occurred between two fictitious characters, namely GG and Senior Sentinel TyMeo, in one of their early dawn conversations. In Part5E2- please allow me to dissect the nature of Anger using this “story experiment”). (Part5E1- The Story Experiment Begins) Senior Sentinel TyMeo (pronounced Ty as in “tie” and Meo as in “Romeo”) talking to GG. They were standing on the balcony. With a clear view of the dark horizon. They were talking about the war that newly erupted. GG: Do all the players involved in this “disaster”, occuring in one of the key birthplaces of the axial philosophies, claim, their actions represent the true spirit of their belief systems? We were just about to talk about the relationship of the 4th lower life condition (Anger) to wars. Then it occurred. How should one proceed? TyMeo: Global tragic events, specifically the war that newly erupted in the birthplace of the axial philosophies, have gotten ahead of your sharing of the life-condition of Anger (roots of war). When the example preceded the discussion of the principle, and the bitter taste of the suffering and misery of the ordinary people are at its height, it is understandable if one is at a loss as to how to proceed. GG: Thank you for your kind thoughts. If there is the slightest risk that one’s words will be used to aggravate the suffering or expand it, then one must step back. Let the smoke of emotions settle first. At emotions height, the gates of reason is closed. It is with that in mind, that pursuing the discussion of the life condition of Anger within this war-torn context, would seem to be pouring more gasoline on an already raging fire. But on the other hand, skipping it, or postponing it indefinitely or stalling till the conditions are ripe, I feel, is also utterly cowardly. It is a socially ethical pickle. What would happen to the mission that says “spread it widely, and never allow its flow to cease”? Stopping, stalling, discontinuing, might just be what “our own lower worlds” wanted. Probably the war was meant to stop the discussion of the foundational 10 worlds. To used it to prevent exposing the true nature of the four (4) lower worlds. Discontinuing the sharing might even also be playing to our fears. Is it the right time? Are we the right person? Yet continuing the sharing, without acknowledging the sufferings of war, or not giving it a respectful space, might also be the kind of “indifference” our ego will indulge in and lead us into. It is a personal psychological pickle. TyMeo: But what about their birth rights? The mission comes first. It is fruitless to be imprisoned in fears no matter how valid. Fears, harnessed properly, energizes. It is not the fear that is the enemy then. It is the absence of wisdom, of where or how we should direct the awakened energy to productive and constructive paths. Yes, these “wars” sure did derail the journey. But for whatever its worth as well, the effects caused by these “wars”, both within and without, only strengthened our resolve to continue the path to peace. GG: Still, why do these “few” people claim that in their belief systems, “war” is the best way to resolve matters? And also isn’t there a world-security body created to stop “wars” immediately so people’s suffering will end? For once, if this world security body can’t strategically re-guide misguided belief systems immediately, why don’t they tactically hold their “security meetings” in the middle of this war? Why don’t they make it a policy to hold all their security meetings in the very ground-zero of any war, present or future, and never stop holding it there, until that very war they were meant to stop, stops? If they are afraid to be tormented by the very fear the victims of war fears, if they are afraid to suffer the very same suffering the victims of war suffers, then what good is that world-security body for? Surely if they are very powerful as they claimed to be, surely all protagonists and antagonist will pause in their actions. Or risks being branded as terrorists or at worse being destroyed by their collective wraths if something happened to anyone of this so-called powerful security body members in those meetings held in the war-zone. You know, the problem is, the “powerful security bodies” have been so far away and physically insulated from the real “battlefield” of suffering of people (war victims), for sooo long, distance “numbed” them to that suffering. They seemingly lost their connection to their mission and the very people they were supposed to protect, nurture and teach. Their practice of their political belief systems strayed so far away from the true practice of the 3 virtues (Sovereign- protect; Parent-nurture; Teacher-educate). And that’s why the world is in decline. I sincerely apologized for my impolite outburst, but I will not apologize for the rationale behind my bitterness. Why can’t this world-security body do the job that they so politically insist they, and only they, five(5) of them to be exact, can do? Aren’t they the only ones with the resources to end the suffering and misery that wars exact on ordinary people? Why? Tymeo: Get hold of yourself!! Yes you are hurting. We are all hurting. All of us are suffering. You’ve been through a war yourself. You know it’s not that easy to stop one. So as impolite as your question may come across, I understand these tragic events beg for that question to be asked by you. But that question should lead you to more constructive, compassionate and collaborative solutions. It should propel you towards actionable suggestions. Not fan the flames. (To be continued in Part5E2)
@emmanuelmatuco6248 Год назад
(Comment 2023July 23. HBR’s youtube channel- The Art of Persuasion Hasn't Changed in 2,000 Years) Poem written 2023June30 by Emmanuel Matuco) A Journey of Kosen-rufu with Sensei Ikeda Towards 2030 Part1- Dark Beginnings Pale red moon. Pitch black night. Cricket’s chirping Are they happy… or crying? There’s an insurmountably high mountain, engulfing my view. It’s so high and pitch black. Engulfing my life. The darkest of the dark. Blood red, the reddish of the red The colors of hopelessness and despair rises like a veil shrouding my days and nights in Agdao, Davao at the height of 1970’s darkest years. Every so often I’m awakened by a staccato of gunfire. “Who could they be chasing this time?” “Who was firing back?” “Who is killing who?” The gnarled slimy rough claws of fear squeezes my heart tightly I knew my mother was awake and silently praying I knew my father was awake and silently hoping I knew my brothers were awake. We’re all awake. All the neighborhood was awake. Listening. Waiting. All deathly silent. Even the dogs were eerily silent. Too afraid to bark, less the gunfire comes back. And as suddenly as it erupted, the echo of running gunfire, gradually faded into the night. Peaceful sleep amidst it is a daily wish. I longed for those peaceful days in the farm of my uncle when I, as a small happy boy, was sitting on a boulder by the river, watching my brothers and cousins frolicked noisily, watching them, a ripe guava in my hand, I munched contentedly. And as I looked up, the clouds above, like so many white brooms, sweep lazily the pure blue peaceful sky. And this peaceful courtyard in the heavens above, is inside a circular frame made up of swaying green coconut and brown green star-apple trees Trees that protectively surrounded us, standing tall and stoic lined up in both banks of the flowing green river in the middle. That’s gone. The peacefulness of that memory is dead. Part 2- Dawn Dead wood Brought back to life bouncing by a restless sea. And then I heard, Nam myoho-renge-kyo At the university, a teacher, a companion, a friend of so long ago, came by, and reminded me who I am. Reminded me of the vows I’ve taken in the remote past. Light emerged and started to dance. And then the light is dancing and defining the ragged edges of that supposedly insurmountable mountain Now, through the illuminated sky, I can see the mountain top. It seemed so high. It looms up threateningly at the onlooker. But it’s not unconquerable anymore. The light made it so. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Oh, it's just an ordinary mountain. To be conquered like all other ordinary mountains. The illuminating lights of the daimoku made it so. Where once this pitiless mountain formed a wall of hopelessness and despair around me It is now radiating light and emitting an invigorating call “Here, over there, so many staircases to the top, “Come up! Hurry! Come up! illuminated, there I can see treasures the pathways of searing hope and indomitable courage. All the treasures my heart can hold. At its core- victory, leadership, happiness is a matter of the heart. In 1993, during the visit of Daisaku Ikeda Sensei I gave him this poem, as part of an invitation to my forthcoming wedding with Denise. Questions. “If I fight for humanity, how will I achieve victory? The truth must be behind me. If the truth is behind me, how will I achieve victory? I must have a mentor to guide me.” From the deep deep past, I was summoned Sensei summoned me. “What an honor given!! What a joy to fight again!!” “What is life without a mentor? Nothing. What is a disciple if he can’t fulfill his mentor’s dream? Eternally nothing. Arrogance and laziness hounds me day by day. The path Sensei have chosen Is my only sanctuary.” I graduated. I got a job. Good jobs. Grew a family. I found a life of peace. My family chanted Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. My brothers chanted Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. My father chanted. My mother chanted before both of them left. Now we all can always be together Eternally, at the Ceremony in the Air. We all found peace and happiness. Part 3 - Courage-filled Journey, Joyful voyage My life, is like a newly built ship, upon hearing Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, it launched itself Upon waves and waves of challenges, waves that were powerful and relentless But Sensei showed the way, led the way through the waves He was undaunted, so should I He was persevering, so should I, And in that journey with Sensei, I wrote this sonnet Of a flag, of a ship newly launched, sliding joyfully down Tsuneishi’s Cebu slipway A marching band performing. “Creases formed by the breeze made the flag dance Waving, waving at the crowd beholden Soulful anthem, trumpets blaring, flag, lance Striking, piercing the sky, emboldened With each musical note, and dancing crease earnest tales of struggles emerged, my tale With each tale unfurled, dancing with the breeze! The songs of victory converged! Hail! Hail! Rising up, proudly raising my arms high Heart skipping a beat, flushed entire with pride Into the waves, the ship slid, with deep sighs So beautiful a day, all my doubts died. A hero, a flag, lives in every man A ship for others, be hope’s rising sun” Southern Mindanao Soka Gakkai grew. Like enumerable ordinary grasses emerging from a dry parched soil, the Bodhisattvas from the Remote Past who responded to Sensei’s summoning, emerged. Unbegrudging with our lives we spread the Law and grew. Persevering, undaunted, like our mentor, we spread the Law and grew. Emerging here, emerging there, in Tungkalan, in Calinan, in all Davao into the peninsulas, wide valleys and coastal regions of Mindanao, unbegrudging with our lives, we spread the Law and grew. Into the vast Cotabato plains, we emerged, unbegrudging, we spread the Law and grew. With the stoic Mt. Apo watching, the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, summoned by Sensei, fanned out unbegrudging The Law spread widely, widely and vastly our numbers grew. And as the Law widely spread, peace and prosperity descended upon our people in Mindanao. Even in a sea so calm there are ripples waiting… to become waves Dawn, brought down, a bright, sparkling vista of a Bodhisattva emerging in every major city and town in the Mindanao regions spreading and emerging, unbegrudging with their lives, persevering Hope-filled, joy-filled, courageous and compassionate A strong life! A happy life for all! The path Sensei opened, burst forth!! Through the battle-riddled years, The 8 winds surged forth, pushing, pounding, yet we overcome. Dotai ishin surged forth, pushing, pounding, yet we overcome. Danto surged forth, pushing, pounding, yet we overcome. The battle from within and from without continue to rage, And raging, the obstacles surge again and again, never relaxing. Relentless, they sought to break the eternal bonds of mentor and disciple, Relentless they sought to break the eternal bonds of Sensei’s disciples with other disciples But hearts, tightly one with Sensei, were victorious! Will always be victorious! Magnificently victorious! Part4 - Convictions Looking forward to this journey of kosen-rufu with Sensei towards 2030 I will be quoting once more, the closing lines of a poem I wrote as a youth before: “Atop these hills of Calinan I could see clearly now my world My friends, their joys and struggles My family, their dreams, my hopes my need for them and theirs for me. All the things that really matter- mission, compassion, sincerity, unity abreast with a deep love for all humanity. Courage behind one’s convictions. And friendship that is eternal. Yes, I’ll fear not this world. No more, no more I’ll climb all the hills… and mountains… I’ll be the soil that nourishes All the trees that giveth shade And no rocky pathways will bend again my fresh and buoyant steps For just as none can stop the grasses from growing Nor will my hopes die.” END- Emmanuel Matuco Thank you so much Sensei Daisaku Ikeda, for the honor and privilege you’ve given me, my family and our community of Bodhisattvas of the Earth, to be with you in this particular lifetime and world.
@emmanuelmatuco6248 Год назад
2023July17- Comment Part3B- HBR youtube The Explainer channel- What is Web3? (Tracer: Previous Comment 2023July07- Comment Part3A- HBR youtube The Explainer channel- What is Web3? Commentary: Please note, this is a commentary only. I am having a dialogue with myself. You, the reader, is my Secret Sharer- ala Joseph Conrad. In this dialogue with myself, I allowed my imagination to run wild) Questions: Given what you did Given what you know Given what you have What more good can you do for others? “The aim of education is not to transfer knowledge; it is to guide the learning process, to equip the learner with the methods of research. It is not the piecemeal merchandizing of information; it is to enable the acquisition of the methods for learning on one's own; it is the provision of keys to unlock the vault of knowledge. Rather than encouraging students to appropriate the intellectual treasures uncovered by others, we should enable them to undertake on their own the process of discovery and invention. [1934]8- First Soka Gakkai President Tsunesaburo Makiguchi The Doctrine of the 10 Worlds in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. (VUCA & Human Existence and Happiness) Change is constant. Our world is in constant change. For purposes of common ground, let us use the concept of VUCA (see HBR 2014Feb Article- What VUCA really means for you). This constant change in our external world spawns VUCA. It stands for (V) volatility, (U) uncertainty, (C) chaotic, (A) ambiguity. A VUCA situation presents challenges. Imagine earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, floods, planet-killer meteors, specie extinctions, etc. Questions: Was the world in VUCA before humans emerge? Yes. Was the world in VUCA when and after humans emerged? Yes. Will the world still be in VUCA after humans are gone? Yes. Our world is in constant change. VUCA. It is what it is, without or with human beings. It is what it is. Question: Can true happiness be attained in spite of this permanent VUCA? Yes. For example, In the evil age called Mappo in Buddhism, Nichiren Daishonin (800 years ago), exiled in the VUCA conditions of severe winter in Sado, medieval Japan, still declared: “I, Nichiren, am the richest man in all of present-day Japan. I have dedicated my life to the Lotus Sutra, and my name will be handed down in ages to come" (Gosho: Opening of the Eyes, The Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. 2, p. 151). What a lofty spirit, amidst life-threatening conditions! Even Sakyamuni, who attained enlightenment 3 millenia ago, also described the VUCA period of the evil age of Mappo: “Since hatred and jealousy toward this sutra abound even when the thus come one [Shakyamuni Buddha] is in the world, how much more will this be so after his passing?” (Teacher of the Law 10th Chapter Lotus Sutra, LSOC, 203). Sakyamuni’s life and those of his disciples were also threatened by his cousin Devadatta. A VUCA situation. Devadatta unceasingly sought devilishly creative ways to kill the Buddha and his disciples. E.g. driving wild elephants to trample them, or rolling boulders to crush Sakyamuni and his followers. Yet this VUCA situation did not prevent Sakyamuni nor his disciples from attaining true happiness. Therefore, while the external world is in VUCA, an ordinary human being can still enjoy true happiness. But how about human suffering? Can human suffering still emerge, even if the external environment is not VUCA anymore? Wealth and power can do wonders in creating stability, certainty, simplicity and clarity. The opposite of VUCA. And yet, I was intrigued by a quote from the great Frenchman Victor Hugo (1805-1885) that was shared to me. It reads: “The life of even the most prosperous man is always in reality more sad than gay.” It seems that status and appearances can veil one’s true life condition. Allow me to reshare some insights taken from a book, a biography of Joseph Stalin. Endowed with enormous power and wealth. It was said that whenever the Soviet met someone who’s better than him, Stalin is filled with jealousy, envy, and hatred towards that person. The author describes it: “while maintaining an air of calm, he (Stalin) was panic-stricken”…. “on the outside he wore the impression of a hard smile, while inside he was full of foreboding, carrying within himself his own little hell.” (Translated from French: Victor Serge, Portrait de Staline [Paris Editions] Bernard Grasset,1940 p180-83). Let me repeat that again- “his own little hell”. On the other hand, President Nelson Mandela (South Africa) spent two decades and 7 years, or 10,000 days in prison, in what can only be described as extremely hellish conditions. “An hour felt like a year,” he was quoted to have described those times. And yet, he persevered, and upon his released, instead of exacting revenge, he unified his divided nation, and strove to create a country that enjoys peace and prosperity. What a lofty spirit! A spirit, a heart unbowed by the external VUCA. Thus from those examples, it is not the external environment that really matters with regards to the awakening of true human happiness or incessant suffering. It is what is within, what is in one’s “heart”, that matters. Nichiren Daishonin said: “First of all, as to the question of where exactly hell and the Buddha exist, one sutra states that hell exists underground and another sutra says that the Buddha is in the west. However, closer examination reveals that both exist in our five-foot body. The reason I think so is that hell is in the heart of a man who inwardly despises his father and disregards his mother”… (Major Writings Vol1,p271). Happiness and suffering is within. It is a matter of the heart. Going back, human happiness and suffering are life-conditions. Philosophically, are these life-conditions externally bestowed, or are we innately endowed with them? I belong to the “endowed” school of thought. True happiness and incessant suffering is a matter of our “heart”. Review: I am very pleased to realize that what took me years of study, we’ve managed to squeeze the essence of it in just a few posts. Starting in Prof. Bill Gates HBR interview, thru Prof Hayes (Raytheon) interview, we have tasted the essence of the Theoretical Teaching of the Lotus Sutra in a somewhat roundabout way. And finally came knocking at the door of the doctrine of the 10 worlds or the doctrine of the 10 conditions of life. This doctrine is found in the Expedient Chapter (2nd Chapter of the Lotus Sutra). This doctrine is foundational. The 2nd chapter is also the most important of the Theoretical Teachings (chapters 1-14) of the 24 chapter Lotus Sutra. And the Lotus Sutra (whether it is the 24 chapter LS, the 24 characters LS, or the highest of all- the 7 character Lotus Sutra) is the highest of all Buddha’s teachings. It appears, it was not a worst idea after all. I am deeply grateful for all your support and understanding. We should continue this ascent, yes? “Rather than provide knowledge itself, we must encourage the joy and excitement that arise from learning”- First Soka Gakkai President Tsunesaburo (Sharing to be continued in Part3C onwards. Note: This is a commentary only. I am having a dialogue with myself. You, the reader, is my Secret Sharer- ala Joseph Conrad) Emmanuel Matuco 2023Jul17
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