
Billions of robots in 10 years 

John Koetsier
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27 сен 2024




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@TheChromePoet 6 месяцев назад
Now I see why Detective Spooner was so angry with robots. Creativity will be replaced with efficiency, and the human touch will have no value. And I'm all for it, I hate waiting days for a package.
@brigfiche 6 месяцев назад
Our world was designed around 6' tall right-handed human labor, which may not be optimum for robots. As we stand on the brink of a robotic revolution, it's fascinating to consider how our environments might evolve to accommodate these new inhabitants. Will we redesign our spaces to be more robot-friendly, or will we engineer robots to adapt to our human-centric world?
@azhuransmx126 6 месяцев назад
Ray Kurzweil already predicted all what is happening now with extreme precision since early 90's, but little detail it is happening even faster than Kurzweil projections. He said AGI in 2029, but it could hapen even in 2027.
@logician3641 6 месяцев назад
Marvin Minsky invented AGI back in the 70s. US Gov disclosed this via its propaganda arm called Hollywood. Star Trek to Terminator.
@NorbertKasko 6 месяцев назад
Kurzweil didn't predict things with "extreme precision" he written in his book "The Singularity is near" that in 2020 the average 1000 dollar computer will have 200 Terabytes of storage and around 750 Gigabytes of RAM. He also said that nanobots in healthcare will be commonplace by 2030. The first is obviusly didn't happen and I don't see the second one coming. Kurzweil don't even understand AI he thought it's all about hardware and it's raw power while it's more about algorithms.
@azhuransmx126 6 месяцев назад
@@NorbertKasko No, hardware and software are just 2 sides of the same thing. You need both but it all starts with the hardware. Software can only do more things and jump from processing words to sounds to images to videos just because the Hardware allows it to. Otherwise the software cannot advance. On the other hand, currently the main prediction that in 2029 it will be possible to buy Hardware for $1000 equivalent to the power of 1 human brain is totally true, at the speed that Nvidia is going they will undoubtedly achieve it and Kurzweil will also be wrong because he said that by 2029 but it will be achieved by 2028, what a bad predictor the guy is!!! he couldn't get it right 30 years in advance, he was wrong by 6 months, 3 weeks, 2 days, 8 hours, 14.5 minutes, 3 seconds and 2 milliseconds!! (sarcasm for fools), on the other hand, nanobots do come, the computing power is going to arrive there to the terror of people who hate small invading bugs like me, for example. He was not wrong with solid state memories but he was wrong with hard drives, they have proven to be tough to kill but that only benefits humanity to have such cheap memory. On the other hand, he is not an alien, he does not know everything, in 2005 he gathered data from experts in his fields Neuroscience, Hardware Engineering, Biotechnology, Genetics and Physics, the Book The Singularity is Near has all the important data together , but it is logical that he has forgotten many data from the book, it is the most normal thing, the guy is not an AI, whoever wants references should not be lazy and read the book.
@mcharipar5 6 месяцев назад
@@NorbertKasko I agree, but a lot of the recent AI gains have been from scaling up the compute. Hardware is just as important.
@gamesndrinks 6 месяцев назад
I don't like how CEO frame how people don't want to do labor anymore. No one want to do labor for pennies on the dollar. A fair wage could fix that. Just saying....
@alexandrustefanmiron7723 5 месяцев назад
Sure, we are talking about eating bugs, freezing in dark but we have enough resources to build bil of robots! I will prep my popcorn and wait for the green steel bil robots!
@babbagebrassworks4278 5 месяцев назад
If you have nukes in space, fusion engines, asteroid mining could make it possible.
@richardouvrier3078 6 месяцев назад
Neitzsche: there are no facts, only opinions.
@dadsonworldwide3238 6 месяцев назад
And he thought statistical anylitics would finally allow time in nature on the smallest scales would be a road map that would finally remove human dashboard hierarchy knowledge of Good and evil man made time equations. He probably wouldn't have been so truthfull otherwise if he had known the future truth about it
@niv8880 6 месяцев назад
No there's relevant predictions and common sense. There is also planning for the future.
@ScarletEternity-m2r 6 месяцев назад
Accelerationism is the only way
@Youbetternowatchthis 6 месяцев назад
Accelerationism is pure lunacy
@YellowKing1986 6 месяцев назад
It's not. We are just being psyoped to think that.
@Youbetternowatchthis 6 месяцев назад
@@YellowKing1986 Essay incomg. You have been warned. Trying to destabillize our current society will result in mass death. It is inevitable. What do you think will happen to big cities when global supply chains break down. Who will feed people? Even the little Houthy disturbance is already resulting in problems far away from the middle east. And with probleams I mean people starving. I know these people who romanticies with civil wars and such. It is just horrible suffering and death. Nothing romantic about kids starving. You could just move to Gaza for the raw experience. It is utter lunacy. Accelerationism itself is the Psyop. Think about it. Who benefits from that kind of stuff? The rich. They already built their bunkers in New Zealand. They can afford to ride it out whatever happens. The rest of us will eat dirt. If you want to make society better you should act locally and think globally.
@azhuransmx126 6 месяцев назад
Accelerationism is the Only choice to this crap zoo of ​@Youbetternowatchthis
@flickwtchr 6 месяцев назад
@@YellowKing1986 Oh gosh, who are the psyops-ers?
@garryjones1847 5 месяцев назад
This sounds like the flying cars and floating cities back in the 50's
@ioluwoletechnologies 5 месяцев назад
Insightful. Thank you.
@randymulder9105 6 месяцев назад
How will things change? Ceos already do not care for humans and will care even less with robots.
@aread13 6 месяцев назад
It's not just not having someone to flip burgers, it's the cost of employing someone to flip burgers, because people are expecting higher and higher wages (to offset inflation), but companies are looking to keep costs down, because customers don't want to have to pay more. This forces only one outcome: All humans will be replaced by robots. First go the easy jobs, but eventually all jobs will be taken by robots. There is no job that humans can do, that robots won't be able to do in the future. The only thing keeping this from happening now, is simply the technology is not there for every job. Soon that won't be the case, and then it will be the cost that holds things back, because robot companies will be looking to reclaim their investment. Big companies will be able to invest early on. Smaller companies may have to wait. But once the tech and cost comes down, due to over-saturation, (if they haven't all gone out of business) then smaller companies will be able to take on robots.
@DesignDesigns 6 месяцев назад
Sometimes, I feel, we are being too optimistic about "A.I"......!!!!
@space.youtube 6 месяцев назад
"...let's say elon musk is wrong by 5 years...." 🤣 It's hard to take someone seriously who still takes elon musk "predictions" seriously. Good job pushing back with "I'll believe it when I see it"
@RomeoCologne 6 месяцев назад
Have you "seen" Musk is the richest entrepreneur in the world? And his speculation on complex changes has been exponentially correct. He may be off on the timeline but regardless, his visions have proven correct.
@space.youtube 6 месяцев назад
@m_sedziwoj 6 месяцев назад
When you invite someone, let him speak, even if you not agree with him.
@roncee1842 6 месяцев назад
This guy is blindly optimistic. As EVERY business eliminates jobs less people will have a paying career, can't pay for services when no one wants to employ anyone.
@flickwtchr 6 месяцев назад
On that point most AI revolutionaries refuse to utilize Occam's Razor, and for obvious reasons. It is mind blowing to realize that the vast majority of human beings on this planet have absolutely no idea what a tiny fraction of human beings on this planet have in store for them.
@rabidrich8969 6 месяцев назад
This is why we need to move to UBS and UBI. There will not be nearly enough jobs for people. We need to redistribute much of the wealth, possibly in the form of shares in mutual funds. The robots do the work, and the humans are all investors, reaping the benefits of the robot's incredible productivity. They'll be faster, better, cheaper than humans, and work 24/7.
@pubwvj 6 месяцев назад
AI robots will create more productivity without corresponding job loss because businesses will do more with the same number of employees. We are already at full employment. I look forward to buying robots to do simple work. It is just like buying tractors to get more done.
@niv8880 6 месяцев назад
@@pubwvj That is flawed. One tractor that is 1000x more effective than a traditional tractor at half the cost. The tractor manufactured automatically by a tractor. If you work for an employer who can swap you for a machine that runs 24x7 at 100 times the speed, then close the door on your way out. Don't live in denial of the revolution. Either AI is blocked by your government (which it won't be) or your government finds a way to pay you unemployment benefits.
@johnkoetsier 6 месяцев назад
@Ammopoint simplest possible explanation is usually correct
@RonLWilson 6 месяцев назад
Very interesting interview!
@harveymargolin2433 5 месяцев назад
Robot lab codes the software for the Inmoov robot . They are talented coders. However ,if they don’t work with a AI, the company will get steamrollered by those that do.
@richardouvrier3078 6 месяцев назад
It’s easier to build a mobile phone than a robot.
@keynadaby 6 месяцев назад
This is not absolutely true once you know how to build a robot
@SkyBird842 6 месяцев назад
It will be easy when rebot build rebot
@niv8880 6 месяцев назад
which is what is inevitable.@@SkyBird842 Modern robots will be so complex humans won't be able to build them. It's a bit like fabricating a microchip - you can't do it manually - you need very specialist equipment. Same thing will apply to a lot of industry.
@garryjones1847 5 месяцев назад
Set minimum wage income to a middle class income and see people flooding the job market.
@A3Kr0n 6 месяцев назад
We were warned robots decades ago and everyone has taken the proper precautions. You're kinda late, aren't you?
@GeoFry3 5 месяцев назад
No one wants to do the job for minimum wage or less anymore. There, fixed it for you.
@austinendicott2938 6 месяцев назад
The inflection point is when robots can be deployed in the chain of industries that require the creation of a general working robot, from raw material to fabrication. Then the means of production creates a means of production. IE we become the horse and carriage to the machine automobile. At that point capitalism out competes itself and all economic foundations have to be evaluated. For USA we will have an easier transition, as the first country out of the gate using General Labor Machines we will export our products cheaper, better quality, and faster than the cheapest labor on the planet. But for a place like China where entire cities exist around one industry the transition will be more difficult. Trying to compete by paying workers less will lead to mass protests.
@mikesahle1193 5 месяцев назад
Thank you 🙏 still I have not seen alive one out of billions of robot 😆
@garryjones1847 5 месяцев назад
Those menial jibs are done because people need the income. Income they couldn't make otherwise!
@angloland4539 6 месяцев назад
@ericbibeau5631 6 месяцев назад
The GDP of the earth is close to 100 trillion per year. At a cost of 50000 per robot wholesale, you are talking of 50 trillion for a billion robots in next 10 years He is optimistic. It will be 100s of millions.
@brexitgreens 5 месяцев назад
On the other hand, look how many cars there are.
@ronaldgarrison8478 6 месяцев назад
30 million. divided by 8 billion, is a little under 4 %, not "half of one percent of half of one percent." But I guess, if you're a Thought Leader, you don't have to bother with all that messy math.
@farmersmith7057 6 месяцев назад
It’s 0.375%. Still, you’re right in that the “half of one percent of half of one percent” is wrong.
@NorbertKasko 6 месяцев назад
​@@farmersmith7057Finally somebody who can divide two numbers.
@ronaldgarrison8478 6 месяцев назад
@@farmersmith7057 Oops. Well, I'm not going to give some lame excuse. I screwed up. I like to think I would be more careful if I were going on camera with that, but hey, who knows?
@kyleyoung17 4 месяца назад
Host shouldn't be talking over his guest sorry
@johnkoetsier 4 месяца назад
Usually I agree with you, and I think I do that very seldom in general. Sometimes, however, you need to in order to direct the conversation towards what you ultimately want to get out of it. Other times, you just want to have a real convo, not a speech on 2 sides. I think in this case it was just about having a real convo with a few interjections.
@davidperezbabich 6 месяцев назад
Come on, you’re basically taking jobs away from waiters and making up a story about how they will be tipped more 😅 also - generally saying people ‘just don’t show up’ to jobs is totally inauthentic
@africanelectron751 6 месяцев назад
You optimists are insane
@raginald7mars408 6 месяцев назад
Animal farm we de volve to Sheeple Slaves
@brexitgreens 5 месяцев назад
The opposite. You've been sheeple slaves for a very long time. And now, for the first time in centuries, you are about to be released from bondage. And you'll not like it…
@cartmann227 6 месяцев назад
@garryjones1847 5 месяцев назад
There is plenty of immigrant labor available of you relax the laws! This BS!
@FrankPowers-q2j 6 месяцев назад
Do we have enough resources for this? They just said we are going to run out of rare earth minerals in 2040.
@vi6ddarkking 6 месяцев назад
Space mining and rare earths aren't rare. They are just spread out rather than in concentrated veines. Also, if we have to. Boring into the Earth's Mantle will give us an excellent resource extraction, power generation combo.
@brexitgreens 5 месяцев назад
Same thought immediately before I started watching this video. Not going to happen on this planet. The Solar System will be full of them in a century though.
@Bregylais 6 месяцев назад
Do we even have the crude resources to build a billion robots to begin with? The earth will have a severe silver-shortage alone by 2028, which is crucial for building electronic components. Dreaming of an endlessly scaling economy is fun and all, but we should balance ourselves against reality from time to time, no?
@peopleofearth6250 6 месяцев назад
Not all robots are electronic. Many new robots are based on soft self-healing materials like hydrogels.
@azhuransmx126 6 месяцев назад
Moon mining, robots power transistors will be made of GaN and SiC (Gallium Nitride and Silicon Carbide), not escarcity problems with those materials. Batteries will be made of Sodium Chloride (extremely abundant) and body made of Aluminum bones and Cooper wires (relatively abundant too).
@greatcondor8678 6 месяцев назад
Robots will go 50 miles deep to mine minerals for us
@barrywilliams991 6 месяцев назад
We have infinite amounts of resources. The only matter is what do we have to do and where do we have to go to get them?
@niv8880 6 месяцев назад
@@barrywilliams991 Under sea exploration by robots.
@anonymous.youtuber 6 месяцев назад
A small miscalculation at 3:20 One half procent of one half procent of eight billion is two hundred thousand.
@pushkarbaral4064 6 месяцев назад
Clearly not from a rigorous academic background by the way he speaks. I think he meant 50%
@pushkarbaral4064 6 месяцев назад
Oopps maybe I was wrong homeboy is the CEO. The perils of judging the book by the cover.
@NorbertKasko 6 месяцев назад
Our guy is a CEO and he doesn't understand math. It's pathetic.
@murc111 6 месяцев назад
I think he meant "it's not even half a percent"...he just said that line twice, which of course makes it wrong. He was referring to 30 million robots, and 8 billion people on earth, half of 1% is 40 million.
@truthhelps2012 6 месяцев назад
He said 13 million not 30 million
@Jasona1976 6 месяцев назад
Say hello to Gort.
@metagleam 4 месяца назад
Which may allow Humanity to be a Klaatu.
@supremepartydude 4 месяца назад
Are robots going to get a bill of rights to prevent abuse.
@flickwtchr 6 месяцев назад
23:40 - 24:00 ish is a prime example of how little regard and appreciation these self-aggrandizing entrepreneurs have for workers. Imagine how they treat waiters and waitresses.
@spartancrown 6 месяцев назад
wtf are you going in about? The example he gave is one of problems solved as an employer is not having to worry about those employees who aren’t doing their jobs. They do exist ya know. I had them as coworkers and as my employees. Nowhere did he infer all employees act this way.
@HablaCarnage63 5 месяцев назад
@@spartancrownThere is also the issue of when they say they can’t find anyone what they really mean is they can’t find anyone willing to work for the wage they can offer. Additionally, labor will be in higher demand since the population of working age is shrinking.
@williamjmccartan8879 5 месяцев назад
This was interesting, thank you for sharing your time and work, both Yanis, and Raoul, peace Question for you Raoul What will be the result of millions and perhaps a billion working humunoid robots in the developed world? I mean if you have the robots you don't need immigration from developing countries, and that is just one of the knock on affects of our current technology being created, another would be the individuals who will not have a job to show up to, how do we harness their creativity to make the global community prosper, and will the creator's of the technology be willing to have there creations pay at least a 10% income tax for every hour, day, month, year? Its a big question with multiple threads but I thought I'd throw it out there, peace
@barriewright2857 4 месяца назад
I think the robot population will go to half of the global population.
@pubwvj 6 месяцев назад
AI robots will create more productivity without corresponding job loss because businesses will do more with the same number of employees. We are already at full employment. I look forward to buying robots to do simple work. It is just like buying tractors to get more done.
@niv8880 6 месяцев назад
That's the materialising socially organised denial that is dangerous. Information available today shows the dawning of an era where robots can do menial to complex tasks: Cooking and folding cloths to software application development. e.g. see. "210,000 CODERS lost jobs as NVIDIA released NEW coding language". Your thinking is dangerous because it's up to governments to have a plan to sponsor the mass unemployment that will come as robots get less expensive (because robots will also build robots/replicate, energy needed will start to cost nothing). It will have to be a massive race to the bottom to sell anything to people who have limited income. The critical takeaway is this is a new era, robots will replace you if they are cheaper and corporations will have no mercy for expensive error-prone humans in their race to sell to people with no money.
@gonzogeier 6 месяцев назад
Until the surface of earth is completely filled with robots? What should all the robots do? Building ten houses for everyone? Or 20 cars for every single people?
@SeanKula 6 месяцев назад
Well there is going to be household humanoid robots that help with the house
@niv8880 6 месяцев назад
They won't build them because nobody will be able to afford them because it would mean having a job... oh wait.... The model has to be for every family it has to have a working/earning robot. We will be kept. There might even be a population spike as people will have more 'leisure time'
@garryjones1847 5 месяцев назад
A bunch of robots in charge of a working kitchen with knives, boiling liquids and open flames with frustrated mean humans as patrons! What could go wrong right??😂😂
@sparkofcuriousity 5 месяцев назад
Is it more or less dangerous than a bunch of humans in charge of working a kitchen with knives, with frustrated mean humans as patrons? Think. What could go wrong in *both* cases.
@garryjones1847 5 месяцев назад
@@sparkofcuriousitypeople obssessed about robots are simply introverts that hate other people. Robots will never achieve the human like emotional intelligence which is necessary to interact with humans on a daily basis!! This robot craze is just ridiculous. Robots are not judgemental??? How about Robots don't feel shit!! In the best case they will mimick sociopaths!
@AstralProbes 5 месяцев назад
I always press the emergency stop button on the back of a robot when I see it
@sparkofcuriousity 5 месяцев назад
What do you mean?
@lokijordan 6 месяцев назад
What's surprising about this given the rise of the smartphone? It seems like the next logical extension.
@raccoon351 6 месяцев назад
Who said anything about being surprised john literally said in the video that he already knew the number of robots would surpass human numbers at some point. The only people that will be surprised will be the ones not paying attention because of how rapidly the technology is advancing not “the next logical extension”.
@ZafarKhan-dl1ly 6 месяцев назад
not sure about these numbers , you can bay a smartphone for $50, robots will cast in thousands.
@ronaldgarrison8478 6 месяцев назад
2:05 Except PONA, like me. I had one in 2001, for a little while, which had mostly dead spots, so was abandoned. I didn't go to cell phone for real until 2006. Like I said, PONA.
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