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Matty Brown
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Music by Philip Glass "Tirol Concerto for Piano and Orchestra: Movement II" Performed by Dennis Russel Davies (amazon.com/Tirol-Concerto-Piano-Orchestra-movement/dp/B000UVC5L6) No copyright infringement intended. This is just a personal road trip video tribute to Poland, documenting present day Auschwitz and Poland and the music just to accentuate the document better. It's not for profit and only used in aid to show this observation of Auschwitz and Poland. :)
FACEBOOK Artist Page: / mattbrownfilm
Please Use Headphones for best sound experience. :)
:My Tribute To Poland:
Poland is a country with a very brutal past, even so recent at just 70 years ago. The holocaust is something I have thought about often as a child, especially as a 3-year-old with a vivid imagination and my father sitting me in front of the television to watch Pink Floyd's 'The Wall' film. I have always wanted to visit the German Nazi concentration camps and let the seriousness and power of it envelop me, humble me, and change me. It was one of the most chilling moments of my life, also because of how peaceful and beautiful the camps were. Spring flowers blooming bright and birds playfully jumping over the brick rubble. The calm breeze definitely added to its eeriness.
Poland has this tension that is slowly healing itself as time goes by and newer generations emerge, but you cannot look in any direction without the constant reminder of the past whether it is the remnants of the ghetto wall, or the cautious faces of the elderly. This piece was supposed to be about Auschwitz, but in making the video the surprise was how vibrant, tough, and full of life the Polish people are. I was as emotionally impacted with these new wonderful friends and sensory overload of the gorgeous present-day country as I was with sympathy and sadness at the camps. Even though they are very tough souls, I started to admire them and their country.
I chose to not only observe present-day Auschwitz, but also present-day Poland, document both, and show them as I felt them...knowing the strength of these people who looked forward and fought tooth and nail so the new generations could live these beautiful lives today inspires me so much. This is my tribute to Poland, its people, and the ones who perished in World War II.
****The title 'Bipoland' is meant to describe the two feelings of the past and present while I was there. On one hand, there is a heaviness that still lingers from WWII, but on the other hand things are as bright and exciting as any other flourishing country.
Captured and Editing by Matty Brown
Shot on the handheld Canon 7D
Edited with Sony Vegas
Dialogue by Gerda Weissmann Klein and Winston Churchill
HUGE special thank you to Gonçalo De Almeida Costa and all the awesome people who befriended and helped us while in Poland. Thank you also to Keith Rivers, Nathan Miller, Steven Weinberg, and Ian Todd for your input on this touchy subject and giving me confidence, hehe. Much appreciated guys.
Kary, Sheila, Sandy, Michael, my beloved husband and my family. I have been in a place for six incredible years where winning meant a crust of bread and to live another day. Since the blessed day of my liberation I have asked the question, why am I here? I am no better. In my mind's eye I see those years and days and those who never lived to see the magic of a boring evening at home. On their behalf I wish to thank you for honoring their memory, and you cannot do it in any better way than when you return to your homes tonight to realize that each of you who know the joy of freedom.
Poland has again been overrun by two of the great powers which held her in bondage for a 150 years, but were unable to quench the spirit of the Polish nation. The heroic defense of Warsaw shows that the soul of Poland is indestructible, and that she will rise again like a rock, which may for a spell be submerged by a tidal wave, but which remains a rock.



5 сен 2024




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@MuzycznyKocyk 10 лет назад
Film może się wydawać wyidealizowany, przekoloryzowany. Ot piękne ujęcia z piękną muzyką co rusza ludzkimi sercami. Jednakże my chcemy postrzegać naszą rzeczywistość za brudną, szarą i bez perspektyw. Nie chcemy uwierzyć w naszą wolność, nie chcemy wierzyć że jesteśmy narodem który przetrwał najgorsze dni wojny, przetrwa i najgorsze dni w pokoju. To nie jest tylko piękny film, to jest rzeczywistość którą uda się nam dostrzec jeżeli miast ciągle otwierać usta i narzekać, otworzymy nasze serca. Żyjemy w ciężkich czasach, każdy dzień jest dla nas dniem próby, dzielą nas nasze racje, ale tak jak dzielą nas przekonania, tak niech zbliża nas miłość do Ojczyzny, za którą przelano krew. Tego chcieliby od nas nasi przodkowie, nasi dziadkowie i nasi bracia.
@literauniversum 10 лет назад
I think this video is beautiful in many different ways and I wouldn't like to change anything about it (mostly because I didn't make it), but for me as a Polish girl, there's one sad thing in seeing Poland from abroad. A lot of people, who think about comming to Poland see my precious land mostly as a home to the nazi death camp and don't realise, how long and interesting 1000-yeared history has Poland. And then, sometimes, they're surprised by all this beauty and traditions that they meet here, when they go out from Auschwitz. And second thing is that Poland, by the association with Auschwitz looks like this 'sad grey country', full of victims. But we're not the victims and our predecessors were the heroes, not only the victims, but mostly, heroes. Just the heroes who had to share their blood in the name of Poland.
@patijusz9388 10 лет назад
I born in Poland. I live in Poland. I'm Polish. And I thank you, it's amazing!!!
@kalcyt11 10 лет назад
Kraj piękny, mój ukochany. jedne dziadostwo to polityka, trzeba pozbyć się polityków których działają na niekorzyść tego Kraju i jego Obywateli.
@trafnyherbatnik2512 10 лет назад
Racja, wyślijmy pisowską hołotę na Madagaskar:)
@kalcyt11 10 лет назад
nie tylko pisowską, 99% władzy na biegun.
@Vorteksio3 10 лет назад
Trafny Herbatnik Gotta love idiots in the comment section arguing about politics.
@cottonlilly5990 9 лет назад
I am *Portuguese*, and yet this speaks of a subject that is very near to my heart. This video means a lot to a *Portuguese girl*. [Simply because I am a *human being.*] *Thank you!*
@skaitynas 10 лет назад
...Wait, why am I crying watching this? Great movie, thanks.
@macoic 9 лет назад
nice work i really like it... i share the feelings that u had in concentration i´ve been in Krakow.. im from Ecuador.. and l admire the proud and the fight that this country has everyday. Greetings!
@AggieRatt 10 лет назад
Thanks Matthew for showing Poland to Poles from amazing perspective. I like the diversity and combination between history and modern life. Old people and on the other side there is enjoyment of youth. The beauty of the nature composes with unique architecture of the towns. The beginning is odd, it still remind us about thousands of victims, but the life is still rolling around.
@vitaminacchhh1 11 лет назад
I'm crying with emotion! Thank you for reminding me why I love this country! Greetings from Poland!
@210Cwiara 10 лет назад
Poland , a country that has suffered so much because I trusted the other and stood up to the war with the Nazis . England and France " allies " did not help , on the other hand attacked us Russia , Poland did not give up , fought in Italy at Monte Cassino , the Battle of Britain , etc. And after the war, the United States, England and France sold us under Russian occupation . People are wondering why the Poles do not trust others , we have reason to do so . This is not the first time that Poland was the first to fight to defend Europe, rescued Europe from the Turks at Vienna , 100 years later Austia , Germany and Russia, we took down . We saved Europe against Russia in 1920 that in 1939 again Saving Europe from the Germans , the Allies did not help us and then we sold it . People today are laughing with the Poles that low income , that have no sites that people are not nice , it's thanks to you , you were saving for Europe and you have us in the ass . Poland country that has more than 1000 years , has always stood for Europe and bad for this came out , you can not trust the west ! Polish can kill the body , but the Polish spirit ever ! Thank you for the beautiful video reminds me of this , I remembered that not to be trusted allies of the West :)
@JanGotner 11 лет назад
I would like to thank you for this. Thank you from my heart. I think I have never seen more beautiful a tribute to the land I live in from a man from another country. We, Poles, still feel the hard breath of history on our back. But after ages of wars and rivers of our blood, finally have we reached the peace. I'm glad that now the world can see full of scars, but peaceful face of our home. Thank you for noticing and showing it. I'm so happy to see my homeland being so beautiful in your eyes.
@sk8andpunk 10 лет назад
Amazing video. You just captured the essence of this country
@AngelicaMunin 11 лет назад
I just want to say thank you! I've left Poland about 8 years ago, looking for better life somewhere else. There is so many things that are wrong, but still... It is a beautiful country with great history... Thanks again!
@jancsipl 10 лет назад
Boleśnie pięknie !
@MrDzakos 11 лет назад
Matthew, first of all respect for a out of the heart show. It’s not only a video but a reminiscences of your visit, which I believe you enjoyed. Every moment in this video is deliberated, and makes me wonder why in such a beautiful country people are so divided. Maybe after seeing this video they will more focus on the outside than on themselves. I wish you all the best and many other interesting journeys. Keep on the good job!
@TomekWojciechowskiTW 10 лет назад
Simply amazing! The essence of Poland in 5 minutes!
@heidichancey 11 лет назад
My dear friend in Poland shared your video with me tonight. I was in tears. It really captured the Poland I saw when I went to visit her a couple of years ago. I went to Auschwitz and Krakow but mostly stayed in Katowice. We went to the mountains also and saw the small farms of sheep and hay. We bought handmade lace and cheese and picked wild berries and mushrooms in the forest. It.s an amazing place. I wish the whole world could see how special it is. I applaud you for making this video. ty
@agnyeshka 10 лет назад
Now, THIS is S O M E T H I N G!! Thank you so much! Such a brilliant video, it made me feel proud to be Polish! DZIĘKUJĘ!
@massagebyanna 11 лет назад
I keep coming back to your video. You have no idea how emotional is this video. Thank you.
@Uld1n 10 лет назад
Napisane jest w Biblii Kochaj swój kraj i tak też robię.
@ViridianMarmot 11 лет назад
So chill people... be happy that a foreigner is interested in our history and wants to learn. On the other note. Thank you Matthew. These sort of movies make me wanna go home, and do something about Poland. Because I highly doubt that my ancestors fought for what Poland has became over past couple decades if you will... Some day I will return... no matter what place Poland will become... some day... It's important to remind ourselves where we all came from. Thanks dude.
@sylwestersienicki230 9 лет назад
133 German's don't like it.
@AnimeHagi 11 лет назад
I'm from Poland, and thank you so much. You did a good thing for us, because we in other countrys eyes we're nation which is grey all the time. No colors. But we have colors, we have dreams and we finally can live like we always want. I proud of our history and I hope that we'll always fight for a better day.
@BeataSiwinski 10 лет назад
Amazing, thank you :)
@Genowefa21 10 лет назад
Piękny filmik, budzi skrajne emocje . Muzyka jest tak genialnie dobrana, tak jakby jej twórca tworzył ją patrząc na te wszystkie obrazy.
@acaminito 10 лет назад
Im an american ex-pat living in Poland and this is such a gorgeous portrayal of Poland....so much life, but there has been so much death. Well done, Matthew Brown.
@Galiaskarov 3 года назад
you deserve millions of views. It is a tragedy that such a talent has no worldwide recognition. You can't even imagine how you changed my life. Thank you!
@Kasiia93 11 лет назад
I am moved by your film.It is amazing! Poland is my homeland. Poland experienced a lot of things in history. In this war ... It's hard for me to imagine how much pain and suffering of my ancestors lived. After that we were free today. Many people associate poland poverty and misery. Although we are not bog or rich country we are strong. This video shows the beautiful things. Poland is a really beautiful country. I think so... You have to just show up. And you did it! AMAZING, AMAZING!!!
@roy1171 6 лет назад
Mój ukochany kraj , moja ojczyzna najpiękniejsza na świecie , tak bardzo przez wieki doświadczana i krwawiąca. Nie ma takiego drugiego kraju jak Polska . Dalej jest okradana tym razem przez pseudo patriotów z wiejskiej i nie tylko ale przyjdzie czas . Tego życzę sobie i moim rodakom tym którzy ja kochają !! Pozdrowienia dla prawdziwych Polaków 👍
@patrycja8919 11 лет назад
Thank you a lot Matt for this amazing film about Poland. It's never easy to portray a country which is so deeply influenced by its history and at the same time rushes into the future looking with hope for new opportunities. I feel as if you've made me realize how proud I am of my country and its history. Great job.
@MsJulietten 11 лет назад
Dear Matthew, I'm a young Polish citizen who cares deeply for her country as well as for the way it is seen by others. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this beautiful video. I also loved your video on Israel since I have lived there half my life. You have amazing talent. You show both the true face of a country as well as really tough emotions through your short films. I would like to wish you never ending inspiration and motivation. Julia
@Capoconan 10 лет назад
I feel very moved each time I watch this video. Matthew Brown - thank you!
@whatthefuckpl 11 лет назад
that is truly one of the best short movies I have seen on YT about Poland - gave me real goosebumps. editing & music is just perfect... thank you Matthew! please spread the good word about Poland. it may not be the best country in the world but for sure it's beautiful !
@solokom 2 месяца назад
Incredible how you concentrate the very essence of a whole country, its history and its people into such beautiful, haunting and overall deeply moving images.
@pinkvalentino 11 лет назад
This made me cry! Thank you! For the past 5 years I've been living far from my country! But every day I think about how beautiful Poland is, how amazing people are! The Poles should appreciate what they have and who they are! We are a great nation with the most beautiful country in the world! Proud to be Polish!
@alaukasik3692 11 лет назад
Thank You Matthew, I'm from Hajnówka in Podlasie but now I'm living in Olsztyn. Your movie remind me why I'm proud to be Polish and why I love my beautiful Country. All the best for You
@veerle2 11 лет назад
Matthew, deepest respect for what you have done, somehow you've cut through and touched the soul of my country. thank you.
@meheh 11 лет назад
Haha!! Thank you so much! I feel honored you'd even say that! Poland is definitely one of the best places I have been, and I hope to go back soon!
@ciciatek7 11 лет назад
I m totaly moved about what you did, incredible, truth, real movie about country which is my homeland and which I left to live in different place..........It s wonderful to know that foreigners can really have that feelings about Poland. Thank you so much, never stop to develop your talent.
@sebalewy11 11 лет назад
Matthew, this video is absolutely stunning. Thank you so much for creating it.
@robertgrajkowski7868 11 лет назад
You have done an amazing job!!! THANK YOU Matthew!!! Simple, but great piece of work. Right to the point. You have done an outstanding job. Hope to see more from you in the Future.
@bur5eg 11 лет назад
some powerful images - like the juxtaposition of Auschwitz and a sunny summer day; still shots of the concentration camp vs. the quickly edited/ fast paced and fast moving shots of the contemporary; old train tracks in Auschwitz vs. modern trains/ trams. Great stuff mate - this thing works on so many levels.
@meheh 11 лет назад
Thank you so much! Really shocked the Polish people have taken interest in the film. I really means a lot to be getting this overwhelming, loving response!
@dawidpasternak8438 11 лет назад
Thank you for taking me on this amazing journey through my home country, which I miss so much at the moment.
@wojtaskrs 11 лет назад
The best short film about Poland when I ever saw. Congratulations !! And thank you for this video.
@praedestinarevulpes 11 лет назад
I can't find words, which can describe the feeling that appeared in my heart. I never thought someone could ever make such amazing video like this. What's more, I never thought my country could be so beautiful. Poland will always rise from ashes. No matter how painful the past is, we can handle it.
@wayfaringstranger8586 9 лет назад
Can't express how much this moves me. Thank you.
@axeriusz 11 лет назад
Thank you very much for this beautiful movie ! I'm really glad that you like this part of world and people living there .
@Yano355 11 лет назад
I shrugged out .... thank Matthew for providing me with such beautiful moments and for your objective view on Poland. Thank you
@olgadoganoc3748 9 лет назад
One of the best editions I've ever seen... Congratulations!
@bernadka1234 11 лет назад
Mój dziadek był w obozie. Spędził tam dzieciństwo potem jako 14 latek ciężko pracował w kopalni. Takich historii w Polsce jest mnóstwo. Jednak wielu tak jak mój dziadek przeżyło i założyło rodziny dzięki temu jesteśmy my i teraz to my tworzymy Polskę. Film jest świetny. Popłynęły łzy.
@haimation 11 лет назад
Matty, thank you for this - it's one of the best materials concerning my country I've ever seen. I absolutely love it, it's truly beautiful and adorably artistic. I shared it wherever I could! :)
@azetka123pac 11 лет назад
but when enyone hear "Poland" they think: Aushwitz, that's why it's a starting and ending scene. look at it - its all about "moveing on"! but never forget. so it's an honor, that someone from abroad did this movie with such a kindness, empathy and sympathy. I want to say, that it remind me, why I'm still here, and for what I'm greatfull.
@Magnic_ 11 лет назад
As citizen of Poland,I thank you. I thank you for make me remember about beauty of my country and fact that even someone from other country can appreciate my country and find beauty in it.
@GrzegorzBojanek 11 лет назад
Thank you Matthew. I must say, that I wasn't ready to visit Auschwitz until I was over twenty-five. From that time I've been several times there, to understand everything... Sometimes it is great so see how people from other countries depict your country! This film is simply amazing!
@telewizja.proart 11 лет назад
Wonderful selection mate! On one hand you keep so much distance for us, on the other hand your show the essence od Poland. Bravo!
@jolantakwiecien5231 11 лет назад
POLAND from my childhood , Hidden deep in the bottom of the heart. Amazing job.Great synchronisation of sound , music , picture and rhythm . I think that POLES living abroad are acknowledged more this movie. XXX
@nonameorlogo 11 лет назад
I cried watching this, I miss my beautiful country so much:( A big THANK YOU Matthew Brown for this piece of art.
@kruspe67 11 лет назад
This really moved me, there are no words to describe the magic of it. I'm live on immigration and this really get me close to Poland, to my ancestors country, my home. Thank You! And good luck in future.
@heatherr0420 4 года назад
A friend of mine who immigrated from Poland in 1989 pointed this video out to me. Just breathtaking. As someone who grew up in the United States during the Cold War, anything east of the Berlin Wall had two things about it and two things only: its connection to World War II, & and image of how things are pretty much the same as it was at that time except it was Communists instead of Nazis. For the most part I knew better but to actually see it even in just a short film, absolutely blew my mind. How beautifully polarizing
@Eoli91 11 лет назад
Beautiful. Simply beautiful. You touched my heart. You touched me to the deep. Thank You so much for this piece of art. Dziękuję!
@Konfacela 11 лет назад
Thanks Matthew for your beautiful and moving video, I've watched it several times. I loved the imaginative way in which you interlace the speeches with your interesting shots. A filmmaker's visual imagination is a wonderful thing to have. Here's hoping you'll make many more amazing discoveries in Poland and other countries, and share them with the world. Best of luck.
@weronikaw4134 11 лет назад
Wonderful video ! It shows brutal history and beauty of Poland.I cried watching this. Thank you very very much ! Great job.
@judithkiss13 11 лет назад
it's great that someone is so appreciate other countries and shows their beauty and history. I am proud of my homeland and I always will. Thank you for your beautiluf movie
@sylwian1498 11 лет назад
It's beautiful and I think it's very important for us, Polish people, especially when most of us are patriots who know the WWII history well. Matthew, you showed in this short film the magnitude of emotions, when Gerda Weissmann Klein said "I see those years and days and those who never lived to see the magic of a boring evening at home" I almost cried. Thank you so much for this production, captures of landscapes and people are gorgeous... Thank you once more for everything you have done:).
@martynamaya1993 11 лет назад
I could never predict that someone from a different country could make a video about Poland like this. I will show this video everybody in particular my Grandma who lost her parents because of Nazis. it shows pain of our history and shows what gives us the strenght to live with it and never forget about it. thank you so much for this video !
@annaodolczyk4199 11 лет назад
this is just amazing, brought a tear to my eye - huge congratulations to the author and thank you very much, it really does mean a lot!
@ema1ame 11 лет назад
I would like to thank You for this movie. it's amazing feeling to see my country in this special way. You should know that there was many movies about Poland but this one is perfect for me.
@lwprzybysz 11 лет назад
Now this is something! Thank you Matthew. This shows Poland means life not death, despite our martyrdom people (those inside and outside) should consider Poland as life - come here and feel it, know the people and this country. You captured that and hope this clip becomes more popular both abroad and in my country, Come and make more of those!
@martanastka91 11 лет назад
@jicarilla09 11 лет назад
Thank you Matthew for an excellent video about our country! I loved it every second of it.
@11opezor 11 лет назад
A beautiful film. I watch him again and again and I am very touched every time discovering new details in it. I regret that we can not promote our country is such films. Thank you for showing us the beautiful surrounding reality, which we can not see.
@BartOlszewski 11 лет назад
Thank you Matthew for an very beautiful video! Stunning editing work. I feel that Poland is beyond its history defining its future. Your video captures some of that spirit.
@AnnFalubaz 11 лет назад
This is one of this moments, when i'm proud that i'm living in my country. Thank you Matt for showing people beauty of Poland.
@basiamichniewicz8000 11 лет назад
Beautiful.... touched my eyes,ears, heart and soul. Made my cry... of happiness - being happy as we have the freedom that they wanted so badly & of sadness - will I always be longing my homeland
@marcinfi1 11 лет назад
Great job Matt, your movie is just beautiful. I am glad that you were able to catch an unique value of this nation and its reach history.
@MyuNeptune 7 лет назад
I love coming back to this video..especially now when i moved to USA... This isn't my place, i miss Poland even if thing's aren't doing well atm.
@eszychulska 11 лет назад
Wonderful movie! Thank you!! It's good to be reminded of our beautiful and strong country!
@kubafin 11 лет назад
I wan't to thank you for this video. It shows my personal feelings about my country and it's history. About our tragic way to freedom (after many wars and occupancies), and our tries to bring it back. It's great that you, as a foreigner catch the significaan't things about Poland. Thanks and greetings :)
@Alexzandra92 11 лет назад
This is one of the best videos I've ever seen on youtube. Great job! And thank you from the bottom of my heart;)
@nmazur 11 лет назад
i almost cried watching this. you're an inspiration. thank you for creating this.
@kondziu1992 11 лет назад
I don't belive it... How is it possible that polish studios, marketing agencies are spending lots of money and they still can't make one, good movie about our country but when one American arrives to Poland and makes short clip, it is much much more moving for our slavic souls, for patriotic spirit. Why? I don't have a clue but it was awsome! Thank you Mathew for restoring my love to Poland! (sorry for my english)
@tei187 11 лет назад
It's beautiful, Matt. Incredibly well done. Great job with audio visualization too. I think it's the truth what they say - you have to look at something from the outside and feel it from the inside to truly "get it". Now I'm off to browse through your other videos.
@betaraf78 11 лет назад
Well done man... nice way to show the beauty and spirit of Poland !! Maybe if we get more films like this one people will know more and see more in our country ... Thanks
@wranglee 11 лет назад
it's perfect, I'm so so impressed, thank you for this one, it means for us really a lot of, and I hope you will made someday another movie about our country. Lots of love from Poland
@masilmo 11 лет назад
I just love your videos, Matthew.. you're a genious and you know how to touch our heart deeply.
@Mgbabe 11 лет назад
Great video and I am saying this as a polish person, as an artist and as a person who lives abroad. We have nothing to be ashamed of. We should celebrate things that we are proud of. I want to say thank you for reminding us whats important.
@maciekmajACDC 11 лет назад
I think it's the first objective clip about Poland. You mention both sad parts of our history but also the Churchill's speech, which shows our country from the good side. A lot of stunning pictures and rousing music. I am PROUD of your clip @Matthew Brown.
@meheh 11 лет назад
Wow, thank you so much for this message! I really appreciate it and it makes me feel very proud about making this video. Poland is a very amazing place, and I know that as time goes by it will get even more and more amazing. I am glad the Polish people are standing up for themselves, and I hope you won't let anyone take control over you ever again, not even your own government. You guys are strong! I know you will keep thriving and making sure you are happy! Big hugs to you!
@KKZientarska 11 лет назад
Thanks, that you show in your movie that Poland is not only Auschwitz. That we have tragic history but we live in future, not in past. Fantastic movie. Great job! Greetings from Poland :)
@meheh 11 лет назад
Thank you for the support! Some people just don't get it and don't appreciate when others try to say something nice about them...they also don't know how to read a description before making complaints, hehe. I really appreciate the nice words and think you have such a beautiful country!
@vijaysimharajan4457 8 лет назад
It's like you have patented 'beauty' Matty. And then gifted it to the world. A joy forever. I wish to one day respond to the delectable visual poems you craft, in kind.
@vijaysimharajan4457 8 лет назад
Can't get over this video.
@slabywielblad 11 лет назад
You captured Poland the way it is. Especially in foreigners' eyes I guess. Thanks for a little piece of my beloved Poznań - I was hoping for that! Made me miss home right now :) Love the music in all of your movies. Keep on doing the great job!
@poppedouteyes 11 лет назад
This is like the best movie ever! Thank's a lot for doing a great job Matthew!
@themicorasol 11 лет назад
This movie is just amazing. Thank you, Matt. And I think the title suits it just perfectly. Poland is bipolar: usually we're joyful and our country is developing but sometimes, a melancholy about the past comes. I think there is little or no other nations that had such painful history.
@mandrijew1 11 лет назад
Matthew! Absolutely astonishing. Thanks for reminding me what home is like! Beautiful and ugly, joyful and sad, exciting and monotonous, modern and underdeveloped. Always beloved and longed-for.
@paulinas296 11 лет назад
I don't know enough good words to describe what i am feeling, when I'm watching UR movie... Great job! Congratulations:) It's beauty how U showed my country!!
@michaldach4241 11 лет назад
speechless. i have tears in my eyes. my grandma was in the cont. camp. i hope u will come to poland soon. u will always have place to sleep in.silesian area.
@wojenka77 11 лет назад
Awesome movie! It's beauty how U showed my country!! thank you Matthew !! Dziękuję
@KonradNoworyta 11 лет назад
Excellent short film. You, sir, are the owner of rare combination of a great "camera eye", sensitivity and ability to share your thoughts in a simple, yet most effective way. I thank you for this work of art. Dziękuję :-)
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