
Birgit - Et uus saaks alguse 

Indrek Sarrap
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Просмотров 765 тыс.
50% 1

Download the song here: itunes.apple.c...
Estonian entry for 2013 Eurovision song contest: Birgit - "Et uus saaks alguse"
Music by: Mihkel Mattisen
Lyrics by: Mihkel Mattisen / Silvia Soro
Producers: Mihkel Mattisen / Timo Vendt
Mixed by: Timo Vendt
Master: Siim Mäesalu (Sonicmedia stuudio)
Quitars: Laur Joamets
Piano: Mihkel Mattisen
Violin, Viola: Oleg Paulya
Back-vocals: Kaido Põldma
Birgit Õigemeele management: www.star.ee
Birgit Õigemeele web: www.birgit.ee
Birgit Õigemeele Facebook: www.facebook.c...




4 окт 2024




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@Theubald 11 лет назад
The most beautiful song of the Eurovision 2013.
@piopiomicasa 11 лет назад
Europe was not fair with this beautiful song and artist.
@mothimlen 11 лет назад
Brigit was the best on Eurovision !!! Beautiful woman with perfect, clear voice and the most beautiful language of the world. I will listen this song in the future! Long live Estonia !!! Greetings from Hungary :)
@Chastlae2000 11 лет назад
Ahe looks beautiful, the song is beautiful, the language is beautiful, estonia is beautiful, it's such perfect :)
@iirisele 11 лет назад
Thank you for the lovely comment, I truly respect you and your opinion about the Estonian language. Thank you supporting Birgit Õigemeel, I think she deserve it. She had tried to win Eesti Laul Contest already three times, and after all she finally did it. The song competition was very rather close match, but finnaly Birgit did get 51 % of public voices. This competition was the most interesting Estonian Song Contest what I´ve ever seen! I really hope that she would get good place!
@hiienurme7004 7 лет назад
Alati, kui seda laulu kuulan, tunnen, et eesti keel on maailma kaunim.
@marepallase1725 6 лет назад
@karukell4808 6 лет назад
Hiie Nurme
@helenmilva9402 2 года назад
@@marepallase1725 ;3/
@KarinaHarjakas 11 лет назад
Nii hea laul See just pidigi Eurovisioonileminema !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@breathe9 11 лет назад
Let's hope that next year the history will repeat itself and the result would be the same as in 2001 Eurovision in Copenhagen
@monikahun 11 лет назад
I dont understand a word, but makes me cry too. I made my list also during the contest. All the entries written under this song. This song is so amazing! Absolutely the winner for me. Thank you from Hungary!
@eduardpeeterlemming 2 года назад
Hello language brother
@xyfani 11 лет назад
I havo no idea what she is singing about but its beautiful song. Love from Croatia
@yamirzender222 5 лет назад
first time i listened to this, i felt something in my soul it made me cried, and now i found what means in spanish ,i realized what i had that feeling,,because it touched deeper in my storylife, beautiful song, good estonia
@siadich 2 года назад
@Meelis13 11 лет назад
these kinds of songs do win, only its true that its harder for songs like this
@laimek 11 лет назад
See laul on nii hea! Eriti refrään, ja sõnad ka meeldivad! Pluss Birgiti hääl on ikka minu jaoks Eesti naislauljatest siiamaani parim!
@CountessOfMacabria 11 лет назад
Kaunis, aga väga tüüpiline ballaad. Europublikule ei ütleks see lauluke midagi. Tõlkes läheb ka palju kaduma.
@jokuDudevaan 11 лет назад
Great voice,song and she's pretty. -greetings from Finland!
@Sebazztion1994 11 лет назад
My Only Estonian song in my playlist! the song is beautiful!
@aivalistavro 2 года назад
This is a lovely Estonian song. Kuula is also nice.
@Meelis13 11 лет назад
this song has also english version released- look for it in YT
@gyoriv19 11 лет назад
Its a realy nice song. Hello from Hungary.
@vera9061 11 лет назад
Amazing song
@tonzthc 11 лет назад
such a beautiful song. love from denmark
@Orxan9832 11 лет назад
Good music....Good luck Estonia...(from Azerbaijan)
@Myriejj 11 лет назад
My new favorite for this year...
@MrRebane10 11 лет назад
Ilus lugu ma kohe hakkasin nutma nii ilus lugu !!!!!!
@blastingbass327 11 лет назад
I love the Estonian language even in music
@nankaidolyder2845 11 лет назад
My favorite song this far, 12 points from Albania
@mariolaaf 11 лет назад
Great song!! Greetings from The Netherlands.
@GuyFromTheFutur3 11 лет назад
loomulikult on ! ei ole teist nii ilusat ja omapärast maad!
@Meelis13 11 лет назад
Aapo Ilves, (co-)author of 2004 and 2012 estonian ESC songs revealed, that it was actually made as english song then made to estonian version, so translation should be out there
@jhonatasrobertodelima5015 5 лет назад
Great song, greetings from Brazil!
@kikemompotorro9610 11 лет назад
beautiful woman and beatiful song 12 points from spain
@1Nanalo 11 лет назад
Estonia never fails in making good songs
@whatdoyoumean 6 лет назад
1Nanalo good ☺☺☺☺☺☺
@mariliislohk2544 7 лет назад
mega ilus hääl
@avekas4122 6 лет назад
@thomasandrerikardsen7475 11 лет назад
very nice.I love it.12 points from Norway.
@aleph6603 11 лет назад
Jee!Birgit lähebgi Eurovisioonile!Siis kui esimest korda Eesti Laul 2013 ajal seda kuulsin,sai lemmiklauluks!
@Chastlae2000 11 лет назад
@aivalistavro 2 года назад
Beautiful song. I enjoy listening to music from other countries. Greetings from Melbourne.
@theharshtruthoutthere Год назад
1 John 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. John 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. 1 Peter 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. Luke 5:32 I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Revelation 2:5 Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent. Luke 13:3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Repent = having a change of mind and of heart. A mind that once planed to sin, no longer sins nor make such plans, a stony cold heart which used to not know love nor how to care, suddenly beats warmly again. All man everywhere are called to repent. All are called, but only few have a real change in their mindsets and in their heart. All are called, but only few answer to that calling and call back, getting saved in return. Jesus is the only one who came to save - true, but as He for CHRIST = GOD IN FLESH says in HIS WORD, without faith it`s impossible to please GOD. If no FAITH found in you - you won+t be saved, because only through faith are we saved. To dare to call upon the name of the LORD = faith found. Otherwise how can we call if not believing? Take a look around and take a listen - hear how few amongst us dare to CALL. GOD has clearly given us a chance to choose, therefore how can we say that, we don't have a FREE WILL? Deuteronomy 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. 1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. John 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. 1 John 5:21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. Leviticus 20:7 Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the LORD your God. Numbers 16:21 Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that I may consume them in a moment. Joshua 23:11 Take good heed therefore unto yourselves, that ye love the LORD your God. Leviticus 19:4 Turn ye not unto idols, nor make to yourselves molten gods: I am the LORD your God. 1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: 2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27 (KJV) John 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. As the KINGDOM OF GOD ain´t of this world, so is the HOME for Christians not of this world. “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11 (KJV) Let`s explain once more how repentance takes place in our lives: In short, the answer is clear: SIN NOT! That means: - no longer celebrating all these wicked holidays, - no longer planning to sin (how to and to whom to tell a lie and what kind of lie), - no longer hating one another, - no longer feel jealous, - no longer slaving the false god, the baphomet, - no longer gossip, - no longer judging without a reason, the unrighteous judgment, - no longer living as ignorant soul, (showing off all kinds of hand signs, while knowing not the real meaning behind these). - no longer filling our days with fornications, - no longer doing anything which GOD/CHRIST, our Maker, hates. A soul, who came to repentance, lives now in CHRIST and therefore is busy doing the WILL OF GOD: - KEEP, - PREACH, - EXPOSE. Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Romans 1:17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. Philippians 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. That's how and when we witness a soul on earth, has come to repentance. 1 Corinthians 6:18 Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. Matthew 23:13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. Luke 17:23 And they shall say to you, See here; or, see there: go not after them, nor follow them. 1 Peter 1:14 As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
@jhonatasrobertodelima5015 3 года назад
Ma olen Brasiiliast, ma ei räägi eesti keelt ja mulle meeldib see lugu.
@willicitosp1 11 лет назад
I love this song!!!!!!!
@greteliise7285 8 лет назад
sa oled nii lahe ja äge ja lahe laul!😊👏👍👏👍👏👍👏👍
@Evgeniy-Malinovskiy Год назад
I voted for this excellent song in 2013.
@Jankuize 11 лет назад
esimest korda kuulates üldse ei meeldinud kuid mida rohkem kuulan seda rohkem meeldib. sama oli eelmise aasta Kuula looga.midagi selles meloodias on mis liimib!
@riiq 11 лет назад
Jotta uusi saisi alkunsa :) terkkuja Virosta! Hieno marimekon tyyny tuossa Birgitin vieressä ;)
@ilonasaluvee2372 2 года назад
Positiivsus viib edasi, nii see on. Tulised ja teotahtelised, energilised vōidavad iga tōkke. Jōudu teile uueks aastaks ja olge positiivsed!
@neiuhelen 11 лет назад
Parim. Aitäh Mihkel !
@Chastlae2000 11 лет назад
@esterkangsepp1298 11 лет назад
Imeilus laul!
@Onlygirl865 11 лет назад
I love it! Beautiful song
@Muuzika1 11 лет назад
mul kõik birgiti laulud peas sest ma suur fänn
@caitlinessjcr7555 11 лет назад
I want to learn estonian now! Good luck for the baby
@eleripuusild156 Год назад
Imeline lugu,pisar tuleb silma. 😢❤
@edvision127 11 лет назад
väga hea...hitt täiega.
@prodigywest6 11 лет назад
Cool. I hope Estonia sends a song in Estonian to Eurovision 2013 because love listening to the Estonian language :)
@sonnie1979 11 лет назад
I wish I can understand a thing. ;-) Such a beautiful song. Greetings from Germany!
@jonathanbarker8107 11 лет назад
Powerful ballad i would like this to do well
@UnicornPockyCupcake 11 лет назад
Congratulations, Birgit! Good luck in Malmo!
@amorosogigi1 11 лет назад
As a first competitive song for malmo 2013, I like it..and I hope estonia will make it in Top 3 this year..
@yllekasify 11 лет назад
Kui Balkani nurka mäng, siis kogub see ometi ehk ka sealt poolt hääli, mis oleks ainult teretulnud! :) Aga Mihkel Matiiseni puhul üks tema repertuaari parimatest lugudest, mida olen siiani kuulnud! Ja Birgit on muidugi SUPER! :)
@dairireinvart4917 11 лет назад
Love this song!!! Ma usun, Birgit suudab Eurovisioon Eestisse tuua!! ;L
@TheSnowflake372 11 лет назад
Olin pettunud, et Grete ei võitnud, kuid pärast ma kuulasin seda Brigit teeninud :)
@GuyFromTheFutur3 11 лет назад
Elades ise välismaal paraku, meenutab see lugu mulle mu kodumaad ja kõikke ilusat ja kallist selle juures! :)
@Onlygirl865 11 лет назад
I love this song. Greetings from Poland and good luck tonight ;)
@EwaJuliaZ 11 лет назад
estonian is such a cool language :)
@prodigywest6 11 лет назад
That is very good news, I love the Estonian language and I have a lot of respect that Estonia sends songs in their own language. To me it says a country respects their heritage more when they send songs in their language like Estonia does like in the last few years with Urban Symphony, Ott Lepland and now Birgit. I hope she gets a good placing! :D
@maribelkontson3475 11 лет назад
Birgit laulab lihtsalt niiiiii hästi :)
@miiasiin 11 лет назад
[continuing] the curtains will open a new scene begings,I`ll rise again with a soul the same, but there's a new game my faith changes, I have a new road to go and i know, i know every closed door will open again the ice is still melting and(but) a tree blossoming [repeating few times]
@dairire6233 11 лет назад
ilgelt hea!
@diktafonica 11 лет назад
12 points from Hungary. Nice song.
@helenseppel2717 9 лет назад
jube lahe laul ja aitäh birgit nii ilusa laulu eest!! :D
@emmalepik19 11 лет назад
See on birgiti kõige parem laul!
@soratoumiga3795 11 лет назад
najdržama pjesma mi je ovaaaaaaaaaaaaa
@captainhook001 11 лет назад
Parim lugu :) Go Birgit Go :)
@videoreys 11 лет назад
Great song, 12 pts from SLOVENIA!!!
@dogeb.oiiiii 10 лет назад
Mahtava laulu! Terveisiä Suomesta :)
@kr15ter 10 лет назад
Sõnu küll näha pole, aga laul ja Birgiti lauluhääl on imeilusad :)
@anettesarv6668 11 лет назад
@eliskruusimaa502 10 лет назад
@kaitsevaim 11 лет назад
Silvia Soro on minu onunaise õe poja naine ja Indrek Sarrap tema vend. Loodan Indrek ei pahanda, et selle välja ütlesin. Väga ilusad sõnad ja laul.
@HelenHellu 11 лет назад
..j a Birgit lähebki Eurovisioonile!!!
@20musikene 11 лет назад
hästi hea laul ikka :)
@enelisomer1909 2 года назад
@liisi111 11 лет назад
Nii ilus!
@iirisele 11 лет назад
Tere, mõtlesin juba , et armeenlane on ära kadunud, aga näen positiivseks üllatuseks , et ei ole. Igatahes vähemalt saab nüüd lugeda kellegi adekvaatseid hinnanguid. Welcome uude eurotralli!
@mialiblik7621 9 лет назад
see ime kaunis laul ma armastan seda
@Pentagonshark666 11 лет назад
Yessss,that's a good song.
@fashionofjeebo 11 лет назад
tõlkes ei saa kaduma midagi ju minna teades, et see laul tegelikult ongi tehtud inglise keelseks ja siis tõlgitud alles eesti keelde.
@MsKaitta 11 лет назад
Samad sönad,väga armas,mötted eestis,syda igatseb!
@tinny413 3 года назад
2021 a ikka veel hea
@erki0003 11 лет назад
Lugu ilus, kuid kui võtta seda sinna Malmö suurele lavale, siis veits igav ning väga Balkani nurka mäng. Minu arvates ei ole midagi erilist, et teiste seast meelde jääda... Kahju, kuigi midagi Birgiti vastu ei ole...
@takeawaythecolor 11 лет назад
@NathalieHoran 10 лет назад
Sounds very finnish, but I love the song! :)
@jakkenikki6486 11 лет назад
i love this
@dw2168 3 года назад
2021 ❔🤍
@holm85 11 лет назад
we didnt win but i still love the song and voice :)
@RencidePorsukTV 11 лет назад
@Kevin127127 11 лет назад
Päris hea laul, jahm .
@YuriMrkylie 11 лет назад
Ma räägin eesmärk tegelikku olukorda, ja minu suu ei triivima. Kui see laul on igav, see on igav laul, ja see on kahjuks või õnneks, tõesti ...)
@annabelsoosaar4406 11 лет назад
mul on sellest pool laulu peas see on niiiiiiiiiiiii hea laul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@kallujjouuaa6460 11 лет назад
Lemmmikkk Birgiti laul !!! Suppper :)
@telefon334 11 лет назад
Birgit sul on nii nii ilus hääl :)
@britais 11 лет назад
mega meeldib :) loodame head :D
@enelisomer1909 2 года назад
@cudgypottato8238 11 лет назад
mul täiega meeldib see laul getter jaanist parem hoia nii edasi ära lase alla
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