
Bishop Robert Barron | Knowing Jesus Personally 

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@andresteves4979 12 дней назад
Jesus knew you before you were born and how you live Jesus in you... God bless Bishop Barron, Word on Fire cast crew viewers and listeners...Aloha/Mabuhay
@naomiferreira8255 4 дня назад
To know Jesus is to live with compassion.
@JoyToTheWorld-v2f 3 дня назад
ST. PADRE PIO: “You must have boundless faith in the divine goodness, for the victory is absolutely certain. How could you think otherwise? Isn’t our God more concerned about our salvation than we are ourselves? Isn’t he stronger than hell itself? Who can ever resist and overcome the King of the heavens? What are the world, the devil, the flesh and all our enemies before the Lord?” ST. PADRE PIO: “I trust Jesus so completely that even if I were so see hell open up before me, and find myself on the brink of the abyss, I should not lose confidence. I should not despair but continue to trust Him. Such is the extent to which His meekness inspires me.”
@JoyToTheWorld-v2f 7 дней назад
POPE BENEDICT XVI: “Faith is not the simple intellectual approval by man of truths concerning God. It is an act in which I freely entrust myself to a God who is Father and who loves me.... Having faith is above all about having a relationship with a God whose love is indestructible and who understands people’s problems. Christian faith entails giving up control and placing one’s life in God’s hands. It’s this liberating and reassuring certainly of faith that helps people live without fear, proclaiming and living out the Gospel message with courage. Faith shows that humanity won’t find its full realization unless the human person is animated by the love that comes from God. The gift of faith then finds expression in relationships full of love, compassion, care and selfless service toward others.”
@DefendourMother 6 дней назад
Actually, the primary gospel message is that of growing closer to God by behaving more like Jesus Himself. In truth, this cannot be accomplished if one is guilty of mortal sin, yet unresolved through Confession and Absolution. Things like love, compassion and selfless service, genuinely only exist when a person is living in a state of grace. One day soon it will become much clearer for everyone.
@JoyToTheWorld-v2f 5 дней назад
@@DefendourMother POPE BENEDICT XVI: “The Gospel is the Good News that God loves us and that each of us is important to him. We must show the world that this is true!” ST. POPE JOHN PAUL II: “God loves us not because we have merited it or are worthy of it; rather, God’s love for us is freely given and unearned, surpassing all we could ever hope for or imagine. There is no one who cannot discover and find a place in God’s love. From it flows our Christian hope. There exists no one so bad, so brought down, so broken down, that he cannot find a place in that love.” ST. POPE JOHN PAUL II: “The love of Christ is more powerful than sin and death. St. Paul explains that Christ came to forgive sin and that his love is greater than any sin, stronger than all my personal sins or those of anyone else. This is the faith of the Church. This is the Good News of God’s love that the Church proclaims throughout history and that I proclaim to you today: God loves you with an everlasting love. He loves you in Christ Jesus, his Son.”
@DefendourMother 5 дней назад
@@JoyToTheWorld-v2f My friend, I can tell that you have never had a near death experience. So that you are not misled in your thinking, please note that, despite God's love, if (at death) you choose not to accept the pain and embarrassment of your horrible sins, you will in fact be absent from God for eternity. And yes, God will still love you, but you will not be with him. This is why the acceptance of sin (in life) is so dangerous. Never should you encourage people to accept sin without worry. The day is coming when every sin you ever committed will be replayed to you in the presence of God.
@JoyToTheWorld-v2f 5 дней назад
@@DefendourMother ST. TERESA OF AVILA: “God protect me from gloomy saints! I am more afraid of those who are terrified of the devil than I am of the devil himself! From somber devotions and sour-faced saints, good Lord, deliver us!” 1 JOHN 4:18: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment, and so one who fears is not yet perfect in love.” ST. TERESA OF LISIEUX: “It is not because I have been preserved from serious sin that I lift up my heart to God in trust and love. I am certain that even if I had on my conscience every imaginable sin, I should lose nothing of my confidence, but would throw myself, my heart broken with sorrow, into the arms of my Savior.”
@DefendourMother 5 дней назад
@@JoyToTheWorld-v2f In other words, everyone should sin without fear; because, if you have no fear, mortal sin has no bearing on your soul? Let me assure you that most of those who die will be so humiliated & tormented by having to replay their sins before God that they will willingly run to the arms of Satan. St. Teresa of Lisieux will be of no help to these fearful souls, and neither will John 4:18. While St. Teresa was not afraid to face her sins before God, she does not represent the majority of people. Most people have no idea what they will face upon death, especially those who worship liberal values as an act of love.
@10-4-d7d 12 дней назад
The Catholic, Caitlin Clark, must know Jesus personally. This, because of the off court accomplishments with giving of herself to others. As with Jesus, she is living a life to be emulated.
@mrsphillips 5 дней назад
Reading Maria Valtorta's Poem of the Man-God series will help to know Jesus personally.
@kevincoelho5913 3 дня назад
Please get rid of the music at the last 5 minutes of the lecture. Super distracting and annoying
@dawnwilliams7352 11 дней назад
Obiedence an service
@anima-scribentis 6 дней назад
Every Christian has a personal history of Faith and personal relationship with God, Jesus and saints. I am blessed to have been chosen to be a Christian because I was born in an Atheist communist country...I knew nothing about Jesus before my 18 years so what does this mean for the Atheist of today that Jesus is Alive and He is appearing to those who have a pure heart and to those God wants to be saved for His Plan of salvation. I have a personal relationship with Jesus everyday, with many saints...the young people are brainwashed to adore the Hollywood stars to dream to be famous and to lose their relationship with God the Creator.. Masonery propaganda machines have 250 years that fight against Christianity with atheist school and business....the Christians schools have to start to teach the truth and not the agenda of Masonery and Communist of Plato
@boardingpass8183 5 дней назад
You forgot Robert Powell to mentioned ( Jesus of Nazareth 1977)
@johngregory5424 12 дней назад
When ever Mary was asked to name her son`s birth what was her response?
@carolairenehagitte-bergman7094 11 дней назад
Why does your channel always drown Bishop Barron's last sentences in shallow noise? Can't you please stop this?
@SibleySteve 7 дней назад
I like this but when I read the Psalms, I see a direct friendship and ideal communication between David and The LORD that is unmitigated by the temple priesthood or the blood of bulls and goats or the realm that David cares for, so that the contingent neighborly relationships do not mediate the primary relationship between David and God. I accept the importance of the neighbor and the enemy as our human vocation, but I do not see how they interfere with our prayers. Likewise I do not see how the church mediates our relationship with Jesus in a primary sense, but I do see a secondary or uncontingent covenant with church. 1 Peter says that the mercy of God is mitigated by the resurrection of Jesus, an historical event, blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has caused us to be regenerated into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. I think our prayers in the Psalms are the superior instantiation of our communication with God based not in imagery and visualization but in chewing on the text and the very words of the Psalms, a language of prayer rooted in psalms. As the epistle to the Hebrews shows the language between the Father and the Son is from the psalms, in chapter 13 we are invited into the communication with sacrifices of praise and prayer rather than temple sacrifices that are mediated through the priesthood in the temple cult. Jesus says where 2 or 3 are gathered together He is there, I especially appreciate that in the context of small prayer groups and families.
@janemazzola4454 7 дней назад
This is such an interesting topic. I wonder if it is possible for there to be and/also of "knowing Jesus": through the Church & personal prayer/experience? Still wish that final background music were toned back a couple of decibels to hear the final Q&A better. Thanks!
@chissstardestroyer 4 дня назад
We're NOT any part of Him, and we're *certainly* NEVER to even remotely tolerate the existence of any faith at all that's claimed any sort of even remotely forbidden love on His part for humanity at all- the reason why we're to categorically forever reject all of those "saints" and "fathers/doctors of the church" forever as one would those in Hell- that they are even if they died for Him is because their writings give us not a glimpse into Heaven but rather into HELL Itself via a desire for a false marriage! Part of the reason why we're each and every single one of us not merely islands alone, each man radically alone but also each human a separate *universe unto himself* is because our own sins and our own good deeds are ours and ours alone! Also: we are NEVER to have any contact at all with *anybody* who's died, as once you've died, you're *dead* buddy, which also means once your *body* is dead, your *soul* is dead and in Hell as well, that's the reason why we're to NEVER appeal to anybody who has died; it violates the regulations against the occult, completely to have any recourse at all to anybody who's passed through death, even better it is to consider all those who've died for Christ to be in Hell solely to protect ourselves against falling into violating the Catechism passages against the occult!
@virginiahydo3452 11 дней назад
Music competing with the Bishop.
@HumanbeingonfloatingEarth День назад
Yey no music over the talk👍 oh....spoke too soon. 😬 Whhhyyyyyy 🫣 please stop or i cant enjoy this good content
@EGKaram 12 дней назад
Your Excellency. Could Christians see Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Man & God, as the Human who God IMPRESSED his Spirit on him to make him The Son of Man? Didn't Our Lord Jesus Christ say (when talking to his disciples):"As long as I am in this World, the Caretaker Spirit won't come to care for you"? Thanks.
@RitaGatton 12 дней назад
Dear EGKaram, The first three verses of the Gospel of Saint John say, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.”
@EGKaram 12 дней назад
@@RitaGatton Hi. We're talking about Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Son of Man. The Word of God was with God, from the Beginning. But, the combination of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Word of God (The Son of Man) came after Our Holy Mother gave birth to Our Lord Jesus Christ.
@juliusvaz3949 12 дней назад
​@@EGKaram Hi....True that the 'Word' was made visible as our Lord and savior Jesus Christ who is God the Son ( born of the Virgin Mary) in the form of Man brought about by God the Father with the unity of the Holy Spirit in order to save mankind, by dying on the Cross as a sacrificial Lamb for our sins.
@wendyfield7708 11 дней назад
Thank you.
@nenic.564 11 дней назад
Amen 🙏
@oliverclark5604 9 дней назад
"knowing" as tempted by the serpent at Genesis 3:5 remedied by in uncertainty believing on the reference point of Mary at Lk 1:29-45 and Mt 1:24.
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