
Body Doubling: Full house declutter & clean with me cleaning motivation 

AutisMina's Clearing Clutter
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@AutisMinasClearingClutter Год назад
Hi, thanks for watching and/or listening! So did you clean or declutter along with me or did you decide to sit back with some pen and paper at the ready? If you need some more motivation then be sure to watch this playlist next ru-vid.com/group/PLq9gL4NVpopriHPfgP1KowKR-roD7fH4W&si=4zbCMdvvkRUWxJ6D 🩷
@simply.clutterfree Год назад
I love having a "Declutter/Clean Buddy" ❤️
@AutisMinasClearingClutter Год назад
It makes such a difference knowing we don't have to do it alone, even if someone isn't physically there 🩷
@simply.clutterfree Год назад
@@AutisMinasClearingClutter ❤️❤️❤️
@AutisMinasClearingClutter Год назад
@jaymeleonhard3764 5 месяцев назад
Wow I just found your channel. I am dyslexic, ADHD, and have GAD. My daughter has been diagnosed with ASD and her father and I share many ASD traits. I wonder if we are too. Your comments on being extremely sensitive to external factors and demands but not knowing when to say no is exactly what I feel and explains so much of my accomplishments and failures. It looks like I get emotional out of the blue but it builds from pressure I put on myself. You see when I was in grade school I had to work 10 times harder and put in 10 times the energy just to learn and be average. This has always been my baseline. What’s hard is I am gifted in some aspects of my job where others struggle but the documentation takes me longer. (I am a counselor for people with disabilities and help with employment). But in my mind I had to put in so much effort I collapse because that is the only way I could be average in grade school. It is a real mindfuck. I am 45, have a masters in vocational counseling and am still learning for both myself and the clients I serve. Thank you for putting your content out there. I believe we learn from neurodivergent individuals with lived experience speaking up as much or in some cases more than professionals in the field.
@AutisMinasClearingClutter 4 месяца назад
Thank you so much for sharing this with me! I've read your comment right after you posted it, but was too stuck in my head for a while to actually be able to respond to it. Today I suddenly thought about it and felt the 'space' to comment, so I hope you don't mind me responding so late. I could totally feel your emotions throughout your comment and wasn't surprised reading that you started to get emotional. I can totally relate as I too have put so much pressure on myself throughout my life (and right now I'm trying to unlearn all that, hence me not being too active on my channel right now until I feel I'm ready to start making videos again - or finishing the one I've actually been working on for months now). Your job sounds amazing and I hope you can indeed learn a lot for both yourself and your clients. Please don't see this as 'boasting' (as people apparently tend to do, unfortunately, so I feel like I need to say this, despite me not thinking about intelligence or certain capabilities as being superior or inferior in any way whatsoever), but I would like to share something considering what you said about school. Because maybe that will help you too, or anyone who reads this (and now I'm thinking it should totally be a video topic - some day); I had the opposite in school. I learned very easily and was somehow considered to be highly intelligent (not to say that having difficulties learning necessarily has anything to do with intelligence by the way, which is kind of the point I'm trying to make so I hope you - and anyone reading this - will see that, as I'm unfortunately thinking this topic is familiar to all of us in one way or another). I often had a lot of issues with people in general and teachers specifically concerning that 'intelligence'. And I only now - at 38 - understand why. ASD/ADHD (I've now been diagnosed with ADHD as well) are about certain parts in the brain functioning differently than the average brain does (as you might know well already). Intelligence has nothing to do with it. Someone can have whatever intelligence level and still get certain things done more easily or see more things than is considered average, or in my case less easily than is considered average. And that 'clashes' with people, mostly teachers, in my case assuming I was just being annoying and acting like I didn't get something that was supposedly super obvious. But those are certain ASD or ADHD traits, and - getting to the point I'm trying to make haha - I've come to learn that putting in extra effort for example just to be considered 'normal' (whatever that is, by the way) or being really perfectionistic about something tends to be a neurodivergent trait. I'm not 100% sure as I'm not a therapist of any kind, but I think it's partly due to the way our brain is wired and partly due to us constantly feeling like we have to compensate for being (or made to feel) different from our peers. And there comes the exhaustion, and with it possibly even collapsing like you're describing... Guess who's now getting emotional? I totally lost my train of thought. Anyway, I'm suddenly not even sure if sharing this was helpful at all or if I even got my point across, but I guess I just felt the unfairness from your past and then this came bubbling up to the surface. I've come to learn that routine is super important for both ASD and ADHD (and basically everyone, actually) as it's a baseline we can get to when all else is/seems like one big chaos, and specifically with self-care incorporated into it. I hope you have that and that if you don't, that maybe you'll consider incorporating it and making yourself a priority, too. I think you have an amazing job and despite it sometimes possibly feeling counterproductive (although I guess I'm totally projecting here) I think it's super important to put yourself first. Because I feel when we put ourselves first, we can be there for others even more and better than without doing that. Totally forgot my train of thought again. I hope you appreciate the unsollicited advice I seemed to have put in my comment, haha, or will at least see it as a gentle reminder. And I hope you'll find more helpful content, be it from me or others 🩷
@hananjabril6687 Месяц назад
I love your disclaimer 💞 so many people are in the same boat & it's amazing to see some representation of that & the (virtual) body doubling is genius!!!
@AutisMinasClearingClutter День назад
Thank you! 🩷 I read your comment as you posted it but my brain was too occupied at the time to leave a decent (coherent) reply and I apparently then forgot to do so. I really wanted to though so here goes, over a month later:)) But yes, I agree. Back then I suddenly thought about a disclaimer as I tend to be super neurotic with these things and imagined my videos and my well-intended tips and ideas blowing up in my face. But at the same time I found those super official ones you might have seen somewhere just too... unfitting for me and my videos if that makes sense. Then I got all emotional and just really wanted to share how important proper health care is etc. And I couldn't help myself to throw in some 'don't believe the internet' stuff, haha. I think RU-vid and the internet can be amazing and super helpful, but there's a side to it that can turn out to be super dark if people keep accepting every tip, idea or whatever as fact when often times it's just someone's opinion, experience or - worse - someone's marketing strategy. Even as I type this I notice I totally want to get into it again, to prevent people from making these mistakes that end up hurting them... so anyone that reads this: please read the disclaimer in the description box of my videos:)) Anyhoo, thanks again and I'm glad you feel that way 🩷
@noonunoon Год назад
i agreed that for us Neurodivergent, forcing ourselves through limit could be causing harm more than good. Since our brain is already being in the chaotic state, that kind of advice is likely to ruin our whole functions. Which lead to shutdown :(
@AutisMinasClearingClutter Год назад
Exactly. I totally agree and had to find out the hard way. I think we need to do the opposite and always try to keep our boundaries in mind and take care of ourselves ❤️‍🩹 I truly believe we'll get way more done that way!
@dnvrmom 20 дней назад
I know this video is a little older, but I only discovered you moments ago. Before I even get started, I have to thank you. I can already tell that your process is going to resonate with me. The idea of taking photos is genius and also motivating…for whatever reason. My circumstances include ADD, scoliosis, grief, anticipatory grief and chronic pain. I can never find one of my three back braces, so I hope to discover one within the next few minutes. Can’t wait to watch more videos.
@AutisMinasClearingClutter День назад
I'm so happy to read that you think my process and videos might help you. It really means a lot to me to know my videos are useful in any way and I hope they've indeed helped you so far - at least in helping you find your back braces and maybe even finding a way to always know where they are. Since this video I've been diagnosed with ADHD on top of autism too and I have to say it brings me a lot of mental peace to now (almost) always know where my things are, as literally every thing in my home is in its own category now. So I hope that might help you too. And I hope to be able to make new videos along the road, so maybe you'll see a new one pop up soon:) thank you for sharing this with me and I hope you'll have a lovely day!
@manut4470 Год назад
Love your videos! You are more action than talking unlike the other channels where most host are more in front of the camera and saying the same crap than doing any work.
@AutisMinasClearingClutter Год назад
Thank you so much! It really makes me happy to hear that. I write down a script for more reasons than one, but one of them is definitely to prevent saying the same thing over and over - except for when I think it needs repeating to prove a point or something. And for me it's way more motivational to see someone do something rather than just talk, at least in this department, so that's what I intend to keep doing too. And it makes me happy that that's appreciated, so thanks again!
@vivianhudacek1556 Год назад
Great job! You got so much done-& deep cleaning! I’ve found I do best if I have a task for specific days, like Monday is bathrooms, Tuesday is “dust & desk day,” meaning I deal with paperwork, etc.
@AutisMinasClearingClutter Год назад
Thank you! The funny thing is that I haven't even fully realized yet how much I've done. I guess I'm just so used to living in a mess that it doesn't yet fully register or something, haha. But I'm getting there, thank you for reminding me! Thank you for sharing that with me! I'm working on a cleaning schedule to see what works for me (and plan to share it on my channel as soon as I found something that works). It indeed seems best for me too to for example do the toilet on Thursday, bathroom on Friday (as they are seperate rooms in my home), Sunday more like kind of a reset day to tidy up if necessary (although I now try to tidy up as I go, but in case I haven't done that too well that week), dust, change my bed sheets and vacuum for example and throughout the week certain daily things like doing the dishes, clean the counters and change the towel in the toilet. I like 'dust & desk day' too! I feel like naming themes like that helps, do you feel it does, too? I think it's so inspiring to talk about each other's way of doing things and see what we can learn, so thank you for sharing that with me 🩷 have a happy Sunday!
@vivianhudacek1556 Год назад
@@AutisMinasClearingClutter well, trust me-you’ve done a bunch! And your home is lovely. Yes, it helps me to have names for the day’s designated task. I don’t 100% stick to it (bet you’re not surprised 😀), but it does help me do a bit daily. If I don’t do something one day, I’ll swap it up to stay on track. For example, this week I wanted to have fresh sheets for our daughter & granddaughter to spend the night, so I flipped Wednesday (my usual bedding day) with Friday. Do you ever watch YT videos by Dana K. White? I like her bc her brain seems to work sort of like mine. One of the main things she says, which echoes in my head, is “Take it there now!” I’m so much better than I used to be! It’s like I’d be in a trance & not even realize I was setting stuff down wherever it landed. Thanks for replying! It’s fun to have an online friend who enjoys the same things!
@AutisMinasClearingClutter Год назад
@vivianhudacek1556 thank you so much! I'm really happy with my home as well. It was kinda covered in stuff, but now I get to see and enjoy again what was underneath 🩷 Haha, not surprised indeed but definitely not in a bad way, it's just what happens. And I've come to believe it's actually a good thing. Something I've heard more often than once, and one time from my therapist: always making or expecting ourselves to do 100% makes it feel forced/pressured. It's fine to not do 100% and we need to prevent being too rigid with things (which apparently is an autistic thing to do so that explains a lot for me). But I think having a system in place anyway helps to prevent things from 'blowing up' too much, despite us not adhering to it 100% of the time. And yes I do that too, switching things up when I feel like it's needed, like your example with fresh sheets! I think I'm going to think up some nice theme names now. I mean I have 'bathroom day' and such but maybe I can come up with more fun stuff. Kinda as an appendix to my 'make cleaning easier' video I guess - everything to make it more fun! Now that you mention it, I do follow Dana K. White but somehow haven't actually watched her videos aside from one. I see her name pop up quite often, so I should definitely go watch her. Thank you for reminding me of her! And I'm happy she seems to have helped you! Oh and I totally get what you're saying. I also used to do things so absentmindedly. Feels awful because I basically had no idea what I was doing on more levels than one and yet I always did it like that. Although I suppose it wasn't necessarily a conscious decision. But now that you mention it it makes me realize that clearing my clutter physically has definitely helped with that, mentally! I'm glad it's working for you, too! And I agree, it's fun to talk to like-minded people 🩷
@vivianhudacek1556 Год назад
@@AutisMinasClearingClutter thanks for your reply! I’ve had a productive day! I’ve done my usual morning stuff, plus washed several loads of dog blankets & bedding & now washed both pugs! Time for a break. Enjoy your rest of your day!
@AutisMinasClearingClutter Год назад
@vivianhudacek1556 oh I love pugs! They have such cute wrinkley faces. That indeed sounds like you had a productive day, that's awesome! I did one load of laundry, two loads of dishes and did some necessary tidying up. Stuff tends to end up everywhere when I'm working on a 'project'. Enjoy your break and the rest of your day too!
Thank you for sharing . Wow. It all looks so lovely . You worked so hard..especially in the room with the washing machine…so impressed how hard you worked and time it took 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻.. but it was totally worth it . As for the laundry , I don’t mind doing it but I do tend to put it off , only because I have to have a cupboard in front of it to hold our shoes..no where else to put it or the shoes . I can get the washing machine door open to get stuff in but not fully open and it’s difficult to get a basket there to put the wet clothes in…but not impossible just annoying . My attitude changed because quite a few years ago I was sitting in my old house at the kitchen table eating a sandwich and I thought well the washing machine is on and the tumble dryer is on and the dishwasher and I thought of my Nan in her day didn’t have any of that…all done by hand . So now if I want to moan how awkward it is I just think of how grateful I am and get on with it . Thanks for a lovely video I like the talking and the sounds..you got it just right 👍🏻. Have a great week . 👍🏻🇬🇧💛🤍
@AutisMinasClearingClutter Год назад
Hi Tracey! So many compliments, thank you so much! Oh I think you are completely right. Things like that can shift our perspectibe quite a bit, right? It's funny how I tend to forget things. Because of what you said I thought back to earlier when I didn't even have a laundry basket or a basket to put my clean laundry in when taking it out of the washer to the drying rack. Because of all the extra steps (sorting through the huge pile, having to take the clean laundry out while dropping half of it etc.) it made laundry so annoying that it always felt so difficult. I truly believe that all those tiny bits standing in our way (like you not being able to fully open the door and get a basket there) have a huge impact on how we see these things. Since then I bought three laundry baskets from IKEA (the pink ones) so as to be able to seperate laundry and later on got a basket to put the wet laundry in (the gray one). It has made a huge difference! I'm happy you found a way to make it easier for you too, even if it's only a mental thing 🩷
@aoefeable Год назад
You have such a lovely, calming voice. I’m really enjoying the questions you’re posing and the tip to take before pictures is fantastic. Thank you. I moved recently, while I was packing I was very intentional about massively decluttering my old place so that I could have a peaceful new home. I’ve lived here for just over a month and have created doable cleaning routines so that my home continues to bring me joy. Now I fully realize how much the clutter and untidy nature of my old place was impacting me. I realize that I have to do small things every day to prevent the overwhelming chaos my brain becomes when I’m living in chaos. One of the best parts for me is that I can have people drop by unexpectedly and they’ll see a tidy home! Ps - Your 🐱 is adorable!
@AutisMinasClearingClutter Год назад
Thank you so much, that really means so much to me. My pleasure! I think it was such a wise decision decluttering your old home rather than taking all that stuff with you. I hear way too often how people bring all of their stuff with them with the 'new house resolution' to massively declutter once they settle in. But then that doesn't happen... I think you really set yourself up for succes by having done it this way! And I'm so happy your new home brings you joy. I truly believe life gets so much easier with less stuff, as cleaning becomes so much quicker when we don't have to constantly move all of our stuff around and can't find things. And indeed how all that clutter just being there can't impact you anymore. Again, I'm so happy you are now experiencing that for yourself! Oh and yes haha, I remember this time when the police came up the door because something happened and they wanted to ask me questions. I was SO relieved that I had just tidied and cleaned it all up. Visitors stress me out! And thank you! Love my kitties, they always 'help' me when I'm decluttering and cleaning 😻😻
@BronsteinEmily Год назад
My compliments on the production and editing of your video. I can see it took a lot of work and it came out really well. It took about 12 minutes of watching for me to get up and do some cleaning and not just watching. I didn't have a plan at the beginning but got inspired by watching. Do you watch videos to inspire you while doing your decluttering and cleaning? If so are there any you'd recommend?
@AutisMinasClearingClutter Год назад
Thank you so much, I really appreciate you saying that as it indeed took a lot of time and effort to make it like this. I'm happy you noticed:) That is awesome, I think it's so cool that it motivated you to get up and do some cleaning yourself too. Thanks for sharing that with me as that in return motivates me as well! I believe RU-vid is actually what started me on this journey years ago. I came across AuriKatariina (Auri) and later on Cleaning Therapy (Jenny). Along the way I picked up Marie Kondo's books from the library and started watching her show on Netflix. I used to believe that I messed up too badly to be able to fix the state of my home. Auri (if you don't know her yet) cleans up places that are bad for free and always used to explain how she cleaned everything. Basically she taught me to clean and inspired me to learn more about it :) and the best part for me was that she showed me that even the worst places can become clean again. In the mean time I looked up a lot about cleaning and now I surprisingly (to me) actually know a lot about it. Marie Kondo is the one that taught me about the importance of decluttering. Her books mostly, as to me the tv series don't really show the meaning behind the books. And Jenny has such a calm voice that I usually put her on to clean along with her or to just sit on my couch watching her to get motivated and then get up and clean along with her. I now usually don't really put these on while cleaning or decluttering anymore, but I do still watch them. Usually on the weekends when I'm resting, to try and see if I can learn something new or to get motivated on a new task. So I guess they still inspire me but in a different way than before if that makes sense. I'd definitely recommend both Auri and Jenny, and Marie Kondo's books. In fact, next week's video will be about Marie Kondo and the KonMari Method and my take on it, should you be interested. Hope this helps!
@BronsteinEmily Год назад
Thank you for the recommendations. I will check them out. I have read Marie Kondos book and watched the Netflix series as well. Although they inspired me I did have some conflict with some of her ideas and while it inspired me at the time I'm still nowhere near where I want to be. I'm glad to have happened upon your videos. I can relate as although I am not diagnosed I think I'm on the autism spectrum as I see a lot of similarities throughout my lifetime. Your place looks so good now. I saved some of your video to watch today so as to hopefully inspire me to more action today.@@AutisMinasClearingClutter
@BronsteinEmily Год назад
One other question you mentioned sensory issues. I find that sometimes my sensory issues make it more difficult to clean things that are 'gross' / 'disgusting' and so I procrastinate. Do you face this and how do you deal with it?@@AutisMinasClearingClutter
@AutisMinasClearingClutter Год назад
Thank you so much! I'm really working towards having a home that'll be completely 'zen' rather than triggering by all its clutter. I sometimes read things that Marie says and also don't really agree. I tried switching things up a bit where I thought it was necessary and am now trying to create my own system around it (and all the other things I've read or heard).. so hopefully that'll help you and others! That's so cool, I hope the videos you've chosen can indeed motivate you to get things done today! As to your other comment, yes, definitely. Did you perhaps notice me scraping off this brownish sticker goo on the bathroom wall en then taking it off with my fingers? That was SO gross, I did not expect to feel what I felt. Like the texture was so unexpected. I would definitely have not picked it up like that had I known it had that awful texture. There are a few things that are like that for me. Getting stuff out of the sink also grosses me out, texture wise. I'm not really sure I have an ultimate solution, except that I try to tell myself that it'll only get worse if I leave said 'disgustingness' stay there. And I guess for me it's also about priotities these days. Since I've realized what a positive influence it has on me when stuff like that is out of the way, and the opposite is also true, it's way easier for me to do. I do try not to touch things like that though. For example I have this sink strainer (I believe it's called in English) and I try to move all the yucky guck towards there with either water or a spoon or whatnot and then try to take the strainer out without touching the yuck if that makes sense. For me it's really about finding ways around it that do work so that I can still get it done. Hope that makes sense and helps!
@BronsteinEmily Год назад
the sink strainer is a big yuck for me too@@AutisMinasClearingClutter
@marenlundquist9644 Год назад
What is the name of the grout cleaner? What brand is the steam cleaner?
@AutisMinasClearingClutter Год назад
I'm cleaning the grouts with Scrub Daddy Power Paste and their Steel Daddy sponge. The white stuff I put on it translates to 'grout freshener' and is from the brand Alabastine. Not sure if they sell that brand in other countries, but I'm sure they have like products. It's also called a grout pen and is some kind of grout paint. The steam cleaner is Black&Decker Steam Cleaner type BHSM169DSMQS.
Boxing !! 😂
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