
Bojack Horseman - Labeling Todd 

Shady Doorags
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The entrepreneur businessman... we're talking about Todd, right?
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27 сен 2024




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@1995robin 5 лет назад
Todd started to be better the moment he got away from BoJack. A good example of how to break up a toxic relationship
@kevinmccabe3984 4 года назад
@Robin Todd was still Todd when he was with Bojack. Living with Bojack didn’t stop him from starting businesses with Mr. Peanutbutter, impressing Quentin Tarantulino or coming out as asexual. Todd never cut Bojack out of his life either. They were still friends when he did everything else. While Bojack wasn’t good for Todd’s growth I don’t agree with your assessment
@katenikii 4 года назад
​@@kevinmccabe3984 Yes, but they weren't as close after Bojack sabotaged Todds opera. When Todd discovered it, he distanced himself and moved to Carolyn, he didn't cut off Bojack, but lessened his friend's presence in his life. He is definitely better off without Bojack around him 24/7. Bojack was very toxic, if you put the comedy away, he was neglecting and insulting Todd, sabotaged his almost successful projects or made fun of them so Todd could never be successful, got happy and moved away, because if he did, Bojack would be alone with his thoughts and couldn't vent his anger on someone who is dependent on him. Todd matured without Bojack, because Bojack was the enabler of his carelessness, laziness and infantility
@billkevin4501 4 года назад
Everyone gets better when they get away from BoJack lol
@glendarjj3991 4 года назад
Aaron paul seems to like playing inocent likeable characters with rough edges that has an unhealthy attachment to a self destructive anti hero
@stepha2642 3 года назад
They somewhat became friends again, or natural at least. In the final episode he basically tells Bojack "we won't ever be what we were, but I want you part of my life again"
@efoxkitsune9493 5 лет назад
Todd is without a shadow of a doubt the best, kindest and purest person in the show. Nobody is talking about how in "Hooray! Todd episode", we can actually see all the things he's doing for others, all the little ways in which he's looking after them and helping them. And with no recognition, nobody even notices. He gets shot down more than anything else. Yet he still does it, because he's not doing it for gratitute or because he has some ulterior motives. He's just... kind, and cares about people. He does it automatically, without thought. And he asks for so little to be happy. Todd is a blessing to us all.
@bulldoggirl3008 5 лет назад
He is my favorite character
@vsatonthebeat4101 5 лет назад
@@bulldoggirl3008 but otherwise he has such a great potential and would become a Diane or even with Diane and could make a important difference.
@bulldoggirl3008 5 лет назад
@@vsatonthebeat4101 I agree. I hope they use him more in the next season
@catdogmousecheese 4 года назад
Charity is never for the sake of others.
@SAMMYTASTISCH 4 года назад
We all need a Todd in our lives.
@sethbane9861 5 лет назад
I didn’t realize how badly I needed to hear that - “your labels are meant to describe you. not define you.” That really made an impact on me. Great video.
@choux8372 3 года назад
Same here, couldn't have heard it at a better time in my life
@globisdead 3 года назад
Labels are meant for other people to understand YOU
@Steven9567 7 месяцев назад
@@globisdead not really lables such asexual is pointless who cares if your not into it
@AnonYmous-ow2eb 3 месяца назад
​@@Steven9567Potential sexual partners, which is currently thought of as the "default" romantic relationship in America. Having a quick word to communicate your disinterest is definitely helpful for pairing expectations.
@AnonYmous-ow2eb 3 месяца назад
​@@globisdeadYes and no, they can be a learning experience that leads to self-discovery and deeper understanding.
@Samcole0408 4 года назад
I love the running joke that all the directors in the show love Todd
@missterry2540 5 лет назад
6:44 "Whoever you are, and whatever label you may hold. Know that it is only meant to describe you, not define you." Couldn't have said it better. True words, my friend, true words
@Lanceawright 5 лет назад
@dameonspawn6218 5 лет назад
Anyone ever tell you that you sound like Diane's ex boyfriend who's working for buzzfeed?
@clarkgazzola2013 5 лет назад
@@dameonspawn6218 That's Wyatt Cenac, he just used his regular voice for Wayne
@thenewlifeofme 5 лет назад
Envious Green is it intelligence or sensivity? Or maybe both, are they linked?
@jinreitsung7833 5 лет назад
I am an aspie, but I feel like an insult when people think I have no feelings or lack of respect for other prople's feelings and that phrase caused a big impact for me, I am actually crying of happiness
@Ninetaildoge1983 5 лет назад
Todd is Todd and thats good
@Ninetaildoge1983 5 лет назад
Also big lol on 3:20
@utaatu4576 5 лет назад
Todd's also the only character on tv that I know of that is in-show defined to be asexual- House included two characters, but both were fakeouts and meant to be commentaries on how you know. Asexual people are fake. So Bojack Horseman including not one but MULTIPLE examples of asexual people was really amazing to see, and I hope we see more like that.
@jillianj1231 5 лет назад
There is an ace character on sirens and its an ok representation but is also used as a joke a lot which kinda sucks. The characters name is voodoo and some people don't like her because she is creepy and weird and people think that the writers are trying to say she is that way because she is ace but I see them as unrelated character traits :)
@lilpetz500 4 года назад
It's so rare that people don't even think they're real, even people who fit the label. Even Todd isn't a perfect example though. He's a good guy, and one of the most purely "kind" characters on the show, but he is repeatedly depicted as irresponsible and childish. He is still overall a "positive" depiction of an asexual person, but he definitely still leans into negative traits that are tied to the label, like being undeveloped as an adult, and really oblivious to relationship cues.
@DUWANGlai_kangyi 4 года назад
@@lilpetz500 Well, he's just one character. People need to start understanding that representation can't possibly represent every single individual of said demographic because well, we're all individuals! A character who happens to be asexual is just that, a character who happens to be asexual. All his or her other traits aren't really tied to their sexuality and shouldn't be, because sexual orientation isn't a personality trait. And even if Todd is seen as childish, he is emotionally very mature and the series sides with him most of the time. If you're so concerned about this childishness of his, feature which is portrayed in a positive light as something that makes him the kind-hearted and creative mind that he is, then what about Yolanda? She had her spotlight and was a pretty standard, accommodated adult who also mostly behaved very maturely, especially when the two broke up in good terms. Her most "childish" attitude was her unwillingness to discuss her sexuality with her family, which is actually not unfounded as we have all been in the position of not wanting to disappoint our family or people who we want to feel proud of us. And in the end, she did disclose it and everything went fine.
@walter-vq1fw 4 года назад
It's very similar to jugheads asexual story in the original Archie comics. There's a show of it now but the creators straight up said "we dont know how to write an asexual character so we will make him straight" 🙃 the show is garbage anyways so not a loss
@hbluemole6941 3 года назад
Faking It has an asexual guy but he is not really important
@GrayShadowOfNight 5 лет назад
I love how Todd just tipped his millions away and... He's not sad! He is happy with his life. ... Or at least neither money nor sex really matter to him. Something that complicates life for a lot of the other characters
@neutrallynonsensical3477 4 года назад
There’s a theory that he did it deliberately, after seeing how wealth and fame fucked up Bojack and Sarah Lynne. I like that theory a lot.
@GrayShadowOfNight 4 года назад
@@neutrallynonsensical3477 that's a really good one!
@freeunderratedmusic4273 3 года назад
Makes you really think about how you dig yourself a hole of misery
@lilpetz500 Год назад
Honestly, he's a pretty cool person and a really interesting secondary character to explore in this show, for pretty much the reasons you mention. In many ways he's the opposite of Bojack, money, fame, and sex do not interest him at all, yet he's driven to do all sorts of ambitious projects in the Hollywoo setting known for being all about those things. Those motivations are all pursuits of short term comfort Bojack frequently did awful things to indulge in, and maybe he's drawn to Todd due to trying to see what keeps him from making those same mistakes.
@gabe_s_videos 5 лет назад
I felt like the story of Todd coming out was really done in the best possible way because, as you’ve said, it’s not about sexuality, it’s about labels. Or rather, it’s about identity. Todd doesn’t want to give a name to this aspect of himself that he’s only just discovered and he especially doesn’t want that name to come from someone other than himself, but he comes to realize that it’s not a title, just a trait. More importantly, he doesn’t accept the title until HE feels comfortable with it, so he comes out to himself just as much as anyone else. This was the best way to do something this (and I rarely use this word) groundbreaking. Really one of the best episodes imo. I just wish that they didn’t also completely shit on sex positivity in other episodes.
@leelubell9080 4 года назад
Gabriel Schleifer I do agree with you for the most part, but, assuming we’re thinking of the same episodes, idk if they necessarily shat on sex positivity. Maybe it’s that I myself am ace, but I felt it more showed how scary it can be to not fit into the societal norm. It was hyperbolic, as the show usually is, but society does often focus on sex, and given how little asexual representation there is in general, it really made myself and fellow ace people feel less alone.
@lillientruong6350 4 года назад
well, one year latter, in 2020, here I am, proud to say that they DEFINITELY DID NOT shit on sex positivity
@thephilosophersstoned3796 3 года назад
@@leelubell9080 I'm at the other end of the spectrum entirely re:Sexual energy, that being said, I'm not one of those who advocates the level of sexual expression that is found in our greater society. Part of why you see it so strongly however is we have an extreme urge to repress it. "But it's EVERYWHERE" I hear you say, exactly. Because we're not allowed to enjoy it, talk about it, or share it openly with each other. That's the real draw of the Sex in Marketing approach. It's the fact that it's a big open secret. Porn is one of if not the biggest growth industry in the media sphere and yet 'no one watches it' if you ask them. We know it's a vice but we don't know how to honestly and earnestly express ourselves. We're all trapped in a miasma, where honest expressions of our desires are met with attacks. It's obvious to you, because it's an energy you're not super interested in, it's like if you didn't like Onions and someone served you Mashed Potatoes with Onions in it, you'd be annoyed and your mind would notice all the onions more than the potatoes or any of the other ingredients. However it's also like this guy tossed in 9 onions worth of Onions because it truly is incredibly saturated. The issue many have is they think Sex is purely procreative, they don't acknowledge that sexuality is an expression of your identity and that your identity is a fluid thing, it changes. That's partly why I find these kinds of character reviews so interesting, we like growth but then we get mad at them over petty things. Like, the whole point of Character Growth is acknowledging that part of yourself that wants to change. And if it's in _you_, why wouldn't it be in others? Our whole society has a deeply rooted Victimhood complex, where someone HAS to be the Bad Guy and someone else HAS to be the Good Guy and unfortunately since we think of our lives like a story, who we are and what we want is often boiled down to such simplistic terminology, which serves no one. Back to my original point though, one of the major causes of Mental Illness is a lack of sexual intimacy and genuine love and affection. In some human cultures, it's considered more intimate to Hug someone than it is to have sex with them. In no way am I advocating such a change, just explaining how puritanical our society is whilst simultaneously being immensely hypocritical. Most of our species loves porn but hates Sex Workers. We love Sexuality but shame each other for our interests(or at times, like yourself, lack therein). We have a biological imperative to partake in it and express it, but society makes it ok to shame each other over it. It's a serious mess. I think the real reason you're not going to 'feel represented' is because it's very much a minority case as well, Sex is a Passionate, Fiery energy that underlies most of our motivations, whether we consciously acknowledge them or not. At the same time, as I said in the beginning, I'm on the other end of the spectrum, I'm an intensely sexual person. I see and feel it in the air around me. It's an eternal dance and like all dances, sometimes you have people who just want to watch or partake in other things, who just don't care for dancing. Nothing wrong with that, just happens to be that most people Love the Dance, they just don't get to express it properly. That being said, I do agree, there's far too much of it in the Media, but as I said, simultaneously, it shames us for feeling the way we do. It's a strange dual edged blade.
@watersticks5359 4 года назад
Todd is, undoubtedly, the most enjoyable, charming and surprisingly realistic character in the show, and literally every second of screen time he has improves whatever episode he’s in. In my opinion
@racingbee 5 лет назад
I cried when he felt welcomed in the Asexual meet up
@NylaTheWolf 4 года назад
All the asexual moments make me wanna bawl of happiness
@squill9446 5 лет назад
Hooray! Todd video!
@ShadyDoorags 5 лет назад
I was very tempted to make this the title of the video.
@lordtachanka903 5 лет назад
Kirby Over Yonder I literally read it in his voice inside my head complete with dramatic echo wtf
@unknowndane4754 5 лет назад
@@lordtachanka903 .... How can you not read it in his voice?
@jvnxiie2441 3 года назад
@@ShadyDoorags you should’ve!!!
@Brand-pn5yz 3 года назад
Is this the time where you said you will be coming to the skating rink but instead you went to the strip club and skate there? Bojack: no Todd: then hurray!
@Magic-np1ws 3 года назад
Having an asexual character in media OPENLY SAYING that they're asexual and GOING IN DEPTH on how that doesn't define them is so relieving to me, a fellow Asexual. Props to Bojack Horseman :)
@lilpetz500 Год назад
Todd's representation of the community really is huge. Like a main character of a popular show not only has buildup/exploration of their identity before coming out in a really vulnerable but accurate scene, but then the series follows up with wonderful development on that exploring further than just the initial acceptance. And makes the asexual character one of the people in the show with an established personality and very likeable presence, that does not fade out behind this label, he very much keeps being the same person after coming out, just more comfortable.
@dodec8449 5 лет назад
I thought Todd was a slacker and the irony is that he does all kind of things real life slackers won't do (start businesses, being professional, etc). So yeah, the sweater, the slow speech pattern and the tuque are clearly there to frame him with a label: slacker.
@vsatonthebeat4101 5 лет назад
He is a slacker don't knowing about his potential. He is like Diane just without self discipline and healthy boundaries for himself. He is just selfless.
@qazwsxedc562 4 года назад
@@vsatonthebeat4101 but is Diane really a slacker. Think about Diane is a very successful Ghost writer and journalist. she's sold millions of best selling books that are critically acclaimed. She's written multiple hard hitting articles that became the main topic of public discourse for weeks. Somtimes even starting entire political movements. She been a guest on multiple cable news channels. Her problem on why she doesn't feel or seem happy with her career is because her name isn't on any of her books and the news publications she's worked for have all been low brow bullshit like that knock off feminist BuzzFeed. It's not success that Diane doesn't have it's recognition. Despite everything she's done Diane at the end of her career when she's no longer in the spotlight not a single person is going to remember who the heck Diane Nguyen is. _She's a nobody_
@wvu05 4 года назад
@@qazwsxedc562 Well, by the end, she has written a successful YA novel (or even a series), so she is hardly a nobody.
@nkbujvytcygvujno6006 3 года назад
@@qazwsxedc562 I don’t think she cares about recognition like BoJack. Her problem is that she doesn’t feel like she’s making a real, good, meaningful impact on the damaged world with her life. It’s the main thing she worries about. No matter how many columns she writes, it doesn’t seem to change anything. When she couldn’t handle being in the middle of a war zone, she gave up on making the world a better place because she felt like nothing was good enough. She began to recover fully by the end of the series by ending up okay for now making a small-scale change with her book series.
@elizasarra4028 5 лет назад
tod's sucsses and happiness, i think, is a contrast to bojack and his endless desire to be liked by everybody, and all of the shitty things he's willing to do to try and make that happen. tod doesnt care about how others think of him, he doesn't second guess himself and if he has a problem, he actually handles it like an adult despite his more childish characteristics. his emotional maturity, which was shown through his relationship with yolanda and his ongoing relationship with emily, not to mention his undying faith in bojack, is such a stark contrast to bojack its almost too funny. but what makes tod so great is that he's made out to be this annoying, dumb character when really he is the smartest and most sucssesful out of many of them. again, proving that labels are only meant to describe us, not define us ;)
@shannamartinez9494 5 лет назад
Todd is the best person on the show.
@wvu05 4 года назад
@@shannamartinez9494 Indeed. The show wants you to think it's Diane at the start, but Todd clearly deserves that title.
@virensdd 4 года назад
Correct me if I am wrong, but in one episode it is implied that Todd’s success is due to him being white and getting everything easily in contrast to his hispanic father
@wvu05 4 года назад
@@virensdd Stepfather. Yes, this was implied, but that doesn't mean that Cabracadabra was a bad idea. Yes, he accidentally gave it all away, but he was still in a good emotional place.
@Boom23648 3 года назад
I always saw Todd’s success as a large part of Bojack’s themes. All the other main characters think they need fame and success to be happy, but end up more alone and depressed when they get what they want. Todd, however, never truly seeks fame and fortune and just wants to find a purpose in life. As such, he is shown to be incredibly happy and optimistic and gains success because he doesn’t actively seek fame to find happiness. He’s just happy to be alive. Also, this was a great video and I loved the analysis of Todd’s character arc, especially when you discussed Todd’s exploration of his sexuality!
@fioxeraviari5002 5 лет назад
Todd helped me realize that i am asexual, it's not something you can work on, you cant just 'get in the habit of it' i just have no desire for sex, i talked it over with my partner and we choose to still be in a sexually active relationship together but it has opened up a conversation. I don't really like Todd, he's too carefree for my liking, but he is great representation
@dembears95 5 лет назад
Iris Welten another fellow ace!
@B0K0691 4 года назад
How are you in a sexually active relationship if you're asexual? Those two contradict each other, me thinks (Not tryina be rude, just curious)
@stuckupcurlyguy 4 года назад
so your partner is okay with having sex with someone who has no desire to actually do that? Sounds pretty tough for them!
@NylaTheWolf 4 года назад
What up my fellow asexual?
@NylaTheWolf 4 года назад
Boko Some asexuals are indifferent towards or even enjoy sex, they just don’t feel sexual attraction.
@gabe_s_videos 5 лет назад
“Labels are tools” is the best way I’ve ever heard them described. Thank you so much for that perspective!
@redsquirrelstudio6018 5 лет назад
Todd is just simply the best character in the series
@brutusthebear9050 3 года назад
I think that Todd is a perfect example of what I think of when I think entrepreneur. He is his own person, he has made himself. Independent and with his own volition, and excessively creative, always making new connections between ideas and then testing them.
@roseystudio10 4 года назад
"I'm not comfortable with dating someone who is asexual." Yikes, it hurts how much of that can be true, it's really sad. A lot of people look at sex as a big part of a relationship, when in reality a relationship can theoretically survive without it. Relationships are about connections, understanding, compromise, friendship and trust. Sex is just a plus in a relationship, it's not necessary for a healthy and loving relationship. I'm sorry, my younger twin sisters are ace, so it felt right bringing it up.
@NoxAtlas 3 года назад
I will never really understand people who state that sex in a relationship is essential. I have a friend who is married, has a teenage son and would actually think about divorce if sex won't be a part of her marriage anymore. In my logic it shouldn't really matter because you marry for love and not for sex. Heck, she even complained to me that her son is 15 years old and still doesn't show interest in a relationship and eventually might come out as asexual. She doesn't care if he comes out as gay, bi or trans but asexuality would be her worst nightmare. Honestly, I really pity people who can't think outside the box and are so convinced that sex and relationships are as important as breathing. It just shows how society conditions people into thinking that finding a partner is the only thing that makes us whole
@roseystudio10 3 года назад
@@NoxAtlas Yikes, don't take this the wrong why, but I'm pretty sure your friend is just a huge b**ch! That's horrible, even if you are aphobic, you should learn to accept and learn more more about your child. Even if it is just an exception. And why the hell would she consider a divorce?! Even if the SO is super supportive and kind?!
@thegem597 3 года назад
Because the definition of love is different for different people.. In yours sex is absent, but in mine it is not. Unlike the lady in the other comment, I wont straight up divorce if sex isn't there..but I would try to find a compromise..and if it still does not work..then I will happily divorce for sex. Like..why not,? Why cant I be happy. Sex+connection+mental stimulation is important for me..if anyone is missing I am out. For you its just the above situation just minus sex. Good for you. That's why we are two different people with completely different charecterestics and name and culture and brains.
@leafyishereisdumbnameakath4259 3 года назад
@@NoxAtlas ok I disagree with the initial comment. Yes it's not essential but you can't blame others for wanting sex. You can judge them though. jk (or am I) But for a parent TO NOT SUPPORT their child? I really fucking hope she isn't bad in all other categories. for the kid's sake
@stephanied7548 3 года назад
Hey, this is wrong. Sex is a very basic human urge for those who do experience sexual desire
@TheLeah2344 5 лет назад
“Your labels are meant to describe you not define you”. 🙌🏿
@davidcoronel9264 5 лет назад
This is kinda off topic but I kinda want to see one of these on Rutabaga Rabbitowitz. I think there's enough there. As a person who understands that his career is dog-eat-dog (or in this case cat-eat-rabbit), he does what he can to get ahead. The movie star speech states his way of thinking. Princess Carolyn, even though we are kinda put in a position to think of her as a protagonist DID screw him over. I especially loved the line "we're gonna come out on top, because we're the good guys". Because he firmly believes this to be true. From his perspective he gave PC the opportunity to advance in her career and she did take everything from him. And he was hurt, sure. But he probably gave himself the movie star speech and bounced back from this betrayal. Later In the show, you can see he holds no personal grudge with PC and works just as well with her as he did before she took his company. It's not about her. He's the main character in his story. He understands that everyone is the main character in their own story, and when PC took the company from him, he understood that it was just business. It was the part of the story where he gets his heart broken and people treated him like shit, but it had to happen that way, otherwise in the end when he gets everything he's ever wanted, it won't feel as rewarding. Is he a good person though? Of course not, but that's kinda the theme of this show.
@Henrique.Souza0601 5 лет назад
God what an excellent analysis! This is outstanding and really could become a video I would watch.
@vsatonthebeat4101 5 лет назад
Todd is actually a good person! Such a great potential but he lacks self discipline.
@kanikagupta8261 5 лет назад
Ruttabega cheated on his wife! Don't forget that.
@jacksont9455 4 года назад
That as well as how Venessa Gecko never actually hated PC, I think PC's personal feelings about both her "competitors" is something to be explored for sure
@EmbalmerEmi 5 лет назад
You explain thing so nicely and wrap it up into an eloquent,understandable package. Keep it up,you're doing great!
@TanyaSuper23 4 года назад
Todd and bojack is perfect example of narcissistic friendship. Bojack leeched on Todd and put him down in order to make himself feel better. The minute Todd tried to better himself, Bojack sabotaged the rock opera to stop him moving out as he needed him for his supply to validate himself. Bojack projected his insecurities on Todd and he believed that’s what he was. The minute he stopped the friendship he saw himself in the different light and started to thrive as he surrounded himself with people that supported him. People like Bojack need strong empathetic people that are gifted to leech on them and drain them for their supply so they can feel good about them self.
@ADerpyReality 5 лет назад
Whoever you are and whatever label/s you hold; know that it is only meant to describe you. Not define you. - Shady Doorags 2018
@carna-9501 3 года назад
Ngl I wish I could be like Todd. He exists with the intention to just be kind, to do a little better and smile a little more each day, while still being himself.
@qendrimsyla6495 5 лет назад
Hey man how sorry i am to hear such low activity on your channel. Hope you'll get back on the track real soon.
@Danihelmanart 5 лет назад
When those beeping sounds came in I thought my phone was glitching lol
@PribPrib 5 лет назад
Great video and analysis as always! Please never use the sound effect you used at the 2:48 mark again, it completely broke the calm and quiet tone of the video.
@amrtagel-din4052 5 лет назад
Adam Goodyer i could not hear what was being said when that noise was played, I’d get way too distracted every time
@BabyKagome16 5 лет назад
Yea it was unexpected I almost quit watching the vid
@Schmidteren 5 лет назад
Now you say it, why don't Diane have more moeny? D: Sold a huge book, probably sold another huge book about Secretariet. She must get some of those percentages when she wrote them? Also work on a big internet website thingy, where she has done some high profile articles. Still can't afford a proper appartment.
@user-ip3mm6pr7o 5 лет назад
She lives in la though
@Schmidteren 5 лет назад
Yeah was also my thought... But still. :D
@WolffStaedtler 5 лет назад
Don't forget she probably got a lot of money in the divorce. I think the key to her character is she just doesn't want to take care of herself. Not only did she get a bad apartment but she never took the stuff out of her boxes.
@sagedill5993 5 лет назад
She clearly has money she dropped everything and went to Vietnam at a whim. That's not something anyone struggling financially can do
@QueenCloveroftheice 5 лет назад
As a writer myself, I can tell you that money is hard to come by in our industry. When you get a book deal, you get an advance (money before the book is released). You do not receive royalties until your book sales amount surpasses that which you received as your advance payment. Her book may have sold 100,000 copies, but that doesn't always mean big bucks. After the publisher, distributor, and bookstore all take a cut of the sale price, the author likely only gets a dollar or two off of each book sale, and that goes to pay back the advance (sort of like paying back a loan). Sorry for writersplaining lol
@breadsela2814 4 года назад
ok but that ended with some genuinely helpful life advice
@ShadyDoorags 4 года назад
I'm sorry.
@princemehta1443 5 лет назад
never stop making videos about bojack bro 👌
@emilyrnn 3 года назад
The rock opera didint "not pan out", Bojack sabotaged it because he wants to be needed
@FlipperSkipp 5 лет назад
I'm so happy you did a video on Todd, he's my favorite character :3
@rougethebat8882 2 года назад
Todd is indeed my favorite character along with Sarah Lynn and Diane.
@alexanderhamilton3333 5 лет назад
Thank you! My dad doesn't believe in labels but I believe your method of labels but I couldn't clearly discribe it. When I thought like my dad I thought I was gay. It didn't make me happy. But when I gave up letting labels define me and just be small description I realized I was asexual and trans. The topic of labels defining you or you defining them is very debatable due to the fact it's in our nature to see them first. We all think differently so this debate has no soild ground on either side. You just kinda have to live it your way.
@maciejglowacki1997 5 лет назад
Quick reminder that Todd did funded his own theme park... Only because he sued Disney for writing wrong his own name. It's just a running gag in a show.
@wvu05 4 года назад
Disney sued Todd, but he won due to the typo. Defendants don't get paid unless they are countersuing.
@jasminelastnameabsent2801 5 лет назад
I'm a gardener, that's my living that's my passion and it's my favorite subject
@fanficlover 3 года назад
So this is like the case where people assume a princes is some damsel in distress due to the stereotype but in reality are simply the daughter of a high ranking authority figure as well as their own person.
@lydiak3627 3 года назад
when i say todd is one of my favorite fictional characters i’m not exaggerating
@terryh.9238 5 лет назад
I didn't expect a Bojack video essay to be so validating and meaningful but here I am.
@gabe_s_videos 5 лет назад
I don’t feel like Todd “failing upwards” being played as a gag detract from it being a key part of the story. To me, the best comedies are ones where the jokes further the plot or inform the characters. One is rarely divorced from the other.
@sitcomenjoyer7950 4 года назад
thank you for your words at the end 💕
@mayatijerina2756 5 лет назад
3:21 who's that handsome devil 💘
@iKitsun 5 лет назад
So excited you finally made a video about Todd!! thank you
@Kisuke323 3 года назад
Todd is the true solution of BoJack Hosreman dilemma
@ddddddddddone 5 лет назад
Just watched all of your episodes on bojack horseman and I must admit I’ve been watching the show so much for pure entertainment that I failed to see the deeper meaning behind everything. Your video analysis are so good and really provide a new perspective to all the characters. Thanks!
@darkmask5933 Год назад
I forget, but Todd is about the only character that Bojack Horseman had in his circle that actually ended up better off than where he started with Bojack, while also being on friendly terms with Bojack at the end of the series, right? Everyone else's life was either made worse or only started getting better when they cut Bojack off?
@ShadyDoorags Год назад
Mr. Peanutbutter is still friends with Bojack at the end of the series, he gladly picks Bojack up from prison. Also his life ends in the show almost exactly in the same spot it began. The only difference is he ends off single, which had nothing to do with Bojack directly. While Hollyhock did cut herself off from Bojack, her life is not worse because of him and we don't know if she got better after leaving him. Bojack helped her reunite with her mother. She might technically be in a worse place since she has panic attacks dealing with her past overdose, but that wasn't Bojack's doing. Diane and PC do seem to be doing much better without Bojack, but as Diane puts it in the final episode, they became who they were because of him. Though PC didn't really "cut Bojack off" she just drew lines in the sand.
@voracioust2499 5 лет назад
Todd was my fave character to begin with but i ended up disliking him in later seasons because he had so much opportunity but jumped to the next thing essentially he's runnign around in circles going no where in life , which is frustrating
@vsatonthebeat4101 5 лет назад
Todd lacks self discipline, I think he is a example of how much potential can be in a person but just nobody cares, sees or helps him. Just luck gave him success.
@lilpetz500 4 года назад
He's a bit of a frustrating character to watch sometimes, because his arc has a lot of interest, especially for his unique labels and potential. Yet he is sometimes a little too oblivious, and a little too unfocused. And there's the connotation of him being a bit of a childish couch potato while being one of the only serious representatives of asexuality in adult media.
@DUWANGlai_kangyi 4 года назад
2:59 Literally everyone else: "Your brain can easily read this because of pattern recognition." Me, a contemporary genius wink wink nudge nudge: "Your barn can easily read this because of pattern recognition..?"
@christianbustnes9212 5 лет назад
He just need to get his shit together
@Christopherjazzcat 5 лет назад
Fantastic analysis. I think this is my favourite video of yours so far
@tylerhalloran9158 5 лет назад
I'm like todd in i Don't let some label define who i am. Especially with being on the Austism spectrum. While my family constantly tell me that I'm in denial or i should get help because.i have it. It pisses me off because even though i have autism it hasn't stopped me Making $5 million in the last 2.5 years. Makes me feel good because after all I'm 19 and i have a disability ☺️
@pablomagno4679 5 лет назад
I think this resonates well with Diane speech about bad guys and good guys at the end of season 5.
@samanthalacerda5362 5 лет назад
I love your videos about Bojack
@JackofWhitechapel 2 месяца назад
Hooray! A Todd episode!
@hannahmetzger6622 4 года назад
I realized just recently that I am most likely pansexual, so...Your quote about how 'labels don't define you, they describe you' _really_ hit home for me. Where all my fellow most likely pansexuals at?
@azgrem 5 лет назад
These are amazing, I've watched a ton of them over the past week. How did I not know about your channel?!
@tender0828 5 лет назад
Love your videos man!!!! I always looking forward to a new upload from you
@Coolducky2 5 лет назад
Thanks for the video, Todd is my favourite character on the show!
@guruzenn 5 лет назад
Hadn't checked your channel in a while. So glad you're back it man. Really tho.
@flipfreak14 5 лет назад
Dude, your videos are gold.
@rationalismethysmenos6991 5 лет назад
Great videos! Love your commentary.
@peteramezcua5680 5 лет назад
Great to have you back, Shady :)
@edgara3213 3 года назад
Haha just realized I only just got this on my algorithm even though it was made two years ago 😂 that’s what I get for binging Johnny 2 cellos and your guys’ livestream 😂
@anonymousman5573 Год назад
0:01 Todd predicted Inside Job
@Kojirakage 3 года назад
Asexual doesn’t mean do you don’t date or don’t want to have sex. It also has nothing to do with sex drive. It only means you don’t get aroused by from other people.
@caitrionacallahan7018 4 года назад
hey man! i love your bojack commentary videos. keep it up
@CedarBlankenship-wr6gk Год назад
Funny thing is that I actually discovered Arron Paul through this show. Jesse Pinkman didn’t come till later. Shane they never found a reason for Todd to sarcastically say something like “Well hooray, bitch.”
@anonymoususer385 3 года назад
Lazy people always find a quicker and more creative way of doing things
@LilySaintSin 4 года назад
Tod embodies the Peter Principal.
@TheZanzibarMan 4 года назад
Todd Chavez, failing upwards
@carlyb1237 5 лет назад
My Geordie ass initially read the jumbled up letters as "your bairn can easily read this..." instead of "your brain..."😅🤦‍♀️ great video Shady!
@scorpiastan5007 3 года назад
He has adhd
@makaniistorm8664 5 лет назад
I find Todd very relatable. Just being who ever you are and not sure what to label yourself. So I don't bother. Describe I'm a girl or gay or whatever but I never hold onto them. I'm being free about it.
@edgara3213 3 года назад
Ps love the channel please keep up the good work
@jacobdominguez7808 5 лет назад
Todd is the best 👍
@MrShabindigo 3 года назад
Not for nothing, but I also thought the reason why he was so successful and seemed to consistently and inexplicably fail up was because he was a white guy; at least that was his step dad's assessment.
@justinehornberger3715 5 лет назад
Your stuff is never not beautiful :3 I hope you blow right up (in the best way, don't like, literally explode)
@MegaDoomdoomDoom 5 лет назад
Great video!
@raylast3873 4 года назад
Of course, then there is the question of how great being an Entrepreneur or Vice President really is.
@itskevinjustkevin 5 лет назад
Tod is an Everyman
@pepperw7852 5 лет назад
Yay! You're back!
@Lance_Knight 5 лет назад
A lovely sentiment. Subscribed buddy
@ShrimpShrompp 9 месяцев назад
I really liked this breakdown! especially the part at 6:00. I'm asexual, well at least under that umbrella term. I very rarely experience sexual attraction, but when I do, I don't want to have sex with that person. there are some sexual things I'm into, but not sex. nothing involving getting naked and having something inside me. I don't think there's a word for the type of asexual I am, but I am still an asexual person despite enjoying some lower forms of sexual intimacy. very cool explanation. It made me feel heard :)
@bpayne3602 5 лет назад
Another great video
@MonsieurLuon 5 лет назад
Love your content!
@helixfeelix4992 3 года назад
is it just me, or do diane and todd look like they're of differing art styles? i mean, just look at their heads and you'll notice some glaring differences. not a nitpick, just an observation. i love them both just the same
@mollof7893 5 лет назад
Todd is the best lgtbq character that have and will ever exist.
@JacobSmith-uo1fx 3 года назад
And the joke was that he Is white. So funny
@Jaded42O 5 лет назад
I love your vids dude!
@princesspancakes3737 3 года назад
I keep trying to tell people that you are not a word. You are an object which is something that can have an infinite number of concepts, ideas, atitudes and atributes connected with it, but it is only a descriptor. A descriptor has no bearing on the other atributes of an item or a person. So for example. I am blind, and my mother used to label my clothes when I went to summer camp. She would put them in bags and make sure there was one outfit per bag, so all I had to do was pick a bag. Each bag was labeled with the main color of the outfit inside. That had no bearing on the comfort level of the clothes, or the texture, or whether it was long sleeved or short. Also, this label did not hold any way to describe what each outfit meant to me as a blind girl. Take this example, and just apply it to everything. I promise it is the same way for every descriptor ever.
@MinkMcMonkey 5 лет назад
Great content!
@vsatonthebeat4101 5 лет назад
Todd lacks self discipline, I think he is a example of how much potential can be in a person but just nobody cares, sees or helps him. Just luck gave him success.
@o.bad.a 5 лет назад
Thanks for the video
@jayburtt5772 4 года назад
are we sure todd isn't just a grown up kevin from mission hill?
@alynn6967 5 лет назад
I loved this
@camy19 5 лет назад
My boi todd
@Gyarren 5 лет назад
Todd is one of those people who I'd love to slap the living shit out of...then give him a big hug and a cookie.
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