
Bones Of The Buddha - Documentary 

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Do the jewels, bones and ashes found in an Indian tomb in 1898 mark the final resting place of the Buddha himself, or was it all an elaborate hoax? When Colonial estate manager, William Peppe, set his workers digging at a mysterious hill in Northern India in 1898, he had no idea what they'd find. Over twenty feet down, they made an amazing discovery: a huge stone coffer, containing some reliquary urns, over 1000 separate jewels and some ash and bone. One of the jars had an inscription that seemed to say that these were the remains of the Buddha himself. This seemed to be a most extraordinary find in Indian archaeology. But doubt and scandal have hung over this amazing find for over 100 years. For some, the whole thing is an elaborate hoax. For others, it is no less than the final resting place of the messiah of one of the world's great religions. For the doubters, suspicion focuse...



28 сен 2024




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@anglakpasherpa8109 6 лет назад
I as a Buddhist don't believe he was a god or son of a god but...he was a normal human who showed people the purpose of living....what we should and shouldn't do.....🙏🙏🙏
@bananapeaches6370 5 лет назад
Tìmé läpse it’s basic stuff really too, isnt it? Be good to all things and your fellow human. This is how I try to live....it’s so difficult in a world of greed tho
@hemadear2509 5 лет назад
Buddha was not a God. He was just a man. Just like you and I are, he is a human being. You are correct in thinking this way. HIS teachings were pure philosophy. Mostly common sense which many of us lack of. He suffered in order to find the truth about life. What I don’t believe is that PRINCE SIDDHARTHA didn’t walk out of his home thinking that HE was going to find the truth on behalf everyone else. At that stage HE couldn’t have thought like that. I think, with all the luxuries HE was born to, he couldn’t find happiness and having witnessed the suffering, HE realised that life is suffering. HE tried three methods to find out how to avoid suffering. At first HE LIVED A NORMAL LIFE, THEN HE FASTED, GAVE UP FOOD AND DRINK, THEN FINALLY HE REALISED, THE MIDDLE PATH is the correct path to take if you want to live a peaceful life and avoid suffering. If you overdo anything, you suffer. If you under-do anything, you suffer. In any case, birth itself is suffering. Happiness is very short lived. What I understand is that, BUDDHA found true happiness. Free of Greed, wanting and craving. Anger and jealousy, all these feelings are entrapments in life. They make you want to be reborn again. In order reach the state of enlightenment, which I think is being free from all evil desires, we have to follow the middle path. I also think we are born for a purpose, but what is that purpose. You now made me think, so thank you for talking about this. If we are going to suffer and die in the end, why are we born in the first place? I just realise, I didn’t ask to be born, my parents gave birth to me. Their parents gave birth to them. However the birth and death started, Buddhists believe that it’s our greed causes our birth. I know that, by living at home, with family, you cannot reach the state of Buddha hood. To leave family life, give up everything that is attaching you to a home life and possessions isn’t easy. It must have been very difficult at first for Buddha to leave the palace and his family.
@vikyosa4651 5 лет назад
I'm a Buddhist as well 🙏🏽🙏🏽.NMRK
@MultiPopculture 5 лет назад
@patphone9888 5 лет назад
Thank you for the good and sacred documentary
@arungupta1052 10 лет назад
Thank you for uploading this video. As an Indian I strongly feel that the articles must be returned to the Mahabodhi Temple. It belongs to them. I request the National Geographic society/channel to facilitate the same. It will be a great service. Thanks!
@se7ensnakes 9 лет назад
If you truly understand Buddhism, finding Sidhartas bones means absoluely nothing. Not a thing
@se7ensnakes 9 лет назад
We should instead pour over documentation which offer the best meditation exercices Not look for bones
@MrGOTAMA420 9 лет назад
se7ensnakes its a historical thing not a spiritualthing
@se7ensnakes 9 лет назад
gotama420 you cannot seperate the two
@se7ensnakes 9 лет назад
Sergio Vau Sorry i dont know why i said that. yes gotama420 is correct they are looking at history and not the spiritual
@MrGOTAMA420 9 лет назад
se7ensnakes dont be sorry its good to have a mistake or to not know or understand , by overcoming these things we grow and learn! (i think you know this but sometimes its good to hear)
@oraclebjj 9 лет назад
I was torn with what to feel as I sat through the first five minutes, seeing the great grandson of Pepe(?) British fellow pull all those precious relics from his drawer. Initially I was appalled by the arrogance that represented the living present artefact of British imperialism today. It also represented outright grave robbery, sacred grave robbery at that. Irony lay in the fact that Buddha would not have cared about his remains. He barely cared about them when he was alive. But I'm reminded of this one simple fact. That to conquerers go the spoils. Should the artefacts be returned? Probably. Is Buddhism backed by a powerful organization like Catholicism and its Vatican? No. If it was you can be sure it would be demanded back. And that ok that Buddhism is not a powerful religious organization. It speaks of the notion of religion itself. Buddhism is NOT a religion. So keep the artefacts. Keep your crosses and your holy grail and grand cathedrals. It speaks to the failure of those religions that have strayed from their original prophets messages. Do not worship me or my artefacts and relics, they are meaningless. Happiness (God) can only be found from within.
@nighthunter8217 6 лет назад
Please note that almost all archeology is an authorized professional (usually) scientific grave robbery. Standard of world wide property ownership: It only matters who owned the property AFTER documentation has been established, such that when the invaders - whoever they may be- establish ownership over the property (usually but not necessarily by military conquest) and are NOT immediately overthrown by other invaders, they document and establish their own claim to the property. Further, whatever was buried ON that property, usually including all mineral rights, becomes the property of the now documented owner. This is true for ALL ancient sites in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, South America, and North America, and even most modern places -WWII being a notable major exception, although the formation of Israel from Palestine follows the pattern. Even when documents PROVE that proper procedure was not followed - an excellent example was the purchase of land from the Senaca by the State of New York, - it is extremely difficult to overturn the current claim to ownership. Only if the Government of whatever location can somehow establish ownership can a site be preserved from unprofessional "looting" as opposed to professional careful description, documentation, scientific measurement, possibly public display, and/or archival preservation. The Government can "advise," and "tax" whatever is found on private property, but they cannot force the owner to allow professionals to work the site. (The owner can even refuse to allow ANY work on the site, leaving it undisturbed, and only noted as a place of unknown archeological possibilities in some dry text of "Possible Sites of Interest, " in some archeological reference survey.) Even when they are "salvaging" ships ships from the sea/ocean floor outside normal national jurisdiction, Governments only tend to claim a share of the "treasures value," and have almost zero control of the professional credentials and operational procedures.
@rebiswhite7789 5 лет назад
Apart from the fact that god does not exist.......
@jjohnvonbaloney 5 лет назад
Now that the authenticity of the relics of The Great Teacher Buddha has been established ,is it not fair to return them to their last abode ? Perhaps England can't afford to . because they live by the income such artifacts earn . But there is a better option .Build a new Stupa ,with all your modern expertise and display them for the benefit of Buddha s followers from the world over . That would be one step towards immortality for the great effort of your Ancestors ,if you think they did something right . England can afford that and have another income spinner like the Kohinoor . Otherwise this holy item would be lost to humanity .Either Get sold to some private collection or donated to the British museum . That is a pathetic end of the most revered person in Human History .
@AwesomeAlexAdam 5 лет назад
kimura kano I agree with you 100% Also you wrote one of the BEST comments Ive ever read on the internet
@birajbhandari6715 5 лет назад
You know the origine wher it's belong to then why WC PERRY grandson keep these things in his position. Return wher it belongs to Or its is like Kohinoor dimond and outher relics of india
@alexdbroad 8 лет назад
This is sad, bring all of the stuff you steal back to its place.
@sandyg244 8 лет назад
U r right
@TaTa-ce1kq 8 лет назад
+tomi db yes they should return them. that's the nature of the whites. They happily remove peoples properties everywhere they go without shame.
@asu9722 6 лет назад
tomi db so true
@asdodds1126 6 лет назад
Kpp Obd Buddha hated Ignorance I'm white by the way. I do agree that If something's not native or belongs to us It she be returned maybe burried under the Bodhi tree or laid to rest In a Buddhist temple Buddha was thought to be most associated with. I do not believe It Is right If historical accounts of the Buddha teachings and his life are real which I believe they are I follow Buddha's philosophy It be should be returned they had no right at all In raising a tomb plus Buddha was like a saint he's such a nice guy and for them to have done that Is disgusting but Buddha would forgive do the right thing. I only hope It returns to Nepal/India.
@VaBeachBeach2971 5 лет назад
Maybe they can set up a deal when all Indian call centers are shut down and all that money stolen is returned maybe then y’all can get those artifacts back until then I don’t see why they should.
@ayomidesilva243 6 лет назад
The supreme Buddha taught every single living being how to live a happy healthy life. He taught us how to attain NIRVANA (The end of suffering(never having re birth)). He taught us how to attain SOTHAPANNA (How to be always be born as a human in your next birth). Buddhism is a way of life. The supreme Buddha explained things century’s ago that even the smartest minds in the world have taken years to explain. The supreme Buddha has told the future hundreds of years ago.
@loooo69k 9 лет назад
why the british took everything when they not even Buddhism? what r they gonna do with it then?
@Yarrasherry 9 лет назад
ki li they're probably trying to take away all the evidences of buddha's existence then persuade people into Christianity world..
@loooo69k 9 лет назад
Hehehe they can't cover that up hahaha cause even they took all of it they can't get rid of the bohdi tree anyway which I also don't have but others do ;) it still exist somewhere ;) I may be able to get the forever lasting plastic one also :)
@sharifahussin787 7 лет назад
ki li +they do research and study, then people Will know and they have the technology.
@mynameisnotjerome1803 6 лет назад
Power and status, we have to have the important stuff at all costs to anyone else.
@lifeonroad_ash 9 лет назад
Well there's nothing so exciting about finding lord Buddhas bones! He was a human being but unlike we he was a great human being with a great exceptional psychology! But this video shows something, why England is such a rich country today! Because they looted all the colonies! ☺️
@marinedove4758 8 лет назад
+Ashcharya Wickramage they didn't looted... They are preserving it better than us
@katelatham8689 7 лет назад
in many places everyone benefited, they received the expertise of the British, an education system , english language, judicial system, travel systems of which many countries are grateful for but in the end they wanted to govern themselves and kicked us out and understandably so. that was right and proper.
@tommyreyes7033 7 лет назад
Buddha last words Make of yourself a light. Rely upon yourself: do not depend upon anyone else. Make my teachings your light. Rely upon them: do not depend upon any other teaching. My disciples, my last moment has come, but do not forget that death is only the end of physicial body. The body was born from parents and was nourished by food; just as evitable are sickness and death. But the true Buddha is not a human body; it is Enlightment. A human body must die, but the Wisdom of Enlightment will exist forever in the truth of the Dharma, and in the practice of the Dharama. He who sees merely my body does not truly see me. Only he who accepts my teaching truly sees me the Buddha.
@deanebodhi1881 5 лет назад
The Buddha absolutely rejected the caste system, as the Buddha said well over 2,500 years ago, "All beings are born equal, No one is born higher than anyone else!" Buddha was also born into Royalty, as a Prince, and he could have been a Maharajah or Great King one day if he wanted too as well, but he Also rejected this as well too! Buddha said, well over 2,500 years ago, "All beings value their lives, All beings tremble when faced with death, therefore Never hurt, harm or kill any living being!" This is the Great practice of Ahimsa or Non harm to others! The Buddha said, "Any Brahmana who hurts, harms or kills another, is Not a True Sadhu or holy one, you are Not a True Brahmana or Sadhu or holy one, if you hurt, harm or kill another!" "The Buddha said, "The True Religion is love!" The Buddha said , "Go forth my Bikkhus-Buddhist Monks, and teach and spread love and compassion in every direction all over the Whole World, for the good, happiness and Welfare of the Whole World, this my Bikkhus you should do!" The Buddha said, "Give your clothes to those who do not have any clothes, your food to the hungry, and build shelters for those who do my have any homes!" The Buddha said, "Social Work and the helping of others is the highest good karma that anyone can do in their lives, the helping of others is the highest good that one can do in their lives and the highest good karma that anyone can do, is the helping of others!" The Buddha said, "No matter how much someone hurts you, Never hurt them back!" The Buddha said, "Two wrongs do not make a right!" Most Ancient Greeks after conquering India became Buddhist Monks or Bikkhus and they spread Buddhism All along the Silk Road in all Directions, including All of the Middle East, Greece, Europe, Egypt, Persia, Afghanistan and Many other Ancient Countries and Ancient Lands! The Ancient Greeks built statues of the Buddha in the Ancient World, well over 2,000 years ago in Afghanistan, they were built there by Ancient Greek Kings! Ancient Greek Culture, Religion and Western Civilisation is Built, Established and Founded on Ancient Buddhism, and that is a TRUE FACT, which has been so Deceitfully hidden from the World!
@indianeinstein1978 5 лет назад
"he was a great human being with a great exceptional psychology" ???? u dint understand a thing !! pz don't call urself acharya
@harryoliver1130 5 лет назад
"There are only two mistakes one can make on the road to truth; one is not going all the way, and not starting." ~ Buddha
@amarcadiacastillo 5 лет назад
Why don't return the archeological treasure to the Indian or Nepalese people. I still find to believe such an attitude of this man who has these pieces in his home.
@cathy955 4 года назад
How interesting this is! It was stated in the documentary that many of the bone relics were given by the British to Siam's King Rama V. This was done for political reasons no doubt but also because Siam was (and current day Thailand still is) a Buddhist kingdom. At that time there were few Buddhists left in India, knowledge of Buddhist dharma had pretty much died out. King Rama V enshrined the relics on an impressive (artificially built) holy mountain in Bangkok. Anyone can visit the Golden Mount (Wat Saket) today and be in the presence of these relics.
@torbenk5425 Год назад
Thank you for this important information.
@rajendrapawar5698 9 лет назад
Buddha was the first scientist who discover to discover one him selves without support of any other God or teacher.you are creator and destroyer of your own without blaming others .The immortal peace lie within you .You can achieve with tool of Vipassana discover by Lord Buddha.The freedom in Buddhism any body can reach to state of Buddhatva (Nirvana) unlike other religion none can become God him selves.
@GlendaBlumenthal 5 лет назад
stfu pajeet. the only thing your poodah discovered was the designated shitting street.
@powerthrucontrol 10 лет назад
Totally wept when I saw this. So happy!
@wanderingstar23 3 месяца назад
while buddhism may not require bones or jewels to maintain its faith, its still hurtful that these things are in someones private collection rather than where they were intended to be.
@vynleshmynle7372 5 лет назад
Difference between British tomb raiders and local thieves is that they have been preserved. With local thieves these precious items would have been gone forever and not seen the light of day intact. Goes Save the Queen!
@madukasubodinee532 9 лет назад
We cannot do make any statement to compare the lord of buddha with any of living being. The Lord of buddha's relics were distributed and worshiped by the Gods....! We are not able to even touch those relics and they are moved by the gods...!!! The people who are being honest to save the Buddha's relics are capable and permitted to exhibit to the public in all over the world.
@taijitu688 6 лет назад
We should all become buddhists.
@ernstoafrica6547 4 года назад
Pretty sad how much hate you find in the comments, on documentary about the Buddha.
@absba9 10 лет назад
Narrated by Tywin Lannister (:
@davedgs4144 9 лет назад
That's what I was thinking
@ZackTuNan 5 лет назад
It's true
@charliemoyse8334 3 года назад
Thank you !!!!!!
@adyasharout496 5 лет назад
His remains are not what is important but how he lived his life and teachings are what is more important. In christianity it may be important for them to find a physical thing connected to jesus but that is not the way with buddism.
@RaguwaranMohan 5 лет назад
Government of India should take initiative to obtain back all the precious treasures that taken by other country and preserve it. Such a waste if they don't do so. So sad to see how other country's are claiming the fame from the treasures that India had.
@TathKositanont 10 лет назад
With the discussion of Buddha is mere human or not is not important, you can believe whatever and that is not the essence. See what message the Buddha truly want to tell you, what is life? what the purpose of life? how to reach eternal happiness in this life (if you can completely remove your worried and suffering, what is left?). You can still believe in other prophets and deities, just walk the path and see for yourself. Be Awake!
@praveenkumarambedkar9993 2 года назад
Great knowledge about Tathagat Buddha. Indian people forget them but thanks to Charles William for discovered original Great Man of human history called Tathagat Buddha. I saw this episode in 2022. Great experience for me 😊. Thanks 💐
@gaslitworldf.melissab2897 5 лет назад
Inspiring. Great documentary. Thank you.
@australien6611 3 года назад
No way the script etched into that vase is 2500 years old. The guy that found it scratched it on there and didn't even make it fit properly
@samanthifernando8283 6 лет назад
What a wonderful documentary! Thank you. May The Noble Triple Gem Bless You!
@putemonanisland 8 лет назад
I think the Buddha would be quite amused with all the commenting that is forming such attachment to what is right and wrong about this. I personally found it interesting with no judgement really. At first I did because I thought it should be left alone... But then I thought maybe it's not such a big deal, but actually gives much opportunity to do dharma practice. I think there is a teaching in this. I am not qualified to say what it is. For those who actually receive dharma teachings and do practice, this can be a wonderful thing. I wonder what the Dalai Lhama thinks....
@dijin456 8 лет назад
+Sea Faery.i believe you are right. the teachings are what is important
@goognamgoognw6637 5 лет назад
i believe the historical background is very plausible. The mystery about Buddha is how and why he became so popular. My guess is that it was the times and mentalities of that time that wanted to have a religious leader.
@pradipshakya1169 5 лет назад
Lumbini, where Gautam Buddha was born is in NEPAL, not India. Kapilvastu, the Capital city of the SHAKYA KINGDOM is in NEPAL too.
@vivrozario9202 4 года назад
Brits took the "remains" of Buddha & India has the teachings & knowledge of Buddha.
@owltv6401 7 лет назад
The word died is not suitable Buddha didn't died at kushinara he gained parinirvana the supreme Nirvana
@bton071 10 лет назад
Life must be extremely boring for certain types of people if bones are exciting.
@ajb5852 10 лет назад
even anthropologists who examine bones and find how people died/ lived/ ate and wat age they lived to... even what part of the world they originated from............. yes looking at bones must be very boring O_o
@nakornnuntasukasame4692 9 лет назад
bton071 Buddha's remains may just be dirt. But that very dirt you are talking about is rarer than any gems. It's the dirt from a man who truly understood the human mind and suffering process and is free from the endless desires and countless suffering. A man who once lead a wonderful group of people devoted to his path to know them self and not to believe of what is in a book or story told by other.
@arioka5296 6 лет назад
Nakorn Nuntasukasame if you truly know what Buddhism is, all your praise won’t matter. There’s no attachment in Buddhism. Monks leave no trace in this world when they die. To find Buddha’s remains and feel so proud of it all means nothing to buddhists. They left the remains there and these people found it to feel proud of themselves. It maybe a gem historically but to the Buddhism, it’s just nothing.
@amaatcoamaatco4056 7 лет назад
Gautama Buddha was born in Hela Bima The meaningful conclusion Posted on January 6, 2014 In the period that Buddha lived, 2600 years prior to this date, based on administrative authorities, this Heladeepa had been divided preciously in to two. Yaksha Heladeepa where tribes like Yaksha, Naga, Kumbhaanda and Gaandarva lived, of which capital city was Alakamandava (Lankapura). Janbudveepa, which was popular as Deva Hela where Aryan clan lived, in which sixteen states were located. It was in this Hela Diva that Sidduhath Gautama Bosath was born, Gautama Bosath attended in to supermandane Enlightenment, preached Dhamma from his very first sermon for forty five years to this world and finally attended in to parinirvana. In the past all these things happened in this Hela Diva where you and I live and die. The Tripitaka preciously says that four Buddhas in this Kalpa[1] were born in this Janbudveepa itself. In the time of Gautama Buddha Janbudveepa was called “Hela Diva”, in the period of Kakusanda Buddha it was called “Ojadeepa”. In the time of Kashyapa Buddha it was “Mandadeepa”. This Janbudveepa was the birth place for all the Buddhas from the time of Deepankara Buddha. There isn’t any other island in this world other than this island, Hela Diva, what we call Sri Lanka now, where any man who aspires to attend to the sacred position called Enlightenment can be achieved. It is because that the active universal energies in this world are centralized in the Madya Mandala and it is situated in the center in Sri Lanka. All the Buddhas who attend in to The Enlightenment can definitely get this energy only from the Madya Mandala situated in the very center in Janbudveepa in Sri Lanka. (See the map of Lanka). It’s a constant that along with the disclose of this true Dhamma, ones who are born today in this Hela Diva and also a particular group of lucky people who will be born for seven hundred years in the future, with the effect of Buddha Shakthi [2],will be able to get the eternal relief from the suffering in Samsara, will get the chance to realize Nirvana. You also should think that you too are a lucky person, “The most supreme Buddha Dhamma” should be heard, it is necessary to step on to the path of Dhamma, should conform to Buddha Shakthi and attend in to Nirvana. (To get further enhanced your knowledge you can read the second version of this book).
@ChamaraIresh 5 лет назад
@koioniaku351 4 года назад
Everyones complaining in the comments, talking about how the artefacts should be returned. And while I agree with you, thinking on this and performing hatred is not something the Buddha would’ve agreed with. Keep that in mind. Claiming it’s all the fault of the British is biased and hate filled speech. Something that will only lead to internal suffering. And I say this as an Irish person. Someone who’s peoples were oppressed for hundreds of years by the British. Buddhism means this. “Let go”. Do not allow hatred to fill your mind.
@MikeOfKorea 9 лет назад
Calling up Jesus as an historical person isn't proper in this context. There is no evidence for the existence of Jesus in history; he was a literary character whereas Gotama was an actual historical person.
@marymckinnon5313 9 лет назад
+MikeOfKorea Why start a religious war? Everyone is entitled to what they believe.
@MikeOfKorea 9 лет назад
+mary mckinnon Because facts are not a matter of belief. Something is either true or it is not true. Jesus is a literary character, not historical. That is a fact.
@marymckinnon5313 9 лет назад
+MikeOfKorea Dunno and don't care. Why would I offend people for no reason? You did not even link any studies, so you did not even back up the claim you asserted.
@MikeOfKorea 9 лет назад
+mary mckinnon Ah, I see. You don't understand where offence originates. OK. You need a lot more contemplation before we can discuss this again. Good luck.
@marymckinnon5313 9 лет назад
+MikeOfKorea Ah, I see, patronage, does that make you feel important? Yes, offence originates within oneself. However, a kind person goes out of his way not to give anyone any pretext for offense. You still have linked no historical or scientific studies related to Jesus evidence.
@jayBharatiraanga6425 2 месяца назад
Nice Sincere Attempt Good Video 👍 Keep it Up Best wishes 👍🌹👌
@tancolvis5240 6 лет назад
it from india why arnt u returned it back to the orginal place or country ? so u steal it
@sansayanchakma2275 9 лет назад
As the legend goes, Buddha's bones should be turned into gems of different colors and shapes, not normal human ashes.
@daniellebrady314 9 лет назад
I thought they were found within the ashes? So there would still be remains, but gems and crystals mixed in.
@guytoob 9 лет назад
Danielle Brady crystallisation has been reported in some non-Buddha instances as well but i doubt they were carved, much less in to ornate things. At best the naturally crystalised ones are said to look like "pearls".
@harrymcnicholas9468 6 лет назад
That is a metaphor.
@arjunbhattarai2944 7 лет назад
Buddha was born in nepal not India ,piparahawa in Nepal your documents is wrong
@sllife5913 7 лет назад
arjun bhattarai You must study history of Nepal
@lucky0640 7 лет назад
buddha is born in india not nepal. now that place is in nepal .
@yakingkapali 6 лет назад
lucky0640 So you trying to say that there was india but not Nepal in Buddha's period.
@yakingkapali 6 лет назад
lucky0640 😂😂
@iamboss1017 6 лет назад
But on that century Nepal was in india
@stanzinnoryang8946 5 лет назад
For me understanding, how Buddhism was all wiped out from India, its birth place, by some for their own personal gains. How this wonderful teachings were wiped out and how the history of Buddhism in India is concealed and still not revealed fully is truly shocking. For stupid and short shortsightedness gains, some have closed the door of greater realization in India. Buddhas teachings will never die, for this the profound and only truth to end the sufferings from root.
@peace719 2 года назад
Lol Tibet freedomist....
@10MinutestoRouletteFortune 4 года назад
It is customary for Buddhists to offer white flowers at a burial hence the small white flowers seen as gems. The water is an offering as with any Buddha along with 2 candles and 3 incense. Although it isn't customary for a person attending a funeral to show wealth, gems are offered to the dead if they are of high standing within the caste system. Like Christians and Jesus, people pray to Buddha promising to walk in his ways of life. God is energy and Buddhists refer to energy as being a higher power and that when we die, our energy is transferring into the afterlife of reincarnation. Buddhists in Thailand believe we are all energy in a bodily form and I"m sure this is true with Buddhist beliefs. Just some thoughts.
@Gausevafbd7 4 года назад
All things related to Buddha should be returned back to Buddhist society
@romeoshrestha3305 5 лет назад
Truth is that Budhha was born in Nepal But indian people's spread the wrong information that buddha was born in indian..this isnot true Even half of indian they knows budhha was born in nepal
@teegrg5023 9 лет назад
Some time White people are so quick for making money and doesn't care at all, and I'm sorry to tell that. And in this story, FILM MAKER doesn't have much knowledge in Buddhism. Actually, Buddha was the man who was constantly seeking Nirvana and doing meditation from his past lifes. And because of his constant effort from his past lifes and in is very last life, he became Nirvana. Buddha's both parents are from current country called Nepal, Yes, Buddha got enlighten and died in current country called India. But in reality Nepal is older country then India. India was made by British, the current size. In every information given by India about Buddha's life and history they poetry India and non about Nepal, that means India is faking up the history and life of Buddha for busting tourism business. When King Asoka came to Nepal in "Lumbini", "birth place of Buddha, he made some pillar for the future generation to remember. On the main pillar he wrote, "THIS IS BUDDHA'S BIRTH PLACE AND THIS IS NEPAL", and still stands there. That's how we can understand the word "NEPAL" means, Nepal already exited long before India. Ashoka was king just after couple of hundred years after the death of Buddha. India wasn't big like now, it was in very small kingdoms. King ASOKA HAD CONCURRED SMALL KINGDOMS AND MADE 1/3 SIZE OF CURRENT INDIA WHICH AGAIN BROKE UP AND LATER BRITISH came CONCURRED AGAIN BUT HAD TO LEAVE BECAUSE OF GANDHI. EVEN WHEN KING ASOKA WAS A KING, THE CURRENT COUNTRY WAS SOMETHING ELSE. THERE IS NOTHING WORD CALLED "INDIA" IN THE BOOK OF HISTORY BUT THEY ARE CLEVER AND SAYS ANOTHER NAME OF INDIA IS BHARAT. YES, IN THE HISTORY, COUNTRY CALLED BHARAT EXITED BUT IT WAS NOT INDIA AND WAS VERY SMALL KINGDOM then the present. BECAUSE BRITISH RULED INDIA AND BECAUSE BRITISH HAD LOTS OF MEDIA THEY BROUGHT SOME ASIAN HISTORY OUT FIRST AND REST OF THE WORLD GET TO KNOW ASIA, BUT THIS DOESN'T MEAN THE HISTORY THEY ARE TELLING ARE RIGHT 100%. NATIVE KNOWS 100 % THEN THE FOREIGNER. Before Buddha died, he was asked by his disciple, "what to do with his dead body"?? Buddha said to burn him on sandalwood and keep his left over relic( bones) and keep at meditation place as it give strong vibration which would help mediator for deep connection. Millions of people travel to Nepal at Lumbini "birth place of Buddha" and India is eyeing for tourism business in the name of Buddha, manipulating Buddha's history and birth place. They are making so many video's with British and foreign narrator and keeping in you-tube, sometime even PAYING TO BBC.
@indianhindu9212 9 лет назад
@teegrg5023 9 лет назад
If it is true as you said.....then why Bharat's existence is lost and Nepal still exit ??? You Indian gotta bow to British and Nepali people's leg and give millions of thanks because we gave you a huge new country. So who is the daddy ??
@indianhindu9212 9 лет назад
Tee Grg More nonsense...!!!!Bharat's existence is not lost ...!!!Bharat is still here...happily thriving...!!!!No one has ever bothered or cared about Nepal ....!!!!.......???Nepal gets a lot of aid and help from India ...on which it runs.....!!!!What bowing are you talking about...!!!There is no bowing anywhere....!!!!!Who would give us a country??We were huge country for thousand years....??daddy??what daddy??What are you talking about..??Your comments make no sense in anyway.....
@indianhindu9212 9 лет назад
Gurung James You fool know history....
@ashishlamichhane6965 9 лет назад
Gurung James good
@suchitasingh9690 7 лет назад
If the stolen sacred things were kept in a sacred place then it would have been no worry but they are kept as if by a thief:( its sad and should be handed to the govt. from where these been taken away!
@tommyreyes7033 7 лет назад
Buddha last words Make of yourself a light. Rely upon yourself: do not depend upon anyone else. Make my teachings your light. Rely upon them: do not depend upon any other teaching. My disciples, my last moment has come, but do not forget that death is only the end of physicial body. The body was born from parents and was nourished by food; just as evitable are sickness and death. But the true Buddha is not a human body; it is Enlightment. A human body must die, but the Wisdom of Enlightment will exist forever in the truth of the Dharma, and in the practice of the Dharama. He who sees merely my body does not truly see me. Only he who accepts my teaching truly sees me the Buddha.
@altexlan415 7 лет назад
Bones Of The Buddha ?? let the dog eat.
@arioka5296 6 лет назад
Altex lan actually dead monks in Tibet get eaten by vultures and dead monks in other countries get eaten by other animals. They leave no trace in this world. They either get their ashes buried or eaten by animals. Buddha wouldn’t also care his ashes are found. There’s no attachment in Buddhism.
@ravinishan 6 лет назад
you must be the most disgusting person in the world..
@tankeepeng4426 5 лет назад
I support , after all he teach the greatest lie !
@Marshal0757 6 лет назад
Gautam Buddha was born in Nepal and I am very proud of it.
@gallefodpudder5686 8 лет назад
Showing the internet to religiour leaders: Jesus: BANISH THY DEMONS NOW, MY SON!!!! Allah: What is this?!What can it be used for?! TELL ME!!! Gautama: Waoh, what a neat thing! All the information in the world, in one place!
@tenzinganag5348 Год назад
If Britishers would not have been there. Hindu groups would have claimed it as something from Ramayana or Mahabharata, most of historical places in India are occupied like that. No carbon dating no scientific finding Just stories no proof
@RahulKumar-bh9hb 5 лет назад
Glorification of robbery by English rulers.......these are the remains of Lord Buddha, which should be in its right place stupa..........it will be a curse to them who have displaced these remains............Karma will take its course sooner or later.
@shaimpy 5 лет назад
Rely not on the teacher, but on the teaching. Rely not on the words of the teaching, but on the spirit of the words. Rely not on theory, but on experience.
@XandriaRavenheart 6 лет назад
In Buddhism, one should not get attached to material things...so even his relics are material. The only thing you can be attached to is Dharma, that is nature.
@helenekroger5392 7 лет назад
Thank you very much for your great movies Abort buddhism and of course the 17th Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje! It is great to listen to these explanations.
@syedalishanzaidi1 5 лет назад
This documentary does not explain how the jewels and other related reliquaries came to reside in the private collection of someone in England. Did the official who first ordered the dig and took possession of the archives ever hand them over to the authorities? And in Calcutta did the East India authorities take the Urn to the King of Siam as a gift, and hand over the jewels to the finder as a reward (after pocketing some of the stuff themselves? What was the name of the officer?) Yes, I do think it is time to complete the circle and for the the family in England to return the relics back to the place in India where they were first discovered. That would be gracious indeed and the right thing to do.
@movieclips790 10 лет назад
budhha never claimed to be god/he never claimed to be son of god/he never claim to be messenger of god(HE WAS THE MAN WHO ACHIEVED NIRVANA THROUGH HUMUN EFFORT
@padrinozerocool 10 лет назад
Buddha is greatest teacher...Buddha is someone like neo(the awakened one) in the matrix(the materialistic world) to the real world(the ultimate reality/another dimension of world)
@boingbryan8123 10 лет назад
Very very true
@Galavya41 10 лет назад
Nirvana can never be reached through" HUMAN" effort. The first step of attaining Nirvana is letting go of the limited ego we define by the current form we are inhabiting in . Nirvana is realization and realization never happens out or effort , the more effort you put in the farther away it will get.
@olivercook873 9 лет назад
@JudoMateo 9 лет назад
Galavya41 Your statement is in direct conflict with the Buddha, and reflects how new age psychobabble memes have become synonymous with Buddhism in the popular consciousness. Samma Vayamo which means Harmonious Effort/Right Effort is an integral aspect of the Noble Path that the Buddha explicitly said is necessary to the practice. Synonyms for effort in Pali also appear in the discourses regularly "Anupassin" which means remaining focused, implies effort and "Atapi" denotes the factor of effort or exertion in the practice; the Commentary equates this with right exertion, which contains an element of discernment in its ability to distinguish skillful from unskillful mental qualities. "Alert" (sampajano) means being clearly aware of what is happening in the present. This, too, relates to discernment. "Mindful" (satima) literally means being able to remember or recollect. But don't take my word for it the Buddha said and I quote "Two things, O monks, I came to know well: not to be content with good states of mind so far achieved, and to be unremitting in the struggle for the goal. Unremittingly, indeed, did I struggle, and I resolved: “Let only my skin, sinews and bones remain; let the flesh and blood in my body dry up; yet there shall be no ceasing of energy till I have attained whatever can be won by manly strength, manly energy, manly effort!” Through diligence have I won enlightenment, through diligence have I won the unsurpassed security from bondage. If you too, O monks, will struggle unremittingly and resolve: “Let only my skin, sinews and bones remain; let the flesh and blood in my body dry up; yet there shall be no ceasing of energy till I have attained whatever can be won by manly strength, manly energy, manly effort!”-then you too will soon realise through your own direct knowledge, in this very life, that unsurpassed goal of the holy life for which sons of good family rightly go forth from home into hermit life and entering into it you will dwell in it. Therefore, O monks, you should train yourselves thus: “Unremittingly shall I struggle and resolve: ’Let only my skin, sinews and bones remain; let the flesh and blood in my body dry up; yet there shall be no ceasing of energy till I have attained whatever can be won by manly strength, manly energy, manly effort!’” Thus should you train yourselves."!
@rakeshgitm 9 лет назад
Buddha's remains does not matter... his teachings does.
@jhumphrey9485 5 лет назад
@Bearwoman2024 5 лет назад
I am not talking about anybody’s remains. He did not die he just in another dimension, the sixth is where he is stuck, because he thinks he is God. I am not sure if he realizes there are more spheres to go through. When your passing through that dimension he will still be there. He refuses to listen or reason with anyone.
@tarantine3 5 лет назад
@@Bearwoman2024 What the hell are you taking about willis ? 🤔
@Bearwoman2024 5 лет назад
I am talking about spheres your soul has to go through in the spirit world. Here is a video if any is interested....spirit life what happens when you die introduction
@goognamgoognw6637 5 лет назад
@@Bearwoman2024 i bet that Buddha was a much better man than the out of reach, superior and icy man buddhism has transformed him into by zealous worshipping idolatry. To become popular while living a poor man's life cannot be done without being a man that very deeply impressed on the long term. Not a temporary dazzle act, not a rich man's power quickly forgotten after he passes. No doubt he moved people deeply for good like an earthquake moved mountains in a way that changed lives, not a seasonal sensation and not a one time accident. He renounced his own life to follow a spiritual path. Many still do this in India today but to impress people while doing that is a godly task. Once you are poor nobody will look at you. Changing the lives of thousands while being poor is a goddly act. unfortunately a lot of monks especially from thailand are fraud and what they teach and how they act is probably near the opposite of Buddha.
@jimihendra 8 лет назад
This prove that the British love to steal the other country treasure back to their country, but anyway Buddha once said , anything you do will reflect back his karma.
@k8lynmae 6 лет назад
Karma is one thing i and many others do not believe. Its just a false sense of justice in a way
@yannickexelmans2620 6 лет назад
@@k8lynmae wait and see :)
@peterwaldens721 5 лет назад
I agree:the treasure and the ashes must be returned .
@懷疑人生-v5j 5 лет назад
They burnt down our Old Summer Palace In 1860. 150,000 of exquisite artwork -- sculptures, porcelain, jade, silk robes, elaborate textiles, gold objects were stolen.
@KhaoskidZX 5 лет назад
@@k8lynmae when your mum is in the hospital fighting for air, then you will learn how to spell karma.
@raoSENSEI 5 лет назад
This moved me like nothing else in my life. Thank God the British came and rediscovered the Buddha and King Asoka himself...
@gugly8 Год назад
Gave the heritage of India to some other countries for some favours and kept some of it for themselves , As***le brits. Scumbag brits got to it first. Sad story being a colony.
@MrShanks008 10 лет назад
No one hates the Buddha. He is the one that is always liked.
@goognamgoognw6637 5 лет назад
That's wrong, he taught to follow his teaching not to like him like idolatry.
@slimeronio 5 лет назад
muslims often hate the big B and his buddies
@tankeepeng4426 4 года назад
truth is absolute, 2+3 = 5, if you argue 2+3= 6, either you are right or I'm right.Both cannot be right. Jesus say He is the truth, life and the way, no one comes to the Father but through Him. Either Jesus is the truth or a liar ; If Jesus is true, Buddha is a liar; If Buddha is true, Jesus is the greatest liar. Ponder on this statement, Choose who you want to believe, you have the right and freedom to choose and decide ; if you had the wrong faith, the consequence is ..............put it bluntly, end in hell, that is the greatest tragedy. JESUS say, For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? Mark 8:36-37 May God give you the grace to understand this truth !
@jojones4685 4 года назад
No man has been born who has not been praised or judged, this is an old rule- me paraphrasing the buddha
@tankeepeng4426 4 года назад
Christianity clearly say that all men are sinful ,the heart is deceitful above all , and desperately wicked Jer : 17,9 , no one is righteous, this including Buddha and Mohamed and all others . We need a saviour , that's why Jesus died on the cross . Buddhism and Muslim say do good work to save us, that is impossible, like a sick person need a doctor, otherwise there is no hope ! Jesus Christ do not come to this world to make bad people good , He came so that dead people will become alive ! We all are born with sin , only through Christ , then He will empower us to become righteous ! Sorry if you feel offended, but this is the truth, Jesus said : I'm the truth, the way and the life, no one come to the father except through me ! Either He is the truth, or He is a liar and a lunatic; you had to make a choice . Hope you will do research and come to the truth ! Blessing !
@CrazyCandyCrush 5 лет назад
Is this a documentary of looting?
@v2p2s2sahu5 5 лет назад
Yes it's every abuse is less for them
@ajaylokare5384 2 года назад
Yes it is
@mameawruttitum8300 9 лет назад
whatever you talk about The Buddha you may see that Buddhism never fight each other. We are in peace while the other are fighting.
@RampantArtist 8 лет назад
+Mameaw Ruttitum except for that monk who had muslims burnt and persecuted. I wept when I saw that... that is not Buddhism.
@laststandinstalingrad5162 7 лет назад
RampantArtist if that happened in Thailand.Corrupt and mischief Monks are punish with highest extent
@kumarlko1347 7 лет назад
RampantArtist why do muslims always play victim card, follower of war monger phophet , who has distinction of destroying around 46 civilization , killing and converting from Africa , east europe to central asia and indo china . Burned universities and scholors and plunged the world into dark age. Every proud muslim living today is a product islamic atrocities of past..a TV recorded example is Taliban destruction of buddhist sites of bamiyan
@kenmcdonald234 6 лет назад
What aboiut Myanmar NOW?
@saemushailstorm3135 5 лет назад
such stupidity - mahayana Vs hindayana , Japanese religious wars , indonesia , ect do the historical RESEARCH DOPEY !
@tommyreyes7033 7 лет назад
Buddha last words Make of yourself a light. Rely upon yourself: do not depend upon anyone else. Make my teachings your light. Rely upon them: do not depend upon any other teaching. My disciples, my last moment has come, but do not forget that death is only the end of physicial body. The body was born from parents and was nourished by food; just as evitable are sickness and death. But the true Buddha is not a human body; it is Enlightment. A human body must die, but the Wisdom of Enlightment will exist forever in the truth of the Dharma, and in the practice of the Dharama. He who sees merely my body does not truly see me. Only he who accepts my teaching truly sees me the Buddha.
@paulvanslooten7843 6 лет назад
Laat je niet verleiden, Door dit zielige gedrag van materialisme en roofzuchtige van hen
@skysky5661 5 лет назад
Abdullah Masood you are fail to sell your product to me.
@skysky5661 5 лет назад
Abdullah Masood i understand about your point of CNN, but still your product is not convince my point of view about this world. So yeah I can Said your are a bad sales man. The Buddha teaching are maks more sense compare your product, I’ve tried your product before but I don’t see commonsense just see lots of scare/ threat tactics and imaginary rewards. If your product are so great people will come to look for it, you don’t need to convince people.
@dumbtom6831 5 лет назад
Abdullah Masood - Buddhism does not have any place for blind belief or blind faith & blind doctrine and it does not believe in supreme creator God. Once you implement this philosophical accounts, Islam will fail the test. It looks, you are trying to deceive by making Zakir Naik another prophet of Islam.
@geodarnodan6750 5 лет назад
@@sauron269 Muhammad was a criminal who killed and raped countless. You can't deny that.
@Time364 5 лет назад
The British’s are really good on finding other countries historical goods, etc..however they always take them to their country. Hundred years a go they took Ethiopian historical books, good etc and when they been asked to return they said we can’t give you back, but we can lend you. It’s a shame they are in London museum now.
@thiliniwish19 5 лет назад
King Ashoka is the real Hero here. He persevered all for us to find. amazing. I wish he could know this.
@ajaylokare5384 3 года назад
𑀲𑀩𑁆 𑀩𑁂 𑀩𑀼𑀤𑁆𑀥𑀲𑁆𑀲 𑀩𑀺𑀫𑁆 𑀩𑁂 𑀲𑀓𑀮𑀤𑀲𑀤𑀺𑀲𑁂 𑀓𑁂𑀲𑀮𑁄 𑀫𑀸 𑀤𑀺 𑀥𑀸𑀢𑀼𑀁 𑀯𑀁 𑀤𑁂 𑀲𑀩𑁆 𑀩𑁂𑀧𑀺 𑀩𑀼𑀤𑀥𑀁 𑀤𑀲𑀩𑀮𑀢𑀦𑀼𑀚𑀁 𑀩𑁄𑀥𑀺𑀘𑁂𑀢𑁆𑀢𑀺𑀬𑀁 𑀦𑀫𑀸𑀫𑀺 𑀯𑀁𑀤𑀸𑀫𑀺. 𑀘𑁂𑀢𑀺𑀬𑀁 𑀲𑀩𑁆𑀩𑀁 𑀲𑀩𑁆𑀩𑀝𑁆𑀞𑀸𑀦𑁂𑀲𑀼 𑀧𑀢𑀺𑀝𑁆𑀞𑀺𑀢𑀁 𑀲𑀸𑀭𑀻 𑀭𑀺𑀓 𑀥𑀸𑀢𑀼 𑀫𑀳𑀸𑀩𑁄𑀥𑀺 𑀩𑀼𑀤𑁆𑀥𑀭𑀼 𑀧𑀁 𑀲𑀓𑀮𑀁 𑀲𑀤𑀸 🙏🙏🙏 To all the images of Buddha, in all ten directions, to even hairs and other relics, I give honour. To the Ten Powers of the Buddha, to the Cairn of Bodhi, I give honour. Greetings every stupa, that may stand in any place, The relics, the Great Bodhi, and Buddha forms everywhere!🙏🙏🙏
@Narendra_Navjeet007 Месяц назад
That's all all are Pali language letters in Bambi script
@darwenmasterson8995 10 лет назад
The Buddha could care less if you found his bones. It's grave robbing! When the prospect of riches involved people will tell themselves anything to make it ok for them do commit these actions they would not normally do. Like for the sake of science and discovery. To me it's just plain wrong.
@nneenn4504 10 лет назад
LMAO at Western Buddhist, they don't even know what is Buddha relic and how holy it is. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relics_associated_with_Buddha
@nakornnuntasukasame4692 9 лет назад
Jeffrey Baughman Buddha's remains may just be dirt. But that very dirt you are talking about is rarer than any gems. It's the dirt from a man who truly understood the human mind and suffering process and is free from the endless desires and countless suffering. A man who once lead a wonderful group of people devoted to his path to know them self and not to believe of what is in a book or story told by other.
@darwenmasterson8995 9 лет назад
In one of the Buddha's story, a monk became enlightened when he saw a beautiful woman smiled and realized he's looking at her teeth and thought how disgusting teeth was. Seeing things as they really are allows one to the path of enlightenment, and seeing bones and dirt, no matter how rare, they are still just bones and dirt. The Buddha would not want us to form attachments to things and guard them as treasures. He would want us to be guarding the mind instead.
@404-notfound9 8 лет назад
+Jeffrey Baughman first of all , know what you're saying bcz its a waste of time explaining such things for ppl who thinks other religions r like tales of unicorns
@katelatham8689 7 лет назад
it is grave robbing. very uncouth and disrespectful. they buried it 20 feet down so that it would be left the fuck alone.
@deskcorner 6 лет назад
that stealing . give it back to where you find it , Thief!
@jimihendra 8 лет назад
Buddha will never had his ash to be mix with gold and precious stone
@Krishnan172 8 лет назад
Yes, you are right but it was one of King Ashoka's tribute to HIM. I believe as long as we pray & follow his teachings with full heart nothing else matters.
@konasaketrinh1446 7 лет назад
its from king ashoka offering to the buddha.
@MultiPopculture 7 лет назад
Shut up White racist -- Buddha COMMANDS us to place His relics with precious stones and worship them as Stupas.
@MultiPopculture 7 лет назад
@thanhhoale3886 6 лет назад
@lilylemon2544 10 лет назад
Lord Bhudda'S BONE is kept in many stupa places. In many SE asia countries.
@k8lynmae 6 лет назад
and his tooth
@YRoshani 5 лет назад
@debzdoyle7638 4 года назад
Buddha is in our minds, heart, body and soul. It matters not about his remains. He can be found within all of us. Just stop and listen and you will hear his voice. Long live all the Buddhists of the Cosmos near and far. You're the very best of us.
@senoran-dong-ni1850 5 лет назад
Please rename “Thieves of a Former Empire”
@WCIST 9 лет назад
anything duplicate ... the lord budhha birth-place is lumbinI ,nepal
@bijayadhakal8654 6 лет назад
Akshat Jain you are saying dogs by yourself 😂😂
@truemindfulness6918 9 лет назад
The Book of the Threes, Monks, there are these three things which are practiced in secret, not openly. What are they? The ways of womenfolk are secret, not open. Brahmins practice their chants in secret, not openly. Those of perverse views [philosophically views,] hold their views secretly, not openly. These are the three things… Monks, there are these three things which shine forth for all to see, which are not hidden. Which three? The disc of the moon shines for all to see; it is not hidden. The disc of the sun does likewise. The Dhamma-Discipline [dhamma-vinaya] of a Tathagata [Buddha] shines for all to see; it is not hidden. These are the three things. So “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” EHIPASSIKO "Come and See" The Learning of Buddha-Dhamma demands No blind faith. There are no commandments, Threats, or rules to penalize who do not want to believe in it. The ONLY way for one to realize the truth is to acquire the knowledge and practice by one's own will. Forcing someone to accept certain teachings which they are not ready to receive will not benefit them in their spiritual progress. The Buddha is Not afraid of His Teachings to be tested, for realization Only comes from the practice of his teachings. The Bussda-dhama is also Svakkhato (well Taught), Sanditthiko (to be self-realize), akaliko (with immediate result), opanayiko (capable of being entered upon), paccattamveditabbo Vinnuhiti (to be attained by the wise, each for himself). Buddha is not afraid of his teachings to be tested. Those others who wished to eradicate Buddha's Teachings, Failed as Truth Cannot be Hidden for long : ) Bliss
One correction - Akaliko - timeless
@pong8201 5 лет назад
Buddhism is the ultimate Truth of The True Nature.
@tenzinrabgyal7889 5 лет назад
Buddha’s bone or relics is never a secret, it’s wellknown by the followers that his relics were divided among several spiritual kingdoms of that time which have be considered pilgrimage places since then.
@rajbodepudi 5 лет назад
These Relics are precious beyond words.. They should be handed to the Bodh Gaya Committee, without further delay
@anandbagde3621 10 лет назад
Namo Buddhay. Buddhism is the greatest peacefully holy logical ideology philosophy scientific religion of the world.
@tankeepeng4426 5 лет назад
Let me put it this way, everyone knows compassion is a virtue, but no or very few people practise it, why? It's because their inborn sinful nature overtake them and most of the time we act selfishly. Why we never learn fr. history and we have wars and kill one another even the innocent ? why we have so advance education yet our society is not getting better , but very dangerous and threatening? The root cause is man lost his God given good nature and turned bad, and act selfishly even brutally. His mind tell him it's wrong but sinful heart choose the wicked way; which murderer do not know killing is wrong? which rapist do not know raping is wrong? which robber do not know robbing is wrong? even liar knows lying is bad,they so it anyway .............the bottom word is selfish ! Now the right answer is LOVE, love is to care for one another, if I love you I don't hurt, or cheat or rape or killed you ! ', but I care for you, Jesus teach us to " love your enemy" , no other religion or man ever utter this atonishing teaching. When the Jews crucified him on the cross, He did not call the angle to rescue Him , but said " father forgive them, they don't know what they are doing!" God care for you and He want you to have abundant life, maybe it's He who divinely appointed me to communicate with you, so that you will be blessed. Why am I take so much time, tirelessly write to a stranger I don't even know his name ? It's because God's love is on me and I care for you. God will take away your burden and give you a purposefully life. Job 5:7 say:Yet man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward. and Jesus say:Come unto me, all ye that labour(tired)and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28....................you no need to meditate, chanting or empty the mind . God willgive you the power to live a holy , righteous and happy life, in whatever circumstances. The world is such a mess because man forsake God , in fact they think they can be God , they decide who live and who die, when bad things happen, they curse God and blame each other. Pride, ego, self-righteousness is the greatest and root of all sin. May God have mercy on us !
@deanebodhi1881 5 лет назад
The Buddha absolutely rejected the caste system, as the Buddha said well over 2,500 years ago, "All beings are born equal, No one is born higher than anyone else!" Buddha was also born into Royalty, as a Prince, and he could have been a Maharajah or Great King one day if he wanted too as well, but he Also rejected this as well too! Buddha said, well over 2,500 years ago, "All beings value their lives, All beings tremble when faced with death, therefore Never hurt, harm or kill any living being!" This is the Great practice of Ahimsa or Non harm to others! The Buddha said, "Any Brahmana who hurts, harms or kills another, is Not a True Sadhu or holy one, you are Not a True Brahmana or Sadhu or holy one, if you hurt, harm or kill another!" "The Buddha said, "The True Religion is love!" The Buddha said , "Go forth my Bikkhus-Buddhist Monks, and teach and spread love and compassion in every direction all over the Whole World, for the good, happiness and Welfare of the Whole World, this my Bikkhus you should do!" The Buddha said, "Give your clothes to those who do not have any clothes, your food to the hungry, and build shelters for those who do my have any homes!" The Buddha said, "Social Work and the helping of others is the highest good karma that anyone can do in their lives, the helping of others is the highest good that one can do in their lives and the highest good karma that anyone can do, is the helping of others!" The Buddha said, "No matter how much someone hurts you, Never hurt them back!" The Buddha said, "Two wrongs do not make a right!" Most Ancient Greeks after conquering India became Buddhist Monks or Bikkhus and they spread Buddhism All along the Silk Road in all Directions, including All of the Middle East, Greece, Europe, Egypt, Persia, Afghanistan and Many other Ancient Countries and Ancient Lands! The Ancient Greeks built statues of the Buddha in the Ancient World, well over 2,000 years ago in Afghanistan, they were built there by Ancient Greek Kings! Ancient Greek Culture, Religion and Western Civilisation is Built, Established and Founded on Ancient Buddhism, and that is a TRUE FACT, which has been so Deceitfully hidden from the World!
@tankeepeng4426 5 лет назад
​@@deanebodhi1881 2 wrongs do not make a right, 2 rights do not make a wrong too ! If you commit a sin, you cannot go and do two good works to cancel the sin . Buddha teach that we can save ourselves by doing good, how come ? If a person committed adultery or murder, he cannot cancel his crime by giving all his money to the poor . ,but to pay for his sin, and the penalty of sin is death. Now buddha did commited adultery in his early life , he has to pay for it , It's very offending to tell you .............buddha is in hell ! This is where the salvation is all about, Jesus die for our sin; any religion without a cross is a lie and wasting of time ! Buddhism is a lie and buddha is a liar , he is being used by the devil to deceive the world so that they will go to hell !!!!!
@tankeepeng4426 4 года назад
Christianity clearly say that all men are sinful ,the heart is deceitful above all , and desperately wicked Jer : 17,9 , no one is righteous, this including Buddha and Mohamed and all others . We need a saviour , that's why Jesus died on the cross . Buddhism and Muslim say do good work to save us, that is impossible, like a sick person need a doctor, otherwise there is no hope ! Jesus Christ do not come to this world to make bad people good , He came so that dead people will become alive ! We all are born with sin , only through Christ , then He will empower us to become righteous ! Sorry if you feel offended, but this is the truth, Jesus said : I'm the truth, the way and the life, no one come to the father except through me ! Either He is the truth, or He is a liar and a lunatic; you had to make a choice . Hope you will do research and come to the truth ! Blessing !
@PKK969 9 лет назад
Hope everyone understand Buddha and his teaching...
@tankeepeng4426 5 лет назад
The sad part is his teaching is all err, lead many people to hell including himself !
@lokitakoon9633 5 лет назад
Tan Keepeng Tan keeping only dog and pig can help you to paradise so continue to worship your stupid animals.
@NickRyanBayon 4 года назад
@@tankeepeng4426 actually jesus taught the same thing, but the church corrupted the teachings. If you opened your eyes you would see the truth and why jesus spoke in parables. You're burning in the hell you wish to avoid right now and gnashing your teeth in suffering because of your ignorance. Jesus said "let no man say the kingdom of heaven is here nor there for it is within you." He said it himself "you are mistaken, not understanding the scriptures nor the power of God." The problem is you're reading with the wrong eyes.
@tankeepeng4426 4 года назад
@@NickRyanBayon No , Jesus say no one can enter heaven except through Him. Buddha say there is no God, what a vast difference ! Buddhism is fake , a greatest lie .
@NickRyanBayon 4 года назад
@@tankeepeng4426 it is not a lie it is truth. In fact what you say "no one can enter heaven except through me." Is speaking because at his time where he was at he was the only method of people learning "the way." The path that is narrow but leads to salvation. The same thing as buhddism in a different language. Look into what the 4 noble truths are and the 8 fold path toward enlightenment. It is litterally the same thing jesus taught. The reason no one could enter heaven without him (heaven is within you) is because his teaching allowed one to walk the path and reach the state of true peace and heaven (nirvana) within yourself. Buddhism is not a religion it is a lifestyle. A lifestyle that leads to right conduct, right speech, right thought, etc. Exactly what jesus taught. People don't care to think that because at this time without internet and the difficulty of travel at the time the only enlightened people were few at the time. Until you see the truth within yourself and that God lives within you (God lives within you and your body is his temple.) You can't possibly understand. Why do you think buhdism revolves around meditation and reflection?
@nancyswanson1362 8 лет назад
Go looking for buried treasure, like grave robbers or thieves they snatch up the gold, jewels, and relics. Did they ever return these items to where they removed them from? This is crazy.
@dr.chandimalalahakoon6819 5 лет назад
Refrain from sin Work towards nirvana always take good care of your mind This is buddhas teaching in four lines!
@stchew49 6 лет назад
Bones of Buddha or no, these treasures need to be returned to where it came from.
@2011Nadika 7 лет назад
They were just tomb robbers from british who made opportunity to rob ancient precious things from rich history of Asia. To cover it up they made the name "Excavation" and 'Archaeology' and they robbed the treasures and took them to England and kept them in their personal homes naming it as "Preservation" ...they were just robbers.
@ChamaraIresh 5 лет назад
Gautama Buddha was born in Hela Bima The meaningful conclusion Posted on January 6, 2014 In the period that Buddha lived, 2600 years prior to this date, based on administrative authorities, this Heladeepa had been divided preciously in to two. Yaksha Heladeepa where tribes like Yaksha, Naga, Kumbhaanda and Gaandarva lived, of which capital city was Alakamandava (Lankapura). Janbudveepa, which was popular as Deva Hela where Aryan clan lived, in which sixteen states were located. It was in this Hela Diva that Sidduhath Gautama Bosath was born, Gautama Bosath attended in to supermandane Enlightenment, preached Dhamma from his very first sermon for forty five years to this world and finally attended in to parinirvana. In the past all these things happened in this Hela Diva where you and I live and die. The Tripitaka preciously says that four Buddhas in this Kalpa[1] were born in this Janbudveepa itself. In the time of Gautama Buddha Janbudveepa was called “Hela Diva”, in the period of Kakusanda Buddha it was called “Ojadeepa”. In the time of Kashyapa Buddha it was “Mandadeepa”. This Janbudveepa was the birth place for all the Buddhas from the time of Deepankara Buddha. There isn’t any other island in this world other than this island, Hela Diva, what we call Sri Lanka now, where any man who aspires to attend to the sacred position called Enlightenment can be achieved. It is because that the active universal energies in this world are centralized in the Madya Mandala and it is situated in the center in Sri Lanka. All the Buddhas who attend in to The Enlightenment can definitely get this energy only from the Madya Mandala situated in the very center in Janbudveepa in Sri Lanka. (See the map of Lanka). It’s a constant that along with the disclose of this true Dhamma, ones who are born today in this Hela Diva and also a particular group of lucky people who will be born for seven hundred years in the future, with the effect of Buddha Shakthi [2],will be able to get the eternal relief from the suffering in Samsara, will get the chance to realize Nirvana. You also should think that you too are a lucky person, “The most supreme Buddha Dhamma” should be heard, it is necessary to step on to the path of Dhamma, should conform to Buddha Shakthi and attend in to Nirvana.
@79Dami 5 лет назад
@@ChamaraIreshat 20:38 the word "nidhane" you know what it means right...can you imagin from where these objects were originally taken?
@ChamaraIresh 5 лет назад
As a Sri Lankan, I belive you have enough resources explore this?First try it after that you can decide it. could be from Sri Lanka. We all believe the history which was created by British.Would you believe them?
@ChamaraIresh 5 лет назад
@kotugirl Weerasekare up to you.I believe you were born and raise in Sri Lanka.If so try to explore it with open mind after that could can decide the truth. Dont be like it is sin to say this and crying Buddhist.Open mind will show you the path to NIBBANA .It doesn't matter where Lord Buddha was born but this is find the truth.
@paldonpaldon1064 5 лет назад
You will have to face the result of bad Karma. You shouldn’t have taken away the sacred relics which is for devotees to pay homage and receive blessing. This is theft.
@commonsense3153 4 года назад
Did you understand the video?
@shrikanttalakeri6566 8 лет назад
it should be returned to India where is riotously belongs in bodhgaya
@younick3322 7 лет назад
ok we will return the birth place of buddha ....can you return back the sikkim,dargelling to kangada that have been conqure by our ancestors....
@warhammer8403 6 лет назад
@BonsaiandGardening1 6 лет назад
shrikant talakeri but buddha was born at kapilvastu, lumbini which is in nepal so it sud b handover to country
@ravisharma6399 6 лет назад
Buddha choose india and the remainings are found in india
@warhammer8403 6 лет назад
@prajaktatambe6662 5 лет назад
I m buddhist from india..i know that language is which he has written on the pot is called "pali language" which we buddhist here praise him in our buddha vihar.
@developer101 Год назад
I suspected that it was Pali. It couldn't be Sanskrit which is a younger language. Thank you for confirming this for me.
@responsiblecitizen7288 11 месяцев назад
And the script is called dhamma not brahmi…. Brahmi word was introduced by brahmans to mislead the world that vedic culture existed in india…. So shameful
@p..1695 11 месяцев назад
​@@responsiblecitizen7288Brahmi word was introduced by Mahayani buddhists not brahmins.
@Narendra_Navjeet007 Месяц назад
​@@p..1695after 6th century(bambi>brahmi>kutila script & language Pali, magadhi,shorseni) mahayan Buddhist and some vajrayan Buddhist seprated to Buddhism and called himself brahmins but the god remains same as with differ names .(Nagri>Sharda script language Sanskrit evolve 4m Pali & Buddhist hybrid Sanskrit)
@singhs2817 9 лет назад
Peppe family should donate these relics to Indian government and Indian goverment should place in the Buddha Museum.. that's the most rational and ethical thing Peppe family can do..
@virakthong8022 9 лет назад
100 percent agree with you.
@karlinguk 9 лет назад
+Singh's I also agree with you (assuming of course that these alleged relics are infact authentic).
@mynameisnotjerome1803 6 лет назад
They should, but they won't
@asu9722 6 лет назад
Why indian government bcoz he brought this from Nepal the birth place of budhha .so.why to give this to indian government?
@pratiikthapa4282 6 лет назад
While Indians Tend To Claim Buddha To Be Born In India And Run This Flasity. Asshole.
@TsheringPDorji 9 лет назад
"Imagine finding the bones of christ"? come on! Buddha is eons of times ahead of human.
@TheFloatingflower 6 лет назад
But where are the bones now? They belong into that toomb. Together with the jewelry. The jewelry does not belong to the family that found them. It belongs to India. And both (bones AND jewels) should be returned as soon as possible!
@abhisheksingh-dw4xy 5 лет назад
Thanks for u support , from India. Good to hear that .
@TheFloatingflower 5 лет назад
@@abhisheksingh-dw4xy India has been looted! It´s time the looters give their prey back to India! We should all demand that. How can anybody be so shameless as to wear a stolen diamond openly in a crown?
@anonimofied 9 лет назад
how did buddism relics get in the hand of these thieves ... these thieves think these items belong to them while in reality it belonging to someone else. May karmatics give these thieves a suitable punishment for their relentless greed, everybody lets channel bad karma to this peppe family and all those who are involved, so they will get bad karma for many many many generations, and many lifes and afterlifes, and afterlifes.
@RampantArtist 8 лет назад
+Vinh Nguyen that's most ironic... it's like calling a little bad karma chant upon yourself don't you think? Wishing another misfortune is sort of the heart of bad karma
@mr4nders0n 8 лет назад
+Vinh Nguyen The best place for these artifacts is wherever is the safest !!! This is regardless of whether they are genuine, in the sense that they are the buddha's relics. They seem to have been proven to be ancient and important, otherwise why were they buried in a casket and placed in an enormous monument thousands of years ago. They are important at least from an archeological point of view and quite probably from a buddhist point of view. The latter point also makes them important, then, from an anthropological point of view. This is regardless as to whether one is atheist or not or anti-religious or not. Anthropology is the study of humans by humans as if from a non-human perspective in the sense that it attempts to do this from a non-subjective point of view, which of course is impossible. This is one of the difficulties that modern scientific method and viewpoints suffer from greatly these days. The scientific community seem to think they can separate themselves from themselves and then call this objectivity, all the while producing works and theories and presentations produced, defined, invented, created and motivated via the human condition. Calling this objective in the sense that it is not a subjective viewpoint is totally ludicrous. Psychologist and psychiatrists for example will offer some kind of understanding into the human condition without reference to the personal inner experience of the human individuals that happen to be the penultimate source of their data and insisting that by operating in this fashion they avoid subjectivism. All the while it is the psychologists and psychiatrists personal experiences that, at the core of everything they know, their inner experience, their mind experience, that leads them to their decisions, their methodologies, their theories, the design of their experiments and how these are to be interpreted etcetera, etcetera. We cannot separate ourselves from ourselves, there will always be a very real and substantial aspect of everything that comes from us that is subjective, if not everything. This is the fallacy of so called objective scientific viewpoint because theis viewpoint comes from a human mind, is created by a human mind and so the most objective this can be is to admit it is anthropolgical. Thus regardless of one's point of view, these finds are of enormous importance, given the point in history we find ourselves. Given this importance and until, if ever, we find the truth surrounding these artifacts, at the very least they need to be safeguarded and that safeguardedness is of the upmost importance. I would very much like to see these artifacts returned to their country of origin (and then possibly go on tour around the world so that the world does not need to travel, just like other wonderful artifacts go on tour) but if they do go to the country of origin will they be safe from. There have been at least 30 terrorist attacks in india in the past 35 years, bodh gaya was bombed !! Who can forget what happened at bamiyan, I know this isn't india, but the point I'm making is can the indian government protect these relics ?
@sunnylooichinsun6967 5 лет назад
Dont curse on to others, just request them to return to the rightful owner
@bhaktashakya6385 6 лет назад
It is priceless and should not belongs to a person. I think if you keep this property in a private family then it is nothing but robbery. Shame to such a family and generation.
@BlancoDevil 10 лет назад
Why have so many deified Buddha when he clearly taught that there are no gods? Really, if someone knelt before this guy, he would have been appalled. Wake up…he was right. There are no gods or demons…In this light, every person is 'primary' and the real thing that is sacred. Just go with that and you won’t feel inclined to hate.
@hrishikeshgupta3457 10 лет назад
get yourself corrected. He never answered the question about existence of god....when ever asked about the creators existence , his reply was " whether creator exists or not is not my part of teaching neither it should concern you. My teaching is there is suffering in this world and how to end it!".
@BlancoDevil 10 лет назад
Yes he did address the deity question. You are accepting the layers of made-up doctrine just like anyone else lost in any other religion's erroneous doctrine. The truth is simple.
@splatted6201 9 лет назад
B. Carlsen Cite the statements of the non-existence of "gods or demons" that you attribute to the historical buddha.
@KIller95818 8 лет назад
Buddha was born in Nepal
@pandalady5964 8 лет назад
I find it funny how every one goes on and on about Nepal this and that. Buddha aka Sidhartha Guatama was a Prince of the Moguls which were in India, who gave up everything to follow a strick path of enlightenment. He was Hindu to begin with.
@malfogg3456 8 лет назад
Sorry Amanda you are incorrect in your statement, Siddhartha Gautama was not a prince of the Moguls, the Moguls only came to India many many years after Siddhartha had died, and he was from a part of India that is now Nepal, he was the son of a local chieftain of the Shakya clan in a place called Kapilvastu. _/|\_
@malfogg3456 8 лет назад
Yes and a long time before the Moguls Khans came to India!
@GreenCheese500 8 лет назад
Mal Fogg There was No India. Nepal was already a country before India.
@malfogg3456 8 лет назад
Good point my friend, but for the sake of clarity I used the term to mean the area that is now India
@Arcana437 4 года назад
I'm a christian and i respects Buddha's teaching it makes me a better person along with the bible through there are some difference between the two i respect the Buddhist society
@lukemckean6155 9 месяцев назад
Appreciate you are not trying to convert us like so many Christians do.
@sanjogk.maharjan1802 5 лет назад
They should be returned to Nepal or India! This documentry is like "the stolen bones of buddha"!
@saxx001 6 лет назад
This is a disgrace, return these treasures back to the rightful owners, India.
@calicolark3382 5 лет назад
These relics need to be given a place. These relics are important to all Buddhists. It isn't right for them to be owned by a 'finder'; or grandfathered in by law of finding of time frame by a 'finder'. Few ppl 'do the right thing', and greed aparently followed through inheritance of the jewels. Not much different than grave robbery or looting a tomb, looting a grave. Returning the relics to their place may be a danger in some respects; BUT their is no reason that the relics could not be given a home in a safer area to allow Buddhists a pilgramage to be blessed to view them and pay respects or wonder. They should have a home outside of a metal locker in a dark room.. I hope someone does the right thing.
@WarHorse33100 9 лет назад
Shakya clan that these British are talking about are from nepal and Buddha main philosophy was to teach human kind to be better from inside but all that knowledge he gave us. British robbed India and India robbed nepal blindly what a sad WORLD we have come to, British it's time to return Nepalese pride to nepal. Be a good county Britain otherwise karma gonna get your guys one by one. Bunch of thieves.
@harrymcnicholas9468 6 лет назад
No the taught how to end Dukkha. All religions teach you to be kind etc. and you do not need any religion to be a good person. Only the Buddha taught us the cause of suffering and how to end it.
@thaddaeusallenbaugh3471 6 лет назад
That's just disrespectful bruh... that was someone's resting place!!! How would you like it if someone dug your casket up and put you and everything you had in a museum?
@juliapan5881 5 лет назад
Thank You for this beautiful documentary film on Buddha. I am not a Buddhist but just want to learn about how this person affects the world.
@lucavanhoecke745 6 лет назад
But if it was a grave and opened for research why they dont put back the gems and bones:( so sad. It was layed to rest there whoever it was. Graverobbers. If he really thinks it Buddha. Why allow to be treated like this.
@jljelligamerdem4714 5 лет назад
Wait is the Bone of Buddha STOLEN!!!!😳
@kirti1480 5 лет назад
Yes like Kohinoor
@dineshgiri932 7 лет назад
Buddha was born in NEPAL
@ChamaraIresh 5 лет назад
Gautama Buddha was born in Hela Bima The meaningful conclusion Posted on January 6, 2014 In the period that Buddha lived, 2600 years prior to this date, based on administrative authorities, this Heladeepa had been divided preciously in to two. Yaksha Heladeepa where tribes like Yaksha, Naga, Kumbhaanda and Gaandarva lived, of which capital city was Alakamandava (Lankapura). Janbudveepa, which was popular as Deva Hela where Aryan clan lived, in which sixteen states were located. It was in this Hela Diva that Sidduhath Gautama Bosath was born, Gautama Bosath attended in to supermandane Enlightenment, preached Dhamma from his very first sermon for forty five years to this world and finally attended in to parinirvana. In the past all these things happened in this Hela Diva where you and I live and die. The Tripitaka preciously says that four Buddhas in this Kalpa[1] were born in this Janbudveepa itself. In the time of Gautama Buddha Janbudveepa was called “Hela Diva”, in the period of Kakusanda Buddha it was called “Ojadeepa”. In the time of Kashyapa Buddha it was “Mandadeepa”. This Janbudveepa was the birth place for all the Buddhas from the time of Deepankara Buddha. There isn’t any other island in this world other than this island, Hela Diva, what we call Sri Lanka now, where any man who aspires to attend to the sacred position called Enlightenment can be achieved. It is because that the active universal energies in this world are centralized in the Madya Mandala and it is situated in the center in Sri Lanka. All the Buddhas who attend in to The Enlightenment can definitely get this energy only from the Madya Mandala situated in the very center in Janbudveepa in Sri Lanka. (See the map of Lanka). It’s a constant that along with the disclose of this true Dhamma, ones who are born today in this Hela Diva and also a particular group of lucky people who will be born for seven hundred years in the future, with the effect of Buddha Shakthi [2],will be able to get the eternal relief from the suffering in Samsara, will get the chance to realize Nirvana. You also should think that you too are a lucky person, “The most supreme Buddha Dhamma” should be heard, it is necessary to step on to the path of Dhamma, should conform to Buddha Shakthi and attend in to Nirvana.
@amanayodhi1695 5 лет назад
Nepal was part of whole arya vratya
@jjohnvonbaloney 3 года назад
Nepal was a part of India until 20 th century .It was made a separate state by the British who wanted access to the Everest and land for growing opium . Read some history .
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