
Borderlands Must Go Back To Basics. 

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Borderlands Must Go Back To Basics. With the rumors and speculation going crazy about an upcoming Borderlands 4. We're going to take a look back at how Borderlands 1, and Borderlands 2 laid the foundation for this series and break down the top 5 things that Gearbox needs to do. To go there roots. Thank you all so much for watching today's video! Subscribe for more Borderlands content because why not.
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7 мар 2024




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@giovanni9986 3 месяца назад
Truer words have never been spoken. I liked borderlands 3s gameplay but it strayed from the og story, comedy and how rare certain items were. It’s just got too dam easy.
@NicodemusMountainMan 3 месяца назад
The feature that I want back the MOST is legendary weapon parts from Borderlands 1. Having a Dove Hornet, or even the almighty Ajax Ogre was the best feeling in the whole series to me.
@blameme6451 3 месяца назад
I’m pretty sure this is like if Street fighter had fixed linking after Street fighter two.
@lewisgreen5910 28 дней назад
It’s 2024, fans aren’t getting anything which will make the game good. I’m sure BL4 will be littered with poorly written charters from diverse backgrounds pushing real life political agendas. The devs and people involved in production in all these top studios aren’t like the devs we use to get. It only takes 1 idiot to water down the game
@KellysHeroes777 3 месяца назад
BL3 handing out legendaries for fun is what basically killed the game. The reason we all still play and enjoy BL2 is because farming and earning gear is actually fun to do. I remember in BL3 after the first few weeks all anyone did was farm graveward, that was literally it
@andrewkolb6309 3 месяца назад
I srtill play BL2 just for the farming
@KellysHeroes777 3 месяца назад
@@andrewkolb6309 exactly, me too. They took basically all the good parts of BL2 and ruin them. Characters, Story, replayability was all ruined in BL3
@captaincrunch1707 3 месяца назад
Not me , I just play 2 & tps for TvHM & UVHM. I do farm some for UVHM though
@SoulshadeVr101 3 месяца назад
Yeah by far the second worse part of bl3 was the legendary system they were handed out almost constantly every couple minutes I was getting multiple per minute by endgame . Legendarys are supposed to be rare I shouldn't have multiple before im even lvl 15 in bl2 most people didn't get there first legendary until defeating the warrior and it was a massive deal and a real hype moment. Now there's so many I almost ignore 90% of them unless I'm looking for something specific
@Dinosaurman34 3 месяца назад
It got to a point where I felt like I wasn’t properly rewarded when a boss didn’t drop a legendary.
@ajmiddy1248 3 месяца назад
Something I personally would like is for gearbox to recognise that the fans whom made the franchise a success are now in there late 20s to 40s ( im 42) and adjust the humour accordingly.
@pianoman7753 3 месяца назад
I think it's really cool borderlands appealed to so many gamers, despite being like 12 years old, now!! My friends showed me the arid badlands when it came out, and it's felt like home ever since. Turning 30 this year. Happy gaming!!
@ryszakowy 2 месяца назад
yes please no more quippy, quirky, 2016 internet millenial writing it's annoying as hell every person who has uploaded a run throught the game either has dialog at 0 or 1
@falliscrazys364 3 месяца назад
As a person that played borderlands for over 12 years. I never like l op levels or anything like that . I just like farming or starting a new character
@brandon9621 3 месяца назад
Facts brother. It don't feel like borderlands anymore.
@SoulshadeVr101 3 месяца назад
I think bl4 at least needs a decent story part of borderlands identity has always been playing through story multiple times on multiple characters and when your story is almost unbearable to playthrough its kills the replaybility it doesnt matter if you're endgame is good if people cant stand playing through the story to get to the endgame
@GreenDinoRanger 3 месяца назад
Sadly, that's what made me happy that BL3 let you hit Max level in normal mode and didn't have DLC characters.
@GreenDinoRanger 3 месяца назад
Well said, Hellfire. You've nailed the biggest aspects that need priority. The only other thing I'd add is TONE DOWN THE IMMUNITY PHASES!!! Nothing more annoying than trying to farm for a good variant of a weapon or, even worse, a Godroll, and having to sit through 2-6 immunity phases that do nothing but drag out the process.
@shanielson 3 месяца назад
I honestly don't think Randy Pitchford, or Gearbox in general for that matter, cares about making a good game anymore. They know the fans will buy whatever bullshit they put out and at the end of the day they only care about profits. They will go around bragging about copies sold and ignore the reception entirely. And when the fans cry too loud GB and Randy will go on interviews and say they're the victims and look for sympathy and call the fans toxic like they always have.
@judsongaiden9878 3 месяца назад
Borderlands 1 nails that deliciously desolate Mad Max vibe more better than the later games. 4:58 And also the brand logo behind your character portrait (based on the number of shots you fire). And it should have the effect they originally intended, meaning that you get discounts on products made by whichever manufacturer's logo is behind your character portrait. There was also going to be a thing where the higher your weapon proficiency, the more able you'd be to equip weapons of that type that were above your experience level. That never got implemented. By this point, it's take it or leave it. At any rate, in BL1, that's why weapons display a lower level than what they really are when they're equipped. 7:56 I love Dahl Plasma Casters! Ever zerk'd with a pair of Plasma Casters or Railers? Any brand. I had this idea for a Salvador "style run" (as opposed to a challenge run since it's more for style than actual challenge). I call it "Schwarzenzerker." The idea is that you pair weapons up based on the types of weapon Arnie zerks with in the movies from his heyday ('80s and '90s). Zerking with a pair of Railers would be like Arnie in 'Eraser'. For a Terminator motif, you could go shotgun for left hand and assault rifle for right hand.
@cooltroubleman8352 3 месяца назад
Also change the art style/engine to be more like bl1/2/tps because anything after both looks wierd and hurts my eyes
@Fishman6 3 месяца назад
Glorious video brother, I couldn’t agree more
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
I appreciate that thy fishman6 🐟
@Cam-ou7br 3 месяца назад
You can talk about what "the community" needs/wants until you're blue in the face, BL3 far outsold any other borderlands title by appealing to the casual audience, and if you think for one second gearbox isn't going to double down on that formula for BL4, I I don't know what to tell you.
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
@paulberry5750 3 месяца назад
I hate to be a pessimist, but I don't see anything with Randy in charge turning out well. Borderlands 1 had the best combat. No real story but the core combat loop rocked. B2's combat was too bullet spongy for my taste. Also, I loathed Burch's writing. Never played B3. Too much cringe. Pitchford had One good idea & then ruined it all.
@Zyphun_ 3 месяца назад
I’m really hoping gearbox take these into account and listen to the fan base, the fact dedicated drops weren’t in the pre sequel or borderlands 3 is insane. They need to learn.
@ryszakowy 2 месяца назад
they won't
@christoferrusso900 3 месяца назад
I would pay hundreds to play a game that made me feel like borderlands 2 did
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
Me too Chris :(
@roush211 3 месяца назад
I really enjoy farming in bl2. I probably farmed knuckle dragger 1k times in my life. Not sure why, i just enjoyed it.
@0rionPollux 3 месяца назад
I feel there was some praise on the bl2 story when it first launched, especially handsome jack. I'm hoping the campaign for bl4 will be around 20 hrs and they'd bring back the dry humour from bl1 (knox). I miss the isolated liminal wasteland feel and pallete of bl1- not that they probably would bring that back in some capacity, but bl3 was way too colorful and cartoony, it didn't feel like borderlands or that you were in a borderworld
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
I agree. Bl3 is just to detailed if that makes sense. It gives me a headache even watching footage 🤣
@nathanhendrickson790 3 месяца назад
Yeah let’s heavily downgrade borderlands back 12 years that’ll go over well. I’m all for going back and replaying Jack and daxter or the first devil may cry but you really want a dry bland not really all that memorable landscape in 2024? If you take someone who knows little to nothing about borderlands and you show them a side by side of villa ultraviolet and say opportunity they’re gonna go with the villa. Beauty matters. Yes everything does not have to be a hardware pushing light show but what would you rather see a lush landscape visually pleasing to the eye or sand, rocks, and more rocks?
@psychodiva336 3 месяца назад
@@nathanhendrickson790100%!! borderlands 1’s palette was simply boring and looking at it through nostalgia glasses won’t benefit anyone
@ryszakowy 2 месяца назад
@@nathanhendrickson790 you do realise that at the end of borderlands 2 there was a giant map with tons of different planets? that seems like a potential for something new rather thatn pandora all over again
@ryszakowy 2 месяца назад
yeah everyone praised handsome jack tons of people without moral compass even called him the hero of the game (lol when did he seem like a hero) but everyone ignored EVERYTHING on the way to the final confrontation and in this case bad outweights the good
@Orionstar1111 3 месяца назад
Yessssssss to all your points!!!!
@fgyjtingenieroeuropeo56 3 месяца назад
God i hope Borderlands 4 goes for the more serious and reserved tone of the first game.
@DeProgrammed-hy7eo 21 день назад
I wish. But dude they have a corporate agenda now. I highly doubt it, they’re fuckin sell outs
@chretienguidry2639 3 месяца назад
It's interesting. Those five will work. They are simple to implement. If they don't then without a doubt they not only do not care what we think but more they hate what we want and think
@Afraid_Star 3 месяца назад
i agree with everything in this video if borderlands 4 doesn't have Theas basic things then i don't want it
@DevonCurran 21 день назад
I would add 1. No anointments/enchants that make text feel more important than the item itself. 2. Skills need to matter and impact gameplay. They also should work at launch
@OliviaLovesPugs 3 месяца назад
Spot on, brother.
@cordell224 3 месяца назад
Agreed man! Like I said in the past locking pearls or a new rarity behind the second playthrough would give insensitive for players to continue on and try new stuff or hunt for new gear for better/newer builds. Also need set Vault Hunters, no Wonderlands custom shell of a character customize for everyone to get bored off less than halfway through the game, just to name a few other points
@DomEnrico 3 месяца назад
I definitely agree with the top 5 you put. All those are no brainer things. These are all very simple things to do and I see no reason why they should be implemented on day 1 Mantling and Sliding were a great addiction to the franchise. If you want to find a way to change or improve upon it that's cool but it more movement is always a good thing. They should definitely have Pearls in the game but after that, just no. Having other rarities like Effervescent and Seraph just seem like gimmicky things that I really don't feel add anything to the game. Plus it reaches a point where you may wonder where a weapon actually ranks in its power. Just make it simple... White, Green, Blue, Purple, Orange and Pearls. Those are pretty much the universal color for rarity within game (except pearl) and this makes it easy for a new player to go into the game and just know the rankings of each weapon. Another thing is give me more of the blue, red text weapons. These were some of the best weapons in BL2 and they were fun because it was cool to experiment with these weapons and see what kind of things they did. Give me more effective purple weapons as well and don't have it like BL3 where if its not a Legendary, its trash. Time to finish the main story at 12-13 hours is good, perhaps a little more or little less but its just splitting hairs. The thing they should do though it make it so if you want to complete the main story and every side mission, that should take 40+ hours. Have the side missions be long and fun. Give me some crazy stuff for side missions and just make them as crazy as possible. All of those are good but the only major thing I would add is decrease the legendary drop rate. Make it so that when a legendary drops, you actually get excited. In BL3 there is pretty much no excitement for a legendary dropping because they drop so often you have just become numb to it.
@Bofrab 3 месяца назад
What I want for Borderlands 4 is another playable Psycho. Krieg was so fun and I would love another. Maybe instead make them a psycho that’s a genius that deals with explosives? That could be fun.
@pauldevargas3805 3 месяца назад
Awesome video .Orange weapons shouldn't be easy to access. Also we need more vault hunters. Just working with Four is not enough. Look at 2. We had a plethora of different types. Story's got to be more engaging. We really need a bad guy that we want to kill. And this sounds funny but they should base it around randy .
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
I completely agree Paul
@nathanhendrickson790 3 месяца назад
Loot also shouldn’t drop so rarely you might as well have no rare drops at all. There needs to be a balance you don’t like loot dropping to much I don’t like loot dropping to little. I’m all for dialing back the loot but not if your planning on pulling it back so far we’re back to killing one dude for hours for an underleveled gun with bad parts when we’re max level.
@ryszakowy 2 месяца назад
check that i don't like killing the same boss for 5 hours to MAYBE get an orange drop and then keep killing the same boss for next 15 hours to MAYBE get orange drop with stats that interest me on the other hand i also don't like a boss to drop 15 orange items only so they can all be worse than what i killed the boss with
@sullysosavage365 3 месяца назад
Back to basics, yes. Buuuut im totally down to keep melee weapons not gonna lie 💯
@barrybludgeon7448 3 месяца назад
I disagree, they need to remake borderlands 3 with the story how it should have been, with making the gameplay like it had been. But other then that yeah spot on mate.
@johnlassman7280 3 месяца назад
How about a way to reset the map without save quitting. Just go to your map and press triangle or whatever button and all bosses reset. That way you don’t have to wait for everyone in your party to join up.
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
It’s another great way to improve the formula, I was more trying to talk about what they should go back to that’s realistic as I don’t think they’d do this. But. I don’t see why when you save quit that the party can’t just come with you to the menu! That would be so simple and if it’s not in 4. Then they’re absolutely wild
@ryszakowy 2 месяца назад
maybe at least "go to respawn station" so it actually makes sense with reloading the map
@TrialBySquire 28 дней назад
I personally felt mayhem mode should have been more like Miss moxxxi's underdome, but in the open world. By that I mean a series of buffs and nerfs that happen on the fly, changing every 5-10 minutes or so. I know the underdome wasn't the most popular but I thought what was good about it was you had to keep tweaking your build as you go, keeping you from using the same equipment at all times. Early Mayhem became a "reload until you get what you want" dynamic but if it's just 1 buff and 1 nerf at a time and only for 5 minutes, it's easy enough to pick a different weapon for awhile until the perks change. If not that, then the changes make should not be about damage, but gameplay. Big head, low gravity, fast speed, etc. These things don't break builds but instead just make things weird and different
@ronnierayburn998 3 месяца назад
While I don't disagree with you, I don't think those five things are what's needed. One of the most important things that has changed over the years, and that is never discussed, is the fact that the majority of the fans have moved on in life. BL2 was the right game, at the right time and was something new and fresh. We all fell in love with it, and we're still in love with it. But now, the fanbase has changed. A new generation has taken the place of the old community, and they're the ones that Gearbox needs to please. I'm absolutely sure that the Devs have had long discussions about what has worked and what has not. But, whether they have taken into consideration that the gamers have chaned is unclear. One thing that people often forget about BL2 is that it was never intended to go beyond level 50. But, with the massive success of it, a lot of new material and mechanics were added to make people wanna play the game again and again. Some of these mechanics have created issues further down the line, but I think Gearbox has done a fantastic job, considering how much they've added. Had they designed the game to go all the way to OP 10 right from the start, I'm sure we wouldn't have some of the issues we have today. To the people that complain about the OP levels, I have only one thing to say: "Don't play them, if you don't like them!" Some people like them, and they need to get a piece of the pie too. To sum it up... A lot of gamers these days don't have the patience to grind levels or gear, and they certainly don't feel the need to learn the game mechanics, in order to better understand how to improve their characters. Instead, they want everything right here, and right now. They want to start the game with the best gear possible, so they can finish the game faster, and move on to a different game. That's my view on the problem. GBX knows how to create a game, but they don't know how to capture the gamers.
@Ser_Locke 3 месяца назад
I've been saying for years, the comedy has dried up, and Pandora isn't the harsh, gritty, scary place it once was. Borderlands has changed it tone to comedic with hints of serious themes. Borderlands 1 remains my favourite, due to the simplicity, tone and atmosphere.
@ryszakowy 2 месяца назад
borderlands: if you are going after those bandits then you'll need a shield... somewhere around here should be the one my previous patient left, now that he has no spine he won't be needing it anymore. borderlands 2: heyyya friendo, i heard you and them banditos had a little run in and it went bad, screw these arseholes, i have a tiny suggestion tho, you know i my humble opinion i believe you would like to go and murder the slammajamma out of those skag snivelling crub stomping bitchmuffins but let me tell ya, i like you and it would be a shame if they got to unalive your alive ass so maybe NO PRESSURE you could use a shield you know? it would be awesome if you didn't die other wise i'll have to talk with these dead bodies and that would make me coockooo.... so yeah... here's a shield i have taken off one of those dead guys here, they won't be needing it anymore cuz they dieded to death you know. so take it and make sure to equip it before they start shooting you ok ol' buddy ol' pal ol' fren? pre-sequel: the same as borderlands 2 boredlands 3: heyyyya friendly person of nonspecified gender, white man bad, men bad, capitalism bad, i heard you and them white straight evil capitalist banditos had a little run in and it went bad, screw these white mysoginistic arseholes, i have a tiny suggestion tho, you know i my humble opinion i believe you would like to go and murder the slammajamma out of those skag snivelling homophobic crub stomping white capitalistic bitchmuffins but let me tell ya, i like you and it would be a shame if they got to unalive your alive ass so maybe NO PRESSURE you could use a shield you know? it would be awesome if you didn't die other wisely i'll have to talk with these dead victims of capitalism and bullets and that would make me coockooo.... (nervous laughter)... so yeah... here's a shield i have taken off one of those dead guys here, they won't be needing it anymore cuz they dieded to death you know. so take it and make sure to equip it before they start shooting you ok friendly person? yeah i prefer first game
@larrycz2803 3 месяца назад
We can only pray brother, maybe Randy will do some magic tricks and actually makes a good Borderlands game or even better yet remaster BL2 into just being BL2 with BL3 gameplay, and I cant stress this enough DO.FUCKING.NOT.TOUCH.THE.STORY. (no more Ava pls). Good vid. btw 🙂
@logos4294 3 месяца назад
Well as a hardcore player I do agree. But you cannot forget when sequel comes out. We do not have the a say when the game is in early development. It is Randy that has to convince 2k and the investors why this game has to be made. They do NOT want to hear oh gamers want this and that. They want to be assured that this game is genre defining and pushes the latest hardware and yada yada. They speak in market speak. Not in gamer speak. So unfortunately it has to have assurance to the investors and publisher, why it would have player retention. Plus the data to back it up. They also want it to have a monetizing opportunity via expansions and skins. This is why we have mayhem levels. So they can give the teams in marketing, "why they think this game will have people playing for years." Therefore, it would be a good investment if you give us a two hundred million dollar check. Also 2k didn't want to hear that the older PS4 didn't have enough memory to allow a pool for pearls. The publisher wanted a larger install base so compromises were made. Are you going to tell the person writing the check, "screw you?" Not exactly wise... If borderlands 4 does come out. It will likely be in current gen hardware. Which means the PS5. We have a golden opportunity to ask Randy for pearls.
@pianoman7753 3 месяца назад
The shareholders just need to make the simple connection that happy fans = more sales.
@logos4294 3 месяца назад
@@pianoman7753 Oh I agree. But most investors these days are old boomers. They are not gamers. They are just people that care about money. This is why investors here and now are not exactly in lined with gamers. For example, CD project red lost a lot of money in stock value, when they disclosed the expansion cost more money that expected. Investors and publishers only know about data and money. But when we get older this is going to shift. We gamers will be the people buying stocks.
@baplotnik 3 месяца назад
Hell MFN YEAH!!!!!
@MrNo1fan 3 месяца назад
Make every (or nearly all) vault hunters playable from all 3 main games, maybe even add Tina as a Torgue/explosive specialist class.
@TreHAkAofficial 3 месяца назад
I love your game info, but I subbed because of THIS video. Borderlands is 1 of three game franchises I do and will play for the future, but we need a brighter future. I think the base game should be 20 hours though. I want this Borderlands to have the original spirit But be deep as hell!
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
I appreciate that my friend
@CHESTNUT246 3 месяца назад
pearls or some sort of high rarity gear need to come back and be really good
@crackdog3523 3 месяца назад
I'm doing a runthrough of wonderlands right now and the fact that its not just managing 1 class mod and 1 shield its now like 5 / 6 extra things I have to math out its almost too many items for how casual of a game it is for most
@dicnyuhmum3890 3 месяца назад
I agree with everything on here
@nathanhendrickson790 3 месяца назад
Pearlescents: I don’t want pearlescents back if they’re like they are in bl2 and most of them are better off as trophies than actual weapons. There are a few exceptions but not enough to justify that most pearls just suck. I don’t farm for trophies I farm for damage. Dedicated farms: I agree but not if you wanna pull the drop rates back so much we’re back to farming the same dude 200 times and still getting nothing or worse getting something for it but it’s not even max level. Personally I think loot should take a page from the divisions book and instead of tying loot to enemies tie them to main missions and side missions, make the missions repeatable and give them normal medium or hard difficulty’s: normal gets you green blue or purple rarity gear that’s completely random, medium gives you blue or purple red text gear and hard gets you purple to random legendary gear. Complete the hard difficulty and you can take the mission on in legendary and if you beat that you get a specific legendary weapon or peice of gear that’s tied to that particular mission and the only thing that changes about it are the parts. Leave farming pearlescents to named enemies but make them only drop it after reaching max level on the highest difficulty. Of course loot will still drop from enemies and legendaries won’t be locked to missions you can get them from anywhere but knowing you’re actually gonna get something for all the work you put in will make people actually want to keep playing instead of feeling like they’re wasting time they could be spending on something else
@southerndandy4910 3 месяца назад
RANDY…HEY RANDY…listen to this kid.
@MichaelNaeyaert 13 дней назад
Going back in time to meet Jack again an change the course of events 😉
@gavinpollard367 3 месяца назад
I definitely agree with the five core elements mentioned. That being said, there’s nothing wrong with the general idea of multi-classing. I think it added a refreshing element of character customization and replay ability to the franchise. Definitely agree on the idea of weapon proficiencies making a comeback, and also - I’d like to see an eridian weapon design that’s actually worth having in my main arsenal next time around.
@pianoman7753 3 месяца назад
What was wrong with some dusty deserted plains, a few scrappy settlements, and a gear loot system like diablo 2,? Bl 1 and 2 were perfect.
@nathanhendrickson790 3 месяца назад
Because after hours of nothing but sand, sand, and more sand it gets pretty boring. Even in Borderlands 2 with actual different environments nothing really sticks out or is even memorable to me. I need Google to even remember what most most of those places are unlike with Elden ring where I can clearly tell the difference between lyendell royal capital, crumbling farum azula, caelid, volcano manor, each location was a whole set peice that makes you want to know more about what happened to these places where as in borderlands each location just felt like a new place to shoot people in.
@GreenDinoRanger 3 месяца назад
​@@nathanhendrickson790That's honestly why I wasn't fond of BL1 initially and wanted to stop playing. The drab landscape was boring as hell. Thankfully the DLC were far more interesting.
@nathanhendrickson790 3 месяца назад
@@GreenDinoRanger I’ll give them this for the time the locations were very pleasing to the eye but I’d rather explore Athena’s gahena or villa ultraviolet over bland wasteland number 7
@GreenDinoRanger 3 месяца назад
@@nathanhendrickson790 Yes! I LOVED Villa Ultraviolet. Absolutely gorgeous map.
@mathieusantoire2144 3 месяца назад
WoW bro you think exactly like me if Bl4 look like that I will be happy
@duanJ_aka_wfoundry 3 месяца назад
I think gun parts need to play a bigger roll in bl4 then it did in 3 definitely in of the coolest parts of BL2 and TPS
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
The reason they don’t play as much of a roll is because of the annoying anointment system
@Tuna5908 3 месяца назад
Well, they can also have crafting...the enchantments plus also the things like you can find parts all over the areas. Then you craft them like in that zombie game with the veteran on a motorcycle. They can also have giant robotic battles where you enter three to five levels of titan robots that you can use to fight same sized and even giant sized robot boss enemies and lands. Mix all the other borderlands...get all the good parts of every game and implement them as well. Hardcore puzzles can be side missions, not requirements. Character evolutions would be great too. Kinda like Pokemon ... So Like the turret can go different routes, the pets can go different routes. The the gunners can have various weapons and amounts of weapons attached already. For example the pets are always there, but the gunners can have like small Infiniti blasters than can grow in sizes and in benefits. They have very low damage so they can look cool and not destroy the game. The commandoes can have elemental plus one other elemental on the norm and same with their turrets... Turrets can be upgraded to tanks, to anti air rockets and missiles to that call of duty walking drone that destroys the whole call of duty maps..lol. The Sirens can fly and or hover... They can throw out more elemental which uses mana... And they can call forth elemental attacks ..kinda like Wonderlands... She can woe enemies to fight for he or she. Things like that. Game will be OP!!!! LOTS and lots of extra DLC s that are longer than the Commander Lilith... Like about 5x as long. To bring forth extra, not confusion. For example of extras..kinda like Fallout 4 DLCs
@milosorian1320 3 месяца назад
The principal problem of Borderlands 3 was i think one game that set the bar too high despite Borderlands 2 (and its hopeful ending) : Doom 2016. That particuliar game was unexpected by its qualities, a gameplay so dynamic and anti-zoning (you stand too much in a place you get killed).
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
I don’t know if this in reference to the video I made but I have whole vid talking about how they set the bar to high with borderlands 2
@digitaldizi5097 3 месяца назад
Exactly and I also think they shouldn’t be making the graphics too crazy they should go back to the borderlands 2 style but just make the guns look better. It’s harder to run and sometimes there is so much going on you can’t even tell what’s happening.
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
Agreed, the over pollution in bl3 and wonderlands is headache inducing
@nathanhendrickson790 3 месяца назад
You want to downgrade the game by 12 years? That’s not gonna go over well. Sure dial back the graphics a bit but this is 2024 not 2012. Games are expensive and I’m sorry but if borderlands 2 exactly as it is came out today at the current retail value of 70 dollars I’m not paying for it cause in 2024 where game engines and development technology is at an all time peak and bl2 graphics was all I got when I know they could do better then sorry you’re not seeing a penny from me
@maulressurected4405 3 месяца назад
@@nathanhendrickson790 Not everything in 2024 looks good look at Suicide Kill the Justice League and compare it to Arkham Knight the 10 year old game looks way better.
@nathanhendrickson790 3 месяца назад
@@maulressurected4405 and bl2 still looks dated. Ac4 black flag and dark souls released the same year and looks and feels miles better and between the three of them ac4 is the only one that doesn’t look like it aged a single bit while ironically bl2 despite being cell shaded somehow seems to get uglier and uglier with every passing year
@maulressurected4405 3 месяца назад
@nathanhendrickson790 what's dark souls and ac4 have to do with Arkham knight looking visually better then a game released 10 years later looking worse? Guess what soon Bl3 will look outdated.
@jonhuntley6644 3 месяца назад
I personally don’t understand the dislike of op levels it’s optional for people who want a harder challenge. If I want to play melee zero I’m not going to op level the character but a gunzerker I want to play on op 8
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
I enjoy op levels, it’s the chaos chambers and mayhem modes that I don’t care about
@unroyal24447 3 месяца назад
Can’t argue any points, the only thing I’d add is going back to borderlands 1s loot system so we can get hybrid weapons again. Only reason I’m still playing that is for the Ajax Ogre. The farming of these games are what being most of us back.
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
Hybrids would be dope to see again man, hopefully they do make a come back
@Dunlors 3 месяца назад
@khajaazharuddinsiddiqui4844 3 месяца назад
Just let me melt high level enemies with a low level Hellfire SMG just like in Borderlands 1, Eridian weapons and a good story I'm a happy man.
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
What they’ve done to the hellfire over the years makes me very sad. Bl1 hellfire is THE Hellfire
@aaggsmyhoopt2428 3 месяца назад
I feel like there should be a level beyond legendary that pearlescent, effervescent, glitch, and/or seraph could all occupy. But since those rarities are better then legendary they should still be very rare.
@SoulshadeVr101 3 месяца назад
And also for godsake i really hope they make legendarys legendary again there supposed to be rare im not supposed to have nothing but legendarys in my inventory by the time im lvl 40 part of the point is there supposed to be rare and hard to get
@SoulshadeVr101 3 месяца назад
Legendarys are supposed to be primarily endgame items I should not have all 4 equipped guns legendarys by the time im lvl 15
@HenryToogood-bs3zl 3 месяца назад
Totally agree about pearls and legendary drop rates. In Bl2 it's all about the reward of getting getting that gun you yearn for. Sure, some farming is horrible, Twister, Gen 2s, an Ogre etc. But when they finally drop.. That's why you keep playing. The elusive chase.
@nathanhendrickson790 3 месяца назад
That’s why I stop playing and go to a game that actually respects a players time. And I’m not the only one. If your gonna make getting good loot so rare that you’ll see nothing but junk from level 1-80 unless you no life the farming you’re simply asking too much.
@achimdemus-holzhaeuser1233 3 месяца назад
Addition : Do Not Kill favourite Characters offscreen or Inlcude stupid characters from outside Sources ( remove tales from canon )
@mrgamechanger97 3 месяца назад
I agree with most of this but I would like to see some op level type endgame return and here's why. You say it isn't new player friendly. Good. Not everything needs to be geared towards the casual 1 time player. That's part of where bl3 went wrong. Imagine telling the makers of Halo that Legendary difficulty is just too hard and they should tone it down to be more casual friendly. They would look at you like you are crazy. With the inclusion of FFS dlc the op lvls are 100% optional, providing no ingame benefit. They are purely there for people looking to test their skills and master the gameplay loop on their character. Without it, bl2 would be similar at endgame to bl1, just about farming loot upgrades. Sure you could argue that bl2 would still have the advantage of the story reset, but what good is replaying the game at endgame with your hard farmed gear without challenging and wngaging combat to overcome? As for sliding and mantling. I would be okay with sliding returning. But they should either make it faster by default or again take a page from bl2 and make speedbuilds based on multiple item/skill combos. Everytime I play bl3 i use snowdrifts. Everytime I play TPS I use air control Oz Kits. I've never bothered with anything different bc when you give the player single item movement improvements in a relatively unimportant item slot to the overall build, why use anything else? Mantling I don't care for. For one, it doesn't work faurly often even on surfaces you can grab. Secondly, it made the devs focus on the verticality of the map which I'd assert hurt the games. In BL1 and 2, there was real charm in being able to get oob nearly anywhere with a simple nade jump. Exploring or finding clever faster routes through maps gave the players more options in how they approach things on replays of the game. BL3 always forcing you down the same path, and making you wait on dialog or clearing all enemies to move on every time, created a very ridged story that is not fun to replay. Grenade jumps being removed was frankly an FU to longtime players and fans of the series that sunk hundreds or thousands of hrs into previous titles.
@edenengland1883 3 месяца назад
while i agree with no OP levels, mayhem modifiers and chaos chambers, when decoupled from the OP level style enemy buffing are pretty fun edit: also no for the love of god dont bring pearls back we have enough weapon balance issues already we dont need LESS viable weapons
@Astrocreep696 3 месяца назад
I miss the old borderlands
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
Me too :(
@4d461 3 месяца назад
LMAO satire? Irony? Other? Am a BL1 lover (possibly my favorite): This take is so laughably wrong but completely works for me because I needed a good laugh so cheers
@davidwaynemain 3 месяца назад
Come on Gearbox...wtf bro?
@hafizmazuki2443 3 месяца назад
I don't like borderlands but i respect that opinion. A game should do what it great at doing & build upon what make it great at the first place. I'm a avid monster hunter player & i think gearbox should learn a thing or two from monster hunter devs at capcom.
@Bofrab 3 месяца назад
I kinda disagree with what you said for step 4. While I do agree people are talking about it more now, people still talked about the story of B2 a lot back then. I couldn’t go anywhere on RU-vid without seeing a video talking about how good of a villain Handsome Jack was. He was so good they kept him for the next 2 games! (Pre-Sequal and Tales)
@ukarlu 3 месяца назад
Disagree about the OP levels . Game needs something at the end to push your builds nose into the floor that isn't just a few slightly bigger enemies with 10 trillion health . Digi Peak could of been done in a much more casual friendly way tho . I'd suggest revive tokens bought with eridium or even the way the Takedown do it with CP's .
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
I liked op levels. Not so much with the recent adaptations.
@ukarlu 3 месяца назад
@@0fficalHellfire Ppl moaned & groaned about them when they released so now we get them for free in BL3 as soon as Tyreen dies which makes end-game progression an abstract mess .
@shipsey2 3 месяца назад
I love Borderlands 3 just because of the game play quality quality of life improvements I just want Borderlands 2 remastered in like the Borderlands 3 engine and don't forget the Pre-Sequel
@nathanhendrickson790 3 месяца назад
Yes cause when you killed savage lee for the 200th time in a row and still get nothing or even worse an unkempt Harold at level 78 when you’re level 80 at least the scenery will be pretty
@Modeus. 21 день назад
OP levels could have been 4 instead of 8 or 10. and the value inflation could've been much better handled than whatever tf we have in BL2. SERIOUSLY, look at the average OP8 or 10 player's health, shield, or damage values, that is insane.
@MasterPJ86 3 месяца назад
If gearbox takes notes and do at least 50% of what you just listed, borderlands 4 will be the best by far since bl2!
@sanane66543 3 месяца назад
gearbox is already done with at least half or like 70% of the game any new big feedback changes wont and cant be added. you will see that bl4 will take place afther new tales and bl4 will be based about that game story wise
@dhaliamja397 18 дней назад
imo chaos levels was the best engame so far and peaple seem to dont like them because in wonderlands that was all of the engame. If in bl2 we had only op levels that would be the end of a franchise. Also the modifiers from mayhem levels could be fun but them being mandatory was wrong decision.
@couldnotic 3 месяца назад
Yeah, i dont think Gearbox is gonna go away with Op or Mayhem level systems. In my opinion, the Raid bosses in Borderlands 3 were handled much better than Borderlands 2. In BL3 you dont have to worry about the usage of Slag mechanic that was a plague in BL2. In Borderlands 3, you can literally use any class to beat the raided bosses, BL2 encounters were so damn tedious to deal with that only like a couple of classes could deal with the Raid bosses. Even BL2 had really stinker raid bosses, and being a gaige main, it really sucked fighting the raid bosses with Gaige.
@thee_morpheus 3 месяца назад
FAR less legendary drops, they dropped waaay too much in BL3. The dropped just enough in 1 and 2 and they felt more rewarding.
@UltimegaSeven Месяц назад
As great of a video as this is, I still havent found anyone that I can completely agree with. One of the big disgreements I got is Pearls and Mayhem levels. Not because they are bad, but because they are implemented wrong. Legendaries should be impactful, almost build defining or changing, while not invalidating the rest of the game. Pearls should be the exception, being items of power that is absurdly powerful and rare. In the recent years, Legendary power isnt as good as it is in BL2, not even close. Anything non legendary feels terrible and generic and legendaries are just BL2 blue weapons now. Pearls arent gonna fix that. Gearbox needs to learn how to make items again and actually put thought into such things. Second is Mayhem. There should have have never been anything more than one Mayhem mode. There should have been normal crazy Borderlands mode, then Mayhem mode that was the "real" Borderlands game where they just go all out and your reward being more power. The modifiers were not the problem, but that it applied to every enemy you fought. The modifiers should have worked like Diablo, where different modifiers applied to different Badass enemies. It would make them stand out and make the enemies even crazier than what they were. Then you got modifiers that effect the environment as well, making every season just chaos, which works with the theme of Pandora being this crazy planet. But no I don't believe "no op levels, no mayhem" is the answer. You cant have all these damage modifiers and not have a difficulty increase. Money Shot existing alone needs a difficulty increase somewhere. My big thing though is enemy variety. In BL2, you had the generic categories of enemies but the crazy variants of them will always blow my mind. From Goliaths to mini goliaths, mini goliaths with huge machine guns, giant goliaths with treasure chests on their back. Or Psychos that had guns of varying type, psychos that blew fire, psychos that blow themselves up, psychos that are gaint and have one arm, psychos that drove, psychos of different elements. There are so many enemies and so many variants of those enemies that when you get to Bloodshot Stronghold its a full on madhouse. Thats what EVERY level should be. Now imagine that with the Mayhem modifieres applying to different Badass enemies. We're talking Double Super Badass Nomad Spawn with Mob Mentality and Chain Gang. Doesnt that sound crazy? Does that sound like...Borderlands? and its only one game mode. No Mayhem 12, no Chaos 40, just one game mode where its normal crazy borderlands, and Mayhem being the "fuck it we ball" mode.
@RandomPerson-uw1oo 3 месяца назад
I agree with everything except for the sliding and weapon proficiencies. For Sliding, I guess I don't have to say much since you said it's just a minor thing and agrees they should continue doing them if most likes them. I also think it's a minor thing, so I wouldn't complain as much if they do decide to remove them instead. (I am glad it's not as fast as Halo 5 though, cause I always felt Borderlands was a more grounded game which is one of the thing I like about the game) While for weapon proficiencies. Although it may feel more like a RPG using them, I personally don't like them cause I feel I'm forced to use something I don't enjoy just for the sake of leveling up. I like the way Borderlands 2 does it cause it gives more freedom of how a player wants to play the game because it doesn't do them. Lol XD
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
That’s why they were in my personal opinion section and not on the list because they aren’t as popular and majority may disagree but still fun to discuss. Thank you for the feedback
@RandomPerson-uw1oo 3 месяца назад
@@0fficalHellfire Yea, I get that. I don't mind, everyone have their own opinions. I won't judge you for it, so no worries. I just enjoy saying my own thoughts too when I see a video like this :D Also to be honest, I didn't thought you'll respond to me. You're awesome for that, so I'm gonna sub you. Lol XD
@derekwilhelm1555 3 месяца назад
What does memory leak mean im not a tech guy so i have no idea
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
No problem Derrick, I have a whole video explaining it! - Borderlands | Why Was This Never Fixed? ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-DJzdWJphWPw.html
@michaelthurber3234 Месяц назад
As a long time player, please drop white items and maybe green items!
@matthewmoore5698 3 месяца назад
There’s plenty you can do72 levels on each character 3 games not to shabby might have live service and micro transactions it would be nice if they made an ap to go with the game for lore , matchmaking and the like
@DArealCHAZZ Месяц назад
Yes, we need a good story and no Sweet baby ink Or any company like them.
@Wallrunninglooter 3 месяца назад
I agree with everything except for the op levels. I loved them. Even as a new comer. When I found out there was 10 more challenging levels that you could get. That didn't involve grinding XP and had you kill hordes of enemies. I knew I was in love with borderlands. Mayam had it to were you just pick the difficulty and it was kinda boring. And 100 chaos levels is just to much fucking grinding. I think 10 -20 is perfect and should be unlocked through a trial that may give loot. And everything needs to be farmable. And they should implement a way to cheese the farm as a fun feature. Like the car glitch for the lyuda. Make the normal path. And then make a cool speed runner path. Plsssss
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
I liked them too. But I don’t like how they split the player count, the matchmaking doesn’t work properly for op levels at all
@tar170 3 месяца назад
BL4 wishlist: no Bee, no Grog, no Rubi, no anointments, no slide-based buffs to weaponry, no unlisted pellets. Super rare and interesting Pearls that trade DPS stats for creative behavior. Very rare Legendaries that are unique. No stats are buffed as a result of action skill being on cooldown. Enemies always use at least one of the items that they drop (or have treasure rooms if they physically cannot use the human-sized item like Warrior's Conference Call). Good story. No PS+ or XBox Live paywall for multiplayer LAN on console.
@nathanhendrickson790 3 месяца назад
1. Agreed 2. Agreed. 3. not if you want bl2 drop rates again that shit was asinine 4. Fair 5. That would be cool 6. Never cared about the story do whatever you want with it as long as there’s loot and plenty of it and I’m getting something good instead of junk the entire playthrough then that’s enough for me. I’m here for loot drops not a movie. 7. I play solo doesn’t matter to me plus I’m on pc so no subscription for me.
@ambrosewetherbee8301 20 дней назад
Totally agreed. BL needs to get back to basics, aka the fundamentals of great game design. I thoroughly enjoy TPS and BL3 but both games were compromised by having goals unrelated to making a looter shooter game. To put it another way, they were inserting personal social/ideological/political agendas into the games. People play looter shooters for the loot and to shoot. Not to be preached to. BL4 definitely needs a strong story. I enjoy BL2 but as said in this video, people didn't worship its story until several years after its release. Handsome Jack is really the reason BL2's story is as good as it is and, to be honest, he was a fluke considering how the main antagonists turned out in every game after 2. I really like the weapon proficiency system from BL1. Simple but effective and rewarding for playing the game in a natural manner. I don't particularly enjoy BARs because they don't directly connect to giving bonuses the same way that proficiencies do. Obviously, if a proficiency system is implemented in BL4, update it and advance it from how it was in BL1, but have it remain fundamentally a way for gaining modifiers to weapon types through extensive usage.
@jordankerr1 3 месяца назад
Agreed with all. but want the advanced movement in a newer title, no jet packs though please god😂. And please make Lilith more like her bl2 self and scrap Ava, let’s just act like she didn’t exist
@jordankerr1 3 месяца назад
You didn’t mention how it’s rumored they are building it on the same engine as bl3 and not on the newer unreal engine. Just lazy imo. I’m praying we get delayed release for a better game
@NBDViro Месяц назад
If I see an item shop, I won’t play it
@plushpuppyVR 3 месяца назад
tbh, i played through the entire franchise, and just finished BL3 for the first time. just started the first DLC. and i have to say, while the narrative of BL3 does have its problems, i do feel as though it isnt terrible. things such as maya's death did feel very anticlimactic due to the lack of impact and genuine reaction from other characters. but i dont have much problem with the narrative outside of that. the pacing was kinda bad but imo BL2 and BL1 also had some weird or strange pacing at times. i mean hell, BL1 didnt have MUCH of a narrative for a good chunk of the game. the main antagonist wasn't even involved until near the end. i love BL1 though. but things such as ava, or the calypso twins, did not cause any annoyance for me. i can see how it might annoy some, but i didn't find it all too bad. i feel like ava will grow a lot after becoming the leader, and tbh the calypsos were not in my ear enough to be annoying. i think there was some missed potential, such as troy betraying his sister, etc. i do hope that the narrative for BL4 is a bit more similar to BL2, having a villain, or villains that are properly built up, and having that villain be more complex and able to be emotionally resonated with. i did enjoy my time with BL3, i think i might even prefer it to BL2 myself, but i def understand why some wouldnt agree with me. i do hope that BL4 continues to make the gameplay grow and become more engaging just like BL3 did, but again i also hope they let the narrative have more time in the oven so that crucial scenes that would heighten emotions would not be cut out of the final product.
@nmorales2019 3 месяца назад
Good points but I will disagree on the OP levels in BL2. I think OP levels are just fine because the are pretty much optional. You don't need to push OP levels on your level 80 characters. They can just stay a level 80 character. When matching with other players, I did wish that you could see if the other players had OP gear before jumping into a map or raid boss or whatever. Mayhem mode in BL3 were way more annoying than OP levels. Locking loot behind a certain Mayhem level was unnecessary and annoying, in my opinion. For what I want and like to do in this game is get the loot and play with the loot. I don't want to spend an exorbitant amount of time getting to mayhem 4 or 6 just so I have to opportunity to see a weapon or piece gear drop. Nope, I'm good. I'll just go play BL2. Played the Pre-sequel when it was first released. All of the negative points people were making were pretty much valid and on point, I would have to agree. I did like what they did with the skill trees in the pre-sequel. The laser weapons were great as well. Overall I think BL2 is the standard. If these developers are not even crossing that line, the game will never fly amongst friends. Not that I'm saying BL2 is perfect,as far as looter shooters go, but it's pretty goddam close.
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
I also agree that op levels were the best. But when op10 was introduced it broke 2 of the 10 raid bosses we have in the game. So even the best version of the system has its flaws you know?
@nmorales2019 3 месяца назад
@@0fficalHellfire No doubt about that. Spoken like a true purest and a fan as am I. But most casual Andy's aren't going to care about OP levels let alone op 9 and 10. Some might but most really don't. And there are more of them then there are of us. The game isn't perfect. But a few more tweaks to the code and it's possible it can reach that line. But those are wishes and dreams at this point. Sad to say.
@kodabear3358 3 месяца назад
I gave up on bl3 40 hours into the game and for me it was mainly due to the legendaries feeling boring and way too common, I also thought the boss fights were the worst in franchise
@irishfeen09 3 месяца назад
I honestly don't have much hope for the game at all kinda sad really. Hope I'm proven wrong
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
Same honestly
@tatortot178 3 месяца назад
I disagree with the proficiency system, was my least favorite part about playing through bl1 lmao
@thiccfila 3 месяца назад
*cough* wOOOnderlands *cough*
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
@ryszakowy 2 месяца назад
in terms of endgame and replayability badass tokens were great idea +1000% to everything might not be possible but definetly pushes the fun into playing the game and getting better/stronger that also applies to skill trees there should be allowed leveling of the max level until you get all perks after all if you are going to replay the game three times getting more power is the way to reach more fun isn't it? as of story terms more grounded borderlands 1 style WITHOUT millenial writing and whacky characters constantly annoying the player with pointles quirky talking after all pre-sequel teased a war and i think i speak of everyone when i say we need to retcon entire borderlands 3 from existence as of weapons this could be a perfect time to bring back more grounded guns from first game and mix it with whacky toy guns that shoot crazyass projectiles but you mentioned DLCS why? why would you approve and even hint for it to be a good idea it's not hard to release ENTIRE GAME at once
@0fficalHellfire 2 месяца назад
Because a lot of the DLC ends up expanding the game and making it twice the size as it was. Bl2 being a perfect example. But I agree with a majority of your comment :)
@alfoneldez 3 месяца назад
I really do hate talking about political things when it comes to video games, especially my most favorite franchise & it's hard not to when the people who are running things are making it so. I say this because of everything that's been going on in the entertainment landscape. The writing for borderlands will never be at least decent as long as ESG or DEI exist. I wish I could elaborate on that some more but text limitations.
@treyvonebolar834 3 месяца назад
They just have to let me keep a lv 50 character. I play boring ass palworld because it is like borderlands 😢
@manganistDIMITRI 3 месяца назад
Second 🎉
@MilkmanIXI 3 месяца назад
please gearbox don't make bl4 maps massive asf🙏 i got lost way too often in bl3 shits awful
@CHOPPER_GRANDDAD 3 месяца назад
The bad ass points was good they should of kept them in as well as weapon proficiency
@0fficalHellfire 3 месяца назад
I personally prefer proficiency’s but the badass rank isn’t awful either
@ishee9857 3 месяца назад
@mr.joedirt8583 3 месяца назад
Perhaps if they don't make every character LGBTQ or a feminist girl boss running around barking orders to everyone then maybe I might buy it. After Borderlands 2 it basically became San Francisco Bay in video game form.
@IvanKorsinsky 3 месяца назад
You must be one of them white supremacist nazis! How dare you not support the "current thing"!!!!!
@hellanjivago8210 3 месяца назад
sorry man but right now borderlands needs a longer campaing, i understand why you say it needs only about 12h of story given how bad BL3´s was, but borderlands 3 left so many things to be desired story wise that we need more story, we need like 40 hour long campaing to put everything in the right path. If the story is well done the lenght of it won´t be a problem. And i would like to see a loot system more like BL1 that would make the game so much more enjoyable...
@mrgreyman3358 3 месяца назад
gearbox linked up with a DEI company, which means that gender bending is more important than the story, gameplay, looks. I think they will just squeal about toxic fans.