
Boris Johnson is 'a con man, pathological liar and a complete liability’ | Dominic Grieve 

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“If I have played a part in contributing to his downfall, I'm very pleased.”
Dominic Grieve, former Attorney General and Conservative MP, shares his thoughts on Boris Johnson’s resignation and the future of the party.
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@2gointruth Год назад
“Pass no judgement, and you will not be judged. For as you judge others, so you will yourselves be judged, and whatever measure you deal out to others will be dealt back to you.” - (The Prophet and Messiah Jesus of Nazareth at Matthew 7: 1-2) -
@benedictcowell6547 Год назад
Perhaps Jesus had not met ay one quite like Boris unless of course it was Judas. How much? 30 Pieces of Silver@@2gointruth
@2gointruth Год назад
@@benedictcowell6547 "Judas" is the name you mentioned, not me but it describes you perfectly! “Pass no judgement, and you will not be judged. For as you judge others, so you will yourselves be judged, and whatever measure you deal out to others will be dealt back to you.” - (The Prophet and Messiah Jesus of Nazareth at Matthew 7: 1-2)
@2gointruth Год назад
“Always treat others as you would like them to treat you: that is the Law and the Prophets.” - (The Prophet and Messiah Jesus of Nazareth at Matthew 7: 12) -
@2gointruth Год назад
The parable of the Good Samaritan… “An expert in the law came forward to test Jesus. ‘Teacher,’ he asked, ‘what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ Jesus said, ‘What is written in the Law?’ ‘How do you read it?’ He replied, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind’; and love your neighbour as yourself.’ ‘That is the right answer,’ said Jesus. ‘Do that and you will live.’ But he wanted to vindicate himself; so he said to Jesus, ‘And who is my neighbour?’ In reply Jesus said: ‘A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. It so happened that a priest was going down by the same road; but when he saw him, he went past on the other side. So too a Levite came to the place, and when he saw him, he went past on the other side: But a Samaritan who was making the journey came upon him, and when he saw him was moved to pity. He went up and bandaged his wounds, bathing them with oil and wine. Then he lifted him on to his own beast, brought him to an inn, and looked after him there. [The Jews, at that time, looked down upon Samaritans] Next day he produced two silver pieces and gave them to the innkeeper, and said, ‘Look after him; and if you spend any more, I will repay you on my way back.’ ‘Which of these three do you think was a neighbour to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?’ He answered, ‘The one who had mercy on him.’ Jesus said, ‘Go and do as he did.’” - (at Luke 10: 25-37) -
@anthonysmith8800 Год назад
Narcissists can't cope with scrutiny or being held accountable.
@DannyGmusicc Год назад
He was unsuitable from the start , how he got to the top is beyond me, more heads should role
@claudiacolli9931 Год назад
The majority of the sheep in the U.K voted him🤮🤢
@oaesan Год назад
He got there ridding that abominable Brexit horse
@philbraithwaite1316 Год назад
Could see it coming from when Cameron was PM. Just manoeuvring himself into position then undermining Theresa May and flipping over Brexit. The man's an utter scoundrel.
@chrisbeadle6287 Год назад
The conservatives haven’t been conned. They knew full well what Johnson was like. They happily rode on the back of his popularity into a large majority, with no thought as to how much carnage having him as PM would cause.
@alanrobertson9790 Год назад
What was the point of having an 80 seat majority? Got Brexit done and then went to sleep.
@eamonnkeenaghan3535 Год назад
Didn't get brexit done he got Britain done they still don't know what brexit actually entails just start with Dover and that isn't even in the real details of brexit
@derekmab7734 Год назад
And the public is also to blame because nowadays they are not looking for a competent PM but a charismatic comedian to make them laugh even if they know he is a conman. Sickening!
@johncallaghan1787 Год назад
For a good laugh i miss Boris and Truss for their complete chaos. Sunak is boring, sensible and has to.o much common sense.
@leonharrison800 Год назад
And Labour just another Conservative Party. Blair and Starmer ,Tory to the core. British democracy is dead.
@dylansurendranath3091 Год назад
Calling Boris Johnson a con man is like saying water is wet.
@stephenisom6089 Год назад
@michaelmouse4024 Год назад
The shock horror headline 'Johnson is a venal parasite" is like saying chimps throw food at tea partys.
@PC-oi4kj Год назад
Being an MP today is about being self-serving. The days when MP's put the interest of the country first have long gone.
@keithmaddison6877 Год назад
You mean tories
@drummingtildeath Год назад
Such a bad take. Johnson does a bunch of dishonest things so you just claim they're all dodgy!? Tory stooge
@Boveyphil Год назад
Dont tar them all with the same brush. They are just like the rest of us - no worse, no better.
@keithmaddison6877 Год назад
@Dartmoor Drifter tories aren't corruption and lying in there dna ffs
@Nameless.Hermit Год назад
​@@Boveyphil a) that's not true, and b) politicians should be held to higher standards than regular folk; seeing as they literally represent the rest of us on a global scale.
@AncoraImparoPiper Год назад
Classic narcissistic personality. I worked with a manager like that not so long ago. Exactly the same personality traits. In the end he was asked to resign. A person like this rises quickly up the hierarchy because they are superlative liars until they are found out to be hollow and dangerous humans.
@anoshya Год назад
Spot on
@cyrilclark5167 Год назад
Great comment but, sadly so many of these people don't ever get found out.
@Chris-kh2fm Год назад
I agree, If you hadn't said it, I would have.
@alfching2499 Год назад
Why do dangerous humans end up running a important country what idiots put them in that position?? don't do it again
@MrSpanks Год назад
@AncoraImparoPiper - You've got me intrigued as to your previous manager!! Please could you elaborate and give an interesting story??!
@davidsanderson5918 Год назад
The word DISASTER is no understatement when it comes to summing up Mr Johnson's part in political history. He is a walking disaster and, whatever he thinks he's achieved or he's done or he can do in the future, it's guaranteed that he will go down in history as a complete and utter joke.
@tommychappell6359 Год назад
Is he?? why dont compare that to next thing? always something with you lot. a disaster of tory party is better than next thing.
@ahippy8972 Год назад
@@tommychappell6359 can you type that so we can understand what you mean please. He has been an absolute disaster for the tory party. Who do you mean by you lot? He was a disaster for every part of society, the uneducated and none professional workers, labourers, factory workers, shop workers, construction workers, lorry drivers have lost millions of contracts the people who he has affected the worst are the sick, the disabled the pensioners , private pension schemes have gone bust leaving people who saved all their lives with nothing for their retirement, is paying more per unit of electric because of his terrible badly drafted deals helped you become richer? Do you run your own business and now discover that importing the fresh fruit veg and meat from 18 thousand miles away instead of 26 miles across the channel has made your profit margin drop so significantly that you can no longer pay the mortgage or rent on your business premises? If you don’t work you will have noticed that the ESA £67 a week is gone on the £145 a month electric bills for a 2 bed flat, the £110 gas bill plus the £145 electric bill an average person is paying doesn’t affect a £30k a year earner but on esa which pays only £3,484 a year when the same person of 50 with the same rheumatoid arthritis in 1993 recieved £42.70 a week. In 30 yr benefit has gone up then was cut back to 2001 levels. Bread cost 18p Sainsbury’s own make imported from eu. Bread today is 400% more expensive, to be as well off on benefits as people were they should be receiving £110 today. £67 would have been like people receiving only £27.12
@ahippy8972 Год назад
@@tommychappell6359 did you work?
@alvindimes4729 Год назад
​@@tommychappell6359 What is that supposed to mean?
@tommychappell6359 Год назад
@@alvindimes4729 I only meant to say that everything is comparable to the other. If carrying out action we might find we lacked judgement. We don't know what comes next. If have viable replacement to come next then be acceptable. If not then we should use head first. there's always chance that next outcome could be worse. I'd think I agree though right now both parties are in racket. What happens next yet to see.
@vincentmoses9770 Год назад
I have said he was a pathological liar from day one nice to be right once in a while.
@scienceevolves4417 Год назад
U don't say 😅😅😅
@richardcory5024 Год назад
I think that most of the electorate thought that when they voted him into power, effectively, but they acted irresponsibly nevertheless. The English electorate should hang its collective head in shame.
@johncarlin3090 Год назад
Not just him it's the whole lot of them.
@CockWomble1000 Год назад
Lets make the Torie Party History
@claudiacolli9931 Год назад
Sunak is just as bad....always trying to dodge taxes!!!! Corrupt criminals the lot of them....Tories have totally destroyed Great Britain under every aspect....one mammoth mistake BREXIT!!!!!
@roadrat102 Год назад
Lying to parliament should have the same consequences and punishment as perjury to a court. After a few of them go to prison we might just bring some integrity back to government
@grimnir8872 Год назад
And what if they have friends on the judiciary? You think the courts of the UK have not been corrupted?
@MrColey786 Год назад
They are all corrupt
@fus149hammer5 Год назад
That means the only people you will see in parliament are the cleaners.
@ChelleKT1 Год назад
Lying to the public should carry a sentence, if that was the case most MPs would be in jail.
@davidpowell9965 Год назад
Not just lying to parliament, lying in the press to the electorate should be treated as serious fraud
@corsinivideos Год назад
What I find even more incredible is these people you see on the news being interviews saying 'he's a great man, id vote for him again'. Like makes you wonder if people like that are genuinely mentally ill or unable to decipher when some one is a an awful human being. Like objectively speaking on any criteria you measure Johnson on be it as a father, a husband, a politician, a man he is genuinely a terrible person and there is a huge weight of evidence to back that up too.
@brianbarnes1365 Год назад
I agree with every thing you say.
@helveticaification Год назад
trumpitis is virulently infectious - and tragically it doesn't just infect politicians, but it spreads like wildfire among the general gullible and/or selfish voting public.
@rosemorgan7503 Год назад
Struggling to work out which politician you talking about lol it beggars belief with 99% of them how they ever ended up governing a nation.
@twiglet2214 Год назад
What puzzles me is how people from the same party are so polarised in their views of him - from con man,pathological liar.complete liability to being the best PM for the last 30 years ? Isn't that how populism works, in conjunction with a reliance on people having a poor memory ?
@lesleymaclennan7899 Год назад
@melike1984 Год назад
Everything he does ends like this. The Borris touch !🤣
@normankennith7919 Год назад
calling johnson a con man & a complete liability is being too complimentary!!!!
@tommychappell6359 Год назад
The funny thing is con man personality is exactly what's keeping us afloat. unreasonable kind. The irony is its that which is keeping country stable right now. (two fold effect). Boris clown immunity trump card. one side its poison, other side its a god-given strength. maybe not all bad thing. definitely one of him, for sure. feel like hope for him still (idk) Believe me theres many I would choose out instead of Johnson, the clown man.
@normankennith7919 Год назад
@@tommychappell6359 johnson, overseeing 200,000+deaths during the so called 'covid' pandemic must have kept their relatives spirits up!!!!!
@scotishjohn Год назад
J\st a b~t
@normankennith7919 Год назад
@@scotishjohn good old boris!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@alecmartin88 Год назад
It's amazing how far the people he's conned will go to convince themselves they weren't
@paulhargreaves1497 Год назад
​@@srgmiller340 ...ah, 13 years of austerity and Brexit is Labours fault. I see now.
@Gooseplan Год назад
@@srgmiller340 They aren’t good but nothing is worse than a Tory
@r1pperuk Год назад
I mean in reality it's the media conning you.
@srgmiller340 Год назад
@@Gooseplan Except anyone in the labour party who would ruin the country again
@theaces3697 Год назад
@@srgmiller340 trust me those of us voting labour know they are not good however they are slightly better than the Tories and its the only other viable party to counter the disgrace of the Tory party
@mikeyoung7660 Год назад
The anger against the corrupt vile tory party has been present in this country for years
@alfching2499 Год назад
But poor mugs keep voting for them,whatever do they think there gonna do change and be kind to there electorate😂
@ianrowley5762 Год назад
That can’t be true as the Tories had an 80 seat majority.
@alfching2499 Год назад
Why have people put bad architects in charge for years then.I’ve never voted for struggle and strife from millionaires in my life,buts it’s the choice you make when you give Tories a lot of XXXs
@alfching2499 Год назад
@@ianrowley5762 I’m sure you helped with that majority
@ianwebb1402 Год назад
Is that so ? ...... Vile Tory Party eh? ..... and you think things would be any better if the other bunch of buffoons get in, do you? You know, the ones who've glossed over Anti-Semitism like it was nothing. This is shared across the political elite not just Tories. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
@philipknowles2912 Год назад
Dominic Grieve is spot on in his assessment of Johnson.
@t5ruxlee210 Год назад
The oligarchs decide which of their jockeys will be prime minister. It is that simple.
@volpeverde6441 Год назад
EXACTLY....they're all on the SAME SIDE, but the SHEEP actually think they are getting THEIR choice by VOTING.... it's already a DONE DEAL....
@natmol1595 Год назад
Shhhhh clown world is in zombie state 🤫 do not disturb 😂🤪
@dwdei8815 Год назад
And they chose Johnson. Then he wrecked his own career (and Britain) beyond repair. Is what happened.
@outlawJosieFox Год назад
​@@dwdei8815 Because Brexit was never for the people and those at the top have made mega bucks out of selling what's left of our great country to their international oligarch mates.
@outlawJosieFox Год назад
And the exact same thing is true of Donald Trump's election. Pure theatre
@plrndl Год назад
Politicians used to be leaders, or aspiring leaders. People with dreams of creating a better world. These days, most of them just want the money, fame, sex, and most of all, the power.
@SagaciousFrank Год назад
Hardly a shock. In the past they didn't get the same funding. In fact, didn't they have to pay their own way, instead of creaming off our taxes, living on the gravy train. Even privileged aristocrats like Churchill paid their way and had done some actual real life things (such as been to war) before he entered politics. Now it's just a career ladder right from the get go, and they make their connections in office, then afterwards go on to make a killing.
@r1pperuk Год назад
The media inflate stories for clicks. They know it resonates and keeps them in a job....see how you are actually being manipulated like a commodity.
@timmo491 Год назад
Like Putin.
@therealslimshady4555 Год назад
Are you on drugs? Politicians have always been lying cheating scumbegs. Like something you scrap of your shoe. Wake up ffs.
@daffyduk77 Год назад
For Sunak it must be fame, sex & power. wife's got £700M+. Whether he wants additional sex, like BoJo, IDK
@ibhatti19 Год назад
He resigns before he gets removed, this way he doesn't get the consequences but in the future he can come back and no one will blink an eyelid
@susanvaughan-schiele210 Год назад
Like the worst unflushable turd ever.
@billy6817 Год назад
Corruption at the highest level. Investigate and imprisonate. Teach these idiots a lession.
@mikerussell3298 Год назад
Hope he considers leaving his massive Parliamentary pension to the victims of his time in parliament.
@alanhowe1455 Год назад
BJ has always behaved this way. Try Peter Oborne's book and you'll see that he's got years of 'form' in this regard.
@terrystratford1235 Год назад
BJ lol!
@lukepickars5713 Год назад
I never new i actually liked Dominic Grieve lol. I was never a Cameron Osbourne fan but that era of sensible grown up people compared to the conservatives now is just incomprehensible
@mohammedkhan-cu5cv Год назад
This gentleman spoke very well about Mr.jhonson. He brought people like priti patel and Rishi Sonak who also broke the roles or ministerial code . Long live Dominic G who gave the interview.
@agnescraig2912 Год назад
Smell a rat in this comment India Pakistan nd Hindu Muslim divisions
@getreal7964 Год назад
Wow an honest Tory, where did he come from and how has he survived this long ?
@JS-jy9og Год назад
He didn't survive. Boris threw him out of the party.
@buzzbolt4387 Год назад
And he was voted out by his own constituents when he stood as an independent. He is a backstabbing, treacherous weasel.
@owengoodspeed5763 Год назад
Grieve had no respect for the electorate or his constituents, so for him to talk about "propriety" is hypocritical. He himself is a disgrace and unfit for public office.
@alanrobertson9790 Год назад
Dominic Grieve was instrumental in trying to frustrate Brexit. Parliament accepted the referendum vote but then voted against any particular solution. Don't call that honest.
@charleshinkley6 Год назад
@@alanrobertson9790 But the country didn’t vote for any particular solution, so Parliament was being the voice of the people.
@stevebartley8902 Год назад
Indeed the Conservative party is totally culpable in turning this country into a wasteland.
@Bertrum123 Год назад
Well put
@aleccap5946 Год назад
I don't know, they've done an excellent job of turning the UK into a Muslim country
@henryprzepiorka Год назад
Wasteland. Is that why your beloved migrants come here?
@aleccap5946 Год назад
@@henryprzepiorka 3rd world country here we come
@denisemeredith2436 Год назад
Rishi Sunak is doing a grand job of doing that.
@lugano1999 Год назад
Glenda Jackson tells the story of when she entered the Commons how a Tory MP approached her and asked why she wanted to an MP. He said to her, "You already are famous." That says it all.
@humourless682 Год назад
If those things are true, he really does need to return to working in MSM, where being a con man, liar, cheat, with NO empathy for others, are all very important qualities for an MSM career....................
@tara1941 Год назад
Not only Boris but most of them in the Government, I cringe every time they refer to themselves as HONORABLE GENTLEMEN in the H O P they should DROP THIS and replace it with LIARS , THIEVES, and CON MEN,
@sharpeipink123 Год назад
100%...liars..deceivers and murderers! A den of inequity!
@GradedHigh-io2le Год назад
@tara1941 ithink your space key is broken...
@kennethlalla1779 Год назад
@@sharpeipink123 Only because lazy voters fail to hold them to account
@chaffaitekfi686 Год назад
So very true.
@srgmiller340 Год назад
That is all MP's
@emm_arr Год назад
Murdoch's news businesses SUPPORTED HIM SO HE COULD "GET BREXIT DONE". I'm all ears for an apology.
@user-rw3cv3kw7v Год назад
M R Don't hold your breath.
@danquixote6072 Год назад
@@massivehero4871 Unlike Churchill who at least was on the winning side, Boris’Brexit is more akin to the charge of the light brigade in slow motion.
@thesprawl2361 Год назад
@@massivehero4871 "He will be looked at kindly by history." What planet are you on?
@scienceevolves4417 Год назад
You need an apology from 17.2 million all of whom arem0r0n$ I'm afraid
@paulfromdevon4707 Год назад
​@@massivehero4871 Sorry, chum but you seem to be displaying the same delusional traits as your 'hero'. Vast swathes of this country very rightly loathe Johnson - those that knew all along and those for whom the scales have fallen from their eyes.
@badbooks476 Год назад
Great interview & Grieve says it how it is
@ianrowley5762 Год назад
Grieve is a bitter old man.
@havennewbowtow8835 Год назад
Was married to a woman who had all the same narcissistic traits. It was impossible to have any rational, reasonable discussion about any type of issue. Took about 4 years and two kids, before i worked out she was seriously mental. The lying eventually caught up with her, the marriage ended with her blaming me for her having an affair, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
@TW19567 Год назад
Wouldn’t even consider voting Tory at the moment. My incumbent Tory MP is spineless and has said he will stand down at the next election undoubtedly because he has seen the polling and can’t stand to lose.
@Jessjoe1956 Год назад
At the moment? What is it that would bring you back to them after what you’ve seen over the last 13 years.
@TW19567 Год назад
@@Jessjoe1956 if they stop the corruption, actually concentrated on a solid and coherent economic strategy and quit the divisive culture wars I might consider voting Tory again. I’m a centrist. Don’t have any political allegiance in the slightest. But right at the moment I cannot stand the Tories. They will take a LOT to win back my vote.
@tara1941 Год назад
Then DONT WASTE your vote , give it to the REFORM party, they are our only hope but its up to us to support them
@TW19567 Год назад
@@tara1941 wouldn’t vote reform even if you held a gun to my head in the voting booth. Why would I vote for such an obnoxious and hate ridden party?
@aleccap5946 Год назад
Blair destroyed labour in very much the same way as this idiot destroyed the tory party. Seriously who would ever vote tory when you look at what this country has become in the last 13 years ? No1 has to be the laughing stock of the world
@davidevans3498 Год назад
The whole system of choosing our politicians needs changing as this could easily happen again.
@michaelwallden7261 Год назад
change how
@OfficialGOTCHA33 Год назад
@@michaelwallden7261 We should vote on policies instead of parties. Real democracy
@bernardwarr4187 Год назад
What could happen again? Democracy works, anyone with political interest can stand
@junehitchcock170 Год назад
All bluster!! All show! Should follow Singapore in choosing their PM - Integrity, intelligence, experience, communication skills, well educated, honesty…….
@bernardwarr4187 Год назад
@@junehitchcock170 Singapore don’t have the same freedoms as the uk?
@latexbuster Год назад
It's extraordinary to me how there are large segments of the electorate in both the UK and the US that simply ignore the lies and blindly follow the liar, Johnson and Trump.
@hazelnut975 Год назад
Yes because the alternatives are so trustworthy. We’re without any valid political choices now.
@SteAsh Год назад
@latexbuster What a ludicrous comment. Exactly the same could be said for you
@williamf4544 Год назад
And Biden - you forgot to mention him
@olibranchoharadedog5886 Год назад
@@SteAsh - The statement's not that ludicrous as you're apparently a prime example of what the comment encapsulates. Boris Johnson found guilty by a majority of Conservatives in a cross-party committee of having deliberately misled parliament - fact. Trump refusing to acknowledge his election defeat and then attempting to overturn democracy - fact.
@vandor1976 Год назад
I like to congratulate to the Times all employee for all the great and hard work thorough the decades, which put this criminal 'con man, pathological liar' to be Mayor of London and Prime Minister. Do not be shy take the credit for your action
@grahamhall2662 Год назад
Yes I got the feeling she hated what Grieve was saying.
@blackbaron0 Год назад
The voters voted for Johnson for Mayor - twice. Not sure how the Times were responsible for that. Don't think their readership is that large, and it implies voters cannot think for themselves. You could well be right.
@RonMcKenzie-bw7iq Год назад
Every bully comes to grief.
@scienceevolves4417 Год назад
Or grieves even (to give it a plural form)
@spacecat3198 Год назад
Nah they just get away with it trust me. They always do. They just pass it off and move on no remorse ready for another victim. Remorse is very rare, an apology is rarer. Boris will always be comfortable. He's been Prime Minister. Even if he got a criminal record he will be surrounded by yes people, a wife and a family. This situation does kind of amuse me, but too little too late. He's an older man now and he's got away with far too much in his life.
@benedictcowell6547 Год назад
Well said, Dominic Grieve
@scienceevolves4417 Год назад
Say what you want about bozzo but he wins connies elections. Now that he's gone, they handed over victory in the next elections to LIEbour ... Which are about a million times worse than connies.
@lesigh1749 Год назад
The man is a proven liar and quisling. Nothing he says is "well said".
@johntooth1886 Год назад
@benedictcowell6547 Год назад
It is not clear what point you strive to make, if any. It is so terse and trite as to be meaningless, but if you mean what I think you are talking pure drivel Perhaps it i your milk tooth@@johntooth1886
@stephn4085 Год назад
Don't you remember the man interviewed went to extremes in Parliament to try to stop Brexit going through. He was eventually deselected by his constituency together with half a dozen others trying to do the same thing. He is an extreme remoaner. He still sounds angry.
@Olleetheowl Год назад
The title says it all. But Boris still thinks he’s superior and we (his pay masters) don’t count
@johnbeale1102 Год назад
Well said Dominic. Like David Gauke, Michael Heseltine and others a decent Tory.
@AnthonyD-yy2in Год назад
Let's just face facts.. does he really look like a normal individual? 😂
@alexharrington6459 Год назад
Does he even have a normal name?
@daydays12 Год назад
No but he went to Eton and Oxford and is very rich
@knoxyish Год назад
did blair???
@nickshale6926 Год назад
I’ve said the same thing about Bozo for years. If he wasn’t born into a world of privilege, entitlement and wealth, then he’d be the average oddball in a baseball cap and high-vis vest that you see collecting the trolleys in your local Asda car park.
@martinjude66 Год назад
Blair went to Oxford but not Eton .
@davidevans3498 Год назад
He has shown the same behaviour in all his jobs. Ask any of his former employers e.g. Max Hastings
@joshuaaaron125 Год назад
Even Michael Howard sacked him from the shadow cabinet for telling porkies
I couldn't believe Teresa May made him Foreign Secretary l thought it would end in disaster and it did.
@happydace6991 Год назад
Nice to see an accurate headline 👍
@FTZPLTC Год назад
Aw, I miss Dominic Grieve.
@roywatson8133 Год назад
stepping down is saying im guilty
@barriewatson Год назад
No it's saying clear the swamp
@alanrobertson9790 Год назад
Yes but he managed to claim some victimhood in so doing. A valuable currency these days.
@alanrobertson9790 Год назад
@@barriewatson An individual or even a party elected for 5 years couldn't do that. Need proportional representation.
@tommychappell6359 Год назад
@@alanrobertson9790 know whats also a valuable currency? not you. currency goes both ways. im keeping account of currency keepers. I know the outlook, and mind comes with it. unforgiving and lacking gremling of understanding/empathy. synonymous with bullying. once know one know them all.
@alanrobertson9790 Год назад
@@tommychappell6359 Remark doesn't relate to anything. Are you taking drugs? But might make a good rap lyric.
@johnbekoe2973 Год назад
The Tories created their own monster and now he's out of control.
@belatbugdo9963 Год назад
The are all the same party. labour party as what they did last time its a mess also
@ruthwhall3020 Год назад
Boris was never In control, to be in control you have to have intellect and organisation skills ,he could even organise his bloody hair, let along dress himself
@museum1401 Год назад
@@belatbugdo9963 Actually, when Labour were in power we had a working NHS, a more effective police force, better public transport and no sewage in our rivers.
If only the tory party had more people like Dominic Grieve. Then it could be considered a legitimate opposition party in the future, otherwise it should just split up and disappear.
@mister3566 Год назад
He should be arrested and brought before a judge
@stevebeary4988 Год назад
Fascinating interview
@liamduff88 Год назад
It’s been predictable ever since Cameron fell to pressure for a referendum.
@johnallan4313 Год назад
Yes. I have explained 'brexit' to my wife as being a 'Poisoned chalice'. She reminds me at every failure/resignation. Brexit is the gift that can't give - because it is based on lies, xenophobia, wanting to deregulated for personal gain and more room to cheat. Sadly for them the world has moved on from Buccaneering and exploiting the colonies.
@tedthesailor172 Год назад
That sleazebag Cameron didn't "fall to pressure for a referendum". He'd been warned that party support was leaking towards the Brexit party and he promised a referendum as a cynical ploy to bolster his support.
@museum1401 Год назад
True, but I dont think anyone predicted quite how badly the consevatives would handle, well, everything.
@billytollerton4220 Год назад
He's an absolute disgrace ,and all those he nominated for promotion should be strike of any list ,and his pension taken of him.
@johnohara197 Год назад
Thank you for speaking the Truth!!!! Dominic Grieve ! Well said !!
@mmorlan1481 Год назад
And those are his good qualities
@susanhonegger9987 Год назад
I totally agree with this summary of Johnson's character. And he leaves a trail of destruction after him & the good people of the UK have to pick up the bill. Outrageous!
@nigelhughes6096 Год назад
Our MP's should be regularly investigated and audited by an independent body to ensure they are working in the best interests of the people that elect them and future generations to come. That would hopefully route out the charlatans. I'd do it for free!!
@tomnewham1269 Год назад
Here in Australia some of our states have an independent body that investigates corruption. There is also going to be a federal one that will investigate federal politicians, officials and public servants. We have had 3 state premiers resign after their investigations and at least two politicians have been sent to jail. It sounds like the UK needs to implement such an organisation.
@MrHeesbeen Год назад
Having politicians doing that Nigel, would be like children marking their own homework. I agree that something needs to be done though.
@nigelhughes6096 Год назад
@@MrHeesbeen oh I wouldn't want politicians doing it, I envision a body like Ofsted for example
@nigelhughes6096 Год назад
@@MrHeesbeen I'd like to see socially conscious politicians leading us, of whatever party. Not free market radicals
@EuroScot2023 Год назад
Can you imagine the current crop of politicians not demanding that they appoint the members of the Audit Commission? It would be a pension fund for Johnston, Braverman, Truss and Dories. A nominal 2 hours a week for life, late on a Friday afternoon with trebles all round for all members.
@albertbrammer9263 Год назад
Well said Dominic.
@Do.not.judge. Год назад
This man speaks volumes to the British people. What a shame he now reveals what we already thought.
@petergreen5337 Год назад
He said it all in one sentence.
@ejkalegal3145 Год назад
I knew this many years ago while he was London Mayor. Why didnt they?
@shonagiffen4913 Год назад
Very accurate 👍
@hypsyzygy506 Год назад
Sunak should do a Johиsoи and purge the Tory Party of the ERG, the Borisites, and the rest of the swivel-eyed loons, then immediately call a General Election for September. Do it and take the pain.
@bennyhill2073 Год назад
Ha ha.. that is a fantastic description of all political people.. we have been saying this for decades but they are in charge so make their own rules.
@charlesvanderhoog7056 Год назад
Did anyone notice that in PM's Q's BoJo never answered any questions put to him and got away with it? Eton education must be absolutely top-notch.
@patrickh8602 Год назад
A Conservative with principles and honour, I would disagree with him politically on almost everything except Brexit but he is what the Conservative party should be.
@davidtracey5471 Год назад
The Conservative Party should be extinct.
@jimmurray2965 Год назад
He has always read the character of the LIAR that is boris johnson so accurately, the real question about the "klown buffoon" that is johnson must surely be addressed to his supporters ....how could anybody consider this idiot suitable for any office?
@zonianfjb Год назад
Yeah. A shame his "principles" and "honour" were anti-democracy, basically treasonous with regard to siding with the EU against the UK in negotiations, and would have given us a Corbyn government just to keep us in the EU. Great. If that's what principles and honour are, we could do with less of that thanks.
@TheAztecGamer123 Год назад
I do agree. I'm personally left wing. But it's a shame to see the Conservative party be taken over by buffoons intent on making it solely a party of hate using vitriol and the media to blame problems on anyone except themselves.
@romill6424 Год назад
Patrick H how did you get hold of a laptop in Broadmoor ?
@TheArtSouls Год назад
Do you think he'll get a show on GBnews? He's suffering from the symptoms of "narcissist rage" an actual medical definition. He has been irrevocably been exposed and debunked so will now destroy everything including himself
@formicapple2 Год назад
Two points. One says a lot about the character of the members of the Conservative Party who elected Johnson as leader. Second, imo, Johnson knew his number was up and decided if he was going down, he’ll bring down as many of his colleagues as he can.
@nathanreynolds4378 Год назад
This should be broadcast on every TV channel on loop for a month
@richardallan2767 Год назад
Battle for the soul of the tory party was lost to something vile and demonic quite a long time ago. (Thatcher)
@jay4you853 Год назад
The irony of the British Mini Trump falling the day Lying Trump gets indicted federally, can't be lost in the noise😂
@thesprawl2361 Год назад
It's popcorn time
@annbate2590 Год назад
He even borrowed Trump's script - witch hunt lol
@rebelrouser184 Год назад
The basic pay of MP's is immense. But then they have the expenses fiddles and other incomes which keep them completely adrift from everyday life. They find themselves in a world of weird people who pay for nothing and spend their whole lives conniving, creeping and in the end, backstabbing colleagues.
@stephenparkin3220 Год назад
Have a lot of respect for Dominic Grieve.
@sprograt Год назад
The only reason people become MP's these days is to line their own pockets and get favours for friends, they aren't there for the people who put them there.
@susanpritchard6164 Год назад
Sir David Crosby did very well out of it I wonder how he acquired so much money 😢😢😢
@sprograt Год назад
@@susanpritchard6164 Yes he certainly did.
@beaulieuc8910 Год назад
Well said. He is a conman. He cannot even run his own private life probably, with affairs and lack of birth control with babies all over the place, he is like a tomcat, he has his own ridiculous feral rules. I knew he would be absolutely terrible
I could be wrong and apologize but l think he has 8 children by 3 women?
@TheSlowPianist Год назад
@@AVIARYCOURT I think he cheated on one of his partners while she was in hospital being treated for cancer.
@grahambarlow1308 Год назад
Many years ago I met the CEO of one of the world's biggest press and publishers. He showed me the feature writers room and reporters room in a brand new state of the art office...The place was a filthy slum with coffee stains up the wall as they were too lazy to walk over to the receptacle for the cups.His words were these people write endless stuff telling us all how to live and conduct our lives.!! They are fit for nothing after they have been to the pub. This is how they treat a beautiful state of the art building. God help us if we ever rely on any of them. I have never forgotten that ever since, and I always wondered about Boris ex Telegraph and Spectator and the incandescent rage of the Press CEO
@theaces3697 Год назад
one of the first news headlines that is 100% truthful and i agree with it fully
@lg5819 Год назад
Dominic Grieve voted REMAIN and was against Brexit, so I’m not surprised this is why he has a vendetta against Boris Johnson being in politics. From his point of view, removing Boris Johnson using a kangaroo court gives hopes Brexit will be reversed and 17.5 million people who voted for it will be ignored. Boris was voted by the people and it should be the people, and not Dominic Grieve or the kangaroo court who should decide to remove him from number 10 and as an MP in the Houses of Parliament.
@antonysmyth2464 Год назад
No vendetta, just logical truth. Nothing directly to do with Brexit, even if that also was filed by BJ lies.
@lg5819 Год назад
@@antonysmyth2464 The lies and manipulations being used to mask the vendetta against Boris Johnson is sickening. I’m glad we will soon have an election and once and for all we will settle it. If Dominic Grieve thinks Boris and his fellow supporters in his party are going away so Brexit can be reversed you are wrong. I believe two conservative parties will emerge going into the next election, and I’m betting Johnson’s party will win.
@paulbeamish1665 Год назад
Times Radio are clearly terrified of Boris Johnson!
@kennethlalla1779 Год назад
@fredneuwirth6324 Год назад
Amazing that it took 6 years for some to realise that they voted a court chester in as a primeministers
@DF-ws2xv Год назад
Dominic Grieve pulls no punches in his assessment of him. I became very suspicious of him when he made his inaugral speech after winning the leadership election. BJ is a very good actor and they are very good in pretending to be someone that in reality they aren't.
@andrewhemsley4323 Год назад
Dominic Grieve is a really decent human being. A highly intelligent and perceptive man.
@stephengilbert5612 Год назад
And no other politicians lie and decieve. Welcome to the real world .
@SchindleList Год назад
Literally just described any politician 😂
@linl344 Год назад
The Tories are all too self motivated, rather than working together as a team. After selecting Boris as their leader, they effectively turned on him. None of them had the leadership skills or charisma to attain the huge majority win that the party enjoyed under Boris. They should have supported him, helped him stay on course. I believe he worked hard and did his best, even when ill with Covid himself. In the end, only a handful of MPs dared to express loyalty, even though Boris had got us through Brexit and the pandemic. I may be in the minority here, but I don’t like to see the pack turning on one of it’s members. Toxic behaviour. Rishi should watch his back, just ask Liz.
@andrewreardon8093 Год назад
Yes, he worked really hard at opening all those wine bottles. Read some of the accounts of those who worked with him. Disorganised, clueless on policies, just wanted lines that sounded good, no long-term strategies, often disengaged, etc. He is a disaster unable to see his own faults.
@thechanneloffun3760 Год назад
🌜 I actually like Boris, he’s a true gentleman, a good husband and honest politician, us poor people need to do a go fund me page and send Boris to the bumuda triangle first class, he deserves it. 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
@kennethlalla1779 Год назад
Same for war mongering Tony Blair
One way😅
@noelfleming3567 Год назад
True and we all know its never his fault 😂
@derekdee9592 Год назад
Agree with every word spoken by DG, the great orator Boris & Brexit killed the heart of UK economy & i for one will never ever forgive that crass act of utter stupidity, smoke mirrors, lies & the results get worse week on week. UK 3rd world nation now ! Tragic end.
@theaces3697 Год назад
i think if you are a PM or in that type of career and you lie it should be the same punishment as lying in court
@annenunney9907 Год назад
Well said Dominic
@thomasfrancis5747 Год назад
Dominic Grieve - concise and straight talking politician of integrity who talks a lot of sense - not surprising this Tory lot kicked him out.
@whysa4 Год назад
He was a disgrace, a total remainiac , surprised Times Radio have stooped so low having him on
@vincentvangogh8092 Год назад
they are not tories any more except by name
@jamesbarbour8400 Год назад
The title of this piece is absolutely spot on, in regard to Johnsons' character, or in his case, lack of any !
@beaulieuc8910 Год назад
reminds me of Elizabeth Holmes, all words no action, having babies when she is about to go into prison. Constant dsyfunction and narcissism
@ljt3084 Год назад
It's a shame many in this country never realised that before he became a politician. He had a long record of self sabotage/disasters long before this in his various careers. Even his school master assessed him as such, his personal life historically is a train wreck of lies & deceit and without an ounce of shame or self awareness or consequences of a punishment, why would he ever attempt to change.
@ferencalfoldi9908 Год назад
Yes, how interesting, no one recognized Boris real personality before. What about the others like him?????
@reriuqne0-ny1er Год назад
The only person who brought about Johnson's downfall was himself and his lies.
@sisuriffs Год назад
In a democracy, we get the government we deserve. Good people need to be involved and supported. Cynicism, finger pointing, and denigrating politicians and our democratic institutions in general will lead to dark consequences, for obvious reasons. We should run for office ourselves, should we not find a candidate worthy of our support. We’ll see if we’re up to the challenge I guess.
Thing is we're not really a democracy.
@mjwilliamsb2676 Год назад
We're more of a plutocracy these days- we'll only be a proper democracy if we get rid of the 'first past the post' electoral system and replace it with proportional representation.
@daydays12 Год назад
the first past the post system allows t***S like Johnson to float to the top
@nerdyali4154 Год назад
Most of us don't know anything and would be a disaster. Unfortunately there are enough voters out there who think that a clusrf*ck like MGT is worthy of support and decent people tend to be outmanoeuvered politically by sociopaths.
@elizabethleesimpson1077 Год назад
Nobody with integrity seems to want to be a politician. Plato must be amazed!
@billybobkingston5604 Год назад
My dad is a Boris, narcissists are a nightmare
@pjpredhomme7699 Год назад
If you are close to them - it is a horror - my sympathy - I have had a few in my life before too - it is very unhealthy
@newforestroadwarrior Год назад
I worked with someone who had worked at GQ magazine when Johnson wrote their motoring column. He said he was the laziest, most feckless sod he has ever worked with. Everything he wrote was late and he expected everyone else to move heaven and earth to accommodate him.
@Mark-jp9dz Год назад
Time for both Conservative and Labour party to go away. I will not be voting for either again until better people are available. I also find it disgusting that a majority of these people bad mouthing Boris are anti-brexit.
@anglodoomer5995 Год назад
Do people think other former prime ministers like Tony Blair and David Cameron were honest and trustworthy?
@gideonpepys Год назад
Whatabout...? Whatabout....? Whatabout...?
@loveistheanswer1228 Год назад
None of them are. But bojo is the biggest clown of all.
@ace12kyTheInvincibles Год назад
Cameron exactly signing ✍️ up contracts for small businesses he was involved with as Prime Minister and now he not prime minister he earning from the deals he set up wen he was they all con men and Cameron got away with it with no action taken against him the government Corrupted…
@keithhobbs1 Год назад
No. Blair et al had A levels in lying. Johnson has several PhDs in it.
@gilgamecha Год назад
They were far more so. Not flawless but night and day ahead of the inverted pyramid of de Pfiffel.
@antjeheinrich3552 Год назад
Now Dominic, tell us how you really feel 😂
@timstradling7764 Год назад
@dannyfenris7708 Год назад
He also said pretty much exactly the same stuff on Sky News today. Good for him.
@mrflaxtv81 Год назад
I ❤ Dominic Grieve
@ThomBoecker Год назад
You couldn't do Bozza any more justice than Mr Grieve. Perfect way to take a wrecking ball to the Tories.
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Как выходим с тройняшками 🙃