
Both Christians and Muslims Insist Their God Is The Only God! |British | Sadhguru | Adiyogi 

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26 окт 2024




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@AmaliaJbaur 2 месяца назад
It’s time to change our mind and walk together in this beautiful world as a bother and sister. We need to stop violence and respect each other as we are, we need to find a solution look around you any religion it doesn’t work. They need to understand that the most important thing is the love and respect as human being.
@Watchtherightway 2 месяца назад
@rainboworchestra 2 месяца назад
we can all live on this earth joyfully.
@Watchtherightway 2 месяца назад
❤ "There is enough for every man's need, but not for every man's greed." Mahatma Gandhi
@SoothingHerbs 2 месяца назад
Small minority becomes large minority pretty soon . You can see that in Kashmir and Bangladesh and other nations
@vladchellew 2 месяца назад
The UK, after 1941, the battle of Singapur , had not a naval force anymore to conduct a blockade in Asia, it became a japanese lake for a time.
@jeejamithran1917 2 месяца назад
Really TRUE
@navinali3648 2 месяца назад
Jai Shambho... ♥️ 🙇‍♂️
@mitziewheeler8517 2 месяца назад
I very much appreciate his teachings. I'm not going to lie I know white people did some horrible devastating things here in America when they over took it. I also know part of my family ran to here and made their way up into the Ozark Mountains a long time before there were lots and lots of people. They ran because they did not want to be forced to give up the old ways that were still left. They were one of the groups of people that worked alongside those that are the true Natives of this land. While some over the generations gave into the dogma others did not. When I was with my x he insisted after we moved out of the city and into a rural area that we join a church. I hated it. This is in the mid 80s when we started, I had to hide my true self, which was bad enough. While only a small few had computers and that already stupid conspiracy theories were a thing, either off the very early internet or just from other people, guests speakers, someone passing through. I made it my mission to debunk every one. Because conspiracy theories, misinformation and disinformation causes division, hate, fear and violence. The kicker the whole reason we went all those years until he finally moved out. The last two years we were under the same roof we were separated. He lived in the basement and my daughter and I on the first and second floor. By law we couldn't kick each other out and his abuse was mostly emotional and mental and on the few times it wasn't there was never enough to call the cops. Yes my choice to stay and I shielded her from him pulling his stuff on her other then he was always trying to turn her against me but we have always had a strong bond with each other, but we both had a strong bond with the land and I know for many this is hard to understand, hard to understand that you can feel the earth, her creations both seen and unseen, but that is part of my ways. But I do not hold his actions against his brothers and sisters, I was close to his 3 older siblings. He finally moved out, we stopped going to the church and then got kicked out because oh no I met someone, someone true, actually honest, and truly loving. The funny thing is the whole reason for going to church was because we had a small floor laying company and it was good business networking and it "made us fit in" that was a bunch of 💩 but I did learn to use it instead of it use us. You see both of the small food pantrys in the two counties we were on the county line. Well both were forced to close and people needed help a lot of help. I got what was supposed to be the food pantry but wasn't taken care of nor paid attention to, up and going, I worked to get donations, putting up flyers for people to know the different places they could donate food or money. I talked to my friend that owned the little tiny store in the very small town and came up with a voucher system, I would write how much milk and eggs they could get at the end of the day I would go by and pay her. Caring and helping others is supposed to be the basis of any "religion". I can't stand dogma it's for controlling others. I may not like the dogma of the church, but those descendants of the people that hurt and did worse to my ancestors they have nothing to do with it. In the states the demographics are always changing and due to the hate and violence that is taught over and over until finally someone in that family line says no if you keep people in the same places then their lives can never get better. They charge history books because some idiots say well we don't want the children to feel guilty or ashamed. They wouldn't if you just teach the real history. It wasn't them that did horrible things it was those that came before them, learning the truth actually sets people free from the chains built up in families. Right now we have one group and a certain large group of fake christans trying to take all the power. I say fake christans because I have friends that are real ones and don't believe like these idiots, they believe in accepting everyone and not forcing their way down anothers throat. They know full well we are Pagan and eclectic at that, we don't follow any one group or way, even between hubby, myself and daughter some ways are the same some different. But that's ok. Unfortunately in a way part of the problem is the demographics changing. But not by making this group go there and this one go there. It's changing because over time there has been less hate and more acceptance of others, so what is happening is white people are becoming the minority race. Now they say by 2045 I actually believe sooner. It's not just immigration, it's more people don't care about skin color, they love who they love and the haters will always hate that. Plus they fear being treated like they treat others. Me I'm not worried, because if you are a good person and I know we all have our dark sides, but I'm not talking about that I'm talking if you are a good person, that is honest and dosent try to force people into boxes, but a real person that doesn't hate someone just because they aren't like you then we are cool with each other, we may not have enough in common to be BFF but that's ok. If you aren't a good person well you can go FO. If you are a bullie yes hubby and I will both step in front of the person you want to hurt for no other reason then being poor and sitting off a good bit from the door of a store not saying anything your kids not saying anything just a sign asking for a few pennies if you have them so she can get her kids some soup and I know because she is black makes this person more hateful but we stepped in anyway, ok this is going to be in two parts because of AI
@mitziewheeler8517 2 месяца назад
Yes we have been called fools because out of 50 states our state is ranked the 42cnd worst in gun laws, basically we have next to none, the state next door can't make up it's mind if it wants to be the 48th or 49th worst state. So are we supposed to just let this guy start hitting this small woman and her kids that are nothing but skin and bones um he!! No. The neighborhood I grew up in was a wonderful mix of all kinds of people, all kinds of colors and beliefs, of different ways, even LGBTQ openly so. Ya we still had plenty of haters and to be honest the cops were the worst. I was born in the mid 60s and grew up in South St Louis. A city that at times can be very divided, mostly during the 70s because of the city leaders and the cops. Something most people don't know about St Louis is that it's a resettlement city, so around the time I was 14 or 15 we started having a influx of people from Vietnam, people that had helped us are were half American and other reasons, there is a group right now trying to get more of the people out of Afghanistan that helped us but weren't allowed to leave. The deal is if they can get a visa from any of the countries then they can leave, people use the fact that people got left behind, they tried to get more out but this rule was put in place and not by us. There were people yelling about leaving Americans behind, but if you really look into it and go deeper than what legacy media has said. A bunch of these people were told to get out a year or more before that, because isis was trying to move into the country but they stayed unless they were contracted by the government, if they were contracted by the government most were removed, not all unfortunately because of trumps greed. There are people that were children, grandchildren even now great grandchildren of the terrorist that attacked on 9/11 they wanted and have never wanted anything to do with what their fathers were part of neither did the wives. So a decent amount found a way to flee and get away. There are a few that have been interviewed, but with their faces hiden and their voices changed, and it's been a long time since I've seen one and none were on any American news or anything. I know many will condem the family members of those men for generations, and while I will admit those that joined that group I can't find sympathy for because they carry on the violence, but I hold nothing against those that refused to follow in their fathers footsteps, they broke a family chain of bondage. I totally get that I have done that one of my grandmas and great great aunt, my mom and my daughter we have all broken different chains of family bondage, even broken off ties with certain family members, just because they are family dosent mean I have to keep being around their toxic BS. So the reason we stand up for people, hubby was raised with one good parent and one not, plus he like me can't stand bullies, bullies pick on those that they think are weaker like the school bullie, but especially school bullies and sometimes even adult ones always have their group around them so then they can look big and bad, how did you stop a bullie in school you knocked him or her on their A-S. But also for another reason, there were a lot of people in my neighborhood that came here after the war in my neighborhood most were Eastern European. I had learned young listen to the teachings of your elders, they are wiser than you unless it's one trying to teach you hate, also you learn about the history they lived through so you learn better than any book can teach you. Some of those that came here had survived the camps. They were different colors, different cultures, different countries, different religions and were put in their for different reasons, but all those reasons had one thing in common. They were standing up in one way or another. The main things I learned from them is never be silent, never close your eyes, never look away, never turn your back, and the biggest one no fear. That doesn't mean you don't get scared or afraid that could actually help you at times. What it means is you do what's right even knowing what the consequences could be. The woman I was closest to she was from Poland. She, her husband, and their two grown sons, they were helping people get out from the start, then the darkness rolled into their country but they were still helping people get out the best they could. Then the night of glass happened and they started hiding people as well. They all knew full well what the consequences were if caught. Either unalived on the spot or put into the camps. They got put into the camps, she was the only one to make it out. Part of her family got out at the start and her nephew was born here just days after his family got here, it was the same for his wife they were both born in 39 but the families already saw the writing on the wall both of those families had very young children apparently Papa Joe and Mama Mary's parents were the youngest in both their families of all their siblings. Aunt Rose was the oldest sibling of Papa Joe's mother's siblings the youngest of I think it was 10 kids so a big age gap between oldest and youngest. The camp aunt Rose was in was fortunately freed by American troops. And since she already had family here it made it much easier and faster. When Papa Joe got older and married soon after his mother passed, they had bought a two family flat one that was a one unit upstairs and one down stairs, by the time they had started to babysit me aunt Rose was living upstairs. They watched me for 5 years. From the year before I started school then after school and during the summer all through until the start of 4th grade when we moved. Yes they taught young ones as we got older they taught a little more, those were the most important lessons, they said there was more but we were to young, to look it up in better books than our school history books and I did, I understand why those were the main lessons they taught and didn't go into much detail of their time in the camps and a good portion of even before that. Even aunt Rose taught me never forget history but never blame those that came from the ones that did the evil unless they themselves are following in the footsteps of the same evil. We can never forget history, because there are times the darkness will raise again, but never blame the descendents for what their ancestors did unless they are following the same darkness. Hence stepping in to stop bullies. When the darkness returns if it does remember most of these people aren't related to the ones that were part of the last darkness, except only a few. Often these are a whole different group of people often conned and made scared and afraid by a group often one political group or another, but also with the backing of many of the rich behind them, often when they feel they are losing their control and grip over the people. Formal religions have been used as part of this control, of the people, these groups all working together. The few controlling the many. Here in the states and really around the world that's what is happening. The darkness is trying to hold on because this time it knows in the long run this time they will lose. The darkness and light is not what they talk about in any of the holy books, this is what comes from within. More and more people are waking up to the light within themselves and as the light grows, the darkness is destroyed and that is why the darkness is fighting so hard because they don't want to lose their power or their greed if they and the old systems fall, then we can remake this world hopefully into a better place and way.
@PhillipBarnes-k5w 2 месяца назад
Your / our work is welcomed globally. Time has passed for believing. Verification proves you correct. Experience has Ears. Let's prepare for the storm that approaches the final Coach. Hang on if you can, is the way for most, unfortunately. ❤ PLB
@Watchtherightway 2 месяца назад
Yes! and funfact: 'Jahwe' never said, that there is no other god. He literally said, that humans shall not worship other gods beside him 😂 Muslims, Jews and Christians have the same root. Muslims and Jews were once one folk (seen in a documentary on Christmas), until propably some Jews in that times started to change the scripts for several self-serving poposes. Lies were made out of God's word, or something was added to it. That is what a Muslim told me. That is the cause of the very old conflict, he said to me. Another funfact: the Buddha Gautama has told a story about a confused Brahman, who thought he musst be the creator, because of an experience in heaven of Brahmans and went to earth to teach humans about that... Well, i don't say anything further...it is just interessting... In love for 'God', the Creator, the Creation, the true 'Source' and the Truth🙏🫶❤️humans of the different cultures and religions have to speak to each other to find out truth and to find together, just share the same destiny, that we call life. I have never understood how people can argue about 'God'! It is a big shame! Devilish things were done in His name and it is going on even in europe (not only by 'muslims'!). True believers/lovers don't do it anyway...🫶 True Christians should actually see and say today, that this is the time of the Antichrist: everywhere lies that separate people from love, peace, respect, their true selves, from each other and from 'God'... Namaste❤
@guaracilage 2 месяца назад
Sad... 🌼🙏
@mercedesbenz3751 2 месяца назад
1 book, 1 God, 1 way or My book, my God, my way is the root cause of all religious conflicts in the world. People from Abrahamic faiths do that.
@Watchtherightway 2 месяца назад
This is not true. There are also Christians who are doing this.
@mjgaming7603 2 месяца назад
Aum namah shivay 🙏 ♥️ 🎉
@danielportillo3635 2 месяца назад
What book he is talking about ?
@travelhost_ 2 месяца назад
@vidsagar 2 месяца назад
The incidents covered here are just examples. There are numerous incidents like these which happened in places wherever these guys went. They plundered, looted, destroyed temples, raped ladies, converted people by force. Nothing has changed in today’s scenario. Whenever they are majority or their smaller minority starts turning to above 20-30 % population, if you don’t accept their way of life, they will treat you in same way even now, except that in some areas they are scared of powerful administration. In recent times, you can see it in Kashmir, Bangladesh, Pakistan (minority community destroyed, fled or converted since independence)
@mercedesbenz3751 2 месяца назад
People in Tamil Nadu are weird. Despite following the purest form of hinduism, Most of them do not identify themselves as Hindus or Indians.
@Watchtherightway 2 месяца назад
Für die Uninformierten hier im Westen gibt es in Indien nur den Hinduismus.... Soweit ich weiß, betrachten sich die Menschen in Tamil Nadu als Brahmanen. Soweit ich weiß, ist der echte 'Hinduismus' auch noch recht jung. Schauen Sie sich Indien genauer an. Da gibt es VIEL zu entdecken. Den Buddha Gautama (seine Lehre) würde ich auch gern empfehlen. Weil Sie in einem anderen Post eine Aussage zur Ursache von Konflikten tätigten. Da werden Sie auch fündig, versprochen❤
@mike-anjohaldjah3787 2 месяца назад
@d-rzarkocubrinoski 2 месяца назад
How stupid is this. God is God to everything that exists.
@Jani-eye1981 2 месяца назад
????????? Sick.. we choose to foolow u🙏
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