Research Pranayama. I was taught a few practices of it during freediving lessons. It’s mindblowing, what you can achieve by breathing in a certain way.
I’m on the swim team at my school and my coach taught us how to do pre race breathing exercises and it got me a lot faster and helped calm me down before races. It really does work.
Breath control actually saved my life one night. My heart went into beating so fast that it turned into a steady hum. I was about to die I know that. I started a controlled breathing technique I practiced as a kid in martial arts. The heart rate became visible again and slowed to a normal pace after a few minutes. Went to the hospital and was told my heart was bruised. My chest hurt like hell for a couple weeks. But I’m still here.
Breath control also helps gentlemen last longer. When the time is near, just focus that you're breathing out all the way before taking the next breath.
Some dude with long hair and a headband: control your breathing Me: lol okay hippie Rickson Gracie: control your breathing Me: this is exactly what’s been missing in my life
Rickson Gracie was my teacher from 1999 until after Rockson Gracie passéd away. I am grateful to Rickson Gracie who change my life forever in the most positive way.. I trained with, him on Pico Blvd, Pacific Palisades and Wilshire Blvd academy’s
Make it apart of your routine, make it a habit daily, and take back the first half of control in YOUR life. Others may only guide you to the door, but YOU hold the key to unlocking it. It is the first thing we do when we enter this world, as well as the last thing we do when we exit this world…breathe
What is the second half of control? in your opinion that is? Mine would be mind control. Cause there are amazing things you can do with it (like integrating new habits) if you learn to control your thinking
@@kiungaskiung5836 controlling the mind is controlling the body too. Complete control over both is the goal to bring mind back 100% to the body in the Here and Now🙏🏼
I’m a senior in high school and I’m playing football for the first time this year. I box and do Muay Thai though, so I understand the importance of breathing while doing physically demanding things. During our conditioning, other guys are dying because they either breathe too much, or hold their breath. But what works best for me is controlled short bursts. When I squat down to lift the tire, breathe in. When I explode upward to flip it, breathe out with a (shhhhhh) sound. I also think that the sound you make effects it, not so much BECAUSE of the sound, but because the amount of control you have to let air back through your mouth. You can exhale longer if you use your teeth as sort of a gate way, allowing you to have more control. Anyways, amazing video as always Jocko
You sound like someone who don’t likes do give up on things and is a hard working guy looking always to improve, anyway, i can relate and only wish you the best brother. Keep Grinding!
Agree with the title Been practicing yoga and breathing techniques for distress for so many years now. Am glad to see people are understanding it’s value more and more
Rickson’s Very Conscious Fighter- an Awakened Warrior.. true peace is collective calmness with efficient response amidst the mayhem of battle.. proper breathing, just like any virtue, so basic yet needs awareness.. Hi Jocko and Rickson, thanks for the inspiration! sending you love from Bacolod City!
Most experienced martial artists learn about breath control to control their emotions and their bodies. Sanchin kata is one of the best exercises to learn this.
I was lucky enough to train directly under this man in 2004, from day one white belt to blue belt. He spent an entire class, 90 minutes, to put us through raising heart rate and then breathing to bring it back down. He said “never panic when guy 50 pound bigger trying to choke you, breathe, there is a way out….and I mean that for life.”
This works in life as well not just sports. I use this technique every day before work and at times at stressful periods or before what I know will be tough meetings.
Both Patrick McKeown(Oxygen Advantage) and James Nestor talk about talk about the Wim Hof Method and its benefits. It's a stressor. It's a type of breathing practices you do for a few minutes a day, not all day long. It causes the body to adapt to be able to cope with stress. Wim's method scientifically shows we can take control of our autonomic symptom( beyond our concious control) through breathing. When we can control our nervous system function then we can take control of our immune system functions as well. Especially good for people suffering from autoimmune diseases. Just look into, there is a lot of information on the benefits to Wim's method. The breathing method itself in very old, a thousand years or older. Wim acknowledges this. But combined with cold exposure is his method. There are hundreds of know different breathing practices. James Nestor talks about Wim Hof method here for a few minutes at the 1 hour and 39 minute mark =
balance of both changed my mma game was just doing the wim hof forever but felt like it wasnt doing what i wanted like you said its a stressor not supposed to be done all day.
I've been trying Rickson and Wim Hoff. Only when I remember to implement it during a roll is when I notice my partner is gassed and I'm pretty good. As a white belt I still tend to forget controlling my breath.
The breathing puts us back in the feeling mode. Some gas out quickly because they are thinking about what they’re gonna do next instead of focusing on the breath. Always revert back to the breathe especially in BJJ, it will help you tremendously with everyday life.
This is the shit I always preach to my new guys when I’m FTO’ing. I tell them our best friend is oxygen and the ability to breathe will make them calm and help them to think. And I do the same thing before I talk on the radio…take a breath, or two, then talk.
Great! I am currently training my breathing so this episode is very interesting for my. Breathing techbiques should be teached every person from child on in school or even kindergarden. So helpfull.
Glad Jocko has this finally. In other videos he's criticized meditation, which in many ways is breath control. You have to control yourself in stressful situations. I had to do it in the Marines and I'm sure Jocko did as a SEAL. The thing is, even in the military, you do it almost automatically as part of your training. The training kicks in and calms you and your breathing. The problem is, you may not be aware of it. I think the only time I think I was consciously aware was when I was on the rifle range. You have to just breathe to take good shots. And I had never fired a rifle until I joined the Marines...strangely enough, I found going to the rifle range really relaxing because of that breath control I was taught.
@@SaifAlikhan-wy1zs The rifle range is the best example. The best time to take a shot is after the body's natural pause between breaths. You don't want to take a shot while you're taking a breath or about to take one. So you breathe in, breathe out, and during that natural 3-4 second pause in between breaths, you fire your weapon. Your whole body will be relaxed and it will result in a better shot, so you're not shaking the weapon at all (you should have a loop sling anyway to keep it tight).
Me: *closes eyes and takes a long, deep breath to sound cool on the radios for once* Copilot: "bruh make the call and open your eyes wtf are you doing tower cleared us to land"
i teach kids yoga.... first thing i teach them i show them is how to breath. way more important than any flexibility... "the breathe is the king of the mind" - B.K.S. Iyengar
I learned to breathe surprisingly in my athletic training class. Had a full week of the importance of it and saw different pro athletes do it. It changed my approach in almost anything physical. Plus, I just joined JiuJitsu and will definitely learn from this
I say i started my breath routine about june/july of this year while it has had an incredible impact on my life, it has also seemed like a gift and a curse. I can smell so much better and that lead to me finding out my upstairs neighbors smoke all day in their apartment. it most definitely improves your awareness to the things around you lol. one of those "the truth with set you free, but first it'll piss you off type things".
“It really does work” is the theme I hear. Clearly it works, your breath is your life. Why are we focused on anything else? Your experience of life is 100% correlated with your breathing and your experience is all you have. Everything in your life is your experience. Take control over it. Best way I’ve found is through yoga and meditation. And those were the very first systems that modern humans know of that showed us the methods of breath control. Learn from a master though do not try to do it yourself. You wouldn’t teach yourself how to skydive, don’t teach yourself how to do something of even greater power. If you master the breath you can master the whole existence. You will not be able to fathom with your mind what will begin to happen to you
We as humans are designed for physical intensity. Breathing is our life force. Control that and you can control much more than you thought in all aspects of life.
I’m an ER/trauma nurse. First “oh fuck” moment during a resuscitation during COVID with all that shit on, felt like I was going to die. Self talked to myself for like .5 seconds “regulate your breathing asshole” 180 degree change .
"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."
Great listen. On a different note though, I just got the email for LA county making us aware that the Governor recall ballot is going out in the next week. It will ask two things: Should the governor of California be recalled? and Who should replace him? I was thinking you or Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Would you step in as Gov. of California if asked? maybe you could address this somehow, or possibly put forth a suggestion for a possible replacement if you feel adequately prepared to offer one for consideration. Thanks.
Larry Elder, I really don't want someone who has abused steroids since their college football days to be govof the largest state no thank you. (Not talking about Jocko)
@@bullythebooks Not sure who you're referring to, Larry Elder didn't even take a sip of beer until he was 26. "Drugs are stupid. People who believe in drugs don’t believe in themselves." - Larry Elder
Same thing would apply to a 911 emergency. How is a dispatch going to send an ambulance when your emotions blitz out everything and can't even remember an address?
The radio thing is hilarious but true in the fire service as well. If you sound panicked on the radio its frowned upon and best believe someones gonna let you know and bust your balls about it.
That would have been helpful to me today. I thought i had lost my phone and i freaked out. Turns out it was... in my front strap pocket. On my chest in other words. Anxiety just'overwhelmed me.