looks yummy, and for the negging people who are complaining that it takes too long; dont watch or skip parts, and for the ones complaining that it looks undercooked; put it in longer. geezz. I'm defenitly making them.
Bei 7:55 Für alle, welche schon gemeckert haben muss ich mal Partei ergreifen...Man kann nicht bestreiten, dass der Teig im unteren Bereich unter dem Schinken noch nicht fertig gebacken aussah. Einfach länger backen ist da nicht so der richtige Ratschlag, weil der Rest zu trocken würde. Hast Du nicht einen besseren Tipp?!
maybe the ovens are hotter where many of these videos with no english spoken come from. I have had to triple the cooking time in some cases -- cook at lower temp but 3 x as long. Don't give up after one failure like this -- just put them back in the oven for the original time again. I wonder if they aren't getting the C to conversion backwards in the videos...
@@brendalins1237 I saw in some video that in Europe, the "bacon" over there is actually pork shoulder not pork belly. I could be that it is significantly less fatty than American bacon. I tend to cook mine in the microwave till it is dry.
Ricetta molto invitante ma toglierei formaggio e altro condimento perché già la sfoglia è la pancetta sono sufficientemente grassi ! Se poi è pancetta affumicata non ha bisogno di altro. 😊
Für mich sah es aus wie Frischkäse, wie z.B. Exquisa, Philadelphia, Buko etc. oder günstigere No Name Produkte (verwende ich nur)... Unter Weichkäse verstehe ich Camembert/Brie oder ähnliche. Ist in jedem Land anders.
@grokranfan8578 I like my bacon cooked... so ya its needed. I saw undercooked bacon in this. As I do in many of these videos that use raw bacon. Trichinosis...no thanks.
The bacon in the rolls are still unbaked.....precook the bacon for 3-4 minuts on a pan. Or until it is soft enough to still be rolled. Raw bacon is no ones favours😊
Pretty sure these are the breakfast bacon strips you can buy here in Germany, which are smoked and can be eaten uncooked. It's not the same as the bacon you buy in the States or in the UK.
@@dfender57 I can also skip through. Or the creator could make more efficient and easy to watch videos. On the other hand I can just not watch their videos. Done.
Ricetta 1: buona idea, personalizzabile. Però sarebbe meglio stendere il ripieno sulla sfoglia intera, fare un unico rotolo e tagliare poi i tronchetti, invece di arrotolarli uno per uno. Più veloce e preciso. Ricetta 2: la pasta all'interno è cruda.
I tried this. Did not turn out well. They were crispy on the outside but raw bacon-mushiness on the inside, even after baking for double the time stated.
Par cook the bacon first, or better yet, use the “cooked “ bacon like you can buy at Costco. It’s still undercooked for my taste and soft enough to roll. I think it would probably be perfect after baking in the roll