
Brit Reacts to US enemies are not gonna like this video... 

L3WG Reacts
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28 сен 2024




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@llGracell Год назад
“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” ― Abraham Lincoln
@richardmead5969 Год назад
true. within is the real enemy.
@LJBSullivan Год назад
Seems to be happening
@Itsandinicole Год назад
It’s from the inside!
@pegatheetoo1437 Год назад
And that's well on its way!
@cqtaylor Год назад
As long as all American adult citizens have the right to vote, then it will be fine as a nation.
@themourningstar338 Год назад
The bit about our antimony supply is a moot point. The US has antimony (stibnite) deposits and would be able to supply ourselves if need be. Our mines were closed because it was cheaper and easier to buy it from elsewhere. If we were cut off from buying it, we would just reopen our mines.
@frenstcht Год назад
Thanks! I was wondering about that, but Google didn't want to return any quick, direct results.
@themourningstar338 Год назад
@@frenstcht You're welcome 👍
@mindyrolston3915 Год назад
Exactly, we still have the mines full of the material we need. Why deplete are owe if we can buy cheaper. And then we always have it in reserve
@aaronalkor 10 месяцев назад
"And then we have the civilians, who have more guns than the military" I absolutely _love_ that sentence 🤣🤣🤣
@markcook927 9 месяцев назад
until the democrats take our weapons away.
@jerrypeal653 9 месяцев назад
More civilian weapons than the rest of the world combined!
@billt6116 8 месяцев назад
Well..., we like a selection for different conditions, and applications. Your go to side arm, You're back up, Your general purpose rifle, You're small game rifle, your shotguns( 6 Different gauges for different query) Your deer rifle, You're larger than deer rifle, Your big game rifle, Your big game handgun, Your air guns, Then there's all the Different ammunitions Available... Slugs, hardball , partition soft point, Hollow point, Copper jacketed, round nose, Ballistic point, nosler, boat tailed, And so on. If one is interested ,you can get a comprehensive education On small arms simply by enrolling in an American public school.
@nissan300ztt 8 месяцев назад
Americans own 45% of all firearms on earth. Gotta love that. Hell look at whats happening in Texas. if the governor gives the go ahead this invasion of people from Latin America will stop immediately.
@matrikzdaclown7496 6 месяцев назад
This is all I kept thinking the whole time. Yea, are military is beyond impressive, but don't forget about the millions that have legal and illegally owned guns. They think 9/11 brought everyone together? Invade us and see how we rise up and defend our lands. Lol!!! It will be a revolution like never seen or heard of before.
@kathenson606 Год назад
Lots of people don’t like us and think we’re arrogant. But who do they call when they need help?
@prischm5462 Год назад
Ghostbusters! 😀
@pegatheetoo1437 Год назад
Before, during, and after the war. We are always helping and giving to other countries but they continually berate our country & people. We are not perfect, but we are kind, generous, & compassionate.
@TrainTruck Год назад
Didn't that happened before where a country didn't like us being there but then they kept changing they're mind and wanted us there.
@theghost6412 Год назад
America is a good Ally to have due to mutual friendly and loyal ties to their military. The civilian people however are another matter that NO ONE wants to deal with. Their arrogance, lack of intelligence or common sense are what makes them mere sheep to the slaughter. The rest of the world just shakes their head at them and constantly asks their military why they bother to fight for a country of people that really should be left to fend for themselves so that some healthy doses of natural selection helps to regrow the countries people.
@gargadow Год назад
@richardovercast2258 Год назад
America is like a big family, we fight among ourselves but we will never let an outsider do the same
@jddwyer6089 Год назад
In America ~CDB And we may have done a little bit Of fightin' amongst ourselves But you outside people best leave us alone 'Cause we'll all stick together And you can take that to the bank That's the cowboys and the hippies And the Rebels and and the Yanks
@Atlazuko Год назад
America the poster child of "the ONLY one that gets to bully them is ME!" lol.
@sunshineandwarmth Год назад
That's not true. Following the Mariel boatlift when street crime rose so high that police did bits on TV teaching the public how to defend itself bc FL still had no deadly force law, all the guns in FL weren't aligned to prevent the disaster. Also, in TX, southern born ppl and most immigrants proclaim hatred of "yankees" (meaning northerners), although most couldn't tell you exactly where the Mason-Dìxon Line is, so wouldn't know who their enemies and allies even are. It's much worse today when tik tok and news channels go all out to sow enmity among all groups of ppl. I would doubt a democrat would even take a stand next to a republican to fight an "enemy" even if he could recognize one as such.😂
@sunshineandwarmth Год назад
I've traveled a lot and have never seen a country less likely to defend its own for any reason. Ppl just "wish" it was true that they would stand together. More likely we will have civil war as you see northern folks ready to destroy southern governors for shipping migrants to Northern cities. Speaking of such, how are you going to "fight together" when Uncle Joe has opened the border and allowed everyone in from 180 countries, (I think was reported). Wh of these folks are your enemies? Are the Africans going to stand w you or their brothers or fight other africans from the continent? Will the cartels fight to defend the Americans or use their status to take over? American born ppl know little about the rest of the world and almost no languages other than English. Not only would we not know who to trust among the mayhem, we wouldn't even be able to ask?!
@lydiaedwards8100 11 месяцев назад
​@sunshineandwarmth I disagree. I'd definitely fight for my fellow Americans. Period. 🇺🇲 ONE
@geraldelmore4830 Год назад
Not everyone keeps guns at home, but, overall, we have more weapons per capita than some nations' entire militaries. Lots of highly trained veterans, too. FAFO.
@gamester512 Год назад
Yep. It's likely that every family in America has or had at least one member who joined the military. In my own family for instance, my grandfather served in WWII (though he did not see actual combat, he was about to be sent overseas to fight when the war finally ended), my great uncle is a retired Air Force Lt. Colonel, and my younger cousin is currently an active duty Marine (last I heard, he's a Lance Corporal, but he may have since earned a promotion, as it's been quite a while since I last received an update on his rank). Both of my parents & my aunt used to hunt as well, and my uncle & cousins still hunt (the older of the two has even taken down a bear before). So they would all know their way around a gun. And I want to learn myself, just for self-defense purposes.
@ohoyohummered Год назад
People don't understand, even Americans that want (auto-rifles) to have some regs, own guns. Almost everyone I know has a hand gun, including Dems & Libs.
@pegasusgold50 Год назад
Draftees aren't sent into action with no training. In fact, the training is extensive and grueling.
@dane3038 Год назад
I have a spare for the neighbors.
@OneTruePhreak Год назад
I live a block away from Rock River Arms. If the US mainland is ever invaded, the doors to their armory are going to swing wide open, and everyone in my hometown, who isn't already armed, will be armed to the teeth.
@michaelkav6345 Год назад
Yes. In the unlikely event that we were invaded by troops, any step they took would likely be their last. I’m retired law enforcement and between me and just a couple of my neighbors we could defend ourselves for weeks. Even months. Plenty of water and food, arms and ammo, and plenty of pride.
@MJBJ-cb2jd Год назад
Yes, Brits are trained as well as us.
@youtubecommenter2527 Год назад
@@MJBJ-cb2jd Civilians? Not true at all.
@kittenisageek Год назад
Yep. In the event of an emergency, it is incredible how quickly we pull together. I can't speak for big cities, but in my circle of friends we have individuals who can handle transport, food, medical, armament, etc. For example, a friend of mine died a few years ago from old age. At her funeral, the head of a major disaster relief network showed up and said this about her: "When Katrina was first making landfall, I started calling out to my network looking for aid for New Orleans because it was going to be bad. Everyone I contacted was telling me it would be a day or two before they could get into the region, but maybe I should try this number... Eventually I made contact with (the deceased), but it was hard to hear over the noise, so I shouted into the phone: "I'm looking for help in New Orleans, this storm is going to cause a disaster!" (The deceased) replied into the phone, "I know, I'm sorry I'm late, but I'm doing 120 down the freeway in a semi. I've got a busload of volunteers an hour behind me and we expect to be in the area before dawn, but I can't drive any faster." I was stunned. Everyone else was telling me it would be a couple of days before they could even get moving and here was someone already on the way and expecting to be there before sunrise, so I asked, "Where are you coming from that you can get here so soon?" (The deceased) replied, "South Dakota.""
@amber.ren_1995 11 месяцев назад
⁠@@kittenisageekand that’s our amazing beautiful American right there for you ❤. One part of our country gets ripped in half you best believe the other half of the country is trying its best to help repair it. Love it comes in all different shapes and sizes. Even when we’re not getting along. ❤❤❤
@eyezul 11 месяцев назад
Yep. Former law enforcement as well. And where I live, most guns per Capita in the country.
@dianefiske-foy4717 10 месяцев назад
You don’t get “no training”, when you go into the U.S. Military, whether it’s through the lottery OR on a voluntary basis. You get so many weeks of basic training. I went through Basic Training twice, in 1976 (6 week in the WAC’s: Women’s Army Corp) & 1982 (8 weeks in the regular Army).
@markwilliams5184 10 месяцев назад
Love this video bro. I absolutely LOVE watching people from other countries who become flabbergasted at American might! Literally NOTHING makes me more proud. And as a true patriot myself, while I would surely be scared and would NEVER want such a thing, the idea of fighting for my country, and even dying is the most honorable way to die I can possibly think of. Again, not saying I’m some crazy war crazed mad man that would be a war hero… I’m sure I would be terrified. But I would happily do it to protect my family and country. Next, our guns… this is why the left here in America has lost their ever loving minds! Our entire countries founding doctrines, are literally based around two ideas. 1. Rugged freedom and individualism, but a core belief in country and fellow countryman. Not that a government has to force us to help our fellow countryman, but a man with true freedom, will do so willingly. And we have. And still do. 2. That we would rather die on our feet than live on our knees. And a large part of that is to protect our country from enemies both foreign AND DOMESTIC! Our founders were BRILLIANT men. They saw how quickly a corrupt government will turn on its own population. And a well armed militia is crucial to the defense of our sovereignty. A war against the civilians would be a nightmare. I have… some guns we will say. And I know guys with arsenals that make mine look like I’m playing with GI joes.
@energygirl9588 Год назад
My uncle was drafted and went to Vietnam. The draft hasn’t been used since then. I have friends who are armed to the teeth. They have whole rooms for their guns. The average gun owner has 2-3 minimum in Texas.
@jeff-hopkins Год назад
I'm pro self defense and personal firearms.... --I thought it was surprising that I heard on the news one night that, even with so many armed citizens in the state of Texas, death by gunshot, is relatively low! I would assume that the trend would be just the opposite but then a friend corrected me: Because everyone knows that everyone else is armed..... They are not about to pull their weapon and start anything! 😀
@jeffpierce400 Год назад
@@jeff-hopkins Yes, knowing your fellow Americans are very possibly armed, has helped ensure we mind our manners in public and keep a civil tongue. 😅
@energygirl9588 Год назад
@@jeff-hopkins Parents are also teaching their kids to hunt and gun safety. Everything starts at home. Good behavior and bad. Might as well teach them young so they grasp it early under the correct guidance. It’s better to get your first gun from your dad than the thug in the streets.
@-D.S. 9 месяцев назад
As an American, we love to exercise our individuality and freedom of speech. Overstep on either of these in a real way and we will band together and stand up strong in a heartbeat.
@hamradioliveguy5544 10 месяцев назад
Getting drafted only sends you to bootcamp for training. Then you are a member of the military and can go anywhere the need you.
@allengator1914 Год назад
Mexico is to the south of the United States, not South America. South America is an entirely different continent separated from the U.S. by many other countries in between. Any country would be foolish to even try invading America because they would not only find they were significantly outmatched militarily, but they would also face a very heavily armed citizenry at every turn.
@stephencooper5040 Год назад
Oh yeah, I just saw a thing the other day that said US civilians own something like 40-45% of privately owned firearms ON THE PLANET… And I was like “aw man, I thought for sure it would be higher than 50%.”
@micheleerickson8759 Год назад
I agree.. as redneck southerner we were taught if you knew how many guns you had You don't have enough. I think those #s are wrong 😊
@jasonmatkovich6342 Год назад
Double that
@kittenisageek Год назад
I think that Big City folk, like from LA or NYC, are the reason the number is so low. They're skewing the scale for the rest of us. My dad started teaching my sister and I how to handle guns when we were 8 to 10. My niece and nephew got their first guns (kept in their daddy's safe, of course) when they were 8 to 10. I regularly have customers come in carrying and nobody even thinks twice about it. I remember back in the '80s the post office and most banks would have a table just inside the door where you would place your firearm until you finished your business there.
@nbody6942 Год назад
That 40-45% is just the legally owned weapons. You will not believe how cheap and easy it is to obtain a firearm from other countries, without all the pesky taxes and background checks.
@brandonhainstock2928 10 месяцев назад
that they know of ;)
@michaeldobson107 Год назад
I knew the civilian angle was coming. I myself own 3 semiautomatic handguns, 4 rifles, a shotgun and a long-range precision sniper rifle (and I'm not alone in my circle of friends and co-workers.) I have more than 3,000 rounds of ammunition in my closet at home, as I participate in precision shooting events and club events every weekend. I find it more satisfying as a hobby than collecting stamps or coins. And, again, I am not alone in this. Something like 97% of the personal firearms and ammunition in the entire world resides in the USA. And trust me, you get into someone's neighborhood, a place in which they have spent their entire lives, and you are on the defensive, not the offensive. So, even if another country were to get "boots on the ground" in the USA, they would be facing an entire population of armed citizens who know how to shoot to kill. Until we get into a Star Trek/Star War type of situation, invading the US mainland just isn't a feasible option for the other nations on the planet.
@Yuki_Ika7 Год назад
As long as said guns are kept safe, operated safely and are not used on Innocents, then you do you, I may not be a gun person but I respect my fellow Americans rights the own guns as long as they follow those rules I said earlier and such
@michaeldobson107 Год назад
@@Yuki_Ika7 Appreciate that. Guns have become a hot button issue this decade. It wasn't like that when I was young (I'm 60 years old.) I remember going hunting after school on Fridays with a group of students led by our High School PE teacher (the "adult supervision", so-to-speak.) We would arrive in the parking lot with our rifles racked in the gun racks of our pickup trucks and LEAVE THEM THERE during class. They would still be there once school ended. A different time to be sure. There were just as many guns per population back then as there are now, just no "school shootings" or massacres. Seems like a lifetime ago. On the other hand, there was no homeless population, drug epidemic or mental health crisis in those days either. And families back then had both a mother and a father in the family unit. And let me tell you, most of us were more scared of what our fathers would do to us than what the law would do to us. I think all of that is missing in this day and age. Far too many of the kids these days are missing father figures, wrestling with unchecked mental health issues and being raised by the streets (instead of their parents.) ALL of the school shooters and people shooting up churches and theaters, etc. have had (sometimes long term and severe) mental health problems. All of them. But that, according to the liberal politicians, is not the problem. It's the inanimate firearms, that can do nothing without the direct intervention of a human being. What we have in this country, is a mental health crisis, which helps to fuel the drug epidemic, which fuels our homeless population. Cheers.
@N3KR0SiS_YT Год назад
Just remember if a certain letter group comes asking about them, you lost all your guns in a tragic boating accident.
@michaeldobson107 Год назад
@@N3KR0SiS_YT *Just remember if a certain letter group comes asking about them, you lost all your guns in a tragic boating accident.* LOL.
@lisahause8705 11 месяцев назад
Yes, fight to my death! I know how to work all my tools!
@tylerredforge5563 10 месяцев назад
7:10 I agree, but Mexico and Canada would 100% tell the US if they were offered a bribe of some kind to let the enemy get on the us homeland
@locustkllr 9 месяцев назад
Your point at 10:33 is undoubtedly true. It's not like every American has or wants a gun, but especially in the rural areas, it's a LOT. And many of the people who have guns, have enough to arm a small rebel force. Even if an invading army killed 5000 civilians for every soldier they lost to a civilian weapon, they would incur losses sufficient to completely nullify their manpower.
@jozf8163 Год назад
Yes, when we turn 18, as an American male, we have to register for the draft. I was in the US Navy when I got the notice there was an arrest warrant on me for not registering. I guess that was quashed fairly fast as I was already a member of the US forces. SMH
@IamGrief887 10 месяцев назад
Yup. I signed up for the draft right out of highschool, and you remain eligible for the draft until you are 40. You're not as likely to get drafted after 25, but if some cataclysmic war happens that wipes out enough troops, you can still be drafted until age 40.
@kokomo9764 Год назад
Anyone drafted would be fully trained. They would never be sent into combat without training. Just because Antimony mines were closed, does not mean they could not be re-opend. There are other metals, like Gallium, that are produced in China and Russia. Gallium is produced during the process to make Aluminum, it does not exist as deposits by itself. But just because we buy it from China only means it is cheaper to buy it than produce it. In war, cost is somewhat irrelevant.
@mericafirst 10 месяцев назад
He forgot about the Alien technology we have at area 51 😂
@Blueridgebully 11 месяцев назад
A Southern American and 4 of his best friends would be an absolute nightmare for a platoon of ground soldiers in their own backyard
@kennethflegel5736 5 месяцев назад
16:52 Imagine how hard it'll be to hack when you're hacking centers and cables have been blown up.
@Melissa20453 Год назад
anytime someone says “and i’m telling you right now” my brain instantly goes to plane lady 😂😂
@TheSpudKing021 4 месяца назад
2007!? We've been able to shoot down satellites since 1985 when an F15 did it... Glad they "caught up"😂
@The_Conspiracy_Analyst Год назад
2:25 It's even more extreme than he mentioned here. Almost all production occurs outside of large cities. And there's usually multiple contractors that produce or can produce most vital components (redundancy). And most stuff is made in the middle of nowhere in Oklahoma or Alabama or something, and those companies are seen as like the benevolent benefactor of that town.
@RevanJJ 9 месяцев назад
It’s already happening. From the southern border. Millions of people, a large number of which are men of fighting age could be snuck in and create cells in every city.
@Provoses Год назад
People give us hell for not having free healthcare but I think the ability to glass an entire continent without fear of retaliation is a much better perk
@13thAllieCat Год назад
Ok I think I agree but… we’re good, can’t we do both?? No? I think it’s possible
@paulm581 Год назад
It’s because we have the best unhealth care system.
@Provoses Год назад
@@13thAllieCat too much corruption. Politicians pocket that money when a new budget is put into place. We need to burn it down and restart
@bulletsandbracelets4140 Год назад
worst comment I've ever read, jfc. You'd really rather your own neighbors die in the streets, homeless and sick, so long as you can mass murder another country without repercussion? Seriously? Unironically? You are going with that?
@vooptr Год назад
@@paulm581Hahaha…this is gold.
@Jennx7080 11 месяцев назад
Air Force brat and native Texan here. I agree that the border with Mexico looks like a good place to invade but trust me when I say they wouldn’t know what hit ‘em. We’ve got 15 active military bases in Texas alone not to mention Texans are armed to the teeth & wouldn’t hesitate to defend our country. Southern border is a pretty much a war zone anyway with cartels so we’ve had some practice
@honda86tb 10 месяцев назад
Not been through it but I did the 8 week Navy basic training in the 90’s.
@agrotta1650 9 месяцев назад
Just warning to those countries with Nukes, don't forget Chernobyl, that land is still uninhabitable. Can you say "radioactive"☢️?
@cyrusmcintosh3051 Год назад
When I was thirteen I had 13 guns, rifles, pistols, shotguns, and an AR 15... A substantial amount of citizens are ex military or gang members. A foreign invader would be screwed 😂. Love your videos and can't wait till you hit American soil my man!
@andyboog2010 9 месяцев назад
Keep in mind that a huge percentage of us go into the military with firearms knowledge to begin with.
@nyteshayde1197 10 месяцев назад
Drones like the Reaper and hackers are going to be central to future wars.
@hugehappygrin 10 месяцев назад
Slight correction. The Selective Service System is a permanent draft. If a typical XY, 18, receives the SSS card in the mail, XY must return it or face a fine of $250k and/or 5 years in Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas federal prison. That's from the federal side. On he state side the noncompliant XY will never be able to get commercial work, it will all have to be under the table/black market work. No drivers' license, no work licenses, and cannot vote... among other can'ts. Can you believe that we don't hold XX to the same standard/rules?
@terrancewilson5035 9 месяцев назад
72 million Americans with their own guns mite be a problem to invaders...
@jeffhall2411 10 месяцев назад
not to mention. the amount of personal Firearms in the US, any invader would be facing massive Gorilla warfare from personal gun owners
@jbeezy4duhwin 6 месяцев назад
The ever delicate dance of geopolitical stance!❤
@halah34 Год назад
I applied for a government job and had to prove I signed up for selective service, even though I did it 30 years ago.
@Zxcvhnm 5 месяцев назад
They haven't actually used the draft since Vietnam, but you wouldn't get no training. You'd still go to boot camp before shipping out. They'd call up the reserves and national guard first. I think there's also rules for retirees if they are still physically fit. Like if you retire out after 20 years, but you were 18 when you started, in an emergency they might be able to call you back as a trained and healthy 38 year old.
@PunkSkunker Год назад
We’ve been invaded already. Our border has been open for years now. Who knows who’s here.
@HappyValleyDreamin Год назад
Oh paleeez! LOL! Border crossings are down 70%! You're living in a cave! Come out into the light where truth and reality live!
@corriemayo2715 Год назад
Sure, jan
@janetmaddock3941 Год назад
Get a grip. You're not invaded. You're feeding off of crazy and seek cruel punishment for those you think inferior. What makes you so special? Color? Good luck with that. You've already lost
@lauraneill5981 9 месяцев назад
I’ve lived in the south of the USA all of my life. I don’t know anyone from the south that doesn’t have several guns. We all know how to defend ourselves-Everyone knows it! (That’s why most of the crime you hear of happens in the northern USA & California. Northerners aren’t usually gun friendly)
@pollypocket2282 Год назад
We are being invaded currently through our Southern border… no it isn’t a “typical” war, but the cartels are using it to bring us down in other ways. My uncles were are drafted for Vietnam, but luckily the draft ended right before my dad’s number came up, which was a blessing. Also, I live in Florida, we don’t have a lot of room to move inland due to the Everglades, but it would be near impossible for anyone to get close… our subs are everywhere (ex husband was Navy). Also, yeah we have guns and even if we are infighting politically, we will bond together to protect each other.
@deegibb6368 Год назад
Exactly, we're a big family. We will fight and insult each other, but no one else is allowed to!
@jeff-hopkins Год назад
My father and both of his older brothers all trained in ROTC while studying at MIT. His older brothers were deployed to West Germany as a Major and the other to..... Scandinavia(?) as a Leuitenant. Father was never called up. One uncle came home from Germany with photos of him playing golf with the German Presicent while he served there.... The other uncle came home with an especially beautiful, blonde-haired bride! 😀 My father's sister.... Her husand served in Korea with the 1901 Bomb Group on the "Outlaw". He was their photographer. Some of his photos were in Stars and 'Stripes magazine.... and others in U.S. school books. --Back when they taught about the reaalities of turmoil and warfare (and other sad truths of life) in the public schools..... 😢 If I understand correctly -- They are not even allowed to admit that the atraucities of the Holocaust ever took place in the schools now. (?) 😞
@andreadoria5279 11 месяцев назад
I came to see if anyone had made this comment. There’s also been concern of enemies coming through Mexico. The Chinese consulate was already shut down in Houston in 2020. They were accused of espionage and harassing Chinese families trying to get them to go back to China. Didn’t help that they were burning documents within 24hrs of notice.
@bryanparsons7207 Год назад
I'm from the north but I really feel that trying to invade through Texas would be a terrible idea
@Raven9610 Год назад
Trust me, we wish they would! The dumbest thing they could do is try to invade from the Gulf. If they make it past Florida man and Crazy Cajuns, they ain’t gonna make it through Texas.
@BadGoy88 Год назад
Texas has already been invaded
@ecksfactor 7 месяцев назад
I still have my selective service card, it's been stored away for more than 30 years now lol
@ThorAxeleon 9 месяцев назад
I entered the Selective Service when I first turned 18, I'm 24 now and my time in the Selective Service program will end in August after hitting 25.
@peterboyles6868 8 месяцев назад
The US and Canada have a mutual defense treaty. An attacker will face both countries. The US does not dispose of last generation equipment. It stores it. So it has a large equipment reserve to arm people. Note that the US has a large military reserve, and the states have their national guard, which adds another large reseve for the Army and Airforce.
@stephaniestaley9811 Год назад
I suggest watching “How Geography Made the US Ridiculously OP” by Real Life Lore - really interesting.
@michaelmmcintyre 5 месяцев назад
How much we spend is not representative of what we get for the money. Recently one of our congressman held up a bag of bushings you could get at a hardware store for under $100. The U.S. Air Force pays $90,000 for the same bag.
@chrismc3744 Год назад
Just found your vids. As an American I love this shit. Thank you. (
@alaxsparkz359 10 месяцев назад
About the draft part we are basically one gigantic war tribe
@NightShade1161 Месяц назад
We do get that particular metal from China and Russ, but most people don’t realize is that we have a gigantic stockpile of it sitting just for that reason
@whyjnot420 Год назад
Physical separation is a double edged sword so to speak. Especially when talking the distances of the Atlantic or Pacific. Leveraging that level of American power outside of North America in both world wars was a remarkable achievement in and of itself.
@ifrit1937 Год назад
I mean for the US that's not really an issue for us right now given how many bases we have outside the US in other countries...said countries would have to betray us in order to make that advantage a non issue as we'd be able to attack almost anywhere and supply all bases easily (as we won't be attacking our own ships). On top of that we have almost triple to 5x the amount of sea and air firepower than all other nations combined (something not even mentioned in this video but many videos focused solely on the military go over) and we more or less control all means to get across the Pacific and Atlantic ocean to both of the American continents (we have both the largest navy as well as the largest air force and 2nd largest air force (the US Naval Airforce is considered it's own thing and that takes 2nd)). Hell even if China and or Russia made a deal with Canada that Canada would let them through (can't really say it's impossible given the current Prime Minister's (Justin Trudeau's actions over the past few years are more in line with what those countries do just like Biden's and other Dem's administrations...I don't think Canadians as a whole would really accept such BS but that guy I don't trust at all due to the BS he's pulling on his own countrymen) but won't fight themselves it'd be hard pressed to actually make such a move given Alaska is between them and Canada thus we could intercept troops and supplies from a northern route while they're still on the water.
@nbody6942 Год назад
They could go through the arctic to get to Canada, during the summer, not sure if it's worth it during the winter.
@missflowerpower8724 10 месяцев назад
The most vulnerable area, in my opinion is that we receive countless shipping containers from China EVERY DAY. Trojan Horse, anyone!?!?
@dtater1898 9 месяцев назад
The best way I would say is South America and it’s because Canada is another powerful ally to us. They would fight the enemy invaders and try to hold them off until the United States gets there.
@danielevans5864 9 месяцев назад
220 million is only the "known" amount of armed civilians. I'm guessing the number is easily 660-880 million arms owned by Americans. God bless our Thomas Jefferson!
@johnwicksfoknpencil 9 месяцев назад
You ain’t getting through Texas. Southern entry would be as suicidal as a coastal invasion
@dylandepetro4187 10 месяцев назад
Considering how many cargo ships pass through the Long Island Sound on a daily, it would probably be easier than one would think to land troops on American soil. However, the only parts of America that I could see being invaded, would of course be anything not connect to the mainland, and with a large enough population that can be use as both shields from artillery attacks, and as bargaining chips. However the island would have to be close enough to the mainland to use as a staging ground. The amount of goods we import per day is perhaps our biggest weakness because it doesn’t take a smart person to realize that freighters are literally ready made troop carriers (especially the container ships. Wouldn’t take much modifications to turn the containers into makeshift bunks for troops to sleep in during the voyage.)
@catsruleable 10 месяцев назад
It takes about 45 hours, or six 8-hour days, to drive coast-to-coast in america. Just to help with scale 😂
@RulerExplosionMurder 11 месяцев назад
Bro at 9:31 I died; the civilians have more guns than the military. He just goes, "let's just end it right there"
@timallen6035 8 месяцев назад
Yes, China used a ballistic missle to shoot down one of it's own satellites. The US shot down one of it's old satellites with an F-15 to show the world that we can do that too. I didn't see in skimming through the comments if anyone else mentioned it.
@ygelementdgentertainment7525 10 месяцев назад
You bet we will fight without a second thought 😂
@elmerchrisman7683 9 месяцев назад
That's what happened to me during the Vietnam War.
@bernardheight6871 3 месяца назад
The young men from the draft would be trained b4 being released to the front lines of at least 6 weeks
@carlchiles1047 5 месяцев назад
The civilian guns are rifles…AR-15 style assault weapons…and the right to carry weapons are in our 2nd Amendment to our Constitution…
@reneerolandgraceinyourface 6 месяцев назад
Every house has usually more than one handgun, a reifle shotgun and some have automatic weapons like machine guns ( theyve oitlawed some of those and are trying to take them all but we are not having it. Our right to bear arms protects citizens against a tyranical government so we need access to weapons as rapid as our govt has) some ppl have helicopters and even tanks. The japanese leader in ww2 said " if we invade the US, thered be a gun behind every blade of grass" 😂
@trentgreen5570 10 месяцев назад
I wouldn't try to invade through Texas. Home doesn't joke around, we have wet dreams about an actual Red Dawn
@bcobrien87 9 месяцев назад
To be fair, while citizens own a lot of firearms in the USA, only about 30% of the citizens own firearms. That being said, when push comes to shove, those 30% could share firearms with those who don’t, but are willing to take up arms. As far as Selective Service System goes, there are factors that could keep you from being drafted, but if you were drafted, you would receive basic training before sent to fight.
@ShaskiGune 9 месяцев назад
9:54 The craziest part is that there is 300 million of us aand there is still 20.5% more guns than people 😂 GOD BLESS AMERICA
@tylernorlin4866 10 месяцев назад
The selective service is kinda pointless. Our military is a solely volunteer service, if our manpower ever fell enough to need the draft then its far too late. The veteran community in the US makes up 6% of the adult population, that's still 18 MILLION.
@mollyrussell8954 Месяц назад
Not to mention that most of Americans are armed and will take no prisoners.
@TheDragonCustoms 10 месяцев назад
Wolverines! There is actually a purpose to movies sometimes…
@ivithos2128 4 месяца назад
If you consider the open borders, the U.S. is being invaded by millions. It only takes a small fraction of those individuals to be in the service of a hostile foreign nation to make a massive impact on the US's ability to wage war. Chicago is proof that acquiring illegal firearms is not hard. There have been training camps for terrorists found in New Mexico and Texas. So congregating, arming, and directing a force of hostile individuals is really easy. Given the age of our infrastructure, it would not be impossible to cause damage and cripple the nations ability to communicate, transport material, or respond to an actual hostile force marching into the interior.
@jbeezy4duhwin 6 месяцев назад
Ya the draft. We have been promised by politicians it won't happen again, ever. Yet, we still must register to be drafted so we can vote. All good though I'll fight
@phantom3093 10 месяцев назад
The day you turn 18 you have to sign up for the draft. When drafted you'd be put through a rapid basic training. You also have to count on all the military veteran. We gave an oath to protect this country from all enemies foreign and domestic. This oath, for most of the veterans, has no expiration date. You also have to take into account the technology that the US shows it has is about 10 to 20 years behind actual technology. The US most likely has devastating laser and rail guns that aren't advertised. They say the air powered laser project has been shut down. What has actually, most likely, happened is the program has gone onto a black budget. You also have to think about most of the space shuttle missions and rocket mission are black, aka top secret.
@gregmontgomery6925 8 месяцев назад
Hello from Arizona. I have been enjoying your content, watched 10+ videos. Color me ignorant, but yon not knowing about Selective Service (commonly called The Draft) might be the first thing that surprises me.
@mollyrussell8954 Месяц назад
We do not have a draft. It’s all voluntary.
@jamarporter742 10 месяцев назад
Never discount the US veteran population
@javiervalenzuela8284 10 месяцев назад
If you want to be able to say you invaded the US the best bet is to ignore the mainland and invade everything else considered US soil. Preferably not the 2 states as that would also be difficult potentially.
@averagegardener4266 5 месяцев назад
You know what's messed up. I couldn't join the Army, but I am currently joined in the Reserves because of my Disability. Scoliosis..😅
@fishinarkansas3348 8 месяцев назад
We smoked our own satellite as a show of force, decades ago.. cmon..
@deacoats7359 9 месяцев назад
You shouldn't ever mess with America. Not only do we have the best military.,our citizens will come out and help defend our country and the citizens won't play by the same rules
@keepthinking2666 10 месяцев назад
Problem is if the US government wanted to fight with robots they could just use Boston Dynamics Atlas program that is scary
@markeastlack4180 10 месяцев назад
All citizens have to sign up for Selective Service, it and jury duty are connected to registration for voting. You register to vote you automatically register for the other 2
@tomscell992 9 месяцев назад
Here’s a number you can wrap your head around. The US is 4% of the worlds population. And we own 40% of the worlds guns and ammo
@micheldick1736 5 месяцев назад
im canadian and most people i know own a gun. and most of us own multple guns, all sizes of hunting rifles.
@noonespecial3878 Год назад
If drafted, you would get training. We're not Russia.
@BoneHead1776 Год назад
Yep, they will make sure we are trained in the proper use of pronouns.
@michaeldowson6988 Год назад
Yes, western Europe, USA & Canada specialize in troop training. A large part of the Chinese Army is only good enough to keep their domestic population cowed. Both Russia & China are facing demographic collapse within a decade, and now Putin is putting breeding age men on the frontline to die.
@PurebloodedPatriot Год назад
@michaelmoolick9419 Год назад
You'd likely get some equipment too, rather than be told to ask your girlfriend for a tampon in case you get shot.
@evanirvana500 Год назад
And it's a lottery system, right? So not every dude would be drafted. In WW2 I believe the us military drafted only 9% of potential draftees. If necessary we could have brought more had the war gone differently. Then there's Vietnam ... Smh
@SighNaps 9 месяцев назад
A quick correction: The cyber attack on the pipeline that ran from Texas to the east coast of the US did not cause the pipeline to shut down. The hack caused the company that operates the pipeline to be unable to monitor the amount of oil flowing through the pipeline, stopping them from being able to bill their customers. It was an internal decision by the company to shut down the pipeline to prevent financial loss. The pipeline was fully capable of transporting the oil, but the company shut off the tap intentionally in the interest of profits.
@OneGeekStudios Год назад
As an American, I will say that internally we argue a lot with each other, but nothing brings us together more than someone from outside our country trying to start shit. If anyone tried to invade us, all of us citizens would be armed and ready to fight within 24 hours.
@studiohq Год назад
@evanirvana500 Год назад
Totally agree and I'm a liberal! Lol I believe in being prepared.
@marcom6089 Год назад
We are a big American family… we fight like cats and dogs but come after one of ours and you’ll regret it. We will defend our own despite our differences. 🇺🇸
@camillep3631 Год назад
Damn straight!
@Ordzo88 Год назад
💯 Just look at how we came together immediately after 9/11. We're always ready 💪
@richards.mchardy3556 9 месяцев назад
Not to mention that there is millions of law-abiding citizens who will in a moments notice defend themselves
@kennny61 Год назад
"You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass." - Japanese Admiral Yamamoto
@JohnLeePettimoreIII Год назад
while the statement is functionally true, this is a commonly misattributed quote.
@dickthedorkwing6082 Год назад
​@@JohnLeePettimoreIIIIf I am not mistaken it is a quote from an old movie...search me if I can remember the title of said movie.
@Longhauler85 Год назад
​@dickthedorkwing6082 "Tora, Tora, Tora!"? It's been so long since I watched that movie, so I'm not sure myself.
@dickthedorkwing6082 Год назад
@@Longhauler85 shit, ima have to go back and watch it but I think you're right.
@dickthedorkwing6082 Год назад
@@Longhauler85 however, as fallacious as the "quote" may be, it holds some significant truth. The United States has the worlds largest nonstanding army in the form of it's citizenry. No military force on this planet can match the United States citizenry in arms per capita or the readiness of the population to take up arms against an invading aggressor. That includes the United States government should it become tyrannical.
@michaelk2133 Год назад
You should react to Native Americans. Our communities are extremely patriotic overall, and have the highest rate of military service of any racial or ethnic group in the US. We too, are part of the US's secret weapons. Navajo language was completely unintelligible and was used in WWII to communicate without surveillance. Despite everything that has happened, the US flag and veterans always lead the grand procession at almost every Pow-Wow and many Native Americans will defend the land in the US. Many people do not know this, but the US government recognizes 574 tribal nations within the United States and these tribes have a government to government relationship with the US, including treaties, trade, and more. Tribal citizens are dual citizens of the US, and their tribal nation. Some tribes have even issued passports!
@justindurand9110 11 месяцев назад
Thank you, brother. Although I hope the day never comes, I will be proud to fight by your side if it does.
@nunyabuisness6840 11 месяцев назад
@tallestbeauty 11 месяцев назад
While living in Central AZ, there was an arsonist torching the Mongolion (sp.) Rim. When the firefighters showed up they were shot at by the arsonist. Finally cameras were set up and caught the arsonist in the act and identified him. He was a Tribal member. The AZ police apprehended the fugitive and turned him over to the Tribal chiefs to take care of. Then was relieved of his life.
@AniwayasSong 11 месяцев назад
@nyteshayde1197 11 месяцев назад
WWII would have been longer and bloodier if it weren't for the Code Talkers.
@internet_introvert 9 месяцев назад
I love the China swagger about the satellite kill. We did that back in 1985 with a missile launched from an F-15A, a design first flown in 1972.
@Rustysgirl17 Год назад
I laughed so hard at your reaction when you realized the people of America had not crossed your mind yet. That was hilarious! Thank you for the great giggle.
@LeighCatLibra Год назад
Yeah. Let’s end it at that. 😂
@richardpixler403 11 месяцев назад
As kids we grow up shooting. It is a hobby of many here. There are tree stands and blinds that hunters use everywhere here in Oklahoma. Invaders would have a hard time finding them.
@LJBSullivan 11 месяцев назад
That's why we have the right to bear arms.
@rogersanthony1 11 месяцев назад
Man I was smoking some weed he said that I couldn’t quit laughing. Then when he realize our secret of no matter what we do in America and how much we can Piss each other off once you interfere with us we will all be happy to mess you up lol
@pinkytalaga 11 месяцев назад
Same lol
@FBCxUNKNOWN 9 месяцев назад
Another thing people also don’t consider is US civilians don’t only have standard firearms like rifles, shotguns and pistols. We are also allowed to possess tanks, anti aircraft guns, and rocket launchers. All you have to do is pay a $200 tax stamp.
@tinahairston6383 Год назад
Civilians COULD??? No civilians WOULD join fight. We might have a lot of infighting but don't mess with us. We fought for this country once, we have NO problem doing it again. #fafo
@jimbojones7163 Год назад
We fought with each other even. Americans have never had a problem fighting for their beliefs or their country. No one has killed more Americans in any war than other Americans.
@adeleennis2255 Год назад
Another thing to consider is our prison population. Just look at the stuff these folk can create with limited resources. Suicide squad the worst of the worst, if absolutely necessary. Commute sentences for the skill sets other prisoners can use against the enemy. We’re going to need the prisons for POWs anyway.
@mariom1653 Год назад
Ya we like siblings we fight each other but when someone attack one of are own we join up and fight back
@glennclarke9442 Год назад
@MaggiePiffles Год назад
I don’t think any other Country is dumb enough to invade us. That being said, our citizens will stand shoulder to shoulder with our military and defend our Country till our last breath. And we are taught from the time we are young’ns how to hit what we aim at.
@gamester512 Год назад
And add to that the fact that America has friends who would come to our defense in a heartbeat. The UK, Canada, etc. Plus fellow NATO members would be obligated to come to our defense as well. So if you tried to go to war with the US, you would very likely end up facing off with half of the world, if not more....with America at the forefront.
@theghost6412 Год назад
Sadly if someone was to attack america, it wouldn't be to invade but rather all out genocide. America is ready for a physical attack, their own peoples lack of intelligence means a non physical attack is their greatest weakness and would annihilate them easily. And the people would help that attack along in their blind stupidity. America is all about Me, Myself and I. They forgot and decided to forgo the mentality of its people as a whole a long time ago.
@PAMELAPORTER-ci7mr Год назад
No, not all of us have been to a firing range and don't feel left out. Guns are dangerous.
@rabbittris Год назад
@@PAMELAPORTER-ci7mrthat’s why the first thing you are taught is how to safely handle them because they are dangerous
@sunshineandwarmth Год назад
You are delusional. You know what is happening in the US today?
@jandbyoung1 Год назад
Our armed civilians would give our own military fits. I can't imagine what they would do if another country tried to invade.
@michaelscritchfield1 Год назад
Fun fact, theres also about 18 million of us gulf war veterans in the US....were already trained. :)
@jasonmatkovich6342 Год назад
And now you have the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans
@wellyouknow1641 Год назад
Amen brothers!!!
@JenniferKitchens123 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for your service ❤
@kakuretatsumi715 Год назад
As a man who lives in the hills with more guns than kids I can promise you the saying "a gun in every bush" is very much true.
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