
Bungou Stray Dogs: Shin Soukoku moments (Pt2) 

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this includes dead apple btw, i hope you all enjoy
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14 окт 2024




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@S10U 4 года назад
stop corrupting innocent minds with your dirty comments here smh note: this comment is a joke do not attack me
@ghezelle9987 4 года назад
im sorry 😭😭😭
@lioness6995 4 года назад
@Cloud-kz7bw 3 года назад
This comment is at 69 likes and I almost don't want to like it
@S10U 3 года назад
@@Cloud-kz7bw not anymore
@womabyy9035 3 года назад
@@ShinichiroLeader ψ W̵h̸a̷t̸ ̷t̸h̸e̵ ̷f̸u̸c̵k̸ ̷d̴i̸d̸ ̴y̵o̶u̷ ̵j̴u̶s̴t̴ ̵f̶u̴c̸k̴i̸n̷g̷ ̴s̸a̴y̷ , ̶y̵o̴u̸ ̵l̶i̷t̷t̵l̴e̷ ̵b̸i̴t̴c̶h̵?̷ ̷I̴’̵l̵l̸ ̵h̵a̷v̴e̶ ̷y̸o̸u̸ ̸k̷n̸o̷w̴ ̶I̷ ̷g̷r̶a̸d̶u̶a̸t̴e̸d̵ ̷t̸o̶p̷ ̷o̵f̶ ̷m̸y̸ ̴c̷l̴a̵s̸s̴ ̵i̶n̴ ̵t̸h̷e̴ ̴N̴a̶v̶y̵ ̷S̵e̸a̵l̵s̷,̸ ̷a̴n̶d̸ ̵I̸’̸v̸e̴ ̴b̵e̵e̷n̶ ̷i̵n̴v̵o̴l̴v̶e̷d̷ ̶i̷n̵ ̶n̵u̸m̴e̴r̶o̷u̴s̴ ̶s̷e̸c̶r̶e̴t̴ ̷r̵a̷i̷d̵s̴ ̴o̵n̶ ̴A̶l̵-̴Q̷u̷a̸e̷d̶a̵,̶ ̴a̸n̴d̴ ̸I̷ ̸h̵a̶v̴e̸ ̶o̶v̵e̸r̶ ̴3̴0̶0̷ ̷c̸o̶n̶f̶i̷r̷m̸e̷d̶ ̷k̶i̴l̶l̸s̸.̵ ̸I̶ ̴a̶m̷ ̶t̶r̴a̴i̴n̸e̶d̸ ̶i̸n̶ ̸g̷o̶r̷i̸l̶l̵a̷ ̸w̷a̸r̸f̶a̵r̸e̴ ̴a̶n̴d̶ ̷I̴’̴m̴ ̸t̵h̶e̶ ̸t̷o̴p̸ ̸s̶n̵i̴p̴e̵r̶ ̷i̷n̸ ̷t̵h̷e̶ ̵e̶n̴t̵i̷r̶e̵ ̴U̴S̸ ̴a̶r̷m̵e̷d̶ ̵f̸o̷r̵c̵e̵s̷.̸ ̵Y̶o̸u̴ ̸a̸r̶e̴ ̴n̶o̶t̸h̵i̵n̴g̵ ̸t̷o̴ ̷m̴e̵ ̷b̴u̶t̸ ̷j̵u̶s̵t̶ ̴a̷n̸o̸t̷h̴e̵r̷ ̷t̴a̵r̶g̵e̴t̶.̴ ̷I̷ ̴w̶i̷l̵l̷ ̸w̴i̵p̶e̵ ̵y̷o̵u̷ ̵t̶h̵e̶ ̸f̵u̷c̸k̷ ̸o̸u̵t̵ ̵w̷i̸t̷h̴ ̸p̵r̸e̸c̶i̸s̶i̴o̵n̷ ̸t̷h̵e̴ ̸l̴i̵k̴e̸s̸ ̵o̴f̵ ̶w̵h̶i̴c̵h̷ ̸h̴a̵s̶ ̴n̴e̶v̵e̷r̸ ̴b̵e̶e̶n̸ ̸s̴e̸e̸n̶ ̴b̶e̷f̷o̵r̸e̵ ̸o̵n̸ ̵t̷h̷i̷s̸ ̵E̵a̷r̴t̴h̸,̶ ̵m̶a̸r̷k̷ ̴m̶y̴ ̴f̶u̷c̷k̵i̶n̷g̵ ̴w̶o̶r̵d̸s̴.̴ ̴Y̷o̶u̸ ̴t̵h̴i̵n̸k̶ ̴y̸o̶u̷ ̴c̶a̶n̴ ̸g̸e̵t̸ ̵a̵w̶a̸y̷ ̸w̸i̶t̸h̷ ̵s̶a̷y̶i̷n̴g̴ ̷t̶h̵a̵t̸ ̸s̵h̵i̴t̶ ̶t̸o̵ ̵m̵e̷ ̶o̷v̸e̶r̴ ̴t̸h̶e̶ ̴I̷n̷t̷e̶r̷n̴e̶t̶?̸ ̶T̶h̶i̸n̸k̵ ̵a̵g̷a̷i̶n̵,̴ ̷f̷u̴c̷k̶e̸r̸.̴ ̶A̶s̷ ̶w̴e̷ ̵s̸p̴e̶a̸k̸ ̴I̵ ̸a̷m̵ ̷c̶o̵n̸t̵a̵c̸t̴i̵n̷g̴ ̶m̶y̵ ̷s̵e̸c̸r̵e̴t̶ ̸n̴e̴t̵w̸o̵r̶k̶ ̷o̶f̴ ̵s̸p̶i̴e̸s̶ ̵a̴c̸r̵o̶s̶s̵ ̴t̴h̸e̷ ̸U̷S̴A̴ ̸a̴n̶d̴ ̷y̸o̶u̶r̶ ̷I̴P̴ ̸i̵s̷ ̷b̶e̷i̸n̶g̵ ̶t̷r̷a̶c̶e̷d̴ ̶r̵i̷g̸h̶t̷ ̴n̵o̸w̶ ̶s̶o̸ ̷y̶o̶u̶ ̷b̴e̵t̴t̶e̷r̵ ̸p̶r̸e̵p̴a̵r̷e̸ ̷f̶o̵r̷ ̸t̸h̶e̷ ̸s̸t̵o̴r̸m̵,̸ ̵p̵i̶s̵s̷b̴a̶b̴y̶.̸ ̴T̸h̶e̷ ̵s̶t̵o̵r̷m̶ ̸t̵h̴a̴t̷ ̸w̶i̷p̵e̶s̸ ̸o̸u̶t̸ ̶t̷h̶e̸ ̷p̷a̷t̴h̸e̴t̵i̸c̸ ̵l̴i̷t̵t̷l̴e̷ ̷t̷h̶i̷n̵g̵ ̵y̷o̶u̸ ̶c̷a̷l̸l̴ ̴y̶o̷u̷r̶ ̴l̴i̷f̸e̷.̴ ̵Y̶o̷u̶’̷r̸e̷ ̵f̴u̶c̶k̸i̴n̸g̵ ̸d̵e̵a̷d̵,̷ ̴k̷i̵d̵.̷ ̵I̶ ̷c̵a̴n̴ ̷b̷e̵ ̷a̸n̵y̸w̷h̶e̶r̸e̵,̷ ̸a̵n̷y̵t̷i̴m̵e̵,̸ ̶a̴n̴d̴ ̵I̶ ̵c̶a̷n̸ ̴k̵i̷l̷l̷ ̷y̶o̸u̵ ̷i̸n̴ ̵o̷v̶e̸r̸ ̸s̸e̸v̷e̵n̴ ̴h̴u̶n̵d̶r̶e̸d̵ ̸w̵a̷y̴s̶,̶ ̸a̶n̵d̴ ̵t̶h̴a̵t̸’̷s̸ ̴j̷u̴s̷t̶ ̵w̵i̵t̶h̷ ̵m̷y̷ ̶b̶a̷r̶e̶ ̸h̷a̸n̴d̶s̷.̷ ̸N̶o̷t̷ ̷o̵n̷l̴y̶ ̸a̸m̷ ̶I̸ ̸e̵x̴t̵e̷n̴s̸i̷v̸e̴l̷y̷ ̷t̷r̸a̴i̷n̴e̸d̸ ̸i̷n̸ ̴u̷n̸a̷r̴m̵e̶d̶ ̵c̵o̶m̸b̶a̵t̶,̷ ̴b̵u̸t̸ ̶I̶ ̴h̷a̵v̷e̷ ̵a̵c̶c̶e̴s̵s̴ ̷t̸o̷ ̷t̴h̸e̶ ̷e̵n̸t̶i̷r̶e̶ ̸a̸r̶s̴e̷n̷a̷l̴ ̶o̶f̴ ̸t̴h̴e̶ ̶U̷n̶i̸t̶e̴d̸ ̵S̷t̷a̷t̶e̶s̷ ̷M̴a̵r̵i̷n̶e̵ ̷C̵o̸r̵p̸s̴ ̶a̶n̸d̵ ̸I̴ ̴w̶i̷l̶l̶ ̸u̴s̸e̵ ̸i̵t̶ ̴t̷o̸ ̸i̴t̶s̶ ̷f̷u̸l̸l̴ ̵e̵x̵t̵e̸n̸t̸ ̵t̸o̴ ̴w̴i̷p̷e̴ ̶y̶o̷u̴r̵ ̸m̴i̶s̶e̴r̵a̵b̵l̸e̶ ̷a̶s̵s̷ ̷o̴f̷f̸ ̵t̸h̵e̴ ̶f̴a̷c̵e̶ ̶o̷f̶ ̶t̵h̶e̴ ̵c̴o̴n̵t̶i̶n̴e̷n̷t̵,̶ ̴y̴o̷u̸ ̷l̵i̷t̸t̵l̸e̴ ̴s̸h̶i̷t̶.̴ ̵I̷f̴ ̷o̸n̷l̵y̸ ̶y̸o̴u̶ ̷c̷o̵u̶l̵d̸ ̴h̴a̸v̵e̸ ̶k̴n̸o̵w̵n̷ ̸w̸h̴a̴t̷ ̷u̸n̷h̴o̴l̵y̶ ̸r̵e̶t̶r̸i̸b̴u̵t̴i̵o̷n̵ ̵y̴o̴u̶r̵ ̶l̷i̵t̴t̶l̶e̴ ̶“̴c̵l̵e̴v̵e̴r̷”̴ ̵c̷o̵m̷m̶e̷n̴t̵ ̸w̴a̶s̴ ̵a̴b̷o̷u̴t̵ ̵t̷o̷ ̵b̵r̶i̴n̵g̸ ̶d̵o̵w̶n̶ ̷u̶p̵o̴n̶ ̵y̴o̵u̸,̵ ̷m̶a̸y̷b̵e̵ ̴y̵o̷u̵ ̵w̷o̴u̶l̷d̴ ̸h̸a̸v̵e̷ ̸h̷e̴l̵d̷ ̷y̶o̵u̷r̴ ̵f̷u̷c̷k̷i̸n̸g̷ ̴t̷o̶n̴g̶u̵e̷.̶ ̶B̶u̶t̷ ̸y̸o̶u̸ ̷c̸o̷u̶l̷d̶n̴’̵t̴,̴ ̵y̵o̶u̶ ̶d̷i̷d̷n̸’̵t̸,̸ ̷a̶n̸d̴ ̵n̷o̴w̶ ̶y̴o̵u̷’̸r̷e̷ ̶p̴a̵y̸i̸n̷g̴ ̸t̷h̴e̷ ̴p̷r̷i̶c̷e̷,̵ ̵y̷o̶u̶ ̵g̶o̸d̵d̶a̴m̸n̷ ̶i̷d̷i̴o̸t̵.̴ ̴I̸ ̵w̸i̴l̴l̸ ̸s̸h̵i̸t̸ ̴f̵u̶r̵y̷ ̶a̸l̴l̷ ̴o̴v̵e̸r̸ ̴y̸o̷u̶ ̵a̴n̷d̴ ̴y̴o̷u̶ ̴w̶i̶l̸l̸ ̴d̸r̶o̵w̸n̵ ̷i̸n̵ ̶i̴t̶.̸ ̴Y̴o̵u̴’̸r̶e̶ ̵f̷u̴c̴k̵i̵n̷g̴ ̴d̵e̸a̶d̷,̷ ̷k̵i̴d̷d̸o̸.̶ ☠
@rowanshrub 4 года назад
im increasingly convinced that akutagawa calls him weretiger constantly bc he doesnt know atsushi's nAME
@S10U 4 года назад
he probably does know tho..
@rowanshrub 4 года назад
@@S10U i know i know. its just funny bc even tho he probably knows he never uses it lol
@noitavlas 4 года назад
That's gotta be my new headcanon
@annaliu2746 4 года назад
i’m sure he’s gonna use it during some dramatic time when a friendship peaks😂😂
@min_nad 4 года назад
@shilloe13 4 года назад
Shin soukoku is basically 2 kids fighting for their mom's (Dazai) love, where the mom favours the youngest.
@S10U 4 года назад
*dad's chuuya is the mom
@koffie3801 4 года назад
mm where is the lie
@hi-cn2bj 4 года назад
@@S10U yessss
@lioness6995 4 года назад
@@S10U Oh yeah
@bbnn8948 3 года назад
Definitly the mom 😂😂😂
@Andjustsoyaknow 3 года назад
akutagawa’s brain: okay now tell him you appreciated his help and want to be friends akutagawa: i’ll kill you. brain: *NO-*
@S10U 3 года назад
this reminds me of that bagel meme except aku's brain wants a bagel and aku wants the souls of the innocent idk how to explain it
@Andjustsoyaknow 3 года назад
@t3lepath 2 года назад
@RF-mc8cx 4 года назад
Just the way he gets *YEETED* into Dead Apple will never fail to make me cackle. Like it's just Kyouka and Atsushi fighting Demon Snow and suddenly- Akutagawa just comes FLYING into the scene
@hithere5275 4 года назад
@k.whatever9046 4 года назад
I LOVED THAT SO MUCH. the amount of joy that scene brought me would confuse past me so much bc starting this anime off i had no idea why ppl loved aku so much but now im the ppl loving aku so much
@hollybaker1403 3 года назад
i like that there isn't really a sound effect or anything like cinematic to show that something new is going on its just like 'oh hi there'
@Azaleaaah 3 года назад
Gives me the hey Ron hey Billy vibes
@chiscore 3 года назад
@beeptine 3 года назад
i just realized they’re like opposites with their hair and clothes and stuff kinda cute
@isabell9190 3 года назад
Opposites attract
@anabustos3131 3 года назад
they are the yin and the yang , Atsushi has a bit of black hair under the white one and Akutagawa has white hair, also de Tiger and the Dragon
@thecouncilofnine4692 3 года назад
Akutagawa: I will kill you, weretiger. *Francis almost kills Atsushi.* Akutagawa: How dare you?! He is mine! To kill, I mean.
@benjaminnebenjamin6033 3 года назад
Aku learned well from Chuuya 🥰
@datenshiiii 3 месяца назад
yes ofc we all know that he’s yours akutagawa
@buttercupjae7362 4 года назад
3:02 remember that *ONE* scene with Dazai and Chuuya, where Dazai gets hit-
@apheliah2916 4 года назад
ah they learn so well
@arialol224 4 года назад
I swear there are so many references to dazais and chuuyas relationship added to them its actually crazy--
@subspace2913 4 года назад
@@arialol224 i mean that's the whole point.
@S10U 4 года назад
@@arialol224 that's why they're shin soukoku lmao
@arialol224 4 года назад
@@S10U well I mean YEAH-
@scelya342 3 года назад
2:46 atsushi be talking like chuuya and aku be talking like dazai in this scene lolol
@レイチェル-o8n 3 года назад
underrated comment
@EliseWafer 3 года назад
@crystalsuka6004 3 года назад
So true
@slutforsoukoku 2 года назад
@ari3223ira 2 года назад
yes but on the other hand like Dazai, Atsushi got bodied and , like Chuuya, Akutagawa called after him
@kycxeii 3 года назад
i love how kyouka is just there third wheeling some of the scenes💀
@jadelily3428 2 года назад
She is their adopted daughter
@kycxeii 2 года назад
@@jadelily3428 so true😍‼
@fedechan6325 3 года назад
Everyone thinking Atsushi has no backbone and can't talk back or that hes always nice. Look at this. Boy takes no shit from the Rabid dog of the port mafia and Im tired of y'all not seeing it
@poki4291 3 года назад
@Andjustsoyaknow 3 года назад
this is so true atsushi can be a BITCH, we shouldn’t take his bitch rights away from him. fanon forgets this kid deals w akutagawa AND dazai on a regular basis, he KNOWS how to clap back
@strawhatbae 3 года назад
Ya. That mataku scene-
@srialekhyananduri7036 2 года назад
Exactly and Atsushi is usually nice but he is also very done with other people antics. Though Akutagawa brings about this side of him more than anyone.
@jadelily3428 2 года назад
@raincloyd 4 года назад
Atsushi: What did you eat for dinner last night Akutagawa: yeah
@bunga5032 3 года назад
Aku is me in front of my crush😔
@CozyChocolatte 4 года назад
3:36 Is this how you confess your love to someone now...?
@S10U 4 года назад
chuuya taught him well too
@yoonie6156 4 года назад
@yoonie6156 4 года назад
@Rystyyy 3 года назад
Yes especially for some Tsundere's out there 😂
@benjaminnebenjamin6033 3 года назад
@@S10U HAHAHAHAHAHAHA more like Aku has observed them well 😂
@Elizabeth_Kinder 4 года назад
Headcanon: akutagawa was rude to atsushi to get him to accept his ability. Its wholesome and no one can tell me that's not why akutagawa was rude
@benjaminnebenjamin6033 3 года назад
Lmao Chuuya is batsht rude to Dazai from the beginning and still cares at the bastard 😂
@lawlessloki5748 2 года назад
@floraryan9441 4 года назад
Dazai san this Dazai san that🙄
@sweetyhale1364 4 года назад
For real though
@noitavlas 4 года назад
I mean , they have this one point in common
@nanachan2275 4 года назад
I know right..
@vanessalouisemanabat4453 4 года назад
He is the founder and president of shin soukoku what the heck do you expect 😹
@apheliah2916 4 года назад
ahhh annoying
@unknownariaedits4090 3 года назад
3:06 everyone agrees Akutagawa’s actual ability is bondage 😂😂
@S10U 3 года назад
@nanduukl9384 3 года назад
*faints because i had enough
@sarahalviz979 2 года назад
Ikr like what “cuts anything” Rashoman is more like an ability to grab or throw things. 😂
@mels_89 3 года назад
"You're actually Akutagawa, right?" "Yeah" "You will actually cooperate with me in battle?" "Yeah" "What did you eat for last night?" "Yeah" ...... "Do you love me?" "Yeah"
@sureshsoy4413 3 года назад
Lmao why does this does not have likes😭
@玉緒-x5g 3 года назад
“Wait really???” “Yeah”
@muhaiminakbar4472 3 года назад
"can you die please?" "Yeah"
@kenj1117 3 года назад
"Can we have se- ? " "Yes" "I-"
@玉緒-x5g 3 года назад
@@kenj1117 😳
@Polygoob 4 года назад
Pov:you've wacthed this more than once
@ukokuos.4087 3 года назад
3:06 kinky🥴 all jokes aside, akutagawa's ability means a lot to him and is very precious, so to think that he would let atsushi use it is a very big clue that akutagawa cares a lot for atsushi. tbh, both of them cares a lot about eachother and they really deserve the world :(
@fedechan6325 3 года назад
*manga flashbacks* ....yeah
@ukokuos.4087 3 года назад
@@fedechan6325 NO SHAT TF UP IM STILL IN DENIAL😭😭😭😭😭
@myoldchannel0 3 года назад
@@ukokuos.4087 did somebody die?
@ukokuos.4087 3 года назад
@@myoldchannel0 yes…
@myoldchannel0 3 года назад
@@ukokuos.4087 I read the wiki and no one's dead
@Itsyeondarella_ 2 года назад
Is it just me who always thinks about atsushis poor clothes? I mean they’re always getting ripped when he uses his ability and he always has to buy a new one! 😂🤚🏻
@hannahhinshaw1660 2 года назад
that or they're stained with blood and can never be used again
@aikotachibana2060 3 года назад
It's tough to believe how much scared atsushi was when he first met akutagawa coz now he be like boink you dog etc.......he has come a long way 🤣
@euniqu 4 года назад
Akutagawas is the only person in BSD can say *_“Jinko”_* so endearingly to Atsushi AND NO ONE CAN CHANGE MY MIND -its like jinko means babe to him imsorry-
@S10U 4 года назад
just why
@euniqu 4 года назад
@caac3121 2 года назад
Not the babe part
@RosiaNikkoley 11 месяцев назад
@@euniqu Get a life :|
@euniqu 11 месяцев назад
@@RosiaNikkoley bro this was 3 years ago u okay?
@fandqngo3156 3 года назад
Atsushi worrying about Akutagawa 2:31 Akutagawa worried about Atsushi 3:03
@marchere_69 2 года назад
Lmao, they're truly Chuuya and Dazai V2
@luisaparolin3208 11 месяцев назад
@rykgami 3 года назад
Dazai really became the reason on how this ship has form.. dazai san there dazai san here, even dazai is the reason on how they work together, shin soukouko shippers must love dazai
@fedechan6325 3 года назад
That is.... debatable
@memesarelife1086 3 года назад
...... That is very... Very.. Debatable if we talk about how abusive he is
@pheonixare803 2 года назад
@@memesarelife1086 i like him and hate him for everything about him, from his manupulative and abusive nature to his relationship with chuuya (this one doesnt have any hate, just love)
@memesarelife1086 2 года назад
@@pheonixare803 I don't hate Dazai. And I share your view point on this. But I don't love Dazai. He's top five favourite characters
@lawlessloki5748 2 года назад
To everyone who says dazai is abusive that is really wrong to say. If you don't look deep into his character. While he is abusive do keep in mind he was in the port mafia one of the youngest members in fact andnl they. we're trained to be killers. Dazai is not absuive as much as he was back then but he can't get over that side. He is manipulative for a reason. Hints his line to chuuya "have my plans ever been wrong" it's because dazai isn't just manipulative he is trying to think 3 steps ahead. If plans failed ofc he will get absuive that's the way he was taught to do things. I mean atukagua is also absuive hints the line to uhmm forget her name but he basically calls her useless. Port mafia whole motto is absuive I'd strength.
@feitan4914 4 года назад
akutagawa: i'll kill you after 6 months me and other shippers: AWW MY SHIP IS SAILING
@fedechan6325 3 года назад
I introduced my friend to bsd. Aku cut off Atsu's leg in like ep 3 and she was like "oh that's hot" JSBSJSSJJ
@laonu591 3 года назад
@@fedechan6325 HAHHSJWJWKJE WHAT
@legallydoodled9783 3 года назад
Well, after the manga, we know how that went. I won’t say another word
@ellaartenstein853 3 года назад
@@legallydoodled9783 why would you just do that to me?! 😭
@m0Tcha 2 года назад
@@fedechan6325 WHAT
@ItzRaleigh Год назад
1:34 the way Dazai looks at Atsushi after Aku’s done talking like “oooo he was just flirting with you😏”
@هدىمحمدداودحسن 4 года назад
Be my horse what dose that mean akutagawaaaaaa 😐😐😂😂😂😂
@S10U 4 года назад
*-insert pony song-*
@yoonie6156 4 года назад
@S10U 4 года назад
@@yoonie6156 i- bless you for trying to restore innocent minds
@teodoratopic284 4 года назад
@S10U 4 года назад
@@teodoratopic284 YOURE A SINNER
@womabyy9035 4 года назад
I smell *SHiN SouKoKu*?
@hi-cn2bj 4 года назад
*as aku's sister i firmly approve of this.*
@S10U 4 года назад
ryu approves it too
@hi-cn2bj 4 года назад
@@S10U ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) HEY RYU!!-
@yoonie6156 4 года назад
@nouadd_5504 4 года назад
@S10U 4 года назад
@@nouadd_5504 h i w h o d i s
@erilayne260 4 года назад
I'm just 1000000000% convinced the reason why Dazai keeps saying that Atsushi is better than Aku is that Atsushi reminds him of Odasaku :(
@devorou 4 года назад
3:05 i can only imagine shin soukoku
@scarlyt1017 3 года назад
1:21 lol This made me laugh way too hard
@kawaiigirl6281 4 года назад
3:09 kInKY
@ChuChu_72 4 года назад
Oh, to be Atsushi....
@yoonie6156 4 года назад
@@ChuChu_72 😔✋
@ADifferent1 3 года назад
Tentacle H- Wait no...
@ghezelle9987 4 года назад
@S10U 4 года назад
shhh dude we do not corrupt innocent minds okay?
@ghezelle9987 4 года назад
S10U omg 😭✋👈
@S10U 4 года назад
@@ghezelle9987 nO
@yoonie6156 4 года назад
@Malakai__WeLoveYouMafumafu 3 года назад
@ghania5869 3 года назад
Atsushi: "What did you have for dinner last night?" Akutagawa: "Yeah" Atsushi: "That didn't answer my question but okay."
@meltedhe4rtzz 4 года назад
@Khazziecally 3 года назад
Fukuzawa and Mori || || V Dazai and Chuuya || || V Atsushi and Akutagawa Well then, pass it down to your descendants The ship shall be inherited
@jessicamiracella3107 2 года назад
yall who ships them together, pls wait patiently for the manga. I swear it has one of the best moment of shin soukoku. their relationships really blooms beautifully😭
@scarylol1447 4 месяца назад
I wonder how you feel now..
@fandqngo3156 3 года назад
3:05 Rashoumon is Akutagawa’s clothes. So basicaly Atsushi is wearing Akutagawa’s clothes 🙄
@Sleep_Demons 3 года назад
Ur right, lmao
@nanduukl9384 3 года назад
Are you sure about that? 😏
@poki4291 3 года назад
1:21 Akutagawa looks so done-
@samlovesanime 3 года назад
Your honor they're a married couple-
@S10U 3 года назад
monokuma: 👀
@gabi__li4049 4 года назад
That "NANI" Was on point doe 👀
@_kolyaslittlecard Год назад
2:40 IT'S ALWAYS THIS SCENE THAT GETS ME... 3:05 Dude's kin... I'm not gonna say it.
@ploki0123 3 года назад
Is "to live life meaningfully" what Dazai wants Akutagawa to realize in order for him to be acknowledged? It's not strength or to be the strongest but the purpose or way of living his life is meaningless. So, does this mean Dazai is trying to pass on what Odasaku taught him- to save people? Saving people is more meaningful than what PM is doing. And that what separates Atsushi from him.
@benjaminnebenjamin6033 3 года назад
pretty much the whole point of the series so far, tbh. it started with a starving orphan-banished young man with nothing but his gift. the first 3 seasons seem like a journey for people entering their 20s.
@osmanthuswine4928 2 года назад
Then Dazai better have god darn approved of him.
@aesovp 4 года назад
Why bother running after dazai if you can just date ya‘ll Like I mean Atsushi & Akutagawa Otp mood 🗿💕
@yoonie6156 4 года назад
@romiromi9810 3 года назад
when they combine there powers on the last episode of season 3 in my head i was like he so proud of him 😌like there the best duo ever and dazai knows that to
@橘茜-k2f 3 года назад
@hi-cn2bj 4 года назад
3:03 thaz som 𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑦 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑧 there huh?
@S10U 4 года назад
@hi-cn2bj 4 года назад
@@S10U ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@yoonie6156 4 года назад
@606-g6i 4 года назад
I understood that reference
@bloodangel7731 2 года назад
I really hope for season 4 to be made soon. This is such a great show
@srialekhyananduri7036 2 года назад
2:52 Oh man I love Atsushi here so much.
@srialekhyananduri7036 2 года назад
Akutagawa is honestly the only one who brings out this side of Atsushi. Usually he is so nice and sweet and even shy (i guess at times sassy)
@deadhaha3508 2 года назад
Anime Akutagawa: DAzai-san already betrayed the Mafia once, how long do you think he will need to betray the ADA? Wan Aku: Dazai-san never lies! Let's go find the ghost!
@cel- 4 года назад
1:49 this is some Kim Possbile shit lmfao
@ノジノジ-r2h Год назад
@maxcheese163 4 года назад
Aku: this is the solution Oh... My heart My mind
@yoonie6156 4 года назад
@fedechan6325 3 года назад
Out of my head, my heart and my mind- _cuz you can run but you can't hide~_ 🎶
@user-bu2pc7xk1u 3 года назад
how to get akutagawa's attention Step 1: mention dazai Step 2: *run* yes this is not my original comment don't come at me
@JustASimpulSimp 3 дня назад
: Be my horse. :COME ON THA'TS-* gets hit by a giant rock*
@currentfizz 4 года назад
3:09 *CoUgh* Urm excuse you?
@Lecintel 10 месяцев назад
Dazai is only 22 and already is being respected by many and loved by even more
@LadyCeag840 3 года назад
I know a huge majority of the fandom wants them as something else, but I can't help but see Akutagawa and Atsushi as more like brothers than otherwise!
@Ray-eu9sn7pl7x 3 года назад
@itz_shakira425 3 года назад
So......Akutagawa had "yea" as dinner 😂😂😂
@kkazzzz Год назад
0:30 idk but the way atsushi dramatically yells NANI has me wheezing
@awkward_chaos8322 3 года назад
These comments are the best example of how there are two sides to every fandom
@reemraghad4267 3 года назад
hi i want to ask you something about akutagawa will you answer me?
@slimecitauwu4128 3 года назад
The part we’re they were fighting with the Flower Waltz of Tchaikovsky made my heart melt
@xiaoalexy 2 года назад
they’re lowkey being each other’s psychologist
@R.Chatterjee_009 2 года назад
that chase scene with waltz of flowers is great
@niki428 4 года назад
my otp 🥰
@arthoefmann 3 года назад
Ahh I love this so much they are so amazing together :D I’m so excited for what’s to come!
@poki4291 3 года назад
Aku don't ride Atsushi he's not a horse 😔 Actually now that I think about it- they look majestic
@agustdstudent6452 4 месяца назад
“Atsushi has no backbone” No your honor he just needs a specific person to draw it out
@galy2226 4 года назад
Aku: Imma kill Dazai-san myself But they never even met in OVA
@greenzbeanz 2 года назад
Their arguments are so funny lmao
@mcdonaldslumine1777 3 года назад
1:17 I realise that Atsushi is Deku and Akutagawa is Bakugo 😂 Bakugo said the same thing to deku during their fight with Nine and All might 😂 "Don't tell me what to do" AND they r rivals (🥲)
@Kay-1357 3 года назад
We really need a new season I can't-
@mardybum1459 3 года назад
hemen gelsin artık 🖐️🖐️😔😔
@Kay-1357 3 года назад
@@mardybum1459 evet karakterleri çok özledim ;-;
@mardybum1459 3 года назад
@@Kay-1357 evett mangayı okuyorum ama yetmiyor animesi gelse..
@Kay-1357 3 года назад
@@mardybum1459 ben manga okumayı sevmiyorum ya QwQ sanki olacakların tek tek spoilerını yemişim gibi geliyor ve beklemek daha acı verici hissettiriyor .d
@mardybum1459 3 года назад
@@Kay-1357 dwdjskjdwk ben de beklemeye dayanamıyorum o yüzden :(( gelse hemen keşke 4. sezon
@aureliaberkeley5473 3 года назад
3:01 ok but why is this so funny
@gengy7 3 года назад
What a beautifull relationship
@Edmqueen 4 года назад
such an amazing ANIME!!!!!
@beast-beneath_the-moonligh6373 3 года назад
I feel the same as atsushi at how lost in the whole wide world i feel
@NormalRobloxPlayer00 Год назад
"What did u have for dinner. " "Yeah" I should try that
@dragonfire1356 4 года назад
Remember when they were enemy's I do too
@CozyChocolatte 4 года назад
3:41 Okay, I guess it is lmao
@poki4291 3 года назад
3:00 "Be my horse" Is this a love confessionz?
@Laylatne 4 года назад
I challenge everyone who ships this to read the manga
@imposter_chan2636 3 года назад
ok bet im reading it rn
@Laylatne 3 года назад
@@imposter_chan2636 let me know how it goes and how hard your ship will sink
@mixie4165 3 года назад
cries in chapter 88
@imposter_chan2636 3 года назад
@@Laylatne okay so i caught up 2 the manga and WHY’D THEY DO MY BOI AKUTAGAWA LIKE THAT but i think he’s still alive, he’s practically a main character and his character development hasn’t reached it peek yet
@chrono-glitchwaterlily8776 3 года назад
@@imposter_chan2636 what happened-
@rren_rren 3 года назад
3:04 AWOOGA-
@jalterbestalter5987 4 года назад
From where is the first clip from?I dont remember it
@S10U 4 года назад
dead apple
@rawanahmed9086 4 года назад
The movie Called dead apple
@svnshne1415 4 года назад
Dead Apple.
@jalterbestalter5987 4 года назад
Ohhh thanks yall I didnt know
@yaoiforkidsasmr8620 2 года назад
It’s cute how aku calls atsushi weretiger-
@elizabethm8342 3 года назад
As much as I love the entire video, including Atsushi and Akutagawa but all I can think about is what is the song 2:41?
@sanjidasan6556 2 года назад
I also wanna know...
@プランク-l1v 3 года назад
@miichiuv8851 4 года назад
1:18 *Akutagawa is Bakugou Confirmed*
@apheliah2916 4 года назад
@random...3723 4 года назад
@random...3723 4 года назад
Hello Dazai, hello chuuya:)
@madylinriddle5399 4 года назад
Ahhhhhh I see why that scene gave me a sense of déjà vu
@random...3723 4 года назад
@@madylinriddle5399 😂
@auragacha9449 4 года назад
3:32 where is this from? I don’t remember it...
@akuisbae7185 4 года назад
Last episode I think
@shashichocolat7560 4 года назад
season 3 episode 12, last minutes pf the episode
@yelanism 4 года назад
@k.whatever9046 4 года назад
@yelanism 4 года назад
@@k.whatever9046 THANK YOU
@S10U 4 года назад
stop chopping onions dude smh
@yelanism 4 года назад
@@S10U im not chopping onions man wdym
@S10U 4 года назад
@nhatphuong264 3 года назад
2:56 Can I mention this sentence!? Like... it’s just so Soukoku!
@Cinna.x 2 месяца назад
Im gonna pretend akutagawa isnt dead and will comeback to life or something after they defeat Dostoyevsky and everything will be happy happy cuz hes a vampire abd shit
@bonbonninb3000 3 года назад
spoilers I’m crying.
@nothing_justchilling 4 года назад
0:23 what ep?! how i skip that moment
@xxmoon_starsxxunicorn6012 4 года назад
It’s a movie it’s called bungou stray dogs:dead apples you can watch on crunchyroll dub and sub
@awkward_chaos8322 3 года назад
It’s the movie Dead Apple you can watch it on any pirate site
@dianaskotch 4 года назад
Aaaaaaaf, Shin Soukoku!~ Cool
@kanah-f6n 3 года назад
@mochi2049 3 года назад
0:46 That’s some cap right there
@fedechan6325 3 года назад
"Ill kill him" Bitch you can't live 2 seconds without seeking his approval, you won’t do shit
@LunaCreatesArts 3 года назад
They're like the second generation of Dazai and Chuuya, is is only me?
@S10U 3 года назад
no literally they are
Bungou Stray Dogs: Shin Soukoku moments (Pt1)
Просмотров 279 тыс.
Atsushi's Secret || bsd || gacha club || sskk||
Bungou Stray Dogs: Fyodor Dostoevsky moments (Pt1)
The Bungo Stray Dogs Meursault Arc Sure Was Something
Dazai be getting into Kunikida's nerves
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