
Burk Parsons: Is Calvinism Good for the Church? 

Ligonier Ministries
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Recent years have witnessed a resurgence of interest in the theology of John Calvin, but is this necessarily a good thing? Does Calvinism weaken and destroy churches as some contend? Is Reformed theology a hindrance to the church's life and work? In this message, Rev. Burk Parsons will take a look at Reformed theology and explain why Calvin's view of God, man, sin, Jesus Christ, and salvation are precisely what the church needs in this and every generation.
This message is from our 2010 National Conference, Tough Questions Christians Face: • Tough Questions Christ...
Purchase this conference on DVD: www.ligonier.or...



8 сен 2024




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@coffeeNcream44 2 года назад
"We don't have a high enough regard for our depravity! We don't properly understand how dead we are!"
@iacoponefurio1915 Год назад
More like We don't admit our own nature and how totally attracted to sin we are
@darrenbrown5899 3 года назад
The sovereignty of God in election is more comforting than anything I know
@robertcoupe6514 2 года назад
@𝕾𝖆𝖎𝖓𝖙 𝕵𝖆𝖒𝖊𝖘 Are sure that you are called and elect? I am forever praising and believing Jesus Christ and this is pleasing to God.
@saintbeloved1011 2 года назад
What about if you have 6 kids? How will God pick and not pick them for salvation?
@saintbeloved1011 2 года назад
If you have kids how will God pick 1 or 2. The odds are probably higher not to pick any. Thats a big issue with only God picks who is saved. The whole belief is centered in that for salvation but no one can explain how God picks people. I hang with some calvinists and even have done street evangelism with them and i never heard him once preach the gospel as has God picked you or hope God picks you.
@robertcoupe6514 2 года назад
@@saintbeloved1011 Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. I am forever praising and believing Jesus Christ and this is pleasing to God.
@saintbeloved1011 2 года назад
@@robertcoupe6514 i thought its nothing we can do? That doesnt pair with calvinists
@adamjohns78 2 года назад
I love his comments about preserving the unity of the Body of Christ in the closing. Amen to that!
@susanshipley3224 2 года назад
You must come to the Cross for Salvation. You are not predestined for Salvation you must come in child like submission
@kathleenrutherford733 2 года назад
Praise God for His Word, oh how I Love Our Savior, I am in awe of such Beautiful teacher's of Our Lord's Word! Thank You Dear Pastor's for teaching the Lord's Word
@jamesstumpff7774 2 года назад
In “awe” of sinful man…? Oh no…the catholics and mormons are…let’s not
@uncasunga1800 2 года назад
@@jamesstumpff7774 no they believe in mans righteousness like you space cadet
@jamesstumpff7774 2 года назад
@@uncasunga1800 sounds like messages got crossed…man has NO personal righteousness…nor can he produce it…that’s why 8 billion wretched humans really NEED Jesus..the Only Savior of the World. Space cadet sounds like an insult..If I am insulted sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, then I rejoice…if you meant the insult to an unbeliever…careful…Jesus loves and died for those lost souls…just like us
@jamesstumpff7774 2 года назад
@Reformed Hillbillies imagine we thanked Mary for our salvation? Imagine we thanked “Mother Earth” for the beautiful sunrise at Hilton Head?
@jamesstumpff7774 2 года назад
@Reformed Hillbillies “I am in awe”…very scary words! What’s wrong with our awe of wretched humans? Well for one it completely misses the most important fact about the person we are in awe of…they are not Awesome…they’re just like that wretched tax collector on the floor of the synagogue…they just have nicer cloths and nicer presentations. Thanking the people around us is extremely visible in Christ’s GRATEFUL FOLLOWERS…I’m a VERY good tipper…very thankful
@mikekayanderson408 3 года назад
Praise God for His saving grace or none would be saved..........
@doug2993 2 года назад
AMEN and AMEN!!!
@YHWHthegreatIAM 2 года назад
I agree with a lot of things that are considered “Calvinism”, but I believed those things before I had ever even heard the word, “Calvinism”. The congruity between my convictions and what so called “Calvinism “ teaches is founded on what the Bible says. A lot of Christians don’t read the Bible enough to really work out the specific points in question. I don’t lead with, I’m a Calvinist.” I say, “ I’m a Christian.” Those are not conflicting statements, but spiritual youths might think so. Being too sensitive about offending others when dealing with matters of Biblical Truth could be dangerous.
@hunteraxtell2791 2 года назад
Same.. I was a Calvinist before I knew what Calvinism was
@henryloyola6171 2 года назад
Amazing how they twist the scripture out of context base on there own precocieve idea, there own carnal thinking, there own theology, there own philosopy, or there own tradition, they paraphrase the Word of God even the Prophets, and the Apostles of Christ does not meant that way. Amazing how they can make there own parable, and proverb. They crept in unnotice in the Church of God with flattering word of men. They establish there own righteousness, and have not submitted unto the righteousness of God. They have study the scripture, but not able to acknowledges the truth. They have not known if they forsaken by the Holy Spirit of God. God will use the unwise to shame the wise. We would not crucified the Lord of glory if we have known the trurh. They called Me Lord, lord, but you hypocrite you who practice lawless, away from Me I never knew you. If no one will depend the truth many will believe a lie, No wonder even Satan can pretend an angel of the Lord who is the Father of lies. The bible was not written the Prophets, and of the Apostles of Christ to be misunderstood. Our faith is base on the wisdom of God, not of men. No men is righteouss, or wiser than the creator. You cannot go beyond what was written by the Apostles of Christ, or you will be found a lier. Ther are many ministry of a lier, which of Satan, and make the house of God a form of merchandise. Fear God and obey His commandment these is the duty of all His creation. The grace of God teaches us to be holy as I Am Holy. You cannot add or subtract what was written in the book of life. God do not please men. Many are called, but only few are chosen. He read so many passages of the scripture out of ignorance of the truth. Mystery was revealed at the cross. Amazing how many is he goung to distroy on judgesment day, and they are accountable for greater condemnation. Love God with all your heart, and mind with fear, and trembling. Dont be deceive by many false reckless preachers, the are blind guide. There is only one Church called by His name, the Church of God. We are the churches of God. The word of God lives in knew, unless the Spirit of God has forsaken you. These guy is a smooth talker, it's a sale talk. If you are seeking the truth, and you end up to this, you are like a sitting duck. A blind leads the blind, and both fall into a ditch. The apistles of Christ preach the gospek freely without pay, they are pedling the Word of God. If anyone preach to you a different gospel that you have not recieve from the preaching of the Apostles of Christ, let him be A curse. They travel land and sea ro convert many into procelite, after you were converted, they make you twice more evil than before. Like Jesus said its better for judas not to be born, they betrayed His master for the love of money with 30 pieces of silver. Many will betray Him for there own gain. Can you sell the word of God. When you are preaching the Word of God, who is preaching, is it you, or Christ. What do you have that you have not recieve from the bible. Our faith without works is dead, or the body without the Spirit is dead. These people are not decipline by any writting, or any ideology of the scripture, what ever they think in there carnal mind that's what they believe, and are influence by there own doctrine. The light has come, but they rather love darkness. They make good evil, and evil good. Many are called, but few are chosen. There are so many fabricated doctrine. It's easy to spot these reckless preachers. Many are loving it, and many will come to decieve many, and they are multiplying. We only have one Pastor, High Priest, Teacher, Master, Prophet, Apostle sitting at the right hand of the Father who will make His enemy His footstool. Judgesment they will come upon us when the time His going to send His beloved Son. I hope you are enlightened of the truth. God wants to save all His creation, we are all one sheep with one Pastor, He gave His life for His sheep, and to distroy the works of Satan who is the deciever of these word, repent and be baptise with warer, or be born again, and recieve the gift of the Holy Spirit. For you to become a christian fallowers of Christ. Being a christian you should know He is our Pastor, and we are all his sheep. We are called brother and sister of the Son of God, and we are adopted Son of God by creation. These is only portion of the scripture that I am sharing to you. I do not preach of My own, but Christ is in me. Im just a reader of the good news. may God Bless us all.
@phyllisstevens3116 2 года назад
If we follow what Paul says in all his letters we will understand Grace as we are ment to. Paul received his gospel from Christ in his stay in Arabia for 3 years and he was the apostle to all of us on This side of the cross, Jesus Christ and Him crucified, Death Burial resurrection Faith in Him alone and the seeking of the forgiveness He gave us is sufficient for salvation. Read all that Paul has written and be at peace with your salvation from Jesus ultimate sacrifice.
@dfischer5878 2 года назад
@@phyllisstevens3116 Paul’s letters are full of reformed theology and the sovereignty of God.
@arlysann 2 года назад
@@dfischer5878 very true Amen, I do not need Calvin
@aracelielardo4791 4 года назад
Calvinism is the biblical and accurate systematization of the doctrines/teachings of the word of God.
@msdixie1972 3 года назад
I love His sovereignty.
@WillEhrendreich 2 года назад
Sure, if you like a God who exhaustively, inescapably, and unbiblically determines every evil deed anyone ever did, and then holds them accountable for the thoughts, feelings and actions they had no agency in whatsoever. I mean.. What could possibly be incoherent about a God of love who throws people away to eternal contempt for the things that they were compelled to do.
@dfischer5878 2 года назад
@@WillEhrendreich you have an erroneous definition of what reformed people hold to. We all are born into sin and all then sin on our own, our will is bent toward our sinful nature. God in no way causes us to sin. We sin and are redo for such sin. God saves some by His own accord and simply passes over some. There will be no one in heaven who was drug there and no one in hell who wants to be with Christ.
@ar15ona18 2 года назад
@@WillEhrendreich That's a strawman if I've ever seen one. Not at all what Reformed theology teaches and not at all what we believe.
@WillEhrendreich 2 года назад
@@ar15ona18 @Donna Fischer Dr Piper and Dr white both affirm exhaustive Devine determinism. Are they not reformed?
@keiththinking2400 2 года назад
A much appreciated message, and so beautifully presented. Thank you.
@mrnoedahl 2 года назад
“God is God”. WOW what a concept. Where did you come up with that. That is simply mind blowing. That just transformed my life. In other words what he is saying is that if you don’t accept Calvinism then you don’t agree that God is God.
@dylanunruh4942 Год назад
You make an excellent point. I'm still searching out exactly where I should fall on Calvinism. The smugness and self-righteousness that I hear from a group who say that theirs is the most humble position is a bit of a deterent to me.
@theaceofscrubs5014 Год назад
@@dylanunruh4942 Try to study theology objectively. Compare the statements of Calvinism/Arminianism/whatever against the truth of scripture. Try not to condemn the things of God because of the shortcomings and failings of men. That’s what leads people to say things like, “I’m not going to church because it’s full of hypocrites”. Ultimately you’ll only hurt yourself and your own sanctification. Which is exactly what satan wants.
@vitaignis5594 7 месяцев назад
​@@dylanunruh4942 study the teachings of the Church Fathers and Martyrs who received the Truth from the Apostles. A good place to start is On the Incarnation by Saint Athanasius. You will find that the early Church does NOT teach Calvinism. God bless you on your journey ☦️
@kevingreaux7133 2 года назад
Wow, what a way to end a powerful sermon. Giving God all the glory and not taking any glory for ourselves. Praise God
@doug2993 2 года назад
Amen Kevin, Amen!
@susanshipley3224 2 года назад
Kevin if God chose you elected you predestined you, why do you need Jesus Please explain? Thank you In Christ, John
@kevingreaux7133 2 года назад
@@susanshipley3224 Because Jesus Christ fulfilled all righteousness and died on the cross for our sins so we can be forgiven and be in right relationship with God. Jesus Christ took the punishment for us. He has risen from death to life so we too can have victory over death. We believe in the One who God sent to save us. We grow spiritually in conformity to Jesus Christ, becoming Christ like through the power and the sanctification of the Holy Spirit. , for the good pleasure of God's will and in praise of the glory of God's grace.
@susanshipley3224 2 года назад
@@kevingreaux7133 then you are telling me that you chose to believe and call upon the name of the Lord.
@susanshipley3224 2 года назад
@@kevingreaux7133 you exercised your freewill right kevin ?
@georgechalifour88 2 года назад
So glad i took this in twice. Thank you Jesus !
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
Very false and dangerous doctrine.
@hollayevladimiroff131 Год назад
Beautiful sermon, so blessed to have these wonderful men who speak for our God.
@Ruby-22 2 года назад
It’s sad many people stop at the term/wording ‘Calvinism’ and have labelled it as an evil doctrine. God opened my eyes to understand about election and the doctrines of grace before I knew what ‘Calvinism’ meant.
@Gospelogian 2 года назад
Amen! Glad to hear!
@theliberatedplanet 6 месяцев назад
Same here. God led me to Roman's 9 which contains the trinity and God's saving grace. I threw the word calvinism out in a conversation only because I remembered those teachings from years earlier in a church that I went to. I truly had to come home and look it up. Because I didn't really know what I was talking about. But once I uttered that word I became unacceptable. Oh, thank you, Jesus for saving me. I am not worthy. No man is worthy except through Jesus Christ who covers our sin and gives us undeserved entrance into his Kingdom. When I came to the Ligonier channel I only thirsted for the gospel. I did not know I was listening to a calvinist channel. I believe in predestination because the day I opened that book to Roman's 9, that's what it said. 😃
@reynaldodavid2913Jo 3 месяца назад
​@@theliberatedplanet, It is not only in Romans 9, there are more verses that reveal election and predestination...
@blesswinjoy4146 2 года назад
I love reform preachers and their passion. Praise God for them 🙌
@doug2993 2 года назад
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
Calvinism is false and a man made doctrine.
@suaptoest 2 года назад
I think Calvinism differs from Christianity in a harmful way. We seek the truth in its place.
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
@@suaptoest Yes, Calvinism is not the truth.
@IHIuddy 2 года назад
Reformed theology is biblical theology. It gives all the glory to God and God alone. None to creation.
@migiyangknabe 4 года назад
Excellent Teacher if this is the 2018 west coast conference in Seattle I was there
@dotboutwell2877 2 года назад
Thank you and ~ Praise God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit, Amrn🤲
@shanenoel1270 2 года назад
I have always been weary of all of the different doctrines and denominations of the Church today. Some are Pentecostal. Some Baptust. Some Presbyterian. Some follow Calvinism. Doctrines created by man. Aren't we suppose to follow Jesus Christ? The church of biblical times were called Christians. They weren't called by different denominations. There is one Lord, one Church. When conflict arose in the biblical times about those who said they followed Paul and those who followed Apollos, Paul set the church straight. For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal? Like this man said....Christ is not divided. Calvin is not our focus. Christ is. It was the love and grace of Christ that saved us... Not Calvin.
@carrotstick1970 2 года назад
THANK YOU!!! 💥💥💥💥 Vert well-said.
@michellecheriekjv4115 2 года назад
.... Calvin is not our focus. But you do understand that it's highlighting a group of scripture that points us to the true way of Salvation. Otherwise we have Soo many false converts. People who make a mere confession and believe they are Eternally Saved. I was deceived by the Wicked sinners prayer. Then when God called me...and l was Born again...l encountered Soo many groups that absolutely say that Calvinism is wicked...and deny Romans 8:28-30...and Romans 9... I've heard them say it's wicked. But It's scripture. How is it wicked. I used to follow the IFB Baptists that go door to door. If people simply make a one time confession...they write them down as saved. No change...no New Birth...just confession...no evidence of the Indwelling Holy Spirit. We need to know where we belong according to our beliefs. There's a man on RU-vid who says if your salvation requires Anything other than a simple confession of belief...if it requires a change in behavior...it's a lie from the pit of Hell. Who can bear with those lies? I can't. I can't bear to hear men who are completely against the New Birth and the Indwelling Holy Spirit. That takes the glory from God and puts it onto man. God Bless you...🌷✝️🔥
@st.christopher1155 2 года назад
The fact that you even ask that question is very revealing. Calvinism is a religion unto itself and neither Jesus Christ, the apostles, the scriptures, nor the early church espoused such doctrines. Therefore, the answer to your question is a direct and emphatic “No”. ✝️📖🙏🏼
@dfischer5878 2 года назад
Jesus himself supported God’s sovereignty in salvation. To deny that is to deny scripture itself.
@uncasunga1800 2 года назад
@@dfischer5878 so obviously true Calvinism is not even a religion these triggered self righteous fakes rage against God by creating a strawman and setting him up against the man dependent self glorifying figment of their imagination they worship inside Then the ones who lead churches like that..yikes
@uncasunga1800 2 года назад
Every book of the bible espouses the depravity of man you lying fraud
@edwardelliott5756 2 года назад
I’ve never heard Pastor Parsons before this. He’s quite good at preaching. I look forward to hearing more from him.
@mrnoedahl 2 года назад
WOW another great one. “Calvinism is Christianity on its knees.” Simply amazing.
@forgiven1916 2 года назад
Thank you Ligonier Ministries for bringing us such wonderful teachings! Love this pastor, first time listening to him. 🙏🏼✝️
@sarahmwanthi8840 2 года назад
Thankyou brother
@susanshipley3224 2 года назад
If God chose you before the foundation of the earth then why did Jesus die on the cross?
@siradamthebombdiggity 2 года назад
@@susanshipley3224 Another way of asking that same question would be "If God determined to pay your sin debt before the foundation of the earth, then why did God pay your sin debt?"
@susanshipley3224 2 года назад
@@siradamthebombdiggity HE paid the debt for the sins OF THE WHOLE WORLD approximately 4,000 yrs after Adam. WITHOUT THE SHEDDING OF BLOOD THERE IS NO FORGIVENESS OF SIN.
@jonathanlusher3454 2 года назад
@@susanshipley3224 Forgive me if I've misunderstood the point you're trying to make. But if the intention of The God-Head (I believe this is your perspective) is to save the whole world then isn't He doing a bad job? Again, I mean no disrespect. We are Christians first and foremost. I just believe that would be saying that God is not sovereign.
@TitusJudah Год назад
Calvinism? Pentecostalism? Paulianity? Armenianism? Blah blah blah. All you need is Jesus. Period. These are all guys so caught up in their own haughtiness and their wisdom.
@brianc81 10 месяцев назад
The apostle Paul warned of another jesus and another gospel being preached. We are not all going down the same road. Calvinism is (a nickname) for the Gospel. Salvation being 100% of the LORD!
@peggyrubino9556 2 года назад
Praise God for His Mercy
@doug2993 2 года назад
@edsnyder2801 Год назад
Why the Lord pulled on my heartstrings in such a way to bring me unto Himself, and yet many of my loved ones have no desire or effection for the things of God is a Great Mystery to Me.
@christopherquinlan659 2 года назад
All that matters is that it is true.
@doug2993 2 года назад
May the word of God be true and every man a liar.... Those that challenge and deny such clear teachings in the Bible are liars.
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
Calvinism is false and a man made doctrine.
@glenswain1355 2 года назад
GOD has given us a free will to accept or reject , and Sovereign GOD knew before time those who will accept His grace and become born again in his or her life span . GOD didn’t chose some and reject others , but it happened when GOD knew before time who would make their decision , for or against Him .
@eileendunkley5086 3 года назад
Wow ! He’s so good. Never listened to him before !
@jeromeschmidt7805 2 года назад
Easy to say to people who are already believers. I dare anyone to tell a non-believer that they can never become a believer unless God has already chosen them to be. Guess the non-believer will just have to wait it out and see. How exactly do we spread the gospel in a calvinist view? Do we tell them the Messiah died for their sins, but you may or may not be chosen to have faith that He did it for YOUR sins?
@dfischer5878 2 года назад
The same way anyone does the free offer of salvation ; that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. People who follow reformed theology understand we do not know who the elect are, we share and God does the work of justification.
@phyllisstevens3116 2 года назад
God has a unique position where He is Alpha & Omega, beginning and end, He already knows us All. While we have free will we are predestined to believe or not, in this brief life, that still doesn’t mean we don’t reach out to those who are lost. The Holy Spirit convicts and we go out and tell the lost about Salvation through the Ultimate Sacrifice, Jesus Christ.
@MsAnna4040 2 года назад
I don’t totally understand the differences between Calvinism and Arminianism but I think that That those that repent and believe ARE saved and part of the elect. Those that refuse are not part of the elect.
@arlysann 2 года назад
change your statement by saying How do we spread the gospel in the way God wants us to. Calvin has nothing to do with this. God is the only one who changes hearts and it's not Calvin. This is all so sad to me.
@phyllisstevens3116 2 года назад
I would never bring that into teaching salvation because it is the Holy Spirit that convicts it’s only for us to inform.
@ltcajh 3 года назад
Yeah, nobody picked me for anything that I can remember, but God did!
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
Dangerous and false doctrine.
@dfischer5878 2 года назад
@@timothyseals3791 simply biblical
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
@@dfischer5878 Not biblical at all. Man made, yes. Biblical, no.
@dfischer5878 2 года назад
@@timothyseals3791 please back that up with scripture
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
@@dfischer5878 No biblical verses can be given to support Calvinism.
@tstjohn777 2 года назад
I'm personally not a Calvinist but have been called one. I am a born of the Spirit Christ-filled child of God. I love what the apostle said in 1 Cor. 3 For when one says, “I am of Paul,” and another, “I am of Apollos,” are you not carnal?
@IHIuddy 2 года назад
Okay Andrew ;)
@Gospelogian 2 года назад
That’s one of the speakers points - it doesn’t help to call it “Calvinism” but good doctrine…
@emilesturt3377 2 года назад
Calvinism is proof of just how important it is for us to feel "safe" within the consensus of an interpretive tradition... part of something bigger than ourselves. Any of us can come under dodgy teaching, and John Calvin's novel system (because he was at such a pivotal and influential moment in history) unfortunately received cult like reverence among certain reformers and has thus influenced many many thousands afterwards. The real consensus of the mind of the Church on the matters of foreknowledge, predestination and the place of grace and free will in the entirety of salvation was clearly reached and taught amongst the post apostolic / Ante - Nicene Father's. The whole of the ancient church in both the east and the west, and also the majority of Protestants today, utterly reject Augustine's novel view of predestination in the early 5th century, and the "determinism" of Calvin in the 16th. Arguing with a fan of reformed / deformed theology is like arguing with a non Christian cultist (though obvs "Calvinists" are deeply consevative and Christian) ... You can't reason with someone who's brainwashed. They "swallow" the hard pill of "the terrible doctrine" out of reverance for God. They have also received a very warped and lopsided view of Christian history which "seems" to uphold Augustine and Calvin as the heroes and bastions of "true orthodoxy"... (oh the irony) ... a history lesson which is bias and has no actual basis in reality. (the JW's / Arians would have more of a case from history, and their doctrines (though wrong) make far more Scriptural, philisophical and logical sense than those of some of the reformers) Divine determinism - to the point that Calvin took it - is irrational and horrific. In love ! Peace to all in Christ X
@havasmama05 2 года назад
This is well stated. And someone, finally, who says that Augustine's theology was wrong - thank you! I was introduced to him (in my church he's never mentioned) and led to believe that he was a great hero of the faith. When I started learning what he taught, I realized how unscriptural he was. It didn't take much for me to realize the roots of heresy in calvinism.
@emilesturt3377 2 года назад
@@havasmama05 hello!, yes it is indeed true. Augustine contributed many remarkable things towards the Christian world, but His views on predestination and the nature of original sin were never fully accepted in the Church - though some of his ideas influenced the western church from the 5th century on.
@robertcoupe6514 2 года назад
Divine determinism. Sheep and goats have their destinations divinely determined before they are born. How they treat “the least of these” does not determine sheepness or goatness. I am forever praising and believing Jesus Christ and this is pleasing to God.
@oar-N-oasis 8 месяцев назад
May this message reaches more ears to hear.
@Bibliotechno 2 года назад
I recently had a bad accident. I feel privileged that it was in His Divine will. But I ended up in hospital bed beside an Arminian minded Christian in a similar scenario who believed God didn't get involved in these micro things. I think spiritually I have landed in a better place, whereas he seen it all as irrelevant.
@doug2993 2 года назад
Sorry that it took a bad accident, let me rephrase that. I'm sorry that you had a bad accident, but that from that, you get to see a little more of God's glory and His soverignty. Thank you for sharing that. Hope you heal up fast.
@Johnvalkyre 2 года назад
I was a bad person before. I had an accident 13yrs ago got spinal cord injury still bed ridden. But last year God through an incident opened my eyes and I finally could see Gods purpose in my accident. It took many years for me to see the truth because of my stubborn heart but he finally broke me and bought me to my knees.
@petroshingalana8556 2 года назад
Amen, God's truth will prevail.
@TesterBoy 2 года назад
Wonderful talk. I also recommend listening to the series, “When Calvinism goes bad” by Pastor Tim Conway.
@uncasunga1800 2 года назад
Snake liar
@saludanite 2 года назад
"Repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, for the promise is to you and to your children and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call." - Peter speaking a "word of knowledge." And thus, salvation, sonship, and power was offered to the world forever.
@louierivera7512 3 года назад
“Wonderfully put..excellent sermon!
@paulmadmanlee5065 2 года назад
Sin makes us all with the same status, sin is sin, all Can be saved and its not for us to select who can or cannot be saved!
@justanother240 2 года назад
"Feel-ology" vs theology. Most people who hate Calvinism fail to recognize their humanistic presuppositions.
@dahelmang 2 года назад
Or they just don't like how arrogant Calvinists are.
@gavinhurlimann2910 2 года назад
@@dahelmang Well said.
@dfischer5878 2 года назад
@@dahelmang so funny! Reformed believers give all the Glory to God, totally get our utter depravity, rely on God alone to save by no merit of our own…. Yet somehow that’s arrogant and not the one who thinks they somehow helped God save them??? Wow
@dahelmang 2 года назад
@@dfischer5878 it's not the beliefs that are arrogant, it's how they are communicated. Might as well be talking to a Catholic or an atheist for all the humility you will see.
@dfischer5878 2 года назад
@@dahelmang how so?? Not sure whom you speak to or listen to but in my experience reformed believers are among the most humble since we fully recognize our depravity and dependence upon God for everything:)
@petervaichus6978 2 года назад
The foundation for salvation is in the true Jesus Christ and his teachings being obeyed by his followers. “Why do call me Lord, Lord, and do not do what I say?” Those trusting in and following what other men say and the doctrines they preach are misleading the people at the risk of being told by the true Messiah; “depart from me, I never knew you!”
@lizadowning4389 2 года назад
Don't know why you're always on about Calvin's theology or Calvinism. Luther (father of the Reformation) thought/teached likewise. And they both adhered to the theology of Augustine of Hippo, one of the churchfathers of roman catholicism. On predestination Calvin declared: "The decree is dreadful indeed, I confess."
@robertcoupe6514 2 года назад
I agree that “cessationism” is their problem. They put a gag in the mouth of the living Lord Jesus Christ. He has spoken, in this day to the question of free will. Thus saith the Lord Jesus Christ, “None of My sheep have free will.” I am forever praising and believing Jesus Christ and this is pleasing to God.
@ddzl6209 2 года назад
@@robertcoupe6514 Jesus established kingdom of heaven not democracy of Martin or Calvin .
@robertcoupe6514 2 года назад
@@ddzl6209 He established His church; He revealed the kingdom. Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I am forever praising and believing Jesus Christ and this is pleasing to God.
@ddzl6209 2 года назад
@@robertcoupe6514 agreed, had Martin Luther or John Calvin or Joseph Smith were right Jesus Christ would have been wrong in saying to Peter "upon this rock I will build my church and no gates of hell will prevail against it" but now after five centuries anyone can see that Jesus is right and all the heretics are wrong , no human institution can last for two thousand years but the church of saints He established under the stewardship of Peter will last forever till He comes back.
@robertcoupe6514 2 года назад
@@ddzl6209 Smith tried to establish a church the other two never did. I am forever praising and believing Jesus Christ and this is pleasing to God.
@Marsand100 2 года назад
The thing is...those who aren't in line with the blblical Calvinistic approach will not see it even as they pray for the lost. They will pray " Lord open their eyes and their minds and soften their hearts ..." And there it is. No one, I hope, prays for people to open their own hearts and minds and spiritual 'eyes'.
@robertcoupe6514 2 года назад
​ @Susan Shipley “My sheep know my voice and another they will not follow. You have a choice, believe it or not.” The problem is only the elect have ears that “hear His voice”. You have hearing ears only after you have been regenerated (born again). I am forever praising and believing Jesus Christ and this is pleasing to God.
@eileendunkley5086 3 года назад
Excellent , biblical preaching ! To God be the glory.
@doug2993 2 года назад
To God be the glory is right!! Amen!
@susanshipley3224 2 года назад
Eileen if you are chosen, elected and predestined from the beginning then why do you need Jesus as your SAVIOUR ?
@stevehardwick1578 2 года назад
@@susanshipley3224 You misunderstand, please study more. Read Ephesians 1 and then attempt to deny predestination. Everyone needs Jesus, Calvinist doctrine simply states that God initiates your response. Remember, God is eternal, he knows us intimately from before the foundation of the world. Every believer will be saved and we don't know who they are, but God does. The conviction to spread the gospel is just as strong if not stronger with people who believe in God's sovereignty.
@gotech25 Год назад
@@stevehardwick1578 predestination is in the Bible, but your view has been taught to you, not found by you. Since you brought up eph 1. Read the first verse. It tell you who are the elect and on into eph 1 it tells you what your predestined to be. It says formed to his image. Verse one says the faithful in Christ. So God chose the ones who put faith in Christ, not just cherry picking as u believe. We do know who the elect are, the ones who trust in Christ. Eph 1 13. Read it.
@iacoponefurio1915 Год назад
@@gotech25 God created those who chose Christ and caised them to do so Your arrogant evil.strawman of a total stranger must actually describe you hahaha Because you are totally clueless and self righteous
@tialkr5165 2 года назад
Very sound preaching. Truth delivered
@Lumios_UA 3 года назад
A wonderful sermon indeed! Though I still fail to wrap my mind around the idea of God choosing/pre-destening some people to salvation and eternal glory, while dooming other people to eternal hell before they were even born. At least this is how I understand Calvinism. Of course, God is THE BOSS and He does as He pleases but it's still to difficult for my little head to comprehend ideas of Calvinism.
@BAM-jc7uy 3 года назад
Read the NT verses containing the words.....called... elect...predestined..chosen...predestinated..ordained...the mystery of His will...within some of these verses our God tells us exactly WHEN He ordained, elected, chose, etc. In Romans 9:20 our God asks us/you a question .....and then gives His answer to us in Romans 9:21-24. Be well in the Lord. 😊
@msdixie1972 3 года назад
We were all doomed by our sin nature. He didn't pick some to be doomed. ❤️ Instead, he predestined his elect, for His pleasure and purposes, and I believe the rest still have a choice to follow him but even then, it is solely by the wooing of Holy Spirit. ❤️
@tjhoss6729 3 года назад
@@msdixie1972 They won't choose HIM they won't follow HIM. They can't follow HIM .... WHY? Scripture is clear.... If people were able to outside of the ones GOD CHOSE, ELECTED and PRESIDENT before the foundation of the world it would give an individual, the opportunity to boast that he or she had something to do with their own salvation. Which is impossible.... Hope this made sense to you. Ephesians 2:8-9.😊💯❤🙏
@tjhoss6729 3 года назад
@@msdixie1972 Margaret I reread your post. And I understand how you feel because I felt the same way... when I started understanding the sovereignty of God all those thoughts went away... And when I read scripture it was like How could I not see this??? I was seeing it but I wasn't Getting it.... And sense 2nd Timothy 3:16 says all scriptures inspired by God I must believe it. I believe You're looking at it backwards... God did not choose People for damnation they chose themselves.... If it wasn't for God Predestining, Electing and Choosing those before the foundation for his Son no one would be saved. Including me and you....And here's why..... Before A believer is called by God and regenerated by the power of the Holy Spirit We were Slaves of sin Romans 6:14 - 20.... Who are haters of God who do no good Romans 3:10, 11 and 12.... Who are full of wickedness Jeremiah 17:9… Who cannot receive the things of God 1st Corinthians 2:14… Who are dead in their sins Ephesians 2:1….. Who's by nature a child of wrath Ephesians 2:3..... Who's at enmity with God Ephesians 2:15..... THEREFORE..... it is God WHO causes us to be born again 1st Peter 1:3... WHO grants that we believed philippians 1:29..... WHO works faith in us John 6:28 - 29…. WHO grants that we believe 2nd Timothy 2:25….. WHO makes us born again not of our own wills John 1:13…. We cannot come to CHRIST unless it's been granted to us from the FATHER John 6:65.... THIS IS WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES..... Salvation is of the Lord Jonah 2:9...... I pray this SHED SOME LIGHT😊 love to hear your feedback and if you've been looking into it. We including me Have so much humanistic tendencies they are hard to break at times but with God it and can be done!😊❤🙏🙏🙏
@billyr9162 3 года назад
It's not Calvinism It's The Bible. And yes it's difficult to grasp. Would we make the world like that? No. But God did. I would have never created the tree of evil in the 1st place. But God did.
@denmart9842 Год назад
No one is fighting who God is? Non calvinist are fighting the heresy of calvinism
@GodnMe 3 года назад
Good sermon. Thank you
@markwills3602 3 года назад
No it really was not. He goes off of scripture to prove points that are not biblical. Here is why Calvinism does not work: Man has free will - from the mouth of Jesus! Luke 13:34-35 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God’s messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn’t let me. And now, look, your house is abandoned. And you will never see me again until you say, ‘Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the LORD!’[Ps 118:26]” -- I wanted to save you - AND YOU WOULD NOT LET ME! God gives us a choice and Paul Taught it. Romans 1:18-21 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. -- They KNEW the TRUTH and MADE THE CHOICE NOT TO HONOR HIM! -- GOD EVEN MAKES IT OBVIOUS TO THEM!
@oracleoftroy 3 года назад
@@markwills3602 ?? This raises several questions. 1) Why ignore the explicit affirmation of free will in every Calvinist confession? Westminster even has a whole chapter laying it out (chapter 9). 2) Where is Jesus's theory of free will spelled out in your verses? You seem to be reading in something into the text rather than drawing out something from it. _"I wanted to save you - AND YOU WOULD NOT LET ME!"_ 3) You need to read your own text more carefully. "How often I have wanted to gather your *children* together...". There are three parties in this passage, not two. There is Jesus, the children Jesus wants to gather, and the religious leaders trying to prevent it. Why do you misconstrue the verse to force your theory of free will into it? 4) Why ignore other passages that seem to more directly spell out Jesus's theory of free will, such as John 8: 31-59? How do you account for our slavery to sin?
@denmart9842 Год назад
Once anyone associates a man name with the Gospel of Christ it becomes heresy Paul warned us about that when he said if anyone preach an other Gospel he be curse
@markbarbdearman2157 3 года назад
I simply. Love. This. Thank you.
@olgaburgos7780 2 года назад
I choose not too be called after a sinner, Calvin, Paul, Apollo etc. I choose to be called after Christ🥰 as the Apostles did . I want to be identified with Christ and only Christ,my Creator and Savior.
@joanborger702 2 года назад
A wonderful, needed, engaging blessing. Explained so well, and beautifully. I have learned so much. Thank you, bless you, as you minister in all ways. Tabletalk magazine is a treasure, that I enjoy each month.
@susanshipley3224 2 года назад
Christ was the only one predestined to provide Salvation. Read the word of God thru prayer and ask for understanding with humility as a child and call upon the name of Jesus and you shall be saved
@saludanite 2 года назад
When you want to start talking about Jesus and al the things He commanded us to do - get back with me. I'll be ready.
@MyeshiaNyre 2 года назад
@theliberatedplanet 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for this teaching.
@RPM11111 2 года назад
I know of a Grace Community Church where the pastor regurgitated the same Calvinist doctrine common to most all "Reformed" churches. "God is actually a despot who causes everything... though able to do it any way He chose to, He thought it best to glorify Himself in creating billions of people in His image and consigning the vast majority of them to eternal suffering...etc...etc." At least he was honest about the teachings of Calvinism. Anyway, after boasting about how perfectly reformed the fellowship's teaching was...how no churches in the area were as good as them...how they were like the church of Philadelphia in Revelation, a sudden rift developed in the church. Three elders left and over half the church with them. I firmly believe it was because of the Pastor's misrepresentation of God's character and his "reformed" superiority complex that led to the loss of blessing. So, be very careful with how far you are willing to push your Calvinism and exclusive "we're the real church" ideology...it may just backfire on you.
@dfischer5878 2 года назад
Sounds like you have created your own character of God. Isaiah 45:7 God does not need you to pretty up whom He says He is and what He says He does.
@RPM11111 2 года назад
@@dfischer5878 No, Donna. You, like many others, have most likely adopted another person's theology (Calvin) that was passed onto you. You've joined that exclusive club and you have hunkered down to defend it without having fully examined it for yourself. That's how it tends to work. There things God says about Himself in Scripture that fly in the face of the Calvinist interpretation. Because you are committed to Calvinism, you are shut off from exploring even the very possibility of error in your preferred framework of theology.
@uncasunga1800 2 года назад
@@OJPrime another clueless self righteous hypocrite lol
@dfischer5878 2 года назад
@@OJPrime Romans 9:22. You have no clue on who God is and who man is. I do not call myself a Calvinist… however I do fully understand that scripture is clear from stat to finish that God in His perfect , sovereign will established a redemptive plan that in eternity past predestined some to salvation and some to be left in their sin. How you all think this is unjust I have no idea. Not one of use deserve His grace or mercy. Salvation my friend is a gift from God it is monergism. All of God.
@oceanbeach5990 2 года назад
Never heard of this fellow preaching, maybe he’s brilliant theologian, maybe not. But GOD sure knows what’s what and who’s who, so I’m going to leave that up to Him who I get to see in Heaven. What do you call a person who must, starting at 10:47, fill the next 47:02 minutes with animated gestures and overly nervous pacing? Sorry to have to offend you’l understand when you’re 78. 🤗
@uncasunga1800 2 года назад
No we wont we dont get distracted like a little child so easily instead listen to the words
@migiyangknabe 3 года назад
John 1:13
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
Yes, Calvinism is very bad.
@MichaelForte-jn5pn 9 месяцев назад
Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father He has risen and sits at the right hand of God the
@honawikeepa5813 2 года назад
Excellent talk. Clear and easy to understand. "O wretched man that I am..." Thank you.
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
Terrible false doctrine.
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
@Reformed Hillbillies Calvinism teaches many false doctrines. The false doctrine of original sin. The false doctrine of limited atonement. The false doctrine of unconditional election and others.
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
@Reformed Hillbillies Yes
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
@Reformed Hillbillies Really? Are you open to the truth or just mocking? I only say that because many people ask questions but they have already made up their minds. No amount of discussion or bible verses will change their mind.
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
@Reformed Hillbillies OK, let me ask you a question. What is sin?
@andrewlawrencei3239 Год назад
Amen absolutely only by God mercy anyone be in heaven .
@BAM-jc7uy 3 года назад
Amen...different confessional church standards and other churches with differences in...but the "common doctrinal thread" will always be there about our God. The body of Christ is the Church with a "common doctrinal thread" whether we are a foot, hand, heart, a lung within that body...the Church. Each part and organ of the body is a function that holds Truths and shares common doctrinal threads/truths WithOut doctrinal heresies or cancerous cells or ministers of unrighteousness behind the pulpit.
@garyley6593 2 года назад
Very confusing doctrine. Serious question...why do we bother witnesses and taking the gospel to the ends of the earth if people are already predestined? BTW, John MacArthur is one of my favorite and have been listening to him for on and off for 25 years. I have his study bible and a many books. He's a brilliant man. However, I have a hard time grasping this.
@MultiFirefly25 2 года назад
Hi Gary.. it is because God ordains the means as well as the ends.. He ordained how the elect shall be saved.. and that is to hear the gospel proclaimed by those who are saved..The trouble is we don't know the elect and besides His instruction is to preach regardless of whom ..elect or not.. It is His ordained system and He knows what He is doing.. Our part is to obey and trust.. Thank you Gary!
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
This doctrine is not biblical.
@phyllisstevens3116 2 года назад
God gives us opportunities to talk to people about our Faith, we are telling about theSalvation that is found in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We tell, the Holy Spirit convicts. The cross is foolishness to those who are Pershing!
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
@@phyllisstevens3116 I agree, and that also shows that Calvinism is a false doctrine.
@phyllisstevens3116 2 года назад
@@timothyseals3791 I agree that it’s not what we need for salvation but Romans 8: 30 tells us what Faith in Christ did for us. Read ALL Romans chapter 8 for understanding what Our Faith should be looking like.
@kelseyvanevery7587 2 года назад
The doctrine of election deals with service, not salvation. The "elect" in scripture are primarily the remnant of the children of Israel. In Calvinism 1) The elect are never in danger of anything & never had anything to be saved from. 2) The non-elect never had any hope & never will. 3) The elect do not need a Savior, the non-elect do not have a Savior. 4) If you are not elect, Christ's dying is not good news (gospel) to you 5) Election is the only good news in Calvinism 6) Calvinists must rely on their own good works to indicate salvation. Calvinism: No hope, no gospel, no Savior. Only non-elect & elect (who, with fingers crossed, learn they are elect).
@jacobjake6339 2 года назад
How about, the doctrines of the word are good for the church as it always has been long before Calvin. 1Cor1 the carnality, this should not even be a question.
@doug2993 2 года назад
@georgerichardjames1170 2 года назад
You just have to read the 5 points of Calvinism to know that it is completely unbiblical. Hence, it's certainly not good for the church and for those who are seeking a closer relationship with our Jesus , who is our Lord and Saviour.
@dfischer5878 2 года назад
Not one of the 5 points can not be found all over scripture
@georgerichardjames1170 2 года назад
@@dfischer5878 Can you tell me where Unconditional Election and Limited Atonement are found in Scripture
@uncasunga1800 2 года назад
He will call his elect from the 4 winds You have never actually read or comprehended the actual bible you need to know more than the first preschool cookie cutter verse to be a self proclaimed expert
@uncasunga1800 2 года назад
You cant even have a relationship with the Father until he indwells you. You cannot approach The real Him until you agree with Him you are totally depraved. But your self righteousness blinds like all other flesh.
@uncasunga1800 2 года назад
Though Israel is like the sand and the seashore only the remnant will be saved. He will have forbearance on his elect Fear not o worm jacob for i CHOSEN you i know you by NAME. I mean read at least one book before blithering all over the internet on your expertise cmon hahahahahaha
@olgaburgos7780 2 года назад
God saves all...who are repentant sinners and believe in Jesus Son of God, our Savior.
@reynoldsamara218 2 года назад
Sooo Sooo Beautiful
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
What is beautiful about Calvinism?
@reynoldsamara218 2 года назад
@@timothyseals3791 all for the Glory of God not man, Is Beautiful, no love Higher than that.
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
@@reynoldsamara218 But the doctrine is false. Are you saying you love false doctrine?
@reynoldsamara218 2 года назад
@@timothyseals3791 Enlight me
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
@@reynoldsamara218Ok. Do you believe that God creates sinful people?
@claudialsmith2996 2 года назад
Sealed and sanctified in Christ. My sins are filthy as rags. Have mercy on me a rebel. Hope my soul the Lord keeps. Heaven is home.
@rjcontra 3 года назад
If Calvinism was true...then there would be no need for a Adversary.
@rjcontra 3 года назад
@UCa00SO6FWRtbt9qO0v8K_aA Do you feel chosen or do just hope you are chosen. Theology is becoming so watered down these past 70 years, will the real Jesus please stand up. You say to read scripture daily....have been for over 35 years daily, and never once did I come to the conclusion we are chosen. That must be a big burden you wear if your chosen. How are you doing with that? Where does theology come from? you are right........man.....keep listening to man.....hmmmmmmm the Pharisees thought they were right to didn't they?
@oracleoftroy 3 года назад
@@rjcontra Ok, but so what? We don't teach that God was forced to create Satan. God could have created this universe any way he pleased. God being able to do otherwise doesn't negate that God did create this universe, including the Adversary.
@billyr9162 3 года назад
@@oracleoftroy The Bible doesn't say where the adversary originally came from. It just says he was cast into the Earth. In my opinion that was between verse 1 and 2 of Genesis. That's why verse 2 of Genesis is the character of satan. And man was made from the corrupt dust that satan corrupted. God formed the man of that corrupt dust. Adam did not have a free will. I don't believe in "the fall" as the Calvinist describe.
@oracleoftroy 3 года назад
@@billyr9162 I agree that the Bible doesn't explicitly spell out the origins of Angels, Satan, and other spirtual beings, but I think it is clear that God created them. Are you saying Satan is uncreated or just that the spiritual beings were created before day 1? And let me review your timeline: Gen 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
@billyr9162 3 года назад
@@oracleoftroy Thanks brother. If you know anyone that is fluent with with ancient Hebrew try talking to them about it and see what they say. Haha.. Not many people are though. So it's the word bara in Gen 1. That's an ancient Hebrew term meaning to cut from the fat. Not cellulite. Means the best of the best. It comes from the root Barith Which means covenant. Then in verse two yes you understood me right. Those 3 words are the character of satan because they are unrighteous words. It's the 1st place in The Bible we see the character of satan. It's the Hebrew word tohu. And Isaiah God said he did not create the world tohu. The word in v31 is formed. Asah. The same word in the 6 days of forming the Earth not creating it...bara. And the word good there is towb meaning pleasurable. Not bara. Its masculine. It was pleasurable to him. I think I gave you the link to my Greek teacher. He goes all through it in detail.
@Gospelogian 2 года назад
Great message! It’s not about following a man but God and an insistence on following the God of the Bible!! I also addressed this topic on my channel.
@gregormann7 2 года назад
Well the simpler question is, Is Calvinism TRUE? Personally, I consider it madness.
@robertcoupe6514 2 года назад
The problem people have with unconditional election is that it is not fair for God to create some ground “good” and other “stony ground”. (Mark 4) The different types of ground had no say(choice) in their creation. The good ground was “good” before the seed fell on it. If you are good ground start praising God! I am forever praising and believing Jesus Christ and this is pleasing to God.
@dfischer5878 2 года назад
It’s all over scripture , cover to cover. There is no other teaching that puts man in his proper place a d God in His
@luboshcamber1992 2 года назад
@gregormann7 No wonder. Madness or foolishness... 1Corinthians 1,18 "The message of the Cross is the foolishness to those who are perishing but is is the power to save to those who believe... "
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
@@robertcoupe6514 So you may not be elect, you can not know for sure. Will you praise this doctrine then?
@robertcoupe6514 2 года назад
@@timothyseals3791 only God can give you faith to do them Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the (spoken)word of God. only God can make ears that hear His rhema. He has given your “new creature” ears that hear. 2 Cor. 5:17 I am forever praising and believing Jesus Christ and this is pleasing to God.
@pineapplehouseonline2750 2 года назад
17 Now as He was going out on the road, one came running, knelt before Him, and asked Him, "Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?" 18 So Jesus said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No one [is] good but One, [that is], God. 19 "You know the commandments: 'Do not commit adultery,' 'Do not murder,' 'Do not steal,' 'Do not bear false witness,' 'Do not defraud,' 'Honor your father and your mother.' " 20 And he answered and said to Him, "Teacher, all these things I have kept from my youth." 21 Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, "One thing you lack: You are not fully regenerated. Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me." 22 But he was sad at this word, and went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. 23 Then Jesus looked around and said to His disciples, "How hard it is for those who have not been regenerated to enter the kingdom of God!" (Mar 10:17-31 CNV)
@jamesstumpff7774 2 года назад
You do realize if we are allowed to pervert scripture that thoroughly…there’s simply no reason to read it at all
@pineapplehouseonline2750 2 года назад
@@jamesstumpff7774 EXACTLY, yet this kind of eisegesis is PRECISELY what Calvinists do, making God the purveyor of half truths 100 times at least, impugning God's character without shame or remorse!
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
Calvinism is a very deadly teaching. Many are going to hell and they don't even know it.
@arlysann 2 года назад
knowing calvinism will not get you to heaven, knowing who God is will change your life
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
@@arlysann Yes, and Calvinism leads so many the wrong way and they don't even know it.
@arlysann 2 года назад
@@timothyseals3791 I know it's very sad and it's not how you share the gospel. God will reveal His sovereignty in His time. We share or sow the seeds God changes hearts
@uncasunga1800 2 года назад
@@arlysann when these self righteous deceived blind hypocrites meet Him they will know. If they dont believe Moses who said 'send someone else' they will not believe. It doesnt tickle their ears with their self righteous guilt fear shame control.
@uncasunga1800 2 года назад
@@timothyseals3791 jim jones claimed he was going to heaven Mans word means nothing just your delusions. You need sound teaching
@danmarley2886 2 года назад
Ism is schism, and schism is division, and division is heresy, and heresy is not of God. The curse of John Calvin yet speaks from the grave. But Jesus said, My sheep know my voice and another they will not follow. You have a choice, believe it or not.
@susanshipley3224 2 года назад
Exactly, God is no respecter of persons Believe is the exercise of FREEWILL
@robertcoupe6514 2 года назад
​@@susanshipley3224 “My sheep know my voice and another they will not follow. You have a choice, believe it or not.” The problem is only the elect have ears that “hear His voice”. You have hearing ears only after you have been regenerated (born again). I am forever praising and believing Jesus Christ and this is pleasing to God.
@robertcoupe6514 2 года назад
​ @Susan Shipley “My sheep know my voice and another they will not follow. You have a choice, believe it or not.” The problem is only the elect have ears that “hear His voice”. You have hearing ears only after you have been regenerated (born again). I am forever praising and believing Jesus Christ and this is pleasing to God.
@chadkincham 2 года назад
Calvinism is a heinous insult of Gods character and nature. It makes God the author of sin and evil, and the only real sinner in the universe.
@dfischer5878 2 года назад
How So? it is clear already you have an erroneous definition of Calvinism.
@chadkincham 2 года назад
Get a clue. In Calvinism every single event that happens is decreed by God, and even every single thought in everyone’s head is put there by God - so every evil act, every sin, every disease, every war, is all decreed by God and caused by God. Therefore that makes God the author of sin, and evil, and the only real sinner in the universe.
@uncasunga1800 2 года назад
Not even close strawman wacko He gave us a choice and we choose wrong. You are just too arrogant to believe your own total depravity.
@uncasunga1800 2 года назад
@@chadkincham every evil act is because man chooses against God every chance they get
@chadkincham 2 года назад
@@uncasunga1800 Try actually reading what Calvin wrote, ignoramus.
@AdvancedMarketingGro 2 года назад
Has it ever dawned on you people harping on your various interpretations of predestination that the reason God predestined anyone is because God knew ahead of time who would and who would not repent and receive Jesus as Savior? Those who are going to receive Jesus, God predestined, those who would not, God did not predestine, but our choice was still a deciding factor in being predestined. Yeah, God can do that, He is timeless and not limited or bound by time. God knows everything, there is nothing God doesn't know. >>> End of the silly Calvinism vs Arminianism argument... 1. God predestined us; yes, every person ever born, to be His children. God is not willing that any should perish. John 3:16, 2 Peter 3:9, Romans 8:29 2. God is sovereign, and because He is sovereign, He uses His sovereignty to protect our freedom to choose. Yes, God can do that. Psalm 135:6, Psalm 115:3, Romans 9:19-21, Luke 1:37 3. Pre-known to God, as a property of His sovereignty and power, God knows, and has always known, what we will choose. Romans 11:33-34, Luke 12:7, Matthew 11:27, Job 21:22 4. In our use of our free will to choose, we choose to either accept His gift of salvation or we choose to reject it; either way, as a function of God's sovereignty and power, He knows what we will choose. John 3:16, Deuteronomy 30:19, Psalm 119:30, Job 34:4, Psalm 25:12, Joshua 24:14-15 ref. John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
@markwills3602 3 года назад
Calvinism is Evil! Man has free will - from the mouth of Jesus! Luke 13:34-35 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God’s messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn’t let me. And now, look, your house is abandoned. And you will never see me again until you say, ‘Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the LORD!’[Ps 118:26]” -- I wanted to save you - AND YOU WOULD NOT LET ME! God gives us a choice and Paul Taught it. Romans 1:18-21 But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them. For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. -- They KNEW the TRUTH and MADE THE CHOICE NOT TO HONOR HIM! -- GOD EVEN MAKES IT OBVIOUS TO THEM! Here is the Word of God: Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn’t worship him as God or even give him thanks. They MADE THE CHOICE not to worship him as God. If there was ever an open and shut case this is it! Then go back to the very beginning - Adam you may not eat of the tree I am putting in the Middle of the Garden. You have a choice to make Adam - Chose not to eat or you will DIE! Clearly God gave Adam a choice - and this is from the mouth of Almighty God! I know we are dead - we can only come to God if HE DRAWS us - but my friend He draws EVERYONE. His WILL IS THAT NO ONE PERISH! The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9 -- It is not God's will then God gave EVERYONE a choice or ALL would come to know God! His example of Looking forward through time - was not biblical. In that part of the sermon around 23 he moves off of scripture, and on to HIS OPINION! God doesn't really look through time - He KNOWS outside of time. What he knew before the creation of Time is what he knows. He knew before that foundation of time - that one day he Would Draw ME to him. He would put the choice of LIFE in my mind - even in my DEAD SPIRIT because HE was the only one who COULD touch my Spirit. My Spirit being dead could not understand God - and yet he made that clear to me - AND I CHOSE HIM. He makes this same choice available [AND UNDERSTANDABLE] to the person in Romans 1:18-21 and they make a different choice - and they make this choice over and over again. He doesn't look through time, He Knows through time. God does not overcome our will - and that was taught in Genesis 3 - Romans 1 and Luke 13. Then he says God Looked through time at the 42 minute mark - very confusing! I think this preacher just does not understand who God really is. John 3:17 he adds something to scripture that really does not make sense. He basically says the same thing I said "one day he Would Draw NEW BELIEVERS to him. He would put the choice of LIFE in their mind - even in their DEAD SPIRIT because HE was the only one who COULD touch their Spirit. Because their Spirit being dead could not understand God - and yet he made that clear to them - AND THEY CHOSE HIM." Calvinism promotes pride because God Chose me and he did not chose Bob or Tim. I am Chosen by God because I obviously have something Great about me that God Chose me and not Bob and Not Tim! There is no other way to look at Calvinism - and that is God Chose me over another - not just a few - but MOST other people. This is a Sick Teaching - God is not the respecter of people - God is the rewarder of choice. The Choice Man makes when God present him with it weather it is a Tree in the middle of the Garden - or it is his Son Jesus. The choice is ours and is Given to ALL MEN because God LOVES ALL MEN. It is our Choice Because GOD gave us the choice through his Grace! HE LOVES ALL ME and GIVES ALL MEN the chance to accept him as God!
@signposts6189 3 года назад
You say Man has free will and then allege Luke 13:34-35 proves this. It doesn't. You read into it the notion Jesus supposedly says “I wanted to save you - AND YOU WOULD NOT LET ME!” Except Jesus actually says, “How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn’t let me.” It's not I wanted to save you but rather I WANTED TO GATHER YOUR CHILDREN. Jesus is talking about protection not salvation ergo the metaphor of the hen with her chicks beneath her wings. There's nothing here about so-called freewill. “And you would not let me” does not prove freewill. All it suggests is a refusal to choose or consent to Christ's protection due to its long murderous streak of God's prophets. The CITY KILLS God's messengers. This indictment is against the CITY (i.e. the leadership and those that follow them opposed to Christ), and not against her children ergo Jesus saying YOUR HOUSE is abandoned. Romans 1:18-21 isn't addressing the issue of choice but God's anger against human wickedness. Remember, God's anger is revealed against sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth by their wickedness. Paul is establishing how far gone in sin people really are. The indictment is people are so sinful and wicked so much that they're not even willing to worship God or show Him their gratitude even when the truth about Him is so obvious to them. So the issue isn't as you say they KNEW the TRUTH and MADE THE CHOICE NOT TO HONOR HIM. The issue is people are so profoundly sinful they suppress the truth by their wickedness. This is the open and shut case. When it comes to Adam God gave Adam a command God required him to obey to not eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That Adam made a choice is a given. But the issue is God's command and Adam disobeyed it to his loss. If you know we are dead and we can only come to God if HE DRAWS us - but then my friend it makes no sense to say He draws EVERYONE when not everyone comes to God. His WILL is to save His people from their sins. 2 Peter 3:9 actually says God is not willing that any of his people should perish. The Lord is long-suffering toward US (i.e. Peter and his original Christian audience). God gives EVERYONE an opportunity to obey His commands. What do you think sinful, wicked people left to themselves are going to choose to do hundred per cent of the time? You say “Calvinism” promotes pride because God Chose me and he did not chose Bob or Tim. Nonsense. God chose Jacob and not Esau, yet Jacob did not become prideful or think himself better than his brother. Being chosen by God over others does not mean you obviously have something great about you over those not chosen. What's truly amazing is that God would even choose you at all when you don't deserve to be chosen. God doesn't have to choose anyone. The only Sick Teaching is the kind that assumes if God chooses Jacob, He is obligated to also choose Esau because it's supposedly only fair. You seem to think that just because God is not the respecter of people that means He has to treat everyone equally. God treats people differently throughout the Bible. For example, He saved Israel but drowned Egypt in the Red Sea. God is no rewarder of choice, but rather the judge of all the earth. The Choice is always God's to save whomever He wants to save or to condemn whomever He wants to condemn. Our choice isn't the issue. God's choice is and has always been the issue. If God saves you be thankful. If God condemns the wicked, rejoice in His judgments seeing as the judge of all the earth always does what is right.
@markwills3602 3 года назад
@@signposts6189 How Blind can you be? Did God Give Adam and Eve a Choice in the Garden? YES this is not refutable. Adam you can eat of any fruit in the Garden ACCEPT the Tree in the middle. This is the FACTS. God told Adam "Here is your choice - and if you make the wrong choice - You will die!!! Open your Eyes Dude. Romans 1:18-19 is CLEARLY A CHOICE. Word for word - For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and THEN their foolish heart was darkened. This is CLEARLY A CHOICE - and to say it is not is saying that God is a Liar because he Said -I SHOWED THEM WHO I AM AND EVEN THOUIGH THEY KNEW - THEY DID NOT GLORIFY HIM AS GOD!!!!! Please open your EYES this is a Open and shut case. What is sick is being so tied to people and their opinions that you do not see what God has CLEARLY WRITTEN. These two examples are clear - Adam had a choice - EVERY MAN that has lived had a choice. That is Why God Doubled Down and then Clearly says "They have no Excuse." If God chose Tim and not Bob, Tim has an excuse. And Tim could say "What did you base your choice of Bob on?" You need to be honest with God's word and stop putting into it something that God never said - He never not one time says he predestines ANY one to Salvation.
@signposts6189 3 года назад
@@markwills3602 How Blind can you be? I'm not at all blind. I can read just fine. Did God Give Adam and Eve a Choice in the Garden? God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God did not tell Adam "Here is your choice - and if you make the wrong choice - You will die!!!. God COMMANDED Adam to not eat of the forbidden fruit. Romans 1:18-19 is NOT clearly a choice. You seem to sidestep the words that set the stage. You know, “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness...” The issue isn't choice. The issue is God's wrath AGAINST ALL ungodliness and unrighteousness of men. There's nothing about this that makes God any sort of liar. This is a matter of interpretation in context not theatrics about what it allegedly makes God. What “ungodly and unrighteous men knew” doesn't prove your freewill notions. This is not about other people and their opinions. This about you and me and how we're interpreting Scripture. YOUR interpretation can and should be questioned as is mine. And I think how you're interpreting Scripture doesn't really appropriately reveal what God has had WRITTEN down. You sidestep context (God's anger against the extent of human wickedness) and use a text (sinful men ignoring the truth) to prove a pretext (Man's supposed freewill) read into the text. Your two examples do not clearly teach freewill in the way you define it-. Indeed Adam could choose - but Adam's choice isn't about whether he can choose good or bad but that he can simply choose. Why he chooses what he chooses is another matter entirely. In Romans 1:81-19 it says men do not glorify God or give thanks to Him because they're so sinful and wicked. This means their choice is always to do bad. You can say whatever you want that EVERY MAN that has lived has had a choice. But choice doesn't save anyone. Only God and Him alone saves. Having no Excuse isn't proof of freewill. It is evidence that they have nothing to stand on to to claim innocence from being guilty of sin. If God chose Tim and not Bob, Tim would still have no excuse. It doesn't matter if Tim said "What did you base your choice of Bob on?" Because the issue is Tim is still guilty of being a treacherous sinner deserving God's punishment for his wicked ways. It would seem you're the one who needs to be honest with how you're reading God's word and stop reading into it things that bend it to your freewill notions .
@markwills3602 3 года назад
@@signposts6189 Really? From the Word. "And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; “but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” - I really do not know how to deal with people who twist what God says into something it does not say. Maybe there is hope for you - You may freely eat is a choice. You may freely do something is a choice. Second. You shall not eat of this tree clearly a demand - and IF YOU DO you will die. God warns them "The day you eat it (Clearly a choice) you will die." -- BUT the word it self is the result of a choice. On Romans 1 you are wrong - God is clear about who he is and they KNOW it and they reject it. Here is the bottom line. This is what is taught in Scripture - you can twist it all you want - God gave us a choice, and he based his reaction to our choice. You guys have a problem with God giving up his sovereignty because I will be the first to say God can make a person choose what ever he wants them to choose. God gave that up when he made himself clearly visible to man - and man choose not to follow him. God is sovereign no question. God is also wants genuine love - not love forced on a person. Love does not seek it's own. You need to learn that Love is giving man a choice - and all through the scriptures you see God over and over again say, "They will be my people and I will be their God."
@teejay7510 3 года назад
@@markwills3602 what you fail to recognize is that humanity is not in the same position that Adam and Eve where in, they where untainted by sin but all his offspring make choices out of a fallen, sinful state.
@denmart9842 Год назад
He is simply making sure his paycheck go to his account
@daltonlandrum7544 Год назад
Spoken like a true politician. Great job selling a false ideology. Incase you forgot, WHOSOEVER calls upon his name and believes in him shall be saved. I can't believe people would believe in a God who sends people to hell.
@vitaignis5594 7 месяцев назад
"So, as the rational creatures were wasting and such works in course of ruin, what was God in His goodness to do? Suffer corruption to prevail against them and death to hold them fast? And where were the profit of their having been made, to begin with? For better were they not made, than once made, left to neglect and ruin. 8. For neglect reveals weakness, and not goodness on God’s part- if, that is, He allows His own work to be ruined when once He had made it- more so than if He had never made man at all. 9. For if He had not made them, none could impute weakness; but once He had made them, and created them out of nothing, it were most monstrous for the work to be ruined, and that before the eyes of the Maker. 10. It was, then, out of the question to leave men to the current of corruption; because this would be unseemly, and unworthy of God’s goodness." On the Incarnation by Saint Athanasius
@vitaignis5594 7 месяцев назад
The early Church Fathers understood that if God passed over ANYONE, it would be a sign of WEAKNESS
@AdvancedMarketingGro 2 года назад
To suggest that God, before the world’s foundation, chose certain ones to be saved, and others to be lost, independent of a personal reception of truth, independent of a willful decision for Jesus Christ, is a doctrine that cannot be sustained by the Scriptures - regardless of the number of sincere people who subscribe to it. The Father gave to the Son all who the Father foreknew who would receive the Gift of Salvation. Our decision plays a key role in God choosing us... "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren." - Romans 8:29 "Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied." - 1 Peter 1:2 Foreknow what; that you will like extra sauce on your pizza after you hit your teen years?? NO!! Foreknew that BY YOUR FREE WILL CHOICE you would receive Jesus as your Savior. Based on God's Foreknown knowledge of that God predestined you to be His elect. GOD AND HIS SOVEREIGNTY As a function of God's sovereignty He sovereignly protects your right and ability to choose Him or reject Him. God protects your free will. As a function of God's ability to know all things, He knows who is going to choose Him before they do so, and because they will, God predestines, elects, those who will do so. Either way, a person's God given ability to exercise free will and choose is an important deciding factor as to who was predestined and elected by God and who was not. Human beings have free will, God has His sovereignty. They are NOT incompatible. If Jesus died on the Cross only for the "predestinated" and no one else (AKA; Calvinist "Limited Atonement"), how could righteousness (the free gift) come upon all men? "Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life." - Romans 5:18 Note: "the free gift came to all men" ...ALL MEN MEANS ALL MEN, not "some men." "If any man WILL TO DO HIS WILL, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself." - John 7:17
@JeannieZM 2 года назад
Amen this is truth!
@nathannoble9741 Год назад
One word that I have yet a Calvinist to explain is "whosoever" in John 3:16.
@Mattissaved Год назад
Why does the “whosoever” need explaining? Romans 10:13 - for “whosoever” shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved. Kinda self explanatory isn’t it ?
@andrewlawrencei3239 Год назад
Because Calvinism is the true teaching the word of God.Not everyone teach the truth in the whole world , because God knows that’s going to happen .God knows not everyone called themselves Christian will go to heaven.
@iacoponefurio1915 Год назад
No one claiming to deserve heaven will go there haha
@andrewlawrencei3239 Год назад
@@iacoponefurio1915 no one deserves go to heaven, if anyone got there only because of God mercy , not because they called themselves a Christian or not because they think they are good people . None of those causes them got to heaven.
@michaelschaffran3948 2 года назад
I am a Protestant Christian, Who believes foremost that Jesus Christ Is The One. Matthew 1-3 Matthew 28 Blessings & Peace to all🙂
@uncasunga1800 2 года назад
Arminian is not protestant they left the reformation
@timothyseals3791 2 года назад
Ignore Uncas Unga. He is not even a Christian.
@kate60 8 месяцев назад
@jerseycowboy1 2 года назад
Pentecostalism, Charismatic, evangelical, word of faith and prophecy teaching churches.... seem to be short lived because they are based on Emotion, feelings, things that change over time depending on the entertainment or preachers charismatic character. but Reform is word based while the others read into the bible and take out what they believe is revelation or God speaking directly to them.
@robertcoupe6514 2 года назад
John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. It is true that those of us that have the rhema of Jesus Christ abiding in us do hear Him speaking to us in this present time. I am forever praising and believing Jesus is the Christ, and this is pleasing to God.
@garyhiggins9148 2 года назад
Why not have a teaching called, 'Only two means God uses to save us' I have noticed that pastors don't teach this most important doctrine to get this right is the corner stone of the believers foundation. Did you answer yourself the question to the only two means God uses to save one? If the answer took you awhile to answer this then it means you have not taught this enough. Do I need to give you the answer to make sure you got this right? Answer, 1- The Word for faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. 2- The Spirit. When one hears the Word God must apply His Word by His Spirit for God must seal that person on whom He saves. Many are called but few are Chosen. Many hear the gospel call to repent and believe the gospel. Mark 1:16 Believers, expand this important truth to the babes in Christ.
@eyesinindia 2 года назад
What of jailer being saved and the promise of him and his family being saved .the family in that time were his servants extra just wondered. Some seed grew accepted Christ but they later died .... ???
@denmart9842 Год назад
I wonder if he's has been in the missionary field at all
@danielcapusneanu590 2 года назад
Excellent adjustment of the Bible teaching to the principles of calvinism. ... Talking of God being Sovereign but limiting Him to a fraction called "elect"
@jakeabbatacola5092 2 года назад
Your version of God saves all people?
@beaudidly5347 2 года назад
Daniel, where do you get fraction concerning "elect" It makes sense if you mean the fraction that finds the narrow road. Scripture doesn't limit God and His word is chalk full of His "elect" and His "sovereignty" cover to cover.
@danielcapusneanu590 2 года назад
My comments refer to the sermon posted in the video. If you find any incongruency between my previous comment and the video please point it out.
@jakeabbatacola5092 2 года назад
@@danielcapusneanu590 Just be biblical bud.
@robertcoupe6514 2 года назад
The problem people have with unconditional election is that it is not fair for God to create some ground “good” and other “stony ground”. (Mark 4) The different types of ground had no say(choice) in their creation. The good ground was “good” before the seed fell on it. If you are good ground start praising God! I agree that “cessationism” is their problem. They put a gag in the mouth of the living Lord Jesus Christ. He has spoken, in this day to the question of free will. Thus saith the Lord Jesus Christ, “None of My sheep have free will.” I am forever praising and believing Jesus Christ and this is pleasing to God.
@mrnoedahl 2 года назад
Our theology does not led us too or teach us about God. It is scripture alone that can do that. You obviously have been reading The Institutes Of The Calvin Religion when you should just be reading your Bible.
@youdontsay2181 9 месяцев назад
Why in the world would you say " Osama bin laden" could have been one of the elect "???? and a parallel to Paul the Apostle ?????
@oldedwardian1778 2 года назад
The most important question is IS RELIGION GOOD FOR MANKIND. The answer is SIMPLE AND IT IS NO, NO, NO.
@mrnoedahl 2 года назад
Maybe it’s good for your church, but it is not good for the gospel. For Calvinism distorts the many scriptures that tell men everywhere to repent. But they cannot repent unless God enables them to. I give the command to my five children to go brush your teeth, but I with hold giving a tooth brush to two of them. Question. What kind of father am I?
@eretuyte Год назад
Jesus is the only one who bring salvetion ,no calvin
@paulmadmanlee5065 2 года назад
We are the Bride...God gave us to Jesus.
@AdvancedMarketingGro 2 года назад
GOD AND HIS SOVEREIGNTY As a function of God's sovereignty He sovereignly protects your right and ability to choose Him or reject Him. God protects your free will. As a function of God's ability to know all things, He knows who is going to choose Him before they do so, and because they will, God predestines, elects, those who will do so. Either way, a person's God given ability to exercise free will and choose is an important deciding factor as to who was predestined and elected by God and who was not. Human beings have free will, God has His sovereignty. They are NOT incompatible. If Jesus died on the Cross only for the "predestinated" and no one else (AKA; Calvinist "Limited Atonement"), how could righteousness (the free gift) come upon all men? "Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life." - Romans 5:18 Note: "the free gift came to all men" ...ALL MEN MEANS ALL MEN, not "some men." "If any man WILL TO DO HIS WILL, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself." - John 7:17
@grahammewburn 2 года назад
Our Father in Heaven honoured be your Name HalleluJAH Praise JAH Who is JAH? Ask Google Jah contraction of
@hornplayer1228 2 года назад
Christianity of the post- Nicean era is lacking the spiritual knowledge necessary to understand the New Testament writings. Thousands of years of Popes, Bishops, Priests, and Pastors has resulted in an empty void. People need to understand the Spiritualism of the early Christian Church before Justinian issued his anathemas against the writings of Origen in order to unlock the New Testament spiritual truths. Nobody today has the slightest understanding of exactly what Jesus redeemed them from or why they need redeeming in the first place. Direct enlightenment from The Spirit of Truth cannot be received in todays Churches due to the dogmatic approach to the so-called complete and final Divine Inspiration of the Gospels - regardless of Jerome's testimony on his own behalf when accused of falsifying Biblical passages "How can you accuse me of falsifying that which is no longer the truth."
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