
C. S. Lewis - Miracles 

C. S. Lewis essays
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31 июл 2018




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@farmergiles1065 8 месяцев назад
He converted me to Christianity when I was a teen. I've always regretted he had already passed, for I could never meet him in person. Not for this lifetime, that is. His mind is what attracted me first, his clarity along with it, his elegance of articulation a dressing I loved from the first. But what really got to me was his heart: his humility, his calm, his humor, his insight, his warmth, his consideration, his gentleness, and his compassion. And more. His Christianity breathed as he breathed, and he breathed Christianity. Rather, he breathed Christ. It's how I really knew that Christ is Life, and came to believe.
@kctechie 3 года назад
I've heard it said that miracles are the suspension of natural law but I believe miracles are nature simply obeying the will of its Creator. Christ created the atoms so when he needs them to take a specific shape and composition they do. When he wants them to take the form of water they do, when he wants them to hold him up they do that. Creation can not disobey its Creator. I'm sure I haven't fully explained myself on this but this is my thought on it.
@timproffit7861 3 года назад
Wow, that is an amazing concept. It was interesting because I had the same thought yesterday.
@va003612 2 года назад
I have the exact same view as you about miracles actually! Why did little David win against Goliath? Because David was using a slingshot making him a range unit, while Goliath with his large shield and spear was an infantry, and range beats infantry every time. Would this technical explanation make David's victory not a miracle? Not at all! It's just that this technicality was created by God and was simply used to serve Him in realizing this miracle. God didn't just create this highly intricated universe so that every time He wants to exercise His will He'd have to break it.
@georgerobertson9703 2 года назад
Nietzcher ' The miracle is not what we are but that we are at all ' It's all there you just gotta see it
@user-pd5jg4gl4x 2 года назад
@The S Word YES
@maik4946 2 года назад
Soooo wonderful that you wrote this thank you ....I agree
@lsford777 3 года назад
Every time I read or listen to this man's mind I am dumbstruck and enlightened by his clear, concise genius. A mind awake indeed; and you need to be awake to listen or you'll be going over what he just said again and again. That's why I've read Mere Christianity so many times. Fountains of living water.
@lauriehollander1335 3 года назад
@shawnboahene5231 Год назад
Same. I thank God for CS Lewis
@stgeorgesinthepines 3 года назад
Such clarity of thought. Grateful for C.S. Lewis. ✝️💗
@heatherw.671 3 года назад
Every changed heart & mind and renewed life, through rebirth in the spirit of Jesus Christ, is a miracle.
@Chrisamos412 2 года назад
Very well put Heather….to be born again, becoming a new person, having the Holy Spirit live within us, this isn’t just an experience of our imagination, it is without a doubt, a miracle! Praise God !
@Omegha94zip 2 года назад
Amen to that!!
@josepatlan8735 3 года назад
CS Lewis is my far ahead of most preachers God really did something to him I know he is in resting in peace amen
@josepatlan8735 3 года назад
I am a Protestant Christian CS Lewis has Randy good books literature but he did it behind here for us to listen to amen
@karenbeardwilson 3 года назад
I did not want the The Chronicles of Narnia to. All 7 Books as a collection. God Heaven evil good Supernatural Powers of God
@patriciamcroy5953 Год назад
@MarkAtherton-bf4pq Год назад
God also made punctuation. Check it out sometime.
@mclionc2498 3 года назад
Such wonderful wisdom. As nice as it is to listen to C.S Lewis, just imagine if we could listen to the wisdom God gave Solomon.
@jaytea4390 3 года назад
In the life to come, my friend!
@_Breakdown 3 года назад
You can - - read Proverbs.
@maureenelliott4986 Год назад
"Nice?" Why not just enjoy this for what it is and be grateful? Isn't that what he's talking about? But you want Solomon?
@mclionc2498 Год назад
@@maureenelliott4986 It’s best not to read comments while in a drunken state.
@dougmoore5252 8 месяцев назад
My stepson, a Protestant thinks his books about narnia is witchcraft.
@dougmoore5252 8 месяцев назад
He was the influential person to me. Then I met Christ at the Catholic Church.
@r.addisonarthur9392 Месяц назад
Impeccable grammar enhances the inspiration within the message. The writings of early Church fathers, friars and scholarly saints are sterling examples of descriptive vernacular giving evidence of sound and thorough thinking inspired through the Holy Spirit.
@beemer2869 3 года назад
This man was a genius. He makes so much sense. God bless him. He did so much great work in the name of our Lord. 🙏❤️😃🙏
@jimepley1210 2 года назад
And continues that work in his death. It was by reading "The Screwtape Letters" and "Mere Christianity" that I finally admitted that Jesus is Lord and sought baptism. I was 50 years old at the time and it was some 40 years after his death.
@beemer2869 2 года назад
@@jimepley1210 Bless you. The best decision a person could make for sure. The Holy Spirit within us is like an inner glow of hope and an inexplicable sense of peace and joy. Merry Christmas to you, feel the joy of His birth. 🙏
@abdieljp 3 года назад
His book Mere Christianity is simply stunning. It should be read by everyone who calls himself Christian.
@theRealtensigh 3 года назад
C.S. Lewis was a real gem. What a truly amazing man.
@bitcoinbelle 3 года назад
A Logician. Sad that logic and critical thinking are not core subjects in school any longer. It is such a pleasure to hear a well-articulated argument. In the economics world, Thomas Sowell, 91, is the closest I know of who expresses his arguments as cleanly.
@robinalecia7554 3 года назад
You ought to hear Derek Prince . He went to Oxford with C.S. Lewis. One of the best Philosophers turned Christian
@dawnmichelle4403 3 года назад
"Bless me, what *do* they teach them at these schools?"
@jeffertron3973 3 года назад
Lewis and his thoughts on reverse entropy of the universe are mind boggling. It doesn't help explain instances of Moses's staff turning into a snake, but it does explain the resurrection, healing a blind man, and any reverse/stationary process that mirrors natural order.
@rickelpers1820 3 года назад
It’s a good thing that he didn’t explain Moses miracles. Not to know leaves room for faith. Eventually if need be, you will know. C.S.Lewis has been an inspiration for years of my life. The clarity of his words for our sake, simplified for us, indicate , a complex beautiful mind , an open heart, a miracle in himself, for us. From God. God Bless him... and us.
@evanhuizenga8626 2 года назад
@@rickelpers1820 I think you misunderstand. Miracles are not "explained" by stating how they came to be; they are explained by stating WHY they came to be, or in other words, the way in which they are aligned with God's will. As Lewis says in this bit, miracles that are unexplained in this way do not 'leave room for faith', as those we understand to be aligned with God's purposes do. Instead they insinuate an alien, unfamiliar force other than God.
@sparkyy0007 3 года назад
What a beautiful mind. Thanks for sharing. God Bless you all.
@newsi12heargr84 3 года назад
Miracles are merely the natural workings of the Infinite God as explained by our finite minds.
@starrjohnson5525 3 года назад
This is not only one of Lewis’ greatest speeches, it is one of the single greatest things I have ever heard. Profoundly, clearly TRUTH.
@mariedeiter514 3 года назад
His voice sounds just like Vernon Coleman. I love your voice. It’s so soothing.
@josetrevino9546 3 года назад
Luke Chapter 16 1 And he said also unto his disciples, There was a certain rich man, which had a steward; and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods. 2 And he called him, and said unto him, How is it that I hear this of thee? give an account of thy stewardship; for thou mayest be no longer steward. 3 Then the steward said within himself, What shall I do? for my lord taketh away from me the stewardship: I cannot dig; to beg I am ashamed. 4 I am resolved what to do, that, when I am put out of the stewardship, they may receive me into their houses. 5 So he called every one of his lord’s debtors unto him, and said unto the first, How much owest thou unto my lord? 6 And he said, A hundred measures of oil. And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and sit down quickly, and write fifty. 7 Then said he to another, And how much owest thou? And he said, A hundred measures of wheat. And he said unto him, Take thy bill, and write four score. 8 And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. 9 And I say unto you, Make to yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness; that, when ye fail, they may receive you into everlasting habitations. 10 He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. 11 If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteousness mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? 12 And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man’s, who shall give you that which is your own? 13 No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. 14 And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him. 15 And he said unto them, Ye are they which justify yourselves before men; but God knoweth your hearts: for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God. 16 The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it. 17 And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail. 18 Whosoever putteth away his wife, and marrieth another, commiteth adultery and whosoever marrieth her that is put away from her husband commiteth adultery. 19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: 20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, 21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. 22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; 23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. 24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. 25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivest thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: But now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. 26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. 27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father’s house: 28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. 29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. 30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. 31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
@Vpopov81 2 года назад
I love these essays
@maxalaintwo3578 2 года назад
God made the whole game. He has admin privileges to input whatever command he wants
@farmergiles1065 8 месяцев назад
But He has no need to command anything, for He is all in all, and there is nothing He wants, for He wants for nothing. But Love is what He is, and everything He does, and all that exists, for nothing that exists has its Being in anything else, and anything that is not Love is dead already. So, being Supreme, we think of that as "commanding", for it surely dwarfs us amoeba-size, but as for giving orders, God orders all to be what it truly is, in Love, and all that He allows is for Love. The privileges are all ours, and the admin is our joining in in wanting Him. The commanding and the wanting and the following and the loving intermingle in unceasing comm-union with each thing itself, as it should be. It is the game of Living, the Christian paradise.
@MarkAtherton-bf4pq Год назад
Witnessing ghosts multiple times in my life is a big part of my belief in God. The existence of our self-awareness and consciousness is also a big part of that belief. And of course, the magnificent beauty and perfect balance of the natural world brings it all home for me.
@lighturpl3 Год назад
everything is a miracle. no one can even explain why we don't fall through our chairs. 'causation' is a concept most used to explain God away from the ordinary. the very fabric of reality is simply the truth of God.
@wolfgangamadeuskeen 3 года назад
Best teachers: David Pawson and CS Lewis
@johngilbertthomas4484 3 года назад
A real genius. Thanks for sharing this. God Bless
@paulotrindade6458 3 года назад
A true theologian. Exeget. Justified. Will be there.
@marylongoria9431 3 года назад
Wisdom of God! Thank you!
@jameshorns 6 месяцев назад
Someone send this video to Matt Dilahaunty. He needs to hear this.
@Arehte 3 года назад
A good piece of teaching
@davidsanders6979 4 года назад
Yes I believe in miracles.
@Johnconno 3 года назад
You sexy thing!
@tomemery7890 3 года назад
You sexy thing you
@abrahamehiosun8539 6 месяцев назад
We know really, truly, very little. Oh God, give us Wisdom we pray 🙏🏿
@gemguy6812 3 года назад
at 31:46, Lewis said, 1 Corinthians (One Corinthians). Remember when Trump got grief by saying 2 Corinthians (two Corinthians) instead of 2nd Corinthians? Interesting, caught me by surprise.
@_Breakdown 3 года назад
There is also three/3rd Corinthians (the Church didn't include it in the New Testament - but u can read the historic epistle). :-)
@stellaercolani3810 3 года назад
Pure Brilliance!
@carollifrieri9293 3 года назад
Incredible thank you
@prladue 3 года назад
Brilliant! Avoids false dichotomies!
@lukesalazar9283 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this
@sandramack1777 3 года назад
@Daniel_Grgic 4 года назад
This is such a good book!
@dannyhosey9972 3 года назад
But do you know early on in 2Kings and elisiah and his pardner in the midst of serounded city?
@dannyhosey9972 3 года назад
Seems to me some have bin let steel flying design?
@youbetyourwrasse 3 года назад
And now science says that the observable universe does not appear to be expanding to diluted irrelevance as predicted = DARK MATTER = God is like SO CLOSE TO US RIGHT NOW we can TASTE HIM
@reginaldthomas1257 3 года назад
My Favorite Guy
@chromidius5339 2 года назад
I finally found the real answer to the question why some people come to accept christ and others don't. As C.S Lewis wrote in his book 'Surprised by joy the shape of my early life' He suddenly came to understand a fact about himself. That he was holding something at Bay. He saw it as a door a door that he could either open or choose to keep shut. And he chose to open it. And the great truth is that every man From the most fanatical Islamic terrorist. To those who live decent lives. All of them are given a chance to open that door that they see the door before them and they can choose either to open it and accept the Lord or keep it closed and reject him. And it is this question that for years I have pondered pondered and sought an answer and I finally got it this dayAnd it is this question that for years I have pondered pondered and sought an answer and I finally got it this day. Glory to God forever, AMEN!
@manowode6286 3 года назад
Very wise! Really intresting! God bless him.
@simonbrown1486 2 года назад
A miraculous apologetic.
@dennisbreedon9722 Год назад
Oh God give me a miracle of Love❤
@mimap275 17 дней назад
He speaks clearly straight to point simply and with Holy Spirit inspiration 🎉🎉❤❤
@frannyleyden7988 3 года назад
So interesting.
@4leafChief 2 года назад
That's so cool he brought up the Humpty Dumpty song because I thought of it before like what is this Humpty Dumpty and if it were so important that the King's Men tried to put him back together again and couldn't why wasn't nobody watching over this Humpty Dumpty it must have been something really sophisticated and important
@callycat6660 11 месяцев назад
Thankyou 💗
@pimagema2620 Год назад
Why not evoke the greatest of miracles, that everyone can contemplate every day, that is, the existence of the Universe? This is the greatest miracle, for without it no other miracle could exist.
@matthewstokes1608 Год назад
I believe the universe - time, light, all matter, and space - were forged by God much like a consummate artist. He is outside this masterpiece - He is inside it whenever He so chooses - and at every moment he may stop time and spend an eternity within the time-stop of a single soul! - He is still creating us and through us - and as the Lord of time He is both at the ending and still the beginning. (T S Eliot was correct!!) He is all at once - we are entirely His through Christ. So, the future is already written and His eternal victory over darkness won - with one single piece of the puzzle missing - you. Each individual is born from a mother’s body - a bloodline leading back through the ancestry - each one of us branching off on paternal and maternal sides - BUT each dies as an individual alone … Surely to judgement of some kind? Jesus does not lie. We will live on. We shall find out how and receive our marching orders then- we Christians know that Christ alone will be our judge and jury.. What other judge would we possibly ever prefer?! The King of kings. And so - how miraculously blessed are we? Beauty is everywhere once you look around - hope - and imagine how it will look in Eden when all this will be eternal. I am reminded of the saying that the state of awe is nothing more than seeing life without the jaded baggage - the veil of fallen selfish darkness that man has stupidly grown accustomed to look out at His Miracle through. God Bless C S L! And all of you, too!
@patsypatrick6194 20 дней назад
What a mind!!!
@Paul-qr7hu 2 года назад
What a mind. I’ll never get there.
@WadeWeigle Год назад
I loved the vineyard being equated to the miracle at the wedding! That was amazing! Finding real world functions that are normal but when taken into a different setting are miraculous!
@kennethcfogarty 5 месяцев назад
Why is there not a Unity of Pupils and a Place of Study of this man and his teachings ?
@charlescharliecharlotte 5 месяцев назад
Just realized i’ve been listening to these videos for months and never subscribed. Subbed now ❤ Thank you for posting
@John-bv2ft Год назад
@CarlosHernandez-xy2fw 3 года назад
Heaven and Hell are here on earth and they are states of being... so if your living in Hell it’s by choice so seek heaven and watch how beautiful life will become... Most religions are traps that promise a future heaven if you act like someone your not and when you fall short they shame you and that shame keeps you in hell because shame is a fear based state of being... So if you want to live in heaven live your life fully so you may discover your subconscious false believes so you could choose to let them go and become who you truly are not who others have tried to make you... fear and anger are great tools to discover what you believe subconsciously... 💯💯The system will fall and we the people will raise as the powerful loving beings we truly are 💯💯💯 Free your soul and rise for the kingdom of god is here 😊🥰
@brianjames9946 Год назад
Is this voice also in sky rim?
@John-bv2ft Год назад
@ManaBDew 2 года назад
Behold the Kingdom of Heaven is within you 🤷‍♂️⛪️☝️😂👍💫🌎🟡🟢🔵🌎🥖🍷
@claireb597 3 года назад
is this the whole book??
@OikonomiaNetwork 3 года назад
It's not the book, it's an address he gave that happened to be published under the same title, and had similar content. The book includes much more!
@gy5240 3 года назад
I highly recommend the actual book
@jeremiahmeade710 3 года назад
28:15 I think this particular portion of the essay cannot be correct unless C.S. Lewis isn't distinguishing between God and the universe (I think that there should be a differentiation between the two). Doesn't all logic and reason find its origin in God, and doesn't God precede the universe, so that, if we contemplate God: then we can realize why the universe works the way it does?
@dawnmichelle4403 3 года назад
I think he's saying we can explain how matter and the universe works but not why. We can explain that the universe exists but not how it got here. Because it all leads back to God.
@jergenswillilander1407 2 года назад
How do we make the distinction between God and the universe? I can not separate God from anything.
@veilofreality Год назад
Is this the full audiobook?
@CSLewisessays Год назад
Only select chapters
@joshuamiller2645 2 года назад
Verum et probitas
@300pzl 3 года назад
Hello, Brother Jauffre.
@aosidh 6 месяцев назад
"a stopped clock is right twice a day" is not the most convincing apologetic I have ever encountered
@paulacollinscook5687 3 года назад
holy is God
@paulacollinscook5687 3 года назад
@paulacollinscook5687 3 года назад
Divne Glory
@paulacollinscook5687 3 года назад
Hazly nut.
@rezzer7918 2 года назад
The natural world is derivative, finite and ever changing i.e. Relative. The undifferentiated aesthetic continuum aka God, is infinite, timeless and unchanging i.e. Absolute.
@edluckenbill9382 Год назад
Nice now that neuroscience is making progress on studying the brain not poetry ❤
@mikev4621 3 года назад
He says that miracles do by " small and quick" means what God already does by large and slow means: how does the miracle of walking on water fit this hypothesis? He also says that the gospels contain no miracles such as occur in Grimm etc which would be the stuff of nightmares if they actually happened : how then are we to take the gospel account of the graves being opened and the dead walking the streets ?
@annarodriguez9868 3 года назад
The dead being raised from the grave alive and well would be a miracle and not a nightmare like the zombies in movies.
@mikev4621 3 года назад
@@annarodriguez9868 Where does it say they were "alive and well" ?
@annarodriguez9868 3 года назад
@@mikev4621 If you read the Bible's accounts of Jesus rising people from the dead all of them are brought back in good health. Especially, Lazarus who was sick and died and was four days in the tomb. Just given that information should be enough to ensure that healthy people and not zombies were raised from the dead. Anyway, zombies couldn't be considered as truly alive, plus that's fiction or worse, satanic.
@mikev4621 3 года назад
@@annarodriguez9868 But it doesn't say that they were alive and well ; it says the many graves were opened and the dead walked the streets. Now if you were there, and saw dead people walking around in their death shrouds, would you be a little bit worried (especially if you weren't a follower of Jesus) ?
@chelseabarker2250 2 года назад
In Genesis it says God separated the waters from the waters and put the firmament of the earth in between waters. We are told in the Psalms that the heavens are His throne and the earth His foot stool. So, God walks on the waters all the time. Also, these are some great thoughts but they aren't all directly from the Holy Scriptures. So take it that way as intended. God isn't meant to be put in the box of any mans ideas.
@JRRodriguez-nu7po 3 месяца назад
Lewis improved through life. At the end he turned against the last chapter of his own book, Mere Christianity.
@_Breakdown 3 года назад
This is Chapter 13
@Jim-Mc 3 года назад
IDK, maybe these ideas are compatible, but I tend to think miracles reveal true reality as a "sign," rather than violate it with God's prerogative as creator.
@uiPublic Год назад
May the Miracles be viewed as the perfect State's if should other less be embarrassed if not every those got healed was only back normals lest would have made issues with public, let's say Lazarus might've been like who always gone far to fetch Jesus's whenever possible, and losing him was deep sorrow how more than Arisen one rather unlike a prisoner of Good health must waste all for their Saviour's sake prepared that precious lard from nearby Valley's Florence?!
@kevenmosley3423 5 месяцев назад
A suspension of the law of nature...
@jessblessed777 Год назад
Can someone please "explain to me like I'm 5"? 😭😄🙏
@johnnotrealname8168 Год назад
The Guardian published this? WoW!
@matthewstokes1608 6 месяцев назад
So much has changed, hasn’t it? There used to be such an England!
@aleksanikolic3590 2 года назад
If Jesus reproduced, on a smaller scale, God’s miracles that happen on a larger scale how can we explain his walk on the water?
@chelseabarker2250 2 года назад
In Genesis it says God separated the waters from the waters and put the firmament of the earth in between waters. We are told in the Psalms that the heavens are His throne and the earth His foot stool. So, God walks on the waters all the time.
@luxuryidentities3092 Год назад
Who’s the narrator? I know I’ve heard his voice in something before, maybe a video game?
@luxuryidentities3092 Год назад
@@Bonepointer what’s wrong with enjoying art? It’s way easier to waste your life on a phone. The game was Oblivion btw
@ltuin1870 7 месяцев назад
😊 P
@terrysmith7441 3 года назад
Wait we are speaking of a litereary piece , the bible, allegory runs through out , if Christ walked on water, was it ice? Much of the need to explain all with constant relation to literary works of 800, and 1000 or 2000 yrs ago, . I see the same use of ideas and words today in doctrines of life living and higher whatever today. No matter what is ,,, is, So Das Ist.
@pabloharo8682 2 года назад
Nein der Bibel ist nicht immer so..
@chelseabarker2250 2 года назад
In Genesis it says God separated the waters from the waters and put the firmament of the earth in between waters. We are told in the Psalms that the heavens are His throne and the earth His foot stool. So, God walks on the waters all the time.
@createyourpattern2773 3 года назад
@hotcherrysoda5981 Год назад
@scottsmith3236 3 года назад
Look police lmomoiiio
@tigerlily9965 Год назад
All the geeky people in chat. Lol
@bellezavudd 3 года назад
Oh Mr Lewis Stories, stories, stories, and more stories. All 'equally' improbable.
@michaelcullinane1896 3 года назад
I'm an angel
@bellezavudd 3 года назад
@@michaelcullinane1896 You don't say...
@farmergiles1065 8 месяцев назад
Which is to say, all equally probable also. Do your stories live in you? What story does your life tell to others? What story do you tell to say that no stories are true? Or is it only some stories that are not true? And are you the one to say? I can say also. And do. But I also say have it your way. I'd rather not have it that way.
@artscript781 Год назад
@isaacwebber704 Год назад
You never find atheists in the comments of videos like this lol
@Alien1375 2 месяца назад
Summary: "We don't know everything. Let's create a god to explain everything."
@fastedstate8744 2 месяца назад
Oof great summary
@miguelchippsinteligente6072 3 года назад
On ted tolk, the universe is perfectly tuned to sustain human life science doesn't believe in luck creator creation science facts defines existence 👻💎💖👨‍🎓👩‍🎓🗽🧮🤍⚖♟🌪👨‍🎨👩‍🎨🌬
@miguelchippsinteligente6072 3 года назад
Tesla referenced human energy 🌬👻jesus christ referenced living waters💎👨‍🎓👩‍🎓 science described water memory🌊👨‍🎨👩‍🎨 existence reflecting psychologically psalms16:24 k,j proverbs 27:19👻💎💖👨‍🎓👩‍🎓🗽🧮⚖♟🌪👨‍🎨👩‍🎨🌬
@arthurwieczorek4894 3 года назад
Bibliodulatry. Mice eating bow strings, much more reasonable to my mind than angels. Just on the first level, I can show you a mouse; show me an angel. It's an easy choice, between the extremely improbable and the impossible. Reason does not permit miracles. It presupposes a natural world. Angels, the supernatural---a mumbo-jumbo con game. To see through it you have to understand how language works.
@farmergiles1065 8 месяцев назад
By understanding how language works, you see how meaning is not the simple thing nor the straightforward thing that some people imagine it to be. Language is for communicating anything and everything, not just for logic, nor just for reasoning, but for expressing, for giving impressions, for touching two things together at a single point of connection, for creating just the perfect apparent paradox that expresses the truth of two or more inseparable incompatibilities. Many things are not particularly logical, nor illogical either, but are fully reasonable. I'm not trying to convince you of angels. I just wanted to illustrate how mumbo-jumbo is so often in the eye of the beholder. And if you think I'm trying some mumbo-jumbo on you, then you really don't understand how language works. I hope that's not the case. I guess one corollary of what I've said is that whatever is reasonable to your mind is not enough for anyone else. If it's enough for you, then you're self-limiting. And you have to remember that we are all limited. Our understanding and reason only reach so far. So what do you do with that? I start by avoiding mumbo-jumbo. But I keep looking and reasoning and reaching beyond by limits, because there is always something I didn't know before, or wasn't willing to countenance.
@arthurwieczorek4894 8 месяцев назад
@@farmergiles1065 Lee's Elucidation: A finite number of words must be made to represent an infinite number of things and possibilities. "Language...for creating just the perfect paradox that expresses the truth of two or more inseparable things." Far and away the most profound thing I have ever read in a RU-vid commentary.
@farmergiles1065 8 месяцев назад
@@arthurwieczorek4894 Thanks. I appreciate that. It just seems to summarize the faulty habits of thinking that scientists can get into by considering just data, as though data were something complete in themselves. As it spreads to non-scientists, it becomes indistinct, clouds and distorts thinking, by suggesting that it is wrong to think one way or another. The problem is that neither the one way nor the other is really ever thought about. Self-limiting.
@arthurwieczorek4894 8 месяцев назад
@@farmergiles1065 Two inseparable incompatibilities; creation and destruction. As to "Mumbo-jumbo being too often in the mind of the beholder", that is a very subtle idea that warrants thinking about. Equations are frequently mumbo-jumbo to me. I trust that if I studied enough I could figure them out. In some other areas I can spot when someone is spouting m-j. It makes my wonder, What is the difference between a criticism, a lament and a simple statement of fact? The thing I am close to not contenencing is that humans have some Neanderthal DNA.
@arthurwieczorek4894 8 месяцев назад
@@farmergiles1065 As it spreads to non-scientists, like me, it becomes the comic strip version of Anna Karenina. The down side of informational-cognitive division of labor. We do our best. I find thinking about both sides helps one strengthen the side one is on. In watching this video I'm exploring the other side.
@user-tp9yy3dc4y 3 дня назад
Sorry but I don't find it any easier to believe in the unbelievable after listening to this. In other words the miracles still don't sound possible.
@uiPublic Год назад
May the Miracles be viewed as the perfect State's if should other less be embarrassed if not every those got healed was only back normals lest would have made issues with public, let's say Lazarus might've been like who always gone far to fetch Jesus's whenever possible, and losing him was deep sorrow how more than Arisen one rather unlike a prisoner of Good health must waste all for their Saviour's sake prepared that precious lard from nearby Valley's Florence?!
@uiPublic Год назад
I used to think as most People that Peter's lad brought alone luncheon it's multipliers as distributed which their travel carrier baskets filled up on way back but others took freely an opportunity too good repeated turned out major split in following...
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