
Can an Apocalisk withstand an Odin? 

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Watch giant armies battle. Can you predict the outcomes?
Round 1 ▶ 1 Apocalisks vs 1 Odins
Round 2 ▶ 10 Thors vs 50 Hydralisks
Round 3 ▶ 30 Marauders vs 40 Adepts
Round 4 ▶ 20 Vikings vs 25 Stalkers
Round 5 ▶ 60 Infested Terrans vs 100 Marines
Round 6 ▶ 18 Mutalisks vs 10 Liberators
PLAYLIST: • Tya's Unit Brawls
This channel exists to document unit counters within StarCraft 2.
#Tya #SC2 #starcraft
Tya's Unit Tournament features epic battles between units in StarCraft 2, using music from the game's soundtrack. Units are chosen from Protoss, Terran and Zerg forces, or a co-op commander such as Raynor, Nova, Artanis, or Kerrigan. Units will independently use their abilities, in a basic way. All units use Legacy of the Void stats, the same units you'd see in SC2 e-sports controlled by the likes of Serral, Maru, and ByuN.
Though this project is a work in progress, and there are errors that will need to be fixed, so point them out if you spot any! The resource beneath vespene is the unit's cost in the mod I run on the SC2 arcade, Direct Strike. Enjoy!




7 июл 2022




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@Tya. 2 года назад
Round 1 ▶ 1 Apocalisks vs 1 Odins Round 2 ▶ 10 Thors vs 50 Hydralisks Round 3 ▶ 30 Marauders vs 40 Adepts Round 4 ▶ 20 Vikings vs 25 Stalkers Round 5 ▶ 60 Infested Terrans vs 100 Marines Round 6 ▶ 18 Mutalisks vs 10 Liberators
@alexdragongod 2 года назад
Сделай 10 Apocalisks vs 100 Jim Raynor или 100 zeratul Когда you use heroes in свое видео? With heroes battle куда уж зрелищнее будет.
@user-kx2ve8kn1k 2 года назад
@@alexdragongod Я уж не пойму, То ли авто переводчик лагает, то ли этот комментарий так и написан...
@user-kx2ve8kn1k 2 года назад
Попробую себя 1 - Apocalisks 2 - Thors 3 - Adepts 4 - Vikings 5 - Marines 6 - Mutalisk Из всех просмотренных роликов с участием Одина я понял, что первая атака это ульта. Апокалиск же всегда делает рывок. Если радиус одного будет равен другому или у Одина больше, то должен победить Апокалиск. С гидрой сложнее, но более менее. У гидры как помню нет баффа к броне. А вот Торов я проверял на гидре, Торы легко замочили их. Адепты тяжело уже... Вроде и баф к био, а вроде и броня... Спорно, если были бы равны, то думаю мародёры выйграли бы, а так адептов просто больше, надеюсь завалят количеством. Такая же суть и с инф Терранами, они сильнее чем марики, но не на много, думаю их завалят числом. Либераторы так и говорят "Урон по площади", а я говорю - линейное построение. Если не будет сборки на (4×4)+2, а хорошая 18×1 или более нормальная 9×2, то победа за мутой, благодаря двойным ударам. Ответ уже после просмотра: 1: +(Как и ожидал) 2: +(Думал разрыв будет больше) 3: -(Я надеялся на число, оно меня и подвело) 4: +(Никакой аналитики, просто угадал) 5: -(Та же история что и с адептами, хотя я слабо оценил инфестов) 6: +(В конце сильно скучковались, но всё-таки победили, а также строй удачный, но у терранов он был настроен на строй Зергов. Можно сказать, что Мута выйграла благодаря удачи.)
@faberion2258 2 года назад
What does mean red/blue parameter under the mineral/gas value?
@redwings13400 2 года назад
That loss wasn't on the Odin's engineering, that one was all Tychus' fault for his poor decisions as the Odin pilot.
@CoreStarter Год назад
Even if the odin had landed both full barrages it would have lost.
@hivemind6292 Год назад
@stillwatersrundeep001 Год назад
@@CoreStarter False. One of the barrages took out half the Apocalisk's health
@mailbox3982 Год назад
maybe the odin woulda won if tychus decided to not barrage
@Feudic_Jarl Год назад
​@@mailbox3982 if Tychus had decided to wait until after the charge then the Odin would have won.
@Anolaana 2 года назад
that last one was close, ggs
@Syagrius91 2 года назад
This one muta
@tetegaming7402 2 года назад
So we finnally found a unit with a AI good enough to beat the Odin... Impressive
@yan-zhilinn1402 2 года назад
Kerrigan beats him too :P
@tetegaming7402 2 года назад
@@yan-zhilinn1402 Yes, she litteraly implode it instantly... she trully is a one-hit wonder for the swarm...
@yan-zhilinn1402 2 года назад
@@tetegaming7402 Would probably be fun to get to play HotS with the later WoL Kerrigan (ofc with a little bit of tweeking that Kerrigan isn't fair)
@Luceid 2 года назад
...most impressive.
@lancelindlelee7256 2 года назад
Maybe because the Odin AI was horrendous
@thatoneguynobodylikes8553 2 года назад
It's interesting that the mutalisks are strung out into a super long line. I'm sure if they were 2 deep instead of 18 wide they'd have been destroyed by the splash damage.
@TomGalonska 2 года назад
Just 3/6. 1: - I had no idea what an Apocalisk even is, so i went with the usual rule: "Never bet against the Odin" 2: + Hydras die so fast, without a meat-shield they're really bad 3: + Neither bonus damage is effective, but Marauders are really tanky 4: + It always amazes me how much bonus damage Vikings have against mechanical. :D 5: - I certainly misremembered Infested Terrans ground attack. I knew that their anti-air was busted, but seems like they do just fine vs ground, too 6: - C'mon, that could've gone either way.
@jihunshin4864 2 года назад
"I had no idea what an Apocalisk even is" Never played Coop?? o.O
@SoundwaveSC 2 года назад
@@jihunshin4864 Not really, no.
@TomGalonska 2 года назад
@@jihunshin4864 Nope, i'm one of these try-hard-idiots that didn't even play the campaign :D
@dimitarlinov2393 2 года назад
Apocalisk is a hero unit belonging to Stukov, i don't know the lore, but it is basically a cyber enhanced ultra (or omega), has both mech and bio tags, is massive, armored, heroic. Has burrow charge - 50 damage + 5s stun, 10s cd, and a seriously op anti-air missile barrage ability, fires 5 rockets, total damage 100, can store 40 (total burst 800 damage), and 10s cd, not sure how many rockets it recharges, maybe the full 40. (Also is autocast by default, so no need to micro it constantly) Edit: wiki says base unit ultralisk/thor, and now that i look at it, the mech part does look like a thor somewhat.
@Cheng798536 2 года назад
I think the infested terran used is the campaign version with 100 hp instead of 1v1 ladder old patch unit of 60 or 80 hp with missiles launcher.
@WaterCrane 2 года назад
3/6 today. * 1: Correct. I was laughing every time the Apocalisk did its burrow charge to escape the Odin's bombardment - "Nope, I'm over here!" * 2: Correct. The couple of Thors derping and not attacking always gets me worried though. * 3: Incorrect. I thought the similar damage but larger numbers and health pool on the Adepts would put it in their favour, but I guess stimpack and the larger attack range play a big role. * 4: Correct. Landed Vikings are sorely underestimated! * 5: Incorrect. Yeah, I needed reminding why Infested Terrans were removed (well, one reason!) * 6: Incorrect. I always thought Liberators countered Mutalisks - got a bit worried at first, but then I smiled when 5 Mutalisks tied simultaneously and there were still a 2 LIberators left, but then I saw how low their HP was and I outright said "No!" out loud... damn that last Mutalisk!
@coyrex1250 2 года назад
Landed vikings still do kinga suck. They're a natural counter to stalkers with their huge bonus for mechanical and they were the more expensive army, and still barely won.
@videogaming1000 2 года назад
i feel bad for poor tychus
@GraveUypo 2 года назад
@@coyrex1250 barely won because of stalker micro, remove the blink and do this same fight and vikings would roll all over the stalkers.
@yan-zhilinn1402 2 года назад
@@GraveUypo If Stalkers had a better blink script they would win about every single of these matchups. Same goes for Marines and many other units with stutterstepping. Stalkers strength is blink afterall, it's like playing marines without combatshield and stim, inefficient.
@DanStaal 2 года назад
The Mutalisks accidentally microed nearly perfectly against the Liberators - normally the killer for Mutas in this matchup is the fact that Liberators have splash on their air-to-air, but the Mutas all stayed separated and avoided the splash. (While Muta's splash is longer ranged, so it still came into play more.)
@GolemRising 2 года назад
4/6. They finally found something that can kill an Odin. If it times it perfectly. I always forget how silly infested terrans are.
@zes7215 11 месяцев назад
@jjilatt123 2 года назад
God damn that dodge from the Apocalisk was one for the highlight reel.
@jkowalski33 2 года назад
i know it's just AI 'attack moving' into each other with occasional micro (eg blink stalkers), but it's tough to watch those hydras in the back not attacking. if the front row would move even just one step closer, then all of them could attack and nearly double the initial DPS on the thors.
@skiks3562 2 года назад
I get that this series is very much "for fun", but I do agree that the disparity between unit micro always bothers me. On one hand, you have Stalkers performing inhumanly perfect blink micro and disruptors with perfect cooldown managment and shot placement. On the other, you have HTs stacking storms, tanks sieging super late, and marines not even using stim. Stuff you mentioned like studder stepping and target firing are common even in lower level games, yet are completely absent here. Again, it's all for fun, but it also makes this a very wonky demonstration of balance.
@bluenicholasbf2142 2 года назад
@@skiks3562 because this is all ai controlled and I don't think the ai stutter steps. They do use the stalker's blink. And siege tanks also tend to siege right when the ai spots you. I'm not sure if they focus fire though, they might actually prioritise wounded targets
@punitbajracharya9783 2 года назад
That's all the part of units composition. It's just not possible to be 100% efficient. Also in game, there are landscapes that will decide the match or a battle, so it's never at full efficiency.
@dimitarlinov2393 2 года назад
@@skiks3562 the blink stalkers don't have perfect blink micro. Most of the time the blink helps, but sometimes it is the cause for the loss. Siege tanks don't siege up late, they siege up when there is an enemy within range. (And unsiege when no enemies in range). Since everything is autocast, ofc disruptors would cast as soon as possible, for landing shots i guess it targets like how it targets storm and stuff? (Densest clump of units) Marines absolutely stim, there is no denying that. There are the occasional ones that don't instantly stim when they go into attack range, which is very weird why it happens, but the autocast practically always stims. This isn't really a demonstration of balance, and yeah, there is pretty much 0 movement/attack micro involved, that's the whole point.
@dimitarlinov2393 2 года назад
@@bluenicholasbf2142 afaik the ai is just like a-moving with autocast abilities, it doesn't have any microing AI.
@walterjames9804 2 года назад
If the odin just use normal attack instead of special move , then this match would end differently.
@rikku2ryoga 2 года назад
@Skagwatcher 2 года назад
Yeah, he would've lost much harder.
@NathanTheDwarvenShark 2 года назад
Maybe not actually, it looked like the Odins normal attacks were not doing that much damage against the Apoc.
@vahidmoosavian6313 2 года назад
True, though my head-canon is that the burrow charge was adopted specifically to counter BIG AoE attacks like this!
@K_Ma3iX 2 года назад
I am on the same opinion. Without that special move could do better.
@iamofflineyesreally 2 года назад
amazing episode!
@Kryto_Gaming 2 года назад
2/6 lmao. There were multiple moments that made me go "Wait, WHAT?!" Out loud in this one. Well done haha. Namely I expected the Odin to dominate. I didn't think the Vikings would win on ground, guess I shouldn't think of them as flying Goliaths. The hydra somehow beat Thors? Most surprising was the Liberators not beating mutas. But I guess Libs are not Valkyries. The UED had the best air superiority lol.
@invader_jim2837 2 года назад
5/6 Stupid Hero Muta
@ZC.Andrew 2 года назад
Well, the Hydra army didn't beat the Thors.... But with a human player controlling them they obviously would.
@Medinaxz Год назад
Vikings do bonus damage to mechanical units. It's literally the only reason they won vs the stalkers. hots/wol vikings would've just been eaten alive. But people forget the vikings in assault mode do that bonus to mechanical units (mostly because you rarely see vikings in assault mode at all). At 3/3, vikings do 15+11 vs mechanical @ 0.71 seconds per attack. Surprisingly fast! But watching them you notice they're a little slow. And extremely costly to deploy as an anti-ground measure where faster units can tear them up with minimal effort.
@skiks3562 2 года назад
Odin: "Finally! A Worthy Opponent! Our Battle Will Be Legendary!"
@____GoMeZ____ 2 года назад
4/6 but some real surprises here. Nice video as always
@jimmyha1898 2 года назад
Landed Vikings do a ton of damage vs machines and blink is only really good when you have range advantage and the enemy has projectile weapons to dodge. Viking bullets are instant hits and they have same range as Stalkers. Makes sense that Vikings win for once :P They still suck considering their cost xD I've also never seen the Apocalisk but that burrow juke was awesome.
@GraveUypo 2 года назад
blink micro is always good. damaged stalkers escape the front and leave brand new shiny stalkers to take their place, so the now-hurt vikings have to deal with full hp stalkers. They will start dying before stalkers do, so stalkers will get a brief unfair numbers advantage that WILL snowball pretty hard. if the fight is long enough, the back stalkers even begin to heal enough to tank significantly more hits. if there was no blink i'd say there would be a LOT more vikings left alive. like maybe 8 (on low health, but alive)
@jjilatt123 2 года назад
Apocalisk is a coop unit. Stukov gets it as a burst cooldown. And yeah it's really OP.
@TheAngelRaven 2 года назад
My thoughts for Apoc v Odin was this: Yes, it will win, but it 100% wins if it uses its AA against the Odin. Didn't think about the charge, tbh
@JJ-qo7th 2 года назад
Something you'll notice in ranged battles is that blinking backward has the accidental effect of causing a de facto focus fire. The only time I ever see it working out in the stalkers' favor is against melee.
@kaijuhub3937 2 года назад
Nothing like a good Kaiju battle to kick it off.
@EdwardZhou_TJOL56 2 года назад
The liberator microing to maximize his spash damage against the bottom right flock almost turned the tide there
@yunjaejung9720 2 года назад
6/6 - Finally, a perfect score!
@roshango125ab 2 года назад
The Burrow charge to dodge the barrage was a money move
@IrishEyesBlackDragon 2 года назад
I would still like to see the planetary fortresses make a return some day.
@ArioDragon 2 года назад
Now do something like 10 Odin's vs 10 Apocalisks :D
@kintopacinn283 2 года назад
Abocolisk can still win du to the Odin's own splash damage.
@phillgizmo8934 2 года назад
Infested Terrans are so OP. I remember Beastyqt doing infestors only to GM and after his series SC2 team removed IT. Also the energy accumulation seems so good, I remember Beasty retreat with empty infestors on medium map and by the time he reached his base he had around 1/3 of energy already and could spawn bunch of IT.
@jingles013 2 года назад
Apocalisk looks cool, nice move sets too lol
@momom6197 23 дня назад
The ultimate answer to the zerg threat loses to the ultimate threat that the zerg answered.
@T3hTal0n 2 года назад
first time i've seen stalkers lose one of these. also, that last one was epic!
@ksknght4613 2 года назад
"the Apocalisk cannot be stopped" -probably an Apocalisk in another universe
@TheReaverOfDarkness Год назад
I love that automicro! Moar please!
@swan3swan 2 года назад
The Little Mutalisk That Could!
@standhaftgarithos3832 2 года назад
Not sure if it's just a coincidence or if you are doing more custom commanders units as per my last comment, but glad to see it in any case.
@gabrielschmid1854 2 года назад
Common that last one was so darn close
@zerg6471 2 года назад
If that mega ultralisk lost I would have been pissed. He's my favorite unit to spam when I use stuk during mutations.
@cyclonegaming443 Год назад
Stalker auto-blink is sometimes the losing factor and sometimes the winning factor lol
@heidendragoon 2 года назад
the bw bgm made this one sick
@MoonlitMarch 2 года назад
3/6 I guess the Odin's weakness is that Tychus is piloting it
@TheIhtiander 2 года назад
5/6 1. Lost on Odin. 2. Wasn't sure about Thors but still bet on them. 3. Both are bad against each other but Marauders are more durable. 4. Anti-mech attack was barely enough to win this one. 5. Infested Terrans deal too much damage. 6. Muta sux vs liberators but when it comes in low count they have a chance.
@ZC.Andrew 2 года назад
Marauders are pretty much the same durability as Adepts actually. Adepts have more effective HP but a lot of it's in shields. Both have similar DPS vs each other. I think it literally came down to range.
@horner385 2 года назад
Now we need to find the unit that counters the Apocalisk
@inkedseahear 2 года назад
It actually makes a lot of sense Odin would still have the same range after being knocked back
@exploringwithdadja8743 Год назад
The nostalgia
@Metaljackal-jw2bw 2 года назад
Dat muta vs liberator doe, absolute anime battle
@Piromysl359 2 года назад
I totally did not took into account, that Odin can miss it's entire barrage.
@Its_me_Stolas 2 года назад
MARINES RULE. Yeah, they were infested, but you know what they say. Once a marine, always a marine
@Dexortes 2 года назад
Yay! Back to winstreak! I believed in muta till the very last second - hero-mutalisk won))
@singlenator9138 2 года назад
Man I’m consistently surprised by how food infested marines are
@cliffwood7386 2 года назад
1. I have never used an apoc, so I honestly have no clue. I think the odin's ability works better on groups than single targets, so I guess I'll bet on the new guy? Result: Yooo the burrow-charge juke! 2. Hydras too squishy, Thors take it Result: Revenge of the mechs 3. Marauders are pretty tanky, but for this type of fight glaives are a better upgrade than concuss... I'll say Marauders take it with the extra range. Result: Them boys are just too thicc 4. Bonus vs mech, versus bonus vs armored... Stalkers blink micro is nutty good, so Stalkers. Result: Damn it, landed vikings are only ever bad when I bet on them lol 5. Infested terrans are surprisingly strong, even without stim. I'll bet on em. Result: Marines almost had the critical mass there, but not quite 6. Splash versus splash... I don't know if the mutas will clump enough to make the libs good, but I'll bet on libs anyways. Result: So close! That one volley from the libs was so juicy I thought they had it. 4/6, better than random guessing I guess lol
@kasothronos4434 2 года назад
Dude you haven't seen what the Apocalisk's Anti air is like. Say goodbye to Amon's Air wave.
@entropyincrease864 2 года назад
@@kasothronos4434 I don't remember that one either I played all 3 campaign. Was it on ghost campa8gn?
@kasothronos4434 2 года назад
@@entropyincrease864 the Apocalisk is a Coop unit for Shukhov.
@Sudentor_ 2 года назад
4/6 that first barrage miss is painful and i give hope to Adept too much
@eligonzales186 Год назад
Apocalisk has to be the greatest thing I've ever seen
@davidjeanmichel8358 2 года назад
more apocalisk plz !
@CleavingRay 2 года назад
Holy crap, 6/6. 1 - I had to wait for them to engage before deciding which to pick as i couldnt remember the Apocalisk for the life of me. 2 - Easy win, bad hydra pathing means only ~25ish of em were attacking. 3 - Marauders are kinda bulky... 4 - Only one i was a bit afraid but realized stalker blinking in low numbers lowers their dps 5 - Infested stronk 6 - Too low numbers -> liberator splash won't do that much... close though
@hydraulichydra8363 2 года назад
I just realized you're the same Tya that made Direct Strike and a bunch of other Arcade Maps.
@philiproe1661 2 года назад
2/6. Those were some close battles.
@Amoeby Год назад
Solid 4/6. I have too much faith in blink stalkers and splash vs mutas. I wonder how it would be if libs somehow had a concave.
@AdeptusForge 2 года назад
Something that might be an interesting variant on the waves is having some that have 'reinforcing units', where they get more units after a certain time, or after a certain number of units die.
@reaper8113 2 года назад
How do you come up with the matches like what is the thought. Equal resources? Or equal population???? ......
@f3nn3lgaming 2 года назад
6/6. got a bit hairy on the Thors/Hydralisks and Mutas/Liberators.
@saurian9654 2 года назад
Well damn! The Apocalisk. Will you be doing battles with Dehaka and His primal Zerg as well?
@faberion2258 2 года назад
What does mean red/blue parameter under the mineral/gas value?
@Eonflare55 2 года назад
I wonder how many stalkers it would take to match Vorazun's stalkers.
@seanwhitman8353 2 года назад
5/6 I was betting against the Odin because I didn't want to just bet on it for the sake of Betting on it. Hoo boy was I good on that guess! Apocalisk burrow and bump attack really prevented a majority of the damage landing on it. Thors are tougher and do better single target damage. No contest. Marauders and anti-armor stomp anything with armor if you have enough of them. In this case, plenty. Huh. Viking sustain damage is better than Stalker Blink. It was super close with Infested Terrans and Marines, but I knew Infested increased anti-armor damage would make a difference. Again, super close, but Mutas had excellent chain damage, allowing them to tear into the Libs.
@kelvsyc8676 2 года назад
I think Apocalisk vs campaign Odin might not be fair. Maybe Apocalisk with co-op Odin (with BRB) or (if Direct Strike supported prestige modifiers) P2 Odin would be a better idea.
@rc_youtubeaccount1331 Год назад
Apocalisks, embodiment of hardness
@rexxthevaliant 2 года назад
What is the icon below the resource cost measure?
@evronian1129 2 года назад
Now what about Tychus' Odin in coop?
@ggnorton7 2 года назад
I was hard coping for adepts and liberators, Sadge
@michaelmichaelsen3472 2 года назад
What the flip?! Apocalisk what manner of abonimation is that???
@Shiny1083 Год назад
Why do the adepts not use their shade like stalkers use their blink?
@rescisty 2 года назад
Has Stank vs Apocalisk ever been done?
@JulioST05 2 года назад
Next Battle, Odin Vs Dakrun or another primal leader :)
@jorvananggara9191 2 года назад
Oh noes... Adept... Why have u forsaken me :') 5/6
@jonathankhoo1718 Год назад
don't think the blink micro helps here
@supercoolguy43 2 года назад
Are those coop ITs? It's been a couple years, but I don't remember them being that good against marines
@GraveUypo 2 года назад
they have 80hp and 8 damage. they are very good against marines.
@larrylam92 2 года назад
What does the blue-red icon number means?
@florianbielawa2919 2 года назад
reminder that burrow charge was supposed to be added to live servers
@15gloriousminutes Год назад
i incorrectly guessed each round this time. i usually get at least one right D:
@severren1095 2 года назад
Apocalisk is Stukov's thing Vikings do bonus against Mechanical. And Stalkers are Mechanial
@Santisima_Trinidad 2 года назад
That apoc really abused the odin. Just goes to show why 330mm barrage was removed from the game. It sucks when things don't stay in it. Even with the stun going on.
@GraveUypo 2 года назад
thor's barrage was targeted though. its problem was that it was barely more dps than the regular attack but had an immense windup and winddown delay so it was completely worthless.
@Archmage90 Год назад
Happy stucov noises
@efrainef1823 2 года назад
mvp: muta!
@FlyingDominion Год назад
I predicted battles 2, 3, and 4 correctly.
@piotrkolanek1920 2 года назад
4/6, but these libs vs mutas were so close... :-:
@danielhuang7310 Год назад
the odin couldve wait for the apocalisk's charge so that it could do the cannon twice. the apocalisk's charge dodged the cannon
@ChaxMk2 2 года назад
Up next: marine/zealot vs. marine/zergling. XD
@exzenosisharbingaar9000 2 года назад
The primary reason why the mutas won was because they were spawned in a line rather than two lines like they where in previous match ups. You can see the exact example played out right near the end when five mutas were clumped up, allowing the Lib's splash damage to take full advantage of it and cut the Muta numbers from 7 to like 3 in two full volleys. If the Mutas were clumped up in rows of two from the start, the liberators would have won
@alfonsovazquez1 2 года назад
make versus of heros of cooperative comanders
@Wuckadetscha 2 года назад
4/6 first of all that Apocalisks, never seen that thning ever, what this a campain unit? second that liberator vs. Mut Muts so so damn close, thougt that valkyrie rocket would be more splash damage than they actually were. GG
@kelvsyc8676 2 года назад
Apocalisks is one of Stukov's two call-downs in co-op. Lorewise, it is an ultralisk that has been outfitted with the armor of a thor. As such, a lot of the Apocalisk's damage output is anti-air. In co-op, you only get the Apocalisk for 30 seconds, but in Direct Strike you can build it. Stukov's two cooldowns, Apocalisk and Aleksander, are collectively referred to as "monstrosities".
@user-eo1wk9up3i 2 года назад
When will Omegalisk?
@triarii9257 2 года назад
Why did the infested Terrans win despite not having all their upgrades? Thought they were similar stats
@GraveUypo 2 года назад
not even close, IT has 2 more attack and like 25 more hp
@alexandreblanc9294 2 года назад
5/6 !!!! Fucking infested terran!
@ravikkar 2 года назад
Whenever possible, can you keep the battle lines as wide as possible? Many battles are determined by how long units are unable to get in range
@GoGoGoTV1 2 года назад
5/6!! Marauders are just too tanky I guess. Got that wrong
@M4RCi92 2 года назад
5/6. Damn infested terrans overcame the numbers advantage. :(
@flytamers7957 2 года назад
4/6 1) Autolisk, Altolisk, Whothehellisitlisk? First time see this so didn't guess right 2) Thors 3) Marauders. They have more HP 4) Vikings. They counter Stalkers 5) Infested Terrans used to counter Marines 6) Liberators. Oh, Mutas didn't stack in the beginning otherwise Mutas would be fucked up. Oh, they stacked but it was too late for Liberators.
@jerubaal101 2 года назад
I'd like to point out that there were almost 1200, or 30%, more resources of Vikings than Stalkers. xD
@veryoriginalname2515 2 года назад
The apocalips is the coop commander stukov's calldown
@Yondaime_Me 2 года назад
Adepts have more HP than marauders (140 adepts, 125 marauders)
@joshuakim5240 2 года назад
@@jerubaal101 Opposite way around. 20 Vikings vs 25 Stalkers. Not sure what the need to lie about the numbers does for you unless you were mistaken.
@jerubaal101 2 года назад
@@joshuakim5240 Pardon me. In my editing, I lost the word "resources". Please see corrected comment.
@jadendenfeld9980 2 года назад
have the adepts ever won one of these?
@ericstaples7220 2 года назад
Stalkers always lose, because they blink for no reason and it reduces their DPS.
@JitojiOMG 2 года назад
5/6 underestimated infested terrans. Odin could have won if Tychus wasn't an idiot though
@tibzz0725 2 года назад
5/6. Infested were a bit more powerfull that I mind
@samuelcornelcicai7772 2 года назад
Zerg units are so overpowered
@strahex Год назад
Are these units from a mod?? Thanks!
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