
Can I get Enlightened if I'm NOT Vegetarian? (Surprise Answer!) 

ArshaBodha - Swami Tadatmananda
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Yoga, meditation, and Vedantic self-inquiry are practices that emerged in a Hindu religious culture that prohibits eating meat - because killing is against dharma. So, how did some Hindu saints and sages get enlightened in spite of their non-vegetarian diets? Q&A series #25
Today's question comes from Stefano, a yoga teacher in Spain who happens to be a devoted student of Advaita Vedanta. Stefano asks, "Eating animals is considered to be against the principle of ahimsa, so why is eating plants not considered the same, since plants are also living beings? Plants are killed when they're ripped from the soil, just like animals are killed in the slaughterhouse."
Many people wrongly believe that the Hindu prohibition against eating meat is a religious dietary rule, like the Islamic and Jewish rules that prohibit eating pork and certain other foods. But in Hinduism, maintaining a vegetarian diet is simply one of many ways to practice ahimsa. Scriptures say, ahimsa paramo dharmah, ahimsa is the essence or foundation of dharma, righteousness.
The practice of ahimsa applies not only to people and animals, but it also extends to other living things, including plants. But if you don't eat animals or plants, then what will you eat? Obviously, the practice of ahimsa also extends to your own body. To follow dharma, you have to take care of your physical and emotional health.
The fact is, it's impossible to sustain your body without causing any harm whatsoever, but you can certainly minimize it. That's why ahimsa is best understood as the principle of least harm. In Sanskrit grammar, the a of ahimsa actually has six different meanings, one of which is alpatva, smallness. So a-himsa does not necessarily mean the complete absence of injury, it also means minimal injury, that is, least harm.
The food you eat not only affects your body, but it can affect your mind as well. In the Bhagavad Gita and elsewhere, eating meat is said to increase the prevalence of tamas in your mind. Tamas generally produces dullness, apathy, and lethargy. Also, by eating meat, you become subject to the so-called bad karma that arises when you contribute to the slaughter of animals. Such karma can create huge obstacles that hinder your spiritual growth.
So, if eating meat creates bad karma and leads to mental impurities, then we have to ask, "Is it possible to attain enlightenment without strictly following a vegetarian diet?" Well, 2500 years ago, Buddha, who was not a vegetarian, became enlightened while meditating overnight at the foot of a tree. Swami Vivekananda, a famous Bengali monk who taught Vedanta, was not vegetarian. He thought that a strict vegetarian diet made Hindus weak. He also criticized religious leaders who insisted that vegetarians are somehow more holy than others. Swami Vivekananda once said, "Religion nowadays seems to be confined to the cooking pot alone." But he also said, "The desire for fish and meat disappears when the mind becomes pure."
Of course, animals can be harmed, not just by your choice of food, but also by your choice to use other animal products, like clothing made of leather, fur, or silk. Almost anything you use or consume can have unintended consequences that result in the injury or death of living beings. So, where do you draw the line, so to speak? Well, you can draw the line as low as possible, as long as your choices don't cause significant harm to yourself or others. It's entirely up to you where you draw the line. And deciding where to draw that line is itself an important spiritual practice, a practice helps you cultivate discernment and compassion.Every situation is different, but you can always respond by applying the principle of least harm.
Swami Tadatmananda is a traditionally-trained teacher of Advaita Vedanta, meditation, and Sanskrit. For more information, please see: www.arshabodha.org/



8 апр 2024




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@SwamiT 3 месяца назад
Please watch the video first instead of simply giving your yes/no opinion.
@dolcelauretta 3 месяца назад
I love you so much ❤
@MikEm-jg5wz 3 месяца назад
Must we write yes or no
@sahamal_savu 3 месяца назад
I also noticed the negative consequences of eating meat when I began to meditate on a daily basis. Giving up all animal products greatly improved my physical health along with helping me on the spiritual path. I'm glad you mentioned Vivekananda as well, I always felt that he may have had much less health problems to deal with during his short life had he followed a different diet. "Let food be thy medicine" will always be a relevant statement.
@balakrishnabhat4157 3 месяца назад
The observations that meat gradually drops off once you begin spiritual practice is an indication of the utility of vegetarian food.
@sumitdutta7043 3 месяца назад
@@sahamal_savu You know Swami Sarvapriyananda too is non-vegetarian.
@bridgetegap 3 месяца назад
Swamiji, my salutations!. You are the greatest Advaita Guru in our times. Best non- Indian Hindu swami. You preach practical Vedanta which to me is the best part. God bless you with health and wisdom.
@GK-rk8bn 3 месяца назад
Swamiji is the embodiment of wisdom. God has to bless us to get wisdom.
@Gettotrade 3 месяца назад
Agreed ❤
@bharathsf 3 месяца назад
Better than 99.99 percent Indian Hindu swamis. I think only Swami sarvapriyananda is an equal
@Siddhanta8905 3 месяца назад
The Guru of Advaita Vedānta, the one who confers the Sakśat Sādhana, must have the Prasiddhānubhava "this Ātman is precisely the Brahman" realized. the Dikśaguru may not have realized Prasiddhānubhava, but he cannot give the Śisya the experience of Śravana-Manana-Nidhidhyāsana. If we realize that the Dikśaguru is unable to favor the intuition of the Brahmātman, we must thank him and continue the search further. there is no betrayal in this, and one will always have a special relationship with the Dikśaguru; a bit like the son who, ready to continue his life on a new level, leaves his father's home without rancor or regret. Technically this gentleman is not a Guru, since traditionally a Guru is always a Brahmana. He has not even adopted a regular Samnyāsa, since the Samnyāsin cannot cross the ocean by law. It does not belong to a safe Paramparā. The teaching then, is new-age and syncretic, tainted by "post-Śamkarian" positions contrary to the original Siddhānta as taught by Adiśamkarācārya Bhagavatpāda in his Bhāsya, contrary to Gaudapādācárya, and, above all, contrary to Śruti. Everyone can think as they want, but I wonder... how can two neo-Vedanta "Californian gurus" be considered the greatest masters of Vedānta of our times? Are you aware of the existence of the uninterrupted Advitīya Paramparā? Are you aware of the existence of the Jagadgurus and their Uttarādhikaris? Have you bothered to actually investigate the contents of the Prasthānatraya? Being totally honest with yourself, can you say that yours is a sincere search, and not a vague aspiration?
@Paramartha-ce6ol 3 месяца назад
The Guru of Advaita Vedānta, the one who confers the Sakśat Sādhana, must have the Prasiddhānubhava "this Ātman is precisely the Brahman" realized. the Dikśaguru may not have realized Prasiddhānubhava, but he cannot give the Śisya the experience of Śravana-Manana-Nidhidhyāsana. If we realize that the Dikśaguru is unable to favor the intuition of the Brahmātman, we must thank him and continue the search further. there is no betrayal in this, and one will always have a special relationship with the Dikśaguru; a bit like the son who, ready to continue his life on a new level, leaves his father's home without rancor or regret. Technically this gentleman is not a Guru, since traditionally a Guru is always a Brahmana. He has not even adopted a regular Samnyāsa, since the Samnyāsin cannot cross the ocean by law. It does not belong to a safe Paramparā. The teaching then, is new-age and syncretic, tainted by "post-Śamkarian" positions contrary to the original Siddhānta as taught by Adiśamkarācārya Bhagavatpāda in his Bhāsya, contrary to Gaudapādācárya, and, above all, contrary to Śruti. Everyone can think as they want, but I wonder... how can two neo-Vedanta "Californian gurus" be considered the greatest masters of Vedānta of our times? Are you aware of the existence of the uninterrupted Advitīya Paramparā? Are you aware of the existence of the Jagadgurus and their Uttarādhikaris? Have you bothered to actually investigate the contents of the Prasthānatraya? Being totally honest with yourself, can you say that yours is a sincere search, and not a vague aspiration?
@johncrondis4563 3 месяца назад
I like your take, very honest and thorough. Ahimsa is why I am Vegan for over 9 years. The hindrances I have experienced and am aware of involves the dependency on products (food or otherwise) which rely on himsa, when there are alternatives that do not, or rely on far far less himsa. We all need to survive and be well, but this can be done on organic, mostly local plant foods for much of the developed world, and due to our money the more we support that, the more access others will have to it. Additionally, not relying on much technology and clothes from fast-fashion (animal or petrol based) really helps reduce suffering. God, the most beloved is literally all things (and more). We are this. This infinite precious being, is all of us together and beyond our wildest imaginations/conceptions. It is so thoroughly dishonest for me to justify harming other beings if I earnestly do not have to. If I can buy second hand clothes, technology, eat plant-based foods, eat moderately, refrain from mass consumption and refrain from co-oporations which I am aware do massive harm to this planet, I am just hurting myself by playing mental gymnastics trying to maintain my habits. One can reach infinity from any moment, meat or not. But if we are playing mental games to try and keep a habit, we are just relinquishing our power and giving into illusion. It is weakness and not the all-powerful state of enlightenment/moksha. Our very addiction to consumption in all forms is the anti-thesis of moksha. However, just eating what is around in celebration and maintaining health, without harming anyone, is part of the dance with Shakti. But this will come in the form of fruiting bodies from nature (which is just Brahman/Shakti). This causes no harm when done appropriately. Unfortunately mass amounts of land are owned and controlled, managed in such a way that still causes harm. So even the most precious thing like an apple orchard has harm involved due to our methods of farming these days. In certain ways getting milk from cows in the past was fine because it was moderate and required no slaughter. These days cows are force impregnated, kept in cages and sold for slaughter even on many small grass-fed farms which you would buy in a local organic store. If we jump to be defensive and stay in a state of pain, trying to keep our habits of pain, then we have not attained moksha. Doing our best for least harm is the most aligned with truth, with reality, which is Brahman. Because, all those beings are God, our true self. There is a farm in the UK called Ahimsa Farms, that gets milk from loved cows that are not forcefully impregnated, and they live a full good life, never slaughtered. There are people who rescued some hens for factory farms and eat their eggs and never kill or harm the chicken. There are people I know that would only eat meat from "ethical hunting", which includes roadkill of deer, or depopulation of certain animals causing harm to an eco-system, or having to put down a trapped animal which would die of infection and starvation. These all cause very little if any harm to other beings. However, I personally will never partake and that is because research shows that nearly all these things are bad for the human body. The amount of saturated fats and cholesterol present in all these animal foods is so unnecessary and negative for most bodies, as science has shown time and time again. My family has a history of heart disease, so especially for someone like myself. Ahimsa includes this body, equally. We are not our bodies, we are the infinite all, thus not showing harm to this temporary existence is a part of that process as well.
@D__Ujjwal 2 месяца назад
What about necessary voilence? Krishna told arjuna fight adharma
@johncrondis4563 2 месяца назад
@@D__Ujjwal I think there are times that certain levels of violence will make sure a much greater violence doesn't occur. However, we need a great amount of evidence to assure this, otherwise we will be delusional and justify our violence when it wasn't needed.
@yerpderp6800 Месяц назад
@@johncrondis4563 ??? The point was never to ensure greater violence doesn't happen. That goes down a slippery slope of questioning whether the greater violence is necessary to prevent an even greater violence if it's not followed through. It's ultimately someone's opinion if certain levels of violence are necessary or not given circumstances they're in. You can't predict the future, it's arrogance to state otherwise. It is not about being moral, it is about following one's duty. What this duty is depends on each individual. You do up to the point of fulfilling your duty and nothing more. So you eat to fulfill the duty of maintaining the body. Eating for reasons beyond that is when ego can develop roots and start dictating what is and isn't okay. Meat is okay if it's for the purpose of sustaining the body. Eating meat to a crazy degree like every day or in excess quantities invites attachments to take further root. Likewise with vegan food, eating enough is okay but more than that is feeding stuff like greed. All actions take life, the body itself constantly consumes, but there's a difference between doing it out of necessity vs out of desire. And to be clear, no violence could ever be justified because that would imply some violence couldn't be. Making a distinction is still operating off of delusion of self. I recommend reading Bhagavad Gita (again if you already have).
@johncrondis4563 Месяц назад
@yerpderp6800 Yeah, I dont agree with you and think you are making excuses for your habits that cause suffering to sentient beings who are also creatures of God.
@agucci 3 месяца назад
Thank you Stefana, and the very good response of Stefano! ❤
@josephvisser8119 3 месяца назад
The difference between plants from the ground and animals in slaughter houses is a nervous system: and a sentient will to life and capacity to suffer. If you are choosing to inflict suffering upon another sentient being for reasons of your preferences… that is not enlightenment, that’s bending life to suit your individual desire.
@Thermalsquid360 3 месяца назад
Plants are almost entirely indigestible. It is what it is.
@joshuadonald9383 3 месяца назад
We gotta stop have such a narrow view on plants. Some of the leading research in botany is showing that plants are in fact sentient in a completely different way. Plants do seem to perceive pain, we have to be ok with realizing that part of this life some basic material suffering is needed for the overall balance.
@josephvisser8119 3 месяца назад
@@joshuadonald9383 totally agree with you. Fascinating stuff really. Holding that view as a case for why eating animals is justifiable is the issue. Which I’m not saying you are… but people love to talk about “violently ripping carrots from the earth” like it’s the same thing as cutting a pig’s throat for the sole reason of enjoyment of their flesh. One of these moves clearly puts more suffering into the world. We are all born from the same point, animal and plant alike, and are interconnected beyond belief… it’s plain to see and gives insight into the sacred nature of everything all at once. So yes, within this system, some material suffering is required… but I’d say plants are amazing in the way they regenerate and spread through their sensitivity and intelligence. So where as a plant can come back to life an animal can not. And plants use their biology to spread through animal use, they specifically evolve to invite consumption in order to regenerate somewhere else. They assume their “death” and have adapted to continue on after. (Think about a Jack pine cone, only able to open in the extreme heat of a forest fire) So yeah, we all gotta eat… we just don’t have to eat meat, and can achieve a much more balanced and harmonious existence while consuming only plant foods.
@theneurosurgeon007 3 месяца назад
​@@joshuadonald9383Please give the tilte or link to this ground breaking new research that you seem to quote everywhere, saying plants are sentient in their own way. Sentience is a by product of a physical brain. You want to say plants have prana ,ok. But you cannot say that they are sentient or can feel. Please don't confuse responsiveness to stimuli as sentience.
@joshuadonald9383 3 месяца назад
@@theneurosurgeon007 You BELIEVE sentience is just a by product of the brain you nor any human on this planet can say for sure.
@pansrn 3 месяца назад
I’m already resolved on the matter, but watched to see how this was presented. Very well done, capturing the nuance of the topic.
@chandankumar-lk9kr 3 месяца назад
Swamiji great to hear you on this very important topic. I am 42 today and for the last four years I have been on fully vegetarian diet. I can say that this change in diet has changed me and my life for better. For me however this change in diet was the result of my own deeper interest in knowing life and existence and finding the wisdom available in ancient scriptures especially Vedanta and Bhagwat Geeta. In this regard Swami Sarvpriyanda lectures on Advaita and your Swamiji lectures on Bhagwat Geeta were of immense help. It was indeed heartening to listen when you Swamiji quoted Swami Sarvpriyanda in this video. Thanks Swamiji.
@AnjaMarais 3 месяца назад
Thank you , thank you, thank you. An answer that is expansive, humane, clear, and profound. I was praying on this question and today your video on this topic came out. It is such a complex question and the answer is more nuanced than most people would like it to be. Every decision of non-injury is a heart response to the moment and within context - including ahimsa to oneself. The black and white answers never resonated with me, but this answer came alive within.
@TheSunCrown 2 месяца назад
"It is not what comes into the mouth of man that shall condemn him, but what comes out of it."
@NeilMurthy08 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much, Swamiji!!! ❤ My mother's side is Goan, so I was raised on a traditionally non-veg diet (fish, etc). Hearing you explain how "ahimsa paramo dharma" should be applied in our daily choices and actions (of which our diet is just one part of that) is so helpful. May these timeless teachings "take root" in our hearts, and may all beings find enlightenment. ❤🙏
@TheContrariann 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much for this video ❤
@muktikantamohanty4778 3 месяца назад
Thank you Swamiji for clarifying. It was a long awaited question where many debate that eating veg is the only step towards enlightenment. But probably as you correctly pointed out this is a part of Antakaran sudhi gradually comes during the practice towards enlightenment. 🙏
@cosmiccreator 3 месяца назад
Love it! Thank you! Bless you beloved! 🎉❤🎉
@ramamurthikartik1636 3 месяца назад
Very insightful. Many points have to be pondered over.
@aarjukr 3 месяца назад
As always, many thanks for clarity and being spot on! Dhanyawaad swami ji :) 🙏
@yoboipapi5306 3 месяца назад
Wonderful as always Swamiji! ❤🙏🕉
@vinising 3 месяца назад
Pranam and thank you for the clarity Guruji.
@jayanthisrinivasan9055 3 месяца назад
I loved the pic 😂. Too good. You have a refreshing sense of wacky humour., which I simply love.
@rajaiaf 3 месяца назад
What a superb talk. So clear, succinct, practical! ❤
@tarungupta19may 3 месяца назад
Very nicely explained, Aacharya 🙏
@tkbalaji1 3 месяца назад
Very thought provoking explanation on ahimsa. Thank you
@moorthy76 3 месяца назад
Thank you for such a clear explanation 🙏🏼
@agnitrambley 3 месяца назад
Thank you, Swamiji .. may your kindness of spreading these teachings return to you big way!! 🙏🏼 I can’t wait to return to your ashram.
@sdspetsmusic 3 месяца назад
Wonderful explanation.
@piastein4193 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much for always explaining everything so clear and simple 🙏❤️🙏
@prathibananjundiah368 3 месяца назад
Enlightening talk with clarity 🙏🏽
@krishnansm438 3 месяца назад
Excellent explanation Swamiji. thank you.
@karthikbhat5406 3 месяца назад
It is always such a pleasure to listen you Swamiji 🙏 it's like listening to music
@StefanoPeschiulliInstructor 3 месяца назад
Thank You very much Guru Ji for answering my question. As always your explanations are are incredible clear and easy to understand. God bless You
@balajicanabady 3 месяца назад
Thanks a ton Swamiji for explaining the Principle of Least Harm (Ahimsa). " So, where do you draw the line between Vegetarian and non vegetarian diet Well, you can draw the line as low as possible, as long as your choices don't cause significant harm to yourself or others. It's entirely up to you where you draw the line. And deciding where to draw that line is itself an important spiritual practice, a practice helps you cultivate discernment and compassion.Every situation is different, but you can always respond by applying the principle of least harm."
@SethRamesh 3 месяца назад
Thank you for the explanation. Appreciated
@shirshendughosh5900 3 месяца назад
Accept my Pranams Swamiji… such a practical clarification through all the aspects….
@treemarie3080 3 месяца назад
Thank you !
@rdm268 3 месяца назад
My thoughts are similar on this topic. Good to see swamiji confirming it and teaching me more. It's more clearer now. Thank you!
@russelrambha7103 3 месяца назад
Great explanation..very informative to those on the path and those who just want to learn more.. Thank you .
@robertobs30 3 месяца назад
Beautifully explained Swamiji.
@pradeepsolanke618 2 месяца назад
Clear crisp and practical
@grafinvonhohenembs 2 месяца назад
A very impressive videos, as always, Swamiji! I would really encourage everyone who wishes to practice ahimsa in the best way possible to live a 100% vegan lifestyle. It’s the only way in this modern world do be involved in the least amount of harm possible; vegetarianism isn’t enough. Please, consider it for the animals, our planet, and your own health! 🙏
@SakataSamig 3 месяца назад
Thank you Swamiji, you arised the questions in my mind and gave wonderful answers too. Now I have better understanding of ahimsa and meat consumption.
@mahendra8523 3 месяца назад
As always, simply put with a comprehensive approach by revered SwamiJi... Salutations O Great Teacher !
@NavSpirituel 3 месяца назад
I love you teaching and your reasoning. I love advaita vedanta. It's the most logical reasoning that describe reality as it is. The world need it a lot !!
@sabiduriavariaenespanol 3 месяца назад
Thank you! A very clear and wise answer to a confusing topic. Hari Om Swamiji
@malikasingh2162 3 месяца назад
Pranam Swamiji, as always, explained simply and with great clarity.
@luvbhandari1 3 месяца назад
🙏 Thank you Swamiji, for addressing this question. This is very helpful. I always had these questions around non-vegetarian diet. Very insightful, indeed.
@meditatedeeperwithvenky 3 месяца назад
Dear Swamiji, thank you for such a simple, pragmatic and non-dogmatic perspective. I went vegan recently, when you pointed me to the harms of large scale factory farming. I did not even know this, and I was an ignorant vegetarian thinking I was following ahimsa. The teachings of the Hindu religion, based on following Dharma in this manner are mature, timeless and empowering. Much gratitude 💕🙏🏻
@user-os4ez7ul9k 3 месяца назад
Your views on ahimsa are so moving Thank you ❤
@sowmya433 3 месяца назад
Thank you Swamiji for a clear, practical and logical answer. Ultimately, the individual has to use his or her discernment based on various factors and decide. And the responsibility for the decision lies with the individual🙏🏽
@tarachapman201 2 месяца назад
🙏 Thank you!
@snoracle4926 3 месяца назад
Very level headed commentary. Thank you Swami
@skyadav72 3 месяца назад
Very crystal clear answer to 0:15 stephano's question, thank you swami ji, but I listen one more answer from scripture to this question is that before one eat the food but before eating, food is offered to God in ritualistic manner so that eater gets released from karmic reaction, and God accept only vegetarian food BG 9.26
@ee.gg. 3 месяца назад
Thank you
@ee.gg. 3 месяца назад
I suppose the quality of meat impacts your health- if you eat animals who had a processed grain diet with fillers, of course it is not going to help you. If the animal had a healthy diet, clean environment- it is different. Just how you would not want to eat vegetables that were grown right by a busy road!
@user-jz4vx6fi9y 3 месяца назад
I'm really glad you touched on this topic as I have gathered a similar conclusion on my spiritual path. To answer your question, yes, but only in extremely rare cases like the Buddha's enlightenment. I often have heard that response from buddhists as defense of their current lifestyle paired with an unwillingness to entertain the idea of a diet that doesn't harm animals. I truly believe that informing the general population (the ones consuming the products from factory farming) that are subject to this detrimental karma is absolutely imperative and needs to be spoken out by our contemporary religious figures. Scientific evidence isn't working because there's too much misinformation and endorsement / funding from the meat and dairy industries. Let's use the last leg of the Bull of Dharma to our fullest extent and shine the way for others!
@Jigyanshoo 3 месяца назад
Pranaam Swamiji. I think one shouldn't have any doubt on the question after such an elaborate explanation.
@SahanTheMighty 2 месяца назад
Brilliant 💙✨
@dipayan7488 3 месяца назад
Wonderful Swamiji 🙏
@MrThomassch 3 месяца назад
Exactly my thoughts!
@kanishkajoshi563 3 месяца назад
🙏 Thank you Swami ji.
@NM-zu3kj 2 месяца назад
Swamiji thanks for sharing your light 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🪷🪷🪷
@vijayamohan33 3 месяца назад
Swamiji you are such a jem of knowledge, thank you soooooo muchhhhjjj❤❤
@snoracle4926 3 месяца назад
Crazy thumbnail lol, love the 3d effect
@jozphine84 Месяц назад
@avinandanful 3 месяца назад
Pranam, Swamiji.
@justcallmerabbit4914 3 месяца назад
@SwamiT This is such a beautiful and thoughtful explanation of ahimsa. I'm sharing this in hopes of encouraging others on the path of less harm. 🕉 🙏🏻 📿 ☸️
@rajendraprasadjuyal4389 3 месяца назад
धन्यवाद,स्वामी जी मेरे कई शंकाये दूर हो गयी । सादर प्रणाम
@smth7729 3 месяца назад
Swami ji, Your wisdom and lucid explanation with accurate information as per the Hindu scriptures and traditional understanding clearly demonstrates the depth and incontestable reasoning, logic, clarity and strength of the traditional & lineage based education of Hindu scriptures and Dharma from an authentic traditional Guru parampara. Otherwise, these days many non-traditional Hindu experts and teachers have come-up both Indian and foreigners who do not have any proper lineage affiliation or education from a traditional Guru. They are just confused themselves and making up their own stuff in the name of Hinduism. Vande Guru Paramparam🙏
@bhatpravinyt 3 месяца назад
Thank you SwamiJi, Very well explained. From this video, i feel the right way to practice ahimsa is to try becoming more sensitive everyday. It's not a simple yes/no rule but it's trying to be as empathetic as possible in a given dynamic situation.
@TheBeardedMysticPodcast 3 месяца назад
A very thoughtful answer by Swami T! Although, I must say that there is so much misinformation about both vegeterian, vegan and non-veg diets out there. It is always best to listen to our doctors. I do feel that eating meat is not a hindrance to spiritual enlightenment or jivan-mukti. Eat whatever you want but remember it is the body alone that is affected. One can be vegan/vegetarian and eat aloo paranthas everyday and that will lead to tamas too. The thing to understand here is that there is a reason why Vedanta doesn't talk about diet because its not at all important for enlightenment. Remaining in awareness of Brahman is beyond the body and mind. But anyway that is my 2 cents and greatly appreciate Swami Ts response.
@SethRamesh 3 месяца назад
Wow, an excellent comment
@theneurosurgeon007 3 месяца назад
Doesn't killing animals affect karma negatively. Which will hinder the path to the attainment of Moksha. Also, if aloo paratha or anything vegetarian with heavy calories, if eaten in moderation or lesser qantity will not lead to tamas. In order to get rid of tamas, one not only has to stop meat but also not to over eat vegetarianism, which is also mentioned in Yoga where it recommends to eat to satisfy only 1/2 to 3/4 th of your hunger. Also another thing we are overlooking is that even though plants are living things they lack Sentience. Plants are not capabale of perceiving pain or emotions as they lack any central nervous system to do so. Our physical brain is the instrument for our conciousness to perceive this Maya .No brain , No pain. So how is it possible to equate slaughtering of animals to uprooting or harvesting of plants.
@TheBeardedMysticPodcast 3 месяца назад
@@theneurosurgeon007 Killing anything affects karma negatively. But here in advaita, the whole purpose is to go beyond karma, only the body and mind gets karma so we should not consider this to be the absolute way of living life. Eating less non-veg also removes tamas and can provide vitality, the argument does go both ways here. Again, there is not much scriptural inference to say eating meat is prohibited, I stand by my statement that it has nothing to do with enlightenment or moksha. I didn't make any statement about plants lacking sentience or having sentience. This is an argument that vegans use and I respect that. But frankly, I am only speaking if it directly impacts one enlightenment and I have not read or heard of one text that says eating meat means no moksha, no enlightenment. Your diet is cultural and should not be considered spiritual IMHO.
@Shivdas-qv7rq 3 месяца назад
Namaskaram Swami !! Accept my greetings
@AnkurWat 2 месяца назад
I find for a lot of people there is no trying to convert them to intensive or another. People should want to eat meat will invent logic why it should be eaten; people who do it will also invent their own logic. I’m glad you shared how even in Vedantic practices there was animal sacrifice, but then it was abolished. I have also heard that even Ram/Lakshman/Sita went to the forest they would have had to hunt and eat meat. That part has been phased out of the Ramayana over the past few centuries apparently. I myself am a vegetarian of 20 years, and vegan for the past 6 years. It just feels right knowing all that we do about animal suffering, the environment; and our own health benefits.
@sugathanramasubrahmanyan1229 2 месяца назад
Balanced presentation, as ever, keeping all aspects in mind...pranams swami My personal take is least harm in the way of Vegitarianism & Spiritual growth - both feed on each other - strengthening each other - for sure!
@harshmeena4 3 месяца назад
*Even though plants contain souls they don't have a nervous system so they can't feel pain its still the least harm, that's why people should eat only veg and if possible should become vegan because today the milk industry hurts cows to get milk,and everyone should become a bhramchari it make your charitra,character and behaviour, good,and make you a good person!*
@arpitabhowmik1329 2 месяца назад
@kedarbhide1498 3 месяца назад
Swamiji, you have explained the principle of Ahimsa in its true sense that is causing least harm.
@Pallasathena-hv4kp 3 месяца назад
I’ll express my experience and opinion: We are all “food.” This is part and parcel to the continuation of creation. All will be consumed eventually. Scientifically, a human digestive tract (for example) is much shorter than a gorilla’s digestive tract. Usually animals have a very long or very complex digestive system if they are vegetarians. Omnivores and carnivores need to be able to acquire calories in an efficient way because of a significantly shorter digestive system. Being an omnivore allows the best of both worlds. Also, consider the northern indigenous people (Inuit) who historically have eaten fats and meat of whales, seals, etc. Their very system has become acclimated to this diet. People should eat according to the effects upon the body/mind and how they believe the harm will add to their karma. Know that we are all food. If you know better (and we do) that a vegetarian diet is effective in delaying disease, it would be unwise to overindulge in a carnivore/fatty diet. The very fact that factory farms treat animals poorly, and we know this, should give one pause when it comes to eating mass produced food. Don’t judge yourself or others harshly for how and what they eat. It’s not the outside of a person that is most important, right? Pranam, Swami. I appreciate your carefully considered video 🙏 Balanced. 🙏 No doubt my opinion and practice of diet will change and evolve as I age. Seems only natural. May Isha lead me down the path that encourages my spiritual growth. 😊🙏
@golDroger88 3 месяца назад
It's worth noting that cows are domesticated Aurochs and basically became a new species. It it wasn't for Man's intervention to eat their meat and their milk cows wouldn't even exist. Not all farms are intensive factory farms, for example I live in the Alps and almost none are intensive here, same goes for egg production, a shame that wasn't discussed. I will go as far as to say that the fact that if you don't cosume meat and fish you must take supplements to be healthy (fact, not opinion) should tell you all you need to know whether eating meat is dharmic or not. Supplements are only a luxury of modern life, something the vast majority of the people can't even afford today and, most importantly, something that will not always be available! Supplements are a product of industrialization, never forget. Then there's the environmental balance element that farming helps maintain. The farmer is also the caretaker of the animals he raises, even if he slaughters them for food at one point or the other. Without human intervention these animals would either go extinct or not prosper as they do today. Intensive farming aside, obviously.
@memesmojo5622 3 месяца назад
11:45 incorrect “Further more, Mahamati, I teach mundane people that they should eat pure food for purifying their lives, and should regard all meats as the meat of their own son, so how could I allow them to eat the foods that sages do not eat? Why all sages abandon meat? Because meat eating produce innumerable offences, and lose all supra-mundane merits and virtues, so how could I allow my disciples to eat meat, blood, and the feculent flavors? If anyone says that I allow meat eating, he is slandering me.” -Buddha , Lankavatara sutra
@HansenFT 3 месяца назад
Thats a later mahayana text. it's not from the Pali Canon, and is therefore unlikely to represent the actual words of the Buddha. He is correct, and that is accepted by the vast majority of buddhists.
@memesmojo5622 3 месяца назад
@@HansenFT The fact that its laters doesnt mean anything, considering that according to mahayana, the texts were revealed by various Buddhas and Bodhisattvas during meditative visions. That its not in the pali canon doesnt mean anything, as other canons as old as the pali, like the gandhara canon contained mahayana texts. Theres no reason to think that pali canon is the end all of Buddhas teachings and that anything outside of that one specific canon is heretical. And no, vast majority, about 2/3 of buddhists are mahayanists and accept the mahayana texts.
@LoveJungle420 2 месяца назад
​@@memesmojo5622Yes it DOES matter. Anyone can say they saw "such and such" in a meditative vision with no way to verify it, yet it is much harder to dispute the Pali Cannon as being Buddhas direct teachings. One is evidence and the other is an article of faith.
@memesmojo5622 2 месяца назад
@@LoveJungle420 And what evidence is there that the Buddha was enlightened in the first place and wasnt just experiencing hallucinations? Yes, authority of mahayana sutras is a matter of personal religous faith, not scholarly or hisotrical evidence, but so are the many things the Buddha taught, like heaven and hell, rebirth, nagas under the sea, magical powers, and so on. Of course, there is a way to verify all of those things, by practicing the dharma and attaining enlightenment one will be able to directly percieve such phenomena. Study, contemplate, practice the mahayana and see where it leads you, and decide for yourself whether whats taught in them is true or not. Look into people of the past who underwent such path and see what wisdom they have. There are many logical arguemnts we can make for mahayana, for example, it is the only religion in the world that has the concept of bodhichitta and mahakaruna. If one wants to follow the bodhisatva path to become a Buddha like Shakyamuni did, what other choice they have other than Mahayana? Moreover, why would such claims of visions not be legitimate? Theravadins themselves have similar origin stories of their abhidhamma, so it would be hypocritical for a theravadha buddhist to make such statements. Smoke some salvia or dmt, reality is much, much stranger than we think it is. Do you really think someone like Nagarjuna was a liar? Lastly, we can put our faith into enlightened masters. If great teachers ( Dilgo Khyenste, Xuyun and the likes) say that they are legitimate, we can trust them that they are. And as i said, some Mahayna sutras, are as old as the Pali Canon. In short, study and practice the teachings and verify them for yourself. Whatever reasons you have for thinking Buddhas teachings were true in the first place, see if you can apply those same reasons to Mahayana teachings.
@LoveJungle420 2 месяца назад
@@memesmojo5622 Exactly. If there's no proof that Buddha was enlightened then there damn sure isn't any proof that meditators contacted his spirit where he taught them further teachings on the Astral plane. You're not understanding my dispute. You said that it doesn't matter that some of Buddhas teachings came later, post mortem. I'm saying yes it does matter and it should be taken into consideration. We should be able to distinguish primary texts from secondary texts or commentaries. They don't have equal weight. There's a difference between Shakespeare and a really enlightening essay on Shakespeare. Let's not pretend they're on equal footing. With that said though, I actually like Mahayana texts. I like the idea of bodhichitta, using the mind's own craving to put an end to craving. Very smart. And the boddhisatva vow, although for most people it will be purely egotistical, the idea of unconditional love for everyone, I agree with 100%. I'm not saying these texts aren't legitimate, I'm saying they're not source texts and so how we approach them should be in relation to the source texts.
@yoginaidu7950 3 месяца назад
🙏 thank you Swami Ji for pointing so many facts and opening my eyes. Yeah Diet should not be the dividing factor. The idea is to keep the mind pure.
@eeliteG 3 месяца назад
One must understand the definition of “pain”. Pain is defined as a signal of present or impending tissue damage affected by a harmful stimulus, and thus is experienced by almost all multicellular organisms. The question isn't whether or not plants feel pain, the question is why is it okay to cause pain to plants but not animals? Keep in mind not all plants react to pain in the same way. Not all animals feel pain the same way (e.g. lobsters). This is part of a much more complex argument. We need to ask some tough questions. Is it wrong to harm people? Do plants and animals have the same rights as people (to be free from harm)? Do they have any rights at all? What kind of diet is within our nature and why should we second-guess doing what is natural? Good luck. -Randall
@nancyswanson1362 3 месяца назад
After watching and listening to the video, my answer is YES, based upon my understanding of the information contained.
@amarsingh9973 3 месяца назад
Swami ji Thank you for your Guidance. Kindly elaborate on how god has Nirgun and Sargun saroop.
@jorgetfreitas3167 3 месяца назад
How about just eating fruit? It would be the most pious way to eat, because to eat the fruit it is not necessary to kill or damage the plant, and with the enormous variety of existing fruits we could sustain our body in total purity and the seeds left over from eating we could replant them, contributing to the propagation of trees.
@tejarex 3 месяца назад
Fruit cells are killed by eating. On the other hand, most edible fruit are grown by plants to be eaten and spread by animals. Being eaten by humans is a successful strategy for many plants. One could say that same about some animals, but fruit trees are generally treated like royalty compared to the treatment of, say, factory chickens.
@yogi4261 3 месяца назад
The first thing about ahimasa is often overlooked: do not harm yourself. If not eating meet causes You harm, its not ahimsa.
@johnatyoutube 2 месяца назад
I think there's a lot of wisdom here. I'm a flexitarian and don't eat mammals. The one thing that's debatable is how plants perceive and experience life and death. We're only recently learning that they're much more conscious than we thought and we've only hit the tip of the iceberg. As you said, we must consume other beings to live. That is the current reality of this world. No matter what we eat, the best thing we can do is be grateful for our life and the life they're giving us and make the best possible use of it to learn and love.
@HAR_HAR_MAHADEV3335 3 месяца назад
@kedarbhide1498 3 месяца назад
We are fortunate that , still there are some people around us who are true Yogis and Dnyanis and understood dharma and adhyatma profoundly . 🙏🙏🙏
@phi1394 2 месяца назад
Yes, but also do keep in mind that many plants want you to eat them as that is how they spread their seed. This is the case with fruits and many other plants, and therefore if you eat them you are not causing any harm. Felling a tree however is causing harm not only to the tree but also to animals and living beings living in the tree, which is why you should avoid using paper and wood if you want to adhere to ahimsa completely.
@LoveJungle420 2 месяца назад
I would also add honey to the list. Bees are being killed off in alarming numbers by pesticides and exploited and severely damaged by commercial bee keepers.
@christophebonhoefferofbelg9846 3 месяца назад
Ahimsa as the way of least violence is the right way to live. We live in this material world & are subject to the laws of it. If we don’t eat, we’ll die so we must accept that & then we should try to use common sense & reasoning. Refrain from killing or eating animals if you can & try to stick to a vegetarian or vegan diet. Mother Nature has provided fruits & vegetables for us to survive, that’s obvious to me. It’s important not to waste anything out of respect. Thank the divine for the sun & rain, the earth for growing the food..💚
@infiniteabundance8287 2 месяца назад
Was born into a hunting meat eating family in south Africa been an adjustment to go vegetarian and last 10 years have committed to mediation and non attachment Pue bless namste
@alukuhito 3 месяца назад
Thank you, Swami-ji. 🙏 It was easy for me to be vegetarian in India. It wasn't too difficult for me to be vegetarian also in my native country while in my 20s. Now though, I live in a country where even "vegetarian" food often has some sort of meat broth or something in it. There is virtually no understanding of the concept. I eat meat regularly now and enjoy it, but could easily drop it if back in India.
@MayaviProductions 2 месяца назад
Namaste Swamiji 🙏 is it possible to include UPI payment option?
@jakubwt4519 3 месяца назад
After hearing the question, i was shocked not to hear a single word about fruits. Killing plants doesn't sound as a necessity of any sort. it's just a choice to either eat someone who definitely didn't want to die (defensive mechanisms are present in all plants) or to eat something that was produced with a single task - to be eaten... by plants! There is not a single essential nutrient in plants that fruits wouldn't have. You dont need to eat any-bodies, i haven't eaten anything aside from seeds and fruits for the last 3 years, and my blood tests were never better. At the same time, i am building muscle mass extremely well, so it's not only possible but works great. I am not alone.
@Thermalsquid360 3 месяца назад
This is delusional and you will likely get pancreatic cancer if you keep eating exclusively fructose. You are likely surviving through supplements and I recommend anyone who reads this to ignore this persons comment.
@knv123 3 месяца назад
Fruits, vegetables, leaves, branches etc are not killing the plant. Hence were allowed to be consumed.
@ddramp4038 3 месяца назад
In Srimad Bhagvad Gita it is said that in Kaliyuga, the people have the easiest task to do to get liberation - that is to chant Lord's name by repeating "Hare Krishna" Maha mantra. In the previous yugas the Rishi, Muni and other Sanyasi had to do a lot of hardship for liberation. If sincere, devotional chanting of "Hare Krishna" maha mantra, along with Nishkama Karma can give liberation, the point of diet is out of question. In my opinion, eat what you get but keep your senses under control that you are not craving for any food. Hare Krishna 🙏🏻 ------------------------------------------- Updated addition: Swami ji, Please can you guide us in identifying the Sloka (verse) in Srimad Bhagvat Gita or in Uddhava Gita where Lord Krishna has given clear instructions regarding diet of a person, and to be more precise prohibited eating meat? It will help us. Let us hear what the Lord has instructed by himself rather than taking opinion of people here. Hare Krishna 🙏🏻
@nicolaslaurent4859 3 месяца назад
BG 5.18: The truly learned, with the eyes of divine knowledge, see with equal vision a Brahmin, a cow, an elephant, a dog, and a dog-eater. Hare Krishna !
@PaulHoward108 3 месяца назад
In Bhagavad-gītā 3.13, Kṛṣṇa says it is sinful to eat food that isn't offered in sacrifice. Kṛṣṇa indicates elsewhere in Bhagavad-gītā that all sacrifices should be for Him, and that He accepts lacto-vegetarian foods.
@sumitdutta7043 3 месяца назад
No it seems you are referring to AS IT IS not version of Gita. Listen to the Swami' lecture on Gita or/and Swami Sarvapriyananda's lecture on Gita.
@PaulHoward108 12 дней назад
@@sumitdutta7043, I'm not the least bit interested in their perverted atheistic interpretations.
@laxmangc7237 3 месяца назад
@jzzquant 3 месяца назад
To feel pain you need nervous system, plants don't have nervous system. So aslo as you are killing the plant by uprooting it like in the case of onions ,carrots potatoes everything else should be of minimal damage. this is typically called the Jain vegetarian diet very minimally violent
@lathak6945 2 месяца назад
RamRam. In the scheme of nature, eating for survival is a must for all living creatures from amoeba to humans. For carnivores eating meat is natural n for herbivores, plants. For humans, it should be based on need. There is no mandate in our scriptures that one should be a strict vegetarian. Sage Agastya had a hearty meal of meat along with Vatapi, the Rakshas !!
@marides1479 3 месяца назад
Thank you Guru, most helpfull. Just try to be a good human being. That is all we can do. Respect all the live on earth and please let the harts of the world leaders become compassionate. People get killed for no reason.
@johnsmits2494 3 месяца назад
Some people simply cannot be vegetarians. Great discourse but I know a few people who really tried vegetarian, and they became weak and ill. Real veganism , not just eating potato chips or Doritos. Nothing fits everybody.
@SiriusV23 3 месяца назад
Before I complete the video, I'm going to say the answer to Enlightenment is based on ones growth perspective view in life. Although religion and history has given life of animal and plant as a moral value to their beliefs, installing fear or negative result from taking such life. Our body are made to survive, it is not wrong to eat meat, as long as you do not give into attachment for its taste and pleasure.
@rajanjayan 2 месяца назад
Our advaida vendada swamiji. Also said the same thing. It is as per individual. But each food has guna satwa rajo tamo which will be more in us according to food we eat. But for spiritual advancement veg diet help us more to control mind.
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