
Can the Qur'an Be Read as Christian Scripture? | Paul of Antioch's 'Letter to a Muslim Friend' 

Exploring the Quran and the Bible
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In this video I discuss the way Paul of Antioch, a medieval Christian, read the Qur'an--namely as a veiled Christian scripture. I discuss the question of the possibility of the Qur'an being read through a Christian lens and go over how Paul of Antioch understands many of the passages from the Qur’an that disagree with common Christian beliefs.
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@humbertounna3342 6 месяцев назад
Great channel man, hope you do one about ''Umm al Kitab'' one of this days. Best regards to all!
@ExploringtheQuranandtheBible 6 месяцев назад
Great suggestion!
@bhaashatepe5234 6 месяцев назад
well, in the 7th century the concept of religion didn't exist. English adopted the word religion in 1200 AD, but at that time the meaning of the word religion was 'way of worship' that was exclusively used to describe different way of worship among Christian denominations. Moreover, according to Encyclopedia Islam, the Arabic word DEEN/DYN was never translated into English as religion before the 20th century. if there was no religion in the 7th century because the concept didn't exist at that time, thus, the term 'religion of ISLAM' is a modern interpretation of the Quranic term DEEN ISLAM. The original meaning of the term DEEN ISLAM could be 'submission as the way of life', thus, the original meaning of the famous phrase 'the religion (DEEN) in the sight of Allah is ISLAM' should be 'the way of life (DEEN) that is acceptable/in the sight of Allah is submission (ISLAM). Moreover, I think the Quran confirms that Jesus is or was divine. But, divine doesn't necessarily means GOD. IN my opinion, the author of the Quran believed that Jesus was divine for several reasons. The Quran confirms the virgin birth of Jesus, a divine birth. The Quran says in the crucifixion chapter that Jesus was raised unto Allah, an impossible thing to happen if Jesus was merely human. In the crucifixion verse, the Quran confirms that Jesus is rasululllah, a concept that similar to the concept of the Angel of The LORD in the Hebrew Bible (rasul= messenger). Hence, the author of the Quran believed that Angel of the Lord who appeared to the Israelis as told by the Hebrew Bible, was Jesus. Lastly, the Quran uses the term ISA, the Redeemer, as the title for Jesus, a term that had been used as a divine title by Christians in Jordan before Islam (Ahmad al Jallad, invocation to Jesus in Safaitic inscription).
@Pakilla64 6 месяцев назад
The Qur'an does NOT imply in any way that Jesus was divine, and addresses the misconception in the most clear-cut way possible. "Indeed, the example of Jesus in the sight of Allah is like that of Adam. He created him from dust, then said to him, “Be!” And he was!" [Qur'an: Imran's Family: 59] "The Messiah, son of Mary, was no more than a messenger. Messengers had passed before him. His mother was a woman of truth. They both ate food. See how We make the signs clear to them, yet see how they are deluded!" [Qur'an: The Spread: 75] All the prophets performed miracles by Allah's permission, impossible feats under normal circumstances. The Prophet Elijah was also raised up by Allah. "Rasul" just means "messenger" haha. Excuse me for laughing but this is a very childish misinterpretation. The FIRST pillar of Islam literally says "Muhammad is the RASULULLAH". 10 of them already existed before Jesus. And a rasul could be anyone, a human, an angel (Gabriel), or even a bird (Solomon's hoopoe). I suggest you read the Qur'an in it's entirety, and you'll find that the Qur'an straight up denies all these conclusions. It's really not that hard to understand.
@bhaashatepe5234 6 месяцев назад
@@Pakilla64 first of all, you have to not that there is a distinction between divine and GOD. the author of the Quran believed that Jesus was or is divine based on several confirmations: 1. The virgin birth of Jesus. in ancient times at least until 7th century, it's a divine birth. There is no way a virgin woman can give birth to a child, unless it's a miraculous birth, miraculous child, divine birth and divine child. The problem with modern Muslims is that they do not consider how the audience of the Quran perceived the message in the 7th century. 2. There are no statement that denies the divinity of Jesus in the two verses that you brought. The first verse is talking about the creation of Adam, but Jesus wasn't created like Adam. Jesus wasn't created from dust, Jesus was created from rohulullah, and kalimatullah was in him. the second verse is the confirmation that Jesus is the Messiah. this verse is talking about Jesus ate food, yes .. because the author of the Quran, just like Mainstream Christians, believe that Jesus had two natures, human and divine; 3. In the crucifixion verse, the Quran confirms that Jesus is rasululullah, meaning the divine messenger (the explanation below) 4. the meaning of ISA, Redeemer. and it had been used by Christians as divine name in Jordan before ISLAM. I have no comment about the prophet Elijah because it's not in the Quran about rasul and rasululullah, you got it wrong. The concept of rasul (messenger) in the Quran is based on the same concept in the Hebrew Bible, which is there are two types of messengers, human (human messenger, in the Quran is called rasul, in the Bible is called prophet) and divine (divine messenger, in the Quran is called rasulullah, while in the Bible it's called the Angel of the LORD), rasul means messenger So my question: have you read and studied and understood the Quran in its entirety? How did Muslims don't know about the meaning of the word ISA? which is the Redeemer? btw, the most important question is : have you accepted Jesus as your Redeemer, as suggested by the Quran? and don't forget that the term ISA had been used as a divine name.
@Pakilla64 6 месяцев назад
@@bhaashatepe5234 do you believe in the Qu'ran?
@thecoin5394 5 месяцев назад
​@@Pakilla64 i think you are the one who doesn't believe in the Quran because modern scholars have come to conclusion that the Quran is a Christian text. Have you accepted Jesus as your divine redeemer, ISA, as suggested by the Quran?
@thecoin5394 5 месяцев назад
​@@Pakilla64if i am not mistaken the people who cover the true meaning of the Quran is called the kafir. Are you one of them?
@brouquier7172 6 месяцев назад
Prof. Reynolds, I'd like to return the compliment by thanking you for being an awesome human being for providing the rest of the world with such good content that isn't available anywhere else! I've been binge watching your videos and I can't praise your channel highly enough!
@Stupidityindex 6 месяцев назад
​What may be indecipherable to you may indicate lack of reading skills, I'm not preaching to the choir here. My sheep hear My voice is the mindset of slavery. The Romans captured the texts with the temple in 70 AD They made history after that. Men have always known God is a tool of fiction. Gal 3:13 "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us." They can pretend God made Mormons so Christians would know how Jews feel: And we don’t ask what makes you think your faith is respected? What may be indecipherable to you may indicate lack of reading skills. It is by faith in God we have Moses: World's worst navigator, with one foot in The Garden of Eden. God & Faith have a perfect record of doing nothing, so we have the sayings, God helps those helping themselves & nothing fails like prayers in a children's hospital. The beauty of this narrative is the symbol of the Messiah crucified by Roman solders. The Jews are forever defeated by a remembrance of ….Atwill's discovery See videos: New research expands on J Atwill's discovery that the story of Jesus is a parody of Emperor' Titus' victories. & Paul the Apostle: Liar and Conman | James Valliant, Rabbi Tovia Singer Faith is used all the time in this fiction. All men know God is a tool of fiction. The context is a gathering crowd upon which Jesus is reminded of Jonah. The point is faith is worthless: The superstitious are dangerous. Luke 11:29-36 "As the crowds increased", Jesus said, “This is a wicked generation. It asks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah. Jonah 1:15-17 KJV So they took up Jonah and cast him forth into the sea: and the sea ceased from her raging. Then the men feared the LORD exceedingly, and offered a sacrifice unto the LORD, and made vows. The superstitious crowd is wicked. The wicked believes by signs. It is by faith Jonah was picked up and tossed overboard, being mindless, he asked for it. The Joke is having a miracle in every chapter. The link is to Moses, who we know as the worst navigator in the world, with one foot in The Garden of Eden. Gal 3:13 "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us." The Book of Jonah 11 Then they said to him, "What shall we do to you, that the sea may quiet down for us?" For the sea grew more and more tempestuous. 12 He said to them, "Take me up and throw me into the sea; then the sea will quite down for you; for I know it is because of me that this great tempest has come upon you." Rsv It is by faith Jonah was picked up and tossed overboard, being mindless, he asked for it.
@ExploringtheQuranandtheBible 6 месяцев назад
This is very kind. Thank you for the encouragement!
@Stupidityindex 6 месяцев назад
@@ExploringtheQuranandtheBible Galatians 13:3 "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us." Jesus Christ says faith is worthless as a mustard seed, when it comes to telling mountains to move, with expectations of obedience. Shall we pretend God would put the new wine of Jesus Christ in the old Jew wineskin? God made Mormons so Christians would know how Jews feel? God & Faith have a perfect record of doing nothing, so we have the sayings, God helps those helping themselves & nothing fails like prayers in a children's hospital. It is by God & Faith, The only sign given is that of Jonah. Jonah 1:15-17 KJV So they took up Jonah (he offered to help) and cast him forth into the sea: and the sea ceased from her raging. Then the men feared the LORD exceedingly, and offered a sacrifice (perhaps his family & friends, or a goat, who's to know?) unto the LORD, and made vows. It Is by faith Jonah was picked up and tossed overboard, being mindless, he asked for it. What audacity, what gall, to suppose a deity, so unworthy, theologians & sacred text exist? Are we all to give a pass to this suggestion? It is by faith in God we have Jonah. It is by faith in God we forget Moses was the world's worst navigator, leading as if travel were done with one foot in The Garden of Eden? We are now mocked:
@Stupidityindex 2 месяца назад
I find that believers strike out with threats, when informed of reasoned denial, of the existence of a God outside of fiction. Atheist literature goes back to 500 BC. I suspect educated men have always known Deity as a tool of fiction, a tool of state. I enjoy the ludicrous notions of faith. Believers begin their crimes like Moses, becoming history's worst navigator, as if travel were best done with one foot in fantasyland. Believers fail to comprehend the saying of Jesus Christ which has lasted to this day. Believers are found among a gathering crowd, when Jesus Christ is alarmed by a wicked generation, those who seek the signs of resurrection. "The only sign given is Jonah" - who was a believer. He was outnumbered & murdered by other believers. Jesus Christ "hangeth on a tree" to celebrate the War of the Jews. "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13 "Render to Caesar"
@fay1298 6 месяцев назад
Thank you very much Professor Reynolds for this video. While listening, and for the first time, I could see a connection between Surat Almeida سورة المائدةء، in the Quran and the table at which Jesus and the disciples sat for the Last Supper. I understand the Quran does not mention the Eucharist, but wondered if there are hints anywhere about this elsewhere. Thank you again for taking the time to read and explain this interesting content to us.
@jobijacob5408 6 месяцев назад
But how would you reconcile suras: 8,9, 33 and 111 etc.? They are in direct contradiction or opposition to the living and forgiving teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ!
@Rosiedelaroux 6 месяцев назад
No. It’s the most high and holy book - with great power for all who believe in Islam. Praise be to Islam
@Mighty879 5 месяцев назад
Praise be to Al-Hayy who is ALaHaYaH YaHaYaH. Islam is YaSHaLaM, Muslim is MaSHaLaM in ancient Hebrew🙇🏾‍♂️
@andyr9101 6 месяцев назад
The Qur'an can be read by anyone *as it is not a Book of Religious Instructions*. The Qur'an is a * User-Manual* for All Human Beings* who wish to learn The Peaceful, Fair and Just Way of Life.
@enzocompanbadillo5365 6 месяцев назад
Nothing peaceful about Muhammads life and you know it.
@izharcohen4572 5 месяцев назад
​@@enzocompanbadillo5365because you don't read his story of life, what you read is allegations of him
@khava007 6 месяцев назад
F@!#... NO WAY!!!...blasphemy!!
@jaybhavani8416 6 месяцев назад
❤ We expect videos on Spiritual science Spiritual Philosophy Parapsychology Metaphysics Cosmology Theology : Spiritual science and philosophy of Quran and Bible Science and Abrahmic religions . Towards the Truth. 😮
@jonathanbornman3613 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for an enlightening lecture! I love the Irenic approach you take in all your lectures and interviews. Thanks for this introduction to Paul of Antioch. I will be sharing this with my colleagues.
@Truth-Is-a-Hard-Pill 6 месяцев назад
Please read through and share the following with your Christian friends. *Do YOU realize that the ONLY people on the face of the earth who practice and uphold and preach and defend the doctrine and honor of Jesus OF THE BIBLE are the Muslim* ????? It's an amazing situation really. On each and every fundamental doctrine, Christianity (overwhelming) is AGAINST Jesus of their very own scriptures BUT the Muslim is calling the Christians to go by what Jesus precticed and preached. 🤗 👉 Jesus gave the Trinity-DESTROYING testimony that THE FATHER (SINGLE PERSON) IS THE ONLY TRUE GOD but the Christians (overwhelming) testify that the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (The Trinity) is the true God. 👉 John 4:21-22 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, *WORSHIP THE FATHER* . Ye worship ye know not what: *WE* know what *WE WORSHIP* : for salvation is of the Jews. Have another look: *WE WORSHIP* (The J-E-W na-ti-on INCLUDING ME - Jesus) 👉 “And this is life eternal, that they might know *YOU THE ONLY TRUE GOD* , and Jesus Christ, whom *YOU* have sent.” John 17:3 👉 John 20:17: “Jesus saith unto her, ...I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and TO MY GOD, AND YOUR GOD.” Have another look! ".... *TO MY GOD and YOUR GOD* " ME and YOU 👉 *WE* *WE WORSHIP* THE ONLY TRUE GOD - THE FATHER who is THE GOD OF ME (Jesus) and YOU 👉 *OUR GOD* 👉 And Jesus answered him, THE FIRST OF ALL the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord *OUR GOD* is one Lord Mark 12:29 👉 Jesus teaches: “Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and *HIM ONLY* shalt thou serve” Luke 4:8. Notice the words: “HIM ONLY.” Jesus did not say “US only,” or “Him and I only.” How could he possibly i it more clear than that? Jesus told to worship ONLY THE FATHER - who is THE GOD of Jesus too. 👉 NEVER preached about Original Sin 👉 NEVER preached that for salvation, people needed to believe that Jesus died (will die) for their sins 👉 NEVER preached that the wages of sins is death 👉 PREACHED that for the forgiveness - NO payment needed, NO sacrifice of Jesus, NO Jesus paid for us 👉 PREACHED that just turn away in sincere repentance and the Merciful God forgives 👉 PREACHED adherence to the comprehensive Law Code as the path to salvation 👉 PREACHED that for certain transgression (like mur-der) on the Law Code, CAPITAL punishment - PUTTING the transgressors to DE ATH - needed to be administered 👉 PREACHED that his followers SHALL IN NO WAY ENTER THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN if they do not keep the comprehensive Law Code even better and moreso than the Scribes and the Pharisees 👉 DID NOT eat p.i.g 👉 FASTED and PREACHED FASTING 👉 Greeted with the phrase "peace be with you" 👉 Jesus was CIRCUMCISED. AN EVERLASTING COVENANT IN FLESH for the believers till the end of times 👉 PREACHED that his followers follow the comprehensive Law Code which the Scribes and the Pharisees tell people to follow - that includes oblution / washing of the hands and feet before worship or entering a place of worship Of course the term the Father in the Jewish context. NOT that God has a Son.
@ExploringtheQuranandtheBible 6 месяцев назад
Thank you!
@farhanwyne6040 6 месяцев назад
Gabriel, I honestly expected something better, but then I remind myself how profoundly stupid you actually are. And trust me, the cringe is getting worse!!! 😂 Paul of Antioch neither had the moral courage nor the sound intellect to accept and comprehend the Quran; rather he imposed his NONSENSE and HORRIBLE REASONING on certain Quranic verses. 1- I'll begin your ''exorcism'' with some Verses of the Quran: "O People of the Book, go not beyond the bounds in your religion, and say not as to God but the truth. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only the Messenger of God, and His Word that He committed to Mary, and a Spirit from Him. So believe in God and His Messengers, and say not, 'Three.' Refrain; better is it for you. God is only One God. Glory be to Him , That He should have a son! To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth; God suffices for a guardian." (Quran 4:171) "They are certainly unbelievers who say, 'ALLAH is the Messiah son of Maryam.' Say: 'Who then shall overrule ALLAH in any way if He desires to destroy the Messiah son of Maryam, and his mother, and all those who are on earth?' For to ALLAH belongs the kingdom of the heavens and of the earth, and all that is between them, creating what He will. ALLAH is powerful over everything." (Quran 5:17) "And their saying, "Indeed, we have killed the Messiah Jesus, the son of Mary, the messenger of Allah." And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him; but was made to appear unto them. And indeed, those who differ over it are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it except the following of assumption. And they did not kill him for certain. Rather We raised him unto ourself and indeed ALLAH is Mighty and Wise" (Quran 4:157-158) 2- The fact that Prophet Muhammad was sent to the ENTIRE mankind and not only to the Arabs is mentioned explicitly in the Quran: ''And We have not sent you except comprehensively to mankind as a bringer of good tidings and a warner. But most of the people do not know.'' (Quran 34:28) ''And We have not sent you except as a mercy to the worlds.'' (Quran 21:107) 3- As far as the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is concerned, Paul of Tarsus denies the crucifixion of Christ ''in actuality'' and calls the preaching of this doctrine ''foolishness'' in 1 Corinthians 1:22-25: ''For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom; but ''WE PREACH'' Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishness, but unto those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the ''FOOLOISHNESS'' of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.'' Paul of Tarsus ''PREACHED'' a crucified Messiah but knew for a fact that it was in reality foolishness. This doctrine was ''PREACHED'' at that time so that people attain salvation by believing in the One true God through the name of Jesus Christ and his (so called) crucifixion, since most people were not aware and capable enough to recognize God otherwise and follow the Divine law. But when Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent by God (the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jesus) to the ''ENTIRE MANKIND'', not just the Arabs; it was time to EXPLICITLY reveal the truth about the reality of the crucifixion event as mentioned in Quran 4:157. This true teaching of the Quran is what Paul of Tarsus actually believed in and revealed his beliefs in 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 4- The Quran explicitly denies the divinity of Jesus Christ and declares him the Messiah Messenger of God. And As far as the doctrine of Trinity is concerned, this is an unquestionably, undeniable, indisputable fact that this was an ''INNOVATION'' of later Christian bishops; and was crystalized in the council of Nicaea 325 AD. And was NEVER preached by the early Christians. 1 Epistle of John 5:7 is a well known later interpolation and fabrication recognized by biblical scholars to support the doctrine of trinity. Now lets see what the Gospels have to say about this: ''I can do nothing by myself; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.'' (John 5:30) ''You heard me say, ‘I am going away and I am coming back to you.’ If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.'' (John 14:28) ''My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.'' (John 10:29) ''On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise the child, he was named Jesus, the name the angel had given him before he was conceived.'' (Luke 2:21) ''And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?” They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate it in their presence.'' (Luke 24:41-43) There are many many other verses in the gospels that deny the divinity of Jesus Christ! Gabriel you are truly an embarrassment! More reviews coming soon! 😂😂😂
@kabbaamara1844 Месяц назад
Some of you follow Islam because of what Muslims told you about the religion. My advice to you is...do your own research,compare the teachings of Muhammad to that of Jesus,and then make up your minds. The Quran claims to be the literal word of Allah. Christians claim that Jesus is the literal word of God that became flesh.
@MakaiJohnkenneth 2 месяца назад
Muslims have the wrong facts that the bible is corrupt. Can any Muslim produce a verse in Quran clear,unambiguous,unequivocal which says the former scriptures are corrupt or were corrupted? Scholars have Said tahrif never occurred if I surah 5 Allah says let them judge by what is in Torah and they should follow them ..gospel and torah. The other key issue is we have more facts in the OT echoed in NT which are not in Quran about The messiah His mission Jesus is not Almighty God in bible but us not a mete prophet lime those before him eg He says Abraham wished to see my day and he did and was glad and before Abraham was I am Moses write about me David ..he calls messiah my lord sitting at God's right hand untill he puts all ... And he is a priest like Melchizedek forever He shall sit on the throne of David of the tribe of Judah the lion and rur in righteousness,peace, Justice He will be king and be served by all nations. Examples above are not in quran.s So bible narative is not like bible. Then what are outright lies by Muslims That Mohamed is from Ishmael,Kedar lineage...false Abraham,Ishmael went to mecca built Kaaba and all it's pagan stuff.false.
@MakaiJohnkenneth 2 месяца назад
Some cases may be true but the Quran narrative is far different to the bible ie Jews and christian scriptures.that means Mohamed is a plain warner as us mentioned over 15 times in Quran but not a final messenger because Messiah is final so that his mother ,the greatest of all women and him,like Adam a new beginning. Example of hidden meaning. The crucifiction ,death and resurrection. 4 v 157 "it was made to appear so to then" That phrase Jesus says I have power to lay down my life and to take it Destroy this temple and in three days I will build it again As Jonah was in the fish three days and nites so will the son of man. My thoughts clearly say festro the temple and Jonah in the fish were cases of what appeared to have been... Temple destroyed Jonah swallowed But in both cases they were ashamed Temple was rebuilt Jonah reappeared. This then agrees with 3 v 55 5 v 116 19 v 33. No contradictions. In Surah 89 v 22 Quran says your Lord will come with angels in lines..this agrees with gospel. Jesus says when he comes with his angels in the clouds. To Lord is not Allah clearly
@RugMerchant 6 месяцев назад
Sad to always see your comment section flooded by such closed minded Muslims and Christians blinded by hate for one another. I pray to see a future where your comment section is filled with more constructive comments that build bridges between the two and cultivate sportsmanship between two faiths that wish to outdo each other in good deeds (Quran 5:48).
@ToursPoitiers732 14 дней назад
Christians are not told to think of Muslims as the lowest of all creatures. Muslims are told in the Qur'an to think of Christians and Jews like this. The hate comes from your holey book
@Wully02 2 месяца назад
Paul of Antioch is an interesting figure, and he is not completely wrong. The Qur'an's biggest issue with Christians is the incarnation, not the trinity. Ultimately saying God is a man is a different category than saying God has parts, and unfortunately many Muslims take an attributionist view of God which divides him more than the trinity does.
@stephenconnolly1830 4 месяца назад
Prof. Gabriel, I recommend engaging with Prof. Abou el Fadl's Project Illumine Qur'an commentary which addresses many of these contentions. The Qur'an doesn't condemn Christians or any monotheistic community wholesale for their beliefs unless these are polytheistic and implies good deeds are rewardable and godly, evidencing enlightenment.
@Beverly-b8r 6 месяцев назад
THE TRUTH about biblical doctrines is that they are made by the hand of GOD not by the hands of man himself. This would mean that all the physical places persons and things do not qualify for SPIRITUAL THINGS OF GOD!
@ErikaMatthieu-my4of 6 месяцев назад
I speak to a God I know personally. To have fellowship with the Father and the Son. God is not the God of the Quran nor Muhammad. He is the God of Abraham Isaak and Jacob. The God of the Prophets and People in the old testament and the new testament. Jesus, referring to the old testament "The scripture cannot be broken" Tempted by Satan he replied "It is written" three times and even Satan could not argue with that. According to God's word Muhammad is a false Prophet deceived by Satan appearing to him as as an angel of light. Everyone who doesn't believe in Jesus dies in his sins
@davidvargas5277 5 месяцев назад
Salaamun alaykum, Answering this question:absolutely not because,using all the diacritic marks and the organic quranic methodology reveals that the true stories of the quran are very different then the Christian biblical stories pasted over the scripture.These true stories hold deep insight,unlike the stories that have been taught for quite some time.These trues stories are very different.inshaallahh we will all be increased in evidence based knowledge,and put to rest the erroneousness and misguidance.No more opinions.just eilm.rabbi ighfirlee wa zidnae eilman.
@starsian 2 месяца назад
Interesting. So Christians have been reading Jesus "into" Scripture since the beginning, be it the Hebrew Bible or the Quran.
@jimbob5848 5 месяцев назад
Wow. What a fine fellow building bridges of community Paul was. Thanks for sharing this presentation.
@RajeshAntique 15 дней назад
Nastorian christian (Nasara) were followers of Issa Ibne Mariyam Rasoolallah pbuh.
@jma7600 6 месяцев назад
The answer to the question is a resounding yes. The only people who can make sense of the Quran are the Jews and the Christians since they possess the original texts in its original languages in their scriptures. The Quran has nothing to do with what Muslims try to tell us.. unfortunately for them the truth has been manipulated to a completely different religious concept placing it in Mecca of all places on earth.
@Pakilla64 6 месяцев назад
You talk about Jews and Christians making sense of the book, and yet the Jews themselves will say that Islam is closer to Judaism, categorically rejecting almost the entirety of Christianity on the basis of theology alone. Christianity was invented by pagan Greek and Roman translators who had no knowledge of the semitic languages, so they're the last person to talk about monotheism. I'm not even going to the Mecca thing because honestly it's so dumb that it's not even worth getting into an argument for. Just another blue haired crackpot orientalist spewing nonsense.
@jma7600 6 месяцев назад
@@Pakilla64 I would love to hear what you have to say about this ghost place called Mecca that has not been mentioned by anyone anywhere before the eighth century...
@izharcohen4572 5 месяцев назад
As a muslim i agree with you, don't look at muslim but look at islam by reading Quran for example
@Pakilla64 5 месяцев назад
@@jma7600 Mecca is mentioned in the Qu'ran, what are you smoking bro?
@stephenconnolly1830 4 месяца назад
​@@jma7600- your comment is counterfactual to the continuous testimony of an ARMY of people living in the Hijaz from the 7th century onwards. Seek knowledge to cure you of prejudice.
@Matt-f8e 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for this. I’ll be covering this letter in my C-M Relations class soon. So good timing!
@windfd 5 месяцев назад
Hal yang paling konyol adalah bagaimana bisa seorang mantan penjahat dan pembunuh seperti paulus bisa menjadi seorang Rasul dan dipercaya.😢😢😢😢😢..semua hal tentang kristen sama sekali tidak logis..saya telah mempelajarinya dan saya hanya bisa terkejut ternyata masih banyak manusia yang tidak berakal.
@gareginasatryan6761 6 месяцев назад
I would say that in its original form, Quran isn’t about a new religion or Mohammed, but a big tent Judeo-Christian movement. Later writings try to pretend that the time and place is Arabia, but not if you read it by itself. As an example, Quran doesn’t have any events that happen after the New Testament era. Strange if it’s about the lives of these new Muslims 500 years later.
@issamedin306 6 месяцев назад
No it mentions the Byzantine-Persian wars and the massacre of the Christians of Najran.
@gareginasatryan6761 6 месяцев назад
@@issamedin306 true. I meant in terms of religious figures. It acknowledges the first Christians (aka “Muslims”), then mentions the Seven Sleepers
@MBiernat0711 6 месяцев назад
Yes because the spiritual-religious prophethood stops with Jesus - and the reciter of the Quran sees himself as the apostle of Jesus and not a new messenger separate from Jesus. Thus - the reciter - I call him “Muhammad Amir” or the Commander of the Believers- he thinks himself as someone who is preparing the second coming of the Messiah, whom he knows as an internal spiritual guide. All the ideas of “Prophet Muhammad” as the “last prophet” bringing the uncorrupt Quran that corrects the previous scriptures that are supposed to be corrupted THOSE ideas are completely against the ideas of the Quran and the reciter of the Quran would call today’s Muslims “the coverers” for hiding the truth. Yes I know - a religious Muslim of today would be shocked to know they are “kuffar” according to the Quran. It is shocking
@gareginasatryan6761 6 месяцев назад
@@MBiernat0711 so you also think the “Hijra” is fake and that the real date starts with year of the Arabs, right? Or as the inscriptions say. The year the believers were justified
@MBiernat0711 6 месяцев назад
@@gareginasatryan6761 I don’t really have any strong opinions on Hijra - as far as I’m guessing it has something to do with the Persian Byzantine wars and the movement of people - expulsion of the Arab Judeo Christians from one place to another- or expulsion of the Jews? I honestly don’t know. The Hijra is some event that happened in the northern Arabia between the Arabs, Byzantines, Jews and Persians. If you study what happened in 622 between the Persians and the Christians- you will find what Hijra was. I’m not so much interested in war history … but the development of religious ideas. Sometimes we need to know the historical background - true
@mystarmedo-qu8un 6 месяцев назад
Isn't it your theory as well?
@channelone3773G 6 месяцев назад
No it can't and the reason is For Anything TRUE in the New Testament isn't NEW...Anything NEW in the New Testament isn't TRUE...if it is asked How would peter's and Pauline version of Christianity be defined?Answer is, It is Nothing But Bunch of Distorted Verses of Tanakh (The Old testament)....
@charliebrownie4158 6 месяцев назад
It's insane how educated people are so lenient towards others to try to bridge gaps that the other side isn't interested in accepting Christianity or Judaism, the proof is in the pudding, if Bibles and crosses Churches and Synagogues are illegal in their lands. If they gain an upper hand within Christian nations, you know the European nations where migrants who arrive in their nations first response is I don't like the crosses on your flags with further offenses to follow. Again, intolerant, showing how in each of those areas pushing into making those nations to give in to their demands. Something impossible in Arabia or any other moslem nation to push these kinds of rights would land the person if not in prison kicked out.
@TheBluesman511 6 месяцев назад
Can Bible be read as Islamic scripture. 😉
@yb8909 6 месяцев назад
Thanks fot your work and sharing it.
@notallowd 6 месяцев назад
The answer is no
@charliebrownie4158 6 месяцев назад
If he's spent the time looking into that rambling that if the educated person hates Christian theology because of its narrative and information put together what's written within the Quran is far far worse. Even ignoring it's own rules. One archeologist saying what was written about Mecca and Medina was written by somebody who had never been there. Because what they described wasn't anywhere close to the actual history of those cities. That there wasn't ever the garden of eden at the 7th century. The educated man is very dangerous because it makes excuses for things that brings people too close to falling into fallacy while claiming to using an open mind. Your subjective mind isn't being so tolerant towards Mormons or Jehovahs Witnesses, this is reiterated by some Rabbis I've learned with who've said they refused to read Christian scripture saying I don't need to tip-toe through to find truth between poison to find those truths. It's obvious this person calling himself wise he's proving that he's trying to sound educated and Liberal to give a tolerant towards a group I've never seen them being tolerant to anyone else. There's no Christian churches or Jewish synagogues in their countries. In Jerusalem no churches can ring bells because it "might" interfere with the call to prayer of the Muslims. Though those times are known the sages there say regardless there might be an emergency call to prayer. In Britain look at the times they've walked into streets with prayer rugs knowing when the call to prayer begins then surprisingly this is on high traveled roads for their call to prayer. All London must stand still and none of those people could have stayed at home to pray over that time rather than stopping traffic. It's not about freedom it's about pushing and seeing how far they can go before people say enough. This isn't only what's gone on in the UK but every other European country the issues and moments are in the same ways to see how liberalism makes a country that gives and gives without a minority group ever truly being completely satisfied. There will always be another issue they need to be done their way or another lawsuit.
@TheNmet42 Месяц назад
This is fascinating
@khaldrago911 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for doing this Dr. Reynolds! I have a Muslim friend who’s an amazing lacrosse player. I hope he decides to play for the Irish and takes your courses!
@jma7600 6 месяцев назад
Islam has very little to do with the original Qur’anic texts. It has been highjacked by the Umayyad’s monophysites who arabicised Greek and Aramaic scriptures and then it was completely butchered by the Abbasides’ misinterpretations inventing the concept of an Arab prophet in Mecca …. and presto we have a book that fell from heaven and we know how this story became what is called Islam the new improved religion of Peace….
@king_halcyon 6 месяцев назад
That's a bunch of nonsense. Come to your senses, bro
@jma7600 6 месяцев назад
@@king_halcyon Well that’s the difference between facts based on evidence and blind faith.
@donny3245 6 месяцев назад
The Sufyanid Umayyads were very secular rulers, and most of the Marwanids as well save for Abd Al Malik and Umar III. The Imam at Kufa wrote the Islamic Quran and it wasn’t until after the Abbasid revolution that the Islamic tafsirs and Classical Arabic grammars COVERED كفر the meaning of the Umayyad scripture which was the only thing they could not destroy. Then they produce Hadith & Siraa as a context for the Quran etc
@ahmadisam4539 6 месяцев назад
There is zero Qur'anic manuscript in Greek and aramic languages so your claims is not academic Birmingham quran which is mostly written before abdlmalik ibn marwan is the same quran we have today
@jma7600 6 месяцев назад
@@ahmadisam4539 Birmingham folios were carbon dated to 15 years before the birth of the so called prophet of islam proving one thing that those texts predated Islam.
@anaveler432 6 месяцев назад
Going in, with uncertainly on the timing of this take on the Trinity, and Palamas (Philokalia) in mind.
@Shaleqa_Adenan 6 месяцев назад
Yes they’re hostile and barbaric even today! Only dumb think venoms snake 🐍 is a pet!
@Pgan803 6 месяцев назад
@stephenclark8844 6 месяцев назад
@okko7988 6 месяцев назад
@JohnnieWalkerGreen 6 месяцев назад
32:52 First, I have listened to the end. Second, I am trying to understand why I should comment here. I didn't get your reply anyway. Live long and prosper!
@gbengoosewuru4139 6 месяцев назад
Without even watching the video, the answer is no.
@Andulusia 6 месяцев назад
Your loss
@gbengoosewuru4139 6 месяцев назад
@@Andulusia 🤣 definitely NOT! Surah 4:34 Men are in charge of women by what Allāh has given one over the other and what they spend from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in absence what Allāh would have them guard. But those from whom you fear arrogance - advise them; forsake them in bed; and, BEAT them. But if they obey you, seek no means against them. Indeed, Allāh is ever Exalted and Grand.
@bhaashatepe5234 6 месяцев назад
@@gbengoosewuru4139 well, in the 7th century the concept of religion didn't exist. English adopted the word religion in 1200 AD, but at that time the meaning of the word religion was 'way of worship' that was exclusively used to describe different way of worship among Christian denominations. Moreover, according to Encyclopedia Islam, the Arabic word DEEN/DYN was never translated into English as religion before the 20th century. if there was no religion in the 7th century because the concept didn't exist at that time, thus, the term 'religion of ISLAM' is a modern interpretation of the Quranic term DEEN ISLAM. The original meaning of the term DEEN ISLAM could be 'submission as the way of life', thus, the original meaning of the famous phrase 'the religion (DEEN) in the sight of Allah is ISLAM' should be 'the way of life (DEEN) that is acceptable/in the sight of Allah is submission (ISLAM). Moreover, I think the Quran confirms that Jesus is or was divine. But, divine doesn't necessarily means GOD. IN my opinion, the author of the Quran believed that Jesus was divine for several reasons. The Quran confirms the virgin birth of Jesus, a divine birth. The Quran says in the crucifixion chapter that Jesus was raised unto Allah, an impossible thing to happen if Jesus was merely human. In the crucifixion verse, the Quran confirms that Jesus is rasululllah, a concept that similar to the concept of the Angel of The LORD in the Hebrew Bible (rasul= messenger). Hence, the author of the Quran believed that Angel of the Lord who appeared to the Israelis as told by the Hebrew Bible, was Jesus. Lastly, the Quran uses the term ISA, the Redeemer, as the title for Jesus, a term that had been used as a divine title by Christians in Jordan before Islam (Ahmad al Jallad, invocation to Jesus in Safaitic inscription). the Quranic MHMD and the Islamic Muhammad are not the same. The Quran rejects the narrative that was invented by the Abassid tha the Quran is talking about a prophet called Muhammad who lived in the 7th century (QS 33 verse 40). Moreover, the term MHMD is a divine name, it's a title. Yes, it's foretold in the bible, it means the Praised One. then the term MHMD re-appeared in an inscription in Yemen during the Himyarite kingdom dating back to 523 AD, forty seven years before the birth of the Islamic prophet. in the inscription, the term MHMD was used as a divine name, the Praised One. So, did the Islamic prophet divine?
@charliebrownie4158 6 месяцев назад
I don't need to sip at poison to know it's dangerous, all I need to do is look at the countries that only have the Quran look at the state of the people. Look at the countries they've moved into. Have they brought a civilization into these countries that anyone can show as an accomplishments they've brought other than cuisine.
@masterblaster4784 6 месяцев назад
Interestingly Ali Ataie's PhD thesis was ob the Islamic interpretation of the gospel of John. This Paul of Antioch did something similar for the Quran around 1000 earlier
@omarlittle-hales8237 6 месяцев назад
SALaM, SHLAMa, SHLOMo, SHALoM, NAMASTe, PEACe. Torah [Old Testament]: Sects Division Missing From The Torah. Gospel [New Testament]: Corinthians 1:10-17 King James Version (KJV) Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord God, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. Quran [Last Testament]: Do Not Divide The Religion Of God, Into Sects [No Sunni Or Shia]. Vedas [Hindu Bible] Mentions Adam, Abraham, Moses & Noah, Within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Adam was Swayambhu Manu (4000BC), Cain was Indra (3200BC), Noah was Vaivaswat Manu (3000BC), Abraham was Rama (2100BC) Moses was Krishna (1500BC), Origins in the Indus Valley.
@tahaabdollahi2567 6 месяцев назад
Salam dear Professor, is there any PDF of the in-question book? I wasn't able to find anything.
@ExploringtheQuranandtheBible 6 месяцев назад
See here: www.researchgate.net/publication/268216125_Paul's_Letter_to_the_Muslims_English_Translation_from_Arabic_and_French_source_documents
@stephenclark8844 6 месяцев назад
Islam the big lie
@rizzwan-42069 6 месяцев назад
@GODSPEAKS898 6 месяцев назад
No!! Why? Because the Quran is not the Inspired Word of God however, The Bible is God’s inspired Word spoken/written by the Prophets of the Old Testament and the Apostles of the New Testament! Who were led by The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity and this is the difference between the two. The question of which (if any) religious text is the true word of God is of utmost importance. To avoid circular reasoning, the first question we must ask is: how would we know if God communicated in the first place? Well, God would have to communicate in a manner that people could understand, but that also means that people could make up their own messages and simply claim that they came from God. So, it seems reasonable to think that if God wanted to authenticate His communication He would have to verify it in a manner that could not be duplicated by mere humans - in other words, by miracles. This narrows the field considerably. Beyond the evidence for the Bible's correctness (manuscript evidence) and its historicity (archeological evidence), the most important evidence is that of its inspiration. The real determination of the Bible's claim to absolute inspired truth is in its supernatural evidence, including prophecy. God used prophets to speak and write down His Word and God uses miracles like fulfilled prophecy to authenticate His messengers. For example, in Genesis 12:7, God promises that the land of Israel was to be for Abraham and his descendants. This occurred In 1948 Israel was returned back to the Jewish people for the second time in history. This may not seem so astonishing until you realize that no nation in the history of the world has been scattered from its homeland and returned! Israel has done it twice. The book of Daniel predicts with accuracy the coming of the four great kingdoms from Babylon, to Medo-Persia, to Greece, to Rome centuries before some of those kingdoms came on the scene with details concerning how they would rule and be broken. This includes the reigns of Alexander the Great and Antiochus Epiphanies. In Ezekiel 26 we can see in astonishing detail how the city of Tyre was to be destroyed, how it would be torn down, and how its debris would be thrown into the sea. When Alexander the Great marched on that area, he encountered a group of people holed up in a tower on an island off the coast near there. He could not cross the sea, so he could not fight those in the tower. Rather than wait them out, the proud conqueror had his army throw stones into the sea to build a land bridge to the tower. Surprisingly, It worked!!! His army crossed the sea and overthrew the occupants of the stronghold. But where did he get so much stone? The rocks that were used for the land bridge were the leftover rubble from the city of Tyre . . . its stones cast into the sea! There are so many prophecies concerning Christ (over 270 to be exact!!) that it would take more than a few screens worth of space to list them all. Further, Jesus would have had no control over many of them such as His birthplace or time of birth. Second, the odds of one man accidentally fulfilling even 16 of these are 1 in 10^45. How many is that? For comparison, there are less than 10^82 atoms in the entire universe! And Jesus, who affirmed the Bible as the Word of God, proved His reliability and deity by His resurrection (an historical fact not easily ignored). Now consider the Quran - its author, Muhammad, performed no miracles to back up his message (even when he was asked to by his followers - Sura 17:91-95; 29:47-51). Only in much later tradition (the Hadith) do any alleged miracles even show up and these are all quite fanciful (like Muhammad cutting the moon in half) and have zero reliable testimony to back them up. Further, the Quran makes clear historical errors. Muslims believe the Bible is inspired but with some errors from editing (Sura 2:136 as well as Suras 13, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 25). The question they cannot adequately answer is: "When was the Bible corrupted?" If they say before 600 A.D. then how can the Quran admonish believers to read it? If they claim it was after 600 A.D., then they have jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire, for we have absolutely no doubt as to the accuracy of biblical manuscripts from at least the 3rd century forward. Even if Christianity were false, the Quran still has an insurmountable problem because it makes judgments against Christians for believing things that they do not (nor have they ever) believed. For example, the Quran teaches that Christians believe the Trinity is the Father, the Mother (Mary), and the Son (Sura 5:73-75, 116), and the Quran also teaches that Christians believe that God had sex with Mary to have a son (Suras 2:116; 6:100-101; 10:68; 16:57; 19:35; 23:91; 37:149-151; 43:16-19). If the Quran is really from God, then it should at least be able to accurately report what Christians believe. Joseph Smith, the author of the Book of Mormon, tried to do some miracles such as prophecy (a test for a true prophet in Deuteronomy 18:21-22) but failed miserably several times. He foretold of Christ's second coming in History of the Church (HC) 5:336: “There are those of the rising generation who shall not taste death till Christ comes.“ Smith consistently taught that the coming of Christ was near. In 1835, he spoke of “the coming of the Lord, which was nigh-even fifty-six years should wind up the scene“ (HC 2:182). He also claimed that, while praying, “a voice said unto me, ’My son, if thou livest until thou art eighty-five years of age, thou shalt see the face of the Son of Man’“ (ibid., see also also D&C 130:14-17). From these pronouncements, Smith’s followers began looking for the Lord to come about 1890. Jesus did not return in 1890, and the Mormon church does not claim that He did. Nor has it occurred since. He also prophesied that several cities would be destroyed in Doctrine and Covenants (D&C) 84:114-115. New York, Albany and Boston were to be destroyed if they rejected the gospel according to Smith. Joseph Smith himself went to New York, Albany, and Boston and preached there. These cities did not accept his gospel, yet they have not been destroyed. Another famous false prophecy of Joseph Smith was his "END OF ALL NATIONS" in D&C 87 concerning the rebellion of South Carolina in the war between the states. The South was supposed to call on Great Britain for aid, and as a result war would be poured out upon all nations; slaves would revolt; the inhabitants of the earth would mourn; famine, plague, earthquake, thunder, lightning, and a full end of all nations would result. The South finally did revolt in 1861, but the slaves did not rise up, war was not poured out upon all nations, there was no worldwide famine, plague, earthquake, etc., and there was no resulting "end of all nations." The collection of writings that Protestants call the Apocrypha (hidden writings), Roman Catholics call the deuterocanonical (later or second canon) books. These books were written between 300 B.C. and 100 A.D., the Intertestamental Period between the inspired writings of God's Prophets in the Old Testament and those of the Apostles and their contemporaries in the New Testament. These were "infallibly" accepted into the Bible by the Roman Catholic Church in 1546 at the Council of Trent. Now the Apocrypha would be covered under the evidence for the Bible if these writings were truly inspired - but evidence seems to indicate that they are not. In the Bible we find prophets of God whose messages are ratified by miracles or prophecy that comes true, and whose message is immediately accepted by the people (Deuteronomy 31:26; Joshua 24:26; 1 Samuel 10:25; Daniel 9:2; Colossians 4:16; 2 Peter 3:15-16). What we find in the apocrypha is just the opposite - no apocryphal book was written by a prophet. None of these books were included in the Hebrew Scriptures. There is no ratification of the authors of any apocryphal book. No apocryphal book is cited as authoritative by later Biblical writers. There is no fulfilled prophecy in any apocryphal book. Finally, Jesus, who quoted from every section of Old Testament Scripture, never once quoted from the apocrypha. Neither did any of His disciples. The Bible so far outshines every competing source for being God's revelation that if it is not God's Word, it would seem impossible to choose among the leftovers. If the Bible is not God's Word, then we have been left with no clear criteria by which to know what might be.
@ZazaMarkle 6 месяцев назад
Video on why utman burnt on copies of quran? How quran was written after mohammad died or during his time? What happened waraqa? Can islam started as a movement inside Jews like christianlity? When islam became so different than revelation?
@TepidTurtleWater 6 месяцев назад
Is this English?
@nicolaspace1182 6 месяцев назад
To Standardize the Qur'an with Uthmani Script. That means standardizing the Diacritic marks, not changing the words though, just standardizing the pronunciation of words. The Qur'an was revealed over 23 years. It was recorded as it was revealed by those who could write, and memorized by all who could that were present. Someone please correct me if I am wrong, I am no expert, just going by my imperfect memory, and I am a layman.
@donaldwortham2409 6 месяцев назад
Get rid of that demonic book and get you a King James Bible
@charliebrownie4158 6 месяцев назад
You've got that right.
@Henryk-j8b 6 месяцев назад
Antioch California
@syedaquadri9577 6 месяцев назад
Without submitting to Allah,demon Can take possession of such translater how can anyone believe an evil.?translate to suit their whims and desires.another part of evil deceitful dajjal's timings.
@AbdulHannanAbdulMatheen 6 месяцев назад
@johnthomas5039 6 месяцев назад
No way bullshit
@charliebrownie4158 6 месяцев назад
Completely agreement.
@mullcorin6810 6 месяцев назад
As a Christian, I believe in the original Qu'ran. Not the corrupted version the Muslims have today, which was invented by Uthman, but the original which he had burned. It affirmed the previous Scriptures, and that Jesus the Messiah was God's divine Son, who died for our sin, and that God was triune. This is because Muhammad was originally a Christian, and didn't claim to be a prophet. It's sad that greedy and wicked people corrupted it so soon afterward.
@hidden.history 6 месяцев назад
I’m Wondering if you read the original Quran by any chance?
@mullcorin6810 6 месяцев назад
@@hidden.history Not all of it, but there are parts of it that remain untouched within the modern, corrupted Qu'ran. Those I have read.
@unmaskingislamicphobia 6 месяцев назад
​@@mullcorin6810quaran doesn't corrupetd first of all quaran will protect from disorted hand here allah said There is no doubt in this Book (2:2). • Allah has taken the responsibility to explain it (75:19). • Allah says He has revealed the Quran and He will protect it (15:9 2. The shahaba who memorised most of quaran verse on there mind so it's not corrupt someone burn of fold or eaten
@mullcorin6810 6 месяцев назад
​@@unmaskingislamicphobia Well yes, that's what the modern, corrupted Qu'ran says. Of course those who corrupted it would want you to think it was still pure. But if you want to prove it hasn't been changed, show me a Qu'ran from before Uthman had the true message burned.
@izharcohen4572 5 месяцев назад
If there any time machine, and you go back to caliphate era and meet utman and say to him "why you burn and corrupted quran?" . Then he will stare at you with confused 🤔
@charliebrownie4158 6 месяцев назад
If the church I go to was to pull out the Quran and begin reading I would be out of the door and gone forever to never return EVER.
@laylaali5977 5 месяцев назад
Why you haven’t study the Quran you sound like close minded person As nondenominational Muslim I study all scriptures I found them to have many commonality.
@charliebrownie4158 5 месяцев назад
@@laylaali5977 I don't need to drink a little poison to know it's dangerous. All I need to do in regards to Islam is look at the countries that only Islam has been at I do not see the kind of countries that probably is being remarked about in here I have never seen a situation or a nation where I can sit back and go boy those people really do prove their scripture verses because all I found are countries where they blame the rest of the world for their poverty that is because of their religious beliefs and structures within their own religion but they blame it all on Jews and Christians so no I've got no interest in reading something that I can see the fact that they've gotten absolutely nothing to teach me and absolutely nothing to make my life better I get all that already from scriptures and for me the scriptures are what's in the Holy Bible both Jewish scriptures and Christian anything else than that no
@charliebrownie4158 5 месяцев назад
@@laylaali5977 In all the scriptures I study it doesn't say Mohammed is a prophet to come not does it say there is to be wisdom coming from a person who didn't exist.
@hadassah179 6 месяцев назад
ABSOLUTELY NOT. a wasted video.
@Anonymouse166 6 месяцев назад
Quran has several layers being written at different times and from different sources. Early versus resemble biblical teachings with no new religion in them. Many argue these versus were in fact translated Syriac hymns. Later additions, suspected to added by Abbasids, have much stronger language urging followers to fight and kill.
@salehvxr 6 месяцев назад
Hahahaha. Nice one 👍
@onnixchaney8797 6 месяцев назад
Birmingham manuscript bud
@king_halcyon 6 месяцев назад
It doesn’t. Stop spreading biased trash opinions
@Anonymouse166 6 месяцев назад
@@onnixchaney8797 Birmingham manuscript actually proves what I said earlier . Stories about Mary, Moses, and the Cave People. No Islam in them. And some scholars actually say possibly written before the presumed prophecy.
@salehvxr 6 месяцев назад
How about you give me a source that supports your claims. Because what I heard is the complete opposite, and that the quran has been preserved to a high degree of accuracy.
@mapa3781 6 месяцев назад
There is an interesting approach formulated by Edouard-Marie Gallez, identifying the Nasara with the Judeo-Christian group of the Nazarenes and the Mushrikun with Talmudic (i.e. Rabbinic) Jews and the Quran accusing them "cover" (shirk) the truth with the Talmud. This is a frequent accusation that mostly makes no sense in a pagan context. It would be interesting to deal with this view since it implies that the Quran is mainly dealing with purely inner Jewish and Christian topics, making the Quran a book that contributes to this discussions. This also would explain why people like John of Damascus, who knew early Muslims first habdy, considered them (i.e. the Ismaelites) a Christian sect and not as something that was invented by later tradition.
@diana.tan_ 6 месяцев назад
Interestingly, the Muslims in fact are not Ismaelites
@thebeesnuts777 6 месяцев назад
He's correct, Ismael is the name of Muhammad, The hawarioon ( disciples of Jesus ) kept unraveling the work done by Jesus , so they are not spoken highly of in Quran
@iniestaxavi3826 6 месяцев назад
@@diana.tan_ "interestingly" - whatever man. Ishmaelites are the Arabs. Ishmael had 12 sons who dispersed all throughout Arabia and their sons dispersed further deeper into Arabia etc and genetically there's a lot of similarity with Israelis.
@diana.tan_ 6 месяцев назад
@@iniestaxavi3826 What is known is Muhammad’s family was that he came from a Himyarite Yemeni family, while the Ishmaelites, especially the tribe of Nebaioth from which Muhammad claimed to come from, were Hebrews who lived in the deserts of the Fertile Crescent, and became extinct many centuries before Muhammad’s family left Yemen. In the 5th century AD, Qusay Ibn Kilab, the 5th ancestor of Muhammad, gathered an alliance of many Yemeni families forming the Quraysh tribe from which Muhammad later was born. These families only came to occupy Mecca in the 5th century AD. The city of Mecca was built by the tribe of Khuza'h in the 4th century AD. Muhammad’s family is not connected to any Ishmaelite tribe because Muhammad’s family did not leave Yemen until the 5th century AD, and that is about 1100 years after the Ishmaelite tribes had disappeared. Further the genealogy by Ibn Ishaq, contradicts the sayings of Muhammad who himself expressed his ignorance about his ancestors prior to his 13th ancestor. For example in Sira Halabieh I, p 35-36, Amru Ibn Al-As wrote that Muhammad could only trace himself back until he reached Al-Nather Ibn Kinaneh, then said, “Anyone who claimed otherwise or added further ancestors, has lied.” Among the people who reported Muhammad’s opposition to such genealogies were figures no less than his wife, Aisha, and also his cousin, Ibn Abbas stating that he could not go further than Ma’ad Ibn Adnan, and prohibited anyone to do so. From an archaeological point of view, there are the testimony of thousands of inscriptions, annals and records which speak about hundreds of rulers in Arabia who belonged to many different tribes, but no inscription or record includes material on any of the ancestors of Muhammad. There are Assyrian records dated between the 9th and 7th century BC that state Ishmaelite tribes lived as nomads in Sinai, and the Fertile Crescent. Prior to Islam no inscription shows that any Arab called themselves by the name Ishmael or Abraham in Arabia, which demonstrates that Arabs did not know their lineage from Ishmael until after the advent of Islam. Otherwise, they would certainly have been proud to be his descendants, and would have recorded Ishmael in each subsequent generation, just as the Israelites recorded Isaac as part of their Israelite religious heritage in every ancient book they wrote.
@iniestaxavi3826 6 месяцев назад
@@diana.tan_ A whole arse conjecture ultimately in a landscape of obscure locations that was never conquered due to its obscurity, thus there's not really going to be written records like you wanted, especially in a land which records by oral tradition long lost to the echos of the wind and only started to use written traditions late and thanks to Christians. This has no bearing on the Muslim at all. Himyarites could be descendants of Ishmael, too. You're forming a case with such incomplete info and trying to connect dots with it and sell it as 'fact'. 4th century? We'd say a redevelopment, not a first-build. Assyrian record says Fertile Crescent, therefore it must definitely mean that they 12 sons of Ishmael didn't further disperse throughout the land and somehow these Arabs just appeared from everywhere other than the Ishmaelites...?
@ifepat 6 месяцев назад
God forbid! How can one clearly in the Light resort to darkness? Rather Muslims should sincerely pray to God, asking Him to reveal the true Way to God and they will always come face-to-face with Jesus Christ, who is the only Mediator between God and man. He is also the true Sacrificial Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world! No man can come to God except through Him!
@charliebrownie4158 6 месяцев назад
If this so-called religious person is wanting to illuminate his understanding of the Quran, why hasn't he done the same with the Book of Mormon? It's teachings of Jesus of Nazareth not some 9 year old diddler. But words of your Christ. The Jesus of Muslims is actually comparable to god if he's going to judge the nation's as their scripture claims what he's going to do only what the Creator can do. The other being making a representation or picture of Mohammed is on the same level as making a representation of the moon Jinn allah. So the Jinn ans Mohammed are on equal footing another example of idolatry. Even without talking about the Khaaba and the veneration of a fashioned by human hands again against their own rules so many of their own scriptures. This is just a couple of small examples. I would know for a fact every single one of these people calling themselves Christians wouldn't and don't even consider people within the framework of Christians who are those who they would call Charismatic Christians of whom they would also say those people are going to hell but the Quran is something that could illuminate a different aspect of the Creator. That's beyond insanity. It's something that their own scriptures prove they're bereft of understanding everything that they claim to hold dear, being politically correct isn't compatible with their own theology.
@safiul1930 6 месяцев назад
Quran is 100% words of God revealed in Arabic and preserved in Arabic. And memories by millions all over the world. And whole Quran is recited in month of Ramadan all over the world.
@enzocompanbadillo5365 6 месяцев назад
So the Lord of all creation and father to all peoples in the world is a native arabic speaker, apparently.
@hanmirz4803 6 месяцев назад
Quran is impossible to be word of god because it’s a jumbled up messy and lack of chronological order in its composition. Without the hadiths to come to the rescue to explain it, at least 200 years later, quran remains ambiguous.
@izharcohen4572 5 месяцев назад
​@@enzocompanbadillo5365so God should use tagalog ? Nope, because arabic is family of semitic language
@miAIFI 6 месяцев назад
A more interesting question is if the Bible can be read as Muslim scripture. The Quran affirms both the Old and New Testament but I think the gospels contradict the Quran more than the OT; the OT could conceivably be harmonised with the Quran.
@wmarkfish 6 месяцев назад
What about the binding of Ishmael.
@miAIFI 6 месяцев назад
@@wmarkfish The Quran (nor the ahadith) doesn’t actually mention which son it was in the binding. Early Muslim commentators nearly all believed it was Isaac but today that has been reversed. Yasir Qadhi discusses this in an interesting RU-vid video; look up “Isaac and Ishmael Yasir Qadhi” in the search field.
@chrisazure1624 6 месяцев назад
Not at all. Islam does not align with the OT except superficially.
@UniteAgainstEvil 6 месяцев назад
​@miAIFI every other religion wants to steal Jesus from Christianity... you can't take the Creator out of His own church.
@rashidabdur-rahim1012 6 месяцев назад
The Quran does not confirm the NT or Old testament the Quran confirms the Torah given to Musa and the injeel giving to Isa which we don't have today and its original form ! The Quran never mentions the bible once !
@Shushmita_Guhathakurta 6 месяцев назад
Qur'an and Bible arw two different scriptures. Also the first verse referred to here from Sura Baqarah where Christians Jews And Sabians were mentioend, was misquoted, misrepresented. In that verse Allah Subhanuwataala clearly says the "Believers" or "Muminun" from the abive faiths or believers in ONE true Allah. However not all followeres from the mentioned faiths are believers in One True Allah. So, if one believes in One True Allah (Creator), Allah has no problem with them.
@DusTman761 6 месяцев назад
Nasara in the Quran is not Christian
@Shushmita_Guhathakurta 6 месяцев назад
@@DusTman761 Bani Israil are not Jews as well.
@DusTman761 6 месяцев назад
@@Shushmita_Guhathakurta Jews in the Quran is Saducces, and Nasara in the Quran not Christian.
@Shushmita_Guhathakurta 6 месяцев назад
@@DusTman761 The word christian was coined hundreds of years later. Like Trinity was coined in 4th century.
@DusTman761 6 месяцев назад
@@Shushmita_Guhathakurta u are delusional. Followers of Jesus call themself christian 1 Peter 4:16
@s.mathew3375 6 месяцев назад
❤from Kerala
@JamshidRowshan 6 месяцев назад
Best wishes.
@env0x 6 месяцев назад
"if they knew that by these words [Father, Son, Holy Spirit], we only mean to make a clearer assertion that God on high is something living and speaking..." they assert a lot more than just that lol. they do now anyway with their 45,000+ sects
@reginaldodonoghue9253 6 месяцев назад
Stuff like this is why I’m (once again) asking you to get Anna B Moreland on the channel.
@ahmaduahmed8760 6 месяцев назад
THESE ARE JOKERS MADE ME ONLY TO LAUGH. 😃😃😃 They have so much free time.
@Pgan803 6 месяцев назад
Koran was estimated to be written in 650 CE, how can it be equal to Bible, and Torah. At best it is written by Arabic Kings to solidify their power over peoples
@jamesr2408 6 месяцев назад
Read the grandma tales as Christian scriptures? Whose idea was it? Francis? after all the RCC cooked up the religion of "peace" did it not?
@ahmadisam4539 6 месяцев назад
Why Christians apologists in comments want to make Islam as Christian religion so bad Islam is simply different yes it shar the same Abrahamic ethics and stories and and praise the smae characters but it's different it says loudly I'm continuing of Judaism and Christianity but I'm also the true and most original one because the two religion above had been corrupted and lost it's way that's it if Christians want to critique Islam just do it but not to critique another maded up religion they maded it
@charliebrownie4158 6 месяцев назад
When you talk about our religions as being corrupted without proving that point you are actually proving how uneducated you are about them. Likewise in a example where there was found a Hebrew book written on a metal plate. The seller in Cairo thought it was fraudulent, which the price showed that kind of sentiment. It was authentic and also it was revealed that it's date came before the first known Gospel of Matthew which was considered to be with the first Gospel the others were based on.for their own. There are far more errors in the many Qurans the older ones that have been studied have shown that there are far more changes done in the current ones. Yet the book of John not 1 error from the year of Vespatian reign within a generation exactly within the time of the cousin of Jesus of whom John was. He was also of the priestly class. Why he was where Jesus was being questioned by the Sadducees. Herodian Jews who weren't followers of Torah. But very much the glove for Romes power in Judea.
@hassanzayed1981 6 месяцев назад
Have you tried reading the Quran? The Qur’an talks about the Blessed Virgin Mary (the only woman who has a surah in her name) and Jesus (mentioned in the Qur’an 25 times). It talks about Moses, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, and many of the prophets, and mentions their miracles. You will not find anything offensive or satanic in the Qur’an. You have nothing to lose if you read it
@HK00088 6 месяцев назад
Jesus is considered to be a son of god among Christian’s. Jesus is a messenger of Allah in Islam.
@jma7600 6 месяцев назад
A small correction with huge difference, if I may. Not “a” son of God but “the” son of God. We can all be sons of God but there is only One who is The Son. Either way islam denies the sonship of Jesus due to the lack of understanding of the Christian doctrine.
@cardndmch 6 месяцев назад
@@jma7600 you can't prove this logic with "the" because English is not the language of the Holy Scripture. Son is a level above servant, which consists in knowing the works of the Most-High, and love to do them: _"No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you."_ (John 15:15)
@jma7600 6 месяцев назад
@@cardndmch The sonship of Jesus Christ is undeniably all over the New Testament. He was both human and God no matter how anyone try to distort that truth. Even the Quran (if read without preconceived ideas)could not deny that. Jesus in the Quran is totally equal to God and well above any other prophet.
@cardndmch 6 месяцев назад
@@jma7600 there is a lot of gods and sons of gods in the Bible. There is nothing special in that. He is not the Most-High God. And the Qur'an don't even use this terminology. There is only one God alone, and He is the Most-High.
@cardndmch 6 месяцев назад
@@jma7600 There is 4 things that are above Jesus (the Father, the Commandments, the Word, the Holy Spirit) : John 14:28 --> "...for My Father is greater than I" Mark 13:32 --> “...But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Matthew 19:17 --> “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.” John 14:24 --> "...and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me." Luke 12:10 --> “And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.”
@irreview 6 месяцев назад
amazing lecture and letter from history, thank you Dr Reynolds!
@ExploringtheQuranandtheBible 6 месяцев назад
Many thanks!
@brandonwiles-n8t 6 месяцев назад
Trinity is a polytheistic construct. Both Judaism and Islam reject trinity. Read up on شِرْك and שִׁתּוּף. Especially Quran is very explicit and specific about this issue (verse 4:171). Also terms like "Judeo-Christian" is an oxymoron. It just doesn't make any sense. We reject ישוע as a heretic. But I think Islam considers him as a prophet. We don't share the doctrine of trinity in any conceivable way, but we share many similarities with Islamic theology. Source: an Arabic speaking Jew.
@TheCopticParabolanos 6 месяцев назад
What is your ethnic heritage and how did you come to learn Arabic?
@brandonwiles-n8t 6 месяцев назад
@@TheCopticParabolanosI am a Syrian Mustarabi, Arabic is my native. What do you mean by "how did you come to learn Arabic"? Even many Mizrahim and Sephardim in Israel can read/write/speak Arabic. Lol.
@bhaashatepe5234 6 месяцев назад
@@brandonwiles-n8t reject trinity? The Quran doesn't talk about trinity. btw, what is the meaning of ONE in the phrase GOD IS ONE? does it mean a number? do you worship a number? Jewish scholars have been very clear for centuries that ONE in the phrase GOD IS ONE is not a number. because if you equate God with a number, you are committing blasphemy!
@brandonwiles-n8t 6 месяцев назад
@@bhaashatepe5234 See Quran 4:171. And on your other comment on "ONE", I am not sure you are being serious or trolling. I refuse to believe people can be this clueless.
@charliebrownie4158 6 месяцев назад
No it isn't.
@jaybhavani8416 6 месяцев назад
❤ We expect discussion on this subject with Ex Muslim Sahil Sameer Suchwala & Mery Suresh Iyer Ester Dhanraj Maya Ram ❤
@izharcohen4572 5 месяцев назад
No, he should discuss with modi
@jaybhavani8416 5 месяцев назад
​@@izharcohen4572 Why ?
@Nous98 6 месяцев назад
is that modalism then?
@bilosan97 6 месяцев назад
A believer in the Quran should also believe in the Gospel and the Tora as it is. Jesus death and resurrection plays an important role in the day of resurrection in lightbof the Quran.
@MBiernat0711 6 месяцев назад
Yes!!! In fact, the belief in “what was believed before” is one of the pillars of Islam as described in the very first 5 verses of Al Baqarah - (alongside with the belief in the Unseen, Charity, and few others). Indeed - no Muslim who rejects the Torah and Gospel and invents false interpretations of the Quran, claiming that they are corrupt- no such Muslim person can “prosper” or be saved. So - quite ironically - all the Muslims who claim the Judeo-Christian scriptures are corrupt- are doomed to eternal hell and never ending torture- according to the Quran. Oh, Ahmad Deedad … oh Zakir Naik……… condemned to hell by the Quran reciter ;)
@bilosan97 6 месяцев назад
@@MBiernat0711 Yep... I was raised as a sunni sectarian muslim, became then a quran-centric believer rejecting the hadith nonsense and by plainly reading the Quran I saw (without sectarian brainwashing) that the Quran even quotes directly from the bible and orders the believers (christians and jews) to adhere what God has sent down in it and condemns them if they don't (read Quran 5:43-47). This made me read the Torah and the Gospel and I saw exact parallels between the message of Moses, all the Prophets and Jesus aswell. I känow understand why Jesus died and resurrected. He is the only man who got eternal life already, and on day of judgement/resurrection at his coming the all dead will rise, except him because he has died and resurrected already. He is a sign for the day of the Lord and God will judge mankind through him. That is the reason why the Quran also calls him 'Messiah'. When I ask sunni muslims why Jesus is called the messiah they have no asnwer. But it would be sufficient to just read the verses in the old abd new testament to know what a medsiah is - someone anointed whi has a kingdom. Jesus says that his kingdon is not of this world meaning jannah/paradise will be the eternal kingdom of God in which Jesus will be the eternal ruler/messiah king. It adds up so perfectly, praise G-d! The Quran leads to the upright path, to monotheism and to the creed of Abraham confirming prevuos scriptures. Muslims rejecring the Gospel because the term 'SON of God' don't even know that that is a metaphor and is also being used for david and solomon. Jesus was not literally begotten but installed as a king. The old testament has a unique language to it which one must carefully read and understand in light of the whole Tora. The Gospel should also be read in accordance with the old Testament otherwise some things can be understood completely false and a new theology would appear, which unfortunately did after Jesus...
@kinggentiaustria5333 6 месяцев назад
God Almighty saved Jesus Christ from death !!! Glory be to Allah!!! 🤝🤝🤝🤝
@bilosan97 6 месяцев назад
@@kinggentiaustria5333 He saved him from death by resurrecting him and giving him eternal life.
@Pakilla64 6 месяцев назад
"So woe to those who distort the Scripture with their own hands then say, “This is from Allah”-seeking a fleeting gain! So woe to them for what their hands have written, and woe to them for what they have earned." [2:79] "“We killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.” But they neither killed nor crucified him-it was only made to appear so. Even those who argue for this ˹crucifixion˺ are in doubt. They have no knowledge whatsoever-only making assumptions. They certainly did not kill him. Rather, Allah raised him up to Himself. And Allah is Almighty, All-Wise. Every one of the People of the Book will definitely believe in him before his death. And on the Day of Judgment, Jesus will be a witness against them." [4:157-159]
@MBiernat0711 6 месяцев назад
Please - dr. Reynolds - direct your view on this and have courage in going this Way - because the man who recited the Quran considered himself an apostle to Jesus - just like Paul considered himself guided internally by Jesus - so did the man known today as “prophet Muhammad”. This reciter considered himself saved by Jesus from the brink of the hellfire - and considered himself purified by Jesus (his “chest opened”), and considered himself getting revelations form the “angel-rasul Allah” - Jesus Christ -Muhammad. When you know this - you will know what Islam was at its conception. Have a courage to share this because the wellbeing of this world depends on it - just as the first five verses of Sura Baqarah call the believers to believe in “what was revealed in the past” - the first Muslims called for the guidance of Christ Jesus - to the best way they could at that time.
@wmarkfish 6 месяцев назад
Attempts at Christianizing the Quran would be impossible if the founder is of nefarious supernatural origins. I loosely hold to a belief that the original Quran was corrupted and destroyed by Uthman to cover up the fact that Mohammad was a Christian trinitarian, the very reverse accusation modern Muslims make about the Torah and the gospels (that they were corrupted) contrary to what the Quran says about the Bible. The obstacles to overcome in harmonizing the Bible and Quran is 1.) that God is a Father of any kind. 2.) that the Children of Israel were chosen to reveal the true God through their unique prophets. 3.) that God entered into his creation via the Angel of the Lord to Abraham, Moses in the burning bush and as a pillar of fire and smoke to the children of Israel in the desert and at other times, and even to Hagar. 4.) that Isaac was bound and was the true child of promise. Just to mention a few contradictions.
@chrisazure1624 6 месяцев назад
Yes, it might. Heretical, but the Muhammad could be a title for Christ.
@ZazaMarkle 6 месяцев назад
Muhammad means al amin or sth like truth speaker. Yeshua ( Jesus) meant salvation or savior . I am also wondering what was the Muhammad s real name…
@ZazaMarkle 6 месяцев назад
Agreed on utman doing sth snister dont know what though….
@zacharia7535 6 месяцев назад
Your theory about Uthman altering the Quran lacks credibility. Numerous non-Uthmanic Quranic manuscripts corroborate the narrative found in Uthmanic manuscripts. The notion of Muhammad endorsing the Trinity and Uthman altering it is a laughable argument. It's akin to suggesting that Jesus believed in the Greek and Roman gods, and his disciples altered his teachings accordingly. Do you see the absurdity in such a claim?
@PaulTheApostate 6 месяцев назад
Lol this was hilarious to read. Just to briefly debunk what you’re saying-there are COUNTLESS verses all over the Bible where God expresses his discontent with Israel-the same people he chose as the medium for his revelations. So much so that God is even quoted in one instance as suggesting that he will make israel jealous with a “foolish nation” (Deuteronomy 32:21) since they allegedly made him jealous with their idolatry. Secondly, the Bible itself states that God cannot enter or be contained by creation (1 Kings 8:27). Additionally, there are several books in the Bible where God is never called “Father”, but “Adonai”/“Master” instead. The issue is that you think the Bible is a single, coherent and monolithic book when the reality is that the Bible is a compilation of different works from different authors who all had their own views on God and decided to emphasize certain attributes and characteristics of God. The Quran decided to emphasize the Master-servant relationship, and even 5:18 of the Quran wasn’t traditionally viewed as the Quran denying the concept “sons of God”, but denying the proximity in loyalty and devotion that Jews and Christians had to God. You can check Ibn Kathir for example. As for Prophet Muhammad ﷺ being trinitarian, well that is unfounded. But if Christians can honestly read the Old Testament as a Trinitarian book when it so obviously isn’t, then I wouldn’t be surprised that they would do the same with the Quran.
@ZazaMarkle 6 месяцев назад
How can jesus be son of god and god as well , either he is son of a higher god or god is jesus there is no son, jesus life and being son of god resembles many greco roman myths dionosus zeus mithra etc
@hetrodoxlysonov-wh9oo 6 месяцев назад
Do you have a soul?
@jma7600 6 месяцев назад
Start by reading the Bible, you may understand then who the real God is and what was His purpose for humanity.
@tbishop4961 6 месяцев назад
You're asking how can impossible things be possible about a "god" who makes everything possible and for whom nothing is impossible. Fo rizzle?🤦‍♂️😂
@Ordinal_Yoda 6 месяцев назад
Just sending an Invite for the New Islam called Christlam. It basically claims the Quran corrupted and the Taszirs and Hadiths as Garbage. And uniting all Singles of the world in a shared mutual masterbation future. Why settle for 72 virgins when 2 billion are available. Added bonus we crush the Stone. Welcome to Christlam the perverted way of destroying Islam. If I can forgive a slutty slutty pornstar actress. I can forgive all my members also 😊 Membership requires declaring the Quran (in its current state) as garbage.
@dfpguitar 6 месяцев назад
Do you believe in the Buraq? Seems like a straight copy of Pegasus.
@ernestbailey6617 6 месяцев назад
How can you compare Satan's book with God's word.
@hassanzayed1981 6 месяцев назад
Have you tried reading the Quran? The Qur’an talks about the Blessed Virgin Mary (the only woman who has a surah in her name) and Jesus (mentioned in the Qur’an 25 times). It talks about Moses, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, and many of the prophets, and mentions their miracles. You will not find anything offensive or satanic in the Qur’an. You have nothing to lose if you read it
@charliebrownie4158 6 месяцев назад
Educated people are so ignorant.
@MattCrotts 6 месяцев назад
Love it. Irenic reasoning at its finest
@hassanzayed1981 6 месяцев назад
It is strange that Christians defend the Trinity, which is not mentioned in the Bible. It is in fact the opposite of what the Bible says. In the Holy Book, it is mentioned that God is one and that Christ is the Messenger of God. The important question is: If the Trinity is so important in the Christian faith, why was it not mentioned explicitly and clearly? Why didn't Jesus say explicitly and clearly that he is God? We, as Muslims, believe in Jesus as a prophet, not God, and we believe that he is the Messiah, and we believe that he will return, and we believe that he was born by a miracle from the Virgin Mary (the only woman who has a surah in the Qur’an in her name), and we believe in his miracles (we even have a miracle that was not mentioned in the Bible. He spoke He was an infant to defend his mother from those who accused her of adultery. We also believe that God preserved Jesus and raised him to heaven (he was not killed or crucified). I invite everyone to read the Qur’an as we read the Bible. We pray to the One God to guide us to what is right and true
@chinny_reckon 6 месяцев назад
My advice to Christians would be to read the English translation of the Qur'an and consider becoming Muslim. I reverted and it's great - the mosques are full of friendly people who will treat you kindly and help you with any questions. You can't imagine how helpful your new brothers and sisters in Islam will be to you! Speaking as someone who comes from a very small fragmented family - It was such a lovely feeling to be accepted by so many kind hearted people! Wherever you find a mosque you will find your family inside. 😊❤
@jma7600 6 месяцев назад
How about reading the Quran in its original language (a primitive form of Arabic) AFTER reading the Bible and then you will hopefully be able to differentiate between the true revealed scriptures from the false. Thanks for the invitation though, I find great pleasure and real joy following the Word of Life Jesus.
@env0x 6 месяцев назад
it's different for everybody. i read the Quran in english before and i wasn't convinced. being raised catholic it came across to me as a lazier version of the bible. it wasn't until before revisiting i dug deep into the history of Islam and the prophet (pbuh) and experienced the quran recited in original beautiful arabic that i finally started to become convinced.
@jma7600 6 месяцев назад
@@env0x Keep digging is my advice to you starting from the historicity of the prophet (SAAWS). Can you convince the rest of us that he was a historical person before we even delve in his credentials as a prophet?
@env0x 6 месяцев назад
@@jma7600 the thousands of chains of narrations of hadiths i'd say is proof enough. you know how chains of narrations work?
@chelseafolk 6 месяцев назад
​@@jma7600 Muhammad was absolutely a real person.
@ckingclosur 6 месяцев назад
لا أعتقد بأننا نستطيع أن نقرأ القرآن كما نقرأ الإنجيل بشكله الحالي والسبب هو أن الإنجيل يبدوا وكأن أحدهم سمع كلام الله ثم نقله وكتبه كوصايا نقلا عن المسيح ابن مريم سلام الله عليه ، أمّا القرآن فهو كلام مباشر يحتاج إلى تفسير وتأويل وكذلك فيه مفردات/كلمات وجب ترجمتها إلى باقي اللغات مثل الإنكليزية ومنه يكون صعوبات بنقل المعنى الأصلي للكلمة وهذا ليس لأن اللغة الإنكليزية ضعيفة ولكن لأننا فقدنا منها الكثير ، على سبيل المثال كلمة مشركين نرى بأن هناك أكثر من مصطلح لها من اللغة الإنكليزية فهي قد تكون Polytheism أو ممكن أن تكون associators وأيضا نستطيع أن نجعلها partnership ولكن بإعتقادي بأنه مع الزمن تم فقدان كلمة من اللغة الإنكليزية التي هي تعني حقا بشكل مافيه شك لمعنى كلمة مشركين ولكننا فقدناها كما قلت لك بأن سلّة المصطلحات الإنكليزية نقصت . يبدوا لي بأن هناك كلمات إنكليزية لايستعملها إلا رجال الدين وقد تم أخذها من المجتمع والناس لم تعد تستخدمها أعطيك مثال ياعزيزي الدكتور جبريل عندنا كلمات فيما يتضمن تشابه أو سوء استخدام للكلمة كمعنى من موقعها في الجملة الظلم والإثم والخطيئة والعدوان iniquity vs transgression وأيضا عندنا aggression vs transgression . يبدوا لي دكتور جبريل بأنه يجب علينا إعادة ترجمة القرآن وذلك لأنني وجدت سوء استخدام وسوء فهم بالترجمة فعلى سبيل المثال سورة المسد وهي من قصار السور ، هذه السورة من القرآن حتى المسلمين العرب لايفقهون معناها وهو ليس كما ورد عند المفسرين القدامى كالطبري وابن كثير والسعدي . عند فهمها نستطيع ترجمتها من العربية إلى الإنكليزية . من ناحية ماورد في القرآن ومطابقته مع الذي جاء بالتوراة والإنجيل كقصص أقول نعم نعم هناك ما هو مطابق ونسطيع قرائته من القرآن فعلى سبيل المثال عندنا قصة النعجة لما يخص داوود بأنه أخذ زوجة بغير حق وكذلك عندنا عهد وميثاق إبراهيم لمعنى ما قرأنا في القرآن " لاينال عهدي الظالمين " حين قرأت العنوان للمنشور Can the Qur'an Be Read as Christian Scripture الجواب نعم ولا بنفس الوقت . على كل حال كم أتمنى أن نلتقي يوما ما بمكان ما في مقطاعة أونتاريو The GTA شكرا لك للنشر والمشاركة ودائما أتطلع لمنشوراتك فهي علمية ومفيدة .
@jma7600 6 месяцев назад
The starting point is to put the Quran in its rightful context: place, time, people, and beliefs. As long as we treat the Quran as a new revelation from above to a certain group in the Hejaz, we are venturing in the wrong direction. The Quran as a mishmash of phrases and scenarios mainly reporting events (among other themes) and discussions between Christians and Jews relating to their mutual beliefs included in their written texts and their oral traditions. It was never meant to be a new revealed book since it doesn’t bring any new concepts of God and it failed badly in its attempts to polemicise against the triunity and purpose of God in saving humanity, namely the cross. It is what Muslims make of that book that should be more concerning if we are to live in peace and harmony.
@عبدالله-ن6ه2ص 6 месяцев назад
Surat Al-Ma’idah, verse 48, provides an answer to this question. As Muslims, we believe in distorting the Bible, so it is a waste of time to look at the Qur’an through a Christian lens. But using rational analysis to prove which of the holy books is the most correct, testing the credibility of the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad, and making a comparison between the Qur’an and the Bible in all aspects will help in arriving at the truth.
@diana.tan_ 6 месяцев назад
The truth is if you read the Qur'an with open-minded and rationally, you'll find that there's no single verses that mentions about the corruption of previous books. Neither does the Qur'an support the statement which clarify the distortion of the previous books. If I'm not mistaken, Mr Reynolds himself had expressed his point of views in regard of this matter in one of his interviews.
@masterblaster4784 6 месяцев назад
Only if you're deaf, dumb and blind
@PhilidaFortune 6 месяцев назад
It will work if Islam admits that the quran is NOT eternal, NOT sent from heaven , NOT changed letter or dot
@diana.tan_ 6 месяцев назад
@@PhilidaFortune Well said
@jma7600 6 месяцев назад
Says the pot to kettle … 😂
The Qur'an's Engagement with Christianity
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Does Islam Disprove the Bible? w/ Dr. Gabriel Reynolds
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