
Can Trees Talk, Think and Heal? 

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Pioneering scientists Brian Pickles and Monica Gagliano explore the fascinating hidden world of tree communication, plant cognition and the healing powers of forest bathing. Gagliano’s research has uncovered ‘thinking plants’ while Pickles’ work surrounding mycelium communication networks, dubbed the ‘Wood Wide Web’, has exposed a world where plants and trees share, trade, care for family, display altruism and even wage war.



30 июн 2024




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@viper3636dr 4 года назад
Why am I the first comment? This is totally RAD! OMG. Plants remember, and fungi and plants are connected oh my!! :D
@brattymonkey7450 6 месяцев назад
This is such an important conversation! I feel so grateful that it exists, that I am able to hear it, that others are able to hear it, that these topics are being discussed, and for each speaker! Especially Monica Gagliano.. I have been following her work since the ted talks the intelligence of plants! She has captivated me entirely and I hang on every important word! She is deeply wise and comes at her science from all important angles and is able to stay calm and get her point across professionally and clearly! Also she has been a bridge of sorts between a sort of spirituality and science. Which I think is an important and much overlooked way to look at the world and the way it really works. She has been so brave from the very start and has come against a lot of resistance, ridicule, and not being taken seriously in the scientific world and from the eyes of some of her peers. But she persevered through it all. Knowing how important her work is and not letting any of that get in the way. I look up to her such a great deal. She inspires me to see deeper, feel deeper.. and not only that but to take those feelings and help them grow.. and I suddenly see all plants and animals on such a more deep and complex and beautiful level. And it urges me to act within the world on the behalf of these animals and plants and every living thing. Because every living thing has more value than it is so often given. Everything in this world, every animal, amphibian, fish, vertebrae, bacteria, protozoa, plant, plankton.. every living thing has a special place in our world. We live in one milti organism that functions together. Nature is wise. Evolution is wise. Left alone and without people messing everything up would work well. Every animal and plant working together for the functioning of the whole. The way we live.. in this materialistic society takes and takes and takes from nature and hardly ever thanks her or gives anything in return. We do not do thing's sustainably very often whatsoever. we focus on making a dollar today ahead of protecting our much needed resources of the tomorrow. We use this planet as if it were a treasure chest to take what we want, how we want, when we want, as much as we want. We cut down every rainforest we have.. which is very bad considering they have the most biodiversity of anywhere on the planet! Not to mention they are our planets lungs. Other huge things are how careless we are with our trash and what we put in the ocean. As well as over fishing the ocean like crazy! We see the world as inanimate, and robotic and because of this view we feel justified to act in whatever way suites us and all of our desire. And not only that we are encouraged to not only have stuff but be addicted to stuff. Encouraged to use possessions to define our quality as an individual. We are encouraged to use things like addictions. Distracting us from our emptiness.. soothing us from the monotony and the nine to five and the meaningless of it all. Because no offence but many of the ways that the world is living is kinda meaningless. Or at least feels meaningless. Go to work for 40 or more hours a week at a job you probably don't like, in which you don't even make a fraction of what the company makes and must live pay check to pay check. Doing a job that doesn't bring much fulfillment other than.. drum roll the shiny new stuff and things that you can buy with the amount of money you have left over from your bills. And you get off of work and are tired and burnt out so you want and often do just spend the rest of the night watching tv on the couch, playing on your phone, or just checking out. And I get it I have been there. Not many jobs we have on average fulfill a scents of purpose. Then there is the constant inflation. prices that just get higher and higher and higher. Not to mention the way our food is made (in the western world). 50 percent of everything at a store is genetically modifies, filled with salt, sugar, and oil (PALM OIL) and most likely unless you are very well off or eat like a bird the only food you can afford to buy and eat and feed your family all month are these genetically modified (POISONOUS) foods. It shouldn't be like this. But it is and why.. because the system we are all a part of, trapped in, a part of are built on making money. Making a small percentage of the whole of all people VERY VERY large amounts of money. This system uses resources that are vital in the functioning of a healthy planet and they take them, use them us, then throw them in a great ig pile of trash at some land fill that then ends up in the ocean. This planet was not created for humans to do whatever, whenever, however. It was not created for only human welfair and wellbeing. Not only that but we are not above every other species! We have no more right to live and to prosper than any other creature! Somewhere along the way people started living in civilizations and we forgot.. we forgot our connection to this planet. We forgot how to live in balance. We have forgot how to feel, we have forgotten how to see. That we live on one interconnected living breathing feeling planet! Many animals feel so much deeper than they are given credit for. As well as plants.. I cannot say what and how plants feel.. but I know they are extreamly complex, and that they have great intelligence. Think about it plants don't move but they use bugs as well as animals to move and do their bidding for them. how is that not intelligence and awareness?? If there is a pest, plants can put out certain pheromones to get specific bugs or birds to act on it's behalf and kill the pest that's eating it. Whole forests are connected through the roots, share nutrients, communicate and affect the climate around them to best suit the forest as a whole. which brings me to my last point on how complex nature is. And that is bringing up the wonderous organism known as fungi! Fungi.. it's not a plant.. but more like an animal.. yet not an animal either.. that helps trees and plants communicate like telephone operators. Fungi the thing that if you eat the right kind will deepen consciousness within humans, give humans spiritual experiences, heal traumas. when humans eat mushrooms the mushrooms speaks to the human being that ate it and holds up a mirror to the inner world within that human. Can you explain to me why and how mushrooms can do all these things.. and can you see all the data to what they can do and not think to yourself that maybe just maybe these are much more special and amazing than you ever thought before. They help plants and trees communicate and they communicate to us directly. If I can leave you with anything out of this passonate rambling it's this.. you are not outside of nature, different, or above. You are a part of and equal to nature. Open your eyes to the natural world around you.. as it to reveal itself to you. LEARN.. learn about how it functions.. how it works.. how connected it is and lastly how we are throwing it out of balance. This is not to break your heart over hopeless situations you cannot help or effect. I know it feels that way and so often we hear others say "well what can you do"? I'll tell you what you can do.. the first thing you should do is let in the world around you, allow yourself to reconnect and to fall in love with it! After that find a way you can contribute to helping to protect the love you have just found. One person can make a bigger difference than you think. For every one of us that awakens the stronger the cause will get! And I know the truth about the destruction we have caused is hard to swallow. and the truth is hard to see. But just know as ugly as some of these truths are the other side of that is pure unbelievable beauty.. and that beauty is the restored connection to nature, the planet, and the self. Once you see it you cannot go back. And I promise you the allowing nature in and cultivating that connection restores our being on the deepest of levels. I am almost posotive that no one will take the time to read this.. but I didn't write this to get a bunch of likes. I wrote it because I believe what I am saying deeply, feel it deeply, and have looked deeply into the opinions I have stated here. If I reach even one or just a few people that's perfectly fine because that's where the beginning of change occurs... with a few people starting the conversation even if it's unpopular and even if many people will reject it or don't like it. It starts with a few people that are brave enough to stand up for what they believe in and refuse to give up talking about it. Or believing in a better way!
@KatsWind 3 года назад
I was also wondering why there was only one comment! This is an amazing video that more people need to see and look at our forests and plants as living things. We need to be more aware of our environment and the earth we share with other energies.
@forbearancemp5283 3 года назад
Thank you Monica! Your book 'Thus Spake the Plants' arrived into my bookstore this week and they bought more than just the one I ordered. Your research is a great service to Humanity.
@rubenverheij4770 3 года назад
The roots are their brains. And leaves their skin. And their arms and fingers, are all their twigs. Their body is the stump.🌱
@abdelmoughitafoullouss3459 3 года назад
Wonderful people. Wonderful words. Thank you all.
@lorianapauli2709 3 года назад
Fantastic, mindblowing and so true. I hope this will be available to schools, to children. Children will know that plants talk
@rnunezc.4575 3 года назад
Excellent interview and information !..thank you.
@lilianagelman7429 2 года назад
wonderful! if you could made it avalaible with subtitles in other languages for other people in the world to listen!
@scenFor109 Год назад
There are now auto translate subtitles. On a touch screen device long press on the CC icon. END GLOBAL APARTHEID
@fengwu4340 2 года назад
There's a big conceptual leap from classical conditioning to talking about plants having subjective experience and mind and the ability to attribute meaning to stimuli. Even in humans, classical conditioning does not necessarily involve conscious meaning making.
@johncampion2106 10 месяцев назад
Beautiful and necessary--but it is time to bring the vital roles of viruses, bacteria, archaea, and other forms (protoctista?) into the discourse.
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