
Can You Beat Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Without Battle Commands? - LibraScope 

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@shadowsnake5133 3 года назад
Man, imagine losing a run because you used break time... actually, that sounds like the funniest fail I can think of.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@charlessegale6493 3 года назад
Fun Fact: During the final Terranort fight, when he's doing the DM, if you can reach Terra WITHOUT hitting him, a button prompt will appear allowing you to use a variant of Trinity Limit. Using it when he's at low health can end him pretty handily.
@nesoukkefka1741 3 года назад
No joke this can take an entire life bar in one hit.
@inosq3985 2 года назад
I didn't even knew you could just hit Terra x)
@Billyblue98 2 года назад
​@@rodanandme I've never played Birth By Sleep for myself, but reaching Terra and using Trinity Limit is the only way I've seen this fight completed until now (actually it still is because I haven't finished watching the video yet lol)
@superninja_youtube 2 года назад
1:09:00 Yeah, melding the healing guard would have been absolutely fantastic for all 3 characters, especially for Terra. Also, i forget it's name, but Terra's dark rush-down shotlock more consistently deals severe damage and can routinely hit Terranort through his dodges, even when compared to the projectile version. I'm still glad to see aqua shred people with prism rain, though.
@ElectricalMatthew 3 года назад
This is an interesting challenge and while I’ll never do it some of the stuff you used could maybe help me when I play this on critical
@jordandeadley360 3 года назад
As someone who’s beat all the games on critical it’s tough at first but as long as you use all the mechanics the game has to offer it’s honestly not too bad
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Definitely this. The most difficult thing about Crit is really just the lack of health, since it usually cuts your total health in half. But otherwise, in terms if difficulty it's usually the same as Proud. It pushes you to think more, but that's what makes it rewarding. On some of the games anyway, lol.
@lolcat 3 года назад
@@LibraScope critical in KH3 is awful imo
@vadandrumist1670 3 года назад
From a narrative perspective I could see why Terra, Aqua, and Ventus are so powerful. With every game except KH3 it was acknowledged that Sora was well behind the average keyblade wielder in terms of power, and you could say it showed with how even Master Form just barely matched some of the 13 with the magnitude of magic it could bring to bear. This is even more evident with the strength of Boss Roxas and Lingering Will. Of course, the problem is in gameplay the power scale of TVA is still relatively low when it comes to commands. Only their ultimate commands are able to match most of Vanitas' and Eraqus' techniques, and its pretty telling that Terranort almost exclusively uses ultimate commands to begin with. The commands themselves are balanced in the complete opposite way they should be, and if they just couldn't have shorter reload time, and the ultimate shotlocks went off faster along with I-frames I could see the game having had a much more favorable reception.
@vadandrumist1670 3 года назад
@@boyishdude1234 Perhaps, but there are plenty of valid criticisms. I’d recommend checking out Bl00dybizkits’ videos regarding the Command Deck and Floaty Combat. It’d also be nice if you gave an example of a false criticism, and for “hypocritical” just make sure you aren’t making a “whataboutism” fallacy. Firstly, it’s widely acknowledged *in universe* that Sora is a below average wielder that succeeds through the Power of Ganking, and I was just thinking about how that is and could better be reflected in BBS’s gameplay. That said, Sora’s combat is incredibly strong, but you have to admit Sora isn’t utilizing nearly as much power as his enemies. It takes a Final Form Thundaga Finisher to match Larxene’s basic thunder techniques, and don’t even get me started on the dedicated casters. I’d say the problem with KH2’s humanoid boss fights (and KH humanoid boss fights in general) isn’t so much about Sora being overpowered that they need to make the bosses unfair, but that the bosses themselves operate in a completely different style. Bosses have one modus operandi, attack. If they gave the bosses some dodging, blocking, keep-away, combo canceling, etc. then I could see them being much more challenging without being unfair. I both agree and disagree, since as I explained above from a Playable Character to Boss perspective, he is. At the same time when Sora actually fights in cutscenes he tends to be so pathetic that it’s practically a plot hole. Back to PC vs B to best illustrate my point; Aqua vs Phantom Aqua. Supposedly Phantom Aqua is the canonical representation of how Aqua fights, as illustrated by the Anti-Aqua boss fight, but comparatively Phantom Aqua utilizes a great deal more power, using doppelgängers and teleportation which also result in a much stronger Spellweaver. I’d add the six simultaneous Blizzaga, but I feel it’s matched by Aqua’s Prism Rain to an extent. KH3 is an embarrassment in every non-superficial category.
@vadandrumist1670 3 года назад
@@boyishdude1234 “Power of Ganking” was a sardonic twist of “Power of Friendship”. Ganking is among other things, a group overwhelming a single opponent. In-Universe the reason Sora is able to succeed as well as he does is because he usually has two or three allies backing him up. You need to rewatch the video since from where I stand you’re talking out of your -. His videos focusing on the matter provide the evidence to back up his point, and he does so almost always if not without fail provide evidence when making a claim in a non-playthrough video. What you’ve said here is literally just a subjective anecdote as opposed to something objective. Doesn’t matter if you didn’t notice or mind, it’s an objective truth that in 0.2 there is a noticeably longer end-lag (without invincibility) on actions as opposed to the games before Osaka, and any elite player will tell you that on higher difficulties this can and will result in game overs that the player has little to no control over. The only time humanoid bosses cheap shot you is with revenge attacks, and that’s only a handful. Bosses always have a clear opening, and ending to standard techniques that are telegraphed as shown by various boss guides you can find on RU-vid, and an example of what you’re referring to would be the Data Battles of KH3 (and Zodiac Aqua) where almost all of the bosses have techniques that only have openings while the attack is occurring. They already have quality telegraphing (as evidenced above) and gameplay retention (as evidenced by the fact that KH2 is still a thing even today). My suggestions are merely how I would effectively add challenge without making the bosses “unfair”. I would never in my life consider Dark Souls and Kingdom Hearts, with their vastly different gameplay mechanics, even remotely comparable. Your statement about the TD is another anecdote, adds nothing to the conversation, and is completely irrelevant. If you find this statement needs a qualification, or at least an explanation, then I point out it already has as much of one as your own. That is “whataboutism”, as you have no way of knowing if the critic doesn’t consider those problems as well, and just aren’t focusing on them because they’re talking about KH3, not some other game. As for the reaction commands, they are actually consistent. If the enemy does the attack that offers the reaction command, and the player is in a position to utilize it, then it will always be available with the exception of another reaction command taking priority. This, as opposed to something that can appear at any time in battle, for any enemy, without any explanation, with a random outcome. I’d recommend you check out Hyve Mind’s video on ReMind for a nearly if not full explanation on all of the flaws of KH3’s “fantastic battle system”, but on principle it is always a flaw for a player to not have control over the tools at their disposal. I’d say the fact that ReMind has the option to remove Attractions all together in favor of guaranteed formchanges shows that even Square realized it was a significant flaw. I’d like you to explain just how the DLC ruined the battle system, since everything you’ve been saying just leaves the impression that you have a fetish for inconsistent and unresponsive gameplay. Your final paragraph is all just irrelevant fangasm, so I won’t address it beyond this.
@vadandrumist1670 3 года назад
@@boyishdude1234 Wait... talking about cheap shots and praising the Taurus Demon? Could it be that you just have bad reflexes and suck at the game? Well, I can understand why you'd praise KH3 then, its bosses are absolutely pathetic even compared to KH2.
@vadandrumist1670 3 года назад
@@boyishdude1234 Taurus Demon attacks are telegraphed by a one to three second windup, and that’s my point. KH bosses require a modicum of skill and reaction time. As I mentioned before, look up any competent KH boss guide on RU-vid and you’ll see every boss telegraphs every attack, with the exception of revenge attacks for less than can be counted on one hand. If you are too slow and/or inattentive to dodge or block them, then that’s your lack of skill rather than the game being unfair. I’m not surprised you praise KH3 bosses so, your eye for quality seems to be worse than blind. As to the latter part, you are correct in that some bosses are significantly harder than the ones preceding or following them, but it is with rhyme and reason. The only bosses even remotely challenging are the humanoid ones, at least until the higher difficulties kick in. Still, while I wouldn’t say it’s perfect it’s still far and away superior than what you favor. KH2 bosses are easy when you know how to play, it’s just that you clearly don’t. Also your argument on what bosses are “supposed” to be is purely subjective. No, just you. If you think the Taurus Demon, a boss with long windup times even for Dark Souls, that can be trivialized with the obvious plunging attack, and can accidentally kill itself by jumping off the bridge is superior than the bosses of Kingdom Hearts 2, then I can’t help but think you’re a kid who’s never managed to beat the game on anything harder than Beginner. You’ve openly admitted to preferring inconsistent and unresponsive gameplay, and your continuing on about “player retention” is blatantly false because KH2 is still the most frequent played Kingdom Hearts game to this very day. I’m becoming more toxic because with each sentence you’re proving to me even more that you’re one of the worst philistines I’ve ever encountered, and deserving of nothing but my contempt and condescension.
@vadandrumist1670 3 года назад
@@boyishdude1234 Not even bothering to read that, since you've already proven anything you have to say is worthless, and at this point I have better people to argue with.
@danielclark653 3 года назад
Short answer: yes Long answer: yes but it sucks and exposes birth by sleeps biggest combat faults
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Lol, not inaccurate.
@danielclark653 3 года назад
@@boyishdude1234 bro are you alright? That’s quite the rant as a response to “Birth by sleeps combat could be better.” I agree that grinds should be rewarded but I don’t think the reward should be basic tools. KH2s combat is very good because it is fast and responsive every fight feels fair and every time you die is because you failed to react properly and not because you didn’t have the right skill or didn’t bring enough of said skill. You can beat KH2 as a level 1 character with no magic, drive forms, or limits because the combat is mostly intrinsically based while north by sleeps combat is mostly extrinsically based with most abilities coming from the command deck and when you grind skills from the command deck you didn’t get any better at the game your numbers just got bigger.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@@boyishdude1234 Oof, you know... I was gonna actually try and converse with you about this, and explain to you why I disagree. But that last sentence is pretty darn insulting. Not really interested in discussing something like this with someone who lumps together and vilifies every counter-argument as a way to discount them, while propping up their own arguments as somehow more 'intellectually honest' and full of 'humility'. That's some pretty hypocritical cringe.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@@boyishdude1234 I mean, I accept the apology, but I still personally don't know if I want to have the discussion at this point. Because to be clear, I DON'T by any means agree with you, and - at least based on his videos on his YT channel... I don't watch streams - I also think BB is a pretty fair, honest, and level-headed mind in the KH community. Not that I get my opinions from him or anything, but I can't recall anything he's said in particular that didn't at least partially align with my own experiences, and therefore felt dishonest in some way. What that leads to is the idea that I'm not too sure we'll be able to have a fruitful discussion. If you still wanna give it a go, sure :) But at this point, I'm not confident it'll lead anywhere given the rather stark differences in our ideas.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@@boyishdude1234 I haven't watched every single one of his videos, but no, I can't honestly say that I feel like he's being 'morally reprehensible', or 'dishonest' or anything like that. I USED to find him rather abrasive and bullheaded, but I like to believe people can improve. And I feel like he has. Regardless, I have little interest in discussing the quality of his character, because even if it was demonstrably, objectively terrible, like I said, his points do generally align with my experiences with the game, even if I don't always completely agree with his conclusions. I think at times he could argue his points better, but that also comes with the territory of making very lightly scripted content, instead of drafting it all out and refining it into a final, polished essay.
@iimuffinsaur 3 года назад
I know this is about doing it without battle commands but cheesing Ven's colliseum minigame with thundaga is so fun
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Oooooh, I know. Add in Magnega, and it is pretty cathartic getting your score maxed out!
@squeakplayz 3 года назад
Another way to heal is Heal Block. Esuna + Block gives this awesome ability
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Oh yeah, you're right! Very true!
@leoleo4469 3 года назад
Isn't there also Renewal Block, which is stronger? Or maybe they're just the same thing.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@@leoleo4469 Yeah, it's Renewal. There are technically two of them; Renewal Block and Renewal Barrier, with Barrier obviously being Aqua's and Block being Ventus' and Terra's.
@leoleo4469 3 года назад
@@LibraScope Ah, I see.
@horse_plinko 3 года назад
the vanitas thing at the end is actually a d-link, not a command style, so there was never anything to worry about there :D
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Yeah, I never noticed his little icon above my health until later, lol.
@horse_plinko 3 года назад
The game doesn't really do much to differentiate the two on the HUD outside of that icon, yeah...... -w-"
@ToniBingi 16 дней назад
The reason the Vanitas Command Style doesn't count, is because it's NOT a Command Style. It's a D-Link.
@OniLink99999 3 года назад
This was an amazingly fun video, and I'm glad to see it doing well so far! I found your channel through your KH2 No Keyblade Combos run, and since then I've listened to your fantastic KH3 and FF7 Reviews/Analyses. Your videos are always incredibly high quality, and your scripts are super well thought out. Great work and looking forward to future videos! =D
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Thanks! I'm really glad you've enjoyed what you've watched, and that you were willing to try my other types of content! It's very much appreciated, because with the sudden success of these challenge videos, I'm a bit afraid that RU-vid's systems won't let anything that isn't a KH video or a challenge video succeed from this point forward, lol.
@OniLink99999 3 года назад
@@LibraScope Absolutely - it's my pleasure! =D The way you talked in your challenge video showed that you had a really deep understanding of the game's mechanics and overall design, and so I was interested to hear more from you (plus, I wrote a six Chapter essay about KH3's storytelling and narrative design on Gamasutra, so I love to hear other people's takes on these games =P). I hate to say it, but I think that's probably a fair thing to worry about with RU-vid's algorithm nowadays. The KH2 Challenge video appearing in my Recommended feed is the only reason I found your channel (funny thing is, while I watch KH discussion videos, I don't normally watch challenges, so it was odd for YT to recommend it). Still, if you can maybe use that content to direct people to your other work like you did at the end of this video, you could end up pushing the algorithm to be a little more general. Fingers crossed it doesn't end up being that rigid, though! Best of luck with it; you clearly deserve all that success and much, much more for all the hard work you've put into the channel the past six years! =)
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@@OniLink99999 Six parts?! Holy cannoli, that's a lot of discussion. I searched for it, and looking through a bit, it looks rather well thought out too. It's always nice to see thoughtfulness come before fandom in such content. Particularly with games like KH, which seem to have a disproportionate amount of rants and raves that can suffocate broader discussion. Six years... lol. It is genuinely the strangest feeling to continually wake up to comments, subs, etc. Can't necessarily say it'll continue that way, obviously. But after not really experiencing that for so long, it feels surreal, lol.
@OniLink99999 3 года назад
@@LibraScope Oh wow, thank you very much! Yeah, it took up a *lot* of weekends haha - amazingly, someone even printed the whole thing out, which was a sight ( twitter.com/levelstorymag/status/1251924288543825920 ) =P I'm a game developer (with a particular bend towards game design and writing), so with the KH series being something I'm intimately familiar with, KH3's baffling construction seemed like a great vehicle to discuss storytelling and pacing in video games. I completely agree; you seem to either get people dismissing the series out of hand for being "Kingdom Hearts", or people giving everything a free pass because it's "Kingdom Hearts" - both perspectives stifling any constructive discussion =P I was heartened by the response to my essay though; so many people wrote to me to tell me how cathartic it was for them, which was a satisfying reaction to hear XD I bet it is! But it's clearly very well deserved - I couldn't believe how few views some of your amazing videos had! My experience with (and observation of) algorithms tells me that it'll probably continue, and likely only grow from here. The tricky part is figuring out what's best for the channel and what you want to achieve, but clearly what you're doing is working and picking up steam =) Maybe try posting about your videos on some of the subreddits or relevant forums? If it's anything like Steam (and I have no idea if it is), the more you can capitalise on your momentum, the kinder the algorithm will be to you in the long run ;) I completely understand that surreal feeling, but I'd recommend just trying to enjoy it - after all the hard work you've put in, people are now finding the channel and starting to engage with your content. And that's an awesome feeling =D
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@@OniLink99999 I'm assuming 8 Bit Adventures 2 is one of your games, considering the trailers on your channel? Looks really cool! I checked out the website for it (super snazzy by the way) and noticed it mentioned console versions. The most recent dev blog implies it could be coming to PlayStation maybe? Because if so, it's definitely something I'll keep my eye on! As risky as it may be, I honestly think I'm just gonna keep doing what I've been doing with the channel. It's certainly tempting to put more emphasis on certain types of content over others. But the biggest goals with the content on the channel are still ultimately education, and attempts at civil, value-rich discussion. I want my content to continue to serve as a conduit for reflection and growth, not just fun challenges. Hopefully all the new viewers will be into that, lol.
@jacksonwww5 3 года назад
Imagine Dream Drop Distance without commands, although I think the DDD combo is better than BBS, more than half of the common opponents have super armor
@jacksonwww5 3 года назад
@@boyishdude1234 That explains why Reality Shift in Pinnochio's World is weird
@shirohimayumikira234 3 года назад
I feel like Terra with the Ventus D-Link can be pretty terrifying; EXTREMELY powerful due to the Haste ability.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Indeed. Honestly, he'd be even worse if there was a way to skip the Finish commands, since both are rather slow.
@pryor9224 3 года назад
The Vanitas thing at the end of Ventus' story is a D-Link, not a command style.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Yeah, lol. My bad :D
@Awecyan32 3 года назад
So, with ventus in the castle of dreams, you can use the balls of yarn to defeat enemies relatively easily, which is a great way to grind! Of course, you probably didn’t use that method because it’s pretty cheesy and doesn’t make the game more fun or challenging in any way.
@treheaton3487 3 года назад
If you use the fire cartwheel on the first phase of the terranort fight you can stun lock him the entire time
@mistar_feed 3 года назад
I have been thinking about this for a while since i saw that video, and i decided i would do the same for Kingdom Hearts Re: coded on the Nintendo DS
@LibraScope 3 года назад
:D I hope you end up enjoying it!
@jerrytrout8343 3 года назад
Once again he didn't fall for the evil queens words he said he wanted to ask snow white about xehanort anyway
@xray8012 Год назад
After seeing this video, I did Terra's story up until Radiant Garden with no commands, and Cinderella portion wasnt bad when I kept doing 2 hits and no finishers on the smaller foes
@LibraScope Год назад
Oh yeah, that's totally an option now that I think about it. It depends on how tedious you find it personally, but yeah it should work for sure!
@xray8012 Год назад
@@LibraScope I just finished Terra's story, Zack's second phase, Eraqus, and the entire Xehanort fight (curse you TERRANORT!) Were the toughest out of the the bosses, Zack was hard until I remembered Ventus D-link, Second Chance, and Once More existed. Eraqus was difficult since you have to be patient, and Terranort is just painful even casually (not even Once More and Heal Strike lowed the attempt count)
@LibraScope Год назад
@@xray8012 Nice! High five!!! Are you planning to do the others as well?
@xray8012 Год назад
@@LibraScope no, although Keyblade only with Terra was fun... If I did Ventus or Aqua, I would lose my mind after Braig and Ventus-Vanitas
@LibraScope Год назад
@@xray8012 Hahaha, fair enough. I don't blame you at all.
@jR0xas 3 года назад
After having played BBS this sounds extremely painful. I don't even want to think about doing a boss in this game on crit without Thunder Surges.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
There are certainly parts that are just as painful as they sound, lol.
@RPGRecusant 17 дней назад
There might have been another comment on this but I was curious since you were using heal strike would you not have customised renewal block / renewal barrier or was that not allowed in the challenge.
@LibraScope 17 дней назад
@@RPGRecusant I actually just forgot about them, but they're so powerful I probably wouldn't have used them anyway.
@RPGRecusant 17 дней назад
@@LibraScope that's fair enough it was a good challenge finally something Terra was good at.. Minus the final one that looked like a nightmare
@LibraScope 16 дней назад
@@RPGRecusant Apparently you can sit in a specific spot, and avoid the meteors easily.
@FatWithAPh 3 года назад
Only major strat im sad to not see showcased is how broken pans dlink is. Swordbill finisher can 1 hit ventus' final bosses. Otherwise this challenge looks great! Might need to try it
@LibraScope 3 года назад
If you do end up trying it, I really hope you enjoy it!
@Baka_Crazy 3 года назад
Poor Terra! XD He isn't dumb he was just rejected by Eraqus because he uses darkness which is not bad. Xehanort just tells him the truth yet he uses Terra's situation. Imagine one of your family would reject you! QwQ And Terra is just e teenager or a young adult that's why you can just better manipulate him... Similar with Riku... I'm sorry for Terra... He's a misunderstood guy... Whatever... I'm looking forward for another weird challenge! XD
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Oh, don't get me wrong; I think Eraqus is a much bigger moron, a terrible influence, and the real (unintentional) villain of BBS. When even characters like the Fairy Godmother disagree with Eraqus, you know he's got some serious, obsessively prejudiced issues. But a lot of Terra's decisions are dumb not because he falls for the schemes of villains so easily, but because that logically makes no sense for his character, when he has literally been trained for his entire life to be able to sense, seek out, and destroy darkness. That's basically the only thing he knows. So to be so oblivious to darkness in these villains is painfully contrived. I think it would've worked much better had he known these characters were shrouded in darkness, but chose to go against Eraqus' teachings anyway, to learn that darkness isn't deserving of complete eradication :) Anyway, glad you liked the video!
@Baka_Crazy 3 года назад
@@LibraScope At least we both think that Eraqus is a moron! That's okay for me! XD
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@@boyishdude1234 Doesn't much matter, considering he'd literally spent his entire life being trained by a Light-obsessed zealot. Look at any extremely controlling religion, cult, or other type of faith-based brainwashing, and you'll easily notice just how willing people are to shore up their faith in what they know in the face of failure, rather than trying to seek out answers in places that directly contradict said faith. Him suddenly choosing to effectively go "Yeah, despite all this brainwashing from a man who seems to love me, and the likelihood that my friends will abandon me for exploring darkness... I'm gonna go try darkness.". Psychologically based on his situation, Terra should be blaming himself and doubling down his own search for light, not immediately forsaking all those teachings. Considering he continues to get 'balance is the answer' from Disney characters like the Fairy Godmother, I'd argue it would've made more sense for him to lash out at Xehanort for his beliefs, only to then grow confused over time as both good Disney characters and villains tell him that total obsession with Light is unhealthy. It would even make his fight with Eraqus more meaningful and logical, because it would not only feel like Eraqus is betraying Ven, but has also chosen to shelter and control Terra/Aqua all this time. It would actually lead to a significantly more nuanced conclusion related to Xehanort, by cementing his ideas as solid, but his obsession and actions as ultimately the thing that makes him evil, just like Eraqus. EDIT: Also, I should clarify since that sounds like it contradicts my previous statement about how I think Terra should've gone against Eraqus's teachings; I think he should start by trying to stick to those teachings, and EVENTUALLY turn against Eraqus's obsession with Light. Reject Darkness, learn it's not all bad, and then feel betrayed by Eraqus for sheltering him. Only to then kill Eraqus for trying to kill Ven, and feel both justified in it, and understand that going in the opposite direction like Xehanort isn't any smarter... that balance really IS the key.
@darkcaster8860 3 года назад
You can block the meteors that terranort summons
@zehn1 3 года назад
Amazing content as always keep it up!
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@joshchidester1256 3 года назад
Wonder how well this would go against No Heart and the Eraqus fight in the Mirage Arena.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
I have little doubt that some people could do it. Particularly with the extra things I missed that others have pointed out, like Renewal Block, or using things like Ice Slide/Firewheel to get into Command Styles. But I have absolutely no confidence that I could do such a thing, lol :D
@AlexanderMartinez-kd7cz 3 года назад
It probably just wouldn't go at all
@Scep57 Год назад
Did you ever steal Focus Block from the Cinderella command board or did you just stick with vanilla block?
@LibraScope Год назад
Nah, didn't figure I needed it, and I don't like doing Command Board stuff at all, lol. Especially after nearly getting the Platinum on PS3, and then getting it on PS4, meaning I've done approximately 48,979,385.29 Command Board games, lol. Would be useful though :D
@Ewillum Год назад
@Lamentationsofapoory 3 года назад
I was genuinely surprised you didn't stay at level one, considering the strength boost from levels is next to nothing, and the scaling from level 1 makes Peter Pans D-Link absolutely shred every boss left in the game. Although maybe you'd consider that an exploit/speedrun strat. It was the only way I was able to beat the bosses at Lv. 1 lol. Great video though.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
I honestly wasn't aware BBS scaled damage with the No EXP ability equipped, since I can't recall anyone ever mentioning it. Though I think it ultimately was a good thing, because decimating every boss with a really simple, instant-win tactic probably wouldn't have made for a good finale, lol :) Glad you liked the video!
@AnotherGeek.... 3 года назад
This guy woke up again and chose H E L L
@Eric_Black134 Год назад
I get the feeling that a similar video for Dream Drop Distance would be much less interesting. Purely thanks to the FlowMotion attacks.
@LibraScope Год назад
Yeah, I'd imagine that's the case, unfortunately. And I think the lack of other options like D-Links or Shotlocks to supplement combos and FlowMotion, it'd be really repetitive even if FlowMotion couldn't kinda just break it.
@MilleFalchiJUNIOR 5 месяцев назад
I'm currently at minute 20 in the video so I don't know if you will mention this in the future, but can't you build the healing barrier/block right when you start the game? it's a great way to heal up even without d-links
@LibraScope 5 месяцев назад
I completely forgot about them actually, lol. I wish I would've remembered so I could've mentioned them. But either way, they're SO powerful I probably would've avoided using them for the sake of keeping the video at least somewhat interesting. You're absolutely correct though.
@MilleFalchiJUNIOR 5 месяцев назад
@@LibraScope nice, cool videos btw
@LibraScope 5 месяцев назад
@@MilleFalchiJUNIOR Thanks!
@bayardkyyako7427 2 года назад
Very interesting challenge, though you messed up at one point. Terra isn't dumb.
@LibraScope 2 года назад
Hard disagree :P
@bayardkyyako7427 2 года назад
@@LibraScope Okay, he isnt though
@LibraScope 2 года назад
@@bayardkyyako7427 You're free to feel that way.
@coatguy2990 3 года назад
36:10 I may have missed something here but you have ars solum in the 3rd world with terra..? how lucky, but unlucky at the same time you get it when doing this challenge D:
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Lol, yeah. It unluckily appeared while melding, meaning it took FOREVER to level enough to fully unlock the ability attached to it. And since it takes two slots, it even slowed down the rest of my ability growth too, lol.
@coatguy2990 3 года назад
@@LibraScope duuuude so unlucky. D: Others would kill to get it that early...but great video my guy! Keep it up! :)
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@@coatguy2990 Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!
@JusticeSolaris85 Год назад
Ice creams just like healing items are not battle commands technically since you're not doing damage with them, in a sense i think you could have use them without breaking the rules in my opinion
@LibraScope Год назад
That's fair.
@MrHaro654 3 года назад
I’m litterally stuck in Disney town’s first visit with Ventus, dumb rythem game mechanics
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Yeah, not my favorite, lol. Though Fruitball is worse.
@pancakeplays3607 3 года назад
Can You Beat Kingdom Hearts 2 With Only Goofy And Donald Attacking? Or Can You Beat Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance Without Commands?
@stefantherainbowphoenix 3 года назад
"Can You Beat Kingdom Hearts 2 With Only Goofy And Donald Attacking?" No, because 1. you start the game as Roxas, and 2. there are fights in the game (after the Roxas part) in which Goofy and Donald don't participate.
@mizzix 3 года назад
@@stefantherainbowphoenix i think it's fair to not count the prologue though it would still be impossible yea, also doesn't sora gotta get the finisher on the bosses to kill them?
@raynethescribe2772 3 года назад
Tbh this is just how i play bbs Mostly bc I'm stupid and keep forgetting i have them until i need to cure then i spam through them in desperation
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Lol, that's interesting. Basically the opposite of everyone else, who does nothing but spam commands, forgetting they have other options, and then frantically running around when they run out of Cures :P
@raynethescribe2772 3 года назад
@@LibraScope ikr. I've just had a devoted relationship to my beloved x button since the first kh game came out (okay... kinda... bc i was 3 when it came out but i count watching my dad play it as playing it) and i keep forgetting i have other options Even in my most played game ever, kh2 i keep forgetting that i can use magic. I know now and pretty much spam magnet and thunder but when i was a dumb kid i somehow survived with only using normal hits
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@@raynethescribe2772 Ahh, I was much older than that when KH1 came out, so - while I did certainly mash X a lot because combo-centric action titles like that were still really new - I was also interested in trying out my other options as the games progressed. By the time I got to BBS, the basic combos were the most mundane part of the experience, lol.
@mechzilla569 3 года назад
The king has returned
@iamawesome4026 3 года назад
How come you didn’t try to level up quickly in one of the worlds to a certain Disney world?
@JetblackJay 3 года назад
Recoded no battle command
@LibraScope 3 года назад
I've actually never played Re:Coded all the way through. Whether I tried a challenge like that would depend on how well I could get it working on an emulator, because capturing footage from DS consoles requires SUPER expensive modifications I can't afford, lol.
@JetblackJay 3 года назад
Oof then try Kh1 no magic
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@@JetblackJay Hmm... that might actually be solid. I'll put that in my bag of ideas to test, and see if it makes for a good video/challenge :)
@chickennugget6684 3 года назад
recoded with no commands... besides being unable to heal recoded is the most balanced command deck game, the keyblade combos will actually do damage and stagger. The final* boss will still probably suck though. *Not “???”
@leoleo4469 3 года назад
@@chickennugget6684 It'd be tough to get it, but Metal Chocobo would probably help alot. Attack Upgrade, Full swing and all critical absolutely decimates enemies, not to mention the (admittedly untested) naturally stronger base attacks.
@andreashajidimitri8690 3 года назад
I did a challenge in kh3 that achualy made it a HARD game by like 100 out of 10
@leoleo4469 3 года назад
hmm yes no keyblade combos -1: only keyblade combos
@dlinksky9319 Год назад
Funny story braig can be beaten with only blocking
@aliaubreyswink6767 3 года назад
17:01 don’t you disrespect the man, the myth, the legend prince Phillip like that again he’s the goat 🐐
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Lololol :D My bad!
@mrmattskywarsyt9743 3 года назад
I know this might be impossible but at least try to beat Kh1 only using magic plz 😎
@LibraScope 3 года назад
It would be impossible unfortunately, since you can't get a spell until you beat Guard Armor. And even if we didn't count Destiny Island/Traverse Town, I don't suspect there'd be any way to beat bosses with such limited item/MP supplies, meaning it would genuinely just amount to grinding for levels for hours and hours.
@mrmattskywarsyt9743 3 года назад
@@LibraScope oof :C
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@@mrmattskywarsyt9743 I'm still definitely looking for some sort of challenge I can eventually do with KH1 :) So hopefully I can find something eventually.
@mrmattskywarsyt9743 3 года назад
@@LibraScope :) ok
@mrmattskywarsyt9743 3 года назад
LibraScope I have a idea try beating kh3 only using only links, but you can play the first world until you get a link ok?
@MsMvsS 3 года назад
0:53 Isn't gamechamps3000 a he?
@ashyskies6950 3 года назад
Nope, She/They. It's in her twitter bio.
@MisoraRyuu0921 3 года назад
@@ashyskies6950 Pronouns suck and is a toxic trend that should go away
@ashyskies6950 3 года назад
@@MisoraRyuu0921 You do realize that literally 100% of the english speaking population use pronouns, right?
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Nah. Just like using someone's name, people should be able to go by whatever they feel comfortable with. What sucks is that other people seem to needlessly think using the proper pronouns is offensive or difficult. It's neither.
@somebakedgood 3 года назад
Renewal blo-
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Yes indeed, lol.
@Illumiere0427 3 года назад
Meteors are blockable 🤣🤣 just go to the very side and block ur gonna come out unscathe
@LibraScope 3 года назад
I've repeatedly heard, seen, and experienced them being inconsistent. Like, you CAN block them, but it doesn't really work all the time.
@robertst.pierre1341 3 года назад
I keep hearing that gameschaps a chick where does that come from?
@darkguardian14 3 года назад
You can actually find it with a quick Google search
@ashyskies6950 3 года назад
She came out as trans a hot minute ago. She vaguely mentioned it in a recent video as well.
@robertst.pierre1341 3 года назад
@@ashyskies6950 ahh thanks
@ashyskies6950 3 года назад
@@MisoraRyuu0921 I know you're probably a troll, but I'll humor you. There is nothing shameful in this, and feigning concern and sorrow when you are just an asshole is not a good look. Trans women are women. Trans men are men, and no soul has been lost.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
The comment from this Misora person was removed. If you see them doing it again, feel free to let me know, because YT doesn't always show me, well, a LOT of comments on videos. And I will not accept that sort of bigotry and hate on my channel, troll or otherwise.
@katylora9750 3 года назад
The earthy legal prognostically rob because game lastly beg upon a savory swordfish. determined, conscious difference
@noahpulliam8212 3 года назад
God. This would make the game even more repetitive. And I didnt think that was possible. This game is overrated.
@ddddd44271 3 года назад
Game champs a dude
@ashyskies6950 3 года назад
No she's not. She is out as trans.
@chickennugget6684 3 года назад
@ashyskies6950 3 года назад
@@MisoraRyuu0921 Daily reminder that the detransition rate is 0.3%, and that the higher rate of suicide is due to fucklechucks like you.
@alwaysdtf2197 3 года назад
just me or is the dark hide somehow related to the heartless boss you fight in Beast's castle in kh2?
@cronanevermore2033 Год назад
This Terra slander cannot stand
@LibraScope Год назад
:D :D :D
@ultimatelydragonic3757 3 года назад
who'd have thought terra would ever be the easiest out of the trio?
@superarcade643 3 года назад
people shit too much on terra in my opinion he always had insane damage and i never had much of an issue beating young xehanort as him with a bunch of thundersurges equipped
@ultimatelydragonic3757 3 года назад
@@superarcade643 honestly i agree with you about people shiting on terra too much (hell he's my favorite bbs character to play) but i still feel like he's the hardest to play out of the three due to the game heavily favouring magic builds (which terra is not very good at)
@shadowsnake5133 3 года назад
@@ultimatelydragonic3757 that, and many don't use the mines and surges out of a feeling they're overpowered.
@nesoukkefka1741 3 года назад
@@ultimatelydragonic3757 Honnestly outside of his final boss he has the easiest story, where he fall is for the superbosses, his lack of an infinite i-frames dodge is really doing a diservice to him compare to the 2 others, outside of the superbosses tough it's not to bad and he has the highest damage output out of the 3.
@bentonic4998 3 года назад
No command = no think No think = terra good Source: me, terra-playing himbo
@Papapaya101 3 года назад
Holy shit just two hours ago I was like "those kh2 without keyblades combos videos are fun someone should do it with the command deck games" and then I find this. Great video
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Glad to have accidentally done exactly what you were looking for :P
@OtterWithAController 3 года назад
I feel like Re:coded would probably be the easiest one to do this challenge to, since it's much more balanced than BBS and DDD lol
@IvanHas2muchTime 2 года назад
@@OtterWithAController re:coded has a lot less mechanics and unless you play at below lvl 16 the difficulty is rether low, not no mention the alternative gameplay style, Olympus Colluseum sounds like a nightmare without comands.
@joshuabradford8206 3 года назад
I was also curious why you never got heal block that seems like it would have been very useful for this run.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Honestly, purely because there are so many options in the game that - like I said somewhere in the middle - I just forgot it existed, lol. Definitely would've helped, though that might've actually made it far too easy.
@shirohimayumikira234 3 года назад
Renewal Block/Barrier I have on literally every single set of commands I have.
@nesoukkefka1741 3 года назад
@@LibraScope There is also the Block that gives you back Focus gauge, really usefull to spam shotlocks more, I remember using this Block a lot on my LV1 run on PSP version (where there wasn't any boost and last bosses could take up to 20 minutes, don't ask how I got the patience to do that when I was a kid certainly wouldn't have that patience today XD).
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@@nesoukkefka1741 Yeah, that's another one a couple of people have mentioned.
@masterdreamer7848 3 года назад
I was just about to ask that.
@joshuabradford8206 3 года назад
If you go to the corner you can block the meteors they all have to be coming from an angle that they can be blocked though
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Ahh okay. So it's kind of like the energy blades Eraqus summons, where if you can find the right spot, you can block them all, but if you don't, some might sneak through. Gotcha!
@zedleppilen1636 3 года назад
If I'm being honest, there's a lot of games that should use Kingdom Hearts mechanics and gameplay
@superarcade643 3 года назад
i feel like FF7R would have been so much better if the fight system was more free like kh was it just feels like a weird amalgamation of the original gameplay and kh gameplay struck together i never had much fun with it
@sebastianfernandez6146 3 года назад
Xenoblade does kind of except it uses auto attack
@ctpp64 3 года назад
yeah its a good mix of action and jrpg stuff
@Azurald55 3 года назад
Ffversus13 looked like it was going to play like kh2. The same team was working on it as well.
@ziontea7045 2 года назад
@@superarcade643 its definitely more action oriented than the mediocre mix in the KH games. i prefer ff7r only because it committed to one style more than the others and the rpg elements felt more pronounced. KH always felt like it didn’t know whether it wanted to be a full action game or a full on RPG game. Felt kinda half baked to me. I think KH 1 was probably the closest at actually mixing both action and the RPG stuff. I think the enemy design mechanically is what made that mix strong
@mariosonicfan2010 3 года назад
The Vanitas command style doesn't count because it's not actually a command style, it's a D-link. Though that does make me wonder, would it say your most used D-link was Vanitas if you never used any normal links as Ventus?
@ruccsacc 2 года назад
it does i think
@ubermaster1 3 года назад
Fun fact: Though you start in Dark Impulse for the Eraqus fight, he funnily enough has higher Dark resist.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
I didn't mention it because I had to cut it for time, but that fight had the potential to be the hardest. I had totally forgotten that - because the gimmick of that fight is using Dark Impulse- you can't actually gain Heal Strikes. Any time you max out the Command Gauge, you just enter Dark Impulse again, meaning I had to do the entire thing without healing a single time, lol. I got lucky during like my 15th or 16th attempt, and Eraqus just sort of played nice. But still. I was a bit worried that was gonna kill the entire run, lol.
@DerpyLaron 3 года назад
I love BBS went from "to hard at times" because people didn't use magic to "we should not use it as it makes it to easy" XD
@razzvyberry4694 3 года назад
What saddens me is that they didn't even try to fix anything in the port
@griffindelta408 3 года назад
Well, they did fix ONE thing, but if you play as Terra, it doesn’t matter
@chickennugget6684 3 года назад
*cough* Mysterious figure *cough*
@lolcat 3 года назад
@@boyishdude1234 they're square enix. They made one of the biggest franchises in gaming
@shirohimayumikira234 3 года назад
@@boyishdude1234 Now that you mentioned Zero EXP, I remember watching vids that did most of, if not all the bosses at Lv1 without it on.....
@deviousspirit3156 3 года назад
Tested with original english psp release, basic/physical attack damage was upped and mysterious figure's magnet pendulum attack is now escapable in final mix, the mirage arena lost the ability to connect and play with and against with other people and was nerfed beyond a sad joke, oh and made all the unity/mirage arena commands completely worthless and loadout mixing goneski in the ports. Let's hope the pc release restores the mirage arena to its former glory, and 6 man free for all pvp returns! \o/ Don't go in underleveled, the stat difference is noticable.
@sbvinyl910 3 года назад
This video unironically made me go and play through the entirety of aqua, ven and terra's playthrough within four days. So thanks for making me actually enjoy birth by sleep.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Lol, glad I could be of service.
@SyfyRules 3 года назад
one thing you definitely missed, you should have used the command board at least once per character, specifically the one for cinderella's world, to get the light based shotlock, that thing is WAY OP in its own right and I'm 80% sure does extra damage to all Vanitas fights, except ven's final final form fight (the one with a pre-set deck), and the other final bosses on account of them being darkness based
@nesoukkefka1741 3 года назад
There's also the Shotlocks on Stitch Board which is pretty strong to as after after the initial hit you can just mash the attacks button for a ton of extra damage.
@SyfyRules 3 года назад
@@nesoukkefka1741 there's other shotlocks of the mash type each chara would pick up naturally anyways, not just on the stitch board, it takes more effort to actually get the right panel and win on the stitch board, and on top of that it's not a light type which negates the main bonus of getting a light type shotlock in the first place. furthermore, no matter how fast you mash, you will not get off the same damage as you can from "excellent" timed bursts from the ragnarok style shotlocks
@nesoukkefka1741 3 года назад
@@SyfyRules To my testing outside of Ven's ultimate shotlocks the one on Stitch's board has always be the most damaging.
@stormevoker8502 3 года назад
Terranort's meteor dm can be avoided by going to a corner furthest from the meteors, spamming block and praying that they fall to you fast enough that they don't hit you in recovery
@LibraScope 3 года назад
That's what I've heard, lol. Honestly it still sounds kind of unpredictable, but fair enough.
@kylekiske_ 3 года назад
Oh, you're not forced into the Vanitas command style, you're forced into the Vanitas *D-link.* Gameplay mechanics meet story.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Yeah, someone else mentioned that, and it suddenly all made sense, lol. Should've noticed that Vanitas' portrait was hanging out above my health bar.
@kylekiske_ 3 года назад
@@LibraScope that feel when Terra doesn't have a Xehanort D-link. :/
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@@kylekiske_ Yeah, that'd certainly be pretty cool.
@kylekiske_ 3 года назад
@@LibraScope PC is coming. It could be made. 🤣👌 That fight as Lingering Will is already raw as hell, but giving that a similar thing to the Ven/Van fight would be insane. I'm more looking forward to when they crack the code and we put Form changes on the playable characters from Re:Mind (and Riku)
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@@kylekiske_ Yeah, I'm pretty excited to see what modders do with the PC ports. Though that one might be a bit of a difficult ask. It'll depend on whether or not their animation rigs are actually shared with Sora. If they're not, they're likely to wig out and become an animation monstrosity without painstaking work to tweak ALL of the Formchange animations to fit their rigs.
@MeteorFalcon 2 года назад
So for Terranort's Meteor DM: As soon as it starts, run to one of the corners. They should never really spawn directly on the edge. Then just block the Meteors as they head towards you. Sometimes if a Meteor is extremely close it might be able to miss your block, but it shouldn't happen too often.
@Kaiser8513 2 года назад
Alternatively if you get to the far side from the first one and start running toward the last one you can dodge almost all of them if not all of them
@Gun-ci6qz 3 года назад
I have a feeling Libra really hates Terra.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Shhhh! Who told you?! :P
@Murdoc_Mob 3 года назад
I've just started watching this and I'm gonna really enjoy this one
@LibraScope 3 года назад
I hope you ended up really enjoying it :D
@somebody504 3 года назад
Im pretty sure you can get command styles through fire roll and other similar moves. The obvious downside is the lack of i frames though
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Oh, you're right! I so rarely use them because of the lack of i-frames, that I totally forgot they do that. That would give every character access to like a couple Command Styles. Darn, I wish I'd have thought of that :D
@amconners 3 года назад
Since it's a fire attack, Firewheel also does extra damage (1.25x) to the Ice Colossus in OC while still giving you some s if you time it right (and as a bonus it also lets you safely no-brain the buckle bruisers, no timing required).
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@@amconners Oooh, now that sounds spicy. High risk, high reward against Ice Titan :D
@amconners 3 года назад
@@LibraScope I'll certainly test it out next time I play through BBS (which may end up being this challenge because it looked like a lot of fun).
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@@amconners Well if you do try it out, I hope you end up enjoying it!
@spectre1366 3 года назад
The only things about this challenge that I feel you missed were the healing block abilities for all 3 characters, but I'm sure you've been told that as well as during the Secret Chapter Aqua vs Terranort is that during the weak DM there is actually a reaction command available when you get to where Terra is standing, that RC can deal a nice amount of damage if not finish the boss stupid quick. Otherwise this was an awesome video and super cool challenge.
@ignacioperez5479 3 года назад
if i ever make this challenge, i will change it a bit because i like the combo styles. i will be able to use the 4 basic magics from the FF saga in its base level (fire, blizzard, thunder and heal)
@lightamaterasu8079 3 года назад
i've never seen that QTE on maleficants back thats actually pretty cool
@lightamaterasu8079 3 года назад
@Alfie Bell LMAO a classic
@Powerman293 3 года назад
By the time we get to the KH3 version of this challenge, we're really gonna have to nitpick what counts as "using your Keyblade" with all the transformations and stuff lol.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Yeah, lol. That game's definitely gonna be one where it'll probably have to be a completely different challenge. Doing nothing but spamming elemental missiles doesn't sound particularly fun, lol.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@@boyishdude1234 Lol, don't worry about it. I know KH3's combat perfectly well myself :) I think one of the problems with KH3 comes down to the Pro Menu stuff. It's kind of like I said in the BBS video, where plenty of people have already done insane stuff like beating every challenge at Level 1 with all of the Pro Menu stuff active. And since the Pro Menu literally has options to disable things like Formchanges, Shotlocks, Links, etc., I suspect instead enjoying the video, I'd just get a lot of whining "Ugh! This is OBVIOUSLY possible, because it's in the Pro Menu!". comments from people who want to be smart about it. So my preference would be finding something that is an organic, self-imposed challenge, that can't be replicated with in-game options alone; you'd have to do it yourself, for yourself.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@@boyishdude1234 Yeah, I tried it when the Pro/EZ menus released, and it was terribly boring. What is supposed to be enjoyable about having nothing but basic pokes all game? There were really only two options that stood out as interesting. The option that keeps your stats at level 1, because that allows for Level 1 runs that still allow you to get the ABILITIES gained from level ups. Sounds like a good way to make Level 1 a bit more interesting. And then there is the EZ menu option that makes both the player and the enemies do triple damage or whatever. Could actually make for fun Crit playthroughs, because you'll absolutely wreck everything, but more or less always die in one hit. I discuss them at pretty great length in my Re:Mind/Crit review video, including much more interesting options they could've given us instead.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
@@boyishdude1234 I mean, the changes WEREN'T 'objectively' awful, but to each their own. I also think the Pro and EZ menus deserve to exist; they're a great idea. They were just clearly not thought through, and so they don't afford players any interesting options to play around with.
@tehSunBro 3 года назад
Question, did you consider Fire Wheel/Thunder Roll as Battle Commands or simply forgot they exist? Those 2 will probly trivialize both Ven/Aquas fights by giving you access to Firestorm / Thunderbolt.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Just forgot. With so many options, and nearly all of them optional, it was bound to happen. I also forgot about Renewal Block/Barrier, which also would've helped, lol.
@BlufireTheifprince 3 месяца назад
With the terranort fight at the graveyard, Terra's best Shotlock for that fight is actually sonic shadow because of the quick lock on and the short lock on count, and the I-frames. you can get a maxed out shotlock easier and even hit him out after the invincible period of casting meteor.
@stormevoker8502 3 года назад
You probably already know this, but you can initiate a trinity limit in the aqua vs terranort fight if you can get close to terra and press square when it pops up instead of hitting him. I forgot how much damage it does, though.
@joeymackinnon10 2 года назад
On the first vanitas fight you can shotlock when he’s on the surfboard of keyblade sand It will cancel
@keybladeapologist.1131 2 года назад
you can also dodge trerrahnorts meteors by going into the corner with the least meteors near you and block the meteors
@stormevoker8502 3 года назад
Is there a reason why you didn't meld renewal block/barrier or am i stupid? Didn't notice in the video EDIT: it was renewal, not recovery.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
I honestly just forgot about them, with all of my other options available. I also forgot about things like Flamewheel and Ice Slide, which would've allowed me to use a few Command Styles :)
@benweinreb6816 3 года назад
You run with terra to a wall in terranort's dm and then block the meteors
@SevWildfang Год назад
im glad you found this fun to make cuz im having a blast watching (BBS was my favorite kingdom hearts game for years, i had soooo many hours in it on my PSP)
@LibraScope Год назад
Glad that you can enjoy both the game and the video so much! :D :D :D
@reesewhittington6778 Год назад
some movement commands can give you command styles so I think so.
@obamaorb7426 3 года назад
Damn I forgot how ass this game's main keyblade combos are
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Yeah... they're not the best, lol.
@obamaorb7426 3 года назад
@@boyishdude1234 Sure I agree that simpler combos are probably better and less game breaking, let's be real kh2 had combos that can take down 2 entire health bars. The problem with bbs combos is that they don't consistently stun and can be randomly broken out of, so they're pretty much never safe
@TwistedxGamer101 3 года назад
It's almost like, BBS has shit balance lmfao
@khmasterva6919 2 года назад
Me who couldn't defeat Mysterious Figure 100th times: pfft as if
@LibraScope 2 года назад
Lololol, to be fair, Mysterious Figure is rough no matter how you try to fight him.
@shinra6913 3 месяца назад
i did something similar to this but i allowed the use of items. since i didnt count those as command attacks. so my command deck was essentially my item deck.
@LibraScope 3 месяца назад
Definitely not a bad idea, because that would also allow the use of icecreams, which could be fun with the added weight of being the only way to enter Command Styles.
@triho269 3 года назад
actually, you're wrong about not using a command style because fire glide and thunder roll can make you go into command styles without using commands
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Yeah, I totally forgot that was a thing. Ice Slide does it too :)
@jordandeadley360 3 года назад
BBS is a very close second favourite to me after KH2. Sad to here you don’t feel the same way but very good video.
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Yeah, I getcha! I understand why people really enjoy BBS, and I'm glad you can find so much enjoyment from it :)
@Savouryearwig72 Год назад
I'm confused why he didn't use renewal block or barrier, feel like that would make Terranort monumentally easier
@LibraScope Год назад
Like I said in the video, I wasn't gonna be looking anything up, because I wanted to play it organically. So honestly? I just forgot about them. Kinda glad I did though, because they would've trivialized everything, lol. Would've made the video very boring.
@coleminer8847 Год назад
So about the tutorial You are required to do it on a first playthrough of the game It becomes optional after it’s beat the first time
@LibraScope Год назад
Yeah, I know. I just figured I'd make a bit of a joke of it :D
@tomasstargamer6308 2 года назад
Hell yes, I agree with 52:45 Lost Memory is the most stylish and awesome Keyblade in the whole KH series, my favorite Key no doubt, so elegant. And congratulations on doing such a massive task! BBS is my second favorite KH, though the only challenge run I did for this one was a No Hit with Venny, this challenge was a sight to watch.
@LibraScope 2 года назад
Lol, thanks! Glad you enjoyed the video. I have another for KH2 where I try to beat it without keyblade combos, and one for FFVII where I beat it without fighting random encounters if those sound interesting to you! Regardless, thanks for watching this one!
@tomasstargamer6308 2 года назад
@@LibraScope You're welcome, and those challenges sure sounds interesting as well, I'll watch em soon!
@Stachelbeeerchen 2 года назад
Vanitas is just the worst. If you are going to use a Boss multiple times make sure they are finished.
@LibraScope 2 года назад
Absolutely agree :D
@ZenoDLC 3 года назад
The Vanitas.... Command Style? Are you alright there? That's clearly a D-Link
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Lol, I just wasn't thinking about it, since the only real difference visually is that D-Links have their portrait above your health, which I didn't notice until someone mentioned it :D I know "but story stuff" and all that, but like... I hate BBS's story, so I haven't watched the cutscenes all the way through in years, lol.
@Rukifellth2792 3 года назад
I'm wondering why you didn't use a shotlock on Vanitas during his beam attack at 1:03:00. Doing so woulda put you right in a beam clash. You don't even have to max charge it, just one lock on redical will do.
@jichi9 3 года назад
These are amazing! Keep it up!!
@LibraScope 3 года назад
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed!
@DarkFrozenDepths 3 года назад
Get on Malificent's back... Me: (Has *GET UP ON THE HYDRA'S BACK!!* flashbacks)
@yourtypicalbot1926 3 года назад
Yes it’s possible bc I beaten it without commands with Ventus and Terra bc I had no idea what I was doing bc I was like 10 years old with the psp lol
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