
Can You Lose Your Salvation? 

Bryan Wolfmueller
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What does the Bible teach about losing your salvation?
We'll talk about it...
The notes, turns out, are too long to fit in the description, so I posted them up on the humbly named blog. You can find them here:
World-Wide Wolfmueller www.wolfmueller.co
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27 июл 2024




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@CloudslnMyCoffee 3 года назад
“Jesus is a better savior than you are a sinner” great stuff
@Theescapist_87 2 года назад
"Jesus is a better Savior than you are a sinner." As someone who keeps being drawn to God, but suffers from feeling like I'm not good enough to be saved or forgiven for some of my past sins. That statement meant a lot to me.
@scottsponaas 17 дней назад
None of us are good enough to be saved. That’s what makes His Grace so amazing. God chose the foolish, the weak, and the lowly so that no man could boast before Him. 1 Corinthians 1:25-29. God bless!
@wakeywakey8603 Год назад
"Where did my salvation go? I just had it a minute ago." Lol. Great way to drive the point home ❤
@LinNoOne 5 лет назад
that ending was priceless
@MrGyngve 6 лет назад
Hey pastor! Your law&gospel approach to this subject makes infinetly more sense than what I was served when I was a neo-calvinist! Thanks be to God for faithful men like you!
@jordantsak7683 5 лет назад
Hello. Could you, please, tell what the main differences between old and new calvinism are and what with lutheranism? Thank you.
@mrhartley85 4 года назад
jordan tsak have you figured out the answer to this question?
@robertoarriola-bustamante9169 4 года назад
What is neo Calvinists?
@caelachyt Год назад
Calvinists are exceedingly evil.
@caelachyt Год назад
@@robertoarriola-bustamante9169 Neo means new or revived.
@uncleloof 4 года назад
once your in, your in. God has you in a holy headlock... haha!
@low-levelsoldierforchristj8911 3 года назад
@randyflores2933 2 года назад
Bless God❤️ he really is a truly loving Father
@mesaabierta7319 Год назад
You can loose your salvation but only God can keep you in it. Awesome!!
@dubbelkastrull 7 месяцев назад
So he picks and chooses as he pleases?
@mom755 3 месяца назад
All YOU can do is reject salvation. What is given by God’s grace will not be removed.
@LivingWaterEternal Год назад
Its like sitting in a physics class as a English major. Dumping out equations and theories everywhere. I skipped backward more than forward. A+++ presentation. Great content great presentation. Thank you for such a great presentation!!! Going to watch again !!!!!
@user-or9tw1ct6l 2 месяца назад
Wow, I love that. 'You cannot out so the grace of God with your sins.' lord have mercy on me. Please keep you children safe in your salvation.
@trentrossdale638 3 года назад
Mind blown! Lately I have been struggling with this and you did an awesome job at not only explaining but giving me hope that I am secure. Thank you! God bless you!
@gavinbruns8467 4 года назад
Thank you for these videos pastor. My Calvinist friend and I debate a lot (usually about tulip). We both know we are in fellowship evangelically but it can get really tough sometimes. These videos are a source of reassurance for me that there are many that share my Lutheran worldview as well.
@run4cmt 2 года назад
My Calvinist friend is pretty rigid about their beliefs. When I quote versed to support my belief she just says "No".
@christianb164 8 месяцев назад
This comment has brought me great comfort. Thanks
@weston028 4 года назад
Wow, thank you! Glory be to God, He is definitely using you as an instrument of righteousness and His good works.
@rb5 4 года назад
Something occurred to me later, I think I watched this long, long ago. Anyway, to "lose salvation" we always must remember it is possible. By so many ways. The one I was hammered with most recently was listening to Keith Green over again during Lent, in The Prodigal Son Suite. The younger lost it. And regained it. The older was in danger of losing it. But like you said, sir, at the end. He won't lose us. EVER. The father saw him from afar and had never ceased looking for him until he returned. God never stops pursuing us, never stops following us, trying to lead us back to Him, trying to save our souls (SOS). Praise be to God.
@MissMolly3377 4 года назад
You know, I do believe that God does pursue certain ones of us. I fell in love with Christ as a child. Since then, my dad died when I was 15, and I have done some very unrighteous things. I should have been dead more than once. I believe that God has always pursued me...he knows my heart loves Christ, and always has, but I have done some things that are more worldly. I believe he has his hand on me snd will not leave me until I get it right. I know this may sound crazy to someone who hasn't felt this, but I can only say, that I know what I feel.
@rb5 4 года назад
@@MissMolly3377 we cannot disagree with that. We have been washed in the water and the Word! We are dead to sin in Baptism with Christ, and now we will live FOREVER in Him. It's ok that we will never get it right, because He will keep His hand on us until He plucks us out of our misery and pain to be in everlasting paradise. God will never stop pursuing all of His precious children, and whether it is to convict me in the Law or to comfort me in the Gospel, I know He holds me eternally Just finished The Hammer of God, which just "hammered" this home for me Hallelu Yah!!! ..
@dubbelkastrull 3 года назад
@@rb5 isn't avoiding sin a work?
@liljade53 2 года назад
@@dubbelkastrull no!
@dubbelkastrull 2 года назад
@@liljade53 What is work then?
@Toylympics 6 лет назад
Thanks, helpful. A 4th reason might be you're worried that a friend or child has lost their salvation.
@Outrider74 3 года назад
I prefer the term “willingly forfeit” to “lose.”
@bullwhip2444 3 года назад
You can't give salvation back
@Outrider74 3 года назад
@@bullwhip2444 but you CAN willingly walk away from it
@bullwhip2444 3 года назад
@@Outrider74 no you can't devil
@bullwhip2444 3 года назад
Saved Believers are SEALED with God's Holy Spirit until we go to Heaven. So you can't make God Leave.
@bullwhip2444 3 года назад
@@Outrider74 you are of the devil for teaching and believing that lie from Hell
@jonvondetroit 6 лет назад
Totally not on topic....I was seriously bummed when WETV disappeared. Pr. Wolfmueller, you have kicked it into overdrive and have more than filled the hole. Thanks and Deo Gratias!
@emanuelkournianos7412 4 года назад
The Trinity saves the sheep. The Father chooses the sheep, The Son dies for all the sins of the sheep, and the Holy Spirit regenerates the sheep. Jesus says: “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me- just as the Father knows me and I know the Father-and I lay down my life for the sheep!” John 10:14-15 Jesus also says: “You do not believe because you are not my sheep. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one!” John 10:26-30 The Bible says: “My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father-Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.” 1 John 2:1-2 This was written after Jesus taught that he lays down his life for the sheep. In order to not contradict Jesus, this passage must teach that even though Jesus Christ was a Jew he is the atoning sacrifice for the whole world without distinction including the non-Jewish sheep scattered through the world as taught in John 11:51-52. “He did not say this on his own, but as high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish nation, and not only for that nation but also for the scattered children of God, to bring them together and make them one.” John 11:51-52 Plus if Jesus died for all the sins (1 John 1:7) of the unbelieving goats, then they are saved because their sin of unbelief has been paid for by Jesus’ death and was nailed to the cross. (Colossians 2:14, 1 Peter 2:24) But not everybody is saved so Jesus did not die for the sins of the goats. Also Jesus did not die for the sins of people who were already in hell. Why would he? Jesus died for the sheep who the Father gave him otherwise we split the Trinitarian work and nature of God and His will in which the three persons are in agreement. Jesus says: “For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me. And this is the will of him who sent me, that I shall lose none of all those he has given me, but raise them up at the last day.” John 6:38-39 Jesus laid down his life for the sheep the Father has given him and Jesus says he will lose none of the sheep given to him. Like Peter the sheep might fall away for a time. But God will preserve his sheep to the end. “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6 The sheep have everlasting life (salvation) and it is impossible to lose something that lasts forever. Otherwise they never had everlasting life. They had temporary life. “They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.” 1 John 2:19
@velvetturtles 2 года назад
This had been wreaking me for about a year. Thank you for clarifying. Your work is appreciated
@soundimpact4633 3 года назад
I love this. I've been trying to explain this to people and I love how he so beautifully did. The only thing that I would describe differently is... It's a relationship. It is a living breathing relationship. Repentance takes us to the cross, and love and appreciation fills us to want to obey the laws of love, which is what the ten commandments are: Loving God with all our heart with all our soul with all our mind and with all our strength, and loving our neighbors ourself, and that's exactly what the ten commandments are all about. His yoke is easy and his burden is light.... And in our relationship with him we learn of Him. It truly is the narrow way. ❤️
@cindyshearer5500 2 года назад
@rbelf001 Год назад
In most Evangelical churches they don't believe you can lose your salvation. They just believe only a few can earn it. Kind of depressing.
@elainejan 3 года назад
Thank you for always bringing the love of Christ to us.
@williamnathanael412 Год назад
As a Calvinist, I agree fully with your points. The reason Calvinists love to talk about these is because 'salvation' in their mind is pretty much 'predestination'. After all, they are very rational. But the Bible does not use that term in a singular way, thus you are right in bringing us back to the law and the gospel.
@joroland 10 месяцев назад
The title is suggestive: when it is ‘your salvation’ it will always remain vulnerable.
@TheBibleSays 5 лет назад
*Can A Christian Lose Their Salvation?* Here is Jesus' answer: "But and if that servant say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to beat the menservants and maidens, and to eat and drink, and to be drunken; The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder, and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers." (Luke 12:45,46)
@livingwater7580 3 года назад
Unfortunately this is pre crucifixion And its meant for Israel. Romans 15:8 King James Version Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers: Be blessed
@TheBibleSays 3 года назад
@@livingwater7580 If "once saved, always saved" were true, then there would have been no point in warnings like these, which were all given AFTER the resurrection: ⚫ Romans 11:19-22: The apostle Paul warned that Gentiles, even after being "graffed" into the "vine," could be "cut off" the vine, just as the "natural branches" - the Israelites - had been broken off: "Thou wilt say then, The branches were broken off, that I might be graffed in. Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear: For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off." ⚫ Hebrews 4:1: "Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it." ⚫ 1 Corinthians 9:24-27: The apostle Paul had the holy spirit. Paul clearly refuted "once saved, always saved": he stated it was possible for him to revert to a life of sin and therefore be rejected . . . a "castaway." Here's verse 27: "But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway." There's a message there for all who have been misled to believe that *having* the holy spirit is a "seal" or guarantee of your salvation. We must remain in repentance, ready to be *led* by the holy spirit (Romans 8:13,14), "walking after the spirit" (Romans 8:1) . . . not just _having_ it and ignoring it. ⚫ 2 Peter 2:20-22 If, after overcoming sin through knowing Jesus, a person then returns to sin, "the latter end is worse with them than the beginning." "For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire." ⚫ Hebrews 10:26,27 delivers the same warning about returning to sin: "For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries." ⚫ Hebrews 6:4-6 It IS possible to fall away, even after receiving the holy spirit! There would have been no point in writing the next passage if it were impossible to fall away: "For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame." ⚫ Hebrews 12:14,15 We can "fail of the grace of God": "Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;" ⚫ Revelation 3:5 and 22:19 Our names CAN be blotted out of the book of life: "He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels." "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." ⚫ 2 Peter 1:10,11 Here's another example of "if" with conditions: "Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." ⚫ Heb 3:12-14 Another "if" with conditions: "Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God. But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end;" ⚫ Col 1:21-23 Another "if" with conditions: "And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight: If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled, and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister;" ⚫ Romans 8:13 Another "if": we must choose to be led by the holy spirit: "For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." (Romans 8:13,14)
@meetyouatthecross4903 3 года назад
Well said, Also 5 foolish virgins Not enough oil to make it ..
@judithtaylor6713 2 года назад
I sure hope you found what you were looking for. Thank you for this crystal clear explanation.
@jancurcio5573 5 лет назад
@bruceschweyer557 4 года назад
Salvation means precisely this: Self Elevation. Ours is a do-it-on-your-own project, because you yourself are on your own. The Disciple of Christ does NOT go on strike. This is NOT a dress rehearsal.
@LisaB_12204 6 лет назад
Nicely done Pastor. I come a 'once saved always saved' AE/Ch background. We were taught you can lose your salvation by choosing to be unforgiving toward a 'brother who sinned against you and asked for forgiveness but you refuse to do so.' For those who are distracted by the wobbling of the camera just click on the three dots that are near the 'share button' and scroll down. You will find the transcript of this video. You can listen to Pastor while you read along with the transcript. If you know anyone learning English as a New Language and this feature will help him/her too.
@jedclampett7705 8 месяцев назад
Even after five years from the posting of this video, all it’s contents, STILL true! Rock on, Wolfmueller! 😎
@dankohlmeier6081 Год назад
Probably the best treatment of this question I have seen online. Thanks for the video!
@CamGaylor 11 месяцев назад
Wonderful video Pr. Wolfmueller
@mmcleod06 6 лет назад
Thank you for the fine overview of the topic. I am glad for these opportunities to learn the Lutheran perspective on such topics, so that I might come closer to the truth.
@graceambassador65 6 лет назад
Praying hopefully *This Also Will "help"* get *Closer To The Truth!* Amen?: *Grace/Peace From God, The Father, And From The LORD And Saviour, JESUS CHRIST!* *LORD JESUS, Before you Come To Gather us Home To Heaven, Please* *Grant Thy Divine Help to understand Thy Word Of Truth, Rightly Divided!"* Amen: *What Would God, In HIS Age Of GRACE Today, Have* us Also "DO," that was: *"learned, and received, and heard, and seen, In Paul"? (Philippians 4 : 9!)* *"Study to shew thyself Approved Unto God, a workman That Needeth* *not to be ashamed, Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth!" (2 Timothy 2 : 15!)* *"Sample" Of Rightly Dividing The Word Of Truth!:* Leaders/Numbers in *God's TWO "Different" Programs:* (1) Representative apostles + number! For: God’s LAW/PROPHETIC Program: God’s Complete Number TWELVE “represents” ► TWELVE "baptismS," ◄ TWELVE tribes of Israel, TWELVE apostles who will rule in the "Prophesied" Kingdom *With CHRIST!,* on TWELVE thrones (Genesis 49 : 28; Isaiah 9 : 7, 32 : 1; Matthew 19 : 28;) (Luke 22 : 30; James 1 : 1!) ►►► *gospel of the kingdom!* ◄◄◄ ►► Salvation = "he that believeth AND is baptized Shall Be SAVED!" (Mark 16 : 16 cp Luke 7 : 29-30; Acts 2 : 38; James 2 : 17-18!) ◄◄ Note: ALL "Diligent" students of *Scripture* "should" Already "know" that ALL of *God's Promises TO Israel,* Are _For The EARTH!,_ correct? prophesied “since the world began” (Luke 1 : 68-70; Acts 3 : 21!) ► The Second { "Prophesied" } Coming To Set Up: God’s “Earthly Kingdom” = HIS Purpose FROM “the foundation of the world” (Matthew 25 : 34) ◄ ►►►► The Second { "Prophesied" } Coming Belongs HERE! ◄◄◄◄ --------------------------------------------------------------------- *Rightly Divided (2 Timothy 2 : 15) From:* ------------------------------------------------------ ►►►► *The MYSTERY { "Secret" } Coming Belongs HERE!* ◄◄◄◄ Amen?: ► *God’s “Heavenly Hidden” Purpose BEFORE “the foundation of the world”* *(Ephesians 1 : 4!)* *Kept Secret “since the world began”* *(Romans 16 : 25; Ephesians 1 : 4-11, 3 : 5-9!)* ◄ *(2) Representative apostle + number! For:* *God’s Revelation Of GRACE In The MYSTERY ("HEAVENLY Program!"):* *Paul, ONE individual apostle, BOTH Roman and Hebrew, "represents"* *reconciliation, by GRACE, of BOTH Jew and Gentile, as INDIVIDUALS,* *SPIRITUALLY Baptized (And "United!"), ► By ONE Baptism! (1 Corinthians 12 : 13!),* ◄ *Into ONE Body, In HEAVEN!,* ... ... *[ By The DEADLY, But Amazingly Wonderful CROSS! ] Of CHRIST,* *The Risen And Glorified SAVIOUR, The Only HEAD Of HIS Church!!* *(Acts 22 : 27-28; Philippians 3 : 5; 1 Corinthians 12 : 13;)* *(Ephesians 2 : 11-16, 4 : 1-6!, 5 : 30!)* *Praise HIS Precious NAME!* Amen? ►►►► *Gospel Of The GRACE Of God!* ◄◄◄◄ ►►► *Salvation = "For By GRACE are ye SAVED Through faith; and that not* *of yourselves: it is The Gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast!"* *(Ephesians 2 : 8-9! cp Most of Romans through Philemon! # )* ◄◄◄ Note The Contrast!: ALL "Diligent" students of *Scripture* "should" Soon See That ALL of *God's Promises TO HIS Body, Today, Are ""HEAVENLY!"" #,* correct? ►►►►► *God's GRACE Departure!* ◄◄◄◄◄ *HE "Could Catch us UP!, To GO THERE, At Any Moment!," According To:* *ONE { Mystery} "prophetic" Doctrine Of resurrection/departure To Heaven!* *(Esp: 1 Thessalonians 4 : 13-18; 1 Corinthians 15 : 51-57!, In Romans-Philemon #)* { So, please *Do Be Ready For JUDGMENT THERE! (1 Corinthians 3 : 8-15!) }* Amen? Do you, friend, agree that ALL "members" of *The Body Of CHRIST!* "should" be in *ONE agreement,* And should be: *"Endeavouring to keep the Unity of The Spirit in the bond of Peace!* *There is ONE Body, and ONE Spirit, even as ye are called in ONE hope of your calling;* *ONE LORD, ONE Faith, ONE Baptism, ONE God and Father of all, Who Is Above all,* *and through all, and in you all!" (Ephesians 4 : 3-6!)* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { ALL The "NUMBERS experts" know there is A Vast "Difference" Between 12 & *"ONE,"* Correct? } Or, we could Make This Fatal ERROR, & just stay With The "wonderful/marvelous" 2000-year-old judeo/christian "combo": (1) LAW + *(2) GRACE* = (3) "religious Confusion Of Contradictions" Method... ..."remaining" as a weak And Divided *Church, Displeasing God!* Correct? Friends, "which" of the above do "you Believe," In *God's Age of GRACE Today:* *Are CURSED By God! (Galatians 1 : 6-9!)???* IF your "particular" group "subscribes" to (1) OR (3), Please, *Obey God...* *...As HE "Beseeches"!:* *"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, Saith* *The LORD, And touch not the unclean [ ACCURSED!? ] thing; and I Will Receive* *you, And Will Be A Father Unto you, and ye Shall Be MY sons and daughters,* *Saith The LORD Almighty!" (2 Corinthians 6 : 17!)* ----------------------------------------------- *GRACE/Repentance And FAITH, Found In SCRIPTURE, to The Honor And* *GLORY Of GOD, The Father, Through The LORD and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST!* Amen? Please Prayerfully and Carefully *( 1 Corinthians 2 : 13! )* Study, enjoy, And learn From *The Blessed Teacher,* and, Always Be Richly Blessed! In: *God's Inexhaustible Mine of Precious Gems = Pure and Holy Scriptures! ##* Please Always Be Richly Blessed *In HIM And HIS Precious Word! #* brother Chris - - *ETERNALLY Saved In JESUS CHRIST!* { i must decrease; *HE Must Increase!* } *I ❤️ JESUS And HIS Truth!:* *The Word, 👑 Law, Rightly* *Divided From GRACE✝️ ( 2 Timothy 2 : 15! )* { = *God-Given "Key" For Understanding Scripture! #* } Amen? *## KJB Only Is God's Preserved Word!* gracebiblecommunitychurch.org/kjb/ or: *KJB PowerPoint Presentation!:* www.theoldpathspublications.com/PDFs/Defending%20The%20KJB%20By%20Dr%20Waite.pdf *# Romans - Philemon = God's GRACE Love Letters For us Today For:* *Consolation, Comfort, Edification, Enjoyment, Encouragement, And* *spiritual Building Up Of ALL the "members' ( saints! ) In The Body Of CHRIST!,* *HIS Church, Seated In HEAVEN!* Amen? Best "dispensational" teaching, imho {this "changed" my "confusion" *Into Light!* Amen?}: *Things That Differ! (PDF) =* shopeshop.org/Searchable%20Riches!/Authors/Stam,%20CR/Things%20That%20Differ.pdf And/or: *7-Part Video Series:* gracebiblecommunitychurch.org/rightly-dividing/ or More *Rightly Divided "studies"...* from bro Chris, IF you wish... Again, please *Be RICHLY Blessed In The LORD And Saviour, JESUS CHRIST!*
@BibleLovingLutheran Год назад
As an IFB I believed OSAS and I sinned at will. Glory to God that He's faithful and just.
@pmDebata 4 года назад
Thank God for this channel.
@lorenzell3104 Год назад
Good video. I wish more LCMS pastors preached this from the pulpit.
@lc-mschristian5717 3 года назад
Clear and Scriptural. Thank you and God's peace be with you.
@gregaguirre6213 Год назад
Thanks! You always make me Chuckle- but I thank God for you ( and Kerri)
@lc-mschristian5717 5 лет назад
Thank you for holding true to the holy Scripture and the key of Law and Gospel. Loved the ending, God's peace
@Angela-uz3sq 2 года назад
Thank you for this message. Long story short, I was married and divorced twice to the same man.I fell away from the Lord several times in my life. Raised Assemblies of God but never felt at home there. Left the church and fell away. I met and married a Lutheran (Missouri Synod). Meeting him helped me leave my involvement in the occult. I should say The Lord led me out of the occult. I became Lutheran but I see it as coming into the family of God. Praise the Lord! My husband invited me to church, when we were dating and I heard the gospel preached. I no longer wanted to be lost in sin. I was baptized into the Lutheran church and am now a member. Satan likes to attack the past. I just happened to be looking into why Catholics believe as they do. I read that divorced people, who remarried, are not allowed to take communion because they are considered living in sin. That absolutely horrified me that I could be living in sin because I remarried. I couldn’t understand it. I was married in the Lutheran church by a Lutheran pastor. I became a member and was allowed to take communion. So why does the Catholic Church say that I’m still living in sin? I became so depressed and worried sick that I was sinning every moment by being married again. I ask for the Lord’s forgiveness everyday and believe that Jesus Christ alone is my salvation. But still am somewhat worried. But the phrase that keeps coming to me over and over is His grace is sufficient for me. Could you please address this topic for those of us that have gone through divorce and have remarried? I believe I am a sinner but I also believe that the Lord’s forgiveness is greater than all my sin, including from the past. After getting back to listening to your videos, peace has come back to my heart. Thank you. I choose to follow the Lord everyday and read the Bible daily with prayer. I love the Lord and want to be accepted by him and go to Heaven.
@doriesse824 2 года назад
Hi Angela, I used to be Catholic. It's just their own church rule, it doesn't apply outside their jurisdiction. Basically, if a Catholic marries someone in the Catholic church, then gets divorced, they are not free to remarry and allowed to remain Catholic. But, if they are Catholic and get married outside the Catholic church, then get divorced, they can get married again in the church because it doesn't recognize any marriages outside of its own jurisdiction. I have not found this to apply anywhere else. My mother was raised Catholic in England, and married my dad who had no religion. They were married in the Catholic church, then later were divorced. When she married again, the church did not recognize it as a valid marriage, and excommunicated her for "living in sin". They also would not perform the ceremony because of her divorce. I cannot even describe the horrific effects that had on her for the rest of her life. It is a despicable thing for them to do. They were basically telling her she had no chance to escape eternal condemnation. I would encourage you not to let the Roman church decide your spiritual status, especially since you're not even Catholic in the first place. They would have said you were living in sin in your very first marriage because you're not Catholic and didn't have them perform the ceremony. They say no one can be saved unless they're Catholic and follow all their rules and church commandments. They believe they are the mediator between God and man, instead of Jesus being that as the Bible says. He is our High Priest. I hope you won't let it bother you any further. Have you asked your Lutheran Pastor about this?
@Angela-uz3sq 2 года назад
@@doriesse824 Thank you Dorie for replying to my comment. Thank you for sharing from your own personal story and that of your mother. I haven't asked my pastor about it. I seem to have a peace about it now like I never did before. I just know the past can be so painful and the devil really likes to try and get to me about my past. I'm so thankful to the Lord for his salvation and his peace that surpasses all understanding. God bless!
@56MightyMike 6 лет назад
Great Pastor. Thanks for the video!
@billheyn9363 4 года назад
The strong Word.
@katandpapa 5 лет назад
Love your teaching videos, we really need to hear Gods Word taught in its truth and with clarity, so many churches in America are more concerned with putting butts in the seats and entertaining them, than teaching the whole truth of God! Loved your book, do you have another book coming out? Have you considered writing a book about the "End Times" so that we better understand what scripture says compared to all the heretical teaching out there? Please keep the videos coming! I have stage 4 Cancer and I use your videos to help teach my children and my grandchildren.... God Bless! If you ever make it out to Houston, I'd love to come hear you teach! BE SAFE, GOD BLESS!!!
@tonyeriksson8803 Год назад
Living with addiction is very much like the first two situations. Plotting a grave sin and doing it, then being afraid of losing my salvation because of that. As you said in the video I always need to hear the Law for my sinful behaviour and then come to Christ for salvation. As I often leave and try to decieve myself and the Lord, He isn't like me. He is faithful and praise be to God takes me back.
@donaldjacobson4184 3 года назад
Excellent. Thanks 🙏 so much pastor
@MissMolly3377 4 года назад
I am part of that second group. I guess I needed to hear this. I have always thought that God has had his hand on me. I have loved Jesus since I was a child. I mean, really loved him, with my whole heart. I still love him and believe in him. I just feel that I am not worthy of what he has done for me. I have done some bad things in my life, after my dad died when I was 15, yet, I have always felt he has a hold on me. I am his and, thankfully, he won't let go, no matter what. I just can not forgive myself, for what I have done, and I think I am not worthy. I then feel guilty because I know that feeling that I am not worthy is, also, a sin. Which, then, makes me feel even more worthless. Thank you, for describing what I have always been feeling. I have always felt like God has me in his hand, always!!!
@jakobi4971 Год назад
Man, you’ve described my exact experience for most of my life. I just said a prayer that God would give you peace and comfort. Scrupulosity is a pain in the but, and the devil loves using it to torture you. But your salvation has absolutely, positively nothing to do with you, and absolutely everything to do with God’s grace, won for you on the Cross and given to you in the Word and Sacrament ministry of the Church. If you were brought into the faith by grace, then surely you continue by grace (that’s in like Galatians or Romans or something, sorry I don’t have the verse. But it’s something like, “if you were saved by grace are you now being perfected by the spirit” saying it in a tone that is contextually clear to be “of course not! That grace which brought you into the faith is the same grace that sustained you!”)
@nancymclaughlin8051 Год назад
11:30pm Grace is always available to the penitent and the forgiveness of sins is always there for us sinners. Faith cometh by the hearing of the Word of God... us ALC... "believe your sins forgiven in the Name and Blood of Jesus". No man can pluck us from the Father's hand, but through free will, we are able to leave His hand (how I have explained it to my children). Willful living in sin hardens one's heart and they can walk away...
@joshbaker110 6 лет назад
Beautiful Pastor thank you.
@clevelandstreetpreachers 6 лет назад
The last parable in the end of Matthew 18 is pretty clear as day that you can be saved one moment and then lose it the next. Also Revelation 2:11 is pretty obvious too.
@gabriellogi6981 2 года назад
Ask yourself this: is forgiving others, and enduring to the end a means to be saved, or is it a product of salvation, that is of one that is saved?
@Adam-ue2ig 2 года назад
1 John 2:19 They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.
@saraht1060 4 года назад
Powerful truth! Thank you sir.
@chimamandamosesoffice8109 4 года назад
My Brother I m agree with you 100% I m suffered with a Baptist church here ‘ about this topic ‘ I told them the same things and they call me fake one) It’s sad for sure ‘ they told me that we never lose the salivation ‘ also they told me that a Christian can kill self that it’s ok God will still got them into the kingdom of God ‘ it’s was so sad ) bless you sir
@mpkropf5062 Месяц назад
I cling to the promises of Jesus “ only those who are faithful to the end Will be saved!” A promise the Baptist Church doesn’t follow in their doctrine.
@billmartin3561 3 года назад
Fantastic video!
@believewithyourheart5627 4 года назад
Hallelujah! Great teaching!
@joebolling 4 года назад
I really enjoy your messages, and that even when you get something wrong it seems that you’re really in love with God and have an honest desire for all to practice righteousness. The real conundrum is that being married to a particular denomination rather than the Bible itself can cause one to be stuck with a particular doctrine, even the parts they got wrong. Jesus spoke in parables for the same reason the Bible is written as it is; we hear what our hearts desire to hear. This separates the goats from the sheep. If our love and desire is for God and His righteousness, we are drawn to what Jesus, His disciples, and even Paul says about God’s commandments and obedience. But if we love sin and hate God’s authority over us, we are drawn to anything else that sounds like we’d be able to get away with sin. The “mixed signals” you claim the impossibility of reconciling are of course mostly thanks to Paul’s exceptionally verbose choice of words. Peter tells us Paul’s wordiness is *erroneously used* to condone sin (lawlessness), and we know there is no accident in Paul’s wordiness, just as there is no accident in the use of parables. 2 Peter 3:16 speaking of this as Paul does in all his letters. *There are some things in them hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction,* as they do the other scriptures. 17 You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, *beware* lest you be carried away with *the error of lawless men* and lose your own stability.
@ArtVandelay-ImporterExporter 6 лет назад
Yes. The way to lose your salvation is to try and save yourself.
@theresebednarz762 6 лет назад
Michial Brown Where was that asserted? There exists a distinction between descriptive and prescriptive language.
@mrscms831 4 года назад
You should have said at the end, "Carrie, Have you seen my salvation?!".
@themagnificentobsession 5 лет назад
I challenge the watcher to read every verse that is quoted with the whole context. The whole letter and chapter. Understand scripture with scripture. If salvation is mans work, then it follows that yes you can lose it. If you can lose it, then it implies you gained it. But it isn’t a work of man because by works of the law no human being will be justified. Rom 3:28 The work that God has started he will complete. Rom 8:30 If they left it is because they were never of us. 1 John 2:19
@MattS-ov5zu 3 года назад
Yeahhhhhh you should probably start by reading your own verses in context first
@haroldgamarra7175 2 года назад
Come on Patrick!
@thomaskrafft9890 2 года назад
Excellent! You may know of the book “The Narrow Lutheran Middle” (Daniel Deutschlander, NPH) which goes through main doctrines such as this and contrasts the very two sides you have identified. I highly recommend it!
@mariabelcescu9716 2 года назад
I must retorn în Italy and l see you from there. I see that after WW2 The Matthew was funcțional (Gospel) You cannot serve The Money and The God. A side from mony The communistes, a side from God, The Occident, în Europe. Save God America
@laudante24 3 года назад
I'm Lutheran, but I think that we have a huge misunderstanding of what calvinism really says, and so we make a flawed critique of them. Of course they know those passages that seem to imply that you lose salvation, and they explain them in the light of the others you yourself give here. They simply say that the only saving grace includes perseverance, so that those who don't fall in good soil and "lose" their salvation, was never an object of that saving grace, in the first place. It's not a big mystery. We do know that everyone receives what he received according to God's purposes and not for something that is in them. And of course, calvinists also teach that it's your own fault if you reject the faith, be it at the beginning or at any point after believing. I'm 100% sure if this, because I was a calvinistic theologian before being Lutheran. In other words, you are completely right, but you saying exactly what orthodox calvinism also says. "They were among us, but didn't belong to us" is perhaps their favorite verse for explaining this apparent mystery. Now, we are encouraged to keep our salvation because through those encouragements the grace of God acts and puts in our hearts the desire to persevere. Grace never operates apart from law and gospel.
@jgeph2.4 2 года назад
I think we talk past one another on these issues . As a Presbyterian who embraces Lutheran Law/Gospel distinction it seems we are seeing the same things from different angles is all .
@kingnothing2161 Месяц назад
Chapter 3 reminded me alot of Peter walking out to Jesus on the water and sinking when he saw the storm raging. He was only walking successfully by Christ's power, and it was his own doubt and fear and lack of faith that caused him to sink down.
@Adam-ue2ig 2 года назад
John 10:27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life,and they shall NEVER perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. 30 I and the Father are one.”
@mccalltrader 4 года назад
Wonderful explanation..when debating others, I merely say, once saved always saved is salvation without faith, and there is no salvation without faith...thanks, now I have a secondary rationale for disbelieving that doctrine
@fredr7217 Год назад
That’s pretty much my view. I’m not Calvinist or Arminian. So, I see the balance in this
@josueinhan8436 3 года назад
Pastor, Glory to God for this teaching! What is missing is the Lutheran approach to salvation in my country, Brazil. Here we are always between Calvin and Arminius. But you were simply biblical and this is wonderful. I would like to ask you for permission to subtitle your video in Portuguese, would it be possible? Would you authorize me? A big and fraternal regards! Pastor, Glória a Deus por este ensinamento! Que falta faz a abordagem luterana da salvação no meu país, o Brasil. Aqui ficamos sempre entre Calvino e Armínio. Mas o senhor foi simplesmente bíblico e isto é maravilhoso. Gostaria de lhe pedir a autorização para que eu legendasse seu vídeo em português, seria possível? O senhor me autorizaria? Um grande e fraterno abraço!
@ThanxBeToGod 3 года назад
Jesus is a better Savior than I am a sinner.... Pastor my soul needed to hear that today. For I Am His & He is mine.
@mikaelrosing 5 месяцев назад
Do good works not to gain from God but because you love God it helps alot when i catch myself like feeling pride.
@bryanbishop2377 3 года назад
1 John says that we stumble in many things, but we can confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all inequity...
@deion312 3 года назад
I am a part of an eternal security, Calvinists leaning independent Baptist Church. I grew up in an assembly of God church that always preached "Once saved always saved is lie from the pit of hell!" After doing tons of research, and also reading my Bible many times through, I have come to lean more towards eternal security... but... I don't want to just agree with people's theologies just to make them happy, or because I am in the same church as them. I still really struggle with a lot of the verses you mentioned that warn against apostacy and/or falling away from the faith. Many great Christian theologians have believed that you CAN truly apostatize from the faith.
@mathete9968 2 года назад
I understand your church background very well. I had a lot of experience with this. First of all, allow me to clarify using the Scripture Rules of EXPOSITION. We do not find anything taught by the Lord and the Apostles that was not already taught in essence by Moses and the Prophets. Consider how the people were instructed to test all prophets , even Jesus by this test: "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to THIS WORD it is because there is no light in them" (Isaiah 8:20) So we would expect anything taught in the Gospels or in Acts or in Peter's writings or in Paul or in Hebrews to be consistent with the Law (Torah = Doctrine) and the Prophets, right? Notice we often have Baptists arguing using human reason saying: "Mark 16:16 says he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved BUT he that believes not shall be damned. Therefore (the Baptists say) we are not lost if unbaptized." But the text doesn't say this, it says the very opposite. However, consider why this is relevant to your questions .... Both Paul and Hebrews teaches that believing and baptized Christians can be lost through unbelief, exactly as in Mark 16:16. And it for this reason that Mark 16:16 is so written, especially using the aorist tense which denotes solid fact. For the verbs "believes" , "baptized" and "believes not" are all aorist tense, the tense of fact. Now Hebrews states that his readers were ALL BAPTIZED. "Having ... Our bodies WASHED with pure water". Hebrews 10:22. Two things, here: 1) Hebrews uses the same root word "washed" in the Greek that Paul uses of his baptism in Acts 22:16. "Arise and be baptized and WASH AWAY your sins" 2) The perfect tense is used. This "Washing" in baptism remains ongoing, just as Jesus said it would in John 13:10, where he uses the same Greek word "Washed" . But ... Hebrews addresses these BAPTIZED and WASHED persons saying "Take heed lest there be in any of you AN EVIL HEART IF UNBELIEF IN DEPARTING FROM THE LIVING GOD" (Hebrews 3:12). And this word "DEPARTING" is identical to the Greek word used by the Lord of those who "BELIEVE FOR A TIME but afterwards FALL AWAY" in Luke 8:13. So it is possible for baptized believers to fall away and depart from God with an evil heart of unbelief. And Jesus states "He that believes NOT shall be damned" But these Hebrews, to whom this warning was applied, were most certainly born again and truly Christian. Lest you should be seduced by Calvinist reasoning. For he writes "Having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience...." Hebrews 10:22 That's saving faith. So saved individuals may indeed fall away again into unbelief . Without doubt. But not only Hebrews, but Paul also teaches that Baptized believers may fall again into unbelief . In Collosians 2:12 and Romans 6:3, 4 and 1 Corinthians 6:11, Paul teaches that we were Baptized and washed (1 Corinthians 6:11 using the same Greek word used for baptism in Acts 22:16). Yet, in 2 Timothy 2:12, 13 Paul writes: "If we deny Him HE WILL DENY US, If we BELIEVE NOT, yet He abides faithful, He cannot deny Himself." Two things: 1) Jesus warns that on judgement Day he will deny before his father and all the holy angels anyone who denies him. And Paul reaffirms this and includes himself with the use of the personal pronoun "We". 2) If we fall into unbelief , Christ remains faithful. On the one hand this does not mean we are automatically saved in we fall away. He has already pointed out that denial of Christ will lead to be rejected on judgment day. Rather, just because we fail, he doesn't . He stands true to his promise, that "If we confess our sins HE IS FAITHFUL and JUST to FORGIVE your sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" 1John 1:9. Paul is of course alluding to the covenant promises made by God that his mercy extended to us by Christ doesn't depend upon our performance (Isaiah 54:10 and similar passages like Ezekiel 33:11) One final point. When Paul warns: "If you live after the flesh YOU SHALL DIE, but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live." (Romans 8:13) Paul isn't introducing anything new ... This is precisely the theology of Ezekiel who says of those righteous (through faith in Christ) "When the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, SHALL HE LIVE? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them SHALL HE DIE." (Ezekiel 18:24) And again Paul warns: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.". Galatians 6:7. And this is precisely what Hebrews teaches later on on those who depart from faith: "Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him." (Hebrews 10:38)
@dubbelkastrull 7 месяцев назад
​​@@mathete9968 No, OSAS is true
@mathete9968 7 месяцев назад
@@dubbelkastrull One of the very last of the warnings Jesus gave to the Apostles to teach unto the church was: WATCH YOU therefore, and PRAY ALWAYS, that YOU may be ACCOUNTED WORTHY TO ESCAPE ALL THESE THINGS that shall come to pass, AND TO STAND before the Son of man." (Luke 21:36) And in the parallel account in Mark 13:37 , Jesus presses home this message and shows us who the intended recipients are: And what I say unto YOU I say unto ALL: WATCH (Mark 13:37) Jesus once described the foolish man who was likened to a man that built his house upon the sand. And EVERY ONE that HEARS these sayings of mine, and DOES THEM NOT, shall be likened unto a FOOLISH MAN, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: AND GREAT WAS THE FALL OF IT. You have a choice here. You can trust the doctrines of men or you can trust the Son of God. You can hear the Son of God and disregard his sayings, and continue on in the delusion that a believer cannot fall away and be lost. Or you can heed Christ's warnings, and the warnings found in the Prophets , and the warnings found also in the epistles . Watch carefully what foundation you choose to build upon my friend . "Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God ... Now the just shall live by faith: but if anyone draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him." (Hebrews 3:12; 10:38)
@dubbelkastrull 7 месяцев назад
@@mathete9968 None of the verses you post proves osas wrong
@mathete9968 7 месяцев назад
@@dubbelkastrull Spoken like a fool
@krbohn101 6 лет назад
Well said. Guten stuffen.
@chriszugmaier6603 24 дня назад
i stopped praying at 25 and came back to the faith and now its stronger than ever. what does that mean for me then since i 'fell away'?
@stevewagner7507 3 года назад
Luther loved the paradox!
@TheFatMan7777 4 года назад
I was just thinking about how to explain this to some new-ish Christians. That was great. I was thinking of this like a one-way street, we can lose our salvation but not the other way - earn it. I like the ending - we can lose it but Jesus is working to hold us. Do you have a video on the concept of free will?
@marttilaine6778 Год назад
Look up "wolfmueller free will" and you'll find it 🙂
@GrandmaMeGrandkittiesGrandkids 4 месяца назад
This is Great
@kellymontgomery1293 2 года назад
i am a trad catholic, but i love this guy.
@sspashleymae24 Год назад
This was great. I never understood the once saved always saved idea but this gives me biblical reasons. Do you have a video on habitual sin? Ie drinking, revenge, sexual immortality, etc.
@andrewtexley448 2 года назад
What’s is the Lutheran understanding of “cooperating” with God’s grace. That wording is used many times in the Roman tradition, and it makes sense to me. I’m in the ELCA
@Adam-ue2ig 2 года назад
Another reason they want to know assurance other than the 3 you mentioned. They want to know if they have security from outside attacks such as persecution or various schemes from the enemy (not that they are plotting for a license to sin).
@ros6111 Год назад
There is a passage that you will practically NEVER see Christians bring up. What I'd like to know is, how can you lose your salvation when God is apparently presently NOT IMPUTING/COUNTING ANYONE'S sins against them? (2 Cor. 5-19) God was in Christ, reconciling THE WORLD to himself, NOT IMPUTING their trespasses unto them, and has committed unto us the word of reconciliation.
@ClassicMagicMan 3 года назад
John 1: 1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." In Greek, Word is Logos, which is the same word we derive Logic from. So lets go through this logically and biblically, starting with a few presuppositions: God is perfect, as is His Son, Jesus Christ, whom is God incarnate, correct? And God cannot fail at His job, since failure is evidence of imperfection. Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners (1 Timothy 1: 15). We also know from Ephesians 2: 8-9 that eternal life is a gift from God, and Romans 11: 29 says "For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance." meaning God will not change His mind on this matter. Jesus is not an ineffectual savior, to say otherwise is heresy. Nor will God take back His promise, as that would make Him a liar, which is blasphemy. Therefore, if someone is saved by Jesus Christ, they are 100% secure in that salvation.
@SilentNoMore-mf2xh 10 месяцев назад
Pastor,thank you. I do have a question now. If God does the saving and according to Jesus the wind blows where it will and we don't know where it comes from or where it goes ( his discussion with Nicodemus Regarding being born again) how then can we lose salvation if it is a gift from God and not of my works?
@JustinsPianoLab1Submissi-kr7lh 4 месяца назад
Also, I have a question: you mentioned the passage in Corinthians about Paul giving those guys over to the Devil because they made shipwreck of their faith. That’s a case of practicing church discipline correct? And do we know if they were restored? If they were restored, would you say they lost their salvation, but got it back?
@ProLifeBryce Год назад
I find that the most common reason some people I know embrace the “once saved always saved” heresy is that they have beloved friends and/or family members who were once walking in the Faith, by God’s grace, but who have since made shipwreck of their faith and wandered off, LOST. They can’t bear to think of their loved ones being lost, and prefer the false comfort of the “once saved always saved” heresy to facing the truth, that their loved ones, unless by God’s grace they repent, WILL be lost to hell for eternity for rejecting the Faith.
@Redeemd12 3 месяца назад
@ProLifeBryce I find the most common reason people embrace the heresy of losing one's salvation is ignoring the great body of Scripture that proves we cannot lose what was freely given when we first believed. By the way--can you be unborn? Do you cease to become your parents' child because you disobey them, or sass them, or otherwise sin against them? Of course not. You may have to go to your room, or get spanked, but you are still their child.
@TheHittman21 3 года назад
Gotta say, what was said here is eerily similar to what is taught in Reformed theology. As a Reformed believer watching through this, I agreed with most of what was said. I firmly agree that the perseverance of the saints is completely a work of God. I do not believe in OSAS and many other Reformed brothers would say the same. I would encourage you to not just think that Calvin is the crux of everything Reformed. While he definitely greatly influenced the Reformed tradition, the thing as a whole was further worked out. Probably the main point of distinction is how the Reformed in the doctrine of election see two groups of people: the elect and non-elect. A lot of people criticize the distinction, giving it the term double predestination, which is fair, but not quite what people think. In terms of God actively choosing and predestinating the elect, we and the Lutherans are in agreement. The Reformed in seeing this and in also seeing how God does not elect everyone to salvation see that there are those that God has not chosen and not elected. Even in understanding this distinction, we also don't know who is and who isn't. So, I think there is a point of agreement there with the Lutherans on that we don't know. All that said and to keep this short, we are not far off in this area and this video was encouraging as I think there is a majority agreement, mostly with some of us more catholic Reformed.
@GrandmaMeGrandkittiesGrandkids 4 месяца назад
I will be blessed if you Please tell me tell us all how to spell Francis last name that you mentioned here on this video Thank you
@jgeph2.4 Год назад
I still believe Calvinists and Lutherans are merely talking past one another . As a Calvinist when I read those warning passages I never feel that they aren’t for me because I’m elect . I know they are for me because I’m elect and the Spirit that regenerated me is working in me to continually bring me to repentance and looking to Christ .
@jaymiewilson9844 11 месяцев назад
I grew up in a church that taught once saved always saved. later in life the church was exposed to be very problomatic in its doctrine I can no longer have peace believing just like a baptist. Im at a stage in my life where ive been let down by one faith and im open to see what other people are teaching. The once saved always saved teaching makes the most sense to me though. What I took away from this if a saved person, gets drunk, fornicates, cusses, or any really bad sin the bible condemns we are on are way to hell. You know how stressful that teaching is !? its a slippery slope into you relying on your own good deeds to have assurance
@christianb164 8 месяцев назад
Did you listen to the second half of the video where he read the promise of God to keep you in the faith. He also said a wonderful line that brings much comfort. “Jesus is a better savior than you are a sinner.” Watch the video again a few times through and especially hear when he talks about the kinds of reasons why people ask this question in the first place and go to where Bryan says to for your specific question. I hope this response was helpful. Blessings brother!
@carrotstick1970 4 месяца назад
@@christianb164Thank you for this beautiful, encouraging response!
@Redeemd12 3 месяца назад
@jaymiewilson9844 The only way a rebellious child of God can be taken out of this world for sinning repeatedly is by a 'sin unto death', as John says in I John 5. This is God's discipline, but never His rejection of His child. He simply says 'Come home'. Keep in mind God's longsuffering. I have struggled with a sin for many years. It is besetting, but not eternally fatal. Jesus did say, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you. after all, and He cannot lie.
@titaniumspike1779 Год назад
I relapse on my addictive sins even after confessing them and I continue to sin in other ways and get angry at people who make me angry. It seems too mammoth a task to keep God's Commandments and also feel remorse for them. That's why I worry I have lost my salvation, maybe it's the pietism instilled in me but I don't bear good fruit at all and therefore I still feel like I never was saved.
@PastorMikeGibney Год назад
@JustinsPianoLab1Submissi-kr7lh 4 месяца назад
And what about the parable of the lost sheep? How would you interpret that? Is that related to this discussion at all?
@kjs0391 4 года назад
I have a private question. How may I get that to you?
@user-ji7fx1jr1o 7 месяцев назад
What do you say about if ur not in 4 good then how do you not lose ur salvation period just wondering
@RedNBlackPill Месяц назад
OF COURSE YOU CAN'T LOSE YOUR SALVATION... because nobody has it yet! You Can't lose what you haven't got! Salvation is attained at the end. 🏁✔️ (Matthew 24:13) 😊
@chadshokrollahzadeh6300 Год назад
Do Confessional Lutherans have a concept of mortal sin as taught by the Catholic Church? That is, a person can be damned if that person commits a sin that is of grave matter with full knowledge, and deliberate consent? Or, can one lose their salvation by committing any sin at all, regardless of how serious it may seem as long as the person does so willingly? For example, by stealing a pen when that person knows it is wrong. This approach seems to resonate with Chemnitz. Although I am not sure if this is somehow "dogmatic" or not. I would appreciate your thoughts. Thank you.
@jaybelle1909 3 года назад
What about scripture saying things like “branches being cutoff and thrown into the fire, virgins without oil being told I don’t knew you, ppl saying have we not healed sick in your name and being told I never knew you, remain in me and my love and I will remain in you", these scriptures refers to believers… and what about scripture describing the new Jerusalem as being kinda a small place? Does this not suggest ppl can loose their salvation? What about all the ministers like Ray Comfort telling ppl if they sin after getting saved then they are not a Christian and never was; they claim they don’t believe in a works doctrine but their msg suggests everything Jesus did isn’t enough if you don’t repent; committing any sin after getting saved means you never truly repented thus are not and never were a Christian… By this standard and a rational persons understanding we can never live up to God’s standards and will always make mistakes and have bad periods, so if what Ray Comfort preaches is true then what’s the point in even trying as we are just going to fail and have ppl like Ray tell us we never were a Christian to begin with. For that matter what us the point in ever praying as these same ppl say if your living with sin then God won’t answer your prayer or forgive you if you have habitual sin? Many ppl can live a very holy life but run into a time of trouble and have bad moments and according to the Ray’s of the world this means they were never saved to begin with which just makes ppl give up all hope… If Ray’s beliefs are true then it would be best to end your life right after you get saved so you don’t lose your salvation as we humans will always fail… I personally believe we are saved by grace through faith by what Jesus has done and believing his Word is true and that every believer is saved unless they fully commit to denying Jesus in which case they filed for divorce thus met the only requirement for loosing their salvation; and if you have sin in your life after converting then your life on this earth won’t be as great or as long and when you get to heaven your rewards and position will be low but you will still be saved… Hearing and reading scripture about the grace God has given to us to save us is encouraging but so so many Ray Comforts are out their preaching things that confuses and lets ppl down ppl leaving them stuck therefore not involved or trying to advance their walk in faith as what’s the point in trying if your not actually saved per Ray’s beliefs of what being is…
@marianweigh6411 3 года назад
Comfort is the meaning of 'merit'.
@Adam-ue2ig 2 года назад
There is other reasons besides your 3 that someone would have for why they want to know such as that they want to just genuinely know what God through the Scripture really teaches on the issue because they have a love and Zeal for the Truth and Love the Lord.
@richardthompson86 3 года назад
If it's left up to my willpower, (or rather the lack thereof), then I'm done... no chance for me!
@mtl98-n9g 3 года назад
That is why we have confession and absolution weekly and the lord’s supper weekly (hopefully) for us poor beggars Jesus gives us grace and faith. We just have to always receive what Jesus freely gives.
@nancyalmodovar2181 5 лет назад
Can you post the notes? I don't see them in the comments
@litlckrets 5 лет назад
The notes are on his website: wolfmueller.co/losesalvation/
@aarontaylor6156 2 года назад
Thank you
@mk1615_PstTahina 4 года назад
True, some people wants to go to heaven even without repentance for their futur sins but just lean on their faith received 25 years ago. I wonder why they have to repent again if they are already saved? How many times The bible says repent for the kingdom of God is at near. We have to repent everyday especially for the sins we commit deliberately, and believe that We are forgiven, for the rest it is for the Holy Spirit who pray for us in our weakness (not to remember or understand what is sin). Look at the tabernacle, the priest can not enter into the tent even after the sacrifice unless they wash their hands and feets in the water before the tent. I think this is also the meaning of what Jesus said about : watching because we don’t know the hours and the day He will come back. I am not saying doing good things everyday after being born again to get saved. From the book of Genesis until Apocalypse there is one thing I know : Sins separates us from God, but evry time we repent we can be forgiven. We have free will to stay in or go out through out our faith Journey, the reason why Jesus said in John 6:67 Do you also wants to leave?
@run4cmt 2 года назад
God extends grace to all. Many choose not to accept it or live in such a way their faith dies.
@babybengal7510 4 года назад
“Romans 8:38-39 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” That seems to go to extreme lengths to convey how impossible it is to be separated from God, ever, even by my own power, no? 🤔 However, I do get it, it is hard to hear people say, “now go forth and do whatever you please!” 🤷‍♀️ Maybe that isn’t the best question - keeping or losing salvation...?
@chimamandamosesoffice8109 4 года назад
Everything Starts With a Dream Dear ‘God always love us ‘ but if we decide to turn away from he ‘ he don’t care because it’s our choice’. We will lose the salivation if we don’t take a care of it ‘ if you don’t drive well what will happen to you ? Law will take your license away )
@EricAlHarb 3 года назад
Short answer-yes
@AtlasShrugged57 4 года назад
And heres another question. Pastor you said that 2 ways someone can lose their salvation is by 1) Outward evil living 2) Trusting in your own works] so the question is since the ante nicene fathers believed that they all had free will prior to salvation are they part of the second group??????? Many say that much of what is said here had its origin in manichaeism due to Augustine prior to conversion believing in Manichaeism. I'm curious about this. I absolutely believe we can lose our salvation and agree with much of the video however I'm struggling with the bondage of the will. I'm willing to believe it. Just wondering about why the ante nicene fathers were actually against the bondage of the will. I believe Iraneus even went as far as saying In Against all Heresies that the idea of the bondage of the will was a gnostic teaching. Please help me Pastor understand
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