
Catching Fire being hilarious for five minutes 

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26 окт 2023




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@flaviaanamaria5826 10 месяцев назад
People hating Gale are immature as hell. You hating on him for not taking care of Katnisses family, dude, he had his family to feed also. The baker helped them cause Katniss saved his sons life and he was in love with Katnisses mother. LITERALLY, everyone was selfish in the movies and folowed their interests, besides Peeta, yet you all acting on a starving kid who lost so much in that war as he is the devil. GROW UP
@kurtskrow 10 месяцев назад
Just because he lost so much doesn’t excuse how inhumane he is. It’s the same thing for Snow. Snow was once pure (according to Tigris) but became evil once he had a failed situationship. People will not deny he is evil, however they will say he is a good character. This is the same logic I hold for Gale. Gale becoming the person he became, aka a really crappy and inhumane person makes him a good character. However, I hate him as a person, not as a character. As a character he is written wonderfully but as a person he is shit. Katniss is supposed to see Gale in a good light, in fact, the reason why Gale taking care of Katniss’ family when she leaves for the games is so important is due to the fact that Gale often keeps his words. Katniss trusts Gale with all her heart, and he had swore that he would take care of her family, particularly Prim. The reason as to why I point out that it was the baker who took care of Prim not Gale is because Gale *promised* to take care of Prim, when in reality it was the baker. Yes. His family is starving and of course he has to take care of his family. But he doesn’t take care of his family. If you read what I had said in the paragraph, I pointed out that Gale has so much pride that it gets in the way of taking care of his family. Gale had said he would never let his little brothers take the tesserae but because Gale’s pride gotten the best of him. His little brother ended up taking the tesserae, putting in his name into the games more than the average citizen of District 12. Not just this but Katniss offers to take care of Gale’s family, saying she’ll give them money and Peeta even says he’ll do the exact same. (This segment is at the beginning of the novel for Catching Fire) but the thing is, since Gale has so much pride. He rejects the offer for money. If Gale had supposedly cared so much about his family. He would’ve dropped his pride and let go of said pride and take the money so he could take care of his family. But he straight up doesn’t. Might I also add that most times he’s an absent older brother who is always working in the mines. And whenever he has free time. He spends that time with Katniss. If he had cared so much about family, you’d assume he’d try to spend as much time as he could with them. But he straight up doesn’t. He spends his free time, as much as he can with Katniss. The reason people (including myself) mainly hate on Gale is because they compare circumstances and also the way he behaves. The majority of the victors are very humane because they’ve killed and seen death. They don’t want others to suffer the same things. Example Finnick, Peeta, Katniss, Johanna, Mags, etc etc. There is no denying that Gale had lost a lot of things in the war. Such as everyone else. But the reason people hate on him the most is because he literally supports the idea of killing innocent District 2 children and District 2 miners. Gale comes up with the idea of killing hundreds of them and has no regrets. He proceeds to blame District 2 for the bombing of District 12 when they had nothing to do with the bombing. When Katniss says, “at least let them escape.” Gale proceeds to brush this off and says, “nobody gave us a chance to escape. So why should we let them escape?” This is incredibly inhumane. In the novels it is stated that after the bombing, you could see a train filled with workers and children. A man literally had half of his face torn off all because of Gale wanting these innocent workers to suffer. These guys weren’t even apart of the war. They were just MINERS. And we know Gale killed children as well because Katniss states in the first book: “the other tributes seem to have started working young. It’s the opposite in 12, we work at 18.” This means that YES, there was definitely children in those mines because they start working early at a young age. He is responsible for killing those children and those innocent workers. It was his idea. His bomb. He was the one who came up with the plan to trap them so they could suffocate in there, with the mines going off etc etc. it is INHUMANE. Another thing that a lot of people hate about Gale is how he came up with the bombs to kill the medics. Gale is amazing at making snares. He’s a genius in fact. And he was the creator of the bomb that goes off, the medics come, and then they go off again. Am I saying he killed Prim? No. He didn’t. There was no way he was going to know that Prim was going to get involved. It’s not his fault that Prim died. However this does not excuse how utterly cruel the bomb is. The fact that the bomb attacks innocent civilians (tricks them into thinking its one of those sponsors chutes) then goes off. And then waits for the MEDICS to come and then goes off again, is cruel. It is horrific and downright evil. We know Gale made this bomb because of MJ2 and in the novel where Gale specifically states he made the bomb. Gale isn’t that good of a friend either. If you pay attention to Gale. You’ll often see that he isn’t supportive of Katniss. Whenever Katniss cries. Gale doesn’t hold her. He doesn’t really console her or do anything. In fact he just stands there and watches her cry with a deadpan look on his face. He doesn’t like it when she exposes her vulnerability. That’s another dickhead thing. The other thing people don’t like about Gale is how he supports the torture of INNOCENT capitol people. Gale was in full support with the idea of a Capitol 2.0. The guy wanted a Hunger Games 2.0 but with Capitol’s children. He was going to be one of the people who helped with making a Capitol 2.0. His efforts to defeat the original Capitol would be in vain. Might I also add that him in support of a Hunger Games 2.0 makes him just as awful as Snow? Snow made children die for like 64 years of his rule because he was petty as hell that Lucy Gray rejected him. Gale could follow in the very same steps had the Hunger Games 2.0 been approved by Commander Paylor (thank god she was humane and didnt support it). When Katniss’ prep team in the novels (MJ) had been kidnapped and forced to bathe in their own feces and urine. Gale saw absolutely no problem with this. In fact, he even says and I quote, “why do you care about them?” When he sees that the prep team was tortured just for stealing a slice of bread. Not even a LOAF of bread. A whole ass slice of bread. But the dude was in full support of it. I will also add. I dont like how he treats Peeta. Peeta is pretty selfless. Like you said in your comment. And because of that, Peeta is loved by the fandom. However, Gale hates Peeta. Why? Because Peeta is hitting on his girl ig. If you can even call her that. But that being said. Peeta is the reason as to WHY Katniss is alive. Yet Gale never has the decency to thank Peeta or to shake his hand. He never respects Peeta enough to do that. When Peeta clearly is getting tortured in MJ, Gale has the audacity to call him a coward. After Peeta has ever so clearly been tortured and starved. I will also add the way he throws Peeta’s stuff away saying, “I don’t want your fiancé’s stuff.” Is incredibly rude and insulting. He also only saves Peeta in MJ for cookie points. He didn’t do it out of the goodness of his heart. He just wanted Katniss to be stable again because ig she was being so pathetic. While Katniss was suffering from major PTSD in MJ, Gale never comforted her. But y’know who did? Finnick did. And when Gale saw Finnick consoling Katniss. When he saw that Katniss was trying to confide in Finnick. Guess what, he immediately grew jealous. And started to hate Finnick. For just comforting a friend. Might I also add. His reasoning for liking Katniss. Makes. No. Fucking. Sense. He says the moment he found out he liked her was when Darius jokingly flirted with her. Which makes no sense at all. Also Gale does shit with other girls, (confirms this in MJ) and then proceeds to be mad at Katniss for not messing with anyone else besides Peeta for survival is downright wrong. Gale not once tries to be understanding of Katniss’ situation. Not even once. He’s selfish and inhumane. I hate him as a person. As a character he is well written and you’re able to understand why he is the way he is. But this will never make me stop from loathing the bastard. He’s a piece of crap who is always thinking about himself. At least Katniss shows selflessness, and isnt always inward. Gale however, is ALWAYS inward. He’s a piece of shit. And btw, “the baker helped them cause Katniss saved his sons life” is complete bs. The only reason Katniss is alive as stated in the first book is because HIS SON *PEETA* saved Katniss’ life. Not the other way around. - I’m not spell checking this.
@flaviaanamaria5826 10 месяцев назад
@@kurtskrow Bullshit comparing Snow mass murdering with Gale's mistake, I ain't reading anything after that.
@kurtskrow 10 месяцев назад
@@flaviaanamaria5826dawg. What mistake are you talking about? Gale PURPOSEFULLY came up with the plan that trapped hundreds of innocent District 2 civilians (both adults and children) and he killed like half kf District 2s population. What are you gonna blame that on. “A mistake.” You’re gonna call that, A MISTAKE honey? Really? He is a mass murderer, whether you like it or not. Smh. You just know you got eaten up with my whole essay LMAO.
@payt00n 10 месяцев назад
Me reading this thread: 👁👄👁 🍿
@just.a.nerd.on.the.internet 10 месяцев назад
@lindam5186 10 месяцев назад
Actually in the books she- at least in my opinion- never loved Gale. Whenever they kissed (I think they kissed twice) she had never felt what she felt with Peeta. Only warm emotions she described during the books, except the love for Prim, were related to Peeta. Sure, she used him to cope and survive her anxiety but Peeta was actually the only one who could've hold her and get her through it not just because he survived arena too but because of his warmth, kindness and generosity. The virtues Katniss needed in her life after so many wounds of life. I thik she just felt connection to Gale, very similar to relationship to your relative. They grew up together, they survived many difficulties together but during all those years she never saw him differently than as her friend and hunt buddy. On the other hand, she had to fake her romance with Peeta but what she felt for him was real. And she didn't know he truly loved her until the end of the first book. But when he held her in the cave, she felt completely safe, warm and after long time she felt like she is back home. When she thought he died she kissed him out of relief that he lives. When they kissed when she was wounded, she described it as a growing warmth in her chest. Their relationship is not completely healthy not just because of Katniss but also Peeta loved his idea of Katniss more than he loved her, I mean he fell in love with her whe they were kids and was obsessed with the idea of the pure girl with an angelic voice but I think true love between them was born in the arena, after all they've been through. Even after Capitol took all memories of Katniss from Peeta, he remembered the love for her in the end and yes, after all of that, they were never able to be completely happy, they still carried the trauma, anxiety and wounds with them but they stayed together and faced it togheter. That is why what they had was so real.
@kurtskrow 10 месяцев назад
Agreed tbh. In the novels she would only kiss Gale out of pity. Only for a brief moment she kissed him out of relief for him being alive. (After he got whipped) but that was like basically it. Although, if Peeta hadn’t lived and had deserted Katniss forever. I think Katniss would’ve ended up with Gale just because of like. Obligation or something y’know. Since she low key felt pressured to be with him in the novels.
@miadoesmanythings 9 месяцев назад
This makes sense. I think that the crush Peeta had on Katniss evolved from respect, to admiration, to finally a deep love connection.
@leehalsey9962 8 месяцев назад
That’s why it was absolutely necessary for peeta to go through that hijacking. Like obviously it fit plot wise but also katniss had to fall in peeta’s eyes so he could get to really know HER and build her back up in his head as a person tether than the idea of her. So he could truly truly love her
@madisonbusby1457 6 месяцев назад
literally like the only reason why I think Katniss didn't want to 100% admit her feeling for Peeta was because she saw how loosing her dad destroyed her mum which is why at the same time she wanted to get closer to Peeta she tried to distance herself but really it was the one thing she needed most to get through the games and as for Gale I think she definitely saw him more as family like a brother but often confused it for romantic love.
@malloryrecchia4928 10 месяцев назад
Not me literally pausing the video to read the long af paragraphs.
@Kayla_Sandoval 5 месяцев назад
Same lol
@flora0713 4 месяца назад
me too but the 2nd paragraph I skimmed through it cuz it filled the whole screen like I ain’t reading all that
@Pjofan2012 4 месяца назад
@Mellie160 10 месяцев назад
My mom has a rare mental disorder called "Team Gale". thank you so much for bringing awareness, hopefully we are one step closer to finding a cure
@hungariangiraffe6361 10 месяцев назад
I'm an atheist but I send you prayers XD I hope you'll find the cure
@schecidnavarrete3036 10 месяцев назад
Im a Catholic and I’ll be praying heavily for her 🤭
@99jei63 10 месяцев назад
You need to put her down. 😭
@finnfasty2347 10 месяцев назад
Wow, I wish your mom a speedy recovery.
@jissmol8738 10 месяцев назад
get her to read the books !! my friend could be cured with that
@Dedicatedto._.dragons 10 месяцев назад
4:18 Johanna throwing a fit in the back is oddly hilarious
@duckie9631 10 месяцев назад
It's the little things 😂
@michaelkean5969 8 месяцев назад
I just love how Effie and Haymitch where essentially Peeta and Katniss Mum and Dad one being the Broody drunk and the other being the benign eccentric.
@Summer.12Girl 10 месяцев назад
@aexma 10 месяцев назад
Since the movie adaptation of TBOSAS, I'm currently having a Hunger Games phase (again) and I ABSOLUTELY don't regret it.
@ElenLucy 9 месяцев назад
i love how this whole thing was just a hit at gale. i lowkey hate him, he was just so self sentered and Katniss was going though so much and gale kept pressuring her to make up her mind about who she loved like omg she is busy trying not to die gale, as long as I'm here this world is not a safe place for people who prefer gale. I love peeta with my whole heart
@astridshorses8689 10 месяцев назад
can we just take a moment to appreciate how this person spoke for us all when they were talking about gale in that long paragraph? Peeta is the best.
@ame9257 9 месяцев назад
I’m sorry for finnick but 4:03 was peak comedy 🤌🏻
@estranna 10 месяцев назад
The author just spoke from my heart. Thank you
@shesathornback 11 месяцев назад
this is really good, why doesn't it have 2 million views? it should!
@cheeze588 9 месяцев назад
I’m watching this with earplugs and it feels like my eardrums are being torn apart by mutts, thank you
@lilouferreira3727 10 месяцев назад
i loved the little renting texts 🤣
@bethwebb675 10 месяцев назад
ok i just noticed katniss reaches for peetas hand in the chariot
@Everlark1213 10 месяцев назад
1:00 got me laughing so hard
@trinngrace 10 месяцев назад
your gale comments has me ROLLING
@saranilightning234 9 месяцев назад
unpopular opinion : Peeta is the exact meaning of the saying "personality is better than looks"
@scarlettrose-ju9hj 5 месяцев назад
The rants about gale caught me off guard😂
@xboba_teaa 7 месяцев назад
I completely agree with you at 1:01, it is true, every time I see his name in the novel I want to puke
@gwenalyn1410 2 месяца назад
Gale made me want to turn off the tv, go to my bed, and cry sometimes. I mean, come on, think of gale and his personality, then think of… ✨PEETA✨
@ryle2814 10 месяцев назад
A lot of people complained that they made gale bomb prim to make peeta seem like the better choice but if you think about it... peeta was always the better choice
@CorinneDrake 8 месяцев назад
The way you hate Gale is so funny Me too
@vcrqzylol 10 месяцев назад
I’ve also been obsessed with the hunger games and finding else who is makes me want this guy to be my best friend😂
@gabriellacardosopaiva417 10 месяцев назад
First time reading the biting part: oh no. He is bleeding After finish the trilogy: They should have bit harder, you clown!
@captivahex9889 9 месяцев назад
yo i like everybodys opinions and im not that much of a hunger games nerd but tbh i like gale. he protects prim and katniss' family. he not that terrible of a guy. he probably just got sad when he saw his girlfriend (that he's known for a long time) kissing peeta. I understand katniss did what she had to do to survive but still it would kinda suck if you were in gale's shoes. gale did also not deserve to get whipped 💀💀💀💀💀💀like dayum what did blud do
@NatalieGrimm-e2y 8 месяцев назад
i love who ever made this
@cunfuzzledpeep6983 10 месяцев назад
you are so real for the gale rants
@Benjamin-d7x Месяц назад
they calll him the.. prim reaper.. (gale)
@ferezma2049 10 месяцев назад
what is it with effie and mahogany?
@WiFiDown37811 4 месяца назад
THANK YOU Oh my God I hate Gale in the movies and books. Bro is hella bent out of shape because she kissed another guy _because she had to to survive._ Bro acting like "I'd rather you die than kiss a guy that isn't me". He is so fucking petty over Peeta and I despise it. It's worse when you think about the times Peeta defends or saves Gale like his lashing by the Peacekeepers. Honestly Peeta is too good for this world. Peeta is best boy, fuck Gale
@That_aussie_gal Месяц назад
2:59 bro what’s up with his pants 💀
@sydneylynnvangastel3124 9 месяцев назад
Haymitch: Who do you want on you're team Katniss: mags.. Peeta: Yeah we're dead 🥲
@themochaminions 10 месяцев назад
ikr like how is finnick dead and he is not???
@flora0713 4 месяца назад
that makes me so angry like goodness I wanted Gale dead the entire time I watched
@carollldevz4893 9 месяцев назад
Actually, Katniss was completely conscious of Peeta's love for her. He didn't miss a chance to point that to her. The problem was her and Gale after all.
@evangelinecheng1222 10 месяцев назад
@ThatOneBlondeHairedGirl 10 месяцев назад
How I want to be Johanna so bad lol :P
@stardrifter2872 9 месяцев назад
You you wonder why Katniss chooses Gale you haven't read the books. Gale basically raised Katniss taught her everything she needed to win the first time she went to the Games. He earned that shit.
@alyssa_i_am 9 месяцев назад
no words can express how much I agree with HG Peeta being better than CF Peeta- HG Peeta just hits different 🫠🫠
@iceniss99 6 месяцев назад
Peeta if Katniss doesn't want to be with you, I will happily be yours and do everything you please😍😍
@JuliaMichel-s6z 9 месяцев назад
You know I am not team "I hate gale so much I didn't want him in the movies or I hated him and his character all together" but I didn't like him. He was jealous because he never made a move and whenever there was somebody else(peeta) he got all mad. I think that his "love" for her was like (in the shatter me series with adam iykyk) the first person that he saw and the first person that she saw kind of like childhood friend's. I don't know and I am not really that invested (although I am team peeta obv) so please just be nice with the reply's it is just a movie. also side note finnick was my absolute fav through everything and I bawled for 20 minutes when he died.😭😭
@ISA-mh4cb 9 месяцев назад
@dbizzy7335 10 месяцев назад
I promise I wuz gonna lose it if there wuz a third paragraph about Gale lmao
@insertwhistlememe 10 месяцев назад
talking about gale i Haaaaaaaaate the scene after they go to.. i forgot what district and it goes like k: what did you think g: something selfish i dont stand a chance if he doesnt get better EWWY KISS SCENE wHaTs GoInG oN iN yOuR hEaD boy would u like to know, gaol. boy would u like 2 kno
@ArchaeoChemist 10 месяцев назад
Did anyone else realize that Peeta + Katniss = Peeniss
@gacha__jade5947 2 месяца назад
Team Peeta forever🥹🥹🥹
@Ihavesixfingersononeofmyhands 10 месяцев назад
idk why y’all saying Finnick died, like he never died, totally didn’t heh idk what y’all mean like…
@Lucas.Blevins 10 месяцев назад
My head canon he’s alive with wife and son at the end 🥲
@Ihavesixfingersononeofmyhands 10 месяцев назад
He def is
@heartsfromsaray 10 месяцев назад
D@13 was katniss's safe choice and only wanted to get w him to cope and if peeta wasnt there. Ya she was delulu at first, but cmon, was d@13 ever a 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭 option
@seonsunnysunshine 11 месяцев назад
Katniss kissing G*le should have a trigger warning /j
@fxndxm_edits 10 месяцев назад
FR 😭
@VideosOfRandomContext 10 месяцев назад
@dqncing_sturns 10 месяцев назад
@Ihavesixfingersononeofmyhands 10 месяцев назад
FR. And the fact you did * instead of the a lmao-
@X.Flower.X 10 месяцев назад
Gale is just not peeta is ❤️🥰😍😘
@luman6511 10 месяцев назад
Honestly, the audacity of Gale for being jealous as soon as Peeta enters Katniss' life is mindblowing. Dude hade YEARS to say that he was in love with her. And he acts like it was Katniss's fault. The pure audacity I swear
@elfy2006 10 месяцев назад
@nicola7021 9 месяцев назад
Not to mention that he dated various girls in District 12 in the meantime. Obviously that’s what teenagers do, but the hypocrisy of him getting angry at Katniss for something he himself had been doing is astounding.
@i.hateallofyou 9 месяцев назад
he didnt exactly know she was going to volunteer for prim
@its-me-river 9 месяцев назад
@miadoesmanythings 9 месяцев назад
@@i.hateallofyoubut you could argue that he didn’t know Prim was gonna get reaped (same with Peeta), so really, it was out of everyone’s control. He shouldn’t be mad that Katniss was with Peeta and understand why she was playing the romance.
@jsbestoopid 10 месяцев назад
haymitch is the funniest/saddest character he had more funny drunk moments in the books but that moment in catching fire (film) does him justice
@kurtskrow 10 месяцев назад
Honestly in the novel he was such a sweetheart. The way he took care of Peeta and Katniss was admirable. In the movies it kinda just seems like he ONLY cares about Katniss. Whilst in the book Haymitch was doing everything he could to save both (past the first novel) I hate that they low key changed him.
@dqncing_sturns 10 месяцев назад
Fr haymitch was a girlboss
@jsbestoopid 10 месяцев назад
@@kurtskrow *manboss, but ur still right.
@TheGreatKingOfNorway 10 месяцев назад
"Katniss, if you won't have Peeta, I gladly will" made me DIE!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@xXHollysoxXx 10 месяцев назад
I never understood why Gale was so mad after the first games. Girl got a DEATH SENTENCE and escaped the only way she could bro she would literally not exist anymore if she didn’t kiss Peeta. Would he be less mad if she was dead?
@miadoesmanythings 9 месяцев назад
Yes, bc he could say they dated lol
@saravictoria972 10 месяцев назад
“If aliens saw Gale they’d leave” 😭💀
@st4rs_lux 10 месяцев назад
That's why there's no aliens.
@LivesInHerBooks 10 месяцев назад
​@Ted_Wcue Especially since this series takes place in the future and most dystopian setings have aliens. It makes so much sense now !!
@sablecat6988 10 месяцев назад
The aliens would leave Gale, just like how he left Katniss.
@thislovesposessingme 9 месяцев назад
Omg you should’ve included when Snow said “Look at this, they’re holding hands. I want them dead.” 💀💀💀
@kurtskrow 9 месяцев назад
I actually plan on using this clip for tbosas!
@thislovesposessingme 8 месяцев назад
@@kurtskrow but isn’t it in catching fire?
@MLBedits4U-bc1sp 2 месяца назад
holding hands is too much ptsd for snow from when he held lucy grays hand like 10 times 💀
@nairam0410 10 месяцев назад
i think the thing that brings me peace whenever katniss and gale kiss is knowing that jennifer would eat garlic / tuna before doing so just to mess with liam 😹😹😹
@nshlw_ 10 месяцев назад
I didn't knew that lol 😂
@cheeze588 9 месяцев назад
@miadoesmanythings 9 месяцев назад
@TetraPrismYT 7 месяцев назад
I'm dyingggg that's HILARIOUS
@Logan-zl7xi 13 дней назад
@prl1985 10 месяцев назад
"If Jesus woke up and saw Gale, He'd want to go right back to sleep." 💀
@duckie9631 10 месяцев назад
I died when I read that 😂
@Crazykelly13 2 месяца назад
@@duckie9631same 😂
@cuntyslayjesus 11 месяцев назад
BRO i admire you fr you have represented the majority of the fandom with your hatred towards g*le ty
@kurtskrow 11 месяцев назад
Yeah man, every time I read the books and read about him I’m in physical pain. LMAO
@gwensi. 10 месяцев назад
Nah that was too much hatred for Gale
@CelerieArts 10 месяцев назад
The fact that you censored G*ale made me laugh so fucking hard HAHAHAHAHA
@marijougonzalez8437 10 месяцев назад
but he’s HOT how do you people just SKIM by that sksksksk
@multifanderisverycrafty 10 месяцев назад
@@kurtskrowI literally hate Gale with a burning passion.
@nandisteynberg5427 10 месяцев назад
Sometimes I feel like the only reason Katniss still considered g*le as competish to Peta. Is because she knew Gale so long, he clearly wanted it and she felt obligated to somewhat oblige him instead of saying "No Gale you dumb b*tch, IM GOING THROUGH A SH*T F*CK TON RIGHT NOW. FORGET ABOUT IT"
@withedoter6277 10 месяцев назад
According to some of the comments here, that legit is the case. Katniss felt pity and obligated.
@miadoesmanythings 9 месяцев назад
@@withedoter6277which is why love triangles with childhood best friends aren’t always my favorite (I love best friends to lovers, but not if there’s another lover and it’s based on obligations rather than forming a deeper connection). I am forever and always an Everlark supporter
@stephaniekirby4983 9 месяцев назад
The way you censored his name at first is absolutely ✨PERFECT✨
@spookyscaryskellietons13 8 месяцев назад
especially when she only kisses g*le when he's hurt and thinks about peeta the entire time
@-keila- 10 месяцев назад
idc in my mind Finnick escaped and is living his happy life next to Annie and their child.
@Kayla_Sandoval 5 месяцев назад
@hungariangiraffe6361 10 месяцев назад
The faces Katniss makes between 2:21 and 2:33 are absolute moods.
@offal6795 10 месяцев назад
and she did it out of the group bcs she was sick or something at that time and the producer needed to edit her on the sequence, makes it more hillarious
@duckie9631 10 месяцев назад
That entire elevator scene is just perfection 🤌
@trishamarr946 4 дня назад
apparently Francis said on an watch-a-long with Josh Harowitz of CF that it was purely Jen and no Katniss just Jen 🤣
@poejibberjabber 10 месяцев назад
I used to have a friend who said he likes Gale over Peeta. He’s not my friend anymore
@Manabi05 10 месяцев назад
OMG me too same story 😂😂
@mmkateey1222 10 месяцев назад
@brendonsmith3080 10 месяцев назад
Katniss rolling her eyes at Johanna stripping is so Katniss at her core😂😂😂
@sparkle1time 10 месяцев назад
Bro please make more of these, the Gale slander has got me cackling istg 😭
@duckie9631 10 месяцев назад
Peeta: "Gale sucks, real or not real?" Katniss: "..." Fandom: *YOU BETTER SAY REAL*
@Xinixie 10 месяцев назад
I have never felt so seen as when the screaming and text over Gale at 0:57 started. Holy shit.
@annalisechristine9437 10 месяцев назад
Im sorry but who choose the pants for Peet’s at 2:56
@flora0713 4 месяца назад
@spookybells5099 3 месяца назад
@itsnlee 10 месяцев назад
Thank god Im not the only one who had a dislike to Gale. Rewatching MJ Pt1 and was blanching at his screaming "I SEE A COWARD" when watching Peeta's interview with Flickermann. I was shocked, Peeta tortured and yet Gale has zero empathy. I came to the conclusion whatever romantic scenes between Katniss and him was just this sense of obligation or even guilt, simply because they were childhood friends. But I can't blame her because she was in no position to sort out her emotions after surviving the game.
@bearisyes 9 месяцев назад
“In the novel it was 10x cuter, but still just as cute in the movies” WHICH IS IT?
@dxrk_rxign 10 месяцев назад
@bobeczek01 10 месяцев назад
I think that Katniss fell in love with Peeta on their tribute journey . He was a friend and he was comforting her. Gale was not comforting her Gale was always challenging her and then he wanted to be the hero who took care of the family, he wanted for her to see him as she later saw Peeta - as someone they needed (her and her family). Peeta didn't think , he just didn't want her to be sad, lonely and scared and he allowed her to be vulnerable (she allowed herself that too when she was with him , that's why she asked him to stay with him after she had the nightmare and they continued to sleep in the same bed just to be there for eachother). She had to always be strong with Gale - she said "let's run!" Abs he literally called her stupid , but also was always jealous of Peeta. In the first games Katniss just felt sorry for Peeta and wanted him to survive, because she wanted that for everyone. Only once she really got to know him , she saw how genuine he was. He didn't want to be brave before, his family didn't see any good in that, the did what the have to have a semi-formal life in D12. Peeta didn't feel like a hero, but became one because of Katniss , but not because he wanted to impress her , she showed him how to be brave, even if it was so scary. They complimented each other and that's why it worked. She still thought she is too stubborn and she fought the is too trusting, but never saw each other as weak. Not all friends can or should be lovers , but lover should be friends.
@finnfasty2347 10 месяцев назад
‘If Jesus woke up and saw Gale, he’d want to go back to sleep man’ LMAO ROASTED HIM SO HARD
@Sophia-hs7et 11 месяцев назад
Your gale hate discourse is kinda popping off (I wasn’t a gale hater before this video but now I am 🤩)
@kurtskrow 11 месяцев назад
Dawg I’ve read the books over 30 times. As I’m replying to this I’m rereading Mockingjay, the amount of bs Gale does is just- AAAAAA. You start noticing how much bull he pulls the more you read lol. But welcome to the club!
@mhwinter17 9 месяцев назад
2:44 neurodivergents finding each other
@nohintshere 9 месяцев назад
district 3 has gotta be autism central
@GHØSTED.voices 9 месяцев назад
0:59 This literally killed me.💀💀💀
@ryla8195 10 месяцев назад
0:21 This isn’t some creepy Capitol guy touching Katniss, this is creepy extra touching Jennifer Lawrence
@Halske 10 месяцев назад
I love how half of us in the comments are censoring G*le’s name because he’s just that munch of a shitbag. Also Haymitch deserved more scenes in CF I feel like- idk maybe I’m being bias because he’s one of my favorites but still.
@0Xmoon_pandaX0 10 месяцев назад
I’m sensing some strong negative feelings towards gale
@rat.cheese 10 месяцев назад
I never liked the line the Katniss could live a thousand lifetimes and never deserve Peeta. She deserves him. He deserves her. She's just as selfless as Peeta, just not as charismatic or aware.
@TheMutant_Real 9 месяцев назад
alternate title: johanna is cool, we hate gale, peeta is epic, katniss is kinda an idiot in love, finnick is cool.
@nonoo2157 8 месяцев назад
"Oo, mahogany" Effie and her mahogany 😭😭❤️❤️
@evangelinecheng1222 10 месяцев назад
im not gon lie, the only book character i hate more than gale is fitz vacker. like, not even snow. snow had a tragic backstory. what did gale have? a bruised ego and a vengeful stupid little soul also who else had to pause the whole damn video cause you wanted to read the rants?
@h.o.a.x.1.3 10 месяцев назад
if you’re team ga… i can’t even finish his name. GET OUT🥰🥰
@zvideosz 10 месяцев назад
im ngl i have alternate titles: -hating gale for 5 minutes straight -katniss not making her mind up -peeta being adorable for 5 minutes and forever
@knightxoxo 8 месяцев назад
help I love the way the whole time you were just sh*t talking Gale and promoting Everlark 💀💀
@michaelvaleski 8 месяцев назад
1:07 dont hate me for this but i felt kinda bad for gale in this scene 😭 (pls dont attack me, im not saying hes a good guy or anything 😭)
@ilovemycatmissy 8 месяцев назад
same honestly i hate him but that scene makes me sad lol
@flora0713 4 месяца назад
as much as I hate this guy so freaking much I kinda did as well that looks painful 😭
@str4wberry..g0rl 7 месяцев назад
@CelerieArts 10 месяцев назад
Amazing video, holy shit HAHAHAHA. I've watched it like 3 times now and I cannot stop laughing at your thoughts on G*ale.
@totalhufflepuff203 10 месяцев назад
Bro your hatred for Gale is so entertaining. I didn’t even hate him that much I just preferred Peeta, but you convinced me that he’s a much more awful human than I remember.
@lilymeek8146 10 месяцев назад
@neversaw 10 месяцев назад
"Ooo curtains" is still hilarious
@arabianflowers 10 месяцев назад
This is so funny! Also, when I was younger, I hated Gale so much, but now, I think I was too hard on him. The jokes here are funny af though. 😂
@mmkateey1222 10 месяцев назад
No such thing as being too hard on Gale 😭
@VR0180 8 месяцев назад
I was understanding of him until the mockingjay book…. Yeah no fuck that guy
@dlolive9990 10 месяцев назад
So do you hate gale? I *think* you hate gale but I don’t think you made that quite clear 🤣🤣
@jjmaybank2896 10 месяцев назад
when i tell you i laughed so hard at this dude. not like an “lol” moment. like actually rolling on the floor laughing. this was amazing.
@annascott6984 8 месяцев назад
The paragraphs ranting about Gale had me howling because they’re so true lmfao
@XeniusChannel 10 месяцев назад
@lilymeek8146 10 месяцев назад
Bruh katniss always makes me mad in the books and movies because she just leads both game and peeta on the whole time. Like pick one and stop playing with the others emotions, it only makes all three of their mental healths worse. Side eyeeeee
@katlinath 10 месяцев назад
I'm so glad to see someone who despises Gale as much as I do. Good for him for wanting a revolution but he's immature in the worst way possible: fragile male ego.
@ella.harris_eventing 10 месяцев назад
2:23 THE SIDEYE😭😂😂
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