
Catholicism Beyond Traditionalism: An Interview with Andy M 

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Raised in the Traditionalist movement, and now a college graduate, working husband and father of 2, Andrew shares his personal story moving through various groups and communities, including the SSJ, FSSP, SSPX and more, and offers insight into what he has learned about "life outside the Trad bubble".
Cult Characteristics: www.icsahome.c...
Wounded Faith: Understanding and Healing from Spiritual Abuse - book: www.icsahome.c...
The Pope, The Council and the Mass: Answers to Questions the Traditionalists have Asked - book: www.amazon.com...
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28 сен 2024




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@pennyjohnharrison66 4 месяца назад
Excellent interview.
@michaelshelbyedwards 4 месяца назад
Thank you for this. I’ve been in “Trad-world” since 2020 and I’m getting so tired of feeling boxed in. I just want to be Catholic. ❤
@georgecoyoy951 Год назад
Thanks for posting this. I'm a cradle Catholic, currently attend a traditional parish, but have reservations about raising my children in a traditional parish. I love the liturgy and the people I've known are wonderful, but every traditional parish I've been to has had a culture of disobedience and bitterness toward the broader Church that I don't want my children to hold.
@andym5995 Год назад
I get what you mean. It’s difficult because often it’s only with the benefit of hindsight that you can pick up on the red flags. I do hope the parish is serving you well and that you’re able to navigate any problematic attitudes. May I ask how long you’ve been attending this parish?
@georgecoyoy951 Год назад
My parish has served us very well; we have been there for almost a year now. Our priests do not speak poorly of the magisterium or the pope and actually quote them favorably when relevant. They speak well of the local bishop, they remind us often to resist the temptation to get caught up in church drama and to keep our faith in the church. As far as TLM parishes go, it is the most positive one I have attended. I do not think it’s a coincidence that it is an FSSP parish. But I have encountered the bitter trad attitude in a few parishioners, some of whom have no problem saying things like attending a NO is a mortal sin. But the parish as a whole is wonderful and not one I would describe as toxic. I am just worried about that attitude rubbing off on my family by being in trad circles in general.
@andym5995 Год назад
@@georgecoyoy951my FSSP parish was much the same way; great priests, respect for the bishop, sermons about avoiding church drama, etc. And I’m very grateful for many of the things it provided, but like you said, there were definitely those who looked down on the NO or who would discourage it. I’d rather be in the camp of people who struggle with everyday issues but who love the Church, than those who look down on others and think themselves superior.
@vm3923 Год назад
@@andym5995 its interesting, maybe my experience in the UK isn't so different with this, but the FSSP priest was more open about critiquing the pope. I go to a diocesan Dominican ran parish now which has served me well, and i give back to that community as well in the youth group they have. I've been worried also about the marriage culture in trad circles which still affects me. It's a toxic rushing memtality which I think should be talked about.
@georgecoyoy951 Год назад
@@andym5995 yeah it's an interesting decision to ponder, especially now that I have a family to think about. from what I've learned so far, the marks of a good parish in which to raise my family are having daily mass, frequent confession, respect for the liturgy and participation with the broader church. Moving forward, those will be marks I look for in a parish rather than a TLM.
@madmachio 2 месяца назад
ST.Marys resident here..... Totally relate in almost every way... Lol this is a crazy place
@dvomon Год назад
This interview was incredible! Thank you both for your time and generosity to share your experiences with others. This resource, along with the book recommendations, is incredible and so helpful! God bless you both!
@andym5995 Год назад
I am glad it was helpful! And I hope you enjoy the book if you do get it, it was quite literally life-changing for me.
@andym5995 Год назад
(I must issue a correction; it was not several Protestants, just one, who converted after their involvement in the review of the new missal. It was Max Thurian, for those who care to research it.)
@kurtandrews5844 Год назад
Thank you!
@tonyalongi4409 Год назад
"A checklist of stuff to do." Hence what Pope Francis called neo-Pelagianism. If all we have to do to be the perfect Catholic is to check off a list of stuff, then there's no chance for a relationship with God. If my relationship with my wife was reduced to a checklist, it wouldn't matter how often I checked all the items off. The relationship would stagnate and fall apart. That, and it makes us reliant on ourselves, not God, for salvation. Immanentism, as St. Pius X defined the philosophy of modernists. Ironic that the most flagrant modernists are found among the strongest condemners of modernism. I could go on. Your videos always give me excellent fuel for a dozen paragraphs that amount to "I know, right?!?!", but I'll spare you. :)
@aileenbordelon7884 Год назад
The snoop & report thing is real
@janetplonka8110 8 месяцев назад
This was a very interesting conversation to hear the inside of the st Mary’s KS. You both seem to have a balance. I belong to a traditional & reverence NO. There are masses that extreme with 🤡 masses & ℹ reverence etc. we were a part of a liberal NO & it was awful & wrong. It’s the balance that is so important
@Anonymouse_3 Год назад
I do love both forms of the Mass. I do not and will never approve of Holy Eucharist in the hand or "Eucharistic lay-ministers."
@mrshappycatholic Год назад
Hi Marine Mom! I'm glad to hear your appreciation! It is edifying. :) I do want to add that, although you are under no obligation to like communion in the hand or Eucharistic lay ministers, it is not our place to "disapprove" of them as they are both practices permitted by the Church which do not constitute abuse if the proper conditions are met. Communion in the hand was a very common and "traditional" practice of the early Church, although it's possible that the Church's abandonment of the practice came from a prudential understanding that grew over time as it proved to prevent certain accidents and abuses. I think its being permitted again stems from a desire on the part of the Church not to condemn a practice which was for a long time accepted and practice, is not in itself harmful or evil, and for which theological arguments approving the custom can be and have been made. We now have canonized saints in the Church who distributed Communion on the hand to their congregations and/or received it in that manner, and although not every action of a saint is legitimized by the fact of their canonization, they are being upheld as a model of virtue and piety for the whole Church, so it's good to consider what we can learn from their examples. I now receive Communion on the tongue, but as a child I was taught to receive in the hand. There were times I kissed the host before consuming it, which possibility and actuality still blows my mind. Approved Church custom permitted me to receive Our Lord in my hand (which He created as no less dignified than my tongue), and I was therefore able to kiss God... I didn't even have to wait for Heaven! Here is an article which touches well on the subject of communion in the hand, with an inspiring picture of St. Mother Teresa adoringly receiving the Blessed Sacrament in Communion: www.praytellblog.com/index.php/2018/02/28/john-paul-ii-and-mother-theresa-on-communion-in-the-hand/ Eucharistic ministers are often over-used, but they are partially being permitted since the frequent reception of Communion is now encouraged for the faithful (since Pope Pius X), and it can be difficult for a priest to always accommodate distribution on such a large scale by himself. My understanding is that it's an allowance for charity's sake, basically, as a help to the pastor should he really need it, and to serve the end of making the Eucharist more available to the sick, etc. (You may find this article by canonist Pete Vere helpful: catholicexchange.com/when-lay-ministers-take-holy-communion-to-the-sick/ ) The norms relating to the utilization of lay ministers for distributing Holy Communion are fairly strict and specific, and if followed, would give the faithful no reason to be scandalized or disturbed. I think what you and I have seen put into practice has not been a careful following of these norms, which leads to disorder and unnecessary accidents, etc. which was never the intention of the Church, and is not the fault of the permission to allow lay ministers, but the fault of those engaging in a poor and careless application of the principle. Thank you for your comment and your concern for observing careful liturgical practice. :) God bless you.
@simplydanny Год назад
Great interview and great points. So much of the what Andy talked about, almost every single point reminds me of some of the hyper fundamentalist Protestant churches I grew up around. P.S. if you want to find misshappycatholic full interviews they’re under the LIVE category not HOME or VIDEOS.
@danloveswatches Год назад
This was a great interview
@sunnygem21 3 месяца назад
This interview is amazing. So many lightbulbs going off in my mind.
@Martha_DC 2 месяца назад
50:35 where is this quote from Pope Francks from?
@Kings0375 Год назад
I find with the Novus Ordo Masses I attend (I'm in Austin Diocese in Texas) that the older the priest, the more likely you may have something off the wall happen, and the old priests aren't about to change their ways. But as was stated in the video by the host, the younger priests by and far tend to be more liturgically minded and orthodox for the most part. Let's pray future generation of priests continue on this trend!
@andym5995 Год назад
And those young priests will eventually become our bishops, then our cardinals, then our Pope, God willing!
@Fiat-Domine 10 месяцев назад
Good conversation. Not sure about the claims that being raised in the trad bubble results in children abandoning the faith as they go into adulthood. That seems to me to be fairly common regardless of what religious practice a person is raised in. Been attending TLM for most of my adult life, and it is sad when year after year the Easter vigil is celebrated without any new converts getting baptized. Tons of infant baptisms throughout the year, of course, but adult converts coming into the Church at Easter, only a handful maybe in 25 plus years.
@24erstad Год назад
Your channel is like The Journey Home for Ex-Trads 😁 Just insert the intro theme song and this episode is complete!
@fl5346 Год назад
Thank you so much for these conversations! We have finally returned to our home parish after years of traveling hours and hours on Sunday for Mass. While I love the TLM and Divine Liturgy, I have found that returning home actually fosters humility and charity. Thank you again for the work you are doing to offer encouragement to those of us with whom these stories resonate.
@TheBrunohusker 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for this. I’m not a trad and never was but I’m interested, if only because I have had friends go trad (though all are in the church thank God ) and have found some worrying statements (though I don’t hate trads or traditional practices) and being in just an anxious man, trad world is kind of an obsession. Anyways what I loved is how you both mentioned that things like clown masses and liturgical dancing aren’t common. They existed and I know some priests who regretted such things but growing up in the Midwest, none of this was happening. The “abuses” were just bad music at most parishes and maybe I knew one priest who did real ones during adoration. In fact the only horrible one besides that was in Germany on my wife and I’s honeymoon where we saw what was more or less a female deacon which was bad but most parishes here in the US and world are fine. Thanks Laura and Andy!
@joseph_mta5840 Год назад
I love these post-traditionalist conversations. I’ve found them very healthy to balance everything out. I attended the sspx on and off for 3 years and I’m just grateful for Lofton, Logos, Salza, etc.
@Danielle-t8b5f Год назад
I remember seeing a brochure for the Catholic village. The brochure had a picture of a gester juggling. I thought it was a joke.
@andym5995 Год назад
They roped quite a few people in, but it died about as quickly as it sprang up. My experience in the SSJ plus living near St Mary’s has convinced me that “Catholic villages” or localized Catholic communities are a really bad idea. When I heard about the iteration of this in Bp. Strickland’s diocese, the alarm bells immediately went off in my head.
@fr.hughmackenzie5900 Год назад
Many thanks. Great quotes from Edward Shree and Larry Chapp. Of course, in tune with these, Vatican II presented a Personalist development of the tradition on Revelation (Dei Verbum, of which Ratzinger was a key author), and called for us to develop our presentation of Magisterial teaching in a manner consistent with the modern "turn to the (personal) subject" (Gaudium et Spes, of which Wojtyla was a key author). P.S.: In Britain the figures began to collapse in 1960, ten years before the liturgy changed.
@keepingitcatholic Год назад
I've been saying this! Everyone blames VCII, but my mom's side of the family were all educated in Catholic School prior to VCII being widely incorporated and were taught religion by Priests and Nuns that were *definitely* brought up prior to VCII. None of them are religious anymore or understand the Real Presence. Things were going downhill prior to VCII.
@MrsYasha1984 Год назад
Really enjoyed this talk! Thank you so much! I was talking to a dear friend recently. He's non denom, and went to different churches over the years. Even started his own. All broke away because people started bickering. He is now desillusioned about organized religion as a whole and just wants to worship at home by himself. And what he told me about people starting to focus so much on behaviour and so on... I wonder if the structure of the church can become an idol in itself. So we don't worship God through mother Church, but the church itself? As if the rules and regulations become God. And I wonder if that was the reason behind the big shake up of Vii... so this idolatry can be disturbed? Just a thought. I hope you do all well!
@fr.hughmackenzie5900 Год назад
The Church is the "Mystical Body of Christ". It's essential to the Incarnation. God mediates through us wounded humans. He is an extreme delegator. We have extraordinary dignity and yet should be "disillusioned" by our own personal failure to live up to that, before the Church's.
@lesliehanson6614 Год назад
Very interesting thought. The SSPX promotions/excuses I have seen sent by friends and family are mostly about how nice the priest is, how large the families are and "I think it is OK", and there is a picture of the Pope in the vestibule. And I am thinking, those are all well and good but that is not what it is all about! Yes, the Mass is beautiful but we have had a TLM just a mile away in the same little town for the last 7-8 years that we attended all during Covid and still go Tuesday night with Rosary and Benediction. Our downtown, in the city, Novus Ordo Mass choir is now singing again so we are back there on Sundays. Many have switched over to the diocesan TLM and, one friend calls herself a refugee. Some friends go to both. But the priests at the SSPX church totally discourage folks from coming over here!
@lesliehanson6614 Год назад
Our 7 kids grew up in our Novus Ordo parishes and we took them to an occasional Latin Mass. Somewhere in the 90s we figured out we should not be attending SSPX except for funerals or weddings (even did wedding music). 4 of our kids' families attend the TLM nearly every Sunday now, both Institute and Diocesan but only one would not choose to attend a Novus Ordo Mass. I am grateful she came to her sister's wedding and her dad's funeral in the last three years. Our oldest would prefer English but their priest says only one during the week, out of the 13 total ( for our Archbishop's sake I hear!)! So 12 Latin Masses a week! This priest happens to be her husband's boss and her husband is the highest paid DRE in our state, so they do not complain even though our Archbishop says the TLM! and even did a traditional Confirmation last September. He said he did not want to get on the radar from Rome, get called over there and tucked away filing documents the rest of his life! Wow, would they do that? I love how all my grandsons that are older all know how to serve the TLM and the oldest at 16 is an MC! We just stayed traditional in the Novus Ordo setting, no girls serving, none of us are Eucharistic ministers, always communion on the tongue and consistently kneeling if possible. We are still active and have sung in the traditional choir most of the last 50+ years. Us ladies always wear skirts to church and most of the time in general. Also, all but the 2 oldest daughters always cover their heads during Mass or Adoration. We homeschooled and my husband worked from home so we did lots of things together as a family, became a music group and traveled all over!! We actually did some performances at St. Marys, KS and a couple of dances! Old neighbors must have given us a thumbs up back there! They really loved our family! We know several that work or worked at Onyx, and several families who got burned and left. No victims of abuse that we know of but live near the local victims families and two of the convicted and jailed abusers. So we have been around during a lot but never got sucked into the definite cult aspect. New attendees there abandoned our solid friendship when someone warned them not to watch Logos Project videos. All our 7 kids are faithful Catholics and all but the youngest (still single) married the same and are raising our 28 (so far) grandkids in the Faith! We pray the Rosary every day, frequently attend Daily Mass and have home altars in our living rooms. Most homeschool or go to the new Chesterton Academy, JPII, in Green Bay. Only one is in public school. We all more than survived! You can do it! Yes, we experienced the attitudes you described so often but our kids got asked to babysit during the St. Patrick dinner and fundraiser since all their teens were serving. One priest put our name in the auction and we won 4 Blazer Basketball courtside tickets! We have remained connected with many. Some of our friends are now part of the Resistance too, so we just don't talk about it! Our son got invited over to play basketball during lunch hour. Judo class taught by a parishioner that has since removed his family, included us and we rented the gym for one of our wedding receptions.
@mrshappycatholic Год назад
Hi Leslie! Thank you for your comment!! Your family sounds a lot like mine growing up - we had a wonderful experience, and are all still practicing. God is good! I'm sorry to hear your husband passed away. God bless you and your wonderful family!
@gloriapatri1 7 месяцев назад
This was so interesting! I don't have a dog is this fight because I'm in the Ordinariate now and grew up nominally Catholic in the NO, but it seems like the issue is growing up not just trad but SSPX trad. Am I correct? Do you think that if you had grown up trad but still part of the wider Church, like maybe diocesan TLM or ICKSP or FSSP that your experience would have been less cult-like? So, when you say traditionalist movement do you mean SSPX mostly?
@TheKevin9000 Год назад
So how do interviews like this not fall under gossip and detraction?
@mrshappycatholic Год назад
Recounting events that happened pertaining to oneself does not constitute gossip, and as far as detraction goes, Andy has a very good reason for warning people away from the extremes which he was raised with, thereby necessitating his describing some negative occurrences in detail.
@andym5995 Год назад
Because both of those faults become wrong when done inappropriately or without valid reason. I think it is perfectly legitimate to talk about serious issues to warn unsuspecting people about them if they are considering joining groups that may be spiritually harmful to them. Not to mention that gossip and detraction relate to individuals, and I did not name any names. Nobody’s reputation is being harmed here.
@mycatholicexperience8409 10 месяцев назад
That famous lady who made a documentary on the dangers of Scientology, outlining her personal experiences with that group ,,, are you going to accuse her of gossip too?
@janetplonka8110 8 месяцев назад
I agree no matter what church you go to there going to be gossip & attitudes etc.
"the end justifies the means" is a heresy
@dianneraimondi8382 10 месяцев назад
Can we really see authentic catholicism coming out of Rome. Is it authentic just because if exists .
@ngchase33 Год назад
Great interview! Thanks for sharing and thanks for doing this, @Misshappycatholic
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