
cedric the entertainer presents part 2 

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cedric the entertainer comedy




5 окт 2024




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@trentyates418 3 года назад
This is one of the most underrated sketch comedy shows of all time!
@longfeet14 Год назад
*sketch comedy shows
@RellyPendergrass Год назад
As much of a researcher and student of the game, I never knew Ced had his own show. So much of a Goat ⚡️
@winstonmcduffie7642 5 лет назад
Cedric's show will NEVER get old...so damn funky!!👍😂😂😂
@stevenhosea4849 3 года назад
1:00. 1:45. Stephanie. Very. Nice
@janismcdonald2979 3 года назад
I watched his show all the time, loved cafeteria lady the most!
@thakidd626 5 лет назад
He turned The Kings of Comedy jokes into sketches 😂🤣😂🤣
@trentyates418 3 года назад
"Ima time card at five o' clock ill punch ya out!!! 😂😂😂 CLASSIC punchline!
@prof3ssor178 3 года назад
The early 2000s was the best 2000-2006 next to the 90s!! Underrated show I forgot all about
@thekweenofbling3621 5 лет назад
Cedric IS.... and always will be THE MAN
@marquitie69 4 года назад
I can't believe I never seen this show before. This show is funny😂😂😂😂😂😂!!!!
@harrietsmalls1762 3 года назад
I'm with you on this one. I never seen this show before.
@trentjohnson3302 2 года назад
If you woulda been there in the early 2000s when it showed up 🤣 I honestly thought this show would last
@ANTWAN1987 2 года назад
I used to laugh hysterically at this show and to my surprise (like a few others (In Living color,Mad Tv etc.)that were before their time or should have stood the test of time) I am still laughing as if it's my first time watching it.
@garrythomas522 2 года назад
@@harrietsmalls1762 no 0pPizza aww J
@rhuttrho88 Год назад
👋🏿 I did!😁
@freddrickamcmanaway5626 Год назад
I've always loved Cedrick The Entertainer. He always cheers me up when I'm sad and in need of a great laugh... Ced baby come back to TV... We love you
@cck1189 3 года назад
They need to come back with this show ..
@rachelmartin6811 7 лет назад
This show shouldve been kept on because it actually funny. usually shows like this r not really interesting. but this and Dave Chappellle is
@shirohige7780 9 лет назад
one of the funniest comedian's out here, he is my favorite in kings comedy.
@gabrielleelliott7388 4 года назад
My fav too
@Dj.Hylanda 3 года назад
R.I.P. Rick James being funny is a hellava drug!!!!🤣🤣🤣
@TheAlphaOmega78 5 лет назад
This show is awesome!!! Glad to find it here! Thanks for taking me back and having some real laughs!!
@carriemtsh9648 4 года назад
Aaaw Ced and principal Regina 😂😂🥰🤣😂they meet again 🥰🥰🥰
@indigoGoddess7 3 года назад
🥰🥰🥰Ceddy my Ceddy bear! *Lavita Alize Jenkins’ voice*
@javontamccloud6313 2 года назад
Bra when Cedric played the bathroom attendant omg 😂😂😂😂 best skit ever
@angelaabron3080 4 года назад
The guy who had a bad gag reflex had me dying laughing 😂😂😂😂
@indigoGoddess7 3 года назад
I was crying!!! My cheeks hurt from laughing after that one skit especially.
@minamcmillan6764 3 года назад
Genius I swear!!!!😂😂😂😂
@ReaLTruBadGurl1 5 лет назад
Lmao...Cedric the Entertainer is a fool! I Loveeee him playing the role as The Cafeteria Lady!!!
@jeanenehaynes3751 5 лет назад
The gangsta giggles don't stop... 🤣🤣🤣
@jarrettvirgil9484 10 лет назад
didn't get enough love! This was hilarious!
@trentyates418 3 года назад
Still is till this day!
@malikjones3694 3 года назад
@@trentyates418 Eeeeeeeeveeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweeeeweeeebeveeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeveveeeeeeeweeeweeeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeweveebeveveeveeeeeweveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevveeeeeeebeeeeeeveeeeeeweeveeeveeeeeeevveeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefeeeeeebebeeeeeeveeeeeveeebeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveeveeveeeeeeeeeweeveeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeefeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeveeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveveeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeveeeveeveeeeevveeeeeveveeeeeeveeeeeeveeeefeveveewveeeeeeeeeeeeeevveeeeeeeveeeefeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeveewveeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeevbeeeeeeveeeeeevweeeveeeeeevfeeeeeveeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewveweeeeeeveeeeveeeeveefeeeeevveevweeveeeefeeeeeveeeeeevvefeeeeeebfeeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweeveeeeeeeweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebweeeeeeeweeveveeeeewwewwewweeeeeeevwwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweeeeeeeeeeeveeeweeeeeeweeweeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeweeeeevewefeeeeeeeeeewweveeeeeeeeeeeewveveeeeeeweeeeeeweeeeeeweeveeveeeeeveeeeweeeveveeeeewweeeefeeeeeeeeeeeeweeeveevwewfeeeeeveweeewweveeeeweebveeeweeeweevweeeeeeeeweveeeeeeeeeeeweeeweeeeeee ewveeeweeweeeeeeeweeeeeeeeeeeveweeevweewvweveeeeefeeeeeeeweeeeeeeeeeeeeefeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeveeeeeweeeeeeeeeeewfeeeweeveeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeewweeeewee eeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeewweeeeeeeeeeeeweeeeeeeeeveeveweeweeewweeeeeeeeeeeweeweeeewewfeeweeveeeeeeeebeeveeveeeeefewweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweweeeeeeeeeveeeeeefeevveeeeeeeweveeefevfweeeeeveeewweeeeweweewvwwwweeeeeeeveeeveeeweveeeweweeeeeweweeeevewwwfweeeeweeeeeecwewevwveeeeveevweeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewewweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevweeveeweeveeeeeeeeeeevefeeeefeeeeeevvfeeeevveveeeeweeeveeeeeeeeeeeeveveveeeeeeeeeeeeeeweveeeweveevwveeevvveveeveeeeeeeeeeeweeeeeeeeeweweevfebwwweeeeeeeweeevwvefeeeveeeewweweeevefeeeeeeeeevveeeeeeveeevveeewveeeveeeeeweveeeeeewveweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeweeewvvveeweweeevfeeweeveeeveeeeefeeweewwweeeeevwweeeeeeeeeeeevweevwfeweeeeeeeeeeveeweweeeveeeefewwwwfewfveveeeeeeeevvwweeewweeeeeveeeeweeeeeweweweewweveeeewweeeeeweeeefeweevvwweevwwfeeeweweewveeeeeefeeweveeeweeeeewwweeeeeefeeeeeeeeeeeveeewveeveeefeewveweeeewweweweweeweeeewewdeww Weeewveeewweeeeeeweeeeewevweeeewweeeeeeeeevewweweeeeeeeeeewwwevefeeeeeveeeeeeeewfewewweeveefeeeeveeveeeeveeveveeeeeeveveeeebveeveveeefveeeveeevwceeeeweeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeweweweeeveewefeeveeeeeveewwewweeeewvweeeveeweeweeeeevewewveeewewveeweveeeeeeewwveeefveeweeeeewwewewvweweeeeeefeveewweeeeeeeeweeweweeeewweeeewevvevwweeeeeweeewveeweeeeeeeeevfwevvewvvfeweeeweevwewfveweeeeweeeeeeeeeeeeewweeeeeeeeeeeeveeeewvvwveweeeevweewveeeeeeeeevevveeeeeeeeeweweeveeeefeeewvewvevevwweeeeeveeeevwwveeeeeewwwwevefeewdeveeevfeeeeeevevveeeeeeweeeeeeeeeveweveeeeeeeeweeeeeweeeeeweeeeeceeeeeeeeeweweevveeeeeeveeeevvwvveeeeewveweweeeeefewevewwwveveweeeeeveeeeeeeveeeeeeeevwvevvwweewevvweeweeeveeeweeeeweweeeevweeeevvewweweveeveewwveewveeveeeewveeveeeeeeweweeeveeeeewewevveweveeeeeeveeeveeweeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeweeeeweeeeeeeevweeeeeeveeeeveeveeweeeeveeeeeeeeeeewevfeeveevveeeveevveveeeweeeeeveevefeeeweeeeeeeeeeewvveeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeweeeeeeweeevfeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewevvweveeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeveeeweveeeeeeeeeeewweeeeveweveeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeefweeeeeeeeeeveeewveeeeveeeefeeveeeeeewvwwveeeeeevveveeeeeceeeeweeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeweeweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveeeveeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeeweeeeeeeeeeeevwfeee3deeeeeeeweeeeweeveweeeveewweewweeeveeeeeeeeeeeeewefweeeeeeeeeveeeewwwwweevwveeeveeweweeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeveeeeeveeeeeveeeeweeeveveeeeeeeeeeefvewveeeeeveveeewvveeeeewveeeeveeewveeeeeeeeveeewwwweeeveeeeeeeeeeweewweeevweeeeeeeeeeeee3wefeeewfweeefweeweeveeeeeeeweeeeeeeeweevveeeeeeeefeeeeewevweefeefefvveeefeeeweeeveeveeeeeeeeewewwveeeweeeeeeeeeeeeeefeeeeveeeeevfeeeeeeweeeeeeweeeeeee.eeeeewceffveeeefeeweeeeeeeeveeevwwewweeeveeweeevveweefeeeeeeeevveweeefeeeeeeeeeveeeweveeeewewefeeeweeeveveeeeewceeweffeeweevweeeweweeeweeeewefeeeeeeeveweeveeeeevefveeeeeeeeeeeeeewwweveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveeevwewwewewwveeewwewwwwewwewwwweewewewewwwvwwwfwvwwwvwwewvwweffwvwvww vwweeewweeeeewwewwwvfeevvwwefeeeeeveveeeewewewwwwewwfewwewwveevewwweevvweeweeeweeweeeevvweeewewwweweeevweefeevwwwewwweveewweefeeeewwfwewwewwvwweewewwfeeeveeeweeeefeweevwweeeeweevfeecvveeecwefeveeweeweewwewwveeeeveeeefeweeeeeweeeeeweeewwvwweveweewewvveeeeeeeeeeweewweewww Wvwee W E W E Wv Eweewwwewvwwwwwewwvwveveeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeveeeeevwee Ewveweweeweceeeeefeweweve Vw W Evve V Ee Ee G.wgnml A. 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@malikjones3694 3 года назад
@@trentyates418 vv Vvvv Vvvv Vv Vdv Dv you v Cvvv Vv Vvdc Vdvvgvd Vvv Dvvv Ddd Very d Vvvvvdfvv Vdv Vvvvv Vv V Vvv Fvdvvdvd Vvvv Vs I got vvv V Vfdvgvvvvvvvvdvdv v for vdvvgvd cvvv vvvv vvvvvdfvv vvvv and cf in
@malikjones3694 3 года назад
@@trentyates418 a vvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvfvb and vvvd in brick video from a vfvvvvvvv V vv gf vvvd v be vvvvvvvvvvvvvvfor vvvv vv video v Very vvvyou have cvvv Vv vv Vvv be vvvv v I vvcvvc cvvv v Vvvvv vv vv vv can🥫🥫🥫 call no vv vv v vv get aswisher for vvvor three cc vv be v vv vvcvvc on coming v vvvd vdvvd
@malikjones3694 3 года назад
Vv Cvv
@tonystokes1119 5 лет назад
you got insurance? No. You got a dollar?😂😂😂😂😂😂
@lewismarcia64 10 лет назад
"uh oh looks like somebody's choking on nutrition" OMG!!! LMAO!!!!.....cafeteria lady
@DB-tb8td 4 года назад
@johnnycee9325 5 лет назад
Lemony lemony SCENTED! 🔥🔥😂😂🤣🤣😭😭☠☠ THAT AIN'T WHERE IM AT NO MORE SON!!!
@robynhawkins4612 4 года назад
I love to see Ced dance 💃
@rottenhead8385 10 лет назад
I love Ced. God be praised for the Ced!
@Qweengohar 10 лет назад
I miss this show Cafeteria lady LOL
@almamorse5102 4 года назад
Love this miss it
@blueskye6372 2 года назад
Me too even now June 2022. 👌😁😉
@johnmachovec9467 11 лет назад
This show reminds me of MAD-TV I miss it every day :(
@tracytrotter4719 3 года назад
This have got to be one of the most hilarious scene 😂 he's ever done when he read off the VIP list:-)
@quientellabrownbrown7438 8 лет назад
I'm like a bicycle without a seat, I'll get in yo ass...LMAO. Soooo mad I didn't know this show was on when it was on!!!!
@judahisrael513 5 лет назад
Babygirl i didnt know either funny stuff. Right therrr... Lol
@landotakeoff9616 4 года назад
Them entros with the sensations was to player that's that STL.pimping in Cedric
@nathanael8855 4 года назад
"When I see Thriller Michael Jackson, arguing fussin and fightin with Off The Wall Michael Jackson, now that's just a world I don't wanna live in!" Lmaoooooooo
@marcwilliams7956 5 лет назад
I remember this show it didn't last because it was on a fucked up time slot. The times when it was on no one knew about it.
@nuknukssafeplace 3 месяца назад
Us working at night and Class in the morning, caught it!!1 Study time!
@criswilliams3504 4 года назад
That shit was funny wit j.b. smooth. "AH-HA..ha ha ha... 6IIITCH!!!!!!" I miss the season series of this.
@Heavenzvoice 10 лет назад
Omg... The Spanish soap opera!!
@neceluv 6 лет назад
Tami Hayes Que? Hora Es...
@neceluv 6 лет назад
Tami Hayes my favorite 😘😘😘
@datwayprimo8891 5 лет назад
@MsMabry0808 4 года назад
The gagging! 😭😭😭
@minamcmillan6764 3 года назад
I swear I am crying laughing 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@michellemikethedynamicduo1537 6 лет назад
I LOVE Amy Brassette. We were Myspace friends back in the day. She seemed like a genuinely good person. It's a shame her career didn't go any further, but maybe she was too real for Hollywood?
@lorenzotmontford1292 4 года назад
Sometimes certain people make mistakes when the talent is too much to handle, remember the show IN LIVING COLOR? ONE OF THE GREATEST HITS OF ALL TIME.
@77Creation 2 года назад
She still gets work but yeah, she had star level acting and comedic chops, sex appeal and charm. Probably still does.
@MassiveMouniFlaps Год назад
What's her onlyfans?
@paulettestubbs8326 7 лет назад
'what the chef boyardie were you thinking?' kml!!
@sabrina21clark 2 года назад
Cafeteria Lady is my favorite skit! I can't stand Que Hora es...but I sing the song every time! 🤣
@v.torres-amos9906 5 лет назад
The college roommate one had me dead
@Vintage27 12 лет назад
Loved this, thanks to the uploader and of course Cedric The Entertainer!
@datwayprimo8891 5 лет назад
Lemon scent uhh lemon lemon scent uhh 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@mrsamsung8184 3 года назад
WOW....JB Smoove.... did not realize he was an actor back then
@nathanael8855 4 года назад
Yooo the Spanish soap opera skit lmaoooooooo
@criswilliams3504 4 года назад
The fucced up thing is they cancelled this cuz the Wednesday it was coming on, bush interrupted talking about the war on terror. Then the next week the same. Then show over. Dont know if that's the reason, but irony.
@shaylabrown3490 7 лет назад
If we can cancel some of the BS shows headed by "white America" we'd have GOOD shows like this still on T.V.!
@biggdaddy202003 5 лет назад
The show had good moments but, was not as funny as other shows in the past such as in living color, mad tv. They needed better writing as most skits depended to much on Cedric to carry them. Great idea just needed a better supporting cast to hold it together.
@DustinMWeber 5 лет назад
@@biggdaddy202003 Eh...I've witnessed worse sketchcoms myself back in the day...MUCH worse. Just out of curiosity, though, how would you have improved this show, had you any control over it? Whom would you have hired as Cedric's supporting cast? What creative direction would you have taken the program in? I'm interested to find out more about how you believe CtEP could have been better than it actually was.
@biggdaddy202003 5 лет назад
@@DustinMWeber Well off the top it did not need to push a black slant to everything. This has been done to death with Richard Prior, Red Foxx and more. Cedric is a funny guy on his own but, has never been a headliner. Look at his body of work (The Soul Man, The Steve Harvey Show, Kings Of Comedy, and Def Jam). He has his own style but does better when he has someone to play off of (reaction to something or set up to deliver a joke). Personally I would have cast Charlie Murphy (they did work together before he passed away (Google the comedy get down). In fact if they were so hell bent on the ethnic slant that would have been a solid cast for this show. But yeah Charlie, Aries Spears, Nick Swardson, Debra Wilson, and Brian Posehn. Add in some of the people they had on the show and modernize the writing some. Each of these people also write so you would have lots of new material to draw from. The fact is Fox just took the easy and cheap way out with the show hoping that Cedric would be a big enough draw. Unlike a sitcom (his bread and butter) you have to make people laugh from episode one or people will tune out. There was a few gems in there like the Rick James guest appearance and the lunch lady skits. The rest were reused garbage. Hope that answered your questions.
@DustinMWeber 5 лет назад
@@biggdaddy202003 I see. Thanks for your response and insights! To tell you the truth, I haven't seen the show's material from that angle before, and though there's still a pretty big part of me that continues to like and miss this show, your arguments (especially the one concerning CtEP's overarching racial slant) make sense.
@charmaineharris4156 5 лет назад
Cafeteria lady!!😂😂
@adaneboateng 5 лет назад
@TheJanieLynn Год назад
My favorite funny Man, Cedric The Entertainment...
@Lanie-sl9ne 5 лет назад
This was good when it aired and its still good in 2019😎
@savannahrose9680 5 лет назад
@savannahrose9680 5 лет назад
Following you. I love Tamar too💖😎
@Texas__Gal 4 года назад
...and in 2020.
@77Creation 2 года назад
And 2022 🫡
@gamechaser94 5 лет назад
I'm dying 😂😂😂😂
@TAlst 5 лет назад
House on a kickstand,, loooooool I'm gonna use that one. Watch me..
@sethunyanikuru1079 5 лет назад
Living Color Vibes❤💛💚💙💜
@SimplyASweetHeart 3 года назад
In the thumbnail her purse looks like a mc donalds happy meal
@ebonipeguero4349 3 года назад
It sure does
@MalcolmS428 11 лет назад
i used to love this especially the tap dancing part lol
@aadddtedhxh 2 года назад
Damn I wish there was more seasons of this
@rl-3329 3 месяца назад
@asayudwhaddameant8346 3 года назад
It's like Cedric is impersonating Tracey Morgan!
@phatchick820 5 лет назад
@Heavenzvoice 10 лет назад
Get Cedric, Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller and add DaveChapelle to do a show like this!!! Priceless
@Squirrel36 10 лет назад
Don't forget Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, Danny Tamberelli, and Mike Maronna!
@marcusw.bryant4857 7 лет назад
Squirrel36 or Tyler Perry
@Squirrel36 5 лет назад
@@marcusw.bryant4857 Or even Jeff Daniels and Jim Carrey!
@carriemtsh9648 4 года назад
@lyricalsunshine5595 5 лет назад
I really miss this show
@gabrielleelliott7388 4 года назад
Cedric so funny hilarious 😂
@biancablount4926 9 лет назад
Him and Dave Chappelle woulda been dope as President&VP
@gabrielleelliott7388 4 года назад
Dave is super talented funny the Chappelle show I love it
@deliriafranshaw9040 4 года назад
B 0
@MrsBreana1987 12 лет назад
love this show
@angelafranklin2267 3 года назад
The Gagging skit! Hahahaha
@carmenalexis4787 2 года назад
This was a good show.
@samuelmedrano7490 Год назад
Lmfao!!🤣 Much love to Cedric 🙏 Karmalito da Prophet out here in Vegas representing Texas!!!
@Shinitkun 13 лет назад
EL.... Cool Jay! *Everyone gasps horrifically* LOL. Love him, yo!
@theresamullen8821 4 года назад
Yeah me too. Funny ha ha 😂 Comedy shows from my time. Now a days it's not like back in those days 😂
@savannahrose9680 5 лет назад
The earring💖🤗🤗🤗
@bonitafrye1554 5 лет назад
Cedric Entrainment in the Building🏫
@jplaya2023 2 года назад
so this is what mrs greer and coach robinson do when school is out
@allprog 9 лет назад
@ruansaunders2913 3 года назад
The best lyrics ever! Lol
@BITYProdz 12 лет назад
oo oooo what the funk is wrong with you boy? lmao
@windyboyd5764 4 года назад
Where my alcohol at.....? Where my straw?....too funny!
@lakewoodforever9198 3 года назад
Still watching in 2021
@TheEgyptinPrinssi 12 лет назад
Thanks for posting, but still had only one Thug Pranks :( I wanna see more
@troycardi219 4 года назад
Amy bessette a good actress
@joewoods2046 2 года назад
Sell out got em in that dress what's next? Got'em hahaha
@staceyk7594 5 лет назад
2019....still watching
@drtalkboxsa9412 3 года назад
The old toilet man sound like uncle Earl
@MsMabry0808 4 года назад
The TNT!! 🤣😭🤦🏽‍♀️
@williamperkins4726 8 лет назад
Hate i didnt kno this was out when it actually aired
@DustinMWeber 5 лет назад
Me, too...but I'm happy that I at least bought the DVD set brand new a few years back! :)
@gabrielleelliott7388 4 года назад
@@DustinMWeber where can I find the DVD
@mrj5695 4 года назад
@@gabrielleelliott7388 search online wouldn't doubt amazon has em
@ojturner9623 2 года назад
Where my alcohol at!!!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
@brendajohnson3063 2 года назад
That cafeteria lady is hilarious
@ChiTownChei 2 года назад
"You can't Harlem Shake to that." Took me out
@sweett1471 2 года назад
Shalalalaah ahalalalah. Don't do drugs
@charmaineharris4156 5 лет назад
Go Cedie😂😂
@stoneyb.datzme5365 6 лет назад
Ced funny af tho
@Alexabee95 2 года назад
This show was funny af🤣🤣
@biggdaddy202003 5 лет назад
14:17 is the start of the reason why I looked this up. Prepare to be blown away or at least feel the funk.
@cortezlucious95 3 года назад
@confessionsofagoodgirl 12 лет назад
Rick James!!!
@thegreatandsigmaticgiants8307 3 года назад
Cedric the Entertainer. Will always be funny. stl finest
@lauramckee6177 9 лет назад
@rolandmoody1 3 года назад
Yoo this S*** funny AF 😂😂😂
@stoneyb.datzme5365 6 лет назад
White Castle is poppin in st Louis tho lol.
@indigoGoddess7 3 года назад
I need to go
@jayr.4179 3 года назад
March 2021.... STILL FUNNY😂😂😂😂
@nkwizzay7719 Год назад
Cedric Rap dope Ngl 🔥🔥🔥🔥
@tycamtyson 12 лет назад
good nice thanks
@mothercissebobote4754 5 лет назад
The name of the show please? Thanks y'all.
Cedric The Entertainer Presents [Episode 9]
Просмотров 31 тыс.
cedric the entertainer presents
Просмотров 1,8 млн
THE BEST OF EDDIE: Barbershop 1 & 2 Compilation | MGM
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Best Of July 2023 | Just For Laughs Gags
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Chef Reverend 2
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