
Celibacy: Burden... Or Gift? 

Breaking In The Habit
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Celibacy is probably one of the most recognizable and controversial aspects of the Catholic clergy. Why do they have to endure such a burden? Take a look at the reasons for the practice and why some see it as a gift, not a burden.
Msgr. Paul McPartlan's works: goo.gl/enmbHQ
Blog: breakingintheha...
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Music by J.P. Garilli



26 сен 2024




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@franmow 8 лет назад
Steven Patrick. I am a 71 yr old member of Casey's order. My life has been filled with happiness and has been a blessing. Even on the most difficult days I never felt my life to be wasted.
@stevenpatrickstone766 7 лет назад
Fr, please forgive me for having been so disrespectful and wrong.
@psathana242 5 лет назад
Good dear father pray for me
@paulheffron4836 5 лет назад
When we are living in obedience there will always be an underlying joy that goes beyond fleeting happiness. Father, you sound like you are doing just that and are a very fine role model for so many.
@nathanswenson1887 5 лет назад
I still wouldn't mind helping Casey break a few rules in this department...wink wink
@janabrandialibrandi5823 4 года назад
Jesus said Peter is the rock who will build his church. Arguing that Peter suggests we should remain celibate and not Jesus himself just proves that you have no faith in Christs words. Peter is my rock...he will build MY CHURCH! TRUST IN THE LORD.
@britty4755 7 лет назад
I am not even catholic, but this guy is amazing! Thanks for your service!
@duke-swtmate4154 6 лет назад
When I read the Catholic tradition such as the Codex of the Canon Law Can. 277 and Can. 599, I see that the Roman Catholic Church teaches demonic doctrines as she forbids priests to marry. Please read 1 Timothy 4:1-3: "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth."
@kennethyoung7564 4 года назад
Still forbidden by the Lord. But I wouldn't call it demonic. He goes to far. There are many good Catholics, some antagonistic Christian's go too far.
@angeramirez25 2 года назад
@@duke-swtmate4154 Then was Jesus in a devil doctrine as He never married? Also Jesus himself speaks about celibacy in Mathew 19,12 also in Isahiah 56, 4-8 we find a beautiful depitcion of celibacy too. I think we have to get the context, not isolate certain passages of the scripture.
@victoriapalferez-siri5952 Месяц назад
Catholics are first Christian Church established where all others sprang from and have ambivalent experiences in it but is just a need to be celibate at a point those practices like sexual activity or obligations in a marriage to have sexual activity with your spouse or partner becomes troublesome in my experience man is needy and want to force spouse to comply in many occasions during fasts and prayers time that requires Celibacy and rituals where the body must be only focus in spiritual connection with the God or whatever is aim to be connected with, is matter of respect, if a man is trying to force you into intimacy during that then he must be removed from your life find someone just like him, choices are between your life and his needs same goes for woman acting up when that season is solely for prayers or whatever ritual. In my almost in my 15 years celibate only had Scientologist criticism for being celibate, relatives that never respected me, mundane folks, called lesbian for not seeing a man in my life just to continue the insults bull baiting like many relatives needed to know if not fabricated a relationship I never had just to slander so others will do those things I never did like having affairs and promiscuity or just immoralities that truly never happened I had been celibate must of my life. I quit Christianity but was not Christianity first practice abtinence but ancient practices before the Catholic Church was fabricated to fused several groups and religions for political reasons.
@metalheadlass9868 3 года назад
Marriage is almost forced in some cultures to the point where people freak out at the mention of celibacy. I’m not religious but I can definitely see how celibacy is appealing just as much as marriage is to some people. Not everyone is meant to find meaning in life the exact same way.
@kpec3 3 года назад
I'm not catholic, but as a protestant, this is the best video on celibacy I've seen.
@kpec3 2 года назад
@@georgenyasudi4060 I'm angry about the tariffs on small monkey figurines. One cent per box.
@dvdortiz9031 Год назад
The One true Church
@charlest8153 7 лет назад
I agree with everything you say. I'm single and for the last year, celibate. My life has never been better. So many friends and family push me to have a relationship. The problem is I get it. They don't. If I end up in a relationship one day it will be because it's meant to be not because I'm out looking for it because that's what society dictates. This is the reason for high divorce rates.
@BecomeAnOrthodoxChristian 6 лет назад
+Charles Sindelfingen: I agree! Well said, my friend!
@RocknRoRose 5 лет назад
Same. Pushed into having relationships and also pushed to act as if there are the so called "many fish in the sea" we must be ourselves and do what we believe is to be true peaceful and of God. Peace. And Love.
@mariaroxx 5 лет назад
Thank you for this comment. Very, very well said.
@leamarie6039 5 лет назад
My friends and I are single and under the state of celibacy. It is a blessing not a burden. Id rather spend my time working, praying, studying and living a good life closer to Christ than waste my time with nonsense relationships.
@pauljordan4452 4 года назад
Good on you, Charles. But I am also celibate and want to ask if you become lonely.
@duchessedeberne3909 6 лет назад
As a recently baptised catholic, I really enjoyed this video and subscribed! There should be more young catholic people like you present in the new media :)
@pauljordan4452 4 года назад
Father Casey, I am a lay celibate as I have autism and am still waiting for Providence to give me the appropriate young woman. Some days are lonely and I also observe 'homemade' or self imposed vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Pray for me please. God bless.
@L30NARDO72 4 года назад
@micirenea 4 года назад
Blessings to you 🙏. May your life be full of genuine love & respect.
@tatie7604 2 года назад
I am also a lay celibate-- for over twenty years now. After an abusive marriage, it became a choice I do not regret.
@lynnp456 8 месяцев назад
Beautiful! I am a lay catholic,born and raised ,stopped practicing and now I am finally going back to Christ I am 28 and I am accepting and remaining positive about being single and celibate for the rest of my life , I have never wanted children I have Asperger's,don't really like to get too emotionally close to people and find it better for my emotional and perhaps mental health! I know it will be hard because the flesh is weak but there is no such thing as marriage in Heaven ..so I wanna keep my eye on the prize ,if I will ever be blessed to see our Lord and Saviors face 🛐📿🙏🏻♀️✝️☦️🕊️ God bless you 🫂​@@tatie7604
@jeffreybishop6517 3 года назад
This is without a doubt the best explanation of celibacy I have ever heard! Thank you Br Casey, thank you!
@stevenpatrickstone766 7 лет назад
Six months later I read what I wrote here and It makes me very sad. I hope everyone forgives me for having acted like I have answers when I don't. It's true no one can know if God exists , but no one can know if He doesn't exist either. I think we have to look at life , the traditions handed down to us, our own experiences, the experiences of others, and at some point bring it all together to make a picture. Does that picture include God? At one time I was sure it didn't, now I'm very close to sure that it does. Why am I happier now than I was before. Why does it feel better to believe than not believe? Why are bad things so much less bad with God in the picture? Why does everything, and I mean EVERYTHING make so much more sense with God than without God? I have stories of people in my life who have died and have given me clear signs they haven't died at all. I wear the Cross of Jesus and I feel at peace, but when I put it away in a drawer for months I felt torn apart, unhealthy, and desperate . All this HAS to have meaning. I can't pretend something exists when it doesn't, yet what I've been feeling is that what I'm really pretending is that all the evidence that tells me God does exist has to be erased in the name of a reality science wants to exclusively hold. I probably make very little sense here, but I think I make a lot more sense now than I did 6 months ago when I made my original comments. Pray for me and I will pray for you too !
@BreakingInTheHabit 7 лет назад
I think what you say and what you're going through is not uncommon for people of faith. We all go through periods of doubt and sometimes they get the best of us. Faith is not easy. But there is something to what you say for sure. Some might want you to believe that you are simply fulfilling some wishful thinking, you're projecting what you want and so making yourself feel better. I don't think so. The desires we have deep inside us, the feelings that come without our willing them, point to something outside ourselves.
@directdecker30 6 лет назад
Brother, we all love and forgive you as Christ does also. No worries, it's all water under the bridge. Peace be with you and your family and friends. :-)
@definitelynotatroll 6 лет назад
Steven Patrick Stone there is very obvious proof that God exists. Matter cannot be created or destroyed, so a big bang cannot create matter, but God can because He is God and He can do miracles of any sort.
@mresstell 5 лет назад
Steven Patrick Stone : FAITH is a gift from God and is likened to a light. If you do not have it, your mind and reasoning becomes boggled, muddled, hazy and dark and open to everything that your senses can present to you which makes it more boggled, muddled, hazy and darker! Since faith is a GIFT and the giver of this is God Himself, unless you believe Him, you can never be given this gift. So, BELIEVE in God that He exists and is alive from all the good things that you see and experience around you. Just BELIEVE in Him first and from there ASK Him to give you the gift of FAITH in Him. He won't give it to you UNLESS you ASK Him to.
@MrmilesAllister 5 лет назад
Just found this amazing thread. I love reading it.
@thomasmbest4733 8 лет назад
Thank you, Brother Casey, for clearing up a lot of the misunderstanding about celibacy and chastity.
@barbarademartiis8331 4 года назад
Beautiful video! It's refreshing to hear a young priest talking this way with such enthusiasm about celibacy. God bless you.
@sylviareta6697 2 года назад
Thank you for your input on these tough subjects. God bless you and all our priests. Without you men stepping up to be priests we would be like sheep without a shepherd. Pray for all of you daily.
@GustavoSanchez-gz4mh 8 лет назад
We need more Caseys in this world to help to built the Reing of God. The real life is praise to God every moment of the day. Serve to the poor and the church never is wasted the life.
I think that celibacy is really a gift and that priests being celibate is for want of a better word is really SELFLESS . I have great admiration for this aspect of the Catholic Clergy
@seijghdelfierro4405 3 года назад
🙄😆😆 To God it's diabolic.
@angeramirez25 2 года назад
@@seijghdelfierro4405 If it was diabolic Jesus himself would have married neither said what he said about celibacy in Mathew 19, 12. Also in Isahiah we find a beautiful depiction oof celibacy too 56, 4-8. Also Pablus 1 corintians 7,32 also in the book of Revelation in 14,4 there's a beautiful depiction of celibacy and what expects to those who follow it 😊
@seijghdelfierro4405 2 года назад
@seijghdelfierro4405 2 года назад
@@angeramirez25 1TIMOTHY 3:2 *For a man to be a church leader, people must speak well of him. He must have only one wife.* He must be able to control himself. He must use good sense. He must behave himself well. He must be kind to strangers in his house. He must be a good teacher.
@angeramirez25 2 года назад
@@seijghdelfierro4405 Isahiah was a profet, he got messages from God to humanity. Profets mission is to share a message from God to others so in this case the fact he had a wife didn't had anythig to do with the message God wanted to tell. For example when God spoke to Jeremiah it was clear Jeremiah didn't want to go and give the Llords message but in the end he had to because it was like a fire inside of him. So same with Isahiah, he delivered a message from the lord. Also God leads his people by stages, notice how he slowly revelas Himself so we poor humans don't get overwhelmed, so getting back to the matter for that time celibacy was quite rare and because of that God only asked that from them (having a wife) but that didn't discard the possibility of a total surrender to God, also they still didn't get the Holy Spirit so it was harder to live a life in celibacy but it's clear church evolves as the Holy Spirit shows the best way. Also just by reading those passages you can tell God's plan for some people is to remain in celibacy to serve him better. Notice I am saying only some people, because you can also serve him in other ministeries where celibacy is not requiered. Plus read all of those passages I wrote and you'll find God referes to some people as eunuchs for the kingdom it's not an invention of us or an intepretation, the message is clear. Jesus himself remained in celibacy .
@aNaturalist Год назад
One positive I see about celibacy as a male, is not having to deal with performance anxiety. I don't just mean the possible physical side affect of that, but the mental stress that some of us carry even if we can physically perform.
@francis1961 Год назад
Same here.
@Shimarenda 3 года назад
Many thanks for giving us Rev. McPartlen's insight on this. As a married Presbyterian, I greatly appreciate it.
@louisacoelho3675 5 лет назад
Very good teaching 👍 We pray for all the priests to be faithful to the promises made at the time of their ordination. Chastity is a very beautiful gift. Married life seems to look good, but it's not that easy.
@glyndiakarenia9454 5 лет назад
Men are masterbators. Plain and simple there is no question as to the defilement of those men. They're not celibate. They pay people to make others walk around Limpy while they're worst sinners. Hogwash stuff. You write as if you don't know what lord jesus was saying in the holy bible. Don't back and for talk and backbite others for saying and writing lord jesus words from the actual holy bible amen what your doing is sinful. Why was there so many people around the world going into churches regular coming out all Limpy. Because you all hurt them for their faith. You should become Limpy. Why aren't all of you Limpy. He suffered why you all look fat and stomachs bouncing all over the place? Does that sound normal that as child francis suffers and had died early. while you sit eating all you can eat on a golden seat with your gold crowns? You all did that to those children. Look at him now. Is that a coincidence? That's not good.
@Nobody-ev6cl 4 года назад
This is so freeing. In a world where there is a lot of spoken and unspoken pressure to conform to "house holding" and where it's hard to put a spiritual path above fitting in, this insight is super compelling. Thank you!
@IonIsFalling7217 7 лет назад
Your videos should be required in catechism. They are so good!
@peaceandjoy559 4 года назад
I was thinking the same way
@sophiarebeiro4789 6 лет назад
You are serving the Lord with great devotions nd honestly. You are blessed always.God bless you dear.
@kathleenaltherr6836 6 лет назад
Thank you for being so thorough in your answers to questions re: celibacy. There is such a centeredness and calm in your responses to people who are upset. This is a great skill and grace to have when working with people...have a blessed day!
@smdani 8 лет назад
GREAT! Thank so much brother
@ajayg9751 5 лет назад
Priest here, r u priest/seminarians? Wish to talk to u. Email?
@robertreiss5548 3 года назад
I'm agnostic my self but I like how he explains Christian doctrine
@alextelford5176 3 года назад
@Jim-BobWalton 2 месяца назад
Thanks for the informative and approachable video on such an important sphere of life (that is so rarely talked about). The most difficult aspect of celibacy is in meeting some of those essential intimacy needs. Net necessarily sexual -we survived for the first part of our lives repudiated that - but physical affection and deep emotional connection, which are almost completely unavailable, at least in contemporary culture and [protestant] church. If these aspects of essential paths to experiencing the love of God are more readily given, then being celibate would probably be more widely practiced
@normansoto8010 8 лет назад
I look toward to watching your videos every time you make one! Thank you for all you do!!
@pertelote4526 4 года назад
The problem is that, at least in my country, most men choose priesthood (thus permanent celibacy) when they are about 19. Even when they graduate from a seminary and take their vows at the age of 25 or 26, they are - in my opinion - still too young to understand how heavy the burden of celibacy might become in the future. As a result, it is common knowledge here that many of them live a lie, have sexual partners or "wives". I remember two priests in my parish who "had a woman" and a child; when it became too obvious (there was no excessive secrecy about it ;-)), the priests were relocated to another city, as it is customary here. I also remember a priest in his 30s who was obsessed with sex and, during our RE classes, he made us talk a lot about it. I felt very uneasy in class because of that, I was only in my early teens then but found his interests rather strange and unhealthy.
@AFVEH 3 года назад
I think you forgot one more reason which is very important, in my opinion as a catholic, and that is confession. In marriage you are supposed to tell your spouse everything and not keep secrets hence it's logical for a priest or any other member of the church carrying out confessions to not marry in order to keep the people's sins between themselves, God and the priest. If priest were married I personally wouldn't trust getting a confession myself.
@alexamassey7851 Год назад
There's something particularly comforting about a young really smart person being such a great teacher. Makes me feel like the future is going to be ok.
@minorityvoice9253 8 лет назад
people arguing that it isnt biblical just dont want to look at the fact that we are all to emulate Christ within us. And for some Christ has given them that wondefyl grace to emulate him in auch a way of celebacy. and besides the beauty of the theology behind celebacy far outshines any reasoning to why ones shouldnt. A preist wedding his church as Christ loved and wedded his church.
@dawnlapka2433 3 года назад
Considering I was once married and I then chose celibate life later, then was given an opportunity for marriage again, the Church gives us the GIFT of celibacy. One can't turn backwards once going forward. It's nice to know that as a religious person in the Catholic Church, I as a woman and you as men, have options to be holy people -- and still serve the Lord. Loneliness is getting very difficult, for me, though, in order to move forward with my work and school and I would not want to contaminate my partner who I dearly love, so he entered the military. And he doesn't want to contaminate me, so there we have it: back to the pains of suffering for my spouse. Literally at this point. My spouse AND the church. Which is good, because I have three grown children and three grandchildren. I am enduring. It's simply the absence of the Love of marriage right now, for sure for me and I know that it is for the love of my life, Cesar Augusto David Escobar Calderone....
@stevenpatrickstone766 8 лет назад
So sad that you allowed yourself to be overtaken by such nonsense. Heartbreaking when I see someone as young as you are, as young as I am, just wasting your life with a religious cult. Man see how you can come back to a real life before you find yourself at 50 regretting what you've done to yourself *UPDATE : April 2017. I now regret writing the above comment. I could have deleted the comment and saved myself, but I decided to leave it here so I can hang my head in shame and ask for forgiveness. I was going through a very bad time last September when I wrote it and lost my faith in God and the Church. I still haven't recovered it fully but I believe I'm on the path to getting there. Br Casey and to all Catholics, please forgive me for saying something so wrong*.
@BreakingInTheHabit 8 лет назад
Why do you say that I'm wasting my life away? I'm helping people through difficult moments in their lives, offering hope, providing desperately needed services, and am happy and fulfilled doing it. That seems to be the opposite of wasting my life! Hope you're as happy and fulfilled as I am!
@smdani 8 лет назад
was Jesus wasting his life? and the apostles? and Mother Teresa of Calcuta? Dont think so.
@Clarkey1928 8 лет назад
Following Jesus is amazing! I do not regret a second. I am discerning consecrated life at the moment, i hope it is my calling as what a privelage to be so close to God in prayer daily. God bless
@edwardbutchko5388 8 лет назад
May God continue to bless you, Brother Casey. You are going to be an awesome priest!
@stevenpatrickstone766 8 лет назад
Breaking In The Habit I was going to make that one comment and silently move on but you've answered and I think I owe you a reply. Helping people and providing services is wonderful. I will humbly say I do the same both in my private life and in my work as an attorney. Providing that good work doesn't require you to wear a brown robe , be celibate, or allow yourself to be brainwashed by a religious cult. I find it extremely sad that a nice guy like you , with so many talents and so much to offer the world has been brainwashed by a religious cult. I worry about other young people like us (I'm 27) being brainwashed as well. I can understand the older men falling for religious indoctrination before the internet existed, but I'm always astounded that young people our ages can fall for such nonsense when we now have science at our fingertips. There's no credible evidence for the existence of any god, therefore no reason to devote one's life to it. The years go by fast and you'll find at age 50 and beyond that you've missed the opportunity to live an authentically full life. By then it will be too late and you can't turn back the hands of time. By the way,I know several priest and brothers in their 50's who regret it , but can't leave because they would lose their security and pension when they retire. I hope that doesn't happen to you.
@tonylove4800 3 года назад
As a long, long-lapsed Catholic, I always thought the difference between celibacy and chastity was important but it wasn't mentioned. I still loved the video.
@GSOAguitarplayer 3 года назад
Giving you credit fr. I can’t do what you do but thank you for putting this stuff out there.
@fritula6200 6 лет назад
Celibacy... Gift... it's a Gift of Purity.
@jasonbrown1807 6 лет назад
Thanks Brother! Helps with my discernment.
@5692Nate21 5 лет назад
The council in Carthage was over ruled by the 2nd echumentical Council where it stated “to require this is setting forth a criteria of holiness greater than the apostles. We as the Church acknowledge that the lawful marriage ties become STRONGER after ordination. If any man seen worth to be ordained a Subdeacon, Deacon, or Priest dismisses his wife let him be Deposed. Else we would be down right scornful of marriage, an institution blessed by our Lord himself by this presence and words.”
@christopherepperson3328 5 лет назад
The 144,000 are virgins for a reason. Mystery Babylon is Jerusalem according to Hipolytus, and that was before the Catholic Church existed. Not to mention that Jesus calls which city the killer of prophets? Jerusalem, and the reason why the 144,000 appear on Mount Zion, is because it is the front line of an army, celibacy is a cry for war.
@EternalDestiny48 5 лет назад
Just because Mount Everest is the highest peak on Earth doesn't mean we should all live there.. yes the highest ideal is being celibate like Jesus but it is not healthy or realistic to preclude all priests from Marriage when God allowed marriage and the Catholic church until the 11th century allowed marriage! St Peter was married remember? The church should make it an option. The Orthodox Church requires priests to be married but the Bishops and obviously the monks are not married. This is a much more balanced wiser approach
@bremarie2851 3 года назад
I’m not religious by any means but I practice celibacy so I can relate
@Anthony-yy3kc 2 года назад
May I ask what you are relating to? I am not married nor do I date, so I live a celibate lifestyle out of my circumstances.
@michaelacioffi1291 8 лет назад
Is it true that married men can serve the church by being deacons (with the spouse's permission)?
@BreakingInTheHabit 8 лет назад
Yes, this was restored after the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). Deacons, while ordained, share in a different ministry of Christ than priests and bishops, and so this is not an issue at all. In the same way, the Church is investigating the possibility of women deacons, something that used to exist in the early Church.
@michaelacioffi1291 8 лет назад
Interesting, mentioning women deacons what is the point of that? Is it like a consecrated virgin?
@BreakingInTheHabit 8 лет назад
I'm not sure what you mean. When I say women deacons, I mean people who do everything that deacons do only that they're women. There is evidence, both in scripture and Tradition, of the Church ordaining women as deacons, and Pope Francis is currently investigating the possibility of recovering this tradition. I bring this up, in the context of a video on clerical celibacy, to say that ordination to the diaconate is different from ordination of a priest or bishop, meaning that celibacy is not required and there is a possibility of women.
@michaelacioffi1291 8 лет назад
The thing is I've never heard of women deacons. That's why I didn't get it. I would be happy if you do a video about diaconate and what it's all about.
@R6FTW59 7 лет назад
sure is!! St Francis of Assisi was a deacon.
@efandmk3382 4 года назад
Both. Gift AND burden. Everything in life, it seems, has a double edge.
@carmelherbert1622 2 года назад
Thankyou for that...So important to have Holy Priests. Not sure who it was who said that a priest is more important than an Angel. The Miracle at every Mass is amazing. To receive Jesus in the EUCHARIST is like food for the soul if we are in the state of Grace
@richardbenitez7803 6 лет назад
While I fully understand the spiritual depth and religious availability of a celibate priest, I cannot help thinking the church would gain by initiating a two tier priesthood some similar to our eastern and oriental orthodox brothers. The Vatican should order a three year study of married priests in both orthodox and Lutheran and Anglican parishes. The church should allow married couples who have shown outstanding holiness and service to be ordained. Their sacramental authority would be limited to the mass, baptism, marriage, anointing of the sick. I can just imagine Catholics returning to the faith by the millions as well as thousands of men asking to service. This of course is not a new idea.
@csverse 4 года назад
A person once said, letting priest marry is like a ticking time bomb. Possible broken family and orphan children... and divorce is very real among married pastors you know.
@PockASqueeno 3 года назад
Celibacy is a gift of the Holy Spirit, no different from healing, tongues, or giving. God gives different gifts to different people. No one should be inherently expected to be celibate, just like no one is expected to speak in tongues. If God wills it, it is a beautiful gift. If He doesn’t, that’s fine too-He will give other, equally important gifts. It’s important not to elevate one spiritual gift over others, as they all are given and taken away by the same God.
@Frank020 4 года назад
I think it can be good. I am a divorced catholic, so not by choice.. The 1600s were marked by many extremes: 1 Protestantism due to printing press. 2. Celibate priests. 3. Other historical things we'll skip here. I think the diocesans should have the choice to marry and those that live in religious communities should take the vow. Again it is optional. The problem.lies in finances for the family. The church's members probably don't want to support the whole family. The man would need to get a job. Also, time commitments.
@mirnacudiczgela1963 2 года назад
I agree.
@ant1724 3 года назад
Celibacy: Love yourself and faith before you love anyone else.
@Frank020 3 года назад
Can you please create a how to celibacy video for divorced catholics, and those who could never get married: So celibacy not so much as by choice, but because of other reasons, like faith or bad luck. TY. Is masturbation allowed?
@Anthony-yy3kc 2 года назад
Masterbation is both a sin and a very addictive behavior! If you masturbate too often you will become strongly addicted to lust, and impure thoughts.
@FletcherFinance 6 лет назад
It does take a lot of worldly pressure off a person having a vocation that encourages celibacy. No one questioning why you have not married yet, no pressure in dating, etc... Sounds rather nice actually.
@matttrue5302 6 лет назад
I love this channel. Br. Casey you’re awesome. Great videos :)
@BreakingInTheHabit 6 лет назад
@carlosgonzalezlizano808 4 года назад
You are a man of faith father. Nobody is a saint before he dies but... I think you will be. Keep going thru that path. God bless you a be saint.
@AGMundy 3 года назад
Saying that because Christ was celibate priests should be celibate strikes me particularly as fallacious logic and indeed rather arrogant. Indeed Christ's celibacy is assumed. The Catholic Church has come up with lots of specious arguments for celibacy rather than simply admitting that it was a prurient choice based on decisions of early Church leaders and thinkers. I do not say that I oppose it, but rather that I think the Church should stop making it seem that there was some holy reason for it.
@martinsuper4545 3 года назад
If celibacy was a gift, and not a burden, then we would not have a priest shortage. Even worse, the church was naïve enough to think the answer to homosexuality was to make gay men into priests, and give them "the gift" of celibacy. Surprise! It did not work. Instead our young boys were abused. Some seminaries literally turned in gay orgies. THAT HAPPENED! Our church then completely mismanaged all of it. Why? Because they created the problem in the first place. I have to disagree with the church on this tradition wholeheartedly. I know many married men who would make excellent priests. And as you have pointed out in other videos, there are almost 200 Catholic priests who converted from other denominations and are still married. That has not been an issue at all. So why not for all then? Just about every married deacon I know would make an excellent priest. Frankly, because they are married, I see deacons participating in "off the church block" ministries and fellowship MUCH MORE than priests. My father told me that I would have NO IDEA what it meant to have a family until I had my own. He was 100% right. So people who preach about the family, should actually know about it. Until you have your own kids, you will not know. You cannot know.
@mikechet49 4 года назад
I think in a religious order it would be difficult to be married, as living is communal. I wonder if married men could serve as diocesan priests in some format. I know of men who left the priesthood to marry. They agonized over leaving. I wonder if there could be a place for them, especially with the priest shortage.
@alexandercesare3226 6 лет назад
As you rightly point out Brother Casey , celibacy is a discipline and one that is a basic part of my life .
@ajayg9751 5 лет назад
r u priest or seminarian? Wish to talk to u. Email?
@JewelBlueIbanez 5 лет назад
The Church still teaches that celibacy for the sake of the kingdom is still a higher calling than marriage. It’s in the Catechism. Even though, marriage is a sacrament, celibacy’s end is still a higher calling than marriage.
@convert2islaam500 5 лет назад
I'm not looking towards being a priest but I am going to stay celibate
@alexandermwango6893 4 года назад
Wow! Join opus day
@bethanyjohnson8001 3 года назад
That is a valid vocation. I know a few lay women who are consecrated virgins. I feel God is calling me to the married life, but until then I intend to stay pure. It's a beautiful thing.
@JohannnesBrahms 4 года назад
The celibacy requirement for Catholic priests was instituted by the Church for one primary reason: to protect the Church's property from being disbursed in private estates. And how does one justify celibacy when most psychiatric authorities blame imposed celibacy for the rampant sexual abuse of minors at the hands of these so called celibate priests? This doesn't even consider the probability that masturbation is practiced as a way to quell sexual desire. Celibacy is product of an awareness of the spirit within that transforms sexuality into a practice that is no longer needed or wanted. And how few of the clergy today have that awareness?
@dannygayler90 4 года назад
I used to know a Lithuanian priest who was ,"Married", with 3 children ! I am married , but both my wife and I live lives of Prayer & Celibacy !
@Player-re9mo 5 лет назад
As the son of an orthodox priest I think celibacy shouldn't be something required for becoming a priest. Jesus wasn't married for obvious reasons and he didn't say priests shouldn't be allowed to marry. To me this seems to be the Church's fault . Rules created by men who saw sex as impure and family as a distraction from following God. Raising a family is a challenge and as men of God we shouldn't ran away from challenges. Is an unmarried priest somewhat better or more holly than a married priest with a family? I don't think celibacy itself is bad . I think it is wrong that it's imposed by the church in order to become a catholic priest . Celibacy should be optional. It is also sad that good men don't get to pass on their genes because of this unnecessary practice.
@optimisteprime8261 10 месяцев назад
Why women are forbidden in the Mountain of Athos !! ??? You contradict your own traditions.....
@Player-re9mo 10 месяцев назад
@@optimisteprime8261 Athos is a monastery for MONKS. I am not surprised you don't know the difference between priests and monks
@optimisteprime8261 10 месяцев назад
@@Player-re9mo Wrong ! The Mountain of Athos is a land only for MEN even Poutine went there. Sometimes doctors, or other men can come there for many services ( reparations, painting, constructions, orther things...) The fact is women are forbidden there to avoid tentations. A married men can have the same tentations and you know that... That contradict your first message...
@Player-re9mo 10 месяцев назад
@@optimisteprime8261 The whole mountain is like a monastery. Some monasteries allow women to visit some don't. Women are also not allowed into the altar of a Church. Is that to stop tempting the priests? Obviously not! Your point is void.
@JeOrtiz1 5 лет назад
I knew three different friends in my lifetime that has fathers who are protestant ministers and all of them and their siblings and even one of their mother was screwed up by their fathers attending more time to their congregation than to their families. The mother ended up having an affair with someone from their church and my friends wife even became involved in witchcraft. After those examples I became convinced at an early age that it was a good idea that priests shouldn't get married. Other examples are that two of the children of these ministers ended in jail for various reasons.
@jerryuallera3437 8 лет назад
good video Brother Casey, as always! We pray for you even here in Italy. Go on!!
@Ben_G_Biegler 4 года назад
Thier is no scriptural suport for this doctrine. Paul and Jesus were celebate but Peter (the first pope) was not. Also while Paul does say in his opinion it is better to be unmarried he dose not command this for leaders in the church. In 1 Timothy 3:2 he says leaders in the should be men with one wife who have a family and in 1 Corinthians 7:5 paul afirms that married people should not deny eachother (this goes against the idea of married people being continent). The Bible teaches that celibacy is a calling given to some but not all and just because a person dose not have this gift dose not disqulify them from any role in the church. Admittedly most protestants do not think of celebacy as a gift however their are some protastant ministers who are celebate but do not command other ministers to do the same simply because of thier role in the church. As a bonus fact the preists in the Old Testement were married.
@thebigdawg61 3 года назад
I saw an online headline that stated "Celibacy is a gift, not a mandate". I thought to myself "If I had a man to date I wouldn't be celibate." Alas, I don't and I am.
@TheChristianFairy 6 лет назад
Brother Casey, I'm slightly disappointed that you didn't mention the point of view from some of the eastern rites. A friend of mine is considering a vocation to the priesthood as a married byzantine priest. In the Ruthenian (Byzantine) rite, the discipline is that only celibates can be considered when it comes to picking the next bishop, but married men can serve as parochial priests and missionaries.
@BreakingInTheHabit 6 лет назад
Sorry to disappoint... there's only so much I can do in one video!
@TheChristianFairy 6 лет назад
Wow. Didn't expect you to reply so quickly! Anyways, I am sorry if my comment came off as whiny/snarky. I commented on another video about RCIA (I'm the former messianic jew). My sponsor is a latin-rite lady who is married to the aforementioned byzantine gentleman who is considering a vocation to the priesthood. While his wife is my official sponsor, I almost consider him to be a 'second sponsor' of sorts. I also went to a methodist church as a child and I've heard of some protestant denominations requiring marriage for ordination (which is another extreme). I became interested in the church because of ecumenical bible studies and fellowship groups that he and his wife were a part of. I am decidedly latin-rite because I was exposed to the latin-rite mass as a child through some of my older Catholic relatives and I LOVE it. But I'm blessed to enjoy the occasional opportunity to attend Divine Liturgy with some of my good byzantine-rite friends. If you ever get a chance to attend Divine Liturgy, do it! It's very sensual, smells and bells to the max! I appreciate the discipline of celibacy and understand the reasons for it. I think, that, if marriage for latin-rite clergy ever became allowed, that the church would do well to at least maintain the practice of having celibate bishops because it frees bishops to be able to better serve the needs of their diocese.
@hjm5885 4 года назад
Breaking In The Habit Yes, but you limit yourself, and your readers by representing the Catholic church as Latin, or promoting the Latin rite as Catholic. The Catholic church is catholic precisely because it is not Latin.
@The_DMV 4 года назад
Hello Father. So I am a new seminarian and somehow was looking for inspiration and landed on your channel. Best decision ever. For someone who graduated with Film, I started to question. However, watching your videos has given me hope. Quick question, was the green screen deliberate not to be keyed or what? Thank you for your inspiring vids
@BreakingInTheHabit 4 года назад
Glad to hear it! God bless you in your discernment. And what you are seeing is a keyed shot. The background I chose (for some reason how many years ago) just happens to be a blue-ish green.
@blakemasterson8590 3 года назад
It takes 6 year to become a Priest so its plenty of time to discern your call if you are mature enough , I do think that candidates to the priesthood are more worldly now than before and there is more care taken on weeding out those who are not suitable ..
@FrancisSullivan-j7t 7 месяцев назад
Father,I PAINFULLY understand that when I pass away, and by GOD'S MERCY if and when I get HEAVEN..All of those HUMANS I Loved so dearly, My Wife and Children will all be TOGETHER..GLORIFYING CHRIST, HOLY IMMACULATE MARY,and GOD HIMSELF.
@kristinakader1940 5 лет назад
Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us ! 👍🏻🙏🏻❤️
@juanitadudley4788 4 года назад
I think celibacy is a gift...to some and a burden to others. Scripture talks about the gift of singleness. I have often said I have a double dose of the gift of singleness. I understand why people desire marriage and find some of those things attractive myself, but I find great peace and contentment in my singleness. For someone who does not have the gift of singleness, I imagine a life of celibacy would be terribly difficult. I think it would be a major mistake for someone to take on a life of celibacy if that was not their gift.
@nessongaite1220 7 лет назад
Celibacy is a choice and gift as well. I asked a monk once if he has no sexual urges at all. He said he has that explains everything.
@glyndiakarenia9454 5 лет назад
Yea actually it is a choice. It's the guy's body only. But when he lets his emotions into wrong choices that also is a choice between heaven and hell. Why not become a deacon. Maybe because she is married to a man already. Find someone not already married. It had made a few women wonder. Is that a huge qualification plus to become a nun. We already got our answers. I'm not Lord God Almight to judge you. If the heavenly father gives you a gift what is written next in the holy bible! The Lord he does want evil things to come out of darkness into the light. amen Evil cannot be done in the name of the lord. Please don't confuse lord jesus with those other fake Gods and bles virgin Mary with those fake goddesses. thank you amen Hinduism religion is acceptable in the Catholic Church. If blest Virgin Mary is queen of earth and the Catholic Church why in Ireland they worshipped maypole. the fake maypole queen and fake maypole queen. Scorpio vajrayogini worship. Is my words confusing you?
@kaelightupthedark 2 года назад
my whole family is Catholic but I'm Christian 🤣 always the one to be different lol but being celibate is wonderful I have noticed the urge comes because of the perception of loneliness because from babies we are given the feeling of touch, which is what we associate with love, so when we don't get the feeling of touch from another person we convince ourselves we are either lonely or not loved but we are capable of loving ourselves because God loves us. I don't think being celibate all of one's life is a good idea but I definitely am until I find someone. I don't or never have understood dating. Your basically giving your body to someone without a commitment or love just mere desire and diseases have to be taken into account lol I'm definitely staying celibate
@christophersalinas2722 2 года назад
So your whole family is Christian but you’re Christian? Sounds good to me
@cmac3250 3 года назад
I’m a bit confused...the part about celibacy being greater than marriage...doesn’t god need people to marry in order to continue existing? How does the catholic religion continue if everyone remains celibate and there is no one left to preach to? I wasn’t brought up religious I’m just starting to learn so bare with me...if god relies on people marrying should he hold celibacy in a higher regard? 🤷‍♀️
@sidrat2009 3 года назад
This is the great dichotomy. Since the 17C - Less than 400 of 2K years. It's more of a human rule rather than God' rule.
@jamesmccloud7535 3 года назад
I don't think I've heard or seen anywhere that everyone has to be a priest or celibate. Where did you get that from? Choosing this way of life is entirely voluntarily so only certain people can do it and maintain it. Not everyone can do it. Just like it is not required for everyone to be a doctor or police despite it being a respectable and necessary job for society.
@angeramirez25 2 года назад
@@sidrat2009 there are many biblical verses refering to celibacy. And it clearly say only a few are called to this so the majority marry and a little percentage follow Jesus being celibe
@julianfuster 4 года назад
Thats why the catholic church ( christ church) is so respectful cuz we follow rules, disciplines . Not as protestant churches they wake up on morning and say im a pastor or im a bishop ( not serious)
@vermontmike9800 3 года назад
Wait, what? Rules that are man made, perhaps.
@csverse 4 года назад
A protestant once said that celibacy is immoral. When I gave him verses where Jesus said about celibacy, he was silent and left the discussion. New at least he realized
@alexandermwango6893 4 года назад
Please give us those bible verses.
@xander4043 3 года назад
@@alexandermwango6893 “Indeed, I wish everyone to be as I am [celibate], but each has a particular gift from God, one of one kind and one another. Now to the unmarried and to the widows I say; it is a good thing for them to remain as they are, as I do, but if they cannot exercise self control they should marry, for it is better to marry than to be on fire.” 1 Corinthians 7:7-9 “I should like you to be free of anxieties. An unmarried man is anxious about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord. But a married man is anxious about the things of the world, how he may please his wife, and is divided. An unmarried woman or a virgin is anxious about the things of the Lord, so that she may be holy in both body and spirit. A married woman, on the other hand, is anxious about the things of the world, how she may please her husband” 1 Corinthians 7:32-34 “Some are incapable of marriage because they were born so; some, because they were made so by others; some, because they have renounced marriage for the sake of the kingdom of Heaven. Whoever can accept this ought to accept it.” Matthew 19:12 “Then I looked and there was the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty four thousand who had His name and His Fathers name written on their foreheads. I heard a sound from Heaven like the sound of rushing water or a loud peal of thunder. The sound I heard was like that of harpists playing their harps. They were singing [what seemed to be] a new hymn before the throne, before the four creatures and elders. No one could learn this hymn accept the hundred and forty four thousand who had been ransomed on Earth. These are they who were not defiled with any women; they are virgins and these are the ones who follow the Lamb where ever He goes.” Revelation 14:1-4
@xander4043 3 года назад
@@alexandermwango6893 “He said to them, ‘Amen, I say to you, there is no one who has given up house or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God who will not receive [back] an overabundant return in this present age and eternal life in the age to come.’” Luke 18:29-30
@alexandermwango6893 3 года назад
@@xander4043 Thanks.
@xander4043 3 года назад
@@alexandermwango6893 No problem
@ratblack8207 3 года назад
Indeed it is a rich tradition, but it ignores that the institution of the marriage is older and more affluent in content than the institution of the church so much that, as you pointed out, the relation of the ordained to the church is as if they were wedded to it. In some of the Abrahamic literature, marriage is regarded as an essential and holy bond before god. I'm not sure about Catholisim, but in many traditions, literature is superior to precedent.
@robertcaudill 4 года назад
I was raised Protestant but I enjoy your videos!
@pastorclay82 5 лет назад
Another major issue with priest marriage is the right of inheritance. Priest prior to the middle ages were bequeathing their churches to their children and thus side stepping apostolic orders. This led to corruption and people becoming priests who should not have been priests. For example Billy Graham was a great man but I'm not too sure about his son. Likewise with Jerry Falwell. In these cases the church has become the property of a family rather than the body of Christ.
@micahrhoads8337 3 года назад
I can see your point about Celibacy but I disagree vehemently with the idea that consonants was a call for the married priesthood to be celibate after ordination. I'm not kidding myself that you can read all of these posts. I will say that you made an excellent point on celibacy celebrated within the Christian faith no one does it better than the Catholic Church.
@charlesmcdermott6139 4 года назад
Celibacy is definitely not easy, but then, neither is marriage. Both require a daily renewal of vows lived imperfectly perhaps, but kept in the heart.
@sophiarebeiro4789 6 лет назад
Thankyou dear bro.clearing so many question in my mind..God bless you dear.
@DistributistHound 4 года назад
Superbly well explained and a very contemporary subject
@CorekBleedingHollow 2 года назад
I don’t think Celibacy should be a requirement but a choice like some lay people don’t get married.
@jflaugher Год назад
Question: if God commanded humanity to be fruitful and multiply, then by choosing to be celibate aren't priests violating God's command and committing a sin?
@tessietesoro7407 4 года назад
Being a Catholic priest is not just like drinking pop, that when you don't like the taste, you'll spit it out. Many men are called to priesthood, but few are chosen. What does it mean? It means one is ready to deny himself of worldly pleasures if his calling is to become a priest, especially in catholic faith.
@cryptomonkey6142 6 лет назад
So, how do you deal with the biological aspect of intense desire, especially as a young man still full of hormones and reproductive urges? Is masturbation allowed, and how does that fit into the practice of being celibate?
@BreakingInTheHabit 6 лет назад
For Catholics, sexual acts much be both unitive and procreative for it to be morally permissible. Masturbation is neither unitive nor procreative, and so is not an appropriate act for any Christian, let alone a friar. Taking a vow of chastity means growing in mental and physical strength and orienting one's relationships properly.
@DaltonofHonour 6 лет назад
Actually in my opinion it is the vow of poverty that is the most difficult to follow. To put it more precise, this is how i see it: 1.poverty 2. obedience 3. celibacy. For me celibacy or in yourcase chastity isnt that difficult to follow. Living without a female companion-wife is less dificult than not to own anything.
@anneturner2759 2 года назад
I’ll never understand this , but it is very much admired.
@elainem7300 6 лет назад
I think relationships take commitment, sacrifice and a lot of hard work. I'm sure you as a friar and with the work you do, feel although it's your calling you need to fully commit to it to nurture your calling. I get it. If you chose to marry you would need to put all that sacrifice into the relationship and home, many do that and it's what should happen in a healthy marriage. For you you feel within you a vocation that for you is stronger than marriage and that spreading and working God's word is what you need to nurture for yourself. BTW I'm actually an atheist lol but I'm very open and interested in others ways of life and I found your channel and I think you are pretty cool. I admire you for being you in this day and age and following your heart. I'm actually learning a lot from you and your thinking on life even though I don't plan on converting I respect you. Good job:)
@777igg 4 года назад
1 Corinthians 7:32 He that is unmarried careth for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please the Lord. And yes Many Protestant Ministers do Marry but its also a fact many also get divorced because their Spouse no Longer wants support them in ministry. I know many of them.
@dawnlapka2433 4 года назад
I made Vows. Celibacy was chosen. I choose it over and over again, for the sake of discipline to my studies in school.
@bettytigers 4 года назад
One thing I would change about nuns and priests is to have a daily agreement with God not to marry, rather than a once for all vow.(I feel vows are a bad idea anyway, Jesus said let your yes be yes and no be no.)Every day say or signify to the Lord, I will not marry today! I would alter the wedding agreement too, the couple would describe what kind of other half, they would wish to be. Loving your wife as Christ loves the church (God help me!),Loving your husband as if it were Jesus (God help her!) Priests and nuns may meet a partner one day and should be free to marry and serve as a blessed couple. That would be my idea if I could be Pope for 5 minutes! However, let our blessed Lord Jesus sort it His most loving way!
@xp_studios7804 4 года назад
I never really understood this. It seems like the argument is that married people are distracted by their spouses and cannot give themselves fully to God, which doesn't sound right to me
@optimisteprime8261 4 года назад
A married priest can less move easily than a celibate priest. If a married priest want to do something in another the country or another city during a long period (to give a training to seminarians or monks, to give the last sacraments to people in hospital, to do a travel like the Word Youth Days, to do spiritual retreat), he have to leave his family (wife and children) and sometimes it's difficult.
@efandmk3382 4 года назад
@@optimisteprime8261 And if a Priest is killed or dies, the Archdiocese isn't burdened with a widow and children.
@jeannebouwman1970 4 года назад
As a protestant i don’t think that priest should be “forced” (for lack of a better word) to be celibate, since paul said in 1 corinthians 7:8 “I’m telling those who are single and widows that it’s good for them to stay single like me. 9 But if they can’t control themselves, they should get married, because it’s better to marry than to burn with passion.“ as paul says, it would be obviously good to be celibate, but it shouldn’t be required of priests. It should be their choices.
@mirnacudiczgela1963 2 года назад
I agree as Catholic.
@fabiolajoseph8991 4 года назад
Thank you so much fr bright explanation on celibate life for priests and what would you say about the religious women.
@TheLordUrban Год назад
I remember talking with a priest who jokingly said he’s not sure that married clergy will ever be allowed, but if it was it he was sure it wouldn’t be until he was too old to take advantage of it.
@smokey1255 4 года назад
Br. Casey and the priest named some excellent reasons for transitional deacons, priests, and religious to be celebate. I think celibacy is a gift, both for the individual making the promise of celibacy or the religious taking the vow of chasitity. Celibacy or chastitity are gifts from God to the clergyman or religious and they are gifts from the recipient to the Mystical Body of Christ There are some practical advantages as well. I discovered that while I was a seminarian in my first parish, there are a lot of needy people out there and the only place they can go to get consolation, spititual direction, a friendly ear, something to eat, or gas money even at 2:30 AM is a Catholic Church, even if they are not Catholic. No wife would would stand for the time a priest is away from the family to take care of some ministerial need. This may be a bit old fashioned these days but since prayer is essential and community is is important and helpful celibacy is necessary. One other thing, matrimony and holy orders are sacraments of vocation, different vocations requiring 100% commitment. I don't think most people can adequately do both. I have noticed that recently diocesan priests have more and more left rectories to live in apartments or somewhere else that isn't a rectory. Were I a diocesan bishop I would consider requiring clergy to live a communal life together in rectories. By communal life I mean celebrating Mass together, praying the Liturgy of the Hours together, dining together, and recreating together. I would also consider them to be in the same Jesu Caritas group. If parishes are rural and have only one priest. I would ask all of the priests in a particular area to live together in one house. They can still make themselves available to parishioners by phone. I do know something about diocesean life as I compleated seminary at a Benedictine monastery and spent a year in a large rectory. I also spent a couple of years as a missionary on Guam as a Capuchin.
@laramaria2908 3 года назад
I always was taught that "celibacy is better" and that this teaching is "dogmatic". Could you please explain why not appears be ?
@paulpittsburgh 4 года назад
Many years a go, Priests were married. Often times, their heirs inherited church property and the church put an end to that in The Second Lateran Council (1139) made the promise to remain celibate a prerequisite to ordination, abolishing the married priesthood. Exact.y, married clergy have been doing things easily being married for how long now?
@jonmkl 4 года назад
It’s pretty.. limited to quote a council that supports universal continence, and not quote the numerous councils that ruled against it. Universal continence is a very western thing historically, from the Council of Elvira forward, and it’s just as much of a discipline (and not a doctrine) as universal celibacy. Continence and celibacy for Christ’s sake is a beautiful thing because it is for Christ, and I have great love for it, but it’s not necessarily true that continence is the only alternative to celibacy.
@loidaenaguas2678 3 года назад
Thank you Father Casey
I didn't want to be a priest
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