
Chapo's Matt and Felix Review Lost (Time for my Stories) 

Forbidden Fruit
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Time for my Stories is a podcast about analyzing TV shows hosted by Matt Christman and Felix Biederman from Chapo Trap House. Previously only available through a now-defunct app, this show is now at risk of becoming lost media.
The survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 were 1,000 miles off course when they crashed on a lush, mysterious island. Each person possesses a shocking secret, but they've got nothing on the island itself, which harbors a monstrous security system, a series of underground bunkers and a group of violent survivalists hidden in the shadows.



26 сен 2024




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@lbcyber 3 месяца назад
Also don't forget that Jack's dad's name is literally "Christian Shephard"
@corwinchapman4565 3 месяца назад
"Do you see two faces or a goblet" the TV show
@grimmportents8951 3 месяца назад
Every "big reveal" was a just kind of "oh...alright then."
@Backinblackbunny009 6 дней назад
Exactly 😑
@orionred2489 3 месяца назад
when you are discussing just how ubiquitous this show was, you need to remember the writers strike and the emergence of online forums. This was the first show I remember people discussing at work where that referred to the forums and theories from them.
@BigHomieGayAss1917 3 месяца назад
I have a vivid memory of a friend at school (6th grade about) being despondent and pissed off all day after the finale aired and me not understanding why, and then several other students and teachers asking him what was wrong, him saying the end of Lost, and then them just solemnly nodding and chiming in with their own individual expressions of dismay lmaooooo
@thusano2 3 месяца назад
It was that bad for real? The closes thing to that I can think of was maybe Game of Thrones ending, but most of that was online, irl most of my friends who watched weren't that cut up about it.
@mattgilbert7347 3 месяца назад
I remember Buffy as the first show that had a really large, engaged online fandom. That ended about a year or two before Lost. There's a fandom that almost completely disintegrated and dissolved. Those people are like the apostle who denied Jesus 3 times. Mention Joss Whedon and they'll say "I never was a fan!"
@mattgilbert7347 3 месяца назад
​@@BigHomieGayAss1917Yeah, I was going to comment about how all the Lost fans I knew were excited the day before the finale, then the day after it was like they all had the same death in the family.
@mattgilbert7347 3 месяца назад
​@@thusano2People were sad and then angry for about...a week? I only watched the first season so idk for sure, but I'd say a week.
@orionred2489 3 месяца назад
SNL picked up on how the writers were winging it. Amy Pouler made the joke that Lost had been renewed for another season. when asked for comment, the writers said "oh crap."
@Fucyallfr 3 месяца назад
Like these type of comments quite a lot 🤙
@augmentedsupersoldier 3 месяца назад
this guy has forbidden mid 2000s SNL knowledge, you're like a sage for the chapo viewers
@Luminousreign 3 месяца назад
The writers were all very public about only having so much story and that they wanted to end the show, but ABC wouldn’t let them. There are even a couple of examples mid series of self sabotage and characters that were immediately written out when the show got permission to end. They were telling people they were winging it, people just retroactively take that to mean the overall narrative was made up as they went which it pretty clearly wasn’t. People had the ending figured out by the end. Was a huge part of why people didn’t like it, most of the invested fans already knew they just got a few details wrong.
@denisonsmock5456 3 месяца назад
And that’s why the Boston Red Sox will never win the World Series.
@josephracine4415 3 месяца назад
They have won it twice sine this show
@deanrao4805 3 месяца назад
Matt, Felix : Thank you for your service.
@Fucyallfr 3 месяца назад
I didn’t watch the show but Matt’s analogy w the serial killer was pretty funny
@deanrao4805 3 месяца назад
The scheme Felix lays out for defining Presidential terms is uncannily appropriate for the present situation in the US.
@shabazzed 3 месяца назад
thankfully they got the anti-jj to direct dune
@conorsandin6555 3 месяца назад
Wait, what did bo gritz and lyndon larouche say about steven Spielberg in the 90s?
@pranjaldwivedi5999 2 месяца назад
It's funny they say it was the end of mystery box shows when Lindelof went on to make the Leftovers, maybe one of the best shows of all time with a mystery box at the centre, but also based off a solid script.
@jakebee7205 3 месяца назад
If dudes watched it while it was happening they would prob have liked it lol the first 2 seasons are very well done and entertaining
@3dartxsi 3 месяца назад
That's the thing about Abrams shit. I thought that his first Star Trek movie was pretty good at the time. Same for his first Star Wars film. It wasn't until afterward when given the context of the rest of the series that I realized how much of a shallow(though very pretty) facade they were.
@Luminousreign 3 месяца назад
@@3dartxsi Abrams had basically nothing to do with Lost lol.
@3dartxsi 3 месяца назад
@@Luminousreign his fingerprints are all over the pilot which pretty much was him setting up a bunch of weird stuff he had no idea how to explain(the "mystery box") and the rest of the series was run by a pair of his flunkies; Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cruz which are even more pretentious, more obnoxious, less talented versions of Abrams. This is all aside from the fact that the whole show was built upon the basic premise of "it's a island with a bunch of weird shit on it, but we don't need to worry about why there is a bunch of weird shit that we have no idea how to explain" which is pretty much a Hallmark of Abrams style.
@Luminousreign 3 месяца назад
​@@3dartxsi Nah, ABC acted like he was involved in the first five episodes because they were worried about putting Lindelof's name on it, and only announced he was stepping away when Lindelof couldnt handle doing it alone and they needed to bring on Cruz. Also Lindelof didnt know Abrams before they got put together to co-create the series for ABC so hardly a flunky, and way more the guy Abrams intended to offload all the work onto. Abrams helped come up with the premise and pitch the show, but left before he had the chance to not work any of it out. The initial show bible and stuff was all developed by lindelof based on Abram's premise , and then redeveloped when Cruz joined and they brought in more tenured writing staff. You're projecting your bad impression of Abram's onto Lost. It was developed to have answers from the get go, but the association with Abrams reaffirms the baseless idea that it wasnt.
@3dartxsi 3 месяца назад
@@Luminousreign You: "JJ Abrams had nothing to do with Lost." Also you: "JJ Abrams came up with the premise of the whole show." Abrams was responsible with the show's single greatest flaw; it was a giant "mystery box" that set up a bunch of giant questions that the writers were reliant on for keeping the audience coming back every week but that they had no idea how to give a satisfying answer to. You don't get to be the guy who comes up with the idea to build a castle on a swamp, convince someone to fund the construction, than hand off the whole job to someone else to get done and when the whole damn thing sinks into said swamp, act like you had nothing to do with the idiotic castle that sunk into a swamp.
@digitalbear1217 3 месяца назад
Fuck it I'll say it: Super 8 is good. It picks a tone and sticks with it. It's a fun kinda Stephen King kid adventure movie and that's all I would expect it to be. If you want to be a dork about it, go watch Barry Lyndon or some shit idk
@BigHomieGayAss1917 3 месяца назад
Dawg I was actually at the filming of the tank scene and I don’t ride for Super 8 that hard lmao. Also do not slander the Barry, Barry Lyndon is an Irish Excellence™️ Film Experience
@dirrdevil 3 месяца назад
Super 8 is bad because it has no tone that it sticks with. The alien is both a monster like Xenomorph and a lost creature E.T.
@Backinblackbunny009 6 дней назад
It's classic jj, cool premise good characters and a cloying dog shit stupid ending
@IronViking88 3 месяца назад
BSG was one of the first shows of the 2000s that took nerd genre material and gave it a superficial grown-up tone and nerds ate it up without realizing or caring that it was clumsy garbage
@Luminousreign 3 месяца назад
That is all TV Sci-fi in a nutshell. TNG is the exact same thing. A lot of it is nerd culture before nerd became cool being insufferable and pretentious. The shows give themselves the shallow impression of moral complexity, and then tells the audience it is smart and they are smart for following along. Giant circlejerk, which probably explains a lot about how these shows created the modern fandom.
@Some_Average_Joe 3 месяца назад
I will defend the BSG reboot to an extent. The conflict between civil and military leaders trying to deal with an existential crisis and having to compromise was good. The themes of having to make hard choices was amazing. The idea of how we repeat history while thinking we are making a decision is borderline brilliant. That even an enemy bent on destroying humanity could be sympathetic was also great. Literally everything else was garbage though, especially when it focused on love triangles to the dumb religious themes.
@Luminousreign 3 месяца назад
@@Some_Average_Joe The internal conflicts of the characters and the way it approaches stuff like torture and whether you should empathize with your enemy is just bush era liberalism, and once you see past how shallow it is, almost always ends up justifying the status quo internal and external to the show(just like bush era liberalism did irl). Also the idea that history is doomed to repeat itself is definitely not borderline brilliant lol, they just dressed up something super trite and almost slipped it past you. The reason that you think the religious themes and love triangles are dumb and not the other stuff it all ties back into is just because they didnt manage to sneak that part of the slop past you.
@Some_Average_Joe 3 месяца назад
@@Luminousreign Yeah, the ending where they destroy their weapons and live in peace with the Cylons was reeeaaal lib status quo logic.
@Backinblackbunny009 6 дней назад
@BenjaminGlatt 3 месяца назад
@mattgilbert7347 3 месяца назад
Battlestar Galactica was objectively better tho
@Luminousreign 3 месяца назад
The one big proof against the show’s larger narrative being made up as they went is that people more or less guessed the ending and what was going on by 3 seasons in.
@observantmillenial 3 месяца назад
I vehemently disagree with their assessment of this show, but I respect their opinions
@dirrdevil 3 месяца назад
Nah, Lost is great despite all its problems. Chapo fell into the same trap that all the hype train mystery analyzers did: they only talk around Lost and its perception in the media. No talk of the actual show content. It's reactionary. They did the meme of "Lost didn't answer any questions" but can't articulate one such question that wasn't answered. I will agree the surface level name association of philosopher names for characters is weak shit. I have some quibbles with labeling Hurley as a "party guy" and some other botched points they make. It's also factually untrue that TV writers in the 2020s plan shows out. No, they all make it up as they go, but to different degrees. Look at Disney handling Star Wars as a franchise: they had zero plans. I'd also add as a caveat that anything sci-fi or fantasy or the like sounds very fucking stupid on the surface, described sarcastically. I don't think Lost is high art or even prestige TV, but some of these criticisms are just huge misses. I actually don't care if a TV show plot is made up on the fly; does it work? Not everything in Lost does, as it has some crap plot threads and characters.
@ieatbatteries7 3 месяца назад
Very true. No one give Lost the credit it is due and mostly dogpile on the show to show you how smart they without having scene much of it. It was always entertaining and kept to the core of its characters and their various conflicts with themselves and faith in something. A lot of garbage nowadays get more respect because it puts on the prestige wallpaper but is just as shallow as anything you see in Lost. At least it dared to be a pioneer.
@augmentedsupersoldier 3 месяца назад
real, me and my roommates started watching it last year and even if it's dumb and dated and directionless it's still a fun watch and will make you laugh, I mean the point of this series really generally seems to be discussion of the cultural framework and impact of shows rather than them actually reviewing the storylines with a few exceptions like sopranos and this is us
@Luminousreign 3 месяца назад
Lost's writing is exceptionally well done. I am always amazed that people miss the trappings of early prestige TV, like all of the initial main characters are clearly intended to be absolutely awful dirtbags lol. You are entirely correct about the doesnt answer questions things, but the show trained the audience to think that it wasnt going to answer anything and then loved to answer stuff tangentially without directly addressing it , so cant blame audiences for walking away thinking it didn't answer anything. Most of the unanswered questions are from the later seasons too, like everything John Lennon says in that templee is absolute red herring nonsense.
@Backinblackbunny009 6 дней назад
Disney literally gave lost Creator JJ Abrams the franchise to run and he immediately ran it into the ground. Palpatine again?!!!
@KMcNally117 Месяц назад
Why such unwarranted hate towards Spielberg?
@Backinblackbunny009 6 дней назад
Bc he's a deep state stooge
@Fuzzycuffsqt 2 месяца назад
I liked Lost quite a bit. Maybe 2-3 yrs after it aired, a friend of mine downloaded it all for us, and we had a great time watching the characters in increasingly dramatic situations. People are screaming and exploding and running away from bears. What more do you want? A plot with a thematically satisfying resolution? go read Moby Dick. you'll wish you'd watched Lost instead
@Backinblackbunny009 6 дней назад
Chapo hosts have literally spent most of an episode rhapsodizing about Moby dick. Lost season 1-3 was fun but the fact that all of the answers are "it's purgatory" is such a cliche and makes the entire story boring. who cares about some saps stuck in some Catholic fan fiction?
@QuicksilverSG 3 месяца назад
Battlestar Galactica was far more than an enrichment exercise for humans living in captivity. Unlike Lost, which was basically Gilligan's Island crossed with Survivor, BSG was fraught with real-world parallels in the post-911 Bush era. It turned both patriotic militarism and stock Hollywood heroics inside out by portraying its mythic protagonists as conflicted human beings faced with overwhelming moral dilemmas. While both BSG and Lost finales were infamously unsatisfying, Lost's vacuous premise was obvious from the start, while BSG's hubris resulted from its producers' need to avert their gaze from their own relentlessly nihilistic vision.
@QuicksilverSG 3 месяца назад
PS: The retconned explanation for Cylons procreating with humans (which also accounts for the Final Five) is that ALL humanoids in the series are descended from the original Cylon human race that departed 2000 years earlier from nuked Earth. As Cavil's suicidal confession in the finale revealed, "The Plan" was a revenge plot Cavil concocted in order to delude everyone into believing the twelve humanoid Cylon "models" were mechanistic robots no different in nature from the Centurions. In reality, the only difference between the human Colonialists and the humanoid Cylons were that the latter were downloaded and cloned into fresh human bodies by the Resurrection Ship. Once that technology was destroyed, the humanoid Cylons reverted back to normal human lifespans and were seamlessly integrated into Colonialist society.
@mattgilbert7347 3 месяца назад
​@@QuicksilverSGI have such fond memories of BSG. I really captured the feeling of living through the Bush years, especially the first term. That finale was seriously meh tho. Having said that... All of this has happened before...
@maxmcguire6092 3 месяца назад
BSG's finale was by far more satisfying than whatever Lost turned into, but that isn't really that high of a bar for me. It had some major issues, but I didn't absolutely hate it the same way I did with Lost's whole last season.
@Luminousreign 3 месяца назад
Star Trek, specifically TNG, and BSG are designed to trick people into thinking they are deeper than they are. It is all wheel spinning aporia that gives it the impression of moral complexity, but they both very clearly always have a side. At least with Star Trek they had the decency to make it Utopian in order to push a liberal ideology by example. BSG was purely reactionary and is trying to smooth over the part of peoples brains that is disquieted by the military status quo by saying actually it is more complicated.
@Luminousreign 3 месяца назад
BSG and TNG are both designed to seem way deeper than they are. They use wheel spinning aporia to simulate moral complexity, but both are very shallow. With BSG, taking modern problems and going 'yeah, but what if it is more morally complicated than you think' is 100% just enrichment to make the choices the MIC have already made for you more palatable.
@metaphysicsbob 2 дня назад
I hope you all do my favorite show: The Leftovers
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