
Charity: how effective is giving? 

The Economist
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Today’s super-rich are putting record sums into tackling the world’s most pressing problems. But how altruistic is this golden age of charitable giving? Read more here: econ.st/3aHRmjc. Film supported by Mishcon de Reya
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Today’s super-wealthy are richer than ever. And they’re giving away their billions like never before. Philanthropists are putting record sums into tackling the world’s most pressing problems. And unlike the mega-donors of the past today’s philanthropists want to see the results in their lifetimes. But how altruistic is this new golden age of giving? Have these mega-donors become too powerful?
The way charities work is increasingly under the microscope. Donors large and small are demanding better bang for their buck. This is leading to innovative new approaches to doing good which are redefining notions of altruism.
Hilton Douglas is an outreach worker for Urban Pathways, a non-profit benefiting from a recent explosion in charity amongst wealthy Americans. There are record numbers of homeless people in New York and every day Hilton tries to help some of the worst affected. In 2018 spending by charitable foundations reached a record $75bn in America. The charity Hilton works for is one of 250 that are backed by New York’s largest and best-known foundation Robin Hood.
Robin Hood provides a small percentage of Urban Pathways’ total income. But the foundation also donates strategic and operational assistance. Urban Pathways runs outreach programmes and a drop-in centre and provides a roof for around 850 men and women each night.
Every year Robin Hood stages America’s biggest, glitziest fund-raising gala where it raises over 60% of its annual funding in three hours. While the average annual donation to the foundation is $108 the gala has helped Robin Hood become renowned as the charity of choice for hedge-fund managers and bankers. Over the past 30 years it’s raised and spent around $3bn fighting poverty in New York.
Paul Tudor Jones founded Robin Hood. An investor and hedge-fund manager worth around $5bn, he believes private philanthropy leads the state in dealing with society’s problems. Journalist Anand Giridharadas spent three years exploring the motivations of America’s wealthy philanthropists. He has concluded that some of their business practices create the very social problems their philanthropy tries to address.
Since 2011 former mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg has donated over $500m to campaigns to replace coal with clean energy in the US by 2030. But in taking on the battle against climate change Mr Bloomberg has also taken on other billionaire philanthropists on the opposing side of the debate. For decades oil barons Charles Koch and his late brother David have given billions of dollars to non-profit organisations in order to promote scepticism about global warming. The Kochs’ donations have had a huge impact on strengthening the climate-change denial lobby in America. But Michael Bloomberg’s donations to his campaign Beyond Coal have proved an influential counterbalance. So far these have helped retire 289 coal plants, more than half the countries total.
America has witnessed the spectacle of its most-renowned philanthropists battling it out over one of the world’s most important political issues. It raises a fundamental question. How much political power should wealthy but unelected philanthropists wield?
While powerful and wealthy philanthropists are increasingly giving away their money. Fewer people on average are giving in the developed world than two decades ago. It’s a decline that’s coincided with scandals that have rocked some of the world’s best-known charities. Little wonder charities are now experimenting with innovative new approaches to persuade donors to part with their cash.
In the past ten years effective altruism has contributed over $100m in donations towards Against Malaria Foundation. The charity says this has helped fund the distribution of 50m bed nets worldwide, protecting 90m people and saving around 30,000 lives. But effective altruism, EA, has its critics who say giving is not a science and that there is more to charity than cold hard numbers. This scientific approach to charitable giving and work is on the rise and is assuming innovative new forms. It’s being used by some of today’s class of billionaire philanthropists. How this plays out alongside their rising power will help to redefine the impact of altruism. And how it’s perceived.
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@BBBarua 4 года назад
If "charity" is based on "love" and purely "given," then why do corporations and the wealthy need a tax break?
@shahidulhchowdhury6411 4 года назад
To encourage them giving more money!
@jakethesnake2x 4 года назад
@@shahidulhchowdhury6411 But the tax break will just get bigger, and force more taxes on the poor and middle class, did you not watch the video?
@charlech 4 года назад
So they can give out more to the causes they care
@FootysMaXeD 4 года назад
Because it's not about "love" as this propaganda outlet for Capitalism would have you believe. It is about power to choose who they think is worthy of societies assistance. It is absolutely anti-democratic and at the mercy of out-of-touch billionaires trying to whitewash their bad images.
@simstander5471 4 года назад
The rich can argue that Government are corrupt and fail their people
@msship8234 4 года назад
Paying their employees living wages would be enough. No charity needed.
@worldaccordingtotij4058 4 года назад
But then how would they build clout and become worshiped as living gods?
@yespapa8102 4 года назад
*plays Soviet music
@MertonDingle1111 4 года назад
Minimum wage is decided by the government.
@mountains889 4 года назад
is that what you say to the unemployed homeless guy on the street or do you give them a buck?
@samlucas3076 4 года назад
No false. that would be wrong, charity choice are personal, raising wages involves higher costs for the business and higher risks for stockholders.
@shutupandance 4 года назад
”Real altruism would be doing less harm.” Spot on.
@teerificbitch 4 года назад
Lol that's literally taking away all responsibility of the less fortunate people and putting it into the rich's hands. Cute.
@laMoria 4 года назад
@@teerificbitch Some are being forced to work 24/7 to earn a $900 a month and fear that if they are not competitive enough, they will loose their job. Such a lovely society.
@kaushikvsmaniyan 4 года назад
@@laMoria that is change, every era has had it..try to visualise the people who were casualties of the switch from the agrarian age to the industrial one. The old has to give way to the new (& young)
@stupifyingstupedity2112 4 года назад
@@teerificbitch Lol that's literally taking away responsibility from the most powerful and putting it in the hand of the powerless. Cruel. I mean cute. I mean... What DID you mean??
@astronautical.engineer 4 года назад
Does anyone genuinely believe that charity from the wealthiest in society comes from altruistic intents? They did not do everything in their power to acquire their wealth to give it away. Charity saves them more than they give away. It is a financially motivated decision no different than all others. edit: typo
@555Trout 4 года назад
What's your point? Everything we do is based on "self interest".
@AlyssonAugusto 4 года назад
It's insane how someone can criticize EA just because this movement really use logics on their activities.
@jayzxyang 4 года назад
just worry about one day someone will ask them for analysis of their results
@matthewleitch1 Год назад
The 'tax breaks' mean that money given to charities is not taxed and, consequently, the charity gets more money. The person who gives to charity does not end up with more money than they started with.
@mycomment3509 2 года назад
"What do we want?" "Green gas" - Sorry, no. We don't want any fossil energy. So much about Bloomberg.
@brightngbor9558 4 года назад
Apart from tax benefits, they also buy public love and affection in some cases. Biblically speaking, they've already been rewarded.
@caringforall4454 4 года назад
Billionaires charity is like the philandering husband buying his wife flowers -just placating to avoid suspicion
@angelabakloyvovtchaikovsky1609 3 года назад
American law is freedom of all. There is no corruption in america
@galaxya6406 3 года назад
@@angelabakloyvovtchaikovsky1609 There is no coutry named USA in the top 10 least corrupted nation
@Christine.corneille Год назад
Charity should be recognize as a Human right of reciprocity compassion real solidarity without any political tendancy a human skill for humankind
@janferencz3616 3 года назад
The phenomenon that billionaires can buy social change through foundations has been inevitable in our system. This just shows the decision making inefficiencies of democracy. By no means it is desirable that individuals have that much influence in society, however radical change, needed now more than ever, can never happen when too many people participate in policy making. Especially not when two parties run a government alternately, undoing everything their predecessors have achieved.
@edwardliu111 2 года назад
Do you have the slightest evidence to back up your claims?
@lucapistolesi5447 4 года назад
Has someone thought that a straightforward solution might just simply stop to exploit under developed countries? Or maybe have a strong progressive taxation and a cap to personal accumulation of resources to avoid the wealth extraction from the society in the first place? I could go on...
@ndimec2117 4 года назад
@Lucas ...would you be willing to pay a higher price for everything you consume? What we dont realise is that while we cry about the poor labor conditions of laborers in China and third world countries. We love the fact that we can get cheap affordable products. The western doesn't pay the real price for resources that they get from the third world also often turning a blind eye to the Dispot leaders who they " jump into bed" with and wreck the very institutions that should serve "the people."
@lucapistolesi5447 4 года назад
@@ndimec2117 yes, i will pay more. It is all about relative distribution of wealth. The market and our economies will adjust to a different baseline and we might also consume less. If the prices will be higher compared to what we earn in dev countries, we will be less prone to exploit them and less inclined to consume useless stuff
@oceanthresher6184 3 года назад
@@ndimec2117 notice how pretty much all of Europe’s laughing at your claims because they aren’t remotely true.
@oceanthresher6184 3 года назад
@@ndimec2117 “but, but, Venezuela!” “Yeah what about it? The fact that their economy has been crushed by US sanctions for decades because they know socialism won’t fail unless they force it to?”
@mjh277 2 года назад
@@lucapistolesi5447 it’s not about you paying more. I imagine you have the resources to do so. Its more that it will cost those at the lowest points in society who would feel that additional cost strongest
@editorjohn8803 4 года назад
Everyone I know doesn't give to charity. Instead, they work on themselves first. Charity has not helped Africa, for example, no matter how much money we pour into it. If you really want to help someone, help educate people and start helping individuals, not people you consider "the poor" and "underprivileged."
@ebonypenguin2899 Год назад
For me it's Animals Asia, World Animal Protection, RSPCA, and various local charities. For my husband it's World Vision. I like the logic approach, and yet, in reality, I end up supporting bears and elephants because I don't think enough people do, and because it's so horrid what's happening to them (e.g bear biling).
@nkoroieric 4 года назад
I think there is nothing wrong with knowing that your kids may never lack for the basics but am opposed to the idea that they totally disregard the existent of lack. In that same breath I think I don't need a billion to see that my neighbor is need of help. Be kind cause it take time not money.
@opensourceguy730 4 года назад
Why not help show people how wealth is created? Personal discipline, resilience, persistence, and kindness.
@philosoftfurkitusjunkyard2462 4 года назад
I take it you are not wealthy?
@opensourceguy730 4 года назад
@@philosoftfurkitusjunkyard2462 That depends on how you define wealthy. I live in a great neighborhood, my kids go to an excellent school, and my Vanguard Index Fund seems to indicate I can retire by the normal retirement age.
@philosoftfurkitusjunkyard2462 4 года назад
@@opensourceguy730 oh, I thought we're discussing Bloomberg level of wealth. is that where you're at? I'm poor.
@opensourceguy730 4 года назад
Kitu's Junkyard No, I was referring to helping the poor by simply writing a check. Bloomberg turned a $10 million severance package into a $22 billion fortune and he should share some stories on how to do well in life. E.g., stay in school, work hard, avoid drug and alcohol abuse, stay humble, take calculated risks, etc. No doubt the people in this video mean well, but what they’re missing is helping people to help themselves. It’s a values judgement. Unfortunately, being non-judgemental is today’s deleterious zeitgeist. Feed a man for a day or teach him to fish so he can feed himself for a lifetime.
@philosoftfurkitusjunkyard2462 4 года назад
@@opensourceguy730 you're a poltergeist? yeah, sounds too naive for me. i see men lots of them, senseless, with kids, lots of them, fighting over fishes in an overfished pond.
@JJDK485 3 года назад
The CEO and Admin staff benefit the most. The real cause only gets 10-20% of all donations or so, I guess.
@michaelcharlotte4334 3 года назад
Topestrade +1. 4. 8. 4. 2. 0. 0. 5. 3. 9. 4
@futavadumnezo 3 года назад
STILL the blue-collar worker is the biggest taxpayer and donor for charity. NEVER will the rich ever truly be able to help the common folk.
@nathanbrowne457 2 года назад
When you help homeless it makes a difference and less likely to carry on out breaks
@peterweber4094 4 года назад
We need systemic change not more altruism, just a fair society, where people aren't viewed and treated like commodities. Capitalism needs to be suspended. It rewards the greedy, and those who are willing to exploit the weak and vulnerable.
@nathanbrowne457 2 года назад
People vote for people that do charity and give it creates better worlds well done for making a difference
@NoName-oj5pl 2 года назад
I think that part about tax breaks is absolute BS. Go ahead and donate your money and see how much of a tax break you get and if it was a net positive or net negative and you will see the truth.
@CuracaoRevisited 2 года назад
charity is beating someone up, and then giving them a plaster just to avoid they bleed to death
@markcampbell7577 Год назад
Fentanyl oxycodone tetracycline are precursor chemicals for LED manufacture process factories for streetlights and flashlights in America. The fentanyl factories are invented built by American companies in China..
@silentstorm2797 3 года назад
Guess what? The population is not Increasing like they say. In order to have an increase in population a country has to have 2.3 births per family. The United States is 1.9,Canada is 1.6 ,all Europe is 1.6, India is 2.1, China is 1.6 and mostly boys. Brazil is 1.9 and the Arabs are being destroyed by war. They take pictures of a group of people who are herded into small areas because of poverty and justify their eugenics programs. The only thing that we have to fear is fear itself. Be blessed.
@markcampbell7577 Год назад
We need structural changes. We got here with structural change. We still need schools without homework and wages that are a living and taxes that are appropriate to wealth and poverty.
@MeditativeHandle 2 года назад
I don't donate anything ever because people like me never got a dime from any charity growing up.
@giedriuskristaponis1398 4 года назад
Giving a charity is taking a step back, not changing direction.
@revolutionarydefeatism 3 года назад
I wonder how much charity managers receive!
@ronj4727 3 года назад
The average is 80 to 90 % gets lost in the mix. They keep the lions share and write it off as "administrative costs". Just another legal sham to get paid.
@andrejcerjak1790 3 года назад
Most of the donations of super rich probably aren't real altruism - they get tax deductions for their donations. And what they give away (if anything after the tax break) is only an almost invisibly small part of their wealth. And most of the charity organisations and so called NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) really disgust me - big part of the money they collect goes for the comfortable life they are living. Basically they are using the misery of poor people for their personal gain. You really want to make the world a little better place - You need to make an effort - help people in need DIRECTLY, not through Unicef, Red Cross, Caritas ....
@Piecenotwar 3 года назад
I doubt very much that large donations are done out humbleness. I wonder if any of these foundations or charities are registered in the Cayman Islands and actually owned by the people who donate, use the giving of charity to dodge/get tax relief in the country main business is registered and legally move it into a tax haven like the Cayman Islands.
@bbrad628 2 года назад
Less than 50% of the US population works, therefore the other 50% is the charity. If this isn’t socialism, I don’t know what is.
@nathanbrowne457 2 года назад
You guys give me motivation and inspire me thanks so much
@AidenRobert-nc1fp 11 месяцев назад
Hello . I just turned 67 and i am sharing some benefits. Let me know if you are interested . I'm just helping the few I can
@cocothesea 2 года назад
Business-as-usual = blaming rich people for poor folks’ problems = unsustainable. I am interested in ‘sustainable giving’, not just giving. If I give (time, energy, money) to one who makes unsustainable choices, it is a waste. Poverty = consequence of unsustainable choices (mostly). A short list of sustainable solutions =  Voluntarily going child-free, if in less-than-optimal circumstances  Earn at least one 4-year college degree (most Americans lack this, which is a top reason for their unsatisfactory economic experiences)  Adhering to laws, no matter what
@robertskolimowski7049 2 года назад
8:16 Wow, just buckle up for the next 45seconds👏✌
@drsyedakiranumefarwabukhar7455 2 года назад
I believe in the charity in COVID 19crisis
@DylanCVlogTV 4 года назад
The average person should not donate money to charity, donate your spare time if you have any We are at the precipice of balancing corporate responsibility and government intervention Invest your money by buying local, building up relationships with those around you, and getting those you love who need help into programs that can help them.
@zico739 2 года назад
Taxes > charity.
@tresgrospoutou 4 года назад
nice way to show that this is all a joke and then telling its not so bad so people think the system is okay because 1% is used well while making forget all the 99% of tax gain and image gains. This is a basic journalism trick to present a bad system as being "not so bad therefor usefull" higlighting the 1% that work after presenting quickly the bad part even if it is MAJOR. Pitifull way of doing "information"
@camerontaylor7471 4 года назад
albarinos asuqwet and I laugh when people think mind control and brainwashing is science fiction... it’s a reality and everyone with a birth certificate is under some form of brainwashing... the economist and many other intell networks only exist to reinforce the system, to reinforce the programming... mind control is SUGGESTIVE thought... they use STORYTELLING to project an image of the world so the individual will hold a PERSPECTIVE that suits the agenda of the system... you must be incredibly vigilant and pay close attention to detail and use scrutiny, skepticism, common sense, and intuitive to SENSE the INTENTION of the MAN and the energy and the words that present themselves in reality... the intention of the system is to CONTROL the BODY of MAN...
@HyoJinLee-m1o Год назад
Thank you so much for this video!!
@betty5064 4 года назад
These are all big charities. I did fund raising for years, mainly shelters and other useful organisations. Most of them decided quickly to hold their noses in the fund raising area; they couldn't afford to be high minded.
@prateeksamuel8603 3 года назад
in 3 billion you can probably house everyone on the streets in whole usa with thier own homes.
@michaelcharlotte4334 3 года назад
Topestrade +1. 4. 8. 4. 2. 0. 0. 5. 3. 9. 4
@JD-jl4yy 3 года назад
Effective Altruism is as based as it gets.
@madefromscratch9871 4 года назад
Billionaires and homeless people, how? Why ?
@filipbuczynski9905 4 года назад
Made Fromscratch what do u mean? How both can exist in the same place?
@muhammad-amiindhimbiil4603 4 года назад
Voice for the Weak. Philanthropy is just but a sympathy to the few people in Power, but those people are really in need for help and strong commitment to save their lives and build a better future.
@ruslanpavlovich.4886 4 года назад
14:41 he doesn’t even have money to buy same pair of socks 🧦))
PHYLANTHROPIST is a tag they need to start any nego with strong push back.
@GenXican84 Год назад
Causing less harm to what at cost to whom??..Freezing working class in winter?( most deaths happen in winter) Workers sweltering in the shade cz they can't afford to turn on their AC?..A battery powered society won't supply enough kwh to sustain the current population..we need to talk about recycling thousands and thousands of spent ev car batteries and solar panels. (Keep in mind we still use landfills for the MAJORITY of waste). We need to talk deep about nuclear..both the last phase of fissionables and the future of fusion energy.
@brendatenorio5721 3 года назад
Malaria is a focus of Gates Foundation so why are the smaller foundations having to weigh in with additional programs?
@John-thinks 4 года назад
This guy has a deeply flawed understanding of democracy if he thinks the function is to LIMIT the power of people. Democracy is to give voice to people, not to limit them.
@John-thinks 4 года назад
@William Deadlock The US was not designed to be a democracy. It was designed as a democratic republic. But yes, I agree there are places where modern American politics fail to deliver on the vision of this country.
@aaronwebb1548 2 года назад
He says individuals. The point of democracy is to limit the power a single unelected individual has on public life. He's correct.
@jullinnarcooper878 3 года назад
Thank you the true authentic respectful England. Edward does truly speak...
@joonpak 4 года назад
Is this video brought to me by Mike Bloomberg?
@RonaldL.MAngela.vaught17HH 3 года назад
The mistletoe say vaccinate us from malaria so we cant spread it. if a misketoe cant get Or carry it where does malaria come from ?
@drsyedakiranumefarwabukhar7455 2 года назад
We need philanthropy more
@Yohan5 4 года назад
most charity that comes to africa gets lost, how we dont know, in whos pockets we are not allowed to say
@maxheadrom3088 4 года назад
Giving is the best way to get a lifelong contract with Rhodia and get a lifetime supply of moral teflon.
@finnhambly 4 года назад
Would recommend Slate Star Codex's blog 'Against Against Billionaire Philanthropy'
@senfumastevens3076 3 года назад
Hi brother Finn hope you are doing well and I call you upon to get involved in our music school foundation.
@gardengeek3041 2 года назад
Sure glad I subscribed to to this channel. Was not at all fully informed on this topic. Thanks!
@honestnewsnet 4 года назад
@markcampbell7577 Год назад
Edison generators and dynamos power plants and vehicles to replace nuclear power plants and waste of fossil fuels on electric power and transportation. Have not been examined or mentioned again and again.
@virtualdrudgery 4 года назад
Disclaimer: "This video is sponsored by Michael Bloomberg"
@tresgrospoutou 4 года назад
well the economist is own by the bilionaires so they are just a PR for liberalism and the 1%
@inderjeetsingh4746 4 года назад
@@tresgrospoutou Several poor people ARE CAUGHT IN BIG PROBLEM please report (please cover) INDIA 1 FEBRUARY *no* to *CAA* ... *NEWSstaff*.. People r unhaply how they can show documents(paper) in country like india because several people r uneducated they not maked/make any paper , some r so poor, some lost their papers (documents) with huge water(flood) so their r 100 problems so they have no document(paper)
@MichaelRockfez 4 года назад
albarinos asuqwet Billionaires don’t just play with “liberal news.” They’re the ones always pushing supply-side economics in our government (which primarily comes goes to the right), but not paying workers enough regardless.
@cookiecola5852 4 года назад
Great way to make their case to tax them more? Cuz why not🤷🏻‍♀️
@sibtainali3814 3 года назад
@@inderjeetsingh4746 And sadly now we are facing tyrants who against our Indian farmer. It's been more than 3 months since farmers protest
@Somerandomdude-ev2uh 4 года назад
"Innovation comes from the private sector" Bit of research online shows a lot of modern tech companies started because of public sectir loans or research
@TheCyberianWonder 4 года назад
That's tech innovation. Nonprofits provide socially oriented innovations that can inform and influence public policy
@njagimwaniki4321 4 года назад
Monetization comes from the private sector.
@justjackman 4 года назад
Like the internets
@justjackman 4 года назад
@thedepthsofrepair 3 года назад
The innovations don't seem to be changing much insofar as reducing human suffering. Many foundations allow the rich to park tons of cash for later.
@ev.c6 4 года назад
Rich dude: "In a perfect world a government should act in the interest of its people. Private charity wouldn't exist." * Agrees in Denmark *
@videomakville 4 года назад
It's usually the same wealthy people and corporations who lobby the government's attention and resources away from the 'interest of the people' who say the government isn't acting in the 'interest of the people'.
@ndimec2117 4 года назад
@@videomakville thank you....took the words out of my mouth. Totally agree
@PSYCO89one 4 года назад
"In a perfect world a government should act in the interest of its people. Rich guys wouldn't exist"
@ev.c6 4 года назад
@@PSYCO89one Being rich should not be a problem, what is a problem is letting people not pay proportional taxes as they get richer.
@jayzxyang 4 года назад
isnt this socialism though?
@deeb3272 4 года назад
@alenpaul2523 4 года назад
So what ?
@deeb3272 4 года назад
@@alenpaul2523 so what what
@Spikeupine 4 года назад
Does donating give you a bigger tax break than what you donate?
@benjaminfranklin4760 3 года назад
At least it’s going to charity rather than Uncle Sam
@andresfernandes5906 4 года назад
"An arsonists' convention where everyone thinks s/he's a fire-fighter."
@Karyabs 4 года назад
Well put. Why accumulate it in the first place
@truthsupreme 4 года назад
Are we now quoting lines in the video?
@IndigoBellyDance 4 года назад
Best response ever!!!!
@gamewithadam7235 3 года назад
The problem with charity is it never explains how much will solve the problem.
@Chandankumar-qw6hb 9 месяцев назад
@mateuszbieniek4791 4 года назад
I have mixed feelings about this video. Did it address the main question in the title? It was 26 minutes of poorly glued superficial content I would say. But hopefully the ideas will get covered more.
@gloria1559 3 года назад
Can't agree more
@sibtainali3814 3 года назад
Totally Agree with that.
@gustavschersten3290 4 года назад
Jesus Christ what is going on in this video?!? It's like two different videos with a massive Bloomberg ad in between them and not one second even touches upon the question raised in title.
@banunajah 4 года назад
Are the mosquito nets being giving are locally made? There was an issue with this practice of NGO companies sourcing the mosquito nets from developed countries instead of using locally made nets. And as a result businesses lost revenue that would have been circulated within the community.
@SplatterInker 4 года назад
Classic colonialist economic model. Make the colonies break backs for raw materials. Make poor break backs in own country to make goods. Sell back to poorer country for profit.
@bidbadgray 2 года назад
I absolutely agree, I'd worry that outsourcing will definitely increase the bill, give a man a net and he can protect his own family, give a man/woman the tools/machinery and you solve the problem and start an industry 😉
@bidbadgray 2 года назад
I don't have all the answers but some are fairly obvious
@atkatsom8745 4 года назад
Pay your f"""in taxes. How about that?
@angelabakloyvovtchaikovsky1609 3 года назад
Karl marx is the new power of the world
@atkatsom8745 3 года назад
@@angelabakloyvovtchaikovsky1609 Not what I meant but I like the spirit!
@owenturner1384 3 года назад
ironic profile photo?
@davinbradley7721 3 года назад
No because 70% of the taxes for the war on poverty go to the bureaucracy that's responsible for the program and only 30% to the poor
@natchancat9610 3 года назад
@@davinbradley7721 - where do you get your number?
@JamesLee-do7yq 2 года назад
The last time philanthropic endeavours were as high (relative to gdp) as they are now was c100 years ago at the peak of the Gilded Age (also the highest levels of inequality up until now.) The Vanderbilt’s, Rockefeller’s, Rothschild’s etc lobbied on the behalf increasing philanthropic responsibilities in lieu of in increased taxes. It worked until post WW1. Philanthropy went up but nothing really changed for the proletariat until mandatory taxes were introduced. Long story short. Last time taxes were this low and philanthropy was this high, inequality was at its previous peak and 2 world wars happened. In the words of Rutger Bergman: “Taxes, taxes, taxes”.
@bluzshadez 4 года назад
I've always been taught this, "Give man a fish and he will eat once. TEACH that man HOW TO fish and he will eat all his life." Some people just need a "push to the right direction." It's not just free money, free roof above their heads or free food that poor or homeless people need. Training for potential jobs will change their lives.
@bluzshadez 4 года назад
Lu G. “Teach that man how to fish and he will eat all his life.” if you’ve inly read between the lines, that means training for jobs/ to earn a living. Not every word written is limited to its literal meaning. Logic has to be applied when analyzing words, sentences, paragraphs, narratives.
@alexeialeksandr7606 4 года назад
Maybe that mindset isn't profitable enough? Also, someone once told me that rich people need poor people because if everyone started moving up the ladder, they wouldn't "feel rich enough" anymore and that isn't something they're willing to give up.
@bluzshadez 4 года назад
@@alexeialeksandr7606 It's not just about something being lucrative. It's about having the determination to get out of the living situation.
@LillyNotFlower 4 года назад
@@alexeialeksandr7606 literally ego problem of sociopaths 😒 EAT THE RICH
@FootysMaXeD 4 года назад
@@alexeialeksandr7606 It's about keeping poor people desperate enough to keep working for stagnant wages because they're all competing for crumbs while the rich ransack our society. Socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the poor.
@BlondeQtie 3 года назад
True philanthropists would not exploit their employees, not harm the environment, not put people on the streets, not demand 2000% profit margin, not avoid taxes. And if you have something to give after all that, you can donate anonymously in silence and don’t use a tax break.
@MR-op3mo 2 года назад
What poor countries, that are generally run by corrupt governments, need to understand is that while corruption may enrich themselves, money eventually runs out because the people are poor. Governments need to understand that the success of their people means a richer country, a more powerful country that can become involved in geopolitics. Rich countries need to help these governments through advice and counsel...and money should only be part of the deal when governments provide a plan that will allow their country to grow economically. I don't know, but this has got to happen. Technology etc. should be shared to allow countries to develop! Stop giving and begin producing solutions to poverty and lack of education!
@inkooh8 3 года назад
8:18 -8:57 Well said! "....It's an arsonists convention in which everyone is under the mistaken impression that they are firefighters."
@CarFreeSegnitz 4 года назад
Pennies from unjustified fortunes to buy support to continue the current social order. Wealth and income inequality is allowed to get worse. 70-80% top marginal tax rate. Not intended to raise government revenues but strongly encourage a flattening of inequality. If you're already a big earner why bother going in for a raise when almost all of it will go to government? Would government spend it wisely? Maybe... maybe not. That's not the point. A high marginal tax rate pushes the private sector to do the right thing. We all hate centrally planned economies. We should hate private sector central planning just as much. Allowing a worsening wealth inequality is to advocate for private sector central planning.
@heinedenmark 4 года назад
Why is it billionaires that decide who and what deserves help? It's just big capital manipulating average Joe.. Wake up
@philosoftfurkitusjunkyard2462 4 года назад
what do they have to do when they're awake?
@heinedenmark 4 года назад
@@philosoftfurkitusjunkyard2462 Vote for Warren
@philosoftfurkitusjunkyard2462 4 года назад
@@heinedenmark that's what being woke means? wake me up when there's a better offer.
@johnterry5954 4 года назад
They don't. You have no right to thier money.
@johnterry5954 4 года назад
They don't. You have no right to thier money.
@maxheadrom3088 4 года назад
The Charities, a lot of them, are great and do effective work without spending money on their own structure. Donate to the charity you know, the one you can visit. The hard data thing is interesting - I already have the feeling, I need the hard data to choose who to donate if I'm donating to an organization acting far from my home.
@user-od8eq8bd1g 4 года назад
A problem made by a small group hoarding too many resources won't be fixed by that group giving away part of their money for causes they like. The problem is their existens and that is fixed with taxing and regulation.
@riribibi477 4 года назад
I always said to my teachers if there is so much charity and all this billions are given to help and resolve problems, how it is possible that nothing is changing and that they are more and more people homeless, poor etc.. The billionaires are getting richer, powerful and changing laws systeem in their favor.. 😯😯
@YoshaGamingDK 3 года назад
The child mortality rate for every single country on Earth has decreased severely within the last 60 years.
@arturogarcia9946 2 года назад
ther geving it back to the oil company mor power is a scam
@frusia123 2 года назад
Because a lot of that "charity" isn't to make the world better, but to make the rich feel better about themselves 😐
@AmazingStoryDewd 2 года назад
You could say the same for government programs. Except the situation is even worse. They are even more inefficient.
@nekaylasmith Год назад
@@frusia123 I agree.
@silversolver7809 4 года назад
"According to the World Bank … China's poverty rate fell from 88 percent in 1981 to 0.7 percent in 2015" A generation to lift ~850M people out of severe poverty, with the aim of eradicating it completely in 2020. ~ By the same token, previous government policies had caused such abject poverty in the first place. ~ If those two don't make clear how much more influential government is/can be than private…
@diogocoelho293 4 года назад
china is a capitalist economy, they open their country to foreign investment
@RandomPerson-go5sn 4 года назад
People tend to believe that homeless people are homeless because they simply had no other options, but that’s not true. Most homeless people are either mentally disabled or drug addicts and simply can’t be taken in to society by just giving them an apartment or a job. Very few homeless people are homeless “just because” they can’t find work.
@sanjayatimilsina5799 4 года назад
Charity in today's world is widely misused. They are one of the most ineffective use of money. The organizations operating cost in most of them is 80% and only 20% goes to the actual work
@ronj4727 3 года назад
When I donate, I give directly, for that very reason.
@adanlopez1011 2 года назад
Probably even less than that. Around 5% of funds actually goes towards aiding people. If non profits actually used 20% it would make a huge difference.
@murko1630 4 года назад
This world is full of narcissistic defects.
@samijarvinen1585 4 года назад
Less anecdotes and case studies - more analysis please! Great video, though! But shouldn't the title be "Charity - is giving justified from the point of view of democratic ideals"? *Efficiency* of charity versus government policies wasn't addressed at macro level. I would have expected more from *The Economist*!
@femiairboy94 4 года назад
“There’s no such thing as a free lunch” Milton Friedman
@futavadumnezo 3 года назад
From an economic perspective that is very accurate. In my opinion, a taxable charity institution is what's needed and the government literally forcing the richest to pay 1% of their total wealth each year to this charity.
@stanleysharkey3753 3 года назад
Uhhhh, yes there is. I've had people buy me lunch several times. I have also bought other people lunch.
@khalidalali186 4 года назад
Lol, all democracies have become plutocracies. Well done peasants! Now go run along, and vote in the next elections. Your votes are of the utmost vital importance.
@BoomBraids 3 года назад
"Real altruism.... stop doing business the way they do business..."
@airgunningyup 4 года назад
donations should not be ta deductible , problem solved..
@maxheadrom3088 4 года назад
This is the second time PR has got a new name ... the first time it changed into "marketing" (a word created the Edward Bernays himself). Like Milton Friedman said in 1970, their goal should be only profit ... let's tax them and have the State take care of us.
@johhnycash1515 4 года назад
What kind of evil do you have to be to actively spend money on destroying people's lives just so you can get richer, even tho you can already own whatever you want to own? This is sickening
@thetntsheep4075 4 года назад
It's too easy to hate on the rich. I can't say I know what the top 1% are like, but I know I'd rather have a greedy businessperson donate huge sums to save face rather than one who doesn't donate at all.
@RBuckminsterFuller 4 года назад
The point is they donate money which would otherwise have gone to taxes. Ideally the taxes would then fund governmental programs which would be directed by democratic means.
@silversolver7809 4 года назад
"I'd rather have a greedy businessperson donate huge sums to save face rather than one who doesn't donate at all" The problem highlighted in the video is that many of the face-savers are taking far larger sums out via the various damage they're causing-eg the climate denier lobby movement, the fossil fuel & addiction companies etc. Me, I'd prefer a greedy businessperson to stop causing $1Bn damage while donating $100M.
@philosoftfurkitusjunkyard2462 4 года назад
I go can go both ways easily
@555Trout 4 года назад
@@RBuckminsterFuller your level naivete is frightening.
@zonda6012 4 года назад
$100 to house a family for one night that they otherwise would be homeless...Ah here I am a PhD student earning ~$60 a night, worse than homeless.
@nathanbrowne457 2 года назад
Well done bro that's bueatiful helping poverty is the best and homeless other wise it becomes our problem
@AllenGraetz 3 года назад
We are lead to believe that the same government that can't conduct an orderly airlift would be better spending this money than NGOs?
@Stibnite47 4 года назад
I learned nothing. Why not evaluating people's arguments with numbers? Why not present quantitative efficiency of giving?
@SuperEmilyW 4 года назад
Really interesting video, confirmed some of my own personal views on celebrity charity. The BP "actor-lists" were a bit dire though.
@senfumastevens3076 3 года назад
Hi brother hope you are doing well and I call you upon to get involved in our music school foundation.
@kahhoeng88 4 года назад
a golden age of giving, a golden age of generosity, and a golden age of hypocrisy as well?
@bloemundude 2 года назад
Could people please stop pushing forward Anand's idiocy? Replace his lines with the audio of sloppy, wet flatulence, and it would be less offensive to those who know and think about what he is saying. His anti-charity points amount to: Don't give money to charitable causes; give it to the government so that it can go to pork barrels, foreign wars, incentives to outsource all jobs, and the active self-destruction of all Western countries.
@salum6690 2 года назад
That would involve actually using a brain. I'd much rather listen to journalists tell me about how rich people are ruining everything and how the government is fixing everything.
@josequezada519 4 года назад
"3 billion dollars fighting poverty" 😒 yea... that math doesn't add up i smell bs
@Helaw0lf 3 года назад
More like helping the war machine.
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