
China: Growing and Going to Sea 

U.S. Naval Institute
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Captain Jim Fanell, U.S. Navy (Ret.)-noted expert on the Chinese Navy, former Director of Intelligence for the U.S. Pacific Fleet, and frequent Proceedings contributor-provides an update on the Chinese Navy, its operations, and shipbuilding programs.
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@icebaby6714 Год назад
It is funny to accuse China of stealing hypersonic technology while China has successfully tested its hypersonic missiles multiple times but the U.S. is lagging behind and failed to get it work. Are you sure that Chinese lecturer quit job in the U.S. and went back to help China build hypersonic weapons? This is the funniest accusation ever, can university lecturer build rocket? No way! You need rocket scientists to build hypersonic missiles, did China steal the blueprint (which is impossible) from the U.S. or hire the rocket scientists from the U.S. ? Having said that, it was the U.S. that has stolen the rocket technology and kidnapped 1600 Nazi rocket scientists and engineers to the U.S. after the war to build missiles for NASA and build atom bombs, so called “Operation Paperclip”, remember?😅
@pjeng1 Год назад
Does it really matter who stole the technology from each other? Just develop it and apply it and make it work. Throw away your big ego here.
@joey3291 Год назад
@@pjeng1 He is actually responding to some stupid 'China steals' narratives.
@Amidat 11 месяцев назад
@@pjeng1 the so called analyst said he's worried about China getting US hypersonic tech when China is clearly ahead of the US. One of the many gaffes in this piece
@CharlesHanson-Whitmore 11 месяцев назад
​@@pjeng1 China has had to steal stealth aircraft designs from the USA just to build the J-20, but STILL can't replicate the superiority (primarily, agility) of the F-22. What kind of a country needs to steal just to keep up, and then realises it CANNOT keep up? Answer: a PATHETIC country.
@jacklouie8096 11 месяцев назад
And the jet engine
@DavidDONG-ib8xl Год назад
A more accurate title--------China: Revival and Return to the Sea. The aggressiveness implied by the original title is very American
@chrismccaffery1091 Год назад
It's not very American, it's very FACTUAL, whether your feelings accept it or not.
@DavidDONG-ib8xl Год назад
​@@chrismccaffery1091I accept the historical evidence. I don't know how knowledgeable you are about world history when you say FACTUAL. Don't mistake European history for world history. Have you heard of Zheng He's voyages to the Western seas?
@chrismccaffery1091 Год назад
@@DavidDONG-ib8xl What does that have to do with China's "wolf warrior diplomacy" and "face culture" phenomenon plaguing its administration, and pushing China back into the Mao-era, and quite literally attacking the very same countries who made it as prosperous, developed as it is, and brought it into the world economy, invested trillions of dollars into it, under the assumption they would liberalize more, and they instead do the complete opposite. Not to mention how they militarize islands & fake islands inside other sovereign nation's economic maritime zones. And due to its "face culture" phenomenon, denied responsibility over the virus in 2020 and instead blamed it on the U.S. and used their million man bot farm to shill propaganda and say it came from 5 different countries (they changed their story 5 different times) and is the reason why tens of millions of people around the world died, or became severely ill. A doctor inside China had came forward with the evidence and suggested quarantines immediately, and suggested banning all civilian travel from China to the outside world to prevent spreading the virus. This was in 2019. And what did China do? It tried to "save face" and the CCP "disappeared" the doctor and pressured for silence and denial for as long as possible. "bUt LoOk hOw mAnY bAsEs tHe U.S. hAs aRoUnD cHiNa!" Perhaps if China would liberalize more, stop committing genocide and oppression against Uyghurs, Tibets, Muslims, end their belt and road Iniative a.k.a the "Bait & Rob Iniative" of debt trapping poor countries deliberately to steal their natural resources & land, confess and claim responsibility over the virus, liberalize and start allowing free speech, human rights, censorship, release all its political prisoners, and start fair elections, and stop militarization of islands and fake islands inside other sovereign nation's economic maritime zones, and comply with international freedom of navigation laws, stop stealing intellectual property, stop infiltrating western politics with the intent to literally destroy their countries, and so on (this list can go on forever) then perhaps China wouldn't need to be "contained" in the first place! In case you haven't realized, it's the countries in the world who are the "problem child" that need to be handled with kid gloves.
@stevencher9968 Год назад
​@@DavidDONG-ib8xl History to the self centered and ignorant is just about few hundred years. Zhenghe could have colonized 2/3 of the world 800 years ago if China also had the colonizer DNA.
@chrismccaffery1091 Год назад
@@DavidDONG-ib8xl Mmm yeah, and if China had colonized the world instead of the European? We'd all have a social credit score, wouldn't be allowed to vote for our officials, wouldn't have free speech, wouldn't have freedom of opinion & expression, would all be living under a totalitarian regime under a dictator in a surveillance police state, and ethnic minorities would be in concentration camps being tortured and forced labor, as the Uyghurs are currently suffering through, and we wouldn't be allowed to criticize our own officials, government. Yet Pro-CCP people like you will continue to talk about how "evil" and "bad" the west is. Did you forget who made China as technologically advanced and wealthy as it is today? Yeah, the west. Specifically America. China would still be living in ancient times and be a poor 3rd world country if America had never let China into the world stage and become apart of globalization, and invested in it so heavily, it was America's thought that China would naturally liberalize if they helped them develop and become wealthier. And what does China do to pay it back? Literally bite the hand that feeds it.
@moongurl22 Год назад
Amazing insight and breakdown of the situation. Thank you 👏🏼
@airforcemax Год назад
*¡a thought provoking message!* - 12:07 pm Pacific DayLight Savings Time on Wednesday, 17 May 2023
@douginorlando6260 Год назад
China recently expanded their shipyard that builds nuke subs (I don’t know if that RU-vid video is accurate). Now that shipyard has space to build 20 subs at the same time.
@lcrob4 Год назад
Did anyone else notice the giant cat between the two destroyers (about 19:37 min)?
@sd989989 Год назад
Ex-NATO Generals are providing consultation to the PLA, similar to the ex-fighter pilots. This is after the war against Ukraine started.
@linmal2242 Год назад
Really? Is that true? Are they NUTZ ?
@jimw1615 Год назад
@@linmal2242 OK, some humor here is welcome. Thanks for the levity!
@ricardosmythe2548 Год назад
They'll look at Chinas military on paper and say "yeah you can take Taiwan" 😂
@ex0duzz Год назад
Which ex NATO generals? Can you even give one name?
@two02ful Год назад
NATO, USA and it allies had lost all major wars since. The latest one is Afghanistan!
@k.k.c8670 Год назад
How would China be stealing things and putting them in service that the US does not yet have? 2 obvious ones come to mind. Hypersonic glide vehicles and other types of hypersonic missiles which the US has been unsuccessful with and Direct Current EMALS which is totally different from the AC EMALS that the US uses in the Ford carrier.
@nidhinkn5980 10 месяцев назад
China got good knowledge about ocean they are a traditional fishing country.
@GMATveteran Год назад
17:00 - with regards to amphib capital assets, it would've been interesting if Capt. Fanell speculated on the rationale behind the PLAN's decision to continue producing the Type 071 even though the Type 075 has already become a mature platform (that is - mature enough for rapid mass production). What incremental capabilities would a Type 071 offer that the Type 075 doesn't?
@Meatwaggon Год назад
Well, expense would be the most obvious answer. Just as a US ARG is comprised of a LHD/LPD/LSD combo rather than 3 LHDs, a PLAN ARG is probably going to be comprised of something similar, like LHD/LPD/LPD (075/071/071). The upcoming 076 has no equivalent in the USN, so it's unclear to me how the 076 will fit into an amphibious force.
@wangyaohan8824 Год назад
076 will have catobar for drones.
@oscarpadilla5579 Год назад
Powwr to china!!!!
@wongchanthong Год назад
warmongers amercans
@smashsmash5866 Год назад
You see the U.S pride itself in respecting and caring about their army veterans BUT yet over 60,000 of them are homless and more are living under the poverty line (1 is 1 too many). Maybe the U.S fix their own problems!
@carlitosway2487 Год назад
In one year, China builded ships sizes 1/3 of The Frech Navy.😱
@sd989989 Год назад
US Navy is in deep shit. Better revive the x-47 and build a semi-autonomous carrier strike group. Of course it's ok to have a missile magazine autonomous ship but the thought of not having 'top guns' is a exteninal threat..... right.
@titaniumskunkogkush4365 Год назад
It's already too late. The good thing is America has nuclear weapons. I think that the Chinese are willing to fight America without using nuclear weapons so that's good news.
@heynsenene Год назад
Please continue your amazing work.
@Cosmo-pg4iq Год назад
They will travel more and pratice freedom of navigation at Taiwan Strait
@alaskavaper2490 Год назад
IMO the US should exit the region militarily and allow China and Taiwan to resolve their issue of sovereignty between themselves. It is definitely not worth risking a likely WW3 that would send global affairs into chaos as well as eliminate any hope of the need to urgently address global warming, the existential issue facing humanity.
@linmal2242 Год назад
Why did America so avidly train and promote the rise of China, the PRC ? Should we blame Nixon, for 'opening it up' to trade with China? Sure the trade was profitable for the US, but now the many 'American educated' engineers and professors have taken their skills back to advance the PLA and their country. Too late to keep em 'down on the farm' now ! You can bet that the PLA will be studying hard, the Russian failures and lessons from the Ukraine war ! (Special Military Operation - Ha)
@commie5211 Год назад
they needed China's help to againt the soviet union at its peak, the US had forgotten all of that, pretending it was a gift.
@terencedoherty3049 Год назад
Yeah, except that the Chinese have long recognized the serious brain drain OUT of China that has been going on for decades now. There are two programs---both abject failures--designed to alleviate this brain drain and entice Chinese to come back to the mainland, offering lucrative positions and packages. These are the Thousand Talents Program and the Young Talents Program, which is an offshoot of the former. Problem is, there are too few takers, and the positions they offer are mostly BS positions that SOUND good (only), but are subject to graft and corruption in the selection process. I don't blame the Chinese. If I were a Chinese innovator, I would be very tempted to jump ship also, given the ready availability of financial tools to help entrepreneurs in the US and Western Europe, and the fact that they know they won't get into trouble with the CCP and end up getting Jack Ma'd just because they didn't kowtow to the CCP.
@wangyaohan8824 Год назад
US only want china to becaming west's sweatshop, that wasn't based on good intentions, but closer to modern slavery.
@carlosparedes1556 Год назад
The word on the block is that the air craft carrier’s from china needs tankers constantly following them since they are not nuclear powered 😂and they are are cracking on deck according to google earth pics 😂
@terencedoherty3049 Год назад
Yes, I watched several videos here on RU-vid about that. The Fujian (which is once again in dock for repairs) only has enough fuel for about two weeks.
@Terracotta-warriors_Sea Год назад
without modern SSNs, PLAN has a severe capability gap that will take 2 decades to plug.
@linmal2242 Год назад
Is any American SSN going to dare sinking a PLAN ship or three?
@xinyiquan666 Год назад
us is the one that has no modern SSNs, all of them were built 40 to 50 years ago
@jpierce2l33t Год назад
​​@@xinyiquan666ol we build 2 brand new subs each year and that's getting ramped up as we speak. The Virginia Block 5 is brand new. Chinese submarines look like toys in comparison 🤣
@The136th Год назад
You know conventional sub is quieter right?
@lydioconception3470 Год назад
Chinese aircraft carriers and landing ships are ... sitting ducks...so good American and Japanese missiles practice objects...
@Eusebeia7 Год назад
I have never been in the military however I point out the following for your consideration. 1) The terms "tofu dregs" and "rotten tail" are probably due to a shortage of energy for manufacturing cement and bricks. 2) The forbidden city fell in 1912 yet appears in videos to not have any glass windows while the Gothic cathedrals built ~1100-1200 AD have glass windows which the Romans did not have. 3) Traditional Chinese architecture is post and lintel like the ancient Greeks but very complexly decorated 4) The current Chinese economy is structured to collapse catastrophically whereas our economy appears to be undergoing asymmetric collapses. 5) The Chinese government is based on the dragon while both the English and Spanish Empires were based on a combination of the dragon and the cross. The Nazi Empire was based on a broken and encircled cross on a red (bloody) background. 6) The Chinese also fail at integrated circuit manufacture. 7) Chinese hieroglyphics are a total waste of time similar to their decorative arts putting lipstick on a pig. Their food and energy are both imported from thousands of miles away.
@rationalthinker2200 Год назад
Hahaha....then tbe Western hysteria of Chinese rise is totally misplace...so lets calm down on the war mongering..by the US media and politicians..telling everyone that China is a threat to the US...
@9997-g4g Год назад
And guess who or whom gave China the tech and ability to increase it's military?
@cantaloupemelonz1533 Год назад
Afghanistan shared their techniques on how to win.
@Ropetor Год назад
51:00 Chinese EMALS used on the Type 003 are completely different to the EMALS of the Ford class, he Type 003 used DC emals which are arguably more advanced and efficient then the AC ones of the Ford class. Let's also not forget that china is the world leader in MAGLEV technology and other high speed transportation using electromagnetic methods. If you are going to accuse china of stealing there are other cases much more obvious to choose from, not something they have a lot of experience with while their design uses DC which completely changes the functioning. Overall I really enjoyed the interview but that kind of annoyed me since it really undermines technology's where china has a lead.
@rohanthandi4903 Год назад
Delete your account 🤣 China has a lead in exactly 0 categories of technology. They are a generation or more behind in literally everything dummy. Good at making poor copies of stuff tho
@Meatwaggon Год назад
Yeah this guy is clueless, and not just about US AC EMALS vs the Chinese MV DC EMALS. How can he be taken seriously when he gets so many factual points wrong???
@terencedoherty3049 Год назад
Any comment on the numerous online discussions and RU-vid videos documenting the two huge cracks in the deck of the Fujian, now once again in port in Shanghai for extensive repairs? These were taken from publicly available Google Earth photos, and appear to be real. Various structural engineers and others who ought to know have written that these are very likely strong evidence of serious design flaws related to the use of cheap steel in the building of the decks of the Fujian. And, accordingly, the head of the company who built the Fujian has been ousted, and is under investigation.
@Ropetor Год назад
@@terencedoherty3049 Fujian has never once left port since it was launched so i don't know where you got that. And also those 2 ''cracks'' are water and oil marks from the machines used to test the Steam Turbines with Dock steam generators.
@furiousscotsman2916 Год назад
You mean the German engineers that the Chinese hired to build their maglevs LOOOOOL. China did not advance their own maglev trains that was all foreign import of talent from the true world leaders the Japanese and South Koreans. China didn't even build their own maglev trains the contract was awarded to Max Bögl a fucking German company in conjunction with a Chinese company. Btw the Chinese maglev is OVER 100kmph SLOWER than the Shanghai Maglev so how you can claim they are world leaders when their trains are slower and all their talent is imported is fkn beyond me. Also i love how you claim the Chinese is more advanced yet we haven't ever seen it used at sea, if you are going to fanboy for China at least get your facts right.
@danieltam3923 Год назад
Your guest, Mr. Jim Fanell, sounded like an expert on the PLA military development until he got to the slide showing what he claimed as a map of ICBM silos in Yumen, China. They're not ICBM silos; they're wind turbines from what I've gathered. I question if he's really an expert??? I paused the video and have chosen not to finish watching the rest of the video. 😇😇😇😇😇
@Rob_F8F Год назад
Had you continued to watch the video, you would have seen that he cites the Federation of American Scientists for the identification of the Yumen site as ICBM silos.
@danieltam3923 Год назад
@@Rob_F8F "Federation of American Scientists"? If the source really came from the American scientists, I can see why the American tech and sciences have fallen behind. Go search Gansu Wind Farm Project in Yumen City, and you'll find the relevant info.
@JonyC6969 Год назад
@Fed-Dog 10 месяцев назад
So you went off half-cocked and turned off the video before you saw the explanation? Way to have an open mind Comrade.
@Hystericall 3 месяца назад
@@Fed-Dog still wrong and a dangerous shit call.
@GSteel-rh9iu Год назад
For 40 years the US has off-shored manufacturing to China; we now find ourselves unable to produce things fast enough; there is no surge capacity (ask Poland). Hope Adm. Caudle and Gilday can get industry to deliver.
@rohanthandi4903 Год назад
12 super carriers, more subs than anyone else and thousands of F35s within a few years ain’t enough for you? 🤣 the war will be a flashpoint not a drawn out conflict with a build up. U living in 1944
@JCStaling Год назад
PLAN have a plan. duh
@kencook4607 Год назад
This scarily reminds me of the naval build up by the Germans prior to WW1. Unfortunately, if what the speaker says is true, it sounds like the Chinese will have more success than the Kaiserliche Marine did.
@linmal2242 Год назад
@Chinese devil No, Taiwan is first and foremost !
@pahatpahat9566 Год назад
Don't worry China will only attack when attacked or maybe provoked! They don't go around bombing other nations just for the fun of it!
@icebaby6714 Год назад
@@linmal2242 China will use DF hypersonic missiles to destroy US base in Guam and also US carriers should the US troops get involved in Taiwan Strait when China annexes Taiwan.
@Amidat 11 месяцев назад
@Chinesedevil-rp4nn That is stupid. US bases surround China - not the other way around. Taiwan is considered part of China by the United Nations
@peterp.629 Год назад
You look out your front door and daily see guns, automatic weapons, missiles .. pointed at your house, So you go out and buy yourself guns too. That's the situation with US 7th fleet (called "strike group") and the PLA navy off the east coast of China (10's of thousands km from USA). You completely missed that and claim that there is "rapid build-up" by PLA? And that's a threat to the US? in your chart you show China's defense spending there, put alongside the US spending as well. Else your "analysis" it very biased, only serves to uphold US hegemony.
@ALWH1314 Год назад
China has been operating in South China Sea since the 14th century before there was a country call USA. In 1945, US, UK, Russia and China met in Germany to discuss post WW2 world territory. This Potsdam Declaration signed by four countries stated China owns South China Sea dash 9 and Japan returning Taiwan and surrounding islands to China. If you have a son name John, can a person in another country decide your child is a girl and call Mary? Chinese named one of their destroyers 055, why NATO has the right to name it “Renhai cruiser”? What’s wrong with just call it 055, not difficult to pronounce or to remember? Why not name Japanese Isumo (a carrier Japanese classifies as frigate) Pikachu corvette?
@timbosley8307 Год назад
China seems to be developing an industrial surge capability for the PLAN in order to quickly replace any losses suffered in combat.
@titaniumskunkogkush4365 Год назад
They're producing submarines not just warships. I'd be worried about their submarines and where they're are lurking.
@misha791 Год назад
@@titaniumskunkogkush4365 They come from Hainan underground submarine base and sneak thru Philippine islands to the Pacific to lob SLBM to West Coast and Alaska.
@titaniumskunkogkush4365 Год назад
​@@misha791 yes, they're lurking around Guam too.
@stevencher9968 Год назад
They are building 5 subs at the same time.
@hbsjwg7 Год назад
@@titaniumskunkogkush4365 Yes they are around US coast too, in case of war to not only in SCS but also in US grounds
@DanBurgaud 6 месяцев назад
6:30 You are saying that it is alarming that China is spending 7% while their GDP grows 5% but USA is spending 10% while GDP grows 0.1%... WOOOW!
@maxt7525 Год назад
But why are we picking a fight with China over this little island????? Can someone explain please?
@Amidat 11 месяцев назад
Because the US believes nobody should be a peer competitor. So if China re-establishes itself in full and ends it's civil war - and Taiwan is part of China again - then the US won't be able to compete economically.
@rickjames18 Год назад
We can’t take down all the missiles so wouldn't it be best to work on disrupting the kill chain in multiple ways? Why isn't the Biden admin pouring more money in the navy/military budget? we need more shipyards for building ships and maintenance. We have ships waiting for five years to get worked on, muntions taking years to be produced, DDG(X) program taking over a decade and more ships (VLS systems coming offline than online). There is no reason the US can't build more ships unless the government isn't willing. I keep listening the the committee hearings but things seem to only be getting worse with each report. We have CCP spies getting caught all the time in the US stealing US tech both economic and military yet they cancelled the China initiaive.
@rohanthandi4903 Год назад
@Rick James Americans are fucking stupid, no way you want even MORE money to be put into defence when you guys don’t even have nationalized healthcare. Do you realize numbers of hulls are pretty much irrelevant right? If was breaks out in the pacific ships will not come within missile range of each other. Look at war games. It’s subs and long range missiles launched From standoff range that will do the killing. The USn and USAF has enough of those already. China can lay down all the hulls they want they will just be more targets. USAF will take some losses but shit will be grizzly for the PLAN.
@carlosparedes1556 Год назад
Duh because lobbyists are mfrs 😂lobbyists with millions of yuan 😂I mean dollars 🤫
@Hystericall 3 месяца назад
Uh cuz US bankrupt? Stupid fks have wasted 20 Trillion in past 20 years. USA now paying 2T in interest alone.
@fredtan1506 Год назад
Nixon and Kissinger kept pestering Deng to “open up”. And now US accuses 😅China of stealing jobs.
@pjeng1 Год назад
The US and the west were hoping that China would become more democratic over time back then, but it didn't happen under communist party rule today. It is not about stealing jobs. It is democracy vs. totalitarianism. Same it true for dealing with Russia.
@andrewlim7751 Год назад
They're blaming the factory operators for becoming a boss themselves. 😂😂
@jimw1615 Год назад
And China had a retired American Naval Aviator sharing all he knows about Carrier Air Operations, too.
@linmal2242 Год назад
Was that stupidity or just plain GREED ?
@jimw1615 Год назад
@@linmal2242 One might surmise it was both, as you have asserted. We have plenty of both traits here in America, as do most places around the world.
@hbsjwg7 Год назад
@@linmal2242 or sense of justice ?
@fdangleshadang-a-lang7149 Год назад
@jimw1615 Год назад
@@fdangleshadang-a-lang7149 Australian Federal Police have arrested Daniel Edmund Duggan, a former U.S. Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier pilot at the request of U.S. authorities ahead of formal extradition proceedings. The charges against Duggan revealed that the FBI sought the ex-Marine pilot because of his work in China assisting in training pilots Carrier Operations and Tactics.
@evereachyu 11 месяцев назад
The Stone Age ape mentality.
@melvinignacio6687 Год назад
China is gaining tactical alliances specifically in the Indo Pacific they are building bases in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Djibouti, Bangladesh its a big threat to India, so India is also developing their military defense planning a military bases in Nicobar acquiring nuclear submarines builds an aircraft craft carrier the INS Vikrant adding more warships and air force to thwart Chinese aggression and domination
@pjeng1 Год назад
India has a very weak navy fleet that is no match to China.
@andrewlim7751 Год назад
China don't to build naval bases to counter India, they really discounted the Indian completely. 😂😂
@Hystericall 3 месяца назад
No such thing as "Indo-Pacific"
@davidwhite1559 Год назад
Excellent presentation, with good details and professional analysis. Thank you both!
@icebaby6714 Год назад
This is the best presentation ever, no nonsense, no political BS...all the crucial parts are well covered in great detail.
@Amidat 11 месяцев назад
@@icebaby6714 plenty of political bias with historical facts left out
@jamesfisher6428 Год назад
It looks like we got a Kmart attitude when it comes to building up our navy and China has a Walmart attitude when build there navy up. We all know how that turned out. SMH
@jimw1615 Год назад
Yes, Kmart should have kept their "Kress" name.
@joey3291 Год назад
I appreciate the depth of this talk, but has it ever come up to your mind that if China was standing in the way of the US civil war and said 'hey, I want you guys to divide into two countries, the south and north USA', what will be your proper response to that kind of intervention?
@OpinionatedMatt Год назад
How likely is for a nation to build a navy in 20 years and have it being competent, not only that, a threat to the biggest and more powerful navy in the world? Not questioning means (although they have to be demonstrated too) but doctrine, leadership and training.
@awesomepawn2 Год назад
the Japanese did it, granted they didn't win but the Chinese have the industrial base the Japanese never could have hoped to compare to
@katprowler6805 Год назад
Let's not forget China is not an anomaly. They did not appear out of the ether. They were a superpower long before the US was ever a US. Admiral Zhang He's fleet was bigger than the European powers back in the day.
@OpinionatedMatt Год назад
@@katprowler6805 that is true and was formidable but short lived and 600 years old history.
@titaniumskunkogkush4365 Год назад
​@@OpinionatedMatt let's just hope America doesn't think Taiwan is worth getting a conflict with China. Just keep south Korea, Philippines and Japan safe.
@OpinionatedMatt Год назад
@@titaniumskunkogkush4365 that’s dangerously close to the mistake they did with Russia in the past 2 decades or the Western countries did with Germany in the 1930s…
@floydpowell9238 Год назад
Learn to live with China as a peer.
@darna2679 Год назад
Dapat habang mahaga pa tirain na yang China, huwag ng hatayin na lalupa sila lamakas
@k-mind5876 Год назад
Are you sure you are able to collect the correct data in your assessment, and not painted something from your own projections and perceptions. It can be misleading.
@bob-rjburkhart7224 Год назад
Thanks for citing multiple Proceedings articles by Captain Jim Fanell … BZ ⚓ for producing example of U.S. Navy Pass Down the Line (PDL) heritage!
@leonardolanzara4486 Год назад
thanks for this excellent job. is it possible to download the presentation or at least the images for further studies? thanks
@mrbardel4363 Год назад
in 2024 China will have a new Carrier 004 . today Carriers do not need to be as big .
@snowvoredude Год назад
@ckfandor4300 Год назад
Classified Intelligence Report China's 🇨🇳 military specially the Army branch is developing an invasion strategy to send not only a numbers of warships to invade and to block the Taiwan strait and surround Taiwan from Southern and Eastern flank. Most of the warships does not contain army's because of the possibilities that many Chinese ships will be hit hardly by the Taiwanese arm forces, but rather China will send thousands of fast attack boats with mercenaries and invasion force to secure quickly numbers of strategic shores in Taiwan. These strategy is to confuse and overwhelm Taiwanese land army and naval forces. Now, once these military bases in Taiwan that are located on shores are heavily bombarded and secured by Chinese commandos and marines. The full invasion force will happen. And that's where many civilian people of Taiwan will die and the country will be in flame.
@Amidat 11 месяцев назад
Taiwanese are Chinese
@eyes1181 Год назад
@stevenwebbjrhistory 6 месяцев назад
Very concerning
@logicbomb5511 Год назад
38:00 no that is a knox class with the Asroc launcher behind the 76.
@kimofanell4984 Год назад
Thanks...I don't know why I corrected myself when I initially stated it was a Knox-class...but you are correct, appreciate you setting the record straight.
@oklahoma1232 Год назад
Unfit for duty & mental !
@mauisam1 Год назад
Thank you Mr. Hamblet and Captain Fanell. This was the most thorough presentations that I have watch so far. Boy Captain Fanell you must have hit a nerve as I think both Russian and Chinese trolls were active in the comments below. When Nixon went to China and opened the door I said it was a bad idea and that China would never convert to a democracy. Well look how well that went, we just helped them fund their Military build up. This is going to be WWII all over again, except worse.
@QuizmasterLaw Год назад
China uploaded 2 one hour long navy videos (in Chinese with Hanzi) I don't have any DLI / FSI contacts. Should I post the links to them here?
@kimofanell4984 Год назад
Here is one: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-pw24KOY4wHg.html - CTGN's Documentary: 'Generation Blue Water'
@OLLBU Год назад
Very helpful to the nation but one concern is Western countries. stocking up ammo. All categories.
@WildBillCox13 Год назад
Personal view here. "It takes the Navy three years to build a ship. It will take three hundred years to build a new tradition." -Admiral Cunningham, R.N. The US has two hundred years of blue water Naval tradition behind it. China? 25 years. Landlubbers might design ships, but it takes sailors inculcated in tradition to operate them effectively. Not saying we should ignore the potential threat, but we should keep plodding along as we fight to improve our naval infrastructure. That's the real lack. Drydocks, slipways, construction facilities, training of civilian workers to military prerogatives. Those things aren't sexy or sound byte worthy. And that's the whole problem: butterfly minds unable to view the long term perspective-on both sides.
@Machia52612 Год назад
300 years to build a new tradition? Biden has just accomplished that in 30 months turning the US military services into a WOKE military. The Chinese are laughing at us as they build their Navy at a rate not seen since the Japanese in the 1930’s. And their personnel are their to fight. The average young American is taught instead to basically hate his or her “racist/Imperialist” country, so will they fight for a country they’re taught to hate? Oh sorry, his and her maybe incorrect pronouns to use. If you don’t think this WOKE stuff has the capacity to destroy our military from within I’d suggest you take another look at what Leftists are doing to this country. And while the United States Navy has an incredible diversity of jobs that one can get into, the new tool being used now to recruit new personnel aren’t those jobs, it focuses on a WOKE diversity of a Drag Queen.
@jimw1615 Год назад
And you forgot the American "Top Secret Weapon", initiative.
@jimw1615 Год назад
@Kenji Hansolo It is "initiative": The ability to assess and initiate things independently.
@eymeeraosaka2954 Год назад
You brag so much about US military experience but has it actually fought a major war against a peer competitor before? During WWII, most of the heavy lifting was done by the Russian army against Nazi Germany. When the US joined the war the Germany army was already severely diminished having fought most of its major battles in Russia. In a battle against a peer competitor, the most powerful weapon is the will to fight and die for country. Is there any doubt that if China is under attack by the US or vice versa, people from both countries will willingly fight and die for their own country? And this is what the Chinese will do if the US attack Taiwan. Are the American soldiers willing to sacrifice their life for Taiwan then?
@linmal2242 Год назад
@@jimw1615 And you think that China is lacking that? Look at the past 30 years of their progress, thanks to their hard work, and the West's educating them !
@joekerr8334 Год назад
25:36 Just windmills.... nothing to see. Move along.
@andysinger4147 Год назад
Scareflation and regurgitating same lines for a decade.
@楊吉蒂 Год назад
How about NATO in Asia now ?
@BuergerPT 10 месяцев назад
Outstanding presentation.
@RobertReg1 Год назад
1 hour of NCIS. Fo' real
@titogeopolitica Год назад
@adityamookerjee. Год назад
Great podcast! But why can't a 100,000 tonne aircraft carrier also have a ski-jump for take-off? Why haven't I heard even one question along those lines?
@terencedoherty3049 Год назад
My understanding is that there are serious tradeoffs when you go to a ski-jump configuration. The ski-jump can't take heavy weights for instance, which necessitates reducing the weight of aircraft by reducing fuel, with obvious adverse consequences for their range. Another possibility is to reduce the added armament loads, again with obvious limitations imposed on aircraft.
@adityamookerjee. Год назад
@@terencedoherty3049 The Queen Elizabeth class of Aircraft Carriers operate the same type of fighter aircraft as do the Gerald Ford class. I haven't come across anyone saying that the F-35's of the QE class don't carry the full payload on takeoff.
@terencedoherty3049 Год назад
@@adityamookerjee. I watched a video on RU-vid, and they were specifically talking about the Fujian. Maybe that's unique to the design of the Fujian?
@jimw1615 Год назад
Good analysis considering multiple aspects of China's window to expand their control in the world.
@accountantthe3394 Год назад
Nervous about losing your grip on the world?
@jimw1615 Год назад
@@accountantthe3394 I was taught years ago that "control" is really just a myth, one that is made up. In reality no one controls anything in life. To test the theory, just look at how much one "controls" what happens in one's own life. Most countries play the game (it's a deadly one, too) to manipulate others and history has shown over time they have done a pretty poor job of it in the long term. We are seeing it in our own lifetime with multiple examples of it playing out before us.
@richardkong4387 Год назад
So cute, to control the world with one military base in Djibouti.
@andrewlim7751 Год назад
Unlike the u.s., they ain't interested in controlling the world but they surely don't mind dominating the world, learn the difference.
@learnsaddict5556 Год назад
​@@richardkong4387 it is about neat time for US lose control
@colinlee9678 Год назад
The Chinese civilisation owned and occupied these SCS islands for thousands of years before any of the recent claimants were even born!
@antonioalfaro5749 Год назад
I loved it when China builds more war ships. Making them feel Powerful! I call them "sitting Ducks" for us to do Target Practice....
@WildBillCox13 Год назад
Liked and shared. Thanks for posting!
@k.k.c8670 Год назад
China spends much less than 2% of its GDP on its military compared to the US's 3.5%. This fact is missed.
@Amidat 11 месяцев назад
yeah he brought up Chinese spending by purchasing power but left out that by the same measure China is a much bigger economy than the US
@Sunburn2007 Год назад
Utilizing a civilian tanker as an RO/RO is quite clever. You could fit *A LOT* of armored vehicles in there.
@timbosley8307 Год назад
What makes a superpower is less what it can do, and more what GOOD it does with its power.
@linmal2242 Год назад
Do you really believe that? Are you that innocent?
@accountantthe3394 Год назад
Agreed. That's why the rise of China is a *boon* to the world as a check against imperialist USA
@timbosley8307 Год назад
@@linmal2242 America's History is rife with the abuses of its military power, including self-serving regime changes. However, the United States has also employed its military in innumerable humanitarian missions, the protection of minority populations around the world, anti-piracy and anti-terrorism missions globally. These are the hallmarks of a superpower. I do not see China stepping-up much and using its vast military and economic resources in humanitarian missions. Feel free to list some of those international peace-keeping or humanitarian relief missions for us, please.
@byhyew Год назад
After decades of war in the Middle East under US influence, China brokered peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and basically ended the conflict in Yemen, in just their debut...
@johndilivio2770 Год назад
Can China sink the 7 th fleet
@richardkong4387 Год назад
No worries, The US has over 800 military bases worldwide and about 300 bases surrounding China. The U is a great military power having being fighting wars, forever wars, since the Vietnam conflict in the 1960's. Afghanistan wasn't the last, now we are in Ukraine and then, we will start another forever war with China. Lest we forget, we have a defence budget of well over 800Billion, 3-4 times more then PRC's defence budget.
@chrismccaffery1091 Год назад
China doesn't plan on fighting the U.S. directly, they've already begun their war, long ago, by infiltrating western culture and shilling woke culture. Woke culture originated from China and used it as a way to grasp control over the left-wing political base in the U.S. and other western nations, and essentially use it to strangle these countries and destroy their identities and demoralize and weaken their population. TikTok is a big contributor. So is the Wu Mao, one of the biggest bot farms in the world, millions of employees spreading anti-western & Pro-CCP & Pro-Communism propaganda. As well as China buying and bribing western politicians and high ranking officials & controlling many large corporations. They are going for a method of destroying America through the "inside-out" rather than starting from the outside and working their way in. They are planting the seeds and letting the Americans continue to do the work for them, with greedy politicians who care about money more than their own country and the future of the kids, and greedy CEOs, greedy executives, greedy serviceman in our military, navy, air force, etc who are all willing to sell their country away to China for a few bucks.
@rohanthandi4903 Год назад
@@chrismccaffery1091 lmfao what? China is a shitty dictatorship held together with threats keeping everyone in line. What happens when the CCP can no longer do that? Complete collapse bruv. Covid protests almost took u dummies out. China is a paper tiger with nothing of substance to back it up
@hbsjwg7 Год назад
Thats why Russia has 6000 nuclear war head, maybe 5000 for US mainland, and the rest for the military bases, sad that the people where the base are located know nothing but just being victim. Last all out war before doomsday ! 😥
@Rob_F8F Год назад
When you take into account Chinese Purchasing Power Parity and the large proportion of the US defense budget devoted to salaries and other personnel benefits, China spends more on defense than the US has.
@rohanthandi4903 Год назад
@@Rob_F8F because half of it goes to internal security forces keeping the country from falling into complete chaos 😂 it sure isn’t going into useful hardware. And the fact they don’t pay anyone anything isn’t good looool
@danielloustaunau467 Год назад
There building stealth subs there stealth when there topside . And there helicopter carriers there installing catapults on them so they will be carrying fighters like we do that's a game changer having light aircraft carriers.
@craig4867 Год назад
We are converting CONTAINER SHIPS and OIL TANKERS into vertical missile launchers! Each can carry 1,000+missiles! 🇨🇳
@pathat8869 Год назад
That still does not stop the fact that china is capable of bombing and blockading taiwan. However, it will likely take another 7 to 10 years before china has the ability to invade taiwan. Bombing and blockading is one thing, but invasion is another, china does not have the ability to invade taiwan yet, they will likely be capable of invading taiwan by 2030
@Bobsaccount123 Год назад
Since the Invision of Tibet China became ambitious and working to control south and southeast Asia by controlling the water of Tibet and trade of Indian and pacific ocean and beyond. Taiwan and India both are main obstacles. Tibet is landlocked and used to use Kolkata India port so CCP hatched BRI plan. Laos Nepal Cambodia Myanmar etc all are already controlled by China.
@connermini9390 Год назад
I think China just wants to go back to where it belongs
@The136th Год назад
Tibet has been part of China since before the USA existed
@wangyaohan8824 Год назад
tibet was part of china, in 1912 tibet declare it's independence during the chaos when KMT took power from the last emperor. in 1952 PRC took tibet back.
@Amidat 11 месяцев назад
The constitution on Taiwan - which the Republic of China - firmly claims Tibet as their territory. They claim successorship to Qing Dynasty China - of which Tibet was a part of centuries.
@Bobsaccount123 11 месяцев назад
Mao built 3 highways from Beijing to Tibet with the permission from Dallai lama for better connectivity. That was a fatal mistake and lesson for all nations joining belt and road. Mao invaded Tibet in 1959 using same highway. Dallai lama fled to India. Mao attacked India in 1962. Mao took over Ladakh and arunachal Pradesh. Then withdrew from arunachal Pradesh. Now CCP is claiming arunachal Pradesh as south Tibet. Tibet is landlocked and used to use Kolkata India port. Never had connection with beijing
@fredhercmaricaubang1883 Год назад
They may have put out more of those large ships faster but you don't see the general operational capability & quality of their crews as well as the overall quality of the individual vessels' systems & how they work in conjunction with the other ship systems as well as within a task force. In short, I feel that they're more of a paper tiger than an actual fighting force in that they're meant for intimidation than actual combat action, especially against their weaker neighbors. Just look at the change in perception of the Russians' armed forces prior to & after the Ukraine invasion. Besides, I see them as something like what happened to the British Royal Navy prior to World War 1 & then afterwards in that the pattern's the same: Build lot's of big ships fast but just how will you maintain them over the long term? In effect, they'll be facing mass obsolescence after 10 years. And that's not counting a number of individual ship systems breaking down over that same time frame.
@accountantthe3394 Год назад
That's why they paid Nato pilots to work for them. Free market babyyyyy!!
@fredhercmaricaubang1883 Год назад
@@accountantthe3394 Doesn't necessarily mean that they'll get what they paid for! And besides, the proof is in the pudding or, in this case, the fighting that is to come!
@treeinafield5022 Год назад
Why would maintaining them be a problem for China?
@fredhercmaricaubang1883 Год назад
@@treeinafield5022 Have you seen their economy lately? Not the BS they spout but what outside economists ACTUALLY see! Now, add in their demographic & environmental problems which keep on piling up & getting compounded by others coming to light, then you'll see what I mean!
@linmal2242 Год назад
@@fredhercmaricaubang1883 Yes, happening all of it, but they have now the technology and educated people to cope and overcome it.
@thestevecbr Год назад
the fujian deck had 2 huge cracks like it was made of plywood 😂
@andrewlim7751 Год назад
The "cracks" are shifting position like water, get yourself a proper education or something like that.
@thestevecbr Год назад
@@andrewlim7751 well, the "like that" is serious 🤣
@globalpropertyinvestment Год назад
@@thestevecbr If they were cracks the ship would have broken in half. Steel doesn't make cracks such as that - don't be ridiculous. They are water marks.
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