
China has the WORLD'S BIGGEST Electronics Market | Shenzhen is INSANE 🇨🇳 

Sun Kissed Bucket List
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Shenzhen China has the WORLD'S BIGGEST Electronics Market - We headed over to Huaqiangbei to find amazing deals on all the latest electronics and tech we could get our hands on. Shenzhen, China is insane with it's wide range of top quality gadgets and electronics for all budgets.
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1 окт 2024




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@lizz7805 3 месяца назад
fun fact, over 80% of world's electronics are made in shenzhen
@秋分-d8i 3 месяца назад
when people realize that they could buy China's goods with RMB or whatever, $ is not necessary, then... 🤭
@阿尔萨斯-t2y 3 месяца назад
@@秋分-d8i 目前还不行,美国的军力可以投放到全世界,航母战斗群控制着全世界重要港口,强迫大家用美元,不然各种找茬让你无法正常贸易。等到什么时候中国GDP\军力全面超过美国,并且全世界都见识到中国的厉害了,才有可能取代美国的全球统治地位。
@YOLO-Wild_Child 3 месяца назад
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
That’s so cool that Shenzhen produces so much 🥰
@BenjiSun 3 месяца назад
that number sounds more like for all of China. there's tech sectors in many of the major cities now, like Changsha, Nanjing, Suzhou. and different areas may have some different specialties, like Wuxi is known for Biotech firms. Dinghui Solar Tech in Dezhou in NW Shandong and Chengdu where Tongwei Photovoltaics is located are the biggest solar tech region. etc...
@TakLau-t5w 3 месяца назад
世上沒有最好的制度, 只有是否適合當事國的體制 。 中美只能註定成為對手!千百年來,華人故土皆以農立國為本,而讀書識字大多是富貴人家公子哥兒的玩意,大部份百姓均為面朝黄土背朝天的涥良殷實務農者, 透過戰爭去改朝換代成為造王者畢竟是少數人想法,如非苛政無路可避, 迫不得已,一般不會造反, 故此「國泰民安、風調雨順」是自古以來尋常百姓所追求的,而這追求亦是那些方成立三幾百年的西謊國家所難以理解的,萬變不離其宗, 自古有中原一統的傳承文化!講求「融和」、「傳承」更是中華文化的精髓之其一!及至孫中山先生時期的覺醒及新中國成立後, 經歷很多苦難, 忍辱負重 ,走了不少彎路,才成為當今世界第二經濟體 ,正正是思想爭取努力的改善及改變方令現今全球及國家不斷發展, 此所謂各個國家嘅國情不同, 鑑古知今 ,因為近百年來的苦難,更顯今天和平繁華的珍貴,這些都深深刻入平民百姓的脊髓裏,一個政權如果真心為改善國民生活及環境服務,深得國民支持信任,那就想像不到有何被推翻顛覆的理由。在資訊爆炸及世界大同下,可獲取的信息無遠弗屆, 連繫全球, 國民對國家及外國有全新的認識和審視,生活的改善讓更多國民走出家門,對曾經有過多憧憬的西謊社團生活有更清楚深刻認識,有些確實是把他想像得過度美好,國人眼光擴闊亦加強自身對國家的認同!國家的整體發展是為百姓謀取實在幸福感, 而政制上的爭拗個人的意見及權利在集體下表現, 用集權的精英想法領導平民, 不會有太多無謂的爭拗, 故此政策往往得以容易落實及延續,政制亦得以「摸着石頭過河」的逐步自我完善,一樣米養百樣人那些虛無縹緲的個人權利暫放一邊,這亦反映當年國力蒼白,民眾教育落後的唏噓;而民主體制正正相反,大個人小政府,他們習慣利用選票來表現個人意願,少數服從多數原則, 小弟亦曾表認同, 選舉制度在理性的選票面前和公平的原則下是一種頗為體現公正,但是在現今在資訊流通性的世界裏, 民粹悄然而起,這個原則正被蠶食和顛覆, 基於選票利益, 他們更多地習慣於如何包裝、演繹、表現去擄取選民手中的票。 政客是某些塔尖上的利益集團劃分下的指定代言人,用選票愚弄民眾, 選出來的代言人必然服務於塔尖上層的利益。 當個人教養越高, 便越加理性,對社會分析能力越強, 基於生活習慣,社會公德,個人道德的是非黑白的辨別能力越高。一個務實默默努力改善, 一個流於表現,享受著先輩倚靠掠奪積聚下來的福利與光環, 繼續以欺霸侵掠手段、以自由民主之名指點凌辱他國! 當更多人認識:教育和知識可以改變命運,當落後及發展中國家的國民教育程度相對提高, 當更多資訊可以傳播到這些國家, 互聯網手機可以更容易獲取資訊, 那麼「民主、自由」的欺世之名將會更易揭露於世人面前, 曾幾何時本人亦痴信於選票的功能, 迷上西方所講的「公平、公正」, 而剛經歷近兩年的香港之亂以及喪侵上台之後的所作所為, 開始明白到任何制度都有其優缺點, 相對立的體制會將對方的缺點無限放大, 透過媒體報道傳輸你所想要的, 其外你所接收的訊息是通過媒體篩選的(19&20年身處香港所使用的Facebook、KOL 及一衆所謂網媒, 鋪天蓋地無處不在的海報, 天橋底、巴士站中貼着的一張張「心意咭」、盡帶風向的報章雜誌,而政府的訊息被打擊得 體無完膚 ,正向的、建制的成為異見 ~~~),用盡誣捏、抹黑、老作等手段, 用漂亮的言辭去包裝, 誇張的手法去表演, 易博取眼球的注意力! 只要言行夠出位, 在議會上掟蕉, 嘩眾取寵, 喧鬧叫囂, 掟水杯 ,甚至掟屎水~~~ 恭喜!無數張選票被吸引了。政治是肮髒污穢的,充滿著權力與鬥爭的計算遊戲,爭名逐利的廝殺黑暗! 本來你行你的資本制度, 我有我的社會體制, 大家本就河水不犯井水, 但有些人吃飽了非要別人跟隨它的體制, 否則便制裁與及打壓, 甚至引入顏色革命和軍事戰爭,弄致他國生靈塗炭, 民不聊生, 沒有改善, 反而更差,那就說不過去了,當一個國家或地域被充斥政治架空,它的破壞力是核爆級數的, 當事國將會被摧殘至徒具軀殼 ( 沒有經歷過19&20年香港的黑暴歲月根本不會明白何謂猶如無政府狀態 )。 西謊社團的下三濫手段無影無形, 扶殖傀儡政權, 利用媒體操縱, 以達至用最少的成本推翻或控制他國政權, 還可美其名地站在道德高地指指點點: 伊拉克,委內瑞拉,阿富汗,烏克蘭, 敘利亞,埃及~~~看這些被西謊社團親吻的地方。在拳頭出真理的年代, 原來靠欺霸搶掠得來的西謊所領先的優勢, 終將被拳頭所反噬!或者源自內部的貧富懸殊引發的不公,或者是發展中國家的團結, 不再被甜言蜜語所分化,而這正正是一股強大的反撲勢力!~就在幾天前, 法國總統馬克龍曾經講過一些不起眼的說話:「社交媒體在民主社會有舉足輕重的作用, 虛假新聞及新相對主義在社交平台大行其道, 完全破壞大家對真相,科學以及民主基礎的關係, 猶如所有民主的致命物!」 社交媒體的氾濫對民主自由體制的影響有所憂慮! 從側面可以看到什麼? 水能載舟亦能覆舟! 散播鼓吹仇恨吹水就可以治國?看看新上台的西謊社團所謂領袖, 歐圓因一個烏克蘭被老尾成功綑綁,瓦解, 經濟金融上對美國不再存在威脅,其實某程度上頗為值得同情! 看早前的「拉美峰會」,「太平洋島國峰會」, 以及即將的「美非峰會」,從中窺見西謊社團向這些第三世界頻頻出招, 長時間以來的輕視及無視, 去年及前年尚同窮國爭奪疫苗防疫物資 ,突然地這裏資助撥款, 那邊噓寒問暖, 相當可笑 !當金磚和上合國家擴展,一帶一路深度建立,發展中國家足以有實力撼動西謊社團製訂的所謂只利於上層收割的規則,以為更多的發展中和落後的國家發聲,而中國則作為這些團體的超級聯絡及代言國家,故西謊社團必然會槍打出頭鳥,扭盡最大努力壓榨中國的發展空間, 無論如何反應中國都懷璧其罪 ~~~ 東方智慧講求「和為貴」、求同存異,同西謊社團的排他及對自以為是的執念有根本性的矛盾! 一方處處包容忍讓, 另一方得寸進尺,沒有妥協的餘地( 以前的西方社會尚懂得政治是妥協的藝術 ), 為求延續自己的優勢以及獨霸天下! 到底誰會較易跌進修昔底德陷阱《Thucydides Trap》? 西謊社團憑藉掌握的媒體及聯盟圍爐優勢所設置嘅文字陷阱, 內地有必要及時反擊及澄清! 洗腦是它們的強項!而且應該要讓西方聽得懂的語言去反擊!以國家的實力反駁西謊社團的叫囂:新疆的強迫勞動、種族滅絕、西藏宗教自由、香港的顏色革命、華為、抖音海外版、貿易戰、加關稅、貿易順逆差問題、中企上市審查、退市、債券贖回、晶片、光刻機、隔三差五的台灣問題、因針對中國成立的組織~~~拳拳到肉,一一直視面對,不逃避,亦沒有可退之路!現在反觀西謊?真的慌了,急不擇路,失去章法:英國脫歐,天真卓上, 通脹依然是難以撇脫之痛,成就最短命首相 、意大利法西斯蠢蠢欲動, 民粹似有星火燎原之勢 、捷,立忙着利用台去榨取利益, 資本嗜血本性「最小的付出獲取最大的收益」一一顯現 、澳不認還需認某類商品要用人仔結算、德法排隊來華,意識形態始終離不開民生 、北溪管道被攻擊, 盡顯所謂「盟友」的支離破碎關係 、作為全球霸主, 斯諾登的出現, 所謂盟友之間的關係出現新的轉變,阿拉斯加近岸70海里專屬經濟區「被自由航行」,探月之旅一波三折,網絡攻擊入侵他國大學偷資訊反被追查,拜與政府閣員及議員的唱雙簧,將紅黑學發揮極緻,頻繁的槍擊案,高通脹下的罷工,自由的「零圓購」, 山火頻生的後續處理一塌糊塗, 天災人禍後的無奈、無力救援 ,一埸疫情,更甚講出民主體制可抵抗病毒的無知~~~完全顯現出更多自身的問題, 高傲、狂妄自大、失卻內涵、 到處惹事欺凌、 揭開了以前「謙謙君子」的虛偽面紗 !西謊社團愈是多動作,便愈是將總愛挑起事端往往諉過於人轉移視線的形象大白於世人眼前,正在衝擊世人僅存於腦中的一幕幕不可觸碰的對民主體制美好幻想, 一次次以作為警醒的反面教材,假如沒有荷里活夢工場的軟文化洗腦, 相信西謊社團的大英雄主義形象更加容易被戳破 !!
@MegaCavatina 3 месяца назад
Too long to read. Sorry. You should be able to present your thoughts much shorter when commenting on someone else else’s video.
@太空超人-x5o 3 месяца назад
@krystal996 3 месяца назад
@TakLau-t5w 3 месяца назад
@@太空超人-x5o From hongkong.
@英特纳雄耐尔张 3 месяца назад
@赖皮寮 3 месяца назад
深圳的发展是一个缩影,中国人从饥饿到现在一路走来很不容易。 The development of Shenzhen is a microcosm. It has not been easy for the Chinese people to go from hunger to now.
@bulldogfightingforfreedom 3 месяца назад
而且是作為一個非白人社會國家… 毫無任何印象加分可言. 甚至飽受岐視. 發展到今天, 人類歷史上的舉世奇跡.
@1469kika 3 месяца назад
@Ottovonostbahnhof 3 месяца назад
@1469kika 3 месяца назад
@@Ottovonostbahnhof 你说的那是香港。好好看清我说的是哪里,比你无效反驳一百句都有用。
@cedar4480 3 месяца назад
@yken9633 3 месяца назад
@1469kika 3 месяца назад
@@yken9633 所以没走香港的老路啊,走了香港自己的路!借鉴思考不代表照抄😂
@nikitpe326 3 месяца назад
全程微笑看完此集... 男人到這裡 就像小孩 進到糖果 餅乾巧克力工廠 裡 無法自拔
@kinwahlo4688 3 месяца назад
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Taz could spend all day over there and then come back again the next day lol 😂
@mcmitonet8032 3 месяца назад
@luluwo 3 месяца назад
Lucky to be the No.1 audience 😊,now a lot of people come to Shenzhen from Hongkong because of the good value and reasonable price
@kinwahlo4688 3 месяца назад
No,we go there not even an hour for shopping ,is a day .There is big enough to take a breath flash air
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
The price is indeed reasonable 🥰
@cheneyc3865 3 месяца назад
@@kinwahlo4688 为什么不直接在深圳买个房子
@绿脑瓜子见一个拍一个 3 месяца назад
@passedjudgements4729 Месяц назад
​@cheneyc3865 because Evergrand never finished it and despite it being uninhabitable the bank still demands people pay for it once evergrand moves onto their next ponzi scheme victims
@moyoyo7575 3 месяца назад
So glad you guys made it to this iconic market. Enjoy! Love from Guangzhou. ❤
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Loved our time here 🥰
@蓝瑟-i9c 3 месяца назад
Yesterday, you uploaded a video saying that you would return to China if you had 10,000 likes, 😂😂😂 too underestimated the love of Chinese netizens for you, it has been 14,000 likes now 😂😂😂
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Next time we’ll ask for 100,000 haha 😛
@jonyzhang5623 3 месяца назад
​@@sunkissedbucketlist welcome to China again and again~
@quark-kt1rq 3 месяца назад
@linus631 3 месяца назад
China is truly amazing country! Don't listen to the news, you need to experience 1st hand to understand how incredible it is. ❤
@曾林-k7q 3 месяца назад
@9aaaaaaaaaaa 3 месяца назад
then you must be able to persuade global Chinese immigrants to go back.
@9aaaaaaaaaaa 3 месяца назад
then you must be able to persuade global Chinese immigrants to go back.
@9aaaaaaaaaaa 3 месяца назад
so how many global Chinese immigrants have you persuaded to go back?
@YOLO-Wild_Child 3 месяца назад
@FizzCai 3 месяца назад
Dear mixue, you have found the right location. This is the largest electronic product market in China, which includes almost all electronic product brands and high-quality imitations from around the world. You can freely choose from them. I really like your travel blog in China. Wishing you a pleasant time playing.
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
We had so much fun here, so many things to buy 🤩
@style4807 3 месяца назад
@ddcwu2515 3 месяца назад
not China,it's largestj in world
@marlonchueng1675 3 месяца назад
I wouldn't miss a second of the couple's videos, even the commercials I would watch, of course, to support them. They treat the world with love, So,I hope the friends around the world also treat them with love.❤
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Such kind words thank you 🤩
@leonlili5312 3 месяца назад
他们的每一集视屏 我都认真的看完广告🤣😂
@jack1d1XB 2 месяца назад
Word warning to the Wise, be careful what you buy when it comes to software and spyware, nit everything you're keen on is safe!🧐
@gongboyang6340 3 месяца назад
woooow, those products are insane, so cheap. Maybe one day I should move to china.
@sola4393 3 месяца назад
I wish I can get some stuff there, they look so cool. It is expensive here and they don't have so many options.
@user-wz6ed3tr4g 3 месяца назад
which country are you in ?
@古采尼-f5g 3 месяца назад
@@user-wz6ed3tr4g 现在西方防贼一样,防着我们
@Zignito Месяц назад
You guys need to BARGAIN
@wzep263 3 месяца назад
The two of you are like kids in toys r us! Shop till you drop, enjoy and happy shopping!
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Absolutely lol 😂
@alex100yi 3 месяца назад
@9aaaaaaaaaaa 3 месяца назад
中國科技之弱不是浪得虛名 據《快科技》報道,華為常務董事、華為雲事業體負責人張平安5月30日出席中國移動算力大會時,面對業界「巷仔內」的同業坦承,「我們中國肯定是得不到3nm,肯定得不到5nm,我們能解決 7nm 就非常非常好。」星島日報
@ZML-yj9mp 3 месяца назад
@@9aaaaaaaaaaa 哈哈哈,那你美爹真的不该这么害怕
@9aaaaaaaaaaa 3 месяца назад
@@ZML-yj9mp 笑死人你叫共產黨不要這麼害怕 根據澎湃新聞,汪文斌2日主持例行記者會稱,中方一貫反對美國泛化國家安全概念,以各種藉口脅迫其他國家搞對華科技封鎖,半導體是高度全球化的產業,在各國經濟深度融合的背景下,美方有關霸道、霸凌行徑嚴重違反國際貿易規則,嚴重破壞全球半導體產業格局,嚴重衝擊國際產業鏈供應鏈的安全與穩定,必將自食其果。
@9aaaaaaaaaaa 3 месяца назад
@@ZML-yj9mp 笑死人你叫共產擋不要這麼害怕 根據澎湃新聞,汪文斌2日主持例行記者會稱,中方一貫反對美國泛化國家安全概念,以各種藉口脅迫其他國家搞對華科技封鎖,半導體是高度全球化的產業,在各國經濟深度融合的背景下,美方有關霸道、霸凌行徑嚴重違反國際貿易規則,嚴重破壞全球半導體產業格局,嚴重衝擊國際產業鏈供應鏈的安全與穩定,必將自食其果。
@9aaaaaaaaaaa 3 месяца назад
@@ZML-yj9mp 哈哈你叫中國不要這麼害怕 根據澎湃新聞,汪文斌2日主持例行記者會稱,中方一貫反對美國泛化國家安全概念,以各種藉口要求其他國家搞對華科技封鎖,半導體是高度全球化的產業,在各國經濟深度融合的背景下,美方有關行徑嚴重違反國際貿易規則,嚴重破壞全球半導體產業格局,嚴重衝擊國際產業鏈供應鏈的安全與穩定,必將自食其果。
@Samo1228 3 месяца назад
I was in Huaqiangbei ( City Of Electronics ) about 6 months ago, my friends and I spent 2 full days there to shop for gadgets, keep in mind those 10 Yuan USB cables are not fast charge, despite they are beautiful some with neon lights they are just regular cables, the fast charge ones are 5A will cost you around $5 to $8 USD I bought 4 of them with the shop owner's 45W fast charger and tested right there, my Samsung S22 immediately displayed '' fast charge 2.0 " right after the cable inserted. Whatever you can think of for your home, mobile phones, music instruments, toys for kids Huaqiangbei got them all, every time I go to China stop by Shenzhen is a must and you both don't forget Wanda the big shopping mall.
@AmyFan-kz8vn 3 месяца назад
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Everything under the sun is available here 🥰
@Mingo101OnTiktok 3 месяца назад
cable have difference?
@Samo1228 3 месяца назад
@@Mingo101OnTiktok Yes, for Samsung superfast charge 2.0 you'll need a 5A cable and a fast charge 45W adapter
@lizz7805 3 месяца назад
i highly recommend you guys visit Yunan, it's a place like no other and very exotic.
@liaojohnweechun7454 3 месяца назад
Always a Pleasure to watch these 2 friendly faces spreading good positive energy all over CHINA and in their Videos. Love and kisses BUDDIES 👌🥰💚🥰👏👏
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Thanks for all the love and support 🥰🥰
@great91662 3 месяца назад
@Luciennnnnnn 3 месяца назад
他们知道这个称号hhhh 还开了b站账号
@jsmu1234 3 месяца назад
You are blessed with complete freedom, nobody disturb you nor pulling you for attention (forced buying)............ unlike INDIA !!!!!!!!!!!! that's a comfortable shopping experience.
@isaaclee1634 3 месяца назад
You can bargain for 35 to 50% less for electronics, anyway without bargain still cheaper than Europe
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
No need to bargain it’s reasonable already 🤩
@isaaclee1634 3 месяца назад
@@sunkissedbucketlist So true but just for youtube, you must do one with hard bargains, would be fun to see if Taz can manage to get the prices down real low.
@ronnieastle1284 3 месяца назад
@@sunkissedbucketlist you can try. it's instreesting,you can get a half price
@benny9971 3 месяца назад
Love your china videos so much, you guys are so likable and full of positive energy it's what the world needs more of now, love❤❤
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
@hingfaichan291 3 месяца назад
Eye opening video. Thank you both for filming and showing your first hand experience in China 🎉❤😂😊
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Next time you go shopping you can go prepared haha 😂
@shiweicai4872 3 месяца назад
You name it, you can find anything in China.
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Very true 👍🏻
@ECLiew-tw9fj 3 месяца назад
I disagree with you! Pardon me. China government doesn’t use tax payers money to manufacture fake news against the West. 😅
@Ahnhyoseop9959 3 месяца назад
Shenzhen deserves to be the most powerful city in Chinese history
@teajungk9868 3 месяца назад
agreed, beijing and shanghai look very mediocre compared to shenzhen
@HGTC927 3 месяца назад
@@teajungk9868 It seems that you don't understand at all that the fundamental reason why these cities have developed into their current state is people.
@bouncingBrain 3 месяца назад
@@teajungk9868 . There is an emphasis on culture in northern, central, and east-central China.
@BenjiSun 3 месяца назад
@@teajungk9868 they're very different in function and value. Beijing is the federal government capital, Shanghai's is the financial capital, while Shenzhen focuses on tech. Without Guangzhou and Chongqing for example, Shenzhen would be very poor in food quality and variety. Every city plays their part.
@金建钢 3 месяца назад
@thyeloonlim2161 3 месяца назад
There are 691 cities in China, each with its own unique culture and food, and there are 56 ethnic groups in China. Harbin in the three northeastern provinces is also a good city, and there are also cities on the Sino-Russian border where you can eat Russian food.
@quantum-n1 3 месяца назад
Thanks for taking us along on your journey shopping electronics. There are many of us who love shopping for electronics in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. You should get many views and subscribers from this vlog. Have fun!
@ronaldtu5970 3 месяца назад
Never subscribed on RU-vid but subscribed Libby&Taz. I'm late again? 算前排了,先赞后看。
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
You’re the best 🤩
@AmyFan-kz8vn 3 месяца назад
The vedios are always uploaded on time. You are amazing!
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Not wanna keep anyone waiting 🥰
@Eunicebagsbackpacks 3 месяца назад
I'm a fan of Shenzhen, and I'm surprised that you've brought us to know more about it
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Such an amazing city 🥰🥰
@AmyFan-kz8vn 3 месяца назад
Your smiles are always healing!
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
You’re sweet 😊🥰
@yingxu7908 3 месяца назад
wonderful international couple 。Thank you for beautiful video
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
@Chutsey 3 месяца назад
So there I was sitting at the end of the video saying to myself. "Thought they were going to show us something big". Not realising they were meaning the lemon tea! Had to watch the end a couple of times before I got it. 😅
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Hahaha 🤣 lemon tea is massive you know 🥰
@arthurlongfor 3 месяца назад
It's obvious that Taz really likes electronic products.😄
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Loves them 🥰🥰
@stevesenick 3 месяца назад
✨ Bought a few flowing-light charging cables 6 years ago in Shenzhen. I got a red, a green, and a blue, love them! They handle fast-charging and high-speed data transfer perfectly. My blue is two meters long, red and green one meter. My daughter lives in Shenzhen.....lucky girl. ❤💙💚
@sola4393 3 месяца назад
I like those light cables, look so cool and good price. I want a dozen. 😃
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Hahaha yeah the colours are so vibrant!! Love them 🥰🥰
@shanzijian 3 месяца назад
@muonnguyen1232 3 месяца назад
Bạn à người buôn bán ở đấy phải tốn tiền thuê mặt bằng khá đắt đấy, bạn mua hàng sẽ được trãi nghiệm trực tiếp sản phẩm và quyết định có nên mua hay không dĩ nhiên noa sẽ đắt hơn việc bạn đặt mua trên mạng mà không được trãi nghiệm sản phẩm, nên đừng so sánh với giá trên mạng, vì chắc chắn noa sẽ đắt hơn.
@shanzijian 3 месяца назад
@@muonnguyen1232 确实,所以实体店铺也很不容易,尤其是小的个体商户,他们的运营成本更高,比较适合着急使用或者希望体验后再购买的消费者。
@muonnguyen1232 3 месяца назад
​@@shanzijiantôi ở Việt Nam, nếu rãnh rỗi và không cần gắp tôi có thể oder trên mạng một cộng cáp xạc giá khoản 15.000vnd và nhận nó sau 2 ngày, nhưng nếu cần gắp tôi mua trực tiếp ở cửa hàng với giá 50.000vnd tức giá cao gắp 3 lần nhưng tôi vẫn vui vẻ và không bao giờ phàn nàn, vì tôi biết cái giá cho sự nhanh chóng tiện lợi , tôi chán ngấy với việc so sánh giá cả khi mua ở cửa hàng và mua online nó chênh lệch như thế nào.
@Houpan-520 3 месяца назад
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
We walk a lot yes lol 😂
@taktaiwilmashum8863 Месяц назад
That area is too big and too many blocks. I also got lost there last time. The phone cases there were so numerous and I thought they are for wholesale but they also do retail even u buy one piece.
@neohsoonpeng8820 3 месяца назад
Good morning ❤ frm Malaysia our adorable couple 😊
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Good morning our friend 🤩
@malinaalviaustin1695 3 месяца назад
Saya kagum sama miss libby.. shoping wisely.. yang tidak perlu dia tak akan beli.. saluut.. l love it
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
She’s very sensible indeed 🥰
@MRSTEEL15 Месяц назад
$23 USD for those watches? Great price! You said expensive?
@shilei5547 3 месяца назад
the cellphone accessory market is next to sege , you just missed it, millions of cases can be found there, most of them are less than 10 yuan 😅
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Oh no lol 😂
@etow8034 3 месяца назад
I retired all my expensive automatic watches for $2.50usd G-Shock homage watches and now I have over a dozen different watches to pick from everyday !
@George-k6o9t 3 месяца назад
Same here!
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
If we weren’t travelling Taz would do the same thing lol 😂
@jerry-vh8dn 3 месяца назад
Buy small goods to Yiwu(zhejiang), buy electronic products to Huaqiangbei(shenzhen), you can buy whatever you want.
@lililiu1017 3 месяца назад
I just opened RU-vid and your video popped up, happy days! Love from China ❤
@minzhang9112 3 месяца назад
请教一下 你用哪个VPN ? 上次回国的时候在国外装了一个付费的 但是在国内无法使用 我使用的是安卓系统, 谢谢
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Enjoy ☺️
@战神聂 3 месяца назад
@lililiu1017 3 месяца назад
@@minzhang9112 猫猫云,个人感觉便宜好用
@minzhang9112 3 месяца назад
@@战神聂 谢谢 7月回去时试试🌹🌹🌹🌹
@mikekok 3 месяца назад
Huge plaza was an understatement alright ., Giantic humongous city plaza !
@sylonlv2094 3 месяца назад
I noticed that you guys prefer just find random restaurants for meal but there are actually some certain dishes you can’t miss like chaoshan beef hotpot(like beheli’s) and coconut chicken(like run yuan si ji’s). They are like shenzhen specialties and are ok for taz! Just take a look!
@Brityceleb 3 месяца назад
China is only a developing country but dares to challenge the superpower United States, they are truly brave
@Jh-yj9zr 3 месяца назад
@BinGa-gv1eg 3 месяца назад
Look at the fate of Japan when it dares to challenge America, China should stop
@tomli2964 3 месяца назад
@davidz7858 3 месяца назад
@@BinGa-gv1egChina is not Japan, nor Germany or Russia. This time, US will loose.
@deairebitg 3 месяца назад
@@BinGa-gv1eg 美国盛极而衰,总有被人取代的时候,当年日本的体量做不到,现在中国来完成吧
@yunsunlo3456 3 месяца назад
Whatyou want? All in China。
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Absolutely everything is available 👍🏻
@yunsunlo3456 3 месяца назад
@@sunkissedbucketlist Thank you very much from Hong Kong, don't use money to make boom Please
@CarinaZ718 3 месяца назад
Watch taz and libby baby videos on time!!This is really good, I hope you can continue to visit China, China has a lot of interesting places have not visited
@keithwan4028 3 месяца назад
should shop around to get the best price.....
@AlexChan-yc9fv 3 месяца назад
Great video, I recommend you to visit Shenzhen bay and Shenzhen Talent Park,The night scene is beautiful.
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the suggestion 👍🏻😊
@Siyofor 3 месяца назад
The second woman retailer is telling 你老公太会说话了,which means you husband can really talkhahahh. She likes to doing bussines with you lovely couple:)
@jovie7159 3 месяца назад
She said "your husband is really good at talking(bargaining I think she actually meant)"😂 I also feel you have completely been getting used to China😂
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
She was such a sweetheart haha 🥰🤩
@kenyup7936 3 месяца назад
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Thanks mate 👍🏻🤩
@Carolina-gz8ug Месяц назад
Honestly I did not see anything special, those type of markets exist all over LatinAmerica
@dukehe2203 3 месяца назад
there fans that goes around your neck so you dun need to handheld it. sometimes things are cheaper in taobo. they deliver to where you stay. but it takes 1 oor 2 days.
@Redick-n9d 3 месяца назад
wow just now welcome to CHINA
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Thank you 🤩
@davidg1386 Месяц назад
I have watched these guys since I saw their first chapter about my best town ever Shanghai. Since then I'm with them all the time. Very nice, funny, clear, natural, and very professional. Nothing to add. Guys, I love you so much. PS: China is the best country ever.❤
@adirosesFPV Месяц назад
Her sling bag GPS coordinate pointing at Half Dome Visor at Yosemite National Park...lol
@johnjiang2470 3 месяца назад
You two are perfect match, watching your video is my everyday task. Thanks!
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
You’re the best 🤩👍🏻
@QwynnContessa Месяц назад
@hangstevewu7353 3 месяца назад
Technology cars attract all classic work salary
@TahminaVlogs 2 месяца назад
wow! beautiful place..
@kktsnag5622 3 месяца назад
@godholyspiritdestroyedallm575 3 месяца назад
from China should be fare deals ...not challenging for one anotherS BRAVO
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
The prices have been very reasonable 👍🏻
@marolucas 3 месяца назад
You guys missed the best drink on the top left at 19:37 which is also a top seller among locals
@孙志云-v9i 3 месяца назад
@davidchung4691 3 месяца назад
China's technology is leap and bound that really scared the hell of uncle sam!
@HGTC927 3 месяца назад
@Gaoliang0391 3 месяца назад
The biggest recognition and love attitude that Chinese people have for their guests is that they think you are their own family, and they hope to share all the delicious, fun and beautiful things at home with you. The youtubers who have won this honor: Ken, Michelle Couple, Irish tall couple, British lost couple, etc., thank you for speaking out fairly about China.
@AZ-co4mn 3 месяца назад
Thank you for sharing 🎉it seems Chinese are living on the different level with good products and reasonable cost❤really enjoying your trip in China and looking forward to your next one.
@abu-manual 3 месяца назад
11:50 These orange drones are from Autel(道通), I've compared them to DJI's drones, and they can't compare to DJI's drones in terms of picture quality or image transfer stability, but they're not cheaper than DJI's, so if you need the best consumer-grade drone, buying DJI is the best choice.
@richsunzone8059 3 месяца назад
A rule of thumb is that prefer online stores for things with a big brand, and save offline stores for random stuff only. These offline stores are no cheaper than online ones, not even in Huaqiangbei.
@wkzj-po8on 3 месяца назад
Haha, have the chance you can go to Henan Province, 90% of the world's artificial diamonds are produced there, they do diamonds and natural diamonds no difference, the price is very cheap.😂
@zhangjin7179 3 месяца назад
China should have a tea brand named after libby and taz
@skyseven4656 3 месяца назад
If I were in China and I want to buy a smart watch or headphones the first place I will go to is HUAWEI with no doubt their products are the best
@clarissagafoor5222 3 месяца назад
Interesting. And I'm so glad that this engaging couple have had such a wonderful time. Good for those watching to see how far China has come. Now - if only the government there would take down the Firewall.
@dezhonghuang8518 3 месяца назад
Shenzhen is powerful in china
@chong7091 3 месяца назад
I have those waterproof phone cover thingy for me to use while boating. I bought one for rm3 , which is about 5 yuan in malaysia😅.
@CarinaZ718 3 месяца назад
4:42 I believe these smartwatches, called "Huaqiang North," are different from the Apple Watch, Although they are so similar
@twfy世鹰 3 месяца назад
@Leontiger112 Месяц назад
I have been in Shenzhen with my family including sister family. But I got more fake electronics in mall and jewelry in china
@macroblockingone 29 дней назад
India claims its more developed than china 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@juliann1824 Месяц назад
Very cool, I would love to visit. The only thing is that it all looks like an original Apple Watch and even those Airpods Pro 2 are fake. I think the only way to figure out if the Apple product is original or not is to connect it to your phone and check the firmware, for iPhone or iPad I would check the iOS updates in Settings to verify it actually gets the latest updates or not. they can fake serial numbers so that not an option.
@maneil9297 3 месяца назад
Been HuaQiangBei.
@crazygambler920 3 месяца назад
Mandarin getting better. lol 😆 😊😮
@sola4393 3 месяца назад
😄yeah I've notice that too. 😆 picks up a few words as they go, a new world will open up to them.
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Trying our best to learn as much as we can haha 🤩
@manojkumarg.f.c Месяц назад
Very nice video ❤❤❤❤
@veronmath3264 Месяц назад
How can I come to be your friend and you get me help you to establish a business here in South Africa?
@Silent_thoughting 3 месяца назад
Already see in Bilibili. Back RU-vid give like. 🥰 Your 10000like reach in a few hours. Wait your plan video.❤
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
We’ll share the plan soon 🥰
@unutilisateurdeyoutube1256 3 месяца назад
You have everything, and it is cheap.
@大盗萧十一郎 3 месяца назад
There are at least 5 or 6 Electronic markets like this in two streets
@tonymanzo3766 2 месяца назад
Like canal street or radio row in nyc used to be, electronics till you drop, great prices, only if they work properly
@jufageju 3 месяца назад
Dear taz and libby, You have already been to the north, South, northwest, southwest and southeast of China, except that you have not been to my hometown - Northeast China, the Chinese pronunciation of Northeast China is "dongbei". I would like to recommend my hometown to you and hope that you will consider visiting here in the future. Compared with the more developed parts of China, the northeast lags far behind in development. but on the plus side, prices are low and the population density is relatively low, with less overcrowding than in other parts of China. Many of the most popular tourist attractions in Northeast China are in winter, and Harbin's Ice and Snow World is the most famous. I know you don't like cold conditions, and maybe winter snow Tours don't appeal to you. In fact, summer to the northeast is also a good choice, in July and August many places in China are prone to extreme high temperatures, not suitable for outdoor activities, in this period of China's temperature is more pleasant places in the Northeast and Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau,and Yantai and Weihai on the Jiaodong Peninsula. The four largest cities in Northeast China are Shenyang, Harbin, Changchun and Dalian, all of which are well worth visiting. The most famous natural landscape in the Northeast is Changbai Mountain heavenly lake. The Changbai Mountain scenic area is very large, with the three directions of the heavenly lake divided into the north slope, the west slope and the south slope, the tourists who don't have enough time can only choose one of these three slopes to visit. Changbai Mountain is beautiful all the year round, there are many snow and ice projects in winter, which is the most fun time, but heavenly lake is often not open in winter because of weather reasons, and there is a greater chance to see heavenly lake in summer. People who travel to Changbai Mountain will also often go to the nearby Yanji to experience the local Chinese Korean culture and food, Yanji is also known as the city of food. Northeastern cuisine is characterized by strong flavors and a wide range of ingredients, and many of the dishes in Northeastern cuisine are especially good with rice. The rice in Northeastern China has the best taste in the whole of China, so if you're not accustomed to eating rice in other parts of China, it may be different in Northeastern China. Harbin, Changchun and Shenyang have a number of established halal restaurants that are worth trying, and the halal cuisine of the Northeast has been modified locally to have a very northeastern flavor. Most halal restaurants in other parts of China use green signs, but most halal restaurants in Northeast China use blue signs. Northeast people love to eat barbecue, summer northeast to the night is the world of barbecue. Barbecue is very good all over the northeast, of which the best is Qiqihar and Jinzhou, these two cities can be said to be at the top level of barbecue in China. If you go to the northeast, you can also consider going to the bath center to experience the unique bath culture of the northeast. In Northeast, staying in a bathing center is often more cost-effective than staying in a hotel, but I don't know if the bathing center is allowed to accommodate foreigners for accommodation.
@jacklu8857 3 месяца назад
Came from bilibili. Not familiar with this new APP RU-vid ❤ Just come here to say that i love your video.😊😊❤❤
@ButchCassidyAndSundanceKid Месяц назад
Yes, the world's biggest "COUNTERFEIT" / "FAKE" electronics market.
@谢华轩 3 месяца назад
That Auntie Jenny drink is called“Avocado, almonds, yogurt smoothie”
@谢华轩 3 месяца назад
The reason why they ask "How many do you want?" is because they do wholesale business in Huaqiangbei. If the price of buying a single one is a bit more expensive, try to ask several stores.
@dlcc012david 3 месяца назад
Cause the coming future, AI n technology r in China
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
AI is pretty cool in China no doubt about that 🤩
@mchoidir43 3 месяца назад
Wow, amaziiing 😮😮😮!
@mchoidir43 3 месяца назад
@xiehui314 3 месяца назад
Don't buy 10 yuan data cable😂
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
It works wonders and it’s beautiful at night 😂😂
@johndoyle9695 2 месяца назад
I love your videos not like the rest one of the best.
@lesonline2268 3 месяца назад
You just paid 10 yuan for something that should be 2 or 3 at a push.
@michaelzning 3 месяца назад
@sunkissedbucketlist 3 месяца назад
Gold medal 🥇
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