
Chosen ones, you are VERY intelligent 🧠 (but you don't realize it)  

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With great intelligence comes great loneliness.
@jamesmacon9751 Год назад
Sounds like Albert Einstein.
@David-J-Harris5263 Год назад
from great loneliness comes great love and understanding
@Godsloveconquersall777 Год назад
@myviolet5155 Год назад
I like to say,I am by myself but never alone.I have God by my side.He will never leave you nor forsake you.
@donnimetropolis9899 Год назад
That's because God is guiding you towards that special mate and we needed our past to guide our future. I have a rare and special love interest and I think we both feel God's hands all over it as we grow. We both are intelligent gifted and enhance each other. Don't give up. Breathe and move forward. It's not loneliness it's preparedness.
@conniekyom144 Год назад
I am 46 and i thought I was dumb. I literally thought I was stupid because I never did well in school. But the last year God revealed that I am BRILLIANT in the spirit. I have knowledge and wisdom that only comes from God… thank you Lord for shattering the lie I lived with for so many years!
@mirjami4090 Год назад
Halleluja. Thank you Jesus for that. ✝️
@myviolet5155 Год назад
Connie,you are an absolutely incredible woman.I just joined your channel.I listen to you also! I'm learning so much from all of you!!
@conniekyom144 Год назад
@@myviolet5155 awww thank you so much, I appreciate the kind words!
@rafaelsantosdearaujo5662 Год назад
O Eterno está juntando seu povo, vejo isso... A cada dia que passa tenho uma nova visão. Oh Glory S2 Yahuah Bless Us All
@covid19fightseries19 Год назад
@@conniekyom144 your great your channel is great. It gets tough at times when you see through so much but God has a plan
@emmaalvarez1617 Год назад
People think Im stupid because I stay quiet but I know way more than they think. They hate that I tell them the truth. I just went through this. Thank you for the video.
@kwills511 Год назад
@suicide_awareness Год назад
I don't look smart🤓 but I AM SMART. And when my enemies find out, it is already too late!!!!!!! Hahahahaha ☺️💯
@bernardbrooks3935 Год назад
Yes we are. A lot of people think they are pulling the wool over on us. We chosen keep quiet and let them believe that they are deceiving us. It it so funny to think that they think we are stupid. God have given that chosen ones to the spirit to be loving and kind to those that would despite fully use us. I have many people think they are getting over on me,when I know what they are doing. I like to say what people do behind our back they do in front of God face.
@JoyceHMoore Год назад
It's so sad though when other Christians do it to you and they don't care that God sees. It's like the man at the pool who had no one to help him get in when it was stirred. They're trying to keep the Body of Christ crippled, but 'chosen ones,' are called and chosen to shine the light of Jesus in them over unjust situations to help the Body of Christ to keep from being crippled and to press onward.
@marybethmarlar Год назад
People try to block my intelligence. Haters.
@littleleah310 Год назад
@jellfree9858 Год назад
@marybethmarlar Год назад
@@jellfree9858 yes. They've tried to make me less than I am. They can't accept it, they're too jealous. Karma is a ***** tho 🙂
@lizvelez6891 Год назад
I come from a family full of doctors and pharmacists and people in the science field in general. Both my sister and I decided to listen to God and follow where he led us with our studies and we ended up studying languages (me) and psychology ( my sister). Now that we’ve both graduated for quite a while now, we’re still in this waiting game where God hasn’t really revealed to us the next step. And given the stigma that comes with the majors God led us to choose, our family members tend to more often than not look down on us. Treat us like we’re not on “their level”. They greatly underestimate us and the intelligence and wisdom God has given us. Every time I start to get frustrated God nudges me and reminds me, in His time, they will see. But I’m not gonna lie sometimes it does get difficult to deal with an inferiority complex. But I know we’ve been Chosen for a reason and waiting on Him will be worth it.
@David-J-Harris5263 Год назад
The family unit wants what is best for them and not what is best for you. Walk alone if that is what is in your best interest or become even closer to your sister. Be healthy and enjoy the multitude of benefits from your choice to follow your intuition.
@1MNUTZ Год назад
Maybe your path is to travel abroad and teach
@vbui6016 Год назад
I ‘am gifted and i was also led to study psychology 🙂
@pastapete9095 Год назад
If they're looking down on you, then their obviously spiritually childish. There are some doctors in my life now that have some serious jealousy issues with me. I'm learning books mart intelligence and spiritual intelligence are completely different.
@purpleechoe Год назад
I have my moments of brilliance, but every time it has happened I felt like, hey, where did that come from? It felt like the Holy Spirit was working through me. Only recently have I come to the realization that God has been working through me my entire life. God bless brother and thank you for making things clear about who I am and why my life has been the way it is... 🙏❤️🙏
@TheElectOfGod_ Год назад
@ALMUDDY Год назад
Exactly bro
@JoyceHMoore Год назад
I believe that chosen ones are highly gifted with discernment. Everyone is gifted with discernment to some degree, but the chosen ones, are highly gifted with discernment and there is no middle ground. Everything that happens to a true chosen one is either seen, heard, or felt on a much deeper level than those who are not chosen. Sometimes, you will be able to see in the spirit, the steps that another individual took to wreak havoc for instance, on your position in the workplace.
@onezero1441 Год назад
@williambogle8643 Год назад
This is all true but I want to warn The Chosen that the enemy sends wolves in sheep's clothing into the lives of the chosen ones who appear to be good and do very good things for you and are nice to you but they are known as covert narcissists that will eventually try to destroy you. One way to tell who these people are is that they will treat you good and will tell you that you will do great things together and then they will make the mistake of sinning in front of you, they will lie they will cheat or they will steal or some other Wicked thing to someone else or to you. If you allow it or Overlook it they will take that as an invitation to kill, destroy or steal everything even you're very life from you. If you allow it , even just once you will never get away from them until they have done their worst to you. Do not allow it even just once. Quietly separate yourself from them without any explanation. get away as fast as you can and as quietly as possible. I solemnly warn you from very great experience of hardship. No Second Chances. Not even one and yes you must forgive them but never ever go back ! you've been warned.
@AaronGeoNeo Год назад
The chosen one focuses on important things, thats why it's hard for him/her to be confortable around simple people who don't seek any wisdom or intelligence growth, and that's why also the majority of people cannot stand the chosen.
@communiTEEZ Год назад
The World: "..it is the way it is" Chosen Ones: "THIS is the way"
@TheElectOfGod_ Год назад
@theone1535 Год назад
Ecclesiastes 1:18 For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.
@lexyls4777 Год назад
The sorrow is that there’s so much unbelief in the world
@9SauceQuantumHealer Год назад
Grateful for infinite intelligence 🙌✨
@KINGSAMUEL- Год назад
That peculiar intelligence 🔥✨
@MrCalifornia209 Год назад
We carry the spirit of truth. The whole system was created to mess around with peoples “egos” but we operate out of love. Great video!
@dagmardesouza3525 Год назад
True!! I can pick up pride and self glorification so fast on people, then just ignore them. They're not on our level. Humility is Key!!
@chubaoyolu6728 Год назад
True that you should listen to those who show you love, but also beware that the snakes in your life will heap a lot of praise on you at first in order to gain your trust but then, they’ll turn on you later when they feel they’ve got a foothold in your life. Walk in wisdom brethren and remain vigilant.
@benvanparis2100 Год назад
Enjoyed this video very much, my friend. You're always right on! It's clear God is with you. Be blessed for what it is you do.
@TheElectOfGod_ Год назад
@monicaham5065 Год назад
Right on point my life has always been this way. My mind always moves a mile a minute. We just know we are different. We love God and trust in him even though a lot of times we still struggle with why God.
@GoddessSubliminals Год назад
I was thinking about this topic this morning and understanding divine intelligence. Lord has really helped me know myself and work intelligence through me in the present moment. It just feels like miracles at times. hope I can find someone compatible who understands my spiritual journey. Thank you for your guidance 😊
@GodAmbition_1997 Год назад
We have wisdom to not be like the world and down evil. We didn't know that evil would be evil to the point We would be hurt. That is why needed God to be in the world, but not of it. God Bless and well said .
@kaym.h.3583 Год назад
The only real valuable intellect thing is our intuition... Trusting our intuition often saves us from disasters. ... You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your insight intuitions. “Don't try to comprehend it with your mind. Your minds are very limited. Use your intuition.” ― insight intuitive intelligence- Madeleine L'Engle, A Wind in the Door. Great message and you are correct about it being a gift and a curse. Very highly sensitive spiritually and physically connected to both... The overthinking sometimes can also be blessing blockers
@erikmurray3661 Год назад
@@faithhopelove7777777 everyone is born with intuition
@kaym.h.3583 Год назад
@@faithhopelove7777777 I plenty of discernment No questions there
@kaym.h.3583 Год назад
@@erikmurray3661 true but there is different levels of intuition
@improveddb2294 Год назад
Were to smart for the wicked
@karans3534 Год назад
Amen and Amen✝️📖🤲🏾🙏🏾🥰❤️ Brother word to word it is and been like that all my life. But before i was without god i always thought something is not right with me. And i always took this awarness of everything and seeing everything through the situation happening as a curse. I even use try be like my friends and say let me do the same things they or think like they do but it wouldnt feel right. But since i gave my life to our lord jesus christ by his grace and mercy i know this is a gift and a blessing from him. And now i use for his glory, his kingdom☺️ god bless us all❤️
@EyeExposeThem Год назад
Thank you for all you do..
@bradybaas6389 Год назад
@ryangarrison5203 Год назад
Great spiritual message as always
@theharshtruthoutthere Год назад
My mom usually decreases my knowledge about stuff/topics. If it weren´t so then i truly believe, that some of my siblings would have take a listen of what i had to say. One of my sisters (age 44 now) would have taken a listen and bothered to take a look into all i had to share, but sadly my own mother told to my sister: "your sibling (me) is the youngest of you all, how can she possibly know what she is talking about?". And my sister`s answer to my mother: "you`re right". Today the same sister is twice poisoned with the "covid - shot". She is still "healthy enough" to work but she is far from being healthy. But yea, i deal with 2 limitations daily, - being the youngest of my siblings, therefore i often hear: "your too young, how can you possibly know" - mother decreasing all i have to say, and all my family members have told me why they don`t bother to take a listen of all i have to say: "they can`t handle the truth nor do they want to hear it" . That what they told me.
@kathy4015 Год назад
Ur singing my song!! Im the baby girl never married & have my own hm and business for many years. But never acknowledged by most my siblings just negative things to say!
@malibu-malik 3 месяца назад
Yeah I told everyone don't take the shot. Even my friend in MED SCHOOL!! But what do I know right😂😂 Now they're all quiet 😅😅😅 We see things ahead of everybody
@theneatlist407 Год назад
The More intelligence, the More sorrow. It’s true.
@improveddb2294 Год назад
We just know things out of nowhere god is great
@graceliaw9245 Год назад
God bless you have so much knowledge and so much wisdom! I enjoy your videos every time😍🙂
@Erik_Thygesen Год назад
This resonates very well with me. I've always been over thinking. It's gotten better, but it also gave me sleeping problems. About a year ago I found out that it took 5 morphine pills to make my mind relax just enough so that I could sleep.
@Bluu92 Год назад
Thank you man for all your words of wisdom. People like you motivate me to keep going. Nobody's perfect at all so I'm learning not to judge others because we need other. There's no light with out the darkness I'm learning it's a balance. And one day love will conquer all but right now I want to learn how to profit from this intelligence and bless others. Hopefully the world some day, blessings to you man and keep doing what your doing you will help a lot of people
@tonyross7933 Год назад
I do . I've realized it for the longest and always knew I was different from other people. I'm an straight up OutKast 🧠😊😊😊😊😊
@ginamarie8884 Год назад
Thank you for this moment of clarity. You literally explained my entire life situation with people. I had some major scary moments in my life, where 99 percent of ppl in those situations ended up killed, and I was able to talk my way out of it. Or got out of it unharmed even in some of those incidents where I was being attacked, I would love to share my experiences of survival in those instances. I need to speak them, one of the incidents alone would be about 20 minutes to type. God bless you
@dacritterKRS Год назад
I can really relate man 🙏
@jmusing Год назад
This is so crazy, you hit the nail on the head, I finally got a job working full time again after a long bout with illness and injury left me debilitated unable to do anything. It was through my church I was healed and somewhat back to normal. I have a lot of work experience and education behind me so I'm not green and by chance I was offered a job in my industry and really close to home. But I see through how much these people try to swindle their customers and I see through it all, it's really hard as I don't like ripping people off but I have to follow their procedures for their business. I have bills to pay, student loans I need to pay back, how am I supposed to cover all this if I don't work 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️. It's really tough but I'm glad to know we still have good people out there who recognize this still. Thank you for sharing your message, it really does resonate 🙏🙏🙏. I'm praying to get another job offer at a better place as my superiors are already abusive to me after only a few months working there and I've brought in almost $100k in sales and they still complain it's not enough 🙄. I've never worked with such bad managers before, most places I've worked at were respectful and treated me nicely but that was years ago, times feel like they've changed and people are becoming worse sorry to say.
@leannacampbell1706 Год назад
Another awesome video.. Thanks to the Holy Spirit 🙏Appreciate you.
@MirabelNYPRCATX Год назад
Yes, but too many set backs in various seasons in my Life. May my Lord keep Giving me Wisdom, Intelligence, Strength, Discernment, Health, Character, Vision, Heavenly JUSTICE and Protections for myself and my entire Family in Jesus Mighty name 🙏 May my Lord Rebuke, Expose and Burn in hell all their evil, wicked, envious people around me and all their actions against me and my entire Family in Jesus Mighty name 🙏 Wow, you are right on point. May my Lord Manifest swiftly in my Life and my entire Family in Jesus Mighty name 🙏 Thank You Lord 🙏 Amen 🙏
@mrunknown2445 Год назад
Yeah it's a blessing and a curse
@sonjihenderson5395 Год назад
This word is EXACTLY how it is for me(word for word) Thank you for your obedience in the Lord.
@shelleycarrell7737 Год назад
Amen I am not a bad person but you keep saying I am I will do it better
@chosenone2363 Год назад
This is Funny , cux as a child 🤣 😂 I struggle with my grades in School. I consider myself intelligent not in a book smart way, but Social,spiritual, idealistic, etc. It's different intelligent 😉 😀
@tonyross7933 Год назад
I'm walking away from a lot of people and I'm only keeping the one's that's real close to me . I'm out with the old and in with the new .
@yorteerkilpatrick3782 Год назад
Thank you your very intelligent also thank you for always enlightening me and giving confirmation
@KatharinaHaererBranes Год назад
The world is what we make it.
@theharshtruthoutthere Год назад
It is biblical world. And we all are part of it. either we like it or not. Can we deal it or not. The world is created by GOD, over took`d by satan /the fallen earth. "The world is what we make it." - sounds the same as "do as you wilt" - which is satanic advice / wording.
@alysonpercy2581 Год назад
On the head 😂 after a day of attacks like never before, you're words are sent from God. It feels lonely over my life, but you're words are like a balm on the spirit, thank you blessed child xxx
@marvincthompson9183 Год назад
From 9:48 on your video to 9:51 GOD was giving you a direct thought to say that's amazing I see that
@ToquzOghuzKhaganatekhan Год назад
I move from one settlement to another settlement very very quick , quicker than Gazi Husrev !
@eraine3364 Год назад
Thank you 🙏🏼🤍
God bless you as well my brother in Jesus Christ.. I appreciate your words of wisdom❤Thank you
@darnell6446 Год назад
You just became my therapist...lol
@jellfree9858 Год назад
Please beware of people that's not of God.....Treat each other's well protect your knowledge and be still don't be loud..Love you...it's a lot of battle because of your light and you God divine blessings
@ashaylahdavis9160 Год назад
I am 15 and I truly believe this. I am not doing well in school at all. The only thing I am smart at is spirituality. I believe everything g in this world is spiritual. Many don’t understand only the chosen. We are set apart just like God has made us. I am very misunderstood but I know that I am intelligent and set apart from worldly. It is a shame that the world is evil and that there isn’t much we chosen can do but be a light. The world is wicked with hatred and disgust. Lots of social media platforms are only to confuse that is why we chosen must fast. Thank you for being a light you are truly blessed. 🙏🏼❤️
@veritasaequitas2192 Год назад
Bro, it's uncanny, all your videos just MAN🙆🏾‍♂️...you're EXACTLY like me 😂 I wasn't gonna say anything but I can't even haha...😭😩 Bless up bro! 🙌🏽
@TheElectOfGod_ Год назад
@garryjean2496 Год назад
My brother you always amaze me, you describe me 100 pct this is the chosen one
@JoyceHMoore Год назад
It's a knowing.☺
@MsFlyy71 Год назад
Thank you ❤ I feel like God is speakin through you with answers for my last questions.
@ToquzOghuzKhaganatekhan Год назад
Straight man straight run shit and talk ! Be myself and that's it !
@emmaalvarez7037 Год назад
You look so handsome! Sometimes it's not so good to know so much, people think that your going against him.
@TheElectOfGod_ Год назад
Thank you and true!
@al_for_short_ Год назад
God bless you also. Always and in all ways 🤍🙏
@shanabadillo5767 Год назад
Thank you Jesus!!! God bless you🙏🏽😇❤️
@TheElectOfGod_ Год назад
God bless you too
@67kurtcobainfan27 Год назад
It comes from God and Jesus Christ his knowledge, wisdom, truth, facts, 100%. You chosen ones are blessed. I don't mess with his children. 144,000 chosen.
@uwvadertje Год назад
For sure bro. I've read like 3 or 4 quotes from highly intelligent ppl from our past including Einstein who say that being a lone Wolf is a good thing. Everybody says they're chosen and smarter than the rest but very few actually experience the torment and isolation that comes with genius tendencies. Having schizoid symptoms like magical thinking and general quirkiness are par for the course too
@suekaye9 Год назад
People end up showing themselves❕ Who they really are…♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
@dragonfly17668 Год назад
Thank you and YOU ARE SO RIGHT
@jellfree9858 Год назад
Beware you empathy can cause you to fall in difficult circumstances because of you light within ..I'm experiencing it and I will not want you guy's to go through it...Great guy great content very brilliant bruh
@loretta3416 Год назад
You are gifted keep Doing good work for God 🙏
@thekingdomlifewithkamron Год назад
I use to wonder why people are always trying to keep me quite
@HOLYRADIO Год назад
Amen 🙏🏽
@mariofernandes649 Год назад
@TheElectOfGod_ Год назад
God bless you too amen
@deannamartinez7233 Год назад
@@TheElectOfGod_ Hello Brother In Christ, I just wanted to let you know that there were a group of people in the comments -lying and putting a scam out there for others to follow… I reported it… I have seen them on other RU-vid channels -doing the same thing. GOD Bless you!!❤
@vickipacheco9787 Год назад
Right On Right Brother. We are assigned "Watchman" The dark side doesn't have a chance around us.... King Solomon did not ask for riches, etc bu,t,asked GOD for Wisdom.God granted it to him. However, GOD deserves ALLLLL Glory & credit to the end of our lives and Eternity. Solomon was WARNED by GOD about his foreign wives etc. That they would turn his eyes away, unto their Fake gods. FAITHFULNESS to GOD,JESUS & HOLY SPIRIT IS CRUCIAL ,In Spirit & Truth.
@dragonfly17668 Год назад
Exactly , Thank you
@deannamartinez7233 Год назад
Amen!! ❤
@Bxl19 Год назад
I wish I should known this when I was in high school lord knows but hey some people find that wake up calling earlier or when they get a little older also it’s never too late
@shelleycarrell7737 Год назад
All on my own I will get all my enemies..all
@beebee7415 Год назад
You are always on point 🎯 ✨✨✨ 😊
@rienord897 Год назад
Thank you ❤❤❤
@SpiritualAndSmilin 11 месяцев назад
May God bless you.
@ljiljanavojinovic7094 Месяц назад
Blessings bro😊
@kingdomworkbyriss5796 Год назад
🔥 EVERYTIME. Glory be to God!
@uKnowAK4 Год назад
i like your video's a lot Ö the way you explain it is so down to earth and recognizable🥰
@Rae606 Год назад
Thanks 🙏🏽 ✨☺️
@moniquemobley9738 Год назад
I agree totally 💯 Keep being great brother in Christ!❤🙌🏾
@ariesunique3757 7 месяцев назад
@thekingdomlifewithkamron Год назад
M brain is always moving
@HandsofGod777 Год назад
Thanks for the video much love my brother in Christ
@baclarkwilks8891 Год назад
Thank you 🕊️
@daangthatsG Год назад
thank u my boy!
@vickipacheco9787 Год назад
What is it that chosen are loners, set aside for Father God,Yeshua,& Holy Spirit.? What an amazing thing !!! He Chose us first. Know God's Word, His letter to you.!!! 38 yrs. I've been serving The Lord and yet to wear camels hair clothes & eat locust & honey in the desert.,just say'in. Feels that aways sometime.😊🌿🙏🌿I just don't fit anywhere. Certainly not " in the world" Churchiosity study groups, all the travels the LORD has allowed me, Missions were successful ( by JESUS) Nursing jobs planted seeds.Hospice care, Salvation 's. My life belongs to GOD,Thanks, to JESUS. That "knowing" you mentioned is Holy Spirit. He saved my life many times. I'm 76 now, still have nursing job,still sharing Salvation of JESUS. What a Privilege. Thank You Br. CIZIANO 🌿🕊🌿
@TheElectOfGod_ Год назад
@swezze2737 Год назад
You are a messenger of God my friend
@joinahmukanangana2993 Год назад
People do not feel comfortable around me .and I dont mind being alone .and some people will just tell me their stories and sometimes I bite my tounge not to tell them that ,what they are doing is wrong .like one lady who told me that ,she made her friend marry someone for American green card .I was looking at her thnking ,does she know that marriage is not supposed to be for any other reasons .I just kept it but I was burning to tell her the truth.
@Reign119 Год назад
Beautiful- It feels nice to be understood
@taliaselena5360 Год назад
Thank you for this message. You have found your way into my RU-vid recommended and at the perfect time if perfect and time a such You have a gift and the fact you used to be shy and yet still will come and deliver a prophetic word is beautiful. Stay strong and bright, we love your light. Stay blessed and highly favored. Amen ♥
@josearce3233 Год назад
Angel come to help human desguise as human. I feel this we entertain angels unaware.
@josearce3233 Год назад
There is something keep drawing me here, I feel that something I relate to but you are a special person. The love of God is great on you.
@cb1_917 Год назад
God bless you! Thank you for sharing, brother in Christ.
@TheElectOfGod_ Год назад
God bless you too
@leighcarraway110 Год назад
@Muchjoy.. Год назад
And yet I questioned myself all the time. Don't see myself as intellectual however. As I have done very silly things in the past and likely to do in the future. Though it be true, I seem to know a lot more than the average Joe... As the saying goes.. Stupid people know everything. Intelligent people question everything..
Chosen ones, you have a big personality ⭐️🙏
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