
Christ's Call to Die to Self (Matthew 5:38-42) - Tim Conway 

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Christ gives us four examples that reveal our constant tendency to be watching out for ourselves and our self-interest. We are often in the defensive attitude and looking for insults and injuries that are done against us. Often the slightest disturbance can affect us. Yet Jesus calls us not to retaliate but to go the second mile and give to the one who begs from you. As we live out Matthew 5:38-42, we will find that our lives have a testimony that provides us with an evangelistic open door into people's lives.
Series: Sermon on the Mount #20
🎧MP3: illbehonest.com/download/fullsermons/christs-call-to-die-to-self-tim-conway.mp3
→ View on I'll Be Honest: illbehonest.com/christs-call-to-die-to-self
Preached at gfmanchester.com
0:00 - Logo Intros
0:12 - Do not dance around and not let the text hit you.
7:20 - Reading the text Matthew 5.38-42
9:40 - What about turning the other cheek?
12:13 - Do not resist someone who does evil to you?
15:04 - What is the common thread between these four examples that Jesus gives?
20:08 - It is only the true Christian can only live out these verses.
24:05 - Example 1 - Do not retaliate.
31:54 - Illustration - Missionary Hudson Taylor not retaliating to someone who pushed him in the mud.
38:23 - Example 2 - Do not sue one another.
48:12 - Example 3 - Go the second mile.
52:32 - Example 4 - Give to the one who begs from you.
56:08 - Jesus describes conduct that has an evangelistic thrust and gives you a testimony with those you are living these realities out before.
1:02:30 - Closing prayer - Lord cleanse us from our idols.



16 июн 2021




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@illbehonest 3 года назад
0:00 - Logo Intros 0:12 - Do not dance around and not let the text hit you. 7:20 - Reading the text Matthew 5.38-42 9:40 - What about turning the other cheek? 12:13 - Do not resist someone who does evil to you? 15:04 - What is the common thread between these four examples that Jesus gives? 20:08 - It is only the true Christian can only live out these verses. 24:05 - Example 1 - Do not retaliate. 31:54 - Illustration - Missionary Hudson Taylor not retaliating to someone who pushed him in the mud. 38:23 - Example 2 - Do not sue one another. 48:12 - Example 3 - Go the second mile. 52:32 - Example 4 - Give to the one who begs from you. 56:08 - Jesus describes conduct that has an evangelistic thrust and gives you a testimony with those you are living these realities out before. 1:02:30 - Closing prayer - Lord cleanse us from our idols.
@kigezifaithministry3797 3 года назад
@jinoia 4 месяца назад
Listen to do and keep the Word of God.
@markdiblasi7871 2 месяца назад
Dying is that like sinning less and less as we die to self.
@supplantermusic9413 3 года назад
Jesus is Lord
@kigezifaithministry3797 3 года назад
@naomicasarez1059 3 года назад
This story is on the testimonies of "one with Israel" so beautiful ❤️
@kigezifaithministry3797 3 года назад
@antheajohnson4234 3 года назад
Do you have the link to the exact one?? There are so many
@naomicasarez1059 3 года назад
@@antheajohnson4234 yes one min I will get it
@charlespackwood2055 3 года назад
God bless you & yours, Pastor Tim.
@kigezifaithministry3797 3 года назад
@pankajc976 3 года назад
Excellent message Glory to God
@Bigfoottehchipmunk 3 года назад
Encouraging and convicting, excellent message.
@kigezifaithministry3797 3 года назад
@jermainejones1560 3 года назад
Great teaching 👍😊🙏💕💕
@The.Ace.Crew.4Jesus 3 года назад
When someone insults me it hurts my heart so bad especially when it comes from someone I really love and respect and all I ever wanted was an apology but I never got one. I don’t think it would hurt as much coming from someone I don’t care much about. Anyway I’m working on this. Thank you brother Tim.
@cindyc 3 года назад
Praying that God will allow you to let it go. Also, praying that God will chasten this person into repentance.
@jacquelynedwards4571 3 года назад
I understand, in my case it came from someone I respected which was an elder and a so called "christian" friend. I continuously ask the Lord for help in this area of my life as well because it's a weakness for me.
@kigezifaithministry3797 3 года назад
@vico100 3 года назад
@kigezifaithministry3797 3 года назад
@sampitrone 3 года назад
Great sermon! Praise the Lord!
@alexgeorge4575 3 года назад
Thank you brother, so forthcoming
@kigezifaithministry3797 3 года назад
@faithijn8338 3 года назад
Pastor Tim another Blessed delivery of GOD'S Word. The Beatitudes series convicted me so deeply I have been following you every since. It is right in the wheel house where GOD has put me now to get these lessons written in the fabric of my being and on my heart. The biggest take away for me of Being born again is that we/I must die to SELF. To be transformed into a new creation in the likeness,image and mind of Christ to be made holy and set apart for Him. I must first die to self be emptied of self and your teaching came at His perfect timing to lead me in all the ways that means for us and me. All of us who have that hunger and thirst for righteousness must be broken and humbled to the point we desire to be emptied of SELF and to be filled more and more with Jesus and to Desire His Will. To me it is to have Christ at the Center of me the Center of my Life & all I have in my heart, in my thoughts in my speech and in my actions to be a reflection of Christ in me. Today I was thinking earlier these are the true Fruits of the Spirit the result of our Salvation is that our Life is soRadically Changed we are unrecognizable from the former self that has passed away.... GOD Bless you Pastor Tim and you wife and your flock I pray for you daily and for your mission for GOD. ALL GLORY TO GOD! AMEN AMEN
@Richie016 3 года назад
A walk on God's ways to righteousness teaches about the correct response; like an eye for an eye.
@kigezifaithministry3797 3 года назад
@Flooofster 3 года назад
Thank you for this deep dive!!! I feel better already!!!!
@kigezifaithministry3797 3 года назад
@jamessmith6915 4 месяца назад
No one has an answer for this: where are the believers? Doesn’t it say in the New Testament: “these signs will accompany those who believe: in the name of Jesus Christ they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues, they will take up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly, it will buy no means hurt them. They will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. The Lord will work through them, confirming the Word through the accompanying signs.” Where is this happening? I see a lot of teachers and preachers, but I see absolutely no DEMONSTRATION of God’s power. Like Jesus and His apostles did quite frequently in their missions. I have heard a number of “justifications“ for why we don’t have miracles today. Things ranging from “God uses doctors to heal people now” to “that was under a different dispensation because of persecution but we don’t need miracles now.” BUT THATS NOT WHAT THE WORD SAYS! So my question is is: where are the believers? Where are the accompanying signs? Where is the demonstration of God’s power?
@tracyhallmon8872 3 года назад
i can not retaliate if someone curse ne out or steal something from me or something like that but if someone come punch me in the face and have the intent to keep punching me...is Jesus saying to not defend myself??
@NikolaSekuloski 3 года назад
@fuafaatiga6593 3 года назад
God said to you if you love me follow my COMMANDMENTS,,,,,,John,,,14, 15,,
@leonaakers6407 3 года назад
Most can't so this they like their sin to much crucify the flesh like I said most can't do
@jacquelynedwards4571 3 года назад
Hmm, this is being taught again in a subtle unbiblical way. There was unbelievers and believers in that crowd when Jesus taught. When Jesus calls us to dye to self, he means dying to sin, which happens at salvation. All self isn't sin, especially when scripture says to put on the new self. The self has to put it on! Also, the beatitudes aren't meant to live as a set of rules, but to look to Christ and allow the spirit to guide us in each decision we make. Yes, we shouldn't retaliate or sue, but the lord can also use these things as well to teach a person, not to do such things whether he turns the other cheek or not. He says to do good to your enemies, he doesn't say allow your enemies to beat you and let them beat you or manipulate without a word. Would you turn the other cheek if someone beat your wife in front of you or would you say I'm dying to myself, let her get beaten? Perhaps the lord can give grace for someone to do that, but please don't put that on every individual believer.
@tanyagraces 3 года назад
I am on you.
@freedomfighter4990 3 года назад
Very astute point. No one "dies to self" to the point of letting someone beat up their wife, or their child. Even turning the other cheek doesn't go that far. And loving your enemy doesn't mean allowing them to harm you."Dying to self" doesn't mean making yourself a doormat for others to walk on.
@kigezifaithministry3797 3 года назад
@jjjj-ss8dq Год назад
Huge amen Jacquelyn, if these verses were taken literally, as conway does always, then the word would be ruled by evil. We would even as a country let like genocide be and just turn the other cheek etc.
@gachapotatocookie2309 Год назад
In the beginning of the message he says not to take it as absolutism or mindless literalism. And the beatitudes are not a detailed illustration of rigid rules. Maybe listen again because the sermon is completely opposite of what you’re saying about it and the preacher.
@fuafaatiga6593 3 года назад
JESUS WORSHIP ON SABBATH,,LUKE,,4,,16,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,VS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,DRAGON WORSHIP ON SUNDAY,
@kigezifaithministry3797 3 года назад
@fuafaatiga6593 3 года назад
@kigezifaithministry3797 3 года назад
@sampitrone 2 года назад
* * * * *
@tanyagraces 3 года назад
I watched for 35 minutes but i did not get any single meaningful to this message. to be honest. none information.
@kigezifaithministry3797 3 года назад
@andrewilkens7131 2 года назад
That’s unfortunate. I’d really question if I were you if you are born again. This was such a spirit filled message
@jjjj-ss8dq Год назад
Amen Tanya, that what you get most the time from conway, confusion.
@jjjj-ss8dq Год назад
@@andrewilkens7131 wow, you would question if she born again, do you know what she believes, are you God?
@oldglory6922 3 года назад
Jesus never taught his followers to die to self. Denying yourself is not dying to self, nor does taking up your cross daily mean dying to self. You must rightly divide the word of truth. To teach Christians to die to self takes glory from God because only He could take the old self in the flesh into the grave and resurrect a new creation in Himself. That is gospel truth. Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord and not in their own fleshly efforts to “die to self”. ✝️📖🕊
@kigezifaithministry3797 3 года назад
@oldglory6922 3 года назад
@Jenn 16 How many times was your old self crucified? The answer is once. The same number of times Jesus was crucified for you. You were also raised with Christ as a new creation in Him. That only happened once also. Scripture says we are one spirit with Him. He is now the source of our life and strength where once the sinful flesh was our source of live and strength. ✝️📖🕊
@oldglory6922 3 года назад
@Jenn 16 Since that is unscriptural and you obviously don’t listen, you will have to learn by experience how futile that is. ✝️📖🕊
@oldglory6922 3 года назад
@Jenn 16 “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. 21I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain.” Galatians 2:20-21
@yahrescues8993 3 года назад
@@oldglory6922 This is my interpretation. There is a positional and a practical part. The positional is what Christ did which we receive at justification by faith. The practical is to be done every day in sanctification. For example Colossians 3, V3 says “you died” which is a one time thing, but V5 says “put to death” which is a continual thing. If it was only a one time “death” how We could we continue to “put to death”
@fuafaatiga6593 3 года назад
1,,JOHN,,,2, 4,HE WHO SAYS ''I KNOW HIM,''AND DOES NOT KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS,IS A LIAR, AND THE TRUTH IS NOT IN HIM,,,,, ISAIAH,8,20, TO the law and to the testimony, if they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them,, Sabbath EZEKIEL,,20,20, SABBATH KEEP HOLY FOREVAR SIGN BETWEEN ME AND CHILDREN ISARAELU,,,,,EXODUS,,31,17,
@faithijn8338 3 года назад
Pastor Tim another Blessed delivery of GOD'S Word. The Beatitudes series convicted me so deeply I have been following you every since. It is right in the wheel house where GOD has put me now to get these lessons written in the fabric of my being and on my heart. The biggest take away for me of Being born again is that we/I must die to SELF. To be transformed into a new creation in the likeness,image and mind of Christ to be made holy and set apart for Him. I must first die to self be emptied of self and your teaching came at His perfect timing to lead me in all the ways that means for us and me. All of us who have that hunger and thirst for righteousness must be broken and humbled to the point we desire to be emptied of SELF and to be filled more and more with Jesus and to Desire His Will. To me it is to have Christ at the Center of me the Center of my Life & all I have in my heart, in my thoughts in my speech and in my actions to be a reflection of Christ in me. Today I was thinking earlier these are the true Fruits of the Spirit the result of our Salvation is that our Life is so Radically Changed we are unrecognizable from the former self that has passed away.... GOD Bless you Pastor Tim and you wife and your flock I pray for you daily and for your mission for GOD. ALL GLORY TO GOD! AMEN AMEN