
Christopher Hitchens - [2008] - Discussing politics with Eric Alterman 

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October 13, 2008.
Christopher Hitchens (Vanity Fair, Slate, God Is Not Great) and Eric Alterman (Altercation, The Nation, Why We're Liberals, ericalterman.com) discuss politics on Bloggingheads.
Credit to Bloggingheads.tv: bloggingheads.t...



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@MorphingReality 8 лет назад
This is a podcast before podcasting was a thing
@1984isnotamanual 3 месяца назад
I dig your Hitch vids.
@MorphingReality 3 месяца назад
@@1984isnotamanual Cheers :)
@judithbreastsler 2 месяца назад
RU-vid, that bastion of vacuous self-promotion and amateurish exhibitionism, was hardly the breeding ground for the sophisticated, aurally-driven medium that is podcasting. No, , podcasting, with its rich, sonorous tones and erudite conversation, was always the superior format. And as for video conferencing on RU-vid, why, that was little more than a fleeting fad, a momentary aberration in the grand tapestry of human communication. I mean, really, who among us wishes to gaze upon the gurning, pixelated visages of our interlocutors when we might instead indulge in the rich, aural textures of the spoken word? The very idea is risible, a joke, a farce, a... well, a RU-vid video, if you will.
@drstrangelove09 9 лет назад
Hitch was great. It is so fun to see a person who changed his views based on evidence and logic.
@DebateCentrals 8 лет назад
+drstrangelove09 You would think he would reconsider Iraq after it did more harm then good. Sad to see Hitch appear to be stubborn on this one.
@drstrangelove09 8 лет назад
+Siba Burck So you claim.
@KnivesOfTheRound 8 лет назад
+Siba Burck Iraq now has free elections, and an autonomous federal system with the most recent voter turnout being on par with voter turnout for presidential elections in the U.S. This is harm you say? Get real.
@paulconnelly4050 8 лет назад
What are you? A fucking comedian
@megavolt67 11 лет назад
Whether one feels that the war in Iraq was a net positive or net negative, I think Hitch won this particular debate. Alterman had to concede, backpedal, and change the subject on various points. The only point of his that held up was that he was and is in the majority in terms of his thinking, which, just as Hitch did, I noticed right away wasn't an argument at all. Other than arguing potential outcomes versus actual outcomes (we will never know), Hitch was stronger on the specifics.
@petepamf Год назад
He'd win any debate whether he believed in the side he was debating on or not.. in fairness..
@alittleofeverything4190 5 лет назад
Hitch vs. Smug. Yes a discussion and not a debate, but probably the first discussion Hitch has had where he didn't drink more from a glass than the other person.
@Duracellman 11 лет назад
There is no cult of Hitchens worship and this is shown by the fact that, as far as I can tell, virtually no person agreed with him about everything, or even very close to everything, even amongst those people who speak highly of him. He opposed tyranny, superstition and dogma. He advocated civilisation, enlightenment and justice as he saw it. When confronted with woolly thinking he was never shy about exposing it. If those things don't mean much to you that's fine, but many of us would disagree.
@MattSingh1 11 лет назад
He's clueless, and one of the those newly-founded anti-Hitchens-types that just engages in vague, non-specific baseless accusations and ad-hominem attack(s).
@MrOpenConversations 3 года назад
Gotta love the same idiotic arguments "All this happened after we came" Ignoring the fact, again, that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi entered Iraq before the war. Al-Qaeda has had connections in Iraq, Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Sudan, America, and now as we have seen Iran. But "Oh they only became a threat when we entered the war" Despite the fact that Al-Qaeda members were responsible for the bombing of the U.S. Embassies in Africa 98. The bombing of the WTC in 93. A number of plane hijackings and attempts to hijack planes in multiple continents. The planned killing of extremist Rabbi Kahane in NYC in 1990. We also know they, Al-Qaeda had "Non-profits" setup in America in Atlanta, NY, NJ, AZ, and many other states as early as the late 80's . And as the evidence has shown their war is not about America "occupying iraq" they are about removing capitalism and democracy from the world in place of Shar'ia law. To all who want to know more, read up a bit on Peter Lance. Or watch the film "American Jihad" which uses film provided by members of numerous Mosques in the U.S. during the 90's where Al-Qaeda began preaching for the conquering of the west and the rise of islam
@bentarantella 11 лет назад
Thank you very much for uploading these, haven't seen this conversation/debate before. It's nice to hear Mr. Hitchens' voice and words again.
@Fryguysun 10 лет назад
An intriguing debate. While I personally felt Hitchens points were stronger, I can't help but feel that Christopher Hitchens managed to make more effective citations and substantial arguments whilst Eric Alterman's arguments used terms like "would" and "like" and similar word usage. Christopher Hitchens was more affirmative in his opinions, and I feel more substantiated in his arguments.
@feydrautha012 11 лет назад
I love Hitchens, but I disagree with his position on the Iraq war. Even if you give him all of his assertions about the need to remove Hussein, having Bush/Cheney/Rumsfield in charge of such an important undertaking is not a defensible position-and Hitch completely avoided answering this issue throughout the debate by trying to change the subjects and casting aspersions upon his opponent. It's shameful that he never fessed up to misplaced trust in BushCo before he died.
@tonyabraham7351 8 лет назад
Enjoyable conversation. Alterman argues better than is alleged in some of the comments on this site.
@Dahmac 6 лет назад
I think Eric Alterman did a piss-poor job… He never laid out his case, just insisting that a thousand dead soldiers and a trillion dollars of debt are bad, he never replied to any points Christopher made about the necessity of the War. does that mean he accepts those arguments but still thinks it wouldn't have been worse than that? or does it mean he does not want to argue about its necessity, in that case why have a debate about it… So the argument went like this: EA: Saddam was already contained, therefore we shouldn't have gone to War. CH: You could see with your own eyes how he was not contained (he's not a rational actor, supporting sponsoring Zarqawi, buying/bribing politicians to evade Sanctions/Resolutions… ) EA: The purpose of the Military is to secure the Homeland. CH: Four conditions which by international law require us to intervene, Iraq had broken all four more than once. EA: The alleged crimes of which Iraq was guilty could be applied to Russia, Robert Mugabe, … CH: Iraq is the most criminal of all, also don't make the best the enemy of the good. EA: The Iraq War was too deadly, too expensive, therefore we shouldn't have gone to War. CH: Not invading would have been worse for Iraq (Quarrel of Saddam's sons, Turkey, Iran, Saudi-Arabia), as well as for Nonproliferation (we suspended the AQ Khan Network, intimidated Libya, Syria, probably more) EA: Invading Iraq has also been bad because we had to remove troops from Afghanistan, and it has been bad for Morale among soldiers. CH: Iraq is more important economically than Afghanistan, and from what I've gathered it has been good for Morale among soldiers.
@MattSingh1 11 лет назад
You appear to have misunderstood my question; I wasn't look for a lazy naming of names, but rather something substantive about/in regard to Hitchens himself, either anything he ever said or wrote. I suggest you re-read my statement, and try again. Also, you appear to believe and think that defending someone against slander/libel, or being fond of someone automatically means serfdom, servility or slavish worship. I couldn't disagree more...
@TCtheJUMPER 11 лет назад
I wonder if Eric Alterman could possibly make more noise drinking as noisily out of his apparently ice cube-filled glass as humanly possible?
@nobroblem1 11 лет назад
we miss hitchens
@manusha1349 9 месяцев назад
Christopher was a genius ❤
@Kooper05 11 лет назад
If you weren't using your opinion of his presentation as the weight of evidence towards his incorrect stances then my original statement should be disregarded. A book that's exciting to one may put others to sleep. I can't exactly contend that someone isn't flavored the way you enjoy. I think someone who was as publicly accessible as he was to travel internationally with Rushdie, visit North Korea and get waterboarded was pretty serious. But yes, Hitchens does gain some fame from his uniqueness.
@daveguy11 8 лет назад
Hitchens, in this discussion - and to a far greater degree than Alterman (who is sometimes himself accused of it) - interrupts and talks-over his debate partner - and he did this in every one-on-one or multi-person discussion I've ever seen. He was quite articulate, but also quite a boor.
@MattSingh1 8 лет назад
You've never watched their appearance on Charlie Rose, have you? Also, to call Hitchens 'quite a boor' is both laughable and absurd in equal measure.
@daveguy11 8 лет назад
Hardly. Watch many of Hitchens' filmed panel discussions and interviews (I have) and it's easy to see: his "talk-over" rate was always astonishingly high. He camouflaged it well with that plummy English schoolboy accent (Americans almost always fall for that) and the strategic placement of a few Miss Manners niceties spiced with the occasional traditional British vicious backhanded compliment, but the boorishness was always there, lurking just beneath the surface. And it's always, only his partisans who refuse to see it. I'll admit that I was largely in that camp until his ludicrous, and strenuous, advocacy of the insane, nightmarish, catastrophic 2nd Iraq war shocked me out of it.
@MattSingh1 8 лет назад
daveguy11 'Hardly. Watch many of Hitchens' filmed panel discussions and interviews (I have) and it's easy to see: his "talk-over" rate was always astonishingly high.' I completely disagree, having seen a great deal more of Hitchens' public appearances than you. 'He camouflaged it well with that plummy English schoolboy accent (Americans almost always fall for that) and the strategic placement of a few Miss Manners niceties spiced with the occasional traditional British vicious backhanded compliment, but the boorishness was always there, lurking just beneath the surface' So, you're unaware of ad hominem attack, and why it's considered intellectually inferior. You appear to be the typical bitter, miserable Brit that begrudges a fellow Brit being a success in the US. Hitchens actually explained he partly left the UK because of the sour-faced likes of you. 'And it's always, only his partisans who refuse to see it.' This is very close to being a presuppositionalist/infallible argument. Essentially, it's the tired 'Hitchens admirers are all sheep' trope. ' I'll admit that I was largely in that camp until his ludicrous, and strenuous, advocacy of the insane, nightmarish, catastrophic 2nd Iraq war shocked me out of it.' As I was expecting, you have a personal grudge over the liberation Iraq, and thus no objective, honest criticism of Hitchens. Rather, you have an irrational, perhaps hysterical dislike of Hitchens for his, GASP!, audacity to advocate the removal of a proven genocidal despot, whereas the likes of you advocated the remaining in power of said fascistic maniac. To Hitchens, the shame is all yours, and you're welcome to it. You should also consider, if possible, the following: A nation sacrifices its sovereignty when; 1. It invades a neighbouring state, as Iraq had done in Kuwait (in fact Hussein tried to annex and absorb Kuwait) 2. It has committed genocide, and therefore violated, the UN Genocide Convention (and the Convention by the way MANDATES immediate action be taken to either "prevent or punish" as soon as information is available) as Iraq did with the Al-Anfal genocide campaign in which at least 130,000 Kurds were gassed, some with US, UK, French, Russian and Germany weaponry, much to our shame (and is the reason we have a moral and ethical duty, obligation and responsibility to the people of Iraq) 3. It harbours internationally-wanted criminals, as Iraq had, giving safe-haven to the likes of Abu Nidal (who killed Leon Klinghoffer ) and Abu Rahman Yasin (who mixed the chemicals for the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993). 4. It tries to acquire WMD, or out-right violates the UN Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. In his book, 'The Bomb In My Garden', former Iraq chief nuclear scientist Medi Abedi confessed remnants of a centrifuge were buried in his garden, and that dummy sites were manufactured to fool UN weapons inspectors. Iraq met ALL FOUR POINTS, and therefore surrendered it's sovereignty to the international community and made the 2003 intervention and liberation legal AND moral. Only the US and UK took action because France, Russia and Germany were bribed thru the corrupted UN Oil-For-Food Programme.
@daveguy11 8 лет назад
Well, I hardly know whether to feel complimented or offended, but, being an sometimes-proud (and sometimes-ashamed) American, and most certainly *not* an Englishman, I'll decide that I'm offended, and *demand* that you take back your assertion that I'm a Brit. (Jesus, did you blow that...) As for ad hominem attacks, well, your accusation that I am a "typical bitter, miserable Brit", in addition to possessing the glorious distinction of being *entirely* wrong, also perfectly fits Merriam-Webster's definition of "ad hominem": "marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions made". As for my assertions about Hitchens' boorish debate tactics (all of my assertions being based on *behavior*, *not* character), all one has to do is watch the very 54 minute video (above) that we are discussing to see the truth of that. ...Oh, and, btw, nice copy-and-paste job on Hitchens' talking points. ...Oh, and I did not "advocate" the "remaining in power" of "said fascistic maniac", but I *would* like the thousands of American deaths, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi deaths, and as many as millions of displaced Iraqis "restored", thank you very much. Sadly, Mr. Hitchens is not in a position to accomplish that.
@rishabhaniket1952 Год назад
Hitch would have been the greatest stand up act in history if everyone had the best general taste in comedy.
@robertpoen5383 2 месяца назад
2nd best after Carlin.
@shanehamilton6298 8 лет назад
ive herd fucking hrs upon hrs of Christopher and this dude fucking knows his shit.hes been to places you and i wouldn't dare think of going and has saw things that the media would never ever show so think twice when questioning this man cause he will embarrass you
@MattSingh1 11 лет назад
You didn't make a point at all, you just staggered closely to ad-hominem attack, as well as engaging in self-pity while making presupposition arguments with zero evidence. Your bluff has been called but numerous individuals, and now you have to provide salient and cogent evidence of your charge; give three specific examples of 'the cult of Hitchens', or Hitchens flat-out lying. It's also interesting that people such as you have somehow found your anti-Hitchens voice now he's no longer around.
@DaytakTV 8 лет назад
I lost it when Hitch held up the four fingers and pointed to each one LOL!!!!!!!
@SelfStirringPot-com 11 лет назад
Wow this reminds me of a child arguing with an elder about the reality of Santa Claus.
@Kooper05 11 лет назад
You'd look less like a troll seeking attention had you filled your 500 character limit pointing out his "bad points" and rebutting them than simply trying to publicly point and laugh for reasons undisclosed to the reader. Evidence is a knife that slices the bread to a degree slander never can. Why not just say where he is wrong about and be done with it?
@EmilyDNelson 10 лет назад
I got about half way through this, but then I remembered why I got sick of Obama worship in 2008 and people demonizing Bush. This is not to say I like or dislike either, but rather I was sick of hearing about it six years ago and find it just as tedious now. Oh well, on to other Hitch videos.
@theonlyantony 4 года назад
I wish this was now, and that they were only speaking from separate locations due to Covid.
@krillunksx4107 3 года назад
I was just thinking that
@sands7779 2 года назад
We all have blindspots and hubris. Would prefer if CH expressed percentage confidence ( confidence interval) on his opinions based on supporting evidence although this would be against his persona
@tayzlor 11 лет назад
Thank you so much for uploading! Ahhhh Hitch
@BoycottChinaa 5 лет назад
Hitchens was right for certain, but the US neocons made a massive mistake when they disbanded the Iraqi military, because the Sunni officers would have maintained Iraq as remained in power, balancing Iran's ambitions, instead becoming several terrorist organizations, even in Syria.
@Kooper05 11 лет назад
"He makes bad points" You never offered anything up to argue this. You said his points are bad followed by your dislike of his persona. You made zero attempt to address any of the points you say have flaws. Just say "His points about X, Y, Z are wrong and here's evidence supporting me." Calling someone over dramatic isn't a counter to a point they made. Presenting evidence to the contrary is a counter. Per your "quality of fans" comment: It's RU-vid. You are complaining that the sewer smells.
@Kitties_are_pretty 7 лет назад
I can't believe how brave Mr. Alterman is to just hop into a cage with a lion and poke it right in the eyes like this.
@kshitizsingh3834 8 лет назад
Its funny how anybody who disagrees with Hitch will have certain talking points and it clearly shows they are not as informed and when they restart its funny.
@johnbrowner2313 10 лет назад
As much of a Hitchens fan as I am, I am disappointed that he never in all his appearances and writings addresses the point that more than 4000 Americans DIED and tens of thousands more maimed and traumatized with horrible consequences to their families to remove a dictator who had not attacked us.
@chickensguys 10 лет назад
If Hitchens were still alive he would backhand you for your idiocy. He has given his reasons in support of the Iraq in tons of different debates. Furthermore you obviously don't know the difference between Iraq and Afghanistan but I digress. So stick your head back in the sand, you just want a nice little hovel for Western values and I you are not going to get it. The parties of god will not let you.
@johnbrowner2313 10 лет назад
I've read his autobiography and numerous of his writings on the Iraq War. He clearly writes about how his thinking about Iraq evolved over decades but NEVER does he address the point that I made in my post except to write about a single soldier who was inspired by Hitchens' polemics to sign up to go to Iraq and subsequently died. He would backhand you for intellectual laziness as well as poor reading comprehension: Afghanistan is an entirely different subject which I did not address in my post. I suggest you take your pygmy intellect (apologies to pygmies), and post elsewhere where the level is not so far beyond your attainments.
@johnbrowner2313 10 лет назад
If you think that 4000 American lives should be sacrificed on a pack of lies, you would be a traitor if you weren't so self-evidently a fool. All low-info wingnuts perceive their intellectual betters as "pompous." Sorry. No one can help you with that.
@jommmsh 10 лет назад
John Browner chickensguys Well, Hitchens probably wouldn't give either of you a second thought after the childish way you handled yourselves here--calling names and such--so don't invoke his name as any sort of support for your arguments. For you, Browner, there are multiple reasons he would have failed to mention the U.S. soldiers who died in Iraq. First off, his debating style often included neglecting to mention possibly convincing points for the opposing side, doing so might weaken his argument. On top of that, he likely considered four thousand a sad but acceptable price for what he considered to be the liberation of Iraq from a totalitarian dictator who regularly murdered his own countrymen. From my own personal thoughts, I would like to mention that we as Americans get caught up in the numbers of *Americans* who die in conflicts and tragedies as if their lives matter more than the lives of citizens of other nations. I understand patriotism, but, especially in this now-global society, shouldn't we consider all deaths of human beings to be equally tragic, when considering nationality? Hitchens himself was a truly international being; he visited a diverse array of countries before his early death, and he was even a citizen of two different nations, being both officially British and officially American in the final few years of his life, and I'd consider him an honorary American starting long before then; he loved America more than even some of the staunchest of patriots. From that perspective, he would have, I think, not seen the deaths of four thousand U.S. soldiers to be more tragic than the deaths of thousands of Iraqis--another group victimized by the war, though you failed to mention them; he certainly would have done so, and in the same breath in which he mentioned the American dead. And therein lies my other point: Iraqis were already dying prior to the war, by Hussein's hand, as I've already mentioned and as Hitchens would love to repeat often, so those four thousand soldiers were a sacrifice to end Iraqi bloodshed. Was it worth the cost? Did it cause more Iraqi deaths than it saved? I don't know, but it isn't as simple an issue as "We lost four thousand of our own citizens over there."
@jommmsh 10 лет назад
John Browner The number of dead, in any given situation, is never irrelevant, especially when considering moral issues, as killing innocents is one of the most immoral acts possible. The typical media rhetoric regarding the WMD situation does consistently say there was no evidence and the war was based on lies, but Hitchens would argue differently, as, I think, he does in this video. I'm sorry if you interpreted my tone as being "pious" or self-righteous. I merely wanted to defend Hitchens a little bit. I think his personal views and his morals are related, in that morals are personal views, so I'd say he didn't suspend any morals; he most definitely considered the war to be a moral act, whether he'd think that way today is up for debate.
@shanehamilton6298 8 лет назад
ive herd fucking hrs upon hrs of Christopher and this dude fucking knows his shit.hes been to places you and i wouldn't dare think of going and has saw things that the media would never ever show so think twice when questioning this man cause he will embarrass you
@avtwvns Год назад
Hitch was rightly legendary, as a writer, speaker, debater and more. But I think he was very wrong about Iraq. Doesn’t blemish him in my mind, but the loss of life of this war, the chaos created and other disastrous consequences… I don’t know, I heard him evade issues cleverly and set up little diversionary arguments. That said, he and now Martin Amis, are very missed. And still very loved for what they offered us.
@grahamthegreat2680 Год назад
All faith is utter delusion and Christopher was the least deluded man on the planet. Much missed!
@SelfStirringPot-com 11 лет назад
53.14 he says '...I get told it's the Bush Administration and not the Israelis who blew up the World Trade Center.' I think he misspoke there lol and ment ..and not Muslims.
@teodelfuego 8 лет назад
I'm not sure why I'm being so petty, but I think it's rude to drink repeatedly from a sloshing glass full of ice cubes while being filmed.
@boxer12350 7 лет назад
teodelfuego as long as you admit you're being petty
@mervinprone Год назад
Christopher Hitchens just admitted to being a neocon?
@jbpops 11 лет назад
great post, thanks again!
@xander7ful 11 лет назад
I must disagree with Hitch at 23:00 mins, where he claims that the U.S. prevented a religious civil war in Iraq. We may have delayed a civil war by going in, but it's happening now that we're gone, isn't it?
@AbdulHannanAbdulMatheen Год назад
👏😐 Christopher is sorely missed. A truly principled, honorable and magnificent orator
@DaHonestAbe 11 лет назад
Eric Alterman's expertise is media coverage and refuting notions of liberal bias. Otherwise, he isn't very keen on other subjects.
@elenafoleyfoley168 2 года назад
Miss you Christopher 🕊️
@takepartlive 10 лет назад
Ya'll ought to vote in every election!
@W1ldPotato 10 лет назад
I am a big fan of Hitchens, he was a joy to read and listen to, but I would never want him involved in American politics.
@bertiebirdman 11 лет назад
I can't hear what The Hitch is saying.
@Brianbeesandbikes Год назад
Finally some good leftist challenge to Hitch. Seldom seen. Good to have.
@1984isnotamanual 7 месяцев назад
He’s not a leftist he is a liberal.
@theongreyjoy19 8 лет назад
"al qaeda defeated in Mesopotamia" - hitch
@Dahmac 6 лет назад
it was true in 2008
@uyuyuy99 5 лет назад
in other words, "shame on him for not predicting the future"
@FrankMoraesFranklyCurious 10 лет назад
Hitchens shows why he wasted the last years of his life. He became nothing but an apologist for his earlier errors. It's sad to watch him use his impressive intellect and erudition (not to mention bombastic argumentative style) as one vast clean-up operation. He isn't missed because he added nothing to the debate. Compare the last ten years of his career to his brilliant early work in and out of politics. It's very sad.
@comanchio1976 10 лет назад
If you have think he isn't missed, then you mustn't have read the comments of most of his videos. I've lost count of how many times I've read that he's greatly missed.
@synergygaming65 2 года назад
Wow. Calling Christopher wrong or just about with everything. That's the tallest order I've seen one take against him
@ProgressiveMovement200 10 лет назад
Was a big fan of the "Hitch", RIP. Didn't agree with his views on this particular matter.
@EmilyDNelson 10 лет назад
Yeah, there are a lot of things he said I don't necessarily agree on, but I have to admire the way he says things.
@jazzfan7491 3 года назад
Wish I could ask Hitchens if he'd preferred we invaded North Korea in 2003. After all, he regularly called North Korea a "slave state" and while he obviously detested Saddam Hussein, I've never heard him describe Iraq under Hussein as a "slave state". In hindsight, it seems like the better use of resources to me.
@christopherhitchens163 2 года назад
North Korea had by then signed off the non proliferation treaty and also had China on its side which (which have nukes) would have made an invasion virtually impossible and too dangerous for the US citizen via a nuclear holocaust
@atlassounds7899 7 лет назад
I love Hitchens but he had far too much 'faith' in the United States' ability to prevent chaos, rather than create it. The gentlemen he's debating wasn't interesting at all...
@dianahill7239 3 года назад
Christopher Hitchens was intelligent enough to be appointed to the United States Supreme Court! Chief Justice Christopher Hitchens.
@elainegoad9777 Год назад
At least he wouldn't his "religion" influence his decisions.
@elainegoad9777 Год назад
Too bad he wasn't smart enough to quit smoking and drinking which shortened his life.
@AndrewPalmerJazz 11 лет назад
This is hilariously similar to how he talks... you imagine a straw man and self-righteously defend your honor against it, playing the victim whenever possible. If you're not into Hitchens worship, this isn't very impressive.
@hungryghost3260 3 года назад
Clinking ice cubes, slurping and smacking: what kind of professional speaker does that and expects the dialogue to be front-and-centre? Scotch, silently drunk: that's a man's drink. That's Christopher Hitch's drink.
@ctriamimgons 11 лет назад
Alterman wins this one. Love Hitch, but Alterman's points are stronger. I think Hitch's heart was in the right place on Iraq, but he misjudged this one.
@uyuyuy99 5 лет назад
All you people love to say that, but HOW exactly was he wrong? You always just say "I love Hitch but it's a shame he got this one wrong," as if it's been conclusively decided at this point that his side was wrong in some objective fashion. Our wretched federal government made many fabulous fuck-ups, as per usual, but it's still entirely possibly the situation would've been much worse had we not fought against Mesopotamian fascism.
@josechang1683 11 лет назад
im a hitch fan but around the 22:57 mark, unbeknownst to him at the time, he talks about the civil war that was avoided had sadam not been taken out...well, thats the very civil war that brought the month of mays iraqi death toll over 1000 people.
@AndrewPalmerJazz 11 лет назад
Koop--this is the same chickenshit I've already heard and answered. I have no intention to rehash arguments about Iraq or whether Nader was a wise vote, etc. I'm asserting my judgment that Hitchens won his audience largely by being entertaining but intellectually shallow. You're free to tell me if I'm missing something. (BTW, I smiled at the truth of your last statement, but I do think Hitchens fans are uniquely obtuse even by RU-vid standards.)
@AndrewPalmerJazz 11 лет назад
YT is not usually a great forum for getting into the weeds. (I'm a little exasperated with how petty this is already.) I think my original post summarized my general point. If you think Hitch is actually wise and insightful, you can say so and I'm cool with hearing your perspective. If you want to go on the attack and call my post libel and say I'm calling him a liar, I don't think that's productive.
@knots1975 3 года назад
Although I like Hitchens, Altermans arguments were more solid. History has proven it.
@AndrewPalmerJazz 11 лет назад
Only three? 1. Duracellman. 2. Kooper05. 3. Matthew Singh-Dosanjh :) My comment's only been up a week, though... I don't think there's anything new about being anti-Hitchens.
@AndrewPalmerJazz 11 лет назад
All I would add to that is that I think he takes himSELF seriously. But, I don't think that means other people have to take him seriously.
@AndrewPalmerJazz 11 лет назад
You're judging Hitchens on an isolated moment of good behavior. I applaud those moments, too, but his ugly side had a much bigger stage presence and that was the side that won him his following. I was careful the way I put the point about an insult comic. I didn't mention Bill Hicks or compare Hitchens to anyone directly.
@SandraLovesSun 5 лет назад
Hmmm - I never saw an ugly side. I guess it's in the eye of the beholder.
@AndrewPalmerJazz 11 лет назад
Kooper, I think I made my point. You can agree or disagree.
@lifeisclimbing 7 лет назад
Hitchens strikes as a greatly intelligent man, but in the same way it is appalling how he seemed to not have the humility to admit his misjudgment over the invasion of Iraq.
@michealjaymurphy 3 года назад
So you disagree
@AneTix101 11 лет назад
I honestly love the "I'm so glad you brought this up (I've got a zinger)" and "for anyone who cared to look it up (did you Christopher)" statements of Mr. Alterman, who I enjoyed reading in The Nation. This quickly went from a "Why Hitchens is Wrong" vlog to "A Man with a Point: I think he's wrong but he knows his stuff." I binge on things weekly and this week it's Iraq; history, wars, culture, ect. I'm glad I found this, maybe it'll give me more things to look up.
@theonlyantony 4 года назад
So cognitive dissonance is your game. It seems to be quite widespread.
@AneTix101 4 года назад
@@theonlyantony where's the cognitive dissonance?
@AndrewPalmerJazz 11 лет назад
Something I can't quite grasp is the cult of Christopher Hitchens worship on the internet. He makes bad points in an overly dramatic way and that's about it. Now, he makes me laugh sometimes, when he's not being tedious. He has occasional entertainment value. But, he's a case study in how not to be a serious spokesperson on an issue. (If it helps, you can, in part, judge his seriousness by the quality of his fans, like the one who wants him to "smack a bitch up.")
@licklecherub9108 7 лет назад
Tony was also brilliant ?
@AndrewPalmerJazz 11 лет назад
On your other point, I actually remember the Charlie Rose conversation they reference in the video from back in 2003. I've been critical of Hitchens for all of my adult life. I still think people only like him because they're entertained by him. People like him the same way they like an insult comic: They're just waiting for the "smackdown." I think he's fundamentally unserious, and if you can't tell by watching, the way his fans act is all the evidence you need.
@theonlyantony 4 года назад
And how do you rate his books? His debating prowess is one thing. Which was your favourite read - the real page-turner for you?
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