
Christopher Hitchens on Jesus of Nazareth 

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@eenie1234 7 лет назад
Jesus really existed and was the Son of God, I know so because I've had it drummed into me by believers so it must be true.
@maflones 7 лет назад
You are psychotic.
@9tailjeza 6 лет назад
Critic (al) i think sarcastic is the word you’re looking for
@jonathanswires1264 5 лет назад
Just because it was drummed into your ears by those who believe it doesn't necessarily mean it's true! You can be taught from a young age that 2×2=5 or that the Nazis didn't murder 6 million Jews during WW2, but that doesn't make it true. I am a Catholic Christian who has studied Theology, biblical studies, Philosophy, History, Early Church History, Patrology, Judaism, Greek and Hebrew. Therefore regarding the historical figure of Jesus Of Nazareth, the Messiah, the Word/Son of God and Son of Man who was crucified, died and rose again, it's not true because we believe it: rather, we believe it because it's TRUE, based on, not only the 4 gospels- two of whom ( Matthew and John) Knew Jesus personally, but also very reliable and independent non biblical sources. Mark didn't know Jesus personally, but he received the events and life of Jesus from Peter the apostle who knew Jesus. Moreover, we can go outside the Gospel accounts to verify Jesus: go and read the 1st century Jewish historian Josephus; and also read the ANNALS by the Roman historian Tacitus, who confirms the existence and crucifixion of Jesus Of Nazareth. And lastly go study archaeology And See for yourself. My point is that its not just- and shouldn't be just- blind faith and belief, but the use of reason in all its different forms. And the thing about Christianity is that it's HISTORICAL!!!! It's grounded in and appeals to history, because the physical world with human beings as God's climax, which is why He became human for our salvation, is destined for transfiguration and renewal. God bless you. Jonathan
@charlieschneider5649 3 года назад
Bruh he's being sarcastic
@mikemc4549 2 года назад
Me too...they pointed at words in a book and everything
@MyloDude22 11 лет назад
Did Jesus tell his disciples to leave their families or not? Did he not tell a rich man the best thing he could do is sell all of his belongings and follow him or not? Did Jesus say he came to divide(partly families) or not? Do I constantly get told to "accept Jesus now before it's too late" or don't I? I constantly see Christian friends say they depend on God, but never see them willfully sell all their belongings, quit their job and abandon their children.
@flymoolahman2763 6 месяцев назад
What would seeing your Christian friends making obviously stupid decisions with their belongings prove? Jesus ascended to heaven we can’t follow him anymore only in Spirit now
@flymoolahman2763 6 месяцев назад
“With man this is impossible, with God all things are possible”
@DinorwicSongwriter Месяц назад
⁠@@flymoolahman2763so you are saying jesus told people to make stupid decisions?
@michaelgreene7041 Год назад
Here with my morning coffee and my daily dose of Hitchens. Not too many better ways to start your day.
@themoralcube Год назад
25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Everything exists on a spectrum. To be completely devoted and trusting of God, means to completely live in the present, not to worry about the physical. Most won't achieve that, so on a spectrum approach the other side of this wisdom says. Worry only about what you will eat... how much mental time will you spend each day thinking about food and drink. Worry only about your body, how you look, how others perceive you, whether you're ugly, whether your beautiful, whether your thighs are too big, or calves to small, be completely self absorbed in your looks. Worry all day about what clothes you wear, worry about whether the pants match with the shirt, whether to wear a hat, or a coat, these shoes or those shoes, worry about your watch, your jewellery. If we spent 10 hours a day every day focusing on our material existance, we miss an enormous opportunity to discover more about ourselves. We're asleep 8 hours a day, when we focus on the material world to an immense degree, we remain unconscious for 18 hours or more.
@flymoolahman2763 6 месяцев назад
Very nicely put here
@bourbonyoung6237 Год назад
Dinesh still can’t kick a goal even when Christopher is no longer playing.
@FakingANerve Год назад
Hahaha! Well said. 😂🍻
@themoralcube Год назад
25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Everything exists on a spectrum. To be completely devoted and trusting of God, means to completely live in the present, not to worry about the physical. Most won't achieve that, so on a spectrum approach the other side of this wisdom says. Worry only about what you will eat... how much mental time will you spend each day thinking about food and drink. Worry only about your body, how you look, how others perceive you, whether you're ugly, whether your beautiful, whether your thighs are too big, or calves to small, be completely self absorbed in your looks. Worry all day about what clothes you wear, worry about whether the pants match with the shirt, whether to wear a hat, or a coat, these shoes or those shoes, worry about your watch, your jewellery. If we spent 10 hours a day every day focusing on our material existance, we miss an enormous opportunity to discover more about ourselves. We're asleep 8 hours a day, when we focus on the material world to an immense degree, we remain unconscious for 18 hours or more.
@bourbonyoung6237 Год назад
@@themoralcube Who mentioned worry? And why would I focus 12-18hrs a day on deity that either can’t exist of has never contacted us. Consequences don’t evaporate after the instant. Ignoring evidence/consequences is exactly why religion is still a thing 2000 years later. It should never take a species with an functioning organ above its brain stem 2000 years to work this out. Yet it remains.
@ashleycohen2258 Год назад
Chris is still with us. Jesus ain't
@waggishsagacity7947 Год назад
bourbonyoung6237; Agreed. No wonder. Dinesh couldn't deal with anything but his own narrow and uncompromising views. Granted, Christopher Hitchens was the wrong opponent to just about any debater, but one cannot play tennis, [Hitchens] for example, when his opponent insists on engaging in swimming [Dinesh], for example.
@sume6103 Год назад
Love Christopher Hitchens! He completely nails it when he speaks about any subject. I have started to read "God is not Great".
@AFMMD-q8 Год назад
Soon it will be one of your favorites books, one where he did not left anything unturned, Hitch covered all aspects of religion in a straightforward rational honest manner. I got lucky to put a bit on eBay 15 years ago, and won first edition hard cover, signed by the man himself, it’s my little treasure, my son will get it after I’m gone, then his son and so on.
@yampadeja9515 10 лет назад
I rejoice at lack of humanity and respect displayed by some religious believers when commenting the death of a fellow human being, just because he disagreed with their views. I rejoice because it goes to show that I made the right choice in forsaking religion. I am really glad to not be counted in the numbers of people that can surely talk the talk, but that can rarely walk the walk. Whatever happened to “Love thy enemy”, “Love thy neighbor” and “Turning the other cheek”? Death awaits us all, and perhaps it would be worth saving a glimmer of dignity for when the moment comes. Everything else is just politics masqueraded as religion.
@Elmwood-ze3cr 7 лет назад
Great words my friend , iv never felt so happy and contented since i gave up any form of belief in whatever they may or may not be , all religeon is Evil and causes nothing but trouble and death
@GBValode 7 лет назад
Paskals wager , the weakest argument in favor of religion of all. Cringeworthy stuff Clive
@christopherfranklin4760 7 лет назад
Good to hear some intelligent responses here. The best word to describe the religious zealots who unfortunately exist in numbers far larger than they should be, is hypocrite. They will be "holier than thou" on Sunday and just go off and do their "ungodly" acts later in the week. They put "on the face" as long as it suits their need. And need I bring up the shysters who willingly take a lot of your money and live the life of a king (Osteen comes to mind). A fool and his money are definitely parted in church.
@resourcingleaders 7 лет назад
All forms of ‘religion’ are non-productive. However, Jesus Christ was not religious. His whole reason for being on earth was to rebuke religion. So many religious people who think they follow Christ have given Christianity a bad name. Don’t let them ruin a great personal relationship with Jesus. It is possible to live with such freedom. The world is not progressing. It is deteriorating. This is because the world is turning it’s back on God. We don’t even want to know there is a God. His plan is much more intricate than of us could understand. That’s what makes him God. To rely so much on Science is the very problem. God tells us that without faith, we cannot please Him. This faith transcends all forms of Science which is so limited.
@Elmwood-ze3cr 7 лет назад
Clive Howlett-Jones :)
@29008000 Год назад
"there may have been a charismatic, deluded individual wandering around..." I am willing to believe that.
@MrDaiseymay Год назад
We call them Politicians today
@totallyclips Год назад
and he or she was more than likely stoned, who else walks about for 40 days and nights
@nonyadamnbusiness9887 Год назад
How much of what is attributed to Jesus is what he said and how much of it was Paul creating a doomsday cult?
Virtually all modern scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed.
@redmatters9318 18 дней назад
You must be watching FOXNEWS, or you're on Kool-Aid. Jesus never existed. All made up. Cows are brown. Therefore, all cows are brown said your parents. Now you know. G'day from Australia 🇦🇺 😊
@shwanjalal8709 6 месяцев назад
Even though I never met him or even knew about him when he was still alive my goodness do I miss christopher hitchens.
@JackKangaroo1 13 лет назад
@joemoe23 Yo, JoeMoe, I'm a 62 year old college educated civil engineer with an IQ of 140. I know the nature of reality already and I know that rational thought, as displayed by men like Christopher Hitchens and Albert Einstein, can never be "irrelevant" to the realities of our world. I also know that you cannot alter any realities, especially the physical realities of the world we live in, through any form of incantation, prayer included, which makes all forms of prayer irrelevant.
@plotinuswashere Год назад
"people who boast about their IQ are losers" - Stephen Hawking
@flymoolahman2763 6 месяцев назад
Because Prayer is a spiritual action, not an earthly action
@enfynet 13 лет назад
If I remove the last part of this statement, would that make it more or less valid? Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, (Philippians 2:3-5 NASB)
@jcarterjoseph9066 Год назад
He completely nails it. For the history of the region at the time one Jesus of Nazareth lived, please see Reza Aslan's 'Zealot'. It lists what little we actually know of the man in the context of the time and geography, separating fact from the legend that developed after the time of Mark, who wrote his gospel 40 years after the death of Jesus of Nazareth.
@plotinuswashere Год назад
"completely nails it" just like Jesus!😂
@FakingANerve Год назад
​@@plotinuswashere Rohhhh, man! 😅
@arriuscalpurniuspiso Год назад
Read the book. Unfortunately Reza wasn't willing to call the Resurrection the utter nonsense that it is
@Mccnuget 15 лет назад
Also, I am a very devout Catholic. But i love Hitchen's. His views on counter-religion, are by far the best, and I agree on a lot of concepts. If there isn't a Roman Catholic God, then God is certainly Hitchen's himself.
@3joewj Год назад
He's a moran.
@Danny451 Год назад
@@3joewj And you're a "MORON."
@3joewj Год назад
@@Danny451 i think he debated while drinking honestly.
@MrDaiseymay Год назад
is it the promise of unpunished Paedophilia that draws you?
@3joewj Год назад
@@MrDaiseymay If thats your argument the same can be said for Atheists but its worse, its the promise of unpunished everything
@flymoolahman2763 6 месяцев назад
Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Do not live in the flesh anymore, turn away and look for your Spirit, search for the good in everyone. CHANGE
@redmatters9318 18 дней назад
Ha ha I know you're not serious . There is no proof that jesus existed. It's made up. G'day from Australia 🇦🇺. Go with Pepsi it is real. 😅
@thelordmemnoch 14 лет назад
@crimple7 Even funnier that Christ's miracles cannot be validated. No person today would believe the story of Jesus if it happened today. Would you really believe your daughter if she told you, "Daddy, I am pregnant, but I didn't sleep with anybody. It's god's will". NO! And I will call you a liar to your face if you were to say that you would believe that child. So then I ask you: Why would you believe a story that was told thousands of years ago, and has been passed through generations?
@jc333jc 11 лет назад
Good voice, good orator,good mind. Great man. Flawed; as are we all, but a great man.
@erikeparsels 6 лет назад
I don't think they make up the story to get him from Nazareth to Bethlehem because there really was someone in the Nazareth area, because Nazareth didn't even exist as a town until quite a bit after the time period attributed to Jesus. Rather I suspect that Christians, seeking to convince their fellow Jews of the idea that Jesus was indeed the messiah, conflated the biblical prophecy that "he shall be called a nazarite" with the name of the town of Nazareth and so made up the ridiculous census and everyone going back to their home town story because by that time they were committed to the idea that he was associated with Nazareth.
@ItsEasyIfYouThink 11 лет назад
Even so, what sick person would make jokes about someone - ANYONE - being in the worst possible existence ever? What person would be so low as to add insult to the ultimate injury? Why don't you take a good, long look inside yourself and start asking why you would ever do something like that? That's worse than laughing at rape, or murder, or any other crime, in your view. And yet you laugh as easily as if it were a game. This is real to you. So ACT LIKE IT.
@flymoolahman2763 6 месяцев назад
You either choose to believe in Jesus Christ, or you do not, simple as that. “Those who are not with me are against me, those who do not gather with me scatter abroad” This man sounds like he is attempting to persuade people into unbelief, and still it’s weak because at the end even he adds doubts into his own argument. I believe in Jesus Christ, I believe in the love he gave and in the resurrection. I believe he is watching over you right now waiting for you to come to him and ask him to help you. Go read the Gospels and see for yourself if you are this deep in, what do you have to lose?
@deevine1818 Месяц назад
When was Nazareth established? 2200 BC Nazareth النَّاصِرَة‎, an-Nāṣira 7:18 Major city) Municipality Est. 1885
@L0nn13_c0 10 лет назад
Let's follow what the bible actually says, and I will show the Christian cheering on the torture of Hitchens why you are wrong: 1) Hitchens cannot be in Hell. Judgment Day has not taken place. Revelation 20:12 2) Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. 3 Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Matthew 7:1-3: 3) Questioning your creator is not a sin. Book of Job 4) Nowhere in the bible does it say Satan is in charge of Hell. Hell is place prepared for the Devil and his demons. Matt 25:41 5) You may think you can condemn such people, but you are just as bad, and you have no excuse! When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are condemning yourself, for you who judge others do these very same things. Romans 2:1:
@maflones 7 лет назад
No. Let's send the psychotic people to psychiatric care.
@TheTREEHOUSE18 4 года назад
When a person dies they either go to paradise or hell. They await going to lake of fire or heaven. There's a huge gulf between the two. So yes Jesus said to the man on cross next to Him today you will be with me in paradise so they go to either place so yes he will be in torment now. He rejected Jesus.
@TheTREEHOUSE18 4 года назад
Lazarus and the rich man in bible also shows this.
@mtngoatwtb 3 года назад
@@TheTREEHOUSE18 what is this make-believe you speak of. Is there a single real verified data point to back up this construct you refer to? No, no there isn't. You're just playing make-believe like a child on the playground.
@TatsujinSan 15 лет назад
3 "because that would raise the question of is he wrong" Noooo if we're granting theoretically that he is perfect than it raises the question of DOES he really have qualms with our actions. It doesn't raise the question of is he wrong because we're assuming for the sake of argument that he can't be. The question defeats your proposition. "What you need to do is sincerely look for ways to prove god exist instead of thinking 'no he doesn't and I'm gonna prove it.'"
@TatsujinSan 15 лет назад
... being "timeless" is, first of all, completely contradicted by the claimed actions of god made by christianity. Secondly, it in no way diminishes what I said about omniscience. Nor did I think it was "knowing the future". If you're under the impression that omniscience does not INCLUDE knowing the future however, even for a timeless god, you're mistaken. What I said stands.
@Tespri 15 лет назад
Actually every christian I have met... HAve said they KNOW god exists. In world of philosphy, only thing you can really be sure is that you exists. Ever heard "I exists, there for I'm"? You know if god exists or anything unnatura... the moment you prove it It becomes natural. For example, some people use to think fire is magic. Now we don't.
@Waldvogel91 15 лет назад
To add to the historical side of it, Nazareth didn't exist until the 4th Century.
@TatsujinSan 15 лет назад
I haven't fallen for any traps. My thoughts are my own and I don't take arguments on authority. I believe the existence of god is a possibility but not a god that fits the claims and descriptions of any one religion. Leaving so soon? Right when I asked for proof I see. I'm assuming you're christian but just remember that even if you were able to convince me god existed you would also have to prove that it was your version. The only seed you planted was a headache from reading such illogic.
@johns9350 7 лет назад
David Koresh, Charles Manson, Jesus Christ? Prophets tend to be charismatic and expert at manipulative persuasion, often sleeping around some of their women followers.
@No2theBS 6 лет назад
And in Koresh's case sleeping with underage girls too.
@kevinscales 15 лет назад
Seemingly good or demonstrably good? I'm more interested in the latter, what about you?
@yowzephyr 7 лет назад
I'm impressed by the scholar Richard Carrier who asserts that the historical Jesus never existed. He makes strong, thorough arguments. I would love to hear him address Hitchens' point here.
@plotinuswashere Год назад
you should read Bart Ehrman. he's a former evangelical, current atheist biblical scholar, that argues for the existence of a historical Jesus. he's written a bunch of books on the topic, but he's also got a youtube channel with debates and a great podcast
@yowzephyr Год назад
@@plotinuswashere Thanx. I might get around to checking him out.....Probably nothing could be more heart breaking for Christians than if extraterrestrials provided us with lengthy videos showing us what the real Jesus was like.
@Pjkoko Год назад
Agreed. He did not exist. Just a myth created by the Romans.
@fredthompson1674 5 лет назад
My bucket list became incomplete the day Christopher died. Thank goodness for his books and f-ing RU-vid baby !!!
@Nathaniel-1968 6 месяцев назад
2 hundred decades later & they are still mad at Gsus. Will the same thing be said of his detractors. Miss u hitch22
@AFMMD-q8 Год назад
“I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great intrinsic depravity…the one immortal blemish on the human race.” - Friedrich Nietzsche
@geniusofmozart 11 лет назад
Hitchens is basically correct here. The only 'evidence' that one can possibly acquire for Jesus is from the Bible itself. Now, some may claim that the Gospels are independent. This is highly doubtful, as it is most likely that Matthew and Luke had the Gospel of Mark in front of them when they were writing their own; to cite the Bible as evidence for Jesus is almost tautologial, and is not external evidence at all.
@richardnewell8478 Год назад
From Wikipedia: Non-Christian sources that are used to study and establish the historicity of Jesus include Jewish sources such as Josephus, and Roman sources such as Tacitus. The man bashes the scriptures without understanding.
@TatsujinSan 15 лет назад
I like to think that, when they scurry away from a debate they can't win, a little part of them inside has acknowledged the fact that what they think they know they don't.
@dotnetcademy 13 лет назад
It's simple.. He got cancer because his father had cancer too. Or, is it because he is an atheist, as my fellow theist friends are suggesting?
@lareneg72 11 лет назад
Tiberius most likely viewed Christians as a Jewish sect rather than a separate, distinct faith.[105]
@vertsci87 11 лет назад
Hitchens is alive. Myself and a group of people saw him walking around. He conquered death, just like Jesus did according to you. Better start praying to Hitchens now.
@ryanweston9677 5 лет назад
And give 10% of your income in his name 😂
@jandrews6254 Год назад
If Jesus was of the line of David, I take that to mean that Joseph was of that line. But how can Jesus be of the house of David if he’s the “son of god”, not Joseph?
@williambradley8799 Год назад
Mary, and Joseph, both, were of the lineage of David. Jesus, was the Son of Man, by His earthly mother. He was, and still is, the Son of God, from the foundation of the world. The Code of Jewish Law clearly states that a child of a Jewish mother is Jewish, regardless of the father’s lineage. The divine conception is a deep mystery in our natural state to understand, but "with God, all things are possible".
@tulipsontheorgan 11 лет назад
ahhhhh, I haven't listen to Hitch in a while....he is soothing to my ears and my head.
@flymoolahman2763 6 месяцев назад
I hope in Christ that God called you and you answered ❤
@TatsujinSan 15 лет назад
LOGIC is how we dissect and analyze information to come to the most correct and/or most beneficial conclusion. You claim I say "morality is justified by logic". What is this "justified" nonsense? What does that even mean? Did you think I was saying HAVING morality is justified by logic? Morality is formed on an individual basis as a result of the individuals unique social conditioning, cognitive faculties(logic) and varyingly influenced by emotion. As for the omniscience thing...
@jakescorpion1 Год назад
The facts prove what he says
@TatsujinSan 15 лет назад
You're belittling your own god by insinuating that he can create something which he is displeased with. Being omniscient he would know full well every possible version of every possible reality. Every action and reaction. Everything that can be known. So how can we think that he would design humans knowing full well not only HOW their brains function, but WHAT conclusion and choice every human will ever make and then be displeased with the fact that they do exactly as he has designed.
@TatsujinSan 15 лет назад
I disagree that it is an atheists default position that morality does not exist. It's obvious that the ideas of morality exist the question is whether or not they are correct or absolute. For example is it "wrong" to have sex before marriage? If you're christian you might say, "yes because god has decreed it." but it all comes back to the fact that there is no evidence to suggest that god instructed your morality. If an all-powerful being was opposed to something he would not allow it to occur.
@TatsujinSan 15 лет назад
1. We're BOTH speaking theoretically about the composition and actions/intentions of god. You just think you KNOW what those are. That makes absolutely no sense that I can't call into question the validity of the claimed attribute and what it would mean. I'm not even taking the hypothetical to its farthest point. Which would be, if god is perfect then there is no point for our universe to exist. All knowledge and experience and fulfillment is his. There is nothing for him to need or want.
@Frilledgish 12 лет назад
thanks for the upload
@johnpro2847 Год назад
Fortunately we do not take their medical advice...
@SomecallmeJack 15 лет назад
its good. Hes very witty. Much more conversational style than the God Delusion, if you've read that.
@slowflowful 12 лет назад
So your saying since you all have a shared and agreeable framework, which would mean these morales are absolute, yes?
@pliossauroplanador6372 9 лет назад
All kinds of prophets, charlatans and madmen permeate our history with all kinds of revelation claims and alleged powers. You don’t even need to look into our barbaric past to find them, but it sure increases you chances. Jesus character could have been inspired by just any of them, or even none at all. Why are we having this discussion about Jesus and not Odin, Thor or Zeus is what really gives the discussion away. Its all an attempt to give validity to ones cult.
@NOOBATOMIC 8 лет назад
+Pliossauro Planador I dont see any non Christians posting videos on how they had an spiritual experience with Odin, Thor or Zeus so thats why Jesus is the one way to God. Always for us.
@pliossauroplanador6372 8 лет назад
72mansion You dont see those because those religions are practically extinct. Try one of the ones that still live on, like hinduism or islam. They too have all sorts of "Spiritual experiences". Also, try the series of "Psychology of Belief" on the AntiCiticenX Channel to understand why is that commom of the religious phenomena.
@bleirdo_dude 11 лет назад
Julius Caesar was a Christos(title).Gave his life's blood,was seen as a God/son of a God.The Comet of 44 BCE was seen as his soul.His wax effigy was nailed to a cross,was seen as a savior,craftsmen (military strategy),and related to the Dove symbol(Goddess Venus).Followers rubbed his pyre ash on their foreheads.Forgave sins.Betrayed by Brutus,stabbed by Longinus on 3/15.Deified,and his worship was made official by decree by his heir Augustus(virgin birth thru the God Apollo).
@Stupidityindex 11 лет назад
CAPUT still holds similar meaning. Done with, over, dead, broken, the end of, no more. Still used and understood in my american culture. From urban dictionary.
@ScottieWP09 11 лет назад
As I stated above, please show me some evidence. Anything. A medical article, scientific journal, etc. If you are the one saying something exists or happens compared to nothing, then the onus is on you to provide evidence, not the other way around. How can I prove nothing? It is simply the absence of something.
@CyeOutsider 13 лет назад
@enfynet - Hithins argument is that you can't really be moral when all your good deeds come from the fear that you might go to hell if you're bad. In this sense, religion undermines morality. It turns it into self-interest.
@flymoolahman2763 6 месяцев назад
I believe in Jesus Christ, I don’t need to be scared of Hell. I’ll be judged by Jesus Christ before I go anywhere anyways, that’s what I am preparing for
@MichaelChau-qj3nw 3 месяца назад
Religion is just a psychological matter! It is not really so powerful as you thought !
@stephenr80 Год назад
We talk about things in an age were people thought, acted and wrote very differently
@arriuscalpurniuspiso Год назад
The world needs to grow up and move on from religion. It's so antiquated
@MyloDude22 11 лет назад
Besides, Hitchens isn't such an egomaniac that he NEEDS followers like your supposed 'loving" God. In fact, Hitchens wouldn't want anybody to "follow" him. He encourages free thought, free discussion and free ideas and doesn't say "you must accept everything I say, OR BURN IN HELL FOREVER!"
@maskofscience 25 дней назад
Hitches resorted to ridiculous straw man arguments….which revealed his own ignorance.
@geniusofmozart 11 лет назад
Furthermore, having read Lee Strobel's 'The Case for Easter', I find the Christian arguments for the Resurrection to be utterly unconvincing, and above all, presumptuous. Moreover, the accounts of the Resurrection came extremely late, and Strobel, along with the Christian scholars that he interviewed, failed to discredit the notion that, over time, fictitious legend of Jesus' Resurrection developed: earlier accounts were still years after, and Chinese Whispers would have certainly occurred.
@cdnmetelhead4013 Год назад
Always look on the bright side of life.
@offelius 15 лет назад
You should definitely buy it! Provocative reading, as allways wih Hitchens.
@Tespri 15 лет назад
I didn't say it is random force. I said I could have been anything until we actually have some evidence what really did happen. "Think about it, an infinite force, with supreme intelligence, that started the Universe?" Doesn't sound any more logic than pure random force to me. You probadly have heard argument "who then created god" before. Also what we see now... doesn't look like that it is made by supreme intelligence. Remember great amount of religions, condems you if you beleave in false god
@stevendixon5467 Год назад
Bibles is like dr sueese
@benjaminmiller3032 Год назад
I love hitch so much, miss him
@flymoolahman2763 6 месяцев назад
Pretty funny given this was the least loving speech I’ve ever listened to
@benjaminmiller3032 5 месяцев назад
@@flymoolahman2763 truth is loving, he’s dropping truth bombs in love
@geniusofmozart 11 лет назад
He had no error in his thoughts about religion, in general, at all. Is thinking for yourself and emancipating yourself from superstitious, childish nonsense erroneous? I think not. There's no evidence to support your suggestion of an afterlife, therefore I shall dismiss it. It's simply unfalsifiable. I could easily assert that every Christian will have discovered their error of not believing in the Flying Spaghetti Monster and consequently have to writhe in agony in the clutch of his noodly arms
@TatsujinSan 15 лет назад
5. If you have anything more to say send me a message.
@CaptainLightning1 Год назад
I agree with Hitch 99% BUT actually if I was arguing for the pro-Jesus side I would say that the very fact that the resurrected Jesus appeared before a bunch of girls is more probative of the truth. After all if it was a fabrication wouldn't they have had him appear to a group of men, maybe even rabbis?
@TatsujinSan 15 лет назад
Christianity already in many ways considers god's thought process to be equal to a humans so we have that contradiction to consider. Either he is free of emotion and is ultra-logical or he has emotions and makes errors in his logic(like a human). Which is it?
@Tespri 15 лет назад
Blocket you times ago. You were sidetracked to morality. Not me. I didn't even need to define morality in that debate. I think I already said, human morality and compasion comes from instinc and from that that we are social animals. As social animals we can't live without society, and there is needed some rules in society that stops people who are simply insane, from attacking other people inside of society. We are one of the weakest animals that exists ALONE, but in group we are are strong.
@coralarch 5 лет назад
Exodus is a unifying myth, a figurative way of saying that being led out of Egypt with its many gods gave the Israelites the knowledge of the One God and his ten laws, hence freedom from ignorance. That is how I interpret it.
@blacky93able Год назад
I am not religious, it is a reality, but I will never doubt the historicity of Jesus, what if I will is his "personification" in the Bible and the Koran. R.I.P. Hitch.
@Tespri 15 лет назад
Says guy who says irrelevant things and also insults people. You don't get it? God is not BASIS OF EVERY RELIGION. There are religions that doesn't beleave in a god. Buddhism for example. Also even if you still insist that every religion is based on god. I can easilly answer to that... They all beleave in different kind of gods. Some beleave that god was a creator, some does not. So prove me that there is a god. In your case God that made everything (since you are christian right?)
@Tespri 15 лет назад
So why did the Universe begin to exist, it was a random force? That is question that does not prove that there is a god. We do not know what had happened before big bang. It could be random force or something else. You are now instead of proving god, trying to say that it is possible that there is a god, but possibillity is not enought for solid proof. I don't even need to answer rest of questions since they all are dependent by first one which is not even argument at all.
@THEREIZNOGOD 15 лет назад
if he's biased, he's biased towards reason, rationality, and sensibility. you reading his work wouldn't be a waste of money. it would be facing the truth that you can't bear. his anti-theism doesn't define his credibility; his credibility forms his anti-theism. those of us who are on the side of reason DO read the bible and any religious works that we're faced with. we are courteous enough to read the work of opposition and answer it, rather than hide our heads in the sand
@Tespri 15 лет назад
Actually for your religion to be true, your god needs to be true too... so you have to prove that there is god in first place. After that we will move most likely to that, is your God real one? That shouldn't be problem to you or is it? If you are gona now argue should you prove your god to prove your religion... Forget it and start whole debate from: Can you prove is there a god, and then move to can you prove that your religion is true?
@Mark-xs9wd 12 лет назад
Well to me, it sounds like that dude got the WHOLE GODDAMN WORLD.
@tedclemens4093 6 лет назад
"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.” - Socrates Hitchens explains that the classical philosopher Socrates never said, “You’ve got to believe in everything I say-or go to hell or heaven.” And he follows that the "central doctrine of Jesus of Nazareth” to be, “Take no thought for the morrow-just follow me,” But Jesus wasn’t a philosopher. And as a “central doctrine," Hitchens should have stuck to, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me (John 14:6). But this isn’t doctrine to believe. It’s a proposition. Then, arguing reason over religious hysteria Hitchens says, "the only real gift we have is our own independent intelligence,” But our reasoning should be directed at Jesus' proposition, and not Hitchen's demeaning of “stupefied bronze age peasants."
@enfynet 13 лет назад
@CyeOutsider I'm pretty sure the point of Christianity is to suppress self-interest for the good of others. You don't have to be bad to go to hell, and you don't have to be in fear to be good. Don't get me wrong - I enjoy listening to Hitchens. He is a very good speaker, however I do not agree with everything he says.
@harpersneil 13 лет назад
@Scrumdidilyumpchious Don't you think that's terribly ignorant? Why do you think we are such a blind, poorly informed people? I don't understand why anyone would put more faith in a book written by tribes in the middle east, 2000 years ago, more than modern science. No offence to you, sincerely.
@jakescorpion1 Год назад
He's right.
@JWestler 12 лет назад
I think none of these people understand the teaching of Jesus and the existence of Hashem. Every scientific person read the bible for guidance. Jesus has proved that light was a substance. Science has recently confirmed that. But as it is written: "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him." (1 Corinthians 2:9 NKJV)
@ScottieWP09 11 лет назад
We are all going to be dust. No one has any proof otherwise. The world will continue just like it has for millions of years. People make up the idea of heaven to comfort themselves. Enjoy your life, for it is precious, and the only one you will get.
@SamuraiZero 7 лет назад
Some people say The City Of Nazareth Did Not Exist During The Time Jesus Is Reputed To Have Been Alive.
@MyloDude22 11 лет назад
Is this a serious argument or just a troll? Obvious troll is obvious.
@bjapan96 12 лет назад
not only a heavy smoker but drinker also! and not to mention his father died of the same exact disease years before so the cancer could well have been genetic
@vertsci87 11 лет назад
Who cares about the number of followers of a man? That is an argument ad populum. Democracy cannot be used to determine the truth of our surroundings. In the future, people will still be talking about Hitchens as we still talk about Socrates and Plato. We however do not talk about the gods of the Greeks or Romans in a serious way. This is a foreshadowing of things to come with your religion. You still can't prove that Christ rose, unless you use the bible. A fine piece of circular reasoning.
@boomslang2681 5 лет назад
CH is with God now.
@dhead64 11 лет назад
Actually that is not quite accurate: Hitchens mocked Christ's followers. Oh, he wrote a bit as well.
@bleirdo_dude 11 лет назад
Ethelbert Stauffer was a professor of New Testament Studies,and director of Ancient History Studies at the University of Bonn Germany.In the 1950's he undertook much research into the relationship between the Roman sources,and early Christianity.He showed that the Easter liturgy does not follow the Gospel,but the funerary ritual of Julius Caesar,and that the Clementia Caesaris was the pre-Christian forerunner of Christ's forgiveness.Christus und die Caesaren,Hamburg 1952
@TatsujinSan 15 лет назад
If every action you will take is known then it cannot be incorrect, for god had already foreseen everything even prior to creation and has accepted it. Therefor the idea that it could displease him is foolish. For this is what he has CHOSEN to create if you do in fact accept the idea that he is omniscient. There is no right or wrong. Only preference, logic and emotion. I do not kill because logically I see no reason to. Emotionally I am empathetic and would not want it done to me.
@TatsujinSan 15 лет назад
2. "holding us accountable for a way of thinking is perfectly reasonable because he's perfect." So perfect that he apparently made something that displeases him. That does things that can warrant punishment when he is responsible for the design. You make no sense whatsoever and your deluded faith makes you immune to rational thought. Here's what your reasoning sounds like in the world of reality, "I think god is perfect so you can't say our beliefs about what he does are illogical."
@tokamax2323 13 лет назад
@CyeOutsider Don't get me wrong; I'm thoroughly atheist. But in what worldview is morality not based on self-interest? Everything we do, we do because it will benefit us in some (if convoluted) way. (pre-edit: I'm willing to consider special cases such as instincts to protect a mother's young, but I can see these being selfish as well. also, I think these are outlying cases). Point is, religion undermines morality in that it often stops critical thinking, and encourages hate-crimes.
@winterstellar 14 лет назад
Hehe, modern archaeology has shown that Nazareth didn't even exist when "Jesus" supposedly grew up there and worked there. So the fairytale- authors who authored "The Bible" should have thought of another town. Nazareth existed when those writers were writing their fiction about "Jesus", but they obviously didn't know how young that town was...oooops! Hehe! : )
@CardinalFang7 11 лет назад
What proof? Don't just say you have proof and leave it at that. Make an intelligent proposition or remain silent.
@Adam-ft7ci 7 лет назад
From what debate is this ? Its so pitty I didnt know CH when he was alive, such a great man.
@andyng5321 2 года назад
Vs Dinesh
@alphacause 14 лет назад
Hitchens is correct that if we were to grant every miracle surrounding Jesus' existence, it still doesn't follow that everything Jesus said was true, nor does it prove that he was God. It doesn't prove that one must believe in him to go to heaven. It doesn't logically follow that any of the moral propositions of Christianity are true. If it were ever to be proven that all the miracles ascribed to Jesus did happen, it would at most, prove that he was an aberration of nature and NOTHING MORE!
@37Dionysos 7 лет назад
@Tespri 15 лет назад
We did orginally talk about ad populace. Same goes for authority... it doesn't mater. Authority has no place in critical logic. If Christian discovers something like that. IT is personal discovery not discovery by christians... also it goes against whole teachings of bible. You seem to forget that Christian AUTHORITIES were against these founds. So no your opinion doesn't apply.
@Tespri 15 лет назад
Take dictionary and read word atheist. Or go to wikipedia. Atheists can tend to be skeptic toward unnatural, but that is not what word atheism covers. It is simply does not beleave in god. Also stay on subject. We are not talking about what atheism is or should I study more. Btw acting good because of fear or "compassion", is not moral. Altruist Act that does not help you in anyway is something that can be trully be considered moral. Act, because of responsibility, or just random kindness.
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