
CHTHONIC - TAKAO - Official Video | 閃靈 [皇軍] MV 

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CHTHONIC will play EU & JP festivals in 2012 summer:
July 14: Rock Harz Open Air (DE) | July 20: Devil Size Festival (DE) | July 21: Aschaffenburg (DE) | July 29: Fuji Rock Festival (JP) | Aug 02: Wacken Open Air (DE) | Aug 04: Vagos Open Air (Portugal) | Aug 11: Bloodstock festival (UK)
CHTHONIC Facebook: / chthonictw
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Buy 'Takasago Army' (English version) in Japan:
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Howling Bull - howling-bull.co...
CHTHONIC new album 'Takasago Army' (Taiwanese Version)
衝組創玩: www.ciongzo.com...
博客來: www.books.com.t...
五大唱片: www.5music.com....
誠品音樂: www.eslite.com/...
佳佳唱片: www.ccr.com.tw/...
Director: 莊志文 / Art: 陳仰德
Music: CHTHONIC / Lyrics: Freddy Lim & Joe Henley / King Singer歌王: 余天Yu Tien
Album: TAKASAGO ARMY (2011) - Spinefarm Records / Universal Music
[Takao 皇軍] Lyrics
Vultures fly, circling the dark skies
Plucking carrion from the ground
Blood red sun, territory incise
Marching forward without sound
Carved into flesh, written in blood
Symbols burned so deeply in the mind
Gathering clouds, threatening skies
The sun's rays left me blind
Ghosts of the past bound and tied
Honor's scars fade, glory dies
Vultures fly, circling the dark skies
Plucking carrion from the ground
Blood red sun, territory incise
Marching forward without sound
Deep within you, souls of the past bound and tied
Bright sun burning, the lines melt as glory dies
Carved into flesh, written in blood
Symbols burned so deeply in the mind
Gathering clouds, threatening skies
The sun's rays left me blind
大港起風湧 Toā-káng khí hong-íng
堂堂男兒欲出征 Tông-tông lâm-jî beh tshut-tsing
氣勢撼動高雄 Khì-sè hám-tōng Tha-khá-ooh
齊開向你我前程 Tsê khai hiòng lí guá tsiân-tîng
妳佇港邊相送 Lí tī káng pinn sio-sàng
淚眼咧看阮的船影 Luī-gán leh khuànn guán ê tsûn-iánn
請等待我凱旋轉來 Tshiánn tán-thāi guá khái-suân tńg--lâi
繼續咱未圓的夢 Kè-siok lán bī-uân ê bāng
大港起風湧 Toā-káng khí hong-íng
堂堂男兒欲出征 Tông-tông lâm-jî beh tshut-tsing
氣勢撼動高雄 Khì-sè hám-tōng Tha-khá-ooh
齊開向你我前程 Tsê khai hiòng lí guá tsiân-tîng



14 окт 2024




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Комментарии : 1,6 тыс.   
@XandeRToXic 3 года назад
I remember learning the Taiwanese parts to this song just before my third time seeing them in concert. I lost it when this song came on. I was standing about in the middle front of the crowd, just in front of the pit, and singing everything. When it got to that part, I was the only person screaming it at the top of my lungs. Freddy pointed right at me in approval. I felt so badass that he saw me singing along. After the show, he and Doris were hanging out by the merch table, so I went over to speak with them. Freddy instantly said "you were the one singing!" and I was like "yeah, that was me!" He leaned over and told Doris that I was singing the song with him. We shared a hug, I also got one from Doris :D, and took a couple pictures together. I'll never forget that moment. Chthonic will forever be one of my favorite bands. Sorry, I know that was a lot, but if you read it all, thank you!
@e124516546 3 года назад
got a hug from doris 😤
@zahidurrahman2869 3 года назад
lucky you !! ... you deserve those hugs i guess. i wish i can meet them someday
@irasemoomoo135 3 года назад
im so fucking jealous of you> Nobody in the crowd knew the Taiwanese parts? Are they even fans? lmao
@barney69 2 года назад
Nice one
@curtisrrobles7885 2 года назад
🤙🏼an awesome personal story a year later
@Cygnusx523 8 лет назад
閃靈知名度最高的一曲,也是被不做功課的聽眾誤解最深的一曲 雖然結構較簡化,有朗朗上口的副歌,但這首歌其實複雜的難以理解 乍聽似乎是歌頌日本軍國主義,完全不是!因為背景交錯著殖民、戰爭與不屈服 二戰「皇軍」的組成,包括日本人和其他不同殖民地區的人 同一個名詞,對日本人、台灣人、韓國人卻有相當不同的感受,這是一段非常糾結的歷史 簡單的說,我們都不是那時代的人,無法想像那個特殊時空、政治環境怪異下的台灣島民心情 聽閃靈有個重點,就是每張專輯都有故事主題,而且按照歌曲順序去演繹、訴說 【皇軍】排在專輯的第3首,所以要用承先啟後的概念去了解它 第1首【冥河島】指霧社事件後,被日本政府強制遷移並集中管理的賽德克遺族 第2首【殘枝】接上曲,這些遺族因為遠離原鄉、被皇民化教育而斷根,形同滅族 然後專輯要表達的歷史時間才來到了第3首【皇軍】:霧社事件清掃後餘下的第二代 〝海鷗展翅高迴遠飛 直直召喚阮綴伊遠洋〞 事實上它是唱誦著台灣人民尋求與殖民母國人民平起平坐的機會,卻反而受到傷害 二戰期間台籍日本兵,有著失去民族主體、自我認同錯亂、與被他國強迫殖民的各種心境 日本先募集志願兵,到了1945年戰局惡化改為全面強制徵兵,連學生也不放過 有人忿恨、有人無奈、有人迷茫、有人恐懼、有人絕望、有人驕傲、有人忠誠 很多加入皇軍的志願者,是為了證明台灣人不輸日本人、不是次等公民更不是賤民 (因此【震洋】排在第4首,在南洋證明了自己的價值,日本也改變了歧視態度) 〝赤日一逝一逝的光芒〞 〝放送出 男兒志氣萬丈〞 日治時原住民處於被欺壓的地位,被用野獸名稱呼、吃劣等食物、剝奪文化與生活 於是他們硬頸反骨的父祖輩在霧社事件中大出草,誓死對抗日本人 霧社事件讓餘生者被指為國賊後代,強制遷居集中管理,又稱「川中島之禁」 接著是皇民化教育這樣的思想洗腦工程,更加強其族以加入軍隊來洗刷污名的動機 〝伴白雲 戴青天〞 〝戰旗佇腦海中高掛〞 被歸順安撫的這一代青年,強制改日姓說日語,天天背誦《教育敕語》《軍人敕諭》 與上一代完全相反的,如今他們堅定選擇上南洋戰場替日本人與盟軍艱苦交戰 因為被禁止狩獵出草的賽德克,唯有從軍參戰才算得上是部落的男人 原住民天生又具有尚武精神,「不志願非男人」,更徹底的把加入皇軍視為一種光榮 每個人背後都有五味雜陳的故事、如何重新把自我認同找回來的痛苦 〝天照日曝〞 天照 = 天照大御神,被奉為今日日本天皇的始祖 隱喻大日本帝國在台灣天羅地網般的統治 〝祖先的靈體被綑縛 刺面的榮光已渺茫〞 霧社事件後,被迫遠離家鄉的賽德克族形同滅亡 不只賽德克族,包括泰雅族等其他部落,日本明文禁止所有原住民紋面 但對他們來說,沒紋面的人就不算成年男子漢,甚至不是一個「真正的人」 最嚴重的是,將來死後沒有資格踏上彩虹橋見祖先,是非常不光榮的 這些年輕的原住民,在日本的旭日旗下出征,希望從乾淨的臉上帶回家族榮耀 〝氣勢撼動Takao 齊開向你我前程〞 Takao = 打狗= 高雄 高雄是最接近南洋戰場的港口,所以成為日本皇軍的南進基地 許多台灣人奉召從戎,身穿日本軍服,與愛人道別,從高雄出發踏往死亡 這句你我前程,恰恰暗示接下來的只有悲劇 (薰空挺隊全部戰死無人生還) 幸運沒死在戰場上的五萬多人,也將會回台面臨一波波更嚴峻的政治劫難 (這首歌不是捧日本軍國主義,這是原住民視角的歌,請大家告訴還不懂的大家~) (幫我按個讚讓它頂上去~感恩 THANK YOU!)
@Ritch1224 8 лет назад
根本不可能回來 原住民一堆被抓去當神風
@陳思妤-j8g 8 лет назад
@user-rb1uj7qg9o 8 лет назад
講得太好了! 完全正解阿~
@徐侑成-f6i 8 лет назад
@vxvlll 7 лет назад
@chthonictw 11 лет назад
Chthonic is Taiwanese, not Chinese, not Japanese. according to the band's interview, the instrument they used in this song, it's Koto, not Guzheng. Taiwanese use a lot of Koto in local native Taiwanese folk songs.
@youxkio 2 года назад
Thank you for the awesome music! I was needing this today... again!
@torzk7966 2 года назад
Weird question, but does koto have a different name in Taiwan? You probably still use 琴 (or the traditional hanzi), right?
@Bb-jm2xl 7 месяцев назад
@ConstanceQuillivic 6 месяцев назад
I guys ! I just see the video of Arte Tracks about politics, metal and cosplays. If in France we've got some people with your convictions and passion (i don't have the word sorry), politic will be taken with more serious than now ... For me it's sure. Really appreciate your music, gotta listen some more (+ lyrics of course!) Bises 🤟
@Killercustomstmnt. 5 месяцев назад
I saw them a couple times like 10 years ago
@廖宜家-w5p 8 лет назад
長大才知道阿公是台籍日本兵,曾去海南島打仗,據說年輕時是拿武士刀和人相殺的流氓,才加入軍隊。阿公很幸運的有回來,回來才結婚,所以沒有人「港邊相送」哈哈。阿公瘦瘦高高的,臉看起來有點兇,可是對媳婦們和孫子孫女非常溫柔,他在我國小時過世了,過世前常常去日本遊覽。每次聽〈皇軍〉都會想到阿公而流淚,真希望能早一點和阿公相遇,或是阿公可以長壽一點,有好多問題想要問他,也想讓他聽聽閃靈的這些歌。今年清明節寫了〈皇軍〉和〈玉碎〉的歌詞燒給阿公,也在墓前播了民謠版的〈皇軍〉,雖然很久沒有夢到他,大概已經投胎去了...... 謝謝閃靈:)
@廖宜家-w5p 7 лет назад
我只是因為這首歌想到我爺爺,有感而發,並沒有提到任何要公道的字眼,也沒有這個意思。大時代下,被策動去打仗的,有的死在異地、有的幸運回到臺灣,我爺爺當時是臺籍日本兵的一份子,立場本來就不同,我不認為你能因此罵我爺爺是畜生。這是我家所經歷的,和歌曲的背景相同,就只是這樣而已。   另外,整理史料是很辛苦繁雜但非常重要的工作,謝謝你對保存、流傳歷史的付出。
@廖宜家-w5p 7 лет назад
@沈聖揆 7 лет назад
我外公也是被派去海南島台籍日本兵,他老人家也是姓廖喔(在台灣是張廖姓為主,我猜您的家庭也是?),不同的是他出發前已經是兩個孩字的爸了。知名台語歌曲《望你早歸》書寫的就是外公與外婆的故事(閃靈也採用了望你早歸這首歌的部分要素,創作了《薰空》這首歌)。 戰爭結束後,日本籍的軍人有日本的船隻接回本土,台籍日本兵的身分屬於台灣,卻因為國民黨軍的無能腐敗、對台灣人不信任與毫無認同感、以及國共戰爭接著開打等因素,海外(尤其是海南島)的台籍日本兵是沒人接回也沒有物資可維生,自生自滅的下場是有許多前輩好不容易活過了戰爭,卻死於戰後的疾病、缺糧及無管道可回台灣的孤兒情境,標準的九死一生。經詢問家中長輩,大戰結束於1945年,我外公卻事隔1年後才回台灣,真不知道他老人家怎麼撐過那1年的煎熬的?
@沈聖揆 7 лет назад
我覺得,二戰的太平洋戰區確實是日本軍隊的孽障,也證明了軍國主義或法西斯主義對於這個世界的破壞有多麼嚴重,而台灣人在那時候也確實是屬於日本,那時候的長輩們在龐大的國家機器動員下,有不少人加入了日本軍隊,這是無法、但也不必否認的歷史。 而承認了長輩那樣的一段歷史,我們晚輩也才能夠替他們多留下一些紀錄,尤其是在國民黨來台後,許多經歷過日本時代的長輩們其實是失語的、沉默的一群,我外公與我爸還蠻談得來的,但我爸說,外公只有一次因為特別熱烈的場合而稍微有提到當日本兵的過去,其餘他在世的時間裡是絕口不提的。他們的後代都被教育要「不忘國仇家恨」。同樣都是國家機器動員下的台灣人,卻因為世代的差距而有了截然相反的價值觀與想法,這也是我們可以嘗試去擺脫、去重新塑造的。 我想《皇軍》,就是這樣的一首歌,它讓中華民國的信仰者感到不可思議且扭曲「為何要歌頌殖民你們、且犯下屠殺罪的人?」,它可能也讓日本的一些右派感到欣喜「噢台灣人感恩日本殖民,日本是沒有錯的」。 但其實,閃靈的想法就只是訴說一段台灣人的故事、一段只屬於我們台灣人的故事,它像是我們這一輩的對阿公說「阿公,您辛苦了,穿軍服的樣子好帥喔!」,所以唱了『大港起風湧 堂堂男兒欲出征 氣勢撼動Tha-khá-ooh 齊開向你我前程』,也像是對阿嬤說「阿公真是幼稚,為了帝國拋妻棄子真不該,阿嬤您辛苦了。」所以唱了『妳佇港邊相送 淚眼咧看阮的船影 請等待我凱旋轉來 繼續咱未圓的夢』。 連著閃靈的其他作品如《玉碎》、《殘枝》,甚至《大械鬥》、《共和》等,都是在做同樣的事,是在寫台灣人的故事啊!那些懷抱大中華思維的或者法西斯思維的、甚至自以為進步左派思維的所有人,其實應該要試著靜下心來聆聽、試著不要再把他們的意識型態強加在台灣人身上才對。
@廖宜家-w5p 7 лет назад
沈聖揆 是的,遠親您好!! 我家從母姓,所以姓廖的是阿嬤,阿公姓賴。〈望你早歸〉是很耳熟能詳的歌曲,看了您的留言才知道背景,真是汗顏,謝謝您。 今年清明節才和我爸聊到阿公,只知道他回來才結婚生子,不知道他什麼時候回來的、是否經歷什麼困難。印象中的阿公高大木訥又溫柔,很難想像他曾經歷這些辛苦的人生。謝謝您的回覆:)
@宮嵜靖-p3w Год назад
○a○h○○聴くより…よっぽど勉強になるし、頭の良い人が作る音楽は全然飽きない!!音楽で、こんなに、心から感動させられたのは.このChthonicと、Black SabbathのParanoidだけ…。
@7718ivan 10 лет назад
聽了這首歌後特別去維基找了相關文獻 歷史是悲壯的,這首歌提醒我們別忘了當年祖先們的遭遇 "至日本投降為止,總計台灣人當日本兵的人數有8萬多人,而被徵為軍屬的,更多達126,700多人,共20多萬人。此外,還在校讀書的青年學生,也必須參加「學徒兵」。整體而言,台灣人為了打太平洋戰爭而戰死的軍人及軍屬,總計有3萬多人(李筱峰 1997),而在戰爭結束後解甲歸鄉的台籍日本兵有3萬餘人馬上被中國國民黨政府強徵投入國共內戰,之後被共產黨俘虜的台籍日本兵又被投入到抗美援朝的韓戰之中,沒被強徵的台籍日本兵也有許多在日後中國國民黨政府引發的228事件以及清鄉中被無辜殺害甚至滅門。"(轉至維基) 維基-台籍日本兵 zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8F%B0%E7%B1%8D%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E5%85%B5
@david674001 9 лет назад
更別說割台後台灣的大大小小抗日行動 也死了數十萬人
@7718ivan 9 лет назад
david674001 一個不了解當地文化的政府接收了一個殖民地而當地人民不想在被外來政權統治,抗爭跟鎮壓是免不了的!! 日本政府初來台灣,抗爭.血腥鎮壓,幾十年後台灣慢慢的平靜受日本教育.建設,二戰過後中華民國接收台灣,抗議中華民國的統治方式一樣也讓台灣人民受到了鎮壓,這是歷史,是百姓無法選擇的歷史
@HansWu5566 9 лет назад
+鬼島太郎 台湾人は台湾人ですから、それは答え
@HansWu5566 9 лет назад
@minatsuki402 8 лет назад
+Aaron Wu 然而,日本50年KMC50年.... 誰對"台灣"比較好,超級無敵明顯了吧?
@chthonictw 11 лет назад
No, it's the old name of "Kaohsiung City", which was the main navy base/harbor in Taiwan during Pacific War.
@BBarNavi 4 года назад
If you know the facial tattooing customs of the Atayal and Seediq peoples, then this MV's final shot is all the more profound. Both genders get tattoos on the forehead when they come of age, but the tattoos are completed when they attain major accomplishments. For women, it was mastering the art of weaving, and the female character's tattoos are very prominent, and are made to clash with the kimono she's wearing. For men, however, a small tattoo on the chin is made after demonstrating hunting prowess, specifically headhunting. When the male character is shown as a young man being drafted into the imperial Japanese army, he only has the customary universal forehead tattoo. But even as an old man, he still lacked the chin tattoo. This is significant because it shows that even if he might have killed and attained honor on behalf of a foreign occupying power, he was never able to achieve honor according to his own tribal customs. The Japanese banned facial tattoos as "barbaric", even though we knew the true reason was to force the tribes to assimilate. When the next occupying force came around, there was no longer a desire to restore the custom, and the traditional way of earning the chin tattoo was banned anyway. This meant that the old man could no longer "cross the rainbow bridge to face his ancestors", even if he was a seasoned warrior. He could, however, be enshrined at Yasakuni alongside war criminals upon his death. The Empire of Japan had kidnapped this Indigenous warrior's soul and afterlife.
@ab-ul1yz 4 года назад
BARRR Ah now I understand, thanks!
@cargo_vroom9729 4 года назад
Wow that's heavy stuff.
@markyg236 4 года назад
@d Swear there ain't no Heaven, pray there ain't no Hell.
@RyanofPower 4 года назад
Thats really interesting. Thank you for explaining
@annaselbdritt7916 3 года назад
@d well aren’t you an edgy type. You know, cultural customs and beliefs have other meanings than ‘what happens when u die’ stuff. It’s important for many other reasons.
@chenpohung 8 лет назад
說說一些我聽我媽說我外公的故事(這些事我拼湊我小時候提問的問題,跟目前出土的歷史,所進行的部分史實還原,有錯的話歡迎勘誤) 外公他以前在日本治台時期是受到高等教育的本土人,在那個年代來說是很難得的 或許是受到日本同化政策的因素,對台灣人的教育區隔開始減少,加上外公家裡環境不錯(聽說外公家裡祖產不少?),所以外公一路有幸念到高等教育(多高就不知道了) 後來進入鐵路局當開火車的列車長,生活非常不錯,一表人才,也無不良嗜好,在終戰前前夕與外婆結婚(外婆據媽媽的說法,外婆的母親是有綁小腳的,住在三合院的閨女,當時女生都要下田農忙,有綁小腳的都是大家閨秀,)是人人稱羨門當戶對的一對,怎知後來日本戰敗,國民黨接收台灣後,外公的家族事業開始陷入低潮(估計就是那些歷史記載的亂搞經濟&亂接收),而身為鐵路局列車長的外公,是家族裡被影響最低的,因為國民黨來後,他直接升任成公務員,在那個貧困的年代是很強大的經濟來源,但因為一份薪水要照顧的人太多(外公生7個,家族不清楚),所以外婆也要跟著擺地攤賣雜貨、賣涼水賣冰,才能圖一家溫飽,生活非常困頓,據我媽說,以前全部9人都要睡在同一個空間,非常辛苦 後續1949,國民黨敗逃來台灣,開始安插一堆人進來公務體系,想當然爾這些人都沒受過相對應的技術與知識,因此搞得亂七八糟,外行領導內行,但卻又不讓內行的人升上去主導,所以外公的人生就一直只有列車長幹到退休,也因這堆大外行的空降部隊對日本的歧視,擔心被整肅的外公,為了保一家老小,只得求明哲保身,與那群人搏交情,終於開始染上惡習,抽菸喝酒,最終於我媽結婚後沒多久就中風不治離世... 外公終生沒享受到什麼台鐵宿舍,因為他有房產在火車站附近,耿直外公也沒有利用偏門再去搞一個鐵路宿舍(我相信以外公的學經歷跟他有辦法跟那群臭官斡旋到保一家老小,他絕對懂這些...),不然也不會這麼清苦終老 題外話:外公死後,依照早期公務人員撫卹制度,外婆每月得領外公原薪水之一半還是多少我不知道,但是可以領到終生,結果就在外婆死前幾年,接到鐵路局發來的公文,說我們溢領了多少錢又多少錢,外婆一驚也未經求證(或許是228的壓力?因為外公家離火車站很近,火車站槍決他們一定有經歷過,白色恐怖陰影),就偕同我媽一起去把這筆錢還掉,還不知道簽了什麼東西,之後就都沒有撫恤金了... 有沒有台鐵凹死人遺孀福利的八卦?(或是相關貪汙的八卦?我怎麼想都覺得怪怪的...雖然當事人都已不在世,但當時已經民主化還發生這種事,我真的很想知道來龍去脈...) 如果當時日本戰敗,盟軍接收時認定台灣是一戰前就已佔領之固有領土,不叫KMT來接收的話...現在台灣...外公一家族的處境,絕對比KMT來接收後的現在要好得很多... ※如果你要跟我戰日本中國台灣,那我會覺得你沒有同理心,沒有體諒大時代的錯誤造成的悲劇,這也就是為什麼台灣人普遍比起大陸更愛台灣跟日本的原因之一※ 過陣子有空再整理一下我爸他們那邊的故事,我都很想寫成小說了~因為都很大時代的悲劇...
@ChinViona 8 лет назад
@wyattjan7263 7 лет назад
陳柏宏 在大陸人眼中,永遠是台灣人欠他們的! 不管是早期來台灣的高級外省人或現在的共慘黨,都是一樣的!
@柏偉-l2e 8 лет назад
@国産黒豚-s2f 8 лет назад
好きです。台湾。 東日本大震災での台湾からの援助は生涯忘れません。感謝。 こんな音楽的文化は興味深い。日本では歴史的問題から存在しないので。 日本政府は台湾を裏切ってきましたが、日本国民はそれを悲しく思っています。 台湾人の誠実さに感謝。本当にありがとう。
@chthonictw 12 лет назад
They are the traditional tattoos of Taiwanese Seediq, Atayal, and Taruko Tribes. And this is not a song about patriots. These people's story is not patriots' story. Plz google some interviews of CHTHONIC.
@sansansansan7319 4 года назад
Yupp. this song is about Takasago Giyūtai, Takasago Giyūtai were volunteer soldiers in the Imperial Japanese Army recruited from the Taiwanese aboriginal tribes during World War II .
@babymetaltops2446 4 года назад
How interesting the truth that interesting a greeting from Mexico
@flimsyjimnz 3 года назад
Thanks -greetings from New Zealand.
@孤翔 10 лет назад
as a Tainanese,this song is about our history . it's awesome and touching!!
@MILO-ns6jo 3 года назад
Lyrics: Vultures fly, circling the dark skies Plucking carrion from the ground Blood red sun, territory incise Marching forward without sound Carved into flesh, written in blood Symbols burned so deeply in the mind Gathering clouds, threatening skies The sun's rays left me blind Ghosts of the past bound and tied Honor's scars fade, glory dies Vultures fly, circling the dark skies Plucking carrion from the ground Blood red sun, territory incise Marching forward without sound Deep within you, souls of the past bound and tied Bright sun burning, the lines melt as glory dies Carved into flesh, written in blood Symbols burned so deeply in the mind Gathering clouds, threatening skies The sun's rays left me blind 大港起風湧 Toā-káng khí hong-íng 堂堂男兒欲出征 Tông-tông lâm-jî beh tshut-tsing 氣勢撼動高雄 Khì-sè hám-tōng Tha-khá-ooh 齊開向你我前程 Tsê khai hiòng lí guá tsiân-tîng 妳佇港邊相送 Lí tī káng pinn sio-sàng 淚眼咧看阮的船影 Luī-gán leh khuànn guán ê tsûn-iánn 請等待我凱旋轉來 Tshiánn tán-thāi guá khái-suân tńg--lâi 繼續咱未圓的夢 Kè-siok lán bī-uân ê bāng 大港起風湧 Toā-káng khí hong-íng 堂堂男兒欲出征 Tông-tông lâm-jî beh tshut-tsing 氣勢撼動高雄 Khì-sè hám-tōng Tha-khá-ooh 齊開向你我前程 Tsê khai hiòng lí guá tsiân-tîng
@basbas63 9 лет назад
I think is is great how heavy the band is while still having beautiful melodies in their music. They combine what I consider to be the two nicest aspects of music, which is all my opinion of course. There are few bands who combine these two aspects. I have to say, in my opinion, bands like this are the epitome of music. It sounds so strong to me, more strong than what can be found elsewhere. I really like their lyrical content as well.
@andreymakarov5615 9 лет назад
You forgot to mention the greatest feature of the band - Doris! :)
@basbas63 9 лет назад
Andrey Makarov So many people seem to really like Doris and honestly, I don't really have to wonder why.. xD But I do however think that the greatest features of the band are their sound, choice of instruments and their lyrics. I just really like the band as a whole and this band, combined with the band Sabaton really kinda made me look more in to my national history and history around the world. That is what makes this band so great to me. ^^ And Doris does play a huge part in the band so she certainly is a very important part of the band, but, don't forget the other members you know :) They are one great thing together.
@undercoverruski8281 9 лет назад
You might like the genre melodic death metal then. In flames, Engel, the unguided, all that remains. There's a lot.
@basbas63 9 лет назад
charles mclaughlin You are right and I know most of those bands :)
@basbas63 9 лет назад
charles mclaughlin Have you heard the band Zero Degree?
@DuckStuffStudio Год назад
daaaamn, this is heavy.... One more time, please!
@slavicbear 13 лет назад
閃靈的歷年專輯拉開來就如一幅歷史軸,從林投姐到賽德克,再到現在的軍皇,台灣雖然歷史不長,但這四百多年風雨飄搖、有喜有悲,還有什麼能比這些故事更貼近台灣人的本質? 與其被族群意識操弄,不如靜聽這些歷史片段,粗曠且生猛,卻有實在的生命力。由衷的佩服閃靈能掌握這首歌的氣氛,表述出當時高砂義勇軍出征的悲愴和堅毅。有歷史背景也把閃靈的音樂導向精緻,給予每個時代的人見證,真的很道地很美。
@n0rtallica_878 9 месяцев назад
I still remember Rockharz 2012. A muddy year. Unfortunately my only Chthonic so far. Hope they will come back someday. Got this Song still in my favorits
@MeuParadiso 2 года назад
I can't watch this clip without crying, it touches the deepest of feelings, a painful reminder in history, the heart at this time squeezes a lot to imagine the pain of those who are gone, especially in such a brutal way, Lots of love and empathy from fans here in Brazil, the band is amazing💜
@Daedalus4 Год назад
Just a west European here, standing with Taiwan. Defy all empires.
@sugar8801 7 месяцев назад
@karolinaneznamy7929 4 года назад
almost ten years later and this song still shakes me to the core. thank you for this, Chthonic.
@大和桃太郎 9 лет назад
台湾魂 格好良すぎ。
@大谷川-n3f 5 лет назад
@axllow8520 13 лет назад
記得哪一屆金曲獎最佳團體獎 大家都以為會是五月天得 沒想到閃靈得獎了 霎時現場響起Freddy的歌聲 整個妖氣沖天 真的超讚的啦!!
@bakataasa9931 Год назад
No se que dice, pero miente
@japantaiwanbrs 10 лет назад
Great! I love TAIWAN! 台湾でCDを購入したよ♫
@chthonictw 13 лет назад
No. Although Taiwanese can be written in Chinese characters, it ain't mean Taiwanese is Chinese. Just like there are languages such as English written in Latin characters, but it ain't mean they are Latin dialect. Vietnamese and Korean used to be written in Chinese characters, and now huge part of Japanese is still written in Chinese characters, it ain't mean they were/are all Chinese dialect either. btw, Taiwanese can be written in Chinese or Latin characters, it depends on different writer.
@nguyenthanhtien04 4 года назад
Absolutely agree (from Vietnam)
@b00merise 4 года назад
Taiwan is a completely independent country. Many people with common sense around the world know it.
@ivetatran 3 года назад
@@nguyenthanhtien04 hello fellow vietnamese metalhead that likes chthonic!
@nguyenthanhtien04 3 года назад
@@ivetatran yeppp, bro! \m/\m/
@veryinterestingpersonaliti8321 3 года назад
Han characters aren’t Chinese !!!!!!
@kumacyan6859 9 лет назад
@武道館-e6h 8 лет назад
+Gil Quintos He said Taiwan and Japan's friendship is eternal. It has nothing to do with what you're talking about idiot.
@averychang7792 8 лет назад
+kuma cyan 台湾と日本は永遠の友達です。
@kumacyan6859 8 лет назад
+武道館 Thank you!
@user-Qoo55878 7 лет назад
@sabrinaanghel1636 8 лет назад
where has this band been all my life?
@MrGherox 8 лет назад
In Taiwan probably.
@CrabTastingMan 7 лет назад
the most widely exposed bands are from USA. the most acclaimed bands are from Scandinavia. It's fully expected to have a hard time hearing about metal bands outside of those two circles.
@thisusernamenowtaken 6 лет назад
CrabTastingMan, huh -- I've never actually thought of that! The US scene does have the PR machine on their side, but indeed, if one starts asking about *acclaimed* or *revered* bands, chances are that many of the following (I'm listing *some* of them just for fun) will be mentioned: Emperor, Enslaved, Ihsahn, Immortal, Satyricon, Shining (NOR), Ulver, At the Gates, Candlemass, Dark Tranquillity, Edge of Sanity, (early) Entombed, Ghost, Hypocrisy, (early) In Flames, Katatonia, Meshuggah, Opeth, Therion, Watain, Amorphis, Apocalyptica, Barren Earth, Ensiferum, Finntroll, Insomnium, Mokoma, Moonsorrow, Nightwish, Reverend Bizarre, Sentenced‎, Sonata Arctica‎, Stam1na, Stratovarius, Swallow the Sun, Turisas :)
@Kozmos-mr3kl 6 лет назад
Where have YOU been to not have heard of this band.
@russellzauner 5 лет назад
Running for government lol
@tujikintaichan3842 12 лет назад
とても感動しました。!私は一日本人です。 実は、高砂義勇兵のことは、CHTHONICの曲を聞くまで全く知りませんでした。 自国の神風特攻隊の事は知りつつ、第二次世界大戦で共に戦ってくれた台湾の方々がいたことを私は初めて知り、涙が出ました。 台湾の礎となった勇猛果敢なご先祖様に幸あれ、華麗な台湾の未来に幸あれ! 日台友好、台日友好!
@NIXII12 13 лет назад
MV真的太神了 男的因為老早戰死了 女的穿和服被逼降服日軍 到老了仍在等待愛人回來 櫻花割傷意思是被皇軍傷害了他們 真的很有水準 很有氣勢 很熱血 支持CHTHONIC!!!!!!!!!!
@ShieldOfTommorrow 10 лет назад
How anyone cannot love this is beyond me
@ferrenberg Год назад
One of the most iconic metal songs from the 2010s
@sansansansan7319 4 года назад
this song is about Takasago Giyūtai, Takasago Giyūtai were volunteer soldiers in the Imperial Japanese Army recruited from the Taiwanese aboriginal tribes during World War II . The Japanese military recruited many young men from Taiwanese tribes and opther friendly tribes into service shortly before the start of World War II. The total number was confidential and estimates on the numbers recruited range from 1800 to 5000 men. Training was under the direction of officers from the Nakano School, which specialized in insurgency. Initially assigned to transport and supply units, as the war condition progressively deteriorated for Imperial Japanese forces, the Takasago Volunteers were sent to front line as combat troops.
@IgnacioEliasRosner 11 лет назад
Amazing! Although I'm not taiwanese, the love and respect you show for your culture and history through your music truly touches my heart - the chorus always brings me goosebumps and tears of joy! Cheers from Argentina!!!
@winniethexiofficial 2 года назад
masterpiece indeed, though I'm chinese
@dansiepman9531 5 лет назад
American here of Taiwanese descent...I always thought of Taiwan as separate from the mainland, my culture different... It's ChthoniC that gave me the tools and information to take pride in my heritage. Taiwan independence forever.
@ferrenberg 4 года назад
I'm not even Taiwanese but I identify a lot with its people and struggles, mostly because I've found about Chthonic many years ago. Unlimited Taiwan!
@salemsmith7085 3 года назад
@Selbstmord Kommandant YEAH!!!!!
@kakeyui2000 8 лет назад
@GWARules00 3 года назад
Heard about this band from the latest episode of Last Week Tonight. You guys are awesome
@gow1021 13 лет назад
Takasago Army is quickly becoming one one of my all time favorite albums! I can't wait to see Chthonic in Chicago! I wish you guys were headlining instead of opening.
@tianiculescu7494 2 года назад
Best death metal band of this century!!!!
@dx9560 3 года назад
@grazzitdvram 4 года назад
3:23 on is just fucking pure gold. I just wish they had more of this and less speed metal. Its like the speed metal is a thousand little pushes you can ignore but when they slow down they really deliver a punch that you can't help but feel.
@Johnfelix1234567 9 лет назад
I love this band and Taiwan, especially Doris Yeh the bass player.
@LiuMingMovie 7 месяцев назад
2024 greeting from Indonesian
@MasterMasters101 12 лет назад
By just listening to the lyrics,I can understand the passion they put into this album.I can already feel what they are talking about in my bones.I love it,the message is deep.
@meowmeow1230 3 года назад
Im from europe latvia, i understand well theme of song and everything around that, great clip and visuals and perfect metal, we will be always with you, i mean europe US and every civilised countries, i know situation and everything so relax
@SHOUGUNNN 11 лет назад
最高のバンド! 高砂義勇隊は最も勇敢だった! 心から感謝します!
@Alvenon 11 лет назад
And that's what ppl really need to understand. The focus here is on the emotions of people who took part in those events; and such emotions have nothing to do with supporting one side or the other.
@susumusakiyama7853 7 лет назад
Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is my pleasure that I can meet CHTHONIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 万歳台湾!!!!
We salute Chthonic!!Greetings from Greece!!
@stavrosmavrides6157 9 лет назад
Νεοκλής Παπαδόπουλος +1 Hail from Greece!
@DarkVikingMaster 11 лет назад
The song is truly a wonder but full respect to the video also. It's definitely one of the best videos in the scene.
@MrMaD-cq9qs 10 лет назад
this song remind me of this film "Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale" fucking love both \m/
@matthewrobinson5721 10 лет назад
Chthonic worked with the director of that film, so they're closely related for several reasons :)
@pekorin34 3 года назад
mid 2021, still listening. Taiwan is a country.
@chocolatepudding1241 6 лет назад
I’m so glad I found this band! I was wondering what Asian metal sounded like, and the answer is badass and beautiful 🤘
@KevinAnthonyHall 10 месяцев назад
I'm happy now. I heard your sound 2004 had a bit of trouble with my own demons I'm on the mend to the band your awesome you OPETH & Within temptation got me through the dark times thankyou you really don't know from a fan who just gets the music on whatever format keep going you've got my likes now im subbed to your site. 💯🔥💞💕💓💗✌️PS rock till you drop. Keep on rocking in the free world.
@Y0si666 10 лет назад
This is fucking great! I'm glad that I found this band.
@EyesOfGehenna 10 лет назад
Yeh I just found about them a couple of months ago and saw them live last Monday. These guys are amazing!
@picopayasoloco 12 лет назад
this band is AMAZING live, i saw them when they supported Turisas in the uk, every time i hear this song, i remember that amazing night, Chthonic deserve more worldwide recognition
@Vladokaza 10 лет назад
Epic! Greetings from Germany!
@lonymitsuki 12 лет назад
@keyboard11111111 4 года назад
When you workout and need that extra pump and feel empowered, this band got me!
@Numira 11 лет назад
saw you yesterday in lucerne. you were pretty good. you deserved more support guys. im a ashamed a bit for myself. because i thought after the satyricon concert you going to be down for fotos... but i hear you were right after your performance.and didnt bought a shirt, got the last one for satyricon in my size. but i can tell... live as awesome as on video..you cant say that to many bands! hoppe you see that comment. i hope i wont miss you when you are in switzerland again, maybe on your own big tour:D
@武道館-e6h 11 лет назад
Greetings from Japan, I love you guys!
@FokkerTISM 2 года назад
Nice to see a heavy metal band singing in Hokkien.
@FalsoProfetapd 8 лет назад
You are awesome guys. This is such a good metal. Regards from Spain.
@Lucifer-eu6bb 8 лет назад
This is one of my favourite songs from this band!
@JimboHammy 13 лет назад
Chthonic, you guys are amazing! My mind is officially blown. I always love your intense patriotism! Seriously, keep it up! Long live Taiwan!
@justinguy8867 10 лет назад
Can't see you you when you play Toronto this year, but do come back!
@thetitotvshow 9 лет назад
American bands, take note of this.
@ferdelance72 4 года назад
Take note of them basically sounding like late Death?
@山田太郎-q3l1h 3 года назад
I love your band song from Okinawa Japan. you cool😃
@acnecat4368 Год назад
@TiltoftheZodiac 11 лет назад
Greetings from the US. You have no idea how bad we would love to see you perform here. Please return some day!
@dedHESHr 8 лет назад
HUGE new fan of this band!!!! So good. Videos are epic.
@haakonsen75 11 лет назад
This is beyond amazing. This track literally gives me goosebumps. After having heard this, I went to Amazon and bought "Bú-tik", "Mirror of Retribution" and "Takasago Army" immediately. Chthonic, you rock! Glad I looked around on RU-vid in my boredom and stumbled upon this band.
@chthonictw 12 лет назад
@YODAtheGREY CHTHONIC is Taiwanese band, not Chinese band. about the meaning of the song, you can read the earlier comments from last year.
@Rawija Год назад
soooo viel Zeit ist vergangen? unglaublich! .......aber es war soo schön! ... auch die Umarmung von Doris!
@changyujen 8 лет назад
@marinatavares8205 9 лет назад
Freddy Lim is soo cute !! OMG this band is amazing !!! *O*
@alicecheng4908 8 лет назад
皇軍這首歌的意涵解說,不能粗淺去看待: 【皇軍】 知名度最高的一曲,也是被不做功課的聽眾誤解最深的一曲 雖然結構較簡化,有朗朗上口的副歌,但這首歌其實複雜的難以理解 乍聽似乎是歌頌日本軍國主義,完全不是!因為背景交錯著殖民、戰爭與不屈服 二戰「皇軍」的組成,包括日本人和其他不同殖民地區的人 同一個名詞,對日本人、台灣人、韓國人卻有相當不同的感受,這是一段非常糾結的歷史 聽閃靈有個重點,就是每張專輯都有故事主題,而且按照歌曲順序去演繹、訴說 【皇軍】排在專輯的第3首,所以要用承先啟後的概念去了解它 第1首【冥河島】指霧社事件後,被日本政府強制遷移並集中管理的賽德克遺族 第2首【殘枝】接上曲,這些遺族因為遠離原鄉、被皇民化教育而斷根,形同滅族 然後專輯要表達的歷史時間才來到了第3首【皇軍】:霧社事件清掃後餘下的第二代 "海鷗展翅高迴遠飛 直直召喚阮綴伊遠洋" 事實上它是唱誦著台灣人民尋求與殖民母國人民平起平坐的機會,卻反而受到傷害 二戰期間台籍日本兵,有著失去民族主體、自我認同錯亂、與被他國強迫殖民的各種心境 日本先募集志願兵,到了1945年戰局惡化改為全面強制徵兵,連學生也不放過 有人忿恨、有人無奈、有人迷茫、有人恐懼、有人絕望、有人驕傲、有人忠誠 很多加入皇軍的志願者,是為了證明台灣人不輸日本人、不是次等公民更不是賤民 (因此【震洋】排在第4首,在南洋證明了自己的價值,日本也改變了歧視態度) "赤日一逝一逝的光芒" "放送出 男兒志氣萬丈" 志氣萬丈,指的是原住民青年組成的高砂義勇隊、薰空挺隊、齊藤特別義勇隊..等 日治時期原住民處於被欺壓的地位,被用野獸名稱呼、吃劣等食物、剝奪文化與生活 於是他們硬頸反骨的父祖輩在霧社事件中大出草,誓死對抗日本人 霧社事件讓餘生者被指為國賊後代,強制遷居集中管理,又稱「川中島之禁」 接著是皇民化教育這樣的思想洗腦工程,更加強其族以加入軍隊來洗刷污名的動機 "伴白雲 戴青天" "戰旗佇腦海中高掛" 被歸順安撫的這一代青年,強制改日姓說日語,天天背誦《教育敕語》《軍人敕諭》 與上一代完全相反的,如今他們堅定選擇上南洋戰場替日本人與盟軍艱苦交戰 因為被禁止狩獵出草的賽德克,唯有從軍參戰才算得上是部落的男人 原住民天生又具有尚武精神,「不志願非男人」,更徹底的把加入皇軍視為一種光榮 每個人背後都有五味雜陳的故事、如何重新把自我認同找回來的痛苦 "天照日曝" 天照 = 天照大御神,被奉為今日日本天皇的始祖 隱喻大日本帝國在台灣天羅地網般的統治 "祖先的靈體被綑縛 刺面的榮光已渺茫" 霧社事件後,被迫遠離家鄉的賽德克族形同滅亡 不只賽德克族,包括泰雅族等其他部落,日本明文禁止所有原住民紋面 但對他們來說,沒紋面的人就不算成年男子漢,甚至不是一個「真正的人」 最嚴重的是,將來死後沒有資格踏上彩虹橋見祖先,是非常不光榮的 這些年輕的原住民,在日本的旭日旗下出征,希望從乾淨的臉上帶回家族榮耀 "氣勢撼動Takao 齊開向你我前程" Takao = 打狗 = 高雄 高雄是最接近南洋戰場的港口,所以成為日本皇軍的南進基地 許多台灣人奉召從戎,身穿日本軍服,與愛人道別,從高雄出發踏往死亡 (薰空挺隊全部戰死無人生還) 這句你我前程,恰恰暗示接下來的只有悲劇 幸運沒死在戰場上的5萬多人,也將會回台面臨一波波更嚴峻的政治劫難 作者cygnusx523 出處:(也有其他歌曲的解說) www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1451196515.A.DD6.html
@ArvinSatya 12 лет назад
Thanks for rocking in Jakarta!!! Hope you come back soon!!! \m/
@zondaarverlosser6687 9 лет назад
I do not know how I have never heard of this band. but you guys are great! I'll make sure to buy an album or something!!
@germing 12 лет назад
@Sirbond07 10 лет назад
watching this at 780p on my 50 inch TV , holy shit \m/
@Elit3ist 9 лет назад
I hope it also has 7.1 speakers with a sub woofer to maximise the audio. Really crystal clear sound!
@penguincamp 9 лет назад
Hatsune Miku Watching this on my 13 inch laptop with no good speakers or headphones plugged in. :(
@shenshak 9 лет назад
Penguincamp loved your comment
@掏摸スリ 4 года назад
CHTHONICの歌詞は英語版より台湾語版のほうがカッコよくて好き! 民謡風のメロディに合ってる!
@TCParanormalInvestigations 10 лет назад
I don't see how anyone wouldn't want to listen to this.
@__-sk4rr 11 лет назад
I love your music. It can be relentless and touching at the same time. Very rare and prominent feature for a metal band, yet alone extreme metal.
@marcosoreiro8649 8 лет назад
Freddy lim, new legislator of taiwan
@justincurtis7921 6 лет назад
I drove in a snow storm to this....Volume maxed couldn't see 4ft in front of me....it was beyond epic!
@蔡孟錩-c8b 4 года назад
I have tear drops every time after watch this video
@Nameless666Maggot 12 лет назад
Cannot wait for you guys to tour Newcastle again.
@猫サムライ-j8e 3 года назад
@insansetiadi6346 Год назад
Indramayu Jawa Barat - Indonesia Hadir 🤘🤘🤘🤘
@HughManatea 8 лет назад
It remimds me of Death and Cradle of filth with an oriental vibe the vocals remind me of Chuck Schuldiner of Death mixed with Danny filth prettey awesome.
@frostyj29 8 лет назад
hell yeah 0:52 is like Symbolic-era Death for sure. Awesome mix of sounds on this song
@penssmell997 12 лет назад
Buying this album was the best decision I've made in years...if you haven't already, do it. You'd be getting a $10000 value for about $10.
Очень круто! Спасибо, из-за вас я подсел на фильм "Сиддик Бале"! Супер банда!!!
@psycherder 12 лет назад
Hey! first of all, i do not expect you to reply on this but anyway! Greetings from Sweden! i saw you in Wacken 2012 and i must say it was great! i really love the power all your songs contain, i always get a feeling of great respect and honor whenever i listen to you. Thank you, and keep on playing!
@01monteSS 13 лет назад
I saw you guys in Denver last night and you were amazing. Thanks for chatting with me and signing my Takasago Army disc! I love how your music paints pictures of darkness with the metal sound and balanced with the beauty of the Erhu. Keep up the awesome work with your music and your country. I hope you come back to the US with Anthelion \m/. Also, Doris is gorgeous.
@bogdiworksV2 12 лет назад
bloody right! saturday's best show.
@moniquemoon 7 лет назад
The most beautiful metal music ever = this album
@InjuKyoshi666 13 лет назад
All I can say is...holy...Hell...this is now my new favorite video. Freddy, Doris, everyone did an amazing thing with this song. Broken Jade was amazing as well, but for some reason I want to freaking cry when I hear Takao (I blame Freddy and his erhu lol damn melancholic tones!)
@_r_x_c3485 3 года назад
Anyone who still listen this is a legend
@progulator3207 6 лет назад
this song brought me to tears today.
@otonxmegabless2046 4 года назад
This song so much powerfull, strong lyric..!!
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