
Col. Larry Wilkerson on Syria: War Powers are the “Surest Way to Tyranny” 

The Real News Network
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As James Madison once said “war powers is the surest way to tyranny” and tyranny will prevail if people remain apathetic says Col. Larry Wilkerson
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@twirlipofthemists3201 6 лет назад
Thank you Real News for interviewing Col. Wilkerson.
@peterm.eggers520 6 лет назад
Tulsi Gabbard / Larry Wilkerson 2020, Green Party -- Integrity, intelligence, and competence.
@hughmiller6389 6 лет назад
Larry Wilkerson would be better as Secretary of Defense and Bernie Sander and Tulsi Gabbard, or Nina Turner and Tulsi as Secretary of State.
@peterm.eggers520 6 лет назад
Bernie and Nina would alienate a large portion of the voters that would vote for Larry even though he is a progressive in disguise. Plus, I have had some Bernie doubts in the last year from some of his statements.
@dalethefarmer 6 лет назад
That last sentence tells me you either don't know how your government works(look up amendment king) or you're not paying attention and just ignorant on the matter(look up amendment king).
@peterm.eggers520 6 лет назад
I stand corrected! On researching Elizabeth Warren's legislative record, I noticed she had a number of bills that she got passed even when in the minority, though Bernie had next to none going back a number of years. I didn't think to look at amendments tacked onto other legislator's bills. He certainly seems to know how to work the system, and is the amendment king! I thank you for the information, and it gives me a much better opinion of Bernie, though not quite enough to change my mind.
@dalethefarmer 6 лет назад
I bet the 99 other senators have much better records, passing all types of great laws, which is why we're in such great shape! *sarcasm* Keep searching for heroes, and you will be disappointed.
@wecomeinpeace1989 6 лет назад
I can't believe the powers that be let this guy talk out loud. He must have a guardian angel or something. Always the best analysis, Colonel Wilkerson 😎
@Drforbin941 6 лет назад
America is OUT OF CONTROL.
@bradmitchell1835 6 лет назад
Larry Wilkerson is a gem of truth. He needs much more exposure to the American people than he gets.
@dalemareew3144 6 лет назад
Col Wilkerson, an excellent analysis. Thank goodness for the reasoned voices of this world.
@SteveMack 6 лет назад
Dale Wright too bad mainstream media will never air such an interview!
@Baker-m9y 6 лет назад
Larry is a good man.
@twirlipofthemists3201 6 лет назад
US law prohibits these strikes and military proxy adventures. So does the US Constitution. So does international law. There is no legal basis anywhere for it. If a war is such a good idea, then Congress needs to vote for it.
@deseangibir4764 6 лет назад
Twirlip Of The Mists In a world where law actually means something you’re absolutely correct. However these shit bags give zero fucks about a law. If you and I broke any they usher us right to jail though.
@lutherblissett9070 6 лет назад
Twirlip Of The Mists - your mistake seems to be thinking laws are real.
@sarahbeee 6 лет назад
It shows how immune the U.S. is to all laws when it wants to abuse people, which is the entire world and the American people. Everyone is screwed and it is the elites and the globalists who are running the show.
@laurieauld7687 6 лет назад
Thanks for sharing and speaking truth.
@susansuewwilliams 6 лет назад
Thank you, Real News for being willing to share the truth. Along with RT, you are the only media outlets I watch. Thank you for being willing to tell us the truth.
@TheGalaxyhopper 6 лет назад
77th Like, you look good in Pink, Sharmini! No evidence, total lies, how many times are the controllers going to lie to us? I am disgusted by the total disregard for our U.S constitution. May God Bless you Sharmini, thank you, excellent ending!
@lokee7 6 лет назад
I'd like to see Col. Wilkerson go on a national tour and lead the anti-war movement. Thanks Sharmini & TRNN, for giving Larry more visibility!
@starmanskye 6 лет назад
Lo Kee; me too! I'd get 100% on-board a person I can respect and believe-in. Make it a national tour for peace, shared-prosperity, fair-play, truth-and-justice reconciliation, inspired and accountable leadership, decency and human/civil rights. My gut sez Wilkerson is the real-deal ~ But I should remain at least a wee-bit skeptical. But there's NO comparison between him and the last 9 or 10 presidents (I think Carter was generally a decent pure-hearted intelligent guy who let himself get outmaneuvered, steered and/or bamboozled ~ like w/ the Trilateralists and CFR crowd).. Jill Stein, Sanders, Ron Paul, Kucinich, McKinney, even Ventura would make credible and popular, even courageous and resolute, VPs. SOMETHING sure has gotta give or we're sunk as the deepstate kleptocracy commits or succumbs to a major FUBAR miscalculation ~ or due to its own internal rot, dissolution and bankrupt, despotic degeneracy. The arrogance of hubris, unimaginative, illegitimate and unaccountable power is long overdue a karmic payback come-uppance takedown ...
@twirlipofthemists3201 6 лет назад
105 cruise missiles for 3 non-hardened targets... Math don't add up.
@keithdurant4570 6 лет назад
The US needed a "display of power" but the military knew Russia couldn't back down on their statement that if Russian personnel were in danger they would target the launch ships. They chose their targets for minimal damage and then informed the Russians of the flight paths through the deconfliction channel. Russia analyzed the flight paths...decided none of their people were in danger. Then they informed the Syrian government of the targets and decided it would be good practice for the newly trained operators of the S200 missile defense systems. Media in the rest of the world are reporting 71 of 103 missiles shot down.
@eurosensazion 6 лет назад
Don't need math, look at price of oil past 4 months. It's almost double. Look at world debt and central banks manipulating stock markets and bonds, where individual debts keep going up and so does national debt that cannot be repaid. The world is literally in an economic bubble with artificial growth. They need to sustain the system so it doesn't collapse unless they find the right time to do it. Do you know Japan's central bank alone owns over 70% of their markets ETF's? Look at the Swiss central bank and their "assets". They are major holders of FANG stocks close to 1 trillion dollars alone. Central banks here we are talking about. Not regular retail investors.
@markthompson9832 6 лет назад
I can't believe what I am seeing. Unbelievable where our country has gone.
@Tsnore 6 лет назад
Bolton appears to be some kind of sadist.
@debbies.5975 6 лет назад
It is a honest analysis of the US foreign policy. Americans must stop supporting the arms industry and the revolving door of corruption in the DOD and Pentagon. Waving the flag for militarism is destroying demacratic ideals and institutions here. Thanks for this great interview.
@glynemartin 6 лет назад
_"The profit motive will be the death of the Earth"_ - Unknown.
@progressholistic7126 6 лет назад
"Tyranny is the deliberate removal of nuance." - Albert Maysles
@spirochristlovers 6 лет назад
Where is Aaron Mate? Tom S.
@jfrorn 6 лет назад
It's very simple really, the American people are apathetic because this political and economic system and it's governing apparatus does not reflect, let alone take into account their wishes, interests or opinions. Years of lies only confirm that this has pretty much always been the case. You do not lie and deceive a person you respect. If someone has been lied to all their lives, it follows that this person will come to see that their opinion is meaningless. It's only logical that they show little interest, enthusiasm or concern.
@Nexus-ub4hs 6 лет назад
jrfi orn Then it’s time to change it, like all other countries do
@darkhorse21xx 6 лет назад
Very impressed with Col. Larry Wilkerson in general and his incredible insight to political issues of the day; however, I am disappointed at his lack of criticism over the lack of evidence of a chemical attach by the Assad Regime which resulted in the US missile attack on Syria.
@YaketyYakDontTalkBack 6 лет назад
"Are you giving him all credit?" You cannot be serious.
@douglasshaver9940 6 лет назад
@charleskesner1302 6 лет назад
Always good the hear from Col. Larry Wilkerson. US Corporate Media fails us.
@GrimLocke161 6 лет назад
I fucking love Larry 🔥♥️🔥 Clear and Prescient
@lawneymalbrough4309 6 лет назад
These actions make me ashamed of my nation! Syria has done nothing against this nation. If we really wanted peace we would not be trying to overthrow the government of a foreign nation!
@stephenverchinski9967 6 лет назад
Contacted the offices of Senators Martin Heinrich and Senator Tom Udall. Neither have called for revokation of the unconstitutional War Powers Act nor the impeachment of any President with any illegal invasion done during their times in office. Article I Section 8 and they in Congress have not done that.
@rdpatterson2682 6 лет назад
We need a parliamentary government.
@conscious_being 6 лет назад
The Astana process has superceded the UN process for settlement in Syria and the West is completely pissed off about being shut out of the Syria settlement process. France tried to butt into the Astana talks, but Russia asked them to buzz off. These strikes were an attempt by the West to get the UN to lead the talks again, giving some role for the West. If they manage that, it means their gambit was successful. If that fails, it means Russia is firmly in control and allowed the strikes without any retaliation only to let the West save face. President Assad's jubilation after the strikes points to Russia being firmly in control.
@JukeboyJoeAxford 6 лет назад
I do believe there are many of us who reject illegal American military aggression, and that's what this is, but our voices no longer matter due to the influence of $ on politicians and manipulation of the masses via American corporate media. Thank you Mr. Wilkerson for your intelligent and sane views.
@lawneymalbrough4309 6 лет назад
I am disgusted by the imperial nature of today's America. When are they going to concern themselves with the people who voted for them?
6 лет назад
People have the government that they deserve.
@Capjedi 6 лет назад
Sharmini Peries from Baltimore does not look like she could be unbiased in her reporting. I humbly suggest that she remain in the background, and let someone else report this story. Living in Texas has taught me one thing: prejudice will silence even the bravest voice. I'll repost this, but catch hell for doing so. Please, forgive me my jaundiced view of society. Your message is too important to ignore.
@valentinadifirenze7027 6 лет назад
Col.Wilkerson mentioned Gen.Smedley Butler ...Search his important speech digitting *SMEDLEY BUTLER :WAR IS A RACKET PDF*
@Drescota 6 лет назад
The ultimate aim of the U.S. is to partition off the northern region of Syria, which is integral to the Oil & Gas infrastructure of that country. This region is also where the vast majority of Syria's fresh water reserves reside, meaning that if it falls under a U.S. backed coalition it would serve as incredible leverage over the Syrian people. Control over people and resources is the primary objective of this entire farce. To speak of a "political" solution is to in a sense ascribe a level of legitimacy to what has transpired thanks to the meddling of Western Powers, to which the Syrian and Russian governments will never consent. Regardless of the morality of the Assad government, or the actual aims of Russian involvement, International Law is pretty clear: the U.S. and Europe has no authority to exercise aggression against another sovereign nation; this was brought up repeatedly at the U.N. Security Council and has been ignored by all hostile actors. The attacks represent more than just an attempt at distraction; they are the actions of rogue states that have never truly reconciled their loss of imperial and colonial power. The fact that the U.K. is by and large an irrelevant state on the global scale should at this point serve as enough reason for its removal as a permanent member of the U.N. Council. This is not the immediate post-WWII era, when their was still widespread British influence, it's 2018 and the U.K. is in the process of unhitching itself from the only Socio-Economic organization that gave it any actual relevance in the modern day. It is soon to become some vassal state to the U.S.. As for France, it has been attempting to build up its global "tough-guy" credentials by taking the initiative in military operations, and Macron is a failed leader who would rather sell his people to the interest of Global Capitalists, which will be quite literal if his plan for reinstating the Draft succeeds, than address the ongoing contractions of the the global Capitalist system as it effects his nation. The state of the World today is one defined by the exposed reality of the Global Capitalist system as demonstrated through the 2008 Financial Crisis. The hailed "Recovery" has been nothing but a manufactured and maintained illusion that fails under the barest scrutiny. What has proceeded from 2008 has been a widespread pilfering of the global wealth by a very small and well established group of people, whose agenda is one of continued subjugation of the working poor in a developing system that is increasing resembling a modernized form of Feudalism. Unfortunately, for them, and to an extent us, they have not so effectively wiped out cultural and individual memory, which is why increasing the means of pushing this agenda have become more and more overt and volatile. Leaders across the globe are suffering from the same untenable situations: masses of disillusioned and increasing mobilizing citizenry who are more and more questioning not just the assumption of Neoliberal economic policy but the very legitimacy of Capitalism, which has served in the past four hundred years to be driving force behind warfare, economic instability, and widespread inequality. In such a position they are seeking to, either consciously or unconsciously (since fewer and fewer methods remain available), promote internal frustration outward against some perceived other. Syria, in the case of the U.S. and Russia, dovetails wonderfully with the necessity on the part of national oligarchs to provide a far off land to which the outrage of their people can be directed and the Capitalist interests of the Energy sectors of both countries. The fight in Syria has never been about Human Rights or even National Sovereignty; it is the latest act in a very old play of Imperial plunder brought to us by Capitalist interests. That it can trigger a conflict between two desperate nations, potentially throwing the world into chaos and march us to Nuclear Armageddon is the concern of the peasants only. The dreams of Capitalists and Empires allow for no such thoughts.
@starmanskye 6 лет назад
Kevin; Bravo, brilliant, well-reasoned and concise synopsis-analysis, mate. You've evidently developed the knack for deftly dissecting modern para-geopolitical-economics and getting at the fundamentals. Succinct and insightful! Kudus! I couldn't do it half so neat. ~ Cheers!
@dootdoot1867 6 лет назад
We need more in office like Ro Khanna.
@Telluwide 6 лет назад
The UK and France also have military complexes they need to support as well as oil and gas companies. They want their piece of the pie too commercially in the forms of contracts, both civilian and military, drilling and transport rights....$$$$$
@misty671 6 лет назад
Interesting I can comment and offer a thumbs up but I can not comment on someone else’s comment. I’m experience this condition more frequently as of late, especially when the content challenges the main stream narratives.
@Z06Ronald 6 лет назад
M Stevens, wow, that’s rather weird! I can comment on your comment, please try to reply. BTW, here’s an interesting discussion between Tulsi Gabbard and James Mattis. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-3G2tPs3aZyU.html
@misty671 6 лет назад
Thanks for replying and the link. Looks like I can reply to you.
@sergio4740 6 лет назад
Does M. Trump still think he is on reality TV?
@darrellemerick7039 4 года назад
Did Obama and the bushes have congresses permission?
@jaydeleon4753 6 лет назад
Great job President Trump !
@Scriptorsilentum 6 лет назад
i'm surprised col. wilkerson hasn't had an unfortunate car accident yet.
@gwerdaje 6 лет назад
@razxmnazx1031 6 лет назад
god speed to you and your padawans im sure more than one has achieved knight status by now by grace of patron and by deed the vision the mission will succeed who doesnt like babies?
@satanking35 6 лет назад
Col. Larry Wilkerson the dude who justified the Iraq war
@hughmiller6389 6 лет назад
True, but at least he learned unlike the Congress.
@wecomeinpeace1989 6 лет назад
He's just a Colonel. He did his job. Not his finest moment of course. Thing is, you're talking about a man who put his own helicopter in the line of fire to prevent a war crime in Vietnam.
@twirlipofthemists3201 6 лет назад
He admits it. He regrets it. He is trying to prevent it from continuing. There aren't many other insiders who will do that. His colleagues are all making fortunes as consultants, lobbyists and salesmen for the war machine. He's an important voice for sanity. Listen to him maybe.
@Nexus-ub4hs 6 лет назад
Just A Thought Wow I didn’t know that, I’ll have to look that up. Perhaps Wilkerson made mistakes in the past but he seems to speak much sense now. However, I do think Trumps comments about withdrawing troops were off the cuff to suit some of his base that voted for him because he was against wars abroad unnecessarily. The whole of Trumps campaign was based to mirror a bucket list of what people wanted or at least the disenfranchised. Trumps entire life has been made screwing other people over, greed and uncontrollable lust, nothing ethical in his life at all, literally. He’s a conman, a psychopath, a megalomaniac. He mirrored and love bombed that base during the campaign and since the first day in office has done doses of campaign rallies and rhetoric to appetite his base and keep them on the hook, like any narcissist / psychopath...it’s meaningless, he’s remorseless though he may have self pity and play victim for his fragile ego
@wecomeinpeace1989 6 лет назад
Nexus pretty much. This stuff's made in New York City?!
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