
Comment Nation: Trudeau's a hypocrite - it's that simple 

National Post
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@CharlesDickens111 5 лет назад
Megan Kelly SAYS she doesn't think blackface is a big deal = fired. Trudeau WEARS blackface on multiple, photographed occasions = crickets.
@squatch545 5 лет назад
That's not why Megan Kelly was fired.
@sallybrown4622 5 лет назад
@@squatch545 of course it WAS!! Whatever the official story was is different from reality.
@my3dviews 5 лет назад
@@squatch545 Yes, that was the reason. www.rollingstone.com/tv/tv-news/megyn-kelly-nbc-fired-blackface-747389/
@nemonucliosis 5 лет назад
@@squatch545 What was the reason CNN said she got fired for then?
@nemonucliosis 5 лет назад
@theconstruct67 Affirmative.
@krystynapoblocka758 5 лет назад
This hypocrite should resign immediately. The whole world is laughing at us!
@samslick9000 5 лет назад
The whole world has been laughing at us for four years
@email5023 5 лет назад
Not during an election. Though this is the chance to vote him out, though.
@Mrskateboardboy 5 лет назад
Yes, they are!! The BBC has run this on their HEADLINES!!! His behaviour cannot be put down to youthful high spirits. He was 29 in this photo.. I am unsure how old he was when he wore the outrageous Afro wig!!
@juneping03 5 лет назад
we laugh harder at Trump.....
@a.salmon8193 5 лет назад
I'm laughing at us.
@pseudopetrus 5 лет назад
Groper talking about the social impact of construction workers on women... we haven't forgotten!
@kenman8728 5 лет назад
Remember that older Quebec lady who he called a racist at a rally in Quebec
@martinp6919 5 лет назад
Almost forgot that one - thanks for the reminder
@CanadianDrifter777 5 лет назад
Yes that was horrible and the MSM buried that story. That woman is a hero and is suing the government and RCMP now I think. Let's vote PPC! Peace.
@sallybrown4622 5 лет назад
@@CanadianDrifter777 PPC2019!!
@kenman8728 5 лет назад
@Wayne Hitchcock which should not have happened in the first place she did not pose a threat to him or anyone else, it goes to show you the level he will stoop to for his own benefit
@Les537 5 лет назад
"Thank you for the donation to the liberal party", was his reply. As long as he gets paid, it's all good and he'll continue to pretend to be a man while his foundation rakes in the donations. He's nothing but 2 dimensional copy of the corrupt, corporate, American democrats.
@pierre1122 5 лет назад
Trudeau makes us ashamed ! It is a time of total decadence for Canada.
@classicrecordings 5 лет назад
So far only two Liberals have left a thumbs down for this.
@crushingalldeceivers 5 лет назад
were up to 11
@squatch545 5 лет назад
Up to 22
@nonovyoubiz6906 5 лет назад
@@squatch545 31 now. There are no depths to the lack of morality, ethical, racist bigotry of Liberal Party of Canada supporters.
@JesusFriedChrist 5 лет назад
@nemonucliosis 5 лет назад
2 days later they got 44 of their butthurt liberal friends to vote down.
@keithlatondress2041 5 лет назад
Max is the only canidate that is not A GLOBALIST!
@my3dviews 5 лет назад
He has zero chance of winning as P.M. and may not even win his own seat.
@rachelb2231 5 лет назад
Voting PPC in October
@michaelscott6390 5 лет назад
Hopefully someone does a dig into whether the girl he is groping in the pic is an adult or a student at which point this whole fiasco becomes criminal
@sallybrown4622 5 лет назад
Oh boy wouldn't that be something!!
@sallybrown4622 5 лет назад
@Norbert Kausen so blackface is a cover for the REAL crime which SERIAL GROPING!!
@howardsmith9342 5 лет назад
@@sallybrown4622 it's his clever disguise.
@chuckmcgill4856 5 лет назад
AGREED ! Said the same thing on the CBC. RESIGN, HYPOCRITE ! The world is laughing at us.
@clivelewis3924 5 лет назад
If he is elected again it is shame on Canadians that voted for him.
@MsDesiree39 5 лет назад
They will relect this fool and then Canada is truly donee
@sallybrown4622 5 лет назад
Elect Trudeau again and you LOSE the prairies and ALL of our billions of transfer payments.
@SalvableRuin 5 лет назад
@@MsDesiree39 I am voting for Maxime Bernier. If Justine is re-elected, it won't be a shame on me. I never once voted for such a piece of shit.
@JonDoe-wh1pw 5 лет назад
Sadly if they vote JT again, they will get what they deserve.
@my3dviews 5 лет назад
@@SalvableRuin How will voting for a party with less than 3% support help get rid of Trudeau? The Conservatives are the only ones who have a small chance of defeating them, if people split the votes and support other parties, the Liberals and Trudeau will win again. Look at the latest polls to see what I mean: 338canada.com/
@raysamson8658 5 лет назад
Great commentary Thank you
@Rev.DavidJTowns 5 лет назад
VOTE HIM OUT !!! disgrace bringing our country into moral decay
@tristandecunha434 5 лет назад
What about his hands all over the young lady? Where is #metoo on this? I guess #metoo is giving him a pass because he’s a lefty. Hypocrisy all over the place
@chrishoff402 5 лет назад
Any other young man his age would get expelled or fired or maybe even arrested for a whole lot less. If he isn't punished for this, then the corporate HR tribunals and university sexual harassment policies all need to be shut down and those young men previously found at fault given apologies and compensation.
@SalvableRuin 5 лет назад
@Shao Yu Mai Wang No, it isn't, because we don't know who she is or their relationship. They are holding hands in the photo and were probably dating. Holding a lover is not a scandal. Blackface is.
@chrishoff402 5 лет назад
@Shao Yu Mai Wang Hate to say it but I have a defense for Justin Trudeau's behavior with the woman in question. Pierre Trudeau, his father, died that very year. A lot of men will act out as a form of grief when a close family member dies, it could very well be he was drunk at the time, also what men do while grieving.
@violetk4948 5 лет назад
@Shao Yu Mai Wang I agree. We knew back in the 1960's that blackface was not acceptable. I this hand on that young woman's chest? Not acceptable. Remember the young man in the USA that was driving recklessly and killed someone. He claimed affluenza and we all laughed at that excuse. Now our PM had done the same.
@chrishoff402 5 лет назад
@Shao Yu Mai Wang In the absence of any other grounds for compassion, I concur, F him.
@susanauger3758 5 лет назад
Everyday is a new embarrassment. Go away freak
@nemonucliosis 5 лет назад
Everyday is new entertainment. # Make Canada Great Again and remove soiboy!
@skyfire9432 5 лет назад
Our country will be the embarrassment of the planet if we re-elect this fool. Wake up Canada! Now is the time! He needs to go!
@tommisera3816 5 лет назад
Wow, great commentary, you are right on. I looked at the picture but didn't notice where his hand was located. With the dozens of pictures out there, I think he has a problem with what's appropriate.
@fluffyanne2396 5 лет назад
Did you notice how he man handled the female 19 yr old tennis star on stage? If she were my daughter I would have him charged
@daveg4417 5 лет назад
There are also photos of Trudeau with his hand on the ass of some of his female MPs. Justin's wife must be so happy. Groper is as Groper does.
@howdyahworkthisthing1520 5 лет назад
Enough of this ‘dramatic crap’. I’m voting PPC!!! 🍻🇨🇦
@truecanadian1616 5 лет назад
It's the old OntariOWE "How do you tell a Liberal is lying ??" "Their mouth is open" !!!
@bobdude4251 5 лет назад
PPC!!! The only logical choice 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻👍👍👍🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
@susanfresneda2213 5 лет назад
I am so happy that I never voted for Justin Trudeau and the Liberals!!
@3ppcli 5 лет назад
You know, we hear about all of these talented hackers. Wouldn't Canadians love to see a list of donors to the Trudeau FOUNDATION?
@roberthicks4923 5 лет назад
At least he didn't start crying or blame Harper - yet.
@gordonmohr2268 5 лет назад
too bad. I was looking forward to the crocodile tears and the blubbering from Mr Dressup
@phill6159 5 лет назад
No but the Libs are kinda blaming you, and me, we apparently are all racists? I think they are trying to make him a victim now, just watch them, they are just getting started. They call it "Institutional Racism" I wonder what it will take for the MSM to abadon him??
@squatch545 5 лет назад
@@phill6159 And Scheer is blaming you and me for being communists.
@violetk4948 5 лет назад
@@phill6159 I took notice when he inferred that in 2001 he didn't know any better but now "we" do. I call BS. It was pretty much common knowledge since about 1968 that blackface was a racist act.
@nemonucliosis 5 лет назад
Its because he's so arrogant and narcissistic. As far as he's concerned he didn't do anything wrong.. You're the real problem of racism.
@smithwesson7765 5 лет назад
I'd pay to go a couple of rounds with that clown. What will it take to convince central Canada that their emperor has no clothes ?
@meMiner 5 лет назад
He apologized with the sincerity a 3 year old. "Now, can I go play with my toys"?
@marcusaetius9309 5 лет назад
Just another reason why I will be voting for real change in Canada 🇨🇦 with Max Bernier and the PPC!
@Bawbster1 5 лет назад
*_Which of the following sentences can be finished with "don't ever wear blackface"?_* 01. If you're a 29 year old teacher at a liberal private school... 02. If it's 2001 and you're at a purposely politically incorrect party, and someone is looking for a volunteer to wear blackface... 03. If your father was a multi-term Prime Minister, you probably should know better so... 04. If you call a woman racist in front of national news cameras for asking about your policies, remember old pictures resurface so... 05. If you're the kind of leader who acts on unsubstantiated accusations of racism with no evidence and ruins innocent lives... 06. If you virtue signal about racism, among many other things, to the point where an entire nation cringes... 07. If you've been called out for bullying women, after constant virtue signalling for feminism and against racism... 08. If you were at a high school event wearing blackface, and someone takes a video and you think about doing it again... 09. If you've been video taped and then made your high-school year book wearing blackface and you think about it a third time... 10. If you run and win a federal election just on your daddy's name alone with a resume that McDonald's wouldn't look at... 11. If you are going to constantly embarrass an entire nation with your halloween dress-up fetish... 12. If you are going to be labelled one of the most corrupt PMs in our nation's history... 13. If you are going to be in the middle of a national scandal where you protect a company that wines and dines terrorists... 14. If you open the borders completely to every minority a half a world away at the cost of everyone actually born and living here... 15. If you wag your finger at people for questioning you letting every minority a half a world away into our country willy-nilly... 16. If the idiot you send to negotiate free-trade blows it by falsely accusing the US President as being a racist, ... 17. If you've been in a groping scandal, and an old picture surfaces of you groping a co-worker... 18. If you are months before an election, old embarrassing pictures tend to resurface, so...
@ronpeer7975 5 лет назад
Bawbster1 his step father was a PM. I hated him to but that wasn’t his biological father.
@phill6159 5 лет назад
Great Post X 2!! Please visit every news site !!
@underground360 5 лет назад
If Andrew Scheer had done this we'd never hear the end of it! Justin Trudeau has his own set of lawd apparently He's such a hypocrite it's sickening! Remember to vote October and make Canada Trudeauless again!! 🍁🇨🇦🍁
@my3dviews 5 лет назад
Scheer would be forced to resign, even by people in his own party, but Trudeau gets a pass because he can do no wrong.
@bobbyflints9842 5 лет назад
Trudoe is just another wolf, dressed up in sheep's clothing, he's not fooling all, just some. It's just too bad Lieberals don't see this.
@kcharles8857 5 лет назад
Come on Canada, get rid of this joke. Australia
@godsavenger5599 5 лет назад
Like father like son. His father was not a good role model to him, and it shows. Well said!
@charlottecollins4470 5 лет назад
Liberal lack of moral integrity = liberal lack of moral compass ▼ Due south BEFORE election Canadians require an investigation into much MORE to make a proper choice or ethical leader. Stand UP Canada 🇨🇦 Make Canada GREAT again. Coast to coast to coast. Prayers for ALL of Canada. 🇨🇦
@barrettfenwick8028 5 лет назад
Fort Erie, Ontario. NOT ONE Liberal sign on a lawn! hell, I haven't seen one on public property! I think that says a lot.
@AjiSabaki 5 лет назад
I like watching these Stephen Ledrew videos here on RU-vid rather than at the National Post site to read and possibly write comments.
@timothycalhoon9719 5 лет назад
So right about him being a hypocrite and I love it when he goes to world summits and gets ignored! The other world leaders know who he is ....a personkind that is so full of themselves that that are about to explode with all that hot air and s-it!
@telemetryz 5 лет назад
Eat your own and smile...
@maxineboxer9714 5 лет назад
He’s just unbelievably awful and as arrogant as they get. Great video.
@kenmunro8317 5 лет назад
... and fool me 3 times and I'm suddenly an honorary voting Canadian,...
@sallybrown4622 5 лет назад
@dneuman7455 5 лет назад
This might be some kind a mental condition where he likes to act like a person of a darker color East Indian, maybe its mental condition i'm not aware of!
@Les537 5 лет назад
He's a simpleton who likes to play dress up. It's that easy.
@SamGrey 5 лет назад
Trudope: Do as I say, Not as I Do 😡
@plantboy100 5 лет назад
if he says SORRY 3 Times will it go away
@johnhall8364 5 лет назад
I don’t care about his costumes, the problem is that he has headed a staggeringly incompetent government
@RaneBane 5 лет назад
Votes shouldn't secret. I actually want to know who's voting liberal this year. I think Canadians have a right to know at this point.
@normamimosa5991 5 лет назад
Shame on any Canadian who votes Liberal when this man is "leader" of the party.
@smithwesson7765 5 лет назад
Well said.
@robertburns6067 5 лет назад
@freemanhorton2093 5 лет назад
it's time to vote " bold face hypocrisy " out ...plain & simple !
@smiley3012 5 лет назад
This poor man lost his job just by speaking the truth. I hope he does great from now on.
@ralphkilloran8065 5 лет назад
Thank you Stephen Ledrew. You put words to my every thought.
@fredwhelpley3601 5 лет назад
Bad things happen to bad people and this is just the start.
@waynet8953 5 лет назад
Don't really want to remember him; he just need to be dumped as a bad Canadian memory. He's totally incompetent too; makes him Canada's worse PM in history.
@dustyhedger380 5 лет назад
If one is TOO ignorant to know right from wrong that one should never be called a leader .
@serenaw4603 5 лет назад
Can’t wait to see him out of office
@gordmusgrave9823 5 лет назад
Give Max a chance he at least wants Canada for Canadians he doesnt want to stop immigration just slow it to a managable level stop corporate welfare if a business cant survive on the merits or quality of their product then maybe they shouldn't be there
@extragirth64 5 лет назад
Justin is not getting away with anything, Canadians are just quiet. It's either Conservatives, the _"safe"_ option, or the PPC, which is something actually different for once.
@hodaka07 5 лет назад
I wonder how old that girl is that he is groping
@RobertJamesChinneryH 5 лет назад
Best Commentator....he ain't paid off❤
@richardplante1229 5 лет назад
Yes, if Trudeau is elected for a second term, we ALL will be wearing the "shame" of those who know they're following the money ... because the "shame" and the "money" follow Trudeau. As long as he has the followers backing, he will feel No "shame." Conscience IS Everything!
@petergianakopoulos4926 5 лет назад
He did this to himself with his holier than thou attitude.
@waynegalvin4639 5 лет назад
Great balanced commentary!
@timfronimos459 3 года назад
I just found this channel today. What a refreshing voice of reality. I have subscribed.
@evallian 5 лет назад
Just In: If you own a house, the Liberals (Mr. Blackface) wants to tax the sale of your house 50%. Can you believe this???? Your house is the biggest investment a person/family can make, this is what seniors need for their retirement (sizing down or going into a senior home). This is an absolute disgrace!! THIS CANNOT STAND!! VOTE HIM OUT !!
@BW-dv5cd 5 лет назад
What's done in the dark will come to the light
@troll_savagelegend4669 5 лет назад
Biggest nature’s mistake yet...
@thomasmargolis3313 5 лет назад
I find it interesting that the story was published in Time, as well as the sjw Trudeau. And the scandals.
@SteveGarai 5 лет назад
Re. conclusion of this video, Canada is already shamed.
@guesswho7026 Год назад
Speaking of mistakes in judgment... "“I was fired,” said LeDrew. “Fired for cause for violating our competition clause." Stephen Ledrew. Better to juggle soft balls than hard stones. Peace!
@maryg2948 5 лет назад
well said, thank you................................
@miaolittle141 5 лет назад
In Chinese, we often call a country a mother to her citizens. I don't care a leader's skin, I care the person's heart and deeds: does the person put the country's citizens interest first, then help others within its ability like a reasonable mother put her kids first? Or a mother (leader) always feed others first, then give craps to her own kids?
@1960taylor 5 лет назад
The airhead must go.
5 лет назад
Trudeau has handlers. He said he didn't want to go into politics, but be a teacher. His handlers (shadow men who control from the dark) must have convinced him his greatest acting job would be pretending to be a PM. It is not only a man-child, which he appears to be, but handlers, the Liberal party who made him their "dear leader" and every Canadian who voted for him (as if Canada were an oligarchy) who is responsible for the lies, hypocrisy, corruption and criminal activity as well as this latest embarrasment.
@commonsenserevolutionx1053 5 лет назад
An issue in Canada is that a lot of women like Trudeau, ONLY because he is cute, is this how they vote? BUT the bigger problem is Canadian men ...most of them like him because he’s cute! They gotta “man up” in Canada. Given all his negative press that would sink a Conservative candidate, you’d think his popularity would change. I think the women will reconsider...Canadian men, I’m not sure....
@ronpeer7975 5 лет назад
CommonSenseRevolution X hahaha yes I recognize a troll when I see one. Take a bow my friend.
@guystone8458 5 лет назад
If i was a KKK member i would be very happy with his apology
@davidsteph1008 5 лет назад
Tut,about time they banned fancy dress, what next men dressing as women, tut tut
@rogerc23 5 лет назад
He didn’t apologize for SNC Lavalin because it would be an admission of guilt of a crime and he would be going to jail.
@peterbundy4545 5 лет назад
This Jolson Trudeau guy is comedy gold!
@gregs.2679 5 лет назад
Well, let's see, his prioritizing of feminism over his actual responsibilities as PM has left the economy in a shambles, his carbon tax has destroyed the petroleum industry, some analysts fear permanently, and it takes THIS to knock him a few points below the Conservative challenger? Canada is a goner.
@Nikolebichon 5 лет назад
Hypocrite is RIGHT. If this was anyone else, Trudeau would be demanding for their heads on a platter.
@tonymorelli1571 5 лет назад
Does privilege imply a blind spot in regard to racism? My guess is that our privileged P.M. is now woke. If Trudeau is elected, Canada should brace for a fully woke P.M.
@s.g.3898 5 лет назад
No, but it makes for a great way to shift the blame from him to everyone else.
@crushingalldeceivers 5 лет назад
I apologize to my African American neighbours and friends for Trudeau's shocking photos and videos. That is not how Canadians do it. Mr. Trudeau has stained this great nation with his hypocrisy and actions.
@violetk4948 5 лет назад
Yes. Canadian's are not racist for the most part. Justin Trudeau is a disgrace. He'd be shunned in polite society.
@jeremywinters2020 5 лет назад
I was a teen in the 90's, and even I knew that blackface was racist.
@squatch545 5 лет назад
Bullshit. The people at the Halloween party didn't even think there was anything wrong with Trudeau's costume.
@sapoconzapatos5666 5 лет назад
What do you get when you mix a hippopotamus with a cricket? A hippocrit ✌️. Mad Max 2019
@itsa-itsagames 5 лет назад
It's always the loudest that have something to hide
@markpetergleeson7329 5 лет назад
Well said
@martinp6919 5 лет назад
Ashamed that Trudeau was the representative of our Great Country for 4 years. How could/would any country allow him in now?? Canadians may forgive and forget.... not the rest of this world! The irony. Mad MAX and the PPC 2019!!!
@garryanderson5195 5 лет назад
Trudeau ...you create too much drama...not enough responsible governing...
@caracre 5 лет назад
I voted this guy in...Between that, and my Gender Studies BA, I've lost all confidence in my reasoning skills.
@HiVizCamo 5 лет назад
How did any of this escape the notice of the people that vetted him before he was chosen as leader? This debacle was only 12 years in the past in 2013 when he was allowed to elbow his way into the leadership.
@RJ1999x 5 лет назад
Is there any liberal that isn't a hypocrite?
@miaolittle141 5 лет назад
Wow, he is brave. I hope he will be safe from political power!!!
@kenvandeburgt1232 5 лет назад
Lets disqualify anyone who ever did anything stupid from running for office. This issue is ridiculous, particularly when there are real issues to discuss such as whether Trudeau will dress up as Prime Minister for Halloween this year.
@bluesmaster9896 5 лет назад
It's about time we got back to talking turkey instead of all this thinly veiled PC facade newspeak shit .
@VivaFrei 5 лет назад
I made a vlawg on this. It’s not the act per se that’s so offensive to most. It’s the double-standard and remorseless politicizing of these types of decades-old incidents. Now that Trudeau is getting a taste of his own remorselessness and ex post facto judgement, he wants context - context that he would never have afforded to any political adversary. Ex post facto laws are objectionable. So too should be ex post facto morality. Now Trudeau has to face the same accusations of racism, bigotry and hatred that he has so freely levelled against his political foes, From Andrew sheer to that elderly French Canadian lady in rural Quebec. Except his pic was from 2001, and according to most liberals, this was not acceptable even then.
Could it be the MSM is waking up? Some channels, hopefully.
@glycohead 5 лет назад
Do as I say, not as I do.
@JohnMartin-yj3gv 5 лет назад
Libéral only written in French, the maple leaf with stem is actually an accent over the "e". Move the maple leaf and put it over the "r" and let's see what happens!
@MORE1500 5 лет назад
Ironically, this should help him gain support with conservatives.
@stevenwithanS 5 лет назад
Time for the PPC.
@ronmcmullan9160 5 лет назад
His dad Fidel would be shocked
@michelles4 5 лет назад
The American media seems to be giving him a pass.
@turkeytrack9 5 лет назад
Love watching your program. Love your take on most subjects.
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