
Complete Guide to Glow-Up in 30 Days (From a Model) 

Brett Maverick
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Many people don't know I was actually a male model before I was on RU-vidr. And over the years doing photoshoots and fashion runways I learned many Male Model Secrets To Boost Your Appearance . So i decided to make this video Complete Guide to Glow-Up in 30 Days (From a Model) I hope you enjoy the video!
Connect With Me Further:
Website: www.brettmvrk....
Instagram: @BRETTMVRK
Or if you want to see my personal stuff:
Instagram: @BRETTMVRK
My name is Brett Maverick Lange and I make video’s about reactions, challenges, fitness, nutrition, fashion, lifestyle and anything fun through a combination of informative videos and vlogs. I preach a lifestyle whereas you can combine fitness with every aspect of your life, such as social activities, drinking alcohol, partying and still eating your favorite foods on a daily basis. Don’t forget to subscribe if you want to stay up to date :)
My Instagram: BRETTMVRK
My Twitter: BrettLangeTV



28 сен 2024




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@BrettMaverick Год назад
Get 30% off your first box, plus a FREE gift, when you give Tiege Hanley a try at tiege.com/bmavglow
@BrettMaverick Год назад
@MPWHB369 im glad you're enjoying them :)
@alexbrooks5838 Год назад
can you link the posture correcter please
@dreag5717 Год назад
Hi, I don’t see the link to the posture corrector you mentioned in video. Can you send me link please?
@stephane1623 Год назад
Yeah make sure to send the link to the poster corrector.
@sorbruce Год назад
Also cold shower can make you glow even more
@luketucker6802 Год назад
Can't find the summary guy so Ig it's my turn 1. have good posture , head up, chest out, shoulders rolled back 1:31 2. comfortable taking up space, cross your ups, put your arm up (not in a disrespectful way) 4:27 3. Take care of skin (it's a waste of time, he didn't actually tell us how to take care of skin but just promoted a sponsor skin care) 4. Retinol, nutrient that helps take care of wrinkles, get a retinol solution and put in on before bed (that's what he said he did anyway)) 6:54 5. Good eyes, prey/ hunter eyes, he mentioned rapid bow which thickens eyebrows and gives dimension to your face and rapid lash (same thing with eyelashes) there is more but I can't be bothered anymore 7:15 6. Hair. take biotin supplements, use argan oil, toning shampoo, shimmer lights 10:11 7. Find a hairstyle that fits you (he has a tutorial) 13:07 8. Teeth, make sure they are clean and white (obv brush teeth twice a day), floss (every day) and use teeth whitening strips (once a week) 15:31 9. Jaw, Develop and pump up masseter muscle which gives structure to your jaw, chew gum (he advertised his own gum that is harder than other gum) 16:44 10. Style, wear simple jewellery (necklace, watch, bracelet) gives illusion you know more about style (there is no one size fits all for different clothing combinations) best advice is train your body/ get lean and wear clothes that advertise you are fit 17:33 11. Physique (I know I just mentioned this briefly), develop v taper, build chest, he said (if you don't have access to gym) 50 push ups per day, 100 sit ups per day and 3 sets of 10 pullups (if you don't have a gym do this 21:39) MOSTLY JUST GO ON CALORIE DEFICIT AND DEVELOP LOW BODYFAT PERCENTAGE AND BUILD LATS + TRAPS, find detailed advice somewhere else IF YOU HAVE GYM watch about 22:16 YES HAHAA FINISHED NOW LIKES
@undramulziinyam3725 Год назад
Thanks my guy
@aounrizvio Год назад
you dropped this 👑
@jiggleskittle4655 Год назад
There's 4 goats, Lionel Messi, Tom Brady, Michael Jordan, and Luke Tucker.
@TheHimanshuMusic Год назад
@Enigm3 Год назад
@bluegiant13 Год назад
Most important stuff that actually works for everybody tbh: - Very low body fat + muscles - Nice skin (cleanser, retinol, moisturizer is all you need) - White teeth (crest white strips works nice, I use them once or twice a year)
@gregoriotirapelle4761 Год назад
Sometimes to have a nice skin isn't that simple, so cleanser, retinol, moisturiser etc are not enough. Speaking by my personal experience I got acne issues and I fought acne with a dermatologist help and eventually after a year long pharmaceutical therapy I got a better skin. I eat healthy, I do sport, I clean my face every day, I sleep regularly but as I previously said: sometimes isn't enough. Even after a therapy I still got some tiny problems I'm handling alongside my dermatologist. So my advise is: even if you aint got any face-skin--issues at all, ask a dermatologist for a good moisturiser/cleanser before getting it by yourself
@wheal2825 Год назад
@VIK I don’t use anything and my skins smooth I am going through puberty rn tho
@gilangagungprakoso3342 Год назад
​@VIK it's not that simple, everyone has a different skin type, conditions, problem, etc, but if you really want to start, , just go basic skincare (cleanser, moisturizer, sunscreen) get those 3 first before you get anything else use + use retinol, BUT do your RESEARCH first, it can go really bad if you don't know what you're doing,
@telvanniis 11 месяцев назад
everyone has different skin types but the basics to having nice skin are: 1. before you buy anything, make sure you are drinking enough water. drinking enough water is imperative for having perfect skin. 2. use a high-quality soap in the shower. don't buy 3 in 1 nonsense, get nice soap. 3. use a cleanser on your face every morning. this will depend on your skin type but you can never go wrong with a non-irritating gentle cleanser. 4. moisturize your face twice a day. put on a facial sunscreen before you leave your house. 5. exfoliate at least once a week to remove dead skin cells and open up the pores. (this can be done with a chemical exfoliant or a simple microfiber cloth) some extra tips are: wash your pillow cases often take biotin supplements using a toner or retinol after you cleanse your face
@davidjd123 Год назад
i was really into chinese mediation and martial arts when I was younger, And I learned bad posture can block chi, and not just in your upper body but how you sit on your hips or maybe u lock your knees,. when you have good posture your chi moves freely and you dont trap energy in your head or lower body. everything flows. the string theory is also used in the horse stance and chinese martial arts.
@serenityq26 Год назад
when pretty people think they were ever ugly............girl bye! nothing wrong with the way you looked before your "glow up". its just a change in styling, you still look the same: hot
@josephirizarry5195 Год назад
seriously. shut up and be hot. it's insulting and thoughtless
@HyperXcube Год назад
Why is it always people with top tier genetics who make these videos?
@hubertksiazkiewicz6029 Год назад
Hi Mate, old fan here, the 8-loop thing correcting your posture weakens your postural muscles and can be harmful for longer periods of time
@morkoblooper7991 Год назад
I used an eye curling tool and it does change cheers
@lucasthoburn Год назад
Could you give us an in detail video of what exactly you did during those 6 months?
@robertlouisebaker-hyde1267 Год назад
I’m a pro when it comes to this because I’d say I’m pretty vain and it’s all worth it. I get a lot of positive attention from both sexes. Clean whole foods diet, a lot of veges and protein and specifically resist any added sugar or any sugary foods and drinks and a consistent skincare (retinol, Niacinamide, vitamin c serum, exfoliation with glycolic or lactic acid and different types of peptides and antioxidant serums) routine with sunscreen of minimum spf 30 and a broad spectrum I prefer mineral and tinted since it also protects you from visible light every single day and of course, exercise xD
@lpc9929 Год назад
I the
@jesusisking3814 Год назад
If you die tonight, do you know where you're going? Did you know that Jesus Christ is THE Truth, the life and the only way to Heaven? Revelation 20:15 ''Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.'' Through Jesus Christ, God offers you a FREE gift - forgiveness. All you need to do is repent, turn away from your sins and evil ways, from now on put your faith completely in Jesus Christ and be obedient to Him. Biblical explanation of the Gospel: God doesn’t want anybody in hell, but you must understand why we deserve hell and why those who refuse to live under His authority will go there. He gave us the law (Ten Commandments) not to make us righteous, but rather to show us our sin (Romans 3:20). God gave us free will and since Adam sinned in the garden, sin is the nature of our flesh and we ALL have sinned. (Romans 3:23) The law demands death to those who sin (Romans 6:23). Since we have all sinned, we all deserve hell. Revelation 21:8 says that all liars will go to hell. Yes, even if you have lied once in your life, you are sentenced to hell - that's how high God's standards are of moral perfection because God is holy and righteous, there is not one sin in Him. For someone to be justified before holy God they have to be sinless, that's why everyone need Jesus Christ - for He lived a sinless life, died on the cross and rose from the dead on the third day. None of us are good in God’s eyes, because for God good means moral perfection. We all have broken God’s commandments, we all have sinned in our lives so none of us are good. ‘’For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.’’ (James 2:10). Our carnal mind is hostile to God; it does not submit to God's moral law and it never will (Romans 8:7). We hate the thought of God for the same reason a criminal hates a policeman - we know we have sinned against God and are guilty of it and we don't want to be damned. No good works will ever save you. You can't earn salvation by good works, because God will judge us for our sin. Good News is that Jesus Christ lived a perfect, holy, sinless life and He died for our sins according to the Scriptures, He was buried and He was raised from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.’’ (John 3:16) We aren’t saved by our good works, but only by the grace of God through faith in Christ. ''For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9) Jesus said ‘’it is finished’’ (John 19:30) just before He died on the cross, which means He paid the fine for our sins (past, present, future) to be forgiven only IF we repent and trust in Him. This is how you can get saved from sin and hell - repent of your sins and trust in Jesus Christ. Get to know Him by reading God's Word. So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.” (Luke 11:13) ''What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not!'' (Romans 6:15) ''Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out'' (Acts 3:19) Repentance is a turning away from sin and all evil works, and it always results in changed behavior (Luke 3:8). Biblically, a person who repents does not continue willfully in sin. While sorrow from sin is not equivalent to repentance, it is certainly an element of scriptural repentance (2 Corinthians 7:10). Do not play a hypocrite. ''God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth.'' (1 John 1:5-6) (John 3:3) Jesus replied, "Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again." If you have repented and have genuine faith in Jesus Christ then you will receive the gift of Holy Spirit and be born-again spiritually. When you believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession - to the praise of His glory. (Ephesians 1:13-14) Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him. (John 3:36) ''You will know them by their fruits'' (Matthew 7) If you have been truly born-again with the Holy Spirit and He has regenerated your heart, you will desire righteousnes - to do what is good and righteous in God's eyes, to seek God everyday in His Word and prayer, to strengthen your relationship with God. You will no longer desire to willfully continue living in sin but will want to obey God out of your love for Him because of His amazing grace revealed to us through the death and resurrection of His Son. ''Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.'' (2 Corinthians 5:17) ''For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.'' (Eph 2:10) You will have a testimony - of what your life had been before and how has it changed now when you have surrendered it to Lord Jesus Christ. As a declaration and affirmation of your faith in Jesus Christ, get baptised in water because He commanded us to do so. In John 3:5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.'' ''Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit'' (Matthew 28:19) ''Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.'' (Acts 2:41) ''And this water symbolizes the baptism that now saves you also - not the removal of dirt from the body, but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God - through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,'' (1 Peter 3:21) ''We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.'' (Romans 6:4) ''Having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through your faith in the working of God, who raised him from the dead.'' (Colossians 2:12) Please get right with God and get to know Jesus Christ personally today before it’s too late, because there’s not much time left! "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.’’ (Mark 13:32) Get to know Christ through God's Word - Bible. At first I recommend reading Gospel of John and book of Romans. God bless you! Jeremiah 29:13 - ''You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.''
@robertlouisebaker-hyde1267 Год назад
@@lpc9929 who’s Patrick Bateman
@dotexe4981 Год назад
Be careful with eyedrops that get rid of red eyes. It can make the white in your eyes turn yellow when you use it for a long time and there are even people that got blind from it when using it too much.
@SS-uc5co Год назад
I agree that posture can make you look so much better! However wearing posture correctors/back braces for a long time can actually weaken your muscles, making your posture even worse. It's better to exercise so that your back muscles can support you for longer :D
@MrAronymous Год назад
Still can't actually believe this chad's actual name is actually Brett Maverick.
@Ds6972... Год назад
Love from INDIA 🇮🇳
@louisromero2320 Год назад
Bruh you can literally see he has the exact same facial structure in both pics in the thumbnail
@teun9093 Год назад
No way bro your hair looks great now didnt expect that
@arianamontenegro5528 Год назад
Pretty gay though
@lunamoth0365 Год назад
Just to warn ppl, plz do not become dependent on back braces. If u use it too much it can actually weaken your back muscles and make ur posture worse. U can use it at the start of ur posture journey but once its a habit stop using it.
@masoudshairzadeh6820 8 месяцев назад
Ima a boxer and my posture became shit like kinda a hunch back
@mule7013 Год назад
This video made me realize I had hunter eyes my whole life
@rjanleine6470 8 месяцев назад
Brett: String theory… Gabriele Veneziano: cmon
@BradleyCoopertest Год назад
Dude, if you use a thickening spray for your hairplugs, make sure it's the same color as your actual hair.
@yuta6328 Год назад
I don't see much changes if you ask me. People are just born attractive
@einePerson777 11 месяцев назад
I think I've never seen a 10 before, but you are one, so I will do everything you recommended, even though I am a woman :D
@germancardona.3039 Год назад
Saludos desde Guatemala, espero que estés bien. Mi sueño siempre ha sido ser modelo 😢 tu contenido es genial. ❤
@legion65 Год назад
I sadly just got bad skin again because I started bulking hope that will better again when I shred
@iamtheghostwriter100 Год назад
Brett, wow this was good stuff. I’m marking this video because I’ll have to share and see it again. Just one question. Why must my hair be completely dry?? Oh I believe I’m getting the posture strap as a gift. Will see. But thanks and today was very busy yet very informative. Thanks and uh Merry Christmas and may we all have a better New Year 2023 🎉
@ashwinganesram5654 Год назад
This guy is the older brother I never had
@Keanu1304 Год назад
"never touched a weight before" also Brett: Do 10 pull ups
@luzdivina6849 Год назад
what would br a good mindset to talk to people to do business?nice video man!
@genos6801 Год назад
Watch hamza's videos on business and socialising... It may give you some knowledge :d
@Thuzinbhal Год назад
You gave me a direction bro, thx!
@Kaiser7068 Год назад
Bro on day 1 looks better than me 💀
@raydaveed Год назад
The secret is Genetics ™️
@xtdycxtfuv9353 Год назад
Genes* ‘Genetics’ here is a misnomer.
@sayyer10 Год назад
Brett. Your full head of hair is looking fabulous! And all this after you fixing your receding and thinning hair line I believe?
@BrettMaverick Год назад
Yes brother. thank you!
@arianamontenegro5528 Год назад
That’s kinda insecure and gay in my opinion
@veilofmayo1538 Год назад
I recommend finding a dedicated RU-vidr for each topic he discusses. Preferably ones that have solid examples and real scientific evidence. Do not exercise your jaw, it’s actually terrible as you age. Accept some people have naturally given attributes and remember results come after years of hard work not 30 days. Most of this advice is mediocre and structured to get money over real advice. Really find dedicated RU-vidrs who specialize in a topic.
@viroz6562 Год назад
That’s a dope sweater.
@seoce 8 месяцев назад
day 1 looks better
@JanHoellwarth Год назад
7:43: you wanted to say "hunter eyes".
@krazy5580 Год назад
That 'for a model' got us :)
@straygamer5326 Год назад
@aquajosh Год назад
Make sure you take your contacts out before you use Lumify or you can give yourself a nasty eye infection.
@bobsayshi7073 Год назад
Great stuff
@christophergrosin2990 Год назад
I am grateful that I found your videos. you really helped me out. I really have problems with my hair because I always and only ride motorcycles do you have a idea about a style that doesn't get destroyed by a helmet? right now I have my hair short and straight back what is kind of boring. keep up the great work
@sarai5028 Год назад
Try a charlie sheen hairstyle with the middle split
@jupamoers Год назад
I am not able to do 50 push-ups each day without any training in the beginning xD How about working on the biceps and triceps beforehand?
@Userqidn3491jj Год назад
Just start with 25 or whatever you can do
@zacktlp Год назад
@stablestables1866 Год назад
Tips for glowing up: already be glowing
@AllInOne-bo5vp Год назад
Dude that mic 😂 its like the focal point of the video
@rj3842 Год назад
Thanks for info bro 🔥🔥🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🤞🏽👌🏼
@edwardharper Год назад
Maximize that microphone
@arshads8125 Год назад
Bro please tell black neck problem solution and home remedy solution
@ヴィクラム Год назад
Bro I have bushy type eyebrows should i tell my barber to groom it??
@prithviraj5221 Год назад
Bro where is your sweater from?
@BrettMaverick Год назад
Son of a Taylor! www.sonofatailor.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAwJWdBhCYARIsAJc4idCWJo-g05NOi9PRo69LKAvDbGVOxfBIZRcYe4z7Fq9Z1gpv1icWtiwaAmRrEALw_wcB
@alisontaylor327 Год назад
What do you recommend for REALLY blonde guys. Like my son's eyebrows and lashes are invisible. I know that brows amd lashes frame our faces, and as a blonde guy im lucky to have darker brows and lashes, but my son's are completely invisible. It really affects how his facial expressions come off to people.
@mondrelle Год назад
12:23 ooop 😳🤣
@gustavopanesso7297 Год назад
🙏 for your advice 🙂
@keidisb1047 Год назад
Imagine if hamza and Brett maverick teamed up to help Jeffries 😂
@bestmenshaircutsandstyling Год назад
Hi Brett, we love you videos! Can you promote our Avenue Man hair products?
@only_the_flix9910 Год назад
Biggest mic I‘ve ever seen 😂
@lilyluna4155 Год назад
damn ima do this 💪🏻
@nikolamarkovic9906 Год назад
is this course for photoshop?
@Thorortez Год назад
I’m a upcoming male model
@ahmadlutfi3055 Год назад
Brett is it possible to use argan oil or eyelash serum on eyebrows ?
@anthony-ob6lw Год назад
Red eye drops can cause your eyes to go permanently red. It's important not to use them every day. I basically only ever use them when I'm stoned and I need to not look stoned 🤣
@MasteryOrder Год назад
If you enjoy ideas about masculinity and mastery, I invite you to explore the videos I share on the Mastery Order Channel. Challenge yourself with some concepts about manhood, explore your masculine potential to the maximum and become the kind of man you would admire. We can only better ourselves together, as men among men, so I invite you to use what I share and, of course, share your own opinions so that others can benefit from them as well. Looking forward to your points of view. All the best to you!
@D8099. Год назад
Let’s talk about brows. They get thinner into 30’s and beyond. I have a surgeon who does eyebrow transplants. Why aren’t we all doing this?
@akameh8992 Год назад
Bro's day 1 is my day 1000 😭
@crymoreyes Год назад
Gotta start somewhere, but hey in 3 years you’ll be someone else’s 1000. Just gotta put in the work 👊
@step1610 9 месяцев назад
just be confident bro
@daboyinred9087 8 месяцев назад
@@crymoreyesw advice
@Rilmusica-un1bi 2 месяца назад
Then work hardder
@gavin6951 Год назад
We must help the Jeffreys in this world- Adonis🗿🍷
@BrettMaverick Год назад
Hamza x Brett Maverick collab?
@patrykmichalak377 Год назад
@@BrettMaverick That would give you both a ton of audience
@gavin6951 Год назад
@@BrettMaverick please bro
@ItsBobsterr Год назад
@@BrettMaverick that would be great
@levin4545 Год назад
@@BrettMaverick yesssss!!
@abhinavv3092 Год назад
8 hours of sleep and being hydrated are also great things to add in your life
@ORX_BOYS007 Год назад
@philippdrescher6012 Год назад
A healthy diet, some form of meditation or stress relieve and good sleep are way more important than all those sponsored chemicals he mentioned and perform better long-term.
@InfinityChris Год назад
9-10 hours
@FutureLegend100 Год назад
7 hours is optimal
@peterlawson8040 Год назад
Yeah man add this to your life it's a total hack, sleep and water genius.
@MannyVegaNieves Год назад
I love how you did this video for us and for yourself. You are committed to the process and are honest with us and yourself. Thank you bro
@BrettMaverick Год назад
Thanks for the consistent support Manny!
@MannyVegaNieves Год назад
@@BrettMaverick I got your back bro
@theon1yone790 Год назад
@@paradise9151 nig
@PhonkAttack4DX Год назад
Well obviously? 😂
@geoffjeff6016 Год назад
@@theon1yone790 ger
@morganlomprez4566 Год назад
step 1 : be handsome Guess i can't go further
@iamsantanubanerjee Год назад
It's weird how you didn't put "Drinking Water" in that list. That should be number 1 in my opinion. Stay Hydrated Fellas!
@BrettMaverick Год назад
Ahh shit you’re right. Might need to make a 2nd vid
@w23.mp4 Год назад
I found every single minute of this video super interesting, also to kind of compare myself to all these tips that you are giving to see where im standing now, thank you very much for your effort, keep up the good work. Love the positive chill vibes on this channel too, you just feel like a nice bro. Keep it up!!!
@BrettMaverick Год назад
That's awesome! Thanks for the kind words :)
@10trickd83 Год назад
One of my favorite videos, Brett. Valuable information that has not been shared so effectively and efficiently ever before in one video. Thanks, Brett!
@leocadieux6781 Год назад
Ok, here we have a naturally good-looking guy (seriously, look at old pictures of him) giving us tricks to improve our appearance. He has no bad intentions by doing this, but let’s be honest: we’re not all lucky enough to be born with a natural good-looking face, at some point, for some people, there’s nothing more to do to improve our appearance. It’s sad.
@Quent5000 Год назад
Maybe not to improve to that amount yes, tho at least you can light up your appearance a bit with some of his advices
@ifYouReplyToMeUrDumb Год назад
The posture one was good though, but tbr my mom taught me that when i was 8
@gilangagungprakoso3342 Год назад
I get your point but That's kind of pessimistic, I still think there're something you can do, no matter your appearance. 1. Exercise, works wonder, it helps so much, especially if you're losing fat it can help with your jawline too, 2. Skincare and body care can't go wrong with a clean and glowing looking skin 3. HAIRSTYLE, get the correct hairstyle and it will instantly boost your confidencce, trust me 4. Posture, can't speak for myself, but I notice people around are instantly 10x more attractive if they have a good posture If you really want to see real improvement , exercise is the answer, it goes for everyone, every gender, both young and old, skinny and fat, tall and short, you will definitely see your self confidence grow, and maybe works your self from there
@nicholasbailey6236 Год назад
Just showing that you put in the effort to take care of yourself speaks louder than any jawline or perfect coif.
@soundbreakermusic Год назад
surgery is always an option
@ibrahimmohamed7053 Год назад
Eyes - All the Asians looking in the corner 👀
@deneth1923 Год назад
I'm trying to transform my life for the better, I'm tired of being grey and monotone, thanks for the informative video and also thanks for everyone in the comment section giving extra advice
@sans7591 Год назад
this guy looks like dream if he was a gigachad
@jmcleda8138 Год назад
1 Pick better parents 2 have better genes 3 dont be fat
@Jake-lc4oh Год назад
Isn’t hard to not be fat though
@toxicink72 Год назад
Bonus tip: Have a fucking badass name like Brett Maverick.
@recordsovni9022 Год назад
This video may change your life 180Deg if you follow it a step by step, I fully respect the effort provided by Brett advising everyone to push out of their comfort zone. ( Thank you Brett your video is totally on point ) But there are 2 Points i would like to highlight, 1 - Make sure to not give up even if you didn't see a change, cause this is a long term progression, And Second : Make sure to wear a perfume that fits your skin, Something that may attracts (DO NOT EXCEED IT, just a little bit of it may take the hole space around you). NOTE : WAKE UP FROM YOUR BED AND BEGIN THE PROCESS NOW OR YOU WILL ALWAYS BE THE SAME, CAUSE REMEMBER THAT NO ONE WILL CHANGE AND TAKE YOU TO HIGHER STANDARDS BUT YOU! Have a good day to you all!
@theNimboo Год назад
Anyone else think he looks the exact same in his "pre glow up" photo? The only difference is clearly lighting. All the same facial structure and good looks are there. This is all basically bullshit.
@whittxz4798 Год назад
"your hair" "Don't worry we can fix that in 30 days" Me a bald guy - qué *John travolta confused meme*
@milaahrens9171 Год назад
in terms of eyebrows..do these product acutally work? I always saw them as some cashgrab tbh.
@notoriousdom1799 Год назад
This will work if the guy already has the Chad genetics but not for average or below average looking guys lol
@PushUpLone Год назад
You can’t do 50 push ups 100 sit ups and 40 pull ups a day for a whole month. That would just be destroying your body. I would also do leg exercises and planch plus other things, but not every day, and not all of them on the same day either. You need to spread it around throughout a whole week. You can have one day with Push, Pull, Legs then a day with cardio and stretching and one day with mobility, there you have 5 training days so 2 rest days in a week, where you just get in your 10-15k steps a day.
@cris694 Год назад
Yes maybe 50 + 100 + 40 pull every 3 days
@charlienasiadka9463 Год назад
you absolutely can. I do even more, 100 pushups (with 5kg weight)
@batters_ Год назад
depends how you implement pushups into your routine, I do pushups before and after stuff eg. brushing my teeth can do the same with situps and pull ups (if you have a bar)
@cowgfwolos9560 Год назад
Step 1: Have good parents and good genetics, with a symmetric Caucasian conventionally harmonic face with no acne or flaws. Step 2: There's no step 2.
@xtdycxtfuv9353 Год назад
@@JykesonvilleWrong. These are biological preferences. Women prefer them, and men find them more imposing. The Caucazoid skull is what anime is styled on.
@xtdycxtfuv9353 Год назад
@@Jykesonville I’m not going to argue with an idiot.
@Nehemiahsaved Год назад
I see A black and Caucasian having a better looking kid then two Caucasians just saying, also by time the Caucasian is 30 there fucked due to the wrinkles starting to kick in to fill effect.
@YeInsight Год назад
Symmetric will last a lifetime, but white people don’t last very long in the “no flaws” department. Some of y’all be looking 50 at 30 - that’s not even hyperbolic. This generation of women fien over black men and asian boy band members lmao.
@Nehemiahsaved Год назад
And facial symmetry changes threw out life, people loose collagen I'm there face, causing droopy facial features making someone's once symmetry face look all over the map
@Damo944 Год назад
Love this one Brett. One of your best. The whole older brother giving advice vibe really works. :) D
@davidgrandison8364 Год назад
How can you forget mewing That is single-handedly the best thing you could possibly do for your jaw!
@voiceofjesus2347 Год назад
Congratulations on 1M!!!! Been watching this channel since 2017. To many more years and subs to come.
@BrettMaverick Год назад
@ubaideraza-c1h Год назад
21:40 Bro u said full body ho.e workout but what abour legs?
@Memes_mirth 11 месяцев назад
I am very worried about my hair. The hairline has gone back a lot and the hair density is also decreasing. Please give me some solution.😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
@O_Tucano Год назад
Step 1: born good looking
@kingargon Год назад
Holy crap Brett, I can’t thank you enough. I watched this when it came out, tried everything shown, and now I look noticeably better in the mirror. I’m much happier with my appearance and more confident in myself, thanks to this video. Keep up the great work.
@Quent5000 Год назад
Congrats dude ! I'll do the same I think now
@blackmamba9089 Год назад
Everything he said was on point, so I hope I can help my African American brethren out with hair. Let me keep it a buck with y'all gang, hair is a nasty game changer if done right, you might honestly not have to listen to the rest of the video if you get that one down ALONE. If you don't know how to take care of your head, then RU-vid and TikTok are your bestfriends, that's pretty much how we all did it to be honest. Leave in Conditioner, Conditioner, Shampoo, Deep Conditioner, Hair Oil, Protein Treatment, LOC Method etc is a good baseline to start
@luis1250 Год назад
You forgot that we’re not all white dudes
@Heavyhitter786 Год назад
Hmm, I understand. Anything for Indians now?
@fkuchticek Год назад
that was you after hitin gym 6 months????
@Noah-lc6ou Год назад
Ugly me lying on the sofa and watching this video to motivate myself but my lazy ass prefers to just watch. Thx for the video btw
@BrettMaverick Год назад
Get the f*ck off the couch
@Noah-lc6ou Год назад
@@BrettMaverick ❤️
@toki-9750 Год назад
Lol, I'm 15 and i only încreaased strength and i cant see many changes, others do tell me i look better
@Noah-lc6ou Год назад
@@toki-9750 damn, your words really worked on me. I'm 18 and I really really need to change . thx
@toki-9750 Год назад
@@Noah-lc6ou Your Welcome.
@ratatataraxia Год назад
I could live in this guys dimples.
@joaovitorsilvalima8457 Год назад
Bro u already started out looking good, advice is litterally useless when people like you talk about it
@gispechy Год назад
I'm in pretty good shape physically but mentally is a different struggle. But I just to get disciplined and make myself better everyday. Then I know my mental will be better along with my discipline
@Lolbrotilestwra Год назад
1st step: Be handsome