
Concerto HUUN-HUUR-TU, musiche tradizionali della Tuva - Catania Jazz, 31 luglio 2017 

Francesco Restuccia
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Kaigall-Ool Khovalyg - voce (khöömei, sygyt, kargyraa), igylRadik Tyulyush - voce (barbang-nadyr), byzaanchi, khomuz (jew’s harp)Alexey Saryglar - voce, tungur, igylSayan Bapa - voce, toschpulur, chitarra, igyl
La musica degli Huun-Huur-Tu può venire descritta solo come profondamente misteriosa. Ciò come diretta conseguenza del loro stile di canto armonico, figlio di una tradizione secolare che discende dalla repubblica di Tuva, nell’Asia centrale.Una tecnica nella quale il cantante, sfruttando le risonanze che si creano nel tratto tra le corde vocali e la bocca, emette contemporaneamente la nota e l’armonico relativo (detto anche ipertono). Questa tecnica (in inglese throat singing) permette lo sviluppo di un universo del suono unico e coinvolgente, ricco di armonici sopra e sotto la frequenza fondamentale. Un altro elemento peculiare del gruppo è l’utilizzo di strumenti tradizionali come l’igil, il byzaanchi, il khommuz, il doshpuluur e il tuyug.
I membri di Huun-Huur-Tu si sono dedicati all’apprendimento di canzoni e di melodie antiche, ma allo stesso tempo le loro performance trovano risonanza anche nel mondo contemporaneo. Il percuotere ripetuto di una corda contro legno e pelle si trasforma in un disegno meditativo che sembra venire direttamente dall’avanguardia.I discendenti di isolati pastori siberiani estraggono una musica stranamente universale da alcuni dei fenomeni acustici più singolari di questo pianeta.A partire dai loro primi tour in Occidente, gli Huun-Huur-Tu sono stati quasi gli unici a introdurre al mondo esterno la ricchezza sconfinata delle tradizioni di Tuva, in particolare grazie alle loro superiori abilità musicali.
Provenienti dai pascoli dei monti Altai nel sud della Siberia centrale, sono musicisti che hanno trascorso decenni a perfezionare il canto armonico, gli approcci strumentali e le canzoni vibranti della loro madre patria.
Vestito in abiti tradizionali, l’ensemble si accompagna con strumenti a corda e percussioni, i cui ritmi sembrano evocare cavalcate nella steppa siberiana. I loro pezzi strettamente strutturati spesso imitano suoni naturali, di modo che una canzone può costituire una rappresentazione letterale di un paesaggio di Tuva.
Accompagnandosi con strumenti a corda pizzicati e ad arco, percussioni, e scacciapensieri, emulano i ritmi biologici nelle canzoni: il battito cardiaco, la respirazione, una mente alla deriva nel mondo dei sogni, e non meno importante (per una popolazione nomade), il trotto di un cavallo.Le loro canzoni parlano di amore romantico, dell’amore per la propria terra, e (non da ultimo) dei cavalli, con stati d’animo che vanno dal lirico e riflessivo al gioioso al divertente e ballabile“.
Gli Huun-Huur- Tu sono stati fondati nel 1992 da Sasha Bapa, da suo fratello Sayan, e altri due musicisti, Kaigal-Ool Khovalyg e Albert Kuvezin, con l’intento di concentrarsi su “canzoni vecchie e dimenticate”, come amava dire Sasha. Sasha, Sayan e Kaigal-ool erano fuoriusciti da uno dei più grandi gruppi di canto e danza statali che erano diventati un’istituzione fissa della vita culturale pubblica durante l’era sovietica. Per decenni questi ensemble con le loro prestazioni scintillanti di musica folk o pseudo musica popolare avevano offerto l’unica possibilità per dei giovani musicisti di suonare musica indigena per potersi mantenere. Dopo la privatizzazione degli affari musicali nell’ex Unione Sovietica, molti musicisti decisero di abbandonare questi ensemble statali e di formare i propri gruppi, con risultati musicali decisamente misti.
In un’intervista al produttore e critico americano Ted Levin, Sasha Il canto armonico della band consiste nel produrre un suono profondo in modo tale da creare una o due armoniche sostanziali. La prima armonica è un tono cantato nelle gamme medie,sovrastato da un suono come di fischio forte che il cantante alza o abbassa per creare una sorta di strana melodia, modificando l’apertura della bocca. Sotto questa luce ‘Huun-Huur- Tu possono effettivamente essere visti come una forza trainante nella divulgazione del canto armonico (o khoomei) negli ultimi decenni.
Tuttavia sarebbe un errore attribuire loro la nomea di solamente un gruppo folcloristico. Dal loro esordio per l’etichetta americana Shanachie nel 1993, hanno coperto molteplici mondi musicali. Nel 2002 un remix del loro brano “Eki Attar” è arrivato addirittura primo in classifica in Grecia, e nello stesso anno, il cd “Spirits of Tuva” per la tedesca Jaro li vide remixati da dj di varie nazionalità. Hanno inciso con Kronos Quartet, il percussionista indiano Trilok Gurtu, il compositore classico russo Vladimir Martynov, il coro The Bulgarian Voices Angelite, il trio jazz Moscow Art Trio,la cantante di Tuva Sainkho, e con Ry Cooder hanno composto sei brani per la colonna sonora di “Geronimo” di Walter Hill. Si sono esibiti inoltre assieme a Frank Zappa, The Chieftains, Johnny “Guitar” Watson e L. Shankar tra gli altri.




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@samuraironin1636 4 года назад
Мировые парни, и мир оценил их творчество на высоком уровне.Расписание концертов расписаны на вперед. Лондон,Париж, Нью-Йорк, Токио, Сингапур и мн др. Мы Тувинцы очень гордимся эдно-фольк группой Хун-Хур-Ту. (Лучи Солнца). Благодаря таким музыкантам, народное творчество живет из поколения в поколение. Тыва Сыгыт-Хоомэй признана ЮНЕСКО в 1995г, номер 1 во всем мире.
@connieking7736 3 года назад
I enjoy this. It puts me in a whole different dimension than my boring, stale life. It's a great way to escape, plus I'm infatuated with the gentleman on the drums. Namaste awesome people!
@Loy1950 Год назад
Saw them in DC several years ago. They were less sedate in their performance, extended their musical pieces and it was a real jam session. It was so wonderful that I cried.
@mariateresaaguileramanzor6522 6 месяцев назад
Es lo más importante que he escuchado en mi vida ...❤
@connieweiss376 5 лет назад
Sensational, I am totally amazed by this music, it's fantastic. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍I m awestruck. ❤💙💚♥🐱
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
There will start a crowdfunding campaign July 13, 2020 for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And there are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos under: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
Hi, thank you giving yr comment about the Huun-Huur-Tu video.They might do some European shows in October as the only concerts this year. A crowdfunding campaign July started now for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And they are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos here: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva Join the campaign and donate for the book, thanks
@rubensbatista2308 2 месяца назад
Músicas diferente do nosso mundo ocidental, só música americana...
@maramachtub 5 лет назад
BRAVISSIMI! Ascoltati ieri sera nello scenario magico del sito nuragico di Morgongiori, insieme ai Tenores di Bitti. Un'emozione indimenticabile. Grazie.
@cantodifonico 4 года назад
c'eravamo anche noi! Anche se nel 2017, a Villaverde Mitza Margiani, hanno dato veramente il massimo!
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
Hi, thank you giving yr comment about the Huun-Huur-Tu video.They might do some European shows in October as the only concerts this year. A crowdfunding campaign July started now for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And they are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos here: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva Join the campaign and donate for the book, thanks
@Marco_Venieri 8 месяцев назад
Fanno ancora concerti?
@oktaydemirtas1600 4 года назад
Harika,kökleri çağırıyor insanı. thanks for this awesome music.Hi from Turkey.
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
There will start a crowdfunding campaign July 13, 2020 for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And there are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos under: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
Hi, thank you giving yr comment about the Huun-Huur-Tu video.They might do some European shows in October as the only concerts this year. A crowdfunding campaign July started now for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And there are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos here: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva Join the campaign and donate for the book, thanks
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
Hi, thank you giving yr comment about the Huun-Huur-Tu video.They might do some European shows in October as the only concerts this year. A crowdfunding campaign July started now for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And they are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos here: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva Join the campaign and donate for the book, thanks
@karaoorzhak1035 Год назад
Спасибо за вашу музыку❤❤😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@user-wy1qb8yv5h 7 месяцев назад
Это тебя зовут турские корни!!!
@ckqueen 2 года назад
love these guys!
@meteteg789 3 года назад
ottima musica, grazie!
@deborahcummings7133 5 месяцев назад
Native Americans came over the ice cap Listen Same Burr
@deborahcummings7133 5 месяцев назад
All the rythum rhymes the beat
@Marco_Venieri 8 месяцев назад
Sono delle forze della natura, sembra di sentire un suono primordiale che viene dalle viscere della terra
@MehraliyevFuad 6 лет назад
Magnificent !!!!
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
Hi, thank you giving yr comment about the Huun-Huur-Tu video.They might do some European shows in October as the only concerts this year. A crowdfunding campaign July started now for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And they are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos here: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva Join the campaign and donate for the book, thanks
@karaoorzhak1035 Год назад
Срасибо за вашу музыку❤❤❤❤😂❤❤❤❤❤❤😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@collcoll6893 8 месяцев назад
Четверо исполнителей во вступительной части создали впечатление целой двигающейся орды. ☝️💪👏👏👏
@jaderhelbermunoznarvaez9523 5 лет назад
Excelente música tradicional la cual apenas hoy descubrí a través de este medio ¡
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
Hi, thank you giving yr comment about the Huun-Huur-Tu video.They might do some European shows in October as the only concerts this year. A crowdfunding campaign July started now for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And there are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos here: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva Join the campaign and donate for the book, thanks
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
Hi, thank you giving yr comment about the Huun-Huur-Tu video.They might do some European shows in October as the only concerts this year. A crowdfunding campaign July started now for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And they are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos here: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva Join the campaign and donate for the book, thanks
@fabriziomeo1312 4 года назад
Mamma mia che meraviglia. La musica tuvana e mongola é unica.
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
There will start a crowdfunding campaign July 13, 2020 for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And there are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos under: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva
@giovannibortoluzzi1384 3 года назад
sono due culture diverse, quella Tuvana e quella Mongola, da non confondere. Entrambe uniche
@JaroMedienGmbH 3 года назад
@@giovannibortoluzzi1384 @. ( there is a book out now about Tuva , purchase at: @t )
@fabriziomeo1312 3 года назад
@@giovannibortoluzzi1384 Mai confuse, ma di certo in tutto il centro Asia le somiglianze delle varie etnie turciche sono evidenti. Anche ascoltando la musica di alcune etnie azere o kazake si sentono evidenti corrispondenze. Laddove la cultura ha un sostrato prettamente nomadico, tutto transita in maniera meravigliosa. L'Asia é il cuore della sapienza umana in tutte le sue forme, stupendo continente.
@konstantindubtsov4781 4 года назад
Тыва интересная, и музыка у них красивая
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
Hi, thank you giving yr comment about the Huun-Huur-Tu video.They might do some European shows in October as the only concerts this year. A crowdfunding campaign July started now for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And they are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos here: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva Join the campaign and donate for the book, thanks
@bodinski100 5 лет назад
they were totally spent at the end...next level....i had tickets to see them 2 yrs ago in uk...they couldnt get visas.....
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
There will start a crowdfunding campaign July 13, 2020 for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And there are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos under: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
Hi, thank you giving yr comment about the Huun-Huur-Tu video.They might do some European shows in October as the only concerts this year. A crowdfunding campaign July started now for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And they are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos here: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva Join the campaign and donate for the book, thanks
@samuraironin1636 3 года назад
Great music. Tuvan Resbuplic.
@maxpatch67 4 года назад
woooooooooW!!!! such amazing music!!!!!
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
There will start a crowdfunding campaign July 13, 2020 for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And there are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos under: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
Hi, thank you giving yr comment about the Huun-Huur-Tu video.They might do some European shows in October as the only concerts this year. A crowdfunding campaign July started now for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And there are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos here: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva Join the campaign and donate for the book, thanks
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
Hi, thank you giving yr comment about the Huun-Huur-Tu video.They might do some European shows in October as the only concerts this year. A crowdfunding campaign July started now for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And they are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos here: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva Join the campaign and donate for the book, thanks
@modernthroatsinging8670 4 года назад
Thank you
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
There will start a crowdfunding campaign July 13, 2020 for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And there are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos under: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
Hi, thank you giving yr comment about the Huun-Huur-Tu video.They might do some European shows in October as the only concerts this year. A crowdfunding campaign July started now for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And they are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos here: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva Join the campaign and donate for the book, thanks
@baraca306bb 6 лет назад
top muito bom
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
Hi, thank you giving yr comment about the Huun-Huur-Tu video.They might do some European shows in October as the only concerts this year. A crowdfunding campaign July started now for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And they are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos here: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva Join the campaign and donate for the book, thanks
@1210CM 5 лет назад
An open-air concert in Catania in July? No wonder these fantastic musicians were almost turned into a Mongolian BBQ.
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
There will start a crowdfunding campaign July 13, 2020 for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And there are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos under: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva
@user-wy1qb8yv5h 7 месяцев назад
Тывинцы турки!!!
@1210CM 7 месяцев назад
@@user-wy1qb8yv5hI know that Turkic people originate from Mongolia and Siberia. „Mongolian BBQ“ was meant as a metaphor.
@rubensbatista2308 2 месяца назад
Por aqui é só musica americana.
@user-uc7ec8pk9m Месяц назад
Pooooo po😮 it is amazing!!!!!!
@soniamcalear2824 Год назад
LOVE THESE FOLKS❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@ogropor 6 лет назад
traditional turkic music. it's very very very ancient at least 15000 years ago
@arthurescalas8273 6 лет назад
They are technically Russian but the place where them come from is located next to Mongolia
@ogropor 6 лет назад
yeah i know its tuva and yes they are assimilated
@ChaosAT 6 лет назад
no the russian are technically türks
@strecheleonard 5 лет назад
Tuva is a little republic situated at the border to Mongolia
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
Hi, thank you giving yr comment about the Huun-Huur-Tu video.They might do some European shows in October as the only concerts this year. A crowdfunding campaign July started now for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And they are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos here: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva Join the campaign and donate for the book, thanks
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
There will come a book about Tuva very soon. There will start a crowdfunding campaign July 13, 2020 for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD with music from Tuva. And there are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos here: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva
@connieking7736 3 года назад
@user-oi1mz1zv1g 4 года назад
@ranoraraku6297 9 месяцев назад
@alltuallti1156 6 лет назад
wanted to be at this concert
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
Hi, thank you giving yr comment about the Huun-Huur-Tu video.They might do some European shows in October as the only concerts this year. A crowdfunding campaign July started now for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And they are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos here: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva Join the campaign and donate for the book, thanks
@jarneinderbitzin4375 Год назад
48:30 is my Favourite
@corpaseticreggae5334 6 лет назад
19032018 LDN - Powerful - I could play all day
@user-ku8dt6tx3d 6 лет назад
야 참....세계적인 뮤지션이다....중국, 미국, 독일, 이탈리아...등등 뭐 전세계적으로 움직이네....워낙 선율이 아름답고...특색이 있으니....// 소리가 조금 울리는 경향이 있네....조금 아쉽다...그래도 uploading man... thanks!! --- from south korea
@TheCollod 5 лет назад
엇 훙후루트 좋아하는 한국 사람 보니까 반갑네여 ㅋㅋㅋ 꼭 내한공연 해줬으면 좋겠어요ㅠㅠ
@Taewhy 4 года назад
훙후루트의 음악은 제삶의 활력을 불어주는 요소입니다.현재 가사까지 외우는 중입니다.
@iurimilder5650 5 лет назад
They played with Frank Zappa !!!
@JaroMedienGmbH 4 года назад
Hi, thank you giving yr comment about the Huun-Huur-Tu video.They might do some European shows in October as the only concerts this year. A crowdfunding campaign July started now for a book about TUVA which will include a live CD of the group. And there are amazing THANK YOUs as well. You can find all infos here: www.jaro.de/crowdfundingtuva Join the campaign and donate for the book, thanks
@deborahcummings7133 5 месяцев назад
You can sing along Unt to
@Zorigoogiin-baga-ni 2 года назад
You guys remember HUSUGTUN?. Listen MONGOLIAN Folk song!!!
@TravelMongoliaToursCom-wn4hu 4 года назад
Аз жаргал хүсье ! Улаанбаатараас. Халимаг Буриад Тува Саха Якут поёт танцует в Монголий. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-P2J091eUwPY.html Тува шагай ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-FsE-eNXnJ7M.html
@aabeejan4238 5 лет назад
All like the music and voices but all the songs are seems the same. there is no other song??
@overtonefinds6385 4 года назад
indeed, no other songs, it's just one huge song, you're absolutely right sir.
@dachecker79 4 года назад
@@overtonefinds6385 ;-)
@jackmarentette1302 4 года назад
Overtone Pear thank you!
@carlosvalentin856 4 года назад
That a an enchant prayer Chinese..
@brezidel1469 4 года назад
Какая это молитва китайцев ? ты что в своем уме ? это ТУВА - Азия России! Степь и горы . Китайцы никакого отношения к горловому пению не имеют !!! Не показывай свою неграмотность !!!!!
@giovannibortoluzzi1384 3 года назад
proofs please. I'm very, very skeptical. It should be 100% tuvan.
@carlosvalentin856 3 года назад
@@giovannibortoluzzi1384 proof that its a prayer? You may not understand Shiva, bless you👏🛐🕉
@giovannibortoluzzi1384 3 года назад
@@carlosvalentin856 dice che è una preghiera cinese. In realtà è una preghiera Tuvana e lo so perché conosco la lingua.
@carlosvalentin856 3 года назад
Esa lengua antigua mas de 5000 anos viene de la china a mongolia yo tengo Uno traducia a
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