
Confrontational woman doesn't realise its a bridleway...and her dog should really be under control 

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Cuckoo brow and Confrontational woman doesn't realise this is a bridleway...and her dog should really be on a lead as it was obviously poorly trained and in no way could be classed as under control as required. It didn't obey her recall when she tried to call it back. she wasn't a happy bunny. Here is the video of us reaching her group and the dog which had zero recall, what wasn't picked up clearly on the video is her shouting rudely stop! stop right there ! you shouldn't be riding on here even tho my mate had pulled up well before them safely as we were riding steadily, the Gopro does make it look as tho we were hurtling down there when in reality we were being quite respectful and not riding flat out out even tho it's potentially a very fast fun descent we were riding to what we could see and stop for. I had no issues with her until she started ranting at me telling me I shouldnt be there when I had slowly started to pass her. I tried to remain calm and resptectful as she loudly told me that we were on a footpath and shouldn't be riding there but this time she sadly caught me and tweaked a nerve that got me started arguing with her, it can be seen earlier in the video that we weren't riding at stupid speeds down there as I'm aware it's often quite busy with Walkers as well as bikes and very occasionally horses. I hope you can see before we met her that we had just previously stopped and waited for a family to happily get out of the way or come up past us even tho they chose to go to one side of the bridleway, we had let their kids and dogs come up past me and I had waited patiently for all of them to come up past me before I set off again, and I am always quite prepared to stop and wait for walkers or other bikes, I do not expect everyone to get out of my way. We all share these bridleways but the first family and couple we encountered had stood to the side and signalled us to come down just before I started started filming again, from there we carried on down the hill. It's hard being courteous when you get met with an attitude like the woman moaning at me met me with and even harder when I actually know where I am and the status of the trails that we are riding on is fully legal for us to ride when she obviously can't even read the fingerposts as she enters the bridleway clearly marked with the symbols making it even easier for the uninitiated to understand the status of a route letting her know what you are likely to encounter at any time on any given marked bridleway or Byway or even footpath ...... this is a very clearly marked well used bridleway I hope it spoiled her walk as much as she spoiled our ride theres no need for all the aggro, we all have to share many of these routes




4 окт 2024




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@kryten1021 3 месяца назад
In the Uk we have public rights of way , Footpaths which are solely for pedestrians , then we have permissive footpaths where the landowner allows pedestrian access, then we have Bridleways: a highway over which the public has a right of way on foot, horseback and on a pedal cycle (including mountain-bikes). There may also be a right to drive animals along a bridleway. , then we have byways also known as B O A T's which are byways open to all traffic which can have pedestrians cyclists horses cars motorbikes or even trucks if they can fit, we also have O R P A 's where it gets slightly more complicated , these are other routes of public access which can strangely have the same conditions as anything up to boat status, Restricted Byways: a highway over which the public is entitled to travel on foot, horseback and with non-mechanically propelled vehicles (such as pedal cycles and horse-drawn vehicles). There may also be a right to drive animals along a restricted byway, we also have rules that dogs should be kept under control in any public space, meaning a dog that isn't well trained needs to be on a lead, the other thing is where this lady was on a bridleway has signs by the farmers to keep dogs on a lead as there are livestock, she clearly had not even looked at the fingerpost where she entered the bridleway which even has symbols of a horse , pedestrian and a bike she even said where I come from tracks like this are all footpaths so she clearly had no idea about the status of the track she was on, this is a very brief summary of access in England, theres a lot more other rules but these are the basic ones for most of us in England, Scotland has different rules, hope this makes it clearer
@dwartfarquart9590 2 месяца назад
If the guy said " Bless your heart." I was gonna laugh myself sick.
@nicholasjones7312 2 месяца назад
Karen in the wild
@catherinelagrande7836 2 месяца назад
Yes. The bike rider was a Karen in the wild.
@trailbuddiesuk7127 6 месяцев назад
they're my favourite kind of walkers.. the ill informed, who think they know it all, who feel the need to point out youre in the wrong while theyre in the wrong. she calls it a footpath when its a bridal way, it might not be law to have her dog on a lead but it is law that it should be underf control. it obviously wasnt a complient dog when it came to instructions so under control in her case does mean on a lead... fortunately those types are in the minoritry. in my experfience if you show consideration and respect for other users they usually show consideration and respect in return.
@kryten1021 6 месяцев назад
you are perfectly correct about the wording . The dog should be under control, I had one biting my ankle up at the fox and i gave it a swift heel the lady told me there was no need for that to which I relied there would be no need if your dog was under control in a public place sadly that ismt on film as it was in general a smooth fire rad where i was i wouldnt care but i had given them a wide berth evn tho they were walking 4 abreast luckily it was a small dog and didnt get to anything other than my riding shoe, Ive had walkers complaining "have you not got a bell ?" yes I have and use it ..then I've had walkers moan at me when I've rung my bell "theres no F**king need for that we know your there " you have to love the lakes for the quality of the humanity it brings up here, dont get me started on dog poo bags and litter lol😟
@trailbuddiesuk7127 6 месяцев назад
@@kryten1021YEH POO BAGS AND LITTER....!!!!!!!!! i dont own a dog so never leave those anytwhere but i do have a rule when it comes to any plastic bottles or wrappers i have and energy gells - everything i take onto the trails in my bag and use, leaves the trails with me in my bag to be put in the bin..
@kryten1021 6 месяцев назад
@@trailbuddiesuk7127 I've taken everything home with me like you, I'm now trying to take 5 items of anything i can remove from trails home with me , like empty cans and bottles , i saw someone else doing it and calling it take 5 so i thought thats a great idea so a lot of the time i remove 5 items of plastic or litter , i use a carrier bag in the little net bit of my rucksack
@trailbuddiesuk7127 6 месяцев назад
@@kryten1021you're right, that is a great idea..i think i might start packing something in my bag to put an extra 5 items of rubbish in each time im out :-)
@dianeyoung2914 2 месяца назад
Yes she was in the wrong but I wouldn't say that dog was not compliant, she didn't get a chance to get hold of the dog because the cyclists came up on them quite fast but once she called the dog back it went straight to her. They should have made themselves aware of what they were walking on and stuck to the rules.
@archstanton5603 2 месяца назад
A bridleway is a highway over which the public has a right of way on foot, horseback and on a pedal cycle (including mountain-bikes). There may also be a right to drive animals along a bridleway. Sadly many choose not to understand this.
@dontuno 2 месяца назад
Just playing devil's advocate here, sometimes it is not clear if it is a bridleway, particularly when the signage is all but identical to public footpath.
@philthycat1408 3 месяца назад
“On your way” in other words, ‘fk off’. Ft Cw
@themermaidstale5008 2 месяца назад
In the US if you’re outside with your dog and it’s within your fenced area and cannot run out it can be off-leash. If you’re with your dog off your property, it should be on a leash (except at dog parks). But if you know your dog has a habit of jumping over your fence or escaping in someway, you should have your dog on a leash, even in your own yard. You don’t have physical control of a dog if it’s not on a leash.
@melmarsh3247 2 месяца назад
not in UK. off & on , both are legal
@themermaidstale5008 2 месяца назад
@@melmarsh3247 understood, but unless a dog is well-trained to always obey commands an owner has zero control of a dog off-leash. There’s a video of an off-leash dog in Victoria Park repeatedly attacking a mounted horse. This one dog almost pulled the horse and rider down.
@johnlennox-pe2nq 2 месяца назад
@@themermaidstale5008 its a lot strickter in N America for pet/dogs methinks and yet you can in some states carry an AR15 on your shouldrer thru an airport lounge and its legal;
@Ddhuk 2 месяца назад
it's a shame horse riders dont seem to pay any notice when it says public footpath not for riding your horse on
@iwanttoliveinthewoods 2 месяца назад
The MTB vs. Walker rivalry is a tale as old as time. It's like roadies and drivers. but we're cooler
@TiberiusWallace 2 месяца назад
Tbh The dog wasn't badly behaved so I'd likely have her on a longish training lead. Not those awful extending sprung ones though obviously.
@charliemutton1165 Год назад
@freaker126 2 месяца назад
frankly, i would have just move on, quickly. no point in talking to someone who doesn't want to listen and insisting they're right. everytime i have altecation with someone or cars, i just move on and not stoping. cause, it might get worse and ruin your day in the end.
@johnwoody9505 2 месяца назад
I did decades of trail riding on my fully road legal trail bike. It was amazing the lack of knowledge by many ramblers, some thought they had the right to everything, here in south Wales, found the ramblers in Yorkshire better informed and nicer. I always had proper maps with designations of the trails we road, when a group of ramblers said I should not be where we are, I offered to show them the OS Landranger map of the area, they never wanted to refer to the map!! . Of course much has changed since the Crow Act of 2000, downgrading most of the RUPPs to restricted byways, most of the trails where I live were legally ridden by us, no longer since the CROW act!!
@DownhillDesireMTB Год назад
dog doesn't need to be on a lead at all unless there is a specific control order on that bridleway or area
@kryten1021 Год назад
Yes you are perfectly correct quoting specific control orders would need to be in place but also check out the official Gov dot link I think you might find there are slightly more factors to consider about keeping dogs on leads and maybe it's not quite as clear as it could be www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-countryside-code/the-countryside-code-advice-for-countryside-visitors .... bearing in mind there are sheep and lambs not much further up the route where they were walking, she had to chase after the dog to grab it and get it under control so the dog doesn't have decent recall so there. I spend hours and hours on mainly bridleways around my local area and have no issue at all with trained dogs or dogs on leads, I'm generally very respectful of other countyrside users and interact pleasantly, living and riding in one of the busiest tourist areas we also have bells on our bikes and expect to meet and give way to walkers horses and bikes and, but sorry her mouthing away that we were on a footpath when she clearly didnt know the status of where they were walking just hit a nerve for me. Heres a small section from the Gov. link I have included above Always keep dogs under control and in sight The countryside, parks and the coast are great places to exercise your dog but you need to consider other users and wildlife. Keep your dog under effective control to make sure it stays away from wildlife, livestock, horses and other people unless invited. You should: always keep your dog on a lead or in sight be confident your dog will return on command make sure your dog does not stray from the path or area where you have right of access her dog clearly didn't return to her on command so I think I was correct in saying her dog should be on a lead, to be fair if she hadn't mouthed about us being on a footpath we would have slowly passed them by and I would have just said thank you as I passed them by
@Bobario1 Год назад
@@kryten1021 Dogs need to be under close control at all times in places where they may encounter other people, horses, bikes etc. In other words on a lead at all times unless you are 100% certain your dog will come back to you when called.
@bigearedmouse17 2 месяца назад
The Freudian Nazi Salute at 2;08 says it all ?
@NJ87-90 2 месяца назад
It's just that time of the month..that's all! 😁
@GOB72 2 месяца назад
She's well past that time in her life, she's just a cranky old fart.
@JamieW-o7b 2 месяца назад
For the dog, the law says under control, not on a lead. But the owner clearly did not have control.
@kryten1021 2 месяца назад
@@JamieW-o7b exactly the point if the dog was under control it doesn't need it's lead but this one obviously did that's why I said it should be on a lead in a public place . There are signs all over that area put up by the landowners and farmers requesting all dogs be kept on leads as there are lots of sheep in the area and sadly each year there are far too many animals attacked by loose dogs that are not under control or on leads
@jenette16 3 месяца назад
Ok, need some info here. What is a bridalway exactly.
@paulainsc8212 3 месяца назад
For horse riding
@jenette16 3 месяца назад
Ah, thanks. Here in Washington state we have a large area for horses quads and such. That's a nice trail
@archstanton5603 2 месяца назад
A bridleway is a highway over which the public has a right of way on foot, horseback and on a pedal cycle (including mountain-bikes). There may also be a right to drive animals along a bridleway. The term bridleway originates from a horses bridle.
@petittrainguernsey3297 2 месяца назад
A Bridalway is where ladies who are getting married walk. A Bridleway is a track where English people argue in a passive aggresive manner 😂
@adrianthorne1615 2 месяца назад
That path is not for cows is it?
@markgolding8946 Год назад
why try and provoke confrontation
@kiwiauldphart Год назад
@markgolding8946 The riders didn't provoke confrontation at all, they were quite within their rights to politely let the walkers know that it was a multi-use trail for their future safety and enjoyment.
@kryten1021 Год назад
@@kiwiauldphart you got it right there we all have the right to be on there. I wouldnt have even said more than thank you to her if she hadn't been wrongly trying to tell us we shouldnt be on there, this next clip is another bridleway that runs parallel to it and was a couple of days ago and shows how easy it is for us all to get along nicely and share trails like I said I'm generally polite and quite considerate of other trail users but sometimes like can happen to anyone I can get a bit narked, but i do try and remain calm and not let things ruin my day ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-tG3F3eecUhQ.html
@sallybee2710 2 месяца назад
Riders were going very fast..and why should the walkers give way? If I was heading the opposite way on my horse going equally fast,who would give way?? Which would actually be rude and irresponsible.
@kryten1021 2 месяца назад
@@sallybee2710 In that situation you would be expected to give way , Heirarchy of road users www.gov.uk/government/news/the-highway-code-8-changes-you-need-to-know-from-29-january-2022 , just like we gave way to the lady, the problem was her dog was out of control the key phrase a dog must be under control in a public space so because it wasn't under control it should have been on a lead ,my issue was the way she was telling me I shouldn't be on there as she had ignored all the signs telling her the legal status that it is a bridleway and obviously hadn't checked the definitive map of the area or even consulted the O s Map , she had also ignored the A4 sized laminated sheets that the farmer has put up on points of entry showing injured sheep and lambs and requesting all dogs be kept on leads to prevent harm to his livestock
@Grizzly01-vr4pn 2 месяца назад
@@sallybee2710 The riders were not going 'very fast' at all. A sedate pace is what I saw...
@DaBinChe Год назад
Karens be Karens
@frazeryoung7882 2 месяца назад
Dog on lead out in country side due to livestock
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