
Cosmic Queries - The Biggest Ideas in the Universe with Neil deGrasse Tyson & Sean Carroll 

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@StarTalk 2 года назад
If you're interested, check out Sean's book, "The Biggest Ideas in the Universe": amzn.to/3Sr5y5A
@anthonycraig274 2 года назад
Already ordered it. I have ordered your latest one too.
@michaelccopelandsr7120 2 года назад
I've figured out how to change the stars by stopping hurricanes. Don't worry, I've technically already done the easy part and changed the stars. My parents were teachers and for over 3 decades, they taught their students my constellation. Those kids will teach their kids. So on and so on. See, stars changed. I just need help to make it legit and with the rest. I need to get to Texas ASAP. No, I'm not kidding. Yes, I'm serious. I get 7 things. One of them being to change the stars and remember, crazy is a compliment. Figured Neil has taken on the IAU and won. He's the best place to start. If, rather when, it works it could be converted to a larger scale and EASILY regulate temperature, end drought, stop wildfires in the west. Let me know if you're interested, please and thank you. It'd be wrong of me to not, at least, try. This is me, trying. More, hopefully, to come.
@greatdayn4651 2 года назад
You must please provide closed captions! This information is too important to sequester it from people who are hearing impaired or who speak English as a second+ language.
@randomdazz 2 года назад
Thank you so much - I need to start buying science books again as it is so fascinating
@BeiBe42780 2 года назад
We got kicked out of heaven because of free will. Think about it..
@louisesumrell6331 2 года назад
"Mr. Hitchens, do you have free will?" "I have no choice."
@thelostone6981 2 года назад
Haha. Anytime I see Sean Carroll’s name, I always think back to the time he debated Bill Lane Craig. It’s one of my favorite debates….except for all the Hitchens debates. Who unfortunately also debated Bill…
@peakrider4886 2 года назад
Where is this quote from? I’d like to read up on it. My own personal theory is that free will is something we think we have but within the boundaries that everything that has happened in the past was always going to happen, and everything that will happen in the future is always going to happen that way. I’ve learned there are plausible scientific concepts which say our lives are a story book and the past is the book we’ve already read, and the future is the part we are yet to read through, but it has already been written and has chapters and an ending.
@ricardoalmeida4719 2 года назад
“The boss insists upon it”
@bipolarminddroppings 2 года назад
@@peakrider4886 its a joke Hitchens used to say quite frequently
@B1u35ky 2 года назад
True free will would nullify personality
@MichaelSmith420fu 2 года назад
My modern perspective on the question "do I (we) have free will?"- First.. you have have to think deep and long about what is "I" or the "self". I think that if one is willing to accept physics and spacetime then they have to admit that everything is just borrowed, re-emulated versions of what came before. I mean look at a kid who is a splitting image of their parent. Their jeans are similar, their perspectives, morals, strength, weaknesses, ability to conceptualize...even things like that.. are all related directly to their nurture,nature,and environment. So if you can accept that, once you start thinking about Free Will and the self and wear this so called Free Will is coming from you can start to get a more realistic understanding of what is going on. Remember like we were joking about.... It's complexity 😋
@MichaelSmith420fu 2 года назад
Think non-dual
@RedHealthBlueMana 2 года назад
One of the most interesting dialogues and Q&A in 2022. A must watch. The topics are so interesting, but the overall attitude is so relaxed. Just mesmerizing.
@scottcarr8738 2 года назад
Right? In its original form I spread this across my friends. More than once for that matter!
@MelindaKucsera 2 года назад
My two favorite astrophysicists on the same podcast! This is awesome. I didn't know Sean's new book came out. I'm still making my way through his book, Something Deeply Hidden.
@ericvulgate 2 года назад
I don't think I've tried to talk someone out of their free will. I WILL say that believing we have free will must be very important to our survival for us to cling to it so strongly.
@frankwestphal8532 Год назад
Sean Carroll is now one of my favorite physicists. I love his depth of knowledge and flexibility of thinking. People like him and Brian Greene, appear to me, to be on the cutting edge of human understanding of the universe. And I'm sure I'm missing others that I will soon discover as well. One thing that sometimes bothers me about scientists in general, is a level of arrogance about our understanding of various systems. But we don't know what we don't know, therefore we always need to keep a partially open mind. The more I learn about the universe, the more humble I become relative to it, becasue I can start to see how much I don't know, and that some of the concepts the universe incorporates might not even be grasp-able to my (or even any) human brain at his time. When humans have lived 14 billion years, maybe we'll know it all. Until then, I'm going to be listening, learning, and ever evolving. And as always, thank you to Neil and Startalk co hosts and guests for bringing this great content to us!
@JoyousMelancholy 2 года назад
just a question. If in the vacuum of space once you start moving in any direction you will not have anything to slow you down, thus you go on forever without stopping unless you hit something (like a planet or star) because your momentum does not slow. so why is it that reaching lightspeed through "speedcreep" where we accelerate then shut off the thrusters. our momentum at that acceleration would become our new base line , thus if we then power up the thrusters again and accelerate from our new base momentum, rinse repeat. the real issue with high speed travel in space is how to controllably stop because it will take far more energy to stop then to creep up to full speed. is this accurate or am I misunderstanding something?
@nickbisson8243 2 года назад
Look up the rocket equation. You'd need a gigantic rocket to start plus you'd need to carry enough fuel to eventually slow you down. More fuel = more weight. More weight means you need to add more engines which again adds more weight which needs more fuel.....which is more weight. It's a revolving door lol
@JoyousMelancholy 2 года назад
@@nickbisson8243 why would weight matter in space where there is no gravity to create weight from the object's (in this case the ship) mass. if we were talking about in atmosphere, your right. the rocket equation would help but not for this scenario. once in space and "fair enough away " from the earth to be effectively outside its gravity, weight is nothing more then what you get from going to close to a planet or near a star. in my question I specified we start in the vacuum of space. once in space the "weight" of said fuel means nothing. so to reiterate (this time using numbers to help get the idea) when in space why wouldn't thruster cycling lead to incrementally faster and faster speeds? like if we have (just using simple numbers don't read into it) a 100kg drone with a thruster set that produces 147.1N's of force in the same direction and we cycle it ten times in space once we start with momentum we don't stop with out effort(IE: reverse thrusters) thus would cycling the engine not be the same performance wise to having had a thruster set capable of 1471.0 N's from the start? Sorry if this is doesn't make sense, writing is not my forte.
@marchalthomas6591 2 года назад
On free will, each choice seems to be the result of an evaluation. Two options are weighted, but with our own metrics. Those metrics depend on our past experiences and our character, also build by our past. It seems very mechanical and predetermined. Sure we have will, like trying to explain my point of view or accepting it as valid. But nothing shows that it constitutes free will. Free will seems like you could go against all odds and do what you will not do, which is never happening by definition. And if by chance there was a brain circuit that gives random output, there again, it would be random will, and not free will. So even if you wake up one day and decide to do a parachute jump for the first time, it is the result of your life's experience, not a free choice.
@johnpetkos5686 2 года назад
I really can't get what compatibilists are arguing. You have free will, because that's the best way you can describe your experience... Like really??? "Our perception of what's going on is completely compatible with the idea that we have free will". And that gives us free will?? Are you serious? Our perception is also completely compatible with the idea that the earth is not moving or with the impression that we are something special or with a lot of stuff that's actually not true! If your perception is completely compatible with some idea, that lends by no means that idea credibility. You can have an idea that is completely compatible with your perception, but your perception could very well be wrong - and that would render your idea wrong as well.
@anthonyv4678 2 года назад
We can never have free will. The second you give us free will, you're taking away the choice of free will. What if I don't want free will?
@d.a.b.2336 2 года назад
This could have been perfect; instead we have Nadeen or whatever. That's just wonderful...
@0The0Web0 2 года назад
always very interesting and at the same time enjoyable to listen to Caroll
@garyscott4339 Год назад
this was delightfully fun!!!!!
@JM-us3fr 2 года назад
If anyone is wondering how to do Neil’s calculation at 7:05, 100 halvings gives you 1/(2^100). Using the classic approximation 2^10=10^3, we get the estimate 1/((10^3)^10)=1/(10^30). 29:21 I would just want to push back on Sean a little because I don’t think his point here made sense. If I try persuade you of something, then I must be operating under the assumption that you are _persuade-able_ . That is to say, some of your positions can be determined by persuasion. That is completely consistent with a _lack_ of free will.
@blackmagician7645 2 года назад
🤔Dark therapy. I'm interested on this concept. What does it Intel?
@HuJaime13 2 года назад
Loved this one!!! Amazing explanations Mr Tyson im a really big fan of you, your ideas and knowledge!
@XxTheAwokenOnexX 2 года назад
We have, as much free will, as Governments, and the law allow us to have
@dqixsoss7436 2 года назад
Always looking forward to these !
@przemekmorawski3168 7 месяцев назад
In the quantum physics aproach you can describe particles as a wave function that collapses during the measurement ( interaction with EM radiation) . Maybe large objects are not in superposition just because they interact so heaviliy with themselves and light that they are constantly in a state of wavefunction collapse, so they are localised and interact gravitationally according to classical physics and general relativity. Therefore the explanation of dark matter would be that there is no EM interaction so Dark matter particles actually stay as the wavefunction all the time maintaining superposition due to inability to being "measured" or more precisely inability to interact with light , interacting through gravity diffrent that normal matter does because of their constant superposition and inability to collapse its waveffunction, emanating some kind of dispersed gravity based on probability ? i dont have the capability to make any calculations about it but i'd be thankful to know any mistakes in this approach.
@MrSupervillin 2 года назад
I’m getting the book
@meejinhuang 2 года назад
Free Will is a deep question. If we are a simulation, then there is no free will and destiny has been determined, but not by humans. Free Will means that we can change our destiny and I don't know if we can.
@Bostonceltics1369 2 года назад
Dr. Lenny did an interesting presentation at the world science festival to try to reconcile quantum mechanics and relativity using the holographic principle and quantum entanglement I hope y'all mention this.
@ponderingdave Год назад
They haven't differentiated between epistemological freewill vs ontological freewill. Epistemological freewill is the pseudo-freewill of ignorance since we don't everything. But ontological freewill is impossible because we all follow precisely the laws of physics.
@InigoMontoya- Год назад
Every decision we make creates another universe in which we didn’t make that decision. To conserve the energy of creating new universes, the current universe does not allow for free will, thus we are determined to follow only the path that was started at the creation of this universe by only giving the illusion of choice.
@Nico_Dica 2 года назад
41:42 Quite mind blowing indeed 😲
@ruellerz 2 года назад
@27:53 So we have free will because of the uncertainty of humans. Is there such thing as a deterministic universe or not?
@JJs_playground 2 года назад
I feel that *Sean is being a bit short-sighted* about "us not being able to do anything when we discover what dark energy is". Do you think when Einstein discovered the photoelectric effect he had any idea all things we'd be able to do with that solar panels, LASERs and all the things we've been and to do with those technologies. .
@korben43 2 года назад
We have the will to choose, but only within the boundaries of our current understanding of the universe. Free will is a bad phrase, mainly because it is left to interpretation as to what it means. But if you take it at its root meaning (unforced or free choice) then it is only logical to assume that we do not have free will.
@noahyes 5 месяцев назад
ive boiled my free will argument down to this: is it possible for any event in the universe to occur outside of cause and effect? no. "any event" includes our thoughts, feelings, and choices. therefore, free will is impossible. self awareness does exist (which is all descartes really proved) and since humans have access to abstract thinking, language, and self reflection, we conflate that experience with free will. free will is a concept which adds immense, unnecessary misery to our civilization, because it discourages compassion and empathy, and places obstacles/stigma in the path of our understanding of mental illness.
@walterfristoe4643 2 года назад
I know how to reconcile gravity with quantum mechanics, but if I told you I would take away any chance you would have to enjoy the satisfaction of solving it yourself. 🤔
@aarond3657 2 года назад
Free will? The universe is under no obligation to care about the psychological drama of human beings.
@emefcue Год назад
I dont understand why this lady still makes appearences. Her jokes dont hit and are always forced.
@lanceenchainte4890 2 года назад
Lord of the Rings is not a trilogy! It’s one book which has 6 parts, and the parts were assembled in pairs, and each pair is a Volume of it’s own name.
@michaelccopelandsr7120 2 года назад
Neil and Chuck for 2024
@Liam-bv3ux 2 года назад
Unfortunately we don’t have free will I didn’t want to pay tax for the past 15 years but I have to 😫😅
@yeoj_ 2 года назад
Just not the same without chuck
@tom-kz9pb 2 года назад
When anyone asks whether we have "free will", they should be asked in turn what exactly they even mean by "free will". That we sometimes make decisions free of any *external* influence at the moment? Of course we do. That we sometimes experience momentarily indecision and have internal impulses simultaneously in conflicting directions? Of course we do. That we are somehow "free" of the internal workings of our own brains as we make a decision? Of course we are not. So the bottom line answer is, "No, we do not have 'free will'. It is a sentimental illusion surrounding a fuzzy, poorly defined concept."
@noahyes 5 месяцев назад
@zemourisaber2849 2 года назад
where the heck is chuck :(
@shiftylad9938 2 года назад
Loved this. Very enjoyable from Ireland 🇮🇪 Negin was a favorite 👍👍👍
@walterfristoe4643 2 года назад
Sherlock Holmes's dictum: "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
@JoeVanGogh Год назад
That quote is on my wall
@jettmthebluedragon 2 года назад
Randomness means something that has no order 😑 determinism means something is not random it’s supposed to be that way but it can change or be bent like chemistry you can change the color of the flame like copper is green lithium is red however 😑you can’t change a chemical reaction HCL will always react with aluminum or water and iron make H20+FE= FE02 witch is rust you can’t just choose and say water will NOT react to iron no matter what 😑but you can slow down the rust forming that’s determinism however SUPER determinism is our dna the only reason you exist is beacuse of your parents without them you would not exist 😑their is no multiple universes their are no multiple YOUS their is only 1 you meaning the REAL you 😑meaning the odds of planet having life are 1 😑and you don’t have a choice if the universe NOT the observeable universe the WHOLE universe had a beginning it will end if the universe has no beginning it will NEVER end 😑space and time are infinite if you reach the end all you find is more space 😑and time is only realated to the observer 😑and their is no telling how much time has passed before we were born the odds of a planet having life are 1 so if your saying the universe is only 14 billion years old if you do the math that means the odds of life are 1/14 billion death is nothing new in fact I have learned that your life is like the Big Bang and Big Crunch 😐and to prove it before you were born you were nothing as you were born your dream your are alive your at your prime you get old you die you dream you decay and become nothing once again 😑so the question do we have free will ? Yes but it’s not like we are gods 😒to know the universe you need to understand everything 😑and as your brain will decay your brain is responsible for memory if you can’t remember your past life what makes you think you will remember this one 😑? Death means to sleep being born means to be awake from death
@greggjohnson5634 2 года назад
Happy BDay Neil! And Happy Teachers Day! Thanks for being there for all of us and teaching us so much!
@bullettube9863 2 года назад
I know I have free will, no one forced me to watch this channel!
@akmmonirulislam3961 5 месяцев назад
If the future predetermined then you have no free will.
@SamayaGhar 2 года назад
Attended dr Tyson’s event “ astrophysicist goes to the movies II” last night. And now here he is again just a day later on my phones screen with a new startalk episode. I love it!
@randywayne3910 2 года назад
Free will is much more than just a choice, it’s a metaphysical ability. Free will is the brain’s ability to focus or not to focus. Philosophers have answered the question years ago, most scientists have yet to catch up.
@dwayne_dibley 2 года назад
You were always destined to make that comment. If choices are not determined, they are random as anything that isn’t randomflects some underlying disposition or necessity that determines it.
@randywayne3910 2 года назад
@@dwayne_dibley the underlying disposition is a natural ability of the human brain - focus. The ability to focus, or not to focus, results in a concept we call free will. Claiming we are mentally determined, is to claim we can both focus, and not focus at the same time, on the same idea. Are you focusing on refuting my comment, or not refuting it? You cannot be both. Like infinity, random is an abstract concept, it does not exist.
@nickns732 2 года назад
If we can’t change the past, and everything happening now is determined by the past, then we have no free will. Your decisions now will always be framed from past events and experiences.
@alanhehe4508 2 года назад
Very interesting discussion, and I love that you all still have a good sense of humor.
@Mendaxxx 2 года назад
We need more astrophysicists with Neil on Star Talk ❤ loved the episode
@StarTalk 2 года назад
Glad you enjoyed it! :)
@ytesr Год назад
And less comedians
@DanceBeforeTheStorm_ 2 года назад
"smarticle" is my favourite new word ❤️ In my head it means little bits of information that are proven to be true i.e. making me smarter ☺️
@tanyawade5197 Год назад
YES! I loved that lil slip of Negin’s. I’ll keep that in mind for use in everyday convos😁.
@jonathanskurtu7384 2 года назад
Yes we have free will.
@dwayne_dibley 2 года назад
That’s what they want you to think
@prriyanshimedhavi3897 29 дней назад
@@dwayne_dibley who
@katiorchi7676 Год назад
We need much much more of Sean Carroll! So refreshing to hear his smart answers to difficult questions. Greetings from Hungary!
@frogz 2 года назад
eyes so red, topics so interesting, startalk never disappoints
@sebastronomical Год назад
Are you watching star talk high sir
@frogz Год назад
are you watching high star talk, while high?
@sebastronomical Год назад
@@frogz why yes, yes I am
@ubercoo 2 года назад
Probabilistic & opportunistic will, might be better description for "free will". As game theory using a chess board as an example. There are a finite amount of moves (choices) within the standard rules of our given world. There are many factors such as awareness, response, emotions etc. If you were a piece on the chess board which has no awareness about how many moves you could make then that may not allow you to move. This is acquired through education & expanded thought to see further across the board. Another concept is a river & a fallen tree. The animal could not cross the river until the tree fell across allowing a bridge to be created. In life, we need more education bridges across problems instead of street signs already designed to keep you running in circles.
@feedingravens 2 года назад
Just came to my mind recently, like there is matter and energy, and gravity makes matter attract each other, maybe Dark Energy (that quasi pushes matter apart large-scale) is simply Anti-Gravity, that separated from Gravity some time after the Big Bang. Not that I know a lot concrete about physics, but who knows?
@Sin_Of_Greed 2 года назад
Tes, it has been theorized. It's actually some what likely, as my personal hypothesis, that Big Bang created such a large force, that I pulled the Universe apart so greatly it's ripping it apart, leaving behind Dark Matter. Or another way of putting it, it's possible that, that's the way another universe is showing it's face to us.
@abeautifuldayful 2 года назад
@@Sin_Of_Greed ...or if not its face, then maybe its cosmic farting rear?
@skylark8828 2 года назад
Or the quantum effects within spacetime itself create what we call dark energy Spacetime is pulling itself apart. There's also something called inflation which started the Big Bang.
@alexhigginbotham8635 2 года назад
I would say that to a degree we all exist (if you can call it that) within a set of parameters... albeit broad ones. Some might call it a simulation. Therefore we have 'free will'... within said parameters.
@gentlestorm 2 года назад
What does that annoying chick add to the talk? Just do 1 on 1!
@samchapple6363 2 года назад
I must brake, therefore I don’t have freewill 😅 gravity rules
@olencone4005 2 года назад
The flatulent Superman talk in the "Cosmic Farts" section reminded me of an old Larry Niven piece (from the 70's I think?) called "Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" which basically concluded that when Superman reached climax with Lois, he would... well... essentially cleave her in half. o.O The man has inhumanly powerful muscles after all....
@eylesit9268 Год назад
I've watched a lot of Sean Carroll on RU-vid, and they are all enjoyable. But in this discussion he comes across the most relaxed, funny, slightly cheeky, and good-natured that I've seen so far. Good chemistry between these three. Hope they do another one sometime.
@edenb329 Год назад
it's like i told my mom--to paraphrase: 'everyone is in their own psyched out perception. someone could be a dog in their mind, but outwardly appear as a human, and vice versa.' so i essentially needed to 'play' the game of Life by teaching animals what it means to be Human. i started to figure out that if i could SOMEHOW teach binary to an animal, i could create some pseudo-bridging language that we could both utilize (using the ability of 'neuroplasticity' to my advantage) and slowly teach it what it means to be a Human-Being, if they are going to coexist with us, in a Human dominated world. we already keep them as pets, so in a sense, it is almost too late for them to resist anyway. and if i could teach any hypothetical animal what it meant to be Human, then...it must mean something to be Human. i know it is circular logic, but at this point, it seems increasingly more like 'Common Sense'. thinking ahead, you could train any A.I. by showing it what it means to be at LEAST Human, since Humans are so distinct from the average non-human animal, that WE are the ones that have to create pseudo languages JUST for animals to communicate back to US. just a flex of our intellect, on one hand, useful on the other.
@batmanforealz4402 2 года назад
I love this channel. God bless yall! Much love and respect from Austin Texas!
@stephanieburgess5190 2 года назад
⚠️ I know u are really an alien 👽 , ur to smart and know to much to be human! We're on to u! ⚠️
@shawnlorenzana2359 2 года назад
Wait, isn't your ability to make decisions, aka your free will, governed by chemistry and the laws of causality? How then, would someone convince someone else that there is no free will if any decisions they make are made by a cacophony of causal connections? How does one escape the causal connection? You cannot. You are not "free" of it, therefore you are played. Your chemical brain reacts, and you cannot "not decide". You have no free will, Sean.
@jourdansarpy4935 2 года назад
Complex is a description of the system and the amount of parts and connections it has. Complicated is about how difficult it is to live with the truth of the system. A complex relationship is one with a lot of different pieces that interact. A complicated relationship is like the one I have with sugar. It’s just me and sugar, but it’s hard to live with the fact that I love something so much that it’s not always good for me.
@thundercatt5265 2 года назад
Do we have freewill?? : to a certain extent within (Time/space/matter) until you earn your wings,then you shall go beyond time/space/matter , you know how the sun makes things grow ,pulling them up out of the soil ,bringing forth fruit (expansion and faster than the speed of light) ,there is another Sun ,outside time/space/matter that causes the growth of the dark energy consciousness ,within each creation cycle of matter or matter serves as a placenta for your soul/dark energy ,dark energy Quantum intelligence is behind the design ,not physics that is what spoke "let their be light" = mental/dark energy alchemy ,dark energy is proof of a living soul ,shape & mold it and stop thinking about the end of it all ,there is no end or beginning , 4th state of matter = being , earn it with virtue,it's beyond the understanding of the material world , ATLANTIS = 450,000 bc /first contact - 12,000 bc ,a great flood and then the beginning of mankind's kingship in Sumer = cradle of civilization
@ericvulgate 2 года назад
Short form: 'no'
@SolarisBali 2 года назад
Always love Sean Carroll
@Djfjfjrhhrjrhrhfj 2 года назад
Haven't watched the video yet but the answer is no. Humans are made up of two things, genetics and environment, neither of which we control. While it feels like we are in control and making decisions, its actually our brain/genetics making those decisions. We dont choose the brain we are born with so we arent in control of anything. The entire world is just molecules in motion.
@MikeJamesMedia 2 года назад
Thanks, everybody! That was enlightening, as always, and fun too. :)
@ramonortiz7462 2 года назад
Really? Why doesn't GRAVITY ITSELF POSSESS one IOTA of PRESENCE, SUBSTANCE or FORM of ITSELF to DIRECTLY DETECT, IDENTIFY, ISOLATE or HARNESS on the earth!!?? Donald Hoffman and Lex Fridman admit that GRAVITY, spacetime and Quantum FIELD theory are DOOMED because they are FAKE/INTANGIBLE!! ru-vid.comzSWkjhLD1lU?feature=share
@Kentrc11 2 года назад
Iol saw this question answered on the RU-vid channel Cracked once: Can you change the laws of physics? No. Can you change the past? No. Then no, no one has free will.
@tgrman1 2 года назад
I wish he wouldn't say "you've been lied to" . at the time it was the best information we had about the atom and the quantum world. So we were not deliberately lied to , OK ? Better more accurate information comes along over time, thats what science is.
@uraveragegamer4862 2 года назад
God's roomate lit that fart and big bang
@XavierBetoN Год назад
Dark matter may not lead to better warp drives but in fact, it might have something to do with subspace comms.
@blackmagician7645 2 года назад
19:31 😶Other words. No synergy with energy. Leads to poor carbon dating. Got it.
@lynnh775 2 года назад
Does anyone else thing Sean sounds like Alan Alda? Love Neil and anything to do with cosmos. Loved this video.
@aarond3657 2 года назад
The electrons swirling around the nucleus exist as a wave of probability, as he said. The nucleus hae mass, mass is what puts a little dent in space fabric (all the combined forces of the area), so even a nucleus is creating curvature that the less dense electron is going to fall into, right? As in free fall, it won't be in a straight line, is that why it's a wave of probability? I'm assuming that the electron is going too fast to actually crash into the nucleus just how earth is traveling too fast to fall into the sun. Maybe that means that the electrons staying in their orbitals because of their speed instead of crashing into the necleus and bumping a neutron out of place, is truly protecting against a nuclear reaction?
@christinley5213 2 года назад
That was fun:) congratulations again sean!!:) thank you for all you have taught us! I dig your point about us being able to determine seconds after the big bang… the human mind.. just as interesting as what you study!;)
@chrisgillfillan1848 2 года назад
Interesting how the free will topic goes over the head of even smartest people.
@ono48 2 года назад
The comedian lady is pretty annoying. She’s the opposite of funny.
@jessejamesknight5808 2 года назад
With hillary…….. goodbye see you next week Neil!!
@akhenaton3 2 года назад
5:42 - I think that should be 2 to the MINUS 100 power, Neil 😋
@ZefTillDeath8878 2 года назад
Get rid of the comedian constantly trying to force in unfunny jokes.
@DoFoT9 2 года назад
What’s up with your cameras frame rate, Neil? You look so much better in 60FPS vs 15 :) Awesome topic! Thanks for everything.
@slocoast5 2 года назад
My favorite Theoretical Physicist 🧑‍🔬 Mr. Sean Carroll 🤩🥳 and Mind Scape is his channel
@andypeiffer5 2 года назад
Was just thinking it would be nice to have these questions time stamped and then BOOM there they were in the description. Thanks!
@Kandylanekira 2 года назад
OK I love this! Although, Sean Carroll will continue to go even further if he realizes that he hasn’t learned everything there is to learn. I can tell Neil is always still thinking outside the box like he doesn’t know everything which is why I hear so he is. It’s always super fun watching these so thank you for sharing them with us!
@twalrus1 2 года назад
"...photons Red Shift away...." that phrase alone explained a whole concept to me...as if I took a whole semester...the phrase added a whole layer (instead of just one block) to my pyramid of knowledge.
@MoKhera 2 года назад
37:20 Let's hope DC comics are listening as that would be supper funny if they used it (got superman to light his superfart with his heat vision and use it as a new weapon)
@sachitradw 2 года назад
We don't have free will. It's a paid service 😄😄
@simonflyboy 2 года назад
Great to have Sean Carroll on the show ❤️ watched both channels all the way through COVID....have U ever seen Neil having to think so hard...🤣
@paximaxi 2 года назад
I really love and respect Neil but; don’t mess with Sean (and most of all stop interrupting him), as he is on another level…
@mikanyyssis 2 года назад
Where's Chuck?
@ZxZNebula 2 года назад
What if there’s one life that keeps coming back after dying so everyone is one soul
@josecastillosolis 2 года назад
We can't have free will, we can only let free will express through us if we don't attach to our programming.
@bballanalytics1552 2 года назад
No Chuck?!
@corncobjohnsonreal 3 месяца назад
Love her jewey hair and her jewey nose. Gorgeous
@tanyawade5197 Год назад
This was GREAT! I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was fun, amusing & casually mind-blowing!!
@scy1038 2 года назад
Noooo not negin 🙄🙄
@nichardogallez5584 Год назад
28:54 really interesting point to say “it depends on what you mean by free will.” Because I tend to think that people conflate a sense of cosmic free will and an individual free will despite them not being the same thing. In the discussing you guys seem to be talking about individual free will as though it is synonymous with free thought and choosing our own actions. This is not what cosmic free will is. The easiest 1to1 example would be the robots from season 1 of westworld. They are an artificial creation that runs off a program. This unknown to them program gives them the impression of free will. They have their own unique thoughts and make their own decisions, hence individual free will, however all of their thoughts and actions occur because of programming meaning they do not have cosmic free will. This is no small difference. Humans can absolutely have a real-world free-will even if it is on a cosmic and technical level not really free will. Since we don’t know the programing, we cannot be “aware” of our programing. Just because we do everything our biological and chemistry makes us do (lack of cosmic free will) does not mean we as thinking beings cannot make our own choices (individual free will). You simply are unaware of the programing you are following to come to that “choice.”
@stephanieburgess5190 2 года назад
Even got time to watch it before getting the kids today! Thanks 👽👽
@alexanderabrashev1366 2 года назад
I just wish it was only Neal and Sean without lame unfunny jokes..
@uriituw 2 года назад
@MichaelSmith420fu 2 года назад
That's how superman flys
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