
Creepy 1961 Computer Sings DAISY (HAL'S song from 2001)! 

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Просмотров 16 млн
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But wait, there's MORE! Watch the entire Motormouth playlist.
This is "DAISY" as you've never heard it before. Most sci-fi fans will recognize this song as HAL'S last gasp before being deactivated in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. But few know that this was an insider joke: the first computer to "sing" this song was programmed in 1961. I've added a visual of a very creepy robot imitating human speech. PLEASE NOTE: For those calling this "fake"! This video consists of two unrelated videos (links posted below) from 2008-09. I put the two together to see what it would look/sound like. A SAD NOTE: this amazing rubber robot no longer exists. It was recycled for other use in 1993.
NOTE: since many have asked about the origin of the song, here is the Wikipedia entry:
"Daisy Bell (Bicycle Built for Two) is a popular song written in 1892 by British songwriter Harry Dacre with the well-known chorus: "Daisy, Daisy / Give me your answer, do. / I'm half crazy / all for the love of you", ending with the words "a bicycle built for two". It is the earliest song sung using computer speech synthesis by the IBM 704 in 1961, a feat which was referenced in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)."
Links to original videos:
• First computer to sing...
• Motormouth Robot KTR-2...



26 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 18 тыс.   
@klawrencekiewhuo3811 3 года назад
He sings with emotions. I can see it right in his eyes.
@hereye8532 3 года назад
He.. Doesn't have eyes...
@klawrencekiewhuo3811 3 года назад
@@hereye8532 exactly
@pinkcaprisun 3 года назад
@randompersonb5320 3 года назад
Don’t EVER delete this.
@andreah8153 3 года назад
V: "Its the eye liner--" XD
@hey.555 2 года назад
"Daddy, Have you hired someone to sing for me at my party tonight?" "Sure sweetie, weve hired the perfect singer for you"
@dearfrisk 2 года назад
He's not scary, he's just programed to be happy ❤
@sussydogwithcheese 2 года назад
Child: *Traumatized*
@thecoolguy5724 2 года назад
Child:I ain't gonna sleep tonight,not anymore
@Raidoven 2 года назад
Fuctub hahaha
@ariandi8516 2 года назад
Sounds like mr. Krab
@generic__ 2 года назад
he’s not creepy, he’s trying his best!
@hedgehog1684 2 года назад
This video Gave me nightmare
@Cerealkillxr69767 2 года назад
I got a little scared of it at first but when I watched it over and over again, it wasn’t so scary anymore
@Kamal_AL-Hinai 2 года назад
An A.I sympathiser :)
@joesoto3975 2 года назад
@Kamal AL-Hinai they’ll be the end of us lol
@landojax1280 2 года назад
It is fuckin terrifying
@ExplodingPiggy 4 месяца назад
"let's make it sing so nobody suspects why we're actually building this thing"
@manos6508 3 месяца назад
@grilledcheeselord1 2 месяца назад
@@manos6508 its not
@Punhcy 2 месяца назад
@@manos6508 maybe something wrong with you since you pointed it out
@Kokong 2 месяца назад
@@grilledcheeselord1its bot
@hungryhamster4567 2 месяца назад
Bro 💀💀💀
@moonfamily9764 3 года назад
Imagine walking in a random alley way at 3AM and seeing this sing on a bicycle
@Lic_Ramirez69 3 года назад
yea 😎👍
@sophiestrand1466 3 года назад
Ammmm no i am never walking in a alley way ever again
@DetectiveGhost 3 года назад
I'm hiring bodyguards
@grassisoverrated 3 года назад
**grabs shotgun**
@daycre9960 3 года назад
why a bicycle💀💀
@diel6755 2 года назад
We may see it as creepy now but imagine the feeling of the people that work so hard to make this. They probably overjoyed when it's a success
@hotelzeta24 2 года назад
This isn't creepy at all, it's cute.
@hzhz9012 2 года назад
@@hotelzeta24 wtf
@hotelzeta24 2 года назад
@@hzhz9012 what the fuck? It is singing and it's not even creepy unless you a 7 year old 💀💀💀💀
@bzuku9554 2 года назад
@@hotelzeta24 it aint that serious... ever heard of an opinion? edit: 11 months later and people r still replying💀 the reason i said this was bc they had another comment arguing abt it but im assuming they deleted it
@hotelzeta24 2 года назад
@GameUnion You just get scared easily, way to easy, you probably a child.
@dstneee 3 года назад
"Sir! Sir!" "Give me that thing" "But sir-" "I said give me that thing"
@mpcabs9184 3 года назад
@shikino.3027 3 года назад
@sophiacapulong1190 3 года назад
Down bad 😳
@ZAINSVN 3 года назад
@agustinsanchez3676 3 года назад
that is from the leyend of Korra
@Juan-ib2wp 4 месяца назад
On the day: 😮🎤 In the middle of the night: 😮🥒
@Catastropheshe 3 месяца назад
That's the same picture 😂😂😂
@Emy-Xie._.official 3 месяца назад
@@Catastropheshe LMAO
@Jeekarru 2 месяца назад
@MetalBird. 2 месяца назад
@Sans29269 2 месяца назад
@GoonisMaximus Год назад
Imagine how traumatized the judges would be at the science fair if a kid made this
THE SINNERS PRAYER DOES NOT WORK. THE PRAYER THAT THESE PASTORS TELL YOU TO REPEAT IS A FALSE GOSPEL AND WILL NOT SAVE YOU. READ THE VERSES BELOW But what does it say? “THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART”-that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. For the Scripture says, “WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him; for “WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.” Romans 10:8-13 NASB1995 They said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” Acts 16:31 NASB Believers Are Dead to Sin, Alive to God 1What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? 2May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it? 3Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? 4Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. 5For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, certainly we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection, 6knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin; 7for he who has died is freed from sin. Romans 6:1-7 NASB1995 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 NASB1995 Now what's stopping you from reading the Bible to learn who God is??
@nocontext9635 Год назад
Some would think if they should be amazed or surprised that a kid can do this, some would think of ANOTHER way to use it.
@Vickey_iguess Год назад
@real_neeon Год назад
@EarthButNotFlat Год назад
@@nocontext9635 I can't use it, It better have an added tongue 😤😤😤
@Cure_eepy 7 месяцев назад
@Zeboytwisted 5 месяцев назад
I agree with you but I hope you don't do anything with your profile picture if you know what I mean.
@OnePiece_Fan101 5 месяцев назад
I love vocaloids!
@erlhender 5 месяцев назад
@bigbocchi 5 месяцев назад
​@@Zeboytwisted Vaporeon: The Full Thesis Hey, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3"03' tall and 63.9 pounds. this means they're large enough to be able to handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there's no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll eyes, Captivate, Charm and Tail Whip along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it'd be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close with this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat + high HP pool + Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more. However, screw the female version. You get those same ol' two holes in literally everything else. The male Vappy is the real star of the show. Those long slippery dicks; they have full mobility control and like a tentacle are the perfect ass filler for the ultimate in-deep reaching experience nothing else could possibly provide. Naturally lubed at all times due to their aquatic hydrodynamic nature, you can pull out anywhere to the side of the road or go into a public restroom at the beach; get each other aroused, and have the fuck of a lifetime. The extraordinary squishyness of the Vappy alone rubbing against you would be enough to lose yourself in pleasure as it simply mounts you. Let alone as that perfect tool of pleasure slips into you, it's ability to snake around your bends and its perfect length make it seem that a Vappy dick was made specifically for your booty. Enjoy the feeling of being completely filled while also being able to see it if you have a tight tummy. And that's only the dick; due to having internal balls, they're much bigger and pack a lot more cream to load you up with, along with having muscles around them to make sure every drop comes out while also being a lot more powerful than any external balls could ever hope to achieve, giving you a deep, complete filling to rock your world to your literal core, and beyond. There's still more though; due to having a thick, powerful tail connected from their back and front, that means all their fun stuff is on the front and easy to access. Meaning, if you were even comfortable with having your dick point backwards (takes some training), you can be fucked, while also fucking your Vappy at the same time! Meowth, that's fucking right! But, but, but! There's still fucking more! Like, holy shit, male Vaps are the gods of fuck. While you're fucking your male Vappy, possibly while also being fucked by him, their booty is on their tail at the base, which is the thickest part, because that's where the biggest muscles are. This means that while your dick is in there, it's being fucking massaged, better than even a vag could achieve! Agh! It should be fucking illegal because how amazing male Vaps are for fuck! Well guess what? That only covered you being a softy, wholesome fucker like me. That's right. There's. Even. Fucking. More! Say you like to be a little restrained: you don't need a Sylveon's feelers for that, or an Umbreon/Espeon's psychic powers, or Leafeon's vines. Vappies got that shit covered too! Did you even see that tail?! It's basically a boa constrictor. In a non-sexual sense, it's my favorite part of a Vappy. It's basically their main part about them. But, if you want them to, it can be a super useful tool to enhance your knotty experience with them. Despite the slippyness, you won't be going anywhere if the Vappy wraps you up in that thing. Are you a super kinkster? Do you like pure fantasy fetishes that aren't possible IRL? Such as, say, soft vore? Well guess fucking what. It just became possible! They can be solid as they pass your lips (past where your eyes can see them) and turn into water as they enter you, allowing them to fit perfectly, 'cuz nothing fits into any spot more perfectly than water, except air like a ghost type. But who wants to do knotty shit with air? You can't feel it unless it's moving; you can always feel liquids. Speaking of liquids, even if you're a weirdo who likes digestion, don't worry about killing them with absorption. Eventually, they'll come back out and be able to reform like nothing happened. Speaking of hurting them, if you get too rough, or you're a horrible abusive asshole to them on purpose for your own pleasure (QnQ), they can just turn to water and reform back to their completely unscathed body, making scars or missing pieces a thing of the past! I would love to say there's even more you can do with them, but the possibilities are damn near endless. Use your imagination. But if you get one, you better show this god of fuck the respect it deserves. Umbreons maybe my favorite but, damn, Vappies really want to get that top spot from me. It's a really close call.
@err0r355 5 месяцев назад
​@@Zeboytwistedoh no.
@MinogFarted 3 года назад
I can't still believe the fact that this robot was melted down to a condom, like some dude doesn't even know he's using someone mouth as a projectile protection IV armor
@NoobOfShame 2 года назад
?? That’s not a condom, that’s a fleshlight. Am I missing something or do you not know what a condom is?
@MinogFarted 2 года назад
@@NoobOfShame Dude, check the description of the video
@spiralbaguette598 2 года назад
projectile protection 😭
@kombus10 2 года назад
i laughed so hardly at this, what in tarnations
@NoobOfShame 2 года назад
@@MinogFarted well, I’ll admit that was a stupid oversight by me. That makes a lot more sense 😅
@ferociousgumby Месяц назад
www.youtube.com/@ferociousgumby HEY GUYS! If you'd like to support my channel, please start watching my videos. This one has over 15 million views and nearly 1800 comments, but the last one I posted got SIX. This is happening even as my subscriber count continues to rise steadily every day. This is completely illogical. Something is happening here with RU-vid, but I don't know what it is. But I would really appreciate some support about now. I believe the things I'm posting now are of far greater quality than this quirky thing from 3 years ago. It's a lot of work, and having the bottom fall out for no reason I can comprehend is devastating to me.
@toxsaka3561 3 года назад
“My mission is to make everyone happy by singing.” - vivy
@Kav_himself 3 года назад
_and later on become a bunch of condoms"
@johnrafaellapena8381 3 года назад
@bambangheriyanto7283 3 года назад
@@Kav_himself Zhp
@muhammadafifrinaldi 3 года назад
Bacot ajg
@jar3165 3 года назад
Haha nice😂
@vojacked305 3 года назад
"Grab me that mouth machine." "Sir but it's singing." "GRAB ME THAT MACHINE!"
@samsunguser3148 3 года назад
I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I could not
@lihwicaks6844 3 года назад
*then bunch of monkeys start walking in a circle, surrounding you*
@davidcentinoamores4764 3 года назад
I was finding for this comment 😆 yall
@samuelramos9213 3 года назад
@muhammadadamreyhanfirnanda3554 3 года назад
@@samuelramos9213 buatcoli
@presleyrenee4638 3 года назад
Hes kinda off, but I can tell hes trying his best.
@ferociousgumby 3 года назад
Didn't know Stephen Hawking could sing.
@presleyrenee4638 3 года назад
@@ferociousgumby lmao
@dinossaurodepapel1816 3 года назад
@auerlina 3 года назад
@@ferociousgumby LMFAO
@zakkion8724 3 года назад
@@ferociousgumby By the use of his computer to translate what his thinking
@wolfsilverflame1044 2 месяца назад
You can’t tell me that’s not just a fleshlight
@carwashslayer4235 2 месяца назад
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 hahahahahahaha
@8R05K1 2 месяца назад
@dj-um7el 10 дней назад
@dotdankory Год назад
I hate it how everything beautiful, distorted, always becomes terrifyingly traumatizing and haunting
@sweetheart_nina179 Год назад
@FlashMan07 Год назад
@white4845 Год назад
Its terrifying
@drshwetadudi8786 Год назад
It's mostly nostalgia and people always turn thing that are nostalgia to terrific. 😭 And thers also some kind off feeling who's name i forgot that humans feel from Robots or other stuff that resembles them or appear like possess life.
@QualifiedGoblin Год назад
@@white4845I don’t think it is
@sonicthecommenter3636 3 года назад
“It was melted down to make condoms in 1993” “Babe why are my condoms singing daisy bell!”
@zenostrom2974 3 года назад
Oh no... They're drinking my white fluid collection!
@chefboahise1109 3 года назад
It now has now become an anomylous entity sought after by the scp foundation. The singing condom
@UmbraSenko 3 года назад
@@chefboahise1109 Lmao
@zafreelazha2524 3 года назад
@@zenostrom2974 Dont worry have my backup jar :)
@zenostrom2974 3 года назад
@@zafreelazha2524 Nice
@brendanbernales7458 3 года назад
*Everyone Gangsta Until The Fleshlight Starts Singing ...*
@BVK. 3 года назад
69 likes Funny number
@brendanbernales7458 3 года назад
@@BVK. [very *funi* moment]
@skovatur9057 3 года назад
@@brendanbernales7458 269 likes very epic
@ZAINSVN 3 года назад
699th like
@ferociousgumby 25 дней назад
WATCH MY CHANNEL (it's great!): www.youtube.com/@ferociousgumby
@hbdfxhnfxvbh908 2 года назад
It seems scary, but imagine how happy the people who got this to work felt
@tezzaf2302 2 года назад
I get what u aree saying
@peppystew Год назад
@@tezzaf2302 it takes alot of effort to make this kind of robot especially during 2001 so the people making it would most likely be happy and proud
@spawnpoint111 Год назад
@@tezzaf2302 technology back then was primitive. It takes an entire crew of the smartest engineers to make this prototype, which was more complex due to the limiting technology in the 2001 possible more complex than your incel brain when it’s trying to think of the answer to 1 + 3.
@spawnpoint111 Год назад
@BradynLee09 *in a drunk accent* We went to.. t-to the mon.. in 1764… fuckin…
@Beer7T Год назад
actually that's not the computer that sang the song
@SageofCancer 3 года назад
"It was melted down to make condoms" Damn he gettin Daisy's answer do
@Aaron-ru6ld 3 года назад
That robot didnt sing daisy if you listen to the real robot the video shows all the noise it makes is like "ahhh" "ooooo" "uuuuuuh" there is also no tounge and no teeth, so I have no idea why people would think this robot could sing or even talk, the recording comes from 1968 if I am right, from a computer known as IBM 7094, and was the first computer that was able to sing.
@SageofCancer 3 года назад
@@Aaron-ru6ld I'm gonna form the first men's voicebox choir. Just a bunch of old tobacco men with electronic voices all buzzing in unison. No I'm not, I'm just having a laugh.
@Aaron-ru6ld 3 года назад
@@SageofCancer just get a bunch of robots
@itzmiggyl2423 3 года назад
@@Aaron-ru6ld the description says they wanted to join both the audio of daisy bell and this video of that weird mouth.
@Z.0mb 3 года назад
Honey bunchs of shit.
@TwistedStrummer 3 года назад
Yah. Singing is what this thing was invented for.
@EmiQ81385 3 года назад
@jessperson9750 3 года назад
Musical Flesh Light. Phil Collins is gonna jump on that shit.
@orangecat9559 3 года назад
sir i need this robot
@liminalb1rds158 3 года назад
What’s the chance 5 dicks have been in there already?
@NicknameSID 3 года назад
Best used as an artificial vagina, am sure it'll do a better job than trying to sing 😳🤷🏽‍♂️
@morcovel99 26 дней назад
I wonder what else can that computer do with that mouth
@ferociousgumby 25 дней назад
He can play the harmonica!
@HosheaManein 3 года назад
The robot speaking thing: *sings daisy* Me: *aw that's adorabl-* *It was melted down to make condoms in 1993.* Me: *What?!*
@hodgy5610 3 года назад
hey whats up recent comment
@_h0t4ch4n_2 3 года назад
Hi lol
@sofish3499 3 года назад
bro what
@witherambush 3 года назад
bro what
@예시르 3 года назад
ajhaha true
@Exarxhyy 2 года назад
"Give me that machine" "But sir this is one of a kind and we cant make mo-" "I said GIVE ME THAT MACHINE"
@gulpbiys5705 2 года назад
@ONEPEAKFRFR 2 года назад
@Dogs.Are.Better.Than.People 2 года назад
Sweats profusely 😂😂 "HMMM?"
@jasont.333 2 года назад
@West_Coast_Mainline 2 года назад
That machine isn’t singing
@haroonnaz4091 3 года назад
I can see Clearly that how emotionally He's singing with Tears...
@flintlockwood7712 3 года назад
tears came from nose at this point
@quiet_kid3980 3 года назад
@@flintlockwood7712 Wdym his crying
@mrjojo8502 2 года назад
I see he's emotional
@EndosStudio 2 года назад
Welp time to make a myth
@Zyclon_Break 2 года назад
He is summoning an evil being noone could have imagined.
@lizquine 3 месяца назад
*Shrek looks at the camera with a smirk look on his face*
@mew2o635 3 года назад
Man: Get me that singing robot Employee: *But sir-* Man: *GET ME THAT SINGING ROBOT*
@berrysandcream8455 3 года назад
@patricagee2365 3 года назад
Well you can get condoms, because the melted it for that purpose
@One-real-human 3 года назад
MAAM... it isn't real. It's just the robot doing a demo and the audio replaced with daisy bell.
@Skyslay980 2 года назад
Employee: comes back with a condom
@MickeyTheSecond 2 года назад
@newsecondfilms6754 2 года назад
You know something didn't go as it should've gone when you're watching a fleshlight sing "Daisy" at 4am
@Brisingaro 2 года назад
RU-vid algorithm got you too eh?
@zzxb223 2 года назад
@friendly_photographer6852 2 года назад
@esdrokaclipes6193 2 года назад
Errou feio OTARIO!
@observanthound1968 2 года назад
Haha jokes on you im watching at almost 6am
@mafuyu._asahina 3 года назад
The mouth:📉📉📈📉📈📉📈📈📉📈📉📉📉📈📉📈📉📉📉📈📈📉📉📈📉📈📉📉📈📉📉📉📉
@srelegantebeyblade7488 18 дней назад
I have an idea...
@Kalashimi 18 дней назад
We wont hear you out
@CazadordeOtakus3304 17 дней назад
Bruh 💀💀💀💀💀👹👹👹👹👹
@dj-um7el 10 дней назад
Ok Ronald
@cdusdrei856 3 года назад
He's a bit confused, but he's got the spirit.
@youngstay2989 3 года назад
@clean.4895 3 года назад
Beat me to it
@cndvdxyhjblbilg 3 года назад
Very original comment
@bakedhoetato._.7703 3 года назад
i thought it was gonna sing Daisy by Ashnikko
@k1-b0_33 3 года назад
@@Nyogthaeblisz I’m 20 minutes tall small boi/girl/person
@AndromedaPrima 3 года назад
Anekin: "grab me those mouth machine" Pademe: "So you can make it sing another song right?" Anikin: "..." Pedme: "For a song.... Right?"
@tomdayas 3 года назад
@deft9183 3 года назад
description moment
@mik7788 3 года назад
@oqf17pdr 3 года назад
I hate my mind
@josephgonzalez9371 3 года назад
This guy he's going places
@zerofn.2491 3 года назад
Lord forgive me for what im about to do
@ferociousgumby 3 года назад
Keep your eyes closed
@NoobSploder 3 года назад
Pop cat -1.0
@beronberon 3 года назад
Imagine it closed
@vinnamon 3 года назад
It's all fun and games before it bites it off
@zerofn.2491 3 года назад
@@vinnamon I bet that would be fun
@naisu5130 19 дней назад
Move over, I wanna try something
@aweeeeh5255 3 года назад
"Sir... SIR!" "*Sweating profusely* Hmmm?!.... Grab me that mouth" "But sir, it's an advance piece of technology-" "I said GRAB me that mouth"
@ejscion576 3 года назад
Sir.... U can buy one online-
@avicado3414 3 года назад
I was looking for this comment
@playa7741 3 года назад
@amazingmacemusic4982 3 года назад
@eldinamita7550 3 года назад
*'But, Sir!!"*
@sebshifter 4 месяца назад
Ah yes, the sequel to " i have no mouth and i must scream" : " I'm just a mouth and i must sing "
@OrisStories 4 месяца назад
aaahaahaahahhahahahahahahahahaha 😂😂😂
@rebeccaevers949 4 месяца назад
@rebeccaevers949 4 месяца назад
@rgbanimation6531 3 месяца назад
He has a uhh.. nose? Whatever that is lol
@montecristo7527 3 месяца назад
That book was so chilling, it still gives me goosebumps
@satgt3143 3 года назад
I literally heard: "Daisy, Daisy, gimme your ass for good"
@Ziel_Aziel_Zei 3 года назад
@yeeshinnee3609 3 года назад
I hear it
@OfficialRizzyDee 3 года назад
@Oof-th5hz 3 года назад
@Octv_0 3 года назад
@hungryartist43 12 дней назад
dont give this to the wrong person
@dj-um7el 10 дней назад
@aydanparadis254 3 года назад
Don't call him scary! It hurts his feelings.
@user-bo1ej5im9t 3 года назад
*Its* feelings
@Hydrasito 3 года назад
@griff3796 3 года назад
Pls stop bullying him hes trying his best
that’s even more disturbing, this thing has feelings
@yukimatsu10 3 года назад
what do you mean feelings?!?! 😳😳
@NeilDinsmore Год назад
I say bravo to this brave fleshlight, ditching his expected purpose in the world and trying his hand at his one true love; singing sweet, sweet songs of love.
@evilphoebus Год назад
Lol, died from laugh. Thanks mate! 😂
@spear-throw-legacy Год назад
This thing was molten down to male condoms you know.
@_.ATLAS._ Год назад
@ReadingAreaRailfan Год назад
@emieh.4494 Год назад
Very inspiring indeed
@marcuscarana9240 Год назад
As terrifying and uncanny as it is, the amount of hard work, engineering and research on the project and succeeding in their goal is very admirable for the creators.
@won879 Год назад
it doesnt actually sing yknow
@DeletedDevilDeletedAngel Год назад
@@won879 in 1961 they made something that is basically an AI voice... Its like saying squidward never sang those AI covers
@won879 Год назад
@@DeletedDevilDeletedAngel what 💀💀
@DeletedDevilDeletedAngel Год назад
@@won879 search up squidward ai covers
@Bapuji42 10 месяцев назад
What exactly was the goal? What's even going on?
@syro.playsgt 3 года назад
“bro I melted it just like you asked” “ what.. I said fix it “ “ oh oops let’s just make another” *3 years later* “ babe, my condom is singing”
@CaTailz64 3 года назад
@andrez.z 3 года назад
@toazethegecko 3 года назад
@flintlockwood7712 3 года назад
imagine he's singing daisy and you and your partner sitting on bed while listening that fukin thing at night AHAJXGSKHDKAJS
@syro.playsgt 3 года назад
@fired bush 💀
@白キロ 2 года назад
Creator: "So, how do you like our new devices?" Researcher: "Oh it feels amazing" Creator: "Wait.... oh god... what did you do?!"
@oooooooooooo5498 2 года назад
¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
@ElvioLadorDeVTubers1 2 года назад
Jaja el mejor comentario XD
@astyx8165 2 года назад
The bite of 61
@vincentmorgan8065 2 года назад
Oh shiet
@I-Dunno-Mateo 2 года назад
It took my a while to figure it out I’m laughing my a** off now
@GoosefieldYT 2 года назад
Fun fact: the robot is not even using text-to-speech or anything like that It just makes a sound and changes its mouth to make it into words
@operplgg4927 2 года назад
the robot in the video is not singing the song, and a separate video on an entirely different theme
@GoosefieldYT 2 года назад
@@operplgg4927 ? Im talking about the robot using a human voice and an instrumental to sing
@Icedsobaka 2 года назад
Fun fact: That is not true
@apersonontheinternet7595 2 года назад
It’s a video with overlapping audio of another video on top of it…
@apersonontheinternet7595 2 года назад
@TheStrings-83639 3 месяца назад
The fact that they really tried and made a nose for it.
@サーシャ王 3 года назад
robot: *sings about love* TikTok: oh yes, this is a scary song, we need it
@dearfrisk 2 года назад
Bruh true
@dearfrisk 2 года назад
He just wanna get some love :(
@サーシャ王 2 года назад
@@dearfrisk yup, but TikTok don't think so Poor computer :c
@dearfrisk 2 года назад
1 like = 1 love for the computer :)
@dearfrisk 2 года назад
@Aidan Kelly wdym?? Idc looks :/
@genericname.33 2 года назад
So, imagine being a robot and singing a beautiful song from your childhood, giving everything and a dude comes to call you creepy. It must hurt man. 😢💔
@ivansnonsense7702 2 года назад
And that man would be me
@Flixo900 2 года назад
true bro
@ComicSky 2 года назад
robots don't have childhoods
@flomperrr3105 2 года назад
It doesn't have feelings????,
@genericname.33 2 года назад
@@flomperrr3105 Bruh
@zacharyhatfield3241 4 месяца назад
The fleshlight sure has come a long way since 1961.
@ironhell813 4 месяца назад
That’s immediately what I thought it was for, the singing was a cover up to get it funded 🤣
@thedeadlysquidward1641 4 месяца назад
Too much biting back in the day
@acfan9384 4 месяца назад
They need to make a singing model lol
@ironhell813 4 месяца назад
They need to put a mask on it… and a blonde wig….
@pumpkinpioneer2280 4 месяца назад
it was recycled into condoms anyway
@AMason747 2 месяца назад
The description was updated to say it was recycled "for other use," but the original description said it was recycled in 1993 to become condoms. You can find evidence of this in older comments. Why the description was updated, I do not know. But I remember it saying that some time ago.
@BrandonCuringtonOfficial 3 года назад
Three types of people who watch this video: - Holy shit that looks so creepy - Bruh that has meme potential - *I'LL TAKE YOUR ENTIRE STOCK*
@stsmuniz 3 года назад
Four, if you include "2001: A Space Oddity" fans
@argyrendehringterimksaccu174 3 года назад
@@stsmuniz the descriptio is indeed a wild ride I was hey odyssey and then cundooms polmao
@CamelliaFlingert 3 года назад
i'm no one of this types, i just found it in my recomendations and don't even understand what is going on in comments section
@alanpotter8680 3 года назад
yeah how about a single fan for all those?
@MRFUCKYOBITCH-q2h 3 года назад
I was thinking all
@delta8989 25 дней назад
Enough internet for today.
@ferociousgumby 24 дня назад
Aw come on, it's fun.
@sandycrash8868 3 года назад
I didn’t know My flesh light can sing
@bothunter2561 3 года назад
That not a fleshlight that’s me
@jeffkealy5951 3 года назад
@jeffkealy5951 3 года назад
@@bothunter2561 wtf
@JAM_YT_FURRY 2 года назад
@@bothunter2561 thank you bot hunter for defending us
@bitterrsquiidss 2 года назад
@@bothunter2561 WHAT
@rajd33p42 3 года назад
Just imagine the Moment when IBM was successful in making a Computer Sing back in 1961... 💥💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@ferociousgumby 3 года назад
But it was only a few years later HAL sang it when they pulled the plug on him in the movie 2001. Not long at all - what, six years? No one would know about it except insiders/super-nerds.
@jeffreyroatcn1679 3 года назад
And then it look like this
@calabrais 5 месяцев назад
"Everything reminds me of her"
@genapetrov4078 5 месяцев назад
Its actually mouth, so...
@CatalinaSalvatore 5 месяцев назад
"Of me and my ass" you wanted to say
@ame_goblin 5 месяцев назад
yeah true, what woman has a mouth
@Rat_Fบcker 5 месяцев назад
dude no
@motherlandmars5999 4 месяца назад
Technology imitates Allah's creation. Could the perfect systems in the human body, which scientists are equally unable to fix, occur "spontaneously" and "accidentally" as atheists claim? The human body is the masterpiece of Allah Almighty. The human voice is a separate miracle of creation. Praise be to Almighty Allah who has infinite power! "We created human in the most beautiful form!" (Holy Quran, 95/4)
@elmonigoteparlante1973 16 дней назад
Guys, I have a idea
@MarcinOsadowskiNiePrawdziwy 2 года назад
Stop saying that this is scary, you're hurting my man's feelings! Not everyone have to sing perfectly...
@BurningPCwow 2 года назад
Mans built for smth other than singing
@Shrimpyyxs_Closet 2 года назад
Ik right like you can see the effort in his eyes!
@firstryft 2 года назад
@@BurningPCwow 🤨
@Cottoco_ 3 года назад
I dunno why people think this is scary, the robot singing is absolutely adorable!
@Lynajauhssian 3 года назад
Because some people are not used to it
@Ph4nt0mm_ 3 года назад
The fuck is wrong with you
@mexicanaburrito2511 3 года назад
TikTok messed it up, they made it creepy
@aikoforbuddies 3 года назад
Yes! Tiktok made a creepy version of it but the lyrics are cute!
@Knightonagreyhorse 3 года назад
@@Lynajauhssian I agree. It is really creepy when you first see it but after a couple of hundred times it will get better. You will eventually get used to it.
@kosaiie9630 3 года назад
Sounds like a vocaloid song. Perfect.
@kurostyx9124 3 года назад
vocaloid back then
@saygex69923 3 года назад
This robot invented the Vocaloid
@kenjimanabat7911 3 года назад
Dex old design
@mettapeachhead2076 3 года назад
@@kenjimanabat7911 yes
@t0fumisorice 3 года назад
@@kenjimanabat7911 shit bro
@harpersantos6723 12 дней назад
The design is very human.
@Shayasmall4321 9 месяцев назад
It looks scary to us but if u think about it, the people who made this must be really pleased with themselves and that is just amazing to think about ❤
@havel6060 6 месяцев назад
i can please my self with it sure
@ausername1972 5 месяцев назад
@user-wy2el6kb1l 5 месяцев назад
@@havel6060 LMAO
@user-ke5fi9ox5h 3 года назад
@hyqerxan2793 3 года назад
I’d stick my junk in it
@Angel-cb2jr 3 года назад
@@hyqerxan2793 oh
@SamZarifYT 3 года назад
@@hyqerxan2793 The irony of that statement can be cut with a knife. The machine was melted down to make condoms. So if you’ve ever used a condom, there’s a small chance you might’ve technically used it as a fleshlight.
@Rotten_smiley 3 года назад
@odysseus2k1 3 года назад
you're cute
@linlen1311 3 года назад
Is that flesh light
@pepsimanisretro4680 3 года назад
@ViciouslyLiv 3 года назад
@palemachine5504 3 года назад
@@ViciouslyLiv hey it looks like one its not our fault
@peckneckstudios5566 3 года назад
A what?
@saigedreemz5735 3 года назад
@@peckneckstudios5566 BRUH
@prageruwu69 26 дней назад
hear me out.
@HenryPrasistaKurniawan 3 года назад
Daisy, daisy Give me your answer do I'm half crazy all for the love of you It won't be a stylish marriage I can't afford a carriage But you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two
@cookiesstealer5618 3 года назад
I still can't get the lyrics they commented out of my head but thanks
@error3751 3 года назад
thanks for the lyrics i guess?
@lilirucachief8949 3 года назад
Thank you
@thepoorpierreendyt9995 3 года назад
A stylish married? Seriously? Say that sentence. Does it even sound right. Lol, Its just like saying "my MARRIED is in 2 weeks" its a stylish marriage not a stylish married
@HenryPrasistaKurniawan 3 года назад
@@thepoorpierreendyt9995 thanks for it
@adappercartoonist7743 2 года назад
This isn't creepy its just beautiful!
@ferociousgumby 2 года назад
I think so, too!
@PockisAreVeryCool 2 года назад
Me too!!
@mz7289 2 года назад
666 likes on your comment
@1TEMPEST1 2 года назад
somehow this comment has 666 likes for saying a robot from my nightmares is beautiful
@Yoora_atv117 2 года назад
Partygoer's theme?
@poni_poki 2 года назад
I can't believe how many people didn't read the full description... the robot pictured is a relatively new Japanese robot made to simulate mouth positions while speaking, and the audio is what's from 1961 (the computer recorded singing was basically a huge room full of electronics boxes). As for the condoms part, guaranteed that was a joke ferociousgumby made up. Just saying!
@lifeyxmc 2 года назад
Thats right
@SavageGuyYT 2 года назад
I also noticed that. I was just scrolling through the comments to see if anyone else had similar views.
I need that mouth for a friend
@guitarguy3221 2 года назад
Misleading video title
@LLupo 2 года назад
@ibrav7979 2 дня назад
Honestly? Imagine how happy the person that worked on this would be
@syaoran1437 4 месяца назад
guys...hear me out...
@tomaslozada9397 4 месяца назад
@colascore4225 4 месяца назад
@the-red-thing 4 месяца назад
Oh Yeah
@Hydrasito 4 месяца назад
Don't even think about it
@Acute_Angle 4 месяца назад
@mr.creepsimnot7356 Год назад
Who would have knew a flashlight could sing so well😂
@loppicat Год назад
You mean Fleshlight?
@Tired-ly7vy Год назад
@@loppicatain’t no way
@Shitballs69420 Год назад
My first thought
@MelodiesUnheard Год назад
Actually video and audio are from different sources. It's not this machine who sings, but an actual IBM bigass computer from 1961
@soin641 Год назад
wrong word, but made me chuckle
@Squeakky 4 месяца назад
I can’t believe someone invented this, didn’t find it creepy, and just kept it.
@AzureTank776 4 месяца назад
It's not creepy Hear me out-
@roxas5071 4 месяца назад
they did NOT keep it...
@MONKIMAN124 4 месяца назад
They weren't creeped out, they where exidet that they made the first robot that can sing!
@Yvng_YBK-RRR 4 месяца назад
@@AzureTank776that thing is ugly, I will not hear u out, it would probably chop you carrot off
@PauloHernandezXD 4 месяца назад
I'm sure it had "ulterior motives" for its initial function...but once the inventor was caught he said "NO! It's designed to sing.."
@Gyarei 23 дня назад
My god it scared me, it was weird to see it on my homepage after 3 years... Deja vu
@SHAFsLD 4 месяца назад
People, take note of this. Years ago, humans trying to recreate the voice of a person came out with this result which is extremely robotic but does the job. Now we have AI's that can nearly perfectly recreate the voices of real people. And physical AI Robots with nearly full functional facial features and voices.
@Herr-. 4 месяца назад
@ericmathis4309 4 месяца назад
I actually have a master's in Voice with a focus in Ped, and my first thought when I saw this thing (in particular how it looked like the mouth tube was trying to recreate common vowel positions,) was "holy shit! They're actually trying to mechanically recreate a human voice."
@lick28 4 месяца назад
And about a century ago humans were still gung ho about witches, crazy how technology starts ramping up exponentially once it got started
@SHAFsLD 4 месяца назад
@@ericmathis4309 Exactly! I first saw this video years ago and was shocked at how they managed to sort of pull it off, and now we have all sorts of tech that is super accurate and available for Public Use! And the gap is around a decade or more too..
@pyerack 4 месяца назад
How Undemocratic
@moumoumeow 3 года назад
Today is the remarkable day when I found a singing flashlight
@DaveMiller87 3 года назад
Oh no
@anbthree786 3 года назад
Weird looking flashlight
@samjeffery8112 3 года назад
@Aaron-ru6ld 3 года назад
That robot didnt sing daisy if you listen to the real robot the video shows all the noise it makes is like "ahhh" "ooooo" "uuuuuuh" there is also no tounge and no teeth, so I have no idea why people would think this robot could sing or even talk, the recording comes from 1968 if I am right, from a computer known as IBM 7094, and was the first computer that was able to sing.
@dainn066 4 месяца назад
Hear me out…
@InfinityFocus 2 года назад
"If there's a hole, there's a goal."
@nightshade8958 Год назад
@NW-gi1cp Год назад
The suc of 22
@tripod_boi2056 Год назад
@gonzalesela Год назад
the suck of 61
@RaNClD Год назад
''The more holes, the more goals.'' -Tenta-kun
@kel7592 3 года назад
this is actually a pretty good song, i don't understand why some people think this is scary
@18.jesslynzhang23 3 года назад
Maybe because this video
@essecm1714 3 года назад
It's scary for me, the vibes it giving
@-ss-8606 2 года назад
Ikr it wasn't scary
@tomiszivacs 2 года назад
Beacuse this robot sing the song
@scooby9346 2 года назад
@WitheredMalignous 3 года назад
No one: Absolutely no one: But Tiktok: HEY LET'S STEAL THIS AUDIO!
@sofea.943 3 года назад
literally cocomelon recreating this song without even giving credit to the og ppl
@DoktrDub 3 года назад
Just like China always steals every single individuals data from Tik tok because they are obligated by the Chinese government to hand over all private data.. this can include browser history
@lychee4031 3 года назад
@@DoktrDub dude... b r u h
@AngelLopez-sx7jp 3 года назад
@Alyssa Albuquerque Tiktok breeds cringe and for this transgression I cannot forgive it.
@alphaandomega-ahh 3 года назад
@Alyssa Albuquerque lol as if every video is checked and sorted by yt
@okquoi9889 Месяц назад
TikTok is absolutely insane they literally said this heartwarming song is terrifying..
@ferociousgumby Месяц назад
I agree, it's my favorite love song of all time!
@Dark_Rizz 3 года назад
A SAD NOTE: this amazing rubber robot no longer exists. It was melted down to make condoms in 1993.
@picoacai6954 3 года назад
Well that's an actual reason to be scared then by the voice of it
@Dark_Rizz 3 года назад
@@picoacai6954 i love this robot guy, i wish to keep it in my home if i had that not creepy its lovely
@gaveyougoldlove576 3 года назад
@@Dark_Rizz What if it sings by itself at 3:45 AM? That would be creepy
@Dark_Rizz 3 года назад
@@gaveyougoldlove576 i listen to this robot in night, i dont care lol i am not scared papi guy, also i pray a lot so i am safe from these creepy things, these voices are made by robots not scary for me only scary for 9 year old kids
@RureLyther 3 года назад
@@Dark_Rizz Youre a very brave kid.
@memekitten5410 3 года назад
Everyone talking about how good the robot is singing, but no one talking about the man in the end🤔
@P3RCY_00 3 года назад
@merrijannam2039 3 года назад
@SiouxsieCC 3 года назад
@ferociousgumby 3 года назад
It's like the Wizard of Oz. He's the man behind the curtain.
@The-REALLY_Gay-Toon123 3 года назад
No one's talking about how creepy this is-
@carolinomd Месяц назад
imagine getting eaten by that machine
@michu500 28 дней назад
The only thing that Is eating that machine Is my meat * n#gg# face*
@TheMahonj Год назад
Genie: You can have any wish you want. There are only three rules. Master: I wish this 1961 singing mouth computer gained self-awareness. Genie: …There are only four rules…
@nightlight8898 11 месяцев назад
jesus thats giving me nightmares
@masync183 9 месяцев назад
I have a mouth and I WILL SCREAM
@ferociousgumby 3 года назад
Thanks to everyone who watched or commented. I`ve never had a million views before, in fact, my channel is teeny (with a LOT of videos) and I usually average around 25 on a good day. I continue to do this cuz it`s fun, not to make money or glory, but it was cool to see that figure. 😍
@RyoRyo-VT 3 года назад
aw i wanna know if it's real that it was melt down to make condom lol.
@ferociousgumby 3 года назад
@@RyoRyo-VT Nah, that was something I added myself. But we'll never know, cuz you never see the Rubber Robot any more!
@RyoRyo-VT 3 года назад
@@ferociousgumby Ahhh What a relief XD
@ferociousgumby 3 года назад
@@RyoRyo-VT 🌎Recycling, you know? Save the planet.😉
@Tankman75943 3 года назад
@@ferociousgumby what was that robot's name?? He's adorable and his singing was amazing! But its kind of a shame that people uses this audio for creepy stuff.
@nick066hu 14 дней назад
1961 - Budget to develop the whole thing: $1817.60 2019 - Made a video of it and published on YT - monetized with 15M views for $18,176 This is creepy.
@willowx13 2 года назад
His eyes glisten when he's singing 🥺
@dearfrisk 2 года назад
I can see his invisible eyes ;)
@S3ny4igrubs 2 года назад
He don’t have any lol
@vyuri168 2 года назад
@@S3ny4igrubs r/woooosh
@chrisnotpratt1903 2 года назад
@@S3ny4igrubs L
@Personnamedvrinucity 2 года назад
@@S3ny4igrubs your profile name describe your situation rn
@farpetenat 2 года назад
The thing is that this robot is not actually singing this but instead making random noises in the real video makes this funnier 💀
@adamedmour9704 Год назад
That explains why the mouth movements don't line up
@GuyMcPherson69 Год назад
Yeah, I could see that. Can confirm
@aur9035 Год назад
@@adamedmour9704 its edited
@dezzy6781 Год назад
Yes bro🥵
@Whoareyoucalling 4 месяца назад
The song is synthesized by IBM from 1962 which is played overtop this video. This is a Japanese prototype utterance synthesizer from 2011.
@ironhell813 4 месяца назад
More like a prototype RealDoll lol 😂
@ethervagabond 4 месяца назад
I thought something was off. Who makes these? It didn't come anywhere close to even halfway syncing up with the video.
@kmanthecoolest9304 2 месяца назад
knew this was a fake. this should be the top comment people!
@Urbanity666 2 месяца назад
Yeah this fake. Very impossible, if computer can singing of song before released. I mean, that computer have supernatural power? Lol ☕️🚬
@roluplay4359 2 месяца назад
am i the only one who saw a fish?
@ferociousgumby 2 года назад
Thank you, everyone who has watched and commented on this, for sending my view count through the roof! I average about 50 views on a good day. My subs have also gone WAY up. Merry Christmas!❤💚❤💚❤💚❤
@proggz39 Год назад
Y’know this is basically a condensed version of everywhere at the end of time, truly a masterpiece in it’s own right
@ferociousgumby Год назад
AT LAST, somebody understands this video!!!💔
@babs420th9 10 месяцев назад
Alternative ending from cutting room floor of Kubricks 2001: a space odyssey?
@PlatyColony 3 года назад
i saw one comment about fleshlights and can't stop thinking about what they did after that
@Reyvion 3 года назад
It WAS melted down and turned into condoms, so...
@Cr0wned_Crow 3 года назад
@@Reyvion Really?
@ano.spectator 3 года назад
@@Cr0wned_Crow It's in the description
@Cr0wned_Crow 3 года назад
@@ano.spectator Oh-
@NacsSketcher 3 года назад
What's a fleshlight?
@mufmager 4 месяца назад
Bro waited for this moment his whole life, you can see how his facial expressions are filled of excitement, happiness, motivation and countless of sparks of joy ❤🥲
@koby_0021 3 года назад
FUN FACT! The robot singing this is now has now been exterminated :) whoa 250 likes? thx
@gibberishkinq5408 3 года назад
Why :(
@koby_0021 3 года назад
@@gibberishkinq5408 IDK :( its a sad fact instead :(
@mitre517 3 года назад
@bebotyap1012 3 года назад
@@mitre517 :(
@ferociousgumby 3 года назад
They melted it down to make condoms.😜
@JackJohnson-zh9ul 2 года назад
I love him. He’s doing such a good job!!
@Skeletoonz 2 года назад
Not anymore
@Rose-qn2ed Год назад
It's fake
@TheLoudPenguin549 9 месяцев назад
@@Rose-qn2ed nah
@TheLoudPenguin549 9 месяцев назад
@@Skeletoonz nah
@Skeletoonz 9 месяцев назад
@xxiicecream4240 2 года назад
this was made in 1961, its not "creepy". its extraordinary how they programmed this with the giant computers of the time.
@Bill_Chiper-Channel Месяц назад
He sings with emotions. I can see it right in his nose.
@spacemafia16 Год назад
Imagine a group of programmers in the 60's gathering around this and clapping, pleased with the result, unknowing of what an staple this would be for sci-fi fans... I doubt that most of the people-if not all of them are no longer with us but they did an incredible job.
@DaEpikMan 2 года назад
I actually could not describe the emotion I felt, I genuinely felt something that no number of words in any of the worlds languages could describe. I (as of writing this) have contemplated wether this is Joy over Success, Mute; Fear; Unsettledness, or an equal mixture of the four that have created an entirely new emotion that has been yet to be discovered, or recognised. Whatever it may be, it is something.
@You-are-definitely-right-but 2 года назад
@biggiemongusmemethief7714 2 года назад
Last night I vomited in the bathroom, slipped on it and I broke my toe on the toilet, I was sitting there in my underwear contemplating what was going on for 15 minutes before getting up and taking a shower.
@DaEpikMan 2 года назад
@@You-are-definitely-right-but that’s, actually correct. My god…
@bazcakes458 2 года назад
I died laughing at the mouth
@bbband8477 2 года назад
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